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Document 52002PC0157(02)

    Proposal for a Council Decision - On the conclusion of a Euro-Mediterranean Association Agreement between the European Community and its Member States and the People's Democratic Republic of Algeria

    /* COM/2002/0157 final - AVC 2002/0077 */

    OJ C 262E, 29.10.2002, p. 33–241 (ES, DA, DE, EL, EN, FR, IT, NL, PT, FI, SV)


    Proposal for a Council Decision - On the conclusion of a Euro-Mediterranean Association Agreement between the European Community and its Member States and the People's Democratic Republic of Algeria /* COM/2002/0157 final - AVC 2002/0077 */

    Official Journal 262 E , 29/10/2002 P. 0033 - 0241

    Proposal for a COUNCIL DECISION - On the conclusion of a Euro-Mediterranean Association Agreement between the European Community and its Member States and the People's Democratic Republic of Algeria

    (presented by the Commission)


    1. On the basis of directives adopted by the Council of the European Union on 10 June 1996, the Commission opened negotiations with Algeria with a view to the conclusion of a Euro-Mediterranean Association Agreement. In accordance with the directives, the negotiations were conducted in consultation with the Member States. Following several sessions of negotiations and numerous technical meetings, the negotiating directives were completed on 14 December 2000. After a fresh round of intensive negotiations in 2001, political agreement was reached on the last outstanding issues at the troika meeting of 5 December 2001. The draft Agreement was unanimously approved by the Member States in the Maghreb/Mashreq Group meeting of 10 December 2001 and was initialled on 19 December 2001.

    2. The aim of the draft Euro-Mediterranean Association Agreement is to establish an association between the European Community and its Member States, of the one part, and Algeria, of the other part. It will replace the Cooperation Agreement and the Agreement on ECSC products signed in 1976 which are still in force. Following the entry into force of the agreements with Israel, Tunisia, Morocco and the Palestine Liberation Organisation, the signature of the agreements with Jordan and Egypt and the initialling of the agreement with Lebanon, this latest Agreement is a further illustration of the strengthening of the partnership established by the Barcelona Conference of 27 and 28 November 1995.

    3. The future agreement will be concluded for an unlimited duration and will help strengthen existing ties between the Community and Algeria by establishing relations based on reciprocity and partnership. Respect for human rights and democratic principles will constitute an essential element of the Agreement.

    4. The main components of the Agreement are as follows:

    (A) regular political dialogue;

    (B) a free trade area, to be established in stages, in accordance with WTO rules, between the Community and Algeria, over a maximum period of 12 years;

    (a) With regard to industrial products, the preferential arrangements for Algerian products introduced under the 1976 Cooperation Agreements are confirmed. Algeria will liberalise the arrangements applying to imports of EU origin on a reciprocal basis. The liberalisation will be phased according to the sensitivity of the products.

    (b) Specific reciprocal concessions are proposed for agricultural products, processed agricultural products and fishery products. The Parties will consider new reciprocal concessions within five years of the entry into force of the Agreement.

    (C) The Agreement contains provisions related to free trade in goods in the areas of liberalisation of the provision of services, capital movements, competition rules, intellectual property rights and public procurement;

    (D) The objective of economic cooperation will be to support Algeria's own efforts to achieve sustainable economic and social development. The 1976 Cooperation Agreements set out the main themes of action on economic cooperation: industrial, scientific, technical and technological cooperation, environmental protection, cooperation on fisheries, energy, promotion of regional cooperation and boosting private investment. The Euro-Mediterranean Agreement will strengthen this type of cooperation. New themes are also being introduced: education and training, standardisation and conformity assessment, approximation of legislation, financial services, agriculture, transport, telecommunications and information technology, tourism and customs.

    (E) The provisions concerning workers in the 1976 Cooperation Agreement are maintained, notably those relating to non-discrimination in respect of conditions of work, pay and dismissal and social security provision.

    In addition to the above, the new Agreement will introduce social cooperation. This will be implemented in the form of a regular dialogue on any area of interest to either party in the social field. The above dialogue will also cover cultural cooperation.

    (F) With a view to achieving the Agreement's objectives, financial cooperation will be implemented for Algeria. This will in particular entail modernising the Algerian economy, upgrading economic infrastructure, promoting private investment and job-creating activity, taking into account the effects of the gradual creation of a free trade area on the economy and flanking measures to support social policy.

    (G) The Agreement contains extensive provisions on cooperation in the field of justice and home affairs, which is one of its most important features. Institution-building and strengthening the rule of law are the cornerstones of action in this field. On the subject of movement of persons, both parties have agreed to examine ways of simplifying and speeding up procedures for issuing visas to those contributing to the implementation of the Agreement. Cooperation in the area of control and prevention of illegal immigration will be given effect through the negotiation of readmission agreements. Cooperation is also envisaged in the legal and judicial field and in the areas of organised crime, money-laundering, racism and xenophobia, drugs and drug addiction and corruption. In the area of action against terrorism, cooperation will be implemented in compliance with international conventions and in the framework of the relevant Security Council resolutions.

    (H) The Agreement contains the standard general and institutional provisions. The Association Council will meet at ministerial level once a year where possible to discuss the major problems arising in the framework of the Agreement and issues of mutual interest.

    An Association Committee will be set up to manage the Agreement.

    A social affairs group must be set up by the Association Council one year after the Agreement's entry into force.

    5. The Commission considers the outcome of the negotiations satisfactory for both parties. It has duly initialled the draft agreement and proposes:

    - that the Council approve the signature of the Euro-Mediterranean Association Agreement between the European Community and Algeria on behalf of the European Community;

    - that the Council conclude the Euro-Mediterranean Association Agreement between the European Community and Algeria on behalf of the European Community.

    The European Parliament must give its prior consent to conclusion.

    Ratification by all Member States is a prerequisite for the entry into force of the Agreement.

    2002/0077 (AVC)

    Proposal for a COUNCIL DECISION On the conclusion of a Euro-Mediterranean Association Agreement between the European Community and its Member States and the People's Democratic Republic of Algeria


    Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Community, and in particular Article 310 in conjunction with the second sentence of the first subparagraph of Article 300(2) and the second subparagraph of Article 300(3) thereof,

    Having regard to the proposal from the Commission,

    Having regard to the assent of the European Parliament [1];

    [1] OJ C...


    (1) The Euro-Mediterranean Association Agreement between the European Community and its Member States, of the one part, and the People's Democratic Republic of Algeria, of the other part, has been signed on behalf of the European Community, in [...] on [........2002], subject to its possible conclusion at a later date, in accordance with Council Decision No .../.../EC of ... .

    (2) This Agreement should be concluded,


    Article 1

    1. The Euro-Mediterranean Association Agreement between the European Community and its Member States, of the one part, and the People's Democratic Republic of Algeria, of the other part, including Annexes and Protocols annexed thereto and the joint declarations and declarations of the European Community attached to the Final Act are hereby approved on behalf of the European Community.

    2. The texts referred to in the first paragraph are attached to this Decision.

    Article 2

    1. The position to be taken by the Community within the Association Council and the Association Committee shall be determined by the Council on the basis of a proposal by the Commission or, where appropriate, by the Commission, each in accordance with the corresponding provisions of the Treaties.

    2. In accordance with Article 93 of the Euro-Mediterranean Association Agreement, the President of the Council shall preside over the Association Council. A representative of the Commission shall preside over the Association Committee in accordance with the Rules of Procedure thereof.

    3. The decision to publish the decisions of the Association Council and the Association Committee in the Official Journal of the European Communities shall be taken on a case-by-case basis by the Council and the Commission respectively.

    Article 3

    The President of the Council, on behalf of the European Community, is hereby authorised to designate the person or persons empowered to deposit the act of notification provided for in Article 110 of the Agreement.

    Done at Brussels,

    For the Council

    The President























    Contracting Parties to the Treaty establishing the European Community,

    hereinafter referred to as the "Member States", and


    hereinafter referred to as "the Community",

    of the one part,


    hereinafter referred to as "Algeria",

    of the other part,

    CONSIDERING the proximity and interdependence which historic links and common values have established between the Community, its Member States and Algeria;

    CONSIDERING that the Community, its Member States and Algeria wish to strengthen those links and to establish lasting relations, based on reciprocity, solidarity, partnership and co-development;

    CONSIDERING the importance which the Parties attach to the principles of the United Nations Charter, particularly the observance of human rights and political and economic freedom, which form the very basis of the Association;

    CONSCIOUS, on the one hand, of the importance of relations in an overall Euro-Mediterranean context and, on the other, of the objective of integration between the countries of the Maghreb;

    DESIROUS of fully achieving the objectives of the association between them by implementing the relevant provisions of this Agreement to bring the levels of economic and social development of the Community and Algeria closer to each other;

    CONSCIOUS of the importance of this Agreement, which is based on reciprocity of interests, mutual concessions, cooperation and dialogue;

    DESIROUS of establishing and developing political consultation on bilateral and international issues of mutual interest;

    CONSCIOUS that terrorism and international organised crime represent a threat to the fulfilment of the objectives of the partnership and to stability in the region;

    TAKING ACCOUNT of the Community's willingness to provide Algeria with decisive support in its endeavours to bring about economic reform and adjustment and social development;

    CONSIDERING the commitment of both the Community and Algeria to free trade, in compliance with the rights and obligations arising out of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) in its post-Uruguay Round form;

    DESIROUS of establishing cooperation sustained by regular dialogue on economic, scientific, technological, social, cultural, audio-visual and environmental issues in order to achieve better mutual understanding;

    CONFIRMING that the provisions of this Agreement that fall within the scope of Part III, Title IV of the Treaty establishing the European Community bind the United Kingdom and Ireland as separate Contracting Parties, and not as part of the European Community, until the United Kingdom or Ireland (as the case may be) notifies Algeria that it has become bound as part of the European Community in accordance with the Protocol on the position of the United Kingdom and Ireland Annexed to the Treaty on European Union and the Treaty establishing the European Community. The same applies to Denmark, in accordance with the Protocol Annexed to those Treaties on the position of Denmark;

    CONVINCED that this Agreement provides a suitable framework for the development of a partnership based on private initiative, and that it will create a climate conducive to economic, trade and investment relations between the Parties, a consideration which offers vital backing for economic restructuring and technological modernisation,


    Article 1

    1. An Association is hereby established between the Community and its Member States of the one part and Algeria of the other part.

    2. The aims of this Agreement are to:

    - provide an appropriate framework for political dialogue between the Parties, allowing the development of close relations and cooperation in all areas they consider relevant to such dialogue;

    - promote trade and the expansion of harmonious economic and social relations between the Parties and establish the conditions for the gradual liberalisation of trade in goods, services and capital;

    - facilitate human exchanges, particularly in the context of administrative procedures;

    - encourage integration of the Maghreb countries by promoting trade and cooperation within the Maghreb group and between it and the European Communities and their Member States;

    - promote economic, social, cultural and financial cooperation.

    Article 2

    Respect for the democratic principles and fundamental human rights established by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights shall inspire the domestic and external policies of the Parties and shall constitute an essential element of this Agreement.



    Article 3

    1. A regular political and security dialogue shall be established between the Parties. It shall help build lasting links of solidarity between the partners which will contribute to the prosperity, stability and security of the Mediterranean region and bring about a climate of understanding and tolerance between cultures.

    2. Political dialogue and cooperation are intended in particular to:

    (a) facilitate rapprochement between the Parties through the development of better mutual understanding and regular coordination on international issues of common interest;

    (b) enable each party to consider the position and interests of the other;

    (c) contribute to consolidating security and stability in the Euro-Mediterranean region;

    (d) help develop joint initiatives.

    Article 4

    Political dialogue shall cover all issues of common interest to the Parties, in particular the conditions required to ensure peace, security and regional development through support for cooperation.

    Article 5

    Political dialogue shall be established at regular intervals and whenever necessary notably:

    (a) at ministerial level, mainly in the framework of the Association Council;

    (b) at the level of senior officials representing Algeria, on the one hand, and the Council Presidency and the Commission on the other;

    (c) taking full advantage of all diplomatic channels including regular briefings, consultations on the occasion of international meetings and contacts between diplomatic representatives in third countries;

    (d) where appropriate, by any other means which would make a useful contribution to consolidating dialogue and increasing its effectiveness.



    Article 6

    The Community and Algeria shall gradually establish a free trade area over a transitional period lasting a maximum of twelve years starting from the date of the entry into force of this Agreement in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement and in conformity with those of the 1994 General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade and the other multilateral agreements on trade in goods annexed to the Agreement establishing the WTO, hereinafter referred to as "GATT".



    Article 7

    The provisions of this Chapter shall apply to products originating in the Community and Algeria falling within Chapters 25 to 97 of the Combined Nomenclature and of the Algerian Customs tariff with the exception of the products listed in Annex 1.

    Article 8

    Products originating in Algeria shall be imported into the Community free of customs duties and charges having equivalent effect.

    Article 9

    1. Customs duties and charges having equivalent effect applicable on import into Algeria of products originating in the Community listed in Annex 2 shall be abolished upon the entry into force of this Agreement.

    2. Customs duties and charges having equivalent effect applicable on import into Algeria of the products originating in the Community listed in Annex 3 shall be progressively abolished in accordance with the following timetable:

    - two years after the date of entry into force of this Agreement each duty and charge shall be reduced to 80% of the basic duty;

    - three years after the date of entry into force of this Agreement each duty and charge shall be reduced to 70% of the basic duty;

    - four years after the date of entry into force of this Agreement each duty and charge shall be reduced to 60% of the basic duty;

    - five years after the date of entry into force of this Agreement each duty and charge shall be reduced to 40% of the basic duty;

    - six years after the date of entry into force of this Agreement each duty and charge shall be reduced to 20% of the basic duty;

    - seven years after the date of entry into force of this Agreement the remaining duties shall be abolished.

    3. Customs duties and charges having equivalent effect applicable on import into Algeria of the products originating in the Community other than those listed in Annexes 2 and 3 shall be progressively abolished in accordance with the following timetable:

    - two years after the date of entry into force of this Agreement each duty and charge shall be reduced to 90% of the basic duty;

    - three years after the date of entry into force of this Agreement each duty and charge shall be reduced to 80% of the basic duty;

    - four years after the date of entry into force of this Agreement each duty and charge shall be reduced to 70% of the basic duty;

    - five years after the date of entry into force of this Agreement each duty and charge shall be reduced to 60% of the basic duty;

    - six years after the date of entry into force of this Agreement each duty and charge shall be reduced to 50% of the basic duty;

    - seven years after the date of entry into force of this Agreement each duty and charge shall be reduced to 40% of the basic duty;

    - eight years after the date of entry into force of this Agreement each duty and charge shall be reduced to 30% of the basic duty;

    - nine years after the date of entry into force of this Agreement each duty and charge shall be reduced to 20% of the basic duty;

    - ten years after the date of entry into force of this Agreement each duty and charge shall be reduced to 10% of the basic duty;

    - eleven years after the date of entry into force of this Agreement each duty and charge shall be reduced to 5% of the basic duty;

    - twelve years after the date of entry into force of this Agreement the remaining duties shall be abolished.

    4. In the event of serious difficulties for a given product, the relevant timetables in accordance with paragraphs (2) and (3) may be reviewed by the Association Committee by common accord on the understanding that the schedule for which the review has been requested may not be extended in respect of the product concerned beyond the maximum transitional period referred to in Article 6. If the Association Committee has not taken a decision within 30 days of its application to review the timetable, Algeria may suspend the timetable provisionally for a period which may not exceed one year.

    5. For each product concerned, the basic duty to be gradually reduced as provided in paragraphs (2) and (3) shall be the rates referred to in Article 18.

    Article 10

    The provisions concerning the abolition of customs duties on imports shall also apply to customs duties of a fiscal nature.

    Article 11

    1. Exceptional measures of limited duration which derogate from the provisions of Article 9 may be taken by Algeria in the form of an increase or reintroduction of customs duties.

    These measures may only concern infant industries, or certain sectors undergoing restructuring or facing serious difficulties, particularly where these difficulties produce major social problems.

    Customs duties on imports applicable in Algeria to products originating in the Community introduced by these measures may not exceed 25% ad valorem and shall maintain an element of preference for products originating in the Community. The total value of imports of the products subjected to such measures may not exceed 15% of total imports of industrial products from the Community during the last year for which statistics are available.

    These measures shall be applied for a period not exceeding five years unless a longer duration is authorised by the Association Committee. They shall cease to apply at the latest on expiry of the maximum transitional period referred to in Article 6.

    No such measures may be introduced in respect of a product if more than three years have elapsed since the elimination of all duties and quantitative restrictions or charges or measures having equivalent effect concerning that product.

    Algeria shall inform the Association Committee of any exceptional measures it intends to take and, at the request of the Community, consultations shall be held on such measures and the sectors to which they apply before they are implemented. When adopting such measures, Algeria shall provide the Committee with a schedule for the abolition of the customs duties introduced pursuant to this Article. Such schedule shall provide for the phasing-out of the duties concerned by equal annual instalments, starting no later than the end of the second year following their introduction. The Association Committee may decide on a different schedule.

    2. By way of derogation from the fourth subparagraph of paragraph 1, the Association Committee may exceptionally, in order to take account of the difficulties involved in setting up a new industry, authorise Algeria to maintain the measures already taken pursuant to paragraph 1 for a maximum period of three years beyond the transitional period referred to in Article 6.



    Article 12

    The provisions of this Chapter shall apply to products originating in the Community and Algeria falling within Chapters 1 to 24 of the Combined Nomenclature and of the Algerian Customs tariff and to the products listed in Annex 1.

    Article 13

    The Community and Algeria shall progressively establish a greater liberalisation of their reciprocal trade in agricultural, fisheries and processed agricultural products of interest to both Parties.

    Article 14

    1. Agricultural products originating in Algeria listed in Protocol No 1 on importation into the Community shall be subject to the arrangements set out in that Protocol.

    2. Agricultural products originating in the Community listed in Protocol No 2 on importation into Algeria shall be subject to the arrangements set out in that Protocol.

    3. Fishery products originating in Algeria listed in Protocol No 3 on importation into the Community shall be subject to the arrangements set out in that Protocol.

    4. Fishery products originating in the Community listed in Protocol No 4 on importation into Algeria shall be subject to the arrangements set out in that Protocol.

    5. Trade in processed agricultural products falling under this Chapter shall be subject to the arrangements set out in Protocol No 5.

    Article 15

    1. Five years after the entry into force of this Agreement, the Community and Algeria shall assess the situation in order to determine the liberalisation measures to be applied by the Community and Algeria six years after the entry into force of the Agreement, in accordance with the objective set out in Article 13

    2. Without prejudice to the provisions of the preceding paragraph and taking account of the patterns of trade in agricultural products, fishery products and processed agricultural products between the Parties and the particular sensitivity of such products, the Community and Algeria shall examine in the Association Council, product by product and on a reciprocal basis, the possibilities of granting each other further concessions.

    Article 16

    1. Should specific rules be introduced as a result of implementation of their agricultural policies or modification of their existing rules, or should the provisions on the implementation of their agricultural policies be modified or developed, the Community and Algeria may modify the arrangements laid down in the Agreement in respect of the products concerned.

    2. The Party carrying out such modification shall inform the Association Committee thereof. At the request of the other Party, the Association Committee shall meet to take due account of the interests of the other Party.

    3. If the Community or Algeria, in applying paragraph 1, modifies the arrangements made by this Agreement for agricultural products, they shall accord imports originating in the other Party an advantage comparable to that provided for in this Agreement.

    4. Any modification of the arrangements made by this Agreement shall be the subject, at the request of the other Contracting Party, of consultations within the Association Council.



    Article 17

    1. No new customs duties on imports or exports or charges having equivalent effect shall be introduced in trade between the Community and Algeria, nor shall those already applied upon entry into force of this Agreement be increased.

    2. No new quantitative restriction on imports or exports or measure having equivalent effect shall be introduced in trade between the Community and Algeria.

    3. Quantitative restrictions on imports or exports and measures having equivalent effect in trade between Algeria and the Community shall be abolished upon the entry into force of this Agreement.

    4. Algeria shall abolish by 1 January 2006 at the latest the provisional additional duty applied to the products listed in Annex 4. That duty shall be reduced on a linear basis by 12 points per year starting on 1 January 2002.

    If Algeria's commitments in respect of its accession to the WTO provide for a shorter period for the abolition of the provisional additional duty, that shorter period shall be applicable.

    Article 18

    1. For each product concerned, the basic duty to be reduced as provided in Article 9(2) and (3) and in Article 14 shall be the rate actually applied vis-à-vis the Community on 1 January 2002.

    2. In the event of Algerian accession to the WTO, the applicable rates for imports between the Parties shall be the WTO bound rate or lower applied rate enforced as of accession. If, after accession to the WTO, a tariff reduction is applied on an erga omnes basis, the reduced rate shall apply.

    3. The provisions of paragraph (2) shall apply to any tariff reduction applied erga omnes introduced after the date on which the negotiations are concluded.

    4. The Parties shall communicate to each other their respective basic rates applied on 1 January 2002.

    Article 19

    Products originating in Algeria shall not enjoy more favourable treatment when imported into the Community than that applied by Member States among themselves.

    The provisions of this Agreement shall apply without prejudice to the provisions of Council Regulation (EEC) No 1911/91 of 26 June 1991 on the application of the provisions of Community law to the Canary Islands.

    Article 20

    1. Both Parties shall refrain from any measure or practice of an internal fiscal nature establishing, whether directly or indirectly, discrimination between the products of one Party and like products originating in the territory of the other Party.

    2. Products exported to the territory of one of the Parties may not benefit from repayment of indirect internal taxation in excess of the amount of indirect taxation imposed on them directly or indirectly.

    Article 21

    1. This Agreement shall not preclude the maintenance or establishment of customs unions, free trade areas or arrangements for frontier trade insofar as they do not have the effect of altering the trade arrangements provided for in this Agreement.

    2. Consultation between the Parties shall take place within the Association Committee concerning agreements establishing customs unions or free trade areas and, where requested, on other major issues related to their respective trade policies with third countries. In particular in the event of a third country acceding to the Community, such consultations shall take place so as to ensure that account is taken of the mutual interests of the Community and Algeria stated in this Agreement.

    Article 22

    If one of the Parties finds that dumping is taking place in trade with the other Party within the meaning of Article VI GATT 1994, it may take appropriate measures against this practice in accordance with the WTO Agreement on the Implementation of Article VI of GATT 1994, related internal legislation and the procedures laid down in Article 26.

    Article 23

    The WTO Agreement on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures shall be applicable between the Parties.

    If one of the Parties finds that subsidies are being used in trade with the other Party within the meaning of Articles VI and XVI GATT 1994, it may take appropriate measures against this practice in accordance with the WTO Agreement on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures and its own legislation on the matter.

    Article 24

    1. Except where otherwise stated in this Article, the provisions of Article XIX GATT 1994 and of the WTO Agreement on Safeguards are applicable between the Parties.

    2. Each Party shall inform the Association Committee forthwith of any step that it takes or intends to take with regard to the application of safeguard measures. Each Party shall send the Association Committee, immediately or at least one week in advance, a communication in writing containing all information pertinent to:

    - the opening of a safeguard investigation;

    - the outcome of the investigation.

    The information provided shall include an explanation of the procedure on which the investigation is based and details of the schedule of hearings and other suitable occasions for the parties concerned to submit their opinions.

    Each Party shall also give the Association Committee an advance written notification containing all relevant information about the decision to apply provisional safeguard measures; this notification must be received at least one week before the measures are applied.

    3. On being notified of the final results of the investigation and before applying safeguard measures in accordance with Article XIX of GATT 1994 and the WTO Agreement on Safeguards, the Party intending to apply such measures shall refer the matter to the Association Committee for a thorough examination of the situation with a view to finding a mutually acceptable solution.

    4. In order to find such a solution, the Parties shall immediately hold consultations within the Association Committee. If the Parties fail to reach an agreement within 30 days of the initiation of such consultations on a solution to avoid the application of the safeguard measures, the Party intending to apply safeguard measures may apply the provisions of Article XIX of GATT 1994 and of the WTO Agreement on Safeguards.

    5. In the selection of safeguard measures pursuant to this Article, the Parties shall give priority to those which cause least disturbance to the achievement of the objectives of this Agreement. Such measures shall not go beyond what is necessary to remedy the difficulties arising and shall maintain the level or margin of preference granted pursuant to this Agreement.

    6. The Party intending to apply safeguard measures pursuant to this Article shall offer the other Party compensation in the form of liberalisation of trade vis-à-vis imports from the latter; that compensation will be essentially equivalent to the adverse trade effects of the measures on the other Party with effect from the date of their implementation. The offer shall be made before the safeguard measure is adopted and concurrently with the notification of and referral to the Association Committee, in accordance with paragraph 3 of this Article. If the Party whose product is the intended subject of the safeguard measure considers the offer of compensation unsatisfactory, the two Parties may agree to other forms of trade compensation in the framework of the consultations referred to in paragraph 3 of this Article.

    7. If the Parties fail to agree on the matter of compensation within 30 days of the initiation of the above consultations, the Party whose product is the subject of safeguard measures may adopt compensatory tariff measures having trade effects essentially equivalent to the safeguard measure adopted pursuant to this Article.

    Article 25

    Where compliance with the provisions of Article 17(3) leads to:

    (i) re-export towards a third country against which the exporting party maintains, for the product concerned, quantitative export restrictions, export duties, or measures having equivalent effect, or

    (ii) a serious shortage, or threat thereof, of a product essential to the exporting party;

    and where the situations referred to above give rise, or are likely to give rise, to major difficulties for the exporting Party, that Party may take appropriate measures under the conditions and in accordance with the procedures laid down in Article 26. The measures shall be non-discriminatory and shall be abolished when conditions no longer justify their maintenance.

    Article 26

    1. In the event of the Community or Algeria subjecting imports of products liable to give rise to the difficulties referred to in Article 24 to an administrative procedure having as its purpose the rapid supply of information on trade flow trends, it shall inform the other Party.

    In the cases specified in Articles 22 and 25, before taking the measures provided for therein or, in cases to which paragraph 2(c) applies, as soon as possible, the Community or Algeria, as the case may be, shall supply the Association Committee with all relevant information with a view to seeking a solution acceptable to the two Parties.

    In the selection of measures, priority shall be given to those which least disturb the functioning of this Agreement.

    2. For the implementation of the second subparagraph of paragraph 1, the following provisions shall apply:

    (a) as regards Article 22, the exporting Party shall be informed of the dumping case as soon as the authorities of the importing Party have initiated an investigation. When no end has been put to the dumping within the meaning of Article VI of GATT 1994 or no other satisfactory solution has been reached within 30 days of the matter being referred, the importing Party may adopt the appropriate measures;

    (b) as regards Article 25, the difficulties arising from the situations referred to in that Article shall be referred for examination to the Association Committee.

    The Association Committee may take any decision needed to put an end to the difficulties. If it has not taken such a decision within 30 days of the matter being referred to it, the exporting party may apply appropriate measures on the exportation of the product concerned;

    (c) where exceptional circumstances requiring immediate action make prior information or examination, as the case may be, impossible, the Community or Algeria, whichever is concerned, may, in the situations specified in Articles 22 and 25, apply forthwith the precautionary measures strictly necessary to deal with the situation and shall inform the other Party immediately thereof.

    Article 27

    Nothing in this Agreement shall preclude prohibitions or restrictions on imports, exports or goods in transit justified on grounds of public morality, public policy or public security, of the protection of health and life of humans, animals or plants, of the protection of national treasures possessing artistic, historic or archaeological value, of the protection of intellectual, industrial and commercial property or of regulations concerning gold and silver. Such prohibitions or restrictions shall not, however, constitute a means of arbitrary discrimination or a disguised restriction on trade between the Parties.

    Article 28

    The concept of "originating products" for the application of the provisions of the present Title and the methods of administrative cooperation relating to them are set out in Protocol No 6.

    Article 29

    The Combined Nomenclature of goods shall be applied to the classification of goods for imports into the Community. The Algerian customs tariff shall be applied to the classification of goods for imports into Algeria.



    Article 30

    Reciprocal commitments

    1. The European Community and its Member States shall extend to Algeria the treatment which they are obliged to grant under Article II.I of the General Agreement on Trade in Services, hereinafter referred to as GATS.

    2. The European Community and its Member States shall grant to Algerian service suppliers no less favourable treatment than that accorded to like service suppliers as specified in the schedule of specific commitments taken by the European Community and its Member States under the GATS to which it is annexed.

    3. This treatment shall not apply to advantages accorded by either Party under the terms of an agreement of the type defined in Article V of the GATS or to measures taken on the basis of such an agreement and to other advantages granted in accordance with the list of most-favoured-nation exemptions annexed by the European Community and its Member States to the GATS.

    4. Algeria shall grant no less favourable treatment to service suppliers of the European Community and its Member States than that specified in Articles 31 to 33.

    Article 31

    Cross-border supply of services

    With regard to the supply of services by Community service suppliers into the territory of Algeria, other than through a commercial presence or the presence of natural persons, as referred to in Articles 32 and 33, Algeria shall grant treatment to Community service suppliers no less favourable than that accorded to companies of any third country.

    Article 32

    Commercial presence

    1. (a) Algeria shall grant for the establishment of Community companies in its territory treatment no less favourable than that accorded to companies of any third country.

    (b) Algeria shall grant to subsidiaries and branches of Community companies, established in its territory in accordance with its legislation, in respect of their operations, treatment no less favourable than that accorded to its own companies or branches, or to Algerian subsidiaries or branches of companies of any third country, whichever is the better.

    The treatment referred to in paragraphs 1(a) and 1(b) shall be granted to companies, subsidiaries and branches established in Algeria on the date of entry into force of this Agreement and to companies, subsidiaries and branches established there after that date.

    Article 33

    Temporary presence of natural persons

    1. A Community company or Algerian company established in the territory of Algeria or the Community respectively shall be entitled to temporarily employ, or have temporarily employed by one of its subsidiaries or branches, in accordance with the legislation in force in the host country of establishment, employees who are nationals of Community Member States and Algeria respectively, provided that such employees are key personnel as defined in paragraph 2, and that they are employed exclusively by such companies, subsidiaries or branches. The residence and work permits of such employees shall only cover the period of such employment.

    2. Key personnel of the abovementioned companies herein referred to as "organisations" are "intra-corporate transferees" as defined in (c) in the following categories, provided that the organisation is a legal person and that the persons concerned have been employed by it or have been partners in it (other than as majority shareholders), for at least the twelve months immediately preceding such movement:

    (a) persons working in a senior position with an organisation, who primarily direct the management of the establishment, receiving general supervision or direction principally from the board of directors or stockholders of the business or their equivalent, including:

    - directing the establishment or a department or sub-division of the establishment;

    - supervising and controlling the work of other supervisory, professional or managerial employees;

    - having the authority personally to recruit and dismiss or recommend recruiting, dismissing or other personnel actions;

    (b) persons working within an organisation who possess uncommon knowledge essential to the establishment's service, research equipment, techniques or management. The assessment of such knowledge may reflect, apart from knowledge specific to the establishment, a high level of qualification referring to a type of work or trade requiring specific technical knowledge, including membership of an accredited profession;

    (c) an "intra-corporate transferee" is defined as a natural person working within an organisation in the territory of a Party, and being temporarily transferred in the context of pursuit of economic activities in the territory of the other Party; the organisation concerned must have its principal place of business in the territory of a Party and the transfer be to an establishment (branch, subsidiary) of that organisation, effectively pursuing like economic activities in the territory of the other Party.

    3. The entry into and the temporary presence within the respective territories of Algeria and the Community of nationals of the Member States or of Algeria respectively, shall be permitted, when these representatives of companies are persons working in a senior position, as defined in paragraph 2(a) above, within a company, and are responsible for the establishment of an Algerian or a Community company, in the Community or Algeria respectively, when:

    - those representatives are not engaged in making direct sales or supplying services, and

    - the company has no other representative, office, branch or subsidiary in a Community Member State or Algeria respectively.

    Article 34


    1. Articles 30 to 33 shall not apply to air, inland waterway or land transport or to national shipping (cabotage), subject to the provisions of paragraphs 2 to 6 of this Article.

    2. In respect of activities undertaken by shipping agencies for the provision of international maritime transport services, including inter-modal activities involving a sea leg, each Party shall permit to the companies of the other Party their commercial presence in its territory in the form of subsidiaries or branches, under conditions of establishment and operation no less favourable than those accorded to its own companies or to subsidiaries or branches of companies of any third country whichever are the better. Such activities include, but are not limited to:

    (a) marketing and sales of maritime transport and related services through direct contact with customers, from quotation to invoicing, whether these services are operated or offered by the service supplier itself or by service suppliers with which the service seller has established standing business arrangements;

    (b) purchase and use, on their own account or on behalf of their customer (and the resale to their customers) of any transport and related services, including inward transport services by any mode, particularly inland waterways, road and rail, necessary for the supply of an integrated service;

    (c) preparation of transport documents, customs documents, or other documents related to the origin and character of the goods transported;

    (d) provision of business information of any means, including computerised information systems and electronic data interchange (subject to any non-discriminatory restrictions concerning telecommunications);

    (e) setting up of any business arrangement, including participation in the company's stock and the appointment of personnel recruited locally (or, in the case of foreign personnel, subject to the relevant provisions of this Agreement), with any locally established shipping agency;

    (f) acting on behalf of the companies, organising the call of the ship or taking over cargoes when required.

    3. With respect to maritime transport, the Parties undertake to apply effectively the principle of unrestricted access to the international market and traffic on a commercial basis.

    However, the legislation of each Party shall apply to the preferential right of the national flag for national cabotage and for salvage, towage and pilotage.

    The above provision does not prejudice the rights and obligations arising under the United Nations Convention on a Code of Conduct for Liner Conferences, as applicable for either Party to the present Agreement. Non-conference lines shall be free to operate in competition with a conference line as long as they adhere to the principle of fair competition on a commercial basis.

    The Parties affirm their commitment to a freely competitive environment as being an essential feature of the dry and liquid bulk trade.

    4. In applying the principles of paragraph 3 above, the Parties shall:

    (a) not introduce cargo-sharing arrangements in future bilateral Agreements with third countries concerning dry and liquid bulk and liner trade. However, this does not exclude the possibility of such arrangements concerning liner cargo in those exceptional circumstances where liner shipping companies from one or other Party to the present Agreement would not otherwise have an effective opportunity to ply for trade to and from the third country concerned;

    (b) abolish, upon entry into force of this Agreement, all unilateral measures, administrative, technical and other obstacles which could constitute a disguised restriction or have discriminatory effects on the free supply of services in international maritime transport.

    5. Each Party shall grant, inter alia, a treatment no less favourable than that accorded to its own ships, for the ships used for the transport of goods, passengers or both, sailing under the flag of the other Party or operated by its nationals or companies, with respect to access to ports, the use of infrastructure and auxiliary maritime services of those ports, as well as related fees and charges, customs facilities and the assignment of berths and facilities for loading and unloading.

    6. With a view to coordinated development of transport between the Parties, adapted to their commercial needs, the conditions of mutual market access and provision of air, road, rail and inland waterway transport services may be dealt with by specific arrangements, where appropriate, negotiated between the Parties after the entry into force of this Agreement.

    Article 35

    Domestic regulation

    1. The provisions of Title III shall not prejudice the application by each Party of any measures necessary to prevent the circumvention of its measures concerning third country access to its market, through the provisions of this Agreement.

    2. The provisions of this Title shall be applied subject to limitations justified on grounds of public policy, public security or public health. They shall not apply to activities which in the territory of either Party are connected, even occasionally, with the exercise of official authority.

    3. The provisions of this title do not preclude the application by a Party of particular rules concerning the establishment and operation in its territory of branches of companies of another Party not incorporated in the territory of the first Party, which are justified by legal or technical differences between such branches as compared to branches of companies incorporated in its territory or, as regards financial services, for prudential reasons. The difference in treatment shall not go beyond what is strictly necessary as a result of such legal or technical differences or, as regards financial services, for prudential reasons.

    4. Notwithstanding any other provisions of the Agreement, a Party shall not be prevented from taking measures for prudential reasons, including for the protection of investors, depositors, policy holders or persons to whom a fiduciary duty is owed by a financial service supplier, or to ensure the integrity and stability of the financial system. Where such measures do not conform with the provisions of the Agreement, they shall not be used as a means of avoiding the obligations of a Party under the Agreement.

    5. Nothing in the Agreement shall be construed to require a Party to disclose information relating to the affairs and accounts of individual customers or any confidential or proprietary information in the possession of public entities.

    6. For the purpose of the movement of natural persons supplying a service, nothing in this Agreement shall prevent the Parties from applying their laws and regulations regarding entry and stay, work, labour conditions and establishment of natural persons and supply of services, provided that, in so doing, they do not apply them in a manner as to nullify or impair the benefits accruing to any Party under the terms of a specific provision of the Agreement. The above provision does not prejudice the application of paragraph 2 above.

    Article 36


    For the purposes of this Agreement:

    (a) A "service supplier" means any natural or legal person who supplies a service from the territory of one Party into the territory of the other Party; in the territory of one Party to the service consumer of the other Party; through commercial presence (establishment) in the territory of the other Party and through the presence of a natural person of a Party in the territory of the other Party.

    (b) A "Community company" or "Algerian company" respectively shall mean a company set up in accordance with the laws of a Member State or of Algeria respectively and having its registered office or central administration or principal place of business in the territory of the Community or Algeria respectively.

    However, should the company, set up in accordance with the laws of a Member State or Algeria respectively, have only its registered office in the territory of the Community or Algeria respectively, the company shall be considered a Community or Algerian company respectively if its operations possess a real and continuous link with the economy of one of the Member States or Algeria respectively.

    (c) "Subsidiary" of a company shall mean a company which is controlled by the first company.

    (d) "Branch" of a company shall mean a place of business not having legal personality which has the appearance of permanency, such as the extension of a parent body, has a management and is materially equipped to negotiate business with third parties so that the latter, although knowing that there will, if necessary, be a legal link with the parent body, the head office of which is abroad, do not have to deal directly with such parent body but may transact business at the place of business constituting the extension.

    (e) "Establishment" shall mean the right of Community or Algerian companies as referred to in subparagraph (b) to take up economic activities by means of the setting-up of subsidiaries and branches in Algeria or in the Community respectively.

    (f) "Operation" shall mean the pursuit of economic activities.

    (g) "Economic activities" shall mean activities of an industrial, commercial and professional character.

    (h) "National of a Member State or of Algeria" shall mean a natural person who is a national of one of the Member States or of Algeria respectively.

    With regard to international maritime transport, including inter-modal operations involving a sea leg, nationals of the Member States or of Algeria established outside the Community or Algeria respectively, and shipping companies established outside the Community or Algeria and controlled by nationals of a Member State or Algerian nationals respectively, shall also be subject to the provisions of this Title if their vessels are registered in that Member State or in Algeria respectively in accordance with their respective legislations.

    Article 37

    General provisions

    1. The Parties shall avoid taking any measures or actions which render the conditions for the establishment and operation of each other's companies more restrictive than the situation existing on the day preceding the date of signature of the Agreement.

    2. The Parties undertake to consider development of this Title with a view to the establishment of an "economic integration agreement" as defined in Article V of GATS. In making such recommendations, the Association Council shall take account of past experience of implementation of the most-favoured-nation treatment and of the obligations of each Party under the GATS, and in particular Article V thereof.

    The Association Council shall also, when making such examination, take into account progress made in the approximation of laws between the Parties in the relevant activities.

    This objective shall be subject to a first examination by the Association Council at the latest five years after the entry into force of this Agreement.





    Article 38

    Subject to the provisions of Article 40, the Parties undertake to allow all current payments for current transactions to be made in a freely convertible currency.

    Article 39

    1. The Community and Algeria shall ensure, from the entry into force of the Agreement, that capital relating to direct investments in Algeria in companies formed in accordance with current laws can move freely and that the yield from such investments and any profit stemming therefrom can be liquidated and repatriated.

    2. The Parties shall consult each other and cooperate with a view to establishing the necessary conditions for facilitating and fully liberalising the movement of capital between the Community and Algeria.

    Article 40

    Where one or more Member States of the Community, or Algeria, is in serious balance of payments difficulties, or under threat thereof, the Community or Algeria, as the case may be, may, in accordance with the conditions established under the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade and Articles VIII and XIV of the Articles of Agreement of the International Monetary Fund, adopt restrictions on current transactions which shall be of limited duration and may not go beyond what is strictly necessary to remedy the balance of payments situation. The Community or Algeria, as the case may be, shall inform the other Party forthwith and shall submit to it as soon as possible a timetable for the abolition of the measures concerned.



    Article 41

    1. The following are incompatible with the proper functioning of the Agreement, insofar as they may affect trade between the Community and Algeria:

    (a) all agreements between undertakings, decisions by associations of undertakings and concerted practices between undertakings which have as their object or effect the prevention, restriction or distortion of competition;

    (b) abuse by one or more undertakings of a dominant position in:

    - the territories of the Community as a whole or in a substantial part thereof;

    - the territories of Algeria as a whole or in a substantial part thereof.

    2. The Parties shall ensure administrative cooperation in the implementation of their respective competition legislations and exchange information taking into account the limitations imposed by the requirements of professional and business secrecy in accordance with the procedures laid down in Annex 5 to this Agreement.

    3. If the Community or Algeria considers that a particular practice is incompatible with the terms of the first paragraph of this Article, and if such practice causes or threatens to cause serious prejudice to the interest of the other Party, it may take appropriate measures after consultation within the Association Committee or after 30 working days following referral for such consultation.

    Article 42

    The Member States and Algeria shall progressively adjust, without prejudice to their commitments to the GATT, any State monopolies of a commercial character, so as to ensure that, by the end of the fifth year following the entry into force of this Agreement, no discrimination regarding the conditions under which goods are procured and marketed exists between nationals of the Member States and Algeria. The Association Committee will be informed about the measures adopted to implement this objective.

    Article 43

    With regard to public enterprises and enterprises which have been granted special or exclusive rights, the Association Council shall ensure, from the fifth year following the entry into force of this Agreement, that no measure which disturbs trade between the Community and Algeria in a manner which runs counter to the interests of the Parties is adopted or maintained. This provision should not obstruct the performance in law or in fact of the particular tasks assigned to these enterprises.

    Article 44

    1. The Parties shall provide suitable and effective protection of intellectual, industrial and commercial property rights, in line with the highest international standards. This shall encompass effective means of enforcing such rights.

    2. Implementation of this Article and of Annex 6 shall be regularly assessed by the Parties. If difficulties which affect trade arise in connection with intellectual, industrial and commercial property rights, either Party may request urgent consultations to find mutually satisfactory solutions.

    Article 45

    The Parties undertake to adopt appropriate measures to ensure the protection of personal data in order to eliminate barriers to the free movement of such data between the Parties.

    Article 46

    1. The Parties shall set as their objective a reciprocal and gradual liberalisation of public procurement contracts.

    2. The Association Council shall take the steps necessary to implement paragraph 1.



    Article 47


    1. The Parties undertake to step up economic cooperation in their mutual interest and in the spirit of partnership which is at the root of this Agreement.

    2. The objective of economic cooperation will be to support Algeria's own efforts to achieve sustainable economic and social development.

    3. Such economic cooperation is in keeping with the objectives set out in the Barcelona Declaration.

    Article 48


    1. Cooperation will be targeted first and foremost at areas of activity suffering the effects of internal constraints and difficulties or affected by the process of liberalising Algeria's economy as a whole, and more particularly by the liberalisation of trade between Algeria and the Community.

    2. Similarly, cooperation shall focus on areas likely to bring the economies of the Community and Algeria closer together, particularly those which will generate growth and employment, and foster the development of trade flows between Algeria and the Community, notably by encouraging the diversification of Algerian exports.

    3. Cooperation shall foster economic integration within the Maghreb group of countries using any measures likely to further such relations within the region.

    4. Preservation of the environment and ecological balances shall constitute a central component of the various fields of economic cooperation.

    5. The Parties may determine by agreement other fields of economic cooperation.

    Article 49


    Economic cooperation shall be implemented in particular by:

    (a) regular economic dialogue between the Parties covering all areas of macro-economic policy;

    (b) communication and exchanges of information;

    (c) transfer of advice, expertise and training;

    (d) implementation of joint actions;

    (e) technical, administrative and regulatory assistance;

    (f) measures to support partnerships and direct investment by operators, in particular private operators, and privatisation programmes.

    Article 50

    Regional Cooperation

    In order to maximise the impact of this Agreement vis-à-vis the development of the Euro-Mediterranean partnership and within the countries of the Maghreb, the Parties shall foster all activities which have a regional impact or involve third countries, notably:

    (a) economic integration;

    (b) development of economic infrastructure;

    (c) environmental matters;

    (d) scientific and technological research;

    (e) education, teaching and training;

    (f) cultural matters;

    (g) customs matters.

    (h) regional institutions and the establishment of common or harmonised programmes and policies.

    Article 51

    Scientific, technical and technological cooperation

    Cooperation shall be aimed at:

    (a) encouraging the establishment of permanent links between the Parties' scientific communities, notably by means of:

    - the access of Algeria to Community R&D programmes, in conformity with existing provisions concerning the participation of third countries in those programmes;

    - the participation of Algeria in decentralised cooperation networks;

    - the promotion of synergy between training and research;

    (b) strengthening research capacity in Algeria;

    (c) stimulating technological innovation, the transfer of new technologies and know-how, implementation of R&D projects and optimisation of the results of scientific and technical research;

    (d) encouraging all activities aimed at establishing synergy at regional level.

    Article 52


    1. The Parties shall encourage cooperation in preventing deterioration of the environment, controlling pollution and ensuring the rational use of natural resources, with a view to ensuring sustainable development and guaranteeing the quality of the environment and the protection of public health.

    2. Cooperation shall in particular focus on:

    - desertification related issues;

    - rational water resource management;

    - salinisation;

    - the impact of agriculture on soil and water quality;

    - the appropriate use of energy and transport;

    - the impact of industrial development on the environment, in particular the safety of industrial plant;

    - waste management, in particular toxic waste;

    - the integrated management of sensitive areas;

    - the control and prevention of urban, industrial and marine pollution;

    - use of advanced environmental management and monitoring tools, particularly environmental information and statistical systems;

    - technical assistance, in particular for the preservation of bio-diversity.

    Article 53

    Industrial cooperation

    Cooperation shall be aimed at:

    (a) encouraging or supporting measures designed to promote direct investment and industrial partnership ventures in Algeria;

    (b) encouraging direct cooperation between the Parties' economic operators, including cooperation in the context of access for Algeria to Community business networks and decentralised cooperation networks;

    (c) backing the effort to modernise and restructure Algeria's public and private sector industry (including the agri-food industry);

    (d) fostering the development of small- and medium-sized enterprises;

    (e) fostering an environment which favours private initiative, with the aim of stimulating and diversifying output for the domestic and export markets;

    (f) making the most of Algeria's human resources and industrial potential through better use of policy in the fields of innovation and research and technological development;

    (g) supporting the restructuring of industry and the industrial upgrading programme with a view to the creation of the free trade area so as to make products more competitive;

    (h) contributing to the development of exports of Algerian manufactures.

    Article 54

    Investments and promotion of investments

    The aim of cooperation shall be to create a favourable climate for investment flows, in particular by means of the following:

    (a) the establishment of harmonised and simplified procedures, co-investment machinery (especially to link small and medium-sized enterprises) and methods of identifying and providing information on investment opportunities;

    (b) a legal environment conducive to investment between the two Parties, where appropriate through the conclusion by the Member States and Algeria of investment protection agreements, and agreements to prevent double taxation;

    (c) technical assistance to schemes to promote and guarantee national and foreign investments.

    Article 55

    Standardisation and conformity assessment

    Cooperation shall aim at reducing divergences in standardisation and certification.

    Cooperation shall be implemented in particular through:

    - encouraging the use of European standards and conformity assessment procedures and techniques;

    - upgrading Algerian conformity assessment and metrology bodies and helping to establish the necessary conditions for the eventual negotiation of mutual recognition agreements in these fields;

    - cooperation in the area of quality management;

    - providing assistance to the bodies responsible for intellectual, industrial and commercial property and for standardisation and quality in Algeria.

    Article 56

    Approximation of laws

    Cooperation shall be aimed at helping Algeria to bring its legislation closer to that of the Community in the areas covered by this Agreement.

    Article 57

    Financial services

    Cooperation shall be aimed at the improvement and development of financial services.

    This will basically involve:

    - the exchange of information concerning financial regulations and practices and training schemes, in particular with a view to the creation of SMEs;

    - support for the reform of Algeria's banking and financial system, including development of the stock market.

    Article 58

    Agriculture and fisheries

    Cooperation shall be aimed at the modernisation and restructuring, where necessary, of the agriculture, forestry and fisheries sectors.

    It shall in particular be aimed at:

    - support for policies geared to developing and diversifying production;

    - food security;

    - integrated rural development, including improvement of basic services and development of ancillary economic activities;

    - promoting environmentally-friendly forms of agriculture and fisheries;

    - the evaluation and rational management of natural resources;

    - establishing closer relations, on a voluntary basis, between enterprises, groupings and professional organisations representing the agricultural, fisheries and agri-business sectors;

    - technical assistance and training;

    - harmonising phytosanitary and veterinary standards and checks;

    - cooperation between rural areas, exchange of experience and know-how on rural development;

    - support for privatisation;

    - the evaluation and rational management of fish stocks;

    - support for research programmes.

    Article 59


    The aims of cooperation shall be:

    - to support the restructuring and modernisation of transport;

    - improve movement of passengers and goods;

    - the establishment and enforcement of operating standards comparable to those prevailing in the Community.

    The priority areas of cooperation shall be:

    - road transport, including the gradual improvement of transit;

    - the management of railways, airports and ports and cooperation between the relevant national authorities;

    - modernisation of road, rail, port and airport infrastructure on major trans-European routes of mutual interest and routes of regional interest, and navigation aids;

    - upgrading of technical equipment to bring it up to Community standards for road/rail transport, inter-modal transport, containerisation and transhipment;

    - technical assistance and training.

    Article 60

    Information society and telecommunications

    Cooperation in this field shall focus in particular on:

    - a dialogue on issues related to the different aspects of the information society, including telecommunications policies;

    - the exchange of information and provision of any technical assistance required on regulations and standardisation, conformity testing and certification of information and communication technologies;

    - the dissemination of advanced information and telecommunication technologies, including satellite technology and information services and technologies;

    - the promotion and implementation of joint projects for research, technical development or industrial applications in information technologies, communications, telematics and information society;

    - giving Algerian bodies the opportunity to participate in pilot projects and European programmes under the specific arrangements pertaining to them in the sectors concerned;

    - the interconnection and interoperability of Community and Algerian networks and telematic services;

    - technical assistance with the planning and management of the radio frequency spectrum with a view to coordinated and effective use of radio communications in the Euro-Mediterranean region.

    Article 61

    Energy and mining

    The aims of cooperation in the energy and mining sectors shall be:

    (a) institutional, legislative and regulatory upgrading to ensure that activities are regulated and investment promoted;

    (b) technical and technological upgrading to prepare energy and mining companies for the requirements of the market economy and competition;

    (c) the development of partnerships between European and Algerian companies in the activities of exploration, production, processing, distribution and services in the energy and mining sectors.

    The priority areas of cooperation in this respect shall be:

    - adaptation of the institutional, legislative and regulatory framework of activities in the energy and mining sectors to market economy rules by means of technical, administrative and regulatory assistance;

    - support for efforts to restructure public enterprises in the energy and mining sectors;

    - building partnerships in the areas of:

    - oil and gas exploration, production and processing

    - electricity production

    - distribution of petroleum products

    - production of equipment and services used in the production of energy products

    - developing and transforming the potential of mining;

    - development of gas, oil and electricity distribution;

    - support for the modernisation and development of energy networks and for their linking to European Community networks;

    - the setting-up of databases on the mining and energy sectors;

    - the support and promotion of private investment in energy and mining sector activities;

    - the environment, the development of renewable energies and energy efficiency;

    - the promotion of technology transfers in the energy and mining sectors.

    Article 62

    Tourism and the craft sector

    Cooperation in this field will principally be aimed at:

    - stepping up the exchange of information on flows and policies on tourism, spa tourism and craft trades;

    - stepping up hotel administration and management training schemes and training in other areas of the tourism and craft sectors;

    - promoting exchanges of experiences with a view to the smooth and sustainable development of tourism;

    - encouraging youth tourism;

    - helping Algeria to develop its potential in the area of tourism, spas and crafts and to improve the image of its tourism products;

    - supporting privatisation.

    Article 63

    Cooperation in customs matters

    1. The aim of cooperation shall be to ensure compliance with the free trade arrangements. The priority areas shall be:

    (a) the simplification of customs controls and procedures;

    (b) the introduction of a single administrative document similar to the Community's and a possible link-up between the Community and Algerian transit systems.

    Technical assistance may be provided where necessary.

    2. Without prejudice to other forms of cooperation envisaged in this Agreement, notably for the fight against drugs and money laundering, the administrative authorities of the Contracting Parties shall provide mutual assistance in accordance with the provisions of Protocol No 7.

    Article 64

    Cooperation in statistics

    The main objective of cooperation in this sphere should be to ensure, in particular through the harmonisation of the methods used by the Parties, the comparability and usefulness of statistics on foreign trade, public finance and balance of payments, population, migration, transport and communications, and generally all the fields covered by this Agreement. Technical assistance may be provided where necessary.

    Article 65

    Cooperation on consumer protection

    1. The Parties agree that cooperation in this area should be aimed at making their respective consumer protection systems compatible.

    2. Cooperation shall focus mainly on:

    (a) the exchange of information on legislative activities and exchanges of experts, in particular consumer interest representatives;

    (b) the organisation of seminars and training courses;

    (c) the establishment of permanent systems of mutual information on dangerous products, i.e. those which constitute a hazard to health or consumer safety;

    (d) improving information provided to consumers especially on prices, characteristics of products and services offered;

    (e) institutional reforms;

    (f) technical assistance;

    (g) the establishment of Algerian laboratories for comparative analysis and testing and assistance with the introduction of a decentralised consumer information system;

    (h) assistance with the organisation and introduction of a warning system to be integrated into the European system.

    Article 66

    Given the particularities of the Algerian economy, the two Parties shall establish the methods and procedures for implementing the economic cooperation activities agreed pursuant to this Title in order to support the process of modernising the Algerian economy and the creation of the free trade area.

    The identification and evaluation of requirements and the procedures for implementing the economic cooperation activities shall be examined in a framework to be introduced in accordance with the conditions laid down in Article 98 of this Agreement.

    The Parties shall agree on the priorities to be carried out in the abovementioned framework.





    Article 67

    1. The treatment accorded by each Member State to workers of Algerian nationality employed in its territory shall be free from any discrimination based on nationality, as regards working conditions, remuneration and dismissal, relative to its own nationals.

    2. All Algerian workers allowed to undertake paid employment in the territory of a Member State on a temporary basis shall be covered by the provisions of paragraph 1 with regard to working conditions and remuneration.

    3. Algeria shall accord the same treatment to workers who are nationals of a Member State and employed in its territory.

    Article 68

    1. Subject to the provisions of the following paragraphs, workers of Algerian nationality and any members of their families living with them shall enjoy, in the field of social security, treatment free from any discrimination based on nationality relative to nationals of the Member States in which they are employed.

    The term "social security" shall cover the branches of social security dealing with sickness and maternity benefits, invalidity, old-age and survivors' benefits, industrial accident and occupational disease benefits and death, unemployment and family benefits.

    These provisions shall not, however, cause the other coordination rules provided for in Community legislation based on Article 42 of the EC Treaty to apply, except under the conditions set out in Article 70 of this Agreement.

    2. All periods of insurance, employment or residence completed by such workers in the various Member States shall be added together for the purpose of pensions and annuities in respect of old age, invalidity and survivors' benefits, family, sickness and maternity benefits, and medical care for the workers and for members of their families resident in the Community.

    3. The workers in question shall receive family allowances for members of their families who are resident in the Community.

    4. The workers in question shall be able to transfer freely to Algeria, at the rates applied by virtue of the legislation of the debtor Member State or States, any pensions or annuities in respect of old age, survivor status, industrial accident or occupational disease, or of invalidity resulting from industrial accident or occupational disease, except in the case of special non-contributory benefits.

    5. Algeria shall accord to workers who are nationals of a Member State and employed in its territory, and to the members of their families, treatment similar to that specified in paragraphs 1, 3 and 4.

    Article 69

    The provisions of this Chapter shall apply to nationals of the Parties residing or working legally in the territory of their host countries.

    Article 70

    1. Before the end of the first year following the entry into force of this Agreement, the Association Council shall adopt provisions to implement the principles set out in Article 68.

    2. The Association Council shall adopt detailed rules for administrative cooperation providing the necessary management and monitoring guarantees for the application of the provisions referred to in paragraph 1.

    Article 71

    The provisions adopted by the Association Council in accordance with Article 70 shall not affect any rights or obligations arising from bilateral agreements linking Algeria and the Member States where those agreements provide for more favourable treatment of nationals of Algeria or of the Member States.



    Article 72

    1. The Parties shall conduct regular dialogue on any social matter which is of interest to them.

    2. Such dialogue shall be used to find ways to achieve progress in the field of movement of workers and equal treatment and social integration for Algerian and Community nationals residing legally in the territories of their host countries.

    3. The dialogue shall cover, inter alia, all issues related to:

    (a) the living and working conditions of workers and their dependants;

    (b) migration;

    (c) illegal immigration and the conditions governing the return of individuals who are in breach of the legislation dealing with the right to stay and the right of establishment in their host countries;

    (d) schemes and programmes to encourage equal treatment between Algerian and Community nationals, mutual knowledge of cultures and civilisations, the furthering of tolerance and the removal of discrimination.

    Article 73

    Dialogue on social matters shall be conducted at the same levels and in accordance with the same procedures as provided for in Title I of this Agreement, which can itself provide a framework for that dialogue.



    Article 74

    1. The Parties recognise the importance of social development, which must go hand in hand with economic development. They will give priority to respect for fundamental social rights.

    2. With a view to consolidating cooperation between the Parties in the social field, projects and programmes shall be carried out in any area of interest to them.

    Priority will be afforded to measures:

    (a) contributing to the improvement of living conditions, job creation and the development of training in areas from which emigrants come;

    (b) resettling those repatriated because of their illegal status under the legislation of the state in question;

    (c) productive investment or the creation of businesses in Algeria by Algerian workers legally settled in the Community;

    (d) promoting the role of women in the economic and social development process through education and the media, in keeping with Algerian policy;

    (e) bolstering Algerian family planning and mother and child protection programmes;

    (f) improving the social welfare and health systems;

    (g) implementing and financing exchange and leisure programmes for mixed groups of Algerian and European young people residing in the Member States, with a view to promoting mutual knowledge of their respective cultures and fostering tolerance;

    (h) improving living conditions in poor areas;

    (i) promoting socio-professional dialogue;

    (j) promoting respect for human rights in the socio-professional context;

    (k) contributing to the development of the housing sector, especially with regard to low-cost housing;

    (l) alleviating the adverse impact of the adjustment of economic and social structures;

    (m) improving the vocational training system.

    Article 75

    Cooperation schemes may be carried out in conjunction with the Member States and the relevant international organisations.

    Article 76

    A working party shall be set up by the Association Council by the end of the first year following the entry into force of this Agreement. It shall be responsible for the continuous and regular evaluation of the implementation of Chapters 1 to 3.



    Article 77

    The Agreement shall aim to promote the exchange of information and cultural cooperation, taking account of bilateral schemes in the Member States.

    Greater knowledge and better mutual understanding of the respective cultures will be promoted.

    Special attention must be paid to promoting joint activities in various fields, including the press, cinema and television, and to encouraging youth exchange schemes.

    This cooperation could cover the following areas:

    - literary translation;

    - conservation and restoration of monuments and sites of historical and cultural interest;

    - training of persons working in the cultural field;

    - exchanges of artists and works of arts;

    - organisation of cultural events;

    - raising mutual awareness and disseminating information on important cultural events;

    - encouragement of cooperation in the audiovisual field, particularly training and co-production;

    - distribution of literary, technical and scientific journals and publications.

    Article 78

    The aim of cooperation in the field of education and training shall be to:

    (a) contribute to the improvement of the education and training system, including vocational training;

    (b) place special emphasis on giving the female population access to education, including technical training, higher education and vocational training;

    (c) develop the level of expertise of senior staff in the public and private sectors;

    (d) encourage the establishment of lasting links between specialist bodies on the Parties' territories in order to pool and exchange experience and methods.



    Article 79

    In order to support the objectives of this Agreement, Algeria shall receive financial cooperation Algeria in accordance with the appropriate procedures and with the appropriate financial resources.

    These procedures shall be adopted by mutual agreement between the Parties by means of the most suitable instruments once the Agreement enters into force.

    In addition to the areas covered by Titles V and VI of this Agreement, cooperation shall apply to the following:

    - facilitating reforms designed to modernise the economy, including rural development;

    - upgrading economic infrastructure;

    - promoting private investment and job-creating activities;

    - offsetting the effects on the Algerian economy of the progressive introduction of a free trade area, in particular where the updating and restructuring of industry is concerned;

    - accompanying measures for policies implemented in the social sectors.

    Article 80

    Within the framework of the Community instruments designed to support structural adjustment programmes in the Mediterranean countries in order to restore key financial equilibria and create an economic environment conducive to faster growth and enhanced social welfare, the Community and Algeria, in close coordination with other contributors, in particular the international financial institutions, shall adapt the instruments intended to accompany development and liberalisation policies for the Algerian economy.

    Article 81

    In order to ensure a coordinated approach to dealing with any exceptional macroeconomic or financial problems which might stem from the progressive implementation of this Agreement, the Parties shall closely monitor the development of trade and financial relations between the Community and Algeria as part of the regular economic dialogue established under Title V.



    Article 82

    Institution-building and the rule of law

    In their cooperation in the field of justice and home affairs, the Parties shall attach particular importance to institution-building in the areas of law enforcement and the machinery of justice. This includes the consolidation of the rule of law.

    In this context the Parties shall also ensure that the rights of nationals of both Parties are respected without discrimination in the territory of the other Party.

    The provisions of this Article do not relate to differences of treatment based on nationality.

    Article 83

    Movement of persons

    Desirous of facilitating the movement of persons between them, the Parties shall ensure, in accordance with the relevant Community and national legislation in force, that the formalities for the issue of visas are carefully applied and executed and shall agree to examine, within the limits of their powers, ways of simplifying and speeding up the issue of visas to persons contributing to the implementation of this Agreement. The Association Committee shall periodically examine the implementation of this Article.

    Article 84

    Cooperation in the prevention and control of illegal immigration; readmission

    1. The Parties reaffirm the importance which they attach to the development of mutually beneficial cooperation in relation to the exchange of information on illegal immigration flows and agree to cooperate in order to prevent and control illegal immigration. To this end:

    - Algeria, on the one hand, and each Member State of the European Community, on the other hand, agree to readmit any of their nationals illegally present on the territory of the other Party after the necessary identification formalities have been completed;

    - Algeria and the Member States of the European Community shall provide their nationals with the appropriate identity documents for this purpose.

    2. Desirous of facilitating the movement and residence of their nationals whose status is regular, the Parties agree to negotiate, at the request of either Party, the conclusion of agreements on combating illegal immigration and on readmission. If either Party considers it necessary, such agreements shall cover the readmission of nationals of other countries arriving in their territory direct from the territory of the other. The practical arrangements for the implementation of the above agreements shall be laid down, where appropriate, by the Parties in the agreements themselves or in their implementing protocols.

    3. The Association Council shall examine the possibility of other forms of joint action for the prevention and control of illegal immigration, including ways of detecting forged documents.

    Article 85

    Legal and judicial cooperation

    1. The Parties agree that cooperation in the legal and judicial fields is essential and a necessary adjunct to the other forms of cooperation provided for in this Agreement.

    2. Such cooperation may include, where appropriate, the negotiation of agreements in these fields.

    3. Civil judicial cooperation will in particular cover:

    - strengthening mutual assistance with regard to cooperation in the handling of disputes or cases of a civil, commercial or family nature;

    - the exchange of experience in relation to managing and improving the administration of civil justice.

    4. Criminal judicial cooperation will cover:

    - strengthening existing mutual assistance or extradition arrangements;

    - the development of exchanges, in particular in relation to the practice of criminal judicial cooperation, the protection of individual rights and freedoms, action against organised crime and improving the efficiency of criminal justice.

    5. Cooperation in this area shall in particular include the introduction of specialist training courses.

    Article 86

    Preventing and tackling organised crime

    1. The Parties agree to cooperate in order to prevent and fight organised crime, in particular in the following fields: human trafficking; exploitation for sexual purposes; the illicit traffic of prohibited, counterfeited or pirated products, and illegal transactions concerning, in particular, industrial refuse or radioactive material; corruption; stolen cars; the trafficking of firearms and explosives; computer crime; and trafficking in cultural goods.

    The Parties shall cooperate closely in order to establish appropriate mechanisms and standards.

    2. Technical and administrative cooperation in this field may include training and improving the effectiveness of the authorities and bodies responsible for fighting and preventing crime and the design of crime prevention measures.

    Article 87

    Money laundering

    1. The Parties agree on the need to work towards and cooperate on preventing the use of their financial systems to launder the proceeds of criminal activities in general and drug trafficking in particular.

    2. Cooperation in this area shall include administrative and technical assistance with the purpose of adopting and implementing suitable standards against money laundering equivalent to those adopted by the Community and international authorities active in this field, including the Financial Action Task Force (FATF).

    3. Cooperation shall have the objective of:

    (a) training agents of the services responsible for preventing, detecting and combating money laundering, and officials of the judiciary;

    (b) appropriate support for the creation of specialist institutions and the strengthening of existing institutions.

    Article 88

    Combating racism and xenophobia

    The Parties agree to take appropriate steps to prevent and combat discrimination in all its forms and manifestations, whether it be on grounds of race, ethnic origin or religion, particularly in the fields of education, employment, training and housing.

    Public information and awareness campaigns will be organised to this end.

    The Parties shall in particular ensure in this context that all persons who consider themselves victims of such discrimination have access to judicial and administrative procedures.

    The provisions of this Article do not relate to differences of treatment based on nationality.

    Article 89

    Combating drugs and drug addiction

    1. Cooperation shall be aimed at:

    (a) improving the effectiveness of policies and measures to prevent and combat the growing, production, supply and consumption of, and trafficking in, narcotics and psychotropic substances;

    (b) eliminating illicit consumption of such products.

    2. The Parties shall determine together, in accordance with their respective laws, the strategies and cooperation methods appropriate for attaining these objectives. Their operations, other than joint operations, shall be the subject of consultation and close coordination.

    Such action may involve the appropriate public and private sector institutions and international organisations, in collaboration with the Government of Algeria and the relevant authorities in the Community and the Member States.

    3. Cooperation shall take the following forms in particular:

    (a) establishment or extension of social and health institutions and information centres for the treatment and rehabilitation of drug addicts;

    (b) the implementation of prevention, information, training and epidemiological research projects;

    (c) the establishment of standards for preventing diversion of precursors and other essential ingredients for the illicit manufacture of narcotics and psychotropic substances, which are equivalent to those adopted by the Community and the appropriate international authorities;

    (d) support for the creation of special anti-drug trafficking services.

    4. Both Parties shall encourage cooperation at regional and sub-regional level.

    Article 90

    Fight against terrorism

    In accordance with the international conventions to which they are party and with their respective laws and regulations, both Parties agree to cooperate with a view to preventing and penalising acts of terrorism:

    - through the implementation in its entirety of Security Council resolution 1373 and other related resolutions;

    - through the exchange of information on terrorist groups and their support networks in accordance with international and national law;

    - by pooling experience of means and practices for combating terrorism, including experience in the technical and training fields.

    Article 91


    1. The Parties agree to cooperate, on the basis of the relevant international legal instruments, on action to combat corruption in international business transactions:

    - by taking effective practical measures against all forms of corruption, bribery and illicit activities of every sort in international business transactions practised by individuals or corporate bodies;

    - by providing mutual assistance in criminal investigations into acts of corruption.

    2. Cooperation shall also cover technical assistance for the training of officials and magistrates responsible for tackling corruption and support for initiatives designed to organise action against this form of crime.



    Article 92

    An Association Council is hereby established which shall meet at ministerial level once a year, where possible, on the initiative of its Chair and in accordance with the conditions laid down in its rules of procedure.

    It shall examine any major issues arising within the framework of this Agreement and any other bilateral or international issues of mutual interest.

    Article 93

    1. The Association Council shall consist of the members of the Council of the European Union and members of the Commission of the European Communities, on the one hand, and of members of the Government of Algeria, on the other.

    2. Members of the Association Council may arrange to be represented in accordance with the provisions laid down in its rules of procedure.

    3. The Association Council shall establish its rules of procedure.

    4. The Association Council shall be chaired in turn by a member of the Council of the European Union and a member of the Government of Algeria in accordance with the provisions laid down in its rules of procedure.

    Article 94

    The Association Council shall, for the purpose of attaining the objectives of the Agreement, have the power to take decisions in the cases provided for therein.

    These decisions shall be binding on the Parties which shall take the measures necessary to implement the decisions taken. The Association Council may also make appropriate recommendations.

    It shall draw up its decisions and recommendations by agreement between the Parties.

    Article 95

    1. Subject to the powers of the Council, an Association Committee is hereby established which shall be responsible for the implementation of the Agreement.

    2. The Association Council may delegate to the Association Committee, in full or in part, any of its powers.

    Article 96

    1. The Association Committee, which shall meet at official level, shall consist of representatives of members of the Council of the European Union and of the Commission of the European Communities, on the one hand, and of representatives of the Government of Algeria, on the other.

    2. The Association Committee shall establish its rules of procedure.

    3. The Association Committee shall meet in the Community or in Algeria.

    Article 97

    The Association Committee shall have the power to take decisions for the management of the Agreement as well as in those areas in which the Council has delegated its powers to it.

    It shall draw up its decisions by agreement between the Parties. These decisions shall be binding on the Parties, which shall take the measures necessary to implement the decisions taken.

    Article 98

    The Association Council may decide to set up any working group or body necessary for the implementation of the Agreement.

    Article 99

    The Association Council shall take all appropriate measures to facilitate cooperation and contacts between the European Parliament and the parliamentary institutions of Algeria, and between the Economic and Social Committee of the Community and its counterpart in Algeria.

    Article 100

    1. Each of the Parties may refer to the Association Council any dispute relating to the application or interpretation of this Agreement.

    2. The Association Council may settle the dispute by means of a decision.

    3. Each Party shall be bound to take the measures involved in carrying out the decision referred to in paragraph 2.

    4. In the event of it not being possible to settle the dispute in accordance with paragraph 2, either Party may notify the other of the appointment of an arbitrator; the other Party must then appoint a second arbitrator within two months. For the application of this procedure, the Community and the Member States shall be deemed to be one party to the dispute.

    The Association Council shall appoint a third arbitrator.

    The arbitrators' decisions shall be taken by majority vote.

    Each party to the dispute must take the steps required to implement the decision of the arbitrators.

    Article 101

    Nothing in the Agreement shall prevent a Contracting Party from taking any measures:

    (a) which it considers necessary to prevent the disclosure of information contrary to its essential security interests;

    (b) which relate to the production of, or trade in, arms, munitions or war materials or to research, development or production indispensable for defence purposes, provided that such measures do not impair the conditions of competition in respect of products not intended for specifically military purposes;

    (c) which it considers essential to its own security in the event of serious internal disturbances affecting the maintenance of law and order, in time of war or serious international tension constituting threat of war or in order to carry out obligations it has accepted for the purpose of maintaining peace and international security.

    Article 102

    In the fields covered by this Agreement, and without prejudice to any special provisions contained therein:

    - the arrangements applied by Algeria in respect of the Community shall not give rise to any discrimination between the Member States, their nationals or their companies or firms;

    - the arrangements applied by the Community in respect of Algeria shall not give rise to any discrimination between Algerian nationals, companies or firms.

    Article 103

    Nothing in the Agreement shall have the effect of:

    - extending the fiscal advantages granted by either Party in any international agreement or arrangement by which it is bound;

    - preventing the adoption or application by either Party of any measure aimed at preventing the avoidance or evasion of taxes;

    - opposing the right of either Party to apply the relevant provisions of its tax legislation to taxpayers who are not in identical situation, in particular as regards their place of residence.

    Article 104

    1. The Parties shall take any general or specific measures required to fulfil their obligations under this Agreement. They shall see to it that the objectives set out in the Agreement are attained.

    2. If either Party considers that the other Party has failed to fulfil an obligation under the Agreement, it may take appropriate measures. Before so doing, except in cases of special urgency, it shall supply the Association Council with all the relevant information required for a thorough examination of the situation with a view to seeking a solution acceptable to the Parties.

    In the selection of measures, priority must be given to those which least disturb the functioning of the Agreement. These measures shall be notified immediately to the Association Council and shall be the subject of consultations within the Association Council if the other Party so requests.

    Article 105

    Protocols 1 to 7 and Annexes 1 to 6 shall form an integral part of this Agreement.

    Article 106

    For the purposes of this Agreement, "Parties" shall mean, on the one hand, the Community or the Member States, or the Community and its Member States, in accordance with their respective powers, and, on the other hand, Algeria.

    Article 107

    The Agreement is concluded for an unlimited period.

    Each of the Parties may denounce the Agreement by notifying the other Party. The Agreement shall cease to apply six months after the date of such notification.

    Article 108

    This Agreement shall apply, on the one hand, to the territories to which the Treaty establishing the European Community applies under the conditions laid down in that Treaty and, on the other, to the territory of Algeria.

    Article 109

    This Agreement is drawn up in duplicate in the Danish, Dutch, English, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish, Swedish and Arabic languages, each of these texts being equally authentic.

    Article 110

    1. This Agreement will be approved by the Contracting Parties in accordance with their own procedures.

    It shall enter into force on the first day of the second month following the date on which the Contracting Parties notify each other that the procedures referred to in the first paragraph have been completed.

    2. Upon its entry into force, the Agreement shall replace the Cooperation Agreement between the European Economic Community and Algeria and the Agreement between the Member States of the European Coal and Steel Community and Algeria, signed in Algiers on 26 April 1976.



    ANNEX 1

    List of agricultural and processed agricultural products falling under HS chapters 25-97 REFERRED to in ARTICLES 7 AND 14

    HS Code 2905.43 (mannitol)

    HS Code 2905.44 (sorbitol)

    HS Code 2905.45 (glycerol)

    HS Heading 33.01 (essential oils)

    HS Code 3302.10 (odoriferous substances)

    HS Headings 35.01 to 35.05 (albuminoidal substances, modified starches, glues)

    HS Code 3809.10 (finishing agents)

    HS Heading 38.23 (industrial fatty acids, acid from oil refining,

    industrial fatty alcohols).

    HS Code 3824.60 (sorbitol other than sorbitol of 29.05.44)

    HS Headings 41.01 to 41.03 (hides and skins)

    HS Heading 43.01 (raw furskins)

    HS Headings 50.01 to 50.03 (raw silk and silk waste)

    HS Headings 51.01 to 51.03 (wool and animal hair)

    HS Headings 52.01 to 52.03 (raw cotton, waste and cotton carded or combed)

    HS Heading 53.01 (raw flax)

    HS Heading 53.02 (raw hemp)

    ANNEX 2

    List of products referred to in Article 9(1)







    ANNEX 3

    List of products referred to in Article 9(2)





    ANNEX 4

    Products referred to in Article 17(4)


    ANNEX 5

    Implementing rules for Article 41

    Chapter I: General provisions

    1. Objectives

    1.1. Cases relating to practices contrary to Article 41(1)(a) or (b) of the Euro-Mediterranean Agreement shall be dealt with by applying the appropriate legislation, in order to avoid adverse effects on trade and economic development and the possible negative impact that such practices may have on the other Party's important interests.

    1.2. The competence of the Parties' competition authorities to deal with these cases shall flow from the existing rules of their respective competition laws, including where these rules are applied to undertakings located outside their territory, but whose activities affect that territory.

    1.3. The purpose of these rules is to promote cooperation and coordination between the Parties in the application of their competition laws in order to ensure that restrictions on competition do not block or cancel out the benefits which should be ensured following the progressive liberalisation of trade between the European Community and Algeria.

    2. Definitions

    For the purposes of these rules:

    (a) "competition law" shall mean:

    (i) for the European Community ("the Community"), Articles 81 and 82 of the EC Treaty, Council Regulation (EEC) No 4064/89 and related secondary legislation adopted by the Community;

    (ii) For Algeria, Competition Decree No 95-06 of 23 Sha'ban 1415 corresponding to 25 January 1995, and its implementing provisions;

    (iii) and any amendments to or repeal of those laws.

    (b) "competition authority" shall mean:

    (i) for the Community, the Commission of the European Community as to its responsibilities pursuant to the competition law of the Community;

    (ii) for Algeria, the Conseil de la Concurrence (Competition Board).

    (c) "enforcement activity" shall mean any application of competition law by way of investigation or proceeding conducted by the competition authority of a Party, which may result in penalties or remedies;

    (d) "anti-competitive activity" and "conduct and practices which restrict competition" shall mean any conduct or transaction that is impermissible under the competition laws of a Party and may be subject to penalties or remedies.

    Chapter II. Cooperation and coordination

    3. Notification

    1.1. 3.1 Each Party's competition authority shall notify the other of its enforcement activities where:

    a) the notifying Party considers them relevant to enforcement activities of the other Party;

    b) they may significantly affect important interests of the other Party;

    c) they relate to restrictions on competition which may directly and substantially affect the territory of the other Party;

    d) they involve anti-competitive activities carried out mainly in the territory of the other Party; and

    e) they condition or prohibit action in the territory of the other Party.

    1.2. 3.2 To the extent possible, and provided that this is not contrary to the Parties' competition laws and does not adversely affect any investigation being carried out, notification shall take place during the initial phase of the procedure, to enable the notified competition authority to express its opinion. The notified authority shall give due consideration to the opinions received when taking decisions.

    1.3. 3.3 The notifications provided for in Article 3.1 of this Chapter shall be detailed enough to permit an evaluation in the light of the interests of the other Party.

    1.4. 3.4 The Parties undertake to give the above notification wherever possible, depending on available administrative resources.

    4. Exchange of information and confidentiality

    1.5. 4.1 The Parties shall exchange information which will facilitate the effective application of their respective competition laws and promote a better understanding of their respective legal frameworks.

    1.6. 4.2 The exchange of information shall be subject to the standards of confidentiality applicable under the law of each Party. Confidential information whose dissemination is expressly prohibited or which, if disseminated, could adversely affect the Parties, shall not be provided without the express consent of the source of the information. Each competition authority shall maintain, to the fullest extent possible, the confidentiality of any information provided to it in confidence by the other competition authority under the rules and shall oppose, to the fullest extent possible, any application for disclosure of such information by a third party that is not authorised by the competition authority that supplied the information.

    5. Coordination of enforcement activities

    1.7. 5.1 Each competition authority may notify the other of its willingness to coordinate enforcement activities with respect to a specific case. This coordination shall not prevent the competition authorities from taking autonomous decisions.

    1.8. 5.2 In determining the extent of coordination, the competition authorities shall consider:

    a) the results which coordination could produce;

    b) the additional information to be obtained;

    c) the reduction in costs for the competition authorities and the economic agents involved, and

    d) the applicable deadlines under their respective legislations.

    6. Consultation when important interests of one Party are adversely affected in the territory of the other Party

    1.9. 6.1 A competition authority which considers that one or more undertakings situated in one Party's territory are or have been engaged in anti-competitive activities of whatever origin that are substantially and adversely affecting the interests of the Party it represents may request consultations with the other competition authority, recognising that entering into such consultations is without prejudice to any action under its competition laws and to the full freedom of ultimate decision of the competition authority concerned. The requested competition authority may take the appropriate remedial action, in the light of the legislation in force.

    1.10. 6.2 Each Party shall, wherever possible and in accordance with its own legislation, take into consideration the important interests of the other Party in the course of its enforcement activities. A competition authority which considers that an enforcement activity being conducted by the competition authority of the other Party under its competition law may affect the important interests of the Party it represents should transmit its views on the matter to or request consultations with the other competition authority. Without prejudice to the continuation of its action under its competition laws or to its full freedom of ultimate decision, the competition authority so addressed should give full and sympathetic consideration to the views expressed by the requesting competition authority, and in particular to any suggestions as to alternative means of fulfilling the needs and objectives of the enforcement activity.

    7. Technical cooperation

    1.11. 7.1. The Parties shall be open to technical cooperation in order to enable them to take advantage of their respective experience and to strengthen the implementation of their competition law and policies.

    1.12. 7.2. Cooperation shall include the following activities:

    a) training for officials, to enable them to gain practical experience;

    b) seminars, in particular for civil servants; and

    c) studies of competition law and policies, with a view to supporting their development.

    8. Modification and update of the rules

    The Association Committee may amend these rules.

    ANNEX 6


    1. Before the end of the fourth year from the entry into force of this Agreement, Algeria and the European Communities and/or their Member States shall, to the extent they have not yet done so, accede to, and ensure an adequate and effective implementation of the obligations arising from, the following multilateral conventions:

    - International Convention for the Protection of Performers, Producers of Phonograms and Broadcasting Organizations (Rome, 1961), known as the 'Rome Convention';

    - Budapest Treaty on the International Recognition of the Deposit of Micro-organisms for the Purposes of Patent Procedure (1977, amended 1980), known as the 'Budapest Treaty';

    - Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (Marrakech, April 15, 1994), taking into consideration the transitional period provided for developing countries in Article 65 of that Agreement;

    - Protocol relating to the Madrid Agreement concerning the International Registration of Marks (1989), known as 'The Protocol relating to the Madrid Agreement';

    - Trademark Law Treaty (Geneva 1994);

    - WIPO Copyright Treaty (Geneva, 1996);

    - WIPO Performances and Phonograms Treaty (Geneva, 1996).

    2. Both Parties shall continue to ensure an adequate and effective implementation of the obligations arising from the following multilateral conventions:

    - Nice Agreement concerning the International Classification of Goods and Services for the purposes of the Registration of Marks (Geneva 1977), known as the 'Nice Agreement';

    - Patent Cooperation Treaty (1970, amended in 1979 and modified in 1984);

    - Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property in the 1967 Act of Stockholm (Paris Union), hereafter referred to as the 'Paris Convention';

    - Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works in the Act of Paris of 24 July 1971, known as the 'Berne Convention';

    - Madrid Agreement concerning the International Registration of Marks in the 1969 Act of Stockholm (Madrid Union), known as 'Madrid Agreement'; and

    meanwhile, the Contacting Parties express their attachment to observing the obligations flowing from the above multilateral conventions. The Association Committee may decide that this paragraph shall apply to other multilateral conventions in this field.

    3. By the end of the fifth year after the entry into force of the Agreement, Algeria and the European Communities and/or its Member States shall, to the extent they have not yet done so, accede to, and ensure an adequate and effective implementation of the obligations arising from, the International Convention for the Protection of New Varieties of Plants (Geneva Act, 1991), known as 'UPOV'.

    Accession to this Convention may be replaced by the implementation of an adequate and effective sui generis system of protection of plant varieties if both parties agree.


    on the arrangements applying to imports into the Community of agricultural products originating in the People's Democratic Republic of Algeria

    Article 1

    1. The products listed in Annex 1 of the present protocol, originating in the People's Democratic Republic of Algeria, shall be admitted for import into the Community in accordance with the conditions set out below and in the Annex.

    2. Import duties shall be either eliminated or reduced by the percentage indicated in respect of each product in column (a).

    For certain products, for which the Common Customs Tariff provides for the application of an ad valorem duty and a specific duty, the rate of reduction indicated in column (a) shall apply only to the ad valorem duty.

    3. The customs duties shall be eliminated in respect of certain products within the limits of the tariff quotas shown against them in column (b).

    The Common Customs Tariff duties in respect of the quantities imported in excess of the quotas shall be applied without reduction.

    4. The reference quantities fixed in respect of certain other products exempt from customs duties are shown in column (c).

    Should the volume of imports of one of the products exceed the reference quantity for any given reference year, the Community may, having regard to an annual review of trade flows which it shall carry out, make the product in question subject to a Community tariff quota for the following reference year, the volume of which shall be equal to the reference quantity. In such a case, for quantities imported in excess of the quota, the Common Customs Tariff duty shall be applied in full.

    Article 2

    For the first year of application, the volumes of tariff quotas shall be calculated as a pro rata of the basic volumes, taking into account the part of the period elapsed before the date of entry into force of this agreement.

    Article 3

    1. Subject to paragraph 2, rates of preferential duty shall be rounded down to the first decimal place.

    2. Where the result of calculating the rate of preferential duty in application of paragraph 1 is one of the following, the preferential rate shall be considered a full exemption:

    a) 1% or less in the case of ad valorem duties, or

    b) EUR 1 or less per individual amount in the case of specific duties.

    Article 4

    1. Wines of fresh grapes originating in the People's Democratic Republic of Algeria and bearing a designation of origin must be accompanied by a certificate indicating their origin in accordance with the model given in Annex 2 to this Protocol or by documents V I 1 or V I 2 completed in accordance with Article 25 of Council Regulation (EEC) No 883/2001 laying down detailed rules for implementing Council Regulation (EC) No 1493/1999 as regards trade with third countries in products in the wine sector.

    2. In accordance with Algerian law, the provision of paragraph 1 applies to wines with the following designations of origin: Aïn Bessem-Bouira, Médéa, Coteaux du Zaccar, Dahra, Coteaux de Mascara, Monts du Tessalah, and Coteaux de Tlemcen.


    ANNEX 1



    1) Irrespective of the rules for the interpretation of the combined nomenclature, the wording of the product description must be considered to have merely indicative value, since the applicability of the preferential arrangements is determined in the context of this Annex by the scope of the CN code. Where ex CN codes are referred to, the applicability of the preferential arrangements is determined on the basis of the CN code and the corresponding description taken jointly.

    2) The Common Customs Tariff duties applied to quantities imported in excess of the tariff quotas are MFN duties.

    3) Decision 278/94/EC.

    4) Once the application of Community rules for the potato sector has commenced, this period will be extended up to 15 April, and the customs duty applicable to quantities in excess of the tariff quota will be raised to 50%.

    5) The reduction applies only to the ad valorem part of the duty.

    6) Entry under this subheading is subject to conditions laid down in the relevant Community provisions (see Articles 291 to 300 of Commission Regulation (EEC) No 2454 (OJ L 253, 11.10.1993, p. 71) and subsequent amendments).

    7) This concession applies only to those seeds covered by the provisions of the directives on the marketing of seeds and plants.

    8) The reduction applies to both the ad valorem and the specific parts of the duty.

    Protocol 1: ANNEX 2

    Certificate of Designation of Origin


    Document V I 1


    Attribution (entry into free circulation and issue of extracts)


    Document V I 2


    Attribution (entry into free circulation and issue of extracts)



    on the arrangements applying to imports into Algeria of agricultural products originating in the Community

    Sole Article

    The customs duties on import into the People's Democratic Republic of Algeria of the products originating in the Community listed in the Annex shall not be higher than those shown in column (a), reduced by the percentage shown in column (b), within the limits of the tariff quotas shown in column (c).




    Protocol No 3

    on the arrangements applying to imports into the Community of fishery products originating in Algeria

    Sole Article

    The products listed below, originating in Algeria, shall be imported into the Community free of customs duties.

    CN code 2002 // Description

    Chapter 3 // Fish and crustaceans, molluscs and other aquatic invertebrates

    // - - Products of fish or crustaceans, molluscs or other aquatic invertebrates; dead animals of Chapter 3:

    0511 91 10 // - - - Fish waste

    0511 91 90 // --- Other

    // Prepared or preserved fish; caviar and caviar substitutes prepared from fish eggs :

    // - Fish, whole or in pieces, but not minced :

    1604 11 00 // - - Salmon

    1604 12 // -- Herrings

    // - - Sardines, sardinella and brisling or sprats :

    1604 13 90 // --- Other

    1604 14 // - - Tunas, skipjack and bonito (Sarda spp.)

    1604 15 // - - Mackerel

    1604 16 00 // - - Anchovies

    1604 19 // - - Other

    // - Other prepared or preserved fish :

    1604 20 05 // - - Preparations of surimi

    // - - Other :

    1604 20 10 // - - - Of salmon

    1604 20 30 // - - - Of salmonidae, other than salmon

    1604 20 40 // - - - Of anchovies

    ex 1604 20 50 // - - - Of sardines, bonito, mackerel of the species Scomber scombrus and Scomber japonicus, fish of the species Orcynopsis unicolor

    1604 20 70 // - - - Of tunas, skipjack or other fish of the genus Euthynnus

    1604 20 90 // - - - Of other fish

    1604 30 // - Caviar and caviar substitutes :

    1605 // Crustaceans, molluscs and other aquatic invertebrates, prepared or preserved :

    // Pasta, whether or not cooked or stuffed (with meat or other substances) or otherwise prepared, such as spaghetti, macaroni, noodles, lasagne, gnocchi, ravioli, cannelloni; couscous, whether or not prepared :

    // - Stuffed pasta, whether or not cooked or otherwise prepared :

    1902 20 10 // - - Containing more than 20% by weight of fish, crustaceans, molluscs or other aquatic invertebrates

    // Flours, meals and pellets, of meat or meat offal, of fish or of crustaceans, molluscs or other aquatic invertebrates, unfit for human consumption; greaves :

    2301 20 00 // - Flours, meals and pellets, of fish or of crustaceans, molluscs or other aquatic invertebrates

    Protocol No 4

    on the arrangements applying to imports into Algeria of fishery products originating in the Community

    Sole Article

    The products listed below, originating in the Community, shall be imported into Algeria in accordance with the conditions set out below.







    on commercial trade in processed agricultural products between Algeria and the European Community

    Article 1

    Imports into the Community of processed agricultural products originating in Algeria shall be subject to the import customs duties and the charges having equivalent effect listed in Annex 1 to this protocol.

    Article 2

    Imports into Algeria of processed agricultural products originating in the Community shall be subject to the import customs duties and the charges having equivalent effect listed in Annex 2 to this protocol.

    Article 3

    The reductions in customs duties listed in Annexes 1 and 2 shall be applicable from the date of entry into force of the Agreement on the basic duty, as defined in Article 18 of the Agreement.

    Article 4

    Customs duties applied in accordance with Articles 1 and 2 may be reduced once the taxes on trade in basic agricultural products between the Community and Algeria have been reduced, or if these reductions are achieved by mutual concessions concerning processed agricultural products.

    The reduction referred to in paragraph 1, the list of products concerned and, where appropriate, the tariff quotas within which the reduction will apply shall be established by the Association Council.

    Article 5

    The European Community and Algeria shall keep each other informed of any administrative measures implemented concerning the products covered by this Protocol.

    These measures must ensure that all the parties concerned are dealt with equally, and must be as simple and as flexible as possible.

    * *


    Protocol 5, Annex 1 - EU Schedule

    Preferential rights accorded by the EU to products originating in Algeria

    Notwithstanding the rules for the interpretation of the Combined Nomenclature, the wording for the description of the products is to be considered as having no more than an indicative value, the quotas being determined, within the context of this Annex, by the coverage of the CN codes as they exist at the time of adoption of the current Regulation.

    List 1


    List 2


    List 3


    * *


    Protocol 5, Annex 2 - Algeria Schedule

    Preferential rights accorded by Algeria to products originating in the EU

    List 1: immediate concessions


    List 2: deferred concessions (Article 15 of the Agreement)


    * *




    relatif à la définition de la notion de "produits originaires" et aux méthodes de coopération administrative _____



    - Article 1er Définitions


    - Article 2 Conditions générales

    - Article 3 Cumul bilatéral de l'origine

    - Article 4 Cumul avec les matières originaires du Maroc et de Tunisie

    - Article 5 Cumul de l'ouvraison ou des transformations

    - Article 6 Produits entièrement obtenus

    - Article 7 Produits suffisamment ouvrés ou transformés

    - Article 8 Ouvraisons ou transformations insuffisantes

    - Article 9 Unité à prendre en considération

    - Article 10 Accessoires, pièces de rechange et outillages

    - Article 11 Assortiments

    - Article 12 Eléments neutres


    - Article 13 Principe de territorialité

    - Article 14 Transport direct

    - Article 15 Expositions


    - Article 16 Interdiction des ristournes ou exonérations des droits de douane


    - Article 17 Conditions générales

    - Article 18 Procédure de délivrance d'un certificat de circulation des marchandises EUR.1

    - Article 19 Certificats de circulation des marchandises EUR.1 délivrés a posteriori

    - Article 20 Délivrance d'un duplicata du certificat de circulation des marchandises EUR.1

    - Article 21 Délivrance de certificats EUR.1 sur la base de la preuve de l'origine délivrée ou établie antérieurement

    - Article 22 Conditions d'établissement d'une déclaration sur facture

    - Article 23 Exportateur agréé

    - Article 24 Validité de la preuve de l'origine

    - Article 25 Production de la preuve de l'origine

    - Article 26 Importation par envois échelonnés

    - Article 27 Exemptions de la preuve de l'origine

    - Article 28 Déclaration du fournisseur et fiche de renseignements

    - Article 29 Documents probants

    - Article 30 Conservation des preuves de l'origine et des documents probants

    - Article 31 Discordances et erreurs formelles

    - Article 32 Montants exprimés en euros


    - Article 33 Assistance mutuelle

    - Article 34 Contrôle de la preuve de l'origine

    - Article 35 Règlement des litiges

    - Article 36 Sanctions

    - Article 37 Zones franches


    - Article 38 Application du protocole

    - Article 39 Conditions particulières


    - Article 40 Modifications du protocole

    - Article 41 Comité de Coopération douanière

    - Article 42 Mise en oeuvre du protocole

    - Article 43 Arrangements avec le Maroc et la Tunisie

    - Article 44 Marchandises en transit ou en entrepôt


    - Annexe I Notes introductives relatives à la liste figurant à l'annexe II

    - Annexe II Liste des ouvraisons ou transformations à appliquer aux matières non originaires pour que le produit transformé puisse obtenir le caractère originaire

    - Annexe III Certificat de circulation EUR.1 et demande de certificat

    - Annexe IV Déclaration sur facture

    - Annexe V Déclaration du fournisseur

    - Annexe VI Fiche de renseignements

    - Annexe VII Déclarations communes



    Article premier


    Aux fins du présent protocole, on entend par:

    a) "fabrication", toute ouvraison ou transformation, y compris l'assemblage ou les opérations spécifiques;

    b) "matière", tout ingrédient, toute matière première, tout composant ou toute partie, etc. utilisé dans la fabrication du produit;

    c) "produit", le produit obtenu, même s'il est destiné à être utilisé ultérieurement au cours d'une autre opération de fabrication;

    d) "marchandises", les matières et les produits;

    e) "valeur en douane", la valeur déterminée conformément à l'accord de 1994 relatif à la mise en oeuvre de l'article VII de l'Accord général sur les tarifs douaniers et le commerce (Accord sur la valeur en douane de l'OMC);

    f) "prix départ usine", le prix payé pour le produit au fabricant de la Communauté ou de l'Algérie dans l'entreprise duquel s'est effectuée la dernière ouvraison ou transformation, y compris la valeur de toutes les matières mises en oeuvre et déduction faite de toutes les taxes intérieures qui sont ou peuvent être restituées lorsque le produit obtenu est exporté;

    g) "valeur des matières", la valeur en douane au moment de l'importation des matières non originaires mises en oeuvre ou, si elle n'est pas connue ou ne peut être établie, le premier prix vérifiable payé pour les matières dans la Communauté ou en Algérie ;

    h) "valeur des matières originaires", la valeur de ces matières telle que définie au point g) appliqué mutatis mutandis;

    i) "valeur ajoutée", le prix départ-usine des produits, diminué de la valeur en douane de toutes les matières utilisées qui ne sont pas originaires du pays où ces produits sont obtenus;

    j) "chapitres" et "positions", les chapitres et les positions (à quatre chiffres) utilisés dans la nomenclature qui constitue le système harmonisé de désignation et de codification des marchandises, dénommé dans le présent protocole "système harmonisé" ou "SH";

    k) "classé", le terme faisant référence au classement d'un produit ou d'une matière dans une position déterminée;

    l) "envoi", les produits envoyés simultanément par un même exportateur à un même destinataire ou transportés sous le couvert d'un document de transport unique de l'exportateur au destinataire ou, en l'absence d'un tel document, couverts par une facture unique;

    m) "territoires", les territoires, y compris les eaux territoriales.



    Article 2

    Conditions générales

    1. Pour l'application de l'accord, sont considérés comme produits originaires de la Communauté:

    a) les produits entièrement obtenus dans la Communauté au sens de l'article 6;

    b) les produits obtenus dans la Communauté et contenant des matières qui n'y ont pas été entièrement obtenues à condition que ces matières aient fait l'objet dans la Communauté d'ouvraisons ou de transformations suffisantes au sens de l'article 7

    2. Pour l'application du présent accord, sont considérés comme produits originaires de l'Algérie :

    a) les produits entièrement obtenus en Algérie au sens de l'article 6;

    b) les produits obtenus en Algérie et contenant des matières qui n'y ont pas été entièrement obtenues à condition que ces matières aient fait l'objet en Algérie d'ouvraisons ou de transformations suffisantes au sens de l'article 7.

    Article 3

    Cumul bilatéral de l'origine

    1. Les matières qui sont originaires de la Communauté sont considérées comme des matières originaires de l'Algérie lorsqu'elles sont incorporées dans un produit y obtenu. Il n'est pas exigé que ces matières y aient fait l'objet d'ouvraisons ou de transformations suffisantes à condition qu'elles aient fait l'objet d'ouvraisons ou de transformations allant au-delà de celles visées à l'article 8 paragraphe 1 du présent protocole.

    2. Les matières qui sont originaires de l'Algérie sont considérées comme des matières originaires de la Communauté lorsqu'elles sont incorporées dans un produit y obtenu. Il n'est pas exigé que ces matières y aient fait l'objet d'ouvraisons ou de transformations suffisantes à condition qu'elles aient fait l'objet d'ouvraisons ou de transformations allant au-delà de celles visées à l'article 8 paragraphe 1 du présent protocole.

    Article 4

    Cumul avec les matières originaires du Maroc ou de Tunisie

    1. Nonobstant l'article 2, point 1b), et sans préjudice des dispositions des paragraphes 3 et 4, les matières qui sont originaires du Maroc ou de Tunisie au sens du protocole n° 4 annexé à l'accord entre la Communauté et ces pays sont considérées comme des matières originaires de la Communauté et il n'est pas exigé que ces matières y aient fait l'objet d'ouvraisons ou transformations suffisantes, à condition, toutefois qu'elles aient fait l'objet d'ouvraisons ou transformations allant au-delà de celles visées à l'article 8 paragraphe 1 du présent protocole.

    2. Nonobstant l'article 2, point 2b), et sans préjudice des dispositions des paragraphes 3 et 4, les matières qui sont originaires du Maroc ou de Tunisie au sens du protocole n° 4 annexé à l'accord entre la Communauté et ces pays sont considérées comme des matières originaires de l'Algérie et il n'est pas exigé que ces matières y aient fait l'objet d'ouvraisons ou transformations suffisantes, à condition, toutefois qu'elles aient fait l'objet d'ouvraisons ou transformations allant au-delà de celles visées à l'article 8 paragraphe 1 du présent protocole.

    3. Les dispositions prévues aux paragraphes 1 et 2 relatives aux matières originaires de Tunisie ne sont applicables que dans la mesure où les échanges effectués entre la Communauté et la Tunisie et entre l'Algérie et la Tunisie, sont régis par des règles d'origine identiques.

    4. Les dispositions prévues aux paragraphes 1 et 2 relatives aux matières originaires du Maroc ne sont applicables que dans la mesure où les échanges effectués entre la Communauté et le Maroc et entre l'Algérie et le Maroc , sont régis par des règles d'origine identiques.

    Article 5

    Cumul de l'ouvraison ou des transformations

    1. Pour l'application de l'article 2, point 1 b), les ouvraisons ou les transformations effectuées en Algérie, ou, lorsque les conditions requises a l'article 4, paragraphe 3 et 4 sont remplies, au Maroc ou en Tunisie, sont considérées comme ayant été effectuées dans la Communauté, lorsque les produits obtenus font ultérieurement l'objet d'ouvraisons ou de transformations dans la Communauté

    2. Pour l'application de l'article 2, point 2 b),les ouvraisons ou transformations effectuées dans la Communauté, ou, lorsque les conditions requises a l'article 4, paragraphe 3 et 4 sont remplies, au Maroc ou en Tunisie, sont considérées comme ayant été effectuées en Algérie, lorsque les produits obtenus font ultérieurement l'objet d'ouvraisons ou de transformations en Algérie

    3. Lorsque, en application des dispositions des paragraphes 1 et 2, les produits originaires sont obtenus dans deux ou plusieurs des Etats visés dan ces dispositions ou dans la Communauté, ils sont considérés comme produits originaires de l'État ou de la Communauté où la dernière ouvraison ou transformation a eu lieu, pour autant que cette ouvraison ou cette transformation aille au-delà de celles visées à l'article 8.

    Article 6

    Produits entièrement obtenus

    1. Sont considérés comme entièrement obtenus dans la Communauté ou en Algérie:

    a) les produits minéraux extraits de leurs sols ou de leurs fonds de mers ou d'océans;

    b) les produits du règne végétal qui y sont récoltés;

    c) les animaux vivants qui y sont nés et élevés;

    d) les produits provenant d'animaux vivants qui y font l'objet d'un élevage;

    e) les produits de la chasse ou de la pêche qui y sont pratiquées;

    f) les produits de la pêche maritime et autres produits tirés de la mer en dehors des eaux territoriales de la Communauté ou de l'Algérie par leurs navires;

    g) les produits fabriqués à bord de leurs navires-usines, exclusivement à partir de produits visés au point f);

    h) les articles usagés ne pouvant servir qu'à la récupération des matières premières, y compris les pneumatiques usagés ne pouvant servir qu'au rechapage ou n'être utilisés que comme déchets;

    i) les déchets provenant d'opérations manufacturières qui y sont effectuées;

    j) les produits extraits du sol ou du sous-sol marin situé hors de leurs eaux territoriales, pour autant qu'elles aient des droits exclusifs d'exploitation sur ce sol ou sous-sol;

    k) les marchandises qui y sont fabriquées exclusivement à partir de produits visés aux points a) à j).

    2. Les expressions "leurs navires" et "leurs navires-usines" au paragraphe 1 sous f) et g) ne sont applicables qu'aux navires et navires-usines:

    a) qui sont immatriculés ou enregistrés dans un Etat membre de la Communauté, ou en Algérie

    b) qui battent pavillon d'un Etat membre de la Communauté ou de l'Algérie,

    c) qui appartiennent au moins à 50 pour cent à des ressortissants des Etats membres de la Communauté ou de l'Algérie, ou à une société dont le siège principal est situé dans l'un de ces Etats, dont le ou les gérants, le président du conseil d'administration ou de surveillance et la majorité des membres de ces conseils sont des ressortissants des Etats membres de la Communauté ou de l'Algérie et dont, en outre, en ce qui concerne les sociétés de personnes ou les sociétés à responsabilité limitée, la moitié du capital au moins appartient à ces Etats, à des collectivités publiques ou à des ressortissants desdits Etats;

    d) dont l'état-major est composé de ressortissants des Etats membres de la Communauté ou de l'Algérie ; et

    e) dont l'équipage est composé, dans une proportion de 75 pour cent au moins, de ressortissants des Etats membres de la Communauté ou de l'Algérie.

    Article 7

    Produits suffisamment ouvrés ou transformés

    1. Pour l'application de l'article 2, les produits non entièrement obtenus sont considérés comme suffisamment ouvrés ou transformés lorsque les conditions indiquées dans la liste de l'annexe II sont remplies.

    Les conditions visées ci-dessus indiquent, pour tous les produits couverts par l'accord, l'ouvraison ou la transformation qui doit être effectuée sur les matières non originaires mises en oeuvre dans la fabrication de ces produits, et s'appliquent exclusivement à ces matières. Il s'ensuit que, si un produit qui a acquis le caractère originaire en remplissant les conditions fixées dans la liste pour ce même produit est mis en oeuvre dans la fabrication d'un autre produit, les conditions applicables au produit dans lequel il est incorporé ne lui sont pas applicables, et il n'est pas tenu compte des matières non originaires qui peuvent avoir été mises en oeuvre dans sa fabrication.

    2. Nonobstant le paragraphe 1, les matières non originaires qui, conformément aux conditions fixées dans la liste pour un produit déterminé, ne doivent pas être mises en oeuvre dans la fabrication de ce produit peuvent néanmoins l'être, à condition que:

    a) leur valeur totale n'excède pas 10 pour cent du prix départ usine du produit;

    b) l'application du présent paragraphe n'entraîne pas un dépassement du ou des pourcentages indiqués dans la liste en ce qui concerne la valeur maximale des matières non originaires.

    Le présent paragraphe ne s'applique pas aux produits relevant des chapitres 50 à 63 du système harmonisé.

    3. Les paragraphes 1 et 2 s'appliquent sans préjudice de l'article 8.

    Article 8

    Ouvraisons ou transformations insuffisantes

    1. Sans préjudice du paragraphe 2, les ouvraisons ou transformations suivantes sont considérées comme insuffisantes pour conférer le caractère originaire, que les conditions de l'article 7 soient ou non remplies:

    a) les manipulations destinées à assurer la conservation en l'état des produits pendant leur transport et leur stockage (aération, étendage, séchage, réfrigération, mise dans l'eau salée, soufrée ou additionnée d'autres substances, extraction de parties avariées et opérations similaires);

    b) les opérations simples de dépoussiérage, de criblage, de triage, de classement, d'assortiment (y compris la composition de jeux de marchandises), de lavage, de peinture, de découpage;

    c) i) les changements d'emballage et les divisions et réunions de colis;

    ii) la simple mise en bouteilles, en flacons, en sacs, en étuis, en boîtes, sur planchettes, etc. ainsi que toutes autres opérations simples de conditionnement;

    d) l'apposition sur les produits eux-mêmes ou sur leurs emballages de marques, d'étiquettes ou d'autres signes distinctifs similaires;

    e) le simple mélange de produits, même d'espèces différentes, dès lors qu'un ou plusieurs composants du mélange ne répondent pas aux conditions établies par le présent protocole pour pouvoir être considérés comme originaires de la Communauté ou de l'Algérie;

    f) la simple réunion de parties en vue de constituer un produit complet;

    g) le cumul de deux ou plusieurs opérations visées sous a) à f);

    h) l'abattage des animaux.

    2. Toutes les opérations effectuées soit dans la Communauté, soit en Algérie sur un produit déterminé sont considérées conjointement pour déterminer si l'ouvraison ou la transformation subie par ce produit doit être considérée comme insuffisante au sens du paragraphe 1.

    Article 9

    Unité à prendre en considération

    1. L'unité à prendre en considération pour l'application des dispositions du présent protocole est le produit retenu comme unité de base pour la détermination du classement fondée sur la nomenclature du système harmonisé.

    Il s'ensuit que :

    a) lorsqu'un produit composé d'un groupe ou assemblage d'articles est classé aux termes du système harmonisé dans une seule position, l'ensemble constitue l'unité à prendre en considération;

    b) lorsqu'un envoi est composé d'un certain nombre de produits identiques classés sous la même position du système harmonisé, les dispositions du présent protocole s'appliquent à chacun de ces produits considérés individuellement.

    2. Lorsque, par application de la règle générale n 5 du système harmonisé, les emballages sont classés avec le produit qu'ils contiennent, ils doivent être considérés comme formant un tout avec le produit aux fins de la détermination de l'origine.

    Article 10

    Accessoires, pièces de rechange et outillages

    Les accessoires, pièces de rechange et outillages livrés avec un matériel, une machine, un appareil ou un véhicule, qui font partie de l'équipement normal et sont compris dans le prix ou ne sont pas facturés à part, sont considérés comme formant un tout avec le matériel, la machine, l'appareil ou le véhicule considéré.

    Article 11


    Les assortiments au sens de la règle générale n 3 du système harmonisé sont considérés comme originaires, à condition que tous les articles entrant dans leur composition soient originaires. Toutefois, un assortiment composé d'articles originaires et non originaires est considéré comme originaire dans son ensemble, à condition que la valeur des articles non originaires n'excède pas 15 pour cent du prix départ usine de l'assortiment.

    Article 12

    Eléments neutres

    Pour déterminer si un produit est originaire, il n'est pas nécessaire de déterminer l'origine des éléments suivants qui pourraient être utilisés dans sa fabrication:

    a) énergie et combustibles;

    b) installations et équipements;

    c) machines et outils;

    d) marchandises qui n'entrent pas et ne sont pas destinées à entrer dans la composition finale du produit.



    Article 13

    Principe de territorialité

    1. Les conditions énoncées au titre II en ce qui concerne l'acquisition du caractère originaire doivent être remplies sans interruption dans la Communauté ou en Algérie, sous réserve des dispositions des articles 4 et 5.

    2. Lorsque des marchandises originaires exportées de la Communauté ou de l'Algérie vers un autre pays y sont retournées, sous réserve des dispositions des articles 4 et 5, elles doivent être considérées comme étant non originaires, à moins qu'il puisse être démontré à la satisfaction des autorités douanières:

    a) que les marchandises retournées sont les mêmes que celles qui ont été exportées; et

    b) qu'elles n'ont pas subi d'opérations allant au-delà de ce qui est nécessaire pour assurer leur conservation en l'état pendant qu'elles étaient dans ce pays ou qu'elles étaient exportées.

    Article 14

    Transport direct

    1. Le régime préférentiel prévu par l'accord est applicable uniquement aux produits remplissant les conditions du présent protocole qui sont transportés directement entre la Communauté et l'Algérie ou en empruntant les territoires des autres pays visés aux articles 4 et 5. Toutefois, le transport de produits constituant un seul envoi peut s'effectuer en empruntant d'autres territoires, le cas échéant, avec transbordement ou entreposage temporaire dans ces territoires, pour autant que les produits restent sous la surveillance des autorités douanières du pays de transit ou d'entreposage et qu'ils ne subissent pas d'autres opérations que le déchargement ou le rechargement ou toute autre opération destinée à assurer leur conservation en l'état.

    Le transport par canalisation des produits originaires peut s'effectuer en empruntant des territoires autres que ceux de la Communauté ou de l'Algérie.

    2. La preuve que les conditions visées au paragraphe 1 ont été réunies est fournie par la production aux autorités douanières du pays d'importation:

    a) soit d'un document de transport unique sous le couvert duquel s'est effectuée la traversée du pays de transit;

    b) soit d'une attestation délivrée par les autorités douanières du pays de transit contenant:

    i) une description exacte des produits;

    ii) la date du déchargement et du rechargement des produits, avec, le cas échéant, indication des navires ou autres moyens de transport utilisés; et

    iii) la certification des conditions dans lesquelles les produits ont séjourné dans le pays de transit;

    c) soit, à défaut, de tous documents probants.

    Article 15


    1. Les produits originaires envoyés pour être exposés dans un pays autre que ceux visés aux articles 4 et 5 et qui sont vendus, à la fin de l'exposition, en vue d'être importés dans la Communauté ou en Algérie bénéficient à l'importation des dispositions de l'accord pour autant qu'il soit démontré à la satisfaction des autorités douanières:

    a) qu'un exportateur a expédié ces produits de la Communauté ou de l'Algérie vers le pays de l'exposition et les y a exposés;

    b) que cet exportateur a vendu les produits ou les a cédés à un destinataire dans la Communauté ou en Algérie;

    c) que les produits ont été expédiés durant l'exposition ou immédiatement après dans l'état où ils ont été expédiés en vue de l'exposition; et

    d) que, depuis le moment où ils ont été expédiés en vue de l'exposition, les produits n'ont pas été utilisés à des fins autres que la présentation à cette exposition.

    2. Une preuve de l'origine doit être délivrée ou établie conformément aux dispositions du titre V et produite dans les conditions normales aux autorités douanières du pays d'importation. La désignation et l'adresse de l'exposition doivent y être indiquées. Au besoin, il peut être demandé une preuve documentaire supplémentaire de la nature des produits et des conditions dans lesquelles ils ont été exposés.

    3. Le paragraphe 1 est applicable à toutes les expositions, foires ou manifestations publiques analogues à caractère commercial, industriel, agricole ou artisanal, autres que celles qui sont organisées à des fins privées dans des locaux ou magasins commerciaux et qui ont pour objet la vente de produits étrangers, pendant lesquelles les produits restent sous contrôle de la douane.



    Article 16

    Interdiction des ristournes ou exonérations des droits de douane

    1. Les matières non originaires mises en oeuvre dans la fabrication de produits originaires de la Communauté, de l'Algérie ou d'un des autres pays visés aux articles 4 et 5, pour lesquelles une preuve de l'origine est délivrée ou établie conformément aux dispositions du titre V, ne bénéficient ni dans la Communauté ni en Algérie d'une ristourne ou d'une exonération des droits de douane sous quelque forme que ce soit.

    2. L'interdiction visée au paragraphe 1 s'applique à tout arrangement en vue du remboursement, de la remise ou du non paiement partiel ou total des droits de douane ou taxes d'effet équivalent applicables dans la Communauté ou en Algérie aux matières mises en oeuvre dans la fabrication si ce remboursement, cette remise ou ce non paiement s'applique expressément ou en fait, lorsque les produits obtenus à partir desdites matières sont exportés et non destinés à la consommation nationale.

    3. L'exportateur de produits couverts par une preuve de l'origine doit pouvoir produire à tout moment, à la demande des autorités douanières, tous les documents appropriés établissant qu'aucune ristourne n'a été obtenue pour les matières non originaires mises en oeuvre dans la fabrication des produits concernés, et que tous les droits de douane ou taxes d'effet équivalent applicables à ces matières ont été effectivement acquittés.

    4. Les paragraphes 1 à 3 s'appliquent également aux emballages au sens de l'article 9 paragraphe 2, aux accessoires, pièces de rechange et outillages au sens de l'article 10 et aux produits d'assortiments au sens de l'article 11, qui ne sont pas originaires.

    5. Les paragraphes 1 à 4 s'appliquent uniquement aux matières couvertes par l'accord. En outre, elles ne font pas obstacle à l'application d'un système de restitutions à l'exportation pour les produits agricoles, applicable à l'exportation conformément aux dispositions de l'accord.

    6. Les dispositions de cet article ne s'appliquent pas pendant les six années qui suivent l'entrée en vigueur de l'accord.

    7. Après l'entrée en vigueur des dispositions du présent article et nonobstant le paragraphe 1, l'Algérie peut appliquer des arrangements pour la ristourne ou l'exonération des droits de douane ou des taxes d'effet équivalent applicables aux matières utilisées dans la fabrication de produits originaires, sous réserve des dispositions suivantes:

    a) un taux de 5% de taxation douanière sera retenu en ce qui concerne les produits visés aux chapitres 25 à 49 et 64 à 97 du système harmonisé, ou un taux plus bas s'il est en vigueur en Algérie;

    b) un taux de 10% de taxation douanière sera retenu en ce qui concerne les produits visés aux chapitres 50 à 63 du système harmonisé, ou un taux plus bas s'il est en vigueur en Algérie;

    Les dispositions du présent paragraphe sont réexaminées avant la fin de la période transitoire visée à l'article 6 de l'accord.



    Article 17

    Conditions générales

    1. Les produits originaires de la Communauté bénéficient des dispositions de l'accord à l'importation en Algérie, de même que les produits originaires de l'Algérie à l'importation dans la Communauté, sur présentation:

    a) soit d'un certificat de circulation des marchandises EUR.1, dont le modèle figure à l'annexe III;

    b) soit, dans les cas visés à l'article 22 paragraphe 1, d'une déclaration, ci-après dénommée "déclaration sur facture", établie par l'exportateur sur une facture, un bon de livraison ou tout autre document commercial, décrivant les produits concernés d'une manière suffisamment détaillée pour pouvoir les identifier. Le texte de cette "déclaration sur facture" figure en annexe IV.

    2. Nonobstant le paragraphe 1, dans les cas visés à l'article 27, les produits originaires au sens du présent protocole sont admis au bénéfice de l'accord sans qu'il soit nécessaire de produire aucun des documents visés ci-dessus.

    Article 18

    Procédure de délivrance d'un certificat de circulation des marchandises EUR.1

    1. Le certificat de circulation des marchandises EUR.1 est délivré par les autorités douanières du pays d'exportation sur demande écrite établie par l'exportateur ou, sous la responsabilité de celui-ci, par son représentant habilité.

    2. A cet effet, l'exportateur ou son représentant habilité remplissent le certificat de circulation des marchandises EUR.1 et le formulaire de demande dont les modèles figurent à l'annexe III. Ces formulaires sont complétés dans l'une des langues dans lesquelles le présent accord est rédigé, conformément aux dispositions du droit interne du pays d'exportation. Les formulaires remplis à la main doivent être complétés à l'encre et en caractères d'imprimerie. Les produits doivent être désignés dans la case réservée à cet effet, sans interligne. Lorsque la case n'est pas complètement remplie, un trait horizontal doit être tiré en dessous de la dernière ligne de la désignation, l'espace non utilisé devant être bâtonné.

    3. L'exportateur sollicitant la délivrance d'un certificat de circulation des marchandises EUR.1 doit pouvoir présenter à tout moment, à la demande des autorités douanières du pays d'exportation où le certificat de circulation des marchandises EUR.1 est délivré, tous les documents appropriés prouvant le caractère originaire des produits concernés ainsi que le respect des autres conditions prévues par le présent protocole.

    4. Un certificat de circulation des marchandises EUR.1 est délivré par les autorités douanières d'un État membre de la Communauté ou de l'Algérie si les produits concernés peuvent être considérés comme des produits originaires de la Communauté, de l'Algérie ou de l'un des autres pays visés aux articles 4 et 5 et remplissent les autres conditions prévues par le présent protocole.

    5. Les autorités douanières délivrant des certificats de circulation des marchandises EUR.1 prennent toutes les mesures nécessaires afin de contrôler le caractère originaire des produits et le respect des autres conditions prévues par le présent protocole. A cet effet, elles sont habilitées à exiger toutes les preuves et à effectuer tous les contrôles des comptes de l'exportateur ou tout autre contrôle qu'elles estiment utile. Elles doivent aussi veiller à ce que les formulaires visés au paragraphe 2 soient dûment complétés. Elles vérifient notamment si le cadre réservé à la désignation des produits a été rempli de façon à exclure toute possibilité d'adjonctions frauduleuses.

    6. La date de délivrance du certificat de circulation des marchandises EUR.1 doit être indiquée dans la case 11 du certificat.

    7. Un certificat de circulation des marchandises EUR.1 est délivré par les autorités douanières et tenu à la disposition de l'exportateur dès que l'exportation réelle est effectuée ou assurée.

    Article 19

    Certificats de circulation des marchandises EUR.1 délivrés a posteriori

    1. Nonobstant l'article 18 paragraphe 7, un certificat de circulation des marchandises EUR.1 peut, à titre exceptionnel, être délivré après l'exportation des produits auxquels il se rapporte:

    a) s'il n'a pas été délivré au moment de l'exportation par suite d'erreurs, d'omissions involontaires ou de circonstances particulières; ou

    b) s'il est démontré à la satisfaction des autorités douanières qu'un certificat de circulation des marchandises EUR.1 a été délivré, mais n'a pas été accepté à l'importation pour des raisons techniques.

    2. Pour l'application du paragraphe 1, l'exportateur doit indiquer dans sa demande le lieu et la date de l'exportation des produits auxquels le certificat de circulation des marchandises EUR.1 se rapporte ainsi que les raisons de sa demande.

    3. Les autorités douanières ne peuvent délivrer un certificat de circulation des marchandises EUR.1 a posteriori qu'après avoir vérifié si les indications contenues dans la demande de l'exportateur sont conformes à celles du dossier correspondant.

    4. Les certificats de circulation des marchandises EUR.1 délivrés a posteriori doivent être revêtus d'une des mentions suivantes:












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    5. La mention visée au paragraphe 4 est apposée dans la case "Observations" du certificat de circulation des marchandises EUR.1.

    Article 20

    Délivrance d'un duplicata du certificat de circulation des marchandises EUR.1

    1. En cas de vol, de perte ou de destruction d'un certificat de circulation des marchandises EUR.1, l'exportateur peut réclamer un duplicata aux autorités douanières qui l'ont délivré sur la base des documents d'exportation qui sont en leur possession.

    2. Le duplicata ainsi délivré doit être revêtu d'une des mentions suivantes:












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    3. La mention visée au paragraphe 2 est apposée dans la case "Observations" du duplicata du certificat de circulation des marchandises EUR.1.

    4. Le duplicata, sur lequel doit être reproduite la date du certificat de circulation des marchandises EUR.1 original, prend effet à cette date.

    Article 21

    Délivrance de certificats EUR.1 sur la base de la preuve de l'origine délivrée ou établie antérieurement

    Lorsque des produits originaires sont placés sous le contrôle d'un bureau de douane dans la Communauté ou en Algérie , il est possible de remplacer la preuve de l'origine initiale par un ou plusieurs certificats de circulation des marchandises EUR.1 aux fins de l'envoi de ces produits ou de certains d'entre eux ailleurs dans la Communauté ou en Algérie . Les certificats de remplacement EUR.1 sont délivrés par le bureau de douane sous le contrôle duquel sont placés les produits.

    Article 22

    Conditions d'établissement d'une déclaration sur facture

    1. La déclaration sur facture visée à l'article 17 paragraphe 1 point b) peut être établie:

    a) par un exportateur agréé au sens de l'article 23; ou

    b) par tout exportateur pour tout envoi constitué d'un ou plusieurs colis contenant des produits originaires dont la valeur totale n'excède pas 6000 euros.

    2. Une déclaration sur facture peut être établie si les produits concernés peuvent être considérés comme des produits originaires de la Communauté, de l'Algérie ou de l'un des autres pays visés aux articles 4 et 5, et remplissent les autres conditions prévues par le présent protocole.

    3. L'exportateur établissant une déclaration sur facture doit pouvoir présenter à tout moment, à la demande des autorités douanières du pays d'exportation, tous les documents appropriés prouvant le caractère originaire des produits concernés ainsi que le respect des autres conditions prévues par le présent protocole .

    4. L'exportateur établit la déclaration sur facture en dactylographiant ou imprimant sur la facture, le bon de livraison ou tout autre document commercial la déclaration dont le texte figure à l'annexe IV, en utilisant l'une des versions linguistiques de cette annexe, conformément aux dispositions du droit interne du pays d'exportation. Si la déclaration est établie à la main; elle doit l'être à l'encre et en caractères d'imprimerie.

    5. Les déclarations sur facture portent la signature manuscrite originale de l'exportateur. Toutefois, un exportateur agréé au sens de l'article 23 n'est pas tenu de signer ces déclarations à condition de présenter aux autorités douanières du pays d'exportation un engagement écrit par lequel il accepte la responsabilité entière de toute déclaration sur facture l'identifiant comme si elle avait été signée de sa propre main.

    6. Une déclaration sur facture peut être établie par l'exportateur au moment où les produits auxquels elle se rapporte sont exportés ou après exportation, pour autant que sa présentation dans l'État d'importation n'intervienne pas plus de deux ans après l'importation des produits auxquels elle se rapporte.

    Article 23

    Exportateur agréé

    1. Les autorités douanières de l'État d'exportation peuvent autoriser tout exportateur, ci-après dénommé "exportateur agréé", effectuant fréquemment des exportations de produits couverts par l'accord et offrant, à la satisfaction des autorités douanières, toutes les garanties pour contrôler le caractère originaire des produits ainsi que le respect de toutes les autres conditions du présent protocole, à établir des déclarations sur facture, quelle que soit la valeur des produits concernés.

    2. Les autorités douanières peuvent subordonner l'octroi du statut d'exportateur agréé à toutes conditions qu'elles estiment appropriées.

    3. Les autorités douanières attribuent à l'exportateur agréé un numéro d'autorisation douanière, qui doit figurer sur la déclaration sur facture.

    4. Les autorités douanières contrôlent l'usage qui est fait de l'autorisation par l'exportateur agréé.

    5. Les autorités douanières peuvent révoquer l'autorisation à tout moment. Elles doivent le faire lorsque l'exportateur agréé n'offre plus les garanties visées au paragraphe 1, ne remplit plus les conditions visées au paragraphe 2 ou abuse d'une manière quelconque de l'autorisation.

    Article 24

    Validité de la preuve de l'origine

    1. Une preuve de l'origine est valable pendant quatre mois à compter de la date de délivrance dans le pays d'exportation et doit être produite dans ce même délai aux autorités douanières du pays d'importation.

    2. Les preuves de l'origine qui sont produites aux autorités douanières du pays d'importation après expiration du délai de présentation prévu au paragraphe 1 peuvent être acceptées aux fins de l'application du régime préférentiel lorsque le non-respect du délai est dû à des circonstances exceptionnelles.

    3. En dehors de ces cas de présentation tardive, les autorités douanières du pays d'importation peuvent accepter les preuves de l'origine lorsque les produits leur ont été présentés avant l'expiration dudit délai.

    Article 25

    Production de la preuve de l'origine

    Les preuves de l'origine sont produites aux autorités douanières du pays d'importation conformément aux procédures applicables dans ce pays. Ces autorités peuvent exiger la traduction d'une preuve de l'origine. Elles peuvent également exiger que la déclaration d'importation soit accompagnée d'une déclaration par laquelle l'importateur atteste que les produits remplissent les conditions requises pour l'application de l'accord.

    Article 26

    Importation par envois échelonnés

    Lorsqu'à la demande de l'importateur et aux conditions fixées par les autorités douanières du pays d'importation, les produits démontés ou non montés, au sens de la règle générale 2 a) du système harmonisé, relevant des sections XVI et XVII ou des positions ns 7308 et 9406 du système harmonisé sont importés par envois échelonnés, une seule preuve de l'origine est produite aux autorités douanières lors de l'importation du premier envoi.

    Article 27

    Exemptions de la preuve de l'origine

    1. Sont admis comme produits originaires, sans qu'il y ait lieu de produire une preuve de l'origine, les produits qui font l'objet de petits envois adressés à des particuliers par des particuliers ou qui sont contenus dans les bagages personnels des voyageurs, pour autant qu'il s'agisse d'importations dépourvues de tout caractère commercial, dès lors qu'elles sont déclarées comme répondant aux conditions du présent protocole et qu'il n'existe aucun doute quant à la sincérité d'une telle déclaration. En cas d'envoi par la poste, cette déclaration peut être faite sur la déclaration en douane CN22/CN23 ou sur une feuille annexée à ce document.

    2. Sont considérées comme dépourvues de tout caractère commercial, les importations qui présentent un caractère occasionnel et qui portent uniquement sur des produits réservés à l'usage personnel ou familial des destinataires ou des voyageurs, ces produits ne devant traduire, par leur nature et leur quantité, aucune préoccupation d'ordre commercial.

    3. En outre, la valeur globale de ces produits ne peut pas excéder 500 euros en ce qui concerne les petits envois ou 1200 euros en ce qui concerne le contenu des bagages personnels des voyageurs.

    Article 28

    Déclaration du fournisseur et fiche de renseignement

    1. Lorsqu'un certificat de circulation des marchandises EUR.1 est délivré ou lorsqu'une déclaration sur facture est établie pour des produits originaires dans la fabrication desquels des marchandises, ayant subi une ouvraison ou transformation dans un ou plusieurs pays visés à l'article 5 sans avoir obtenu le caractère originaire, il est tenu compte des déclarations du fournisseur concernant ces marchandises conformément aux dispositions du présent article. Cette déclaration dont un modèle figure à l'annexe V, doit être fournie par l'exportateur de l'Etat de provenance, soit sur la facture commerciale relative à ces produits, soit sur une annexe à cette facture.

    2. La production de la fiche de renseignements délivrée dans les conditions prévues au paragraphe 3 et dont un modèle figure à l'annexe VII, peut toutefois être demandée à l'exportateur par le bureau de douane intéressé, soit pour contrôler l'authenticité et la régularité des renseignements portés sur la déclaration prévue au paragraphe 1, soit pour obtenir des informations complémentaires.

    3. La fiche de renseignements relative aux produits mis en oeuvre est délivrée à la demande de l'exportateur de ces produits, soit dans le cas prévu au paragraphe 2, soit à l'initiative de cet exportateur, par le bureau de douane compétent dans l'Etat d'où ces produits ont été exportés. Elle est établie en deux exemplaires; un exemplaire est remis au demandeur à qui il appartient de le faire parvenir soit à l'exportateur des produits finalement obtenus, soit au bureau de douane où le certificat de circulation des marchandises EUR.1 est demandé pour lesdits produits. Le deuxième exemplaire est conservé par le bureau de douane qui l'a délivré pendant au moins trois ans.

    Article 29

    Documents probants

    Les documents visés aux articles 18 paragraphe 3 et 22 paragraphe 3, destinés à établir que les produits couverts par un certificat de circulation des marchandises EUR.1 ou une déclaration sur facture peuvent être considérés comme des produits originaires de la Communauté, de l'Algérie ou de l'un des autres pays visés aux articles 4 et 5 et satisfont aux autres conditions du présent protocole, peuvent notamment se présenter sous les formes suivantes:

    a) preuve directe des opérations effectuées par l'exportateur ou le fournisseur afin d'obtenir les marchandises concernées, contenue, par exemple, dans ses comptes ou sa comptabilité interne;

    b) documents établissant le caractère originaire des matières mises en oeuvre, délivrés ou établis dans la Communauté ou en Algérie où ces documents sont utilisés conformément au droit interne;

    c) documents établissant l'ouvraison ou la transformation des matières subie dans la Communauté ou en Algérie, établis ou délivrés dans la Communauté ou en Algérie où ces documents sont utilisés conformément au droit interne;

    d) certificats de circulation des marchandises EUR.1 ou déclarations sur facture établissant le caractère originaire des matières mises en oeuvre, délivrés ou établis dans la Communauté ou en Algérie conformément au présent protocole, ou dans un des autres pays visés aux articles 4 et 5 conformément à des règles d'origine identiques aux règles du présent protocole.

    e) déclarations de fournisseur et fiches de renseignements établissant l'ouvraison ou la transformation subie par les matières mises en oeuvre dans la fabrication des marchandises concernées, établies dans les pays visés à l'article 4 conformément aux dispositions du présent protocole.

    Article 30

    Conservation des preuves de l'origine et des documents probants

    1. L'exportateur sollicitant la délivrance d'un certificat de circulation des marchandises EUR.1 doit conserver pendant trois ans au moins les documents visés à l'article 18 paragraphe 3.

    2. L'exportateur établissant une déclaration sur facture doit conserver pendant trois ans au moins la copie de ladite déclaration sur facture, de même que les documents visés à l'article 22 paragraphe 3.

    3. Les autorités douanières du pays d'exportation qui délivrent un certificat de circulation des marchandises EUR.1 doivent conserver pendant trois ans au moins le formulaire de demande visé à l'article 18 paragraphe 2.

    4. Les autorités douanières du pays d'importation doivent conserver pendant trois ans au moins les certificats de circulation des marchandises EUR.1 et les déclarations sur facture qui leur sont présentés.

    Article 31

    Discordances et erreurs formelles

    1. La constatation de légères discordances entre les mentions portées sur une preuve de l'origine et celles portées sur les documents produits au bureau de douane en vue de l'accomplissement des formalités d'importation des produits n'entraîne pas ipso facto la non-validité de la preuve de l'origine, s'il est dûment établi que ce document correspond au produit présenté.

    2. Les erreurs formelles manifestes telles que les fautes de frappe dans une preuve de l'origine n'entraînent pas le refus du document si ces erreurs ne sont pas de nature à mettre en doute l'exactitude des déclarations contenues dans ledit document.

    Article 32

    Montants exprimés en euros

    1. Pour l'application des dispositions de l'article 22, paragraphe 1, point b) et de l'article 27, paragraphe 3, lorsque les produits sont facturés dans une monnaie autre que l'euro, les montants exprimés dans la monnaie nationale des États membres de la Communauté, de l'Algérie ou des autres pays visés aux articles 4 et 5, équivalents aux montants en euros, sont fixés annuellement par chacun des pays concernés.

    2. Un envoi bénéficie des dispositions de l'article 22, paragraphe 1, point b) ou de l'article 27, paragraphe 3, sur la base de la monnaie dans laquelle la facture est libellée, selon le montant fixé par le pays concerné.

    3. Les montants à utiliser dans une quelconque monnaie nationale sont la contre-valeur dans cette monnaie des montants exprimés en euros au premier jour ouvrable du mois d'octobre. Ces montants sont communiqués à la Commission des Communautés européennes avant le 15 octobre et sont appliqués au 1er janvier de l'année suivante. La Commission des Communautés européennes notifie les montants considérés à tous les pays concernés.

    4. Un pays peut arrondir au niveau supérieur ou inférieur le montant résultant de la conversion dans sa monnaie nationale d'un montant exprimé en euros. Le montant arrondi ne peut différer de plus de 5% du montant résultant de la conversion. Un pays peut maintenir inchangée la contre-valeur dans sa monnaie nationale d'un montant exprimé en euros si, au moment de l'adaptation annuelle prévue au paragraphe 3, la conversion de ce montant se traduit, avant toute opération d'arrondissement, par une augmentation de moins de 15% de sa contre-valeur en monnaie nationale. La contre-valeur en monnaie nationale peut être maintenue inchangée si la conversion se traduit par une diminution de cette contre-valeur.

    5. Les montants exprimés en euros font l'objet d'un réexamen par le Comité d'association sur demande de la Communauté ou de l'Algérie. Lors de ce réexamen, le Comité d'association examine l'opportunité de préserver les effets des limites concernées en termes réels. A cette fin, il est habilité à décider de modifier les montants exprimés en euros.



    Article 33

    Assistance mutuelle

    1. Les autorités douanières des États membres de la Communauté et de l'Algérie se communiquent mutuellement, par l'intermédiaire de la Commission européenne, les spécimens des empreintes des cachets utilisés dans leurs bureaux pour la délivrance des certificats de circulation des marchandises EUR.1, ainsi que les adresses des autorités douanières compétentes pour la vérification de ces certificats et des déclarations sur facture.

    2. Afin de garantir une application correcte du présent protocole, la Communauté et l' Algérie se prêtent mutuellement assistance, par l'entremise de leurs administrations douanières respectives, pour le contrôle de l'authenticité des certificats de circulation des marchandises EUR.1 ou des déclarations sur facture et de l'exactitude des renseignements fournis dans lesdits documents.

    Article 34

    Contrôle de la preuve de l'origine

    1. Le contrôle a posteriori des preuves de l'origine est effectué par sondage ou chaque fois que les autorités douanières de l'Etat d'importation ont des doutes fondés en ce qui concerne l'authenticité de ces documents, le caractère originaire des produits concernés ou le respect des autres conditions prévues par le présent protocole.

    2. Pour l'application des dispositions du paragraphe 1, les autorités douanières du pays d'importation renvoient le certificat de circulation des marchandises EUR.1 et la facture, si elle a été présentée, la déclaration sur facture ou une copie de ces documents aux autorités douanières de l'État d'exportation en indiquant, le cas échéant, les motifs de fond ou de forme qui justifient une enquête. A l'appui de leur demande de contrôle a posteriori, elles fournissent tous les documents et tous les renseignements obtenus qui font penser que les mentions portées sur la preuve de l'origine sont inexactes.

    3. Le contrôle est effectué par les autorités douanières du pays d'exportation. A cet effet, elles sont habilitées à exiger toutes les preuves et à effectuer tous les contrôles des comptes de l'exportateur ou tout autre contrôle qu'elles estiment utile.

    4. Si les autorités douanières du pays d'importation décident de surseoir à l'octroi du traitement préférentiel au produit concerné dans l'attente des résultats du contrôle, elles offrent à l'importateur la mainlevée des produits, sous réserve des mesures conservatoires jugées nécessaires.

    5. Les autorités douanières sollicitant le contrôle sont informées dans les meilleurs délais de ses résultats. Ceux-ci doivent indiquer clairement si les documents sont authentiques et si les produits concernés peuvent être considérés comme des produits originaires de la Communauté, de l'Algérie ou de l'un des autres pays visés à l'article 4, et remplissent les autres conditions prévues par le présent protocole.

    6. En cas de doutes fondés et en l'absence de réponse à l'expiration d'un délai de dix mois après la date de la demande de contrôle ou si la réponse ne comporte pas de renseignements suffisants pour déterminer l'authenticité du document en cause ou l'origine réelle des produits, les autorités douanières qui sollicitent le contrôle refusent le bénéfice des préférences sauf en cas de circonstances exceptionnelles.

    7. Le contrôle a posteriori des fiches de renseignements visées à l'article 28 est effectué dans les cas prévus au premier paragraphe et selon les méthodes analogues à celles prévues aux paragraphes 2 à 6

    Article 35

    Règlement des litiges

    Lorsque des litiges survenus à l'occasion des contrôles visés à l'article 34 ne peuvent pas être réglés entre les autorités douanières ayant sollicité le contrôle et les autorités douanières responsables de sa réalisation ou soulèvent une question d'interprétation du présent protocole, ils sont soumis au Comité de Coopération douanière

    Dans tous les cas, le règlement des litiges entre l'importateur et les autorités douanières du pays d'importation s'effectue conformément à la législation dudit pays.

    Article 36


    Des sanctions sont appliquées à toute personne qui établit ou fait établir un document contenant des données inexactes en vue de faire admettre un produit au bénéfice du régime préférentiel.

    Article 37

    Zones franches

    1. La Communauté et l'Algérie prennent toutes les mesures nécessaires pour éviter que les produits qui sont échangés sous le couvert d'une preuve de l'origine et qui séjournent, au cours de leur transport, dans une zone franche située sur leur territoire n'y fassent l'objet de substitutions ou de manipulations autres que les manipulations usuelles destinées à assurer leur conservation en l'état.

    2. Par dérogation au paragraphe 1, lorsque des produits originaires de la Communauté ou de l'Algérie importés dans une zone franche sous couvert d'une preuve de l'origine subissent un traitement ou une transformation, les autorités douanières compétentes délivrent un nouveau certificat de circulation des marchandises EUR.1 à la demande de l'exportateur, si le traitement ou la transformation auxquels il a été procédé sont conformes aux dispositions du présent protocole.



    Article 38

    Application du protocole

    1. L'expression "Communauté" utilisée dans l'article 2 ne couvre pas Ceuta et Melilla.

    2. Les produits originaires de l'Algérie bénéficient à tous égards, lors de leur importation à Ceuta et Melilla, du même régime douanier que celui qui est appliqué aux produits originaires du territoire douanier de la Communauté en vertu du protocole n 2 de l'acte d'adhésion du royaume d'Espagne et de la République portugaise aux Communautés européennes. L'Algérie accorde aux importations de produits couverts par l'accord et originaires de Ceuta et Melilla le même régime douanier que celui qu'elle accorde aux produits importés de la Communauté et originaires de celle-ci.

    3. Pour l'application du paragraphe 2 concernant les produits originaires de Ceuta et Melilla, le présent protocole s'applique mutatis mutandis, sous réserve des conditions particulières définies à l'article39

    Article 39

    Conditions particulières

    1. Sous réserve qu'ils aient été transportés directement conformément aux dispositions de l'article 14, sont considérés comme:

    (1) produits originaires de Ceuta et Melilla:

    (a) les produits entièrement obtenus à Ceuta et Melilla;

    (b) les produits obtenus à Ceuta et Melilla dans la fabrication desquels sont entrés des produits autres que ceux visés sous (a) à condition que:

    (i) lesdits produits aient fait l'objet d'ouvraisons ou de transformations suffisantes au sens de l'article 7; ou que

    (ii) ces produits soient originaires de l'Algérie ou de la Communauté, à condition qu'ils aient été soumis à des ouvraisons ou transformations allant au-delà des opérations visées à l'article 8,.

    (2) produits originaires de l'Algérie :

    (a) les produits entièrement obtenus en Algérie ;

    (b) les produits obtenus en Algérie dans la fabrication desquels sont entrés des produits autres que ceux visés sous (a) à condition que:

    (i) lesdits produits aient fait l'objet d'ouvraisons ou de transformations suffisantes au sens de l'article 7; ou que

    (ii) ces produits soient originaires, au sens du présent protocole, de Ceuta et Melilla ou de la Communauté, à condition qu'ils aient été soumis à des ouvraisons ou transformations allant au-delà des opérations visées à l'article 8, paragraphe 1.

    2. Ceuta et Melilla sont considérés comme un seul territoire.

    3. L'exportateur ou son représentant habilité est tenu d'apposer les mentions "l'Algérie" et "Ceuta et Melilla" dans la case 2 du certificat de circulation des marchandises EUR.1 ou dans la déclaration sur facture. De plus, dans le cas de produits originaires de Ceuta et Melilla, le caractère originaire doit être indiqué dans la case 4 du certificat de circulation des marchandises EUR.1 ou dans la déclaration sur facture.

    4. Les autorités douanières espagnoles sont chargées d'assurer à Ceuta et Melilla l'application du présent protocole.



    Article 40

    Modifications du protocole

    Le Conseil d'association peut décider de modifier à la demande, soit de l'une des deux parties, soit du Comité de coopération douanière, l'application des dispositions du présent protocole.

    Article 41

    Comité de coopération douanière

    1. Il est institué un Comité de coopération douanière chargé d'assurer la coopération administrative en vue de l'application correcte et uniforme du présent protocole et d'exécuter toute autre tâche dans le domaine douanier qui pourrait lui être confiée

    2. Le Comité est composé, d'une part, d'experts douaniers des Etats membres et de fonctionnaires des services de la Commission des Communautés européennes qui ont les questions douanières dans leurs attributions, et d'autre part, d'experts douaniers de l'Algérie.

    Article 42

    Mise en oeuvre du protocole

    La Communauté et l'Algérie prennent, pour ce qui les concerne, les mesures nécessaires à la mise en oeuvre du présent protocole.

    Article 43

    Arrangements avec le Maroc et la Tunisie

    Les parties contractantes prennent les mesures nécessaires en vue de conclure des arrangements avec le Maroc et la Tunisie permettant de garantir l'application du présent protocole. Elles s'informent mutuellement des mesures prises à cet effet.

    Article 44

    Marchandises en transit ou en entrepôt

    Les marchandises qui satisfont aux dispositions de ce protocole et qui, à la date d'entrée en vigueur de l'accord, se trouvent soit en cours de route soit placées dans la Communauté ou en Algérie sous le régime du dépôt temporaire, des entrepôts douaniers ou des zones franches, peuvent être admises au bénéfice des dispositions de l'accord, sous réserve de la production, dans un délai expirant quatre mois à compter de cette date, aux autorités douanières de l'Etat d'importation, d'un certificat EUR.1 établi a posteriori par les autorités compétentes de l'Etat d'exportation ainsi que des documents justifiant du transport direct.


    Notes introductives à la liste de l'annexe II

    Note 1:

    Dans la liste figurent, pour tous les produits, les conditions requises pour que ces produits puissent être considérés comme suffisamment ouvrés ou transformés au sens de l'article 7 du protocole.

    Note 2:

    2.1 Les deux premières colonnes de la liste décrivent le produit obtenu. La première colonne précise le numéro de la position ou du chapitre du système harmonisé et la seconde la désignation des marchandises figurant dans le système pour cette position ou ce chapitre. En face des mentions portées dans les deux premières colonnes, une règle est énoncée dans les colonnes 3 ou 4. Lorsque, dans certains cas, le numéro de la première colonne est précédé d'un "ex", cela indique que la règle figurant dans les colonnes 3 ou 4 ne s'applique qu'à la partie de la position décrite dans la colonne 2.

    2.2 Lorsque plusieurs numéros de position sont regroupés dans la colonne 1 ou qu'un numéro de chapitre y est mentionné, et que les produits figurant dans la colonne 2 sont, en conséquence, désignés en termes généraux, la règle correspondante énoncée dans les colonnes 3 ou 4 s'applique à tous les produits qui, dans le cadre du système harmonisé, sont classés dans les différentes positions du chapitre concerné ou dans les positions qui y sont regroupées.

    2.3 Lorsque la liste comporte différentes règles applicables à différents produits relevant d'une même position, chaque tiret comporte la désignation relative à la partie de la position faisant l'objet de la règle correspondante dans les colonnes 3 ou 4.

    2.4 Lorsqu'en face des mentions figurant dans les deux premières colonnes une règle est prévue dans les colonnes 3 et 4, l'exportateur a le choix d'appliquer la règle énoncée dans la colonne 3 ou dans la colonne 4. Lorsqu'aucune règle n'est prévue dans la colonne 4, la règle énoncée dans la colonne 3 doit être appliquée.

    Note 3:

    3.1 Les dispositions de l'article 7 du protocole concernant les produits qui ont acquis le caractère originaire et qui sont mis en oeuvre dans la fabrication d'autres produits s'appliquent, que ce caractère ait été acquis dans l'usine où ces produits sont mis en oeuvre ou dans une autre usine de la Communauté ou de l'Algérie.

    Par exemple:

    Un moteur du n° 8407, pour lequel la règle prévoit que la valeur des matières non originaires susceptibles d'être mises en oeuvre ne doit pas excéder 40 pour cent du prix départ usine, est fabriqué à partir d'ébauches de forge en aciers alliés du n° ex 7224.

    Si cette ébauche a été obtenue dans la Communauté par forgeage d'un lingot non originaire, elle a déjà acquis le caractère de produit originaire en application de la règle prévue dans la liste pour les produits du n° ex 7224. Cette ébauche peut, dès lors, être prise en considération comme produit originaire dans le calcul de la valeur du moteur, qu'elle ait été fabriquée dans la même usine que le moteur ou dans une autre usine de la Communauté. La valeur du lingot non originaire ne doit donc pas être prise en compte lorsqu'il est procédé à la détermination de la valeur des matières non originaires utilisées.

    3.2 La règle figurant dans la liste fixe le degré minimal d'ouvraison ou de transformation à effectuer; il en résulte que les ouvraisons ou transformations allant au-delà confèrent, elles aussi, le caractère originaire et que, à l'inverse, les ouvraisons ou transformations restant en deçà de ce seuil ne confèrent pas le caractère originaire. En d'autres termes, si une règle prévoit que des matières non originaires se trouvant à un stade d'élaboration déterminé peuvent être utilisées, l'utilisation de telles matières se trouvant à un stade moins avancé est, elle aussi, autorisée, alors que l'utilisation de telles matières se trouvant à un stade plus avancé ne l'est pas.

    3.3 Sans préjudice de la note 3.2, lorsqu'une règle indique que des matières de toute position peuvent être utilisées, les matières de la même position que le produit peuvent aussi être utilisées, sous réserve, toutefois, des restrictions particulières susceptibles d'être aussi énoncées dans la règle. Toutefois, l'expression "fabrication à partir de matières de toute position, y compris à partir des autres matières du n° ..." implique que seules peuvent être utilisées des matières classées dans la même position que le produit dont la désignation est différente de celle du produit telle qu'elle apparaît dans la colonne 2 de la liste.

    3.4 Lorsqu'une règle de la liste prévoit qu'un produit peut être fabriqué à partir de plusieurs matières, cela signifie qu'une ou plusieurs de ces matières peuvent être utilisées. Elle n'implique évidemment pas que toutes ces matières doivent être utilisées simultanément.

    Par exemple :

    La règle applicable aux tissus des positions SH 5208 à 5212 prévoit que des fibres naturelles peuvent être utilisées et que des matières chimiques, entre autres, peuvent l'être également. Cette règle n'implique pas que les fibres naturelles et les matières chimiques doivent être utilisées simultanément; il est possible d'utiliser l'une ou l'autre de ces matières ou même les deux ensemble.

    3.5 Lorsqu'une règle de la liste prévoit qu'un produit doit être fabriqué à partir d'une matière déterminée, cette condition n'empêche évidemment pas l'utilisation d'autres matières qui, en raison de leur nature même, ne peuvent pas satisfaire à la règle (voir également la note 6.2 ci-dessous en ce qui concerne les matières textiles);

    Par exemple:

    La règle relative aux produits alimentaires préparés du n° 1904 qui exclut expressément l'utilisation des céréales et de leurs dérivés n'interdit évidemment pas l'emploi de sels minéraux, de matières chimiques ou d'autres additifs dans la mesure où ils ne sont pas obtenus à partir de céréales.

    Toutefois, cette règle ne s'applique pas aux produits qui, bien qu'ils ne puissent pas être fabriqués à partir de matières spécifiées dans la liste, peuvent l'être à partir d'une matière de même nature à un stade antérieur de fabrication.

    Par exemple :

    Dans le cas d'un vêtement de l'ex chapitre 62 fabriqué à partir de non-tissés, s'il est prévu que ce type d'article peut uniquement être obtenu à partir de fils non originaires, il n'est pas possible d'employer des tissus non tissés, même s'il est établi que les non-tissés ne peuvent normalement être obtenus à partir de fils. Dans de tels cas, la matière qu'il convient d'utiliser est celle située à l'état d'ouvraison qui est immédiatement antérieur aux fils, c'est-à-dire à l'état de fibres.

    3.6 S'il est prévu, dans une règle de la liste, deux pourcentages concernant la valeur maximale de matières non originaires pouvant être utilisées, ces pourcentages ne peuvent pas être additionnés. Il s'ensuit que la valeur maximale de toutes les matières non originaires utilisées ne peut jamais excéder le plus élevé des pourcentages considérés. Il va de soi que les pourcentages spécifiques qui s'appliquent à des produits particuliers ne doivent pas être dépassés par suite de ces dispositions.

    Note 4:

    4.1 L'expression "fibres naturelles", lorsqu'elle est utilisée dans la liste, se rapporte aux fibres autres que les fibres artificielles ou synthétiques et doit être limitée aux fibres dans tous les états où elles peuvent se trouver avant la filature, y compris les déchets, et, sauf dispositions contraires, elle couvre les fibres qui ont été cardées, peignées ou autrement travaillées pour la filature mais non filées.

    4.2 L'expression "fibres naturelles" couvre le crin du n° 0503, la soie des n°s 5002 et 5003 ainsi que la laine, les poils fins et les poils grossiers des n°s 5101 à 5105, les fibres de coton des n°s 5201 à 5203 et les autres fibres d'origine végétale des n°s 5301 à 5305.

    4.3 Les expressions "pâtes textiles", "matières chimiques" et "matières destinées à la fabrication du papier" utilisées dans la liste désignent les matières non classées dans les chapitres 50 à 63, qui peuvent être utilisées en vue de fabriquer des fibres ou des fils synthétiques ou artificiels ou des fibres ou des fils de papier.

    4.4 L'expression "fibres synthétiques ou artificielles discontinues" utilisée dans la liste couvre les câbles de filaments, les fibres discontinues et les déchets de fibres synthétiques ou artificielles discontinues des n°s 5501 à 5507.

    Note 5:

    5.1 Lorsqu'il est fait référence à la présente note introductive pour un produit déterminé de la liste, les conditions exposées dans la colonne 3 ne doivent pas être appliquées aux différentes matières textiles de base qui sont utilisées dans la fabrication de ce produit lorsque, considérées ensemble, elles représentent 10 pour cent ou moins du poids total de toutes les matières textiles de base utilisées (voir également les notes 5.3 et 5.4 ci-dessous).

    5.2 Toutefois, la tolérance mentionnée dans la note 5.1 s'applique uniquement aux produits mélangés qui ont été obtenus à partir de deux ou plusieurs matières textiles de base.

    Les matières textiles de base sont les suivantes:

    - la soie,

    - la laine,

    - les poils grossiers,

    - les poils fins,

    - le crin,

    - le coton,

    - les matières servant à la fabrication du papier et le papier,

    - le lin,

    - le chanvre,

    - le jute et les autres fibres libériennes,

    - le sisal et les autres fibres textiles du genre agave,

    - le coco, l'abaca, la ramie et les autres fibres textiles végétales,

    - les filaments synthétiques,

    - les filaments artificiels,

    - les fibres synthétiques discontinues de polypropylène,

    - les fibres synthétiques discontinues de polyester,

    - les fibres synthétiques discontinues de polyamide,

    - les fibres synthétiques discontinues de polyacrylonitrile,

    - les fibres synthétiques discontinues de polyimide,

    - les fibres synthétiques discontinues de polytétrafluoroéthylène,

    - les fibres synthétiques discontinues de polysulfure de phénylène,

    - les fibres synthétiques discontinues de polychlorure de vinyle,

    - les autres fibres synthétiques discontinues,

    - les fibres artificielles discontinues de viscose,

    - les autres fibres artificielles discontinues,

    - les fils de polyuréthanes segmentés avec des segments souples de polyéthers même guipés,

    - les fils de polyuréthanes segmentés avec des segments souples de polyesters même guipés,

    - les produits de la position 5605 (filés métalliques et fils métallisés) formés d'une âme consistant, soit en une bande mince d'aluminium, soit en une pellicule de matière plastique recouverte ou non de poudre d'aluminium, d'une largeur n'excédant pas 5 mm, cette âme étant insérée par collage entre deux pellicules de matière plastique à l'aide d'une colle transparente ou colorée,

    - les autres produits de la position 5605.

    Par exemple:

    Un fil du n° 5205 obtenu a partir de fibres de coton du n° 5203 et de fibres synthétiques discontinues du n° 5506 est un fil mélangé. C'est pourquoi des fibres synthétiques discontinues non originaires qui ne satisfont pas aux règles d'origine (qui exigent la fabrication à partir de matières chimiques ou de pâtes textiles) peuvent être utilisées jusqu'à une valeur de 10 pour cent en poids du fil.

    Par exemple:

    Un tissu de laine du n° 5112 obtenu à partir de fils de laine n° 5107 et de fils de fibres synthétiques discontinues du n° 5509 est un tissu mélangé. C'est pourquoi des fils synthétiques qui ne satisfont pas aux règles d'origine (qui exigent la fabrication à partir de matières chimiques ou de pâtes textiles) ou des fils de laine qui ne satisfont pas aux règles d'origine (qui exigent la fabrication à partir de fibres naturelles non cardées ni peignées ou autrement travaillées pour la filature) ou une combinaison de ces deux types de fils peuvent être utilisés à condition que leur poids total n'excède pas 10 pour cent du poids du tissu.

    Par exemple :

    Une surface textile touffetée du n° 5802 obtenue à partir de fils de coton du n° 5205 et d'un tissu de coton du n° 5210 est considérée comme étant un produit mélangé uniquement si le tissu de coton est lui-même un tissu mélangé ayant été fabriqué à partir de fils classés dans deux positions différentes ou si les fils de coton utilisés sont eux-mêmes mélangés.

    Par exemple :

    Si la même surface touffetée est fabriquée à partir de fils de coton du n° 5205 et d'un tissu synthétique du n° 5407, il est alors évident que les deux fils utilisés sont deux matières textiles différentes et que la surface textile touffetée est par conséquent un produit mélangé.

    Par exemple :

    Un tapis touffeté fabriqué avec des fils artificiels et des fils de coton, avec un support en jute, est un produit mélangé parce que trois matières textiles sont utilisées. Les matières non originaires qui sont utilisées à un stade plus avancé de fabrication que celui prévu par la règle peuvent être utilisées à condition que leur poids total n'excède pas 10 pour cent du poids des matières textiles du tapis. Ainsi, le support en jute et/ou les fils artificiels peuvent être importés au stade de la fabrication dans la mesure où les conditions de poids sont réunies.

    5.3 Dans le cas des produits incorporant des "fils de polyuréthanes segmentés avec des segments souples de polyéthers même guipés", cette tolérance est de 20 pour cent en ce qui concerne les fils.

    5.4 Dans le cas des produits formés d'une âme consistant soit en une bande mince d'aluminium, soit en une pellicule de matière plastique recouverte ou non de poudre d'aluminium, d'une largeur n'excédant pas 5 mm, cette âme étant insérée par collage entre deux pellicules de matière plastique", cette tolérance est de 30 pour cent en ce qui concerne cette âme.

    Note 6:

    6.1 Pour les produits textiles confectionnés qui font l'objet, dans la liste, d'une note en bas de page renvoyant à la présente note introductive, les matières textiles, à l'exception des doublures et des toiles tailleurs, qui ne répondent pas à la règle fixée dans la colonne 3 de la liste pour le produit confectionné concerné, peuvent être utilisées à condition qu'elles soient classées dans une position différente de celle du produit et que leur valeur n'excède pas 8 pour cent du prix départ usine du produit.

    6.2 Sans préjudice de la note 6.3, les matières qui ne sont pas classées dans les chapitres 50 à 63 peuvent être utilisées librement dans la fabrication des produits textiles, qu'elles contiennent ou non des matières textiles.

    Par exemple :

    Si une règle dans la liste prévoit pour un article particulier en matière textile, tel que des pantalons, que des fils doivent être utilisés, cela n'interdit pas l'utilisation d'articles en métal, tels que des boutons, puisque ces derniers ne sont pas classés dans les chapitres 50 à 63. De même, cela n'interdit pas l'utilisation de fermetures à glissière, même si ces dernières contiennent normalement des matières textiles.

    6.3 Lorsqu'une règle de pourcentage s'applique, la valeur des matières qui ne sont pas classées dans les chapitres 50 à 63 doit être prise en considération dans le calcul de la valeur des matières non originaires incorporées.

    Note 7 :

    7.1 Les "traitements définis", au sens des n°s ex 2707, 2713 à 2715, ex 2901, ex 2902 et ex 3403 sont les suivants :

    (a) la distillation sous vide;

    (b) la redistillation par un procédé de fractionnement très poussé;

    (c) le craquage;

    (d) le reformage;

    (e) l'extraction par solvants sélectifs;

    (f) le traitement comportant l'ensemble des opérations suivantes : traitement à l'acide sulfurique concentré ou à l'oléum ou à l'anhydride sulfurique, neutralisation par des agents alcalins, décoloration et épuration par la terre active par sa nature, la terre activée, le charbon actif ou la bauxite;

    (g) la polymérisation;

    (h) l'alkylation;

    (i) l'isomérisation.

    7.2 Les "traitements définis", au sens des n°s 2710 à 2712 sont les suivants :

    (a) la distillation sous vide;

    (b) la redistillation par un procédé de fractionnement très poussé;

    (c) le craquage;

    (d) le reformage;

    (e) l'extraction par solvants sélectifs;

    (f) le traitement comportant l'ensemble des opérations suivantes : traitement à l'acide sulfurique concentré ou à l'oléum ou à l'anhydride sulfurique, neutralisation par des agents alcalins, décoloration et épuration par la terre active par sa nature, la terre activée, le charbon actif ou la bauxite ;

    (g) la polymérisation;

    (h) l'alkylation;

    (ij) l'isomérisation;

    (k) la désulfuration, avec emploi d'hydrogène, uniquement en ce qui concerne les huiles lourdes relevant de la position ex 2710, conduisant à une réduction d'au moins 85 pour cent de la teneur en soufre des produits traités (méthode ASTM D 1266-59 T);

    (l) le déparaffinage par un procédé autre que la simple filtration, uniquement en ce qui concerne les produits relevant du n° 2710;

    (m)le traitement à l'hydrogène, autre que la désulfuration, uniquement en ce qui concerne les huiles lourdes relevant de la position ex 2710, dans lequel l'hydrogène participe activement à une réaction chimique réalisée à une pression supérieure à 20 bars et à une température supérieure à 250 degrés Celsius à l'aide d'un catalyseur. Les traitements de finition à l'hydrogène d'huiles lubrifiantes relevant de la position ex 2710 ayant notamment comme but d'améliorer la couleur ou la stabilité (par exemple hydrofinishing ou décoloration) ne sont, en revanche, pas considérés comme des traitements définis;

    (n) la distillation atmosphérique, uniquement en ce qui concerne les fuel-oils relevant de la position ex 2710, à condition que ces produits distillent en volume, y compris les pertes, moins de 30 pour cent à 300 degrés Celsius, d'après la méthode ASTM D 86 ;

    (o) le traitement par l'effluve électrique à haute fréquence, uniquement en ce qui concerne les huiles lourdes autres que le gazole et les fuel-oils de la position ex 2710.

    (p) les déshuilage par cristallisation fractionnée, uniquement en ce qui concerne les produits du n° ex 2712, autres que la vaseline, l'ozokérite, la cire de lignite, la cire de tourbe ou la paraffine contenant en poids moins de 0,75% d'huile

    7.3 Au sens des n°s ex 2707, 2713 à 2715, ex 2901, ex 2902 et ex 3403 les opérations simples telles que le nettoyage, la décantation, le dessalage, la séparation de l'eau, le filtrage, la coloration, le marquage, l'obtention d'une teneur en soufre donné par mélange de produits ayant des teneurs en soufre différentes, toutes combinaisons de ces opérations ou des opérations similaires ne confèrent pas l'origine.



    Les produits mentionnés dans la liste ne sont pas tous couverts par l'accord. Il est donc nécessaire de consulter les autres parties de l'accord.





    Règles d'impression

    1. Le format du certificat est de 210 x 297 millimètres, une tolérance maximale de 5 millimètres en moins et de 8 millimètres en plus étant admise en ce qui concerne la longueur. Le papier à utiliser est un papier de couleur blanche sans pâtes mécaniques, collé pour écritures et pesant au minimum 25 grammes au mètre carré. Il est revêtu d'une impression de fond guillochée de couleur verte, rendant apparentes toutes les falsifications par moyens mécaniques ou chimiques.

    2. Les autorités compétentes des Etats membres de la Communauté et de la République algérienne peuvent se réserver l'impression des certificats ou en confier le soin à des imprimeries ayant reçu leur agrément. Dans ce dernier cas, référence à cet agrément est faite sur chaque certificat. Chaque certificat est revêtu d'une mention indiquant le nom et l'adresse de l'imprimeur ou d'un signe permettant l'identification de celui-ci. Il porte en outre un numéro de série, imprimé ou non, destiné à l'individualiser.



    13. DEMANDE DE CONTRÔLE, à envoyer à :


    // Le contrôle effectué a permis de constater que le présent

    certificat (1)

    | | a bien été délivré par le bureau de douane indiqué

    et que les mentions qu'il contient sont exactes.

    | | ne répond pas aux conditions d'authenticité et de

    régularité requises (voir les remarques ci-annexées).

    Le contrôle de l'authenticité et de la régularité du présent certificat est sollicité.

    A ..................................................., le ....................................





    A ............................................, le ....................................




    (1) Marquer d'un X la mention applicable.


    1. Le certificat ne doit comporter ni grattages ni surcharges. Les modifications éventuelles qui y sont apportées doivent être effectuées en biffant les indications erronées et en ajoutant, le cas échéant, les indications voulues. Toute modification ainsi opérée doit être approuvée par celui qui a établi le certificat et visée par les autorités douanières du pays ou territoire de délivrance.

    2. Les articles indiqués sur le certificat doivent se suivre sans interligne et chaque article doit être précédé d'un numéro d'ordre. Immédiatement au dessous du dernier article doit être tracée une ligne horizontale. Les espaces doivent être bâtonnés de façon à rendre impossible une adjonction ultérieure.

    3. Les marchandises sont désignées selon les usages commerciaux avec les précisions suffisantes pour en permettre l'identification.



    (1) Pour les marchandises non emballées, indiquer le nombre d'objets ou mentionner "en vrac".


    Je soussigné, exportateur des marchandises désignées au recto,

    DÉCLARE que ces marchandises remplissent les conditions requises pour l'obtention du certificat ci-annexé;

    PRÉCISE les circonstances qui ont permis à ces marchandises de remplir ces conditions:

    PRÉSENTE les pièces justificatives suivantes ( [2]):

    [2] Par exemple: documents d'importation, certificats de circulation, factures, déclarations du fabricant, etc., se référant aux produits mis en oeuvre ou aux marchandises réexportées en l'état.

    M'ENGAGE à présenter, à la demande des autorités compétentes, toutes justifications supplémentaires que celles-ci jugeraient nécessaires en vue de la délivrance du certificat ci-annexé, ainsi qu'à accepter, le cas échéant, tout contrôle par lesdites autorités de ma comptabilité et des circonstances de la fabrication des marchandises susvisées;

    DEMANDE la délivrance du certificat ci-annexé pour ces marchandises.

    À , le




    Invoice declaration

    The invoice declaration, the text of which is given below, must be made out in accordance with the footnotes. However, the footnotes do not have to be reproduced.

    French version

    The exporter of the products covered by this document (customs authorisation No. (1)) declares that, except where otherwise clearly indicated, these products are of preferential origin.(2)

    (1) When the invoice declaration is made out by an approved exporter within the meaning of Article 23 of the Protocol, the authorisation number of the approved exporter must be entered in this space. When the invoice declaration is not made out by an approved exporter, the words in brackets must be omitted or the space left blank.

    (2) Origin of products to be indicated. When the invoice declaration relates in whole or in part, to products originating in Ceuta and Melilla within the meaning of Article 38 of the Protocol, the exporter must clearly indicate them in the document on which the declaration is made out by means of the symbol "CM".

    Spanish Version

    El exportador de los productos incluidos en el presente documento (autorización aduanera n° (1)) declara que, salvo indicación en sentido contrario, estos productos gozan de un origen preferencial (2)

    (1) When the invoice declaration is made out by an approved exporter within the meaning of Article 23 of the Protocol, the authorisation number of the approved exporter must be entered in this space. When the invoice declaration is not made out by an approved exporter, the words in brackets must be omitted or the space left blank.

    (2) Origin of products to be indicated. When the invoice declaration relates in whole or in part, to products originating in Ceuta and Melilla within the meaning of Article 38 of the Protocol, the exporter must clearly indicate them in the document on which the declaration is made out by means of the symbol "CM".

    Danish Version

    Eksportøren af varer, der er omfattet af nærværende dokument, (toldmyndighedernes tilladelse nr. (1)) erklærer, at varerne, medmindre andet tydeligt er angivet, har præferenceoprindelse i (2).

    (1) When the invoice declaration is made out by an approved exporter within the meaning of Article 23 of the Protocol, the authorisation number of the approved exporter must be entered in this space. When the invoice declaration is not made out by an approved exporter, the words in brackets must be omitted or the space left blank.

    (2) Origin of products to be indicated. When the invoice declaration relates in whole or in part, to products originating in Ceuta and Melilla within the meaning of Article 38 of the Protocol, the exporter must clearly indicate them in the document on which the declaration is made out by means of the symbol "CM".

    German Version

    Der Ausführer (Ermächtigter Ausführer; Bewilligungs-Nr. (1)), der Waren, auf die sich dieses Handelspapier bezieht, erklärt, dass diese Waren, soweit nicht anders angegeben, präferenzbegünstigte Ursprungswaren sind(2)

    (1) When the invoice declaration is made out by an approved exporter within the meaning of Article 23 of the Protocol, the authorisation number of the approved exporter must be entered in this space. When the invoice declaration is not made out by an approved exporter, the words in brackets must be omitted or the space left blank.

    (2) Origin of products to be indicated. When the invoice declaration relates in whole or in part, to products originating in Ceuta and Melilla within the meaning of Article 38 of the Protocol, the exporter must clearly indicate them in the document on which the declaration is made out by means of the symbol "CM".

    Greek version

    Ï åîáãùãÝáò ôùí ðñïúüíôùí ðïõ êáëýðôïíôáé áðü ôï ðáñüí Ýããñáöï (Üäåéá ôåëùíåßïõ õð´áñéè. (1))äçëþíåé üôé, åêôüò åÜí äçëþíåôáé óáöþò Üëëùò, ôá ðñïúüíôá áõôÜ åßíáé ðñïôéìçóéáêÞò êáôáãùãÞò (2).

    (1) When the invoice declaration is made out by an approved exporter within the meaning of Article 23 of the Protocol, the authorisation number of the approved exporter must be entered in this space. When the invoice declaration is not made out by an approved exporter, the words in brackets must be omitted or the space left blank.

    (2) Origin of products to be indicated. When the invoice declaration relates in whole or in part, to products originating in Ceuta and Melilla within the meaning of Article 38 of the Protocol, the exporter must clearly indicate them in the document on which the declaration is made out by means of the symbol "CM".

    English version

    The exporter of the products covered by this document (customs authorisation No.(1)) declares that, except where otherwise clearly indicated, these products are of preferential origin (2)

    (1) When the invoice declaration is made out by an approved exporter within the meaning of Article 23 of the Protocol, the authorisation number of the approved exporter must be entered in this space. When the invoice declaration is not made out by an approved exporter, the words in brackets must be omitted or the space left blank.

    (2) Origin of products to be indicated. When the invoice declaration relates in whole or in part, to products originating in Ceuta and Melilla within the meaning of Article 38 of the Protocol, the exporter must clearly indicate them in the document on which the declaration is made out by means of the symbol "CM".

    Italian Version

    L'esportatore delle merci contemplate nel presente documento (autorizzazione doganale n. (1) dichiara che, salvo indicazione contraria, le merci sono di origine preferenziale (2)

    (1) When the invoice declaration is made out by an approved exporter within the meaning of Article 23 of the Protocol, the authorisation number of the approved exporter must be entered in this space. When the invoice declaration is not made out by an approved exporter, the words in brackets must be omitted or the space left blank.

    (2) Origin of products to be indicated. When the invoice declaration relates in whole or in part, to products originating in Ceuta and Melilla within the meaning of Article 38 of the Protocol, the exporter must clearly indicate them in the document on which the declaration is made out by means of the symbol "CM".

    Dutch Version

    De exporteur van de goederen waarop dit document van toepassing is (douanevergunning nr. (1) , verklaart dat, behoudens uitdrukkelijke andersluidende vermelding, deze goederen van preferentiële oorsprong zijn (2)

    (1) When the invoice declaration is made out by an approved exporter within the meaning of Article 23 of the Protocol, the authorisation number of the approved exporter must be entered in this space. When the invoice declaration is not made out by an approved exporter, the words in brackets must be omitted or the space left blank.

    (2) Origin of products to be indicated. When the invoice declaration relates in whole or in part, to products originating in Ceuta and Melilla within the meaning of Article 38 of the Protocol, the exporter must clearly indicate them in the document on which the declaration is made out by means of the symbol "CM".

    Portugese Version

    O abaixo assinado, exportador dos produtos cobertos pelo presente documento (autorização aduaneira n° (1) declara que, salvo expressamente indicado em contrário, estes produtos são de origem preferencial (2)

    (1) When the invoice declaration is made out by an approved exporter within the meaning of Article 23 of the Protocol, the authorisation number of the approved exporter must be entered in this space. When the invoice declaration is not made out by an approved exporter, the words in brackets must be omitted or the space left blank.

    (2) Origin of products to be indicated. When the invoice declaration relates in whole or in part, to products originating in Ceuta and Melilla within the meaning of Article 38 of the Protocol, the exporter must clearly indicate them in the document on which the declaration is made out by means of the symbol "CM".

    Finnish Version

    Tässä asiakirjassa mainittujen tuotteiden viejä (tullin lupan: o .(1) ilmoittaa, että nämä tuotteet ovat, ellei toisin ole selvästi merkitty, etuuskohteluun oikeutettuja alkuperätuotteita (2)

    (1) When the invoice declaration is made out by an approved exporter within the meaning of Article 23 of the Protocol, the authorisation number of the approved exporter must be entered in this space. When the invoice declaration is not made out by an approved exporter, the words in brackets must be omitted or the space left blank.

    (2) Origin of products to be indicated. When the invoice declaration relates in whole or in part, to products originating in Ceuta and Melilla within the meaning of Article 38 of the Protocol, the exporter must clearly indicate them in the document on which the declaration is made out by means of the symbol "CM".

    Swedish Version

    Exportören av de varor som omfattas av detta dokument (tullmyndighetens tillstånd nr. (1)) försäkrar att dessa varor, om inte annat tydligt markerats, har förmånsberättigande ursprung (2)

    (1) When the invoice declaration is made out by an approved exporter within the meaning of Article 23 of the Protocol, the authorisation number of the approved exporter must be entered in this space. When the invoice declaration is not made out by an approved exporter, the words in brackets must be omitted or the space left blank.

    (2) Origin of products to be indicated. When the invoice declaration relates in whole or in part, to products originating in Ceuta and Melilla within the meaning of Article 38 of the Protocol, the exporter must clearly indicate them in the document on which the declaration is made out by means of the symbol "CM".

    Arabic version




    I, the undersigned, declare that the goods described in this invoice were obtained


    and (as appropriate):

    a) (1comply with the rules on the definition of "wholly obtained products".


    b) (1) were produced from the following products


    and have undergone the following working:

    .................................................................................. (indicate working)



    Done at ........................... on ............................................................................ .......................................


    1 Fill in if necessary.

    2 Fill in if necessary. If so:

    - if the goods originate in a country covered by the agreement or convention concerned: indicate the country;

    - if they originate in another country: enter "third country".




    The undersigned customs official requests verification of the authenticity and accuracy of this information certificate.

    Place ........................... date..........................

    ............................. (Official's signature)


    Verification carried out by the undersigned customs official shows that this information certificate:

    a) was issued by the customs office indicated and that the information contained therein is accurate (*)

    b) does not meet the requirements as to authenticity and accuracy (see notes appended) (*)

    Place ........................... date..........................


    (Official's signature)

    (*) Delete where not applicable.


    1 Name of individual or business and full address.

    2 Optional information.

    3. kg, hl, m³ or other measure.

    4. Packaging shall be considered as forming a whole with the goods contained therein. However, this provision shall not apply to packaging which is not of the normal type for the article packed, and which has a lasting utility value of its own, apart from its function as packaging.

    5. Complete if necessary If so:

    - if the goods originate in a country covered by the agreement or convention concerned: indicate the country;

    - if they originate in another country: enter "third country".

    6. The value must be indicated in accordance with the provisions on rules of origin.


    Joint Declaration concerning the Principality of Andorra

    1. Products originating in the Principality of Andorra falling within Chapters 25 to 97 of the Harmonised System shall be accepted by Algeria as originating in the Community within the meaning of this Agreement.

    2. Protocol 6 shall apply mutatis mutandis for the purpose of defining the originating status of the abovementioned products.

    Joint declaration concerning the Republic of San Marino

    1. Products originating in the Republic of San Marino shall be accepted by Algeria as originating in the Community within the meaning of this Agreement.

    2. Protocol 6 shall apply mutatis mutandis for the purpose of defining the originating status of the abovementioned products.

    Joint Declaration on cumulation of origin

    The Community and Algeria recognise the important role of cumulation of origin and confirm their commitment to introducing a system of diagonal cumulation of origin between partners agreeing to apply identicial rules of origin. This diagonal cumulation shall be introduced either between all the Mediterranean partners participating in the Barcelona process or between those partners and the partners of the pan-European cumulation system, according to the results of the Euro-Med Working Party on rules of origin.

    The Community and Algeria shall therefore start consultations as soon as possible with a view to establishing the details of Algeria's accession to the diagonal cumulation system adopted. Protocol 6 shall be amended accordingly.


    Mutual administrative assistance in the field of customs



    For the purposes of this Protocol

    a) "customs legislation" shall mean any legal or regulatory provisions applicable in the territories of the Contracting Parties governing the import, export and transit of goods and their placing under any other customs regime or procedure, including measures of prohibition, restriction and control;

    b) "applicant authority" shall mean a competent administrative authority which has been designated by one of the Contracting Parties for this purpose and which makes a request for assistance on the basis of this Protocol;

    c) "requested authority" shall mean a competent administrative authority which has been designated by one of the Contracting Parties for this purpose and which receives a request for assistance on the basis of this Protocol;

    d) "personal data" shall mean all information relating to an identified or identifiable individual.

    e) "operation in breach of customs legislation" shall mean any violation or attempted violation of customs legislation.



    1. The Contracting Parties shall assist each other, in the areas within their competence, in the manner and under the conditions laid down in this Protocol, to ensure the correct application of the customs legislation, in particular in order to prevent, investigate and combat operations in breach of that legislation.

    2. Assistance in customs matters, as provided for in this Protocol, shall apply to any administrative authority of the Contracting Parties which is competent for the application of this Protocol. It shall not prejudice the rules governing mutual assistance in criminal matters. Nor shall it cover information obtained under powers exercised at the request of a judicial authority, except where communication of such information is authorised by that authority.

    3. Assistance to recover duties, taxes or fines is not covered by this Protocol.


    Assistance on request

    1. At the request of the applicant authority, the requested authority shall provide it with all relevant information which may enable it to ensure that customs legislation is correctly applied, including information regarding activities noted or planned which are or could be operations in breach of customs legislation.

    2. At the request of the applicant authority, the requested authority shall inform it:

    a) whether goods exported from the territory of one of the Parties have been properly imported into the territory of the other Contracting Party, specifying, where appropriate, the customs procedure applied to the goods;

    b) whether goods imported into the territory of one of the Contracting Parties have been properly exported from the territory of the other Party, specifying, where appropriate, the customs procedure applied to the goods.

    3. At the request of the applicant authority, the requested authority shall, within the framework of its legal or regulatory provisions, take the necessary steps to ensure surveillance of:

    (a) natural or legal persons in respect of whom there are reasonable grounds for believing that they are engaging in or have engaged in operations which contravene customs legislation;

    (b) places where stocks of goods have been or may be assembled in such a way that there are reasonable grounds for believing that these goods are intended to be used in operations in breach of customs legislation;

    (c) goods that are or may be transported in such a way that there are reasonable grounds for believing that they are intended to be used in operations in breach of customs legislation;

    (d) means of transport that are or may be used in such a way that there are reasonable grounds for believing that they are intended to be used in operations in breach of customs legislation.


    Spontaneous assistance

    The Contracting Parties shall assist each other, at their own initiative and in accordance with their legal or regulatory provisions, if they consider that to be necessary for the correct application of customs legislation, particularly by providing information obtained pertaining to:

    - activities which are or appear to be operations in breach of customs legislation and which may be of interest to another Contracting Party;

    - new means or methods employed in carrying out operations in breach of customs legislation;

    - goods known to be subject to operations in breach of customs legislation;

    - natural or legal persons in respect of whom there are reasonable grounds for believing that they are or have been involved in operations in breach of customs legislation;

    - means of transport for which there are reasonable grounds for believing that they have been, are or might be used in operations in breach of customs legislation.



    At the request of the applicant authority, the requested authority shall, in accordance with legal or regulatory provisions applicable to the latter, take all necessary measures to:

    - deliver any documents or

    - notify any decisions

    emanating from the applicant authority and falling within the scope of this Protocol, to an addressee residing or established in the territory of the requested authority.

    Requests for delivery of documents and notification of decisions shall be made in writing in an official language of the requested authority or in a language acceptable to that authority.


    Form and substance of requests for assistance

    1. Requests pursuant to this Protocol shall be made in writing. They shall be accompanied by the documents necessary to enable compliance with the request. When required because of the urgency of the situation, oral requests may be accepted, but must be confirmed in writing immediately.

    2. Requests pursuant to paragraph 1 shall include the following information:

    (a) the applicant authority;

    (b) the measure requested;

    (c) the object of and the reason for the request;

    (d) the legal or regulatory provisions and other legal elements involved;

    (e) indications as exact and comprehensive as possible on the natural or legal persons who are the target of the investigations;

    (f) a summary of the relevant facts and of the enquiries already carried out.

    3. Requests shall be submitted in an official language of the requested authority or in a language acceptable to that authority. This requirement shall not apply to any documents that accompany the request under paragraph 1.

    4. If a request does not meet the formal requirements set out above, its correction or completion may be requested; in the meantime precautionary measures may be ordered.


    Execution of requests

    1. In order to comply with a request for assistance, the requested authority shall proceed, within the limits of its competence and available resources, as though it were acting on its own account or at the request of other authorities of that same Contracting Party, by supplying information already possessed, by carrying out appropriate enquiries or by arranging for them to be carried out. This provision shall also apply to any other authority to which the request has been addressed by the requested authority in application of this Protocol when the latter cannot act on its own.

    2. Requests for assistance shall be executed in accordance with the legal or regulatory provisions of the requested Contracting Party.

    3. Duly authorised officials of one of the Contracting Parties may, with the agreement of the other Party involved and subject to the conditions laid down by the latter, be present to obtain in the offices of the requested authority or any other authority concerned in accordance with paragraph 1, information relating to activities that are or may be operations in breach of customs legislation which the applicant authority needs for the purposes of this Protocol.

    4. Duly authorised officials of a Contracting Party may, with the agreement of the other Contracting Party involved and within the conditions laid down by the latter, be present at enquiries carried out in the latter's territory.


    Form in which information is to be communicated

    1. The requested authority shall communicate the results of enquiries to the applicant authority in writing together with all relevant documents, certified copies and other items.

    2. This information may be supplied in computerised form.

    3. Original documents shall be transmitted only upon request in cases where certified copies would be insufficient. These originals shall be returned at the earliest opportunity.


    Exceptions to the obligation to provide assistance

    1. Assistance may be refused or may be subject to the satisfaction of certain conditions or requirements, in cases where a Party is of the opinion that assistance under this Protocol would:

    (a) be likely to prejudice Algeria's sovereignty or that of a Member State of the Community whose assistance has been requested pursuant to this Protocol; or or

    (b) be likely to prejudice public policy, security or other essential interests, in particular in the cases referred to under Article 10(2); or

    (c) be likely to violate an industrial, commercial or professional secret.

    2. Assistance may be postponed by the requested authority on the ground that it will interfere with an ongoing investigation, prosecution or proceeding. In such a case, the requested authority shall consult with the applicant authority to determine if assistance can be given subject to such terms or conditions as the requested authority may require.

    3. Where the applicant authority seeks assistance which it would itself be unable to provide if so requested, it shall draw attention to that fact in its request. It shall then be for the requested authority to decide how to respond to such a request.

    4. For the cases referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2, the decision of the requested authority and the reasons for it must be communicated to the applicant authority without delay.

    ARTICLE 10

    Exchange of information and confidentiality

    1. Any information communicated in whatsoever form pursuant to this Protocol shall be of a confidential or restricted nature, depending on the rules applicable in each of the Contracting Parties. It shall be covered by the obligation of official secrecy and shall enjoy the protection extended to similar information under the relevant laws of the Contracting Party that received it and the corresponding provisions applying to the Community authorities.

    2. Personal data may be exchanged only where the Contracting Party which may receive them undertakes to protect such data in at least an equivalent way to the one applicable to that particular case in the Contracting Party that may supply them. To that end, the Contracting Parties shall inform each other of their applicable rules, including, where appropriate, legal provisions in force in the Member States of the Community.

    3. Information obtained shall be used solely for the purposes of this Protocol. Where one of the Contracting Parties wishes to use such information for other purposes, it shall obtain the prior written consent of the authority which provided the information. Such use shall then be subject to any restrictions laid down by that authority.

    4. The use, in judicial or administrative proceedings instituted in respect of operations in breach of customs legislation, of information obtained under this Protocol, is considered to be for the purposes of this Protocol. Therefore, the Contracting Parties may, in their records of evidence, reports and testimonies and in proceedings and charges brought before the courts, use as evidence information obtained and documents consulted in accordance with the provisions of this Protocol. The competent authority which supplied that information or gave access to those documents shall be notified of such use.

    ARTICLE 11

    Experts and witnesses

    An official of a requested authority may be authorised to appear, within the limitations of the authorisation granted, as an expert or witness in judicial or administrative proceedings regarding the matters covered by this Protocol, and produce such items, documents or certified copies thereof, as may be needed for the proceedings. The request for appearance must indicate specifically before which judicial or administrative authority such an official will have to appear, on what matters and by virtue of what title or qualification he will be questioned.

    ARTICLE 12

    Assistance expenses

    The Contracting Parties shall waive all claims on each other for the reimbursement of expenses incurred pursuant to this Protocol except, as appropriate, for expenses relating to experts and witnesses and to interpreters and translators who are not public service employees.

    ARTICLE 13


    1. The implementation of this Protocol shall be entrusted on the one hand to the customs authorities of Algeria and on the other hand to the competent services of the Commission of the European Communities and, where appropriate, the customs authorities of the Member States. They shall decide on all practical measures and arrangements necessary for its application, taking into consideration rules in the field of data protection in particular. They may recommend to the competent bodies amendments which they consider should be made to this Protocol.

    2. The Contracting Parties shall consult each other and keep each other informed of the detailed rules of implementation which are adopted in accordance with the provisions of this Protocol.

    ARTICLE 14

    Other agreements

    1. Taking into account the respective competencies of the European Community and the Member States, the provisions of this Protocol shall:

    - not affect the obligations of the Contracting Parties under any other international agreement or convention;

    - be deemed complementary with agreements on mutual assistance which have been or may be concluded between individual Member States and Algeria;

    - not affect the Community provisions governing the communication between the competent services of the Commission of the European Communities and the customs authorities of the Member States of any information obtained in the domains covered by this Protocol which could be of interest to the Community.

    2. Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph 1, the provisions of this Protocol shall take precedence over the provisions of any bilateral agreement on mutual assistance which has been or may be concluded between individual Member States and Algeria insofar as the provisions of the latter are incompatible with those of this Protocol.

    3. In respect of questions relating to the application of this Protocol, the Contracting Parties shall consult each other to resolve the matter in the framework of the Cooperation Committee set up under Article 41 of Protocol 6 to the Association Agreement.


    The plenipotentiaries of:
















    Contracting Parties to the Treaty establishing the European Community and the Treaty on European Union,

    hereinafter referred to as 'the Member States', and of


    hereinafter referred to as 'the Community',

    of the one part, and


    of the other part,

    meeting in ... the year two thousand and two for the signature of the Euro-Mediterranean Association Agreement between the European Community and their Member States, of the one part, and the People's Democratic Republic of Algeria of the other part, hereinafter referred to as 'the Agreement';

    have at the time of signature adopted the following texts:

    the Agreement,

    its Annexes 1 - 6, namely:

    ANNEX 1 List of agricultural and processed agricultural products falling under Chapters 25 to 97 of the Harmonised System referred to in Articles 7 and 14

    ANNEX 2 List of industrial products referred to in Article 9 (1)

    ANNEX 3 List of industrial products referred to in Article 9 (2)

    ANNEX 4 List of products subject to the provisional additional duty referred to in Article 17 (4)

    ANNEX 5 Procedures for the application of Article 41

    ANNEX 6 Intellectual, industrial and commercial property: list of conventions referred to in Article 44

    and Protocols 1 to 7, namely:

    Protocol 1 Agricultural products originating in Algeria (Article 14(1))

    Protocol 2 Agricultural products originating in the Community (Article 14(2))

    Protocol 3 Fishery products originating in Algeria (Article 14(3))

    Protocol 4 Fishery products originating in the Community (Article 14(4))

    Protocol 5 Processed agricultural products (Article 14(5))

    Protocol 6 Rules of origin (Article 28)

    Protocol 7 Mutual administrative assistance in the field of customs (Article 63)

    The plenipotentiaries of the Member States of the Community and the plenipotentiaries of Algeria have also adopted the following declarations attached to this Final Act:


    Joint Declaration relating to Article 44 of the Agreement

    Joint Declaration on human exchanges

    Joint Declaration relating to Article 104 of the Agreement

    Joint Declaration relating to Article 110 of the Agreement


    Declaration by the European Community on Turkey

    Declaration by the European Community on the accession of Algeria to the WTO

    Declaration by the European Community relating to Article 41 of the Agreement

    Declaration by the European on the concept of "nationals", defined for the purposes of the Community (Article 84)

    Declaration by the European Community relating to Article 88 of the Agreement (racism and xenophobia)


    Declaration by Algeria relating to Article 9 of the Agreement

    Declaration by Algeria on customs union between the European Community and Turkey

    Declaration by Algeria relating to Article 41 of the Agreement

    Declaration by Algeria relating to Article 84 of the Agreement (readmission)

    Done at Brussels,

    For the Council

    The President


    Joint declaration relating to Article 44 of the Agreement,

    Under the Agreement, the Parties agree that intellectual, industrial and commercial property comprises, in particular, copyright, including copyright in computer programs, and neighbouring rights, database rights, commercial trademarks and geographical descriptions including designation of origin, industrial designs and models, patents, configuration plans (topographies) of integrated circuits, protection of undisclosed information and protection against unfair competition in accordance with Article 10(a) of the Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property (1967 Stockholm Act) and the protection of confidential information concerning "know-how".

    Joint Declaration on human exchanges

    The Parties will examine the desirability of negotiating agreements on sending Algerian workers to take up temporary work.

    Joint declaration relating to Article 84 of the Agreement,

    The Parties declare that the term "nationals of other countries arriving in their territory direct from the territory of the other" will be defined in the context of the agreements referred to in Article 84(2).

    Joint declaration relating to Article 104 of the Agreement,

    1. The Parties agree, for the purpose of the correct interpretation and practical application of this Agreement, that the term "cases of special urgency" in Article 104 means a case of the material breach of the Agreement by one of the Parties. A material breach of the Agreement consists in:

    - repudiation of the Agreement not sanctioned by the general rules of international law,

    - violation of the essential elements of the Agreement agreed to in Article 2.

    2. The Parties agree that the "appropriate measures" referred to in Article 104 of the Agreement are measures taken in accordance with international law. If a Party takes a measure in a case of special urgency as provided for under Article 104, the other Party may avail itself of the procedure relating to settlement of disputes.

    Joint declaration relating to Article 110 of the Agreement,

    The advantages which Algeria derives from the arrangements granted to it by France under the Protocol on goods originating in and coming from certain countries and enjoying special treatment when imported into a Member State, annexed to the Treaty establishing the European Community, have been taken into account in this Agreement. As a result, these special arrangements must be considered repealed from the date on which the Agreement enters into force.


    Declaration by the European Community on Turkey

    The Community recalls that in accordance with the Customs Union in force between the Community and Turkey, the latter has the obligation, in relation to countries which are not members of the Community, to align itself on the Common Customs Tariff and, progressively, on the preferential customs regime of the Community, taking the necessary measures and negotiating agreements on mutually advantageous basis with the countries concerned. Consequently, the Community invites Algeria to enter into negotiations with Turkey as soon as possible.

    Declaration by the European Community on the accession of Algeria to the WTO

    The European Community and its Member States state their support for Algeria's rapid accession to the WTO and agree to provide any assistance necessary to this end.

    Declaration by the European Community relating to Article 41 of the Agreement

    The Community declares that, in interpreting Article 41(1), it will evaluate any practice contrary to that Article on the basis of the criteria resulting from the rules contained in Articles 81 and 82 of the Treaty establishing the European Community, including secondary legislation.

    Declaration by the European Community relating to Article 84 of the Agreement Paragraph 1, first indent

    As regards the Member States of the European Union, the obligations set out in the first indent of Article 84(1) of this Agreement apply only to those persons who are to be considered their nationals for Community purposes.

    Declaration by the European Community relating to Article 88 of the Agreement (racism and xenophobia)

    The provisions of Article 88 apply without prejudice to the provisions and conditions relating to the admission and residence of nationals of other countries and stateless persons on the territory of the Member States of the European Union or to any treatment associated with the legal status of the third-country nationals and stateless persons concerned.


    Declaration by Algeria relating to Article 9 of the Agreement

    Algeria considers one of the essential objectives of the Association Agreement to be an increase in the flow of European direct investment in Algeria. It invites the Community and its Member States to support the practical realisation of this objective, in particular in the context of trade liberalisation and the dismantling of tariff barriers. The Association Council will examine the question if the need arises.

    Declaration by Algeria on customs union between the European Community and Turkey

    Algeria takes note of the Declaration by the European Community on Turkey. While observing that this declaration arises from the existence of customs union between those parties, Algeria will consider this matter when the time comes.

    Declaration by Algeria relating to Article 41 of the Agreement

    In applying its law on competition, Algeria will bear in mind the competition policy guidelines developed within the European Union.

    Declaration by Algeria relating to Article 91 of the Agreement

    Algeria considers that suspending the principle of banking secrecy is an essential factor in combating corruption.
