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Document 52020PC0434

    Proposal for a COUNCIL DECISION approving amendments to the Agreement for co-operation in dealing with pollution of the North Sea by oil and other harmful substances (Bonn Agreement) with regard to the extension of its material and geographical scope of application

    COM/2020/434 final

    Brussels, 28.8.2020

    COM(2020) 434 final


    Proposal for a


    approving amendments to the Agreement for co-operation in dealing with pollution of the North Sea by oil and other harmful substances (Bonn Agreement) with regard to the extension of its material and geographical scope of application



    Reasons for and objectives of the proposal

    The present proposal concerns the decision authorising the Union negotiator (in this case: the Commission) to conclude, on the Union's behalf, the amendments to the Agreement for Co-operation in Dealing with Pollution of the North Sea by Oil and Other Harmful Substances (Bonn Agreement) 1   with regard to the extension of its material and geographical scope of application, with a view to improving cooperation on surveillance in respect of the requirements of Annex VI to the MARPOL Convention (‘MARPOL amendment’) and in light of the accession of the Kingdom of Spain to the Agreement (‘Spain amendment’).

    1.1The Agreement for Co-operation in Dealing with Pollution of the North Sea by Oil and Other Harmful Substances (the ‘Bonn Agreement’)

    The Bonn Agreement aims to combat pollution in the North Sea Area and safeguard coastal areas from maritime disasters and chronic pollution from ships and offshore installations. The European Union (then ‘European Economic Community’) is a Contracting Party to the Agreement. North Sea States of the European Union together with Norway are also Contracting Parties to the Agreement.

    The Agreement seeks to promote active cooperation and mutual assistance among coastal States and the European Union in combating pollution of the North Sea by oil and other harmful substances in order to protect the marine environment and the interests of coastal States. To that effect, the Agreement provides that Contracting Parties carry out surveillance as an aid to detecting and combating pollution and to preventing violations of anti-pollution regulations. The North Sea is divided into different zones where the responsibility for the surveillance and assessment of incidents is assigned to Contracting Parties. Contracting Parties are required to inform any other Contracting Party concerned of their becoming aware of the presence of oil or other harmful substances likely to constitute a serious threat to the coast or related interests of any other Contracting Party. Contracting Parties may require assistance to deal with pollution at sea or on their coasts, in which case the Contracting Parties called upon for help are required to use their best endeavours to bring such assistance as is within their power.

    The Bonn Agreement was concluded by the European Economic Community by Council Decision 84/358/EEC 2 . The Bonn Agreement was amended in 1989. Those amendments entered into force on 1 April 1994. The European Economic Community approved those amendments by Council Decision 93/540/EEC 3 .

    Pursuant to Article 16 of the Bonn Agreement, a proposal by a Contracting Party for the amendment of the Bonn Agreement or its Annex is to be considered at a meeting of the Contracting Parties. Following adoption of the proposal by unanimous vote, the amendment is to be communicated by the Depositary Government to the Contracting Parties. Such amendments are to enter into force on the first day of the second month following the date on which the Depositary Government receives notifications of approval from all Contracting Parties.

    The Depositary of the Bonn Agreement is the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany (Article 18(3) Bonn Agreement).

    Pursuant to Article 20 of the Bonn Agreement, the Contracting Parties to the Bonn Agreement may unanimously invite any other coastal State of the North East Atlantic area to accede to the Bonn Agreement. In such a case, Article 2 of the Bonn Agreement and its Annex are to be amended as necessary and the amendment will take effect upon the entry into force of this Agreement for the acceding State.

    On 7 October 2019, the Council adopted a Decision authorising the Commission to negotiate, on behalf of the Union, an amendment under Article 16 of the Bonn Agreement to extend the scope of application of the Agreement to improve cooperation on surveillance in respect of the requirements of Annex VI to the MARPOL Convention, as well as the extension under Article 20 of the Agreement to the Kingdom of Spain.

    The Contracting Parties to the Bonn Agreement, during their thirty-first meeting from 9 to 11 October 2019, have agreed to these amendments by unanimity. The amendments are now submitted for conclusion by the Union. Further, the Kingdom of Spain will need to ratify the extension under Article 20 of the Agreement of the Bonn Agreement to its zone of responsibility.

    1.2The amendments to the Bonn Agreement

    1.2.1    The ‘MARPOL amendment’ – amending the substantive scope of the Agreement

    This amendment aims at improving cooperation and coordination between the Contracting Parties in combating unlawful air emissions caused by shipping in order to limit the negative consequences of the combustion of marine fuels with high sulphur or nitrogen content for human health, biodiversity and the entire marine environment. The Contracting Parties envisage to achieve the above through amending various provisions of the Bonn Agreement (Articles 1, 5, 6 and 15 thereof, as well as the title of the Agreement and the preamble thereto) so as to extend its scope of application to air pollution from ships as regulated under Annex VI to the MARPOL Convention.

    1.2.2    The ‘Spain amendment’ – amending the geographical scope of the Agreement

    The Contracting Parties have also invited the Kingdom of Spain to accede to the Agreement, by amending Article 2 and by specifying the Atlantic boundary of the North Sea area relevant for the purpose of the Agreement and the Annex thereto, while revising the boundaries of various zones of surveillance for the purpose of Article 6 of the Agreement. More specifically, a new definition of the revised area covered by the Agreement has been determined. France has accepted the introduction of a new zone of responsibility of France that is directly contiguous with the zone of joint responsibility of France and the United Kingdom. It covers the area between the zone of joint responsibility of France and the United Kingdom and the new zone of responsibility of Spain in order to close any gaps between the old boundary of the Bonn Agreement and the new zone of responsibility of Spain.


    Legal basis

    Procedural legal basis


    Article 218(6) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU) provides that “the Council, on a proposal by the negotiator, shall adopt a decision concluding the agreement”. Further, this article also provides that, except where agreements relate exclusively to the common foreign and security policy, the Council adopts the decision concluding the agreement after obtaining the consent of the European Parliament in case where agreements cover fields to which either the ordinary legislative procedure applies, or the special legislative procedure where consent by the European Parliament is required.

    Application to the present case

    As the Contracting Parties have agreed to amend the geographical and material scope of the Bonn Agreement, it is appropriate for the Union to conclude these amendments.

    Therefore, the procedural legal basis for the proposed decision is Article 218(6) TFEU.

    Substantive legal basis


    The substantive legal basis for a decision under Article 218(6) TFEU depends primarily on the objective and content of the envisaged act in respect of which a position is taken on the Union's behalf. If the envisaged act pursues two aims or has two components and if one of those aims or components is identifiable as the main one, whereas the other is merely incidental, the decision under Article 218(6) TFEU must be founded on a single substantive legal basis, namely that required by the main or predominant aim or component.

    Application to the present case

    With regard to an envisaged material amendment concerning the extension of the material scope (‘the MARPOL amendment’) of the Bonn Agreement, it simultaneously pursues a number of objectives in the areas of civil protection and environment, covered by Articles 196 and 191 TFEU, respectively, which are inseparably linked without one being incidental to the other. Therefore, the substantive legal basis of a decision under Article 218(6) TFEU will have to include, exceptionally, the various corresponding substantive legal bases.


    The legal basis of the proposed decision should be Article 191 TFEU and Article 196 TFEU in conjunction with Article 218(6) TFEU.


    Ex-post evaluations/fitness checks of existing legislation


    Stakeholder consultations

    The amendments are non-contentious and all Contracting Parties, including all the individual Member States that are parties to the Agreement, support them.

    Collection and use of expertise


    Impact assessment

    The formal impact assessment process had been waived due to the political imperative to move ahead quickly in order for the EU, as a Contracting Party to the Bonn Agreement, to be able to negotiate and vote on the amendments to the Bonn Agreement at the Contracting Parties’ meeting on 9-11 October 2019 as well as to endorse them at the Ministerial Meeting on 11 October 2019. This proportionate approach is also justified because it is expected that the amendments to the Bonn Agreement will only have positive economic, social and environmental impacts.

    Regulatory fitness and simplification


    Fundamental rights

    The proposal is consistent with the EU Treaties and the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union.


    The amendments to the Bonn Agreement will have no negative impact on the budget of the Union.


    Implementation plans and monitoring, evaluation and reporting arrangements


    Explanatory documents (for directives)

    NA. See section below.

    Detailed explanation of the specific provisions of the proposal

    The sole substantive article of the proposal provides for the Council’s authorisation for the Commission to conclude, on behalf of the Union, the envisaged amendments to the Bonn Agreement concerning the material extension of the scope of the Agreement in relation to Annex VI of the MARPOL Convention and the Accession of the Kingdom of Spain to the Agreement.

    The latest version of the envisaged ammendments is presented in the Annexes to the Decision and can be summarised as follows:

    The ‘MARPOL amendment’

    The Contracting Parties to the Bonn Agreement seek to take advantage of the routines and systems for aerial monitoring of oil pollution established under the Agreement to expand those to include surveillance related to compliance monitoring of emissions from ships. By so doing, the Contracting Parties will be able to make the most out of the resources already used for aerial monitoring and surveillance for oil spills and form the basis for a holistic system for environmental monitoring of the North Sea and its approaches.

    The adoption of the decision to conclude the amendment on the extension of the mandate of the Bonn Agreement in relation to Annex VI to the MARPOL Convention would improve joint surveillance, monitoring and reporting of ship emissions in the North Sea area. Such coordinated activity within the Agreement would contribute to lower the risks to the marine environment and the interests of coastal States and of the Union.

    The ‘Spain amendment’

    This amendment extends the geographical scope of the Agreement to cover the area between the zone of joint responsibility of France and the United Kingdom and the new zone of responsibility of Spain in order to close any gaps between the old boundary of the Bonn Agreement and the new zone of responsibility of Spain. France has accepted the introduction of a new zone of responsibility of France. By including the Bay of Biscay into the area covered by the Bonn Agreement, the Contracting Parties make sure that the main traffic route in Europe connecting the North Sea and the Mediterranean Sea is covered by a commonly coordinated preparedness and response management system.

    2020/0205 (NLE)

    Proposal for a


    approving amendments to the Agreement for co-operation in dealing with pollution of the North Sea by oil and other harmful substances (Bonn Agreement) with regard to the extension of its material and geographical scope of application


    Having regard to the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, and in particular Article 191(4) and Article 196(1)(c), in conjunction with Article 218(6)(a) thereof,

    Having regard to the proposal from the European Commission,

    Having obtained consent from the European Parliament,


    (1) The Agreement for co-operation in dealing with pollution of the North Sea by oil and other harmful substances (‘the Bonn Agreement’) 4   was concluded by the European Economic Community by Council Decision 84/358/EEC 5 and entered into force on 1 September 1989. The Bonn Agreement was amended in 1989. Those amendments were approved by Council Decision 93/540/EEC 6 and entered into force on 1 April 1994.

    (2) On 7 October 2019, the Council authorised the Commission to conduct negotiations on behalf of the Union with regard to amendments to the material and geographical scope of the Bonn Agreement.

    (3) In accordance with Article 16(1) of the Bonn Agreement, the Contracting Parties considered a proposal for an amendment to extend the scope of application of the Bonn Agreement to improve cooperation on surveillance in respect of the requirements of Annex VI to the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships (‛the MARPOL Convention’) 7  . In addition, the Contracting Parties also considered the amendments to the Bonn Agreement and its Annex due to the accession of Spain to this Agreement in accordance with Article 20 thereof.

    (4) The Commission has, in accordance with the Council Decision, negotiated those amendments to the Bonn Agreement, which have been adopted by unanimous vote by two decisions at the thirty-first meeting of the Contracting Parties to the Bonn Agreement held in Bonn from 9 to 11 October 2019.

    (5) Those amendments to the Bonn Agreement should be approved on behalf of the European Union,    


    Article 1

    The amendments to the Agreement for co-operation in dealing with pollution of the North Sea by oil and other harmful substances (Bonn Agreement) with regard to the extension of its material and geographical scope of application, which were adopted by the Contracting Parties at their thirty-first meeting held in Bonn from 9 to 11 October 2019, are hereby approved on behalf of the Union.

    The text of the amendments is set out in the two Decisions adopted by the Contracting Parties, attached to this Decision.

    Article 2

    The European Commission is authorised to proceed, on behalf of the European Union, to the deposit of the instrument of approval provided for in Article 16 of the Agreement, in order to express the consent of the European Union to be bound by those amendments.

    Article 3

    This Decision shall enter into force on the day of its adoption 8 .

    Done at Brussels,

       For the Council

       The President

    (1)    OJ L 188, 16.7.1984
    (2)    Council Decision 84/358/EEC of 28 June 1984 concerning the conclusion of the Agreement for Co-operation in Dealing with Pollution of the North Sea by Oil and other Harmful Substances (OJ L 188, 16.7.1984, p.7)
    (3)    Council Decision 93/540/EEC of 18 October 1993 approving certain amendments to the Agreement for cooperation in dealing with pollution of the North Sea by oil and other harmful substances (OJ L 263, 22.10.1993, p.51).
    (4)    Agreement for cooperation in dealing with pollution of the North Sea by oil and other harmful substances (Bonn Agreement) (OJ L 188, 16.7.1984, p. 9).
    (5)    Council Decision 84/358/EEC of 28 June 1984 concerning the conclusion of the Agreement for cooperation in dealing with pollution of the North Sea by oil and other harmful substances (OJ L 188, 16.7.1984, p. 7).
    (6)    Council Decision 93/540/EEC of 18 October 1993 approving certain amendments to the Agreement for cooperation in dealing with pollution of the North Sea by oil and other harmful substances (Bonn Agreement) (OJ L 263, 22.10.1993, p. 51).
    (7)    International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships, signed in London on 2 November 1973, as supplemented by the Protocol of 17 February 1978.
    (8)    The date of entry into force of the amendments will be published in the Official Journal of the European Union by the General Secretariat of the Council.

    Brussels, 28.8.2020

    COM(2020) 434 final


    to the

    Proposal for a Council Decision

    approving the conclusion, by the European Union, of the amendments to the Agreement for Co-operation in Dealing with Pollution of the North Sea by Oil and Other Harmful Substances (Bonn Agreement) with regard to the extension of its material and geographical scope of application

    Decision of the Contracting Parties to the Agreement for Cooperation in dealing with Pollution of the North Sea by Oil and Other Harmful Substances on the extension of the scope of application of the Agreement with a view to cooperation on surveillance in respect of the requirements of Annex VI to the MARPOL Convention

    The Contracting Parties to the Agreement for Cooperation in Dealing with Pollution of the North Sea by Oil and Other Harmful Substances (“the Agreement”),

    Recalling Article 16 of the Agreement, which provides that one or more Contracting Parties may propose amendments to the Agreement and that these may be adopted by unanimous vote at a meeting of the Contracting Parties,

    With the intention of ensuring that the Depository Government receives notifications of approval from all Contracting Parties as quickly as possible to permit the swift entry into force of such amendments as set out in Article 16(2) of the Agreement,

    Aiming to improve cooperation and coordination between the Contracting States in combating unlawful air emissions caused by shipping in order to limit the negative consequences of the combustion of marine fuels with high sulphur or nitrogen content for human health, biodiversity and the entire marine environment,

    adopt the following decision by unanimous vote:

    Paragraph 1 – Amendment of the title of the Agreement

    The title of the Agreement shall be amended to read as follows:

    “Agreement for Cooperation in Dealing with Pollution of the North Sea Area by Oil and Other Harmful Substances including Air Pollution Caused by Shipping”

    Paragraph 2 – Amendment of the preamble of the Agreement

    The preamble of the Agreement shall be amended as follows:

    the word “Ireland, ” is inserted before the words “the Kingdom of the Netherlands”.

    Preambular paragraphs 2 to 6 shall be amended to read as follows:

    “Recognising that pollution of the sea by oil and other harmful substances as well as air pollution caused by shipping in the North Sea area may threaten the marine environment, biodiversity, human health and the corresponding interests of coastal States,

    Noting that such types of pollution have many sources and that casualties and other incidents at sea are of great concern,

    Convinced that an ability to combat such types of pollution as well as active co-operation and mutual assistance among States are necessary for the protection of their coasts and related interests,

    Welcoming the progress that has already been achieved within the framework of the Agreement for Co-operation in Dealing with Pollution of the North Sea by Oil, signed at Bonn on 9 June 1969,

    Wishing to develop further mutual assistance and co-operation in monitoring and combating the different types of pollution, “

    Paragraph 3 – Amendment of Article 1

    Article 1 shall be amended to read as follows:

    “Article 1

    This Agreement shall apply within the North Sea area, as defined in Article 2:

    (1)    whenever the presence or the prospective presence of oil or other harmful substances polluting or threatening to pollute the sea presents a grave and imminent danger to the coast or related interests of one or more Contracting Parties; or

    (2)    whenever the presence or the prospective presence of emissions caused by shipping within the meaning of Annex VI to the MARPOL Convention polluting or threatening to pollute the marine environment contributes to the eutrophication of the sea and threatens the health of people who live on the coast or of living things in the sea; and

    (3)    to surveillance conducted as an aid to detecting and combating pollution as set out in paragraphs 1 and 2 of this Article and to preventing violations of anti-pollution regulations.”

    Paragraph 4 – Amendment of Article 5

    Article 5 shall be amended to read as follows:

    “Article 5

    (1)    Whenever a Contracting Party is aware of a casualty or the presence of oil or other harmful substances including ship emissions in the North Sea area likely to constitute a serious threat to the coast or related interests of any other Contracting Party, it shall inform that Party without delay through its competent authority.

    (2)    The Contracting Parties undertake to request the masters of all ships flying their flags and pilots of aircraft registered in their countries to report without delay through the channels which may be most practicable and adequate in the circumstances:

    (a)    all casualties causing or likely to cause pollution of the marine environment;

    (b)    the presence, nature and extent of oil or other harmful substances likely to constitute a serious threat to the coast or related interests of one or more Contracting Parties.

    (3)    The Contracting Parties shall make use of a standard form for the reporting of pollution as required under paragraph 1 of this Article.”

    Paragraph 5 – Amendment of Article 6

    Article 6 shall be amended to read as follows: 

    “Article 6

    (1)    For the sole purpose of this Agreement the North Sea area is divided into the zones described in the Annex to this Agreement.

    (2)    The Contracting Party within whose zone a situation of the kind described in Article 1 paragraph 1 of this Agreement occurs, shall make the necessary assessments of the nature and extent of any casualty or, as the case may be, of the type and approximate quantity of oil or other harmful substances and the direction and speed of movement thereof.

    (3)    The Contracting Party concerned shall immediately inform all the other Contracting Parties through their competent authorities of its assessments and of any action which it has taken to deal with the oil or other harmful substances and shall keep these substances under observation as long as they are present in its zone.

    (4)    The obligations of the Contracting Parties under the provisions of this Article with respect to the zones of joint responsibility shall be the subject of special technical arrangements to be concluded between the Parties concerned. These arrangements shall be communicated to the other Contracting Parties.”

    Paragraph 6 – Amendment of Article 15

    Article 15 shall be amended to read as follows: 

    “Article 15

    (1)    The Contracting Parties shall make provision for the performance of secretariat duties in relation to this Agreement, taking into account existing arrangements in the framework of other international agreements on the prevention of pollution of the marine environment and air pollution in force for the same region as this Agreement.

    (2)    Each Contracting Party shall contribute 2.5 % towards the annual expenditure of the Agreement. The balance of the Agreement's expenditure shall be divided among Contracting Parties other than the European Economic Community in proportion to their gross national product in accordance with the scale of assessment adopted regularly by the United Nations General Assembly. In no case shall the contribution of a Contracting Party to this balance exceed 20 % of the balance.”

    Paragraph 7 – Entry into force

    This decision shall enter into force on the first day of the second month following the date on which the Depository Government has received notifications of approval from all Contracting Parties.    

    ANNEX […]


    Brussels, 28.8.2020

    COM(2020) 434 final


    to the

    Proposal for a Council Decision

    approving amendments to the Agreement for co-operation in dealing with pollution of the North Sea by oil and other harmful substances (Bonn Agreement) with regard to the extension of its material and geographical scope of application

    Decision by the Contracting Parties to the Agreement for Co-operation in Dealing with Pollution of the North Sea by Oil and Other Harmful Substances on the Accession of the Kingdom of Spain to the Agreement

    The Contracting Parties to the Agreement for Co‑operation in Dealing with Pollution of the North Sea by Oil and Other Harmful Substances (“the Agreement”),

    RECALLING Article 20 of the Agreement, which provides that the Contracting Parties may unanimously invite any other coastal State of the North East Atlantic area to accede to the Agreement, and that in such a case Article 2 of the Agreement and its Annex shall be amended as necessary,

    HAVING EXPRESSED their unanimous intention to invite Spain to accede to the Agreement,

    WELCOMING the wish of Spain to accede to the Agreement,

    Decide by unanimous vote that

    Paragraph 1 - Amendment of the preamble of the Agreement

    The preamble of the Agreement shall be amended as follows: the words “the Kingdom of Spain,” are inserted before the words “the Kingdom of Sweden”.

    Paragraph 2 - Invitation to Spain in accordance with Article 20

    In accordance with Article 20, the Contracting Parties unanimously invite Spain to accede to the Bonn Agreement. With regard to this invitation, the following amendments to Article 2 and the Annex to this Agreement are adopted.

    Paragraph 3 - Amendment of Article 2

    Article 2 of the Agreement shall be amended so that it reads as follows:

    “Article 2

    For the purpose of this Agreement, the North Sea area means the area of sea comprising:

    (a)    the North Sea proper, southwards of latitude 61°0'00.00" N,

    (b)    the Skagerrak, the southern limit of which is determined east of the Skaw by the latitude 57°44'43.00" N,

    (c)    the Bay of Biscay, bounded on the south and west by the line defined in Part I of the Annex to this Agreement,

    (d)    the other waters, comprising the Irish Sea, the Celtic Sea, the Malin Sea, the Great Minch, the Little Minch, part of the Norwegian Sea, and parts of the North East Atlantic, bounded on the west and north by the line defined in Part II of the Annex to this Agreement.”

    Paragraph 4  - Amendment of the Annex to the Agreement

    The Annex to the Agreement shall be amended so that it reads as set out in the appendix to this decision.

    Paragraph 5 - Entry into force

    The amendments contained in this decision shall enter into force on the first day of the second month following the date of deposit by Spain of its instrument of accession to the Agreement.





    Description of the Atlantic boundary of the North Sea area and of the zones referred to in Article 6 of this Agreement

    The Atlantic boundary of the North Sea area

    Part I: The line bounding the North Sea Area to the south and southwest

    The line bounding the English Channel and its approaches to the southwest and the Bay of Biscay to the south and west shall be a line which:

    (i)commences at the western point of the coast of Spain 42° 30' 04.25" N 8° 52' 18.22" W;

    (ii)from that point, then follows the loxodromic line until the point 42° 30' 04.32" N 10° 24' 55.16" W;

    (iii)from that point, then follows the loxodromic line until the point 46° 00' 04.07" N 10° 24' 54.86" W;

    (iv)from that point, then follows the loxodromic line until the point 46° 00' 04.06" N 9° 59' 54.88" W;

    (v)from that point, then follows the line until the intersection between the parallel of latitude 48° 27' 00.00" N and the line (hereafter referred to as "the 1983 Bonn Agreement line") drawn 50 nautical miles west of a line joining the isle of Ushant and the Isles of Scilly;

    (vi)(vi)from that point of intersection, then follows the 1983 Bonn Agreement line northwards as far as its intersection with the line marking the boundary of the continental shelf between France and the United Kingdom, as defined in the arbitration decision of 30 June 1977;

    (vii)(vii)from that point of intersection, then follows the line of that boundary westwards as far as the point 48° 10' 00.00" N 9° 22' 15.91" W; and

    (viii)(viii)from that point, then follows the parallel of latitude 48° 10' 00.00" N westwards as far as the point 48° 10' 00.00" N 10° 0' 00.00" W.

    Part II: The line bounding to the west and north of the other waters covered by the Agreement

    The line bounding to the west and north of the other waters covered by the Agreement, comprising the Irish Sea, the Celtic Sea, the Malin Sea, the Great Minch, the Little Minch, part of the Norwegian sea and parts of the North East Atlantic, shall be a line which

    (i)    commences at the point 48° 10' 00.00" N 0° 00' 00.00" W;

    (ii)    from that point, then follows the western boundary of the Irish Sea pollution responsibility zone (that is, a line which is at every point 200 nautical miles distant from the nearest point on the baselines established for the purposes of the Maritime Jurisdiction Acts, 1959 to 1988, of Ireland) as far as the point 56° 42' 00.00” N 14° 00' 00.00" W;

    (iii)    from that point, then follows the western boundary of the zone established by the Merchant Shipping (Prevention of Pollution) (Limits) Regulations 1996 of the United Kingdom, as amended by the Merchant Shipping (Prevention of Pollution) (Limits) Regulations 1997 (that is, the lines joining the points listed in Table 1 below in the order in which they are listed) as far as the point 63°38'10.68" N 0°30'00.00" W; and

    (iv)    from that point follows the parallel of latitude 63°38'10.68" N eastwards to the coast of Norway.

    Table 1: Points and lines of the Western Boundary of the Zone established by The Merchant Shipping (Prevention of Pollution) (Limits) Regulations 1996 of the United Kingdom, as amended

    Points as referred to in the United Kingdom Regulations, as amended, and their coordinates

    Line segment between these points

    27.    56° 42' 00.00" N    14° 0' 00.00" W

    27-28 Meridian of Longitude

    28.    56° 49' 00.00" N    14° 0' 00.00" W

    28-29 Parallel of Latitude

    29.    56° 49' 00.00" N    14° 30' 34.00" W

    29-30 Arc measured 200 nautical miles from the relevant basepoints on St. Kilda from which the breadth of the territorial sea is measured

    30.    57° 52' 22.00" N    14° 53' 22.00" W

    30-31 Arc measured 200 nautical miles from the relevant basepoints on St. Kilda from which the breadth of the territorial sea is measured

    31.    58°30' 00.00" N    14° 48' 58.00" W

    31-32 Arc measured 200 nautical miles from the relevant basepoints on St. Kilda from which the breadth of the territorial sea is measured

    32.    59° 0' 00.00" N    14° 35' 07.00" W

    32-33 Arc measured 200 nautical miles from the relevant basepoints on St. Kilda from which the breadth of the territorial sea is measured

    33.    59° 40' 54.00" N    13° 58' 10.00" W

    33-34 Arc measured 200 nautical miles from the relevant basepoints on St. Kilda from which the breadth of the territorial sea is measured

    34.    59° 50' 00.00" N    13° 46' 24.00" W

    34-35 Parallel of Latitude

    35.    59° 50' 00.00" N    5° 0' 00.00" W

    35-36 Meridian of Longitude

    36.    60° 10' 00.00" N    5° 0' 00.00" W

    36-37 Parallel of Latitude

    37.    60° 10' 00.00" N    4° 48' 00.00" W

    37-38 Meridian of Longitude

    38.    60° 20' 00.00" N    4° 48' 00.00" W

    38-39 Parallel of Latitude

    39.    60° 20' 00.00" N    4° 24' 00.00" W

    39-40 Meridian of Longitude

    40.    60° 40' 00.00" N    4° 24' 00.00" W

    40-41 Parallel of Latitude

    41.    60° 40' 00.00" N    4° 0' 00.00" W

    41-42 Meridian of Longitude

    42.    61° 0' 00.00" N    4° 0' 00.00" W

    42-43 Parallel of Latitude

    43.    61° 0' 00.00" N    3° 36' 00.00" W

    43-44 Meridian of Longitude

    44.    61° 30' 00.00" N    3° 36' 00.00" W

    44-45 Parallel of Latitude

    45.    61° 30' 00.00" N    3° 0' 00.00" W

    45-46 Meridian of Longitude

    46.    61° 45' 00.00" N    3° 0' 00.00" W

    46-47 Parallel of Latitude

    47.    61° 45' 00.00" N    2° 48' 00.00" W

    47-48 Meridian of Longitude

    48.    62° 0' 00.00" N    2° 48' 00.00" W

    48-49 Parallel of Latitude

    49.    62° 0' 00.00" N    2° 0' 00.00" W

    49-50 Meridian of Longitude

    50.    62° 30' 00.00" N    2° 0' 00.00" W

    50-51 Parallel of Latitude

    51.    62° 30' 00.00" N    1° 36' 00.00" W

    51-52 Meridian of Longitude

    52.    62° 40' 00.00" N    1° 36' 00.00" W

    52-53 Parallel of Latitude

    53.    62° 40' 00.00" N    1° 0' 00.00" W

    53-54 Meridian of Longitude

    54.    63° 20' 00.00" N    1° 0' 00.00" W

    54-55 Parallel of Latitude

    55.    63° 20' 00.00" N    0° 30' 00.00" W

    55-56 Meridian of Longitude

    56.    63° 38' 10.68" N    0° 30' 00.00" W

    Boundaries of Zones of Responsibility referred to in Article 6 of this Agreement

    Part III:    Boundaries of the Zones of National Responsibility

    (1)    General:     Where the limits of a zone of responsibility are specified by a series of lines joining the points in a list, the nature of those lines shall be the nature specified against each point as the nature of the line joining it to the following point.

    (2)    Denmark: The zone of national responsibility of Denmark shall be limited by the following series of lines:

    (a)    a line which begins at the intersection of the boundary of the zone of joint responsibility of Denmark and Germany as described in Part IV below with a line between the point 55° 10' 03.40" N 7° 33' 09.60" E and the first point DE1/DK1 and follows this line until the point DE1/DK1;

    (b)    a series of lines joining the following points in the order in which they are listed:

    Points defining the boundary of the zone

    Nature of the line joining a point to the following point

    Other points with the same coordinates

    DK1    55° 30' 40.30" N    5° 45' 00.00" E



    DK2    55° 15' 00.00" N    5° 24' 12.00" E



    DK3    55° 15' 00.00" N    5° 9' 00.00" E



    DK4    55° 24' 15.00" N    4° 45' 00.00" E



    DK5    55° 46' 21.80" N    4° 15' 00.00" E



    DK6    55° 55' 09.40" N    3° 21' 00.00" E

    Arc of Great Circle


    DK7    56° 5' 12.00" N    3° 15' 00.00" E

    Arc of Great Circle

    UK23, NO23

    DK8    56° 35' 30.00" N    5° 2' 00.00" E

    Arc of Great Circle


    DK9    57° 10' 30.00" N    6° 56' 12.00" E

    Arc of Great Circle


    DK10    57° 29' 54.00" N    7° 59' 00.00" E

    Arc of Great Circle


    DK11    57° 37' 06.00" N    8° 27' 30.00" E

    Arc of Great Circle


    DK12    57° 41' 48.00" N    8° 53' 18.00" E

    Arc of Great Circle


    DK13    57° 59' 18.00" N    9° 23' 00.00" E

    Arc of Great Circle


    DK14    58° 15' 41.20" N    10° 1' 48.10" E

    Arc of Great Circle

    NO30, SE4

    DK15    58° 8' 00.10" N    10° 32' 32.80" E



    DK16    57° 49' 00.60" N    11° 2' 55.60" E



    DK17    57° 44' 43.00" N    11° 7' 04.00" E


    (3)    Germany: The zone of national responsibility of Germany shall be limited by the following series of lines:

    (a)    a line which begins at the intersection of the boundary of the zone of joint responsibility of Denmark and Germany as described in Part IV below with a line between the point 55° 10' 03.40" N 7° 33' 09.60" E and the first point DE1/DK1 and follows this line until the point DE1/DK1;

    (b)    a series of lines joining the following points in the order in which they are listed:

    Points defining the boundary of the zone

    Nature of the line joining a point to the following point

    Other points with the same coordinates

    DE1    55° 30' 40.30" N    5° 45' 00.00" E



    DE2    55° 15' 00.00" N    5° 24' 12.00" E



    DE3    55° 15' 00.00" N    5° 9' 00.00" E



    DE4    55° 24' 15.00" N    4° 45' 00.00" E



    DE5    55° 46' 21.80" N    4° 15' 00.00" E



    DE6    55° 55' 09.40" N    3° 21' 00.00" E

    Arc of Great Circle


    DE7    55° 50' 06.00" N    3° 24' 00.00" E

    Arc of Great Circle


    DE8    55° 45' 54.00" N    3° 22' 13.00" E

    Arc of Great Circle


    DE9    55° 20' 00.00" N    4° 20' 00.00" E

    Arc of Great Circle


    DE10    55° 0' 00.00" N    5° 0' 00.00" E

    Arc of Great Circle


    DE11    54° 37' 12.00" N    5° 0' 00.00" E

    Arc of Great Circle


    DE12    54° 11' 12.00" N    6° 0' 00.00" E

    Arc of Great Circle


    DE13    53° 59' 56.80" N    6° 6' 28.20" E


    (c)    landwards from point DE12, a line from that point towards point DE13 (that is the next agreed delimitation point 53° 59' 56.80" N 6° 6' 28.20" E) as far as the intersection of that line with the boundary of the zone of joint responsibility between the Netherlands and Germany described in Part IV below.

    (4)    Ireland: The zone of national responsibility of Ireland shall be limited by the following series of lines:

    (a)    to the north, a series of lines joining the points listed in Table 3 in the order in which they are listed;

    (b)    to the west, the western boundary of the North Sea area;

    (c)    to the east and to the south, a series of lines joining the points listed in Table 2 in the order in which they are listed.

    (5)    The Netherlands: The zone of national responsibility of the Netherlands shall be limited to the south by the parallel of latitude 51°51' 52.1267" N, and to the north of this parallel of latitude by the following series of lines:

    (a)    a series of lines joining the following points in the order in which they are listed:

    Points defining the boundary of the zone

    Nature of the line joining a point to the following point

    Other points with the same coordinates

    NL1        51° 51' 52.1267" N    2° 31' 48.0975" E

    Arc of Great Circle


    NL2        51° 59' 00.00" N    2° 37' 36.00" E

    Arc of Great Circle


    NL3        52° 1' 00.00" N    2° 39' 30.00" E

    Arc of Great Circle


    NL4        52° 5' 18.00" N    2° 42' 12.00" E

    Arc of Great Circle


    NL5        52° 6' 00.00" N    2° 42' 54.00" E

    Arc of Great Circle


    NL6        52° 12’ 24.00" N    2° 50' 24.00" E

    Arc of Great Circle


    NL7        52° 17' 24.00" N    2° 56' 00.00" E

    Arc of Great Circle


    NL8        52° 25' 00.00" N    3° 3' 30.00" E

    Arc of Great Circle


    NL9        52° 37' 18.00" N    3° 11' 00.00" E

    Arc of Great Circle


    NL10        52° 47' 00.00" N    3° 12' 18.00" E

    Arc of Great Circle


    NL11        52° 53' 00.00" N    3° 10' 30.00" E

    Arc of Great Circle


    NL12        53° 18' 06.00" N    3° 3' 24.00" E

    Arc of Great Circle


    NL13        53° 28' 12.00" N    3° 1' 00.00" E

    Arc of Great Circle


    NL14        53° 35' 06.00" N    2° 59' 18.00" E

    Arc of Great Circle


    NL15        53° 40' 06.00" N    2° 57' 24.00" E

    Arc of Great Circle


    NL16        53° 57' 48.00" N    2° 52' 00.00" E

    Arc of Great Circle


    NL17        54° 22' 48.00" N    2° 45' 48.00" E

    Arc of Great Circle


    NL18        54° 37' 18.00" N    2° 53' 54.00" E

    Arc of Great Circle


    NL19        55° 45' 54.00" N    3° 22' 13.00" E

    Arc of Great Circle


    NL20        55° 20' 00.00" N    4° 20' 00.00" E

    Arc of Great Circle


    NL21        55° 0' 00.00" N    5° 0' 00.00" E

    Arc of Great Circle


    NL22        54° 37' 12.00" N    5° 0' 00.00" E

    Arc of Great Circle


    NL23        54° 11' 12.00" N    6° 0' 00.00" E

    Arc of Great Circle


    NL24        53° 59' 56.80" N    6° 6' 28.20" E


    (b)    landwards from point NL23, a line from that point towards point NL24 (that is the next agreed delimitation point 53° 59' 56.80" N 6° 6' 28.20" E) as far as the intersection of that line with the boundary of the zone of joint responsibility between the Netherlands and Germany described in Part IV below.

    (6)    Norway: The zone of national responsibility of Norway shall be limited to the north by the parallel of latitude 63° 38' 10.68" N and to the west, south and east by the following series of lines:

    (a)    a series of lines joining the points listed in Table 4 in the order in which they are listed;

    (b)    southwards from the last point mentioned in that table, a series of lines which join the following points in the order in which they are listed:

    Points defining the boundary of the zone

    Nature of the line joining a point to the following point

    Other points with the same coordinates

    NO23    56° 5' 12.00" N    3° 15' 00.00" E

    Arc of Great Circle

    UK23, DK7

    NO24    56° 35' 30.00" N    5° 2' 00.00" E

    Arc of Great Circle


    NO25    57° 10' 30.00" N    6° 56' 12.00" E

    Arc of Great Circle


    NO26    57° 29' 54.00" N    7° 59' 00.00" E

    Arc of Great Circle


    NO27    57° 37' 06.00" N    8° 27' 30.00" E

    Arc of Great Circle


    NO28    57° 41' 48.00" N    8° 53' 18.00" E

    Arc of Great Circle


    NO29    57° 59' 18.00" N    9° 23' 00.00" E

    Arc of Great Circle


    NO30    58° 15' 41.20" N    10° 1' 48.10" E (point A)

    Arc of Great Circle

    SE4, DK14

    NO31    58° 30' 41.20" N    10° 8' 46.90" E (point B)

    Arc of Great Circle


    NO32    58° 45' 41.30" N    10° 35' 40.00" E (point C)



    NO33    58° 53' 34.00" N    10° 38' 25.00" E (point D)


    (c)    then a line following the Norwegian-Swedish border.

    (7)    Sweden: The zone of national responsibility of Sweden shall be limited to the south by the parallel of latitude 57° 44' 43.00" N, and to the north of this parallel of latitude by a series of lines

    (a) joining the following points in the order in which they are listed:

    Points defining the boundary of the zone

    Nature of the line joining a point to the following point

    Other points with the same coordinates

    SE1    57° 44' 43.00" N    11° 7' 04.00" E



    SE2    57° 49' 00.60" N    11° 2' 55.60" E



    SE3    58° 8' 00.10" N    10° 32' 32.80" E



    SE4    58° 15' 41.20" N    10° 1' 48.10" E (point A)

    Arc of Great Circle

    DK14, NO30

    SE5    58° 30' 41.20" N    10° 8' 46.90" E (point B)

    Arc of Great Circle


    SE6    58° 45' 41.30" N    10° 35' 40.00" E (point C)



    SE7    58° 53' 34.00" N    10° 38' 25.00" E (point D)


    (b)    then a line following the Swedish-Norwegian border.

    (8)    United Kingdom: The zone of national responsibility of the United Kingdom shall be limited

    (a)    to the east, by a series of lines comprising:

    (i)    a series of lines joining the points listed in Table 4 in the order in which they are listed;

    (ii)    a series of lines joining the following points in the order in which they are listed:

    Points defining the boundary of the zone

    Nature of the line joining a point to the following point

    Other points with the same coordinates

    UK23    56° 5' 12.00" N    3° 15' 00.00" E

    Arc of Great Circle

    NO23, DK7

    UK24    55° 50' 06.00" N    3° 24' 00.00" E

    Arc of Great Circle


    UK25    54° 37' 18.00" N    2° 53' 54.00" E

    Arc of Great Circle


    UK26    54° 22' 48.00" N    2° 45' 48.00" E

    Arc of Great Circle


    UK27    53° 57' 48.00" N    2° 52' 00.00" E

    Arc of Great Circle


    UK28    53° 40' 06.00" N    2° 57' 24.00" E

    Arc of Great Circle


    UK29    53° 35' 06.00" N    2° 59' 18.00" E

    Arc of Great Circle


    UK30    53° 28' 12.00" N    3° 1' 00.00" E

    Arc of Great Circle


    UK31    53° 18' 06.00" N    3° 3' 24.00" E

    Arc of Great Circle


    UK32    52° 53' 00.00" N    3° 10' 30.00" E

    Arc of Great Circle


    UK33    52° 47' 00.00" N    3° 12' 18.00" E

    Arc of Great Circle


    UK34    52° 37' 18.00" N    3° 11' 00.00" E

    Arc of Great Circle


    UK35    52° 25' 00.00" N    3° 3' 30.00" E

    Arc of Great Circle


    UK36    52° 17' 24.00" N    2° 56' 00.00" E

    Arc of Great Circle


    UK37    52° 12' 24.00" N    2° 50' 24.00" E

    Arc of Great Circle


    UK38    52° 6' 00.00" N    2° 42' 54.00" E

    Arc of Great Circle


    UK39    52° 5' 18.00" N    2° 42' 12.00" E

    Arc of Great Circle


    UK40    52° 1' 00.00" N    2° 39' 30.00" E

    Arc of Great Circle


    UK41    51° 59' 00.00" N    2° 37' 36.00" E

    Arc of Great Circle


    UK42    51° 51' 52.1267" N    2° 31' 48.0975" E

    Arc of Great Circle


    (b)    to the south and west, by the following series of lines:

    (i)    a line commencing at the westernmost point of the Isles of Scilly, and joining that point to the point 49° 52' 00.00" N 7° 44' 00.00" W;

    (ii)    from that point, a line following the 1983 Bonn Agreement line (as defined in Part I above) southwards to its intersection with the boundary of the continental shelf between France and the United Kingdom as defined in the arbitration decision of 30 June 1977;

    (iii)    from that point of intersection, the line of that boundary westwards as far as the point 48° 10' 00.00" N 9° 22' 15.91" W; and

    (iv)    from that point, a series of lines joining the points listed in Table 2 in the order in which they are listed to the outer limit of the territorial sea adjacent to Northern Ireland at the point 54° 0' 00.00" N 05° 36' 20.00" W;

    (c)    to the west and north, by the following series of lines:

    (i)    a line joining the point in the territorial sea adjacent to Northern Ireland nearest to the point 55° 31' 13.36" N 6° 45' 00.00" W with that point;

    (ii)    from that point, a series of lines joining the points listed in Table 3 in the order in which they are listed as far as the point 56° 42' 00.00” N 14° 00' 00.00" W;

    (iii)    from that point, a line which follows the western and northern boundaries of the North Sea area as far as the point 63° 38' 10.68” N 0° 30' 00.00" W.

    Table 2: Points and Lines of the Boundary between the Responsibility Zones of Ireland and the United Kingdom – East and South

    Points defining the boundary of the zones

    Nature of the line joining a point to the following point

    IR1/UK50    48° 10' 00.00" N    10° 0' 00.00" W

    Meridian of Longitude

    IR2/UK51    48° 20' 00.00" N    10° 0' 00.00" W

    Parallel of Latitude

    IR3/UK52    48° 20' 00.00" N    9° 48' 00.00" W

    Meridian of Longitude

    IR4/UK53    48° 30' 00.00" N    9° 48' 00.00" W

    Parallel of Latitude

    IR5/UK54    48° 30' 00.00" N    9° 36' 00.00" W

    Meridian of Longitude

    IR6/UK55    48° 50' 00.00" N    9° 36' 00.00" W

    Parallel of Latitude

    IR7/UK56    48° 50' 00.00" N    9° 24' 00.00" W

    Meridian of Longitude

    IR8/UK57    49° 0' 00.00" N    9° 24' 00.00" W

    Parallel of Latitude

    IR9/UK58    49° 0' 00.00" N    9° 17' 00.00" W

    Meridian of Longitude

    IR10/UK59    49° 10' 00.00" N    9° 17' 00.00" W

    Parallel of Latitude

    IR11/UK60    49° 10' 00.00" N    9° 12' 00.00" W

    Meridian of Longitude

    IR12/UK61    49° 20' 00.00" N    9° 12' 00.00" W

    Parallel of Latitude

    IR13/UK62    49° 20' 00.00" N    9° 3' 00.00" W

    Meridian of Longitude

    IR14/UK63    49° 30' 00.00" N    9° 3' 00.00" W

    Parallel of Latitude

    IR15/UK64    49° 30' 00.00" N    8° 54' 00.00" W

    Meridian of Longitude

    IR16/UK65    49° 40' 00.00" N    8° 54' 00.00" W

    Parallel of Latitude

    IR17/UK66    49° 40' 00.00" N    8° 45' 00.00" W

    Meridian of Longitude

    IR18/UK67    49° 50' 00.00" N    8° 45' 00.00" W

    Parallel of Latitude

    IR19/UK68    49° 50' 00.00" N    8° 36' 00.00" W

    Meridian of Longitude

    IR20/UK69    50° 0' 00.00" N    8° 36' 00.00" W

    Parallel of Latitude

    IR21/UK70    50° 0' 00.00" N    8° 24' 00.00" W

    Meridian of Longitude

    IR22/UK71    50° 10' 00.00" N    8° 24' 00.00" W

    Parallel of Latitude

    IR23/UK72    50° 10' 00.00" N    8° 12' 00.00" W

    Meridian of Longitude

    IR24/UK73    50° 20' 00.00" N    8° 12' 00.00" W

    Parallel of Latitude

    IR25/UK74    50° 20' 00.00" N    8° 0' 00.00" W

    Meridian of Longitude

    IR26/UK75    50° 30' 00.00" N    8° 0' 00.00" W

    Parallel of Latitude

    IR27/UK76    50° 30' 00.00" N    7° 36' 00.00" W

    Meridian of Longitude

    IR28/UK77    50° 40' 00.00" N    7° 36' 00.00" W

    Parallel of Latitude

    IR29/UK78    50° 40' 00.00" N    7° 12' 00.00" W

    Meridian of Longitude

    IR30/UK79    50° 50' 00.00" N    7° 12' 00.00" W

    Parallel of Latitude

    IR31/UK80    50° 50' 00.00" N    7° 3' 00.00" W

    Meridian of Longitude

    IR32/UK81    51° 0' 00.00" N    7° 3' 00.00" W

    Parallel of Latitude

    IR33/UK82    51° 0' 00.00" N    6° 48' 00.00" W

    Meridian of Longitude

    IR34/UK83    51° 10' 00.00" N    6° 48' 00.00" W

    Parallel of Latitude

    IR35/UK84    51° 10' 00.00" N    6° 42' 00.00" W

    Meridian of Longitude

    IR36/UK85    51° 20' 00.00" N    6° 42' 00.00" W

    Parallel of Latitude

    IR37/UK86    51° 20' 00.00" N    6° 33' 00.00" W

    Meridian of Longitude

    IR38/UK87    51° 30' 00.00" N    6° 33' 00.00" W

    Parallel of Latitude

    IR39/UK88    51° 30' 00.00" N    6° 18' 00.00" W

    Meridian of Longitude

    IR40/UK89    51° 40' 00.00" N    6° 18' 00.00" W

    Parallel of Latitude

    IR41/UK90    51° 40' 00.00" N    6° 6' 00.00" W

    Meridian of Longitude

    IR42/UK91    51° 50' 00.00" N    6° 6' 00.00" W

    Parallel of Latitude

    IR43/UK92    51° 50' 00.00" N    6° 0' 00.00" W

    Meridian of Longitude

    IR44/UK93    51° 54' 00.00" N    6° 0' 00.00" W

    Parallel of Latitude

    IR45/UK94    51° 54' 00.00" N    5° 57' 00.00" W

    Meridian of Longitude

    IR46/UK95    51° 58' 00.00" N    5° 57' 00.00" W

    Parallel of Latitude

    IR47/UK96    51° 58' 00.00" N    5° 54' 00.00" W

    Meridian of Longitude

    IR48/UK97    52° 0' 00.00" N    5° 54' 00.00" W

    Parallel of Latitude

    IR49/UK98    52° 0' 00.00" N    5° 50' 00.00" W

    Meridian of Longitude

    IR50/UK99    52° 4' 00.00" N    5° 50' 00.00" W

    Parallel of Latitude

    IR51/UK100    52° 4' 00.00" N    5° 46' 00.00" W

    Meridian of Longitude

    IR52/UK101    52° 8' 00.00" N    5° 46' 00.00" W

    Parallel of Latitude

    IR53/UK102    52° 8' 00.00" N    5° 42' 00.00" W

    Meridian of Longitude

    IR54/UK103    52° 12' 00.00" N    5° 42' 00.00" W

    Parallel of Latitude

    IR55/UK104    52° 12' 00.00" N    5° 39' 00.00" W

    Meridian of Longitude

    IR56/UK105    52° 16' 00.00" N    5° 39' 00.00" W

    Parallel of Latitude

    IR57/UK106    52° 16' 00.00" N    5° 35' 00.00" W

    Meridian of Longitude

    IR58/UK107    52° 24' 00.00" N    5° 35' 00.00" W

    Parallel of Latitude

    IR59/UK108    52° 24' 00.00" N    5° 22' 48.00" W

    Meridian of Longitude

    IR60/UK109    52° 32' 00.00" N    5° 22' 48.00" W

    Parallel of Latitude

    IR61/UK110    52° 32' 00.00" N    5° 28' 00.00" W

    Meridian of Longitude

    IR62/UK111    52° 44' 00.00" N    5° 28' 00.00" W

    Parallel of Latitude

    IR63/UK112    52° 44' 00.00" N    5° 24' 30.00" W

    Meridian of Longitude

    IR64/UK113    52° 52' 00.00" N    5° 24' 30.00" W

    Parallel of Latitude

    IR65/UK114    52° 52' 00.00" N    5° 22' 30.00" W

    Meridian of Longitude

    IR66/UK115    52° 59' 00.00" N    5° 22' 30.00" W

    Parallel of Latitude

    IR67/UK116    52° 59' 00.00" N    5° 19' 00.00" W

    Meridian of Longitude

    IR68/UK117    53° 9' 00.00" N    5° 19' 00.00" W

    Parallel of Latitude

    IR69/UK118    53° 9' 00.00" N    5° 20' 00.00" W

    Meridian of Longitude

    IR70/UK119    53° 26' 00.00" N    5° 20' 00.00" W

    Parallel of Latitude

    IR71/UK120    53° 26' 00.00" N    5° 19' 00.00" W

    Meridian of Longitude

    IR72/UK121    53° 32' 00.00" N    5° 19' 00.00" W

    Parallel of Latitude

    IR73/UK122    53° 32' 00.00" N    5° 17' 00.00" W

    Meridian of Longitude

    IR74/UK123    53° 39' 00.00" N    5° 17' 00.00" W

    Parallel of Latitude

    IR75/UK124    53° 39' 00.00" N    5° 16' 20.40" W

    Meridian of Longitude

    IR76/UK125    53° 42' 08.40" N    5° 16' 20.40" W

    Parallel of Latitude

    IR77/UK126    53° 42' 08.40" N    5° 17' 51.00" W

    Meridian of Longitude

    IR78/UK127    53° 44' 24.00" N    5° 17' 51.00" W

    Parallel of Latitude

    IR79/UK128    53° 44' 24.00" N    5° 19' 19.80" W

    Meridian of Longitude

    IR80/UK129    53° 45' 48.00" N    5° 19' 19.80" W

    Parallel of Latitude

    IR81/UK130    53° 45' 48.00" N    5° 22' 00.00" W

    Meridian of Longitude

    IR82/UK131    53° 46' 00.00" N    5° 22' 00.00" W

    Parallel of Latitude

    IR83/UK132    53° 46' 00.00" N    5° 19' 00.00" W

    Meridian of Longitude

    IR84/UK133    53° 59' 56.95" N    5° 19' 00.00" W

    Table 3: Points and Lines of the Boundary between the Responsibility Zones of Ireland and the United Kingdom – North

    Points defining the boundary of the zones

    Nature of the line joining a point to the following point

    IR85/UK134    55° 31' 13.36" N    6° 45' 00.00" W

    Meridian of Longitude

    IR86/UK135    55° 28' 00.00" N    6° 45' 00.00" W

    Parallel of Latitude

    IR87/UK136    55° 28' 00.00" N    6° 48' 00.00" W

    Meridian of Longitude

    IR88/UK137    55° 30' 00.00" N    6° 48' 00.00" W

    Parallel of Latitude

    IR89/UK138    55° 30' 00.00" N    6° 51' 00.00" W

    Meridian of Longitude

    IR90/UK139    55° 35' 00.00" N    6° 51' 00.00" W

    Parallel of Latitude

    IR91/UK140    55° 35' 00.00" N    6° 57' 00.00" W

    Meridian of Longitude

    IR92/UK141    55° 40' 00.00" N    6° 57' 00.00" W

    Parallel of Latitude

    IR93/UK142    55° 40' 00.00" N    7° 2' 00.00" W

    Meridian of Longitude

    IR94/UK143    55° 45' 00.00" N    7° 2' 00.00" W

    Parallel of Latitude

    IR95/UK144    55° 45' 00.00" N    7° 8' 00.00" W

    Meridian of Longitude

    IR96/UK145    55° 50' 00.00" N    7° 8' 00.00" W

    Parallel of Latitude

    IR97/UK146    55° 50' 00.00" N    7° 15' 00.00" W

    Meridian of Longitude

    IR98/UK147    55° 55' 00.00" N    7° 15' 00.00" W

    Parallel of Latitude

    IR99/UK148    55° 55' 00.00" N    7° 23' 00.00" W

    Meridian of Longitude

    IR100/UK149    56° 0' 00.00" N    7° 23' 00.00" W

    Parallel of Latitude

    IR101/UK150    56° 0' 00.00" N    8° 13' 00.00" W

    Meridian of Longitude

    IR102/UK151    56° 5' 00.00" N    8° 13' 00.00" W

    Parallel of Latitude

    IR103/UK152    56° 5' 00.00" N    8° 39' 30.00" W

    Meridian of Longitude

    IR104/UK153    56° 10' 00.00" N    8° 39' 30.00" W

    Parallel of Latitude

    IR105/UK154    56° 10' 00.00" N    9° 7' 00.00" W

    Meridian of Longitude

    IR106/UK155    56° 21' 30.00" N    9° 7' 00.00" W

    Parallel of Latitude

    IR107/UK156    56° 21' 30.00" N    10° 30' 00.00" W

    Meridian of Longitude

    IR108/UK157    56° 32' 30.00" N    10° 30' 00.00" W

    Parallel of Latitude

    IR109/UK158    56° 32' 30.00" N    12° 12' 00.00" W

    Meridian of Longitude

    IR110/UK159    56° 42' 00.00" N    12° 12' 00.00" W

    Parallel of Latitude

    IR111/UK160    56° 42' 00.00" N    14° 0' 00.00" W

    Table 4: Points and Lines of the Boundary between the Responsibility Zones of Norway and the United Kingdom

    Points defining the boundary of the zones

    Nature of the line joining a point to the following point

    NO1/UK1    63° 38' 10.68" N    0° 10' 59.31" W


    NO2/UK2    63° 03' 20.71" N    0° 28' 12.51" E


    NO3/UK3    62° 58' 21.06" N    0° 33' 31.01" E


    NO4/UK4    62° 53' 29.49" N    0° 38' 27.91" E


    NO5/UK5    62° 44' 16.31" N    0° 47' 27.69" E


    NO6/UK6    62° 39' 57.99" N    0° 51' 29.48" E


    NO7/UK7    62° 36' 20.75" N    0° 54' 44.78" E


    NO8/UK8    62° 32' 47.29" N    0° 57' 48.32" E


    NO9/UK9    62° 30' 09.83" N    1° 0' 05.92" E


    NO10/UK10    62° 27' 32.82" N    1° 2' 17.70" E


    NO11/UK11    62° 24' 56.68" N    1° 4' 25.86" E


    NO12/UK12    62° 22' 21.00" N    1° 6' 28.21" E


    NO13/UK13    62° 19' 40.72" N    1° 8' 30.96" E


    NO14/UK14    62° 16' 43.93" N    1° 10' 40.66" E


    NO15/UK15    61° 44' 12.00" N    1° 33' 13.44" E


    NO16/UK16    61° 44' 12.00" N    1° 33' 36.00" E

    Arc of Great Circle

    NO17/UK17    61° 21' 24.00" N    1° 47' 24.00" E

    Arc of Great Circle

    NO18/UK18    59° 53' 48.00" N    2° 4' 36.00" E

    Arc of Great Circle

    NO19/UK19    59° 17' 24.00" N    1° 42' 42.00" E

    Arc of Great Circle

    NO20/UK20    58° 25' 48.00" N    1° 29' 00.00" E

    Arc of Great Circle

    NO21/UK21    57° 54' 18.00" N    1° 57' 54.00" E

    Arc of Great Circle

    NO22/UK22    56° 35' 42.00" N    2° 36' 48.00" E

    Arc of Great Circle

    NO23/UK23    56° 5' 12.00" N        3° 15' 00.00" E

    (9)    France: The zone of national responsibility of France shall be limited, from north to south, by a series of lines joining the following points in the order in which they are listed:

    Points defining the boundary of the zone

    Nature of the line joining a point to the following point

    Other points with the same coordinates

    FR01    48° 19' 56.52" N    4° 46' 23.67" W


    FR02    48° 27' 00.00" N    5° 08' 23.63" W

    Parallel of Latitude

    FR03    48° 27' 00.00" N    6° 34' 40.90" W


    FR04    46° 00' 04.06" N    9° 59' 54.88" W



    FR05    45° 00' 04.04" N    7° 59' 55.08" W



    FR06    44° 20' 03.93" N    3° 59' 55.37" W



    FR07    43° 23' 20.71" N    1° 46' 13.58" W



    FR08    43° 22' 50.11" N    1° 47' 11.18" W


    (10)    Spain: The zone of national responsibility of Spain shall be limited, by a series of lines joining the following points in the order in which they are listed:

    Points defining the boundary of the zone

    Nature of the line joining a point to the following point

    Other points with the same coordinates

    SP1    42º 30’ 04.25”N    008° 52’ 18.22” W


    SP2    42º 30’ 04.32” N    010° 24’ 55.16” W


    SP3    46º 00’ 04.07” N    010° 24’ 54.86” W


    SP4    46º 00’ 04.06” N    009° 59’ 54.88” W



    SP5    45° 00' 04.04" N    007° 59' 55.08" W



    SP6    44° 20' 03.93" N    003° 59' 55.37" W



    SP7    43° 23' 20.71" N    001° 46' 13.58" W



    SP8    43° 22' 50.11" N    001° 47' 11.18" W


    Part IV:     Boundaries of the Zones of Joint Responsibility

    The zones of joint responsibility shall be as follows:

    1.    Zone of Joint Responsibility of Belgium, France, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom

    The sea area between the parallels of latitude 51°51' 52.1267" N and 51° 6' 00.00"N.

    2.    Zone of Joint Responsibility of France and the United Kingdom

    The English Channel south-west of the parallel of latitude 51° 32' 00.00" N to a line which:

    (a)    commences at the westernmost point of the Isles of Scilly, and joins that point with the point 49°52'00.00"N 7° 44' 00.00" W;

    (b)    from that point, follows a line drawn 50 nautical miles west of a line joining the Isles of Scilly and the isle of Ushant southwards to its intersection with the parallel of latitude 48° 27' 00.00" N, and;

    (c)    follows that parallel of latitude eastwards to the southernmost point of the isle of Ushant.

    3.    Zone of Joint Responsibility of Denmark and Germany

    The sea area bounded by:

    (a)    to the south, the parallel of latitude 54° 30' 00.00" N westwards from the coast of Germany;

    (b)    to the west, the meridian of longitude 6° 30' 00.00" E;

    (c)    to the north, the parallel of latitude 55° 50' 00.00" N westwards from the coast of Denmark; and

    (d)    to the east, the low water line (based on Chart Datum Lowest Astronomical Tide (LAT)) , including the Wadden sea area.

    4.    Zone of Joint Responsibility of Germany and the Netherlands

    The sea area bounded by:

    (a)    to the west, the meridian of longitude 6° 0' 00.00" E (ED50) northwards from the coast of the Netherlands;

    (b)    to the north, the parallel of latitude 54° 0' 00.00" N (ED50);

    (c)    to the east, the meridian of longitude 7° 15' 00.00" E (ED50), northwards from the coast of Germany; and

    (d)    to the south, the low water line (based on Chart Datum Lowest Astronomical Tide (LAT)), including the Wadden sea area.

    Part V: Interpretation

    The positions of the points referred to in this Annex shall be determined according to the European Geodesic System (1950 version).”

    ANNEX […]
