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Document 52011XC0701(01)

    Information communicated by Member States regarding State aid granted under Commission Regulation (EC) No 1857/2006 on the application of Articles 87 and 88 of the Treaty to State aid to small and medium-sized enterprises active in the production of agricultural products and amending Regulation (EC) No 70/2001

    OJ C 191, 1.7.2011, p. 12–14 (BG, ES, CS, DA, DE, ET, EL, EN, FR, IT, LV, LT, HU, MT, NL, PL, PT, RO, SK, SL, FI, SV)



    Official Journal of the European Union

    C 191/12

    Information communicated by Member States regarding State aid granted under Commission Regulation (EC) No 1857/2006 on the application of Articles 87 and 88 of the Treaty to State aid to small and medium-sized enterprises active in the production of agricultural products and amending Regulation (EC) No 70/2001

    2011/C 191/08

    Aid No: SA.32518 (11/XA)

    Member State: Germany

    Region: Schleswig-Holstein

    Title of aid scheme or name of company receiving an individual aid: Gewährung von Beihilfen im Rahmen der Bekämpfung

    Leukose und Brucellose bei Rindern, Schafen und Ziegen

    Legal basis: Richtlinien für die Gewährung von Beihilfen im Rahmen der Bekämpfung Leukose und Brucellose bei Rindern, Schafen und Ziegen (Leukose-Brucellose-Beihilfe-Richtlinien)

    Annual expenditure planned under the scheme or overall amount of individual aid granted to the company: Annual overall amount of the budget planned under the scheme: EUR 0,15 million

    Maximum aid intensity: 100 %

    Date of implementation: —

    Duration of scheme or individual aid award: 17 February 2011-31 December 2013

    Objective of aid: Animal diseases (Article 10 of Regulation (EC) No 1857/2006)

    Sector(s) concerned: Animal production

    Name and address of the granting authority:

    Ministerium für Landwirtschaft, Umwelt und ländliche Räume Schleswig-Holstein

    Mercatorstraße 3

    24106 Kiel



    Other information: —

    Aid No: SA.33004 (11/XA)

    Member State: Italy

    Region: Basilicata

    Title of aid scheme or name of company receiving an individual aid: Interventi compensativi relativi a mancati redditi, a favore delle aziende agricole interessate da provvedimenti di abbattimenti totali conseguenti ad infezioni di tubercolosi bovina, brucellosi, leucosi bovina enzootica e scrapie o colpite dalle avversità atmosferiche. Periodo 2010 e 2011.

    Legal basis:


    Brucellosi bovina, bufalina, ovina e caprina:


    D.P.R. n. 320/1954,


    L. n. 615/1964,


    D.M. n. 453/1992,


    D.M. n. 651/1994.


    Tubercolosi bovina e bufalina:


    D.P.R. n. 320/1954,


    L. n. 615/1964,


    D.M. n. 592/1995.


    Leucosi bovina enzootica:


    D.P.R. n. 320/1954,


    D.M. n. 358/1996.


    Encefalopatie Spongiformi Trasmissibili:


    D.M. 8.4.1999,


    regolamento (CE) n. 999/2001 del 22 maggio 2001.


    Avversità atmosferiche:


    D.P.C.M. n. 66/2011,


    D.G.R. n. 518/2011.

    Annual expenditure planned under the scheme or overall amount of individual aid granted to the company: Annual overall amount of the budget planned under the scheme: EUR 0,20 million

    Maximum aid intensity: 100 %

    Date of implementation: —

    Duration of scheme or individual aid award: 24 June 2011-31 December 2011

    Objective of aid: Adverse climatic events (Article 11 of Regulation (EC) No 1857/2006), Animal diseases (Article 10 of Regulation (EC) No 1857/2006)

    Sector(s) concerned: Raising of dairy cattle, Raising of sheep and goats, Raising of other cattle and buffaloes

    Name and address of the granting authority:

    Regione Basilicata

    Dipartimento Agricoltura Sviluppo Rurale Economia Montana

    Via Vincenzo Verrastro 10

    85100 Potenza PZ



    Other information: —

    Aid No: SA.33005 (11/XA)

    Member State: Italy

    Region: Basilicata

    Title of aid scheme or name of company receiving an individual aid: L. 2 dicembre 1998 n. 423 — articolo 1 comma 2 — Interventi urgenti nel settore zootecnico per il ripristino funzionale delle strutture aziendali delle aree riconosciute dal D.P.C.M. n. 66/2011.

    Legal basis:


    L. 2.12.1998 n. 423.


    D.P.C.M. 22.3.2011 n. 66 «Dichiarazione dello stato di emergenza in relazione alle eccezionali avversità atmosferiche che hanno colpito il territorio della Regione Basilicata nel periodo dal 18 febbraio al 1o marzo 2011».


    D.G.R. n. 641 del 4 maggio 2011«L. 2 dicembre 1998 n. 423 — articolo 1 comma 2 — Interventi urgenti nel settore zootecnico per il ripristino funzionale delle strutture aziendali delle aree riconosciute dal D.P.C.M. n. 66/2011».

    Annual expenditure planned under the scheme or overall amount of individual aid granted to the company: Annual overall amount of the budget planned under the scheme: EUR 0,32 million

    Maximum aid intensity: 80 %

    Date of implementation: —

    Duration of scheme or individual aid award: 24 June 2011-31 December 2011

    Objective of aid: Adverse climatic events (Article 11 of Regulation (EC) No 1857/2006)

    Sector(s) concerned: Raising of dairy cattle, Raising of other cattle and buffaloes, Raising of sheep and goats

    Name and address of the granting authority:

    Regione Basilicata

    Dipartimento Agricoltura Sviluppo Rurale Economia Montana

    Via Vincenzo Verrastro 10

    85100 Potenza PZ



    Other information: —

    Aid No: SA.33156 (11/XA)

    Member State: Bulgaria

    Region: Bulgaria

    Title of aid scheme or name of company receiving an individual aid: „Помощ за участие в изложения по овцевъдство — Регионално изложение по овцевъдство гр. Костинброд, Общинско изложение по овцевъдство гр. Елин Пелин, Общинско изложение по овцевъдство гр. Годеч и Общинско изложение по овцевъдство гр. Брезник“

    Legal basis: Чл. 10, ал. 1, т. 10 от Закона за подпомагане на земеделските производители; Указания, приети с Решение на Управителния съвет на Държавен фонд „Земеделие“ за схема на държавна помощ за участие в изложения и панаири

    Annual expenditure planned under the scheme or overall amount of individual aid granted to the company: Annual overall amount of the budget planned under the scheme: BGN 0,03 million

    Maximum aid intensity: 100 %

    Date of implementation: —

    Duration of scheme or individual aid award: 27 June 2011-31 December 2013

    Objective of aid: Technical support (Article 15 of Regulation (EC) No 1857/2006)

    Sector(s) concerned: Agriculture, forestry and fishing

    Name and address of the granting authority:

    Държавен фонд „Земеделие“

    бул. „Цар Борис III“ № 136

    1618 София/Sоfiа



    Other information: —

    Aid No: SA.33219 (11/XA)

    Member State: Germany

    Region: Thüringen

    Title of aid scheme or name of company receiving an individual aid: Satzung zur Änderung der Satzung über Beihilfen der Thüringer Tierseuchenkasse 612-40306-TH/0002

    Legal basis: § 7 Absatz 2 und § 20 Thüringer Ausführungsgesetz zum Tierseuchengesetz (Thüringer Tierseuchengesetz — ThürTierSG —) in der Fassung vom 30. März 2010 (GVBl. S. 89) in Verbindung mit der Satzung über Beihilfen der Thüringer Tierseuchenkasse (Beihilfesatzung in der Fassung der 4. Änderungssatzung)

    Annual expenditure planned under the scheme or overall amount of individual aid granted to the company: Annual overall amount of the budget planned under the scheme: EUR 3,15 million

    Maximum aid intensity: 100 %

    Date of implementation: —

    Duration of scheme or individual aid award: 24 June 2011-31 December 2013

    Objective of aid: Animal diseases (Article 10 of Regulation (EC) No 1857/2006)

    Sector(s) concerned: Animal production

    Name and address of the granting authority:

    Thüringer Tierseuchenkasse

    Victor-Goerttler-Straße 4

    07745 Jena





    Other information: —
