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This document is an excerpt from the EUR-Lex website

Document 52016DC0740


    COM/2016/0740 final

    Strasbourg, 22.11.2016

    COM(2016) 740 final


    Proposal for
    a new European Consensus on Development
    Our World, our Dignity, our Future

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    Table of Contents



    1. Global challenges and the 2030 Agenda    

    1.1. Global challenges and trends    

    1.2 The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development    

    2. The EU response    

    2.1 A stronger and more effective EU in a changing world    

    2.2. Principles and values guiding EU development action.    

    3. Our common priorities - a framework for action    

    3.1. People – human development and dignity    

    3.2. Planet – protecting the environment, managing natural resources and tackling climate change    

    3.3. Prosperity – inclusive and sustainable growth and jobs    

    3.4. Peace – peaceful and inclusive societies, democracy, effective and accountable institutions, rule of law and human rights for all    

    4. Partnership - the EU as a force for implementation of the 2030 Agenda    

    4.1. Working better together    

    4.2. Fostering stronger, more inclusive multi-stakeholder partnerships    

    4.3. Tailoring development partnerships to reflect capacities and needs    

    5. Strengthening approaches to improve EU impact    

    5.1. Mobilising and making effective use of all Means of Implementation    

    5.2. Policy coherence for development    

    5.3. Development effectiveness    

    6. Following up on our commitments    


    The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development (the 2030 Agenda) 1 , adopted by the United Nations in September 2015, represents a new and ambitious framework to achieve sustainable development and poverty eradication. The core of the 2030 Agenda is the set of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and associated targets.

    Consistent with its active part in the negotiations, the EU should play a leading role in implementing the Agenda. A number of initiatives are being taken forward for this purpose. The Commission Communication on "Next steps for a sustainable European future: European action for sustainability" 2 shows the significance of the SDGs for Europe and explains how the EU contributes to reaching them, including through EU external action. The Global Strategy on the EU's Foreign and Security Policy 3 , which provides a vision for Europe's engagement in the world, highlights the importance of the SDGs in the context of EU external action. In addition, the 2030 Agenda needs to be incorporated into the Union's development cooperation policy, and in particular by revising the shared vision of the EU institutions and the Member States set out in the Consensus on Development 4 , which was signed in 2005 and pursued the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals.

    In relation to development cooperation policy, both the Union and its Member States are obliged to comply with the commitments and take account of the objectives they have approved in the context of the United Nations 5 . In line with the procedure followed in 2005 6 , this Commission Communication proposes a new Consensus on Development. It aims to update the development response to current global challenges and to promote the implementation of the 2030 Agenda in partnership with developing countries, taking account of the new framework provided by the Lisbon Treaty. It reflects the analysis of the responses to the online public consultation 7 held from May to August 2016, other consultative and outreach discussions and further preparatory assessment work 8 .

    Given its broad policy scope, the objective of contributing to the implementation of the 2030 Agenda in developing countries can best be met through enhancing coordination of the development cooperation policies of the EU and its Member States. The purpose of the proposed new European Consensus on Development aligned with the new Agenda, with a shared vision and common long-term orientations is to provide the framework for the common approach to development cooperation policy that will be applied by the EU and its Member States.

    The Commission asks the Council and the Parliament to adopt the new Consensus on Development, in the form of a Joint statement by the Council and the representatives of the governments of the Member States meeting within the Council, the European Parliament and the Commission.


    1. Global challenges and the 2030 Agenda

    1.1. Global challenges and trends

    1.The world has changed considerably since the last European Consensus on Development 9 in 2005, in terms of both opportunities and risks. Societal and economic issues are increasingly inter-linked, which opens new perspectives for shared progress, while often precluding simple solutions to problems. There have been important global demographic shifts, combined with economic, social and environmental changes. Global population is growing by around 80 million additional people a year and by 2050, 70% of the world population will live in cities. Even if the overall growth rate is slowing, 2.4 billion people are projected to be added to the global population between 2015 and 2050, of which 1.3 billion will be in Africa. Addressing the education and employment needs of youth will be challenging.

    2.The levels and geography of poverty and inequality have shifted and developing countries have become increasingly diversified. The Millennium Development Goals have played a pivotal role in driving unprecedented development progress. Since 2005, over half a billion people have escaped from extreme poverty and hunger, mostly in East Asia. Less than 10% of the world's population lives in extreme poverty. Yet challenges persist. By 2030 the majority of the world's poor will be concentrated in fragile and conflict-affected states and in sub-Saharan Africa, although substantial pockets of poverty will remain in some middle-income countries. Reaching the poor in such divergent situations requires differentiated approaches. Inequality within countries is a growing concern for growth and stability. Over 70% of the world's population live in countries where inequality has increased over the last two decades. True gender equality remains a distant aspiration..

    3.Building resilience and sustainability is indispensable for lasting solutions to complex global challenges. Poverty increases vulnerability and high levels of vulnerability aggravate the chronic effects of poverty. Extreme and chronic fragility, structural and recurring crises remain the source of humanitarian emergencies and are hampering the development of entire communities. Protracted crises and conflicts place a huge burden on national and international resources and on the fulfilment of human rights. At over 65 million, the number of refugees and displaced persons is at its highest level since the Second World War. Development achievements are being challenged by emerging global public health threats. After the financial crisis, growth is recovering but not to pre-crisis levels. Shortcomings in governance, democracy, human rights and the rule of law, including corruption and security challenges and the shrinking space for public participation and civil society, pose a fundamental challenge to the effectiveness of development efforts.

    4.Global public goods are under stress. The world still faces persistent environmental problems, in particular the challenge of climate change, which threatens development gains and disproportionately affect the poor. Access to sustainable and affordable energy services particularly in Sub-Saharan Africa is limited and remains a critical challenge to economic growth and industrialisation in the continent. Renewable energy generation represents about 25% of global production, although it is growing in terms of share and investment. Sustainable agriculture and food systems, including sustainable fisheries, will have to address the needs of a growing global population while protecting the environment. Water demand and water stress will increase significantly over the next decades, making it a major challenge for adaptation to climate change impacts. Oceans are under increasing pressure. Access to scarce natural resources is at risk, given depletion and unsustainable management, requiring support for a transformation towards a more circular economy, based on resource efficiency.

    5.The development landscape is expanding, encompassing more and new actors and innovative solutions. The private sector is increasingly a key partner in fostering more sustainable models of development. Combining public and private resources to leverage more investments is allowing to step up engagement, also in challenging environments. A realignment of global resources and investment is needed to achieve sustainable development. Information and communications technology, as well as resilient and efficient infrastructure networks, offer major opportunities for progress across sectors.

    6.The Global Strategy on the European Union's Foreign and Security Policy (EUGS) 10 calls for a credible, responsive and joined-up Union. The Consensus on Development is a key element of the engagement of the European Union (EU) in the world and of its response to global challenges.

    1.2 The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development

    7.The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development (the 2030 Agenda), adopted in September 2015 by the United Nations General Assembly 11 , is the international community's agreed comprehensive response to these challenges and trends. The evolution from the Millennium Development Goals to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) reflects the changing approach to global development, based on common objectives, self-reliance, mutual interest and shared responsibility across countries at all stages of development. The SDGs reflect a vision based on universal human rights fully consistent with EU values and offer an opportunity to promote the EU experience in sustainable development.

    8.The 2030 Agenda is universal, applying to all countries. All countries face these challenges together and must use all means at our disposal to tackle them. The Agenda must be implemented as a whole and not selectively. Implementation must be based on a rules-based global order, with multilateralism as its key principle and the United Nations at its core.

    9.With the Sustainable Development Goals at its heart, the 2030 Agenda sets out a comprehensive vision of what needs to be achieved to eradicate poverty and promote sustainable development. It balances the three dimensions of sustainable development, includes the key issues of governance and peaceful and inclusive societies, and recognises the important inter-linkages between its goals and targets.

    10.The Addis Ababa Action Agenda 12 , as an integral part of the 2030 Agenda, sets a new paradigm for implementation through financial and non-financial means - placing domestic action and sound policies at its heart. Together, the 2030 Agenda and the Addis Ababa Action Agenda set out what is needed, through a global partnership encompassing policy and financial means, to achieve the SDGs. The 2030 Agenda is also complemented by the Sendai 13 framework on disaster risk reduction and the Paris agreement on Climate Change, which provides a binding framework with universal commitments.

    11.The EU and its Member States must respond to current global challenges and opportunities in the light of the 2030 Agenda which they helped to shape. This Consensus on Development is a key element of the overall response. The European institutions will work together to take it further, while respecting their distinct institutional roles and competences. In relation to development cooperation policy, action by the EU and its Member States is mutually reinforcing and must be coordinated to promote the complementarity and efficiency of their action 14 . Given the requirement for the Union and its Member States to comply with the commitments and take account of the objectives they have approved in the context of the United Nations 15 , the purpose of the new European Consensus on Development is to provide the framework for the common approach to development cooperation policy that will be applied by the EU and its Member States. It therefore applies to the European Union and its Member States.

    2. The EU response

    2.1 A stronger and more effective EU in a changing world

    12.The EU and its Member States are strongly committed to implementing the Agenda to achieve sustainable development in its three dimensions – economic, social and environmental - in a balanced and integrated manner. A range of EU policies contribute in a coherent manner to this objective, involving many different actors. By contributing to the achievement of the 2030 Agenda, the EU will foster a stronger, more sustainable, inclusive and prosperous Europe, as set out in the Commission Communication "Next steps for a sustainable European future: European action for sustainability" 16 . Implementation will be closely coordinated with that of the Paris agreement on Climate Change 17 and other international commitments, given their major inter-linkages.

    13.EU external action will be important for the successful implementation of the 2030 Agenda globally. The EU itself has also changed in the last years. With the new institutional set-up and political instruments further to the Lisbon Treaty, it is today better equipped to respond to global challenges and opportunities where they arise. The EUGS provides a vision for Europe's engagement in the world, including its main interests and priorities, through a range of policies, which include development policy. The EUGS highlights the important role of the 2030 Agenda, which has the potential to trigger the necessary transformation in support of EU values and the objectives of EU external action.

    14.Development policy pursues the objectives of EU external action. This includes the objective, set out in Article 21(2)(d) of the Treaty of the European Union (TEU) of fostering the sustainable economic, social and environmental development of developing countries, with the primary aim of eradicating poverty, as laid down in Article 208 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU). In line with the objectives set out in Article 21 (2) TEU, development policy also contributes to inter alia: supporting democracy, the rule of law and human rights; preserving peace and preventing conflict; improving the quality of the environment and the sustainable management of global natural resources; and promoting an international system based on stronger multilateral cooperation and good global governance. Therefore the Consensus will also contribute to the requirement of ensuring the consistency between the different areas of EU external action and between these and its other policies 18 .

    15.Development policy is an essential part of the range of EU policies to tackle global challenges, manage interdependence and build a better world. Development policy will continue to be coordinated with other EU policies, including humanitarian aid, trade and regional integration, the revised European Neighbourhood Policy 19 , health, environment, energy, agriculture, fisheries, migration and science, technology and innovation to deliver more effective results. Development cooperation addresses several root causes of insecurity, conflicts, complex crises and the flows of refugees, displaced persons and irregular migrants. Sustainable development and poverty eradication are essential to address global challenges in the long run.

    16.This Consensus will contribute to the achievements of the priorities of EU external action, as further set out in the EUGS, including through support to resilience at all levels and the promotion of shared prosperity. The SDGs will be a cross-cutting dimension of all the work to implement the EUGS 20 . Further action on resilience in this context will address the ability of states and societies to reform, thus withstanding and recovering from internal and external crises. It will also reflect that, echoing the SDGs, resilience is a broad concept, encompassing all individuals and the whole of society 21 , and requires strengthening capacities to deal with vulnerability to risks emanating inter alia from socioeconomic conditions, environment and climate change, disasters and conflicts. In doing so, it will address the key drivers of fragility affecting the most vulnerable populations.

    17.The EU is well placed to play its part. It derives great strength from its political and social solidarity and is a major economic and trading partner with countries across the world. It has a major global presence through its extensive diplomatic networks, including in post-conflict and fragile states. It is a global source of policies and best practice for sustainable development in many fields. It has long experience in development cooperation, using a wide range of instruments and channels. It is also a leading player in protecting global public goods.

    18.A critical factor to achieve these common objectives and make the biggest contribution to the 2030 Agenda is to act united as the EU. The EU and its Member States therefore commit to working together better. The EUGS recognises that greater coherence is required between Member States and EU institutions; and between the internal and external dimensions of EU policies. Coherent and consistent engagement will result in greater credibility, legitimacy, added value, influence and positive impact in the world. The EU and its Member States must be united in diversity, using a variety of experiences and approaches, bearing in mind respective comparative advantages.

    2.2. Principles and values guiding EU development action.

    19.This Consensus is governed by the principles of EU external action, set out in Article 21(1) of the TEU, which it seeks to advance in the wider world: democracy, the rule of law, the universality and indivisibility of human rights and fundamental freedoms, respect for human dignity, the principles of equality and solidarity, and respect for the principles of the United Nations Charter and international law. These universal values are at the heart of the 2030 Agenda.

    20.The EU and its Member States will implement a rights-based approach to development cooperation 22 . This will encompass all human rights and promotes inclusion and participation; non-discrimination; equality and equity; transparency and accountability. The approach will continue to play a key role in ensuring that no-one is left behind under the 2030 Agenda, wherever they live and regardless of ethnicity, gender, age, disability, religion or belief, sexual orientation, migration status or other status. This approach is fully consistent with the primary objective of EU development policy which is the reduction and, in the long term, the eradication of poverty. It includes addressing multiple discriminations faced by vulnerable people.

    21.Gender equality is at the core of EU values and enshrined in its legal and political framework. It is vital for achieving the SDGs and cuts across the whole 2030 Agenda. The EU and its Member States will promote women’s rights, gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls and their protection as a priority across all areas of action.

    Gender Equality

    Women and girls continue to be deprived of rights, resources and voice. They are less likely than men to be in education, training or paid work. Social norms and discriminatory legal frameworks can leave girls and women with little control over decisions that affect their lives. The gender gap is even larger when gender inequality intersects with other forms of exclusion such as disability, age, ethnicity, sexual orientation or geographical remoteness. Gender equality positively impacts on progress on democracy, human rights, health, education, growth and conflict resolution and gender action must be mainstreamed across all relevant policies.

    The EU is a global leader in promoting gender equality and women and girls' empowerment in its external relations, particularly through the comprehensive, results-oriented EU Gender Action Plan 2016-2020 23 . As a contribution to the 2030 Agenda, the EU and its Member States will translate this policy approach to gender into concrete actions to empower women and girls, including tackling discrimination and violence against them. This will include: promoting their economic and social rights and empowerment; strengthening their voice; ensuring their physical and psychological integrity; and shifting the institutional culture of the EU and its Member States to deliver on commitments.

    3. Our common priorities - a framework for action

    22.The 2030 Agenda is highly inter-connected. Its implementation requires comprehensive national sustainable development strategies that integrate in a balanced manner the economic, social and environmental dimensions of sustainable development. Actions to address one priority have impacts in other areas and some challenges, such as sustainability and inequality, permeate all parts of the Agenda. Recognising the need to take these inter-linkages into account in planning and implementing development cooperation, the EU and its Member States will pay particular attention to integrated actions that can create co-benefits and meet multiple objectives in a coherent way, giving more prominence to key drivers with cross-cutting transformative potential, such as gender equality, youth, investments, sustainable energy, migration and mobility.

    23.In this context, the development action of the EU and its Member States will be structured around the priorities framing the 2030 Agenda: people, planet, prosperity, peace and partnership.

    3.1. People – human development and dignity

    24.Eradicating poverty in all its dimensions, tackling discriminations and inequalities and leaving no one behind will remain at the heart of EU development cooperation policy, building on the major new impetus which the 2030 Agenda gives to these objectives. Progress in these areas will provide a stronger foundation for sustainable development.

    25.The SDGs highlight the areas where continued progress is required to ensure human development and dignity. The EU and its Member States will pursue an end to hunger, universal health coverage, universal access to quality education and training, adequate and sustainable social protection and decent work for all, within a healthy environment.  They will support partners in fulfilling their responsibility to strengthen their national policies and governance for the sustainable provision of essential services. They will put a strong focus on the protection of the most vulnerable.

    26.The EU and its Member States will work to ensure access for all to affordable, safe, sufficient and nutritious food. They will make greater efforts to end hunger, ensure food security and nutrition and enhance resilience of the most vulnerable, particularly in countries facing recurrent crises. They will continue to take action to address all forms of malnutrition, tackling under-nutrition and the stunting and wasting of children.

    27.The EU and its Member States will support the poorest communities in improving access for all to land, food, water and clean, affordable energy without damaging effects on the environment. Safe drinking water and sanitation is a basic service and a pre-requisite for health, growth and productivity. It is also particularly vulnerable to environmental degradation, including climate change. The EU and its Member States will support sustainable and integrated water management through a more strategic approach to regional development and integration. They will promote sustainable urban development to improve services, accessibility and the quality of life of rapidly growing urban populations while forging stronger links between rural and urban areas.

    28.Better health is the cornerstone of human dignity and global prosperity. The EU and its Member States will continue to act to strengthen health systems, prevent and combat communicable diseases, such as HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, malaria and hepatitis, help secure affordable medicines and vaccines for all, and address global health threats, such as antimicrobial resistance. They will reduce child and maternal mortality and malnutrition, promote mental health and address the growing burden of non-communicable diseases in partner countries.

    29.Ensuring access to quality education for all is a prerequisite for long-lasting development. The EU and its Member States will support inclusive life-long learning and equitable quality education at all levels - early childhood, primary, secondary, tertiary, technical and vocational training and adult learning, with special attention to education and training opportunities for girls and women. They will work harder to ensure everyone has the knowledge, skills, capabilities and rights they need to enjoy a life in dignity, to be fully engaged in society as responsible and productive adults, and to contribute to the social and economic well-being of their communities and to the promotion of and access to culture.


    Young people's needs and aspirations require particular attention. By 2030, the number of youth aged 15-24 years in the world is projected to grow by 7%, to nearly 1.3 billion, with many concentrated in developing countries, especially in regions like Africa and South Asia, where the median age is below the world level. Creating sufficient good quality jobs for the young will remain a key challenge. Young people are particularly vulnerable in situations of violent conflict, organised crime and trafficking. Targeted policies and appropriate investment are required to promote young people's rights and facilitate their engagement in social, civic and economic life, and to ensure their full contribution to inclusive growth and sustainable development. To ensure sustainable progress and inclusiveness, youth also needs to participate in democratic processes and assume leadership roles.

    Sub-Saharan Africa faces a particular challenge and will have to create about 18 million jobs per year up to 2035 to absorb new labour market entrants. The EU and its Member States will increase the focus on meeting the needs of youth and improving their future prospects, in particular aiming to increase quality employment and entrepreneurship, supported by effective education, vocational training, skills development, and access to digital technologies and services. The EU will also aim to strengthen youth empowerment and participation in local economies, societies and decision-making and in the conduct of public affairs. This will also aim to harness the demographic youth dividend, digital innovation capacity and offer opportunities for youth to enjoy greater mobility and benefit from technological progress.

    30.Economic growth is lasting and more beneficial to the poorest, when it is inclusive. The EU and its Member States will act to reduce inequality of outcomes and opportunity. By doing so, they will assist the poorest sections of society directly and also help to promote more inclusive, sustainable growth that does not compromise future generations. To tackle rising economic and social inequalities, the EU and its Member States will support national development paths that maximise positive social outcomes and impacts and that pay due attention to better sharing the benefits of growth, the creation of wealth and decent jobs and of improved access to factors of production, such as land or finance. They will work with partner countries to promote progressive taxation and redistributive public expenditure policies that promote access to quality basic services for all, in particular to quality education, health services and sanitation. They will also support efficient, sustainable and equitable social protection systems to guarantee basic income, prevent relapses into extreme poverty and build resilience. They will assess the determinants and trends of economic and social inequalities and strengthen their tools and approaches to make them more effective in addressing inequality, including by mainstreaming the reduction of inequality in their activities. They will promote the rights of persons with disabilities and work to ensure their participation on an equal basis.

    31.The EU and its Member States will vigorously promote the protection and fulfilment of women's and girls' rights. They will pursue the fulfilment of obligations under the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women. They remain committed to the promotion, protection and fulfilment of all human rights and to the full and effective implementation of the Beijing Platform for Action and Cairo Programme of Action, of the International Conference on Population and Development and the outcomes of their review conferences and remain committed to sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) in this context.

    32.The EU and its Member States will reinforce their focus on eradicating poverty in very poor, fragile or conflict-affected countries where, for the foreseeable future, domestic resources will not be sufficient to provide basic social services for all; a stronger focus on human development remains essential.

    33.The EU and its Member States will strengthen resilience, particularly of vulnerable populations, in the face of environmental and economic shocks, natural and man-made disasters and global threats to healthThey will systematically integrate in their action the objective that individuals, communities and countries should be able to better prepare for, withstand, adapt, and quickly recover from stresses and shocks without compromising long-term development prospects 24 . This will entail closer cooperation and complementary action between development and humanitarian actors, building on a shared analysis of risks and vulnerabilities. During protracted crises, the EU and its Member States will protect longer-term social structures, deliver humanitarian and development assistance in a coherent way, and integrate long-term displaced people into wider development planning, including access to education and decent jobs.

    34.The EU and its Member States will promote the resilience of long-term forcibly displaced persons and their inclusion in the economic and social life of host countries, recognising that displaced peoples' capabilities are a vital portable asset, essential for their resilience and for re-building their lives. The EU and its Member States will apply a rights-based approach, paying special attention to accompanied and unaccompanied minors and other highly vulnerable people.

     3.2. Planet – protecting the environment, managing natural resources and tackling climate change

    35.Environmental sustainability, including a stable climate, is indispensable to poverty eradication and sustainable development, particularly for the poorest sections of society. Human well-being and resilient societies depend on healthy ecosystems and a functioning environment. Environmental degradation, including climate change, can offset economic progress, jeopardise peace and stability and cause large-scale migration. In addition to dedicated actions, environmental consideration needs to be integrated across all sectors of development cooperation sectors, including through preventive action. A responsible private sector and the application of the 'polluter pays' principle will also be critical to success. The EU and its Member States will promote resource efficiency and sustainable consumption and production with a view to decouple economic growth from environmental degradation and enable the transition to a circular economy. They will also make enhanced use of science, technology and innovation to promote environmental sustainability, and will promote the use by partners of the comprehensive data and information available through European and international Earth observation programmes to support evidence-based decisions that take into account the state of the environment.

    36.The EU and its Member States will support the conservation and sustainable management of all natural resources, and the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity and ecosystems, including forests, oceans, coastal areas, river water basins and other ecosystems. They will promote co-benefits from sustainable management, including enhancing climate resilience and adaptation. They will enhance the integration of sustainability in all cooperation sectors and raise the profile of environment issues in dialogues with our partners. They will promote the use of natural capital accounting. They will support better governance and capacity building for the sustainable management of natural resources, promoting the involvement of stakeholders and the respect for the rights of all including indigenous and local communities. They will promote the protection and restoration of marine ecosystems to achieve healthy and productive oceans, the sustainable management of ocean resources and sustainable fisheries, including through improved ocean governance and the development of the blue economy.

    37.The 2030 Agenda requires urgent efforts by all on global public goods. The EU and its Member States will implement the 2030 Agenda and the Paris climate change agreement through coordinated, coherent action, to exploit synergies in full, building also on other international frameworks such as the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction and the New Urban Agenda 25 .

    38.The EU and its Member States will integrate environment and climate, including mitigation and adaptation, throughout its development cooperation strategies. They will support national strategies, including cross-government planning and programming, which promote resilience, reduce climate risk and contribute to emission reduction, consistent with the implementation of Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) to the Paris Agreement. In turn, the legally binding character of the Paris Agreement and the requirement to adopt NDCs can also give an impetus to national development planning in the context of the 2030 Agenda.

    39.Energy is a critically important development enabler and central to solutions for a sustainable planet. The scale of financial investment needed to bring universal access to clean energy services requires the engagement of many actors. The EU and its Member States will increase cooperation with all relevant parties, including the private sector, on energy demand management, energy efficiency, renewable energy generation and clean technology development and transfer. They will also promote the phase-out of fossil-fuel subsidy, stable and transparent energy markets and deployment of smart grids and the use of digital technologies for sustainable energy management.

    Sustainable energy and climate change

    Access to sustainable and affordable energy and tackling climate change are two challenges to be addressed in close coordination to achieve sustainable development in its three dimensions. Developing countries need energy to promote inclusive growth and further improve standards of living in an environmentally friendly manner. Investment in energy can ensure access to clean water, clean cooking, education and healthcare and also create jobs and support local businesses. The EU and its Member States will address energy poverty by contributing towards universal access to energy services that are affordable, modern, reliable and sustainable, with a strong focus on renewable energy. Supporting Africa and our neighbourhood in this energy transition will be a part of the enabling framework for the EU's Energy Union. It will go hand in hand with continued EU action consistent with its global leadership in tackling climate change and supporting third countries to tackle climate change and transition into a low-emission climate-resilient economy.

    Taking into account diverse conditions in partner countries, the EU and its Member States will address these issues through strategic dialogue, best practice and knowledge sharing and development cooperation. Strategic investment in sustainable energy will be used to support the improvement of regulatory frameworks enabling the development of a healthy energy sector and to leverage private finance. EU action needs to be supported by key drivers including: political ownership and partnerships; an adequate regulatory framework for the energy sector; and boosting investment. This enhanced strategy will ensure constructive and consistent EU engagement with partners on energy and climate.

    3.3. Prosperity – inclusive and sustainable growth and jobs

    40.A key challenge in the 2030 Agenda is achieving inclusive and sustainable growth and creating decent jobs, particularly for women and youth. The EU and its Member States will promote an economic transformation that creates decent jobs, generates sufficient revenues for public services, and fosters sustainable value chains. This includes promoting sustainable consumption and production patterns in a circular economy, resource efficiency and the transformation to low-emission and climate resilient pathways. Inclusive sustainable growth builds long-term resilience in partner countries, by creating opportunities for vulnerable population groups and those most at risk, to participate in, and benefit from, wealth and job creation, It is a medium and long term solution to addressing the root-causes of instability, irregular migration and forced displacement.

    41.The EU and its Member States will help to make developing countries more business-friendly. They will contribute to improving conditions for economic activity by promoting better policies and regulatory environment, better business environments, new business models and greater government capacity. They will promote access to financial services, including for women, for the poor and for micro, small and medium enterprises. They will also promote private sector initiatives and social enterprises providing local services. Public sector investment in research and innovation capacity in developing countries can also help unlock private sector investment and help drive economic and social development.

    42.The EU and its Member States will promote and facilitate trade and investment in developing countries in support of sustainable development. The EU has a strong record in opening its markets to least developed countries and will continue to promote trade as a key driver of growth and poverty reduction in developing countries.  Through the implementation of the 'Trade for All' strategy, the EU and its Member States will support their trading partners to fulfil their commitment under the Addis Ababa Action Agenda to integrate sustainable development at all levels of trade policy and to achieve progress in a broad range of SDGs. The EU and its Member States will coordinate development cooperation programmes with trade policy tools in support of the implementation of the provisions in trade agreements relating to trade and sustainable development. They will combine the skills and resources of the private sector with supportive trade policies and instruments, Aid for Trade and economic diplomacy, which will promote inclusive and sustainable economic growth and help third countries adopt growth models that take account of resource scarcity and climate change action.


    The 2030 Agenda and the Addis Ababa Action Agenda provide a framework within which responsible investment can contribute to sustainable development in all its dimensions. It can help guide resourcing decisions in support of human capacity, infrastructure, institutions and services so as to maximise returns. Investment is an important means of implementing the 2030 Agenda. Sustainable investments help to diversify economies, link them to regional and global value chains, promote regional integration and trade, enhance local economic value and meet social needs.

    The purpose of the proposed European External Investment Plan 26 is to provide an integrated financial package to finance investments in Africa and the EU neighbourhood. The Plan includes a European Fund for Sustainable Development; technical assistance to develop sustainable projects and attract investors; and a set of measures aimed at improved economic governance and business environments and engagement with the private sector. It will build on EU experience with blending public grants with third party loans to catalyse more funds for sustainable development. The Plan includes a new Guarantee facility to leverage additional finance, particularly from the private sector, by addressing the key factors that promote investment. The Guarantee will be funded by the EU and wherever possible other contributors and will be used to absorb potential losses incurred by eligible investors (including the International Financial Institutions and private sector investors) and therefore lower the risk profile of investment in developing countries.

    The implementation of the Plan would thus contribute to growth and job creation, deliver innovative products or services and attract private investment. It will contribute to the attainment of the SDGs thus helping to tackle the root causes of migration. The EU and its Member States will also contribute to scaling-up private and public investments in low-carbon, climate-resilient green economy. They will seek to contribute to improving resource efficiency, decoupling growth from environmental degradation, promoting sustainable consumption and production and reducing vulnerabilities. Investments will be undertaken in partnership with local enterprises and actors and in respect of land rights and labour rights.

    43.The EU and its Member States will work with the domestic and international private sector, including employers' and workers' organisations, to promote responsible, sustainable and effective approaches. The private sector should engage in responsible and sustainable activities that contribute to the implementation of the 2030 Agenda. The EU and its Member States will promote the mobilisation of private resources for development in areas with significant transformation potential for sustainable development, including sustainable agriculture, clean energy, resilient infrastructure, health, green and circular economy and digitalisation. Higher uptake of responsible practices by a wider range of EU companies with supply chains in developing countries, in close partnership with their public and private stakeholders, and promoting fair and ethical trade, would make a strong contribution to implementation of the 2030 Agenda. Sustainable development and corporate social responsibility commitments need to be built into business models as a matter of course. The EU and its Member States will continue to support responsible business practices and responsible management of supply chains, integrating human and labour rights, financial probity and environmental standards and accessibility. They will work to prevent human rights abuses and promote the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. They will promote labour standards that ensure decent employment conditions for workers, in particular those defined by the International Labour Organisation, both in the formal and informal sector, including by supporting the transition from the informal to the formal economy.

    44.Sustainable agriculture, together with sustainable fisheries and aquaculture, remains a key driver for poverty eradication and sustainable development. Two-thirds of the world's poor depend on agriculture for their livelihoods, and a number of developing countries remain highly dependent on trade in few commodities. Investments in sustainable agriculture are needed to diversify production systems, prevent malnutrition and generate increases in productivity and jobs, without harming the environment. Major private sector investment is required in Africa, particularly as the agri-food and agro-industry sector is a key sector for creating the jobs needed in the short- and medium-term. These investments must protect soils, conserve water resources, prevent deforestation, and maintain healthy ecosystems. Smallholder farmers and the poor remain of central importance, with a particular focus on youth integration and women's empowerment. Sustainable agriculture must harness the greenhouse gas mitigation potential of agriculture, while enhancing resilience to climate change impacts. The EU and its Member States will aim to develop agricultural value chains which benefit the poor and encourage agro-industry to generate jobs and added value. This includes increasing the quality of sanitary and phytosanitary conditions, promoting sustainable fisheries and aquaculture practices, and supporting action to tackle illegal fishing, marine pollution and climate change impacts. The EU will seek to improve governance relating to tenure of land, oceans, and forests.

    45.Digital technologies are being adopted in the developing world at an unprecedented rate. However, lack of connectivity, mainly in Africa, and limited competition make digital technologies unaffordable for the majority of the population.

    46.The EU and its Member states will continue to develop their support for promoting information and communication technologies in developing countries as powerful enablers of growth ("Digital for Development"). The EU and its Member States will focus on better mainstreaming digital solutions in development. They will support enabling environments for the digital economy by enhancing free, open and secure connectivity. They will support digital entrepreneurship, innovation and job creation, and will promote the use of digital technologies in other priority areas (such as governance, agriculture, education, health and energy). They will also support digital literacy and skills to empower people, including the most vulnerable.

    47.The EU and its Member States will support the design, construction and operation of urban infrastructures that are more resource efficient. They will also support the development of sustainable, interconnected and secure transport networks and other resilient infrastructure to promote growth, trade and investments.

    48.The EU and its Member States will seek to boost the potential of cities as hubs for sustainable, inclusive growth and innovation, taking account of their wider rural communities. In line with the UN's New Urban Agenda, they will promote the delivery of basic services, sustainable land planning, equitable management of land markets and sustainable urban mobility. They will promote inclusive and balanced territorial and urban policies. They will build cities' resilience to shocks and harness opportunities for a low-carbon and climate-resilient economy.

    3.4. Peace – peaceful and inclusive societies, democracy, effective and accountable institutions, rule of law and human rights for all

    49.Inclusive societies and accountable, democratic institutions are preconditions for sustainable development and stability. The EU and its Member States will promote the universal values of democracy, good governance, rule of law and human rights for all - across the full range of partnerships and instruments and across all situations, including through development action. They will support the domestic efforts, tailored to the needs and context of each society to build sustainable democratic states, resilient to external and internal shocks. To meet these objectives they will promote accountable and transparent institutions, participatory decision-making and public access to information. They will promote effective multi-level governance, with the participation of vulnerable groups, through partnerships between national, sub-national and local governments. They will support and promote an open and enabling space for civil society, inclusive approaches and transparency in decision making at all levels. They will support initiatives to tackle corruption. They will continue to support inclusive, transparent and credible elections and active participation of citizens throughout the electoral cycle. They will support democratic governance that ensures the enjoyment of fundamental freedoms, including freedom of religion or belief and that delivers on universal human rights, whether civil, political, economic, social or cultural, including the promotion of cultural diversity. Political dialogue will be a major platform for action, including with and beyond partner governments.

    50.The EU and its Member States will foster efficient, independent, open and accountable justice systems to promote the rule of law. They will continue to support justice reform in order to promote access to justice for all - and in particular the poor and vulnerable groups of society.

    51.Poverty, conflict, fragility, humanitarian need and forced displacement are deeply inter-linked and must be addressed in a coherent and comprehensive way. The EU and its Member states will address their various root causes at all levels, ranging from exclusion, inequality, human rights violations and absence of the rule of law to environmental degradation including climate change.

    52.The EU and its Member States will use development cooperation as part of the full range of policies and instruments to prevent, manage and help resolve conflicts and crises, meet humanitarian needs and build lasting peace and good governance. The prime focus of development cooperation remains poverty eradication and there will be no diversion of effort from that goal. To this end, the EU and its Member States will promote the comprehensive approach 27 to conflict and crises, focusing on fragility, human security and recognising the nexus between sustainable development, peace and security. These actions will take place at all levels, from global to local, and at all stages of the conflict cycle, from early warning to prevention to crisis response and stabilisation. In the context of development cooperation, the EU and its Member States will work with security sector actors, including military actors under exceptional circumstances, to build their capacity to support sustainable development objectives, in particular the achievement of peaceful and inclusive societies. They will promote shared solutions to security and development challenges, including through support for security sector reform 28 and capacity building for security and development. They will also focus their efforts on preventing and countering violent extremism by strengthening the resilience of individuals and communities to the appeal of radicalisation and extremism, including through fostering religious tolerance and interreligious dialogue. They will continue to support the principle of responsibility to protect and the prevention of atrocity crimes.

    53.The EU and its Member States will focus their development cooperation in fragile and conflict-affected states and support to the most vulnerable. By promoting and protecting human rights, democracy, the rule of law and good governance, the EU and its Member States will proactively contribute to building stability and security and promoting resilience in fragile situations. This includes efforts to tackle urban crime and violence. They will integrate conflict sensitivity in their work, to maximise the impact for peace and human security. They will promote peace, state-building, transparency, accountability and access to justice, by engaging with all stakeholders in conflict-prevention, peace-keeping and peace-building processes. They will support transitional justice through context-specific measures promoting truth, justice, reparation and guarantees of non-recurrence. Stabilisation requires bridging the gap between conflict resolution and longer term reform processes taking hold, building trust between government and population including through jump-starting delivery of services. In this context the EU and its Member States will revitalise partnerships with qualified regional partners. The success of interventions related to peace and security depends particularly on cooperation with local actors and their ownership of the process. The EU and its Member States will address all aspects of preventing and responding to sexual and gender-based violence in conflict and post-conflict situations, and support women's participation in conflict prevention, conflict resolution and relief and recovery.

    54.The EU and its Member States will implement humanitarian and development cooperation in a more coherent and complementary way, thus actively contributing to building resilience and tackling chronic vulnerability and risk. This requires improved working practices between the development and humanitarian communities to strengthen the linking of relief, rehabilitation and development, including a deeper exchange of information, donor coordination, joint analysis of risks and vulnerabilities, a shared definition of strategic priorities, joint programming, transition strategies and through the EU's Conflict Early Warning System. The EU and its Member States will ensure early engagement and close cooperation of political and development actors from the outset, to complement and build on the humanitarian actors' emergency and early recovery interventions. Ensuring humanitarian access to provide basic relief, and the protection of humanitarian principles and law, are paramount, in line with the commitments made at the World Humanitarian Summit in May 2016.

    55.The EU and its Member States will increase its efforts to build resilience and adaptability to change, consistent with the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030 and the Paris Agreement on climate change. Helping people and communities to be better prepared, reducing their exposure and vulnerability, and strengthening resilience to withstand and recover from shocks and disasters is key to reducing adverse impact and avoiding loss of lives and livelihoods. The EU and its Member States will build risk assessments and gap analysis into their development cooperation programmes. They will also build preparedness for cross-border threats to health, in line with International Health Regulations, in particular through capacity building of national and regional health systems.

    56.Migration is a complex, global, long-lasting phenomenon requiring a carefully-designed, balanced, evidence-based and sustainable policy response. The 2030 Agenda clearly recognises the positive contribution of migration and mobility to inclusive growth and sustainable development. This contribution can benefit the migrants themselves, their families and the countries of origin and destination. They are significant drivers of the global economy: total remittances to developing countries in 2015 were well over twice total Official Development Assistance (ODA) flows. The EU and its Member States will step up efforts to seize the opportunities for development offered by migration, while addressing its challenges. This will include promoting in partner countries investment and innovation to boost growth and employment opportunities, supporting social and education systems and working with private sector partners and others to lower the cost of remittances.

    57.Poorly managed migration can create major challenges and impact negatively on countries of origin, transit and destination, on the migrants themselves and on communities where they transit or settle. In the worst scenario, migrant populations can be denied human rights, access to health and education, and risk falling victims of forced labour and human trafficking. Similarly, poorly managed migration, in both host and transit countries, can create challenges requiring rapid responses and might in some extreme cases put host countries' health and education systems, governance and overall stability and security under severe strain. Thus, addressing migration cuts across many policy areas, including development, good governance, human rights, employment, health, education, social protection and environment, including climate change. The EU and its Member States will contribute to this objective through a more coordinated, systematic and structured approach maximixing the synergies and the leverages of the internal and external aspects of Union policies, combining immediate humanitarian support to refugees and internally displaced persons and more structural support in relation to migration through development policy, which will be an important part of this effort.

    Mobility and migration

    The EU and its Member States will step up efforts to better manage migration and forced displacement in partner countries in all its aspects, including addressing its root causes. Through strengthened engagement, they will help to facilitate the safe, orderly regular and responsible migration and mobility of people, in order to seize the opportunities for development offered by migration, while addressing its challenges. Addressing migration and forced migration successfully requires short- and long-term cross-sectoral interventions, policies and legal frameworks, to ensure migrant protection, while meeting the needs of both migrants and host populations.

    The EU and its Member States will do this by consolidating migration as a key part of EU foreign policy dialogue, including through the elaboration of tailor-made responses and strengthened partnerships within the Partnership Framework Approach 29 . These comprehensive partnerships will include the engagement of all policies and tools that can address the multiple aspects of migration and forced displacement, including on legal migration, irregular migration, trafficking in human beings, border management, remittances, international protection and return and reintegration on the basis of mutual accountability and full respect of our humanitarian and human rights obligations. The Partnership Framework approach will also include reinforced attention to address the drivers of irregular migration and forced displacement, fully embedded in a strengthened context-specific evidence base. The engagement of the EU and its Member States will include working directly with partner countries' central and local authorities, but also with non-government actors, including civil society and the business community, as well as international organisations. Through these strengthened efforts the EU and its Member States will actively support the elaboration of the Global Compacts on Migration and Refugees, as called by the New York Declaration for Refugees and Migrants of 19 September 2016 30 .

    4. Partnership - the EU as a force for implementation of the 2030 Agenda

    58.While recognising that each country has primary responsibility for its own economic and social development, the 2030 Agenda makes clear that it will be implemented by all countries and all stakeholders acting in collaborative partnership. In response to global challenges and trends and focused on the priorities identified above, the EU and its Member States will further improve the way they deliver their cooperation, including through working together better. This includes improving effectiveness and impact through greater coordination and coherence. In order to be more effective in pursuing its objectives, and in particular eradication of poverty, EU development policy must be adaptable and responsive to pressing needs, potential crises and evolving policy priorities.

    4.1. Working better together

    59.At country level, the EU and its Member States will enhance joint programming in development cooperation in order to increase their collective impact by bringing together their resources and capacities. In the face of growing challenges, there is more need than ever for a common vision for EU support aligned to a partner country's efforts as well as stronger policy and political dialogue. Working together, the EU and its Member States will share knowledge and develop strategic responses grounded in quality analysis of the country context, including poverty and sustainability, and the country's overall relations with the EU – for instance in security, trade or migration. In doing so, they will take account of country- and sector-specific priorities and policies and of available means of development financing, in line with the Addis Ababa Action Agenda. The EU and its Member States will pursue enhanced coordination and synergies, including through joint programming processes also in fragile and conflict-affected countries, using joint conflict analysis.

    60.An increased use of EU single response strategies and, where appropriate, joint indicative programmes will ensure greater impact. This should also take account of other countries' and international actors' comparative advantages. This will help reduce fragmentation and boost effectiveness. Joint monitoring and results frameworks will be core elements of the single strategic response, in order to maintain momentum, inform dialogue and enhance mutual accountability. Joint programming should be open to other relevant donors and international actors at country level.

    61.The EU and its Member States will provide support to partner countries through joint actions in order to implement their cooperation. Joint actions can be implemented at national, regional or international level and will provide for coherent and effective collective EU support to given sectors, on specific themes or for a shared objective adapted to country contexts. This should strengthen a coordinated policy dialogue with partner countries, linked to other areas of external action and bring EU expertise together for greater impact.

    62.Joint actions will be open to all EU partners who agree and can contribute to a common vision, including from the private sector and civil society. This could also include other like-minded governments, the United Nations and other international organisations. Joint actions must also be underpinned by a strong knowledge base and take account of all available sources of support. Joint actions could be implemented through various modalities and building on different actors' comparative advantage. Joint actions will be monitored and evaluated jointly, based on a joint results framework.

    63.Coordinated work by the EU and its Member States on budget support will help to promote SDG implementation efforts in partner countries, improve macroeconomic and public financial management, and improve the business environment. Budget support, when applicable and with those willing to participate, will be used to strengthen partnership, country ownership and mutual accountability with developing countries, based on shared principles, objectives and interests and in response to partners countries' political, economic and social contexts. Budget support will be applied consistently with the principles of development effectiveness and will be accompanied by capacity development, knowledge and expertise transfers. It will thus complement developing countries' efforts to collect more and spend better in support of sustainable development, and to promote inclusive growth and job creation, poverty eradication, inequality reduction and peaceful societies. Budget support can also contribute to addressing the causes of fragility and to promoting stability and state-building in countries in fragile situations or transition.

    64.EU Trust Funds provide opportunities for effective joined-up action by the EU, Member States and other development partners. EU Trust Funds allow the EU and its Member States to pool resources and apply quick and flexible decision-making and implementation and maximise the impact, effectiveness and visibility of EU development cooperation for delivering on the SDGs. They offer administrative efficiency and high added value, including by engaging those donors willing to contribute financially but without the capacity to act locally.

    65.Blending public grants and loans, which can also leverage private finance is another important means to implement the 2030 Agenda. Blending covers all regions of EU external cooperation in sectors including energy, transport and water infrastructure, support for Small and Medium Enterprises, social sectors and the environment. Stronger engagement of the private sector will be needed, using innovative financial instruments to help attract more private finance for sustainable development, including for climate action. Blending is a major component of the proposed European External Investment Plan. Close partnership with the European Investment Bank (EIB) and other EU and Member States' financial institutions will be a key feature of EU blending activities. Other international financial institutions will also be engaged.

    66.The EU and its Member States will coordinate and develop unified positions in international fora on all matters related to the Consensus. This will both enhance the EU and Member States' collective influence and also contribute to more effective multilateral discussions.

    4.2. Fostering stronger, more inclusive multi-stakeholder partnerships

    67.Stronger partnerships are at the heart of the EU's approach to SDG implementation. The EU and its Member States will work more closely with all other relevant stakeholders to promote implementation of the 2030 Agenda.

    68.National governments have primary responsibility for implementing the 2030 Agenda. In relation with partner countries, the EU and its Member States will put renewed emphasis on country ownership, partnership and dialogue, in order to contribute to greater effectiveness. They will provide support for inclusive national planning in developing countries. They will promote open government dialogues with all stakeholders at the planning, implementation and review stages. Such processes will help national governments to assess available means of implementation, identify gaps and select appropriate areas for development and other international cooperation. A fundamental aim will be to build developing country capacity for implementation of the 2030 Agenda. This will include support for the mobilisation and effective use of domestic public finance, which represents by far the largest and most stable source for financing sustainable development. It will also include promoting eGovernment systems for efficient tax collection and transparency in use of public funds. The EU and its Member States will support capacity-building for nationally owned monitoring frameworks, quality data collection, disaggregation and analysis and for policy coherence for sustainable development.

    69.The achievement of most of the SDGs will also depend on the active involvement of local authorities. The EU and its Member States will support decentralisation reforms, when appropriate, to empower local authorities for better governance and development impact. They will support processes to help people to interact effectively with local government at all stages of policy planning and implementation.

    70.Successful implementation also requires forging stronger partnerships beyond governments. The EU and its Member States will expand partnerships with the private sector, civil society, including trade unions and employers' organisations, multilateral organisations, academia, diaspora groups and others. They will continue to support capacity building of relevant stakeholders.

    71.The EU and its Member States will deepen their partnerships with civil society organisations (CSOs). They will promote operating space and enabling environments for CSOs to play their full role as advocates and implementers. They will support CSO commitments to effective, transparent and results-oriented development cooperation.

    72.The EU and its Member States recognise the key role of the private sector as an engine for long-term sustainable development and the need to engage with them through structured dialogue and shared development objectives. The EU and its Member States will develop practical partnership arrangements that are collaborative, transparent and open for business and other stakeholders' participation. They will support sustainable and ethical business practices and create incentives for private sector investment in global sustainable development.

    73.The EU and its Member States will work with multilateral organisations, including the United Nations system, the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank Group, the G7, G20, OECD and other multilateral institutions, to encourage them to align with the 2030 Agenda and foster mutual support in its implementation. The EU and its Member States will seek synergies with the United Nations, both globally and with UN country teams on the ground, including in order to improve UN effectiveness. They will promote the participation of developing countries in the governance of multilateral organisations.

    4.3. Tailoring development partnerships to reflect capacities and needs

    74.To be effective, EU engagement through development action must vary according to the capacities and needs of developing countries. The EU and its Member States will work with developing countries in an increasingly diversified and tailored manner. Partnerships should encompass development cooperation and financial assistance and go beyond those to involve a range of strategies, policies and instruments, in order to reflect the growing variety of developing country circumstances.

    75.EU financial cooperation will be focused where it is most needed and can have most impact. The EU and its Member States will keep the prime focus of their development cooperation on the poorest countries, including least developed countries, and fragile and conflict-affected states, which have the lowest potential to raise finance and the greatest shortfalls in means to achieve the SDGs and which will continue to depend heavily on international public finance. Efforts are needed to identify and reach those people being left behind, through the delivery of essential services, increasing prospects for growth and building resilience to shocks.

    76.The EU and its Member States will develop their engagement with more advanced developing countries, beyond financial cooperation. These countries need fewer or no concessional forms of assistance, but are crucial for the implementation of the 2030 Agenda. The EU and its Member States will engage in development policy dialogue with these countries and across a range of policies through combinations of political, security, economic, scientific, technical, technological and adapted financial cooperation, as may be appropriate.

    Innovative engagement with more advanced developing countries

    More advanced developing countries remain critical for implementing the 2030 Agenda. They still have high numbers of people living in poverty within their borders and are often characterised by high levels of inequality. They have important impacts and influence within their regions. Their South-South cooperation with other developing countries is rising rapidly and represents an important proportion of all international cooperation. As major economies, their impact on global public goods and challenges including climate change is increasingly significant.

    The EU and its Member States will develop new partnerships with more advanced developing countries in order to promote the implementation of the 2030 Agenda, including sustainable development, poverty eradication and other shared interests. At the core of these partnerships will be dialogue on public policy and reform, taking account of the diversity of Middle Income Countries and the need for tailored approaches. The policy dialogues will promote mutual interests and identify common priorities and partnerships. They will support the implementation of the SDGs, which provide a common and integrated framework for cooperation, and will help address global public goods and challenges. Cooperation could take place in the partner countries themselves, in their respective regions, in third countries or globally.

    These new partnerships will promote best practice, technical assistance and knowledge sharing. In addition, the EU and its Member States will engage in cooperation and dialogue with those Middle Income Countries which are becoming emerging donors to exchange best practices, promote South-South and triangular cooperation and work together to support less advanced countries in implementing the 2030 Agenda.

    77.The Consensus will guide actions also in the context of regional agreements, strategies and policies in relation to developing countries. The future frameworks for relations with countries including in Africa, the Caribbean and the Pacific, will promote concrete implementation of the 2030 Agenda at regional level. This will be a core element of the work in support of the Agenda, and an opportunity to mainstream the objectives of the Consensus in our cooperation with partners including in Africa, the Caribbean and the Pacific.

    78.The 2030 Agenda provides a transformative political framework for all countries, and will guide EU actions in neighbouring countries under the revised European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP). This Policy is based on a set of shared priorities for the EU and its Member States and their partners, which reinforce the achievement of the 2030 Agenda. These ENP priorities focus on: good governance, democracy, rule of law and human rights; economic development for stabilisation, with a particular focus on youth, education and employment; connectivity, sustainable energy and climate change; security; and migration and mobility. The revised Policy also aims to involve regional partners beyond the European Neighbourhood in cross-cutting issues such as migration and energy. The EU and its Member States will use a mix of instruments in its Neighbourhood, consistent with other EU action under the 2030 Agenda.

    5. Strengthening approaches to improve EU impact

    5.1. Mobilising and making effective use of all Means of Implementation

    79.To reflect the framework set out in the Addis Ababa Action Agenda and the 2030 Agenda, the EU and its Member States must adapt their approach, to mobilise and make effective use of all means of implementation.

    80.The EU and its member States will work with partner countries to promote sound policy environments for implementation of the 2030 Agenda. They will support state capacity to formulate and implement national development policies and to increase accountability and responsiveness to citizens.

    81.The EU and its Member States will put an enhanced focus on generating domestically additional resources for sustainable development in partner countries. This will include promoting domestic resource mobilisation, boosting international trade as an engine for development and tackling illicit financial flows.

    82.Domestic public finance is critical to all countries' efforts to implement the 2030 Agenda. The EU and its Member States will support developing country efforts to strengthen revenue mobilisation, debt and public expenditure management, develop tax systems, increase the efficiency of public expenditure and phase out fossil-fuel subsidies. ODA continues to play an important role in complementing the efforts of countries – especially of the poorest and most vulnerable – to mobilise resources domestically. By better linking budget support and blending, the EU and its Member States can contribute to improving public investment efficiency in partner countries, by supporting macroeconomic and fiscal stability frameworks, sound sector policies and reforms, comprehensive annual and medium-term budgetary frameworks and sound public financial management systems, including transparent procurement.

    Mobilising and using domestic resources

    Given its central importance, domestic public finance should be at the heart of all governments’ efforts to achieve inclusive growth, poverty eradication and sustainable development. It is also part of the social contract between a government and its citizens. Citizens are more willing to pay taxes when they feel they share in the country’s overall development and can hold their government accountable.

    The EU 'Collect More, Spend Better approach' 31 supports developing countries in three areas: improved domestic resource mobilisation; more effective and efficient public expenditure; and debt management. It focuses on tax evasion, tax avoidance and illicit financial flows as well as on the efficiency, effectiveness and fairness of tax systems and of social protection financing. It promotes sound public expenditure management to convert revenues into public goods and services, through fiscal discipline and the strategic allocation of resources.

    The EU and its Member States also support the Addis Tax Initiative and OECD/G20 work to address base erosion and profit shifting and on tax information exchange. They support developing country participation in relevant international discussions and standard setting processes, including the Global Forum on Transparency and Exchange of Information for Tax Purposes and G20/OECD discussions. They commit to pursue coherence between their tax policies and their effects on developing countries.

    83.The EU is collectively committed to provide 0.7% of Gross National Income (GNI) as ODA within the timeframe of the 2030 Agenda 32 . It will also collectively provide 0.15% of GNI as ODA to Least Developed Countries in the short term, and reach 0.20% in the timeframe of the 2030 Agenda. The EU and its Member States will also continue support for climate mitigation and adaptation in developing countries, in line with commitments under the UN Convention on Combatting Climate Change and the Paris Agreement. The EU and its Member States will continue political dialogue to enhance others' commitments to finance for sustainable development, including climate finance.

    84.The EU and its Member States will contribute to initiatives to better measure financing for development. This will include finance beyond ODA, from all sources, that contributes to Agenda 2030 implementation, making use of tools such as the OECD's anticipated proposals for a measure on Total Official Support for Sustainable Development.

    85.Development cooperation will support the implementation of the provisions in trade agreements relating to trade and sustainable development 33 . Coordinating aid and cooperation programmes better in these areas will allow the EU to use the opportunities and leverage a closer trade relationship to promote this value-based agenda towards our trading partners.

    86.The EU and its Member States will promote the application of other means of implementation, including capacity building, science, technology and innovation. They will continue investing on research and development in and for developing countries, including enhancing national innovation systems. They will aim to strengthen measurable impacts on progress towards the SDGs through a Responsible Research and Innovation approach including open access to research results and data for publicly funded projects and education for science.

    5.2. Policy coherence for development

    87.The Consensus contributes to the requirement to ensure consistency between the different areas of the EU's external action and between these and its other policies 34 . The policy coherence requirement embedded in the 2030 Agenda implies mainstreaming sustainable development in all related EU policies, integrating in a balanced manner the three dimensions of sustainable development, addressing interlinkages between different SDGs and ensuring consistency between EU's external action and its other policies, and across international frameworks.

    88.The EU and its Member States reaffirm their commitment to policy coherence for development, as an important contribution to the collective effort towards achieving broader policy coherence for sustainable development 35 . They will continue to take into account the objectives of development cooperation in policies which are likely to affect developing countries (Art. 208 TFEU). The Consensus will guide efforts in applying policy coherence for development across all policies and all areas covered by the 2030 Agenda, seeking synergies wherever possible, including notably on trade, finance, environment and climate change, food security, migration and security. Particular attention will be given to combating illicit financial flows and tax avoidance, and to promoting trade and responsible investment.

    89.Delivering on the new universal framework for sustainable development in the field of development cooperation is a shared responsibility of all stakeholders. The EU and its Member States will, therefore, promote whole-of-government approaches and ensure the political oversight and coordination efforts at all levels for SDG implementation. In order to better support policy formulation and decision-making they will ensure the evidence base of policy impacts on development countries by consultations, stakeholder engagements and ex-ante impact assessments and ex-post evaluations of major policy initiatives 36 . Policy initiatives should, wherever relevant, indicate how they contribute to sustainable development in developing countries. This is also instrumental for improving the EU and its Member States' monitoring and reporting capabilities on policy coherence for development and impact on developing countries. Given the universality of the 2030 Agenda, the EU and its Member States will also encourage other countries to assess the impact of their own policies on the achievement of the SDGs, including in developing countries. The EU and its Member States will moreover support partner countries in their own efforts to put in place enabling frameworks for policy coherence for sustainable development. They will promote policy coherence at international fora such as the UN and the G20.

    5.3. Development effectiveness

    90.The EU and its Member States reaffirm their commitment to applying the key principles of development effectiveness, as confirmed at the Busan High Level Forum in 2011 and to putting them into practice in their development cooperation. These principles are: results; transparency and mutual accountability; democratic ownership; and inclusive development partnerships. The Busan High Level Forum emphasises the need for all development resources and all partners to work together effectively to ensure sustainable outcomes. The EU and its Member States will take forward this work across the board including through the Global Partnership for Effective Development Cooperation. Their development cooperation will be delivered in close cooperation with other partners and with full transparency towards citizens in Europe and developing countries.

    91.The principles of development effectiveness apply to all forms of development cooperation. This includes international public finance, such as ODA and south-south cooperation, civil society actors, philanthropic foundations, concessional and non-concessional loans, and private sector activities. The EU and its Member States expect all other development partners to integrate these principles into their own activities, adapted to their specific contexts.

    92.The EU and its Member States will continue to champion transparency, which should progressively cover the full range of development resources. They will develop tools to present and use development cooperation data more effectively to improve accountability processes and standards. They will support partner countries to link resources for development with results, by better linking the planning and budgeting processes.

    93.The EU and its Member States will promote the use of partner country systems for public financial management throughout the budget cycle, including procurement systems, in order to help improve the effectiveness of institutions at national and sub-national level. They will jointly assess the effectiveness of partner country systems, to ensure an informed and coordinated approach. They are committed to untying their aid as much as possible and encourage all providers of development cooperation, including emerging economies, to do the same. They aim to refine the definition of aid untying to ensure reciprocity between all international providers of finance.

    6. Following up on our commitments

    94.In relation to development cooperation, the EU and its Member States are fully committed to a comprehensive, transparent and accountable system for monitoring and review for the purpose of the 2030 Agenda.

    95.The EU and its Member States will progressively adapt their reporting systems in this field to be consistent with the 2030 Agenda's follow-up processes and indicators. As part of this work, they will improve the quality and availability of data on their development cooperation activities, across the 2030 Agenda. They will work to ensure that reporting is consistent with that of other international commitments.

    96.The EU and its Member States will integrate the 2030 Agenda and support the use of SDG indicators to measure development results at country level. In particular, SDG indicators can foster and facilitate a common EU results-oriented approach that favours harmonised results reporting at partner country level, including partner country level results frameworks, where they exist.

    97.The EU and its Member States will produce a joint synthesis report on the impact of their actions in support of the 2030 Agenda in developing countries, as a contribution to EU reporting to the UN High Level Political Forum, when meeting at Head of State level every four years. This report will make use of and build on EU reports, including reports on Results, ODA and Policy Coherence for Development, and on monitoring of the SDGs in an EU context.

    98.The EU and its Member States will boost statistical capacity in developing countries. This will include strengthened capacity for the production and analysis of data, which should be disaggregated where possible by income, gender, age and other factors, and provide information on marginalised, vulnerable and hard-to-reach groups, inclusive governance and other issues, consistent with the EU's rights-based approach. It will also include investments in stronger statistical institutions at national and regional level, and the use of new technologies and data sources such as Earth observation and geospatial information.

    99.A mid-term assessment of the implementation of this Consensus will be carried out. It will outline how the Consensus was applied and what it has achieved in support of implementation of the 2030 Agenda. The EU and its Member States will systematically check progress and adjust their actions to ensure that their development cooperation, including though its links with related policy areas, continues to support implementation of the 2030 Agenda in developing countries.


     Transforming our world: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, Resolution adopted by the General Assembly on 25 September 2015 (UNGA A/RES/70/1)


     Next steps for a sustainable European future- European action for sustainability, Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament, the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions, (COM (2016) 739)


     Shared Vision, Common Action: A Stronger Europe – A Global Strategy for the European Union’s Foreign and Security Policy, High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, June 2016


     The European Consensus on Development, Joint statement by the Council and the representatives of the governments of the Member States meeting within the Council, the European Parliament and the Commission on European Union Development Policy: 'The European Consensus', signed on 20 December 2005, as published on 24 February 2006 (2006/C 46/01, OJ C 46/1)


    Art. 208 (2), Consolidated version of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (hereinafter TFEU)


     Proposal for a Joint Declaration by the Council, the European Parliament and the Commission on the European Union Development Policy: The European Consensus, Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament, the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions (COM(2005) 311/F1)


     Synopsis Report summarising the main results of the consultation on the new European Consensus on Development, Commission Staff Working Document, (SWD (2016) 389)


     Assessing the 2006 European Consensus on Development and accompanying the initiative "Proposal for a new European Consensus on Development", Commission Staff Working Document, (SWD (2016) 387)


     The European Consensus on Development, Joint statement by the Council and the representatives of the governments of the Member States meeting within the Council, the European Parliament and the Commission on European Union Development Policy: 'The European Consensus', signed on 20 December 2005, as published on 24 February 2006 (2006/C 46/01, OJ C 46/1)


     Shared Vision, Common Action: A Stronger Europe – A Global Strategy for the European Union’s Foreign and Security Policy, High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, June 2016; See Council conclusions on the Global Strategy on the European Union's foreign and security policy, Council of the European Union, 17 October 2016 (13202/16)


     Transforming our world: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, Resolution adopted by the General Assembly on 25 September 2015 (UNGA A/RES/70/1)


     Addis Ababa Action Agenda of Third International Conference on Financing for Development, Resolution adopted by the United Nations General Assembly on 27 July 2015 (UNGA A/RES/69/313)


     Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015–2030, Resolution adopted by the United Nations General Assembly on 23 June 2015 (UNGA A/RES/69/283)


    Art. 210 (1), TFEU


    Art. 208 (2), TFEU


     Next steps for a sustainable European future- European action for sustainability, Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament, the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions, (COM (2016) 739)


     Adoption of the Paris Agreement, 12 December 2015 (FCCC/CP/2015/L.9 Rev.1)


    Art. 21(3), Consolidated version of the Treaty on European Union (hereinafter TEU)


     Review of the European Neighbourhood Policy, Joint Communication to the European Parliament, the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions, 18 November 2015 (JOIN(2015) 50)


    See Council conclusions on the Global Strategy on the European Union's foreign and security policy (paragraph 5), Council of the European Union, 17 October 2016 (13202/16)


    "State and Societal Resilience to our East and South" (section 3.2) in Shared Vision, Common Action: A Stronger Europe – A Global Strategy for the European Union’s Foreign and Security Policy, High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, June 2016


     Council conclusions on a rights-based approach to development cooperation, encompassing all human rights, Council of the European Union, Foreign Affairs (Development) Council meeting, 19 May 2014


     Council conclusions on the Gender Action Plan 2016-2020, Council of the European Union, 26 October 2015 (13201/15)


     The EU approach to resilience: learning from food security crisis, Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament and the Council, 3 October 2012 (COM(2012) 586); Council Conclusions on EU approach to resilience, Council of the European Union, 3241st Foreign Affairs Council meeting, 28 May 2013


     The New Urban Agenda, Habitat III,


     Strengthening European Investments for jobs and growth: Towards a second phase of the European Fund for Strategic Investments and a new European External Investment Plan, Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament, the Council, the European Central Bank, the European Economic and Social Committee, the Committee of the Regions and the European Investment Bank, 14 September 2016 (COM(2016)581)


     Council conclusions on the EU's comprehensive approach, Council of the European Union, Foreign Affairs Council meeting, 12 May 2014


     Elements for an EU-wide strategic framework to support security sector reform, Joint Communication to the European Parliament and the Council, 5 July 2016 (JOIN(2016) 31)


     Establishing a new Partnership Framework with third countries under the European Agenda on Migration, Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament, the European Council, the Council and the European Investment Bank, 7 June 2016 (COM(2016)385)


     New York Declaration for Refugees and Migrants, Resolution adopted by the United Nations General Assembly on 19 September 2016 (A/RES/71/1)


     Collect More, Spend Better, Commission Staff Working Document, 5 November 2015


     A New Global Partnership for Poverty Eradication and Sustainable Development after 2015 – Council Conclusions (paragraphs 32 and 33), Council of the European Union, 26 May 2015 (9241/15)


     Trade for All. Towards a more responsible trade and investment policy, Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament, the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions, 14 October 2015 (COM(2015)497)


    Art. 21(3), TEU


     Council conclusions on Policy Coherence for Development (PCD): 2015 EU Report (paragraph 7), Council of the European Union, 26 October 2015 (13202/15)


    See Better regulation for better results – An EU Agenda, Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament, the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions, 18 May 2015 (COM(2015)215)
