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Commission work programme 2015 - A new start

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Commission work programme 2015 - A new start

The European Commission’s work programme outlines priorities and planned initiatives the Commission will take during 2015. The programme constitutes the first planned deliverables of the10 political guidelinesset out by the Commission President, Jean-Claude Juncker, for the 2014-2019 period.


Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament, the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions Commission: Work programme 2015 - A new start (COM(2014) 910 finalof 16.12.2014).


The European Commission’s work programme outlines priorities and planned initiatives the Commission will take during 2015. The programme constitutes the first planned deliverables of the10 political guidelinesset out by the Commission President, Jean-Claude Juncker, for the 2014-2019 period.


It sets out 23 new initiatives aimed at advancing President Juncker’s 10 political guidelines (Annex 1).

It proposes to withdraw or amend, for political or technical reasons, 80 existing proposals (Annex 2).

Reflecting the Commission’s commitment to better regulation, cutting red tape and removing regulatory burdens, it identifies a number of so-called REFIT (regulatory fitness) measures. These include repeals of and amendments to existing legislation, as well as studies and evaluations to make sure current legislation is fit for purpose and works better for EU citizens and business (Annex 3).


The 23 new initiatives focus on a limited set of concrete areas where EU action is most effective including:

implementation of theinvestment plan for Europeto unlock €315 billion of public and private investment in the real economy over the next 3 years;

presenting adigital single market strategyincluding modernising copyright rules and simplifyingrules for online and digital purchases;

first steps towards creating aEuropean energy unionto guarantee energy supply security, integrate national energy markets and reduce EU energy demand;

aEuropean agenda on migrationto include a new approach on legal migration, improve the management of migration into the EU through greater cooperation with non-EU countries and fight human trafficking;

creating afairer tax environmentto include measures to combat tax evasion, tax fraud, automatic exchange of information on tax rulings and tostabilise corporate tax bases;

ensuring adeeper economic and monetary unionin order to promote economic stability and attract investors to the EU.

For more information, see theCommission work programme 2015 website.


A new start for Europe: my agenda for jobs, growth, fairness and democratic change - Political guidelines for the next European Commission.

Last updated: 10.06.2015

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