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Document 52020SC0284

    JOINT STAFF WORKING DOCUMENT Objectives and Indicators to frame the implementation of the Gender Action Plan III (2021-25) Accompanying the document Joint Communication to the European Parliament and the Council GENDER ACTION PLAN III: AN AMBITIOUS VISION ON GENDER EQUALITY AND WOMEN’S EMPOWERMENT FOR EU EXTERNAL ACTION

    SWD/2020/284 final

    Brussels, 25.11.2020

    SWD(2020) 284 final


    Objectives and Indicators to frame the implementation of the Gender Action Plan III (2021-25)

    Accompanying the document

    Joint Communication to the European Parliament and the Council


    {JOIN(2020) 17 final}



    This joint staff working document (SWD) complements the joint communication to the European Parliament and the Council – “Gender Action Plan III: an ambitious vision on gender equality and women’s empowerment for EU External action” 1 , by providing a set of objectives and indicators to monitor progress in the implementation of GAP III and measure its results at country, regional and international levels. The Joint Communication and this Joint SWD should be read together 2 .

    Part IEU institutional and strategic objectives and indicators  focuses on the implementation of GAP III and presents for each objective a set of actions, indicators, baselines and targets. Data sources and actors are also indicated where possible. These indicators will be monitored on an annual basis. They will apply to the Commission services 3 and the EEAS, covering interventions and actions at country, regional/multi-country, and international levels. Member States are invited to use them and report accordingly in order to strengthen joint efforts.

    Part IIObjectives and indicators for GAP III thematic areas of engagement - - presents for each thematic area of GAP III a menu of objectives to be selected and used in different processes. For each objective, a set of ‘key thematic outcome indicators’ is highlighted. They will be integrated in the corporate monitoring system (OPSYS or equivalent) and used in priority to monitor results at country, regional and global levels in 2023 and 2025 4 . Member States are encouraged to use the “key outcome indicators” in order to build aggregate reporting. See additional information in the Introduction to Part II.

    The EU action plan on Women, Peace and Security (2019-2024) 5 - endorsed by the Council in July 2019 6 - is to be read in conjunction with the joint communication on GAP III and with this SWD. Joint reporting will be ensured to the extent possible, in line with respective reporting timelines and obligations. The mid-term and final review of the action plan on Women, Peace and Security should follow GAP III timeline.

    PART I

    GAP III EU institutional and strategic objectives and indicators


    Indicators 7

    Baseline 8


    Data Sources 9  

    Actors 10

    1. Gender mainstreaming of all actions and targeted actions

    Objective 1. Increase the number and the funding of actions 11 that are gender mainstreamed (OECD G marker 1) and targeted (G2)

    1.1.Design and implement actions that are gender-mainstreamed in all priority areas and sectors, corresponding to the OECD definition of the Gender Marker G1 and G2 12 at both national and regional level

    Number and % of new actions that are gender responsive/targeted (G1+G2) at country and regional levels 13

    Number of new rapid response Pillars that are gender mainstreamed


    DEVCO+NEAR+FPI: 379 new actions

    64,71% of total

    Target 1: 85% of national and regional actions by 2025

    Target 2: 100% of G0 14 actions justified over 2021-2025

    Target 3: At least two rapid response actions or peace and stability themed actions (crisis-response actions/foreign policy needs) per year (FPI)

    Creditor Reporting System (CRS) – OECD DAC or equivalent internal COM databases



    1.2.Design and implement actions targeting gender equality and women empowerment (GEWE) as their principle objective at country and regional level, corresponding to the definition of the OECD Gender Marker G2

    Number and % of new stand-alone gender-targeted actions (G2) being implemented (financed from national/regional allocations)

    2019 DEVCO+NEAR+FPI:

    38 new actions, about 5% of total

    Target 1: At least one G2 action per country allocation over 2021-2025 financed from national allocation

    Target 2: At least one G2 action per regional allocation over 2021-2025

    CRS or other equivalent COM databases



    1.3.Ensure adequate funding for the implementation of GAP III

    Total funding in support of GEWE actions (G1 and G2)

    In 2019 total G1+G2 commitments = 8.7 billion euros

    (G2 commitments = 642 million euros)

    Increase amount

    CRS or other equivalent COM databases



    1.4.Ensure funding to women’s rights Organisations and movements to contribute to gender equality

    Amount of funding directed towards women’s rights organisations and movements 15

    To be defined

    Increase amount

    CRS or other equivalent COM databases



    1.5.Systematically mainstream gender and age in EU humanitarian aid

    Number of new EU funded humanitarian programs Marked 1 or marked 2 by the DG ECHO Gender-Age Marker

    2017 projects (starting date): 16 89%

    Target 1: in 2022 (for 2019 start date projects): 90%

    Target 2: in 2024 (for 2021 start date projects): 95%

    DG ECHO reporting 17



    Objective 2. Gender perspective is mainstreamed in all actions under the investment framework

    2.1.Ensure gender mainstreaming of blending operations and guarantees

    Proportion of EU blending operations and guarantees marked G1 or G2

    Baseline to be set at end of 2020

    85% of all blending operations and guarantees are G1/G2 by 2025    





    Objective 3. Gender Responsive Budgeting is promoted

    3.1Increase the number of actions (Budget Support operations or projects) supporting public finance management (PFM) reforms that include a gender budgeting 18 component

    % of new actions supporting public finance management (PFM) reforms that include a gender budgeting component, by year

    Baseline to be set at end of 2020 (evaluation on-going)

    At least 20% of new actions supporting PFM reforms include a gender budgeting component (from 2021)





    Objective 4. Gender specific and/or sex-disaggregated indicators are systematically used

    4.1.Ensure gender-specific or sex-disaggregated indicators are part of the monitoring and evaluation system of EU-funded actions

    % of EU-funded actions that have gender-specific or sex-disaggregated data at least in the more recent progress update

    2019 reporting on all results was sex disaggregated

    All: 65% 19

    85% of new actions by 2025 have at least the latest progress data entry sex-disaggregated or gender-specific, as mandated by the indicator formulation

    Mapping of gender-specific and/or sex-disaggregated indicators in EU-funded actions (or sample of) conducted by DEVCO




    2- Strategic engagement at country level





    Data Sources


    Objective 5. GAP III implementation is informed by sound gender profile 20 and framed in “country-level implementation plans”


    5.1. Conduct or update a gender country profile and, in coordination with EUMS, develop a “country level implementation plan” 21  , in consultation with national stakeholders and other actors

    Number of “country-level implementation plans” agreed at country level and transmitted to HQ

    One “country-level implementation plan” agreed per country and transmitted to HQ

    COM Reporting

    EUD in coordination with EUMS and CSDP missions and operations (where relevant)

    5.2. Conduct or update sector specific gender analysis for the priority areas 22 (under the programming cycle 2021-2027)

    Number of sector specific gender analysis 23 done or updated (if more than 5 years old) and transmitted to HQ

    up to 2019: 10

    All countries: one per sector in programming cycle 2021-2027 transmitted to HQ

    COM Reporting




    Objective 6. Gender perspective is integrated in Working Better Together approaches and in broader coordination

    6.1. Ensure that joint programming documents/Team Europe Initiatives are gender mainstreamed

    Proportion of new joint analyses, and/or new joint responses and/or new joint results frameworks that reference and integrate the priorities of GAP III

    85% of new joint programming documents over 2021-2025 reference and integrate the priorities of GAP III either in the document or through reference to a joint GAP III “country-level implementation plan”

    Joint programming tracker





    Objective 7. Political, security and sectoral policy dialogues integrate a gender perspective

    7.1. Engage in dialogue on GEWE with governments and national gender equality mechanisms, parliaments, other key institutional actors, local authorities

    Number of EU Delegations engaged in dialogue on GEWE with institutional actors

    2019: 117 EUD engaged in GEWE dialogues at country level

    All EUD are engaged in at least one high-level dialogue per year per country

    COM Reporting





    7.2. Engage in dialogue on GEWE with CSOs (including women organisations) in the framework of EU Roadmaps for engagement with Civil Society and involving youth soundboards

    Number of EU Delegations engaged in dialogue on GEWE with civil society, ensuring the inclusion of women’s and girls’ organisations

    To be defined

    All EUDs are engaged in at least one dialogue per country per year over 2021-2025

    COM Reporting,


    DEVCO EU Roadmaps stocktaking report

    Number of EU Delegations engaged in [institutionalised/ad hoc] dialogues with civil society on WPS policy in partner countries (WPS Ind. 20)

    To be defined

    At least one dialogue per (relevant) country/year over 2021-2025


    3 - Strategic engagement at regional or multi-country level

    Objective 8. All EU actions implemented at regional level are gender mainstreamed

    8.1. Conduct or update for each region a gender regional profile and identify GAP III priorities and actions where appropriate

    Number of regions with regional sets of priorities and actions on GEWE

    2019: 2 (Pacific, Central Asia)

    2020: 1 (Enlargement)

    A regional/multi-country gender profile conducted or updated in at least 4 regions by end 2022

    At least 3 regions have identified priorities to implement GAP III by end 2022

    COM Reporting



    EU MS

    4 - Strategic Engagement at international level

    Objective 9. The EU takes on a coordinated leadership on GEWE in international meetings (UN, AU, NATO, ASEAN, OSCE, G7, G20, etc.)

    9.1. Promote EU’s position on GEWE in key international/regional events and negotiations on gender equality, in all relevant fora and through multilateral partnerships

    Number of joint EU positions for key gender international/regional events and negotiations per year

    At least 2 per gender focused event per year

    GAP Survey/Reports


    Number of statements and commitments made by EU officials on GEWE and WPS, including women's participation in peace processes (WPS Ind. 16)

    To be defined

    To be defined

    To be defined


    Number and details of EU and its MS`s bilateral and regional dialogues that include WPS-related priorities and commitments (WPS Ind. 19 )

    To be defined

    To be defined

    To be defined



    Number of EU bilateral and multilateral/regional agreements and/or joint activities and programmes on WPS, gender equality and women’s empowerment with partners inter alia UN, AU, NATO, CoE, OSCE, G7, G20 and ASEAN (WPS Ind. 19)

    To be defined

    To be defined

    To be defined



    9.2. Ensure a gender perspective in international/regional events where gender is not the main focus

    Number of EU commitments/ engagements with the humanitarian initiative ‘Call to Action on Protection from Gender-based Violence in Emergencies’ and new Road Map 2021-2024

    The EU participates in relevant events and reports annually on its commitments

    The EU continues to participate in relevant events and reports annually on its commitments

    EU annual Call to Action reports on commitments



    Number of EU commitments/ engagements with the humanitarian initiative ‘Call to Action on Protection from Gender-based Violence in Emergencies’ and new Road Map 2021-2024

    The EU participates in relevant events and reports annually on its commitments

    The EU continues to participate in relevant events and reports annually on its commitments

    EU annual Call to Action reports on commitments


    5 - The EU leads by example

    Objective 10. Gender-responsive leadership enhanced

    10.1. Ensure gender balanced management in HQ EEAS and external COM services, EU Delegations and CSDP Missions and operations 24  

    Number and % of women in senior and middle management positions in HQ external COM and EEAS services, EUD, CSDP Missions and Operations and in all EUMS (WPS Ind. 2)

    EEAS: 26 % senior management

    EEAS: 31,3 % middle management

    HoD: 27,7% 25  

    COM: 37% senior management

    COM 26 : 42% middle management






    Number and proportion of women mediators, negotiators and technical experts present in formal as well as informal peace processes where the EU and its MS are engaged, with specific mention of those in high-level and leadership positions (WPS Ind. 1)

    To be defined

    To be defined




    Gender balanced personnel EU Election Observation Missions

    49% of the election observers in 2019 were women

    50% of the election observers are women

    FPI.3 regular reporting


    Number of women appointed as Deputy Chief Observer within EU Election Observation Missions

    50% of 2019 for the DCO nominations were women

    50% of the nominated DCOs are women

    FPI.3 Special advisor contracts signed


    10.2. Deliver training on GEWE and GAP III, on WPS, Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (SEA) including Sexual Harassment (SH), at HQ and EUD level

    Percentage of management trained on GEWE and on GAP III

    100 %



    Number and percentage of men and women staff at all levels, a) EU HQ b) diplomatic staff, c) civilian staff and d) military staff, participating in CSDP missions and operations that are trained on WPS (WPS Ind. 4)


    Proportion of staff trained on conduct and discipline that includes content-related to SEA and harassment including SH, among a) EU HQ b) diplomatic staff, c) civilian staff and d) military staff participating in CSDP missions and operations (WPS Ind. 5)


    Objective 11. Gender Advisors, Focal Persons/Points support for the integration of a gender perspective in EU policies, interventions and dialogues

    11.1. Ensure that Gender Advisors, Gender Focal Persons/Points (GFP) are in place and trained and have job descriptions that refer to their work on gender equality and the implementation of GAP III

    Number of services in EEAS and COM services that have a Gender Advisor and/or GFP

    Number of GFPs appointed with standardised job description (WPS Ind. 3)


    EEAS Gender Advisors 27 : 21

    EEAS GFP 28 : 82


    EU Delegations: 173GFPs 29

    All EUD and HQ external services

    COM and EEAS reporting

    GFP survey




    Objectives and indicators for GAP III thematic areas of engagement

    As indicated in the Introduction, Part II of this staff working document presents a menu of objectives and indicators for each thematic area of engagement as presented in chapter 3 of the joint communication ‘Towards a gender-equal world: focusing on six thematic areas of engagement’.

    Indicators in Part II include selected Sustainable Development Goals indicators , the thematic indicators of the Women Peace and Security action plan , other relevant regionally and internationally referenced indicators, including a selection taken from the Spotlight Initiative , and relevant indicators part of the European Union results framework 30 . There are also selected qualitative indicators which seek to capture the hard-to-measure changes in social norms and attitudes and transformations in gender power relations.

    The list is offered as a menu to frame and support different processes: i) country and regional programming, including preparation of GAP III ‘country level implementation plans’ - as indicated in section 2.1 on ’working together at country level’ of the joint communication - as well as the annual implementation plans in CSDP operations and missions; ii) design of actions and programmes funded by the EU; (iii) monitoring, reporting and evaluation; iv) any other relevant initiative and process. The list of objectives and indicators is therefore not exhaustive. Rather it signposts particular attention towards thematic issues and areas central to the vision and ambition of GAP III.

    Overall the intention is to measure short to medium and longer-term progress on reaching GAP III objectives to which EU-funded interventions should contribute in collaboration with partner governments, civil society organisations and other funding providers. In line with the principles of aid effectiveness and effective development co-operation that put a strong focus on building partnerships and country ownership, Part II indicators should be reported on a “contribution basis”. This means that the reporting should cover overall results achieved jointly with our partners (including country governments), rather than just the results linked to the funding provided by the EU.

    Each section presents a selection of ‘key thematic outcome indicators’ which will be included in the corporate monitoring systems - including in OPSYS and other relevant systems - and used for corporate and consolidated reporting. Their use is recommended when preparing country implementation plans and in programming. The set of ‘other thematic outcome indicators’ is meant to support intervention design and qualitative analysis. The list of ’key thematic outcome indicators’ might be updated including to take into account the 2021-2027 programming exercise.

    Most of the indicators should be at least sex-disaggregated. Depending on national definitions, contexts, data collection capacity and “do no harm” approach, data should be broken down as a minimum by sex and age. Whenever relevant and feasible (i) sex-disaggregation should be replaced by gender-disaggregation and (ii) data should be disaggregated by other relevant intersectional 31 aspects and indicators such as disability status, migrant status and rural-urban residence. Further guidance will be developed to support the correct use of the “key thematic outcome indicators”.

    Thematic area of engagement - Ensuring freedom from all forms of gender-based violence 32

    Overall thematic objective (Impact)

    Women, men, girls and boys are free from all forms of gender-based violence in the public and private spheres, in the work place and online

    Thematic impact indicators

    §Proportion of ever-partnered women and girls aged 15 years and older subjected to physical, sexual or psychological violence by a current or former intimate partner, in the previous 12 months, by form of violence and by age (SDG 5.2.1 33 )

    §Proportion of women and girls aged 15 years and older subjected to sexual violence by persons other than an intimate partner in the previous 12 months, by age and place of occurrence (SDG 5.2.2 34 )

    §Proportion of girls and women aged 15-49 years who have undergone female genital mutilation/cutting, by age (SDG 5.3.2)

    §Number of victims of human trafficking per 100,000 population by sex, age and form of exploitation (SDG 16.2.2)

    Specific thematic objectives (Outcomes)

    1.Women, men, girls and boys, in all their diversity, are better protected from all forms of gender-based violence in the public and private spheres, in the work place and online through legislation and effective enforcement

    2.Women, men, girls and boys, in all their diversity, are agents of change regarding discriminatory social norms, gender stereotypes, and gender-drivers of conflict

    3.Women, men, girls and boys, in all their diversity, who experience gender-based violence have increased access to essential services

    4.The right of every individual to have full control over, and decide freely and responsibly on matters related to their sexuality and sexual and reproductive health and rights, free from discrimination, coercion and violence is promoted and better protected

    5.Women, men, girls and boys in all their diversity trafficked for all forms of exploitation and abuse have improved access to adequate and quality services for socio-economic integration and psycho-social support

    6.Women, men, girls and boys, in all their diversity, are better protected from sexual and gender-based violence in fragile and humanitarian crisis situations

    7.Women's rights organisations, social movements and other civil society organisations are influential in ending gender-based violence

    8.Quality, disaggregated and globally comparable data on different forms of gender-based violence and harmful practices are increasingly collected and used to inform laws, policies and programmes

    Specific thematic objective 1 (Outcome)

    Women, men, girls and boys in all their diversity are better protected from all forms of gender-based violence in the public and private spheres, in the work place and online through legislation and effective enforcement

    Key thematic outcome indicators

    §Extent to which legislation and/or policy prohibiting/addressing VAWG has been developed, strengthened and/or implemented (results framework of the Service for Foreign Policy Instruments –FPI RF)

    §Number of individuals benefiting from EU-funded programmes to counter sexual and gender-based violence (indicator to be integrated into the European Union results framework – EU RF)

    §% of referred cases of gender-based and sexual violence against women and children that are investigated and sentenced (FPI RF)

    Other thematic outcome indicators

    §Extent to which state entities and justice structures allocate resources for the prevention and elimination of all forms of gender-based violence (SI 2.2 amended)

    §Extent to which all relevant state actors -such as police, justice sector, social services and health care actors- coordinate actions to end gender-based violence

    §Number of legislative actions taken in partner country to criminalise gender-based violence, including online, and to prosecute perpetrators, in line with international standards 35

    §Number of legislative actions taken in partner country to ensure survivors of gender based violence can access justice

    Specific thematic objective 2 (Outcome)

    Women, men, girls and boys, in all their diversity, are agents of change regarding discriminatory social norms, gender stereotypes, and gender-drivers of conflict

    Key thematic outcome indicators

    §% of women and girls who report feeling or/and experiencing increased safety in private and public spheres (including mobility)

    §Proportion of women aged 20-24 years who were married or in a union before age 15 and before age 18 (SDG 5.3.1)

    §Proportion of people who think it is justifiable for a person to subject an intimate partner to violence, by gender and age of the respondent (SI 3.1 amended)

    Other thematic outcome indicators

    §% of women and girls who express belief that men and boys do not have the right to demand sexual intercourse or other forced sexual acts or any other form of intimate partner violence

    §Proportion of people who think it is justifiable to subject a woman or girl to FGM, disaggregated at least by sex and age (SI 3.2 amended)

    §% of men and boys who acknowledge that gender-based violence is not acceptable

    §Number of actions on preventive intervention and treatment programmes for perpetrators of gender-based violence to stop recidivism

    §Number of community and religious leaders who publicly condemn gender-based violence, disaggregated at least by sex

    §Number of policy-makers who publicly condemn gender-based violence, disaggregated at least by sex

    §Number of media representatives and influencers who publicly condemn gender-based violence, disaggregated at least by sex

    Specific thematic objective 3 (Outcome)

    Women, men, girls and boys in all their diversity, who experience sexual and gender-based violence have increased access to essential services and protection

    Key thematic outcome indicators

    §% of women, including those facing intersecting and multiple forms of discrimination, who report experiencing physical or sexual violence who seek help, by sector i.e. (a) government services and civil society services; or (b) social welfare, legal aid, housing/shelter, police protection ( SI 4.1 amended)

    §% of gender-based violence cases reported to the police, brought to court which resulted in the perpetrators being sentenced, disaggregated at least by sex

    §Extent to which partner country institutions’ capacities to fight gender-based violence are increased

    Other thematic outcome indicators

    §Number of cases of SGBV reported to the police, per year, disaggregated at least by sex

    §% of gender-based violence cases reported to the police, per year, disaggregated at least by sex

    §% of gender-based violence cases reported to the police that are brought to court, per year, disaggregated at least by sex

    §Number of cases of gender-based online violence, harassment and cyber-bullying targeting women, men, girls and boys, in all their diversity, reported to the police, per year, disaggregated at least by sex

    §Number of adequate, easily accessible and protected shelters for victims of gender-based violence available

    Specific thematic objective 4 (Outcome)

    The rights of every individual to have full control over, and decide freely and responsibly on matters related to their sexuality and sexual and reproductive health and rights, free from discrimination, coercion and violence, is promoted and better protected 36  

    Key thematic outcome indicator

    §Number of women, men and adolescents of reproductive age using modern contraception methods with EU support (EU RF 2.6 37 )

    §Number of countries with laws and regulations that guarantee full and equal access to women and men aged 15 years and older to sexual and reproductive health care, information and education (SDG 5.6.2), disaggregated at least by sex

    §Proportion of women aged 15-49 who make their own informed decisions regarding sexual relations, contraceptive use and reproductive health care (SDG 5.6.1)

    §Extent to which comprehensive sexuality education is integrated in public education curricula

    Other thematic outcome indicator

    §Extent to which partner country legislation protecting every individual’s sexual and reproductive health and rights is introduced/strengthened in partner countries

    Specific thematic objective 5 (Outcome)

    Women, men, girls and boys, in all their diversity, trafficked for all forms of exploitation have improved access to adequate and quality services for socio-economic integration and psycho-social support

    Key thematic outcome indicator

    §Number of victims/survivors of human trafficking who access support services for socio-economic integration and psycho-social support, disaggregated at least by sex

    Other thematic outcome indicators

    §% of trafficking victims/survivors who were interviewed by a police officer that have taken part in victim-centred training, disaggregated at least by sex

    §% of trafficking victims/survivors who were interviewed in a safe, private, examination room, disaggregated at least by sex

    §Number of measures taken by government (i.e. protection, prevention, prosecution of traffickers, coordination and cooperation among key actors, knowledge) to combat trafficking in human beings

    Specific thematic objective 6 (Outcome)

    Women, men, girls and boys, in all their diversity, are better protected from sexual and gender-based violence in fragile and humanitarian crisis situations

    Key thematic outcome indicators

    §Extent to which measures supported by the EU to prevent and combat sexual and gender-based violence in situations of fragility and conflict are effective in preventing sexual and gender-based violence and providing services to survivors

    §Extent to which local counterparts (security and justice institutions among others) act to prevent and combat sexual and gender-based violence

    §Extent to which EU contribution systematically supports the mitigation of sexual and gender-based violence risks in its humanitarian aid operations

    Other thematic outcome indicators

    §Number of refugees in partner country who receive government and civil society services, disaggregated at least by sex

    §Extent to which the law enforcement, security forces or justice institutions recognise and integrate a gender perspective into their responses

    §Extent to which local counterparts’ policies or actions are contributing at increasing the number of women employed in law enforcement, security forces or justice institutions

    Specific Objective 7 (Outcome)

    Women's rights organisations, social movements and other civil society organisations are influential in ending gender-based violence

    Key thematic outcome indicators

    §Extent of use of social accountability mechanisms by civil society in partner country in order to monitor and engage in ending violence against women and girls (SI 6.2)

    §Number of coordinated actions by women's rights organisations, autonomous social movements and relevant civil society organisations in partner country to advocate jointly on ending violence against women and girls (S1 6.1)

    §Extent to which women civil society organisations working on violence against women and girls 38 have been engaged on policy development and / or implementation of the action (FPI RF)

    §Number of grassroots civil society organisations benefiting from (or reached by) EU support (EU RF)

    Other thematic outcome indicators

    §Proportion of women's rights organisations, autonomous social movements and civil society organisations, including those representing young people and groups facing intersecting forms of discrimination / marginalisation in a partner country, report having greater influence and agency to work on ending gender-based violence (SI 6.3)

    §Extent to which organisations led by women and girls are effective in driving social change related to ending gender-based violence

    §% of women’s rights organisations that are providing services to address sexual and gender-based violence that have appropriate state funding following EU support

    Specific Objective 8 (Outcome)

    Quality, disaggregated and globally comparable data on different forms of gender-based violence and harmful practices are increasingly collected and used to inform laws, policies and programmes

    Key thematic outcome indicator

    §Extent to which partner country national statistics office, police, justice sector, healthcare institutions and others collect quality, globally comparable and at least disaggregated by sex data annually in line with international standards, on the prevalence and incidences of gender-based violence, and harmful practices where relevant

    §Extent to which data collection on the prevalence and incidence of gender-based violence is coordinated among key actors

    §Extent to which data on the prevalence and incidence of gender-based violence is analysed and published at national and/or decentralized levels

    Other thematic outcome indicator

    §Extent to which data on the prevalence and incidence of gender-based violence inform policy- and decision-making

    Thematic area of engagement - Promoting sexual and reproductive health and rights 39

    Overall thematic objective (Impact)

    Women and girls in all their diversity access universal health and fully enjoy their health and sexual and reproductive rights

    Thematic impact indicators

    §Proportion of women of reproductive age (aged 15–49 years) who have their need for family planning satisfied with modern methods (SDG 3.7.1)

    §Adolescent birth rate (aged 10–14 years; aged 15–19 years) per 1,000 women in that age group (SDG 3.7.2)

    §Proportion of births attended by skilled health personnel (SDG 3.1.2)

    §Prevalence of undernourishment (SDG 2.1.1) 40 , disaggregated at least by sex

    Specific thematic objectives (Outcomes)

    1.Enabled legal, political and societal environment allowing women and girls to access quality sexual and reproductive health (SRHR) care and services and protecting their sexual and reproductive rights

    2.Improved access for every individual to sexual and reproductive health care and services, including family planning services, information and education on sexual and reproductive rights

    Specific thematic objective 1 (Outcome)

    Enabled legal, political and societal environment allowing women and girls to access quality sexual and reproductive health (SRHR) care and services and protecting their sexual and reproductive rights

    Key thematic outcome indicators

    §Number of countries with laws and regulations that guarantee full and equal access to women and men aged 15 years and older to sexual and reproductive health care, information and education (SDG 5.6.2), disaggregated at least by sex

    Other thematic outcome indicators

    §Extent to which SRHR-sensitive policies, strategies and programmes introduced by partner government on: a) ending harmful practices e.g. child marriage and female genital mutilation; b) adolescent SRHR; c) comprehensive sexuality education; d) family planning; e) removal of third parties consent for contraception; f) control of sexually transmitted infections including HIV and AIDS; g) cancer screening

    §Extent to which the gender equality policy or similar for sexual and reproductive health care and services is implemented

    §Extent to which the gender equality policy or similar for sexual and reproductive health care and services is monitored and evaluated

    §Extent to which communities stigmatize women and girls with SRHR problems 41

    §Number of men and boys engaging in government or civil society SRHR actions 42

    Specific thematic objective 2 (Outcome)

    Improved access for every individual to sexual and reproductive health care and services, including family planning services, information and education on sexual and reproductive rights

    Key thematic outcome indicators

    §Number of women, men and adolescents of reproductive age using modern contraception methods with EU support (EURF 2.6)

    §Proportion of women aged 15–49 years who make their own informed decisions regarding sexual relations, contraceptive use and reproductive health care (SDG 5.6.1)

    Other thematic outcome indicators

    §% of young people receiving comprehensive sexuality education, disaggregated at least by sex

    §Number of women, men, adolescents, in all their diversity, with increased access to sexual and reproductive health care and services

    §Extent to which the gender equality policy or similar for sexual and reproductive health care and services is implemented

    Thematic area - Promoting economic and social rights and empowering girls and women

    Overall thematic objective (Impact)

    Women, men, girls and boys, in all their diversity, fully enjoy and exercise their equal economic, labour and social rights

    Thematic impact indicators

    §Employment rate, disaggregated at least by sex

    §Percentage distribution of employed population by sector, disaggregated at least by sex

    §Proportion of informal employment in non-agriculture employment, disaggregated at least by sex

    §Proportion of time spent on unpaid domestic and care work, by sex, age and location (note: separate domestic work and care work, if possible) (SDG 5.4.1)

    §Average income of small-scale food producers, by sex and indigenous status. (SDG 2.3.2)

    §Transition rate to higher education, disaggregated at least by sex

    §Proportion of women in managerial positions (SDG 5.5.2)

    §Mortality rate attributed to unsafe water, unsafe sanitation and lack of hygiene (exposure to unsafe water, sanitation and hygiene for all (WASH) services) (SDG 5.9.2)

    §Health worker density and distribution (SDG 3.c.1)

    §Maternal mortality ratio (SDG 3.1.1)

    §Under-five mortality rate (SDG 3.2.1), disaggregated at least by sex

    §Prevalence of undernourishment (SDG 2.1.1), disaggregated at least by sex

    Specific thematic objectives (Outcomes)

    1.Increased access for women, in all their diversity, to decent work, including women’s transition to the formal economy and coverage by non-discriminatory and inclusive social protection systems

    2.Improved policy, legal framework and access to care services enabling equal division of domestic and care work between women and men

    3.Increased access for women in all their diversity to financial services and products, and productive resources

    4.Women in all their diversity have improved access to entrepreneurship opportunities, including social entrepreneurship, alternative livelihoods and strengthened participation in the green and circular economy

    5.Improved access for women in all their diversity to managerial and leadership roles in social and economic sectors and fora

    6.Reduction in gender disparities in enrolment, progression and retention at all levels of education and lifelong learning for women, men, girls and boys 43

    7.Improved regulatory framework for ensuring equal access to universal and public quality preventive, curative and rehabilitative physical and mental health care services for women, men, girls and boys, in all their diversity, including in crisis situations

    8.Improved access to safe water and sanitation facilities, disaggregated at least by sex

    9.Public health systems have sufficient and sustained financing to address the health needs of women and girls in all their diversity

    10.Women, men, girls and boys, in all their diversity, have improved nutrition levels

    Specific thematic objective 1 (Outcome)

    Increased access for women in all their diversity to decent work in non-traditional, in particular science, technology, engineering, mathematics (STEM), and female-dominated sectors, including women’s transition to the formal economy and coverage by non-discriminatory and inclusive social protection systems

    Key thematic outcome indicators

    §Level of national compliance with labour rights (freedom of association and collective bargaining) based on International Labour Organisation (ILO) textual sources and national legislation, by sex and migrant status (SDG 8.8.2)

    §Number of measures in place in partner countries to protect the rights of women workers, including domestic workers, and their access to decent work and social security [e.g. ratification and implementation of CEDAW, ILO fundamental conventions 44 and C190 on Violence and Harassment in the World of Work and C189 on Domestic Workers.]

    §Proportion of population covered by social protection floors/systems, by sex, distinguishing children, unemployed persons, older persons, persons with disabilities, pregnant women, new-borns, work-injury victims and the poor and the vulnerable (SDG 1.3.1)

    §Extent to which the partner country’s gender equality and decent work policy is implemented

    Other thematic outcome indicators

    §Extent to which the partner country’s labour market policy is informed by sector-specific gender analysis

    §Extent to which the partner country’s gender equality aspects of the labour market policy is monitored and evaluated

    §Number of government programmes implemented to improve women’s ability to benefit from employment and entrepreneurship opportunities, including social entrepreneurship, offered by the digital transformation

    §Number of women and men who report gender-based discrimination at work in the last 12 months, at least disaggregated by sex

    Specific thematic objective 2 (Outcome)

    Improved policy, legal framework and access to care services enabling equal division of domestic and care work between women and men

    Key thematic outcome indicators

    §Extent to which legislation is in place to foster paid maternity, paternity and parental leave

    §Extent to which policies and measures are in place to regulate paid maternity, paternity and parental leave, including in the context of COVID-19 recovery plans

    §Extent to which provision of care services, infrastructure and social protection policies allow an equal division of domestic and care work between men and women

    §Extent to which shared responsibilities of domestic and care work within the household and the family are promoted

    Other thematic outcome indicator


    Specific thematic objective 3 (Outcome)

    Increased access for women in all their diversity to financial services and products, and productive resources

    Key thematic outcome indicators

    §Proportion of countries where the legal framework (including customary law) guarantees women’s equal rights to land ownership and/or control (SDG 5.a.2)

    §Number of policy, regulatory or legal reforms adopted to support women’s employment and entrepreneurship, such as in terms of ownership and land rights, inheritance, mobility, access to identification

    §Number of relevant actors (private sector companies, ministries, etc.) influenced to adopt processes to improve women’s economic empowerment / to remove barriers to market access for women in a given sector (FPI RF)

    §Number of practices aimed at removing barriers preventing women from market access, investment and business development (FPI RF)

    §Number of beneficiaries, disaggregated at least by sex, with access to financial services: a) firms, b) individuals (EU RF 2.13) 45  

    Other thematic outcome indicator

    §Extent to which measures are in place to facilitate women and men’s ownership of an individual bank account, disaggregated at least by sex

    §Extent to which migrant women are supported to contribute to the sustainable development of countries of origin through remittances, skills and knowledge

    Specific thematic objective 4 (Outcome)

    Women in all their diversity have improved access to entrepreneurship opportunities, including social entrepreneurship, and alternative livelihoods and strengthened participation in the green and circular economy

    Key thematic outcome indicators

    §Number of gender-responsive policies approved by partner government in the green economy sector

    §Number of gender-responsive policies approved by partner government in the circular economy sector

    Other thematic outcome indicators

    §Number of women beneficiaries of business development services who registered their own business, including social enterprises

    oIn general

    oIn the green economy sector

    oIn the circular economy sector

    §Number of gender responsive programmes by partner government that increase access for women and girls to safe, affordable, accessible and sustainable public transport in rural and urban areas

    Specific thematic objective 5 (Outcome)

    Improved access for women in all their diversity to managerial and leadership roles in social and economic sectors and fora

    Key thematic outcome indicators

    § % of women nominated to senior level positions in public sector (e.g. ministries of finance, economic planning, business development)

    § % of women nominated to senior level positions in private sector (e.g. investment boards / fund management teams, corporate boards, CEOs, business associations, chambers of commerce, cooperative boards, professional bodies, etc.)

    §Proportion of women in high level negotiation and mediation fora (peace, trade, investment, post-conflict and distribution) (FPI RF)

    Other thematic outcome indicators

    §Extent to which gender norms regarding leadership are challenged to enhance women’s access to leadership positions

    §Extent of participation by women and by women's rights organisations in social dialogue

    §Extent of leadership of women, girls and women's rights organisations in social dialogue

    §Number of women with increased management and leadership skills through government initiatives (disaggregated by sector – public/private)

    Specific thematic objective 6 (Outcome)

    Reduction in gender disparities in enrolment, progression and retention at all levels of education and lifelong learning for women, men, girls and boys

    Key thematic outcome indicators

    §Gender parity in school enrolment and primary and secondary completion rates (SDG 4.5.1)

    §Proportion of children and young people (a) in Grades 2/3, (b) at the end of primary and (c) at the end of lower secondary achieving at least a minimum proficiency level in (i) reading and (ii) mathematics (%),by sex (SDG 4.1.1.)

    §Ratio of female to male who have benefitted from Vocational Education and Training / Skills development and other active labour market programmes leading to jobs

    §Proportion of youth and adults with information and communications technology (ICT) skills, by type of skill, by sex (SDG 4.4.1)

    §% of representation of women and men in teaching profession and management

    §Extent to which curricula and learning materials are free from discriminatory social norms and gender stereotypes

    Other thematic outcome indicators

    §Extent to which partner government policy on gender equality in education at all levels is resourced and implemented

    §Extent to which partner government policy on gender equality in education is monitored and evaluated

    §Extent to which partner government policy provides universal access to at least one year of early childhood education with priority for the most marginalised children

    §Extent to which government policy promotes teacher education and teaching practices that are gender-sensitive and inclusive

    §Extent to which government policy creates a supportive environment for pregnant girls to remain in, or to return to school

    §Extent to which government has implemented infrastructure policies that are supportive of girls’ school attendance, such as safe schools close to where children live or affordable school transport

    §Extent to which government legislation and its implementation support and deliver accessible infrastructure and materials for girls and boys children with special needs, e.g. children with disabilities

    §% of pupils whose learning has been assessed in a timely manner according to the national learning assessment framework

    §Proportion of population in a given age group achieving at least a fixed level of proficiency in functional (a) literacy and (b) numeracy skills, by sex (SDG 4.6.1)

    §Completion rate (primary education, lower secondary education, upper secondary education), by sex (SDG 4.6.1 amended)

    §Number of teachers trained on inclusive gender-sensitive education of management staff working in the public education sector who are women (disaggregated by level – school, district or national level)

    §Existence of child-friendly, accessible and accountable school mechanisms and systems to take action on reported cases of school related gender based violence

    §% of students who have benefited from vocational education and training / skills development and other active labour market programmes leading to jobs; disaggregated at least by sex

    §Extent to which appropriate policies and measures are implemented by government to improve the access of girls and women to inclusive and quality education, including STEM fields and quality digital education and training

    §% of girls having access to and using distance digital learning tools during crises such as the one caused by COVID-19

    §% of representation of women and men in research careers

    Specific thematic objective 7 (Outcome)

    Improved regulatory framework for ensuring equal access to universal and public quality preventive, curative and rehabilitative physical and mental health care services for women, men, girls and boys in all their diversity, including in fragile and humanitarian crisis affected contexts

    Key thematic outcome indicators

    §Extent to which specific measures are in place to recognise and timely address girls and women’s health and protection needs in humanitarian, vulnerable, fragile, crisis and conflict affected contexts, and of global crises like the pandemic caused by the COVID-19 virus 46  

    §Extent to which government gender equality policy for the healthcare sector is implemented

    Other thematic outcome indicators

    §Extent to which the gender equality policy for the healthcare sector is informed by a sector-specific, and context-specific, gender analysis,

    §Extent to which government gender equality policy for the healthcare sector is monitored and evaluated

    §Number of women, men, girls and boys benefiting from national mental and psycho-social services in all contexts, including in humanitarian, vulnerable, fragile, crisis and conflict affected settings

    Specific thematic objective 8 (Outcome)

    Improved access to safe water and sanitation facilities

    Key thematic outcome indicators

    §Number of individuals with access to improved drinking water source and/or sanitation facility with EU support (EU RF 2.8)

    §Proportion of population using safely managed drinking water services (SDG 6.1.1)

    §Extent to which Schools monitor the provision of safe water and sanitation facilities for menstrual hygiene management

    Other thematic outcome indicator

    §Proportion of population using (a) safely managed sanitation services and (b) a hand-washing facility with soap and water (SDG 6.2.1)

    Specific thematic objective 9 (Outcome)

    Public health systems have sufficient and sustained financing to address the health needs of women and girls in all their diversity

    Key thematic outcome indicator

    §Coverage of essential health services (SDG 3.8.1)

    Other thematic outcome indicators

    §Number of gender-responsive health service reforms implemented by government

    §Number of individuals with improved access to health services, disaggregated at least by sex

    Specific thematic objective 10 (Outcome)

    Women, men, girls and boys, in all their diversity, have improved nutrition levels

    Key thematic outcome indicators

    §Number of food insecure people receiving EU assistance (EU Result Framework 2.1)

    §Number of women of reproductive age, adolescent girls and children under 5 reached by nutrition-related interventions supported by the EU (EU RF 2.2)

    Other thematic outcome indicator


    Thematic area of engagement - Promoting equal participation and leadership

    Overall thematic objective (Impact)

    Women, men, girls and boys, in all their diversity, participate equally in decision-making processes, in all spheres and at all levels of political and public life, including online, to take on leadership roles, to enjoy and exercise their human rights and seek redress if these rights are denied.

    Thematic impact indicators

    §Proportion of seats held by women in (a) national parliaments and (b) local governments (SDG 5.5.1, EU RF 1.8)

    §Proportion of women in managerial positions (SDG 5.5.2)

    Specific thematic objectives (Outcomes)

    1.Enabling conditions created for equal participation of women, men, girls and boys, in all their diversity, in decision-making

    2.Women and girls, in all their diversity, have improved access to justice to safeguard their civil and political rights

    3.Women’s organisations, other CSOs and women human rights defenders working for gender equality and women’s and girls’ empowerment and rights work more freely and are better protected by law

    4.Equitable social norms, attitudes and behaviours promoting equal participation and leadership fostered at community and individual levels – through civic education, media, education and culture at all levels

    5.Improved systems for collecting quality, disaggregated and globally comparable data on women’s political participation and leadership

    Specific Objective 1 (Outcome)

    Enabling conditions created for equal participation of women, men, girls and boys, in all their diversity, in decision-making

    Key thematic outcome indicators

    §Number of specific actions taken by partner country government (such as quota systems or other similar measures) to address discriminatory practices and improve women’s representation in parliament and government institutions and decision-making positions, at regional, national and local level

    §Proportion of countries with systems to track and make public allocations for gender equality and women’s empowerment (SDG 5.c.1)

    Other thematic outcome indicators

    §Extent to which female leaders influence policy and decision-making, including in conflict-affected contexts

    §Extent to which local and national media portray positive images of women and girls in political and public life

    §Number of reforms and specific measures taken by the national parliament and parliamentary committees to implement existing gender equality and women’s empowerment policy commitments on women’s participation in decision-making

    §Number of reforms and specific measures taken by local authorities to implement existing policy commitments on women’s and girls’ participation in decision-making

    §Number of reforms and specific measures taken by government monitoring bodies to monitor the implementation of existing policy commitments on women’s and girls’ participation in decision-making

    Specific thematic objective 2 (Outcome)

    Women and girls, in all their diversity, have improved access to justice to safeguard their civil and political rights

    Key thematic outcome indicators

    §Whether or not legal frameworks are in place to promote, enforce and monitor equality and non-discrimination on the basis of sex (SDG 5.1.1)

    §Extent to which legislation is revised to remove gender-discriminatory clauses on family, divorce, custody of children, inheritance, employment, pay, social security, ownership of assets, land etc.

    Other thematic outcome indicators

    §% of the population who perceive the overall quality of justice dispensed as good or very good, disaggregated at least by sex

    §Proportion of population reporting having personally felt discriminated against or harassed in the previous 12 months on the basis of a ground of discrimination prohibited under international human rights law (SDG 16.b.1)

    §Number of consultations by partner government at national and local level with women’s rights organisations engaged in law reform advocacy

    Specific thematic objective 3 (Outcome)

    Women’s organisations, other CSOs and women human rights defenders working for gender equality and women’s and girls’ empowerment and rights work more freely and are better protected by law

    Key thematic outcome indicators

    §Number of victims of human rights violations, disaggregated at least by sex, directly benefiting from assistance funded by the EU (EU RF) 47

    §Number of women human rights defenders who have received EU Support 48

    §Number of laws and policies where recommendations made by women’s rights organisations have been taken on board by regional, national and local government bodies during the drafting or revision process, including in conflict-affected contexts

    §Extent to which women's rights organisations, feminist organisations and other CSOs , peacebuilders and women human rights defenders working for gender equality and women’s and girls’ empowerment and rights are able to work independently without fear of their safety and security

    Other thematic outcome indicators

    §Extent to which human rights violations against women, men, girls and boys are reported in local and national media, disaggregated by sex

    §Extent to which reports in local and national media on human rights violations against women, men, girls and boys are free from social norms and gender-stereotypes

    §Number of women’s rights organisations, peacebuilding organisations, feminist organisations, and women human rights defenders’ organisations who participated in consultations around new policies and draft legislation with the regional, national and local government/state actors

    Specific thematic objective 4 (Outcome)

    Equitable social norms, attitudes and behaviours promoting equal participation and leadership by women and men fostered at community and individual levels – through education, media, culture and sports

    Key thematic outcome indicators

    §Extent to which local and national media challenge discriminatory social norms and gender stereotypes about women’s and girls’ participation and leadership

    §Extent to which women and girls are visible and portrayed as equal contributors to society in the media, literature, cultural and sports arenas

    §Extent to which local and national leaders and influencers, including traditional, religious and community leaders, engage in initiatives to challenge and change social norms and discriminatory gender stereotypes

    Other thematic outcome indicators

    §% of parents who believe it is acceptable to talk to their children about menstruation, disaggregated at least by sex

    §Extent to which instances of gender-based discrimination are covered in local and in national media

    §Existence of media observatory, whose remit includes monitoring and recording coverage of women’s and girls’ participation and leadership

    Specific thematic objective 5 (Outcome)

    Improved systems for collecting quality, disaggregated and globally comparable data on women’s political participation and leadership

    Key thematic outcome indicators

    §Number of countries that have up-to-date data on: a) voters, and b) candidates standing for election at local and national levels, disaggregated at least by sex

    §Existence of up-to-date data available, on: a) women in politics, and b) violence (including online violence) and abuse faced by women in politics and public life at regional, national and local levels

    Thematic area of engagement – Integrating the women, peace and security agenda

    This table presents the objectives, fulfilment criteria, specific outcomes and the related thematic indicators of the EU Action Plan on WPS. The same indicator[s] can be found under the multiple objectives to which it/they may relate/contribute. For each objective, the WPS Indicators integrated in Part I are also indicated. The full Table of the WPS Action Plan Indicators, as they were included in the original EU Action Plan on Women, Peace and Security/WPS (2019-2024) is also attached in ANNEX at the end of this SWD.

    Objective 1


    Fulfilment criteria

    ·Formal and informal institutional factors are identified and addressed that are preventing women from being included and/or equitably and meaningfully participating, as well as from reaching leadership positions, in all conflict-related settings, as well as in all areas related to peace and security in the EU institutions.

    ·Structural obstacles to women’s meaningful and equitable participation and to their contributions to all actions related to prevention and resolution of conflicts and in post-conflict public life are addressed.

    ·Diplomatic and financial measures are used to promote women's leadership and the balanced representation of men and women from diverse backgrounds in all stages of peace processes.


    §N# and details of institutionalised as well as ad hoc EU-led and/or supported consultations with CSOs, including women’s organisations, women activists, regarding implementation of (i) the Strategic Approach, as well as (ii) WPS policies in partner countries. (WPS Ind. 20)

    See in Part 1 WPS indicators 1 and 2 

    Objective 2

    Gender Mainstreaming

    Fulfilment criteria

    ·Mandatory training on mainstreaming gender perspectives for all staff at HQ, EU Delegations, MS Embassies, etc., including in pre-deployment and pre-posting training, is established.

    ·Expert capacity and capability are available and accessible in EU institutions/services and the EU Member States, to conduct gender analysis and to support the systematic integration of a gender perspective.

    ·Women and girls, together with men and boys, are all included and actively engaged in work and policies aiming for the implementation of the Strategic Approach.


    §N# of gender focal points/persons with gender-related responsibilities in their job descriptions, and N# of persons that are evaluated against this, in a) EEAS, b) Commission Services, c) EU Delegations, d) CSDP Missions and Operations, and e) EU Special Representatives, including N# of fulltime gender advisors and gender subject matter experts in EU Delegations and CSDP Missions and Operations. (WPS Ind. 3)

    §N# and percentage of men and women staff at all levels, a) EU HQ b) diplomatic staff, c) civilian staff and d) military staff, participating in CSDP missions and operations that are trained on WPS. (WPS Ind. 4)

    §N# and details of EEAS job descriptions and terms of reference that include Gender Equality and WPS responsibilities. (WPS Ind. 6)

    §N# and proportion of staff in the EU and its MS's in counterterrorism, prevention and countering of violent extremism (P/CVE) bodies, who have gender expertise. (WPS Ind. 7)

    §N# and details of EU mentoring, advising, and other capacity-building activities on WPS for institutions, such as in the security and judicial systems in conflict settings. (WPS Ind. 8)

    §N# of projects/programmes by theme: a) Security (and Justice) Sector Reform [S(J)SR], b) Disarmament, Demobilisation and Reintegration (DDR), c) humanitarian aid, d) good governance, e) human rights, f) transitional justice, where a gender perspective is mainstreamed. (WPS Ind. 11)

    §N# and proportion of the EU and its MS's national strategies and total annual budget allocated to prevent violent extremism in partner countries, including on drivers and deterrents that target Gender as a principal or significant objective (WPS Ind. 13)

    §N# of EU actions on conflict prevention, mediation, peacebuilding, peace negotiations, conflict resolution and reconstruction/rehabilitation that used or were based on, amongst others, gender analysis (WPS Ind. 17)

    §Details of activities addressing the different WPS-related impacts of climate change, land degradation, desertification and drought (WPS Ind. 15) 

    §Provide details of best practices/media stories illustrating the output of Gender- and WPS-related objectives and tasks in mandates and planning documents for CSDP Missions and Operations. (WPS Ind. 30)

    Objective 3

    Leading by example

    Fulfilment criteria

    ·The EU uses all available fora to actively promote gender equality and the full implementation of the WPS agenda.

    ·Adequate, transparent and accessible funding is available for projects and initiatives in relation to WPS, including civil society organisations’ work on WPS.

    §N# and percentage of men and women staff at all levels, a) EU HQ b) diplomatic staff, c) civilian staff and d) military staff, participating in CSDP missions and operations that are trained on WPS. (WPS Ind. 4)

    §N# and details of EU mentoring, advising, and other capacity-building activities on WPS for institutions, such as in the security and judicial systems in conflict settings. (WPS Ind. 8)

    §Proportion of funded projects and initiatives related to WPS, including for relief and recovery programmes. (WPS Ind. 10)

    §Total expenditure and proportion of EU (and its MS) cooperation programmes in partner countries allocated to WPS, gender equality, peace-building and conflict prevention. N# of civil society organizations that participating in such programmes. (WPS Ind. 12)

    §N# and proportion of the EU and its MS's national strategies and total annual budget allocated to prevent violent extremism in partner countries, including on drivers and deterrents that target Gender as a principal or significant objective. (WPS Ind. 13)

    §N# and details of actions taken to establish and perform gender-responsive leadership and management. (WPS Ind. 18)

    §N# and details of actions taken by the diplomatic missions of the EU and its Member States, CSDP Missions and Operations or HQ to address WPS issues raised by local civil society, especially women’s organisations. (WPS Ind. 21)

    §N# of NAPs or other national policies related to WPS adopted by EU MS and N# of civil society organisations contributing to the formulation, implementation, and evaluation of WPS-related EU and EU-supported NAPs, documents or policies in third countries. (WPS Ind. 22)

    §Best practices and challenges, of EU and its Member States policies and initiatives on protection measures and how they affect / benefit women, men, boys and girls refugees or asylum seekers from countries affected by armed conflict. (WPS Ind. 29)

    See in Part 1 WPS indicators Ind. 16 and 19

    Objective 4


    Fulfilment criteria

    ·The EU's early-warning mechanisms and subsequent actions are gender-responsive, including to incidence of SGBV.

    ·There is an improved understanding of the root causes of violence against women and girls and of gender-related drivers of conflict and actions are undertaken to counter further relapse, including by strengthening State institutions.

    ·There is systematic monitoring and reporting in place for the prevention of human rights violations against women and girls in conflict, including sexual exploitation and abuse (SEA), harassment including sexual harassment (SH), and other forms of SGBV, including in the context of violent extremism.

    §Proportion21 of staff trained on conduct and discipline that includes content-related to SEA and harassment including SH, among a) EU HQ b) diplomatic staff, c) civilian staff and d) military staff participating in CSDP missions and operations. (WPS Ind. 5)

    §N# and proportion of staff in the EU and its MS's in counterterrorism, prevention and countering of violent extremism (P/CVE) bodies, who have gender expertise. (WPS Ind. 7)

    §N# and details of EU capacity-building on WPS in inter alia conflict prevention, peace-building and mediation support to partners and third countries. (WPS Ind. 9)

    §N# of projects/programmes by theme: a) Security (and Justice) Sector Reform; b) Disarmament, Demobilisation and Reintegration (DDR), c) humanitarian aid, d) good governance, e) human rights, f) transitional justice, where a gender perspective is mainstreamed. (WPS Ind. 11)

    §Total expenditure and proportion of EU (and its MS) cooperation programmes in partner countries allocated to WPS, gender equality, peace-building and conflict prevention. N# of civil society organizations that participating in such programmes. (WPS Ind. 12)

    §N# and proportion of the EU and its MS's national strategies and total annual budget allocated to prevent violent extremism in partner countries, including on drivers and deterrents that target Gender as a principal or significant objective. (WPS Ind. 13)

    §Details of activities addressing the different WPS related impacts of climate change, land degradation, desertification and drought. (WPS Ind. 15)

    §N# of EU actions on conflict prevention, mediation, peacebuilding, peace negotiations, conflict resolution and reconstruction/rehabilitation that used or were based on, amongst others, gender analysis. (WPS Ind. 17)

    §N# of reported and investigated cases of all forms of harassment including SH, of, and by, EU staff in line with a survivor-centred approach (WPS Ind. 23)

    N# of EU-supported activities aiming at strengthening the institutional social support and safety systems available for survivors of SGBV and addressing protection of rights and justice responses to SGBV in conflict and post-conflict situations affecting women, girls, men and boys. (WPS Ind. 25)

    Objective 5


    Fulfilment criteria

    ·Institutional mechanisms are established to protect and safeguard women’s and girls’ rights in fragile and conflict-affected contexts.

    ·All deployed EU personnel are trained on addressing conflict-related violence and all other forms of SGBV, SEA, and all forms of harassment, including SH.

    ·EU rules, procedures and reporting mechanisms on SGBV including SEA and harassment including SH, are readily available and effectively communicated.

    §Proportion 49 of staff trained on conduct and discipline that includes content-related to SEA and harassment including SH, among a) EU HQ b) diplomatic staff, c) civilian staff and d) military staff participating in CSDP missions and operations. (WPS Ind. 5)

    §N# of projects/programmes by theme: a) Security (and Justice) Sector Reform; b) Disarmament, Demobilisation and Reintegration (DDR), c) humanitarian aid, d) good governance, e) human rights, f) transitional justice, where a gender perspective is mainstreamed. (WPS Ind. 11)

    §Total expenditure, N# and details of projects/by country that implement support services for SGBV including sexual and reproductive comprehensive health information and healthcare services. (WPS Ind. 14)

    §N# and details of actions taken by the diplomatic missions of the EU and its Member States, CSDP Missions and Operations or HQ to address WPS issues raised by local civil society, especially women’s organisations. (WPS Ind. 21)

    §Best practices and challenges, of EU and its Member States policies and initiatives on protection measures and how they affect / benefit women, men, boys and girls refugees or asylum seekers from countries affected by armed conflict. (WPS Ind. 29)

    §N# of reported and investigated cases of all forms of harassment including SH, of, and by, EU staff in line with a survivor-centred approach. (WPS Ind. 23)

    §N# of reported, investigated and adjudicated cases of sexual exploitation and abuse (SEA) against women, girls, men and boys in line with a survivor-centred approach. (WPS Ind. 24)

    N# of EU-supported activities aiming at strengthening the institutional social support and safety systems available for survivors of SGBV and addressing protection of rights and justice responses to SGBV in conflict and post-conflict situations affecting women, girls, men and boys. (WPS Ind. 25)

    Objective 6

    Relief and Recovery

    Fulfilment criteria

    ·Support the implementation, including the funding, of specific relief and recovery initiatives that meet the needs of women and girls.

    ·Methods and tools are established to ensure relief and recovery that meet the needs of women and girls in conflict and post-conflict situations

    ·All agreements by the EU with third countries on migration flows and border control must integrate a gender perspective and meet human rights' standards.

    §Proportion of funded projects and initiatives related to WPS, including for relief and recovery programmes. (WPS Ind. 10)

    §Total expenditure, N# and details of projects/by country that implement support services for SGBV including sexual and reproductive comprehensive health information and healthcare services. (WPS Ind. 14)

    §N# of EU-supported activities aiming at strengthening the institutional social support and safety systems available for survivors of SGBV and addressing protection of rights and justice responses to SGBV in conflict and post-conflict situations affecting women, girls, men and boys. (WPS Ind. 25)

    §Total expenditure, N# and details (per country) of projects that implement support services for victims/survivors of SGBV/SEA and where available, and in line with a survivor-centred approach, N# of victims/survivors reached with these projects (WPS Ind. 26)

    §N#, proportion and country of origin of female and male asylum seekers who have obtained the status of refugee or benefit from subsidiary protection in the EU. (WPS Ind. 27)

    §N# and details of support provided for refugee and asylum-seeking women’s and girls’ economic and social empowerment in the country of origin, in refugee camps, in transit or the country of destination. (WPS Ind. 28)

    Thematic area of engagement – Addressing the challenges and harnessing the opportunities offered by the green transition and the digital transformation

    Climate change and environment

    Overall thematic objective (Impact)

    Women in all their diversity influence decision-making processes on environmental conservation and climate change policies and actions

    Thematic impact indicators

    §% of women in managerial positions in all sectoral, climate, environment and civil protection related ministries or institutions, electricity authorities, energy boards, regulating authorities, utilities, renewable energy agencies, etc.

    §% of women entrepreneurs in the green economy or circular economy

    Specific thematic objectives (Outcomes)

    1.Increased participation of women and girls in all their diversity in decision-making processes on environment and climate change issues

    2.Strategies and agreements on climate mitigation, adaptation, disaster risk reduction and sustainable management of natural resources and biodiversity are more gender-responsive, at local, national, regional and international level

    3.Women, men, girls and boys, in all their diversity, addressing climate change in their daily lives and preserving the natural environment are recognised and valued

    4.Women and men in all their diversity, increasingly participate in and have improved access to jobs, entrepreneurship opportunities and alternative livelihoods in the green economy and the circular economy

    Specific thematic objective 1 (Outcome)

    Increased participation of women and girls in all their diversity in decision-making processes on environment and climate change issues

    Key thematic outcome indicator

    §Number of women, men, girls and boys, in all their diversity, activists and environmental rights defenders acting as agents of change on fighting climate change and pursuing environmental justice, at local, national and regional level, disaggregated at least by sex

    Other thematic outcome indicators

    §Extent to which women, men, girls and boys and their civil society organisations and activists are able to influence strategies on climate mitigation, adaptation, disaster risk reduction and sustainable management of natural resources and biodiversity, on local, national and regional levels, disaggregated at least by sex

    §Proportion of women in national parliamentary committees dealing with climate action and environment justice

    §Number of women, men, girls and boys, in all their diversity, participating equally in public planning and consultation meetings on local and national levels, disaggregated at least by sex

    §Number of women, men, girls and boys, in all their diversity, participating in events on climate action and environment justice, disaggregated at least by sex and possibly disaggregated by role: participant or speaker

    Specific thematic objective 2 (Outcome)

    Strategies and agreements on climate mitigation, adaptation, disaster risk reduction and sustainable management of natural resources and biodiversity are more gender-responsive, at local, national, regional and international level

    Key thematic outcome indicators

    §Number of proposed for adoption climate change adaptation and mitigation policies (including nationally determined contributions), and environment protection strategies and plans (including energy policies/ strategies) that include gender equality objectives, in line with the United Nations framework convention on climate change (UNFCC) gender action plan

    §Extent to which proposed for adoption climate change adaptation and mitigation policies, and environmental protection strategies and plans (including energy policies/ strategies) are based on a gender analysis of risk, need, demand, barriers, and supply

    Other thematic outcome indicators

    §Extent to which climate and environmental policies, strategies, plans are based on risk and vulnerability assessments, and on gender and conflict analysis of the different impacts of climate change and environmental degradation on women and men

    §Existence of national targets on access to clean cooking solutions as part of the energy policy framework

    §Extent to which declarations and policy documents on climate change and environment at multilateral level contain specific actions to include women in the decision-making processes

    §Number of sectoral gender action plans drafted and implemented by the relevant ministries in partner country

    §Availability of quality data in the environmental protection sector, disaggregated at least by sex

    §Availability of a monitoring, reporting and verification system, which includes an obligation to report on gender

    §Number of gender audits carried out in relevant ministries in partner country

    Specific thematic objective 3 (Outcome)

    Women, men, girls and boys, in all their diversity, addressing climate change in their daily lives and preserving the natural environment are supported

    Key thematic outcome indicators

    §Number of changes in legislation or new laws or amendments adopted in partner country to enshrine the equal access to property, including land, credit and inheritance rights of women and girls

    §Extent to which women and girls exercise choice and control over opportunities and resources in disaster risk reduction, recovery and reconstruction contexts

    §Number of women with increased training, financial resources, technology or other resources for sustainable and safe food production, sustainable energy, sustainable transport, and clean water sources, for family consumption or for productive uses

    Other thematic outcome indicators

    §Extent to which inclusive disaster risk reduction policies are being implemented by partner government

    §Extent to which women’s equal rights to landownership and inheritance are respected in practice

    §Number of women, men, girls and boys equally provided with access to sustainable energy services, disaggregated at least by sex

    §% of women-led households with access to clean cooking facilities

    §Number of environmental human rights activists who can work freely, disaggregated at least by sex

    §Proportion of population with primary reliance on sustainable or clean fuels and technology (SDG 7.1.2) – disaggregated at least by sex

    §Number of women and girls reached by programmes aimed at strengthening individual resilience and safety in the face of disasters (swimming lessons, emergency drills and exercises) 50

    Specific thematic objective 4 (Outcome)

    Women in all their diversity increasingly participate in and have improved access to jobs, entrepreneurship opportunities in the green economy and the circular economy

    Key thematic outcome indicator

    §Number of women and men headed enterprises receiving credit, micro-credit/financial services, disaggregated at least by sex

    §% of women in managerial positions in enterprises in the green economy and the circular economy

    Other thematic outcome indicators

    §% of women and men workers in each stage of the value chain of a product related to green technologies or the circular economy, disaggregated at least by sex

    §Number of individuals benefiting from access to government investment covering weather-related losses or other risk reduction measures, disaggregated at least by sex

    §% of publicly-tendered government contracts related to environment, climate change and sustainable energy won by women-led companies

    §Number of women benefiting from incentives used to encourage women’s entry into the green economy and the circular economy


    Overall thematic objective (Impact)

    Women, men, girls and boys, in all their diversity, can equally participate in shaping the digital world of tomorrow

    Thematic impact indicators

    §Proportion of young people and adults with information and communications technology (ICT) skills, by type of skill (SDG 4.4.1)

    §Proportion of individuals who own a mobile telephone, disaggregated at least by sex (SDG 5.b.1)

    Specific thematic objectives

    1.Women, men, girls and boys, in all their diversity, participate equally in policy- and decision-making for the digital world, on local, national, regional and international levels, and are represented in these policies and decisions

    2.Women, men, girls and boys in all their diversity have equal access to affordable and secure broadband, technology and digital tools

    3.Women, men, girls and boys are equally provided with and using equally public digital literacy

    4.Women, men, girls and boys in all their diversity participate fully and equally in the digital economy

    Specific thematic objective 1 (Outcome)

    Women, men, girls and boys in all their diversity participate equally in policy- and decision-making for the digital world, on local, national, regional and international levels, and are represented in these policies and decisions

    Key thematic outcome indicator

    §Number of women’s organisations and networks with increased capacity to participate in discussions on gender-responsive ICT policies and plans

    §Number of actions, taken by partner government, which contribute to the development of legal or regulatory frameworks governing online abuse, violence and bullying

    Other thematic outcome indicators

    §% of women participating as high-level speakers in EU events/forums where ongoing and future policy and strategy related to the digital world are discussed

    §Extent to which legal or regulatory framework in partner country enabling survivors of online violence and their family to seek legal and other support services are in place

    §Number of declarations and policy documents at UN and ILO levels which include specific actions to address the digital gender gap

    Specific thematic Objective 2 (Outcome)

    Women, men, girls and boys in all their diversity have equal access to affordable and secure broadband, technology and digital tools

    Key thematic outcome indicator

    §Number of people with access to Internet with EU support (disaggregated by sex, geographic region, urban/rural, age group, and type of connection, i.e. mobile or fixed) (EU RF)

    Other thematic outcome indicators

    §Extent to which time-bound targets to overcome gender and poverty divides in Internet use are in place in national ICT strategies or broadband plans

    §Number of households with access to fixed broadband connectivity, disaggregated by sex of the head of household

    §Number of people with access to mobile broadband connectivity disaggregated at least by sex

    §% of women and men that have and use an account at a bank or other financial institution or with a mobile-money-service provider, disaggregated at least by sex

    §% of students using Internet and Educative Media at least once a week, disaggregated at least by sex

    §Number of government actions in partner country seeking to improve the collection, analysis and use of sex-disaggregated ICT data

    Specific thematic objective 3 (Outcome)

    Women, men, girls and boys are equally provided with and using equally public digital literacy

    Key thematic outcome indicator

    §Number of people who have benefited from institution or workplace-based vocational education and training/skills development interventions supported by the EU (EU RF 2.15)

    Other thematic outcome indicators

    §Extent to which partner government ministry of education acts to challenge and address discriminatory gender stereotypes in digital education and training

    §Number of measures taken by partner country government to improve the access of women, men, girls and boys, in all their diversity, to basic digital education and training, disaggregated at least by sex

    Specific thematic objective 4 (Outcome)

    Women, men, girls and boys in all their diversity participate fully and equally in the digital economy 51

    Key thematic outcome indicator

    §Number of digital start-up enterprises led by women who benefit from financial support and/or training

    Other thematic outcome indicators

    §Number of women accessing services or programme offered by the digital hubs/tech parks, etc.

    §Number of women nominated to top management positions in digital technology

    §Number of women, men, girls and boys participating in digital hackathons or other digital start-ups events, disaggregated at least by sex


    Full list of indicators from the EU Action Plan on Women, Peace and Security




    N# and proportion 52 of women mediators, negotiators and technical experts present in formal as well as informal peace processes where the EU and its MS are engaged, with specific mention of those in leadership positions.


    N# and proportion21 of women in EEAS structures, EU Institutions, CSDP Missions and Operations, and in all EU MS, with specific mention of those in leadership and senior positions such as Heads of diplomatic missions, EU Delegations, and CSDP Missions and Operations; as well as EU staff participating in UN, NATO and OSCE missions and operations at all levels, including military and police staff at all levels.


    N# of gender focal points/persons with gender-related responsibilities in their job descriptions, and N# of persons that are evaluated against this, in a) EEAS, b) Commission Services, c) EU Delegations, d) CSDP Missions and Operations, and e) EU Special Representatives, including N# of fulltime gender advisors and gender subject matter experts in EU Delegations and CSDP Missions and Operations.


    N# and percentage of men and women staff at all levels, a) EU HQ b) diplomatic staff, c) civilian staff and d) military staff, participating in CSDP missions and operations that are trained on WPS.


    Proportion21 of staff trained on conduct and discipline that includes content-related to SEA and harassment including SH, among a) EU HQ b) diplomatic staff, c) civilian staff and d) military staff participating in CSDP missions and operations.


    N# and details of EEAS job descriptions and terms of reference that include Gender Equality and WPS responsibilities.


    N# and proportion21 of staff in the EU and its MS's in counterterrorism, prevention and countering of violent extremism (P/CVE) bodies, who have gender expertise.


    N# and details of EU mentoring, advising, and other capacity-building activities on WPS for institutions, such as in the security and judicial systems in conflict settings.


    N# and details of EU capacity-building on WPS in inter alia conflict prevention, peace-building and mediation support to partners and third countries.


    Proportion21 of funded projects and initiatives related to WPS, including for relief and recovery programmes.


    N# and details of projects/programmes by theme: a) Security (and Justice) Sector Reform [S(J)SR], b) Disarmament, Demobilisation and Reintegration (DDR), c) humanitarian aid, d) good governance, e) human rights, f) transitional justice, where a gender perspective is mainstreamed.

    12 53

    Total expenditure and proportion21 of EU and its MS's cooperation programmes in partner countries allocated to WPS, gender equality, peace-building and conflict prevention. N# of civil society organizations that participating in such programmes


    N# and proportion21 of the EU and its MS's national strategies and total annual budget allocated to prevent violent extremism in partner countries, including on drivers and deterrents that target Gender as a principal or significant objective.


    Total expenditure, N# and details of projects/by country that implements support services for SGBV including sexual and reproductive comprehensive health information and healthcare services.


    Details of activities addressing the different WPS-related impacts of climate change, land degradation, desertification and drought.


    N# of statements and commitments made by EU officials concerning WPS, including women's participation in peace processes.


    N# of EU actions on conflict prevention, mediation, peacebuilding, peace negotiations, conflict resolution and reconstruction/rehabilitation that used or were based on, amongst others, gender analyses.


    N# and details of actions taken to establish and perform gender-responsive leadership and management.


    N# and details of EU and its MS`s bilateral and regional dialogues that include WPS-related priorities and commitments in outcome documents, conclusions and/or targets, including civil society contributions. N# and details of EU bilateral and multilateral agreements and/or joint activities and programmes on WPS and gender equality with partners inter alia UN, AU, NATO, CoE, OSCE, and ASEAN.


    N# and details of institutionalised as well as ad hoc EU-led and/or supported consultations with CSOs, including women’s organisations, women activists, regarding implementation of (i) the Strategic Approach, as well as (ii) WPS policies in partner countries.


    N# and details of actions taken by the diplomatic missions of the EU and its Member States, CSDP Missions and Operations or HQ to address WPS issues raised by local civil society, especially women’s organisations.


    N# of NAPs or other national policies related to WPS adopted by EU MS and N# of civil society organisations contributing to the formulation, implementation, and evaluation of WPS-related EU and EU-supported NAPs, documents or policies in third countries.


    N# of reported and investigated cases of all forms of harassment including SH, of, and by, EU staff in line with a survivor-centred approach.


    N# of reported, investigated and adjudicated cases of SEA against women, girls, men and boys in line with a survivor-centred approach.


    N# of EU-supported activities aiming at strengthening the institutional social support and safety systems available for survivors of SGBV and addressing protection of rights and justice responses to SGBV in conflict and post-conflict situations affecting women, girls, men and boys.


    Total expenditure, #N and details (per country) of projects that implement support services for victims/survivors of SGBV/SEA and where available, and in line with a survivor-centred approach, #N of victims/survivors reached with these projects.


    N#, proportion21 and country of origin of female and male asylum seekers who have obtained the status of refugee or benefit from subsidiary protection in the EU.


    N# and details of support provided for refugee and asylum-seeking women’s and girls’ economic and social empowerment in the country of origin, in refugee camps, in transit or the country of destination.


    Best practices and challenges, of EU and its Member States policies and initiatives on protection measures and how they affect / benefit women, men, boys and girls refugees or asylum seekers from countries affected by armed conflict.


    Provide details of best practices/media stories illustrating the output of Gender- and WPS-related objectives and tasks in mandates and planning documents for CSDP Missions and Operations.




    See in particular chapter 5 on “Reporting and Communicating on results” of the Joint Communication.


    In view of its specific mandate the European Commission's European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations Directorate-General (DG ECHO) reports solely on activities and indicators that are relevant to humanitarian action.


     For some indicators under the thematic area of engagement ‘Integrating the women peace and security agenda’ reporting might be annual.




    The EU Action Plan on Women, Peace and Security/WPS (2019-2024),  


    The list of indicators also includes some indicators on Women, Peace and Security. The full list of WPS indicators of the EU action plan on WPS is summarised in a table annexed to this document. It can also be found here: .  


    The Baseline indicates the latest data available from the GAP II Annual Implementation Report 2019 or other sources. Any different source is indicated. Baseline will be updated or added in the first reporting exercise.


    Data sources may be adapted. Information management systems include: OPSYS (action management system; policy and programme document repository); CRIS (information management system); CRS – Creditor Reporting System database used to collect data for reporting to the OECD; EURF – European results framework; ROM – results oriented monitoring and its reports and results.


    Reporting tasks and responsibilities of different actors may evolve and will be further detailed in the inception phase of the implementation of GAP III. Member States are invited to report on the listed indicators.


    By “action" we mean a project which constitutes a legal and budgetary commitment with its own operational content.


    OECD Gender Marker G1: Gender equality is an important and deliberate objective, but not the principal reason for undertaking the project/ programme. OECD Gender Marker G2: Gender equality is the main objective of the project/programme and is fundamental in its design and expected results. The project/programme would not have been undertaken without this gender equality objective.


    The measurement of indicators corresponding to actions 1.1; 1.2; 1.3 will provide data also on indicator WPS#10 on “Proportion of funded projects and initiatives related to WPS, including for relief and recovery programmes”. This target also apply to FPI Actions. This target does not apply to DG ECHO for humanitarian aid.

    For Member States reporting to OECD-DAC, the % could be taken from yearly commitments marked G1 and G2.


    OECD Marker 0: the project/programme has been screened against the marker but has not been found to target gender equality. This score cannot be used as a default value. Projects/programmes that have not been screened should be left unmarked – i.e. the field should be left empty.


    As measured by women’s rights organisations and movements, and government institutions OECD-DAC code 15170.


    The DG ECHO Gender-Age Marker final mark for a project is provided by the HQ desk officer at final report stage. This means that a project needs to be over (i.e. final report closed), for a final mark to be attributed.


    DG ECHO Gender-Age Marker as presented in DG ECHO’s projects database (HOPE), based on the final mark provided by the desk officer at final report stage.


    Gender-responsive budgeting (GRB) is an approach that uses fiscal policy to promote girls’ and women’s development. The notion of GRB refers to public policies and to particular Public Financial Management techniques for promoting gender equality. GRB implicitly acknowledges that there is no gender-neutral government budget.


    This baseline comes from data collected in relation to the GAP II indicator “5.1.1 Status of results monitoring on gender-sensitive indicators”.


    There are several levels of gender analysis: gender country profile, sector/ thematic, and policy specific gender analysis. Gender country profile covers policy and legislative frameworks, status of government and other equality measures and actions, gender statistics on violence, education, health, employment, political participation, obstacles to gender equality, specific issues related to discriminatory social norms and attitudes and harmful practices, etc. Sector-specific gender analysis analyses the gender issues in the sector: gender gaps, policy, practice, impact of discriminatory social norms and attitudes for employment, work force segregation, leadership, targeted consumers, opportunities for gender-responsive outcomes by sector, opportunities for EU interventions, etc. Sometimes, another scope may be justified, determined by the distinct policy, geographical and/or thematic area of an EU action/intervention such as within the mandates of the CSDP operations and missions, conflict analysis, prevention- and resolution as well as peace mediation and negotiation.


    As outlined in the Joint Communication on GAP III in section 2.1.


    Gender analysis is also requested for “FPI actions”. FPI gender-sensitive conflict and resilience analyses undertaken to underpin responses to conflict/crises situations are also included under this indicator.


    For FPI, read “action-specific”.


    EU Gender Strategy 2020 – 2025.


     From 2019 EEAS human resources report.


    EU Gender Strategy 2020 – 2025, p. 14.


    Include gender advisors in EEAS HQ as well as CSDP operations and missions.


    Include gender focal points in EEAS HQ as well as CSDP operations and missions.


    122 EUDs have one or more GFP, including staff working for different services. 


     These indicators may change with the regular revision of the European Union Results Framework.


    EIGE defines ‘intersectionality’ as an “analytical tool for studying, understanding and responding to the ways in which sex and gender intersect with other personal characteristics/identities, and how these intersections contribute to unique experiences of discrimination” (See: ). See Article 10 TFEU, when “defining and implementing its policies and activities, the Union shall aim to combat discrimination based on sex, racial or ethnic origin, religion or belief, disability, age or sexual orientation”.


    Following “A Union of Equality: gender equality strategy 2020-2025”, the language used here is gender-based violence. However, where relevant, such as in conflict situations, sexual and gender-based violence. See definition of GBV here:




     Idem, as above.


    See Commission victims’ rights strategy. Gender Equality Strategy, p.4.


     As agreed in accordance with the International Conference on Population and Development and the Beijing Platform for Action and the outcome documents of their review conferences.


    As per the SWD 444(2018) final, all EURF indicators include “with EU support” in their formulation so this is reproduced here. In line with the contribution approach explained in the introduction, the same is understood for the remaining GAPIII indicators.


    Terminology used under FPI results framework.


    A life-long approach is promoted.


    For specific thematic objective and indicators on this impact indicator please see ‘thematic area of engagement: Promoting economic and social rights and empowering girls and women’, thematic objective 10.


    Specifics to be tracked include: stigmatisation of pregnant teenagers, women with fistula, rape survivors, and women living with infertility, HIV, or mental health problems.


    Specifics to be tracked include: partners involved in family planning, couples counselling, STI tests, delivery plans, accompanying to antenatal care, peer education or mass campaigns.


    This includes access to science, technology, engineering, mathematics (STEM) and digital education and training.


      Freedom of Association and Protection of the Right to Organise Convention, 1948 (No. 87),   Right to Organise and Collective Bargaining Convention, 1949 (No. 98), Forced Labour Convention, 1930 (No. 29)   (and its  2014 Protocol  P029), Abolition of Forced Labour Convention, 1957 (No. 105), Minimum Age Convention, 1973 (No. 138), Worst Forms of Child Labour Convention, 1999 (No. 182), Equal Remuneration Convention, 1951 (No. 100), Discrimination (Employment and Occupation) Convention, 1958 (No. 111).


    This is an output indicator and not an outcome indicator. It was included here for its importance as regards GAP III and the availability of aggregated data.


    For example, timely analysis of women’s health needs and interests, presence of women’s health expertise, gender-responsive policy, strategy, plan, implementation and monitoring.


    This is an output indicator and not an outcome indicator. It was included here for its importance as regards GAP III and the availability of aggregated data.




    All mentions related to "proportion of" should be understood to relate to the specific circumstances, conditions, timeframes, under which the assessment is being made every time.


    This indicator is an output indicator but has been included here for being particularly relevant for some European Commission Services, such as ECHO.


    This includes increased access to new economic and entrepreneurial opportunities, career guidance, markets, financing and employment, as well as equal participation and inclusion in the innovation and technology industry, including in the design and development of artificial intelligence.


    All mentions related to "proportion of" should be understood to relate to the specific circumstances, conditions, timeframes, under which the assessment is being made every time.


    The scope of application of the indicator includes also women’s organisations.
