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Document 12003TN02/16/D

Act concerning the conditions of accession of the Czech Republic, the Republic of Estonia, the Republic of Cyprus, the Republic of Latvia, the Republic of Lithuania, the Republic of Hungary, the Republic of Malta, the Republic of Poland, the Republic of Slovenia and the Slovak Republic and the adjustments to the Treaties on which the European Union is founded - Annex II: List referred to in Article 20 of the Act of Accession - 16. Environment - D. Industrial pollution control and risk management

OJ L 236, 23.9.2003, p. 703–707 (BG, ES, CS, DA, DE, ET, EL, EN, FR, GA, IT, LV, LT, HU, MT, NL, PL, PT, RO, SK, SL, FI, SV)

Legal status of the document In force


Act concerning the conditions of accession of the Czech Republic, the Republic of Estonia, the Republic of Cyprus, the Republic of Latvia, the Republic of Lithuania, the Republic of Hungary, the Republic of Malta, the Republic of Poland, the Republic of Slovenia and the Slovak Republic and the adjustments to the Treaties on which the European Union is founded - Annex II: List referred to in Article 20 of the Act of Accession - 16. Environment - D. Industrial pollution control and risk management

Official Journal L 236 , 23/09/2003 P. 0703 - 0707


1. 31997 L 0068: Directive 97/68/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 December 1997 on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to measures against the emission of gaseous and particulate pollutants from internal combustion engines to be installed in non-road mobile machinery (OJ L 59, 27.2.1998, p. 1), as amended by:

- 32001 L 0063: Commission Directive 2001/63/EC of 17.8.2001 (OJ L 227, 23.8.2001, p. 41)

In Annex VII, point 1, the list in Section 1 is replaced by the following:

"1 | for Germany |

2 | for France |

3 | for Italy |

4 | for the Netherlands |

5 | for Sweden |

6 | for Belgium |

7 | for Hungary |

8 | for the Czech Republic |

9 | for Spain |

11 | for the United Kingdom |

12 | for Austria |

13 | for Luxembourg |

17 | for Finland |

18 | for Denmark |

20 | for Poland |

21 | for Portugal |

23 | for Greece |

24 | for Ireland |

26 | for Slovenia |

27 | for Slovakia |

29 | for Estonia |

32 | for Latvia |

36 | for Lithuania |

CY | for Cyprus |

MT | for Malta". |

2. 32001 L 0080: Directive 2001/80/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 October 2001 on the limitation of emissions of certain pollutants into the air from large combustion plants (OJ L 309, 27.11.2001, p. 1).

(a) In Annex I, the following is inserted between the entries for Belgium and Denmark:

"Czech Republic | 1408 | 919 | 303 | 155 | -35 | -79 | -89 | -35 | -79 | -89" |

and, between the entries for Germany and Greece:

"Estonia | 240 | 123 | 91 | 76 | -49 | -62 | -68 | -49 | -62 | -68" |

and, between the entries for Italy and Luxembourg:

"Cyprus | 17 | 29 | 32 | 34 | +71 | +88 | +100 | +71 | +88 | +100 |

Latvia | 60 | 40 | 30 | 25 | -30 | -50 | -60 | -30 | -50 | -60 |

Lithuania | 163 | 52 | 64 | 75 | -68 | -61 | -54 | -68 | -61 | -54" |

and, between the entries for Luxembourg and the Netherlands:

"Hungary | 720 | 429 | 448 | 360 | -40 | -38 | -50 | -40 | -38 | -50 |

Malta | 12 | 13 | 17 | 14 | +14 | +51 | +17 | +14 | +51 | +17" |

and, between the entries for Portugal and the United Kingdom:

"Poland | 2087 | 1454 | 1176 | 1110 | -30 | -44 | -47 | -30 | -44 | -47 |

Slovenia | 125 | 122 | 98 | 49 | -2 | -22 | -61 | -2 | -22 | -61 |

Slovakia | 450 | 177 | 124 | 86 | -60 | -72 | -81 | -60 | -72 | -81" |

(b) In Annex II, the following is inserted between the entries for Belgium and Denmark:

"Czech Republic | 403 | 228 | 113 | -43 | -72 | -43 | -72" |

and, between the entries for Germany and Greece:

"Estonia | 20 | 10 | 12 | -52 | -40 | -52 | -40" |

and, between the entries for Italy and Luxembourg:

"Cyprus | 3 | 5 | 6 | +67 | +100 | +67 | +100 |

Latvia | 10 | 10 | 9 | -4 | -10 | -4 | -10 |

Lithuania | 21 | 8 | 11 | -62 | -48 | -62 | -48" |

and, between the entries for Luxembourg and the Netherlands:

"Hungary | 68 | 33 | 34 | -51 | -49 | -51 | -49 |

Malta | 1.7 | 7 | 2.5 | +299 | +51 | +299 | +51" |

and, between the entries for Portugal and the United Kingdom:

"Poland | 698 | 426 | 310 | -39 | -56 | -39 | -56 |

Slovenia | 17 | 15 | 16 | -12 | -6 | -12 | -6 |

Slovakia | 141 | 85 | 46 | -40 | -67 | -40 | -67" |

3. 32001 L 0081: Directive 2001/81/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 October 2001 on national emission ceilings for certain atmospheric pollutants (OJ L 309, 27.11.2001, p. 22)

(a) Annex I is replaced by the following:


National emission ceilings for SO2, NOx, VOC and NH3, to be obtained by 2010 [1]

Country | SO2 Kilotonnes | NOx Kilotonnes | VOC Kilotonnes | NH3 Kilotonnes |

Belgium | 99 | 176 | 139 | 74 |

Czech Republic [2] | 265 | 286 | 220 | 80 |

Denmark | 55 | 127 | 85 | 69 |

Germany | 520 | 1051 | 995 | 550 |

Estonia [2] | 100 | 60 | 49 | 29 |

Greece | 523 | 344 | 261 | 73 |

Spain | 746 | 847 | 662 | 353 |

France | 375 | 810 | 1050 | 780 |

Ireland | 42 | 65 | 55 | 116 |

Italy | 475 | 990 | 1159 | 419 |

Cyprus [2] | 39 | 23 | 14 | 09 |

Latvia [2] | 101 | 61 | 136 | 44 |

Lithuania [2] | 145 | 110 | 92 | 84 |

Luxembourg | 4 | 11 | 9 | 7 |

Hungary [2] | 500 | 198 | 137 | 90 |

Malta [2] | 9 | 8 | 12 | 3 |

Netherlands | 50 | 260 | 185 | 128 |

Austria | 39 | 103 | 159 | 66 |

Poland [2] | 1397 | 879 | 800 | 468 |

Portugal | 160 | 250 | 180 | 90 |

Slovenia [2] | 27 | 45 | 40 | 20 |

Slovakia [2] | 110 | 130 | 140 | 39 |

Finland | 110 | 170 | 130 | 31 |

Sweden | 67 | 148 | 241 | 57 |

United Kingdom | 585 | 1167 | 1200 | 297 |

EC 25 | 6543 | 8319 | 8150 | 3976 |


(b) In Annex II, the table is replaced by the following:


| SO2 Kilotonnes | NOx Kilotonnes | VOC Kilotonnes |

EC 25 [46] | 6176 | 7558 | 6980 |


4. 32001 R 0761: Regulation (EC) No 761/2001 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 19 March 2001 allowing voluntary participation by organisations in a Community eco-management and audit scheme (EMAS) (OJ L 114, 24.4.2001, p. 1).

(a) In Annex I, under the heading "List of national standard bodies", the following is inserted between the entries for Belgium and Denmark:

"CZ: Rada programu EMAS",

and, between the entries for Germany and Greece:

"EE: EVS (Eesti Standardikeskus)",

and, between the entries for Italy and Luxembourg:

"CY: Κυπριακός Οργανισμός Προώθησης Ποιότητας

LV: LATAK (Latvijas Nacionālais Akreditācijas birojs)

LT: LST (Lietuvos standartizacijos departamentas)",

and, between the entries for Luxembourg and the Netherlands:

"HU: MSZT (Magyar Szabványügyi Testület)

MT: MSA (Awtorita'Maltija dwar l-Istandards / Malta Standards Authority)",

and, between the entries for Austria and Portugal:

"PL: PKN (Polski Komitet Normalizacyjny)",

and, between the entries for Portugal and Finland:

"SI: SIST (Slovenský inštitut za standardizacijo)

SK: SÚTN (Slovenský ústav technickej normalizácie)".

(b) In Annex IV, the text below the logos is replaced by the following:

"The logo may be used by an EMAS registered organisation in any of the 20 languages provided the following wording is used:

| Version 1 | Version 2 |

Spanish: | "Gestión ambiental verificada" | "información validada" |

Czech: | "ověřený systém environmentálního řízení" | "platná informace" |

Danish: | "verificeret miljøledelse" | "bekræftede oplysninger" |

German: | "geprüftes Umweltmanagement" | "geprüfte Information" |

Estonian: | "tõestatud keskkonnajuhtimine" | "kinnitatud informatsioon" |

Greek: | "επιθεωρημένη περιβαλλοντική διαχείριση" | "επικυρωμένες πληροφορίες" |

French: | "Management environnemental vérifié" | "information validée" |

Italian: | "Gestione ambientale verificata" | "informazione convalidata" |

Latvian: | "verificēta vides vadība" | "apstiprināta informācija" |

Lithuanian: | "įvertinta aplinkosaugos vadyba" | "patvirtinta informacija" |

Hungarian: | "hitelesített környezetvédelmi vezetési rendszer" | "hitelesített információ" |

Maltese: | "Immaniġġjar Ambjentali Verifikat" | "Informazzjoni Konvalidata" |

Dutch: | "Geverifieerd milieuzorgsysteem" | "gevalideerde informatie" |

Polish: | "zweryfikowany system zarządzania środowiskowego" | "informacja potwierdzona" |

Portuguese: | "Gestão ambiental verificada" | "informação validada" |

Slovak: | "overený systém environmentálneho riadenia" | "platná informácia" |

Slovenian: | "Preverjen sistem ravnanja z okoljem" | "preverjene informacije" |

Finnish: | "vahvistettu ympäristöasioiden hallinta" | "vahvistettua tietoa" |

Swedish: | "Kontrollerat miljöledningssystem" | "godkänd information" |

Both versions of the logo shall always bear the registration number of the organisation.

The logo shall be used either:

- in three colours (Pantone No 355 Green; Pantone No 109 Yellow; Pantone No 286 Blue)

- in black on white or

- in white on black."

[1] These national emission ceilings are designed with the aim of broadly meeting the interim environmental objectives set out in Article 5. Meeting those objectives is expected to result in a reduction of soil eutrophication to such an extent that the Community area with depositions of nutrient nitrogen in excess of the critical loads will be reduced by about 30 % compared with the situation in 1990.

[2] These national emission ceilings are temporary and are without prejudice to the review according to Article 10 of this Directive, which is to be completed in 2004.

[46] These national emission ceilings are temporary and are without prejudice to the review according to Article 10 of this Directive, which is to be completed in 2004.

