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Document 02013O0007-20181001

    Consolidated text: Guideline of the European Central Bank of 22 March 2013 concerning statistics on holdings of securities (ECB/2013/7) (2013/215/EU)


    02013O0007 — EN — 01.10.2018 — 003.002

    This text is meant purely as a documentation tool and has no legal effect. The Union's institutions do not assume any liability for its contents. The authentic versions of the relevant acts, including their preambles, are those published in the Official Journal of the European Union and available in EUR-Lex. Those official texts are directly accessible through the links embedded in this document



    of 22 March 2013

    concerning statistics on holdings of securities



    (OJ L 125 7.5.2013, p. 17)

    Amended by:



    Official Journal





    GUIDELINE (EU) 2015/948 OF THE EUROPEAN CENTRAL BANK  of 16 April 2015

      L 154




    GUIDELINE (EU) 2016/1386 OF THE EUROPEAN CENTRAL BANK  of 2 August 2016

      L 222




    GUIDELINE (EU) 2018/323 OF THE EUROPEAN CENTRAL BANK  of 22 February 2018

      L 62



    Corrected by:


    Corrigendum, OJ L 238, 6.9.2016, p.  7 (2016/1386)



    of 22 March 2013

    concerning statistics on holdings of securities




    Article 1


    This Guideline establishes the obligations of the NCBs to report to the ECB statistics on holdings of securities collected pursuant to Regulation (EU) No 1011/2012 (ECB/2012/24), as well as a framework for data quality management of these statistics, which aims to ensure the completeness, accuracy and consistency of output data by consistently applying rules on quality standards for such data.

    Article 2


    For the purposes of this Guideline, the definitions contained in Regulation (EU) No 1011/2012 (ECB/2012/24) shall apply, unless otherwise provided for, together with the following definitions:


    ‘input data’ means data reported to the ECB;


    ‘output data’ means data created by the ECB within the scope of securities holdings statistics;


    ‘Data Quality Management’ or ‘DQM’ means ensuring, verifying and maintaining the quality of output data through the use and application of DQM targets, DQM metrics and DQM thresholds;


    ‘European System of Central Banks Securities Holdings Statistics Database’ or ‘SHSDB’ means the technical tool operated by the ECB and the Deutsche Bundesbank to compile the data collected under this Guideline and under Regulation (EU) No 1011/2012 (ECB/2012/24);


    ‘DQM target’ means a benchmark for assessing the quality of output feed data;


    ‘DQM metric’ means a statistical indicator measuring the level to which a certain DQM target has been reached;


    ‘DQM threshold’ means the minimum level of verification work to be conducted in order to satisfy the requirements of the DQM framework for a DQM target.


    Article 3


    NCBs' reporting obligations for holdings of securities with an ISIN code for sectoral data

    NCBs shall collect and report to the ECB statistical information on holdings of securities with an ISIN code provided by sectoral data reporting agents, on a security-by-security basis, in accordance with the reporting schemes in Annex I, Part 1 (Tables 1 to 3) and Part 2 (Tables 1 to 3), and in compliance with electronic reporting standards which are laid down separately, for the following types of instruments: debt securities (F.31 and F.32); listed shares (F.511) and investment fund shares or units (F.521 and F.522).

    NCBs' reporting obligations shall cover end-of-quarter positions and either: (i) end-of-quarter financial transactions over the reference quarter; or (ii) end-of-month or end-of-quarter data that are necessary to derive financial transactions, as laid down in paragraph 2. NCBs shall also report end-of-year positions, as laid down in Article 3(2b) of Regulation (EU) No 1011/2012 (ECB/2012/24) in accordance with the reporting scheme in Annex I, Part 3 (Tables 1 to 2).

    Financial transactions or data necessary to derive financial transactions that are reported by actual reporting agents to NCBs in accordance with Part 1 of Chapter 1 of Annex I to Regulation (EU) No 1011/2012 (ECB/2012/24) shall be measured as laid down in Part 3 of Annex II to Regulation (EU) No 1011/2012 (ECB/2012/24).


    NCBs shall report to the ECB the data mentioned in paragraph 1 for the following reference periods and in accordance with the following deadlines:


    with respect to holdings of securities by resident investors excluding NCBs, securities held in custody by resident custodians for clients resident in other euro area Member States and securities issued by euro area entities held in custody with resident custodians for non-euro area resident clients:


    NCBs shall report on a quarterly basis data on end-of-quarter security-by-security positions by close of business on the 70th calendar day following the end of the quarter to which the data relate;


    NCBs shall report either: (1) on a quarterly basis security-by-security transactions and, where available, other changes in volume over the reference quarter by close of business on the 70th calendar day following the end of the quarter to which the data relate; or (2) security-by-security positions and, where available, other changes in volume, which are necessary for the derivation of transactions. In this latter case, the NCBs shall report in accordance with the approaches described under Part 1 of Chapter 1 of Annex I to Regulation (EU) No 1011/2012 (ECB/2012/24) by close of business on the 70th calendar day following the end of the quarter to which the data relate for quarterly security-by-security data and on the 63rd calendar day following the end of the month to which the data relate for monthly security-by-security data;


    with respect to holdings of securities by insurance corporations (ICs) on an annual basis, NCBs shall report data on end-of-year aggregated positions by close of business on the 70th calendar day following the end of the year to which the data relate.

    ▼M2 —————


    Article 3a

    NCBs' reporting obligations for holdings of securities with an ISIN code for group data

    NCBs shall collect and report to the ECB statistical information on holdings of securities with an ISIN code provided by group data reporting agents, on a security-by-security basis, in accordance with the reporting schemes in Annex I, Part 2 (Tables 1 to 3), and in compliance with electronic reporting standards which are laid down separately, for the following types of instruments: debt securities (F.31 and F.32); listed shares (F.511) and investment fund shares or units (F.521 and F.522).

    NCBs' reporting obligations shall cover end-of-quarter positions as laid down in paragraph 2.

    NCBs shall report to the ECB the data mentioned in paragraph 1 by close of business on the 55th calendar day following the end of the quarter to which the data relate.

    By way of derogation, the ECB may allow an NCB to report data by close of business on the 62nd calendar day following the end of the quarter to which the data relate. In such cases the NCB shall submit a request for a derogation to the ECB in writing, setting out:


    the reasons on which the request is based, demonstrating that it is necessary for the purposes of ensuring the accuracy and consistency of the data reported to the ECB by enabling the NCB to cross-check the data with additional data sources, which otherwise would not be available in time for the required quality checking of input data;


    the period for which such a derogation should be granted.

    Following its assessment of the NCB's request, the ECB may grant the derogation for a specified period, and shall review the need for the derogation on an annual basis.


    Notwithstanding the reporting requirement specified in paragraph 1, an NCB may decide that the group data reporting agents identified pursuant to Article 2 of Regulation (EU) No 1011/2012 (ECB/2012/24) shall report the statistical information specified in Chapter 2 of Annex I of that Regulation to the ECB. In such case, the NCB shall inform the ECB and the reporting agents accordingly, whereupon the ECB shall define and implement the reporting arrangements to be followed by the reporting agents and take over the task of collecting the required data directly from the reporting agents.


    Article 3b

    NCBs' general reporting obligations

    By September of every year, the ECB shall communicate to NCBs the exact transmission dates of data to be reported in the form of a reporting calendar for the following year.

    The following general rules shall apply to the revision of monthly and quarterly data.


    NCBs shall report regular revisions as follows:


    revisions to monthly data with reference to the three months prior to the most recent quarter, which are transmitted on a quarterly basis, shall be sent together with the data for the most recent quarter (regular data transmission); revisions to monthly data with reference to the month prior to the most recent month, which are transmitted on a monthly basis, shall be sent together with the data for the most recent month (regular data transmission);


    revisions to quarterly data with reference to the quarter prior to the most recent quarter shall be sent together with the data for the most recent quarter (regular data transmission);


    revisions to the previous three years (12 quarters) shall be sent together with the regular transmission of data referring to the third quarter of the year;


    the reporting of any other regular revisions not falling under points (i) to (iii) shall be agreed with the ECB.


    NCBs shall report exceptional revisions that significantly improve the quality of the data as soon as available and outside the regular transmission periods, subject to prior agreement with the ECB.

    NCBs shall submit explanatory notes to the ECB setting out the reasons for significant revisions. NCBs may also submit explanatory notes for any other revisions on a voluntary basis.


    The reporting requirements set out in this Article are subject to the following back data reporting requirements where a Member State adopts the euro after this Guideline takes effect:


    NCBs of Member States that joined the Union before December 2012 shall report back data to the ECB, on a best efforts basis, which cover at least: (1) the data reference periods starting from March 2014; or (2) the five years preceding the adoption of the euro by the relevant Member State, whichever period is shorter;


    NCBs of Member States that joined the Union after December 2012 shall report back data to the ECB, on a best efforts basis, which cover at least: (1) the data reference periods starting from March 2016; or (2) the five years preceding the adoption of the euro by the relevant Member State, whichever period is shorter.

    The accounting rules laid down in Articles 5, 5a and 5b of Regulation (EU) No 1011/2012 (ECB/2012/24) shall also apply when the NCBs report data in accordance with this Guideline.


    Article 4


    Reporting approaches for holdings of securities without an ISIN code for sectoral data

    NCBs may decide whether to report to the ECB statistical information covering securities without an ISIN code held by monetary financial institutions (MFIs), investment funds (IFs), financial vehicle corporations engaged in securitisation transactions (FVCs) and ICs subject to Regulation (EU) No 1011/2012 (ECB/2012/24) or held by custodians for: (i) resident clients not subject to Regulation (EU) No 1011/2012 (ECB/2012/24); (ii) non-financial clients resident in other euro area Member States' or (iii) clients resident in non-euro area Member States, as defined in Regulation (EU) No 1011/2012 (ECB/2012/24), that are not granted a derogation from reporting requirements under Regulation (EU) No 1011/2012 (ECB/2012/24).


    NCBs that report statistical information pursuant to paragraph 1 shall do so in accordance with the rules set out in Article 3(2), using the reporting schemes of Annex I, Part 1 (Tables 1, 2 and 4) and Part 2 (Tables 1, 2 and 4) as well as the electronic reporting standards laid down separately.


    Quarterly data shall be revised in accordance with Article 3b(2)(a) and (b).


    NCBs shall submit explanatory notes to the ECB setting out the reasons for significant revisions. NCBs may also submit explanatory notes for any other revisions on a voluntary basis. In addition, NCBs shall provide information on significant reclassifications in the holder sectors or in the instrument classification, where available.


    Article 4a

    Reporting approaches for holdings by MFIs of securities issued by the holders

    NCBs shall report to the ECB statistical information covering holdings of securities with an ISIN code issued by the holders and, at the discretion of each relevant NCB, holdings of securities without an ISIN code issued by the holders, held by MFIs subject to Regulation (EU) No 1011/2012 (ECB/2012/24).

    NCBs' reporting obligations shall cover end-of-quarter positions.

    NCBs that report statistical information pursuant to paragraph 1 shall do so in accordance with the rules set out in Article 3(2)(a), using the reporting schemes of Annex I, Part 1 (Tables 1, 2 and 5) as well as the electronic reporting standards laid down separately.
    Quarterly data shall be revised in accordance with Article 3b(2)(a) and (b).
    NCBs shall submit explanatory notes to the ECB setting out the reasons for significant revisions. NCBs may also submit explanatory notes for any other revisions on a voluntary basis. In addition, NCBs shall provide information on significant reclassifications in the holder sectors or in the instrument classification, where available.

    Article 4b

    NCBs' reporting obligations for holdings of securities without an ISIN code for group data

    NCBs shall collect and report to the ECB statistical information on holdings of securities without an ISIN code provided by group data reporting agents, on a security-by-security basis, in accordance with the reporting schemes in Annex I, Part 2, Tables 1, 2 and 4, and in compliance with electronic reporting standards which are laid down separately.

    NCBs' reporting obligations shall cover end-of-quarter positions as laid down in paragraph 2.

    NCBs shall report to the ECB the data mentioned in paragraph 1 by close of business on the 55th calendar day following the end of the quarter to which the data relate.

    By way of derogation, the ECB may allow an NCB to report data by close of business on the 62nd calendar day following the end of the quarter to which the data relate. In such cases the NCB shall submit a request for a derogation to the ECB in writing, setting out:


    the reasons on which the request is based, demonstrating that it is necessary for the purposes of ensuring the accuracy and consistency of the data reported to the ECB by enabling the NCB to cross-check the data with additional data sources, which otherwise would not be available in time for the required quality checking of input data;


    the period for which such a derogation should be granted.

    Following its assessment of the NCB's request, the ECB may grant the derogation for a specified period, and shall review the need for the derogation on an annual basis.


    Notwithstanding the reporting requirement specified in paragraph 1, an NCB may decide that the group data reporting agents identified pursuant to Article 2 of Regulation (EU) No 1011/2012 (ECB/2012/24) shall report the statistical information specified in Chapter 2 of Annex I of that Regulation to the ECB. In such case, the NCB shall inform the ECB and the reporting agents accordingly, whereupon the ECB shall define and implement the reporting arrangements to be followed by the reporting agents and take over the task of collecting the required data directly from the reporting agents.


    Article 5

    Approaches for compiling statistics on holdings of securities held in custody

    Notwithstanding the exemption from statistical reporting obligations that NCBs may grant to custodians in accordance with Article 4(5)(a) of Regulation (EU) No 1011/2012 (ECB/2012/24), to comply with Article 3, NCBs, after consulting the ECB, shall decide on the most appropriate approach for compiling statistics on securities held by investors not subject to reporting requirements under Regulation (EU) No 1011/2012 (ECB/2012/24), depending on the organisation of the relevant markets and the availability of other relevant statistical, public or supervisory information in the Member States.

    If data on holdings of securities are not reported by custodians following the exemption granted in accordance with Article 4(5)(a) of Regulation (EU) No 1011/2012 (ECB/2012/24), and if NCBs obtain these data from other statistical or supervisory data sources, or if they collect them directly from investors in accordance with national arrangements, NCBs shall take all the following measures:


    ensure that these sources are sufficiently aligned with the statistical concepts and definitions laid down in Regulation (EU) No 1011/2012 (ECB/2012/24);


    monitor the quality of the data in accordance with the minimum statistical standards laid down in Annex III to Regulation (EU) No 1011/2012 (ECB/2012/24);



    if the reported data do not meet the quality standards referred to in subparagraph (b), increase the quality of such data, including the collection of data from custodians as provided for in Articles 4(1) and 4b(3) of Regulation (EU) No 1011/2012 (ECB/2012/24).


    In addition, NCBs shall provide information on significant other changes in volume, where available, as defined in Part 3 of Annex II to Regulation (EU) No 1011/2012 (ECB/2012/24).

    Article 6


    NCBs shall inform the ECB, at least once a year, of the derogations granted to, renewed or withdrawn from reporting agents for the following calendar year, as well as any ad hoc reporting requirements imposed on actual reporting agents that have been granted a derogation.


    NCBs shall regularly check, at least once a year, the fulfilment of conditions set out in Articles 4, 4a and 4b of Regulation (EU) No 1011/2012 (ECB/2012/24) for granting, renewing or withdrawing any derogation.


    Article 7

    Reference data on reporting groups’ consolidated balance sheet assets


    The ECB's Governing Council shall identify the group data reporting agents as set out, and according to the criteria laid down in Article 2(4) of Regulation (EU) No 1011/2012 (ECB/2012/24) on the basis of end-of-December data corresponding to the preceding calendar year provided by NCBs to the ECB (hereinafter the ‘reference data’) for the purpose of deriving European System of Central Bank (ESCB) statistics on consolidated banking data for Member States.


    By September of every year, the ECB shall communicate to NCBs the date in the following year by which NCBs are to transmit the reference data. Such transmission shall occur in time to allow the derivation of the total consolidated assets of European Union banks in July of every year.


    Article 8

    Notification procedure to group data reporting agents

    NCBs shall, on behalf of the ECB, use the template letter in Annex II (hereinafter the ‘notification letter’) to notify the group data reporting agents of the Governing Council's decision pursuant to Article 2(4) of Regulation (EU) No 1011/2012 (ECB/2012/24) of their reporting obligations under the Regulation. The notification letter shall contain the criteria justifying the classification of the notified entity as the group data reporting agent.
    The relevant NCB shall send the notification letter to the group data reporting agent within 10 ECB working days following the date of the Governing Council's decision, and send a copy of that letter to the ECB Secretariat.
    The procedure described in paragraph 2 shall not apply to the notification of group data reporting agents, which have been identified by the Governing Council pursuant to Article 2(4) of Regulation (EU) No 1011/2012 (ECB/2012/24) prior to the date on which this Guideline takes effect.

    Article 9

    Review procedure by the Governing Council

    If a group data reporting agent notified in accordance with Article 8 submits, within 15 ECB working days of the receipt of such notification, a reasoned written request with supporting information to the relevant NCB to review its classification as group data reporting agent, the relevant NCB shall transmit such request to the Governing Council within 10 ECB working days.
    Following receipt of the written request pursuant to paragraph 1, the Governing Council shall review the classification and communicate its reasoned decision in writing, within two months of receipt of the request, to the relevant NCB, which shall notify the group data reporting agent of the Governing Council's decision within 10 ECB working days.


    Article 10

    Cooperation with competent authorities other than NCBs

    Where all or part of the data described in Regulation (EU) No 1011/2012 (ECB/2012/24) can be obtained from competent authorities other than NCBs, NCBs shall establish appropriate cooperation mechanisms with these authorities to ensure a permanent structure for receiving such data.


    NCBs shall ensure the data referred to in paragraph 1 meet the ECB's minimum statistical standards set out in Annex III to Regulation (EU) No 1011/2012 (ECB/2012/24), as well as any other requirements set out in Regulation (EU) No 1011/2012 (ECB/2012/24), before transmitting them to the ECB in accordance with Articles 3, 3a and 3b.


    Article 11


    Without prejudice to the ECB's verification rights set out in Regulations (EC) No 2533/98 and (EU) No 1011/2012 (ECB/2012/24), the NCBs shall monitor and ensure the quality and reliability of the statistical information made available to the ECB and cooperate closely with the operators of the SHSDB as part of overall DQM.
    The ECB shall assess these data in a similar manner, in close cooperation with the operators of the SHSDB. The assessment shall be carried out in a timely manner.
    Every two years the ECB and the NCBs shall share information with the ESCB Statistics Committee, and if applicable the end-users, about practices, measures and procedures applied in the compilation of securities holdings statistics data.
    NCBs shall ensure, verify and maintain the quality of security holdings statistics data through the use and application of DQM targets, DQM metrics and DQM thresholds. DQM targets shall include ensuring: (a) the quality of aggregate output data; (b) the consistency of holdings and reference data; and (c) consistency with other statistics.
    When the operators of the SHSDB raise queries with NCBs, the operators should classify these queries as: (a) high-priority queries; (b) priority queries; or (c) other queries. NCBs shall reply to these queries in writing, within a timeframe appropriate to this classification.
    Data from the Centralised Securities Database used for securities holdings statistics shall be checked in accordance with Guideline ECB/2012/21 ( 1 ).


    Article 12

    Transmission standards

    The NCBs shall use the ESCB-Net for the electronic transmission of the statistical information required by the ECB. The statistical information shall be made available to the ECB in accordance with electronic reporting standards laid down separately. Subject to the ECB’s prior consent, other means may be used to transmit statistical information.

    Article 13

    Simplified amendment procedure

    Taking account of the views of the ESCB Statistics Committee, the ECB’s Executive Board may make technical amendments to the annexes to this Guideline, provided that such amendments neither change the underlying conceptual framework nor affect the reporting burden on reporting agents. The Executive Board shall inform the Governing Council of any such amendment without undue delay.

    Article 14

    Taking effect and implementation

    This Guideline shall take effect on the day of its notification to the NCBs. The Eurosystem central banks shall comply with Articles 8 and 9 from the date of notification of the Guideline to the NCBs and with the remaining provisions of the Guideline from 1 January 2014.

    Article 15


    This Guideline is addressed to all Eurosystem central banks.




    PART 1

    Holdings of securities by sector excluding holdings by national central banks

    Table 1

    General information and explanatory notes

    Reported information (1)


    Status (2)


    1.  General information

    Reporting institution


    Identification code of the reporting institution

    Submission date


    Date on which the data are submitted to the Securities Holdings Statistics Database (SHSDB)

    Reference period


    Period to which the data refer

    Reporting frequency



    Quarterly data


    Monthly data (3)

    2.  Explanatory notes (metadata)


    Treatment of early redemptions


    Treatment of accrued interest


    The electronic reporting standards are laid down separately.


    M: mandatory attribute; V: voluntary attribute.


    Only for positions, if transactions are derived from monthly positions in the SHSDB.

    Table 2

    Information on holdings of securities

    Reported information (1)


    Status (2)


    1.  Securities related information

    Holder sector


    Sector/sub-sector of the investor.



    Non-financial corporations (S.11) (3)


    Deposit-taking corporations except central banks (S.122)


    Money market funds (MMFs) (S.123)


    Non-MMF investment funds (S.124)


    Other financial corporations (4) excluding financial vehicle corporations engaged in securitisation transactions


    Financial vehicle corporations engaged in securitisation transactions


    Insurance corporations (S.128)


    Pension funds (S.129)


    Insurance corporations and pension funds (sub-sector not identified) (S.128+S.129) (transitional period)


    Central government (S.1311) (voluntary breakdown)


    State government (S.1312) (voluntary breakdown)


    Local government (S.1313) (voluntary breakdown)


    Social security funds (S.1314) (voluntary breakdown)


    Other general government (sub-sector not identified)


    Households excluding non-profit institutions serving households (S.14) (voluntary breakdown for resident investors, mandatory for third party holdings)


    Non-profit institutions serving households (S.15) (voluntary breakdown)


    Other households and non-profit institutions serving households (S.14+S.15) (sub-sector not identified)


    Non-financial investors excluding households (only for third party holdings) (S.11+S.13+S.15) (5)


    Central banks and general government to be reported only for holdings by non-euro area countries (S.121+S.13) (6)


    Investors other than central banks and governments to be reported only for holdings by non-euro area countries (6)


    Unknown sector (7)

    Holder country


    Country of residence of the investor



    Source of the submitted information on securities holdings



    Direct reporting


    Custodian reporting


    Mixed reporting (8)


    Not available



    Function of the investment according to the classification of balance of payments statistics



    Direct investment


    Portfolio investment


    Not specified

    Reporting basis


    Indicates how the security is quoted, as a percentage or in units







    Nominal currency


    Currency in which the security is denominated, reported when the reporting basis equals percentage



    Total amount of securities held



    At nominal value (9). Number of shares or units of a security or aggregated nominal amount (in nominal currency or euro) if the security is traded in amounts rather than in units, excluding the accrued interest.


    At market value. Amount held at the price quoted in the market in euro, including accrued interest (10).

    Positions: of which amount


    Amount of securities held by the two largest investors



    At nominal value, according to the same valuation method as positions


    At market value, according to the same valuation method as positions



    Specifies the format used for the positions at nominal value



    Nominal value in euro or other relevant currency


    Number of shares/units (12)

    Other changes in volume


    Other changes in the amount of the security held



    At nominal value in the same format as the positions at nominal value


    At market value in euro

    Other changes in volume: of which amount


    Other changes in volume in the amount held by the two largest investors



    At nominal value, according to the same valuation method as positions


    At market value, according to the same valuation method as positions

    Financial transactions


    Sum of purchases minus sales of a security, recorded at transaction value in euro including accrued interest (10)

    Financial transactions: of which amount


    Sum of the two largest transactions in absolute terms by individual holders, according to the same valuation method as the financial transactions

    Confidentiality status


    Confidentiality status for positions, transactions, other changes in volume



    Not for publication, restricted for internal use only


    Confidential statistical information


    Not applicable (16)


    The electronic reporting standards are laid down separately.


    M: mandatory attribute; V: voluntary attribute.


    The numbering of categories throughout this Guideline reflects the numbering introduced in Regulation (EU) No 549/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 21 May 2013 on the European system of national and regional accounts in the European Union (OJ L 174, 26.6.2013, p. 1) (hereinafter ‘ESA 2010’).


    Other financial intermediaries (S.125) plus financial auxiliaries (S.126) plus captive financial institutions and money lenders (S.127).


    Only if sectors S.11, S.13 and S.15 are not reported separately.


    For data reported by non-euro area NCBs, only for reporting holdings by non-resident investors.


    Unallocated sector resident in the holder country; i.e. unknown sectors of unknown countries should not be reported. NCBs are to inform SHSDB operators of the reason for the unknown sector, in the event of statistically relevant values.


    Only if direct and custodian reporting cannot be distinguished.


    Not reported if market values (and the respective other changes in volume/transactions) are reported.


    The inclusion of accrued interest is recommended, on a best efforts basis.


    If an NCB reports the confidentiality status, this attribute may not be reported. The amount may refer to the largest single investor, instead of the two largest investors, under the responsibility of the reporting NCB.


    NCBs are encouraged to report nominal value in number of units when securities are quoted in units in the Centralised Securities Database (CSDB).


    To be reported only if transactions are not derived from positions in the SHSDB.


    To be reported only for transactions collected from reporting agents, not reported for transactions derived from positions by NCBs.


    To be reported if the corresponding amount of the two largest investors for positions, transactions, other changes in volume, respectively, is not available/provided.


    To be used only if transactions are derived from positions by NCBs. In such cases the confidentiality status will be derived by the SHSDB, i.e. if the initial and/or final positions are confidential, the derived transaction is flagged as confidential.

    Table 3

    Holdings of securities with an ISIN code

    Reported information (1)


    Status (2)


    1.  Reference data

    ISIN code


    ISIN code


    The electronic reporting standards are laid down separately.


    M: mandatory attribute; V: voluntary attribute.

    Table 4

    Holdings of securities without an ISIN code

    Reported information (1)


    Status (2)


    1.  Basic reference data

    Aggregation flag


    Type of data



    Data reported on a security-by-security basis


    Aggregated data (no security-by-security)

    Securities/aggregates identification number


    Internal securities identification number for securities without an ISIN code and aggregated data on securities holdings

    Securities identification number type


    Specifies the securities identification number for securities reported on a security-by-security basis (4)



    national central bank (NCB) internal number


    Committee on Uniform Security Identification Procedures (CUSIP)


    Stock Exchange Daily Official List (SEDOL)


    other (to be specified in metadata)

    Instrument classification


    Classification of the security according to ESA 2010 and Regulation (EU) No 1011/2012 (ECB/2012/24)



    Short-term debt securities (F.31)


    Long-term debt securities (F.32)


    Listed shares (F.511)


    Money market funds (MMF) shares or units (F.521)


    Non-MMF investment fund shares or units (F.522)


    Other security types (5)

    Issuer sector


    Institutional sector of the issuer according to ESA 2010 and Regulation (EU) No 1011/2012 (ECB/2012/24)

    Issuer country


    Country of legal incorporation or domicile of the issuer of the security

    Price value (6)


    Price of the security at the end of the reference period

    Price value basis (6)


    Basis on which the price value is given



    Euro or other relevant currency



    2.  Additional reference data

    Issuer name


    Name of the issuer

    Short name


    Short name of the security given by issuer, defined according to the characteristics of the security and any other available information

    Issue date


    The date on which the securities are delivered to the underwriter by the issuer against payment. This is the date when the securities are available for delivery to investors for the first time.

    Maturity date


    Date on which the instrument is redeemed

    Amount outstanding


    Amount outstanding converted into euro

    Market capitalisation


    Latest available market capitalisation in euro

    Accrued interest


    Interest accrued since the last coupon payments or the accrual start date

    Last split factor


    Stock splits and reverse splits of shares

    Last split date


    Date on which the stock split becomes effective

    Coupon type


    Type of coupon (fixed, floating, stepped, etc.)

    Debt type


    Type of debt instrument

    Dividend amount


    Amount of last dividend payment per share in dividend amount type before tax (gross dividend)

    Dividend amount type


    Denomination either in dividend currency or number of shares

    Dividend currency


    Currency of last dividend payment

    Asset securitisation type


    Type of securing asset


    The electronic reporting standards are laid down separately.


    M: mandatory attribute; V: voluntary attribute.


    Not required for securities reported on an aggregated basis.


    NCBs should preferably use the same securities identification number for each security over several years. In addition, each securities identification number should be related to only one security. NCBs must inform the SHSDB operators if they are not in a position to do so. CUSIP and SEDOL codes may be treated as NCB internal numbers.


    These securities will not be included in the production of aggregates.


    To calculate positions at market value from positions at nominal value.

    Table 5

    Holdings of securities issued by the holder

    Reported information (1)


    Status (2)


    1.  Basic reference data

    Aggregates identification number


    Internal securities identification number for aggregated data on securities holdings

    Instrument classification


    Classification of the security according to ESA 2010 and Regulation (EU) No 1011/2012 (ECB/2012/24)



    Short-term debt securities (F.31)


    Long-term debt securities (F.32)


    Listed shares (F.511)


    MMF shares or units (F.521)

    Positions at market value


    Total amount of securities held. At market value. Amount held at the price quoted on the market in euro, including accrued interest (4).


    The electronic reporting standards are laid down separately.


    M: mandatory attribute; V: voluntary attribute.


    NCBs should use the pre-defined identification numbers agreed with the SHSDB operators.


    The inclusion of accrued interest is recommended, on a best efforts basis.

    PART 2

    Holdings of securities by reporting groups

    Table 1

    General information and explanatory notes

    Reported information (1)


    Status (2)


    1.  General information

    Reporting institution


    Identification code of the reporting institution

    Submission date


    Date on which the data are submitted to the SHSDB

    Reference period


    Period to which the data refer

    Reporting frequency


    Quarterly data

    2.  Explanatory notes (metadata)


    Treatment of early redemptions


    Treatment of accrued interest


    The electronic reporting standards are laid down separately.


    M: mandatory attribute; V: voluntary attribute.

    Table 2

    Information on holdings of securities

    Reported information (1)


    Status (2)

    Level of reporting (3)


    1.  Holder related information

    Reporting group ID



    Standard code that uniquely identifies the reporting group (4)

    Reporting group ID type



    Specifies the type of code that is used for the reporting group

    Reporting group LEI



    LEI in line with International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 17442 of the reporting group

    Entity ID



    Standard code that uniquely identifies the entity of the group (4)

    Entity ID type



    Specifies the type of code that is used for the entity of the group

    Entity LEI



    LEI in line with ISO 17442 of the entity of the group

    Country of residency of the entity



    Country of legal incorporation or domicile of the entity

    Reporting group name



    Full legal name of the reporting group

    Entity name



    Full legal name of the entity of the group

    Head of group sector



    Institutional sector of the group data reporting agent according to ESA 2010 and Regulation (EU) No 1011/2012 (ECB/2012/24)

    Entity sector



    Institutional sector of the entity of the group according to ESA 2010 and Regulation (EU) No 1011/2012 (ECB/2012/24)

    Immediate parent ID



    Standard code that uniquely identifies the immediate legal entity of which the entity is a legally dependent part (4)

    Immediate parent ID type



    Specifies the type of identifier code that is used for the immediate parent

    Group type



    Group type

    2.  Securities related information

    Reporting basis



    Indicates how the security is quoted, as a percentage or in units





    Nominal currency



    Currency in which the security is denominated, reported when reporting basis equals percentage




    Specifies the format used for the positions at nominal value




    Nominal value in euro or other relevant currency




    Number of shares/units (6)




    Total amount of securities held





    At nominal value (5). Number of shares or units of a security or aggregated nominal amount in nominal currency or euro if the security is traded in amounts rather than in units, excluding the accrued interest.





    At market value. Amount held of a security at the price quoted in the market in euro, including accrued interest (7) (8).

    Issuer is part of the reporting group (prudential scope)



    Indicates whether the security was issued by an entity of the same reporting group in line with the prudential scope of consolidation

    Issuer is part of the reporting group (accounting scope)



    Indicates whether the security was issued by an entity of the same reporting group in line with the accounting scope of consolidation

    3.  Accounting and risk related information

    Status of forbearance and renegotiation



    Identification of forborne and renegotiated instruments

    Date of the forbearance and renegotiation status



    The date on which a forbearance or renegotiation status as reported under ‘status of forbearance and renegotiation’ is considered to have occurred

    Performing status of the instrument



    Identification of non-performing instruments in accordance with Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No 680/2014 (9)

    Date of the performing status of the instrument



    The date on which the performing status as reported in ‘performing status of the instrument’ is considered to have been established or changed

    Default status of the issuer



    Identification of the default status of the issuer in accordance with Article 178 of Regulation (EU) No 575/2013.

    Date of default status of the issuer



    The date on which the default status as reported in the ‘default status of the issuer’ came into effect or changed.

    Default status of the instrument



    Identification of the default status of the instrument in accordance with Article 178 of Regulation (EU) No 575/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council (10).

    Date of default status of the instrument



    The date on which the default status as reported in the ‘default status of the instrument’ came into effect or changed.

    Accounting standard


    G and E

    Accounting standard used by the reporting agent

    Carrying amount



    The carrying amount in accordance with Annex V to Implementing Regulation (EU) No 680/2014

    Amount in euro. Foreign currency amounts should be converted into euro at the respective European Central Bank (ECB) euro foreign exchange reference rates, i.e. the mid-rate on the reference date.

    Type of impairment



    Type of impairment

    Impairment assessment method



    The method by which the impairment is assessed, if the instrument is subject to impairment in accordance with applied accounting standards. Collective and individual methods are distinguished.

    Accumulated impairment amount



    The amount of loss allowances that are held against or are allocated to the instrument on the reference date. This data attribute applies to instruments subject to impairment under the applied accounting standard.

    Amount in euro. Foreign currency amounts should be converted into euro at the respective ECB euro foreign exchange reference rates, i.e. the mid-rate on the reference date.

    Sources of encumbrance



    Type of transaction in which the exposure is encumbered in accordance with Implementing Regulation (EU) No 680/2014. An asset will be treated as encumbered if it has been pledged or if it is subject to any form of arrangement to secure, collateralise or credit enhance any instrument from which it cannot be freely withdrawn.

    Accounting classification of instruments



    Accounting portfolio where the instrument is recorded in accordance with the accounting standard applied by the reporting agent

    Prudential portfolio



    Classification of trading book and non-trading book exposures. Instruments in the trading book as defined in Article 4(1)(86) of Regulation (EU) No 575/2013.

    Accumulated changes in fair value due to credit risk



    Accumulated changes in fair value due to credit risk in accordance with Part 2.46 of Annex V to Implementing Regulation (EU) No 680/2014

    Amount in euro. Foreign currency amounts should be converted into euro at the respective ECB euro foreign exchange reference rates, i.e. the mid-rate on the reference date.

    Cumulative recoveries since default



    The total amount recovered since the date of default. Amount in euro. Foreign currency amounts should be converted into euro at the respective ECB euro foreign exchange reference rates, i.e. the mid-rate on the reference date.

    Probability of default of the issuer



    The issuer's probability of default over one year determined in accordance with Articles 160, 163, 179 and 180 of Regulation (EU) No 575/2013

    Loss given default in downturns



    The ratio of the amount that could be lost on an exposure during economic downturns due to a default over a one year period to the amount that would be outstanding at default, in accordance with Article 181 of Regulation (EU) No 575/2013

    Loss given default in normal economic times



    The ratio of the amount that could be lost on an exposure in normal economic conditions due to a default over a one-year period to the amount that would be outstanding at default

    Risk weight



    Risk-weights associated with the exposure, in accordance with Regulation (EU) No 575/2013

    Exposure value (also referred to as Exposure at default)



    Exposure value after credit risk mitigation and credit conversion factors in accordance with Implementing Regulation (EU) No 680/2014

    Amount in euro. Foreign currency amounts should be converted into euro at the respective ECB euro foreign exchange reference rates, i.e. the mid-rate on the reference date.

    Capital calculation approach for prudential purposes



    Identification of the approach used to calculate the risk-weighted exposure amounts for the purposes of points (a) and (f) of Article 92(3) of Regulation (EU) No 575/2013

    Exposure class



    Exposure class as defined in accordance with Regulation (EU) No 575/2013


    The electronic reporting standards are laid down separately.


    M: mandatory attribute; V: voluntary attribute.


    G: Group level; E: Entity level. Where the derogation set out in Article 4a(3) of Regulation (EU) No 1011/2012 (ECB/2012/24) is applied, the data fields referring to the entity-by-entity reporting should be reported in accordance with the respective national rules as established by the NCB which granted the derogation, ensuring that the data is homogeneous with respect to the mandatory breakdowns.


    Identifier to be defined separately.


    Not reported if market values are reported.


    NCBs are encouraged to report nominal value in number of units when securities are quoted in units in the Centralised Securities Database (CSDB).


    The inclusion of accrued interest is recommended, on a best efforts basis.


    For securities without an ISIN code, total amount of securities held are to be reported at market value, i.e. amount held at the price quoted in the market in euro, including accrued interest. Alternative approximations, e.g. carrying amount could be used on a best efforts basis if the market value is not available.


    Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No 680/2014 of 16 April 2014 laying down implementing technical standards with regard to supervisory reporting of institutions according to Regulation (EU) No 575/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council (OJ L 191, 28.6.2014, p. 1).


    Regulation (EU) No 575/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 26 June 2013 on prudential requirements for credit institutions and investment firms and amending Regulation (EU) No 648/2012 (OJ L 176, 27.6.2013, p. 1).


    To be reported if the Internal Ratings Based (IRB) approach for regulatory capital calculation is applied or if the data is available by other means.


    To be reported if the IRB approach for regulatory capital calculation is not applied or if the data is available by other means.

    Table 3

    Holdings of securities with an ISIN code

    Reported information (1)


    Status (2)

    Level of reporting (3)


    Reference data

    ISIN code



    ISIN code


    The electronic reporting standards are laid down separately.


    M: mandatory attribute; V: voluntary attribute.


    G: Group level; E: Entity level. Where the derogation set out in Article 4a(3) of Regulation (EU) No 1011/2012 (ECB/2012/24) is applied, the data fields referring to the entity-by-entity reporting should be reported in accordance with the respective national rules as established by the NCB which granted the derogation, ensuring that the data is homogeneous with respect to the mandatory breakdowns.

    Table 4

    Holdings of securities without an ISIN code

    Reported information (1)


    Status (2)

    Level of reporting (3)


    1.  Basic reference data

    Securities identification number



    Internal NCB identification number for holdings of securities without an ISIN code reported on a security-by-security basis

    Securities identification number type



    Specifies the securities identification number for securities reported on a security-by-security basis (4)




    NCB internal number






    other (5)

    Instrument classification



    Classification of the security according to ESA 2010 and Regulation (EU) No 1011/2012 (ECB/2012/24)




    Short-term debt securities (F.31)


    Long-term debt securities (F.32)


    Listed shares (F.511)


    MMF shares or units (F.521)


    Non-MMF investment fund shares or units (F.522)


    Other security types (6)

    Issuer sector



    Institutional sector of the issuer according to ESA 2010 and Regulation (EU) No 1011/2012 (ECB/2012/24)

    Issuer country



    Country of legal incorporation or domicile of the issuer of the security

    2.  Additional reference data

    Issuer ID



    Standard code that uniquely identifies the issuer (7)

    Issuer ID type



    Specifies the type of code that is used for the issuer

    Issuer name



    Name of the issuer

    Issuer LEI



    LEI in line with ISO 17442 of the issuer

    Issuer NACE sector



    Classification of counterparties according to their economic activities, in accordance with the NACE revision 2 statistical classification as laid down in Regulation (EC) No 1893/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council (8)

    Entity status



    Supplementary attribute covering the information on the status of the issuers including the default status (as well as the categories describing the circumstances in which the entity can be in default in accordance with Article 178 of Regulation (EU) No 575/2013) and other status types of the party, e.g. merged, acquired etc.

    Entity status date



    The date on which the entity changed status

    Issue date



    The date on which the securities are delivered to the underwriter by the issuer against payment. This is the date when the securities are available for delivery to investors for the first time.

    Maturity date



    Date on which the debt instrument is redeemed

    Nominal currency



    Currency in which the security is denominated

    Primary asset classification



    Classification of the instrument

    Asset securitisation type



    Type of securing asset

    Security status



    Supplementary attribute allowing identification of the status of the security, which can indicate whether the instrument is alive or not, e.g. defaulted, matured or redeemed early

    Security status date



    The date on which a security status as reported in ‘security status’ is considered to have occurred

    Arrears for the instrument



    Aggregate amount of principal, interest and any fee payment outstanding at the reference date, which is contractually due and has not been paid (past due). This amount is always to be reported. 0 is to be reported if the instrument was not past due on the reference date. The amount should be reported in euro. Foreign currency amounts should be converted into euro at the respective ECB euro foreign exchange reference rates, i.e. the mid-rate, on the reference date.

    Date of arrears for the instrument



    The date on which the instrument became past due in accordance with Part 2.48 of Annex V to Implementing Regulation (EU) No 680/2014. This is the earliest date on which the instrument has amount unpaid at the reference date, and it is to be reported if the instrument is past due on the reference date.

    Instrument seniority type



    This indicates whether the instrument is guaranteed or not, its rank level and whether it is secured or not

    Collateral geographical location



    Geographical allocation of the collateral

    Guarantor ID



    Standard code that uniquely identifies the guarantor (9)

    Guarantor ID type



    Specifies the type of code that is used for the guarantor


    The electronic reporting standards are laid down separately.


    M: mandatory attribute; V: voluntary attribute.


    G: Group level; E: Entity level. Where the derogation set out in Article 4a(3) of Regulation (EU) No 1011/2012 (ECB/2012/24) is applied, the data fields referring to the entity-by-entity reporting should be reported in accordance with the respective national rules as established by the NCB which granted the derogation, ensuring that the data is homogeneous with respect to the mandatory breakdowns.


    NCBs should preferably use the same securities identification number for each security over several years. In addition, each securities identification number should be related to only one security. NCBs must inform the SHSDB operators if they are not in a position to do so. CUSIP and SEDOL codes may be treated as NCB internal numbers.


    NCBs should specify in the metadata the type of identification number used.


    These securities will not be included in the production of aggregates.


    Identifier to be defined separately.


    Regulation (EC) No 1893/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 20 December 2006 establishing the statistical classification of economic activities NACE Revision 2 and amending Council Regulation (EEC) No 3037/90 as well as certain EC Regulations on specific statistical domains (OJ L 393, 30.12.2006, p. 1).


    Identifier to be defined separately. LEI to be used, if applicable.

    PART 3

    Annual holdings of securities by ICs

    Table 1

    General information and explanatory notes

    Reported information (1)


    Status (2)


    1.  General information

    Reporting institution


    Identification code of the reporting institution

    Submission date


    Date on which the data are submitted to the SHSDB

    Reference period


    Period to which the data refer

    Reporting frequency



    Annual data

    2.  Explanatory notes (metadata)



    Treatment of early redemptions


    Treatment of accrued interest


    The electronic reporting standards are laid down separately.


    M: mandatory attribute; V: voluntary attribute.

    Table 2

    Information on holdings of securities

    Reported information (1)


    Status (2)


    1.  Securities related information

    Holder sector


    Sector/sub-sector of the investor.



    Insurance corporations (S.128)



    Source of the submitted information on securities holdings



    Direct reporting


    Custodian reporting


    Mixed reporting (3)


    Not available

    Residency of the entities of the IC (head office and branches)


    Residency of the entities of the IC (head office and branches)



    Resident in the country of the head office



    Not resident in the country of the head office



    If not resident in the country of the head office, resident in other EEA countries, by country



    If not resident in the country of the head office, resident in other non-EEA countries

    Reporting basis


    Indicates how the security is quoted, as a percentage or in units







    Nominal currency


    Currency in which the security is denominated, reported when the reporting basis equals percentage



    Total amount of securities held



    At nominal value (4). Number of shares or units of a security or aggregated nominal amount (in nominal currency or euro) if the security is traded in amounts rather than in units, excluding the accrued interest.


    At market value. Amount held at the price quoted in the market in euro, including accrued interest (5).



    Specifies the format used for the positions at nominal value



    Nominal value in euro or other relevant currency


    Number of shares/units

    Confidentiality status


    Confidentiality status for positions



    Not for publication, restricted for internal use only


    Confidential statistical information


    Not applicable

    2.  Basic reference data

    Aggregation flag


    Type of data



    Aggregated data (no security-by-security)

    Instrument classification


    Classification of the security according to ESA 2010 and Regulation (EU) No 1011/2012 (ECB/2012/24)



    Short-term debt securities (F.31)



    Long-term debt securities (F.32)



    Listed shares (F.511)



    MMF shares or units (F.521)




    Non-MMF investment fund shares or units (F.522)

    Issuer sector


    Institutional sector of the issuer according to ESA 2010 and Regulation (EU) No 1011/2012 (ECB/2012/24)

    Issuer country


    Country of legal incorporation or domicile of the issuer of the security



    Euro area countries



    Non-euro area Union countries



    Non-Union countries


    The electronic reporting standards are laid down separately.


    M: mandatory attribute; V: voluntary attribute.


    Only if direct and custodian reporting cannot be distinguished.


    Not reported if market values are reported.


    The inclusion of accrued interest is recommended, on a best efforts basis.


    Not reported if market values (and the respective other changes in volume/transactions) are reported.;




    Notification of classification as group data reporting agent pursuant to Regulation (EU) No 1011/2012 (ECB/2012/24).

    [Dear Sir/Madam]

    We hereby notify you, on behalf of the European Central Bank (ECB), that [legal name of group data reporting agent] has been classified by the ECB's Governing Council as a group data reporting agent for statistical purposes, in accordance with Article 2(1)(b) and Article 2(4) of Regulation (EU) No 1011/2012 (ECB/2012/24).

    The reporting obligations of [legal name of the group data reporting agent] as group data reporting agent are laid down in Article 3a of Regulation (EU) No 1011/2012 (ECB/2012/24).

    Reasons for classification as ‘group data reporting agent’

    The Governing Council has determined that [legal name of the group data reporting agent] qualifies as a group data reporting agent according to the following criteria, under Regulation (EU) No 1011/2012 (ECB/2012/24):


    [legal name of the group data reporting agent] is head of a banking group, as defined in Article 1(10), and referred to in Article 2(1)(b)(i) of Regulation (EU) No 1011/2012 (ECB/2012/24) or is an institution or financial institution established in a participating Member State which is not part of a banking group (hereinafter ‘entity’), in accordance with Article 2(1)(b)(ii) of Regulation (EU) No 1011/2012 (ECB/2012/24);


    [legal name of the group data reporting agent] meets the following criteria [insert the relevant criteria that the notified head of a banking group or entity meets to qualify as a group data reporting agent, as decided by the Governing Council]:


    [the value of the total balance sheet assets of [legal name of the group data reporting agent]'s banking group; or the total balance sheet assets of [legal name of the group data reporting agent] is greater than 0,5 % of the total consolidated balance sheet assets of the European Union banking groups, according to the most recent data available to the ECB, i.e. (a) data with reference to the end of December of the calendar year preceding the sending of this notification letter; or (b) if the data under (a) are not available, data with reference to the end of December of the previous year];


    [the banking group or entity is important for the stability and the functioning of the financial system in the euro area for the following reason: [add here the justification that makes the banking group or entity important for the stability and the functioning of the financial system in the euro area, e. g.:

    the banking group or entity is closely and extensively interconnected with other financial institutions in the euro area;
    the banking group or entity has a strong and extensive cross-border activity;
    the banking group or entity activity is largely concentrated in one segment of the euro area banking business, for which it represents a major player;
    the banking group or entity has a complex corporate structure which goes beyond the domestic territory;
    the banking group or entity is directly supervised by the ECB.]]

    [the banking group or entity is important for the stability and the functioning of the financial system in [relevant euro area Member States] for the following reason: [add here the justification that makes the banking group or entity important for the stability and the functioning of the financial system in the relevant euro area Member States, e. g.:

    the banking group or entity is closely and extensively interconnected with other financial institutions in the domestic territory;
    the banking group or entity activity is largely concentrated in [specify the segment of banking business], in which it is a major domestic player;
    the banking group or entity is directly supervised by the ECB.]]

    Information source supporting the classification as ‘group data reporting agent’

    The ECB derives the total balance sheet assets of the European Union entities or banking groups on the basis of information collected from national central banks on the consolidated balance sheet of banking groups in the relevant Member State, calculated pursuant to Articles 18(1), 18(4), 18(8), 19(1) and 19(3) and Article 23 of Regulation (EU) No 575/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council ( 2 ).

    [Where necessary, further explanations of the methodology applied to any additional inclusion criteria agreed by the Governing Council should be incorporated here.]

    Objections and Governing Council review

    Any request for review by the ECB's Governing Council of the classification of [legal name of the group data reporting agent] as a group data reporting agent as a result of the justifications given above is to be addressed within 15 ECB working days of receipt of this letter to [insert NCB's name and address]. [Legal name of the group data reporting agent] must include the reasons for such a request and all supporting information.

    Starting date of the reporting obligations

    In the absence of any objection, [legal name of the group data reporting agent] is to report statistical information pursuant to Article 3a of Regulation (EU) No 1011/2012 (ECB/2012/24) by [insert starting date for reporting, i.e. no later than six months after sending the letter].

    Changes to the status of the notified entity

    You are requested to inform [name of notifying NCB] of any change of [legal name of the group data reporting agent]'s name or legal form, merger, restructuring and any other event or circumstances that may affect [legal name of the group data reporting agent]'s reporting obligations, within 10 ECB working days of such an event.

    Notwithstanding the occurrence of such an event, [legal name of the group data reporting agent] will remain subject to the reporting obligations set out in Regulation (EU) No 1011/2012 (ECB/2012/24) until we notify you otherwise on behalf of the ECB.

    Yours faithfully


    ( 1 ) Guideline ECB/2012/21 of the European Central Bank of 26 September 2012 on the data quality management framework for the Centralised Securities Database (OJ L 307, 7.11.2012, p. 89).

    ( 2 ) Regulation (EU) No 575/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 26 June 2013 on prudential requirements for credit institutions and investment firms and amending Regulation (EU) No 648/2012 (OJ L 176, 27.6.2013, p. 1).
