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Document 52011PC0723

    Proposal for a COUNCIL DECISION on the signing, on behalf of the European Union, and provisional application, of the Agreement between the European Union and the Government of the Russian Federation on trade in parts and components of motor vehicles between the European Union and the Russian Federation

    /* COM/2011/0723 final - 2011/0323 (NLE) */


    /* COM/2011/0723 final - 2011/0323 (NLE) */ Proposal for a COUNCIL DECISION on the signing, on behalf of the European Union, and provisional application, of the Agreement between the European Union and the Government of the Russian Federation on trade in parts and components of motor vehicles between the European Union and the Russian Federation


    In the context of the accession of the Russian Federation to the WTO, concerns have been raised about the impact of Russia's regime for investment in the automotive sector, as amended on 24 December 2010. This auto investment programme offers investors who establish car production facilities in the Russian Federation reduced import customs duties for car parts and components in return for an obligation to meet local content and other localisation requirements. According to the agreed terms of Russia's accession, this auto investment programme will be exempt from the obligation of the Russian Federation to ensure that all laws, regulations and other measures applied in the Russian Federation that are related to trade-related investment measures are consistent with the provisions of the WTO Agreement, including the Agreement on Trade-Related Investment Measures (TRIMS Agreement) until 1 July 2018. In order to reduce the risk that this investment regime may lead to delocalisation of the production of parts and components of motor vehicles from the EU during this transitional period, the European Commission has negotiated a bilateral Agreement with the Russian Federation on trade in parts and components of motor vehicles between the European Union and the Government of Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the "Agreement.")

    The objective of the Agreement is to establish a compensation mechanism to ensure that exports from the European Union to the Russian Federation of parts and components of motor vehicles from the EU do not decrease as a result of the application of the auto investment programme established in Order No. 73/81/58n of the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Energy and Industry of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation of 15 April 2005 on the Approval of the Procedure Determining the Notion "industrial assembly" and Establishing the Application of the Notion in the Importation into the Territory of the Russian Federation of Motor Components for the Manufacture of Motor Transport Vehicles of Headings 8701-8705 of the CCFEA and their Units and Sets, as amended by Order No. 678/1289/184n of 24 December 2010.

    The Agreement foresees that if EU exports of those parts and components to the Russian Federation fall in a given year (hereinafter referred to as "trigger year") compared to a certain threshold level, the Russian Federation must allow the import of parts and components of EU origin at reduced import customs duties in quantities equal to the decrease of EU exports. The mechanism will be triggered by a 3% fall in EU exports during a 12 month period compared to a threshold based on the value of EU exports to the Russian Federation in 2010. If the compensation mechanism is triggered, it would apply for a minimum of 12 months and would be reviewed as necessary every 12 months afterwards. In exceptional economic circumstances, measured by a significant fall in the total number of new car sales in the Russian Federation in the trigger year as compared to the preceding year, as defined in the agreement, the compensation mechanism would not apply. The Russian Federation would administer the compensation quota by means of an import licensing system. Where the compensation quota is used by investors who have concluded investment agreements under the auto investment programme, such imports can be deducted from the overall yearly production by those investors in the given year, against which the general local content requirement of the auto investment programme applies.

    In order to ensure the effective operation of the mechanism provided for in the Agreement by the time of the accession of the Russian Federation to the WTO, the Agreement should be applied provisionally from the date of such accession.

    2011/0323 (NLE)

    Proposal for a


    on the signing, on behalf of the European Union, and provisional application, of the Agreement between the European Union and the Government of the Russian Federation on trade in parts and components of motor vehicles between the European Union and the Russian Federation


    Having regard to the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, and in particular Article 207(4) first subparagraph, in conjunction with Article 218(5) thereof

    Having regard to the proposal from the European Commission[1],


    (1) On […] the Council authorised the Commission to open negotiations for the accession of the Russian Federation to the World Trade Organisation (hereinafter referred to as the "WTO").

    (2) Considering the economic importance for the European Union of exports of motor vehicles and parts and components thereof to the Russian Federation.

    (3) Considering that, as a result of negotiations regarding the accession of the Russian Federation to the WTO, and as reflected in the Working Party report for this accession, the auto investment programme applied by the Russian Federation, as amended on 24 December 2010, may continue to be applied until 1 July 2018 under certain conditions.

    (4) Considering the risk that the Russian Federation's auto investment programme may result in the delocalisation of production of parts and components of motor vehicles from the European Union on account of the obligations on investors to meet local content and production localisation requirements.

    (5) In the context of the negotiations regarding the accession of the Russian Federation to the WTO, the Commission has negotiated on behalf of the European Union an agreement which would establish a compensation mechanism to ensure that imports of parts and components of motor vehicles from the EU to the Russian Federation do not decrease following as a result from the application of the auto investment programme.

    (6) The Agreement should be signed on behalf of the Union, subject to its conclusion at a later date,


    Article 1

    The signing of the Agreement between the European Union and the Government of the Russian Federation on trade in parts and components of motor vehicles between the European Union and the Russian Federation, is hereby approved on behalf of the Union, subject to the conclusion of the said Agreement.

    The text of the Agreement to be signed is attached to this Decision.

    Article 2

    The Council Secretariat General shall establish the instrument of full powers to sign the Agreement, subject to its conclusion, for the person(s) indicated by the negotiator of the Agreement.

    Article 3

    The Agreement shall be applied provisionally, in accordance with Article 13, paragraph 3 of the Agreement, as from the date of accession of the Russian Federation to the WTO.

    Article 4

    This Decision shall enter into force on the date of its adoption.

    Done at Brussels,

    For the Council

    The President


    between the European Union and the Government of the Russian Federation on trade in parts and components of motor vehicles between the European Union and the Russian Federation

    The European Union, of one part, and the Government of the Russian Federation, of the other part,

    RECOGNISING the common desire to ensure stable trade flows of parts and components of motor vehicles as defined in Annexes 1 and 2 of this Agreement between the European Union and the Russian Federation following the introduction of the new investment regime in the automotive sector adopted by the Russian Federation on 24 December 2010;

    UNDERLINING their readiness to ensure an effective co-operation in the area of information exchange and administrative procedures in order to create the necessary conditions for the implementation of this Agreement;

    REAFFIRMING their rights and obligations under the Agreement establishing the World Trade Organisation;


    Article 1

    Objective and scope

    This Agreement is aimed at establishing a mechanism (hereinafter referred to as "compensation mechanism") to ensure that exports from the European Union (hereinafter referred to as the "EU") into the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as "Russia") of parts and components of motor vehicles as defined in Annexes 1 and 2 of this Agreement do not decrease following the entry into force of the investment regime in the automotive sector established in Order No. 73/81/58n of the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Energy and Industry of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation of 15 April 2005 on the Approval of the Procedure Determining the Notion "industrial assembly" and Establishing the Application of the Notion in the Importation into the Territory of the Russian Federation of Motor Components for the Manufacture of Motor Transport Vehicles of Headings 8701-8705 of the CCFEA and their Units and Sets, as amended by Order No. 678/1289/184n of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation, the Ministry Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation of 24 December 2010 (hereinafter referred to as “Order 73”).

    Article 2


    1. For the purposes of this Agreement:

    "covered products" means any products listed in Annexes 1 and 2 of this Agreement;

    "EU exports" means exports from the EU into Russia;

    "products of EU origin" refers to goods originating in the EU according to the rules of origin defined in Annex 5 to this Agreement; and

    "general local content requirement" means the average annual level of production localisation defined in Annex 1 of Order 73.

    Article 3

    Suspension or reduction of import customs duties

    1. If the value of EU exports of covered products in a given calendar year (hereinafter referred to as "trigger year") decreases compared to the relevant threshold level as referred to in Article 4 of this Agreement, Russia shall apply the relevant import customs duties set out in Annexes 1 and 2 to this Agreement to an amount of imports of covered products of EU origin determined in accordance with paragraph 2 of this Article (hereinafter referred to as the "compensation quota”).

    2. The value of each compensation quota shall correspond to the difference (expressed in the United States dollar) between the threshold level for the covered products concerned and the value of EU exports of the covered products concerned in the trigger year expressed in the same currency.

    3. Russia shall ensure the application of any compensation quota pursuant to paragraph 1 of this Article in a manner that is consistent with its WTO obligations. To this end, Russia shall ensure that the EU share of a larger tariff-rate quota applied in accordance with Article XIII of the GATT 1994 shall be equal to the size of the compensation quota.

    4. While the size of the compensation quota(s) shall be established taking into account the evolution of trade for all tariff lines contained in Annexes 1 and 2 of this Agreement respectively, imports of products under tariff headings 8707 10 and 8707 90 shall not be allowed within the compensation quotas.

    Article 4

    Definition of the thresholds

    1. The compensation mechanism shall be triggered on the basis of one or both of the following thresholds, as the case may be:

    (a) the total value of EU exports of engines listed in Annex 1 of this Agreement into Russia in year 2010, expressed in the United States dollar (hereinafter referred to as "US dollars"); and

    (b) the total value of EU exports of other parts and components (including parts and components for engines) listed in Annex 2 of this Agreement into Russia in year 2010, expressed in US dollars.

    2. The thresholds referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article are set out in Annex 3 of this Agreement.

    Article 5

    Triggering of the compensation mechanism

    1. On 1st March of each calendar year, the Parties shall review the statistics of EU exports of covered products during the previous calendar year provided by Russia pursuant to Article 10 of this Agreement.

    The compensation mechanism shall be triggered when the value of EU exports of covered products during a trigger year falls by more than 3% below one or both of the relevant thresholds set out in Annex 3 of this Agreement.

    2. The EU can trigger the compensation mechanism by written notification to Russia based on the statistics to be provided by Russia pursuant to Article 10 of this Agreement. For the first triggering period, Russia shall adopt compensation measures no later than three months after the date of receipt of such written notification. Where a compensation quota is already in place, Article 7 paragraph 2 of this Agreement shall apply. The first calendar year to be monitored as a possible trigger year shall be the year 2012.

    Article 6

    Exceptional circumstances

    1. In case the conditions for triggering the compensation mechanism established in Article 5 of this Agreement are met but a significant decrease of the total number of new cars sold in Russia (expressed in units) occurs in the trigger year compared to the preceding year, the following shall apply:

    (a) if the rate of the decrease of sales of new cars is at least 25% but does not exceed 45%, the size of the otherwise applicable compensation quota shall be calculated in the following way:

    (i) if the decrease of sales of new cars reaches 25%, the value of the compensation quota will be reduced by 25%;

    (ii) for any further decrease between 25% and 45%, each 1 % decrease of sales of new cars will result in a further 3,75% decrease of the value of the compensation quota. Thereby, when the decrease of the sales of new cars reaches 45%, the compensation quota will be zero.

    2. The Russian authorities shall provide the Commission statistics concerning the sales of new cars (in units) in Russia in accordance with Annex 4 to this Agreement.

    3. The Russian authorities shall inform the Commission promptly of their intentions to apply this Article and shall provide the necessary statistics and analysis providing evidence that the conditions of this Article have been met. Consultations shall take place at the request of the Commission about the intention of Russia to open reduced quota(s) or no compensation quota(s).

    Article 7

    Scope and duration of measures taken under the compensation mechanism

    1. Measures taken under the compensation mechanism shall apply for a minimum period of 12 months from the date of their introduction. Ten months after the date of introduction of the measures, and, every 12 months afterwards, the size of the compensation quota shall be reviewed in light of the further evolution of EU exports of the covered products during the previous calendar year in the following manner:

    (a) if EU exports of the covered products have reached, in the last calendar year (hereinafter referred to as "reference period"), a level equal or superior to the respective threshold set out in Annex 3 of this Agreement, Russia may terminate the application of the compensation quota within two months from the date of the review;

    (b) if EU exports of the covered products are below the respective threshold set out in Annex 3 of this Agreement in the reference period, the compensation quota shall continue to apply for another 12 months for a value corresponding to the difference between the threshold and the value of the relevant imports in the reference period.

    2. In cases described in subparagraph (b) of paragraph 1 of this Article, Russia shall ensure that the administrative measures necessary for the continued application of the compensation quota, with any necessary adjustment, shall be adopted at least 30 days before the end of the original period for which the compensation quota had been opened.

    Article 8

    Allocation of the compensation quota

    1. The allocation of the compensation quota shall aim at ensuring the highest possible level of utilisation of that quota. To that end, Russia shall administer the quota distribution by means of an import licensing system.

    2. Any natural or legal person duly registered in Russia may apply for a license to import within the compensation quota. Covered products concerned of EU origin presented for customs clearance shall benefit from the corresponding import duties set out in Annex 1 and/or Annex 2 within the compensation quota, upon submission of an import license and a proof of origin in accordance with the provisions of Annex 5 of this Agreement. Russia shall not make such imports within the compensation quota, or the subsequent use of such products imported within such quota, subject to any other additional conditions as compared to imports of the same products outside the compensation quota, or to any local content requirements.

    3. The allocation of the compensation quota to applicants shall be made promptly and according to a method established by a legal act to be introduced by Russia in compliance with the relevant legislation of the Customs Union of the Russian Federation, the Republic of Belarus and the Republic of Kazakhstan. Russia shall notify the EU of the relevant legislation as soon as it is adopted. Such method shall take into consideration the interests of traditional and new importers, making special consideration of requests from applicants having concluded investment agreements according to Order 73 and allocate at least 10% of the compensation quota to new importers.

    4. The procedures for control of the origin of the covered products concerned are laid down in Annex 5 of this Agreement.

    Article 9

    Relation to investment agreements

    The aggregate figure of in-quota imports in each year by importers who have concluded investment agreements under terms and conditions set out in Annex 1 and Annex 2 of Order 73 (calculated in absolute value of those imports for components) can be deducted from the overall yearly value of production by those investors in the given year, against which the general local content requirement established in Order 73 applies.

    Article 10


    1. Russia shall submit monthly trade statistics to the EU in accordance with Annex 4 of this Agreement, starting with the statistics corresponding to trade in the month of January 2012. Statistics of each month shall be delivered not later than 30 days after the end of such month. Annual statistics for each full year shall be delivered not later than 28th February of the following year as provided in Annex 4 of this Agreement. Where a compensation quota is established, and for the whole duration of such quota, Russia shall also provide information to the Commission on a monthly basis regarding the import licences issued for that quota, as provided in Annex 4 of this Agreement.

    2. The Parties shall hold consultations if a decrease of EU exports of covered products below the corresponding threshold are observed for a period of 12 months. After the entry into force of the compensation mechanism, Parties shall hold consultations on a quarterly basis.

    Article 11


    1. Consultations shall be held on any issues arising from the implementation of this Agreement at the request of either Party. Any consultations shall take place in a spirit of cooperation and with a desire to reconcile the differences between the Parties.

    2. Consultations shall be governed by the following provisions:

    - any request for consultations shall be notified in writing to the other Party;

    - where appropriate, the request shall be followed within a reasonable period of time by a report setting out the reasons for the consultations; and

    - consultations shall begin within one month from the date of the receipt of the request.

    3. Consultations shall endeavour to arrive at a mutually agreed solution within one month of their commencement.

    Article 12

    Dispute settlement mechanism

    1. If a Party to this Agreement considers that the other Party has failed to fulfil its obligations under this Agreement, and consultations pursuant to Article 11 of this Agreement have failed to lead to a mutually agreed solution within the time period established in paragraph 3 of that Article, such Party may request the establishment of a conciliation panel pursuant to Article 3 of the Decision of the Cooperation Council established by the Agreement on Partnership and Co-operation Establishing a Partnership Between the European Communities and Their Member States, of One Part, and the Russian Federation, of the Other Part, of 24 June 1994, to establish rules of procedure for the settlement of disputes under that Agreement, adopted on 7 April 2004 (hereinafter, the "PCA Dispute Settlement Decision").

    2. Where recourse is made to a conciliation panel under paragraph 1 of this Article, the provisions of the PCA Dispute Settlement Decision shall apply, with the exception of Article 2 of that Decision regarding consultations. It is understood that whenever that Decision refers to disputes regarding the Agreement on Partnership and Co-operation Establishing a Partnership Between the European Communities and Their Member States, of One Part, and the Russian Federation, of the Other Part, of 24 June 1994 (hereinafter referred to as the "PCA"), it shall be read as referring to disputes regarding this Agreement.

    3. The conciliation panel established in accordance with paragraph 1 of this Article shall not have competence to consider the compatibility with the provisions of the PCA or the WTO Agreement of a measure of a Party examined by that conciliation panel.

    4. If the indicative list of conciliators foreseen in paragraph 1 of Article 4 of the PCA Dispute settlement Decision has not been established by the time a Party requests the establishment of a conciliation panel pursuant to Article 3 of that Decision for an alleged violation of this Agreement, and if a Party fails to appoint a conciliator or the Parties fail to reach an agreement on the chairperson of the conciliation panel within the respective timeframes established for this purpose in Article 4 of that Decision, any Party may ask the WTO Director-General to nominate the conciliators that remain to be appointed. The WTO Director-General, after consulting with parties to the dispute, will inform both Parties of the nominated conciliator(s) no later than 20 days after the date of receipt of such a request.

    5. The relevant dispute settlement provisions of any agreement between the EU and Russia subsequent to the PCA (hereinafter referred to as the "New Agreement"), shall apply to disputes regarding the alleged violation of obligations under this Agreement. It is understood that whenever the New Agreement refers to disputes regarding the New Agreement, it shall be read as referring to disputes relating to this Agreement.

    Article 13

    Entry into force and termination of this Agreement

    1. This Agreement shall be approved by the Parties in accordance with their respective internal procedures.

    2. This Agreement shall enter into force 30 days after the date the Parties exchange written notifications certifying that they have completed their respective internal procedures or on such other date as the Parties may agree, but not earlier than the date of the Russian Federation's accession to the World Trade Organisation.

    3. Pending its entry into force, this Agreement shall be applied provisionally from the date of the accession of Russia to the World Trade Organization

    4. This Agreement shall remain in force until 1 July 2018, or until the date Russia has eliminated all WTO-incompatible elements of its investment regime in the automotive sector, whichever is the later.

    Done in […] on […] 20[..], in duplicate each in Russian and English language, both texts being equally authentic.


    Annex 1

    Engines and corresponding duties on imports within the compensation quota

    Goods | 10 digits code, CU CET | Description | Import duty rate |

    Engines (not for “industrial assembly” codes) | 8407 34 910 9 | - - - - - - other | 0 |

    8407 34 990 8 | - - - - - - - other | 0 |

    8407 90 900 9 | - - - - - other | 0 |

    8408 20 550 8 | - - - - - - other | 0 |

    8408 20 510 8 | – – – – – – other | 0 |

    8408 20 579 9 | - - - - - - other | 0 |

    8408 20 990 8 | - - - - - - other | 0 |

    Engines (“industrial assembly” codes) | 8407 34 100 0 | - - - for the industrial assembly of: pedestrian-controlled tractors of subheading 8701 10; motor vehicles of heading 8703; motor vehicles of heading 8704 with an engine of a cylinder capacity of less than 2 800 cm3; motor vehicles of heading 8705 | 0 |

    8407 34 990 2 | - - - - - - for the industrial assembly of motor vehicles of HS 8701- 8705 of a cylinder capacity of engine no less than 2800 cm3, except motor vehicles referred to subheading 8407 34 100 0 | 0 |

    8407 90 500 0 | – – – for the industrial assembly of: pedestrian– controlled tractors of HS 8701 10 000 0; motor vehicles of HS 8703; motor vehicles of HS 8704 with a cylinder capacity of engine of less than 2800 cm3; motor vehicles of HS 8705 | 0 |

    8407 90 900 1 | – – – – – for the industrial assembly motor vehicles of HS 8701– 8705 of a cylinder capacity of engine no less than 2800 cm3, except motor vehicles referred to subheading 8407 90 500 0 | 0 |

    8408 20 100 0 | - - for the industrial assembly of: pedestrian-controlled tractors of subheading 8701 10; motor vehicles of heading 8703; motor vehicles of heading 8704 with an engine of a cylinder capacity of less than 2 500 cm3; motor vehicles of heading 8705 | 0 |

    8408 20 510 2 | – – – – – for the industrial assembly of motor vehicles of HS 8701– 8705, of a cylinder capacity of engine no less than 2500 cm3, but no more than 3000 cm3, except motor vehicles referred to subheading 8408 20 100 0, of wheel farm and forestry tractors | 0 |

    8408 20 550 2 | - - - - - for the industrial assembly of motor vehicles of HS 8701- 8705, of a cylinder capacity of engine no less than 2500 cm3, but no more than 3000 cm3, except motor vehicles referred to subheading 8408 20 100 0, of wheel farm and forestry tractors | 0 |

    8408 20 579 1 | - - - - - - for the industrial assembly of motor vehicles of HS 8701- 8705, of a cylinder capacity of engine no less than 2500 cm3, but no more than 3000 cm3, except motor vehicles referred to subheading 8408 20 100 0, of wheel farm and forestry tractors | 0 |

    8408 20 990 2 | – – – – – for the industrial assembly of motor vehicles of HS 8701– 8705, of a cylinder capacity of engine no less than 2500 cm3, but no more than 3000 cm3, except motor vehicles referred to subheading 8408 20 100 0, of wheel farm and forestry tractors | 0 |

    Annex 2

    Other parts and components of motor vehicles (including engine parts and components) and corresponding duties for imports within the compensation quota

    Group of Goods | 10 digits code, CU CET | Description | Import duty rate |

    Other Parts and Components (not for “industrial assembly” codes) | 3208 20 900 9 | - - - other | 0 |

    3208 90 190 9 | - - - - other | 0 |

    3208 90 910 9 | - - - - other | 0 |

    3209 10 000 9 | - - other | 0 |

    3910 00 000 9 | - other | 10 |

    3917 23 100 9 | - - - - other | 0 |

    3917 31 000 9 | - - - other | 0 |

    3917 32 990 9 | - - - - - other | 0 |

    3926 30 000 9 | - - other | 0 |

    3926 90 980 8 | - - - - other | 10 |

    4009 12 000 9 | - - - other | 0 |

    4016 93 000 8 | - - - other | 0 |

    4016 99 520 9 | - - - - - - other | 5 |

    4016 99 580 9 | - - - - - - other | 5 |

    4823 90 909 1 | – – – – cards, not punched,for punch card machines, whether or not in strips | 5 |

    4823 90 909 2 | - - - - perforated paper and paperboard for Jacquard and similar machines | 5 |

    4823 90 909 8 | - - - - other | 5 |

    7007 11 100 9 | - - - - other | 3 |

    7007 21 200 9 | - - - - - other | 3 |

    7009 10 000 9 | - - other | 3 |

    7209 17 900 9 | - - - - other | 0 |

    7209 27 900 9 | - - - - other | 0 |

    7210 49 000 9 | - - - other | 0 |

    7219 34 900 9 | - - - - other | 0 |

    7220 20 490 9 | - - - - other | 0 |

    7304 31 200 9 | - - - - other | 5 |

    7306 30 770 9 | - - - - other | 5 |

    7306 40 800 9 | - - - other | 5 |

    7306 90 000 9 | - - other | 5 |

    7307 99 900 9 | - - - - other | 5 |

    7318 21 000 9 | - - - other | 5 |

    7318 22 000 9 | - - - other | 5 |

    7318 29 000 9 | - - - other | 5 |

    7320 20 200 9 | - - - other | 0 |

    7320 20 810 8 | - - - - other | 0 |

    7320 20 850 8 | - - - - other | 0 |

    7320 20 890 8 | - - - - other | 0 |

    7320 90 900 8 | - - - - other | 5 |

    7326 90 980 9 | - - - - other | 5 |

    7616 99 100 9 | - - - - other | 0 |

    8301 20 000 9 | - - other | 3 |

    8301 60 000 9 | - - other | 0 |

    8302 30 000 9 | - - other | 3 |

    8302 60 000 9 | - - other | 3 |

    8409 91 000 9 | - - - other | 0 |

    8409 99 000 9 | - - - other | 0 |

    8412 21 800 8 | - - - - - other | 0 |

    8412 90 400 8 | - - - other | 0 |

    8413 30 200 9 | - - - other | 0 |

    8413 30 800 9 | - - - other | 0 |

    8413 91 000 9 | - - - other | 0 |

    8414 30 810 6 | - - - - - of a power exceeding 0,4 kW, but not exceeding 1,3 kW | 5 |

    8414 30 810 7 | - - - - - of a power exceeding 1,3 kW but not exceeding 10 kW | 5 |

    8414 30 810 9 | - - - - - other | 5 |

    8415 20 000 9 | - - other | 0 |

    8415 90 000 2 | - - of air conditioning machines of subheading 8415 81, 8415 82 or 8415 83, for use in civil aircraft | 0 |

    8415 90 000 9 | - - other | 0 |

    8419 39 900 8 | - - - - other | 0 |

    8421 99 000 8 | - - - other | 0 |

    8481 80 739 9 | - - - - - - - other | 5 |

    8482 10 100 9 | - - - other | 0 |

    8482 10 900 1 | - - - with a price CIF declared at a customs boudary not exceeding 2,2 euro/kg brutto- weigh | 0 |

    8482 10 900 8 | - - - - other | 0 |

    8482 20 000 9 | - - other | 0 |

    8482 40 000 9 | - - other | 0 |

    8482 50 000 9 | - - other | 0 |

    8482 80 000 9 | - - other | 0 |

    8483 10 210 8 | - - - - other | 0 |

    8483 10 250 9 | - - - - other | 0 |

    8483 10 290 9 | - - - - other | 0 |

    8483 30 800 8 | - - - - other | 0 |

    8483 90 890 9 | - - - - other | 0 |

    8507 10 920 9 | - - - - other | 5 |

    8511 30 000 8 | - - - other | 5 |

    8511 40 000 8 | - - - other | 3 |

    8511 50 000 9 | - - - other | 0 |

    8511 90 000 8 | - - - other | 5 |

    8512 20 000 9 | - - other | 0 |

    8512 30 100 9 | - - - other | 0 |

    8512 30 900 9 | - - - other | 0 |

    8512 40 000 9 | - - other | 0 |

    8512 90 900 9 | - - - other | 0 |

    8526 92 000 9 | - - - other | 0 |

    8527 21 200 9 | - - - - - other | 0 |

    8527 21 520 9 | - - - - - - other | 0 |

    8527 21 590 9 | - - - - - - other | 0 |

    8527 29 000 9 | - - - other | 0 |

    8531 90 850 8 | - - - other | 5 |

    8533 40 100 9 | - - -other | 0 |

    8534 00 110 9 | - - - other | 0 |

    8536 20 100 8 | - - - other | 0 |

    8536 20 900 8 | - - - other | 0 |

    8536 50 110 9 | - - - - - other | 0 |

    8536 50 150 9 | - - - - - other | 0 |

    8536 50 190 8 | - - - - - - other | 0 |

    8536 90 100 9 | - - - other | 0 |

    8539 21 300 9 | - - - - other | 0 |

    8539 29 300 9 | - - - - other | 0 |

    8541 30 000 9 | - - other | 0 |

    8542 39 900 1 | - - - - - wafers not yet cut into chips, boules | 0 |

    8542 39 900 5 | - - - - - - other | 0 |

    8542 39 900 7 | - - - - - photoreceviers at one chip and IR transmitters in code IR-60 on the frequency 30, 33, 36 kilohertz; large-scale integration of synchronization with a quartz crystal control without retraining | 0 |

    8542 39 900 9 | - - - - - other | 0 |

    8543 70 200 9 | - - - other | 0 |

    8544 30 000 8 | - - other | 3 |

    8544 49 800 8 | - - - - - - other | 10 |

    8544 49 800 9 | - - - - - other | 10 |

    8544 60 900 9 | - - - other | 10 |

    8547 20 000 9 | - - other | 0 |

    8706 00 910 9 | - - - other | 0 |

    8707 10 900 0 | - - other | 0 |

    8707 90 900 9 | - - - other | 15 |

    8708 10 900 9 | - - - other | 0 |

    8708 21 900 9 | - - - - other | 0 |

    8708 29 900 9 | - - - - other | 0 |

    8708 30 910 9 | - - - other | 0 |

    8708 30 990 9 | - - - - other | 0 |

    8708 40 500 9 | - - - - other | 0 |

    8708 40 600 9 | - - - - - other | 0 |

    8708 40 800 9 | - - - - - other | 0 |

    8708 50 300 9 | - - - - other | 0 |

    8708 50 500 9 | - - - - - other | 0 |

    8708 50 700 9 | - - - - - - other | 0 |

    8708 50 800 9 | - - - - - - other | 0 |

    8708 70 500 9 | - - - - other | 0 |

    8708 70 910 9 | - - - - other | 0 |

    8708 70 990 9 | - - - - other | 0 |

    8708 80 300 3 | - - - - - of baby-cars with next characteristics: max effort - H (kg.p): compression stroke - 235-280; back stroke - 1150-1060 | 0 |

    8708 80 300 8 | - - - - -other | 0 |

    8708 80 400 8 | - - - - other | 0 |

    8708 80 500 9 | - - - - - other | 0 |

    8708 80 800 2 | - - - - - other | 0 |

    8708 91 300 9 | - - - - - other | 0 |

    8708 91 500 9 | - - - - - - other | 0 |

    8708 91 800 9 | - - - - - - other | 0 |

    8708 92 300 9 | - - - - - other | 0 |

    8708 92 500 9 | - - - - - - other | 0 |

    8708 92 800 9 | - - - - - - other | 0 |

    8708 93 900 9 | - - - - other | 0 |

    8708 94 300 9 | - - - - - other | 0 |

    8708 94 500 9 | - - - - - - other | 0 |

    8708 94 800 9 | - - - - - - other | 0 |

    8708 95 500 9 | - - - - - other | 0 |

    8708 95 900 9 | - - - - - other | 0 |

    8708 99 910 9 | - - - - - other | 0 |

    8708 99 990 9 | - - - - - other | 0 |

    9025 19 800 9 | - - - - other | 0 |

    9025 90 000 9 | - - other | 0 |

    9026 20 200 9 | - - - other | 0 |

    9026 80 200 9 | - - - other | 0 |

    9026 90 000 9 | - - other | 0 |

    9029 20 310 9 | - - - - other | 3 |

    9029 90 000 9 | - - other | 5 |

    9032 90 000 9 | - - other | 0 |

    9104 00 000 9 | - other | 0 |

    9401 20 000 9 | - - other | 5 |

    9401 90 800 9 | - - - - other | 0 |

    9603 50 000 9 | - - other | 0 |

    Other Parts and Components (”industrial assembly” codes) | 3208 20 900 1 | – – – for the industrial assembly of motor vehicles HS 8701– 8705, their units and aggregates | 0 |

    3208 90 190 1 | - - - - for the industrial assembly of motor vehicles of headings 8701- 8705, their units and aggregates | 0 |

    3208 90 910 1 | - - - - for the industrial assembly of motor vehicles of headings 8701- 8705, their units and aggregates | 0 |

    3209 10 000 1 | – – for the industrial assembly of motor vehicles HS 8701– 8705 | 0 |

    3910 00 000 9 | – other | 10 |

    3917 23 100 1 | - - - - for the industrial assembly of motor vehicles of headings 8701 - 8705, their units and aggregates | 0 |

    3917 31 000 1 | - - - for the industrial assembly of motor vehicles of headings 8701 - 8705, their units and aggregates | 0 |

    3917 32 990 1 | - - - - - for the industrial assembly of motor vehicles of headings 8701 - 8705, their units and aggregates | 0 |

    3926 30 000 1 | - - for the industrial assembly of motor vehicles of headings 8701 - 8705, their units and aggregates | 0 |

    3926 90 980 3 | – – – – for the industrial assembly of motor vehicles of HS 8701 – 8705, their units and aggregates | 10 |

    4009 12 000 1 | - - - for the industrial assembly of motor vehicles of headings 8701 - 8705, their units and aggregates | 0 |

    4016 93 000 1 | - - - for the industrial assembly of motor vehicles of headings 8701 - 8705, their units and aggregates | 0 |

    4016 99 520 1 | - - - - - - for the industrial assembly of motor vehicles of headings 8701 - 8705, their units and aggregates | 5 |

    4016 99 580 1 | - - - - - - for the industrial assembly of motor vehicles of headings 8701 - 8705, their units and aggregates | 5 |

    4823 90 909 3 | - - - - for the industrial assembly of motor vehicles of headings 8701 - 8705, their units and aggregates | 5 |

    7007 11 100 1 | - - - - for the industrial assembly of motor vehicles of headlights 8701 - 8705, their units and aggregates | 3 |

    7007 21 200 1 | - - - - for the industrial assembly of motor vehicles of headlights 8701 - 8705, their units and aggregates | 3 |

    7009 10 000 1 | - - for the industrial assembly of motor vehicles of headings 8701 - 8705, their units and aggregates | 3 |

    7209 17 900 1 | – – – – for the industrial assembly of motor vehicles of HS 8701 – 8705, their units and aggregates | 0 |

    7209 27 900 1 | – – – – for the industrial assembly of motor vehicles of HS 8701 – 8705, their units and aggregates | 0 |

    7210 49 000 1 | - - - 1500 mm or more wide, for the industrial assembly of motor vehicles of headings 8701 - 8705, their units and aggregates | 0 |

    7219 34 900 1 | - - - - for the industrial assembly of motor vehicles of headings 8701 - 8705, their units and aggregates | 0 |

    7220 20 490 1 | - - - - for the industrial assembly of motor vehicles of headings 8701 - 8705, their units and aggregates | 0 |

    7304 31 200 1 | - - - - for the industrial assembly of motor vehicles of headings 8701-8705, their units and aggregates | 5 |

    7306 30 770 1 | - - - - - - for the industrial assembly of motor vehicles of headings 8701-8705, their units and aggregates | 5 |

    7306 40 800 1 | - - - for the industrial assembly of motor vehicles of headings 8701-8705, their units and aggregates | 5 |

    7306 90 000 1 | - - for the industrial assembly of motor vehicles of HS 8701 - 8705, their units and aggregates | 5 |

    7307 99 900 1 | - - - - for the industrial assembly of motor vehicles of headings 8701 - 8705, their units and aggregates | 5 |

    7318 21 000 1 | - - - for industrial assembly of motor vehicles of headings 8701 - 8705, their units and aggregates | 5 |

    7318 22 000 1 | - - - for the industrial assembly of motor vehicles of headings 8701 - 8705, their units and aggregates | 5 |

    7318 29 000 1 | - - - for the industrial assembly of motor vehicles of headings 8701 - 8705, their units and aggregates | 5 |

    7320 20 200 1 | - - - for the industrial assembly of motor vehicles of headings 8701 - 8705, their units and aggregates | 0 |

    7320 20 810 1 | - - - - for the industrial assembly of motor vehicles of headings 8701 - 8705, their units and aggregates | 0 |

    7320 20 850 1 | - - - - for the industrial assembly of motor vehicles of headings 8701 - 8705, their units and aggregates | 0 |

    7320 20 890 1 | - - - - for the industrial assembly of motor vehicles of headings 8701 - 8705, their units and aggregates | 0 |

    7320 90 900 1 | - - - for the industrial assembly of motor vehicles of headings 8701 - 8705, their units and aggregates | 5 |

    7326 90 980 1 | - - - - for the industrial assembly of motor vehicles of headings 8701 - 8705, their units and aggregates | 5 |

    7616 99 100 1 | - - - - for the industrial assembly of motor vehicles of headings 8701 - 8705, their units and aggregates | 0 |

    8302 60 000 1 | – – for the industrial assembly of motor vehicles of HS 8701 – 8705 | 3 |

    8301 20 000 1 | - - for the industrial assembly of motor vehicles of headings 8701 - 8705, their units and aggregates | 3 |

    8301 60 000 1 | - - locks intended for industrial assembly of motor vehicles of headings 8701 - 8705, their units and aggregates | 0 |

    8302 30 000 1 | - - for the industrial assembly of motor vehicles of headings 8701 - 8705, their units and aggregates | 3 |

    8409 91 000 1 | - - - for engines intended for the industrial assembly of motor vehicles of headings 8701 - 8705, their units and aggregates | 0 |

    8409 99 000 1 | - - - for engines intended for the industrial assembly of motor vehicles of headings 8701 - 8705, their units and aggregates | 0 |

    8412 21 800 6 | - - - - - for the industrial assembly of motor vehicles of headings 8701 - 8705, their units and aggregates | 0 |

    8412 90 400 3 | - - - for the industrial assembly of motor vehicles of headings 8701 - 8705, their units and aggregates | 0 |

    8413 30 200 1 | - - - for industrial assembly of motor vehicles of headings 8701- 8705, their units and aggregates | 0 |

    8413 30 800 1 | - - - for industrial assembly of motor vehicles of headings 8701- 8705, their units and aggregates | 0 |

    8413 91 000 1 | - - - for the industrial assembly of motor vehicles of headings 8701 - 8705, their units and aggregates | 0 |

    8414 30 810 5 | - - - - for the industrial assembly of motor vehicles of headings 8701 - 8705, their units and aggregates: | 5 |

    8415 20 000 1 | - - for the industrial assembly of motor vehicles of headings 8701 - 8705, their units and aggregates | 0 |

    8415 90 000 1 | - - of air conditioning machines intended for the assembly of motor vehicles of headings 8701- 8705, their units and aggregates | 0 |

    8419 39 900 2 | - - - - for the industrial assembly of motor vehicles of headings 8701 - 8705, their units and aggregates | 0 |

    8421 99 000 2 | - - - of equipments for the filtering or cleaning of liquids or gases, intended for the industrial assembly of motor vehicles of headings 8701 - 8705, their units and aggregates | 0 |

    8481 80 739 1 | - - - - - - - for the industrial assembly of motor vehicles of headings 8701 - 8705, their units and aggregates | 5 |

    8482 10 100 1 | - - - for the industrial assembly of motor vehicles of headings 8701 - 8705, their units and aggregates | 0 |

    8482 10 900 2 | - - - - for the industrial assembly of motor vehicles of headings 8701 - 8705, their units and aggregates | 0 |

    8482 20 000 1 | - - for the industrial assembly of motor vehicles of headings 8701 - 8705, their units and aggregates | 0 |

    8482 40 000 1 | - - for industrial assembly of motor vehicles of headings 8701- 8705, their units and aggregates | 0 |

    8482 50 000 1 | - - for industrial assembly of motor vehicles of headings 8701- 8705, their units and aggregates | 0 |

    8482 80 000 1 | - - for industrial assembly of motor vehicles of headings 8701- 8705, their units and aggregates | 0 |

    8483 10 210 1 | - - - - for industrial assembly of motor vehicles of headings 8701- 8705, their units and aggregates | 0 |

    8483 10 250 1 | - - - - for industrial assembly of motor vehicles of headings 8701- 8705, their units and aggregates | 0 |

    8483 10 290 1 | - - - - for industrial assembly of motor vehicles of headings 8701- 8705, their units and aggregates | 0 |

    8483 30 800 1 | - - - for industrial assembly of motor vehicles of headings 8701- 8705, their units and aggregates | 0 |

    8483 90 890 1 | - - - - for industrial assembly of motor vehicles of headings 8701-8705, their units and aggregates | 0 |

    8507 10 920 2 | - - - - for the industrial assembly of motor vehicles of headings 8701 - 8705, their units and aggregates | 5 |

    8511 30 000 2 | – – – for the industrial assembly of motor vehicles of HS 8701 – 8705, their units and aggregates | 5 |

    8511 40 000 2 | – – – for industrial assembly of motor vehicles HS 8701– 8705 | 3 |

    8511 50 000 2 | - - -for the industrial assembly of motor vehicles of headings 8701 - 8705, their units and aggregates | 0 |

    8511 90 000 2 | - - - for industrial assembly of motor vehicles of headings 8701- 8705, their units and aggregates | 5 |

    8512 20 000 1 | - - for industrial assembly of motor vehicles of headings 8701- 8705, their units and aggregates | 0 |

    8512 30 100 1 | - - - for industrial assembly of motor vehicles of headings 8701- 8705, their units and aggregates | 0 |

    8512 30 900 1 | - - - for industrial assembly of motor vehicles of headings 8701- 8705, their units and aggregates | 0 |

    8512 40 000 1 | - - for industrial assembly of motor vehicles of headings 8701- 8705, their units and aggregates | 0 |

    8512 90 900 1 | - - - of lighting devices, visual signaling or other chime, of wipers, deicers and deweepers, intended for the industrial assembly of motor vehicles of headings 8701 - 8705, their units and aggregates | 0 |

    8526 92 000 1 | - - - for industrial assembly of motor vehicles of headings 8701- 8705, their units and aggregates | 0 |

    8527 21 200 1 | - - - - - for industrial assembly of motor vehicles of headings 8701- 8705, their units and aggregates | 0 |

    8527 21 520 1 | – – – – – – for industrial assembly of motor vehicles HS 8701– 8705 | 0 |

    8527 21 590 1 | – – – – – – for industrial assembly of motor vehicles HS 8701– 8705 | 0 |

    8527 29 000 1 | – – – for industrial assembly of motor vehicles HS 8701– 8705 | 0 |

    8531 90 850 1 | - - - for the industrial assembly of motor vehicles of heading 8701 - 8705, their units and aggregates | 5 |

    8533 40 100 1 | - - - for the industrial assembly of motor vehicles of heading 8701 - 8705, their units and aggregates | 0 |

    8534 00 110 1 | – – – for the industrial assembly of motor vehicles of HS 8701 – 8705, their units and aggregates | 0 |

    8536 20 100 1 | - - - for the industrial assembly of motor vehicles of heading 8701 - 8705, their units and aggregates | 0 |

    8536 20 900 1 | - - - for the industrial assembly of motor vehicles of heading 8701 - 8705, their units and aggregates | 0 |

    8536 50 110 1 | - - - - - for the industrial assembly of motor vehicles of heading 8701 - 8705, their units and aggregates | 0 |

    8536 50 150 1 | - - - - - for the industrial assembly of motor vehicles of heading 8701 - 8705, their units and aggregates | 0 |

    8536 50 190 1 | - - - - - for the industrial assembly of motor vehicles of heading 8701 - 8705, their units and aggregates | 0 |

    8536 90 100 1 | - - - for the industrial assembly of motor vehicles of heading 8701 - 8705, their units and aggregates | 0 |

    8539 21 300 1 | - - - - for the industrial assembly of motor vehicles of headings 8701 - 8705, their units and aggregates | 0 |

    8539 29 300 1 | - - - - for the industrial assembly of motor vehicles of headings 8701 - 8705, their units and aggregates | 0 |

    8541 30 000 1 | – – for the industrial assembly of motor vehicles of HS 8701 – 8705, their units and aggregates | 0 |

    8542 39 900 4 | - - - - - - for the industrial assembly of motor vehicles of HS 8701 - 8705, their units and aggregates | 0 |

    8543 70 200 1 | - - - for the industrial assembly of motor vehicles of heading 8701 - 8705, their units and aggregates | 0 |

    8544 30 000 1 | - - for the industrial assembly of motor vehicles of HS 8701 - 8705 | 3 |

    8544 49 800 2 | - - - - - - for the industrial assembly of motor vehicles of headings 8701 - 8705, their units and aggregates | 10 |

    8544 60 900 1 | – – – for the industrial assembly of motor vehicles of HS 8701 – 8705, their units and aggregates | 10 |

    8547 20 000 1 | - - for the industrial assembly of motor vehicles of headings 8701 - 8705, their units and aggregates | 0 |

    8706 00 910 1 | – – – for industrial assembly of motor vehicles HS 8703 | 0 |

    8707 10 100 0 | - - for industrial assembly purposes | 0 |

    8707 90 100 0 | - - for the industrial assembly of: pedestrian-controlled tractors of subheading 8701 10; vehicles of heading 8704 with either a compression-ignition internal combustion piston engine (diesel or semi-diesel) of a cylinder capacity not exceeding 2 500 cm3 or with a spark-ignition internal combustion piston engine of a cylinder capacity not exceeding 2 800 cm3; special purpose motor vehicles of heading 8705 | 15 |

    8708 10 100 0 | - - for the industrial assembly of: vehicles of heading 8703; vehicles of heading 8704 with either a compression-ignition internal combustion piston engine (diesel or semi-diesel) of a cylinder capacity not exceeding 2 500 cm3 or with a spark-ignition internal combustion piston engine of a cylinder capacity not exceeding 2 800 cm3; vehicles of heading 8705 | 0 |

    8708 10 900 1 | - - - for the industrial assembly of motor vehicles of headings 8701- 8705, except motor vehicles referred to subheading 8708 10 100 0; for the industrial assembly of units and aggregates of motor vehicles of headings 8701- 8705 | 0 |

    8708 21 100 0 | - - - for the industrial assembly of: vehicles of heading 8703; vehicles of heading 8704 with either a compression-ignition internal combustion piston engine (diesel or semi-diesel) of a cylinder capacity not exceeding 2 500 cm3 or with a spark-ignition internal combustion piston engine of a cylinder capacity not exceeding 2 800 cm3; vehicles of heading 8705 | 0 |

    8708 21 900 1 | - - - - for the industrial assembly of motor vehicles of headings 8701- 8705, except motor vehicles referred to subheading 8708 21 100 0; for the industrial assembly of units and aggregates of motor vehicles of headings 8701- 8705 | 0 |

    8708 29 100 0 | - - - for the industrial assembly of: pedestrian-controlled tractors of subheading 8701 10; vehicles of heading 8703; vehicles of heading 8704 with either a compression-ignition internal combustion piston engine (diesel or semi-diesel) of a cylinder capacity not exceeding 2 500 cm3 or with a spark-ignition internal combustion piston engine of a cylinder capacity not exceeding 2 800 cm3; vehicles of heading 8705 | 0 |

    8708 29 900 1 | - - - - for the industrial assembly of motor vehicles of headings 8701- 8705, except motor vehicles referred to subheading 8708 29 100 0; for the industrial assembly of units and aggregates of motor vehicles of headings 8701- 8705 | 0 |

    8708 30 100 0 | - - for the industrial assembly of: pedestrian-controlled tractors of subheading 8701 10; vehicles of heading 8703; vehicles of heading 8704 with either a compression-ignition internal combustion piston engine (diesel or semi-diesel) of a cylinder capacity not exceeding 2 500 cm3 or with a spark-ignition internal combustion piston engine of a cylinder capacity not exceeding 2 800 cm3; vehicles of heading 8705 | 0 |

    8708 30 910 1 | - - - - for the industrial assembly of motor vehicles of headings 8701- 8705, except motor vehicles referred to subheading 8708 30 100 0; for the industrial assembly of units and aggregates of motor vehicles of headings 8701- 8705 | 0 |

    8708 30 990 1 | - - - - for the industrial assembly of motor vehicles of headings 8701- 8705, except motor vehicles referred to subheading 8708 30 100 0; for the industrial assembly of units and aggregates of motor vehicles of headings 8701- 8705 | 0 |

    8708 40 200 1 | – – – gear boxes | 0 |

    8708 40 200 9 | - - - parts | 0 |

    8708 40 500 1 | – – – – for the industrial assembly of motor vehicles HS 8701– 8705, except motor vehicles referred to subheading 8708 40 200 0; for the industrial assembly of units and aggregates of motor vehicles HS 8701– 8705 5) | 0 |

    8708 40 600 1 | - - - - - for the industrial assembly of motor vehicles HS 8701- 8705, except motor vehicles referred to subheading 8708 40 200 ; for the industrial assembly of units and aggregates of motor vehicles HS 8701- 8705 | 0 |

    8708 40 800 1 | - - - - - for the industrial assembly of motor vehicles HS 8701- 8705, except motor vehicles referred to subheading 8708 40 200 ; for the industrial assembly of units and aggregates of motor vehicles HS 8701- 8705 | 0 |

    8708 50 200 1 | - - - drive- axes with differential, whether or not provided with other transmission components and non- driving axes, parts of non- driving axes | 0 |

    8708 50 200 9 | - - - other | 5 |

    8708 50 300 1 | - - - - for the industrial assembly of motor vehicles of headings 8701- 8705, except motor vehicles referred to subheading 8708 50 200; for the industrial assembly of units and aggregates of motor vehicles of headings 8701- 8705 | 0 |

    8708 50 500 1 | - - - - for the industrial assembly of motor vehicles HS 8701- 8705, except motor vehicles referred to subheading 8708 50 200; for the industrial assembly of units and aggregates of motor vehicles HS 8701- 8705 | 0 |

    8708 50 700 1 | - - - - - - for the industrial assembly of motor vehicles HS 8701- 8705, except motor vehicles referred to subheading 8708 50 200; for the industrial assembly of units and aggregates of motor vehicles HS 8701- 8705 | 0 |

    8708 50 800 1 | - - - - - - for the industrial assembly of motor vehicles HS 8701- 8705, except motor vehicles referred to subheading 8708 50 200; for the industrial assembly of units and aggregates of motor vehicles HS 8701- 8705 | 0 |

    8708 70 100 0 | - - for the industrial assembly of: pedestrian-controlled tractors of subheading 8701 10; vehicles of heading 8703; vehicles of heading 8704 with either a compression-ignition internal combustion piston engine (diesel or semi-diesel) of a cylinder capacity not exceeding 2 500 cm3 or with a spark-ignition internal combustion piston engine of a cylinder capacity not exceeding 2 800 cm3; vehicles of heading 8705 | 0 |

    8708 70 500 1 | - - - - for the industrial assembly of motor vehicles HS 8701- 8705, except motor vehicles referred to subheading 8708 70 100 0; for the industrial assembly of units and aggregates of motor vehicles HS 8701- 8705 | 0 |

    8708 70 910 1 | - - - - for the industrial assembly of motor vehicles of headings 8701- 8705, except motor vehicles referred to subheading 8708 70 100 0; for the industrial assembly of units and aggregates of motor vehicles of headings 8701- 8705 | 0 |

    8708 70 990 1 | - - - - for the industrial assembly of motor vehicles of headings 8701- 8705, except motor vehicles referred to subheading 8708 70 100 0; for the industrial assembly of units and aggregates of motor vehicles of headings 8701- 8705 | 0 |

    8708 80 150 1 | - - - suspension shok- absorbers | 0 |

    8708 80 150 9 | - - - other | 0 |

    8708 80 300 2 | - - - - for the industrial assembly of motor vehicles of headings 8701- 8705, except motor vehicles referred to subheading 8708 80 150; for the industrial assembly of units and aggregates of motor vehicles of headings 8701- 8705 | 0 |

    8708 80 400 3 | - - - - for the industrial assembly of motor vehicles of headings 8701- 8705, except motor vehicles referred to subheading 8708 80 150; for the industrial assembly of units and aggregates of motor vehicles of headings 8701- 8705 | 0 |

    8708 80 500 1 | – – – – – for the industrial assembly of motor vehicles HS 8701– 8705, except motor vehicles referred to subheading 8708 80 150 0; for the industrial assembly of units and aggregates of motor vehicles HS 8701– 8705 | 0 |

    8708 80 800 1 | - - - - - for the industrial assembly of motor vehicles of headings 8701- 8705, except motor vehicles referred to subheading 8708 80 150; for the industrial assembly of units and aggregates of motor vehicles of headings 8701- 8705 | 0 |

    8708 91 200 1 | - - - - radiators | 0 |

    8708 91 200 9 | - - - - parts | 5 |

    8708 91 300 1 | - - - - - for the industrial assembly of motor vehicles of heading 8701- 8705, except motor vehicles referred to subheading 8708 91 200; for the industrial assembly of units and aggregates of motor vehicles of headings 8701- 8705 | 0 |

    8708 91 500 1 | – – – – – – for the industrial assembly of motor vehicles HS 8701– 8705, except motor vehicles referred to subheading 8708 91 200 0; for the industrial assembly of units and aggregates of motor vehicles HS 8701– 8705 | 0 |

    8708 91 800 1 | - - - - - - for the industrial assembly of motor vehicles of headings 8701- 8705, except motor vehicles referred to subheading 8708 91 200; for the industrial assembly of units and aggregates of motor vehicles of headings 8701- 8705 | 0 |

    8708 92 200 1 | - - - - silencers (mufflers) and exhaust pipes | 0 |

    8708 92 200 9 | - - - - parts | 0 |

    8708 92 300 1 | - - - - - for the industrial assembly of motor vehicles of headings 8701- 8705, except motor vehicles referred to subheading 8708 92 200; for the industrial assembly of units and aggregates of motor vehicles of headings 8701- 8705 | 0 |

    8708 92 500 1 | – – – – – – for the industrial assembly of motor vehicles HS 8701– 8705, except motor vehicles referred to subheading 8708 92 200 0; for the industrial assembly of units and aggregates of motor vehicles HS 8701– 8705 | 0 |

    8708 92 800 1 | - - - - - - for the industrial assembly of motor vehicles of headings 8701- 8705, except motor vehicles referred to subheading 8708 94 200; for the industrial assembly of units and aggregates of motor vehicles of headings 8701- 8705 | 0 |

    8708 93 100 0 | - - - for the industrial assembly of: pedestrian - controlled tractors of subheading 8701 10 000 0; vehicles of heading 8703; vehicles of heading 8704 with either a compression-ignition internal combustion piston engine (diesel or semi-diesel) of a cylinder capacity not exceeding 2500 cm3 or with a spark-ignition internal combustion piston engine of a cylinder capacity not exceeding 2800 cm3; vehicles of heading 8705 | 0 |

    8708 93 900 1 | - - - - for the industrial assembly of motor vehicles of headings 8701- 8705, except motor vehicles referred to subheading 8708 30 100 0; for the industrial assembly of units and aggregates of motor vehicles of headings 8701- 8705 | 0 |

    8708 94 200 1 | - - - - steering wheels, steering columns and steering boxes | 0 |

    8708 94 200 9 | - - - - parts | 0 |

    8708 94 300 1 | - - - - - for the industrial assembly of motor vehicles of headings 8701- 8705, except motor vehicles referred to subheading 8708 94 200; for the industrial assembly of units and aggregates of motor vehicles of headings 8701- 8705 | 0 |

    8708 94 500 1 | - - - - - - for the industrial assembly of motor vehicles of headings 8701- 8705, except motor vehicles referred to subheading 8708 94 200; for the industrial assembly of units and aggregates of motor vehicles of headings 8701- 8705 | 0 |

    8708 94 800 1 | - - - - - - for the industrial assembly of motor vehicles of headings 8701- 8705, except motor vehicles referred to subheading 8708 94 200; for the industrial assembly of units and aggregates of motor vehicles of headings 8701- 8705 | 0 |

    8708 95 100 0 | - - - for the industrial assembly of: vehicles of heading 8703; vehicles of heading 8704 with a either a compression-ignition internal combustion piston engine (diesel or semi-diesel) of a cylinder capacity not exceeding 2500 cm3 or with a spark-ignition internal combustion piston engine of a cylinder capacity not exceeding 2800 cm3; vehicles of heading 8705: | 0 |

    8708 95 500 1 | – – – – – for the industrial assembly of motor vehicles HS 8701– 8705, except motor vehicles referred to subheading 8708 95 100 0; for the industrial assembly of units and aggregates of motor vehicles HS 8701– 8705 | 0 |

    8708 95 900 1 | - - - - - for the industrial assembly of motor vehicles of headings 8701- 8705, except motor vehicles referred to subheading 8708 95 100 0; for the industrial assembly of units and aggregates of motor vehicles of headings 8701- 8705 | 0 |

    8708 99 100 0 | - - - for the industrial assembly of: pedestrian - controlled tractors of subheading 8701 10 000 0; vehicles of heading 8703; vehicles of heading 8704 with a either a compression-ignition internal combustion piston engine (diesel or semi-diesel) of a cylinder capacity not exceeding 2500 cm3 or with a spark-ignition internal combustion piston engine of a cylinder capacity not exceeding 2800 cm3; vehicles of heading 8705 | 0 |

    8708 99 910 1 | - - - - - for the industrial assembly of motor vehicles of headings 8701- 8705, except motor vehicles referred to subheading 8708 99 100 0; for the industrial assembly of units and aggregates of motor vehicles of headings 8701- 8705 | 0 |

    8708 99 990 1 | - - - - - for the industrial assembly of motor vehicles of headings 8701- 8705, except motor vehicles referred to subheading 8708 99 100 0; for the industrial assembly of units and aggregates of motor vehicles headings 8701- 8705 | 0 |

    9025 19 800 1 | - - - - for the industrial assembly of motor vehicles of headings 8701 - 8705, their units and aggregates | 0 |

    9025 90 000 1 | - - for the industrial assembly of motor vehicles of headings 8701 - 8705, their units and aggregates | 0 |

    9026 20 200 1 | - - - for the industrial assembly of motor vehicles of headings 8701 - 8705, their units and aggregates | 0 |

    9026 80 200 1 | - - - for the industrial assembly of motor vehicles of headings 8701 - 8705, their units and aggregates | 0 |

    9026 90 000 1 | - - for the industrial assembly of motor vehicles of headings 8701 - 8705, their units and aggregates | 0 |

    9029 20 310 1 | - - - - for industrial assembly of motor vehicles of headings 8701- 8705, their unions | 3 |

    9029 90 000 1 | - - for the industrial assembly of motor vehicles of headings 8701 - 8705, their units and aggregates | 5 |

    9032 90 000 1 | - - for the industrial assembly of motor vehicles of headings 8701 - 8705, their units and aggregates | 0 |

    9104 00 000 1 | - for the industrial assembly of motor vehicles of headings 8701 - 8705, their units and aggregates | 0 |

    9401 20 000 1 | - - for the industrial assembly of motor vehicles of headings 8701 - 8705, their unions and aggregates | 5 |

    9401 90 800 1 | - - - - of seats for the industrial assembly of motor vehicles of headings 8701 - 8705, their unions and aggregates | 0 |

    9603 50 000 1 | - - for the industrial assembly of motor vehicles of headings 8701 - 8705, their unions | 0 |

    Annex 3

    Triggering thresholds

    The total value of EU exports of engines listed in Annex 1 of this Agreement in year 2010 | 896,1 million US Dollars |

    The total value of EU exports of other parts and components (including parts and components for engines) listed in Annex 2 of this Agreement in year 2010 | 8253,2 million US Dollars |

    Annex 4

    Statistical data

    The monthly and annual statistics referred to in paragraph 1 of Article 10 of the Agreement shall contain:

    (a) Statistics of the monthly imports from the EU of all the covered products into Russia and of monthly imports into Russia of covered products from the rest of the world, both in US Dollars.

    When a compensation quota has been opened, statistics shall include the value of imports from the EU into Russia of all covered products within the compensation quota and the value of Russian imports of all covered products within the larger tariff-rate quota referred to in paragraph 2 of Article 3 of this Agreement.

    (b) Where applicable, monthly information on the value and number of import licences issued for a compensation quota during the preceding month.

    Pursuant to paragraph 2 of Article 6 of this Agreement, the Russian authorities shall provide yearly statistics concerning the sales of new cars (in units) in Russia, as soon as they become available but not later than 1st March of the following year.

    Annex 5

    Rules of origin

    Section 1

    Determination of origin

    Article 1

    1. For the purposes of the application of a compensation quota, as described in Article 3 of the Agreement, covered products shall be considered as goods originating in the country where they are:

    (a) wholly produced within the meaning of paragraph 2 of this Article; or

    (b) produced incorporating materials which have not been wholly obtained there, provided that they have undergone in that country their last, substantial, economically justified processing or working in an undertaking equipped for that purpose and resulting in the manufacture of a new product or representing an important stage of manufacture.

    2. The expression ‘goods wholly produced’ means goods which are produced in a country exclusively from goods wholly obtained or produced in that country or from their derivatives at any stage of production.

    Article 2

    For covered products listed in Appendix 1, the working or processing referred to in column 3 of that Appendix shall be regarded as a process or operation conferring origin pursuant to Article 1 of this Annex.

    Article 3

    Where the list of Appendix 1 provides that origin is conferred if the value of the non-originating materials used does not exceed a given percentage of the ex-works price of the products obtained, such percentage shall be calculated as follows:

    - ‘value’ means the customs value at the time of import of the non-originating materials used or, if this is not known and cannot be ascertained, the first ascertainable price paid for such materials in the country of processing,

    - ‘ex-works price’ means the ex-works price of the product obtained minus any internal taxes which are, or may be, repaid when such product is exported,

    - ‘value acquired as a result of assembly operations’ means the increase in value resulting from the assembly itself, together with any finishing and checking operations, and from the incorporation of any parts originating in the country where the operations in question were carried out, including profit and the general costs borne in that country as a result of the operations.

    Article 4

    1. Accessories, spare parts or tools delivered with any piece of equipment, machine, apparatus or vehicle which form part of its standard equipment shall be deemed to have the same origin as that piece of equipment, machine, apparatus or vehicle.

    2. Essential spare parts for use with any piece of equipment, machine, apparatus or vehicle previously imported in Russia shall be deemed to have the same origin as that piece of equipment, machine, apparatus or vehicle provided the conditions laid down in this Annex are fulfilled.

    Article 5

    The presumption of origin referred to in Article 4 of this Annex shall be accepted only:

    - if this is necessary for importation in Russia,

    - if the incorporation of the said essential spare parts in the piece of equipment, machine, apparatus or vehicle concerned at the production stage would not have prevented the piece of equipment, machine, apparatus or vehicle from having that origin.

    Article 6

    For the purposes of Article 4 of this Annex:

    (a) ‘piece of equipment, machine, apparatus or vehicle’ means goods listed in Sections XVI, XVII and XVIII of the Harmonised system;

    (b) ‘essential spare parts’ means parts which are:

    - components without which the proper operation of the goods referred to in (a) which have been imported or previously exported cannot be ensured, and

    - characteristic of those goods, and

    - intended for their normal maintenance and to replace parts of the same kind which are damaged or have become unserviceable.

    Article 7

    In case of the adoption of any legislation or amendment thereof by either Party regarding non-preferential rules of origin applicable to the covered products, and at the request of either Party, the Parties shall hold consultations with a view to examine whether it is appropriate to amend this Section of the Annex.

    Section 2

    Proof of origin

    Article 8

    1. Products of EU origin, as defined in Article 2 of this Agreement, to be exported into Russia within a compensation quota shall be accompanied by a certificate of EU origin conforming to the model in Appendix 2 to this Annex. Certificates of EU origin may be issued in any official language of the EU. However, where a certificate of origin has been issued in a language other than English, it shall include a translation into English.

    2. The certificate of origin shall be certified by the competent authorities or authorized agencies in the EU Member State of exportation (hereinafter referred to as "the competent EU organisations") as to whether the products in question can be considered products of EU origin in accordance with the provisions of Section 1 of this Annex.

    Article 9

    The certificate of origin shall be issued only on application in writing by the exporter or, under the exporter’s responsibility, by his authorised representative. The competent EU organisation shall ensure that the certificate of origin is properly completed and for this purpose they shall request any necessary documentary evidence or carry out any checking which they consider appropriate.

    Article 10

    The discovery of slight discrepancies between the statements made in the certificate of origin and those made in the documents produced to the Russian customs authorities for the purpose of carrying out the necessary formalities for importing the products shall not ipso facto cast doubt upon the statements in the certificate. The certificate of origin shall be accepted where it may be established that the documents submitted correspond to the products concerned. Obvious formal errors on a certificate of origin, such as typing errors, should not cause this document to be rejected if these errors are not such as to create doubts concerning the correctness of the statements made in that document.

    Article 11

    1. In the event of the theft, loss or destruction of a certificate of origin, the exporter may apply to the competent EU organisation which issued the document for a duplicate to be made out on the basis of the export documents in his possession. The duplicate of any such certificate or licence so issued shall bear the endorsement ‘duplicate’.

    2. The duplicate shall bear the date of the original certificate of origin.

    Section 3

    Mutual assistance

    Article 12

    In order to ensure the correct application of this Annex, the EU and Russia shall offer mutual assistance for the checking of the authenticity of the certificates of origin issued pursuant to this Agreement.

    Article 13

    The European Commission shall send to the Russian customs authorities the names and addresses of the competent EU organisations, together with specimens of the original stamps they use. The European Commission shall also notify the Russian customs authorities of any change in these particulars.

    Article 14

    1. Subsequent verification of certificates of origin shall be carried out at random, or whenever the Russian customs authorities have reasonable doubt as to the authenticity of the certificate or as to the accuracy of the information regarding the true origin of the products in question.

    2. In such cases, the Russian customs authorities shall return the certificate of origin or a copy thereof to the European Commission giving, where appropriate, the reasons of form or substance which justify an enquiry. If the invoice has been submitted, such invoice or a copy thereof shall be attached to the certificate or its copy. The Russian customs authorities shall also forward any information that has been obtained suggesting that the particulars given on the said certificate are inaccurate.

    3. Without prejudice to any relevant provision of supplementary Protocol agreed pursuant to Article 15 of this Annex, the results of the subsequent verifications carried out in accordance with paragraphs 1 and 2 of this Article shall be communicated to the Russian customs authorities normally in three months and in no case later than six months after the enquiry mentioned in paragraph 2 of this Article. The information communicated shall indicate whether the disputed certificate applies to the goods actually exported and whether these goods are eligible for export to Russia under the arrangements established by the Agreement. Subject to the protection of business confidential information, the information communicated shall also include, at the request of the Russian customs authority, copies of all the documentation necessary to fully determine the facts, and in particular the true origin of the goods.

    4. For the purpose of subsequent verification of certificates of origin, copies of the certificates as well as any export documents referring to them shall be kept by the competent EU organisations for at least three years following the end of the verification.

    5. Recourse to the verification procedure specified in this Article must not constitute an obstacle to the release for the importation of the products in question.

    Article 15

    More detailed provisions on the administrative cooperation regarding proof of origin between Russian customs authorities and competent EU organisations, as well as procedures for proof of origin, shall be established, as necessary, in a supplementary Protocol to this Agreement not later than 9 months after the entry into force of this Agreement.

    Appendix 1

    List of products and working or processing operations which confer EU originating status

    (1) HS | (2) Description of product | (3) Qualifying operation (Working or processing, carried out on non-originating materials, which confers EU originating status) |

    Ex 8482 | Ball, roller or needle roller bearings, assembled | Assembly preceded by heat treatment, grinding and polishing of the inner and outer rings |

    ex 8527 | Reception apparatus for radiobroadcasting, whether or not combined in the same housing with sound recording or reproducing apparatus or a clock | Manufacture where the increase in value acquired as a result of assembly operations and, if applicable, the incorporation of parts originating in the EU represents at least 45 % of the ex-works price of the products. |

    8542 | Integrated circuits | The operation of diffusion (where integrated circuits are formed on a semiconductor substrate by the selective introduction |

    ex 9401 | Ceramic seats (other than those falling within CN code 9402) whether or not convertible into beds and other furniture, and parts thereof, decorated | Decoration of the ceramic article concerned, provided this decoration has resulted in the classification of the products obtained in a tariff heading other than that covering the products used |

    Appendix 2


    1. Consignor/exporter (name and address) | 4. № ________ Certificate of origin Form |

    2. Consignee/importer (name and address) | Issued in ____________________________ (country) For submission to _________________________________ (country) |

    3. Means of transport and route (as far as known) | 5. For official use |

    6. № | 7. Number and kind of packages | 8. Description of goods | 9. Origin criterion | 10. Quantity of goods | 11. Number and date of invoice |

    12. Certification It is hereby certified, on the basis of control carried out, that the declaration by the applicant is correct …………………………………………. Signature Date Stamp | 13. Declaration by the applicant The undersigned hereby declares that the above details are correct: that all goods were produced or underwent sufficient processing in ____________________________________ (country) and that they comply with the origin requirements specified for this goods …………………………………………………… Signature Date Stamp |

    [1] OJ C , , p. .
