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Document 52005SC0625

    Commission staff working document - Guidelines for the appointment of heads of Community agencies {COM(2005) 190 final}

    /* SEC/2005/0625 */


    Commission staff working document - Guidelines for the appointment of heads of Community agencies {COM(2005) 190 final} /* SEC/2005/0625 */


    Brussels, 13.5.2005

    SEC(2005) 625


    Guidelines for the appointment ofheads of Community agencies{COM(2005) 190 final}

    Guidelines for the appointment of heads of Community agencies

    The procedures for the appointment of heads of agencies that have been introduced by the agencies’ basic acts vary considerably.[1] In most cases, these basic regulations contain little information on the different steps of the procedure. Nevertheless, the case law on selection procedures under the Staff Regulations that has been established over the years by the Court of First Instance and the Court of Justice should be respected when carrying out these procedures, subject to any special rules in the basic act setting up the agency.

    These circumstances have led to the decision to establish general guidelines on procedures for selecting the heads of Community agencies and on the Commission’s role within these procedures. These guidelines apply each time the Commission has a role to play in the appointment procedure for heads of agencies.

    Given the limited role of the Commission with regard to second and third pillar agencies, these guidelines are limited to the procedures that concern the Community agencies. However, in order to increase coherence between the EC agencies and the third pillar agencies, the Commission’s services should systematically propose that the relevant bodies adopt procedures analogous to those set out in these guidelines for appointments as head of third pillar agencies.


    The agencies’ basic acts lay down a time-limited mandate for their heads, the duration of which is normally between 4 and 5 years.[2] The contracts that are assigned to the heads are temporary contracts pursuant to Article 2(a) of the Conditions of Employment of Other Servants of the European Communities (CEOS). For this contract type, Article 12 of the CEOS states that the engagement of temporary staff is intended to secure the services of persons of the highest standard of efficiency, ability and integrity, without discrimination as to race, sex, etc.

    The Commission’s own practice in such cases is to carry out a formal selection procedure. Given the decisive role of a head of agency and the technical expertise required for this function, it is appropriate to do the same here too.

    In order to ensure that the choice meets the standard mentioned in Article 12, this selection procedure has to be comprehensive. Therefore, where the Commission is required by the basic act to submit a proposal for appointment, it has to publish the post both internally within the Commission and externally. Such publication also ensures transparency and objectivity.


    The grade at which such a position is to be published should be fixed ex ante and be coherent with the policy within the Commission, taking into account in particular the size of the agency and the responsibilities linked to the post, including the risk profile and the amount of the budget to be managed. Therefore, in view of the limited size of most of the current agencies, the level of grade A*/AD14 is generally appropriate.

    However in the case of an executive agency, or of a smaller non-executive agency, a lower grade, e.g. A*/AD13, will generally be justified by the more limited range of tasks of the agency. For agencies that are equivalent to or greater in size than the average Directorate-General within the Commission (approximately 350 staff members), the following grades could be justified: A*/AD 14 for executive agencies and A*/AD15 for non-executive agencies.

    In any event, it has to be ensured that the necessary budgetary support is available and that in particular the agency’s establishment plan, as adopted by the EU Budgetary authority, provides for the posts thus required.


    In the interest of coherence, it is appropriate to take the rules that have been laid down by the Commission for the appointment of its own senior management staff as the basis of the procedure.[3] The establishment of a Commission proposal, therefore, implies a number of distinct steps:

    - identifying the “profile”, including the selection criteria to be taken into account for the evaluation of applications;

    - the approval of this profile by the authority responsible for the appointment;

    - publication of the post both inside the Commission and externally;

    - creation of a Pre-selection Committee;

    - initial screening of the applications by the parent DG followed by a detailed examination by the Pre-selection Committee;

    - interviews with the best qualified candidates to be undertaken by the Pre-selection Committee and establishment of a draft list of proposed candidates, which has to be fully documented;

    - approval of the draft list by the Consultative Committee on Appointments (CCA) by way of written procedure; in the case of objections from a CCA member, possibility of inviting the President of the pre-selection panel and of having the short-listed candidates and indeed any other candidate, if appropriate, interviewed by the CCA;

    - interview with the candidates to be proposed by the portfolio Commissioner and, where candidates have been interviewed by the CCA, also by the Commissioner responsible for Personnel and Administration;

    - adoption of the list of proposed candidates by the Commission.

    In order to ensure the satisfactory conclusion of the selection and appointment procedure in good time, the parent DG responsible for the agency should start the procedure in question at least 12 months before the mandate of the current office-holder expires.[4]

    3.1. Drawing up the vacancy notice

    The vacancy notice to be published is drawn up by the relevant department of the parent DG in close co-ordination with DG ADMIN. It should include the following main elements:

    - a description of the agency’s tasks (with appropriate references to the agency’s basic Regulation);

    - a description of the Director’s duties and responsibilities (with appropriate references to the agency’s basic regulation);

    - the profile for the post;

    - an overview of the selection and appointment procedure.

    In addition to the application form (a model of which is contained in Annex III), candidates should be requested to submit a detailed and up-to date CV and a letter of motivation.

    - Taking into account the Commission rules for the external engagement of senior management staff, the profiles for posts of heads of agencies being published must respect the following minimum requirements:

    - Nationality: the candidate must be a national of an EU Member State, subject to the possibility of special derogations if justified (e.g. of one of the other States that are members of the agency, if applicable).

    - University Degree or Diploma: in order to be eligible, candidates must hold a degree or diploma (preferably in a field relevant to the mission of the agency) that gives access to the A*-category (or, in future, to the administrators function group), i.e. a national degree or diploma which gives access in that Member State to post-graduate studies.

    - Article 5 of the Staff Regulations offers, in principle, the possibility of waiving the requirement for a diploma where a candidate has equivalent professional experience. Therefore, the requirement that the diploma has to give access to post-graduate studies can be waived on condition that no national degree or diploma of this kind was issued for the profile of the candidate at the time in that Member State.

    - Professional experience: at least 15 years at a level equivalent to the A*-category, acquired in the public or private sector following the award of the university degree or diploma giving access to this category.

    - Relevant professional experience: of the 15 years of professional experience, at least five years must have been acquired in the field of the agency’s activities.

    - Management experience: candidates must prove that at least five years of their experience have been acquired managing staff and budget directly or working in management structures at a sufficiently high level of responsibility.

    - Languages: a thorough knowledge of one of the official Community languages and a satisfactory knowledge of a second of these languages. Furthermore, where appropriate, the agency’s working languages should be indicated and it should be stated that knowledge of them would be considered an asset.

    - Age limits: there is no age limit for candidates, since Article 1d of the Staff Regulations, which prohibits inter alia age discrimination, also applies to temporary staff (see Article 10 CEOS). Article 1d(6) however allows exceptions to this principle where objectively justified, which can include the concern to ensure that a person serves a minimum length of time, taking into account the mandatory retirement age – which is itself expressly permitted under Article 1d(6). Thus, given the expense and time involved in carrying out these selection and appointment procedures as well as the need for continuity in the agency’s management (within the limits set to the Director’s mandate by the basic regulation), the vacancy notice can legitimately indicate that it would be desirable that the candidates could serve at least one full term and it is desirable that use be made of this possibility.

    Given that Article 47a of the CEOS automatically sets an end to the contract at the end of the month where the servant reached the age of 65, this would require that a candidate is not older than 65 years minus term of office minus estimated duration of selection procedure when he or she applies. Directors are recruited as temporary staff and the possibility of carrying on working until the age of 67 in the conditions provided in Article 52 of the Staff Regulations only applies to officials.

    In the event of a choice between equally qualified candidates, preference could then be given to a candidate who meets this criterion.

    - An indication of the likely timetable for the appointment procedure (when the decision is likely to be taken, date of taking up duties etc.).

    In addition, the profile must contain any attribute that is considered relevant to the post and which may subsequently be used as a selection criterion for the purpose of the procedure. Only selection criteria that have been mentioned in the publication (such as e.g. a degree in a specific area or previous working experience in the European institutions) can be taken into account for the evaluation of applications by the selection committee; there is abundant case-law to the effect that doing otherwise would allow the selection procedure to be successfully contested in the courts.

    The notice should also say that the agency is an equal opportunities employer.

    3.2. Approval of the profile by the body competent for the appointment of the Head of agency

    The draft profile should be submitted for endorsement to the Administrative Board of the agency or to any other body responsible for the appointment. Although such approval is not explicitly provided for in the basic acts, it helps to avoid any danger that, at the time the list of proposed candidates is submitted for consideration, the entire proposal is refused on the grounds that the selection criteria contained in the publication are considered inappropriate.

    3.3. Publication of the post and dissemination of the information

    The official vacancy notice and the customised application form if used have to be published in the Official Journal in all official languages. The agency concerned (or the parent DG) also has the choice of publishing the same or summary details in the press in the Member States. In these press publications reference has to be made to the publication in the OJ with the indication that the latter publication would be the relevant one in the case of any divergences. The choice of publications (daily newspapers, scientific magazines, etc) depends on the agency’s field of activity and, thus, the target population as well as on the budget available (see point 3.8 below).

    The Official Journal publication must specify:

    - the deadline for submission of applications (this should normally be between a minimum of 4 and a maximum of 6 weeks from the date of publication – however account should be taken of holiday periods e.g. August); it has to be indicated that the relevant date for submission is that of the postmark on the envelope;

    - how to apply: the parent DG can indicate whether applications by electronic mail are also acceptable; in such cases the relevant mail box should be specified in the publication and it should be indicated that submission by electronic mail will be considered equivalent to a signature;

    - the postal address inside the parent DG to which applications will have to be sent.

    The publication should also be sent to the Permanent Representations of the Member States for further distribution, in accordance with the current practice, and should be made available on the Internet (website of the agency, of EPSO and/or of the parent DG).

    3.4. Setting up of the Pre-selection Committee

    The Pre-selection Committee is set up by the parent DG. It should, in principle, be composed of 3-4 members of the Commission’s senior staff (grades A*/AD16, 15 or 14) who can be chosen freely but should include the Commission’s Permanent Rapporteur.[5]

    Depending on the circumstances of each case it may, however, be useful to replace one of the members by a head of another agency, and/or by one from the sector of the agency’s activities. A representative from a personnel consultant firm, specialised in the selection of management staff, may also be present but the person would have no voting rights.

    The Administrative Board of the agency should also be invited to nominate one of its members to participate as an observer in the work of the committee. Such an invitation gives the Board the possibility to obtain first-hand-information on the procedure without being in any way bound by the conclusions of the Pre-selection Committee.

    However, it should be clear that where a member of the Administrative Board has himself applied for the post or where any other potential conflict of interest could arise, e.g. where an applicant is a family member, this member of the Board should not be involved at any stage in the selection and nomination procedure.

    The Pre-selection Committee should be chaired by the Director-General or a Deputy Director-General of the parent DG. Alternatively, where the post to be filled is at A*/AD14 level or below, the chair can be held either by the Director responsible for the agency’s activities or by the Resources Director of the parent Directorate-General.

    The creation of the Pre-selection Committee should be launched by a note from the Director-General of the parent DG setting out the time-table to be followed and, where appropriate, asking the DGs or other bodies involved to nominate their representative to the Committee. The secretariat of the Pre-selection Committee has to be provided by the parent DG.

    3.5. Screening of applications

    The initial screening of the applications may be carried out by officials from the parent DG, acting on behalf of the Pre-selection Committee. When considered to be appropriate, i.e. particularly where there are a large number of applications, use can be made of an external human resources consultant, also acting on behalf of the Pre-selection Committee.

    It serves to identify candidates who, on the basis of the vacancy notice, are eligible for the post, and to prepare the assessment of the eligible applications for the Pre-selection Committee.

    In order to undertake this screening, an assessment grid has to be established incorporating all the eligibility criteria contained in the vacancy notice.

    3.6. Assessment by the Pre-Selection Committee

    The assessment grid and applications have to be submitted to the Pre-selection Committee.

    The committee should:

    - endorse the results of the initial screening of the applications;

    - assess the qualifications of the remaining eligible candidates in order to decide which of them to invite for an interview.

    Where it is considered appropriate, use can be made of an external human resources consultant who can carry out pre-interviews in order to identify those candidates who should be interviewed by the Pre-selection Committee.

    These pre-interviews should take place between the first and the second meeting of the committee. In such cases, the committee has to determine, in its first meeting and on the basis of the grid submitted to it, which of the eligible candidates should be invited to the pre-interviews. Once the human resources consultant has completed his work, the committee will have to fully endorse his work in order to draw up a list of candidates to be invited for interview.

    (It should be noted that any expenditure incurred in engaging the human resources consultant has to be borne in full by the parent DG or the agency concerned.)

    The Pre-selection Committee should, as a general orientation, interview between 10 and 15 candidates on the basis of the applications submitted to it. Following these interviews the Committee will draw up a list of those candidates it deems suitable for appointment.

    Parent DGs should pay particular attention to ensure that each and every step in the selection procedure is fully documented if only to be able to deal with possible complaints from rejected candidates at a later stage. Therefore, at the interview stage, an assessment grid taking up the selection criteria contained in the vacancy notice must be used and the overall conclusions reached by the committee on each candidate should be summarised.

    3.7. Adoption of the list of proposed candidates by the Commission

    3.7.1. Establishment of the draft list

    With regard to the format of the Commission proposal, only the basic regulations of Community Plant Variety Office (CPVO) and of the most recent agencies (EFSA, EMSA, ENISA, ECDC, EMEA and ERA) refer explicitly to a list of candidates which has to be submitted to the Appointing Authority.

    However, in the case of the other agencies, the Commission should not normally limit itself to proposing only one candidate if it wants to ensure that the Appointing Authority has sufficient choice. It would otherwise run the risk of this body refusing to appoint the candidate proposed by the Commission. This would mean that the selection procedure would have to be started again from the beginning.

    There is, therefore, general agreement to the principle that the Commission should submit a list of candidates from which the relevant body can choose the person it considers to be most suitable for appointment. This list should consist of between two and four names depending on the number and the qualifications of candidates applying for the post.

    The draft list is established by the Pre-selection Committee on the basis of its interviews with the candidates. This draft list is submitted, together with all relevant background material (CVs, grids, fiches etc.), to the CCA for approval by way of written procedure.

    3.7.2. Adoption of the list where no objections are raised by the CCA

    Where no objections are raised within the deadline for the written procedure by any of the CCA members, the Portfolio Commissioner interviews the candidates on the draft list.

    The Commissioner for Personnel and Administration, in agreement with the President and the Portfolio Commissioner then proposes to the College either in written or in oral procedure the list of the candidates (in alphabetical order or, where appropriate, by order of preference) to be adopted and submitted to the body competent for the appointment of the Head of Agency.

    3.7.3. Adoption of the list despite objections from the CCA

    Where objections are raised in the course of the written procedure, any CCA member may ask that the President of the pre-selection panel be invited to a future CCA session to explain the procedure and justify the draft short-list. If on the basis of this hearing agreement can be reached, the list is proposed to the College as explained above.

    If it is still not possible to reach an agreement, the CCA proceeds to interview the short-listed candidates or any other candidate deemed suitable for appointment, on the basis of the published selection criteria, and the agreed principles for Commission appointments of senior management.

    In accordance with the rules of procedure, the composition of the CCA in such cases is:

    - the Director-General for Personnel (chair),

    - the Head of Cabinet of the Commissioner responsible for Personnel and Administration,

    - the Permanent Rapporteur,

    - a Deputy Secretary-General

    - the Director-General of the parent DG.

    The CCA establishes a new draft list of proposed candidates which is submitted to the Portfolio Commissioner and the Commissioner responsible for Personnel and Administration who both interview the short-listed candidates.

    On the basis of these interviews, the Commissioner responsible for Personnel and Administration, in agreement with the President and the Portfolio Commissioner, then proposes to the College the list of candidates as set out above.

    It is only after the College has taken its decision that all the candidates are informed about the result of their application. This task is the responsibility of the parent Directorate General.

    3.7.4. Appointment of the Director by the Administrative Board or the Council

    The Administrative Board, or the Council in the case of the CPVO, chooses the Director from the list of candidates proposed by the Commission and makes the appointment.

    For the OHIM, the Council appoints the President of the Office from the list of candidates proposed by the Administrative Board.

    3.8. Financial questions

    The expenditure linked to the selection procedure must be borne by the agency’s budget. Therefore, these costs have to be taken into account when preparing the budget for the relevant year. However, in cases where such a budget does not yet exist due to the ongoing creation phase of the new agency, the parent DG is considered to be responsible for costs linked to the selection procedure.

    3.8.1. Costs for translation and publication

    No specific appropriations have to be earmarked for the translation of the publication in the Official Journal, where it is the Commission who is required to submit a proposal regarding the candidates; in this case translations are prepared by the Commission’s Translation Directorate-General on the request on the parent DG which is also responsible for checking the language versions.

    Where it is the Commission’s responsibility to publish the post in the Official Journal, no specific appropriations have to be provided. The procedure is co-ordinated by unit ADMIN.A.5, “organisation chart and management staff”, on receipt of all language versions from the parent DG.

    For press publications, costs currently are about EUR 100 000 – 150 000 for publication in one paper in each Member State (two in those where there are two official languages). Limited publication in the international or specialised Press is often a cheaper alternative.

    3.8.2. Additional costs

    Additional costs may arise where the agency (or the parent DG) decides to engage a head-hunter or where a contractor is used for the screening of the applications and/or participation in the interviews by the Pre-selection Committee.

    DG ADMIN has concluded framework contracts for many of these services, which are available for use by agencies (or the parent DG). Subject to overall limits on spending on these framework contracts, purchase orders may be raised by agencies (or the parent DG) with external contractors in the context of selection procedures for agency Directors.

    DG ADMIN can provide practical advice to agencies (or parent DGs) wishing to make use of these framework contracts (including the Media contract if external publication goes beyond the Official Journal). The agency (or the parent DG) is responsible for ensuring the procedural follow-up, including contacts with the contractor for publications; all resulting order forms must, however, be copied to DG ADMIN.A.5.

    The costs of such additional operations, as these are linked to the selection procedure, must be borne by the budget of the agency. However, in cases where such a budget does not exist due to the ongoing creation phase of the new agency, the parent DG is considered to be responsible for costs linked to the selection procedure.


    4.1. Appointments of heads of executive agencies

    The framework regulation for the new executive agencies (Regulation 58/2003) determines that the head to be appointed must be an official of the European Communities. Therefore, in these cases the post is published only internally to the Commission and interinstitutionally. The selection is carried out by way of the normal CCA procedure as provided in point 3.7.

    The selected official should then be seconded in the interest of the service to the executive agency.

    4.2. Other appointments by the Commission of heads of agencies on the basis of a proposal from another body

    In the case of agencies where, in accordance with the basic regulations, the Commission appoints the head of agency on the basis of a proposal from some other body (normally the Administrative Board),[6] this proposal should be submitted to the CCA which, when constituted as set out in point 3.7.2. above, will follow its own Internal Rules of Procedure in force.[7]

    Following the opinion from the CCA the portfolio Commissioner and the Commissioner responsible for Personnel and Administration both interview the short-listed candidates. On the basis of these interviews, the Commissioner responsible for Personnel and Administration, in agreement with the President and the Portfolio Commissioner proposes to the College a candidate for nomination.

    However, for the establishment of the list of proposed candidates the following points have to be borne in mind:

    - The Commission should only appoint a candidate from a list where the body competent for its establishment has respected a procedure that can be considered equivalent to that set out above for the establishment of a Commission proposal.

    - As the proposal is not established by the Commission, the translation of the profile is not carried out by the DGT. Those agencies, therefore, have to use the Translation Centre (CdT).

    - Where it is not the Commission’s task to submit a proposal and, therefore, to publish the post, costs for the publication (including dissemination) of the post in the OJ will be recovered by the Office for Publications (OPOCE).

    These points have also to be taken into account when assessing the budgetary impact of the procedure.


    The basic acts of four agencies also provide for the nomination of one or more Vice-Presidents or (Deputy) Directors. The procedural rules are similar to those for the Presidents or (Executive) Directors. Given that it is not the Commission’s task to submit a proposal in any of these cases, there is no need here to establish specific rules for such appointments.


    Directors and Deputy Directors are appointed by the Commission subject to a probationary period that begins on the first day of their entry into service and generally ends after six months.

    Where, during his probationary period, a Director is prevented, by sickness, maternity leave, or accident, from performing his or her duties for a continuous period of at least one month, the Appointing Authority may extend the probationary period by the corresponding length of time.

    The measures contained in Article 34 of the Staff Regulations and the procedure laid down in the Commission Decision regarding the entry into service of officials recruited for positions corresponding to the posts of Director-General and Director apply by analogy, with particular provisions regarding the following points:

    - Appraisal is organised by the body that produced the list of candidates proposed to the Appointing Authority, i.e. the Commission for most agencies and the Administrative Board in the cases of CEDEFOP, EUROFOUND and the OHIM.

    In practice, when the Commission draws up a list of candidates, the parent DG assigns an official who holds at least the same grade and occupies a function at the same level as the Director, and when the Administrative Board draws up the list of candidates, the Chair will choose one or two rapporteurs among the members of the Board.

    - The Appointing Authority is the appointing body, and the Reports Committee is that of the Commission.

    - An interim evaluation must take place before the end of the fourth month. The Appointing Authority must also be informed of the results of this evaluation.

    - No more than ten working days after the interview regarding the final report, the assessor must send the report to the Appointing Authority and recommend a confirmation of the appointment or, after the opinion of the Reports Committee, the continuation of the probationary period, or dismissal of the Director, in which case the report is automatically sent to the Appointing Authority, and then to the Reports Committee, which gives its opinion within a three week-period.

    - The final report and the assessor’s appraisal are also sent for information purposes to the Portfolio Commissioner and the Commissioner responsible for Personnel and Administration.

    - The probationary period may be extended by the Appointing Authority for a total of no more than 12 months, at the end of which time a new report is drawn up.

    - In the event of an appeal, the Director lays out in writing the reasons for his rejection of the final report and sends them to the Chair of the Administrative Board, the Portfolio Commissioner when the Commission is the Appointing Authority, or to the COREPER chair when the Appointing Authority is the Council.


    With the exceptions of the European Training Foundation (ETF), recently created agencies and agencies that are being set up, the basic regulations allow Directors, who are normally appointed for a period of four to five years, to be re-appointed one or several times (see Annex I).

    Until recently, due to financial and time considerations, the appointing body chose to renew the Director’s mandate by a simple decision.

    From a legal point of view however it is now considered that the extension of a Director’s mandate should only come about after the selection procedure has been repeated in its entirety.

    A proposal amending the regulations of the agencies concerned was recently put before the Council and the Parliament so that the texts might conform with current practice, replacing the notion of renewal by that of prolongation.

    The proposal lays down the conditions under which the Director's mandate may be prolonged: once only, for a period no longer than the duration of the mandate, and in response to a proposal by the body that drew up the list of candidates proposed to the Appointing Authority, i.e. the Commission for most agencies and the Administrative Board for CEDEFOP, EUROFOUND and the OHIM.

    It also stresses the need for preliminary assessments and a proposal for an extension by the Appointing Authority, which takes into account two elements in particular:

    - the results obtained during the first term, and the manner in which they were achieved;

    - the missions and needs of the agency over the coming years.

    The preliminary assessment that precedes the proposal for an extension is to be carried out by the same assessor who evaluated the Director's performance during the probationary period. The assessment linked to missions and the needs of the agency is to be carried out by the parent DG.



    AGENCE | TITRE ET base juridique | NOMINATION et durée du mandat | ADJOINTS |

    AEE Agence européenne pour l’environnement (DG ENV) | Directeur exécutif Art. 9 du Rég. 1210/90 | Nommé par le conseil d’administration sur proposition de la Commission Mandat de 5 ans renouvelable | Non prévu dans le règlement |

    ETF Fondation européenne pour la formation (DG EAC) | Directeur Art. 7 du Rég. 1360/90 | Nommé par le conseil de direction sur proposition de la Commission Mandat de 5 ans prorogeable 1 fois pour 5 ans maximum | Non prévu dans le règlement |

    OEDT Observatoire européen des drogues et toxicomanies (DG JLS) | Directeur Art. 9 du Rég. 302/93 | Nommé par le conseil d’administration sur proposition de la Commission Mandat de 5 ans renouvelable | Non prévu dans le règlement |

    EU – OSHA Agence européenne pour la sécurité et la santé au travail (DG EMPL) | Directeur Art. 11 du Rég. 2062/94 | Nommé par le conseil d’administration sur proposition de la Commission Mandat de 5 ans renouvelable | Non prévu dans le règlement |

    OCVV Office communautaire des variétés végétales (DG SANCO) | Président Art. 42 et 43 § 1 du Rég. 2100/94 | Nommé par le Conseil sur la base d’une liste de candidats établie par la Commission après avis du conseil d’administration Mandat de 5 ans maximum renouvelable | Art. 43 § 3 du Rég. 2100/94 1 ou plusieurs vice-présidents Même procédure et même durée que le président, ce dernier étant consulté |

    CdT Centre de traduction des organes de l’UE (DGT) | Directeur Art. 9 du Rég. 2965/94 | Nommé par le conseil d’administration sur proposition de la Commission Mandat de 5 ans renouvelable | Non prévu dans le règlement |

    EUMC Observatoire européen des phénomènes racistes et xénophobes (DG EMPL) | Directeur Art 10 du Rég. 1035/97 | Nommé par le conseil d’administration sur proposition de la Commission Mandat de 4 ans renouvelable | Non prévu dans le règlement |

    AER Agence européenne pour la reconstruction (DG RELEX) | Directeur Art. 5 du Rég. 2667/2000 | Nommé par le conseil de direction sur proposition de la Commission Mandat de 30 mois sans renouvellement ou prolongation prévu | Non prévu dans le règlement |

    EFSA Autorité européenne de sécurité des aliments (DG SANCO) | Directeur exécutif Art. 26 du Rég. 178/2002 | Nommé par le conseil d’administration sur la base d’une liste de candidats proposée par la Commission après mise en concurrence ouverte Audition devant le PE avant nomination Mandat de 5 ans renouvelable | Non prévu dans le règlement |

    AESM Agence européenne pour la sécurité maritime (DG TREN) | Directeur exécutif Art. 16 du Rég. 1406/2002 | Nommé par le conseil d’administration sur proposition (possible) par la Commission d’une liste d’un ou plusieurs candidats. Mandat de 5 ans renouvelable 1 fois | Non prévu dans le règlement |

    AESA Agence européenne pour la sécurité aérienne (DG TREN) | Directeur exécutif Art. 30 § 1 du Rég. 1592/2002 | Nommé par le conseil d’administration sur proposition de la Commission Mandat de 5 ans renouvelable | Art. 30 § 2, 3 et 4 du Rég. 1592/2002 1 ou plusieurs directeurs Nommés par le conseil d’administration sur proposition du directeur Mandat de 5 ans renouvelable |

    ENISA Agence européenne chargée de la sécurité des réseaux et de l’information (DG INFSO) | Directeur exécutif Art. 7 du Rég. 460/2004 | Nommé par le conseil d’administration sur la base d’une liste de candidats proposée par la Commission après un concours général. Audition devant le PE avant nomination Mandat de 5 ans maximum sans renouvellement ou prolongation prévu | Non prévu dans le règlement |

    ECDC Centre européen de prévention et de contrôle des maladies (DG SANCO) | Directeur Art. 17 du Rég. 851/2004 | Nommé par le conseil d’administration sur la base d’une liste de candidats proposée par la Commission après mise en concurrence ouverte Audition devant le PE avant nomination Mandat de 5 ans prorogeable 1 fois pour 5 ans maximum | Non prévu dans le règlement |

    AFE Agence ferroviaire européenne (DG TREN) | Directeur exécutif Art. 31 du Rég. 881/2004 | Nommé par le conseil d’administration sur proposition (possible) par la Commission d’un ou plusieurs candidats. Mandat de 5 ans renouvelable 1 fois | Non prévu dans le règlement |

    EMEA Agence européenne des médicaments (DG ENTR) | Directeur exécutif Art. 64 du Rég. 726/2004 | Nommé par le conseil d’administration sur la base d’une liste de candidats proposée par la Commission après mise en concurrence ouverte Audition devant le PE avant nomination Mandat de 5 ans renouvelable 1 fois | Non prévu dans le règlement |

    Galiléo Autorité de surveillance GNSS (DG TREN) | Directeur exécutif Art. 7 du Rég. 1321/2004 | Nommé par le conseil d’administration sur une liste d’au moins 3 candidats proposée par la Commission. Le CA arrête sa décision à la majorité des trois quarts de ses membres. Mandat de 5 ans renouvelable 1 fois | Non prévu dans le règlement |

    Agence européenne pour la gestion de la coopération aux frontières extérieures des EM de l’UE (DG JLS) | Directeur exécutif Art. 26 et 27 du Rég. 2007/2004 | Nommé par le conseil d’administration (maj des 2/3) sur la base d’une liste de candidats proposée par la Commission après mise en concurrence ouverte Mandat de 5 ans reconductible 1 fois pour 5 ans maximum | 1 directeur exécutif adjoint nommé par le conseil d’administration (maj 2/3) sur proposition du directeur exécutif Mandat de 5 ans reconductible 1 fois pour 5 ans maximum |


    AGENCE | TITRE ET base juridique | NOMINATION et durée du mandat | ADJOINTS |

    CEDEFOP Centre européen pour le développement de la formation professionnelle (DG EAC) | Directeur Art. 6 du Rég. 337/75 | Nommé par la Commission sur la base d’une liste de candidats présentés par le conseil d’administration Mandat de 5 ans renouvelable | Non prévu dans le règlement |

    EUROFOUND Fondation européenne pour l’amélioration des conditions de vie et de travail (DG EMPL) | Directeur Art. 8 du Rég.1365/75 | Nommé par la Commission sur la base d’une liste de candidats présentés par le conseil d’administration Mandat de 5 ans renouvelable | Même article, même procédure et même durée que le directeur |


    AGENCE | TITRE ET base juridique | NOMINATION et durée du mandat | ADJOINTS |

    OHMI Office de l’harmonisation dans le marché intérieur (DG MARKT) | Président Art. 120, § 1 et 2, du Rég. 40/94 | Nommé par le Conseil sur la base d’une liste de 3 candidats au moins établie par le conseil d’administration Mandat de 5 ans maximum renouvelable | Art. 120 § 3 du Rég. 40/94 1 ou plusieurs vice-présidents.Même procédure que le président, celui-ci étant entendu. Aucune indication de durée. |


    AGENCE | TITRE ET base juridique | NOMINATION et durée du mandat | ADJOINTS |

    EUROJUST (DG JLS) | Directeur administratif Art. 29 de la décision du Conseil du 28 février 2002 | Nommé à l’unanimité du collège. Celui-ci constitue un comité de sélection qui établit, après appel à candidature, une liste de candidats. Mandat de 5 ans renouvelable | Non prévu dans la décision |

    CEPOL Collège européen de police (DG JLS) | Directeur administratif du secrétariat Art. 4 de la décision du Conseil du 22 décembre 2000 | Nommé par le conseil d’administration pour diriger le secrétariat permanent Mandat de 3 ans sans renouvellement ou prolongation prévu | Non prévu dans la décision |

    Proposition de la Commission : (COM(2004) 623 final du 1.10.2004) | Directeur Art. 10 de la proposition de décision du Conseil | Désigné par le Conseil à partir d’une liste de 3 candidats au moins établie par le conseil d’administration Mandat de 5 ans prorogeable sur recommandation du conseil d’administration (maj 2/3). Au total, le mandat ne peut dépasser 10 ans. | Non prévu dans la décision |

    EUROPOL Office européen de police (DG JLS) | Directeur Art. 29 § 1 de la Convention Europol | nommé par le Conseil statuant à l'unanimité sur avis du conseil d'administration selon la procédure prévue au titre VI du TUE Mandat de quatre ans, renouvelable une fois. | Art. 29 § 2 de la Convention Plusieurs directeurs adjoints, selon le nombre déterminé par le Conseil. Même procédure et même durée que le directeur qui définit leurs tâches |

    CSUE Centre satellitaire de l’Union européenne (DG RELEX) | Directeur Art. 8 § 1 de l’action commune du Conseil du 20 juillet 2001 | Nommé par le conseil d’administration sur la base des candidatures soumises par les EM au SG/HR. Mandat de 3 ans prorogeable 2 ans | Art. 8 § 2 de l’action commune du Conseil du 20 juillet 2001 Nommé par le directeur après approbation du conseil d’administration Mandat de 3 ans sans prorogation prévue |

    IESUE Institut d’études de sécurité de l’Union européenne (DG RELEX) | Directeur Art. 6 de l’action commune du Conseil du 20 juillet 2001 | Nommé par le conseil d’administration sur la base des candidatures soumises par les EM au SG/HR. Mandat de 3 ans prorogeable 2 ans | Non prévu dans l’action commune |

    AED Agence européenne de défense (DG RELEX) | Directeur Art. 10 de l’action commune 2004/551/PESC du Conseil du 12 juillet 2004 | Désigné par le comité directeur sur proposition du chef de l’agence (le SG/HR). Agit sous l’autorité du chef de l’agence. Mandat de 3 ans prorogeable 2 ans | Même article, même procédure et même durée que le directeur |


    Indicative timetable for the selection procedure [8]

    1. Establishment of the Pre-Selection Committee

    2. Preparation of vacancy notice and translation into the official languages

    3. Approval of the vacancy notice by the Pre-Selection Committee and by the body responsible for nomination (steps 1 to 3: 6 weeks)

    4. Publication of the vacancy notice in the Official Journal and short press publication (2 weeks); deadline for applications 4-6 weeks

    5. Initial screening of the applications and examination by the Pre-Selection Committee (4 weeks)

    6. Interviews with the best qualified candidates and establishment of a first draft list (4 weeks)

    7. Approval of the draft list by the CCA by way of written procedure (2 weeks)

    8. Possibly, hearing of the Chairperson of the Pre-Selection Committee and CCA interviews with candidates if necessary (2 weeks)

    9. Interview with the portfolio Commissioner and the Commissioner for Personnel and Administration (2-4 weeks)

    10. Adoption of the list by the Commission (2 weeks)

    11. Interviews with the proposed candidates by the body competent for the nomination (2 weeks)

    12. Nomination of the Head of agency by the competent body

    13. Taking up duties by the new Head of Agency (3 months)

    ANNEX III [9]


    (all relevant fields must be duly completed (for paper based expression of interests: in capital letters using BLACK INK, even when additional documents are attached. Sign and date the completed form))

    Candidates should complete the form in all its parts

    1. Surname[11]: ………………………………………

    Forenames: ……………………………………

    Title: …………………………………………….

    2. Address for correspondence[12]

    Street: …………………….. N°: ……………………..

    Postal code: ……………… Town: ………………………

    Country: …………………………

    Telephone N°: ………………….. E-mail address: …………………………………………….

    Fax N°: …………………………

    Daytime telephone N°: ………………………………..

    3. Date of birth :

    Day: …………. Month: ……………… Year: …………….

    4. Gender

    Male: ……………….. Female: …………….

    5. Nationality

    Address: |

    9. Professional experience relevant to the agency’s mission

    10. Management experience

    11. Professional experience linked to the European Institutions

    12. Information on direct or indirect interest of relevance to the mission of the agency (It is not necessary to indicate, at this stage, the amount of any financial interests or the names of the family members)

    (1) Direct interest (financial benefits arising from, for example, employment, contracted work, investments, fees etc.):

    (2) Indirect interests (indirect financial, e.g. grants, sponsorships, or other kind of benefits):

    (3) Interests deriving from the professional activities of the applicant or his/her close family members:

    (4) Any membership role or affiliation that you have in organisations/bodies/club with an interest in the work of the agency:

    (5) Other interests or facts that the applicant considers pertinent:

    13. Declaration:

    14. I declare on my word of honour that the information provided above is true and complete and I am aware that any incorrect statements may invalidate my expression of interest.

    15. I further declare on my word of honour that:

    (i) I am a national of one of the Member States of the European Union and enjoy my full rights as a citizen;

    (ii) I have fulfilled any obligations imposed on me by laws concerning military service.

    16. I undertake to produce on request documents to support my application and accept that failure to do so may invalidate my expression of interest.

    17. I confirm that I am willing to make a commitment to act independently in the public interest and to make complete declarations of any direct or indirect interests that might be considered prejudicial to my independence.

    Date and Signature:

    Candidates must submit:

    - a letter of motivation

    - a free format CV of maximum 3 pages

    [1] For details see Annex I, which gives an overview of all EU bodies and agencies.

    [2] An exception applies to the EAR and to ENISA due the (time-limited) lifetime of the agencies (see Annex I).

    [3] See compilation document on senior officials policy (SEC(2004)1352-2 of 26 October 2004)

    [4] See indicative timetable in Annex II.

    [5] For the function of the “Permanent Rapporteur” see compilation document on senior officials policy (SEC(2004)1352-2 of 26 October 2004)


    [7] Currently SEC(2002)301/8 of 17 April 2002.

    [8] Case where the Head of agency is nominated on proposal from the Commission

    [9] This form is a model and may be adapted to the requirements of an agency’s basic regulation

    [10] INFORMATION: The information submitted with this form may be processed and stored for the purposes of the selection procedure to which the application refers.

    [11] IMPORTANT: your expression of interest will be registered under this name. Please use it in all correspondence. Any other name (e.g. maiden name) appearing on diplomas or certificates accompanying this expression of interest should be indicated below:


    [12] The selection board should be informed of any change of address.
