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Document 52004PC0469

    Proposal for a Decision of the European Parliament and of the Council establishing the Culture 2007 programme (2007-2013) {SEC(2004) 954}

    /* COM/2004/0469 final - COD 2004/0150 */


    Proposal for a Decision of the European Parliament and of the Council establishing the Culture 2007 programme (2007-2013) {SEC(2004) 954} /* COM/2004/0469 final - COD 2004/0150 */

    Proposal for a DECISION OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL establishing the Culture 2007 programme (2007-2013) {SEC(2004) 954}

    (presented by the Commission)


    1. Introduction: background

    1.1 The legal basis

    Article 151 of the Treaty establishing the European Community constitutes the appropriate legal basis for Community action in the field of culture.

    The article stresses the need to comply with two fundamental concepts: on the one hand, cultural diversity while respecting the principle of subsidiarity and, on the other, promoting the common cultural heritage and cooperation between the Member States. The aim is therefore to encourage cultural cooperation between the Member States to supplement their action.

    1.2 Implementation of Article 151

    On the basis of this article, two initial generations of programmes were adopted: initially the sectoral programmes Kaleidoscope, Ariane and Raphaël [1] between 1993 and 1999, then a single framework programme, Culture 2000, [2] adopted in February 2000. These programmes all sought to encourage creativity and mobility among artists, access to culture for as many people as possible, the dissemination of art and culture, intercultural dialogue and knowledge of the history of European peoples.

    [1] See respectively Decisions No 719/96/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 29 March 1996 (OJ L 99, 20.4.1996), No 2085/97/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 6 October 1997 (OJ L 291, 24.10.1997) and No 2228/97/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 13 October 1997 (OJ L 305, 8.11.1997).

    [2] See Decisions No 508/2000/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council (OJ L 63, 10.03.2000) and No 626/2004/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council (OJ L 99, 3.04.2004).

    In parallel, the European Union also supports cultural cooperation organisations and networks working on the integration of our continent and the advent of a European civil society [3], and contributes to the preservation and commemoration of the main sites and archives associated with the deportations. [4]

    [3] See in particular Resolution of the Council of 14 November 1991 on European cultural networks (OJ C 314, 5.12.1991).

    [4] Decision No 792/2004/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council (OJ L 138, 30.04.2004).

    Finally, each year since 1985 the EU has appointed one or more European Capitals of Culture, which may receive financial support. [5]

    [5] Initially conceived as an intergovernmental initiative, this became a Community action in the proper sense with Decision No 1419/1999/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council (OJ L 166, 1.07.1999).

    2. The foundations of the new programme

    2.1 Important analysis and forward studies

    In order to prepare the new programme, and to provide an overview of the results of actions carried out in the field of cultural cooperation, evaluations were carried out on Community actions and programmes in the field of culture. [6] To these evaluations were added many contributions from the cultural sector and the experience acquired by the Commission in implementing its cultural programmes.

    [6] Ex post evaluation of the former cultural programmes Kaleidoscope, Ariane and Raphaël, mid-term evaluation of Culture 2000, evaluation of organisations of European cultural interest.

    In addition, the Commission carried out a wide-ranging forward thinking exercise. In particular, it organised a Forum on cultural cooperation [7], set up a group of experts to discuss the future cultural programme [8] and organised a public consultation. [9] It also organised or attended seminars on horizontal or sectoral themes and commissioned various studies on subjects relating to cultural cooperation. [10]

    [7] Forum held on 21-22 November 2001 on cultural cooperation in Europe.

    [8] In this context, the group of experts produced a report in June 2003 entitled "Towards a new cultural framework programme of the European Union".

    [9] Public consultation on the future European cultural programme carried out between April and July 2003 on the Internet.

    [10] Study on the exploitation and development of the job potential in the cultural sector in the age of digitalisation (June 2001), study on mobility and free movement of people and products in the European cultural sector (April 2002), Eurobarometer studies on cultural participation in the European Union (April 2002), feasibility study concerning the creation of a European observatory of cultural cooperation (August 2003), report on the state of cultural cooperation in Europe (October 2003).

    Finally, when drawing up its proposal, the Commission also took into account the work of the Council, the European Parliament and the Committee of the Regions [11].

    [11] See in particular the Council Resolutions of 25 June 2002 (OJ C 162, 6.7.2002, p. 5) and 19 December 2002 (OJ C 13, 18.1.2003, p. 5), the resolutions of the European Parliament of 5 September 2001 (OJ C 72 E, 21.03.2002), 28 February 2002 (OJ C 293 E, 28.11.2002, p. 105) and of 21 October 2002 (OJ C 300 E, 11.12.2003, p. 156), and the opinion of the Committee of the Regions of 9 October 2003 concerning the extension of the Culture 2000 programme.

    2.2 The main results

    This very wide-ranging exercise first of all showed the merits and relevance of cultural action by the European Union.

    However, it also revealed a number of shortcomings which the new programme is intended to correct.

    2.2.1 European cultural action

    Community action is currently too fragmented. Alongside the framework programme "Culture 2000", two main Community actions coexist: support for European cultural organisations and "European Capitals of Culture". Their link with the programme is too weak or non-existent. This dispersal into three actions harms the Community's image with its citizens, who are unaware of the efforts to preserve and expand the influence of their cultures and the taking into account of the cultural dimension in the construction of Europe, and above all affects overall coherence.

    2.2.2 The Culture 2000 programme

    The Culture 2000 programme pursues too many objectives, given the limited financial resources available to it. This reduces its effectiveness and "legibility", since the many and varied projects supported can provide a feeling of dispersal.

    Compartmentalisation between the various cultural disciplines within Culture 2000 has been mentioned as a constraint upon operators, as it does not enable sufficient consideration to be given to the changing situation in the sector and therefore risks excluding certain forms of cultural expression.

    2.2.3 The type of actions supported

    Certain actions are not taken into account by the Community cultural programme. Thus, true support is currently lacking for a discussion of the challenges of and resources for cultural cooperation in Europe.

    3. The third-generation programme

    3.1 A global vision

    The general objective of Community action is the achievement of a common cultural area through the development of cultural cooperation in Europe. This action will thus contribute actively to the development of a European identity from the grass roots.

    As the Commission indicated in a recent communication, [12] "European citizens are of course the ultimate target group of all EU actions in the field of culture. However, the European institutions need intermediaries in order to reach those citizens and to offer high quality cultural actions with a European dimension". These intermediaries are theatres, museums, professional associations, research centres, universities, cultural institutes, the authorities, etc.

    [12] Making citizenship work: fostering European culture and diversity through programmes for Youth, Culture, Audiovisual and Civic Participation (COM(2004) 154 final).

    The work referred to above shows that the number of objectives should be reduced and that the following three aspects, for which there is a broad consensus, should therefore be given priority support: [13] transnational mobility for people working in the cultural sector, transnational circulation of artistic and cultural works and products and intercultural dialogue. Cultural operators, and therefore citizens, should be given more opportunities to create networks, carry out projects, be more mobile or promote cultural dialogue in Europe and in other regions of the globe. Projects supported by the programme will need to be on a sufficient scale and offer maximum added value at European level; each project will therefore need to pursue at least two of these objectives.

    [13] See inter alia the Council Resolution of 21 January 2002 (OJ C 32, 05.02.2002 p. 1), the Council Resolution of 19 December 2002 (OJ C13, 18.01.2003, p. 5), the European Parliament resolution of 22 October 2002 (OJ C 300 E, p.156), the European Parliament resolution of 4 September 2003, the conclusions of the Forum on cultural cooperation, the results of the public consultation or the report from the group of experts of June 2003.

    In relation to the first two generations of cultural action, the proposed programme is intended as a coherent, global and complete tool for multilateral cultural cooperation in Europe, capable of perceiving its full complexity. The programme provides for three levels of intervention, each addressing three different and complementary strata of cultural cooperation and thus responding to distinct but interdependent needs. This is the programme's main innovation: a global vision taking in the cultural sector as a whole and encouraging synergies.

    There is a strand corresponding to each level of intervention.

    The first strand consists of direct financial support for sustainable, exploratory or "special" cooperation projects. [14] It is essential in so far as it contributes to the dynamism of cultural activity with a European dimension and takes the form of actions visible to European citizens both within and outside the territory of the countries taking part in the programme. This strand will also enable the European Union to strengthen its cultural influence at international level by encouraging an abundance of projects on the ground.

    [14] In its opinion of 9 October 2003, the Committee of the Regions declared itself in favour of the promotion of cultural activities with a local character and of a high cultural level. In addition, the mid-term evaluation of the Culture 2000 programme and the evaluation of the previous cultural programmes also demonstrated the relevance and coherence of this project-based approach.

    However, this action should be supplemented by a more structural intervention in favour of cooperation, going beyond the project-based approach. For this reason, the second strand is intended to fully integrate the Community action programme for the promotion of organisations active at European level in the field of culture; in particular by providing operating aid for European organisations working on a sustainable basis in favour of cultural cooperation or acting as "ambassadors" for European culture which have acquired a high level of expertise in the field. [15]

    [15] In its resolution of 14 November 1991 (OJ C 314, 5.12.1991), the Council stressed the important role played by networks of cultural organisations in cultural cooperation in Europe.

    This multi-annual support should enable these organisations to exploit their experience and develop their activities. To ensure continuity with the programme of support for organisations, it will also be worthwhile supporting actions to preserve and commemorate the main sites and archives associated with the deportations.

    Finally, the third strand aims to support analysis and information activities, in order to create a favourable environment for cooperation. It contains three complementary actions encompassing cultural cooperation at different levels. The first seeks to promote the production of conceptual tools by supporting studies and analyses of cultural cooperation, which will provide a better understanding of the phenomenon. The second aims to remove certain practical obstacles to cooperation through the development of an Internet tool for exchanging information and good practice. [16] The third provides for supporting "culture contact points" in order to ensure targeted, effective grass-roots dissemination of practical information on the new cultural programme.

    [16] In its resolution of 21 January 2002 (OJ C 032, 05.02.2002 p. 1), the Council calls on the Commission and the Member States to "promote the use of existing networks or of any networks which might be set up in the future in the Member States to facilitate cooperation and to exchange information and good practice at European level" and to "promote the networking of cultural information to enable all citizens to access European cultural content by the most advanced technological means, particularly by continuing to encourage the development of the European electronic portal started by the Commission and by linking this portal with the digital cultural content that exists in the Member States". Similarly, the feasibility study on the establishment of a monitoring unit on cultural cooperation has shown the need to organise the mass of information available to cultural operators through greater plurality of networks and Internet sites.

    Each action should be seen in the light of the three specific objectives.

    3.2 The specific objectives of the new programme

    The specific objectives identified below offer a real European added value. This means that the pursuit of these objectives by Community actions is fully justified in so far as they could not be achieved by action at national level. [17] The projects and actions chosen to benefit from Community support will all have to meet at least two of them.

    [17] Resolution of 19 December 2002 (OJ C13, 18 January 2003, p. 5) already cited.

    3.2.1 Supporting the transnational mobility of people working in the cultural sector

    The information provided to professionals on the social, regulatory and tax provisions applicable to a short or long-term stay in another country is still frequently too fragmentary. In order to encourage mobility for these professionals, it therefore appears essential to promote the establishment of networks, move towards greater coordination and promote the dissemination of knowledge and information.

    Two sorts of mobility will be encouraged by Community action in the field of culture: mobility for the provision or establishment of cultural services (e.g. tours); mobility with the aim of training, experiencing other cultures or artistic practices, exchanging experiences.

    3.2.2 Encouraging the transnational circulation of works of art and artistic and cultural products

    Circulating works of art, material or otherwise, and artistic and cultural products beyond national borders involves extra costs for the organiser: transport costs, insurance, prospecting new markets, greater effort to publicise works or artists who may be less well-known abroad, investment of time in getting to know the market (host structures, regulations and administrative formalities, etc.). This objective corresponds to those of the Treaty (Articles 3q and 151) and responds to certain basic Community tasks (completion of the internal market, strengthening European integration through the creation of a common cultural area).

    3.2.3 Promoting intercultural dialogue

    As an exchange based on openness and equality between cultures, intercultural dialogue leads to mutual enrichment and a common search for shared values and interpretations. It can also play a fundamental role, particularly in integrating new Europeans from a range of cultures.

    3.3 Resources

    3.3.1 A new, more open instrument

    The new programme is more open in so far as it distances itself from the sectoral approach (by artistic and cultural disciplines). Operators will be free to propose projects corresponding to their interests and aspirations, whether sectoral or cross-sectoral, in so far as they aim for at least two of the objectives set out above. No facet of cultural and artistic activity will therefore be excluded a priori.

    Community cultural action wishes to open itself up to a wide variety of participants, ranging from administrations to networks, from cultural organisations to enterprises in the cultural sector, enabling cooperation in a wide range of formats.

    Finally, the programme intends to be more open to participants from third countries, particularly countries covered by the new neighbourhood policy, and to support projects running outside the borders of the European Union, thus helping to increase its influence.

    3.3.2 A new, more complete instrument

    The new programme is more complete in that it integrates in a single financial instrument the various facets of cultural cooperation. It has three main strands. First strand: support for cultural actions

    It provides direct support for European cooperation projects of varying length and scale which have at least two of the specific objectives defined above. The "cooperation focal points" highlight the sustainable nature of cooperation. Each focal point brings together operators in one or more sectors on various multi-annual activities or projects, sectoral or cross-sectoral in nature but pursuing common objectives. "Cooperation measures" are oriented towards creativity and innovation and open the way to new cooperation projects, which may in some cases be pursued within cooperation focal points. Lasting not more than one year, they bring together European operators on sectoral or cross-sectoral measures. Finally, "special actions" are characterised by their "symbolic" and federative nature. These events, substantial in scale and scope, should strike a significant chord with the peoples of Europe and help to increase their sense of belonging to the same community as well as making them aware of the cultural diversity of the Member States and of intercultural and international dialogue. The "special actions" include in particular the "European Capitals of Culture" the European dimension of which must be strengthened. Second strand: support for European organisations active in the field of culture

    Apart from direct support for cooperation projects, operating aid should be given to organisations working for cultural cooperation or acting as "ambassadors" for European culture. The new programme is intended to integrate support for these organisations in order to increase the coherence of Community action.

    This also covers actions supported for the preservation and commemoration of the main sites and archives associated with the deportations, symbolised by the memorials which have been raised on the sites of the former camps and other large-scale martyrdom and extermination sites, and for keeping alive the memory of the victims at these sites. Third strand: support for analyses and for the collection and dissemination of information in the field of cultural cooperation

    It is fundamental to have information and figures on developments in cultural cooperation at European level, particularly with regard to the mobility of players, the circulation of works and intercultural dialogue. This will deepen knowledge of the phenomenon of cooperation and create favourable conditions for it to flourish.

    Moreover, the new programme intends to encourage the development of an efficient communication and information tool on the Internet, targeted at the needs of professionals in the field of cooperation.

    Finally, in order to ensure targeted, effective grass-roots dissemination of practical information on new cultural programme, it provides for support from "culture contact points". These organs, acting at national level, are established in collaboration with the Member States and on a voluntary basis.

    3.4. Towards a more user-friendly programme

    In its above-mentioned communications of 10 February and 9 March 2004, the Commission underlined the importance of profiting from the review of the legal instruments to significantly simplify the design and implementation of Community instruments, and to rationalise these new programmes as much as possible.

    3.4.1 Simpler methods for beneficiaries

    The Commission will examine all means currently possible for reducing the constraints on beneficiaries while respecting the financial rules in force, in particular by:

    - simplifying forms and application methods;

    - making the award procedure more transparent and improving information for applicants;

    - applying the principle of proportionality as much as possible, for example by using flat-rate systems for small contributions or for clearly identifiable budgetary items and by limiting the requirements for verification of the financial capacity of beneficiary organisations for small grants.

    3.4.2. Rationalised management

    In order to strengthen the effectiveness and efficiency of the programme, the Commission will entrust its management to an executive agency under the terms of the Council Regulation laying down the statute for executive agencies to be entrusted with certain tasks in the management of Community programmes [18] and the "Guidelines for the establishment and operation of executive agencies financed by the general budget of the European Communities" [19] .

    [18] Council Regulation (EC) No 58/2003 of 19 December 2002, OJ L 11, 16.01.2003.

    [19] C(2003)4645, 12.12.2003.

    4. Conclusion

    The European Commission, guided by an ambition to create a common cultural area, respecting national and regional diversities, proposes a programme aimed at developing transnational cultural cooperation through support for cultural cooperation actions, European organisations active in the field of culture, studies and analyses and information and communication.

    The Commission therefore proposes that the European Parliament and the Council adopt the attached Decision concerning the Culture 2007 programme.

    2004/0150 (COD)

    Proposal for a DECISION OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL establishing the Culture 2007 programme (2007-2013)


    Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Community, and in particular the first indent of Article 151(5) thereof,

    Having regard to the proposal from the Commission, [20]

    [20] OJ C [...], [...], p. [...].

    Having regard to the opinion of the Committee of the Regions, [21]

    [21] OJ C [...], [...], p. [...].

    Acting in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 251 of the Treaty,


    (1) It is essential to promote cooperation and cultural exchanges in order to respect and promote the diversity of cultures in Europe and improve knowledge among European citizens of European cultures other than their own. Promoting cultural cooperation and diversity thus helps to make European citizenship a tangible reality by encouraging direct participation by European citizens in the integration process.

    (2) Culture should contribute to improving the external visibility of the European Union by promoting its cultural diversity and the common dimensions of its cultures.

    (3) For citizens to give their full support to, and participate fully in, European integration, greater emphasis should be placed on their common cultural values and roots as a key element of their identity and their membership of a society founded on freedom, equity, democracy, tolerance and solidarity;

    (4) It is also necessary to promote active citizenship and strengthen the fight against exclusion in all its forms, including racism and xenophobia.

    (5) Article 3 of the Treaty establishing the European Community stipulates that, in all the activities referred to in this Article, the Community shall aim to eliminate inequalities, and to promote equality, between men and women.

    (6) The Kaleidoscope, Ariane, Raphaël and Culture 2000 cultural programmes, set out respectively in Decisions No 719/96/EC [22], No 2085/97/EC [23], No 2228/97/EC [24] and No°508/2000/EC [25] of the European Parliament and of the Council, marked positive stages in the implementation of Community action on culture. Considerable experience has thus been acquired, particularly through the evaluation of these cultural programmes. It is at present worthwhile to rationalise and strengthen Community cultural action on the basis of the results of these evaluations, the results of consultation with all interested parties and recent work by the European institutions. It is therefore appropriate to establish a programme to this end.

    [22] OJ L 99, 20.04.1996, p. 20.

    [23] OJ L 291, 24.10.1997, p. 26.

    [24] OJ L 305, 08.11.1997, p. 31.

    [25] OJ L 63, 10.03.2000, p. 1.

    (7) The European institutions have themselves spoken out on many occasions on subjects relating to Community cultural action and the challenges of cultural cooperation; in particular the resolutions of the Council of 25 June 2002 on a new work plan on European cooperation in the field of culture [26] and of 19 December 2002 implementing the work plan for European cooperation in the field of culture, [27] the resolutions of the European Parliament of 5 September 2001 on cultural cooperation in the European Union, [28] 28 February 2002 on the implementation of the Culture 2000 programme [29] and 22 October 2002 on the importance and dynamism of the theatre and the performing arts in an enlarged Europe, [30] and the opinion of the Committee of the Regions of 9 October 2003 on the extension of the Culture 2000 programme.

    [26] OJ C 162, 6.7.2002, p. 5.

    [27] OJ C 13, 18.01.2003, p.5.

    [28] OJ C 72 E, 21.3.2002.

    [29] OJ C 293 E, 28.11.2002, p. 105.

    [30] OJ C 300 E, 11.12.2003, p.156.

    (8) The Council has stressed the need to adopt a more coherent approach at Community level with regard to culture, and that European added value is an essential and determining concept in the context of European cultural cooperation, and a general condition for Community measures in the field of culture. [31]

    [31] Resolutions of the Council of 25 June 2002 and 19 December 2003, referred to above.

    (9) In order to make this common cultural area for the peoples of Europe a reality, it is important to promote the transnational mobility of cultural players and transnational circulation of artistic and cultural works and products and to encourage dialogue and cultural exchanges.

    (10) In this context, there is a case for promoting increased cooperation between cultural players by encouraging them to form cooperation focal points, enabling them to develop common activities, provide support for more targeted measures with a real European added value, support symbolic cultural events, support European cultural cooperation organisations and encourage analyses on chosen themes of European interest as well as the collection and dissemination of information in the field of cultural cooperation.

    (11) Under the Decision establishing a Community action for the European Capital of Culture event, [32] significant funding should be given to this event, which has a high profile among Europeans and helps to strengthen the feeling of belonging to a common cultural area. In the context of this event, the accent should be on trans-European cultural cooperation.

    [32] Decision 1419/1999/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 25 May 1999 establishing a Community action for the European Capital of Culture event for the years 2005 to 2019.

    (12) Support should be given to the operation of organisations working for European cultural cooperation and thus playing the role of "ambassadors" of European culture, based on the experience acquired by the European Union in the context of Decision No 792/2004/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 21 April 2004 establishing a Community action programme to promote bodies active at European level in the field of culture. [33]

    [33] OJ L 138, 30.04.2004.

    (13) It is also worthwhile pursuing the action begun by the European Union in the context of Decision No 792/2004/EC referred to above in order to help ensure European and international protection of Nazi concentration camp sites as historic monuments.

    (14) It is necessary, in order to increase the added value of the Community action, to ensure coherence and complementarity between actions carried out within the framework of this Decision and other relevant Community policies, actions and instruments, in compliance with Article 151(4) of the Treaty.

    (15) It is necessary for the programme, in compliance with the principle of freedom of expression, to contribute to the Union's efforts to promote sustainable development and to combat all forms of discrimination.

    (16) The European Union candidate countries and EFTA countries which are members of the EEA agreement are recognised as potential participants in Community programmes in accordance with the agreements concluded with these countries.

    (17) The Thessaloniki European Council of 19 and 20 June 2003 adopted the "Agenda for the Western Balkans: moving towards European integration", laying down that Community programmes should be open to the countries in the Stabilisation and Association Process on the basis of framework agreements to be signed between the Community and these countries. If they wish, these countires should be able, depending on budgetary considerations or political priorities, to take part in the programme or benefit from a more limited formula for cooperation, on the basis of supplementary appropriations and specific procedures to be agreed between the parties concerned.

    (18) The programme should also be open to cooperation with other third countries which have signed agreements with the European Community containing a cultural strand, in accordance with procedures to be defined.

    (19) It is appropriate to establish a single financing and programming instrument for cultural cooperation, entitled the "Culture 2007 programme", for the period from 1 January 2007 to 31 December 2013.

    (20) Community action is complementary to national or regional action in the field of cultural cooperation. Given that the objectives of the action envisaged (transnational mobility of cultural players in Europe, transnational circulation of works of art and cultural and artistic products and intercultural dialogue) cannot be adequately achieved by the Member States owing to their transnational character, and may therefore be better achieved at Community level, the Community may take measures, in accordance with the principle of subsidiarity enshrined in Article 5 of the Treaty. In accordance with the principle of proportionality as set out in the above-mentioned Article, this Decision does not exceed what is necessary in order to achieve those objectives.

    (21) Concerning the implementation of Community support, the specific nature of the cultural sector in Europe should be taken into account, and particular care should be taken to ensure that administrative and financial procedures are simplified as much as possible and adapted to the objectives pursued as well as to practices and developments in the cultural sector.

    (22) It is worthwhile ensuring, within the framework of cooperation between the Commission and the Member States, ongoing monitoring and evaluation of this programme in order to enable readjustments, particularly within the priorities for the implementation of measures. The evaluation should include an external evaluation to be conducted by independent, impartial bodies.

    (23) Suitable measures must be implemented to prevent irregularities and fraud and to recover funds which have been lost or transferred or used improperly.

    (24) This Decision should aim to establish, for the entire duration of the programme, a financial framework which constitutes the prime reference, within the meaning of point 33 of the Interinstitutional Agreement between the European Parliament, the Council and the Commission of 6 May 1999 on budgetary discipline and improvement of the budgetary procedure. [34]

    [34] OJ C 172, 18.6.1999, p. 1.

    (25) The measures necessary for the implementation of this Decision should be adopted in accordance with Council Decision 1999/468/EC of 28 June 1999 laying down the procedures for the exercise of implementing powers conferred on the Commission, [35]

    [35] OJ L 184, 17.7.1999, p.23.

    (26) There should be transitional provisions in order to ensure a smooth transition between the programmes drawn up by Decisions of the European Parliament and of the Council Nos 508/2000/EC or 792/2004/EC on the one hand and, on the other, the programme established by this Decision.


    Article 1

    Establishment and duration of the programme

    1. This Decision establishes the Culture 2007 programme, a single multi-annual programme for Community measures in the field of culture, hereinafter referred to as "the programme".

    2. The programme shall be implemented over a period starting on 1 January 2007 and ending on 31 December 2013.

    Article 2

    Programme budget

    1. The financial framework for the implementation of this programme for the period referred to in Article 1 shall be set at 408 million euro.

    2. Annual appropriations shall be authorised by the budgetary authority within the limits of the financial perspective.

    Article 3

    Objectives of the programme

    1. The general objective of the programme shall be to enhance the cultural area common to Europeans through the development of cultural cooperation between the creators, cultural players and cultural institutions of the countries taking part in the programme, with a view to encouraging the emergence of European citizenship.

    2. The specific objectives of the programme are:

    (a) to promote the transnational mobility of people working in the cultural sector;

    (b) to encourage the transnational circulation of works and cultural and artistic products;

    (c) to encourage intercultural dialogue.

    Article 4

    The programme's fields of action

    1. The objectives of the programme shall be pursued through the implementation of the following measures, as described in the annex:

    (a) Support for cultural actions

    * Cooperation focal points

    * Cooperation measures

    * Special measures

    (b) Support for bodies active at European level in the field of culture and actions supported for the preservation and commemoration of the main sites and archives associated with the deportations, symbolised by the memorials which have been raised on the sites of the former camps and other large-scale martyrdom and extermination sites, and for keeping alive the memory of the victims at these sites.

    (c) Support for analyses and the collection and dissemination of information in the field of cultural cooperation.

    2. These measures shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions set out in the annex.

    Article 5

    Provisions concerning third countries

    1. The programme shall be open to the participation of the following countries:

    - EFTA countries which are members of the EEA, in accordance with the provisions of the EEA agreement;

    - candidate countries benefiting from a pre-accession strategy for entry to the European Union, in accordance with the general principles and with the general conditions and procedures for the participation of these countries in the Community programmes established respectively in the framework agreement and in the decisions of the Association Councils;

    - the countries of the Western Balkans in accordance with the procedures defined with these countries following the framework agreements to be drawn up concerning their participation in Community programmes.

    Provided that the conditions are met and additional appropriations are paid, the countries referred to in this paragraph shall participate fully in the programme.

    2. The programme shall also be open to cooperation with other third countries which have concluded association or cooperation agreements with the European Community which include cultural clauses, on the basis of supplementary appropriations and specific procedures to be laid down.

    - The countries of the Western Balkans referred to in paragraph 1 which do not wish to benefit from full participation in the programme may benefit from cooperation with the programme under the conditions laid down in this paragraph.

    Article 6

    Cooperation with international organisations

    The programme shall permit joint action with international organisations competent in the field of culture, such as UNESCO or the Council of Europe, on the basis of joint contributions and in accordance with the various rules prevailing in each institution or organisation for the realisation of the measures listed in Article 4.

    Article 7

    Complementarity with other Community instruments

    The Commission shall ensure a link between the programme and other Community measures, particularly in the fields of education, vocational training, youth, sport, languages, social inclusion, combating discrimination, and research.

    Article 8


    1. The Commission shall implement the Community actions which form the subject of this programme, in accordance with the annex.

    2. The following measures shall be adopted in accordance with the management procedure referred to in Article 9(2):

    (a) the annual plan of work, including priorities, and the selection criteria and procedures;

    (b) the annual budget and the breakdown of funds among the different actions of the programme;

    (c) the procedures for monitoring and evaluating the programme.

    3. All other measures necessary for the implementation of this Decision shall be adopted in accordance with the advisory procedure referred to in Article 9(3).

    Article 9


    1. The Commission shall be assisted by a committee, composed of representatives of the Member States and chaired by the representative of the Commission.

    2. Where reference is made to this paragraph, Articles 4 and 7 of Decision 1999/468/EC shall apply, having regard to the provisions of Article 8 thereof. The period laid down in Article 4(3) of Decision 1999/468/EC shall be two months.

    3. Where reference is made to this paragraph, Articles 3 and 7 of Decision 1999/468/EC shall apply, having regard to the provisions of Article 8 thereof.

    4. The committee shall adopt its own rules of procedure.

    Article 10

    Cultural Contact Points

    1. The Cultural Contact Points as defined in point I.3.3 of the Annex shall act as implementing bodies for the dissemination of information on the programme at national level, having regard to Article 54(2)(c) and (3) of Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 1605/2002.

    2. The Cultural contact points must respect the following criteria:

    - have an adequate number of staff, with professional and linguistic capacities appropriate for work in an environment of international cooperation;

    - have an appropriate infrastructure, in particular as regards informatics and communications;

    - operate in an administrative context which enables them to carry out their tasks satisfactorily and to avoid conflicts of interest.

    Article 11

    Financial provisions

    1. Under the terms of Article 176(2) of Commission Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 2342/2002, the Commission may decide, in accordance with the characteristics of the beneficiaries and the nature of the actions, whether to exempt them from verification of the professional competencies and qualifications required to complete the proposed action or work programme.

    2. Financial aid shall take the form of grants to legal persons. Grants may in certain cases be awarded to natural persons under the terms of Article 114(1) of the Council Financial Regulation No 1605/2002. The Commission may also award prizes to natural or legal persons for actions or projects implemented under the programme. In accordance with Article 181 of Commission Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 2342/2002, and depending on the nature of the action, flat-rate financing and/or the application of unit cost rates may be authorised.

    3. Under the terms of Article 168(1) of Commission Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 2342/2002, specific activities by the European Capitals of Culture designated pursuant to Decision 1419/1999/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 25 May 1999 establishing a Community action for the European Capital of Culture event for the years 2005 to 2019, may receive a grant.

    Article 12

    Contribution of the programme to other Community policies

    The programme shall contribute to the strengthening of the transversal policies of the European Community, particularly by:

    (a) promoting the fundamental principle of freedom of expression

    (b) encouraging greater awareness of the importance of contributing to sustainable development;

    (c) contributing to the elimination of all discrimination based on gender, race or ethnic origin, religion or convictions, disability, age or sexual orientation.

    Particular attention will be given to coherence and complementarity between the programme and Community policies in the field of cultural cooperation with third countries.

    Article 13

    Monitoring and evaluation

    1. The Commission shall ensure regular monitoring of the programme. The results of the monitoring and evaluation process shall be utilised when implementing the programme.

    Monitoring shall include in particular the drawing up of the reports referred to in paragraph 3(a) and (c).

    The specific objectives may be revised according to the results of monitoring reports.

    2. The Commission shall ensure regular, external and independent evaluation of the programme.

    3. The Commission shall submit to Parliament, the Council, the Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions:

    (a) an interim evaluation report on the results obtained and on the qualitative and quantitative aspects of the implementation of this programme not later than 31 December 2010;

    (b) a Communication on the continuation of this programme not later than 31 December 2011;

    (c) an ex post evaluation report not later than 31 December 2015.

    Article 14

    Transitional provisions

    Actions initiated before 31 December 2006 on the basis of Decision No 508/2000/EC or of Decision No 792/2004/EC shall continue to be administered until their closure in accordance with the provisions of these Decisions.

    The Committee set up under the terms of Article 5 of Decision No 508/2000/EC shall be replaced by the Committee provided for in Article 9 of this Decision.

    Article 15

    Entry into force

    This Decision shall enter into force on the 20th day following that of its publication in the Official Journal of the European Union.

    Done at Brussels,

    For the Council

    The President


    I. Description of activities and events

    1. First strand: support for cultural actions

    1.1. Cooperation focal points

    The programme shall support sustainable and structured cultural cooperation focal points between European cultural operators. This support is intended to assist the focal points in their start-up and structuring phase or in their geographical extension phase. The aim shall be to encourage them to establish sustainable foundations and achieve financial autonomy.

    Each focal point should constitute at least six operators from six different countries participating in the programme and bring together operators from one or more sectors for various multi-annual activities or projects, sectoral or cross-sectoral in nature but pursuing a common objective.

    Each focal point shall be intended to carry out a number of structured, multi-annual cultural activities. These activities are to be implemented throughout the duration of Community financing. They must have at least two of the three specific objectives indicated in Article 3 of this Decision. Priority will be given to focal points intending to develop activities meeting the three specific objectives in that Article.

    The focal points shall be selected following calls for proposals pursuant to Council Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 1605/2002 [36] (hereinafter referred to as the "Financial Regulation") and its implementing measures. In this context, selection will be made on the basis, among other things, of the recognised expertise of co-organisers in their field of activity, their financial and operational capacity to carry out the proposed activities, and the quality of these activities and the extent to which they meet the general objective and specific objectives of the programme, as set out in Article 3 of this Decision.

    [36] OJ L 248, 16.09.2002, p. 1.

    The focal points must be founded on a cooperation agreement, i.e. a common document with a legal form in one of the participating countries and signed by all co-organisers.

    Community support may not exceed 50% of the project budget and shall be degressive in nature. It may not be more than 500 000 euro a year. This support shall be granted for a period of five years.

    By way of illustration, approximately 36% of the total budget allocated to the programme shall be devoted to this type of support.

    1.2. Cooperation measures

    The programme shall support sectoral or cross-sectoral cultural cooperation actions between European operators. Priority shall be given to creativity and innovation. Actions aimed at exploring avenues for cooperation in order to develop them over the longer term will be particularly encouraged.

    Each action should be designed and carried out in partnership by at least four cultural operators in three different participating countries, whether these operators come from one or more sectors.

    Actions shall be selected following calls for proposals pursuant to the Financial Regulation and its implementing measures. In this context, selection will be made on the basis of the recognised expertise of co-organisers, their financial and operational capacity to carry out the proposed activities, the quality of these activities and the extent to which they meet the general objective and specific objectives of the programme, as set out in Article 3 of this Decision.

    Community support may not exceed 50% of the project budget. It may not be less than 60 000 euro per year nor more than 200 000 euro per year. This support shall be granted for a maximum of 12 months.

    By way of illustration, approximately 24% of the total budget allocated to the programme shall be devoted to this type of support.

    1.3. Special actions

    The programme shall also support special actions. These actions shall be special in that they should be substantial in scale and scope, strike a significant chord with the peoples of Europe and help to increase their sense of belonging to the same community, make them aware of the cultural diversity of the Member States, and also contribute to intercultural and international dialogue. They must meet at least two of the three specific objectives set out in Article 3 of this Decision.

    These special actions shall also help to raise the profile of Community cultural action and increase the cultural influence of our continent.

    As an example, these "special actions" may include the awarding of prizes, in so far as they highlight artists, works or cultural or artistic achievements, make them known beyond national borders and thus encourage mobility and exchanges.

    In this context, significant support will also be given to the "European Capitals of Culture" in order to help implement activities stressing European visibility and trans-European cultural cooperation.

    Support may also be given in this context to cooperation with third countries and international organisations, as set out in Articles 5(2) and 6 of this Decision.

    The examples given above do not constitute an exhaustive list of measures likely to be supported under this sub-strand of the programme.

    The selection procedures for special actions will depend on the action in question. Financing will be granted following calls for proposals and invitations to tender, except in the cases referred to in Articles 54 and 168 of the Financial Regulation. Account will also be taken of the extent to which each action meets the general objective and specific objectives of the programme, as set out in Article 3 of this Decision.

    Community support may not exceed 60% of the project budget.

    By way of illustration, approximately 17% of the total budget allocated to the programme shall be devoted to this type of support.

    2. Second strand: support for European bodies active at European level in the field of culture and for action for the preservation and commemoration of the main sites and archives associated with the deportations

    This support shall take the form of one of two types of grant:

    - either an operating grant to co-finance expenditure associated with the permanent work programme of a body which pursues an aim of general European interest in the field of culture or an objective forming part of the European Union's policy in this area (point 2.1);

    - or a grant to co-finance a specific action in this area (point 2.2).

    Provision shall be made for these grants to be awarded on the basis of annual calls for proposals.

    By way of illustration, approximately 10% of the total budget allocated to the programme shall be devoted to this strand.

    2.1. Support for the operation of organisations of European cultural interest

    Bodies working for cultural cooperation by providing representation at Community level, collecting or disseminating information for facilitating trans-European Community cultural cooperation, networking at European level for bodies active in the field of culture, participating in cultural cooperation projects or acting as ambassadors for European culture may benefit from this support.

    These bodies must present a real European dimension. In this regard, they must carry out their activities at European level, alone or in the form of various coordinated associations, and their structure (registered members) and activities must have a potential influence at European Union level or cover at least seven European countries.

    The beneficiaries of these operating grants shall be selected through a call for proposals. This shall be done on the basis of matching the bodies' work programme with the specific objectives set out in Article 3 of this Decision.

    The total operating grant awarded under this strand of the annex may not exceed 80% of the body's admissible expenditure for the year in which the grant is awarded.

    2.2. Support for action for the preservation and commemoration of the main sites and archives associated with the deportations

    Actions may be supported for the preservation and commemoration of the main sites and archives associated with the deportations, symbolised by the memorials which have been raised on the sites of the former camps and other large-scale martyrdom and extermination sites, and for keeping alive the memory of the victims at these sites.

    3 Third strand: support for Analyses and for the collection and dissemination of information in the field of cultural cooperation

    By way of illustration, approximately 5% of the total budget allocated to the programme shall be devoted to this strand.

    3.1. Support for analyses in the field of cultural cooperation

    The programme shall support the carrying out of studies and analyses in the field of cultural cooperation. The aim of this support shall be to increase the volume of information and data on cultural cooperation at European level, particularly with regard to the mobility of cultural players, the circulation of works of art and artistic and cultural products and intercultural dialogue.

    Studies and analyses contributing to increasing knowledge of the phenomenon of trans-European cultural cooperation and to creating favourable conditions for it to flourish may be supported under this strand. Projects aimed at collecting and analysing statistics will be particularly encouraged.

    3.2. Support for the collection and dissemination of information in the field of cultural cooperation

    The programme shall support the collection and dissemination of information via the development of an Internet tool targeted at the needs of culture professionals in the field of trans-European cultural cooperation.

    This tool should enable the exchange of experience and good practice and the dissemination of information concerning the cultural programme as well as trans-European cultural cooperation in the broad sense.

    3.3. Support for cultural contact points

    In order to ensure targeted, effective grass-roots dissemination of practical information on the programme, it shall provide for support from "cultural contact points". These bodies, acting at national level, shall be set up by the Commission in cooperation with the Member States on a voluntary basis.

    The task of the cultural contact points shall be to:

    - promote the programme,

    - facilitate access to the programme for, and encourage participation in its activities by, as many professionals and operators in the cultural field as possible, by means of an effective dissemination of information;

    - provide an efficient link with the various institutions providing aid to the cultural sector in the Member States, thus contributing to complementarity between the measures taken under the programme and national support measures;

    - provide information and contact at the appropriate level between operators participating in the programme and those participating in other Community programmes open for cultural projects.

    II. Programme management

    The programme's financial allocation can also cover expenses pertaining to preparatory, monitoring, control, audit and evaluation activities, required directly for the management and the realisation of the objectives of the programme, in particular, studies, meetings, information and publication actions, expenses linked to informatic networks focusing on information exchange, together with all other technical and administrative assistance expense that the Commission may have recourse to for the management of the programme.

    III. Controls and audits

    For projects selected in accordance with the procedure described in Article 11(1) of this Decision, a sampling audit system will be established.

    The beneficiary of a grant shall make available to the Commission all supporting documents relating to expenditure for a period of five years reckoned from the date of the final payment. The beneficiary of a grant shall ensure that, where applicable, supporting documents in the possession of partners or members are made available to the Commission.

    The Commission may have an audit of the use made of the grant carried out either directly by its own staff or by any other qualified outside body of its choice. Such audits may be carried out throughout the lifetime of the contract and for a period of five years from the date of payment of the balance. Where appropriate, the audit findings may lead to recovery decisions by the Commission.

    Commission staff and outside personnel authorised by the Commission shall have appropriate access to the offices of the beneficiary and to all the information, including information in electronic format, needed in order to conduct such audits.

    The Court of Auditors and the European Anti-Fraud Office (OLAF) shall enjoy the same rights, especially of access, as the Commission.

    In order to protect the European Communities' financial interests against fraud and other irregularities, the Commission may carry out on-the-spot checks and inspections under this programme in accordance with Council Regulation (Euratom, EC) No 2185/96. [37] Where necessary, investigations shall be conducted by the European Anti-Fraud Office (OLAF) and these shall be governed by Regulation (EC) No 1073/1999 of the European Parliament and of the Council. [38]

    [37] OJ L 292, 15.11.1996, p. 2.

    [38] OJ L 136, 31.05.1999, p. 1.

    IV. Information and communication activities

    1. Commission-

    The Commission may organise seminars, conferences or meetings in order to facilitate the implementation of the programme, and undertake information, publication and dissemination activities as appropriate, as well as the monitoring and evaluation of the programme. Such activities may be financed by means of grants, or the public procurement process, or be organised and financed directly by the Commission.

    2. Contact points

    The Commission and the Member States shall organise on a voluntary basis and reinforce the exchange of information useful for the implementation of the programme via the cultural contact points acting as implementing bodies at national level, under the terms of Article 54(2)(c) and (3) of Regulation No 1605/2002.

    V. Overall budget breakdown

    Breakdown of the annual budget for the programme

    // Percentage of the budget

    Strand 1 (support for projects) // Approx. 77%

    - cooperation focal points // Approx. 36%

    - cooperation measures // Approx. 24%

    - special actions // Approx. 17%

    Strand 2 (support for organisations) // Approx. 10%

    Strand 3 - Analysis and information //

    Approx. 5%

    Total operational expenditure // Approx. 92%

    Programme management // Approx. 8 %


    Domaine(s) politique(s): Education et Culture

    Activité(s): culture et langues

    Intitulé de l'action: programme Culture 2007


    15 04 02 01 - Programme-cadre en faveur de la culture

    15 01 04 07 - Programme-cadre en faveur de la culture - Dépenses pour la gestion administrative

    15 01 04 30 - Agence exécutive Education et culture


    2.1. Enveloppe totale de l'action : crédits d'engagement

    408,00 millions d'euros

    2.2. Période d'application:

    Du 1er janvier 2007 au 31 décembre 2013

    2.3. Estimation globale pluriannuelle des dépenses:

    a) Échéancier crédits d'engagement/crédits de paiement (intervention financière)

    Millions d'euros (à la 3e décimale)


    b) Assistance technique et administrative (ATA) et dépenses d'appui (DDA) (cf. point 6.1.2)



    c) Incidence financière globale des ressources humaines et autres dépenses de fonctionnement (cf. points 7.2 et 7.3)



    2.4 Compatibilité avec la programmation financière et les perspectives financières

    [X] Proposition compatible avec la Communication de la Commission concernant les moyens budgétaires 2007-2013 - COM (2004) 101 du 10 février 2004

    Cette proposition nécessite une reprogrammation de la rubrique concernée des perspectives financières,

    y compris, le cas échéant, un recours aux dispositions de l'accord interinstitutionnel.

    2.5 Incidence financière sur les recettes

    [X] Aucune implication financière sur les recettes (concerne des aspects techniques relatifs à la mise en oeuvre d'une mesure).




    Article 151 du Traité CE.


    5.1 Nécessité d'une intervention communautaire

    5.1.1 Objectifs poursuivis

    L'objectif poursuivi est de permettre à l'action communautaire de coopération culturelle de continuer sur une base renouvelée, à la suite du programme "Culture 2000" [39] et du programme d'action communautaire pour la promotion des organismes actifs au niveau européen dans le domaine de la culture [40] qui devraient s'achever le 31 décembre 2006.

    [39] Le Programme Culture 2000 a été initialement fondé sur la décision du Parlement européen et du Conseil 508/2000/CE du 14 février 2000 (JO L63 du 10.3.2000) établissant ce programme pour la période 2000-2004, puis prolongé de deux années par la décision no 626/2004/CE du Parlement européen et du Conseil du 31 mars 2004 modifiant la décision no 508/2000/CE établissant le programme « Culture 2000 » (JO L 99 du 03.04.2000).

    [40] Décision du Parlement Européen et du Conseil 792/2004/CE du 21 avril 2004 (JO L138 du 30 avril 2004) établissant un programme d'action communautaire pour la promotion des organismes actifs au niveau européen dans le domaine de la culture

    Comme indiqué à l'article 3 de la proposition de décision, l'objectif général du programme proposé est de poursuivre la mise en oeuvre de l'article 151 du Traité, en contribuant à la mise en valeur d'un espace culturel commun aux Européens par le développement de la coopération culturelle entre les créateurs, les acteurs culturels et les institutions culturelles des pays participant au programme.

    Compte tenu des considérations qui précèdent, les effets directs correspondant aux objectifs spécifiques visés par le programme, à court et à moyen terme, peuvent être groupés comme suit:

    (a) mobilité transnationale accrue des acteurs de la culture. Deux sortes de mobilité seront encouragées : d'une part, la mobilité pour prestation de services culturels (ex: tournées) ou établissement et, d'autre part, la mobilité dans le but de se former, de se confronter à d'autres cultures ou pratiques artistiques, d'échanger des expériences;

    (b) circulation transnationale accrue des oeuvres et des produits artistiques et culturels. Il s'agit d'aider la circulation des oeuvres d'art et des produits artistiques et culturels au-delà des frontières nationales, qui entraîne un surcoût pour l'organisateur. Cet objectif correspond à ceux du Traité (articles 3q et 151) et répond à certaines missions communautaires de base (finalisation du marché intérieur et renforcement de l'intégration européenne grâce à la réalisation d'un espace culturel commun, qui serait fondé à la fois sur la diversité nationale et régionale et sur les valeurs partagées par les Européens);

    (c) dialogue interculturel renforcé. L'objectif est de favoriser un échange fondé sur l'ouverture et l'égalité entre cultures visant à amener, dans le respect des droits fondamentaux de la personne humaine et du principe de diversité culturelle, à un enrichissement mutuel et à la recherche commune de valeurs et interprétations partagées et visera notamment à mieux permettre l'intégration des nouveaux Européens issus de cultures diverses.

    Par la nature même de ses trois principaux objectifs, le programme Culture 2007 a un caractère clairement multilatéral et, partant, une valeur ajoutée européenne élevée. En effet, bien que les autorités nationales ou régionales contribuent à favoriser les échanges culturels, une étude récente sur l'état de la coopération culturelle en Europe a montré que les gouvernements continuaient à axer leur politique culturelle étrangère sur la coopération bilatérale et qu'une poignée d'Etats membres seulement faisaient de la mobilité culturelle l'une de leurs priorités ou encourageaient au développement du dialogue trans-culturel en allant au-delà des limites plutôt formelles des accords de coopération culturelle bilatéraux ou multilatéraux.

    5.1.2 Dispositions prises relevant de l'évaluation ex ante

    a) Un rapport d'analyse d'impact étendue, intégrant également les exigences de l'évaluation ex°ante, a été réalisé par les services de la Commission européenne entre septembre 2003 et mars 2004.

    Ce rapport est disponible sur le site internet Europa [41]. Il inclut notamment un exposé des problèmes que le nouveau programme sera chargé de traiter, une présentation des objectifs généraux, spécifiques et opérationnels de cette nouvelle proposition et des indicateurs pertinents, une analyse des différentes options stratégiques et des mécanismes alternatifs, un examen des risques et des éventuelles incertitudes soulevées par le programme proposé, un exposé des impacts attendus, l'examen de la valeur ajoutée européenne de l'action, les leçons tirées du passé et notamment des évaluations des programmes antérieurs, une analyse coût-efficacité des propositions, etc.

    [41] Document SEC (2004) xxx...

    b) Brève description des constatations et enseignements tirés de l'évaluation ex ante [42].

    [42] Communication sur l'évaluation SEC (2000)1051.

    L'évaluation ex ante permet d'abord de souligner le bien-fondé et la pertinence de l'action culturelle de l'Union européenne, qui peut à la fois contribuer aux grands objectifs de l'Union européenne tels que le renforcement d'un espace de liberté et de citoyenneté en Europe ou le développement du dialogue interculturel, et répondre aux besoins particuliers du secteur.

    L'expérience acquise à travers les programmes précédents et Culture 2000 a révélé que la coopération culturelle est un phénomène dont la complexité tend à s'accroître parallèlement au développement des télécommunications et des transports et, d'une manière plus générale, au développement du secteur culturel et de la société civile. L'analyse des besoins exprimés par le secteur ainsi que des différents points de vue permet de conclure à la nécessité d'un nouveau programme, qui serait un outil global et cohérent en faveur de la coopération culturelle et irait au-delà du soutien direct apporté aux actions culturelles.

    Des observations spécifiques ont été formulées sur un certain nombre de points :

    - La nécessité d'un budget culturel accru. L'octroi d'une aide communautaire à des projets axés sur la coopération multilatérale est éminemment souhaitable, étant donné que les États membres ont tendance à soutenir essentiellement des projets nationaux ou bilatéraux. Les opérateurs ont également souligné la nécessité d'une aide financière à long terme pour mettre en place des projets de coopération durables. L'appui au fonctionnement de certains réseaux ou associations européennes peut également présenter une importante valeur ajoutée.

    - La nécessité d'une véritable stratégie globale en ce qui concerne l'action culturelle européenne et d'une action plus cohérente. Le grand nombre d'objectifs de Culture 2000 s'est avéré déroutant et a été considéré comme dommageable à l'efficacité du programme. Les opérateurs ont également mentionné le fait que la division du programme Culture 2000 en différents secteurs ou activités culturels représentait pour eux une contrainte, étant donné que certains projets pluridisciplinaires n'entrent pas dans ces catégories. Les priorités annuelles fixées par le programme semblent être une source de « frustration » pour tous ceux qui ne sont pas éligibles (ou ne le sont que d'une manière limitée). C'est pour répondre à cette demande que l'approche sectorielle a été supprimée dans le cadre du programme et que le nombre d'objectifs spécifiques a été réduit à trois, considérés comme présentant une véritable valeur ajoutée européenne (voir point 5.1.1.).

    - Un réel besoin d'une plus grande quantité d'informations pratiques et actualisées sur la coopération culturelle [43] et d'une meilleure diffusion des bonnes pratiques. L'attention a fréquemment été attirée sur le manque de travaux de recherche concernant la coopération culturelle en Europe. De tels travaux, ainsi que la collecte de données statistiques, aideraient à asseoir la position de la culture au sein des politiques européennes et contribueraient indirectement à l'essor de la coopération européenne. C'est la raison pour laquelle une partie du programme (troisième volet) est consacrée au soutien à des travaux d'analyse et de collecte de données dans le domaine de la coopération culturelle.

    [43] Etude sur la mobilité et la libre circulation des personnes et des productions dans le secteur culturel européen et étude de faisabilité sur la création éventuelle d'un observatoire européen de coopération culturelle

    - Il semble nécessaire d'accroître la visibilité de l'action communautaire dans le domaine de la culture. Cet objectif pourrait être atteint grâce à un programme plus ciblé et plus cohérent, mais aussi à une meilleure communication autour du programme et des projets soutenus. C'est pourquoi il a été décidé de regrouper au sein d'un seul programme des actions qui relevaient précédemment de programmes différents. Par ailleurs, le nouveau programme apportera à un certain nombre de projets un soutien de plus longue durée que les programmes précédents et renforcera son soutien à des actions emblématiques telles que les capitales européennes de la culture

    - C'est en tenant compte de ces nécessités que la Commission a élaboré un nouveau programme, de troisième génération, qui tire des enseignements des expériences passées et explore de nouvelles pistes d'actions.

    5.1.3 Dispositions prises à la suite de l'évaluation ex post

    Les travaux d'évaluation des programmes communautaires antérieurs dans le secteur de la culture (évaluation à mi-parcours du programme "Culture 2000" prévue à l'article 8 de la décision n° 508/2000/CE, évaluation des anciens programmes Ariane, Kaléidoscope et Raphaël, évaluation de l'ancienne ligne budgétaire A30-42 intégrée depuis dans le programme de soutien aux organismes actifs dans le domaine culturel) [44] ont fourni des éléments d'appréciation dont il a été tenu compte pour juger de la pertinence de proposer un nouveau programme.

    [44] Voir rapport d'évaluation réalisé par société PLS Ramboll Management et rapport de la Commission sur l'évaluation - COM(2003) 722.

    Les enseignements du passé peuvent être considérés sous deux angles différents:

    - a) les enseignements applicables à la conception du programme

    En ce qui concerne la conception du programme, la Commission a bien pris note des difficultés relevées par les évaluations des autres programmes dans le domaine culturel, par exemple en ce qui concerne le cloisonnement entre les différentes disciplines culturelles au sein du programme « Culture 2000 » mentionné comme étant une contrainte pour les opérateurs, ou encore le nombre trop élevé d'objectifs qui a pu entraîner une dispersion des effets de l'action compte tenu des masses budgétaires relativement limitées.

    - b) les enseignements applicables à la gestion du programme

    En ce qui concerne la gestion du programme, la Commission a tenu compte des critiques figurant dans les évaluations d'autres programmes communautaires en envisageant plus particulièrement des mécanismes de mise en oeuvre permettant une gestion simplifiée et allégée. Lors de l'élaboration de la proposition, une attention particulière a été accordée aux critiques émises à l'égard de la gestion de la première phase du programme Culture 2000, la Commission ayant d'ailleurs depuis adopté des mesures pour y remédier.

    La proposition vise plus particulièrement à éviter dans la mesure du possible:

    - les procédures financières complexes,

    - les procédures administratives lourdes,

    - le caractère tardif des décisions relatives à la sélection des bénéficiaires.

    L'adoption du présent programme entraînera une diminution du nombre de bases juridiques actuellement en vigueur dans le secteur culturel, qui passeront de deux à une, et de lignes budgétaires, qui seront ramenées de quatre à une. L'existence d'un seul et unique programme financier donnera une visibilité et une cohérence beaucoup plus importantes à l'action communautaire dans le domaine de la coopération culturelle.

    Le programme sera conçu comme un outil global, cohérent et plus convivial en faveur de la coopération culturelle. Il sera ouvert à tous les secteurs culturels et artistiques, sans catégories préétablies, et à une plus grande variété d'opérateurs culturels, allant des administrations nationales ou locales aux réseaux et entreprises du secteur culturel.

    La décision législative sera rédigée dans un souci de concision, de simplicité et de souplesse. Par exemple, aux fins d'une lisibilité accrue, certains articles de l'ancienne décision, qui portaient sur des questions assez différentes, seront divisés en articles distincts. Puisque les actions soutenues seront ouvertes à tous les secteurs artistiques et culturels et seront toutes axées sur les trois mêmes objectifs stratégiques, la description des actions soutenues figurant dans les annexes sera plus courte et plus simple. Certains éléments de flexibilité seront introduits dans l'article ayant trait aux aspects financiers.

    La Commission proposera certaines simplifications pratiques d'une grande importance pour les bénéficiaires, telles que l'autorisation de financements forfaitaires pour de petites contributions ou pour des coûts spécifiques.

    Lors de la mise en oeuvre de ce programme, la Commission veillera à ce qu'il reste aussi simple et facile à utiliser que possible.

    5.2 Actions envisagées et modalités de l'intervention budgétaire

    Le nouveau programme tire des enseignements des expériences passées et explore de nouvelles pistes d'actions. Il s'agit d'un programme de troisième génération, après les programmes de la période 1994-1999 (Kaléidoscope, Ariane, Raphaël) et ceux de la période 2000-2006 (Culture 2000, et programme de soutien aux organismes actifs dans le domaine culturel sur la fin de cette période).

    Durant la période 2004-2006, deux programmes d'action communautaire vont en effet coexister dans le domaine culturel, le programme « Culture 2000 » ainsi que le « programme d'action communautaire pour la promotion des organismes actifs au niveau européen dans le domaine de la culture ». Cette proposition procède à une simplification de ce système puisqu'elle prévoit l'intégration de la plupart des champs d'action de chacun de ces programmes au sein d'un même programme.

    Par rapport aux deux premières générations de l'action culturelle, le programme proposé se veut donc un outil cohérent, global et complet en faveur de la coopération culturelle multilatérale en Europe, capable d'en appréhender toute la complexité. Les objectifs du programme sont mis en oeuvre dans les domaines d'intervention suivants :

    - Premier volet : soutien à des actions culturelles

    Le programme prévoit un soutien direct à trois catégories de projets européens de coopération, de durée et d'ampleur variables.

    * Les pôles de coopération

    * Les actions de coopération

    * Les actions spéciales

    - Deuxième volet : soutien à des organismes actifs au niveau européen dans le domaine culturel

    Ce volet permet d'intégrer au sein du nouveau programme les actions de promotion des organismes actifs au niveau européen dans le domaine de la culture, qui font actuellement l'objet d'un programme distinct.

    - Troisième volet : soutien à des travaux d'analyse ainsi qu'à la collecte et à la diffusion de l'information dans le domaine de la coopération culturelle

    Ce volet vise à apporter un soutien à des activités d'analyse et à l'information, afin de créer un environnement propice à la coopération. Il comporte trois actions complémentaires :

    * Soutien à des travaux d'analyse dans le domaine de la coopération culturelle

    * Soutien à la collecte et à la diffusion de l'information dans le domaine de la coopération culturelle

    * Soutien aux points de contact culture

    Toutes ces actions concernent le secteur culturel européen et les opérateurs des Etats membres et des autres pays participant au programme qui seront susceptibles de participer à des actions de coopération culturelle au niveau européen. De manière plus indirecte, ce sont tous les citoyens européens qui sont visés.

    Les actions seront financées par les moyens suivants :

    - subventions destinées à cofinancer des projets bénéficiant également d'une aide du secteur public et/ou privé; le financement à 100 % par la Communauté européenne ne sera pas possible;

    - financement à 100 % des achats de services (études, publications ou experts).

    5.3 Modalités de mise en oeuvre

    Les mécanismes de mise en oeuvre prévus dans la proposition suivent l'approche communautaire classique en matière de subventions et de cofinancements, fondée sur des demandes de financement détaillées.

    La Commission assure la mise en oeuvre de ce programme par le biais de ses services et d'une agence exécutive.

    Des crédits sont à prévoir pour couvrir les dépenses administratives directement liées à l'objectif du programme (études, réunions d'experts, information et publications, contribution aux frais de fonctionnement d'une agence exécutive et autres dépenses d'assistance technique et administrative).

    Les financements seront accordés à la suite d'appels à propositions et d'appels d'offres, sauf dans des cas relevant des articles 54 et 168 du Règlement financier.


    6.1 Incidence financière totale sur la partie B (pour toute la période de programmation)

    6.1.1 Intervention financière

    Crédits d'engagement en millions d'euros (à la 3e décimale)


    6.1.2 Assistance technique et administrative (ATA), dépenses d'appui (DDA) et dépenses TI (crédits d'engagement)


    Ces dépenses incluent la contribution du programme aux frais de fonctionnement de l'agence exécutive Education et culture, notamment les frais de personnel qui seront exposés par cette agence au titre de ce programme. Ces dépenses de personnel correspondent à une estimation de 26 personnes (personnel statutaire de l'agence et agents contractuels) en 2007 et de 34 personnes en 2013; l'augmentation de cet effectif au cours de la période résulte de l'augmentation des volumes d'activité qui seront confiés à l'agence, du fait de la croissance des budgets alloués aux volets dont la gestion lui sera déléguée.

    6.2 Calcul des coûts par mesure envisagée en partie B (pour toute la période de programmation)

    Crédits d'engagement en millions d'euros (à la 3ème décimale)



    7.1 Incidence sur les ressources humaines

    L'estimation des dépenses relevant de ce point 7 est une estimation moyenne sur la période 2007-2013. Il est envisagé d'augmenter les ressources humaines actuellement affectées à la gestion du programme Culture 2000 afin de prendre en compte l'évolution des crédits opérationnels affectés au programme; ces ressources humaines passeraient de 16 hommes/ans en 2007 à 20 hommes/ans en 2013.


    7.2 Incidence financière globale des ressources humaines


    Les montants correspondent aux dépenses totales pour 12 mois.

    7.3 Autres dépenses de fonctionnement découlant de l'action


    Les montants correspondent aux dépenses totales de l'action pour 12 mois.

    (1) Préciser le type de comité ainsi que le groupe auquel il appartient.

    I. Total annuel (7.2 + 7.3) // 2 239 750 EUR

    II. Durée de l'action // 7

    III. Coût total de l'action (I x II) // 15 678 250 EUR

    Les besoins en ressources humaines et administratives seront couverts à l'intérieur de la dotation allouée à la Direction Générale gestionnaire dans le cadre de la procédure d'allocation annuelle.

    L'allocation de postes dépendra d'une part, de l'organisation interne de la prochaine Commission et d'autre part, d'une éventuelle réallocation de postes entre services suite aux nouvelles perspectives financières.


    8.1 Système de suivi

    Au niveau de la mise en oeuvre du programme, des indicateurs de réalisation ont été définis concernant le nombre de projets à soutenir au titre des différents volets.

    Le système de collecte des données relatives aux projets et actions cofinancés par le programme fonctionnera à plusieurs niveaux :

    - les formulaires de demande de subvention;

    - les rapports d'activité et financiers intermédiaires et finaux présentés par les bénéficiaires à la Commission et que celle-ci doit approuver;

    - les éventuels audits et visites in situ effectués par le personnel de la Commission.

    Pour les besoins du suivi, les indicateurs ci-dessous ont été déterminés :

    Objectifs // Indicateurs

    Objectif général //

    Contribuer à l'épanouissement de valeurs culturelles européennes partagées sur la base d'une coopération culturelle accrue entre les artistes, les opérateurs culturels et les institutions culturelles // * Attitudes des bénéficiaires du programme

    Objectifs spécifiques //

    Promouvoir la mobilité transnationale des artistes et des opérateurs culturels // * Proportion de projets lancés/exécutés qui visent/visaient expressément à intensifier les déplacements d'artistes et d'opérateurs culturels

    * Nombre d'artistes participant, par le canal du programme, à des échanges et des collaborations

    * Nombre d'opérateurs culturels participant, par le canal du programme, à des échanges et des collaborations

    * Proportion de projets correspondants menés à bien qui, s'ils n'avaient pas bénéficié d'un financement au titre du programme, n'auraient probablement pas été entrepris (sur la base d'une enquête réalisée auprès des participants)

    Encourager la circulation transnationale des oeuvres d'art et des produits artistiques et culturels // * Proportion de projets lancés/exécutés qui visent/visaient expressément à encourager la circulation des oeuvres d'art et des produits artistiques et culturels

    * Nombre d'oeuvres d'art et de produits artistiques et culturels mis en circulation par le canal du programme

    * Proportion de projets correspondants qui, s'ils n'avaient pas bénéficié d'un financement au titre du programme, n'auraient probablement pas été réalisés (sur la base d'une enquête effectuée auprès des participants)

    Favoriser le dialogue interculturel

    // * Proportion de projets lancés/exécutés qui visent/visaient expressément à favoriser le dialogue interculturel et promouvoir la diversité culturelle

    * Proportion de projets correspondants qui, s'ils n'avaient pas bénéficié d'un financement au titre du programme, n'auraient probablement pas été réalisés (sur la base d'une enquête effectuée auprès des participants)

    Objectifs opérationnels //

    Soutenir les actions culturelles via:

    -- des pôles de coopération culturelle

    -- des actions de coopération

    -- des actions spéciales //

    * Nombre de pôles lancés

    * Proportion du budget total alloué au programme utilisée pour soutenir les pôles (objectif indicatif : 36%).

    * Nombre d'actions de coopération lancées

    * Proportion du budget total alloué au programme utilisée pour soutenir les actions de coopération (objectif indicatif : 24%)

    * Nombre d'actions spéciales lancées

    * Proportion du budget total alloué au programme utilisée pour soutenir les actions spéciales (objectif indicatif : 17%)

    Soutenir des organismes européens actifs dans le domaine culturel // * Nombre d'organismes européens actifs dans le domaine culturel soutenus

    * Proportion du budget total alloué au programme utilisée pour soutenir de tels organismes (objectif indicatif : 10%)

    Soutenir des travaux d'analyse ainsi que la collecte et la diffusion d'informations dans le domaine de la coopération culturelle // * Nombre d'études et d'enquêtes financées

    * Nombre de conférences soutenues

    * Degré d'utilisation du portail d'information

    * Proportion du budget total alloué au programme utilisée pour soutenir cet objectif opérationnel (objectif indicatif : 5%).

    8.2 Modalités et périodicité de l'évaluation prévue

    La Commission présentera au Parlement européen, au Conseil, au Comité économique et social et au Comité des régions un rapport intermédiaire d'évaluation sur les résultats obtenus et sur les aspects qualitatifs et quantitatifs de la mise en oeuvre du présent programme (au plus tard le 31 décembre 2010) et une Communication sur la continuation du présent programme au plus tard le 31 décembre 2011.

    Au terme de l'exécution du programme proposé, la Commission présentera au Parlement européen, au Conseil, au Comité économique et social et au Comité des régions un rapport centré sur sa mise en oeuvre (rapport d'évaluation ex post au plus tard le 31 décembre 2015).

    Ces rapports d'évaluation mettront en particulier en évidence la création de la valeur ajoutée, notamment de nature culturelle et européenne.


    Les décisions et conventions de financement conclues entre la Commission et les bénéficiaires prévoient que la Commission et la Cour des comptes effectuent des contrôles in situ dans les locaux des bénéficiaires d'une aide communautaire, et confèrent le pouvoir d'exiger des justificatifs de toute dépense effectuée au titre desdits conventions, accords et engagements juridiques dans les cinq ans suivant la fin de la période contractuelle.

    Les bénéficiaires sont assujettis à des obligations de déclaration et de comptabilité financière, lesquelles sont analysées sous l'angle du contenu et de l'éligibilité des dépenses, conformément à l'objet du financement communautaire et compte tenu des obligations contractuelles et des principes d'économie et de bonne gestion financière.

    En annexe aux conventions de financement figurent des informations de nature administrative et financière, destinées à préciser le type de dépenses éligibles dans le cadre de ces conventions. Le cas échéant, une limitation de l'intervention communautaire à la couverture de certains éléments de coût, réels, identifiables et vérifiables dans la comptabilité du bénéficiaire, sera de nature à faciliter le contrôle et l'audit (ainsi que l'évaluation pour les besoins de la sélection) des projets subventionnés.
