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European Year for Development (2015)

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European Year for Development (2015)

The European Union (EU) is the biggest donor of official development aid in the world. Despite this strong commitment, EU citizens often lack information on development cooperation. A European Year for Development will take place in 2015 to raise awareness in the field.


Decision No 472/2014/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 April 2014 on the European Year for Development (2015).


Around 1.3 billion people in the world still live in extreme income poverty and the human development needs of many more are still not being met.

The year 2015, being the last year for achieving the millennium development goals (MDGs), is considered a unique occasion to take stock of these international commitments, together with the main results of EU development policy. The European Year for Development in 2015 (EYD2015) offers an opportunity to showcase the main European policies implemented.


The main objectives of the EYD2015 are to:

  • inform European citizens about EU development cooperation, highlighting the results that the EU, together with the Member States, has achieved;
  • encourage direct involvement of EU citizens and organisations in development cooperation;
  • raise awareness of the benefits of the EU's development cooperationnot only for beneficiaries but also for EUcitizens, developing a sense of joint responsibility and solidarity with non-EU countries.


The EYD2015 will focus on a broad Union-wide information and communication campaign directed at target groups such as young people, complemented by actions taken by the Member States (for example, events to promote debate, information exchanges and sharing of experience and good practices).

Both EU and national actions will involve citizens, youth organisations, social partners, the private sector and, where appropriate, national and local authorities.


Direct and indirect EU support will be offered in the form of grants (covering up to 80 % of the final cost of activities in specific cases) or the right to use the specific EYD2015 logo for actions and measures carried out in the context of the European Year.



Entry into force

Deadline for transposition in the Member States

Official Journal

Decision (EU) No 472/2014/EU



OJ L 136 of 9.5.2014.

Last updated: 30.06.2014
