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Document 52003PC0693

Proposal for a Council Decision on a Community position in the Association Council on the implementation of Article 73 of the Euro-Mediterranean Agreement establishing an association between the European Communities and their Member States, on one part, and the State of Israel, on the other part

/* COM/2003/0693 final */


Proposal for a Council Decision on a Community position in the Association Council on the implementation of Article 73 of the Euro-Mediterranean Agreement establishing an association between the European Communities and their Member States, on one part, and the State of Israel, on the other part /* COM/2003/0693 final */

Proposal for a COUNCIL DECISION on a Community position in the Association Council on the implementation of Article 73 of the Euro-Mediterranean Agreement establishing an association between the European Communities and their Member States, on one part, and the State of Israel, on the other part

(presented by the Commission)


1. The Association Agreement forms the legal framework governing the bilateral relations between the European Union and Israel.

2. The conclusions of the Marseilles Conference in November 2000 emphasised the need to widen the objectives of the Euro-Mediterranean partnership and strengthen our relations with the Mediterranean countries in the framework of the association agreements. The action plan adopted in the ministerial Conference in Valencia in April 2002 foresees the rationalisation of their implementation. This also entails practical implications for the institutions implementing the agreements.

3. In Article 73 the Association Agreement provides for the setting up of the necessary bodies for its implementation. The institutions implementing the Euro-Mediterranean Agreements must be further developed to cope with the increasing technical complexity of the subjects in discussion. They also need to be brought into line with those of other international agreements concluded by the EU. In addition to this, the EU-Israel bilateral relations will develop towards accomplishing an overall partnership. This requires a coherent approach, which must be ensured by continuous close coordination of the constituent parties.

4. An institutional structure constituted by a number of subcommittees has been set up for the implementation of the Partnership and Cooperation Agreements between the EU and the Eastern European countries. Other Euro-Mediterranean partners have been asked to set up a similar institutional framework. In addition to this, the Association Agreement already foresees the creation of a number of subcommittees to provide support to the Association Council and the Association Committee in its implementation (Customs Cooperation Committee, economic dialogue, etc.).

5. Israel expressed its willingness to strengthen cooperation in the various areas covered by the provisions of the Association Agreement.

6. The Association Agreement between the EU and Israel entered into force on 1 June 2000 and foresees the establishment of a free trade area between the EU and Israel. In view of the above, the European Commission proposes to the Council that several subcommittees be set up to support the Association Council and Committee in the implementation of the Association Agreement. The subcommittees will discuss matter of a technical nature that cannot be fully dealt with in the framework of the Association Committees.

7. The eight subcommittees we propose will be entitled: (i) working party for social affairs (ii) internal market, (iii) industry, trade and services, (iv) transport, environment and energy, (v) research, innovation, education and culture, (vi) agriculture and fisheries, (vii) justice and security and (viii) regional cooperation. However, the subcommittees will only be activated subject to actual requirements expressed or existing in relation to the implementation of the EU-Israel Association Agreement.

8. The importance of regional cooperation has frequently been stressed in the framework of the Euro-Mediterranean partnership. The new EU 'wider Europe' policy provides a flexible framework for development of regional cooperation initiatives. Some of them have recently gained momentum. It is specifically important for a country of Israel's size to be part of a regional integrated area that will create the necessary economies of scale enabling investment and economic development. The regional cooperation subcommittee will be in charge of coordination and promotion of all regional matters dealt with in Article 44 of the Agreement.

9. As regards their organisation, the subcommittees will be chaired by the Commission pursuant to the Council decision of 25 March 2002. Under that decision, the justice and security subcommittee will be chaired, insofar as the EU is concerned, according to the same rules as apply to the Association Committee. In the event that the subject under discussion is outside the Community competencies a representative of the Council Presidency will chair the Committee and the position of the Member States. In the latter case, the Commission will be fully associated in the preparatory work and in the definition of the objectives of the meetings of the subcommittees.

10. The objective, the subjects covered by each subcommittee and the implementing procedures are contained in the rules of procedure annexed.

11. This proposal aims at clarifying the Community position in order to create a number of subcommittees for the implementation of the Association Agreement. The decision for the creation of the subcommittees should be announced by the EU-Israel Association Council on 18 November 2003.

Proposal for a COUNCIL DECISION on a Community position in the Association Council on the implementation of Article 73 of the Euro-Mediterranean Agreement establishing an association between the European Communities and their Member States, on one part, and the State of Israel, on the other part


Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Community, and in particular the second subparagraph of Article 300(2) thereof,

Having regard to the proposal from the Commission, [1]

[1] OJ C [...], [...], p. [...].


(1) The Euro-Mediterranean Agreement establishing an Association between the European Communities and their Member States, of the one part, and the State of Israel, of the other part, was concluded on 20 November 1995.

(2) Article 73 of that Agreement states that the Association Council may decide to set up any working group or body necessary for the implementation of the Agreement.


Sole Article

The position to be adopted by the Community in the Association Council established by the Euro-Mediterranean Agreement concluded between the European Communities and their Member States, of the one part, and the State of Israel, of the other part, on the implementation of Article 73 of the Agreement, shall be based on the draft Decision of the Association Council annexed to this Decision.

The subcommittees shall be chaired by a European Commission representative on behalf of the European Community and its Member States. The Member States shall be informed of and may participate in the meetings of the subcommittees in question.

A representative of the Council Presidency shall express the EU's position on matters relating to Titles V and VI of the Treaty on European Union. The Commission shall be fully involved in the preparatory work and in setting the objectives of subcommittee meetings.

Done at Brussels, [...]

For the Council

The President




Setting up Association Committee subcommittees

The EU-Israel Association Council,

Having regard to the Euro-Mediterranean Agreement establishing an Association between the European Communities and their Member States, of the one part, and the State of Israel, of the other part,


(1) A free trade area has been established between the EU and Israel.

(2) The EU's relations with the southern Mediterranean countries are becoming increasingly complex as a result of the implementation of the Euro-Mediterranean Agreements and the continuation of the Euro-Mediterranean partnership.

(3) Article 73 of the Agreement provides for the setting up of the working groups or bodies necessary for the implementation of the Agreement,


Sole Article

The subcommittees of the EU-Israel Association Committee listed in Annex 1 are hereby set up and the rules of procedure of those subcommittees in Annex 2 hereby adopted.

The subcommittees shall work under the authority of the Association Committee, to which they shall report after each of their meetings. The above-mentioned subcommittees shall have no decision-making power.

The Association Committee shall take any other action needed to ensure that they operate properly and inform the Association Council accordingly.

The Association Council may decide to set up further subcommittees or groups or to abolish existing subcommittees or groups.

This decision shall enter into force on the day of its adoption.

Done at Brussels, [...]

For the Association Council




(1) Social Affairs

(2) Internal market

(3) Industry, trade and services

(4) Transport, environment and energy

(5) Research, innovation, education and culture

(6) Agriculture and fisheries

(7) Justice and security

(8) Regional cooperation

In view of their importance as an essential element of the Association Agreement, human rights and democracy issues will be discussed with the appropriate attention in the various forums set up under the Agreement. If the parties so decide and in the context of strengthening of their cooperation, these issues will also be dealt with by a subcommittee of the Association Committee or by a specific group.


EU-Israel Subcommittee Number 1

Social Affairs

1. Composition and chair

The subcommittee shall be composed of representatives of the European Community and its Member States and representatives of the Government of Israel. It shall be chaired alternately by the two parties.

2. Role

The subcommittee shall work under the authority of the Association Committee, to which it shall report after each meeting. The subcommittee does not have any decision-making power but may submit proposals to the Association Committee.

3. Subject matter

The subcommittee shall discuss the implementation of the Association Agreement in the areas listed below. In particular, it shall assess progress as regards law approximation, implementation and enforcement. Where relevant, co-operation in public administration matters shall be discussed. The subcommittee shall examine any problems that may arise in the sectors listed below and shall suggest possible steps to be undertaken.

3.a - Unemployment, reintegration of people with disabilities

3.b - Equal opportunities and professional training

3.c - Work relations, safety and hygiene in the workplace

3.d - Movement of workers

3.e - Fields of mutual interest concerning immigration policies

3.f - Coordination of social security systems.

The above list is not exhaustive and other subjects may be added by the Association Committee.

The subcommittee may discuss matters relating to one, several or all of the above sectors.

4. Secretariat

An official of the European Commission and an official of the Government of Israel shall act jointly as permanent secretaries of the subcommittee.

All communications concerning the subcommittee shall be forwarded to the secretaries.

5. Meetings

The subcommittee shall meet whenever circumstances require. A meeting may be convened on the basis of a request from either party, channelled through their secretary, who will pass the request onto the other party. Upon receipt of a request for a subcommittee meeting, the secretary of the other party shall reply within fifteen working days.

In cases of particular urgency, subcommittees may be convened at shorter notice subject to the agreement of both parties. All requests to convene meetings should be in writing.

Each meeting of the subcommittee shall be held at a time and place agreed by both parties.

The meetings shall be convened by the secretary in charge in agreement with the chair. Before each meeting, the chair will be informed of the intended composition of the delegation of each party.

If both parties agree, the subcommittee may invite experts to its meetings to provide the specific information so requested.

6. Agenda of the meetings

All requests for items to be included in the subcommittee agenda shall be forwarded to the secretaries.

A provisional agenda will be drawn up by the chair for each meeting. It shall be forwarded by the secretary in charge to his or her counterpart not later than ten days before the beginning of the meeting.

The provisional agenda shall include the items in respect of which the secretaries have received a request for inclusion in the agenda no later than fifteen days before the beginning of the meeting. Supporting documentation must be received by both parties at least seven days ahead of the meeting. To take account of urgent matters, these time limits may be shortened provided both parties agree.

The agenda shall be adopted by the subcommittee at the beginning of each meeting.

7. Minutes

Minutes shall be taken and agreed by both secretaries after each meeting. A copy of the minutes, including the subcommittee's proposals, shall be forwarded by the secretaries of the subcommittee to the secretaries and chair of the Association Committee.

8. Publicity

Unless otherwise decided, the meetings of the subcommittee shall not be public.

Rules of procedure

EU-Israel Subcommittee No 2

Internal market

1. Composition and chair

The subcommittee shall be composed of representatives of the European Community and its Member States and representatives of the Government of Israel. It shall be chaired alternately by the two parties.

2. Role

The subcommittee shall work under the authority of the Association Committee, to which it shall report after each meeting. The subcommittee does not have any decision-making power but may submit proposals to the Association Committee.

3. Subject matter

The subcommittee shall discuss the implementation of the Association Agreement in the areas listed below. In particular, it shall assess progress as regards law approximation, implementation and enforcement. Where relevant, co-operation in public administration matters shall be discussed. The subcommittee shall examine any problems that may arise in the sectors listed below and shall suggest possible steps to be undertaken.

3.a- Technical regulations, normalisation and conformity assessment

3.b- Competition law, state aid and public markets

3.c- Intellectual, industrial and commercial property rights

The above list is not exhaustive and other subjects may be added by the Association Committee.

The subcommittee may discuss matters relating to one, several or all of the above sectors.

4. Secretariat

An official of the European Commission and an official of the Government of Israel shall act jointly as permanent secretaries of the subcommittee.

All communications concerning the subcommittee shall be forwarded to the secretaries.

5. Meetings

The subcommittee shall meet whenever circumstances require. A meeting may be convened on the basis of a request from either party, channelled through their secretary, who will pass the request onto the other party. Upon receipt of a request for a subcommittee meeting, the secretary of the other party shall reply within 15 working days.

In cases of particular urgency, subcommittees may be convened at shorter notice subject to the agreement of both parties. All requests to convene meetings should be in writing.

Each meeting of the subcommittee shall be held at a time and place agreed by both parties.

The meetings shall be convened by the secretary in charge in agreement with the chair. Before each meeting, the chair will be informed of the intended composition of the delegation of each party.

If both parties agree, the subcommittee may invite experts to its meetings to provide the specific information so requested.

6. Agenda of the meetings

All requests for items to be included in the subcommittee agenda shall be forwarded to the secretaries.

A provisional agenda will be drawn up by the chair for each meeting. It shall be forwarded by the secretary in charge to his or her counterpart not later than ten days before the beginning of the meeting.

The provisional agenda shall include the items in respect of which the secretaries have received a request for inclusion in the agenda no later than fifteen days before the beginning of the meeting. Supporting documentation must be received by both parties at least seven days ahead of the meeting. To take account of urgent matters, these time limits may be shortened provided both parties agree.

The agenda shall be adopted by the subcommittee at the beginning of each meeting.

7. Minutes

Minutes shall be taken and agreed by both secretaries after each meeting. A copy of the minutes, including the subcommittee's proposals, shall be forwarded by the secretaries of the subcommittee to the secretaries and chair of the Association Committee.

8. Publicity

Unless otherwise decided, the meetings of the subcommittee shall not be public.

Rules of procedure

EU-Israel Subcommittee No 3

Industry Trade and Services

1. Composition and chair

The subcommittee shall be composed of representatives of the European Community and its Member States and representatives of the Government of Israel. It shall be chaired alternately by the two parties.

2. Role

The subcommittee shall work under the authority of the Association Committee, to which it shall report after each meeting. The subcommittee does not have any decision-making power but may submit proposals to the Association Committee.

3. Subject matter

The subcommittee shall discuss the implementation of the Association Agreement in the areas listed below. In particular, it shall assess progress as regards law approximation, implementation and enforcement. Where relevant, cooperation in public administration matters shall be discussed. The subcommittee shall examine any problems that may arise in the sectors listed below and shall suggest possible steps to be undertaken.

3.a- Industrial cooperation, as described in Article 45 of the Association Agreement

3.b- Trade issues

3.c- Services, including financial and postal

3.d- Tourism

3.e- Right of establishment of companies

The above list is not exhaustive and other subjects may be added by the Association Committee.

The subcommittee may discuss matters relating to one, several or all of the above sectors.

4. Secretariat

An official of the European Commission and an official of the Government of Israel shall act jointly as permanent secretaries of the subcommittee.

All communications concerning the subcommittee shall be forwarded to the secretaries.

5. Meetings

The subcommittee shall meet whenever circumstances require. A meeting may be convened on the basis of a request from either party, channelled through their secretary, who will pass the request onto the other party. Upon receipt of a request for a subcommittee meeting, the secretary of the other party shall reply within fifteen working days.

In cases of particular urgency, subcommittees may be convened at shorter notice subject to the agreement of both parties. All requests to convene meetings should be in writing.

Each meeting of the subcommittee shall be held at a time and place agreed by both parties.

The meetings shall be convened by the secretary in charge in agreement with the chair. Before each meeting, the chair will be informed of the intended composition of the delegation of each party.

If both parties agree, the subcommittee may invite experts to its meetings to provide the specific information so requested.

6. Agenda of the meetings

All requests for items to be included in the subcommittee agenda shall be forwarded to the secretaries.

A provisional agenda will be drawn up by the chair for each meeting. It shall be forwarded by the secretary in charge to his or her counterpart not later than ten days before the beginning of the meeting.

The provisional agenda shall include the items in respect of which the secretaries have received a request for inclusion in the agenda no later than fifteen days before the beginning of the meeting. Supporting documentation must be received by both parties at least seven days ahead of the meeting. To take account of urgent matters, these time limits may be shortened provided both parties agree.

The agenda shall be adopted by the subcommittee at the beginning of each meeting.

7. Minutes

Minutes shall be taken and agreed by both secretaries after each meeting. A copy of the minutes, including the subcommittee's proposals, shall be forwarded by the secretaries of the subcommittee to the secretaries and chair of the Association Committee.

8. Publicity

Unless otherwise decided, the meetings of the subcommittee shall not be public.

Rules of procedure

EU-Israel Subcommittee No 4

Transport, environment and energy

1. Composition and chair

The subcommittee shall be composed of representatives of the European Community and its Member States and representatives of the Government of Israel. It shall be chaired alternately by the two parties.

2. Role

The subcommittee shall work under the authority of the Association Committee, to which it shall report after each meeting. The subcommittee does not have any decision-making power but may submit proposals to the Association Committee.

3. Subject matter

The subcommittee shall discuss the implementation of the Association Agreement in the areas listed below. In particular, it shall assess progress as regards law approximation, implementation and enforcement and the integration of environment policy in all areas of the Association Agreement. Where relevant, cooperation in public administration matters shall be discussed. The subcommittee shall examine any problems that may arise in the sectors listed below and shall suggest possible steps to be undertaken.

3.a- Transport: including development of infrastructure (in particular interconnections), opening up of markets, security and safety in maritime and air transport, standardisation of technical equipment, improvements to the multimodal system and strengthening subregional cooperation.

3.b- Environment: including increasing environmental protection capacity in the priority areas specified in the Association Agreement (desertification, water, waste, salinisation, education, agriculture, etc.) and in the Short and Medium-Term Priority Environmental Action Programme (SMAP) and integration of the environmental dimension in the priority sectors of the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership with a view to sustainable development.

3.c- Energy: including development of infrastructure (in particular interconnections), opening up of markets and development of the gas market, security of supply, safety of energy infrastructure, cooperation and research in renewable energies, cooperation in information exchange and strengthening of subregional cooperation.

The above list is not exhaustive and other subjects may be added by the Association Committee.

The subcommittee may discuss matters relating to one, several or all of the above sectors.

4. Secretariat

An official of the European Commission and an official of the Government of Israel shall act jointly as permanent secretaries of the subcommittee.

All communications concerning the subcommittee shall be forwarded to the secretaries.

5. Meetings

The subcommittee shall meet whenever circumstances require. A meeting may be convened on the basis of a request from either party, channelled through their secretary, who will pass the request onto the other party. Upon receipt of a request for a subcommittee meeting, the secretary of the other party shall reply within fifteen working days.

In cases of particular urgency, subcommittees may be convened at shorter notice subject to the agreement of both parties. All requests to convene meetings should be in writing.

Each meeting of the subcommittee shall be held at a time and place agreed by both parties.

The meetings shall be convened by the secretary in charge in agreement with the chair. Before each meeting, the chair will be informed of the intended composition of the delegation of each party.

If both parties agree, the subcommittee may invite experts to its meetings to provide the specific information so requested.

6. Agenda of the meetings

All requests for items to be included in the subcommittee agenda shall be forwarded to the secretaries.

A provisional agenda will be drawn up by the chair for each meeting. It shall be forwarded by the secretary in charge to his or her counterpart not later than ten days before the beginning of the meeting.

The provisional agenda shall include the items in respect of which the secretaries have received a request for inclusion in the agenda no later than fifteen days before the beginning of the meeting. Supporting documentation must be received by both parties at least seven days ahead of the meeting. To take account of urgent matters, these time limits may be shortened provided both parties agree.

The agenda shall be adopted by the subcommittee at the beginning of each meeting.

7. Minutes

Minutes shall be taken and agreed by both secretaries after each meeting. A copy of the minutes, including the subcommittee's proposals, shall be forwarded by the secretaries of the subcommittee to the secretaries and chair of the Association Committee.

8. Publicity

Unless otherwise decided, the meetings of the subcommittee shall not be public.

Rules of procedure

EU-Israel Subcommittee No 5

Research, Innovation, Education and Culture

1. Composition and chair

The subcommittee shall be composed of representatives of the European Community and its Member States and representatives of the Government of Israel. It shall be chaired alternately by the two parties.

2. Role

The subcommittee shall work under the authority of the Association Committee, to which it shall report after each meeting. The subcommittee does not have any decision-making power but may submit proposals to the Association Committee.

3. Subject matter

The subcommittee shall discuss the implementation of the Association Agreement in the areas listed below. In particular, it shall assess progress as regards law approximation, implementation and enforcement. Where relevant, cooperation in public administration matters shall be discussed. The subcommittee shall examine any problems that may arise in the sectors listed below and shall suggest possible steps to be undertaken.

3.a- Development of institutional capacities relating to science, technology and innovation, in particular those capacities in the use of S&T research findings by industry and SMEs together with follow-up of the agreement involving Israel in the RTD Framework Programme.

3.b- Telecommunications and information technology

3.c- Cooperation in the field of education, training and youth exchanges

3.d- Cultural cooperation

3.e- Audio-visual, information and communication policies.

The above list is not exhaustive and other subjects may be added by the Association Committee.

The subcommittee may discuss matters relating to one, several or all of the above sectors.

4. Secretariat

An official of the European Commission and an official of the Government of Israel shall act jointly as permanent secretaries of the subcommittee.

All communications concerning the subcommittee shall be forwarded to the secretaries.

5. Meetings

The subcommittee shall meet whenever circumstances require. A meeting may be convened on the basis of a request from either party, channelled through their secretary, who will pass the request onto the other party. Upon receipt of a request for a subcommittee meeting, the secretary of the other party shall reply within fifteen working days.

In cases of particular urgency, subcommittees may be convened at shorter notice subject to the agreement of both parties. All requests to convene meetings should be in writing.

Each meeting of the subcommittee shall be held at a time and place agreed by both parties.

The meetings shall be convened by the secretary in charge in agreement with the chair. Before each meeting, the chair will be informed of the intended composition of the delegation of each party.

If both parties agree, the subcommittee may invite experts to its meetings to provide the specific information so requested.

6. Agenda of the meetings

All requests for items to be included in the subcommittee agenda shall be forwarded to the secretaries.

A provisional agenda will be drawn up by the chair for each meeting. It shall be forwarded by the secretary in charge to his or her counterpart not later than ten days before the beginning of the meeting.

The provisional agenda shall include the items in respect of which the secretaries have received a request for inclusion in the agenda no later than fifteen days before the beginning of the meeting. Supporting documentation must be received by both parties at least seven days ahead of the meeting. To take account of urgent matters, these time limits may be shortened provided both parties agree.

The agenda shall be adopted by the subcommittee at the beginning of each meeting.

7. Minutes

Minutes shall be taken and agreed by both secretaries after each meeting. A copy of the minutes, including the subcommittee's proposals, shall be forwarded by the secretaries of the subcommittee to the secretaries and chair of the Association Committee.

8. Publicity

Unless otherwise decided, the meetings of the subcommittee shall not be public.

Rules of procedure

EU-Israel Subcommittee No 6


1. Composition and chair

The subcommittee shall be composed of representatives of the European Community and its Member States and representatives of the Government of Israel. It shall be chaired alternately by the two parties.

2. Role

The subcommittee shall work under the authority of the Association Committee, to which it shall report after each meeting. The subcommittee does not have any decision-making power but may submit proposals to the Association Committee.

3. Subject matter

The subcommittee shall discuss the implementation of the Association Agreement in the areas listed below. In particular, it shall assess progress as regards law approximation, implementation and enforcement. Where relevant, co-operation in public administration matters shall be discussed. The subcommittee shall examine any problems that may arise in the sectors listed below and shall suggest possible steps to be undertaken.

3.a- Agriculture diversification and respect for the environment

3.b- Agriculture cooperation between business, groups and organisations

3.c- Phytosanitary and veterinary standards

3.d- Integrated rural development

3.e- Cooperation between rural areas

The above list is not exhaustive and other subjects may be added by the Association Committee.

The subcommittee may discuss matters relating to one, several or all of the above sectors.

4. Secretariat

An official of the European Commission and an official of the Government of Israel shall act jointly as permanent secretaries of the subcommittee.

All communications concerning the subcommittee shall be forwarded to the secretaries.

5. Meetings

The subcommittee shall meet whenever circumstances require. A meeting may be convened on the basis of a request from either party, channelled through their secretary, who will pass the request onto the other party. Upon receipt of a request for a subcommittee meeting, the secretary of the other party shall reply within fifteen working days.

In cases of particular urgency, subcommittees may be convened at shorter notice subject to the agreement of both parties. All requests to convene meetings should be in writing.

Each meeting of the subcommittee shall be held at a time and place agreed by both parties.

The meetings shall be convened by the secretary in charge in agreement with the chair. Before each meeting, the chair will be informed of the intended composition of the delegation of each party.

If both parties agree, the subcommittee may invite experts to its meetings to provide the specific information so requested.

6. Agenda of the meetings

All requests for items to be included in the subcommittee agenda shall be forwarded to the secretaries.

A provisional agenda will be drawn up by the chair for each meeting. It shall be forwarded by the secretary in charge to his or her counterpart not later than ten days before the beginning of the meeting.

The provisional agenda shall include the items in respect of which the secretaries have received a request for inclusion in the agenda no later than fifteen days before the beginning of the meeting. Supporting documentation must be received by both parties at least seven days ahead of the meeting. To take account of urgent matters, these time limits may be shortened provided both parties agree.

The agenda shall be adopted by the subcommittee at the beginning of each meeting.

7. Minutes

Minutes shall be taken and agreed by both secretaries after each meeting. A copy of the minutes, including the subcommittee's proposals, shall be forwarded by the secretaries of the subcommittee to the secretaries and chair of the Association Committee.

8. Publicity

Unless otherwise decided, the meetings of the subcommittee shall not be public.

Rules of procedure

EU-Israel Subcommittee No 7

Justice and Security

1. Composition and chair

The subcommittee shall be composed of representatives of the European Commission and its Member States and representatives of the Government of Israel. It shall be chaired alternately by the two parties.

2. Role

The subcommittee shall work under the authority of the Association Committee, to which it shall report after each meeting. The subcommittee does not have any decision-making power but may submit proposals to the Association Committee.

3. Subject matter

The subcommittee shall discuss the implementation of the Association Agreement in the areas listed below. In particular, it shall assess progress as regards law approximation, implementation and enforcement. Where relevant, cooperation in public administration matters shall be discussed. The subcommittee shall examine any problems that may arise in the sectors listed below and shall suggest possible steps to be undertaken.

3.a- Cooperation on justice

3.b- Judicial cooperation in civil and criminal matters

3.c- Drugs

3.d- Organised crime, including trafficking of human beings, illegal immigration, terrorism, corruption and money laundering.

The above list is not exhaustive and other subjects may be added by the Association Committee.

The subcommittee may discuss matters relating to one, several or all of the above sectors.

4. Secretariat

An official of the European Commission and an official of the Government of Israel shall act jointly as permanent secretaries of the subcommittee.

All communications concerning the subcommittee shall be forwarded to the secretaries.

5. Meetings

The subcommittee shall meet whenever circumstances require. A meeting may be convened on the basis of a request from either party, channelled through their secretary, who will pass the request onto the other party. Upon receipt of a request for a subcommittee meeting, the secretary of the other party shall reply within fifteen working days.

In cases of particular urgency, subcommittees may be convened at shorter notice subject to the agreement of both parties. All requests to convene meetings should be in writing.

Each meeting of the subcommittee shall be held at a time and place agreed by both parties.

The meetings shall be convened by the secretary in charge in agreement with the chair. Before each meeting, the chair will be informed of the intended composition of the delegation of each party.

If both parties agree, the subcommittee may invite experts to its meetings to provide the specific information so requested.

6. Agenda of the meetings

All requests for items to be included in the subcommittee agenda shall be forwarded to the secretaries.

A provisional agenda will be drawn up by the chair for each meeting. It shall be forwarded by the secretary in charge to his or her counterpart not later than ten days before the beginning of the meeting.

The provisional agenda shall include the items in respect of which the secretaries have received a request for inclusion in the agenda no later than fifteen days before the beginning of the meeting. Supporting documentation must be received by both parties at least seven days ahead of the meeting. To take account of urgent matters, these time limits may be shortened provided both parties agree.

The agenda shall be adopted by the subcommittee at the beginning of each meeting.

7. Minutes

Minutes shall be taken and agreed by both secretaries after each meeting. A copy of the minutes, including the subcommittee's proposals, shall be forwarded by the secretaries of the subcommittee to the secretaries and chair of the Association Committee.

8. Publicity

Unless otherwise decided, the meetings of the subcommittee shall not be public.

Rules of procedure

EU-Israel Subcommittee No 8

Regional Cooperation

1. Composition and chair

The subcommittee shall be composed of representatives of the European Community and its Member States and representatives of the Government of Israel. It shall be chaired alternately by the two parties.

2. Role

The subcommittee shall work under the authority of the Association Committee, to which it shall report after each meeting. The subcommittee does not have any decision-making power but may submit proposals to the Association Committee.

3. Subject matter

The subcommittee shall discuss the implementation of the Association Agreement in the areas listed below. In particular, it shall assess progress as regards law approximation, implementation and enforcement. Where relevant, cooperation in public administration matters shall be discussed. The subcommittee shall examine any problems that may arise in the sectors listed below and shall suggest possible steps to be undertaken.

3.a- Regional integration initiatives

3.b- Development of economic infrastructures including water, energy, transport and the environment

3.c- Regional cooperation on issues covered by the subcommittee for justice and security

3.d- Coordination of regional matters from the other subcommittees.

3.e- Scientific and technological research

The above list is not exhaustive and other subjects may be added by the Association Committee.

The subcommittee may discuss matters relating to one, several or all of the above sectors.

4. Secretariat

An official of the European Commission and an official of the Government of Israel shall act jointly as permanent secretaries of the subcommittee.

All communications concerning the subcommittee shall be forwarded to the secretaries.

5. Meetings

The subcommittee shall meet whenever circumstances require. A meeting may be convened on the basis of a request from either party, channelled through their secretary, who will pass the request onto the other party. Upon receipt of a request for a subcommittee meeting, the secretary of the other party shall reply within fifteen working days.

In cases of particular urgency, subcommittees may be convened at shorter notice subject to the agreement of both parties. All requests to convene meetings should be in writing.

Each meeting of the subcommittee shall be held at a time and place agreed by both parties.

The meetings shall be convened by the secretary in charge in agreement with the chair. Before each meeting, the chair will be informed of the intended composition of the delegation of each party.

If both parties agree, the subcommittee may invite experts to its meetings to provide the specific information so requested.

6. Agenda of the meetings

All requests for items to be included in the subcommittee agenda shall be forwarded to the secretaries.

A provisional agenda will be drawn up by the chair for each meeting. It shall be forwarded by the secretary in charge to his or her counterpart not later than ten days before the beginning of the meeting.

The provisional agenda shall include the items in respect of which the secretaries have received a request for inclusion in the agenda no later than fifteen days before the beginning of the meeting. Supporting documentation must be received by both parties at least seven days ahead of the meeting. To take account of urgent matters, these time limits may be shortened provided both parties agree.

The agenda shall be adopted by the subcommittee at the beginning of each meeting.

7. Minutes

Minutes shall be taken and agreed by both secretaries after each meeting. A copy of the minutes, including the subcommittee's proposals, shall be forwarded by the secretaries of the subcommittee to the secretaries and chair of the Association Committee.

8. Publicity

Unless otherwise decided, the meetings of the subcommittee shall not be public.
