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Document 02023D0231-20231127

    Text consolidat: Council Decision (CFSP) 2023/231 of 2 February 2023 on an assistance measure under the European Peace Facility to support the Ukrainian Armed Forces trained by the European Union Military Assistance Mission in support of Ukraine


    02023D0231 — EN — 27.11.2023 — 001.001

    This text is meant purely as a documentation tool and has no legal effect. The Union's institutions do not assume any liability for its contents. The authentic versions of the relevant acts, including their preambles, are those published in the Official Journal of the European Union and available in EUR-Lex. Those official texts are directly accessible through the links embedded in this document



    of 2 February 2023

    on an assistance measure under the European Peace Facility to support the Ukrainian Armed Forces trained by the European Union Military Assistance Mission in support of Ukraine

    (OJ L 032 3.2.2023, p. 64)

    Amended by:



    Official Journal





    COUNCIL DECISION (CFSP) 2023/2677 of 27 November 2023






    of 2 February 2023

    on an assistance measure under the European Peace Facility to support the Ukrainian Armed Forces trained by the European Union Military Assistance Mission in support of Ukraine

    Article 1

    Establishment, objectives, scope and duration

    An assistance measure benefitting Ukraine (the ‘beneficiary’) to be financed under the European Peace Facility (EPF) (the ‘assistance measure’) is hereby established.
    The objective of the assistance measure is to support the capacity building of the Ukrainian Armed Forces (UAF) by the European Union Military Assistance Mission in support of Ukraine (EUMAM Ukraine), in order to allow the UAF to defend the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Ukraine as well as to protect the civilian population against the ongoing military aggression.

    To achieve the objective set out in paragraph 2, the assistance measure shall finance the provision by Member States of:


    equipment and supplies not designed to deliver lethal force, as required to meet the operational requirements of EUMAM Ukraine and as requested by Ukraine; and


    services, including transportation, custody, maintenance and repair of the items under point (a) made available by Member States, for the training under EUMAM Ukraine.

    Upon completion of the training or when EUMAM Ukraine is terminated, the custody of the equipment and supplies not designed to deliver lethal force, which were provided under this assistance measure, shall be transferred back to the beneficiary. Based on needs by Ukraine, items within the personal kits may be transferred back to the beneficiary once they have been used in the training.


    The duration of the assistance measure shall be 60 months from the adoption of this Decision.


    Article 2

    Financial arrangements


    The financial reference amount intended to cover the expenditure related to the assistance measure shall be EUR 55 000 000 .


    All expenditure shall be managed in accordance with the rules for the implementation of revenue and expenditure for operations financed under the EPF.


    In accordance with Article 29(5) of Decision (CFSP) 2021/509, the administrator for operations may call for contributions following the adoption of this Decision, up to EUR 55 000 000 . The funds called by the administrator for operations shall only be used to pay expenditure within the limits approved by the Committee established by Decision (CFSP) 2021/509 in the related budget corresponding to the assistance measure.


    Expenditure related to the implementation of the assistance measure shall be eligible from the date of the launch of EUMAM Ukraine. Expenditure related to personal training kits shall be eligible under this assistance measure from the date of entry into force of this Decision.

    Article 3

    Arrangements with the beneficiary

    The High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy (the ‘High Representative’) shall make the necessary arrangements with the beneficiary to ensure its compliance with the requirements and conditions established by this Decision as a condition for the provision of support under the assistance measure.

    The arrangements referred to in paragraph 1 shall include provisions obliging the beneficiary to ensure:


    the compliance of the units of the UAF supported under the assistance measure with relevant international law, in particular international human rights law and international humanitarian law;


    the proper and efficient use of any assets provided under the assistance measure for the purposes for which they were provided;


    the sufficient maintenance of any assets provided under the assistance measure to ensure their usability and their operational availability over their life cycle;


    that any assets provided under the assistance measure will not be lost, or be transferred without the consent of the Facility Committee established under Decision (CFSP) 2021/509 to persons or entities other than those identified in the arrangements referred to in paragraph 1, at the end of their life cycle.

    The arrangements referred to in paragraph 1 shall include provisions on the suspension and termination of support under the assistance measure in the event of the beneficiary being found in breach of the obligations set out in paragraph 2.

    Article 4


    The High Representative shall be responsible for ensuring the implementation of this Decision in accordance with Decision (CFSP) 2021/509, and with the rules for the implementation of revenue and expenditure financed under the EPF, in line with the Integrated Methodological Framework for assessing and identifying the required measures and controls for assistance measures under the EPF.
    The activities referred to in Article 1(3), relating to the reimbursement and monitoring of the equipment and supplies not designed to deliver lethal force, provided by Member States, shall be implemented by EUMAM Ukraine.

    Article 5

    Monitoring, control and evaluation

    The High Representative shall monitor the respect by the beneficiary of the obligations set out in Article 3. This monitoring shall be used to provide awareness of the context and the risks of breaches of the obligations established in accordance with Article 3, and shall contribute to the prevention of such breaches, including violations of international human rights law and international humanitarian law by units of the UAF supported under the assistance measure.
    The post-shipment control of equipment shall be organised in line with the Integrated Methodological Framework for assessing and identifying the required measures and controls for assistance measures under the EPF.
    The High Representative shall conduct a final evaluation upon completion of the assistance measure to assess whether the assistance measure has contributed to reaching the objective stated in Article 1(2).

    Article 6


    During the period of implementation, the High Representative shall provide the Political and Security Committee (PSC) with six-monthly reports on the implementation of the assistance measure, in accordance with Article 63 of Decision (CFSP) 2021/509. The administrator for operations, with the support of the Mission Commander, shall regularly inform the Facility Committee established by Decision (CFSP) 2021/509 on the implementation of revenue and expenditure in accordance with Article 38 of that Decision.

    Article 7

    Suspension and termination

    The PSC may decide to suspend wholly or partially the implementation of the assistance measure in accordance with Article 64 of Decision (CFSP) 2021/509.
    The PSC may also recommend that the Council terminate the assistance measure.

    Article 8

    Entry into force

    This Decision shall enter into force on the date of its adoption.
