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This document is an excerpt from the EUR-Lex website

Slovenia - Environment

Short-term priorities:

  • continued transposition of framework legislation;
  • finalisation of the detailed approximation programmes and implementation strategies related to individual acts;
  • planning and initial implementation of these programmes and strategies.

Evaluation (October 1999)

These priorities have been met in part.

In December 1998, the National Environmental Action Programme was finally adopted. The Nature Conservation Act was adopted in June 1999. Significant progress has also been achieved in a number of sectors, such as water protection, waste management, industrial pollution control and risk management, air quality, chemicals and GMOs (genetically modified organisms).

Evaluation (November 2000)

The National Environmental Action Programme adopted in 1999 constitutes the basis for alignment. It is implemented through sectoral programmes and it sets out a general framework for the financing of investment in the environment sector. A decree on the categories for which an environmental impact assessment is mandatory has been adopted.

Evaluation (November 2001)

Strategies for alignment with the environmental acquis and a framework for the funding of investment are now in place. Expenditure on the environment has been as much as 2% of GDP. Alignment with regard to environmental impact assessment is not complete but progress has been made.

Assessment (October 2002)

Transposition of the acquis has advanced in relation to water, GMOs, radiation protection and nuclear safety. Particular attention should now be paid to transposing the Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control Directive and completing the transposition of the nature protection and remaining air quality acquis.

Assessment (November 2003)

Please refer to the fact sheets on the adoption of the Community acquis.

Medium-term priorities

  • implementation of laws on waste management, combating atmospheric pollution, combating industrial pollution, risk management, chemical products, genetically modified organisms and radiation protection;
  • stepping up administrative capacity;
  • incorporation of sustainable development principles into the definition and implementation of all other sectoral policies.

Evaluation (November 2000)

Work has begun on increasing administrative capacity and setting up an Environment Agency. The National Environmental Action Programme incorporates environmental issues into all other sectors.

Evaluation (November 2001)

The implementation of legislation on waste management, air pollution, industrial pollution, risk management, chemicals and GMOs has progressed. Administrative capacity has been boosted through the setting up of an Environment Agency. Slovenia has continued to integrate environmental issues into other policies.

Assessment (October 2002)

Administrative capacity has been stepped up at national level. Attention should now focus on the local level. Preparations are ongoing for setting up an integrated environmental protection information system and for establishing a commission for awarding the eco-label and a body for reviewing environmental protection reports. Integration of environmental protection requirements into the formulation and implementation of all other sectoral policies is progressing.

Assessment (November 2003)

Please refer to the fact sheets on the adoption of the Community acquis.

Following the signing of the Accession Treaty on 16 April 2003, Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Slovakia and Slovenia acceded to the European Union on 1 May 2004.


Decision 98/268/EC of 30.03.1998Official Journal L 121 of 23.04.1998

Decision 1999/859/EC of 06.12.1999Official Journal L 335 of 28.12.1999

Commission opinion COM(97) 2010 finalNot published in the Official Journal

Commission Report COM(98) 709 finalNot published in the Official Journal

Commission Report COM(1999) 512 finalNot published in the Official Journal

Commission Report COM(2000) 712 finalNot published in the Official Journal

Commission Report COM(2001) 700 final - SEC(2001) 1755Not published in the Official Journal.

Commission Report COM(2002) 700 final - SEC(2002) 1411Not published in the Official Journal.

Commission Report COM(2003) 675 final - SEC(2003) 1208Not published in the Official Journal

Treaty of Accession to the European Union [Official Journal L 236, 23.09.2003]

Last updated: 19.11.2004
