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Document 52021SC0623

    COMMISSION STAFF WORKING DOCUMENT IMPACT ASSESSMENT REPORT Accompanying the Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on energy efficiency (recast)

    SWD/2021/623 final

    Brussels, 14.7.2021

    SWD(2021) 623 final



    Accompanying the

    Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council

    on energy efficiency (recast)

    {COM(2021) 558 final} - {SEC(2021) 558 final} - {SWD(2021) 624 final} - {SWD(2021) 625 final} - {SWD(2021) 626 final} - {SWD(2021) 627 final}



    1.1.The political context

    1.2.The importance of energy efficiency

    1.3.The role of the EED and interlinkages with key related legislation

    1.4.Governance of the Energy Union and Climate Action

    1.5.The revision of the EED as part of the ‘Fit for 55’ package

    2.Problem definition

    2.1.The problem

    2.2.The drivers

    2.3.How will the problem evolve?

    3.Why should the EU act?

    3.1.Legal basis

    3.2.Subsidiarity: Necessity of EU action

    3.3.Subsidiarity: Added value of EU action

    4.Objectives: What is to be achieved?

    4.1.General objectives

    4.2.Specific objectives

    5.What are the available policy options?

    5.1.What is the baseline from which options are assessed?

    5.2.Description of the policy options

    5.3.From options to scenarios that build on the Climate Target Plan

    5.4.Scenarios discarded at an early stage

    6.What are the impacts of the scenarios and policy options?

    6.1.How the assessment is carried out

    6.2.Summary of quantitative results

    6.3.Assessment of policy options

    7.How do the options compare?

    7.1.How do the policy options compare?


    8.Preferred option

    9.How will actual impacts be monitored and evaluated?

    Annex AProcedural information

    Annex BStakeholder consultation

    Annex CWho is affected and how?

    Annex DKey CTP findings input to the “fit for 55” IAs

    Annex EAnalytical methods

    Annex FMain elements of the EED

    Annex GUnderachievement of targets

    Annex HEnergy savings potentials

    Annex IMechanism to reduce energy consumption

    Annex JEnergy savings obligation

    Annex KWhite Certificate Schemes under Article 7 EED

    Annex LImpacts on energy poverty

    Annex MOther relevant legislation and policy areas

    Annex NEstimated administrative costs

    Annex OThe SME Test – Summary of results



    Meaning or definition


    Buildings Performance Institute Europe


    Baseline scenario


    Cost Benefit Assessment


    Council of European Energy Regulators


    Combined Heat and Power (generation)


    Climate Target Plan


    Distribution System Operator


    Energy Efficiency


    Energy Efficiency Directive


    Energy Efficiency First


    Energy Efficiency Obligation Schemes


    Energy Performance of Buildings Directive


    Energy Performance Contract


    Energy Savings Obligation


    Effort Sharing Regulation


    European Council


    European Union


    Emissions Trading System


    Final Energy Consumption


    Fit for 55 package


    Full Time Equivalent


    Gross Domestic Product


    An applied General Equilibrium Model


    Greenhouse Gas


    Green Public Procurement


    Impact Assessment


    Information and Communications Technology


    International Energy Agency


    Joint Research Centre of the European Commission


    Long-Term Renovation Strategies


    Land use, land use change and forestry


    Member States


    Million Tonnes of Oil Equivalent


    National Energy and Climate Plan


    Nearly Zero Energy Building


    Public Consultation


    Primary Energy Consumption


    Primary Energy Factor


    An energy system model (Price-Induced Market Equilibrium System)


    Renewable Energy Directive


    Regulatory Scrutiny Board


    Small and medium sized enterprise


    Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union


    Transmission System Operator


    Meaning or definition


    Energy savings under EED Article 7 must be in addition to those that would have occurred in any event without the activity of the obligated, participating or entrusted parties, or implementing public authorities. Savings resulting from the implementation of mandatory Union law are considered savings that would have occurred in any event and thus cannot be claimed as energy savings for the purpose of Article 7(1). 


    Cogeneration, also called combined heat and power (CHP) is the simultaneous production of electricity and useful heat.

    District heating

    District heating is a system for distributing heat generated in a centralised location through a system of insulated pipes for residential and commercial heating requirements such as space and water heating.

    Energy Performance Contract

    An Energy Performance Contract (EPC) is a mechanism for an external organisation to finance energy saving capital investments from future energy savings.

    Energy service

    Energy service means the physical benefit, utility or good derived from a combination of energy with energy-efficient technology or with action, which may include the operations, maintenance and control necessary to deliver the service, which is delivered on the basis of a contract and in normal circumstances has proven to result in verifiable and measurable or estimable energy efficiency improvement or primary energy savings

    Final Energy Consumption

    Final energy consumption is the total energy consumed by end users, such as households, industry and agriculture. It is the energy which reaches the final consumer's door and excludes that which is used by the energy sector itself.

    Primary Energy Consumption

    Primary energy consumption measures the total energy demand of a country. It covers consumption of the energy sector itself, losses during transformation and distribution of energy. It excludes energy carriers used for non-energy purposes (such as petroleum not used not for combustion but for producing plastics).

    Rebound effects

    The rebound effect is the reduction in expected gains from new technologies that increase the efficiency of resource use, because of behavioural or other systemic responses. These responses diminish the beneficial effects of the new technology or other measures taken.


    1.1.The political context

    With the adoption of the European Green Deal in December 2019 1 , the Commission set out "a new growth strategy that aims to transform the EU into a fair and prosperous society, with a modern, resource-efficient and competitive economy where there are no net emissions of greenhouse gases in 2050 and where economic growth is decoupled from resource use. It also aims to protect, conserve and enhance the EU's natural capital, and protect the health and well-being of citizens from environment-related risks and impacts”. To reach these objectives, “energy efficiency must be prioritised”. 

    At that occasion, the Commission also announced that it would present an impact-assessed plan to increase the EU’s greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reduction target for 2030 in a responsible way, and committed to “review and propose to revise, where necessary, the relevant energy legislation by June 2021 2 .

    In March 2020, the Commission made a proposal for a European Climate Law 3 , and in September 2020, it presented a Climate Target Plan (CTP) for 2030 4 , emphasising the need for a higher contribution of energy efficiency and renewable energy to enable achievement of a net 55% GHG emission reduction most cost-effectively. This is also in line with the Paris Agreement objective to keep the global temperature increase to well below 2°C and pursue efforts to keep it to 1.5°C. The accompanying Impact Assessment (CTP IA) explored the achievability of the higher targets and the contributions of different instruments, including for energy efficiency, to achieve them.

    In December 2020, the European Council’s conclusions 5 noted that “To meet the objective of a climate-neutral EU by 2050 in line with the objectives of the Paris Agreement, the EU needs to increase its ambition for the coming decade and update its climate and energy policy framework. (…) To that end, the European Council endorses a binding EU target of a net domestic reduction of at least 55% in greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 compared to 1990.” Moreover, it is noted that: “climate ambition will be raised in a manner that will spur sustainable economic growth, create jobs, deliver health and environmental benefits for EU citizens, and contribute to the long-term global competitiveness of the EU economy by promoting innovation in green technologies”.

    On 22 April 2021, the European Parliament and the Council came to a provisional political agreement to achieve at least a 55% reduction in GHG emissions by 2030. This sets the framework for action to reduce GHG emissions over the coming decades, but needs to be implemented through specific legislation to ensure those reductions occur.

    For that purpose, in its 2021 Work Programme 6 the Commission announced the preparation of a ‘Fit for 55’ package for the second quarter of 2021. This package covers a wide range of policy areas, including the revision of the Energy Efficiency Directive (EED 7 ).

    This impact assessment examines the options for revising the EED taking into account the other relevant elements of the package (see section 1.5).

    1.2.The importance of energy efficiency 

    The importance of energy efficiency is illustrated by the EU’s long-standing policy for saving energy and promoting energy efficiency 8 , and has also come to the fore as a key element for achieving the EU’s climate objectives and a cost-effective clean energy transition. This is because combustion of fuel for energy contributes about 75% of EU GHG 9 emissions, coming from energy industries, energy users in the residential sector and transport (see Figure 1 ). Reducing those emissions is necessary for achieving EU climate goals for 2030 and 2050, as examined in the CTP IA, a view which is supported by 85% of respondents from all stakeholder groups that responded to the Public Consultation (PC) for the revision of the EED 10 . A majority of respondents also support a revision of the EED to achieve this.

    Reducing energy use is also important for many other reasons 11 ; it reduces the EU’s energy import dependence and improves energy security; it contributes to improved air quality, reduced environmental damage from materials extraction, resource efficiency and a circular economy; it supports energy system integration, has positive effects on social issues, including the alleviation of energy poverty and the creation of jobs, ; and encourages innovation and supports and facilitates economic growth 12 . Most of these co-benefits are difficult to quantify, but its positive effects are well known to Member States, stakeholders and experts in general and they are perceived to the society at large. Efforts have been made to also come to the quantification of these benefits 13 .

    Figure 1: Greenhouse gas emissions by main activity (2017) 14

    As illustrated in Figure 2 , energy-related GHG emissions can be reduced by a combination of using less energy and shifting towards the supply of less GHG-intense energy.

    Figure 2: The contribution of energy efficiency to GHG emissions reduction.

    Figure 2: The contribution of energy efficiency to GHG emissions reduction. Figure 2 also indicates the main EU legislation that is driving changes in these two areas. GHG intensity is reduced by influencing energy supply through promoting renewable energy (e.g. through the Renewable Energy Directive 15 ), and influencing demand through GHG-differentiated pricing measures (e.g. the Emission Trading System 16 (ETS) or the Energy Taxation Directive (ETD) 17 ) and regulations (e.g. of light vehicles encouraging electrification).

    The main ways that EU legislation is driving less energy use are by more energy efficient products (e.g. through the ecodesign framework), more energy efficient buildings (e.g. through the building-related provisions and legislation), more energy efficient vehicles (e.g. through road vehicle CO2 regulation), pricing measures (e.g. through the ETS) and better information on energy saving opportunities (e.g. through energy performance certificates and energy labelling and actions for energy efficiency financing).

    The role of this legislation – as well as that of the main other EU policies and legislation that can have an impact on energy use and may contribute to the EED’s overall energy efficiency target – is described in more detail in Error! Reference source not found..

    As the key legislation impacting the level of GHG emissions from energy, most of these instruments are being revised as part of the ‘Fit for 55' package in a coherent and consistent way. The next section looks in more detail at this legislation and how it interacts with, complements and is complemented by, the EED.

    1.3.The role of the EED and interlinkages with key related legislation

    Reducing energy use and the role of the EED

    Society’s use of energy is largely driven by the size of its population and the level of economic activity and has tended to grow over time. This growth in energy use is offset by technical improvements leading to higher energy efficiency. The natural rate at which energy efficiency improves has been speeded up by the implementation of minimum performance standards that eliminate the worst performers from the market. This primarily relates to new goods (i.e. products 18 , vehicles 19 , buildings 20 ) and services. Innovation is further stimulated by providing information such as labels 21 to show the differing performance and encourage economic actors to compete with increasingly more energy efficient offerings.

    The impact of these standards and labels is determined by the rate of replacement (or upgrade) of the products they apply to. These rates vary enormously (e.g. 1% per year energy renovation of buildings 22 , 6% per year for cars 23 , every 21 months for smartphones 24 ). Provided the rate of improvement of energy efficiency of new products is sufficiently high (and the energy needed for their production is low enough), overall energy use can be reduced by accelerating the replacement rate. In addition, incentivising consumers to choose more energy efficient products when they make a purchase also accelerates the rate of reduction of energy use. Moreover, the way of using energy can be influenced through pricing measures 25 as well as behavioural aspects (e.g. fuel-efficient driving and turning off devices not in use). Nevertheless, the existence of market barriers means that pricing is not overly effective as a mechanism to stimulate higher energy efficiency.

    The EED aims to enhance energy efficiency by using these mechanisms, through the action of the Member States, to deliver increased energy savings above what would be achieved through minimum performance standards and pricing measures alone. Member States achieve the changes in the market through a range of measures at their disposal including removing barriers, offering subsidies, undertaking information campaigns and setting obligations on energy suppliers. The EED also requires a set of enabling measures to facilitate the delivery of higher levels of energy efficiency across the economy.

    It is estimated that the impact of EU level action on minimum standards and pricing alone will achieve around half of the additional energy savings needed to meet the increased 2030 ambition, while the remainder will need to be achieved through measures enacted as a result of the EED.

    The main elements of the EED

    It can be seen that most of the relevant EU legislation is aimed at improving the energy efficiency of new energy using processes, actions and devices. In addition, the ETS and Energy Tax Directive (ETD) affect prices, which will have an effect on both activity and energy efficiency choices. There are a number of mechanisms by which the EED operates that are complemented by and complement the mechanisms and EU legislation referred to above.

    One of the main roles the EED plays is to set the obligation on Member States to reduce their energy use. This triggers Member States to use the available mechanisms (making industrial processes more efficient, speeding up replacements, developing skills, investing in higher energy efficiency class devices, altering behaviour, providing good and detailed information, etc.) which lead to the actions and investments that deliver energy savings in use.

    Energy efficiency faces barriers stemming notably from the involvement of large numbers of actors, the small scale of a very large number of actions to be taken and the remaining perceived uncertainty over benefits. Another important role of the EED is thus to address these and other remaining barriers.

    Moreover, it is for the EED to ensure that Member States adequately undertake actions in the areas where there are or particular importance (for example district heating, cogeneration and energy services). The main mechanisms through which the EED operates are by:

    ·Setting an overall energy efficiency target for Member States;

    ·Creating specific energy saving obligations, which Member States are required to achieve (primarily in Article 7);

    ·Ensuring an exemplary role for the renovation of public buildings;

    ·Requiring Member States to support energy savings where these may be too complex, face too many frictions or lack appropriate incentives (e.g. public procurement, heating & cooling, energy transmission and distribution, energy performance contracts. 26 );

    ·Setting an obligation on Member States to implement enabling measures for example access to energy audits and ensuring adequate qualifications and certifications relevant to energy savings;

    ·Setting an obligation on Member States to ensure appropriate information is available for energy end users;

    ·Promoting the provision of finance for energy efficiency investments.

    These are the broad elements of the EED as it was created in 2012. In December 2018, it was amended 27 as part of the 'Clean Energy for All Europeans package’, in particular to include a new headline 2030 EU energy efficiency target of at least 32.5% (compared to projected energy use in 2030). The intervention logic of the EED is explained in more detail in Error! Reference source not found..

    Contribution of other EU legislation to the EED objectives

    While these many other pieces of legislation have an impact in their own right on energy efficiency, they also contribute to achieving the objectives of the EED, in particular as regards the energy efficiency target. Figure 3  provides an overview of these main impacts and how they are relevant to the EED. In general, any changes to this other legislation, which increase the energy savings from them, will contribute to achieving the overall energy efficiency target set by the EED.

    Figure 3: How other energy efficiency legislation interacts with the EED

    The areas where the EED acts

    Certain elements of the EED are addressed at specific energy consuming areas. Table 1 shows the main energy consumption in key areas of the economy addressed by the EED (with the relevant EED Article shown in brackets). Given that significant savings potential still exist in these areas, further promotion of energy efficiency actions are necessary in all of them.

    Table 1 Estimated EU Final Energy Consumption (FEC) in economic sectors in the scope of the EED


    Activity level

    % EU FEC

    Businesses (Article 8)

    (of which industry)

    368 Mtoe

    240 Mtoe



    Households / consumers (Article 12)

    245 Mtoe


    Heating and cooling (Article 14)

    ≈450 Mtoe


    (of which district heating and cooling)

    12-14% of EU heat demand


    (of which cogeneration)

    40 Mtoe heat


    Public sector buildings (Article 5)

    15 Mtoe


    Public procurement (Article 6)

    45-90 Mtoe


    Energy transmission and distribution losses (Article 15)

    5-10% of electricity (CEER)

    Transmission and distribution losses – 23 Mtoe



    Energy services (Article 18)

    Estimated to be in the order of 25 Mtoe (41 billion Euro turnover)


    The transport sector which consumes around 32% of FEC is the sole main energy using sector that is currently not specifically addressed in the EED.

    1.4.Governance of the Energy Union and Climate Action

    Under the Regulation on the Governance of the Energy Union and Climate Action 28 , each Member State is required to establish a 10-year integrated national energy and climate plan (NECP) for 2021-2030, outlining how it intends to contribute – inter alia – to the 2030 target for energy efficiency.

    Member States submitted final National Energy and Climate Plans in December 2019 and proposed their contributions towards the EU 2030 energy and climate targets (40% GHG emission reduction, 32% renewable energy production in final energy and a 32.5% energy efficiency target). The assessment of these plans showed the existence of an ‘ambition gap’ as regards the existing 2030 EU energy efficiency target, meaning that the sum of Member States contributions fall short of the EU 32.5% actual headline target.

    Therefore, and in line with Article 31 of the Governance Regulation, relevant policies and measures need to be strengthened, and the Commission must propose measures and exercise its powers at Union level to ensure the achievement of the Union’s energy efficiency target. Also to that end, the revision of the Energy Efficiency Directive will play a crucial role, but it obviously needs to go further as the GHG reduction ambition level and the role played by energy efficiency therein are being changed.

    1.5.The revision of the EED as part of the ‘Fit for 55’ package

    The European Commission 2021 Work Programme announced a ‘Fit for 55’ package to reduce GHG emissions by at least 55% by 2030 and achieve a climate-neutral Europe by 2050.

    Energy efficiency is a key area of action to enable the cost-effective decarbonisation of the EU economy 29 , must be prioritised and, according to the conclusions of the IA CTP, needs to be decreased by 36-37% as regards final energy consumption.

    The ‘Fit for 55’ package brings together the relevant policy instruments that can contribute to the 55% GHG reduction target and aims to do so in a coherent and proportional manner among other relevant regulations and directives. This is notably the case for the Energy Efficiency Directive (EED), the Renewable Energy Directive (REDII), the EU Emissions Trading System (ETS), Effort Sharing (ESR), Land use, Land Use Change and Forestry policies (LULUCF), energy taxation and CO2 emission standards for vehicles.

    With this objective in mind, the CTP IA assessed the interaction and expected contribution of the different measures to the overall carbon GHG emissions objective for 2030, showing that contributions from all relevant policies are needed to reach the 55% increased ambition and, ultimately, the carbon neutrality target set for 2050.

    In particular, with energy supply and use responsible for 75% of emissions, the CTP underlines the need for higher ranges for renewables and energy efficiency targets, to contribute in a cost-efficient manner to the increased emissions reduction target. Given the key role of the EED in EU energy efficiency policy, the CTP IA also stressed the need for its revision alongside that of the other elements of the EU climate and energy framework.

    All the CTP policy scenarios include a combination of a pricing mechanism as well as sector specific measures to ensure the required uptake of energy efficiency measures and the deployment of renewable energy. This approach aims to avoid the risk of incoherence or regulatory overshoot among the initiatives under the ‘Fit for 55’ package.

    More generally, the optimal policy mix is shown to be based on a combination of strengthened economic incentives (in particular carbon pricing) with updated regulatory policies, notably in the field of renewables and energy efficiency. It should also update the enabling framework (R&D policies, financial support, etc.).

    Regulatory policies, such as renewables, energy efficiency, and CO2 standards for vehicles aim at addressing market failures and other barriers to decarbonisation. At the same time, they also create an enabling framework for investment, which supports cost-effective achievement of the climate targets by reducing perceived risks, increasing the efficient use of public funding and helping to mobilise and leverage private capital. These regulatory policies also pave the way for the future transition needed to achieve the EU objective of the climate-neutrality.

    Since the CTP IA already explored the balance of combinations of instruments to identify the most cost-effective package, this is outside the scope of this impact assessment.

    Of the other elements of the ‘Fit for 55’ package, how the approach taken to pricing in the CTP IA is taken over for this impact assessment has the most significant impact. This is because higher energy prices can lead to both a reduction in energy using activity and increase the attractiveness of energy efficient investments. The role energy efficiency can play to reduce the distributional effects from higher energy prices is also important. In view of this the ‘Fit for 55’ package impact assessments retain three different pricing scenarios without any decision on a preference. This assessment checks that the measures assessed are compatible with these scenarios.

    The CTP IA shows that, depending on the approach taken to pricing instruments, the overall EU energy saving target for Final Energy Consumption should lie in the range of 36-37%, while that for Primary Energy Consumption should be in the 39-41% range. Therefore, this is assumed as the target level to be set in the EED, which the measures explored in this impact assessment need to achieve in concert with the other legislation.

    Based on the estimated impact of the other legislation, in particular for products and buildings, a consequence of the overall energy efficiency target is the level of the Energy Saving Obligations required. This needs to increase to ensure that Member States take sufficient measures to accelerate energy efficient investments. Depending on the choice of pricing instruments, the range of the obligation needs to increase to between 1.4 and 1.6% per year.

    It analyses policy options to inform a decision on how the revision of the EED could, in combination with the other planned policy changes, ensure the necessary energy savings are achieved. It draws upon an ex-post evaluation of the Directive 30 , the CTP IA, the PC results (see Error! Reference source not found.), several studies, targeted stakeholder workshops and the findings of a Taskforce of Member States experts 31 .

    2.Problem definition

    2.1.The problem

    Various studies carried out by the Commission, as well as evidence from stakeholders 32 , show that, even with existing technologies, there is still significant scope for energy efficiency investments and cost-effective savings in Member States’ economic sectors and in society at large (see Error! Reference source not found. for further details).

    However, under business-as-usual, and even more so as a result of the COVID19 crisis, a large share of this energy efficiency and energy saving potential would remain unexploited, largely due to market and regulatory failures, which prevent cost-effective energy efficiency investments and actions from taking place.

    As a result, unless higher levels of energy efficiency are achieved, GHG emissions would be higher for a given unit of output, important co-benefits would not be realised 33 and the EU would not meet its 55% GHG emission reduction target in a cost-effective manner as shown by the CTP IA.

    This is driven by three main factors:

    1.Insufficient ambition and efforts by Member States;

    2.Continued existence of barriers to energy efficient behaviour, including for investments;

    3.Lack of systematic information about the impact of energy efficiency measures.

    The consequences of these three negative drivers, if not addressed, would be higher energy use and the related higher costs, a substantially more expensive path to the EU full decarbonisation by 2050, at best no solution for avoidable energy poverty, more dependence on energy imports, with all the consequences linked to an ever developing complex geopolitical situation, and a worsening of the already depleted environment.

    The problem tree in Figure 4 shows in a synthetic way the overall issue and its main drivers and consequences and the next section sets out these drivers in more detail.

    Figure 4: Problem tree

    The changing climate itself can also impact energy use. The PESETA III report 34  indicates that EU heating and cooling demand could decrease by 5% in the 2020-2050 period. This trend is not consistent across all Member States, and in some cooling needs may increase substantially accompanied by lower heating demand. Other potential implications may be restrictions on the availability of cooling water for industry leading to the use of alternative cooling technologies and changes in the efficiency of energy transformation installations.”

    2.2.The drivers

    2.2.1.Driver 1 – Insufficient incentives to drive ambition and efforts by Member States

    Achieving the necessary level of energy savings relies largely on Member States’ ambition when setting objectives, and their efforts when developing and implementing energy efficiency measures at national level.

    One key measure of this ambition is the indicative national contributions to the EU energy efficiency target that Member States had to set out in their National Energy and Climate Plans (NECPs) under the Governance framework. These national contributions do not add up to the necessary energy savings in line with the existing 2030 target 35 , showing an ambition ‘gap’ in this area. While these national contributions were designed to meet a lower target in a different political context than today 36 , it still points to the need to look at the incentives Member States have when developing their energy efficiency policies. The Member States’ Taskforce recognised delayed implementation of energy efficiency policies as one of the causes of increased energy consumption.

    A possible reason for this lack of ambition may be the fact that there are no binding national energy efficiency targets. This is in contrast with the situation for renewables where until recently Member States were obliged to meet national targets, with the result that the overall EU target was indeed met. It also provided scope for the Commission to effectively enforce compliance with these targets, where appropriate through infringement action.

    Also the nature of the EU-level target plays an important role. Contrary to the situation for renewables and GHG emissions, the overall energy efficiency target is not explicitly binding at EU level. Although the EED sets final and primary energy consumption limits for the EU as a whole, and the Governance Regulation provides for further EU measures if the targets are not met, the indicative nature of the target does not support its achievement.

    There are also a number of structural reasons for why Member States struggle to be more ambitious, including the fact that energy efficiency policies are difficult to design, implement and monitor. In fact, such policies typically must combine mutually reinforcing information-based instruments, regulatory instruments, monitoring and reporting mechanisms and economic and financial programmes. At the same time, these policies have to sufficiently reach and incentivise a range of relevant decision makers, be they individual consumers, businesses or investors. This also requires coordinated policy development at national, regional and local levels. While it is important for Member States to make efforts in all the main energy-using sectors, there is no “one size fits all” approach, as the barriers, challenges and actors are different (see driver 2). Therefore, an additional challenge is that the measures will need to differ depending on the sector.

    Implementing such diversified policies requires a consistent and continuous implementation effort, and the appropriate level of knowledge, skills and tools to be able to reach the target groups and stimulate change. Evidence, for example from the ELENA programme 37 and the Covenant of Mayors 38 , shows that these skills are not equally developed at all levels of government, and this constitutes a barrier to Member States more successfully driving greater energy savings.

    Given the difficulty of policy-making in this area, Member States tend to prefer acting on the other variables of the fundamental equation highlighted in section 1.3 such as renewables or ETS. However, the CTP IA has shown that this is not cost-effective and would result in achieving the 55% GHG target at much higher cost.

    Another important element is the fact that, the EED provides for many flexibilities and conditionalities (e.g. in Articles 5 and 6). While originally included to provide for national specificities, these have allowed Member States to choose alternatives that often result in a lower amount of energy savings than would be cost-optimal 39 . This was identified as a shortcoming by stakeholders in the dedicated workshops and through their PC responses where a majority indicated that existing flexibilities does not allow the EED to fully achieve its objectives.

    In summary, to achieve their contributions Member States must create the appropriate frameworks, provide finance and implement a range of other measures targeting individual decision makers (e.g. consumers and businesses) in a range of sectors, who ultimately need to decide to implement energy efficiency measures. This driver therefore has strong interlinkages with the other drivers.

    2.2.2.Driver 2: Continued existence of barriers to energy efficient behaviour, including for investments

    A key reason for energy efficiency policies is the need to address the behavioural and market failures and barriers that lead, from the point of view of society, to unrealised economically viable energy savings. Behavioural failures refer to the cognitive limitations and biases that prevent consumers and investors to appreciate rationally the benefits of energy efficiency 40 . Market failures arise from the fact that many impacts and aspects of energy supply and use are not priced into the cost of energy 41 . Market barriers such as lack of information and awareness, lack of finance or lack of information about financial opportunities, legal complications of ownership of dwellings and management structures 42 , and split incentives for example between owners and tenants of rented dwellings result in economically rational energy savings not being realised.

    These factors prevent consumers, businesses and investors from adopting cost-effective energy efficiency measures, and can be categorised into economic, behavioural and organisational barriers or, alternatively, into market and non-market failures. The previous impact assessments 43 extensively detailed these aspects and they have not changed since then.

    The main consequence of these barriers and failures is that EU energy consumption is higher than it would be with perfectly economically rational behaviour that takes into account long-term benefits. This diverts financial resources from other uses to pay for energy consumption and leads to excessive consumption of natural resources, higher energy dependence, less competitive businesses and higher energy poverty.

    Although the evaluation shows the EED has made a clear contribution to addressing such failures and barriers, this has been uneven and in some areas unsuccessful, partly due to weaknesses in the provisions of the Directive itself.

    The following sections provide more details for each of the main intervention areas of the EED linked to this driver – and which should therefore be addressed:

    Public sector

    The public sector is an important economic actor in its own right (see Table 1 Estimated EU Final Energy Consumption (FEC) in economic sectors in the scope of the EED Table 1 ) and is responsible for around 5 to 10% of total EU FEC 44 . Overall, the EU-share of public procurement contracts attributed to central government bodies is estimated to be approximately 16%. At Member State level this varies between 5% and 86% 45 . Public buildings are estimated to use around 2% of EU FEC. Cost effective savings potentials still exist in the entire public sector both in the renovation and energy management of existing buildings as well as the future procurement of energy efficient buildings, products and services.

    The EED recognises the exemplary role of public authorities through the obligation to renovate annually 3% of central government buildings (Article 5), and procuring buildings, products and services with high energy efficiency performance (Article 6).

    As regards buildings, the existing obligations only target cost-effective savings in the central government sector, which represents a small part of public authorities. Information from the evaluation, from analysis in the EED Concerted Action framework and from the PC replies shows that measures only at national level are not considered sufficient. Moreover, the Renovation Wave initiative 46 highlighted the need to step up renovation rates and depth 47 , including for public buildings.

    Similarly, the current obligations for public procurement only target cost effective savings in the central government sector, which represent some 15-17% of all public procurement 48 by public authorities.

    With regard to public procurement and renovation practices, the evaluation showed that there are limited resources and lack of expertise or tools to adequately consider energy efficiency. Moreover, there seems to be a reluctance to include energy efficiency requirements systematically in procurement, mainly because purchase price - rather than ‘total cost of ownership’ - is still regarded as the main criterion.


    Industry is one of the sectors that has achieved significant energy efficiency improvements over the last decade. Nevertheless, as demonstrated in Error! Reference source not found., cost-effective savings potentials still exist.

    The underlying presumption is that as an economically driven sector, businesses should implement economically viable energy saving investments. There are however various reasons why this may not be the case. There may be challenges related to the availability of finance or to uncertainty over whether energy efficiency investments would really deliver the savings claimed, especially if it is a vendor of the equipment that is explaining its potential.

    Nonetheless, a key barrier is likely to be that most businesses do not have the expertise to know what technical energy saving opportunities are available, or what their economic benefits might be for the business.

    It is to address this weakness that the EED contains an obligation for energy audits for larger businesses and requires Member States to also make energy audits available to SMEs. Nevertheless, information from stakeholders and assessments indicates that only a small proportion of cost effective energy saving opportunities identified in audits are implemented.

    The EED mainly addresses energy efficiency in industry through the requirement for large companies to carry out energy audits (Article 8). The evaluation indicates that audits have been effective for increasing awareness of energy savings potentials, identifying energy saving opportunities and assessing their financial feasibility in enterprises. Nevertheless, the share of cost-effective potential identified in audits that are actually implemented is rather low.

    A study exploring the implementation of the energy audit requirements notes that recommendations are implemented following mandatory audits are only around a quarter of those for voluntary audits. It states “The main reason for this difference seems to be the lack of implementation of recommendations. While the likelihood of recommendations for activities by the auditor are broadly similar across the two studies, the rate of implementation is much lower for companies in the study undertaking obligatory audits. The reason for this seems to be that voluntary participation in an audit may already signal a motivation to improve and follow through on audit recommendations.”

    A specific industry sector that has seen a significant increase in energy consumption over the last decade is information and communication technologies (ICT), including data centres. In 2018, the energy consumption of data centres in the EU was 76.8 TWh. This is expected to rise to 98.52 TWh by 2030, a 28% increase.

    This increase in absolute terms can as well be seen in relative terms: within the EU, data centres accounted for 2.7% of electricity demand in 2018 and will reach 3.21% by 2030, if development continues on the current trajectory 49 . Europe’s Digital Strategy 50 already highlighted the need for highly energy-efficient and sustainable data centres and transparency measures for telecoms operators on their environmental footprint.

    In the PC, 41% of respondents believed that more action was needed in the ICT sector in view of the higher energy savings ambition for 2030. The disaggregation of these opinions is shown in Figure 5 where it can be seen that this view is relatively consistent across the groups. The siting of data centres and ensuring their waste heat could be used was considered important or very important by the majority of respondents.

    Figure 5 Stakeholder views on the sectors in which additional effort is needed

    Heating & Cooling

    Heating and cooling consumes half of EU FEC, making it the biggest energy end-use sector. There remains much potential for reducing energy use in this sector, while still achieving the temperatures needed. Heating and cooling, therefore, plays a crucial role in the EU’s ambition to transition into a clean and carbon-neutral economy by 2050. Much of the effort is needed in the field of better insulating buildings but there is also potential in terms of more efficiently supplying the heat or cold needed 51 . As Figure 5 shows, there is considerable support for taking more action in this area, especially from business.

    Measures in other legislation, for example the RED, aim to increase the share of lower GHG energy in the supply of heating and cooling. Similarly, pricing measures can encourage the replacement of heating equipment and use of less GHG intense fuels.

    The use of networks, which currently supply around 13% of heat needs, for heating or cooling, in particular if these are receiving surplus heat or cooling input from industry, involves many barriers and coordination challenges. It is a sector where there is substantial expertise available within the EU and where an industry has evolved to supply this market. For these reasons, the EED contains specific provisions on heating and cooling, which address high-efficiency cogeneration and efficient district heating and cooling.

    The EED requires Member States to carry out comprehensive assessments of the potential for high-efficiency cogeneration and efficient district heating and cooling (Article 14) 52 . The requirement to carry out cost-benefit analyses has helped stimulate the uptake of high-efficiency cogeneration that delivered 30.2 Mtoe primary energy savings in 2018 53 . There is still evidence of considerable amount of waste heat available in the most recent comprehensive heating and cooling assessments submitted by the Member States 54 . PC respondents indicated these elements were considered to have had a moderate impact (3.2/5) in stimulating energy efficiency in the sector. Overall, the evaluation found that the comprehensive assessments helped to increase the overall importance and awareness of heating and cooling in Member States, but that the overall impact is rather low. This is largely due to the lack of follow up given to the findings from these assessments and the wide use of exemptions allowed by Article 14.6. CHP heat supply has remained relatively constant around 40 Mtoe over the whole of the last decade.

    The definitions are also used in assessing the provision of state aid. Concern has been raised that the current definitions result in state aid being granted to installations with GHG emissions that are unlikely to remain compatible with the decarbonisation trajectory required.

    Energy transformation, transmission and distribution

    Energy losses in energy transformation, transmission and distribution can be significant 55  and therefore the EED requires Member States to ensure that energy efficiency is considered in these sectors (Article 15) 56 . At the same time, as equipment is replaced at the end of its lifetimes, there will be a gradual natural evolution toward higher efficiency, in particular for electricity.

    The available information shows a gradual reduction in energy supply losses 57 , but there remains potential to increase its energy efficiency. However, a number of key factors limit action to realise it. There is a concern that investments to increase energy efficiency may ultimately result in higher prices for final consumers and Cost Benefit Analysis results often advise against significant intervention. In the case of gas network operators, there may be a reluctance to invest because of uncertainty about their long term role.

    Given the diversity of network structures there is also a reluctance to have a “common methodology”. The absence of common methodologies and reporting, make it difficult to compare networks or operators or benchmark performance. In fact, there is no uniform EU definition of energy losses, which results in sub-optimal data quality.

    The evaluation found that several provisions of Article 15 have been effectively implemented in the Member States, for example, treating energy losses as a separate item in the national efficiency regulations and incentivising demand-side resources. However, there is not sufficient data to enable a comprehensive analysis of the effectiveness of the provisions.


    While the energy savings potential remains large in all sectors, there is a particular challenge related to transport, as it is responsible of 33% of FEC 58 and is one of the few sectors that has seen an increase in energy consumption over the last decade.

    The Sustainable and Smart Mobility Strategy 59 adopted in 2020 lays the foundation for how the EU transport system could achieve its green and digital transformation and become more resilient to future crises. However, it does not include explicit energy efficiency measures.

    Currently, the EED does not directly address the transport sector, although Member States can count energy savings from national measures targeting transport sector towards the Article 7 target. Nevertheless, only a small share of energy savings (5%) 60  reported by Member States under the EED stems from transport, indicating a lack of focus on energy savings from this sector.

    This seems to be at least partly due to the fact that energy efficiency and transport policy are traditionally the responsibility of different government departments with little or no synergies in policymaking. Moreover, the required changes necessitates a multi-level adoption (national, regional, provincial) of specific policy mixes to increase transport energy efficiency and to reduce transport energy, which is complex 61 .

    The PC results clearly support stronger action on transport energy efficiency as shown in Figure 5 , with 62% of respondents stating that transport is a sector where extra energy efficiency efforts are most needed to achieve a higher energy efficiency ambition for 2030. In the case of public authorities this view is even stronger with 67% stating that more action is needed. It is therefore a legitimate question to explore whether there can be measures under the EED that foster energy efficiency improvements in transport in a manner complementary to the other existing policy instruments targeting the sector, including measures reducing the need to travel, shifting travel to more energy-efficient modes and/or improving the efficiency of transport modes.

    Enabling and supporting measures – Consumers, financing, energy services and support schemes

    Consumers & households

    Table 1 shows the household sector makes up around a quarter of all EU FEC. The behaviour of consumers and citizens has an important impact on this energy consumption and the EED contains several provisions that support the empowerment of citizens and consumers, including:

    ·The establishment of more frequent and transparent billing regimes based on the actual consumption patterns at the end use level (Articles 9-11 62 );

    ·Information and empowerment programmes (Article 12), and;

    ·The exchange and dissemination of information and awareness raising (Article 17).

    In addition, it contains provisions that aim to tackle long-standing socio-economic challenges like energy poverty (Article 7) and the split of incentives between tenants and owners or among owners (Article 19).

    Despite these provisions, the evaluation has shown that Member States struggle to address consumer behaviour and consumer empowerment aspects in promoting energy efficiency, in particular at more local levels. This results in insufficient incentives for consumers to realise energy efficiency improvements and to tackle high upfront costs and the split incentives problem. This is compounded by a low level of awareness and lack of information among consumers about the potential of energy services and energy performance contracting.

    Moreover, certain energy efficiency changes may involve significant hassle costs for those carrying out the investment, which increases the costs of the investment. For example, disruption caused by building works or the efforts needed to identify appropriate financial support schemes. In particular, if the estimated relative gain is small, then the hassle costs can act as a significant barrier, especially if there is uncertainty around the benefits of the investment.

    This is exacerbated by the fact that the additional benefits of energy efficiency measures – for example regards health, local air pollution, poverty alleviation, energy security, local job creation, etc. – are often not known or taken into account by economic operators or society. As a result of the pervasive externalities linked to these co-benefits, which are not priced, ‘rational’ economic operators do not take them into account when taking decisions. This results in an underinvestment in energy efficiency.

    While the EED already provides some incentives for Member States to address energy poverty (e.g. Article 7), stakeholders consider energy efficiency as the most effective solution to alleviate energy poverty and suggested to use the revision to overcome some of the potential negative distributional impacts of pricing measures (see Error! Reference source not found. for a more detailed discussion of the link between energy efficiency and energy poverty).


    Achieving energy savings requires investment in energy efficiency (such as insulation to reduce unwanted heat transfers or the acquisition of new equipment that requires less energy to operate). While investments are expected to be paid back over time through the avoided cost of the energy saved, bridging financing is often needed.

    The CTP IA estimated that average annual energy system investments needs (excluding transport) in the period 2021-2030 to achieve the 55% level of ambition would be between €401 and 438 billion. Energy efficiency faces one of the largest investment gaps, estimated at around €165 billion. This is mostly due to higher rates and stringency of building renovation.

    The problem is that, despite the profitability of investments, a complex set of market and regulatory barriers may limit the access to finance. Finance market imperfections, in particular at local and regional level, a fragmented market, complex procurement rules and decision making processes (e.g. multi-family apartment buildings), split incentives, scarcity of public funding and difficulty to combine different sources of financing or lending solutions not adapted to energy efficiency needs, are some of most important barriers.

    Several pieces of EU legislation aim to address these barriers (over and beyond their impact on energy efficiency investments. The EED contain two specific provisions aimed at overcoming some of these barriers: Article 19 on split incentives and Article 20 on support for energy efficiency investments at Member State level by facilitating the establishment of national financing facilities for energy efficiency. However, the evaluation showed that this has only been partially successful. In addition, the lack of available data on the level of energy efficiency investments and financing in the Member States does not allow a comprehensive assessment of the magnitude of the financing measures put in place (and thus hampers a thorough evaluation of their effectiveness).

    On the other hand, the evaluation found that the requirement for the Commission to assist the Member States in setting up financing facilities and technical support has been effective, due to its active role over the past years through EU funding programmes and support measures. This is expected to continue until 2030 and beyond, in particular under the NextGenerationEU recovery instrument (under which Member States have to ensure that a minimum of 37% of actions included in their Recovery and Resilience Plans contribute to climate action), cohesion funding and InvestEU. In total, this would amount to around 12-14 billion per year in EU funds between 2021 and 2027 63 .

    About half of the PC respondents consider that Article 20 has contributed to facilitate access to finance for energy efficiency projects, although the impact of the specific provisions was often considered as moderate at best.

    Certification, accreditation and qualifications

    In the PC 92% of respondents said that they were aware of the certification, accreditation and qualification schemes for providers of energy services, energy audits, energy managers and installers in their Member State. Respondents’ views on the benefits of qualification schemes vary as shown in Table 2 below:

    Table 2 Stakeholder opinion on certification and accreditation scheme benefits

    In terms of effectiveness, most stakeholders (68%) thought the schemes were effective to some extent, with 22% saying they were fully effective and 10% finding them not effective.

    Energy services, support schemes

    The implementation of energy efficiency measures also requires a supporting structure, for example as regards the availability of a skilled workforce (e.g. installers, energy auditors) or energy services companies. The EED enables the establishment of such structures, in particular through obligations on the availability of qualification, accreditation and certification schemes (Article 16) and the promotion of the energy service market and energy performance contracting (Article 18).

    With regard to energy services, 56% of PC respondents said that the EED had contributed to the development of the energy services market. Nevertheless, their effectiveness was uneven and diminished due to persistent barriers in the market. When asked for the important factors for the development of energy services the responses are shown in Table 3 below:

    Table 3 Stakeholder opinion on energy services market contributory factors

    Of these, the most relevant (financing and information) are addressed elsewhere. The third most important factor, certification and accreditation, is discussed above and this supports the importance of its relevance for energy services.

    2.2.3.Driver 3 - Lack of systematic information about the impacts of energy efficiency measures

    Measuring the impacts of energy efficiency policies requires measuring the bottom-up impact from specific policies, measures and actions in many sectors. This is challenging and requires robust methodologies, which capture rebound effects, interaction or overlaps between the different measures, as well as ‘additionality’ compared to the situation where energy savings could have happened without a policy measure in place.

    The evaluation shows that comprehensive information on the impacts of energy efficiency measures at national level is often lacking, except for measures reported under Article 7, which requires Member States to establish specific calculation methodologies for capturing energy savings per measure.

    Due to the absence of reporting, information on the impact of several provisions is missing or uneven, for example as regards energy efficiency uptake in public procurement, energy transformation, transmission and distribution (Article 15) or national qualification, accreditation and certification schemes (Article 16), making it challenging to assess and compare the impacts of Member States’ energy saving measures. As indicated above, this also applies to the impacts of financing measures.

    Moreover, in some important sub-sectors, such as ICT, there is a lack of reliable, disaggregated information about energy consumption. The limited resources made available at Member States level to develop new high-quality European statistics for monitoring energy efficiency improvements in detail exacerbate this.

    Due to lack of robust monitoring and measurement, expected energy savings from planned policies are often overestimated. The Member States’ Task Force identified this as one of the reasons why progress towards achieving the energy efficiency targets is low.

    These findings are supported by independent research 64 that also indicates the poor quality of underlying data, and that more resources are needed to enhance the availability and quality of data and reporting on demand side energy efficiency in all Member States, which would highlight the large savings that addressing the causes of underinvestment in energy efficiency could deliver.

    These concerns about the monitoring framework are supported by 72% of PC respondents, who indicated that the EED has not provided the right monitoring and enforcement mechanisms to achieve national energy efficiency targets.

    2.3.How will the problem evolve?

    The increased awareness of the importance of effectively addressing climate change, of the need to act swiftly and of the role that energy efficiency plays in that context are expected to drive policy makers, investors and the citizens at large to give a higher priority to energy efficiency.

    However, the identified weaknesses in the existing legal framework, including the EED, and the underlying market failures and market barriers will not be solved autonomously. Member States’ ambition, which has been insufficient so far, needs to be supported by strong and effective policies and measures at EU level.

    Prior to the COVID-19 crisis, the EU was not on track to meeting its 2020 energy saving targets 65 . The above-mentioned Task Force reported in January 2019 that possible, and at least partial, explanations for this were good economic performance, low oil prices, and cold winter and warm summers during some years. The main increases in energy consumption were observed in buildings followed by transport and industry.

    The latest EU27 energy consumption figures for 2019 showed that PEC was 1 352 million tonnes of oil equivalent (Mtoe), which is 3.0% above the 2020 target and 19.9% away from the current 2030 target. FEC was 984 Mtoe: 2.6% above the 2020 target and 16.3% away from the 2030 target. These are decreases of 2% in PEC and 1% in FEC compared with 2018.

    The COVID-19 crisis has influenced energy demand, which might make the achievement of the 2020 targets possible. However, this impact is expected to be short-term, since it is not attributable to policies, measures and structural changes to increase energy efficiency 66 . With a possible rebound effect, it would still be hard to reach the current 2030 target.

    While there might be some longer-term impacts of the COVID-19 crisis on energy consumption (e.g. remote working, video conferencing are likely to remain at higher levels than would previously have been expected), a number of energy consuming economic activities may simply have been postponed rather than cancelled. Therefore, the long-term energy impacts of these changes are at least uncertain, but more probably limited.

    The assessment of the Member States’ energy efficiency contributions included in their NECPs has shown that the current EU energy efficiency targets for 2030 will not be achieved with the policies planned. The CTP IA concludes that it is unlikely that the necessary higher levels of energy efficiency needed would be achieved through market forces, current market organisation and technology development alone, meaning that further efforts are needed.

    In conclusion, while the 2020 energy efficiency target may have been achieved due to exceptional circumstances, increased efforts are required to achieve a reinforced energy efficiency ambition level in line with the 55% GHG emissions reduction target as set out in the CTP.

    3.Why should the EU act?

    3.1.Legal basis

    The EED was adopted under Article 194 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU) in 2012 as the key instrument for reducing the EU's primary and final energy consumption in 2020. In 2018, it was partially amended in view of the EU’s 2030 targets.

    Article 194 TFEU, paragraph 1, states that the aim of Union policy on energy includes ensuring security of energy supply and promoting energy efficiency and energy saving.

    This provides the appropriate legal basis for further action to promote energy efficiency and energy savings.

    3.2.Subsidiarity: Necessity of EU action

    The underlying problems causing a shortfall in energy savings (compared to the optimal level from the perspective of society) are the same across the EU and are present everywhere.

    In view of the external costs 67 of energy consumption (e.g. greenhouse gas emissions, air pollutant emissions, energy security), actions to increase energy efficiency and reduce energy use are likely to lead to benefits beyond national borders. For trans-boundary problems, Member State action is unlikely to lead to optimal outcomes.

    In the presence of a higher climate target, which requires a higher energy efficiency target, EU action must supplement and reinforce national and local action. It is worth underlining that the Governance Regulation already foresees the obligation for the Commission to act in case of a lack of ambition by the Member States to reach the targets, thus de facto formally recognising the essential role of EU action in this context.

    Coordination at the European level, in fact, enhances energy security and environmental and climate benefits, and EU action is thus justified on grounds of subsidiarity in line with Article 191 TFEU. In addition, the nature of the instrument and of the fact that the energy efficiency target is not binding at national level respects the principle of subsidiarity. Member States retain the same level of flexibility in terms of selecting their policy mix, sectors and the approach to achieve the required energy savings by 2030, by taking into account the national context and specificities. However, energy is a policy field with high investment needs. A coordinated approach at EU level can create trust, reliability and continuity, increasing the likelihood of different actors investing and getting involved. Policies at EU level can also create a just and fair transition for countries and regions with economies that may be significantly impacted by changes in industrial structure or employment as a result of the energy transition towards decarbonisation. Coordinated action at the EU level, furthermore, enables fuller account to be taken of the different capabilities to act among Member States.

    3.3.Subsidiarity: Added value of EU action

    As discussed previously, energy efficiency policies are a crucial mechanism to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, something which is also highlighted in the evaluation of the EED and OPC. In this regard, coordinated EU policies have a better chance of transforming the EU to a climate neutral continent by 2050.

    The EU’s energy and climate targets for 2030 are collective targets. Nevertheless, many actions to reduce energy consumption are taken at Member States’ level. In many cases, this is most appropriate. At the same time, action at the EU level can enable and enhance those efforts by ensuring a more coordinated and harmonised approach, for example by helping to create larger markets for European suppliers, and ensuring that they are under the same obligations and rules. This way consumers enjoy the same basic rights and be provided with comparable and recognisable information across the EU. Delivering on energy efficiency while empowering consumers requires meaningful, accurate and understandable information on energy use, related costs, and easy access to a competitive market of building construction materials (windows, insulation, etc.), heating and cooling solutions, and other products that help improve energy efficiency.

    Effects on the single market concerning growth, investments and jobs creation can thus be considered when policies and measures are being decided and implemented. Moreover, the EU single market acts as a strong driver for cost-efficiency in achieving GHG emission reductions.

    A common EU approach to energy efficiency also enables addressing the specific common challenges such as alleviation of energy poverty. The EED framework allows for the inclusion of targeted energy efficiency measures by Member States for certain income classes (for instance promote the achievement of the obligations in Article 7 of the EED by focusing on reducing energy bills of vulnerable consumers).

    The experience from the implementation of the EED indicates that having a common EU framework is socially just, reduces costs, increases benefits from the internal market and allows national policy-makers to learn from each other. The EED effectively complements and catalyses other national and EU measures. Policies adopted at EU level reflect the close interrelation of the policy areas of climate change, security of supply, sustainability, environment, internal market, social and economic development. This was supported by the Task Force of mobilising Member States efforts to reach 2020 energy efficiency targets, which called for a strong, targeted and common energy efficiency policy framework to attract the necessary investments, ensure the energy savings are achieved in a just and fair way.

    4.Objectives: What is to be achieved?

    4.1.General objectives

    In view of the above, the general objective of this initiative is to revise the EED to further promote energy efficiency and energy savings to contribute optimally to the cost-effective achievement of the EU 55% GHG reduction ambition for 2030, by achieving a 36-37% energy efficiency target as shown in the Climate Target Plan.

    4.2.Specific objectives

    Based on the considerations set out in chapters 2 and 3, the intervention has the following specific objectives:

    ·Objective 1: Strengthen incentives in support of ambition and efforts in the Member States to achieve a 36-37% energy efficiency target;

    ·Objective 2: Reinforce the EED to better address market barriers and failures;

    ·Objective 3: Improve understanding of impacts of energy efficiency measures taken by Member States, while optimising the administrative burden through the approach of the Governance Regulation.

    The revision of the EED also needs to consider the broader objectives of the European Green Deal, which aims to leave no one behind and to deliver a sustainable economy.

    Furthermore, as this is a revision of an existing Directive, the Better Regulation framework requires exploring the potential for simplification and improving the efficiency of the legislation (e.g. by reducing regulatory costs and administrative burden).

    Table 4 sets out the relation between the problem, the problem drivers and the objectives.

    Table 4: Problem, drivers and objectives


    Current policies and measures are not sufficient to meet the 2030 energy efficiency target

    Problem drivers

    Insufficient incentives to drive Member States’ ambition and efforts

    Continued existence of barriers to energy efficient behaviour, including for investments

    Lack of systematic information about the impacts of energy efficiency measures

    General objective

    Promote energy efficiency to ensure a 36-37% energy efficiency target for final energy consumption to contribute optimally to achievement of the EU 55% GHG reduction ambition for 2030.

    Specific objectives

    Strengthen incentives in support of ambition and efforts by Member States

    Reinforce the EED to better address market barriers and failures

    Improve understanding of impacts of energy efficiency measures taken by Member States, while optimising the administrative burden through the approach of the Governance Regulation

    5.What are the available policy options?

    5.1.What is the baseline from which options are assessed?

    All the ‘Fit for 55’ initiatives are considered as one package and share a common baseline. Concerning energy system modelling, the EU Reference Scenario 2020 (REF) is the common starting point for energy system modelling in the impact assessments for all the initiatives of the ‘Fit for 55’ Package). More details about the Reference scenarios (including assumptions and main results) is presented in Error! Reference source not found.. A separate publication dedicated to the Reference scenario contains complete information about preparation process, assumptions and results 68 . The most relevant information for this assessment is also presented in Error! Reference source not found..

    REF reflects the agreed 2030 EU climate and energy targets: at least 40% GHG reduction, at least 32% renewables share and at least 32.5% energy efficiency (energy efficiency target is, however, not achieved – see below). REF also reflects main policy tools at EU level to implement these targets as well as the aggregate ambition and, to the extent possible, the complete range of foreseen national policies and measures of the final NECPs that Member States submitted in 2019 according to the Governance Regulation 69 . In particular, at the EU level, the REF2020 takes into account the legislation adopted in the Clean Energy for All European package 70 .

    The REF also takes into account the energy system impacts of the COVID-19 crisis that already heavily impacted the EU and Member States’ economies in 2020/2021. The Reference scenario does not assume intensification of any type of policies beyond what Member States have already implemented or committed to (including any intensification of non-regulatory instruments).

    For 2030, REF projects that final energy consumption is 886 Mtoe, which is 29.3% below the trajectory of the 2007 Baseline and thus below the agreed 2030 energy efficiency target of at least 32.5%. Both projections are in line 71 with the Commission’s assessment of final NECPs 72 . In REF, GHG emissions from the European Union in 2030 (including all domestic emissions & intra EU aviation and maritime) will be 43.7% below the 1990 level. An EU allowance price of 30 EUR/tCO2eq. in 2030 drives emissions reduction in the ETS sector.

    Primary energy consumption decreases by almost 17% in 2030, compared to 2015. Over the same period of time, final energy consumption decreases by almost 8%. Figure 6 shows final energy consumption by sector in the reference scenario.

    Figure 6: Final energy consumption by sector.

    The reference scenario models the policies already adopted, but not the target of net-zero emissions by 2050. As a result, there are no additional policies driving decarbonisation after 2030. However, climate and energy policies are not rolled back after 2030 and several of the measures in place today continue to deliver emissions reduction in the long term. By 2050, GHG emissions in the EU are projected to be 60.7% lower than in 1990 and final energy consumption is projected at 792 Mtoe. These results fall short of the European goal of climate neutrality by 2050.

    All the other scenarios used in this Impact Assessment are built on the REF scenario. The REF is similar to the Baseline used in the CTP Impact Assessment, however, it incorporates in much more detail Member States’ policies and objectives as put forward in their NECPs and makes assumptions on the impact of the COVID crisis linked to recent macro-economic forecasts.

    The projected energy use for 2030 in the baseline referred to above falls short of meeting the required level of energy savings as defined by the CTP.

    5.2.Description of the policy options

    Addressing the problems and drivers outlined in chapter 2, and meeting the objectives set out above, will require improvements to the EED across many areas. In this context, 63% of PC respondents support stronger implementation and enforcement, and 41% favour additional technical support for Member States. This was also acknowledged by the Member States themselves, which called for increased capacity building and exchange of best practices in view of meeting the 2030 targets. These general views have informed the measures explored.

    Based on the evaluation outcomes, an assessment of the final NECPs, the support study, the results of stakeholder meetings and the PC, a broad set of potential measures was identified. These were then further assessed based on their pertinence, feasibility and coherence with the existing framework to produce a shorter set of retained measures, divided into ‘intermediate’ and ‘higher’ ambition packages. A distinction was also made between regulatory and non-regulatory measures.

    5.2.1.Policy measures to address driver 1 – Insufficient incentives to drive ambition and efforts by Member States

    1.Energy efficiency targets at EU and Member State level

    Under BAU, the EU level energy efficiency target set in the EED determine the overall level of energy efficiency efforts that Member States must collectively attain by 2020 and 2030. This target is expressed in the EED as a percentage of energy efficiency improvement (in Article 1) and as a maximum level of final and primary energy consumption (in Article 3). Although the Governance Regulation provides for a mechanism that allows for EU measures in case these targets are not met, they remain indicative, unlike the EU-level targets for GHG emissions reduction and the share of renewable energy.

    Making the EU-level energy efficiency targets binding would align them with the other Green Deal targets and make it clear that they are of equal importance (TARGET.1).

    Although the Directive requires each Member State to set “an indicative national energy efficiency target”, there is no indicator of how the efforts ought to be spread among the Member States and there may be reasons for some Member States to take more action than others.

    Figure 7 Stakeholder views of the factors that most helped achieve the objectives of the EED

    The evaluation of the EED showed that Member States have made efforts to promote energy efficiency and the EU energy efficiency target and the binding measures have contributed to this. Nevertheless, the efforts fell short of the required energy efficiency ambition in some Member States and for the EU as a whole. In the PC responses, as shown in Figure 7 above, 42% of stakeholders who thought the EED had helped to promote energy efficiency believed that the national targets had been important. Of those who believed the EED had failed to achieve its objectives, 57% indicated that the absence of binding national targets was one of the factors.

    Whether or not Member States have a binding target can have an impact on the certainty with which the overall EU target will be achieved. This is likely to also have an impact on the degree of certainty for business operating in the field of supplying energy saving solutions. It also impacts on the scope for the Commission to effectively enforce compliance with these targets, e.g. through infringement action.

    In view of these potential benefits, options are explored for targets for Member States. In their PC responses, overall 36% of responses favoured indicative national targets while 47% favoured binding national targets. The responses disaggregated by category of respondent are shown in Figure 8 . It can be seen that public authorities’ views are close to the average while businesses and civil society have opposing views that diverge from the average. In view of this, two further options are explored of setting indicative Member State targets (TARGET.2) or binding targets (TARGET.3).

    Figure 8 What should be the nature of the national targets

    A further aspect that is important to explore is how the overall effort should be distributed across Member States. No indication is given in the current EED. However, in contrast, both the Effort Sharing Regulation and the Renewable Energy Directive have mechanisms to distribute effort based upon a set of parameters. In the case of the RED, this provides the basis against which Member State efforts are assessed, even though it does not have a mandatory effect. Having indicative benchmarks for Member States could facilitate more constructive dialogue on the level of ambition and the possible closing of any ambition gap by Member States (as shown by the experience with the collective ambition gap for RES in the draft NECPs). This aspect therefore is also explored.

    As regards the way such indicative benchmarks would be established, the Commission is currently studying different alternatives but, following the experience gained with a similar approach for renewables, it is considering a formula based on a set of criteria taking into account national circumstances. Tentatively, this could be based on the following criteria (having an equal weight):

    ·Fixed rate (all Member States have to decrease their energy consumption – same rate as for the EU compared to REF2020 i.e. 9%);

    ·Energy intensity (EU ambition multiplied by intensity factor FEC/GDP);

    ·Wealth (EU ambition multiplied by wealth factor GDP/capita);

    ·Energy savings potential (it is associated with PRIMES MIX scenario results).

    Other criteria and weightings are possible but these are still under consideration.

    The approach to the definition of the target that currently uses both FEC and PEC remains unchanged in the absence of clear evidence of need for any change since the last revision of the EED in 2018.


    Nature of the target.


    EU-level target is not binding and Member States’ voluntary contributions are delivered through NECPs


    Binding EU-level energy efficiency targets


    Indicative national benchmarks based upon a mechanism for distribution of effort taking account of relevant parameters


    Binding national targets

    2.Energy savings obligations

    Article 7 is an important provision delivering around 50% of Member States’ savings necessary to meet the overall EU energy efficiency target. It requires Member States to achieve a total amount of energy savings by the end of the obligation period and provides a specific rate for new annual energy savings to be achieved by Member States. A detailed description of how Article 7 works and the types of actions taken by Member States under it is set out in Error! Reference source not found.. Under BAU the requirements for Member States are not given any specific focus and they therefore have full flexibility how to target their efforts.

    In the PC, 47% of respondents who believed that the EED had been important in promoting energy efficiency said that the binding nature of Article 7 was part of the reason for that as shown in Figure 7 , with civil society thinking it much more important and business a bit less. The PC asked how Article 7 might be amended in view of the need for a higher level of energy savings. Figure 9 below show the responses by stakeholder group. Public authorities showed the least support for all aspects with businesses showing the second least support. Civil society and EU citizens were the most positive about almost all of the options.

    Figure 9 Stakeholder views of the Article 7 elements to address for higher energy savings

    On possible specific changes, in the PC 69% supported requiring a certain level of energy savings from building renovations and half the respondents supported requiring Member States to target specific (undefined) sectors. Some 60% of respondents supported requiring a certain level of energy savings in transport. As already noted, transport accounts for a third of all final energy use yet only 5% of the measures reported under Article 7 are transport specific. In the transport field it is acknowledged that it is necessary to follow an ‘Avoid-Shift-Improve’ methodology to address energy use and GHG emissions. While the EU addresses the ‘Improve’ element of vehicle efficiency through EU standards, there is limited action to address the other two legs. This is not because these actions are not cost-effective. Analysis shows that different types of actions can have high benefits 73 .

    An often encountered difficulty is that these benefits occur in different areas such as air quality, noise, health, and energy savings, and that hence they are not always seen holistically. There are therefore clear public policy benefits to encourage further intensification of measures in this area and this is explored further (ESO.1). While the average of energy savings from the transport sector is 5%, some Member States such as Italy and Spain are planning to deliver respectively 23% and 38% of their savings in this sector.

    The added value of a sub-target for transport in article 7 would be to focus attention and measures by Member States (as well as stakeholders) on a sector where energy consumption is still increasing and where energy efficiency improvements are long overdue. Also, such a target could be used for enforcement by the Commission.

    The level of such a target would have to be above 5% and below what some Member States are planning to achieve (e.g. up to 40%). It can be achieved by a reinforcement of the proposed policies and actions in the Sustainable and Smart Mobility Strategy, which are expected to lead to tangible energy savings (such as modal shift, transport system optimisation, seamless mobility etc.), for example thanks to subsidy schemes, regulations and incentives that would ensure the assumed impact (i.e. energy savings) is delivered in reality. In view of the EU funding, which is being provided to support building renovation, it could be reasonable to ensure that a proportion of it is specifically targeted at addressing energy poverty, which has been identified as a major challenge for the EU, due to the fact that nearly 34 million Europeans are unable to afford keeping their homes adequately warm in 2019. Such a programme would contribute to the savings required by Article 7. Stakeholders have called for measures and requirements at EU level to accompany Member States’ social safeguarding policies, whilst delivering targeted energy savings among energy poor households.

    In workshops organised with stakeholders to discuss the energy saving obligations, a number of stakeholders identified energy efficiency measures as the most effective solution to alleviate energy poverty, and to mitigate social impacts from pricing measures, e.g. from carbon pricing under an extended ETS.

    Stakeholders also stated that NECPs submitted by Member States failed to address a sufficient level of policy measures alleviating energy poverty. They called upon the Commission to ensure that energy efficiency improvement measures alleviating energy poverty are planned and implemented throughout the EU by all Member States and to ensure that vulnerable customers have access to technical and financial support. In total, 61% of respondents voiced some to a high degree of importance to requiring a specific share of measures to address energy poverty and this is explored further (ESO.2).

    This could be achieved by obliging Member States to deliver a certain percentage of the annual energy savings obligation to come from measures directed at energy poor and vulnerable households, to require a certain number of measures to address energy poverty, or to prioritise energy poor and vulnerable households when implementing energy efficiency measures. As energy poor households often live in poorly insulated housing, building renovation is a very cost-effective measure to address energy poverty and brings additional benefits in terms of increased job creation, skills improvement, comfort, air quality and health. Social policy, and therefore measures to address energy poverty, is primarily the responsibility of Member States. Nevertheless, supporting energy poor households to reduce their energy consumption through targeted funding programmes is a mechanism that can help to reduce their energy consumption and expenditure. The Commission has issued a Recommendation to Member States 74 and uses EU funding programmes to address the issue.

    While sub-targets for other key sectors (e.g. heating and cooling) could also be considered, the specific nature of transport (i.e. large and increasing energy consumption; limited success of existing policies) and energy poverty (i.e. key to address for just transition and mitigating distributional impacts of ETS extension) make these sectors a priority for action under the EED.

    In view of the need to accelerate the transition to electrification to reduce GHG emissions, for example through the promotion of heat pumps, and align the energy savings with the rapid need to decarbonise energy use, the option of excluding energy savings from fossil fuel using technologies being counted under the ESO will be explored (ESO.3).

    Finally, an alternative option (ESO.4) would be to replace the Article 7 scheme by an EU-wide scheme of tradeable certificates for energy savings often referred to as White Certificates. Such a scheme may present opportunities and also challenges 75 and further details are provided in Error! Reference source not found..



    Member States have flexibility on how to target their savings efforts under Article 7.

    ·ESO.1 (Energy Saving Obligation.1):

    Require a share of the energy savings to come from transport.

    ·ESO.2 (Energy Saving Obligation.2):

    Require a minimum share of energy savings to be achieved in vulnerable households to contribute to alleviating energy poverty.

    ·ESO.3 (Energy Saving Obligation.3)

    Exclude energy savings from measures promoting savings from fossil fuel using technologies.

    ·ESO.4 (Energy Saving Obligation.4) 

    Replace the Article 7 scheme by an EU-wide scheme of tradeable certificates for energy savings.

    3.Energy Efficiency First (EE1st) principle

    Energy Efficiency First (EE1st) principle is a guiding principle of EU energy policy, already set out in the 2015 Energy Union Communication 76 , and the need to prioritise energy efficiency is recognised in the European Green Deal. The principle is defined in the Governance Regulation as taking utmost account in energy planning, and in policy and investment decisions, of alternative cost-efficient energy efficiency measures to make energy demand and energy supply more efficient, in particular by means of cost-effective end-use energy savings, demand response initiatives and more efficient conversion, transmission and distribution of energy, whilst still achieving the objectives of those decisions.” Following strong support for this principle from the European Parliament, it was incorporated in the EED noting that it contributes to the implementation of the energy efficiency first principle”.

    However, limited progress has been made with applying the EE1st principle across sectoral policies and making it more operational. The feedback from national authorities and the experience from the NECPs show that the principle is still not fully understood and needs to be better explained in specific contexts. This was confirmed by two specific expert meetings where stakeholders indicated that a specific cost-benefit analysis methodology, manuals and methodologies in line with the EE1st would be useful, as the application of the principle is quite complex.

    At present, the precise application is less clear and the Governance Regulation merely requires Member States to “take into account the interlinkages between the five dimensions of the Energy Union, in particular the energy efficiency first principle”. This situation with the statements in the EED and Governance Regulations represents BAU.

    The Commission, therefore, aims to adopt guidance on the application of the EE1st principle together with the ‘Fit for 55’ package so as to facilitate and clarify its use. This is included in the non-regulatory option (EE1st.1). The non-regulatory measures could also cover the development of a CBA methodology that includes the co-benefits from energy savings. However, their voluntary nature will mean that their implementation will largely depend on the willingness of Member States to apply them. Providing guidance and requiring application of EE1st are relatively well supported by stakeholders.

    In view of this, as a cornerstone of energy policy and with the EED providing the framework for energy efficiency policy and measures for the EU, the EED would be the appropriate instrument to provide a legal basis for the practical application of the principle. In the PC 53% of respondents supported making the “Energy Efficiency First” principle a compulsory test in relevant legislative, investment and planning decisions in view of the higher energy savings target for 2030. This option is also explored (EE1st.2). Figure 10 below shows stakeholder views on which measures are needed to ensure it is consistently applied.

    Figure 10 Stakeholder views on measures needed to consistently apply the EE1st principle

    It is also possible to conceive of a stronger requirement for Member States to assess their legislation in key areas to identify measures that are contrary to EE1st principles. This could be accompanied by an obligation to set up a structure responsible for applying the EE1st principle and monitoring the impacts of policy and investment decisions on energy consumption (EE1st.3).



    The EED and Governance Regulation do not provide clarity on the action Member States should take to implement the principle.


    Provide Member States guidance on applying the EE1st principle and develop a CBA methodology including energy savings co-benefits.


    Oblige Member States to implement the EE1st principle and test energy infrastructure projects or plans against alternative energy efficiency measures.


    Member States would be obliged to review their legislation for coherence with the EE1st principle and establish a body for applying the principle.

    5.2.2.Policy measures to address driver 2 – Continued existence of barriers to energy efficient behaviour, including for investments

    4.Obligations for public sector buildings

    In the Commission’s original proposal for the EED, it envisaged that the public building renovation requirement would apply to all public buildings except social housing. It was estimated that the energy savings till 2020 would amount to 3.4 Mtoe. The final requirement only applies to central government buildings and these represent somewhat less than a quarter of all government buildings, and maybe only a tenth. This means that the energy saving potential from increased renovation rates for these buildings has not been realised (the underlying renovation rate was reported as around 1.5%). BAU therefore requires the renovation of 3% of central government building floor area annually. These buildings are required to be renovated in line with the minimum energy performance requirements set under Article 4 of the EPBD. PC responses show a considerable support, except among public authorities, for strengthening the public building renovation and energy performance contract (EPC) requirements as shown in Figure 11 below.

    Figure 11 Stakeholder view whether these measures should be considered to strengthen the EED

    In view of the lower energy savings as a result of the limitation to central government buildings, one option to realise greater energy savings is to increase the target annual renovation rate (BUILD.2a).

    An important reason for requiring public buildings to be renovated was because of the fact that they are visited by many people and would therefore play an exemplary role in demonstrating the potential for energy savings. The buildings that are likely to be most visited by the public are ones that are more a part of their daily life rather than central government buildings. Therefore, to address this while increasing overall energy savings, another option is to extend the scope of the requirement, for example to all government buildings(BUILD.2b).

    The energy savings from this provision of the EED depend not only on the renovation rate and the scope, but also on the depth of the energy renovation carried out. The EPBD requires all new public buildings to be nearly zero-energy buildings (NZEB) after the end of 2018 and all new buildings to be NZEB by the end of 2020. The 2018 cost-optimal reports developed by Member States show that the progressive tightening of the Minimum Energy Performance Requirements for existing non-residential buildings undergoing major renovation reveal that for many Member States these minimum requirements are already at a comparable level to NZEB requirements. While achieving the NZEB levels may not be possible for every building due to technical or economic reasons, in general it could be considered feasible for major renovations. Already ten Member States have equal requirements for new and existing buildings in their national legislation transposing the EPBD.

    According to the 2020 assessment of the progress made by Member States towards the implementation of the EED and towards the deployment of nearly zero-energy buildings and cost-optimal minimum energy performance requirements in the EU in accordance with the EPBD, the construction market is ready to take steps towards the improvement of the energy performance of the future building stock. A significant reduction of relevant technology costs is expected (e.g. in heat pumps, biomass boilers, heat recovery systems, solar thermal collectors, photovoltaics energy storage, etc.), which could make it possible to further increase the level of ambition for NZEBs.

    A detailed assessment of the progress with energy renovations in buildings including to NZEB standards 77 illustrates that at present energy renovations represent only a third of expenditure on renovations. It also showed that at that time some non-residential buildings were being renovated to NZEB standards but that these were a small proportion of the total. No barriers to carrying out renovations to this standard are identified in the report. (BUILD.3)

    The provisions on public buildings provide for many flexibilities and conditionalities allowing Member States to choose alternatives that often result in a lower amount of energy savings. While a certain level of flexibility is justified to account for national specificities, it also provides a way for Member States to avoid taking measures that are perceived to be too difficult despite their clear benefits. The feedback received in the targeted stakeholder workshop revealed that Article 5 is perceived as a crucial aspect of the EED, as they consider that the public sector should lead by example. At the same time, stakeholders expressed the view that because of the limited scope, the limitations of alternative approach and the absence of a clear link between the regulatory provisions and available funding, the results are insufficient. Stakeholders also stated that this made it hard to monitor and led in many cases to only short-term energy savings.

    In this context, a recurrent issue is that a number of articles allow alternative ways of compliance, but these do not always result in the same level of energy savings. For example, the flexibility given to Member States in view of the renovation target limits its effectiveness, as it allows to renovate less buildings to the cost optimal level. In addition, the option of using alternative measures (instead of renovating 3% of building owned and occupied by central government) often results in energy savings measures (e.g. awareness raising) that tend to end after only a few years and are often not repeated. Research shows that individuals tend to slowly resume previous habits, if awareness raising campaigns are not repeated 78 79 , and actions of this kind therefore have a limited effect compared to the actual renovation of a building.

    The PC responses echo these findings. Some 47% of stakeholders identify the binding nature of the EED measures (including Article 5) as important with a majority indicating that existing flexibilities (e.g. alternative approach in Art. 5) does not allow these articles to fully achieve their objectives. Buildings are considered as one of the most important area for strengthening EED requirements as shown in Figure 5 for all stakeholder groups. Of the respondents, 85% agreed that strengthening the renovation obligation for public buildings should be considered to achieve a higher ambition, while 15% disagreed. Among public authorities 72% agreed and 28% disagreed. Moreover, 82% of respondents support strengthening the energy performance contracting requirements in the renovation of public buildings.

    The evaluation therefore supports the need for strengthening the requirements to drive more, and more ambitious, renovations of public buildings. In view of this, a reduction of the flexibility available is therefore explored as an option through the removal of the alternative method (BUILD.4). 



    The public building renovation requirement applies only to central government buildings, requires 3% of the floor area to be renovated annually, only requires renovation to minimum energy performance requirements and allows for alternative approaches.


    Provide further guidance and necessary tools to national authorities and procurement officials, and strengthen the existing support fora (e.g. Concerted Action) to guide Member States towards renovation and uptake of energy efficiency requirements in building procurement and management practices.


    Increase the overall ambition through an increased annual target.


    Increase the overall ambition through a wider scope.


    Strengthen requirements to achieve the obligations, for example renovations to the Near Zero Energy Building (NZEB) standard.


    Delete the alternative method in Article 5.

    5.Obligations for public procurement

    Under BAU the EED requires central governments to purchase only products, services and buildings with high energy-efficiency performance. This is limited by possible exclusions on grounds of cost-effectiveness, economic feasibility, sustainability, technical suitability and sufficient competition. There is no definitive information available about the impact of applying BAU as there are no reporting requirements for this.

    In the PC, 85% of all respondents, and 63% of public authorities, agreed to some degree that strengthening the energy efficiency requirements for public procurement should be considered as a way to contribute to achieve a higher energy savings ambition. Figure 11 shows this support by stakeholder group.

    The PC also asked whether the requirement for central governments to purchase only products, services and buildings with high energy-efficiency performance helped to develop a market for energy efficiency products and services. In response 64% said no. They were then asked about the reasons for this and the options as well as the proportion supporting them are shown below in order of decreasing support:

    Table 5 PC ranking of reasons why EED procurement measures have not developed a market for energy efficient products and services

    It is too easy to evade the requirement to purchase highly energy efficient products, services or buildings on grounds such as cost-effectiveness, economic feasibility or technical suitability


    The scope is too limited as it applies only to the central government bodies


    It is too difficult for public bodies to identify energy efficient products in case they are not regulated under the EU Energy Labelling rules


    Public authorities lack specific guidelines to improve their purchasing practices


    There is no obligation to apply Green Public Procurement criteria


    Of these issues, there is clearly potential to reduce the conditionalities that are reported to be used to avoid the requirements as well as to extend the scope beyond central government. It is less clear what can be done to assist public bodies identify efficient products not covered by energy labelling, but it is in any case likely that these will be classes of products that are less energy using. This aspect might usefully be addressed in guidance that could be expanded and through the existing supporting fora.

    Stakeholders in the targeted workshop on energy efficiency in the public sector and in the PC called for an extension of the scope to all public administration levels, and the need to raise awareness and capacity of public administrations for applying energy efficiency criteria in public procurement more systematically.

    The aspect with the least support is to require Member States to take into account Green Public Procurement criteria, e.g. related to circular economy and climate resilience. While this might be desirable for wider reasons, and for example for public buildings above a certain threshold, this option is discarded since it would be outside the legal scope of the EED. Nevertheless, efforts could be made to encourage the use of such criteria.

    Efforts could be made to do this through non-regulatory means. For example the Commission could provide further guidance and tools to national authorities and procurement officials. It can strengthen the existing support fora (e.g. Concerted Action) for Member States and to assist them in taking Green Public Procurement (GPP) criteria into account e.g. related to circular economy and climate resilience (PROCURE.1).

    Central government procurement is estimated to only account for about 16% of all public procurement. Therefore, extending the EED requirements to all public authorities would substantially increase their impact and has a high support among stakeholders and is therefore assessed (PROCURE.2)



    Central governments to purchase only high energy-efficiency performance products, services and buildings subject to possible exclusions.


    Continue and expand support efforts to boost energy efficiency in procurement.


    Extend the energy efficient procurement obligation to all public bodies.

    Given the exemplary role of the public sector an overall obligation to save energy in the public sector would frame the specific obligations of energy efficiency procurement and renovation of public buildings. This obligation would ensures that the public sector contributes its fair share to the energy efficiency targets in particular and to the decarbonisation of the economy in general. It will also ensure that it is not left out from the efforts. This is particularly important as the public sector offers public services to all the population and thereby it will bring benefits to all in accordance with the Green Deal Objective of letting no one behind.


    Industry can be addressed by the EED measures relating to energy efficiency obligations where Member States may choose to address specific measures to industry. There are also specific provision in the EED relating to the use of waste heat from industry and the use of cogeneration that are addressed under heating and cooling.

    The other main avenue of action in the EED is through the promotion of energy audits and the obligation for non-SME enterprises to carry out an energy audit at least every 4 years (BAU). The evaluation identified important limitations in these provisions, such as the lack of monitoring requirements for energy audits, the absence of an obligation to implement audit recommendations, difficulties related to application of the SMEs definition, and missing incentives for implementing energy management systems.

    In the PC, stakeholders indicated that industry was the third most important sector in terms of the impact the EED has had on promoting energy efficiency. They also indicated that the audit obligation for large enterprises was the second most important in terms of the EED’s effect on energy savings (41% of all responses and 63% of public authorities). Support provided to SMEs to carry out energy audits, learn about their energy consumption and identify energy saving opportunities ranked fifth (26% of all responses and 33% of public authorities).

    It has been observed that there is a low implementation of audit recommendations. While there are likely to be multiple reasons for this, one could be that the person responsible for the audit may not have any budget or power to have the findings implemented. Another is that the managers of the business may not be aware of the economic potential offered by energy savings in their business and therefore do not properly take this into account in their planning. An obligation for the results of the audit to be seen and approved by the management of the business could ensure that this is less likely to occur.

    Other options to increase business awareness of energy saving potential may exist though benchmarking enterprises in a specific sector. This already happens through a private sector imitative for the refining industry 80 (where energy use is a key parameter) and the IEA is also seeking to promote further benchmarking 81 .

    With regard to strengthening the EED, as shown in Figure 5 , industry was indicated as the fourth most important area (52% of respondents) where more effort should be made to achieve the higher ambition for 2030. As shown in Figure 11 by stakeholder group, around 66% of respondents supported to some degree that an obligation to implement some audit recommendations was desirable. A slightly smaller proportion (59%) thought that that requiring free audits for SMEs should be considered. However, support for these options from business and public authorities was low.

    Around 61% of all respondents thought that the current mandatory audit requirements should be changed. They were asked about a range of options. Figure 12 below shows that the option with the biggest support was for taking account of energy use, with overall five times as many respondents agreeing as disagreeing with this. Other options with strong support were including resource efficiency recommendations in audits with seven times as much support as opposition, including renewable energy potential with five times as much support and an obligation to implement certain recommendations with three times as much support. There is little support for a higher mandatory frequency or including size as a parameter.

    Figure 12 Stakeholder views on options to amend the mandatory audit obligation

    A detailed analysis of the difficulties that Member States experience with implementing the current non-SME definition has been carried out 82 . This also considers other options and the energy based options appear to have considerable benefits since they would require substantially fewer companies to be subject to mandatory audits while it is estimated that the energy savings could be of a similar magnitude.

    The same study demonstrates the skewed nature of energy use across enterprises with a very small share of businesses accounting for by far the largest share. Given the importance of energy use in their business, these very largest energy users should already have more sophisticated energy management systems in place. In case they have not, it makes sense to replace the audit obligation for these businesses with one to have such a system. It is likely that most of these enterprises will be covered by the requirements of the Industrial Emissions Directive and the obligations through it to use Best Available Techniques. The use of an Environment Management System is a key obligation for them and this means that implementing an Energy Management System may require little or no extra effort.

    The current requirement only applies to enterprises. However, there has been a growing interest in the energy-water nexus. Waste water treatment plants (WWTPs) are major energy users and account for around 0.8% of all electricity use. Recent analysis 83 shows that there is substantial potential to improve their energy efficiency yet because of their nature there may be limited market pressure for them to do so. Including them within the scope of the audit obligation would add no more than 1000 plants but cover about 40% of the sector’s energy use.

    A range of measures are therefore assessed to strengthen the current audit requirements. These range from non-regulatory measures exploring benchmarking (IND.1), through changes to the audit requirements to base it on energy use and include WWTPs (IND.2) to the most extreme of obliging companies to implement the most cost-effective measures identified in audits (IND.3).



    Non-SME enterprises must have an energy audit at least every four years.


    Promote energy benchmarking of significant energy using sectors.


    I.Replace, for the largest energy users, the audit obligation with a requirement to put in place an energy management system.

    II.Replace the non-SME definition as the basis for the energy audit obligation with one based on energy use and amend it to include waste water treatment plants.

    III.Oblige the results of energy audits, including the recommendations, to be presented to the management of the company and be approved by them.


    Require companies subject to audits to implement energy audit recommendations with a payback time of less than 2 years.

    7.Heating and cooling

    The EED requires Member States to carry out comprehensive assessments of the potential for high-efficiency cogeneration and efficient district heating and cooling. This should be based on cost-benefit assessment taking into account their specific circumstances. They are required to encourage the use of high-efficiency cogeneration and efficient district heating and cooling. Comprehensive assessment should include information on the potential for new and renovated significant energy using installations for their cogeneration or district heating potential. These elements would continue under BAU.

    In terms of the sectors where additional energy efficiency efforts are needed to achieve a higher energy efficiency ambition for 2030, as shown in Figure 5 , 63% of PC respondents indicated heating and cooling making it the second most important after buildings.

    The stakeholder consultation, including the workshop on heating and cooling, revealed that many Member States believe that Article 14 has contributed only to small efficiency improvements and that some key areas are left out such as data centres, higher system integration (use of waste heat, electrical and thermal efficiencies), building-level measures (heating systems and heat pumps) and local planning and development. Also, cooling has often not been addressed.

    Furthermore, the comprehensive analysis has often not been followed up, i.e. the identified potential has not been captured by sufficient implementation of policies and measures, for example waste heat reuse not being sufficiently addressed and a lack of focus on local aspects of planning and development of heating and cooling.

    These factors make it desirable to strengthen the existing provisions on the assessment of alternative energy supply options. The stakeholder workshop addressing heating and cooling was positive about the current measures but noted that there was insufficient implementation of policies identified in the comprehensive assessments. The cost-benefit analysis requirement was criticised because of a lack of appropriate follow-up.

    Table 6 PC responses to which heating and cooling measures should be considered

    The PC asked stakeholders for their views on whether a series of possible measures should be considered in the heating and cooling policy area objectives. There was considerable support for most of these as shown in Table 6 above.

    The PC also asked how the elements of the EED addressing heating and cooling (Article 14, the related Annexes and definitions in Article 2) could be made more effective. The results in Figure 13 below show differentiated views about strengthening the minimum requirements of the definition of efficient district heating and cooling. Civil society strongly support this change but public authorities and business are less positive. Most respondents are positive about measures relating to the planning of infrastructure, including those generating waste heat or cold. There is also quite strong support amongst stakeholders, except civil society, for a strengthen account of the benefits of the cost-benefit analyses, especially for the utilisation of waste heat.

    Figure 13 PC response on measures to make Article 14 more effective

    In view of these views, one step to improve efforts could be to make it mandatory to implement cost effective measures identified in Member States’ comprehensive assessments. In addition, the larger local governments could be required to assess local heating and cooling supply options since they would be best informed of the local conditions and for example the availability of waste heat from business installations through permitting. It is also desirable to ensure that cost-benefit analyses of alternative heating and cooling supply options for individual installations with large energy consumption are made.

    A further challenge arises because the definition of efficient district heating is used as a basis for assessing whether or not it is legitimate to grant state aid to installations. The current definition means that state aid can be granted to installations which will have lifetimes significantly beyond 2030 but which will be major emitters of greenhouse gases. This points to a need to revisit the definition so as to ensure coherence with wider policy goals.

    Cogeneration or Combined Heat and Power (CHP) is another route to provide heating and electricity simultaneously, requiring less energy overall than for their separate supply. In 2018, CHP supplied 11.7% of EU27 electricity generation. It simultaneously supplied 2651 PJ of heat, which is 13.7% of the energy used for heating and cooling.

    CHP also involves more complexity than just supplying heat on its own, which merits greater governmental intervention to ensure a larger share of the potential for this market is exploited. There is also an EU market for the supply of the equipment and it is desirable to ensure that the incentives are correct to encourage greater efficiency in the equipment supplied and fitted which might not happen were there not to be a governmental drive to do so. In view of this, it seems desirable to update the definition of high-efficiency cogeneration in the EED and to strengthen implementation of the comprehensive assessments.

    However, as illustrated above, the PC showed conflicting opinions on the update of the definition of high-efficiency cogeneration. Public authorities and business do not support stricter minimum requirements or addressing fossil fuel use while civil society does. A revision of the definitions is assessed (HEAT.2).

    While district heating and CHP account for significant shares of overall heat supply, the majority remain supplied by more standard equipment. There is a need for this to be fairly rapidly replaced by much more efficient equipment that causes much lower GHG emissions. The main option available for heating is heat pumps and the CTP modelling scenarios indicate a 12% year on year growth rate in their installation. It is unclear whether this will be achieved purely through market mechanisms and so consideration can be given to for example setting an end date for installing combustion boilers. This could be justified in the EED by the multiple times increase in overall energy efficiency that would be achieved (provided the primary energy factor of electricity supply is sufficiently low).

    As illustrated in Table 6 above, there was strong support from the PC for phasing out the use of fossil fuels in heating. Set against this are the difficulties such an approach could cause in the single market, where other legislation is setting product standards, and subsidiarity questions. This is assessed as HEAT.3.



    Retain existing definitions and assessment requirements


    Promote energy benchmarking of significant energy using sectors.


    I.Strengthen the definitions (‘efficient district heating and cooling’, ‘high-efficiency CHP’, and ‘energy losses’) in line with the pathway to overall decarbonisation.

    II.Strengthen the obligations to ensure a better implementation of the findings from comprehensive assessments and to require local heating and cooling plans.

    III.Strengthen obligations to ensure new or refurbished district heating facilities meet the ‘efficient district heating and cooling’ definition and that existing facilities that do not meet it establish an upgrading plan.


    Require phasing out fossil fuel boilers.

    8. Energy transmission systems

    The EED requires tariff structures for gas and electricity infrastructures to be set in a way to encourage energy efficiency, assessment of the potential for efficiency improvements and development of a common methodology for assessing losses. It also encourages high efficiency co-generation and promotes the use of demand side response mechanisms (BAU).

    Besides the EED, energy efficiency improvements on energy transformation and distribution are affected by a large number of EU legislative acts 84 , in particular by the ETS, RED and ESR. The transformation and supply sectors should also react to changes in energy demand caused by competition with other energy supply options, new or relocated demand points and energy efficiency actions taken by consumers. To reflect energy system integration ambitions, energy distribution systems need to bridge energy suppliers and consumers and to provide new services.

    In gas grids the largest energy losses occur in the form of methane leaking in the atmosphere (up to 98% in some systems) 85 , and such leakages, already the object of stringent safety rules, will be further addressed by the follow-up to the Commission’s Methane Strategy launched in 2020. In addition, while leakage is common in old gas pipes, often made of gas iron, it is rare in new gas pipes, which are made of high-density polyethylene. In the PC, 49% of stakeholders agreed that the wide scope of the EED, which includes energy supply and distribution as well as regulators, had helped to achieve its objectives. However, only 21% of stakeholders thought that measures stemming from the EED to increase efficiency in energy production, conversion, transmission and distribution had been the most successful in delivering energy savings and other benefits. Some 65% of stakeholders agreed to some degree that strengthening these requirements is important. However, when looking by stakeholder group, Figure 11 shows little support for this from public authorities or business. Despite this, 45% of respondents stated that electricity and gas networks do not operate in the most efficient way in their country. A first step to improve the effectiveness can be to consider enhancing comparison between networks through a benchmarking approach (NET.1).

    The evaluation has shown that the lack of common definitions has hampered any meaningful comparison of overall energy efficiency between networks. Steps to address this seem a prerequisite to inform operators, regulators and Member States of the need for further action. It is therefore envisaged to seek to address these weaknesses through common definitions and reporting (NET.2).

    Stakeholders were asked what the main factors limiting energy efficiency improvements in networks and their responses in order of importance are shown below:

    Table 7 PC ranking of the factors limiting energy efficiency of national energy networks

    It can be seen that the most important relates to the incentive structure (which is also linked with the fourth most important). The second biggest reason slows upgrading but should not prevent it happening. The third and fifth most important relate to how the investments needed can be financed which is beyond what can be addressed in the EED.

    As regards energy efficiency improvements for energy transmission and distribution, the potential for the transmission system appears limited, while it is more significant for distribution 86 . Provisions on energy efficiency are integrated into Directive (EU) 2019/944 for the internal market of electricity, as well as in the draft TEN-E Regulation, and there are plans for integrating such provisions into the future review of the Directive for internal market of natural gas (which should include hydrogen and biogas as well). Nevertheless, the EED could be further strengthened in this area.

    Finally, stakeholder feedback suggests that the objectives of Article 15 may have not been fully appropriate and could better reflect how the different grid elements can contribute to the improvement of overall energy system efficiency, for instance in terms of smart grid deployment. In view of all these elements, it seems desirable to place a greater focus on ensuring that regulators ensure network operators have a sufficiently strong incentive to make energy saving investments (NET.3).



    Continue to assess and promote efficiency in networks through tariffs and encourage co-generation and demand side response.


    Promote benchmarking of energy transmission and distribution networks.


    Develop (with Eurostat) a common definition of energy losses and require reporting by system operators on how they identify and reduce these through energy efficiency measures.


    Require National Regulatory Authorities to monitor and incentive energy efficiency investments by system operators.


    The EED does not directly address or have any specific requirements in relation to energy saving in transport. However, Member States around 5% of the energy saving measures reported under Article 7 (see Error! Reference source not found. for details) directly relate to transport and some proportion of the other combined measures may also relate to it (BAU).

    As indicated in section 2.2, the transport sector is one of the few sectors that has seen an increase in energy consumption over the last decade (despite stricter vehicle CO2 limits, which also improve energy efficiency). However, vehicle standards form only part of a successful strategy to address energy use in transport that, in addition to improving vehicles, should also look at avoiding transport through higher efficiency systems and shifting to less energy intense transport modes 87 . Transport is the largest energy-using sector where the EED does not contain any specific provisions. Stakeholders in the PC indicated that it is the sector where the EED has had the least impact on energy use (after agriculture). Linked to this, as shown in Figure 5 , it is ranked as the third sector where stakeholders believe additional action through the EED is needed (after buildings and heating and cooling) with broad agreement from all stakeholder groups.

    However, a particular challenge in the transport sector is that energy saving measures in vehicles, by reducing the cost often leads to a greater propensity to travel. It is therefore important to accompany measures addressing vehicles with ones that address overall energy use. This implies measures that are at the border of transport and energy policy and this may be one of the reasons why so little action has been taken. The EU specifically attempted to address the issue of energy use in transport through the STEER part of the Intelligent Energy Europe Programme.

    The Smart and Sustainable Mobility Strategy lists many existing and planned policies that may lead to energy efficiency improvements in transport although there is no quantification of their contribution to saving energy. In view of this, the EED could complement these policies by providing a framework for stimulating the uptake of specific energy efficiency actions under other policy measures (e.g. promotion of modal shift, urban mobility planning).

    Urban transport is estimated to use around 40% of all road transport energy 88 . It is therefore a key area to address and urban areas have the advantage of offering many potential alternative modes of transport (walking, cycling, public transport, shared mobility options). While there have been voluntary initiatives to encourage the development of Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans (SUMPs) these rarely place much emphasis on energy use although they are likely to bring some energy saving benefits. Such schemes bring wide multiple benefits for health and local environment in addition to energy savings.

    However, the coordination challenges and ensuring that all the benefits are taken into account calls for strong incentives to take action. Urban areas have widely varying populations. Nevertheless the bulk of energy use occurs in the larger ones and those over 1 million inhabitants are reported to account for 60% of urban transport energy use 89 and therefore would still cover a significant amount of overall transport energy use. In view of this, legal requirements to address transport energy consumption could be envisaged in the largest urban areas and also the largest transport generating sites within them. Since these both offer the largest share of potential while providing many alternative mobility options it would be most appropriate to include specific transport energy saving obligations for them (TRANS.1).

    Internal combustion engines typically have an energy efficiency of 15 to 25% and no means to recuperate kinetic energy when braking. As vehicles have started to be electrified, through hybridisation and full battery electric vehicles, the efficiency of the powertrain increases and larger shares of kinetic energy can be recuperated. Typically a fully electric vehicle will use only a quarter of the energy to travel the same distance as an internal combustion engine one.

    Measures to require the phase out of internal combustion engine cars are gaining momentum across the EU and neighbouring countries as shown in Table 8 below. These are likely to lead to a patchwork of dates and differing requirements. A transition from internal combustion engines to electric propulsion with a motor efficiency around 90% implies very substantial energy savings. This is illustrated by the fact that while cars use around 20% of all FEC at present it has been estimated that if they were all electrified it would probably add only around 10% to total electricity demand.

    Table 8 Overview of reported ICE phase out intentions in Member States


    In view of the substantial energy savings and the benefits of providing greater certainty for the automotive industry on the transition to electrified vehicles it could be desirable to set a requirement to set an end date for the sales of internal combustion engine cars linked to the primary energy factor (PEF) for electricity generation. The link to the PEF would ensure that the transition was only required once it is clear that it will lead to primary energy savings. This should be coherent with EU legislation on the CO2 performance of passenger cars which has a high equivalence to energy consumption (TRANS.2).



    No specific measures but some transport energy savings reported under Article 7.


    Mandatory requirements in line with the Sustainable and Smart Mobility Strategy to require urban areas over 1 million inhabitants without a sustainable urban mobility plan to establish a plan covering energy use in passenger and freight transport and identifying and implementing measures to improve transport energy efficiency.


    Require Member States to set a date for the end of sales of new internal combustion engine cars within ten years of the value of the national electricity PEF going below a threshold.

    10.Enabling and Supporting measures – Consumers, energy services, support schemes, financing

    Enabling and supporting measures under the EED are aimed at creating the right conditions in Member States to facilitate the implementation of energy efficiency measures, and putting in place the necessary mechanisms, such as financing incentives or instruments, in view of achieving the energy efficiency targets in an optimal way. These measures aim to strengthen the provisions on energy services and energy performance contracting, to ensure an appropriate level of qualifications and certifications of energy services providers, and ensure that information and appropriate technical advice is available on energy efficiency to different market actors and energy consumers (BAU).


    The PC and the consumer information and empowerment workshop confirmed the relevance of the EED provisions and showed that it was considered to have made a moderate contribution (65% moderate contribution, 25% small contribution) to informing and empowering (small) energy consumers. Respondents and participants mentioned the broad formulation of Article 12 as a key reason for its moderate impact. Next to that, respondents stressed the difficulty to estimate the effectiveness of information measures towards consumers.

    Stakeholders offered a variety of ways to reinforce the provisions. These include:

    ·Stronger engagement of consumers which consume small amounts of energy;

    ·Stronger support to enable consumers to actively participate in the energy market;

    ·More detailed guidelines for Article 12 implementation, and sharing of good practices at EU level;

    ·Strengthened Articles 12 and 17 to further empower citizens, and consumers, but also their associations and energy cooperatives;

    ·Measures targeting households in energy poverty;

    ·Access of consumers to independent and qualitative advice on energy efficiency improvements, such as Building Renovation Passports, One-Stop-Shops.

    Finally, the Member States’ Taskforce identified the insufficient consideration of the impact of behavioural aspects such as the rebound effect as one of the reasons for increased energy consumption. This is reinforced by the fact that 60% of PC respondents believe that more effort is needed on awareness raising and behavioural change.

    Energy services

    When asked for their views on what can be done to improve the functioning of energy services and energy performance contracting the prioritisation of stakeholders is shown in Table 9 below:

    Table 9 PC prioritisation of elements to improve energy services and performance contracting

    Options to strengthen non-regulatory efforts would continue the existing Concerted Action dedicated to supporting Member States in the implementation of the EED. Member States would also continue information campaigns to increase awareness and change behaviour of consumers and market actors to make energy saving decisions as well as to provide guidance and support to market operators and intermediaries (SUPPORT.1).

    It is therefore clear that stakeholders find that there is value from the accreditation and certification schemes but that these could be enhanced. To do this it may be useful to require minimum quality criteria and the regular assessment of the schemes (SUPPORT.2).

    There appears to be support to strengthen oversight of intermediary businesses in the field of energy services and performance contracting. There is also some support for a better monitoring of the availability of energy service providers and the degree to which the public sector uses energy performance contracting (SUPPORT.3).



    Continuation of existing support, information and enabling measures.


    Concerted Action dedicated to supporting Member States in the implementation of the EED will be continued. At Member State level continue information campaigns to increase awareness and change behaviour of consumers and market actors to make energy saving decisions as well as to provide guidance and support to market operators and intermediaries.


    I.Establish minimum quality assurance criteria for energy services providers;

    II.Require periodic assessment of qualification and certification schemes

    III.Strengthen quality and oversight of energy services market intermediaries.


    I.Stricter requirements for uptake of energy performance contracts and measurement and verification requirements for the public sector,

    II.Require Member States to assess barriers to dissemination of information and investments

    III.Require establishment of project development assistance mechanisms.

    5.2.3.Policy measures to address driver 3 – Lack of systematic information about the impacts of energy efficiency measures

    11.Measures to improve measuring and monitoring

    The assessment of the achievement of the EED’s overall energy saving target is based purely on the actual energy used which is data gathered and reported by Eurostat. This data is also broken down into main sectors and so provides insights on which sectors are increasing or decreasing their consumption. Member States also report on progress under the Governance Regulation and on their savings achieved under Article 7. However, this aggregated data is of little use to understand what is driving the changes observed and how well the specific measures required in the EED are working (BAU).

    As described in section 2, a large share of stakeholders think that EED did not provide the right monitoring and enforcement mechanisms. This weakness hampered the evaluation where it was extremely difficult to establish what impact had been achieved by different measures due to the lack of solid information for many aspects. It is not surprising that only 27% of OPC respondents thought that a strong monitoring and reporting framework at EU level had been important in achieving the EED’s objectives which was the lowest of the 7 factors. However, it is important to note that among public authorities, slightly more (35%) found it important. Only 38% of respondents said that the lack of effective monitoring had been a factor in not realising the EED’s potential, which was among the bottom 3 of 9 factors.

    There are already some monitoring and reporting requirements in place in the EED, but there is no detailed information on how much effort is currently required to carry out these tasks. One factor to consider is that increasing digitalisation of data gathering may make it easier to transfer or make available data that is already gathered by Member States. As an example, monitoring of actual energy savings from renovations has been demonstrated and basing Article 7 savings on this would avoid uncertainty over estimates and rebound effects.

    At the same time it is clear that to systematically gather the information that would enable better monitoring of whether the required actions are being taken, progress made and assessment of whether the available potentials are being fully exploited, would require additional effort by different stakeholders. In view of this additional effort, it is not surprising that there is limited support for the need for enhancing monitoring and reporting.

    Stakeholders were asked in relation to specific aspects of the EED whether they thought a strengthening of monitoring requirements was desirable. In the case of the Energy Saving Obligation, strengthening the monitoring and verification rules was the second most supported measure (67%). Also in relation to enhancing public procurement provisions, the second most important measure was considered to be improved reporting of lifecycle energy use by 45% of all respondents and 29% of public authorities. In contrast, in relation to enhancing the provisions on energy services, enhanced reporting requirements was the least supported of all measures by 34% of all respondents and only 15% of public authorities.

    A non-regulatory approach to increase the quality and amount of data available would be to expand the use of surveys, studies and other sources of analytical data to gather more data on actions taken by different actors and Member States. This is considered as MONITOR.1.

    A further step to improve information availability in certain areas can be taken by strengthening the existing reporting requirements. Because of the existing structures this should involve little further effort or burden and is considered as MONITOR.2.

    However, in certain areas there are currently no monitoring and reporting requirements and this creates considerable uncertainty over the impact and effectiveness of the measures. To address this, additional requirement are considered on how energy efficiency requirements are taken into account in public procurement and on public sector energy efficiency investments and energy performance contracts concluded above a threshold (MONITOR.3).



    Continue with existing monitoring mechanisms.


    Expand the use of surveys, studies and other sources of analytical data to gather more data on actions taken by different actors and Member States.


    I.Strengthen monitoring and verification including on additionality for counting energy savings in Article 7.

    II.Strengthen monitoring and reporting of public building renovations.


    I.Additional monitoring and reporting requirements on how energy efficiency requirements are taken into account in public procurement.

    II.Reporting on public sector energy performance contracts concluded above certain threshold and energy efficiency investments.

    Table 10 below provides an overview of the link between the problem, drivers and the above outlined policy options.

    Table 10: Overview of the link between the problem, drivers and policy options

    Problem: EU will not be able to decarbonise sufficiently to achieve the higher 55% GHG emission reduction ambition in a cost-effective way without capturing the remaining energy savings potential

    Driver 1: insufficient incentives in support of Member States’ ambition and efforts

    Policy packages and measures



    Intermediate ambition


    Higher ambition

    Nature of EE targets

    TARGET.1: Binding EU-level target

    TARGET.2: Indicative national benchmarks

    TARGET.3: Binding national targets

    Energy Savings Obligations

    ESO.1: Transport sub-target

    ESO.2: Energy poverty sub-target

    ESO.3: Exclude fossil fuel technologies

    ESO 4: Replace article 7 obligation with white certificates scheme



    Guidance on application of EE1st principle

    Development of CBA methodology


    Obligation to implement EE1st principle

    Obligation to test energy infrastructure projects against EE1st principle


    Obligation to review legislation for EE1st coherence and establish ‘application’ body

    Driver 2: continuous existence of barriers and weaknesses in main intervention areas

    Policy measures



    Intermediate ambition


    Higher ambition

    Public sector buildings


    Guidance in support of public building renovation

    BUILD.2 a) and b): increased annual target and extend scope to all public bodies

    BUILD.3: strengthen requirements


    Delete alternative method

    Public sector procurement


    Guidance in support of energy efficient and green public procurement


    Extend scope to all public bodies



    Promote benchmarking of energy using sectors


    Strengthen audit requirements


    Require implementation of certain audit recommendations

    Heating & Cooling


    Promote benchmarking of energy using sectors


    Strengthen certain definitions and obligations


    Phase out of fossil fuel boilers

    Energy networks


    Promote benchmarking of networks


    Develop common definition of energy losses and require reporting by system operators


    Require authorities to monitor and incentivise implementation



    Mandatory mobility planning for certain urban areas


    Require phase-out of internal combustion engine cars

    Support measures


    Further capacity building, guidance and awareness campaigns


    Strengthen requirements for energy service providers, intermediaries and qualification & certification schemes


    Require MS to take up energy performance contracting, address barriers and establish project assistance.

    Driver 3: Lack of sufficient information

    Policy measures



    Intermediate ambition


    Higher ambition



    Expand use of surveys, studies, etc.


    Strengthen monitoring and reporting on article 7 and public building renovations


    Additional monitoring and reporting requirements for public buildings, procurement and energy performance contracting

    5.3.From options to scenarios that build on the Climate Target Plan

    The Commission adopted the CTP in September 2020. It showed that the achievement of increased climate target of at least 55% net GHG emissions reduction is feasible, enables a smoother trajectory to climate neutrality in 2050, but requires that all sectors contribute to the increased effort.

    With the energy sector contributing currently to just over 75% of GHG emissions, the clean energy transition in the current decade plays a central role. This transition has to accelerate significantly compared to scenarios leading to the previously agreed climate target of at least 40% GHG reduction in 2030. In the CTP, the increase of efforts needed for the GHG 55% target was illustrated by policy scenarios showing increased ambition (or stringency) of climate, energy and transport policies and, consequently, leading to a significant investment challenge.

    The CTP made use of a several policy scenarios illustrating, in particular, the fundamental interplay between the strength of the carbon pricing and intensity of regulatory measures. The results obtained with these scenarios were convergent. All CTP policy scenarios that achieved 55% GHG target showed very similar level of ambition for energy efficiency, renewables (overall and on sectoral level) and GHG reductions across the sectors. More details about the key finding of the CTP (and how the scenarios have been updated in the current impact assessment) are presented in Error! Reference source not found..

    The results is that three common scenarios are used as the basis for all the FF55 package which are:

    ·REG (intensification of energy and transport policies in absence of carbon pricing beyond the current ETS sectors);

    ·MIX (relying on both carbon price signal extension to road transport and buildings and intensification of energy and transport policies).

    ·MIX-CP, lower ambition energy policies with a strong role for carbon pricing for road transport and buildings.

    For this Impact Assessment, in addition to these common policy scenarios, some variants were developed to address – to the extent possible given the nature of energy efficiency – specific energy efficiency policies and measures.  Table 11 gives an overview of how the policy options and ‘packages’ are applied to the scenarios underpinning them. More details on the specification of each option can be found in Error! Reference source not found..

    Different packages of measures were tested against the common ‘fit for 55’ scenarios, reflecting greater or lesser energy efficiency requirements. The elements included are shown by row. Except for the baseline, all scenarios assume an intensification of non-regulatory measures (as described in Section 5.1, the baseline does not assume intensification of policies beyond what Member States have already implemented or committed to. The ‘MS target’ indicates whether national targets are indicative or mandatory. The ‘ESO’ row refers to the level of Energy Savings Obligations in Article 7 90 . For a number of scenarios, the intermediate ambition measures are deployed in addition to the non-regulatory ones. For a limited set of scenarios, high ambition measures are also added. Two scenarios, MIX-FLEX and REG-CERT deviate from this model to test specific elements.

    Table 11 Overview of scenarios





















    MS target



















    Non-regulatory measures


    Intermediate ambition measures

    Only EE1st

    Higher ambition measures

    White certificate

    I)NECP – ambition in line with National Energy and Climate Plans

    II)ESO – level of Energy Saving Obligations

    The scenarios shown in the table are briefly described below.

    Scenario 1: No policy change (baseline scenario)

    The baseline scenario assumes continued implementation of the existing framework without changes to the EED.

    Enforcement takes place through established methods, including the annual monitoring of Member States' performance under the Governance Regulation, continuous dialogue with Member States where necessary supported by further Commission recommendations to Member States, and infringement proceedings where relevant.

    Guidance has been provided on specific provisions including amended Article 7 on energy efficiency obligations 91 , Articles 9 to 11 92 on access to metering and billing information for consumers, and Article 14 93 on heating and cooling. It also assumes the adoption of guidance on the application of the EE1st principle, which is planned to be adopted as part of the ‘Fit for 55’ package.

    Scenario 2: Non-regulatory measures

    This option involves the use of non-regulatory measures alone, as identified under the different policy options. These offer the possibility to enhance the correct implementation of the EED in a more harmonised manner.

    A certain amount of guidance has already been published and support measures, such as Concerted Actions are undertaken. Expanding these activities could help to address some weaknesses identified, for example on lack of capacity at Member State level, further improve implementation and monitoring, and the application of the EE1st principle.

    As such, this scenario goes beyond what is already included in the baseline.

    Scenario 3: EED – MIX-CP

    As indicated above, the MIX-CP scenario was added to the “Fit for 55” core scenarios to explore a dedicated ETS for buildings and transport, with higher prices than the main ETS. This results in a lower-ambition revision of energy policies and CO2 standards for vehicles.

    Consequently, under this scenario, changes to the EED are minor; the overall target is increased, but by less than other scenarios, and the only other change to the EED is to introduce the EE1st principle in the legal text. Non-regulatory measures are also part of this scenario.

    Scenario 4: EED – MIX-FLEX

    Under this scenario, the major change to the EED is the level of the overall EU target and that targets are made mandatory at Member State level.

    The only other change is to introduce the EE1st principle in an article, but no other changes are made, thereby leaving the maximum of flexibility to Member States as to how they achieve their target.

    Scenario 5: EED – MIX

    Under this scenario, intermediate ambition changes are proposed to address the identified weaknesses. The overall target is increased in line with the CTP but the target remains indicative for Member States. Also, the level of ambition of Article 7 is increased.

    Scenario 6: EED – MIX-MAX

    Under this scenario, the revision of the EED includes all elements of option 5, but additionally aims to strengthen other aspects of the Directive where high ambition options were identified. These include inter alia aspects related to buildings, transport and the phasing out of gas boilers and combustion engines.

    Scenario 7: EED – REG

    The three REG scenarios are based upon the corresponding CTP IA scenarios, which assumed the maximum regulatory effort to achieve the 55% GHG reduction in 2030. Under this option, the main change is the increase in the level of energy efficiency obligations under article 7, as well as the intermediate ambition changes to address weaknesses. The overall target is increased but remains indicative for Member States.

    Scenario 8: EED – REG-MAX

    Compared to scenario 7, this option introduces mandatory energy efficiency targets at Member State level and strengthens other aspects of the Directive where high ambition options were identified. These include new aspects related to transport and measures related to phasing out of gas boilers and combustion engines.

    Scenario 9: EED – REG-CERT

    The main characteristic of this scenario compared to the other REG ones is to replace the energy efficiency obligations under Article 7 with an EU-wide white certificates scheme (see Error! Reference source not found. for further details about such a scheme). The other changes include the intermediate ambition measures.

    5.4.Scenarios discarded at an early stage

    Scenario 2: Non-regulatory measures, which envisages only non-regulatory action, has been discarded as a stand-alone option. This is because it cannot resolve a number of the underlying problems. In particular, Member States are unlikely to increase their overall level of energy savings, which is crucial to delivering the 55% GHG reduction, purely in response to a request from the Commission since they have not done so voluntarily so far.

    As regards the other identified problems, while some could be addressed through further guidance, this will provide less certainty than improving the legal text and will not address situations where the Directive allows for weaker alternatives or there is insufficient reporting. However, as such measures are in any case beneficial in support of energy efficiency, all other scenarios include the non-regulatory measures identified in section 5.2.

    6.What are the impacts of the scenarios and policy options?

    It is necessary to carry out an assessment of the individual detailed measures to determine whether they make sense in terms of their contribution to the effort needed from the EED as well as whether they might result in an excessive administrative effort or they are no justified in view of subsidiarity or coherence with other EU legislation. Those measures that would be retained also need to be assessed for coherence with each other as a package.

    A separate assessment is needed of whether the whole package of EED measures works appropriately with the other FF55 proposals to deliver the CTP ambition. That assessment is necessary to ensure that the FF55 package is coherent in view of the interactions between its elements and that its overall impact on factors such as energy prices, ETS prices and economic activity is considered acceptable.

    6.1.How the assessment is carried out

    The assessment of whether the package of EED measures works appropriately with the other FF55 proposals to deliver the CTP ambition is necessarily carried out using an energy system model. To take account of the fact that other proposals are simultaneously under consideration, the approach uses the three core scenarios used for all the ‘Fit for 55’ initiatives determine the boundary conditions for all policy options. The key difference between the three core scenarios (MIX-CP, MIX and REG) that is pertinent for the EED assessment is the extent and nature of pricing measures for GHG emissions.

    As previously explained, certain outcomes of the CTP define the framework within which the current assessment is taking place. In particular this includes the overall level of the energy saving target set by the EED and as a consequence the level of the Article 7 ambition.

    The measures implemented to promote energy efficiency in each scenario will have the effect of facilitating investments in energy efficiency and therefore lead to more energy savings than without them, all else being equal. Conversely they will result in lower emission prices to achieve the same level of savings. Nevertheless, the results of these scenarios establish the range of expected impacts of all ‘Fit for 55’initiatives acting together. Consequently, the quantitative impacts are also the result from the overall combined effects of all the ‘Fit for 55’ initiatives and not just those from the EED.

    The key question that the modelling needs to answer for this impact assessment is whether the assessed packages of EED measures are adequate to ensure that the FF55 policy package achieve the CTP parameters, in particular for the EED the energy savings needed. This is assessed for all the retained scenarios.

    Using an energy system model does not allow for a granular analysis by policy measure. In view of this inability to provide such a detailed quantitative analysis of many of the individual policy options, section 6.3 therefore provides a detailed qualitative assessment of the different policy options against the objectives of the review as well as administrative burden and coherence.

    6.2.Summary of quantitative results

    The projections obtained from scenario modelling provide quantitative elements for analysis. Models necessarily are limited in the granularity to which they can illustrate the complexity of the real world. All models require large amounts of data and assumptions as inputs and yet there may not be precise econometric data for all variables needed. In addition, because of their forward looking nature it is necessary to assume how all these variables may change in the future. These features mean that model outputs are necessarily uncertain. Efforts are made to reduce this uncertainty for example by trying to tune the outputs to observed outcomes, but it must be understood that the outcomes are not a precise prediction.

    A detailed presentation of the modelling results is provided in Error! Reference source not found.. This also describes the assumptions underpinning the scenarios (in particular regarding projected economic activity and fuel prices). Scenario results are reported in this Impact Assessment only at EU level, but impacts on Member States will be reported in the forthcoming technical publication. Figure 14 shows the reduction in Final Energy Consumption in the different scenarios and variants. Scenarios with higher intensification of policies (e.g. MIX-MAX and REG-MAX) show slightly higher energy savings. These scenarios also reach very slightly higher emissions reduction (for example, -54.3% GHG emissions for MIX-MAX and -54.4% for REG-MAX in 2030 94 ). Furthermore, the MIX-CP is the only scenario that does not reach the level on energy savings analysed in the CTP Impact Assessment. In 2030 FEC in the MIX-CP scenario is 34.2% below the 2007 baseline projections while the CTP scenarios all reached reductions between -36 and -37%.

    As discussed in the CTP Impact Assessment, projections for the different scenarios are remarkably close. In particular, the climate impact of all scenarios and options is very similar. There are small differences between scenarios in GHG emissions by sectors. Scenarios based on carbon pricing (e.g. the MIX scenario) tend to reduce supply side emissions more and in particular emissions from power generation (up to 3% points more). However, scenarios based on bottom up policies (e.g. the REG scenario) compensate with higher reduction in the residential sector.

    Figure 14: Final energy savings in 2030 (with reference to PRIMES 2007 baseline projection).

    Looking at these changes by main sectors ( Table 12 below) shows that the energy savings in each sector increase progressively through the options. The main exception to this is MIX-MAX for industry and residential, where the energy savings are higher than in all other options.

    Table 12: Final energy use by sector.

    Services & agriculture













































    6.2.1.Economic impact

    Figure 15 shows the ETS carbon price in the different scenarios including for the transport and building sectors in the scenarios with extension of ETS (the results for MIX-MAX are the same as in MIX).

    Figure 15: Carbon price ETS sectors (€'15/ t of CO2).

    System costs, including auction payments and disutilities, measure the policy costs for the final consumers. As shown in Figure 16 , the costs for consumers increase significantly compared to the previous decade and are also higher than in the reference scenario. At the same time, total system costs are remarkably close in all scenarios.

    Figure 16: average annual cost over 10-year periods, in billion € '15.


    Because of the increased system costs, electricity costs also increase as shown in Figure 17 . The average electricity cost increase up to 2030 and then tends to decrease due to decreasing technology costs. Moreover, scenarios with high carbon price (like MIX-CP) tend to have slightly higher electricity prices due to pass-through of carbon cost to final consumers.

    Figure 17: Average electricity price (€'15/MWh).

    Table 13 below compares the change in the cumulative energy system costs over ten years for each of the three main sectors against the change in their final energy consumption in 2030. This is to provide a measure of the cost-effectiveness of the different scenarios. For comparison, the change in cost in the ten years before and after 2030 are shown.

    The system costs including auction and disutility are a measure of the costs for final consumers. However, as public policies recycle carbon auction revenues in the economy, the indicator of total energy system cost excluding auction payments is the appropriate indicator for comparing the macroeconomic impact of different scenarios. Moreover, the disutility costs are not meaningful from a macroeconomic perspective.

    Table 13 shows the system cost excluding auction payments and disutilities expressed as % of GDP. Very small differences can be observed between scenarios and the increase compared to the reference scenario is also limited. Therefore, this alone does not provide a key determining factor in selecting a preferred approach.

    Table 13: Total system costs excluding auction payments and disutility as % of GDP.



















































































    6.2.2.Investment, GDP and employment effects

    Table 14 below indicates the levels of investment by sector for the period 2026-30 for each option.

    Total investment expenditures in final energy consumption sectors (demand sectors) in the Reference scenario increase in the 2021-2030 decade by 41% compared to 2011-2020. In the decade 2021-2030, the investment expenditures in the demand sectors in the policy scenarios increase between 6.9% and 11.8% relative to the Reference scenario. The REG scenarios project slightly higher investment expenditures in demand sectors compared to the MIX scenario (an increase from Reference of 11.8% instead of 9.7%).

    Investment expenditure increases considerably above business as usual also in supply sectors (including power and heat production, grids, and production and distribution of alternative fuels). In the Reference scenario, investment expenditures in the supply sectors increase by 45.2% in the decade 2021-2030, cumulatively, compared to the previous decade. The policy scenarios involve 28.7% to 30.7% higher supply sector investment expenditure above the Reference in the decade 2021-2030. The increase in the policy scenarios is much higher after 2030 and is on average 80% higher than Reference in the period 2031-2050.

    Table 14: Investment expenditures (in billion € '15).

    Demand side




    Total excl. transport













































    Supply side


    Power and heat plants


    New fuels






    2021 - 2030































    The increase in investments has a critical impact on the cost of the transition. If financing is available to fund capital costs, additional investments can generate a significant multiplier effect. It is estimated that around 9-20 jobs in manufacturing and construction are created for every million dollars invested in retrofits or efficiency measures in new builds in the EU. Construction jobs would mostly be local, while manufacturing jobs in the industrial sector would be created by increased demand for building materials and equipment such as insulation, efficient glazing and heat pumps.

    If financing is not available, however, the additional expenditures divert productive resources (either capital or labour) from other productive uses. Such crowding out results in scarcity conditions that have adverse effects on the entire economy.

    Analysis with macroeconomic models confirms the results obtained in the CTP impact assessment. The impact on the European GDP and employment of the climate targets is small in any of the cases assessed. Projections obtained with the GEM-E3 macroeconomic model indicate a small positive effect on GDP and employment with favourable financing conditions. Compared to Reference projections, GDP is 0.52% higher in 2030 and employment is 0.36% higher. Assuming crowding out of investments, however, GDP and employment in 2030 are 0.2% and 03% below the Reference level respectively. In line with previous findings, result for the MIX and REG scenarios are very similar. It is likely that the conditions for investments will lie in between the two cases of favourable financing and crowding out. Uncertainty on other parameters such as baseline economic growth is expected to have smaller impacts on macroeconomic aggregates 95 . The difference between the favourable financing and crowding out conditions can be interpreted as a measure for the uncertainty in the outcome of the policies proposed.  Figure 18 and Figure 19  show the economic impact of the core policy scenarios on GDP and employment in case with no crowding out of investments.

    Figure 18: % change of GDP in volume from Reference.

    Figure 19: % change of employment from Reference.

    Investments in energy efficiency measures cause positive GDP impacts for the entire economy through multiplier effects assuming that crowding out effects are not present. Accounting only for multiplier effect, but ignoring wider macroeconomic effects (i.e., via the readjustment of wages, interest rates, prices and the financial closure for funding) GDP would be approximately 0.5% and 1.1% higher in 2025 and 2030 respectively. Similarly, accounting for multipliers only, employment would be approximately 0.25% and 0.5% higher in 2025 and 2030. If the extra investment in energy efficiency and renewables included in the MIX and REG scenario were to be implemented without secondary and indirect effects in the macro economy, they would have a significant positive growth inducement impact.

    6.2.3.Social impacts

    All policy options are characterised by an increase in investments and in particular increase in energy efficiency investments. The CTP Impact Assessment showed that, in the absence of mitigating measures, climate policies could have a regressive impact affecting negatively vulnerable consumers. However, not all policies have equal social impacts. Policies based on carbon prices tend to promote fuel switch by increasing the cost of fuels. This could have negative effect for vulnerable consumers, as lower income households tend to spend a larger share of income on energy services such as heating and electricity consumption. Bottom up energy efficiency measures, on the other hand, tend to promote investments and renovations. Energy savings eventually repay capital investments. Assuming that financing is available, energy efficiency investments result in lower total costs.

    Figure 20 shows the average renovation rate over the 2016-2030 period by household income for the different scenario. Scenarios with higher energy efficiency ambition tend to have significantly higher renovation rates. Because of the policies included in the scenarios’ specification, renovation rates are higher in particular for low income households.

    Figure 20: Annual renovation rate of dwellings' building envelope (in percentage of stock).

    The CTP Impact Assessment (under comparable modelling assumptions) explored a lump-sum redistribution of carbon revenue at the national level (i.e. additional revenues relative to baseline are recycled within country). It was shown that this approach based on household size could generate a positive welfare impact on the bottom expenditure decile of the EU population as a whole under MIX, and sharply reduce the negative impact on all other expenditure. The nature of such a redistribution mechanism can affect the overall welfare impact.


    Any changes to the policy architecture, which are under consideration in this Impact Assessment would not take place in a policy vacuum, but would interact with existing and planned policies and measures of a different nature to reach the 55% climate target, including pricing and non-pricing mechanisms and measures, and policies promoting renewables.

    Assessing the interplay between each of the various elements of an extended and deepened policy architecture, and the interaction with existing related EU-level and national level policies is fundamental. The revision of the EED is a key element in achieving the increased 2030 EU climate target in a cost-efficient manner, while helping to address existing market barriers and redress distributional impacts. Most of the relevant EU policies are under review in the ‘Fit for 55’ package.

    Policy interactions are already manifold between existing climate and energy policies. Two areas worth mentioning in this respect are the buildings and transport sectors, which are covered by horizontal legislation on energy efficiency (EED and EPBD), renewables (RED), GHG emissions (ESR) and fuel infrastructure (Alternative Fuels Infrastructure Directive), but not by the EU ETS (except for aviation). In addition, several pieces of sector specific EU legislation apply.

    Therefore, in view of a possible scenario extending the ETS to buildings and transport, as regards energy efficiency the most relevant interactions are with the EED and the EPBD.

    Having in mind existing market barriers hampering energy efficiency, striking a balance between carbon pricing and the policies in the MIX scenarios would help the ‘Fit for 55’ package achieve the increased climate target in a cost-efficient manner, without excessive increases of the carbon prices and mitigating their impacts in particular on vulnerable consumers.

    There are some interaction differences which depend on, or link with, the choice of the carbon pricing instrument (i.e. ETS or carbon taxation), which are analysed in the IA accompanying the revision of the ETD.

    Interactions with the ESR are different in nature. Its binding national emission reduction targets mainly function as a safeguard to ensure the intended energy-related emission reductions through the specific policies are achieved, incentivising Member States to effectively implement policies and mitigate distributional effects between Member States, while ensuring that also in the ESR sectors not addressed by renewables and efficiency policies (currently around 40% and in 2030 around 45% of ESR emissions) sufficient emission reduction policies are implemented at the national level. EU energy efficiency policies can also lower the need for national emission reductions in other effort sharing sectors.

    The different combinations of policy instruments considered in the scenarios achieving the 55% GHG target deliver only limited differences in energy savings and renewable energy shares. This confirms the findings in the CTP Impact Assessment: the ambitious targets require significant contributions from all sectors and all policy instruments. Without the possibility of deploying new technologies, the cost-effective solutions converge to very similar pathways.

    All scenarios show that final energy consumption should be further reduced by 35% (MIX-CP) to 37% (REG) compared to the 2007 baseline used as a business as usual trajectory for the EU energy efficiency targets. Moreover, increased ambition in the MIX-MAX scenario results in slightly lower energy consumption and a further reduction of 0.3% GHG emissions compared to 1990.

    Although achieving 55% with lower levels of energy efficiency has not been analysed in detail, it can be assumed that it would either require increasing other targets (RED, ESR) beyond their cost-efficient levels or it would rely on a very high carbon price. However, without an appropriately targeted energy efficiency policy, a high carbon price would increase costs for consumers, in particular low and medium income households and vulnerable consumers, and exacerbate distributional effects.

    Indicative national targets could provide a further instrument to ensure delivery of the Fit for 55 package. However, indicative national targets will have to be reconciled with an equitable distribution of effort and with the options considered for burden sharing in the ESR revision. The option of proposing a binding EU level target would reduce the risks of non-compliance at the expense of flexibility. The risk of overlap with other policy initiatives is limited since the range for the possible energy efficiency target under the CTP is narrow.

    In the transport sector, the energy efficiency measures could complement the existing and planned policies under the Smart and Sustainable Mobility Strategy. Options set the level of ambition for transport measures. New measures and requirements for urban mobility and transport could help reducing energy consumption in one of the few sectors that has seen an increase in energy consumption over the last decade. However, overlaps with the SSMS and added administrative burden should be carefully considered.

    For the remaining options described in Section 5.2, the risk of overlap with other policy areas is limited. These options deal mainly with the level of ambition required in different sectors for reaching either 36% or 37% energy savings (and are thus coherent with the pathways proposed in the core policy scenarios). Options discussing scope extension of existing measures are generally limited to specific sectors (e.g. public buildings) with little risk of overlap with other policy initiatives.

    Based on considerations above, there are a number of arguments in favour of combining elements from both policy mix approaches, which is already the case in several Member States. Economic incentives are important, but so are specific measures targeted to address either specific barriers or addressing cost-effective untapped potentials related to specific alternatives to fossil fuel use. Specific energy efficiency policy (as well as renewable and transport policies) will continue to address the split-incentive dilemma in building renovation, increase coherence of energy infrastructure planning, support licensing and certification procedures or ensure better available information for energy consumers.

    For further discussion on the interactions between the EED and the ETS, ESR, RED, ETD, see the instrument-specific Impact Assessments.

    6.2.5.Implications of the modelling results for the assessment of measures

    The majority of additional actions (beyond the EU-level actions) that will be taken to achieve the necessary energy savings will be at Member State level. This means that the distribution between sectors remains uncertain. Nevertheless, based upon the parameters in the model, this results in a certain distribution of efforts. The overall economic and environmental impacts are largely driven by the aggregate energy savings that result from the design of the whole package of measures, in particular those elements determined from the CTP as regards the level of the overall EU energy saving target and the energy savings obligation in Article 7.

    In view of this, the economic and environmental impacts are discussed only in relation to the policy scenarios rather than in relation to each of the policy options. Similarly, with regard to social impacts, these relate to a large degree to jobs and energy poverty. Employment impacts are estimated based on the overall packages. However, energy poverty impacts will largely be a result of Member State choices about how to support building renovations. Realistic choices have been made in the modelling, but the measures of the EED in those areas are not expected to have major direct impact and so these impacts are only presented in relation to the overall packages. Coherence with the other instruments in the ‘Fit for 55’ package is assessed in section 6.2.4.

    It can be seen that the modelled packages of measures are of the right order of stringency to deliver energy savings within the CTP range. In view of the high level of the modelling, it is not possible to draw conclusions form it about the desirability of the specific measures. In view of that, it is necessary to assess these against the objectives and wider policy considerations before concluding on the most appropriate overall package. This assessment is carried out in the following section.

    Comparing the scenario results between MIX and MIX-MAX or REG and REG-MAX shows the impact of a change from the intermediate to higher ambition package of energy efficiency measures within that policy environment. As shown in Figure 14 the difference between these scenarios that results from the alternative packages is 0.5% in MIX (from 35.8 to 36.3%) and 0.1% in REG (from 36.7 to 36.8%).

    6.3.Assessment of policy options

    Next to the quantitative analysis of the scenarios above, the following sections provide a qualitative assessment of the different policy options presented in section 5.2 against the objectives identified in section 4.2 and the Better Regulation criteria, compared to the baseline:


    2.Administrative burden and compliance costs;

    3.Coherence: coherence of each option with the overarching objectives of EU policies, and the ‘Fit for 55’ package in particular;

    4.Subsidiarity and proportionality.

    To simplify the assessment, the effectiveness criterion has been assessed against the three specific objectives of the initiative (where appropriate), i.e. strengthen incentives, addressing barriers and improve understanding of impacts. This assessment aims to identify those measures that would most cost-effectively contribute to achieving the energy efficiency target established by the CTP.

    Effort has been made to quantify the administrative burden but there is limited understanding of this burden due to the current legislation. The absence of this baseline makes any estimate of the additional burden due to a strengthening of the provisions difficult. In an attempt to remedy this situation a short survey was organised addressed to all the participants in the stakeholder workshops. This survey sought their views on the current administrative burden and the probable increase that the types of provisions under consideration could cause.

    The survey resulted in a relatively limited number of responses that could not be considered as being sufficiently representative of the EU as a whole. Within the estimates of the existing administrative burden there were significant variations that may have multiple causes that could not be verified. The questions about increased burden were of the nature of percentage increase and actual FTE increase. It is not possible to reconcile these two parameters with the range of existing burden indicated. In view of these problems with the data it was decided that the quantification of the increase in administrative burden for all the measures would be misleading and therefore this assessment is qualitative. A quantitative estimate is provided for the elements of the preferred option.

    6.3.1.Energy efficiency targets

    Under BAU there is an insufficient obligation to ensure that Member States take sufficient and effective energy saving actions.

    TARGET.1 would make the EU-level target binding, which would increase its effectiveness as an instrument incentivising energy efficiency efforts, in combination with the mechanisms under the Governance Regulation.

    Under TARGET.2, the EU would define national benchmarks based upon an appropriate distribution mechanism. Such benchmarks for Member States would give clarity about the expected level of national efforts and facilitate better monitoring, which would encourage Member States to achieve the optimal level of ambition in energy efficiency.

    Under TARGET.3, the EU would define binding national targets. This would give greater certainty that they would be achieved since there would be a potential recourse to enforcement (e.g. through infringement procedures). As such, TARGET.3 would be more effective than TARGET.1 and TARGET.2 in achieving the necessary ambition and efforts at Member State level.

    TARGET.3 would also provide more incentives to Member States to address existing market barriers and failures as a binding target would presumably create more pressure to achieve the necessary savings in a cost-effective manner. burden and compliance costs

    The administrative burden for TARGET.2 and TARGET.3 is estimated to be low, as the national indicative energy efficiency benchmarks or binding targets can be monitored through official statistics, which are readily available at national level and from Eurostat. Besides, these data have been collected and reported by Member States for quite some time and no new actions would be needed.

    Compliance cost, e.g. for industry, would not be expected to change significantly as a result of the three options.

    TARGET.1 is fully coherent with the other actions in the ‘Fit for 55’ package, in particular the GHG emissions reduction and the renewables target, as both are binding at EU level. TARGET.2 is similar to the approach for renewables, while TARGET.3 would diverge from this approach. and proportionality

    In particular TARGET.3 impinges on subsidiarity as it provides for a mandatory national target that Member would have to meet.

    TARGET.2 and TARGET.3 are both considered proportional, in view of the importance of meeting the 55% GHG target and of the contribution of energy efficiency.

    In summary:


    Comparison of options against the baseline
















    Understanding impacts





    Administrative burden/compliance costs










    Subsidiarity and proportionality





    6.3.2.Energy Savings Obligations

    BAU leaves full flexibility to Member States. This may have the weakness of not delivering energy savings in areas where they may be feasible but simply require more coordination to achieve.

    ESO.1 appears effective. It supports the European Green Deal objectives by a broader coverage of sectors. It would also be the most effective way to ensure the transport sector will contribute to the decarbonisation target of at least 55%. Achieving a certain amount of energy savings in the transport sector would create synergies with a revised ETS on transport, the ESR and the Sustainable Mobility Action Plan, and unlock additional energy savings achievable in the transport sector.

    ESO.2 would remove the flexibility of Member States whether to implement policy measures alleviating energy poverty or not. Member States would be required to implement such measures in any case to fulfil their energy savings obligation. The COVID-19 crisis has highlighted the urgency of addressing energy poverty if we are to create a social Europe that caters for the needs of all citizens. Energy poverty levels across Member States will be in the spotlight as more Europeans may struggle to afford access to essential energy, particularly with rising unemployment. Also medium income households should be considered as the COVID-19 crises has increased the risk of energy poverty in such households. Against this background, this option would be very effective to achieve the European Green Deal objective of ensuring a just transition. The assessment of the progress of Member States towards the alleviation of energy poverty shows that Article 7 with its flexibilities as it stands does not drive sufficient action.

    Excluding the possibility for Member States to count energy savings from measures promoting the use of fossil fuels under option ESO.3 would be an effective way to contribute to the energy efficiency target and the objectives of European Green Deal. The decarbonisation target of at least 55% implies a rapid movement away from fossil fuel use, particularly in buildings. It also reflects that public policy should not reward marginal energy savings gains that lead to stranded assets and slowing down the energy transition.

    ESO.4 would be effective as it would create an EU-wide white certificate scheme that could result in cost optimisation to achieve energy savings, open the energy savings markets to third parties, provide price signals to market actors and give a formal value to energy savings. Modelling shows that this would result in a lower overall cost of achieving the energy saving goal, provided there is effective implementation. burden and compliance costs

    ESO.1 and ESO.2 would see a moderate increase of administrative burden and higher compliance costs. Member States would have to plan and implement additional measures or revise existing measures to ensure the achievement of the sub-targets for transport and energy poverty.

    ESO.3 would not have an impact on administrative burden or entail any additional compliance cost.

    ESO.4 would raise significant complexities and may require a complex administrative scheme to be put in place. As such it would create a high additional administrative burden and high compliance costs to implement.

    Requiring a certain percentage of Article 7 savings to come from transport under option ESO.1 would be fully coherent with existing measures in the transport sector. In fact, under Article 7 Member States can already count measures targeting the transport sector towards their annual savings obligation, e.g. through scrapping schemes, modal shift and higher efficiency of vehicles, behavioural measures (e.g. eco-driving), and environmental taxes on transport fuels.

    This would stimulate Member States to take further action on transport, which is needed because the transport sector has been identified in the European Green Deal and the Climate Target Plan 2030 as one of the key sectors for lowering GHG emissions and reducing energy consumption. There would therefore not be regulatory overlap but rather synergies with the measures of the Sustainable and Smart Mobility Strategy, as the EED would establish a result-oriented obligation while leaving it to Member States which measures they would like to use for achieving the reduction in energy use in transport.

    The strengthening of Article 7 as regards energy poverty under option ESO.2 would contribute to making the energy transition just and inclusive, by obliging Member States to address vulnerable, energy poor households, low- or medium income households and homeowners.

    Discouraging the promotion of combustion fossil fuel technologies under Article 7 (ESO.3) would be fully coherent with all measures in the ‘Fit for 55’ package and the European Green Deal. It would also mirror the possible extension of ETS on buildings and transport.

    ESO.4 would most likely create undesirable results if applied together with the EU ETS and in particular an ETS extension to buildings and transport. Both schemes are based on the principle of passing on the costs to the consumer. On the one hand, this could financially overextend consumers in some Member States and increase the risk of energy poverty, unless additional, well-balanced actions would be taken to counterbalance these effects. On the other hand, the co-existence of both schemes could potentially lead to a significant imbalance in some countries between the costs being borne (and passed through to energy consumers) and the benefits received. and proportionality

    ESO.1, ESO.2 and ESO.3 have an impact on subsidiarity as they limit (to some extent) the freedom of Member States to decide in which sectors they would achieve the necessary energy savings. Moreover, ESO.2 would require Member States to substitute the savings from the replacement of fossil fuel technologies with savings from other measures, which may be harder.

    ESO.4 causes the most problems for subsidiarity, as an EU-wide scheme would require Member States to align their calculation methods and monitoring requirements.

    In addition, its implementation would be incompatible with the existing Article 7. This would therefore require Member States to change the approach they have put in place half way through the compliance period until 2030, which could be considered disproportionate.

    In summary:


    Comparison of options against the baseline







    Strengthen incentives






    Address barriers






    Understanding impacts






    Administrative burden












    Subsidiarity and proportionality






    6.3.3.EE1st principle

    BAU continues the situation where the EED states that it contributes to implementation of the energy efficiency first principle but gives no indication of what Member States should do to implement this.

    EE1st.1 would provide much-needed guidance on how different players and different sectors could apply the EE1st principle. It would address the lack of clarity and details on how the principle could be applicable in specific contexts and provide some tools for proper cost-benefit analysis, which is at the core of the principle. This option, however, would not ensure that the principle or the guidelines are applied.

    EE1st.2 would ensure that the principle is applied in decisions where it could have the biggest impacts. By setting appropriate legal requirements, Member States would be obliged to provide the right conditions for enabling the application of the principle. Together with the guidelines, Member States would be able to properly apply the principle, including by specifying in which areas the principle would need to be applied. Reporting requirements would help verify if the principle is applied, but enforcement and verification of whether it is applied properly would be difficult.

    In principle, EE1st.3 would be the most effective, as it requires specific actions that could ensure incorporation of the principle in all relevant legal acts. A dedicated body would ensure that the principle is properly implemented. However, its effectiveness would depend on Member States’ administrative performance and might require deployment of dedicated administrative resources to a newly created structure and tasks. These elements should be weighed against any benefits in terms of verification and enforcement compared to option EE1st.2.

    The increased stringency of the options would have an increased, albeit moderate, positive impact on the need to address the barriers to an effective implementation of the EE1st principle. burden and compliance costs

    EE1st.1 is voluntary and so any burden and compliance costs would be limited.

    EE1st.2 would require application of the principle, which is linked with data collection and analysis. However, these actions should normally be part of existing impact assessments and cost-benefit analyses (CBAs), so the compliance costs are not expected to be high. Nevertheless, additional reporting by Member States would increase the administrative burden even if it would be part of other reporting obligations.

    EE1st.3 would impose compliance checks, which could be burdensome unless accompanied with a regular revision of legislative activities, which tends to be relatively infrequent. Establishing a monitoring structure would have some compliance costs, which could be minimised if done by the existing energy regulatory authorities, which already undertake monitoring actions.

    All options would be coherent with other initiatives and objectives, as the application of the principle (even if mandatory) does not limit the possibilities of other objectives and actions not aiming at energy efficiency to be pursued. Strengthening of the EE1st principle would also support the objective of prioritising energy efficiency set in the Green Deal Communication. and proportionality

    As a voluntary option, EE1st.1 fully reflects the subsidiarity principle. EE1st.2 imposes more obligations on Member States as regards the implementation of the EE1st principle, while EE1st.3 goes even further, imposing compliance checks and requiring the establishment of a specific national monitoring structure.

    While EE1st.1 and EE1st.2 could be considered proportionate in view of the expected benefits, EE1st.3 would impose significant additional costs which may not be justified by the expected benefits in comparison with EE1st.2.

    In summary:


    Comparison of options against the baseline






    Strengthen incentives





    Address barriers





    Understanding impacts





    Administrative burden










    Subsidiarity and proportionality





    6.3.4.Public sector buildings

    BAU continues the situation where the energy renovation obligation only applies to central government buildings and to the minimum energy performance levels described in Article 4 of the EPBD.

    BUILD.1 would increase to some extent the rate and depth, and hence the effectiveness, of public building renovation at national level thanks to increased knowledge and capacity to act in this area. As such, it would also help in addressing certain market barriers and failures due to increased awareness.

    BUILD.2a and 2b would address the issue of low renovation rates in the public sector. This would significantly increase the energy savings in the public sector 96 and contribute to faster decarbonisation of the public building stock which could reach decarbonisation earlier than in 2050 when the entire EU building stock is to be decarbonised. In addition, it would extend the market volume of renovations and attract capital, workforce and innovation to the renovation sector.

    BUILD.2a would double the renovation rate for Member States or energy savings in public buildings. The extension of the scope to all public buildings under BUILD.2b would allow covering about four times more buildings. Extending the scope to both owned and occupied buildings (by public bodies) would further increase the extent of renovations and linked benefits to all regions and citizens, and would contribute to Green Deal’s no-one-left-behind objective. While some municipalities and regions already have a strong internal drive for renovation, BUILD.2b would ensure that this is extended throughout the EU.

    BUILD.3 would increase the renovation standards, and thereby the multiple benefits and energy savings, to the Near Zero Energy Building standard, which is the current cost effective standard. In some Member States this is the same standard as for the minimum requirement under Article 4 EPBD, in other Member States this standard is higher.

    By deleting the alternative approach to renovations, BUILD.4 would further drive renovations, which would result in durable measures with multiple benefits. It would also limit the risk of using only space optimisation to achieve energy savings in the public sector. With wider use of teleworking, instead of renovating, public authorities could have opted to give up a significant part of their administrative buildings. Member States will retain all the flexibility concerning choosing, which 3% of the public building stock will be renovated every year. This means that they can chose not to renovate up to 70% of the building stock over a period of 10 years. burden and compliance costs

    Feedback received from stakeholders, as part of the PC, suggests that the costs and benefits of implementing Article 5 are well balanced. Stakeholders also highlighted that the benefits arising from energy efficiency measures in public buildings include other benefits that are not always factored into cost-benefit analyses, e.g. improved indoor air quality, increased comfort, better lighting, etc.

    As regards the cost effectiveness of the investments, the DEEP database 97 shows that the median avoidance costs (average cost in Eurocent for each kWh energy saved over the lifetime of the measure) of energy efficiency projects is 7.89 c/kWh (75% percentile is 12.24 c/kWh) in public buildings, 2.53 c/kWh (75% percentile is 8.05 c/kWh) in health care buildings and 2.77 c/kWh (75% percentile is 7.71 c/kWh) in educational buildings. In 2018, the price of electricity for industrial consumers was 11.49 c/kWh excluding taxes and levies 98 . As a consequence, when renovating, in most circumstances, investing into energy efficient measures pays off.

    Doubling the renovation rate under BUILD.2a would double the overall costs of renovation. The usual buildings renovation cycle is 30 years, which corresponds to a 3% renovation rate, at which point general renovation costs are incurred anyway and the dedicated energy efficiency costs are only a part of the overall costs. When buildings are renovated predominantly for energy efficiency purposes, sooner than is usually required, a higher share of the renovation costs would be attributable to the energy performance improvement and the relevant energy efficiency measures would therefore trigger higher costs. In Member States, where there is a renovation back-log, a higher renovation rate than 3% would remain cost effective.  

    The extension of renovation obligation to 3% of all public buildings under BUILD.2b remains cost effective.

    Increasing the standard of the renovations to the Nearly Zero Energy Buildings standard under BUILD.3 may increase the costs of renovation in some Member States, but remains cost effective as this is the new cost-effective standard.

    Deleting the alternative approach under BUILD.4 will increase the renovation costs of those Member States that were relying on other measures than renovations. Member States that were so far relying on low-cost optimisation of building use or behavioural measures to fulfil Article 5 obligations would incur additional renovation costs to achieve the required savings by renovations. However, these costs would remain proportionate to the expected benefits of the renovations.

    BUILD.2 and BUILD.3 would strongly support the aim of the Renovation wave to double the overall renovation rate by 2030 thanks to the increased annual obligation rate and strengthening of other requirements. BUILD.4 would go even further by deleting the alternative method, thereby forcing public bodies to undertake actual renovations. and proportionality

    BUILD.1 and introducing the NZEB standard under BUILD.3do not have major impact on subsidiarity beyond the baseline. NZEB standards are defined based on common criteria by the Member States taking into account particular national circumstances. Some Member States have recently adjusted their NZEB standards to correspond to cost-optimal levels of renovations. Increasing the renovation rate under BUILD.2a and extending the scope under BUILD.2b are more prescriptive about what Member States should do to achieve additional savings from building renovation. In particular in Member States with small back-log of public buildings renovations, BUILD.2a may lead to higher costs of energy efficiency measures and limit the MSs capacity to invest into more cost-effective renovations. BUILD.2b would ensure that in the public sector as a whole a minimum of cost effective renovations takes place. It is proportionate to its aims of energy savings and multiple benefits, while keeping the specific costs of renovation low. BUILD.4 goes even further as it removes the option of alternative measures and forces Member States to undertake actual renovations. In all options, as every year only a small portion of the public building stock shall be renovated, Member States and the sub-national administration retain the a significant flexibility to direct the renovations to specific levels of public administration or to specific sub-sectors, where the renovation will correspond best to the local circumstances.

    In summary:


    Comparison of options against the baseline








    Address barriers







    Understanding impacts







    Administrative Burden














    Subsidiarity and proportionality







    6.3.5.Public procurement

    Under BAU the requirement to procure only products, services and buildings with high energy-efficiency performance only applies to central government.

    The effectiveness of PROCURE.1 would be limited by its reliance on guidance and the fact that it would be up to Member States to decide whether to make use of tools and best practices.

    The extension of the procurement obligation to all public bodies under PROCURE.2 would be more effective in spreading energy efficient procurement to all levels of government (e.g. regions, municipalities and other public bodies) and increase the value of energy efficient procurement by six times. burden and compliance costs

    The implementation of the EED as regards public procurement (Article 6) is based on the principle that, even if the initial purchase cost for energy efficient products, services and buildings may be higher, those extra costs usually are paid back over the lifetime of products, buildings or services, thanks to lower energy consumption during use. This principle also underpins the Ecodesign Directive and the Energy Labelling Regulation appliances covering appliances 99 .

    PROCURE.1 would induce small administrative costs in terms of providing additional guidance for public authorities in the area of public procurement. It would be more cost-efficient to do this at EU level, than if national or sub-national authorities would have to prepare their own guidance.

    There would be additional costs in Member States for disseminating the guidance and training procurement experts. Existing monitoring and compliance mechanisms could be used with no additional costs. Some costs would result in the private sector for adapting existing processes to the new procurement requirements.

    Under PROCURE.2, additional administrative costs may occur with those public bodies covered by the extended obligation (although many such organisations already practice ‘green’ procurement). In addition the option would entail an increase of initial investment, which would be offset by lower costs of use or balanced by multiple benefits of the procured buildings, services and products.

    PROCURE.1 would increase synergies with the existing green public procurement guidelines, thanks to better guidance on energy efficiency and lifetime costs of procured buildings, services and products.

    PROCURE.2 would extend the scope of the requirements to all public bodies but would remain coherent with, and complementary to, the general Public Procurement Directive 100 (notably Articles 67 and 68), which sets the procedures for the award of public works contracts, public supply contracts and public service contracts above certain thresholds, and allows for including environmental considerations. Since the requirements will lead through energy savings to environmental benefits and public sector cost savings it can be considered to increase coherence with other objectives. and proportionality

    PROCURE.1 would fully respect the subsidiarity and proportionality principles as it only focuses on increased guidance and support for Member States in applying relevant procurement practices.

    PROCURE.2 would extend the energy efficient procurement obligation to all public bodies, but it would be proportionate with the requirements of the public procurement Directives. It is considered proportionate as it would push public procurement at all levels towards a focus on ‘total cost of ownership’ which ultimately benefits the public purse.

    In summary:


    Comparison of options against the baseline





    Address barriers




    Understanding impacts




    Administrative burden








    Subsidiarity and proportionality





    With BAU the difficulties of identifying companies required to carry out energy audits due to the non-SME definition would remain and the current low level of implementation of recommendations would not be expected to change.

    Under IND.1, a voluntary scheme for energy benchmarking would mirror an existing private sector initiative for oil refining. It would be important to gain sufficient interest and ensure that industry is ready to participate. The approach would need to be well designed and ensure confidentiality. This approach would be expected to increase interest in implementing energy efficiency measures since it would demonstrate the level of performance achievable in a particular sector. As such, its effectiveness would depend on uptake of the scheme.

    IND.2 would ensure that efforts are focussed on larger energy users and should lead to proportionately higher energy savings. The obligation to implement energy management systems for the largest energy users is likely to already largely be followed. For those which are required to implement it there should be a larger take up of energy saving measures.

    IND.3, while appearing to offer a route to ensure a greater take-up of energy saving measures, it would also run the risk of undermining the quality of energy audits. This is because energy auditors have a commercial relationship with the business being audited. This risk meant the measure was somewhat controversial in discussions with stakeholders. burden and compliance costs

    IND.1 would be voluntary and so a burden would only arise where businesses believe they will overall benefit. IND.2 would result in a substantial reduction in burden for businesses with a lower energy use as well as simplifying the burden on public administrations, since they would have a simpler criterion to assess the need for audits as well as a smaller number of businesses to verify. The increased compliance costs for those businesses remaining under the scope of the provision would be expected to be paid back through increased uptake of cost-effective improvement measures. IND.3 would require a mechanism to verify that recommendations were implemented, which would create a moderate additional burden.

    Encouraging further energy saving in industry is fully coherent with all measures in the ‘Fit for 55’ package and the European Green Deal. In particular, there are synergies with resource efficiency and circular economy policies since reductions in use of other resources often also lead to energy savings. The possible introduction of renewable energy aspects to the current requirements would also align with renewable energy policy. Therefore all options are considered to increase coherence with other policies. and proportionality

    None of the options has a major impact on subsidiarity and are proportionate since they identify cost-effective energy savings. IND.3 may be considered least proportionate as it would intervene in the business processes of companies, even though it would drive cost-effective energy savings.

    In summary:


    Comparison of options against the baseline






    Address barriers





    Understanding impacts





    Administrative burden










    Subsidiarity and proportionality





    6.3.7.Heating and cooling

    Under BAU the existing requirements for assessments and promotion of cogeneration and district heating would continue.

    HEAT.1 would have limited value added compared to existing measures in the directive. It can help businesses in heating and cooling compare their performance with others. Benchmarking data are useful for regulatory authorities in the evaluations linked with tariff setting for district heating and cooling services. The data should be regularly updated and for heating and cooling, they could be useful at regional level for companies with similar features.

    HEAT.2 would stimulate Member States, local governments and companies to identify and implement sectoral greening activities leading to decarbonisation of heating and cooling. Instruments proposed for EED focus on the planning of heating and cooling systems with an aim to encourage deployment of solutions leading to decrease of GHG emissions of heating and cooling.

    Alternatives for fossil fuel based heating and cooling supply should be explored at all levels: at national level in Comprehensive Assessments, at the level of local governments in local heating and cooling plans and at the level of individual installations in Cost-Benefit Analyses. These planning instruments would need to be backed up with provisions on appropriate follow-up.

    Continuous attention to decarbonisation would be particularly relevant for district heating and cooling to maintain its competitiveness and to meet expectations consumers have for contemporary energy services. Stricter criteria for high-efficiency cogeneration would facilitate better targeting of support measures for cogeneration that could make substantial contribution to decarbonisation of energy supply. For planned cogeneration installations, criteria should discourage the development of installations that do not contribute to long-term decarbonisation goals.

    HEAT.3 would have direct implications of fuel mix used in heating and cooling. With this option, Member States would be forced to adopt phase out dates for combustion boilers when PEF goes below a certain threshold. burden and compliance costs

    HEAT.1 would be voluntary and any resulting administrative burden would only appear if businesses will join the initiative. For the public administration, the resulting workload would be large during the start-up phase of the initiative, later on it will be relatively small.

    Compared to the baseline, HEAT.2 would potentially cause significant additional administrative burden to affected local governments. For the Member States, tightened requirements for the Comprehensive Assessments trigger negligible administrative burden in planning phase, but depending on the outcome of the Comprehensive Assessments, the obligation to implement the measures could lead to new administrative burden and compliance costs. However, these measures could be tightly interlinked with an obligation arising from the Article 23(1) of the RED, which requires increasing the share of renewable energy in heating and cooling.

    Administrative burden arising from HEAT.3 is mostly dependent on the need to ensure compliance with the phase-out legislation. Compliance costs for the heating and cooling suppliers would be much higher than for the baseline.

    The measures planned for heating and cooling under HEAT.2 are fully coherent with other measures in the ‘Fit for 55’ package. This is particularly the case for the link with the RED. The EED sets the framework for heating and cooling planning in terms of identifying the energy efficiency potential and requires the Members States to implement policies and measures to exploit this potential. These policies and measures directly support the achievement of the heating and cooling sector target under Article 23 of RED. For example, a revised definition of efficient district heating and cooling (Article 2(41) of the EED) would directly promote the deployment of renewable energy in district heating and cooling. Vice versa, these sub-targets would contribute to the achievement of the energy efficiency objectives of the EED.

    However, the more stringent HEAT.3 of phasing-out fossil fuel boilers is less coherent with the ecodesign Directive and energy labelling Regulation, and could lead to a fragmentation of the internal market. and proportionality

    HEAT.1 has no impact on subsidiarity. The definitions established in the EED for district heating and cogeneration are important in terms of the granting of State aid. In view of this there is a clear need for EU level harmonisation. These definitions need to be made stricter in view of the overall decarbonisation trajectory under HEAT.2. As regards HEAT.3, this limits the freedom of Member States to choose the optimal mix of heating technologies given their national circumstance (e.g. in some countries it may still be more cost-effective to replace e.g. oil heating with gas condensing boilers). This risks not being proportional in certain Member States.

    In summary:


    Comparison of options against the baseline






    Address barriers





    Understanding impacts





    Administrative burden










    Subsidiarity and proportionality





    6.3.8.Energy transmission systems

    Under BAU problems will remain over unclear definitions preventing effective comparison of energy losses across networks.

    NET.1 is useful and would steer the expected evolution of the electricity grid. The normal upgrading of the electricity grid will determine the improvement of its efficiency, as many old (sometimes very old) transformers will be replaced with new ones, which will be compliant with the Ecodesign Directive.

    NET.2 is mainly based on the engagement of system operators; the adoption of uniform definitions and the reporting obligation for trade association will facilitate communication and exchange of good practices. A knowledge base will gradually develop, and could represent the foundation for subsequent actions, should they become necessary.

    Under NET.3 National Regulatory Authorities are able to play a stronger role, if they are given a strong and clear mandate. They master the granularity of the national energy system and have developed over time an advanced technical and administrative capacity. As the revenue of the system operators depends on the service tariffs, which are fixed by NRAs, these have a powerful and direct instrument to lead the operators towards higher efficiency. burden and compliance costs

    NET.1 is voluntary and so a burden will only arise where businesses believe they will overall benefit. NET.2 will result in an additional burden for trade associations and system operators, which could be mitigated by an obligation to report every three or five years instead of each year. NET.3 will require a significant effort from NRAs, who are generally well equipped for these tasks. A twinning system might be considered to help the smallest and weakest NRAs.

    System operators and NRA already effectively implement the principle of ‘cost efficiency’; enhancing the importance of that of ‘energy efficiency’ under all three options is coherent with all measures in the ‘Fit for 55’ package and the European Green Deal. and proportionality

    Being voluntary, NET.1 is not expected to have an impact on subsidiarity and proportionality. NET.2 will have some impact as it would force a harmonisation of definitions. In particular NET.3 intervenes more strongly in the national framework for grid management, but is still considered proportionate due to the strong impact it would have on grid efficiency.

    In summary:


    Comparison of options against the baseline






    Address barriers





    Understanding impacts





    Administrative burden










    Subsidiarity and proportionality






    Under BAU the EED will have limited impact on energy use in transport. 

    TRANS.1 would increase the effectiveness by ensuring that specific attention is paid to energy consumption in the transport sector and that relevant measures to improve energy efficiency are taken in urban contexts. A requirement to set objectives and plan energy efficiency improvements will lead to additional energy savings in transport. It would also increase the information about the energy efficiency of local transport.

    TRANS.2 would be the most effective because in addition it would lead relatively quickly to a ban of combustion engines and the deployment of more energy efficient solutions. burden and compliance costs

    TRANS.1 would impose additional requirements on local authorities, which could be burdensome in the absence of previous experience or lack of information on energy consumption in local transport, and there would be additional compliance costs.

    TRANS.2 would also lead to additional compliance costs, because it would require the purchase of more expensive vehicles, at least in the short term. Moreover, it could be quite costly for manufacturers and component suppliers of combustion vehicles, because of the need to change their business model.

    TRANS.1 would create a set of requirements to support what is to be presented in the upcoming Urban Mobility Package. This risks an incoherent approach however, the aim of the measures is to support transport authorities address energy use.

    TRANS.2, which includes a proposed ban on combustion engines, would risk overlap with existing (and to be revised) rules, including Euro 7, CO2 emission standards and AFID. Moreover, leaving a phase out of combustion engines to individual Member State action may hamper the free movement of vehicles in the internal market. Therefore, this measure is considered less coherent with the other measures affecting the transport sector. and proportionality

    Both options have a negative impact on subsidiarity as they oblige national and local governments to take action in an area largely under their control.

    In summary:


    Comparison of options against the baseline





    Address barriers




    Understanding impacts




    Administrative burden








    Subsidiarity and proportionality




    6.3.10.Enabling and supporting measures

    Under BAU the EED enabling and supporting provisions would continue to have only a moderate impact.

    SUPPORT.1 is useful and would mirror the existing framework. While guidance and further financing support could contribute to the implementation of the existing framework, the option would most likely not be effective without changes in the legislation given the numerous weakness identified in the evaluation.

    SUPPORT.2 is aimed at ensuring that the necessary efforts are made by Member States to improve the framework for greater uptake of energy performance contracting thanks to the minimum quality requirements for energy services providers and regular assessments made of the certification and qualification schemes for energy services professions. This in turn would increase the trust to energy services providers and could provide a significant contribution to doubling the renovation rates by 2030. In addition, energy performance contracting is expected to fulfil the obligation for energy management systems for large non-residential buildings undergoing renovations. In addition, requirements to strengthen the role of intermediaries would help to overcome the market barriers to energy performance contracting and bring down the transaction costs. Reporting on energy efficiency investments would allow assessing the scale of energy efficiency investments in different sectors.

    On consumer information and empowerment, SUPPORT.2 is expected to reinforce access of consumers to information and technical help related to energy efficiency, which in turn will result in behavioural change, better uptake of energy-related renovations, and the ensuing leverage of private funds towards energy efficiency. By strengthening these provisions, two points that were prominent in the stakeholder consultation can also be tackled. The first point is the need to strengthen the existing measures in dealing with energy poverty, for example by targeting behavioural changes towards low or medium income households, by providing incentives to low- or medium income homeowners for energy efficiency renovations, or by removing barriers for raising capital for financing energy efficiency measures for households facing energy poverty. The second point is to take advantage of the bottom-up, local level initiatives and activities (e.g. owners’ cooperatives, energy communities, consumer associations, and local and regional authorities) in meeting the national targets.

    SUPPORT.3 would be even more effective thanks to a higher ambition ensured through independent verification of energy performance projects to ensure the quality of the works performed. In addition, setting up project development assistance mechanisms at national, regional and local levels would increase the number of energy performance contracts and renovation projects blending public money with private funds. burden and compliance costs

    SUPPORT.1 would result in a short-term increase of administrative burden and costs as the different information campaigns, knowledge exchanges or support schemes would have to be set up. However, in the mid-term, these measures are expected to be cost effective, as they would have contributed to energy savings and several wider positive results like job creation, increased productivity and reduced healthcare costs. Indications for the cost effectiveness of energy efficiency can be found, among others in the IEA and the BPIE studies 101 . There would be no additional compliance costs.

    SUPPORT.2 would result in some additional administrative burden for Member States, as they would need to invest in increased oversight and assessment of quality schemes and market actors. However, this is expected to be limited as it would be based on existing verification structures.

    SUPPORT.3 would entail additional administrative burden as Member States would have to make more efforts to create incentives to stimulate further investments. This will however depend on the extent to which Member States already have existing measures in this area that they could build on.

    SUPPORT.2 and SUPPORT.3 are developed to address weaknesses in legislation and create stronger synergies with the EPBD, and contribute to implementing the Renovation Wave that stressed the need for greater uptake of energy performance contracting, boosting skills and facilitate access to financing.

    The measures would also aim to improve and reinforce the provisions helping consumers, which face a wide selection of options pertinent to energy efficiency, renovation of buildings, introduction of renewables, new mobility solutions, etc., to take decisions and invest private capital in a way that is not only cost optimal but also can result in the best wider impact. In addition, increased coherence between EED and EPBD can help tackle more efficiently social challenges like energy poverty, development of the necessary skills in relevant professions, faster recovery from the current health crisis, etc. and proportionality

    SUPPORT.2, and to a larger extend SUPPORT.3, require more action by Member States to address the underlying drivers in these areas. This is considered proportionate as a higher uptake of energy efficiency investments is necessary for the higher targets to be met.

    In summary:


    Comparison of options against the baseline











    Understanding impacts





    Administrative burden










    Subsidiarity and proportionality





    6.3.11.Measuring and monitoring measures

    Under BAU there would continue to be limited understanding of what is driving the changes in energy use observed and how well the specific EED measures are working.

    The implementation of MONITOR.1 would not in itself lead to improved energy performance. The purpose of obtaining better data is to ensure that the measures put in place are delivering the savings envisaged. In this regard, they enable comparison between authorities and Member States and the sharing of good practice where this is identified. The growth in remote monitoring should make it increasingly easier to gather information on actual energy savings and so reinforce the knowledge of actual benefits of policies and programmes.

    Clarifying and strengthening the existing provisions on monitoring and verification of energy savings under option MONITOR.2 would ensure a more reliable achievement of the required energy savings obligation, and would increase the acceptance of policy measures since their effectiveness can be shown to market actors and citizens.

    Adding further monitoring and reporting requirements under MONITOR.3 would be even more effective, as it would result in a better understanding of the impacts of public procurement and energy performance contracting. burden and compliance costs

    MONITOR.1 would lead to some increase in costs due to the need to undertake studies and surveys, and in administrative burden due to the need to respond to requests for information.

    MONITOR.2 would result in an increase in burden for businesses and public authorities. Some reporting requirements already exist and therefore these changes would only represent an enhancement of those requirements. Further digitalisation should help to reduce the administrative burden and costs.

    MONITOR.3 would lead to a higher administrative burden due to additional requirements.

    Enhanced monitoring and reporting requirements are aimed at supporting improved implementation of the EED and increased energy savings. If the options achieve those objectives then they would be coherent with other EU objectives. and proportionality

    MONITOR.2 would require additional monitoring and reporting by Member States. If this would lead to a better understanding of the impact of energy efficiency measures and hence increased savings, this would be proportionate (depending on the balance between increased cost and savings achieved).

    MONITOR.3 requires more efforts by Member States compared to MONITOR.2, and while this would result in an even better understanding of impacts, proportionality is more difficult to establish.

    In summary:


    Comparison of options against the baseline






    Address barriers





    Understanding impacts





    Administrative burden










    Subsidiarity and proportionality





    7.How do the options compare?

    As indicated in section 6.1, the outcome of the scenario analysis shows that both intermediate and higher ambition policy packages would allow the 36-37% target to be met. Section 6.3 therefore assessed the impacts of the individual policy measures against the better regulation criteria.

    7.1.How do the policy options compare?

    Table 15 summarises the outcome of the qualitative assessment in section 6.3:

    Table 15: Overview of the assessment of policy options.


    Policy options 





















































































































































































































































    = non-regulatory = intermediate ambition = higher ambition = preferred option

    Given that the policy options in the different ‘intervention areas’ of the EED have limited interaction with each other, there is no substantial benefit in comparing them. However, it is important to understand whether the effectiveness of the options within each intervention area outweighs the additional burden and cost, and impacts on subsidiarity and proportionality. The following sections, therefore, discuss this for each of the policy options.


    Making the EU level energy efficiency target binding (TARGET.1) would contribute to its achievement, if only by raising its political importance to the same level as the GHG and renewables targets. This has no direct administrative and compliance cost, and little or no impact on subsidiarity and proportionality.

    Indicative national benchmarks (TARGET.2) would further increase the effectiveness of the energy efficiency targets by bringing clarity about the expected level of national efforts, and would still not significantly impact on subsidiarity, as the national benchmarks would not be binding. Additional administrative and compliance cost would also be limited.

    Mandatory national targets (TARGET.3) would be most effective, but would have a more substantial impact on subsidiarity and would not be coherent with the approach taken for renewables. It would also entail a somewhat higher administrative burden.

    7.1.2.Energy savings obligations

    Imposing a sub-target for measures in the transport sector under Article 7 (ESO.1) would be an effective way to stimulate Member States to achieve more energy savings in this sector. It would be coherent with existing policies for the transport sector and proportionate, given the importance of reducing transport GHG emissions. At the same time, it would result in a moderate increase of administrative burden and somehow higher compliance costs. It would also have an impact on subsidiarity, as it limits to some extent the freedom of Member States to decide in which sectors they would achieve the necessary energy savings.

    Requiring Member States to put in place measures to combat energy poverty under Article 7 (ESO.2) would contribute to making the energy transition just and inclusive. Similarly, ESO.1 would have some impact on subsidiarity, administrative burden and compliance cost. It is considered proportionate, also in view of the need to address distributional impacts from a possible extension of the ETS in particular to buildings.

    Excluding the possibility for Member States to count energy savings from measures promoting the use of fossil fuels (ESO.3) would be an effective way to contribute to the energy efficiency target. It would be coherent with other EU policies and have no administrative burden or compliance costs. However, similar to ESO.1 and ESO.2, it would have some impact on subsidiarity.

    While being potentially very effective, the implementation of an EU-wide white certificate scheme (ESO.4) would, however, create a high additional administrative burden and high compliance costs to implement an EU-wide white certificate scheme. It would also raise coherence questions with respect to the interaction with an extended ETS to buildings and transport. Furthermore, it would also cause problems for subsidiarity, as an EU-wide scheme would require Member States to align their calculation methods and monitoring requirements.

    7.1.3.EE1st principle

    Providing further guidance to Member States and economic actors on the application of the EE1st principle (EE1st.1) would effectively address the lack of clarity and details on the use of the principle in specific contexts and provide some tools for proper cost-benefit analysis. As a voluntary measure, it would have little impact on administrative burden, compliance cost and subsidiarity.

    Obliging Member States to provide the right conditions for enabling the application of the principle (EE1st.2), would ensure that the principle is applied in decisions where it could have the biggest impacts. At the same time, the accompanying reporting requirements would increase the administrative burden and there would be additional compliance costs.

    Imposing compliance checks and requiring a monitoring structure (EE1st3) would be the most effective, but would have a stronger impact on subsidiarity and would entail significant additional costs, which may not be justified by the expected benefits.

    7.1.4.Public buildings

    Providing further guidance and necessary tools to national authorities to guide Member States towards renovation and uptake of energy efficiency requirements in building procurement and management practices (BUILD.1) would increase to some extent the rate and depth, and hence the effectiveness, of public building renovation at national level. At the same time, it would not have a major impact on subsidiarity or administrative burden.

    Increasing the overall ambition through an increased annual target (BUILD.2a) and through a wider scope (BUILD.2b) would significantly increase the long-term energy savings in the public sector and contribute to faster decarbonisation of the public building stock. It would also increase administrative burden and costs of renovation, and impacts on subsidiarity. While extending the scope to all public buildings BUILD.2b remains cost-effective, doubling the renovation rate would trigger higher costs per renovation in Member States, where there is not a corresponding back-log in renovations..

    Strengthen other requirements to achieve the necessary energy savings (BUILD.3) would increase the minimum standard of the renovated buildings, while it would remain cost-effective.

    Deleting the alternative method in Article 5 (BUILD.4) would go even further by removing the option for Member States to use alternative measures to achieve equivalent savings, thereby forcing public bodies to undertake actual renovations. This would also lead to increased energy savings and multiple benefits. As such, it would further limit the flexibility of Member States and, when combined with the higher renovation rate, it could be less proportionate in view of the different situation in Member States.

    7.1.5.Public procurement

    Providing more guidance and tools to national authorities and procurement officials (PROCURE.1) would be somewhat effective in further guiding Member States towards the uptake of energy efficiency, and broader resource efficiency, requirements in procurement practices. It would have limited additional administrative and compliance cost and fully respect the subsidiarity and proportionality principles.

    Extending the procurement obligation to all public bodies (PROCURE.2) would be more effective in spreading energy efficient procurement to all levels of government (e.g. regions, municipalities and other public bodies). This would result in additional administrative burden, but this is considered proportionate in view of the expected lower costs of use and the multiple benefits of the procured buildings, services and products.


    Promoting a voluntary scheme for energy benchmarking (IND.1) would be somewhat effective depending on its uptake. However, compliance costs would only accrue to participating companies and it would have no impact on subsidiarity.

    Ensuring that audit efforts are focussed on larger energy users (IND.2) should lead to proportionately higher energy savings. It would result in a substantial reduction in burden for businesses with a lower energy use, as well as simplifying the burden on public administrations, since they would have a simpler criterion to assess the need for audits as well as a smaller number of businesses to verify. The increased compliance costs for those businesses remaining under the scope of the provision would be expected to be paid back through increased uptake of cost-effective improvement measures.

    Requiring businesses to implement a certain number of audit recommendations (IND.3) would be most effective in terms or achieved energy savings. However, it would require a verification mechanism, which could create a moderate additional burden. Moreover, it could be considered less proportionate as it would intervene directly in the business decision processes of companies.

    7.1.7.Heating and Cooling

    Promoting a voluntary scheme for energy benchmarking (HEAT.1) would be somewhat effective depending on its uptake. However, compliance costs would only accrue to participating companies and it would have no impact on subsidiarity.

    Further strengthening definitions and obligations, and extending them to local levels (HEAT.2), would be effective in addressing remaining barriers in the heating and cooling sector. However, it would potentially cause significant additional administrative burden, in particular at local level. While this has an impact on subsidiarity, it is considered proportionate to the additional savings that could be achieved in this sector.

    Requiring Member States to phase out fossil fuel boilers (HEAT.3) would be very effective in driving energy savings and lowering GHG emissions. However, it limits the freedom of Member States to choose the optimal mix of heating technologies given their national circumstance which risks not being proportional in certain Member States. It would also be less coherent with products legislation, and could lead to a fragmentation of the internal market.

    7.1.8.Energy networks

    Promoting a voluntary scheme for energy benchmarking (NET.1) would be somewhat effective depending on its uptake. However, compliance costs would only accrue to participating companies and it would have no impact on subsidiarity.

    Developing a common definition of energy losses and requiring reporting by system operators (NET.2) would be more effective as it would facilitate a common understanding in the sector and the exchange of best practices. At the same time, it would result in an additional burden for trade associations and system operators, and have some impact on subsidiarity as it would force a harmonisation of definitions.

    Requiring National Regulatory Authorities (NRAs) to monitor and incentive energy efficiency investments by system operators (NET.3) would be most effective in driving the sector to higher energy efficiency. However, it would require a significant effort from NRAs, and would intervene more strongly in the national framework for grid management. Nevertheless, it is still considered proportionate due to the strong impact it would have on grid efficiency.


    Requiring Member States to require urban areas over 1 million inhabitants to establish an urban mobility plan covering transport energy efficiency (TRANS.1) would increase effectiveness by ensuring that specific attention is paid to energy consumption in the transport sector and that relevant measures to improve energy efficiency are taken in urban contexts. However, this would impose additional requirements on local authorities, which could be burdensome in the absence of previous experience or lack of information on energy consumption in local transport, and there would be additional compliance costs. It has to be noted, however, that some experience has been gained via the activities of the Covenant of Mayors.

    Requiring Member States to set a date for the end of sales of new internal combustion engine cars (TRANS.2) would be effective because it would lead relatively quickly to a ban of combustion engines and the deployment of more energy efficient solutions. However, it would run the risk of overlap with existing (and to be revised) rules, including Euro 7, CO2 emission standards and AFID, and may hamper the free movement of vehicles in the internal market. It could therefore be considered disproportionate.

    7.1.10.Support measures

    Providing further guidance and support in view of Member States’ actions, e.g. on awareness raising (SUPPORT.1), is useful and would extend the existing approach. It would result in a short-term increase of administrative burden, as the different information campaigns, knowledge exchanges or support schemes would have to be set up, but this is expected to be cost-effective in the medium term due to increased energy savings.

    Strengthening the requirements for energy services and qualification and certification schemes (SUPPORT.2) would improve the framework for greater uptake of energy performance contracting. It would result in some additional administrative burden for Member States, but this is expected to be limited. It would require more action by Member States but this is considered to be proportionate.

    Stricter requirements for energy performance contracting, assessment of barriers and establishment of project development assistance mechanisms (SUPPORT.3) would be more effective in facilitating energy savings, but would entail additional administrative burden as Member States would have to make more efforts to create incentives to stimulate further investments. As such, it would have a stronger impact on subsidiarity.

    7.1.11.Monitoring and reporting

    Expanding the use of surveys, studies and other sources of analytical data (MONITOR.1) would not in itself lead to improved energy performance, but would allow a better assessment of the effectiveness of implemented measures. It would have limited additional administrative burden and impact on subsidiarity.

    Strengthening the existing monitoring and reporting requirements regarding Article 7 and building renovations (MONITOR.2) would ensure a more reliable achievement of the different provisions, but would also result in higher administrative burden for businesses and public authorities. However, it would lead to a better understanding of the impact of energy efficiency measures and hence increased savings, and is therefore considered proportionate.

    Requiring additional monitoring and reporting requirements on public procurement and energy performance contracting (MONITOR.3) would further improve the effectiveness but would further increase administrative burden. Whether this is proportionate depends on the balance between increased cost and savings achieved due to a better understanding of the impacts of relevant measures.


    In view of this analysis, the options TARGET.2 (binding national targets), ESO.4 (EU wide white certificate scheme), BUILD.4 (deleting alternative method), IND.3 (require implementation of audit recommendations), HEAT.4 (banning fossil fuel boilers), NET.3 (stricter requirements on NRAs) and TRANS.2 (banning internal combustion engines) are considered too intrusive or burdensome to be proposed for the preferred option.

    For SUPPORT.3 (stricter requirements for EPC, addressing barriers and PDA) and MONITOR.3 (additional monitoring and reporting), it is less clear whether the benefits outweigh the increased burden.

    This analysis points to a preferred option consisting of a combination of policy measures as outlined in the next section.

    8.Preferred option

    When proposing its updated 2030 greenhouse gas emissions reduction of at least 55% 102 , the European Commission also described the actions across all sectors of the economy that would complement national efforts to achieve the increased ambition. A number of impact assessments have been prepared to support the envisaged revisions of key legislative instruments.

    Against this background, this impact assessment has analysed the various options through which a revision of the EED could effectively and efficiently contribute to the delivery of the updated target as part of a wider “Fit for 55” policy package.

    Methodological approach

    Drawing conclusions about preferred options from this analysis requires tackling two methodological issues.

    First, as often the case in impact assessment analysis, ranking options may not be straightforward as it may not be possible to compare options through a single metric and no option may clearly dominate the others across relevant criteria. Ranking then requires an implicit weighting of the different criteria that can only be justifiably established at the political level. In such cases, an impact assessment should wean out as many inferior options as possible while transparently provide the information required for political decision- making. This is what this report does for the possible revision of the EED.

    Secondly, the ‘Fit for 55’ package involves a high number of interlinked initiatives underpinned by individual impact assessments. Therefore, there is a need to ensure coherence between the preferred options of various impact assessments.

    Policy interactions

    Given the complex interdependence across policy tools and the interplay with the methodological issue outlined above, no simultaneous determination of a preferred policy package is thus possible. A sequential approach was therefore necessary.

    First, the common economic assessment 103 , 104 underpinning the “Communication on Stepping up Europe’s 2030 climate ambition” looked at the feasibility of achieving a higher climate target and provided insights into the efforts that individual sectors would have to make. It could not, however, discuss precise sectoral ambitions or detailed policy tools. Rather, it looked at a range of possible pathways/scenarios to explore the delivery of the increased climate ambition. It noted particular benefits in deploying a broad mix of policy instruments, including strengthened carbon pricing, increased regulatory policy ambition and the identification of the investments to step up the climate ambition.

    An update of the pathway/scenario focusing on a combination of carbon pricing and medium intensification of regulatory measures in all sectors of the economy, while also reflecting the COVID-19 pandemic and the National Energy and Climate Plans, confirmed these findings.

    Taking this pathway and the Communication on Stepping up Europe’s 2030 climate ambition as central reference, individual impact assessments for all ‘Fit for 55’ initiatives were then developed with a view to provide the required evidence base for the final step of detailing an effective, efficient and coherent ‘Fit for 55’ package.

    At the aggregate level, these impact assessments provide considerable reassurances about the policy indications adopted by the Commission in the Communication on Stepping up Europe’s 2030 climate ambition. This concerns notably a stronger and more comprehensive role of carbon pricing, energy efficiency and renewable energy policies, and the instruments supporting sustainable mobility and transport. These would be complemented by a carbon border adjustment mechanism and phasing out free allowances. This would allow reducing, in a responsible manner, the risk of carbon leakage. It would also preserve the full scope of the Effort Sharing Regulation for achieving the increased climate target.

    Various elements of the analyses also suggest that parts of the revenues of a strengthened and extended ETS should be used to counter any undesirable distributional impacts such a package would entail (between and within Member States). While the best way to do this is still to be determined, this would seem a superior alternative to foregoing the relevant measures altogether or simply disregarding the uneven nature of their distributional impacts. Under both these alternatives, the eventual success of any package proposed would be at risk.

    Preferred policy option

    Preliminarily assuming this fact and the analysis above as the framework for the aggregate ‘Fit for 55’ package, the specific analysis carried out in this impact assessment comes to the following main conclusions as regards the key elements of the preferred policy option for the revision of the EED:

    1)EU energy efficiency target

    As already indicated in the CTP, the EU energy efficiency target should be increased in the range of 36-37% for 2030 for final energy to achieve the overall 55% GHG target for 2030. The target should be a binding target at EU level (TARGET.1).

    2)Benchmarks for national energy efficiency contributions

    To achieve the overall climate ambition in an optimal manner, it would be desirable for Member States to be guided towards the level of ambition needed to achieve the EU energy efficiency target in a fair manner. In view of this, the assessment points to indicative national benchmarks for Member States’ contributions, based on a formula that takes into account a range of criteria related to Member States’ national circumstances (TARGET.2) 105 . While in response to the PC, 36% of stakeholders favoured indicative national targets and 47% favoured binding national targets, indicative benchmarks are more aligned with the subsidiarity principle.

    Combining a binding EU-level energy efficiency target with national indicative contributions would be fully coherent with the other climate and energy targets, and is in line with the approach followed in REDII and the Governance Regulation.

    3)Energy savings obligations (Article 7)

    The level of annual energy savings would be increased to approximately 1.5% per year in line with the outcomes of the CTP IA.

    Moreover, Member States would be required achieve a certain amount of savings in the transport sector (ESO.1) and amongst energy poor households (ESO.2), and would no longer be able to count energy savings from measures promoting the use of fossil fuels (ESO.3). These measures were supported by around 60% of the PC respondents.

    4)Other elements of the preferred option

    The other elements of the preferred option would aim at providing further incentives to increase Member States’ ambition and efforts, to address remaining barriers and to improve the understanding of the EED’s impact. This would cover:

    a)Energy Efficiency First: Further guidance on the application of the EE1st principle (EE1st.1) and a new article (building upon the Governance Regulation), with an obligation for Member States to ensure its application, while minimising administrative burden (EE1st.2). This was supported by around half of the PC respondents.

    b)Exemplary role of the public sector: Further guidance for authorities in support of building renovation (BUILD.1). Expanded scope for renovations to cover all public buildings, while maintaining the same renovation rate of 3% (BUILD.2b), improved monitoring and undated renovation standards to nearly zero energy buildings (BUILD.3) and the removal of alternative measures (BUILD.4).

    Further guidance to authorities, including on circularity and GPP aspects (PROCURE.1). Extend public procurement provisions to all public administration levels (PROCURE.2).

    A large majority of stakeholders, including public authorities, supported the strengthening of the requirements for public buildings renovation and procurement.

    c)Industry: Focus energy audits on larger energy users and require energy management systems for largest users (IND.1 and IND.2).

    d)Heating and cooling: Benchmarking (HEAT.1), improved definitions and strengthened obligations for cost-benefit analysis and local cooling and heating planning (HEAT.2).

    e)Energy networks: Benchmarking (NET.1), enhanced definition of losses and reporting (NET.2).

    f)Transport: Include energy efficiency elements in line with the EE1st principle and the Sustainable and Smart Mobility Strategy, including, for example, in urban mobility policy planning (TRANS.1).

    g)Support measures: Strengthening provisions on skills, energy services and financing mechanisms, consumer empowerment, addressing split incentives and the alleviation of energy poverty (SUPPORT.1; SUPPORT.2; and possibly SUPPORT.3).

    h)Monitoring and reporting: Reinforcement of requirements (MONITOR.1; MONITOR.2 and possibly MONITOR.3), building on the integrated approach under the Governance Regulation.

    The above elements would strengthen the EED and help ensure that, also with the support of the EPBD (to be revised by the end of 2021) and other parts of EU policies and measures, it continues to ensure that energy efficiency makes the necessary contribution towards a more ambitious GHG target, as defined in the CTP. Because of this, it would also be complementary to, and fully consistent with, the strengthening of other legislative initiatives that contribute to the same objective, in particular the RED II, the ETS, and the forthcoming revision of the EPBD.

    Administrative burden of the preferred policy option

    The administrative burden arising from information requirements of the individual measures of the preferred policy option is estimated in Error! Reference source not found.. The results show that, overall, there would be an estimated net increase in administrative burden of €5.5 million per year. The burden on the private sector is increased by €0.3 million per year, and there is an increase in the burden for the public sector of €5.2 million per year.

    Internal coherence of the measures within the preferred policy option

    The preferred policy option is based on a clear hierarchy of measures, with the binding EU level target on top, supported by the indicative national benchmarks that would add up to the EU target, and all other measures contributing to its achievement. Figure 21 provides an overview of these interlinkages.

    Figure 21 Interlinkages between elements of the EED and other instruments

    The Member States’ obligation to achieve 1.5% annual energy savings would constitute an important contribution to reaching their national indicative benchmark. While this obligation is estimated to deliver around 50% of the overall EU target, this will differ per Member State, depending amongst others on their indicative benchmark and the robustness of national energy savings measures.

    As regards the EE1st principle, the preferred option aims to stimulate its implementation but the nature of the principle, which is to ensure that energy efficiency measures are properly taken into account during decision making, does not guarantee that energy savings will be achieved, for example when such measures are not cost-effective.

    It is important to underline that the public building renovation target of 3% contributes fully to the 1.5% energy savings obligation. At the same time, other measures that Member States can take in the public sector such as on street lighting, water management or public transport, also contribute where they are additional to EU level standards (as per the Article 7 provisions).

    Finally, the preferred option leaves a large amount of flexibility to the Member States how to fulfil the proposed binding targets i.e. for annual energy savings and the building renovation rate. For the former, the only requirement is to achieve a limited amount of savings in the transport sector and among energy poor households, while for the latter Member States can freely choose which buildings to renovate.

    Investments underpinning the preferred policy option

    Increased GHG ambition entails significant investments in energy efficiency and renewable energy. Against this background, the preferred policy option aims at facilitating energy efficiency investments, reducing their perceived risks, increasing the effectiveness in the use of public funding and helping mobilise private financial resources 106 , in line with the priorities identified in the European Semester, National Energy and Climate Change Plans (NECPs), and Just Transition and Recovery Plans.

    Ensuring coherence in the finalisation of the package

    The final step of the sequential approach outlined above for the coherent design of the ‘Fit for 55’ proposals will be carried out on the basis of the analysis of this and the other impact assessment reports. The choices left open for policy-makers will be taken, measures fine-tuned and calibrated, and overall coherence ensured. Until that stage, all indications of preferred measures are to be considered preliminary as preserving overall effectiveness, efficiency and coherence may require adjustments as the final package takes shape.

    Overall coherence was already established by the Climate Target Plan, which clearly showed that action in all policy areas under the ‘Fit for 55’ package is necessary to achieve the 2030 targets. Therefore, stronger energy efficiency measures are crucial to reach results, to increase Member States’ ambition, to address the identified weaknesses in the current framework and to mitigate the possible undesirable effects of other policy initiatives.

    In particular, a possible extension of the ETS to the buildings and transport sectors, and the resulting increase in energy prices may have social impacts, especially on low-income households. Support measures to promote energy efficiency, such as the strengthening of Article 7 by obliging Member States to address vulnerable, energy poor, or low-income households, will help to alleviate this. In fact, strong energy efficiency measures would be necessary to avoid excessive distributional effects due to the ETS extension.

    At the same time, such an extension could affect the effectiveness of the EED, notably as regards Article 7, which is expected to deliver around 50% of the total savings estimated to come from the EED. To enable effective synergies of such an extended ETS with the EED, it should be ensured that Member States may only count the energy savings under Article 7 from energy efficiency measures (which are measured and verified), and not from the reduced energy use as a result of a carbon price. This would be in line with the additionality requirement 107 , and be consistent with the preferred options under the ETS and for CO2 vehicle standards.

    While an extended ETS could enhance additional energy savings, carbon pricing alone cannot resolve the well-known barriers to the take up of energy efficiency measures in these sectors. In view of this, the energy saving measures, such as those promoted under Article 5 or Article 7 (i.e. through energy efficiency obligation schemes or alternative policy measures), and under the EPBD will remain vital to ensure that cost-effective energy efficiency measures are implemented at end-user level.

    The interaction between the approach to energy efficiency and renewables shows broad coherence, reflecting the fact that stronger efforts on energy efficiency are necessary for a cost effective deployment of renewable energy in view of meeting both energy and climate targets. This is particularly the case for heating and cooling planning, whereby the EED sets the framework for identifying the energy efficiency and renewable energy potential, and requires the Members States to implement policies and measures to exploit this potential. These policies and measures directly support the achievement of the heating and cooling sector target under the RED.

    The further inclusion of transport measures under Article 7 would stimulate Member States to take further action on transport. As such, there would not be a regulatory overlap but rather synergies with the measures of the Sustainable and Smart Mobility Strategy, as the EED would establish an obligation while leaving it to Member States what measures they would like to use for achieving the reduction in energy use in transport.

    Finally, the Commission has started the review of the EPBD with a view to come forward with a proposal towards the end of 2021. While at this point in time it is not possible to prejudge the outcome of that review, the preferred option respects the specific role of the EPBD in setting cost-optimal energy performance requirements, while strengthening the EED provisions pertaining to buildings (Article 5), in particular for public procurement (Article 6), provides the necessary horizontal framework for action.

    A complementary document to the full set of individual impact assessments looking at the effectiveness, efficiency and coherence of the final package will accompany the “Fit for 55” proposal.

    9.How will actual impacts be monitored and evaluated?

    Monitoring and evaluation of progress towards the policy objectives can be done using monitoring tools under existing instruments or existing Eurostat data, and through other means, including the Governance Regulation (see also section 1.4).

    The mechanism embedded in the Governance Regulation is based on the integrated National Energy and Climate Plans, covering ten-year periods starting from 2021 to 2030, regular progress reports by the Member States and integrated monitoring arrangements by the Commission. This will allow the Commission to assess the progress made at Union level towards meeting the objectives of the Energy Union, in particular as regards the 2030 targets for renewable energy and energy efficiency. Member States also have the obligation to report on their progress towards alleviating energy poverty.

    Regarding the specific policy objectives, it is expected that monitoring will take place as follows:

    Table 16 Monitoring of objectives


    Monitoring tools

    Objective 1:

    Increase effort by Member States to achieve a 36-37% energy efficiency target

    Key indicators:

    FEC; PEC; number of public buildings renovated annually (i.e. rate of renovation); energy savings achieved due to public building renovation (i.e. depth of renovation); annual energy savings under article 7; contribution of energy efficiency measures to alleviation of energy poverty;

    Member States’ biennial reports in accordance with the Governance Regulation. From that information it is possible to infer progress towards the overall EU energy efficiency target. This also includes information on:

    -Cumulative amount of energy savings achieved over the period 2021-2030 under Article 7 (energy saving obligations);

    -Total floor area renovated under Article 5 (public buildings);

    -Measures to utilise energy efficiency potentials of gas and electricity infrastructure (EE 1st).

    ESTAT collects annual energy consumption data per Member State and key economic sectors.

    EU Building Stock Observatory 108  

    EU Energy Poverty Observatory 109

    Objective 2:

    Reinforce the EED to better address market barriers and failures.

    Key indicators:

    Increase of the use, and size, of energy performance contracts in the public sector; Level and impact of investments in energy efficiency measures; Savings achieved through energy audits;

    Governance regulation, under which Member States have the obligation to report on:

    -Market-based instruments that incentivise energy efficiency improvements, including but not limited to energy taxes, levies and allowances;

    -Policy and measures to promote energy services in the public sector;

    -Measures to remove regulatory and non-regulatory barriers that impede the uptake of energy performance contracting and other energy efficiency service models;

    -The use of Union funds, in the area of energy efficiency at national level.

    The Commission will undertake regular studies on the impact of specific articles of the EED, for example as regards Article 7 on energy savings obligations or Article 8 on energy audits.

    The JRC undertakes regular assessments of market developments in key areas such as energy services companies and financing measures 110 .

    Investments in energy efficiency under EU financial programmes, including InvestEU, NextGenerationEU, European Strategic Investment Funds, EIB facilities, ELENA technical assistance facility.

    DEEP database 111

    Odyssee/Mure database 112

    Objective 3:

    Improve understanding of impacts of energy efficiency measures taken by Member States

    Key indicators: see above-mentioned indicators; impacts of public procurement on energy savings.

    Monitoring tools indicated above.

    Policy Assessment Tool 113 ,

    EED Concerted Action 114

    (1)      The European Green Deal (COM(2019) 640 final)
    (2)      Annex to the Green Deal Communication, page 2
    (3)    Proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council establishing the framework for achieving climate neutrality and amending Regulation (EU) 2018/1999
    (4)      Stepping up Europe’s 2030 climate ambition. Investing in a climate-neutral future for the benefit of our people (COM/2020/562 final)
    (6)      COM(2020) 690 final
    (7)    Directive (EU) 2018/2002 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 11 December 2018 amending Directive 2012/27/EU on energy efficiency
    (8)      In its 1995 White Paper on an Energy Policy for the European Union (COM(95)682), the Commission recognised the importance of promoting energy efficiency as well as the environmental and climate problems due to energy use.
    (9) . This does not include greenhouse gas emissions and removals from land use, land use change and forestry (LULUCF).
    (12)      IEA analysis shows that energy efficiency investments in buildings create around 15 jobs for every million dollars - the most jobs for the options assessed. Energy efficiency in industry is close behind at 10 jobs per million dollars investment. IEA World Energy Outlook Special Report: Sustainable recovery; June 2020
    (15)      Directive (EU) 2018/2001 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 11 December 2018 on the promotion of the use of energy from renewable sources
    (16)      Directive 2003/87/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 13 October 2003 establishing a scheme for greenhouse gas emission allowance trading within the Community and amending Council Directive 96/61/EC, as amended.
    (17)      Council Directive 2003/96/EC of 27 October 2003 restructuring the Community framework for the taxation of energy products and electricity
    (18)      E.g. Eco-design legislation
    (19)      E.g. CO2 emissions standards for road vehicles
    (20)      E.g. The energy performance of buildings Directive
    (21)      E.g. Energy and car labelling legislation, Energy Performance Certificates for buildings
    (22)      Renovation wave
    (23)      Improvements to the definition of lifetime mileage of light duty vehicles:
    (24)      Average smartphone replacement cycle worldwide 2017 - Statista :
    (25)      E.g. the Energy Tax Directive, the Emission Trading System
    (26)    In this context, it has to be noted that in transposing the EED, Member States must give local and regional authorities a leading role in designing the measures laid down, in order to address the specific features of their climate, culture and society.
    (27)      Directive 2018/2002. The main changes were to introduce a 2030 target, amend the Energy Savings Obligations and change the metering requirements.
    (28)      Regulation 2018/1999 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 11 December 2018 on the Governance of the Energy Union and Climate Action
    (29)      Amongst various sources, see the Communication A Clean Planet for all – A European strategic long-term vision for a prosperous, modern, competitive and climate neutral economy (COM/2018/773 final), where the role of energy efficiency as a condition sine qua non for all decarbonisation scenarios is assessed.
    (30)      Evaluation SWD (reference to be added once available)
    (31)      In the course of 2018, it became increasingly clear that the EU was not on track to achieve its 2020 energy efficiency target. In response to the growing energy consumption trends, the Commission set up a dedicated task force of Member States’ experts to examine the underlying reasons and to mobilise efforts to reach the EU energy efficiency targets for 2020.
    (32)      See e.g.
    (33)      For example monetary savings, better societal acceptance, more effective use of resources, improved health, reduced energy poverty, etc. See also
    (34)      Assessment of the impact of climate change on residential energy demand for heating and cooling; Joint Research Centre; 2018
    (35)      An EU-wide assessment of national energy and climate plans driving forward the green transition and promoting economic recovery through integrated energy and climate planning (COM/2020/564 final)
    (36)      Further details about this ‘ambition gap’ are provided in Error! Reference source not found..
    (37)      ELENA – European Local ENergy Assistance
    (39)      For example, the flexibility given to Member States in view of the renovation target in Article 5 limits its effectiveness, as it allows to renovate less buildings to the cost optimal level.
    (40)      DellaValle N., Bertoldi P. (2021) “Toward a more situated energy efficiency policy agenda”.
    (41)      E.g. impacts on air pollution, biodiversity, resource use, climate change and energy security
    (42)      Economidou M et al., Energy efficiency upgrades in multi-owner residential buildings - Review of governance and legal issues in 7 EU Member States
    (43)      SEC(2011) 779 final; SWD(2016) 405 final
    (44)      Moles-Grueso, S., Bertoldi, P. and Boza-Kiss, B., Energy Performance Contracting in the Public Sector of the EU – 2020, EUR 30614 EN, Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg, 2021, ISBN 978-92-76-30877-5, doi:10.2760/171970, JRC123985.
    (45)      Evaluation of Articles 6 and 7 of the Energy Efficiency Directive (2012/27/EU) (SWD(2016)403 final; ).
    (46)      Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament, the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions – A Renovation Wave for Europe – Greening our buildings, creating jobs, improving lives" (COM(2020)662)
    (47)      It also announced a targeted revision of the EPBD, which is planned for adoption at the end of 2021
    (48)      DG GROW estimate
    (50)      Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament, the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions – Shaping Europe's digital future (COM(2020) 67 final)

         An EU Strategy on Heating and Cooling (COM/2016/051 final)


     For an overview of these comprehensive assessments please see:

    (53) Eurostat 2021 [22.04.2021]
    (54) Comprehensive assessments are published at . As examples, the assessment by Finland estimates remaining waste heat potential at 35 TWh, while France estimates its waste heat potential above 60 °C from industry as 12,3 TWh.

         See for example; 2nd CEER Report on Power Losses; Council of European Energy Regulators; 2020


         Certain of these (parts of Article 15(5) and Article 15(8)) were removed in 2018 as part of the Clean Energy for All Europeans and replaced with consolidated provisions in the new Electricity Market legislation.


         Identifying energy efficiency improvements and saving potential in energy networks, including analysis of the value of demand response; Tractebel Engineering, Ecofys; 2015

    (58)      Eurostat 2019 data
    (59)      Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament, the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions – Sustainable and Smart Mobility Strategy – Putting European transport on track for the future (COM/2020/789 final)
    (60)      5% represent energy savings reported by Member States for 2014-2018
    (61)      Energy efficiency in the transport sector: policy evaluation and evaluation in some European countries. Eva Valeri, Amanda Stathopoulos, Edoardo Marcucci
    (62)      Please note that the metering and billing provisions on electricity were moved to the electricity Directive during the 2018 revision of the EED. Similar provisions related to gas are intended to be included in the ongoing revision of the gas legislation.
    (63)      For a more detailed overview of available instruments please see Commission Staff Working Document: “Support from the EU budget to unlock investment into building renovation” accompanying the Renovation Wave Communication (SWD(2020) 550 final)
    (64)      The Potential for Energy Efficiency in the EU Member States – A Comparison of Studies. 2017. Katharina Knoop and Stefan Lechtenböhmer. Research Group Future Energy and Mobility Structures, Wuppertal Institute for Climate, Germany.
    (65)      Report from the Commission to the European Parliament and the Council – 2019 assessment of the progress made by Member States towards the national energy efficiency targets for 2020 and towards the implementation of the Energy Efficiency Directive as required by Article 24(3) of the Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU (COM(2020) 326 final)
    (66)    The IEA ( ) notes that the changes in primary energy intensity mainly reflect the pandemic’s impact on the economy. Historical GDP and energy intensity data suggest that large falls in GDP, like those in 2020, tend to be followed by falls in the future energy intensity improvement rate.
    (67)    An external cost occurs when producing or consuming a good or service imposes a cost (negative effect) on a third party
    (68)      Link to webpage with publication – to be available in June
    (69)      Regulation (EU) 2018/1999
    (70)      COM(2016) 860 final. This legislation was adopted in 2019 and will be transposed within maximum two years’ time in the Member States’ legislation.

         Primary energy consumption reduction projections in REF (32%) are, however, close to the agreed target for 2030. This is not in line with the Commission’s assessment that indicates that the gap in final energy consumption is mirrored by the gap in primary energy consumption. The REF projections, however, capture the latest evolutions in the power generation, notably coal phase-out (not fully reflected in the NECPs) and the latest technology outlook for renewables in power generation (notably smaller role of biomass).

    (72)      COM/2020/564 final
    (74)      Commission Recommendation (EU) 2020/1563 of 14 October 2020 on energy poverty C/2020/9600, OJ L 357, 27.10.2020, p. 35–41.
    (75)       Tradable Certificates for Energy Savings (White Certificates) - Theory and Practice)
    (76)      Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament, the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee, the Committee of the Regions and the European Investment Bank – A Framework Strategy for a Resilient Energy Union with a Forward-Looking Climate Change Policy (COM(2015) 80 final)
    (77)      Comprehensive study of building energy renovation activities and the uptake of nearly zero-energy buildings in the EU; Ipsos and Navigant; 2019
    (78)      Information measures to promote energy use reduction across EU Member States. Analysis of information, empowerment and training measures in Member States National Energy Efficiency Action Plans. Silvia Rivas, Barbara Cuniberti, Paolo Bertoldi, 2016.
    (79)      Long term effects of an energy efficiency advertising campaign Klaus Wortmann and Werner Möhring-Hüser.
    (80)       Refining Benchmarking Study | Solomon (
    (81)       Expert Workshop on Industry Energy Efficiency Benchmarking - Event - IEA
    (82)      Technical assistance on assessing the effectiveness of the implementation of the definition of small and medium-sized enterprises for the purposes of Article 8(4) of the Energy Efficiency Directive
    (84)  For more details about this legislation, see
    (85)    See Shrinkage Leakage Model Review, pages 13-17. Available at:
    (86)    As already indicated in several available reports and studies drafted from JRC (electricity and natural gas ), by Tractebel/Ecofys and limited to electricity grids from CEER
    (89)  International Transport Forum
    (90)    Article 7 (energy efficiency obligation schemes and alternative policy measures) is a key measure of the EED, estimated to contribute by about half of energy savings to the overall EU energy efficiency target for 2020 and 2030. See Error! Reference source not found. for more detailed information on this article.
    (91)      Commission Recommendation on transposing the energy savings obligations under the Energy Efficiency Directive (COM(2019)6621)
    (92)      Commission Recommendation on the implementation of the new metering and billing provisions of the Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU (COM(2019)6631)
    (93)      Commission Recommendation on the content of the comprehensive assessment of the potential for efficient heating and cooling under Article 14 of Directive 2012/27/EU (COM(2019)6625)
    (94)      Excluding intra EU aviation and maritime, and LULUCF
    (95) The CTP baseline, for example, had higher economic growth, but the macroeconomic impact of increasing climate ambitions was comparable.
    (96)      According to the technical assistance study on assessing energy efficiency policies (Fraunhofer 2020), an extension of the obligation to all public buildings at the rate of 3% would allow reaching 2,6 Mtoe energy savings by 2030 compared to 0,6 Mtoe if targeting only central government buildings.
    (97) . In the DEEP database, public buildings, health care buildings and educational buildings best correspond to the public bodies’ buildings among the 13 categories that those who fill in their projects can choose. The DEEP database includes a large number of building projects (7767), of which 239 are public buildings, 219 healthcare and 592 educational buildings.

         European Commission, EU energy in figures, Statistical pocketbook 2019, p. 134.

    (100)      Directive 2004/18/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 31 March 2004 on the coordination of procedures for the award of public works contracts, public supply contracts and public service contracts
    (101) and
    (102)      Communication on Stepping up Europe’s 2030 climate ambition - Com(2020)562
    (105)      The Commission is currently developing such a formula in line with what is in place for the REDII.
    (106)      This will be achieved mainly through non-regulatory measures (see, for example, the section on ‘Attracting private investment and stimulating green loan financing’ in the Renovation Wave strategy for a more elaborate discussion) and strengthening of the provisions on financing, energy services, qualification and certification, and audits.
    (107)      Member States must fulfil the additionality requirement as set out in Annex V(2) EED. Energy savings need to be additional to those that would have occurred in any event without the activity of the obligated, participating or entrusted parties. To determine the savings that can be claimed as additional, Member States have to show how energy use and demand would evolve in the absence of the policy measure in question by taking into account energy consumption trends, changes in consumer behaviour, technological progress and changes caused by other measures implemented at EU and national level.
    (110)      See for example:
    (113)      (Draft) Technical assistance study to develop a tool for assessing energy efficiency policies and measures; Fraunhofer, 2020

    Brussels, 14.7.2021

    SWD(2021) 623 final



    Accompanying the

    Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council

    on energy efficiency (recast)

    {COM(2021) 558 final} - {SEC(2021) 558 final} - {SWD(2021) 624 final} - {SWD(2021) 625 final} - {SWD(2021) 626 final} - {SWD(2021) 627 final}

    Procedural information

    Lead DG, Decide Planning/CWP references

    DG ENER, PLAN/2020/6834, Commission work programme 2021 (COM(2020) 690 final) Annex I. 1.e.

    Organisation and timing

    The review of the EED was announced in the European Green Deal Communication in December 2019.

    An Inter Service Steering Group was established which involved the following DGs: SG, AGRI, BUDG, CLIMA, COMP, CNECT, EASME, ECFIN, ENV, ESTAT, FISMA, GROW, JRC, JUST, LS, MOVE, REGIO, RTD, TAXUD, TRADE.

    Five meetings were held, which took place on 17 June 2020, 7 October 2020, 10 December 2020, 19 February 2021 and 2 March 2021.

    Consultation of the RSB

    A meeting with the RSB took place on 14 April 2021.

    On 19 April 2021, the RSB issued a negative opinion. An improved Impact Assessment has been submitted on 29 April, fully addressing the recommendations provided by the Board in its first opinion.  Table 1 shows the RSB recommendations and the changes made to respond to them.

    Table 1: How RSB recommendations of 19 April 2021 have been addressed

    RSB recommendation

    How the IA report has been amended

    (1) The report should clearly define the scope of the initiative.

    It should specify how it aligns with the greenhouse gas reduction targets of the Climate Law, and how it follows or differs from the CTP modelling scenarios.

    On this basis, the report should make clear what are the open policy choices that this impact assessment aims to inform.

    The report should explain how the other ‘Fit for 55’ initiatives may affect the scope, choices or impacts of this initiative.

    As a result of the Board’s important recommendation, Section 1.5 on the revision of the EED as part of the ‘Fit for 55’ package has been enhanced to make clear that the overall target (and consequently the level of the obligations, including Article 7) is taken from the CTP modelling.

    Moreover, the contribution to the 55% GHG target and the link with the CTP IA has been clarified still in section 1.5, but also in sections 5.1 on what the baseline from which options are assessed is, 5.3 from options to scenarios that build on the Climate Target Plan, 6.1 on how the assessment is carried out, 6.2 on the summary of quantitative results and in a new Annex D on key findings of CTP and how they are fine-tuned in the “Fit for 55” IAs.

    The report now explains that the open policy choices mainly relate to the package of measures necessary for energy efficiency to contribute optimally to the achievement of the 55% GHG reduction target.

    The possible effect of other ‘Fit for 55’ initiatives has been further elaborated in sections 1.3 on the role of the EED and interlinkages with key related legislation, 1.5 on the revision of the EED as part of the ‘Fit for 55’ package and 8 on the preferred option, in particular as regards the interaction with an extended ETS for buildings and transport.

    (2) The report should better explain the framework character of the EED and provide a clearer picture (especially in the options description) of where it supports separate pieces of (EU and national) sectoral legislation and how, and where it adds additional elements.

    Section 1.3 on the role of the EED and interlinkages with key related legislation has been modified to address the comment made by the Board to better explain the role of the EED in view of other policy instruments, with further details provided in Annex F on the main elements of the EED, Annex J on the energy saving obligation and Annex M on the interaction with other policy areas and legislation.

    Following the recommendation of the Board and in light of the under-developed elements in the in the first submission, the Impact Assessment now clarifies that the EED aims to enhance energy efficiency by using various mechanisms, through the action of the Member States, to deliver increased energy savings and energy efficiency above what would be achieved through minimum performance standards and pricing measures alone.

    (3) The intervention logic of the initiative needs significant improvement.

    The intervention logic has been significantly improved by restructuring the problem definition and underlying drivers, updating and simplifying the objectives and better linking it with the policy options (sections 2 on the problem definition, 4 on the objectives and 5 on what the available policy options are).

    Section 2 now explains in a detailed way that, if no action is taken, a large share of energy efficiency and energy saving potential would remain unexploited, largely due to market and regulatory failures, which prevent cost-effective energy efficiency investments and actions from taking place.

    As a result, unless higher levels of energy efficiency are achieved, GHG emissions would be higher for a given unit of output, important co-benefits would not be realised 1 and the EU would not meet its 55% GHG emission reduction target in a cost-effective manner as shown by the CTP IA.

    Section 4 has been modified to clarify what the general objective of this initiative is, namely the need to revise the EED to further promote energy efficiency and energy savings to contribute optimally to the cost-effective achievement of the EU 55% GHG reduction ambition for 2030, by achieving a 36-37% energy efficiency target as shown in the Climate Target Plan. Moreover, it also streamlines the specific objectives, which are currently three.

    Section 5 has been substantially revised and restructured to address better and in a clearer way the problems and drivers outlined in section 2, with the aim to further substantiate the need to improve the EED across many areas.

    The broad set of potential measures identified based on the evaluation outcomes, the assessment of the final NECPs, the support study, and the results of stakeholder meetings and the open public consultation, have been further developed and better described.

    (4) The report should clarify the precise content of the considered options.

    It should better link the measures listed under particular options to the identified problems.

    The various proposed choices, for example for target levels, should be better justified on the basis of modelling, expert opinions, stakeholder suggestions or any available evidence underpinning the feasibility of the proposals and ambition levels.

    Section 5.2 on the description of the policy options has been completely rewritten to address the Board’s concerns and to strengthen the link to the problem definition, taking better account of available evidence, the evaluation, workshops and public consultation responses.

    The description of the policy measures has been expanded, e.g. to justify the levels chosen, and some more detailed policy measures have been deleted.

    (5) On the basis of better defined options, the report should improve substantially the qualitative or quantitative assessment of the considered individual measures and better link these to the high-level results of the modelling. This should also help to identify the more critical measures from the less important ones.

    Section 6 on the impacts of scenarios and policy options, and in particular section 6.3 on the assessment of policy options, has been substantially modified in particular to improve the assessment and to identify the more important options from less important ones.

    Based on this, section 7 on how the options compare has been substantially changed to improve the comparison of policy options.

    (6) Options regulating heating and cooling, should be better justified from a subsidiarity and proportionality perspective. As most actions in this area are to be conducted locally, with little or no spill-over effects, the report should clarify the value added of harmonisation at EU level, especially when going beyond setting overall targets but also imposing specific measures.

    The description of the heating and cooling options has been greatly expanded and the underlying reasons for addressing this sector has been more detailed in section 5.2 on the description of policy options.

    The assessment of these options in section 6.3.7 on the assessment of heating and cooling has been modified to better reflect subsidiarity and proportionality impacts.

    (7) Given that one of the objectives of the initiative relates to energy poverty, the report should strengthen the impact analysis of the proposed measures in this respect.

    It should reflect diverse levels of income and energy prices across Member States. While measures to eliminate energy poverty are by virtue of subsidiarity in the hands of Member States, the report should clearly present the impacts of increased energy efficiency targets on energy poverty levels.

    To address the Board’s important recommendation, energy poverty has been addressed as part of the possible policy options under Article 7 in section 5.2 on the description of policy options, providing evidence for the link between energy efficiency (and the EED) and energy poverty (Annex L specifically on the impacts of energy poverty) and assessment of the proposed measures (section 6.3). An important basis for actions at EU level is the fact that 61% of respondents in the Public Consultation voiced to a high degree of importance the request for a specific share of EU measures to address energy poverty.

    (8) The report should better reflect the views of different stakeholder groups, including dissenting and minority views throughout the report, including on the problem definition, construction of options and the choice of the preferred option(s).

    Views of stakeholder have been better reflected in the problem definition, policy options and assessment of options. This has been done throughout sections 2 on the problem definition, 5.2 on the description of policy options, 6.3 on the assessment of policy options, 7 on how the options compare and 8 on the preferred option.

    (9) The report should improve the presentation of the estimated costs and benefits of the preferred option(s) and include a more comprehensive overview in Annex 3. As far as possible, the report should quantify the expected increase in administrative burden.

    The report has been up-dated to include further quantification of impacts and cater for the recommendation of the Board suggesting that an improved presentation is needed. This is why efforts have been made to increase and improve the qualitative assessment of the various measures.

    As regards the administrative burden, the comments have been addressed based on the available data, which allowed for a qualitative rather than a quantitative assessment.

    (10) The methodological section (in the annex), including methods, key assumptions, and baseline, should be harmonised as much as possible across all ‘Fit for 55’ initiatives. Key methodological elements and assumptions should be included concisely in the main report under the baseline section and the introduction to the options. The report should refer explicitly to uncertainties linked to the modelling. Where relevant, the methodological presentation should be adapted to this specific initiative.

    Sections 5.1 on the baseline from which options are assessed and 6.2 on the summary of quantitative results have been revised to improve how the key methodological elements and assumptions are addressed.

    A harmonised Annex D on key findings of CTP and how they are fine-tuned in the “Fit for 55” IAs has been added also to this report, as well as to the other IAs part of the package.

    On 28 May 2021, the RSB issued a positive opinion with reservations on the resubmitted Impact Assessment. The recommendations provided by the Board have been fully addressed in the current Impact Asssessment. Table 2 shows the RSB recommendations and the changes made to respond to them.

    Table 2 How RSB recommendations of 28 May 2021 have been addressed

    RSB recommendation

    How the IA report has been amended

    (1) The report does not sufficiently justify the need for specific sectoral energy savings obligations. Their added-value to the global savings obligation and other Fit for 55 initiatives is unclear.

    For both transport and vulnerable consumers, extra text has been added to point 2 of section 5.2 describing why specific sectoral action is desirable and reasonable. This also provides explanation of why this provides added value and discusses the possible level.

    (2) The report does not sufficiently justify the introduction of further measures at the EU level for heating and cooling.

    Clarifications have been made to the text in section 5.2 describing the options, in particular HEAT.2, to provide greater clarity on the measures.

    The text assessing subsidiarity of the options in section has been expanded and strengthened.

    (3) The report does not provide clear evidence of the need for and added-value of the transport options. It is unclear how mandatory mobility planning for certain urban areas would be in line with the subsidiarity principle.

    Part 9 of section 5.2 has been further elaborated to  provide a more detailed explanation of the merits of the measure and the energy saving potential.

    (4) The choice and feasibility of the preferred options for buildings needs further clarification. The subsidiarity assessment of the two public procurement options is deficient.

    Text has been added to point 4 of section 5.2 to better explain the minimum EPBD requirements and clarify that the NZEB standards is already de-facto the standard for renovations and is achievable

    The scoring for PROCURE.2 has been reassessed. This led to an increase in the coherence score and a decrease in the sustainability and proportionality score.

    (5) The interplay between the measures included in the preferred options is unclear. Administrative burdens, compliance costs and circular economy impacts remain insufficiently assessed.

    A new Annex N has been inserted which contains a thorough assessment of the possible change in net administrative burden as a result of the simplification of certain elements and the additional impacts of other elements for all measures of the preferred option. This is based upon the Better Regulation assessment tool.

    Extra text has been included in section 8 describing the measures of the preferred option and how they work as a package. This also explains the interplay with the EE1st principle and the flexibility available to Member States when choosing how to achieve the overall target. 

    Extra text has been included in Annex M explaining the interactions between Energy Efficiency measures and the circular economy and illustrating how accelerating energy saving replacement may impact this.


    Stakeholder views have been better disaggregated on the basis of 4 categories (public authorities, business, civil society and citizens) for a number of key public consultation questions.

    The baseline has been reintroduced to each element of section 5.2 and 6.3 as well as in all the tables of section 6.3.

    Evidence, sources and quality

    The aim of this Impact Assessment is to support a legislative proposal amending the EED to address any remaining ambition gap to the EU energy efficiency target of 32.5% for 2030 and in view of a higher climate ambition for 2030, which would require more efforts in energy efficiency.

    It builds on the impact assessment carried out for the comprehensive plan to increase the EU 2030 climate target to at least 50% and towards 55% in a responsible way. That impact assessment indicated how climate and energy policies would interact to achieve an increased greenhouse gas emissions reduction target. It provided information on a coherent set of changes required for the existing 2030 climate and energy framework - the ETS Directive, the Effort Sharing Regulation and the Land Use, Land Use Change and Forestry Regulation, the Renewable Energy Directive and the Energy Efficiency Directive.

    In addition, findings of the evaluation of the EED have helped to identify the measures needed to address the objectives.

    Other central sources are the Member States’ NECPs and the Commission’s assessment, the 2020 Progress Report and the work of the Task Force on Mobilising Efforts to Reach the EU Energy Efficiency Targets for 2020. Reports from the Joint Research Centre have also been of importance.

    A large amount of external expertise has fed into the preparation of this impact assessment. A specific expert group meeting was held in November 2019 at which outlain ideas of the available options were presented and expert’s opinions invited.

    Many dedicated reports have been produced assessing specific aspects of the legislation and its effects. Some key ones are referenced in this document and a wider set are referenced in the support study carried out in its preparation. Other relevant reports and research is cited.

    That support study provided the bulk of the evidence used to support the identification and choice of measures, their organisation into options packages and assessing their likely impacts.

    Stakeholder consultation

    1.Synthesis of consultation activities

    This Annex provides a synopsis of the stakeholder consultation carried out as part of the back-to-back ex-post evaluation and impact assessment of the Energy Efficiency Directive (EED).

    2.Consultation strategy and objectives

    The stakeholder consultation followed the strategy, objectives and steps laid out in the consultation strategy for the review and revision of the Energy Efficiency Directive 2 .

    The overall objective of the consultation was to identify the shortcomings associated with the current provisions of the EED and ways to strengthen, if necessary, elements of the EED to deliver on the Commission proposal to increase the EU’s greenhouse gas emission reduction target for 2030 to at least 55%. 3

    In order to achieve this objective, the consultation strategy laid out that the EED Review needed to cover the following elements:

    (1)    An ex-post evaluation of those elements of the EED that were not revised in 2018; and

    (2)    An impact assessment for the revision of the EED.

    The consultation strategy underscored the need for a comprehensive consultation, as the EED had not been evaluated since its adoption in 2012, except for the articles revised in 2018 in the context of the Clean Energy for All Europeans package.

    “Flexible” elements of the consultation strategy such as direct interviews and calls for ad-hoc contributions were used throughout the process to corroborate findings and address upcoming issues identified during the more formal consultation stages such as the feedback to the Roadmap/Inception Impact Assessment.

    3.Consultation activities

    a.Stakeholder groups and consultation tools

    The consultation strategy identified the following stakeholder groups and assessed their level of interest:

    ·European public actors: European Parliament, Committee of the Regions, Economic and Social Committee (high interest);

    ·National authorities responsible for the implementation of the EED in Member States (e.g. ministries of energy or economy and other competent authorities, including potentially at regional and local level) (high interest);

    ·Interest groups affected by the implementation of the EED such as companies, including small and medium-sized enterprises, regional and local public bodies, private organisations and industry associations, several of the European social partners, NGOs (high interest);

    ·Wider interest groups who may have an interest in implementation of the EED including civil society and academia (moderate interest).

    Several tools for engaging stakeholders were used to ensure a successful consultation on both ex-post evaluation and identification of further policy options for the Impact Assessment. They included:

    ·The Consultation on the evaluation roadmap/inception impact assessment;

    ·Nine stakeholder workshops on specific topics and articles and one EED Expert group meeting;

    ·Targeted stakeholder consultations including evaluation questionnaires and interviews; and

    ·The Open Public Consultation (OPC).

    Table 3: Alignment of tools and stakeholders

    European public actors

    National authorities

    Core interest groups

    European social partners

    Wider interest groups

    Roadmap consultation

    Stakeholder workshops

    Evaluation questionnaires & interviews

    Open public consultation

    Due to the comprehensive communication strategy, all stakeholder groups could be reached. Consultation activities were tailored to deliver analytically separate insights into the evaluation of the existing acquis and the impact assessment.

    The received feedback was analysed based on a mixed-method design, applying qualitative and quantitative analysis. This comprised qualitative content analysis, delivering read-outs of stakeholder positions. Computer-aided text analysis (CATA) based on MaxQda software allowed for an additional coding of feedback to track salience of the topics. Quantitative data gathered in the consultations on the Roadmap/Inception Impact Assessment and the Open Public Consultation were analysed with MS Excel and IBM SPSS statistical software.

    The following section presents a detailed description of these consultation activities and their return.

    b.Consultation feedback

    I.Roadmap/Inception Impact Assessment

    The evaluation roadmap (Roadmap) 4 was published on 3 August 2020 and was available for feedback until 21 September 2020. It received 189 replies. 99 stakeholders annexed supplementary statements and information to their replies. The largest number of replies (67) were received from Belgium, followed by France (20 replies) and Germany (19 replies). 15 replies were anonymous, which did not allow tracking the geographic location of contributors. The group of Business Associations was the largest to reply (80 replies), followed by Companies (36 replies) and NGOs (26 replies). Section II presents the detailed read-out of the consultation results.

    II.Stakeholder Workshops and EED Expert Group

    Nine dedicated stakeholder meetings were organised virtually in the period from September to October 2020 with targeted stakeholder groups on specific topics to ensure focussed discussion ( Table 4 ). The outcome of discussions contributed to both processes – evaluation and the impact assessment for revising the EED.

    Table 4: Overview of EED stakeholder workshops



    Number of participants



    Heating and Cooling and Article 14




    Energy Efficiency in Networks and Article 15




    Financing and Article 20




    Energy Efficiency in the Public Sector and Articles 5, 6 and 18




    General Issues and Energy Efficiency Targets




    Energy Audits and Article 8




    Energy Efficiency in Specific Sectors




    Energy Consumers and Articles 12 and 19




    Energy Services and Skills Articles 16 and 18



    Workshops were split in two parts to cover ex-post evaluation aspects and possible solutions for improvements of the EED and were guided by questions sent in advance to participants.

    A dedicated EED expert group meeting was held on 10 November 2020. The meeting aimed to seek feedback on the preliminary findings of the evaluation of the EED framework and to discuss identified policy options for amending the EED. Over 100 participants attended the expert group.

    III.Evaluation questionnaires and direct interviews

    Targeted questionnaires on relevant topics of the EED were sent to national authorities and other stakeholders in advance of dedicated workshops to seek more detailed feedback. In total 14 questionnaires were prepared covering the various EED articles, general issues and four sector specific sectors - agriculture, water, ICT, transport. Table 5 below presents an overview of the number of responses and feedback received from stakeholders.

    Table 5: Feedback response overview to evaluation questionnaires

    Article /topic

    Questionnaire responses

    Additional feedback*

    Targeted articles of the EED

    Article 1&3



    Article 5



    Article 6



    Article 8



    Article 12



    Article 14



    Article 15



    Article 16



    Article 18



    Article 19



    Sector-specific issues

    General issues



    Agriculture and water









    * This includes position papers and other notes received via email from stakeholders that were not presented in the questionnaire format.

    The consultation activities included direct interviews as a follow up on dedicated issues.

    Stakeholders were proposed to decide whether they would like to participate in interviews to illustrate their contributions through the questionnaire and the workshops. In total eight interviews were conducted. The purpose of the interviews was to validate and clarify matters, and to gather additional information and details where necessary. Summary of the interviews were prepared for the reporting exercise.

    IV.Public consultation

    An internet based public consultation targeted a broad stakeholder audience. The consultation was launched on 17 November 2020 and lasted until 9 February 2021. The questions of the consultation addressed aspects concerning the ex-post evaluation and option for the revision of the EED and specific modification of individual articles. The questions were formulated on basis of the Commission Better Regulation guidelines 5 .

    To ensure that the results of this consultation informed the two parallel processes of ex-post evaluation and impact assessment at both general and expert level, the survey contained two parts:

    ·Part I with questions of a general nature covering both the evaluation and impact assessment. The first sub-section contained questions assessing whether the EED framework and relevant provisions are efficient, effective, and coherent with the broader EU legislative framework covering energy efficiency policy. The second sub-section investigated the most appropriate policy options to be considered for the EED revision as part of the impact assessment, which could allow addressing the insufficient level of ambition in the National Energy and Climate Plans and also delivering on the higher energy efficiency contribution for 2030 to reach the GHG emissions reductions target of at least 55%.

    ·Part II was of a technical nature on specific articles dedicated to experts.

    The consultation received 344 replies, often accompanied by additional position papers. Replies came from 26 Member States and three non-EU countries (Norway, Switzerland, and the UK). Replies were submitted in 17 languages. The largest group of respondents covered business associations (132 replies), individual businesses and companies (92 replies), followed by NGOs (34 submissions). 21 respondents submitted replies as individual citizen. 24 public authorities replied, including 13 national authorities from 12 Member States (Cyprus, Czech Republic, Estonia, Finland, France, Italy, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Spain, and Sweden).

    c.Stakeholder input concerning the Impact Assessment

    I.Roadmap/Inception Impact Assessment

    The feedback retrieved in the consultation on the Roadmap/Inception Impact Assessment overall aligns with the feedback on the evaluation of the existing EED provisions: The present EED is overall regarded to be a workable policy instrument, which however is not deploying its full potential. Along this line, many stakeholders argued for an increased level of ambition regarding energy efficiency targets and asking for a stronger role of binding measures in their feedback to the consultation on the Roadmap/Inception Impact Assessment. Besides commenting on energy efficiency targets (69 mentions), heating and cooling (37 mentions) and buildings (31 mentions) received the broadest attention.

    Further to these overall comments, respondents provided detailed suggestions for revising dedicated articles of the EED. This concerned the topics and articles shown in Table 6 .

    Table 6: Stakeholder recommendations for changing EED provisions


    Number of contributions with revision suggestions

    1 &3 (objectives and targets):


    5 (exemplary role of public bodies’ buildings):


    6 (public procurement):


    7 (energy efficiency obligations):


    8 (energy audits):


    9-11 (metering and billing):


    14 & 15 (energy transformation, heating and cooling):


    16 & 17 (qualifications and training):


    18 (energy services):


    20 (financing):


    Stakeholders strongly focussed their comments and suggestions for improvement on the aspects of heating and cooling as well as on energy efficiency action in the public sector (buildings and procurement). The main results of the Roadmap/Inception Impact Assessment feedback are:

    ·Stakeholders were largely positive about stepping up the ambition on energy efficiency to match the higher climate target. Many stakeholders acknowledged the need for updating and aligning the 2030 energy efficiency targets to reflect the more ambitious GHG emissions reduction objective.

    ·Regarding the formulation of targets, some replies cautioned against fixing absolute targets for fear of curbing economic growth or limiting flexibility of the energy markets.

    ·Some stakeholders stressed the need to strengthen governance arrangements through a clearer alignment of the EU objectives for GHG, renewable energy and energy efficiency as well as further sectorial regulation as announced in the European Green Deal. The alignment with other policies is a recurring topic in many stakeholder replies. Many stakeholders pointed out that energy efficiency should be looked at from the perspective of the energy system.

    ·A majority of stakeholders supported the revision of the EED. Support for policy option 3 (Revision of the EED) was more widespread among respondents than support for policy option 2 (Non-regulatory measures). However, many stakeholders noted that both options were not mutually exclusive. Regarding the policy options laid out in the Roadmap, a large share of stakeholders implicitly or explicitly supported a revision of the EED, including proposing regulatory measures.

    ·The overall view was that a future revision of the EED should comprise regulatory and non-regulatory measures. Heating & cooling, buildings, as well as system efficiency and renewable energies, have been widely raised as key issues. In addition, the provisions concerning the public sector (Articles 5 and 6) received a large number of feedback.

    d.Stakeholder Workshops and EED Expert Group

    I.Stakeholder workshops

    The second half of each stakeholder workshop addressed forward-looking elements to gather input for the revision of the EED. Table 7 and Table 8 sum up the key findings of the workshops.

    Table 7: Summary of key workshop findings on specific EED provisions (forward-looking)

    Article/ Workshop topic

    Stakeholder input for impact assessment

    14 (heating and cooling)

    ·Many participants consider that the EED is not capturing the existing heating and cooling potential to the fullest.

    ·Several participants argued for more ambitious measures to capture heat integration into the energy system, address waste heat (data centres and supermarkets), consider system efficiency and renewable district heating, the latter potentially through dedicated targets.

    ·Energy efficiency first as a principle should be further strengthened.

    ·The CBA has been lacking on the implementation side, a follow-up is needed.

    ·Municipalities need support in designing and implementing heating and cooling networks.

    ·Further linking to financing, Article 7 EED and to the EPBD/building efficiency should be considered.

    15 (energy transformation)

    ·Participants suggested strengthening the energy efficiency first-principle to incentivise further local optimisation of grids.

    20 (financing)

    ·Participants suggested that national energy efficiency funds should base their agreements on performance guarantees (either energy performance contracts or other contracts).

    ·Art. 18 and 19 EED could be used to follow up on barriers relating to energy efficiency finance and be used to back up art. 20 EED.

    5, 6, 18 (Public sector)

    ·Participants suggested to not only considering the rate of renovation but also its depth and follow-up in terms of energy management and monitoring.

    ·Reinforcing the link between Article 5 and 18 might be important. Furthermore, participants argued that there is a need to provide assistance to local authorities to increase their capacity to enter in procurement with ESCOs and to support them with project aggregation.

    ·Several national good practice measures exist that deserve looking into.

    ·Another issue to consider is extending the scope to other public sector levels. In such a case, there would be a need for more guidance and support through TA or one-stop-shops.

    12, 19 (empowering consumers)

    ·Participants suggested providing incentives for energy efficiency renovation while at the same time addressing the criterion of cost neutrality.

    ·Several national good practices were highlighted that deserve further looking into.

    16, 18 (energy services and qualification)

    ·There is a need to strengthen the focus on technical competences and further capacity development in the future. Some attention should be given to a possible value added through more uniform competences and schemes across the EU

    ·There is a need for awareness raising and in relation to Article 18 EED. There is a need for the right skills and the right skills of technical competencies. Still issues to be solved in relation to state aid.

    8 (audits)

    ·Some participants argued that the EED provisions should be enlarged to encourage up-take of energy audit recommendations.

    ·Participants agreed that mechanisms have to be established, which guarantee the implementation of the audits’ findings.

    ·Participants were split in their opinion whether obligatory audits or follow-up incentives deliver stronger impacts in terms of energy savings.

    ·Illustrating non-energy benefits to companies that should be identified in audits might lead to additional up-take of audits.

    Table 8: Summary of key workshop findings on overall EED framework and specific sectors (forward-looking)

    Article/ Workshop topic

    Findings regarding impact assessment

    1&3 (targets)

    ·Many participants argued for higher energy efficiency targets to align with the overall GHG ambition of the European Green Deal.

    ·Several participants argued that strengthening and more clearly spelling out the “Energy efficiency first principle” could be helpful to trigger energy savings across the whole chain of energy provision.

    ·In an updated EED, the links to renewable energies (via addressing primary energy consumption), EPBD and environmental aspects (e.g. water use) could be further deepened.

    Sectors (transport, ICT, agriculture and waste)

    ·Many participants argued that the sector-specific legislation should be kept with the sectors. However, there might be a need for an over-spanning energy efficiency intake, such as introducing the “energy efficiency first” principle across the sectors.

    ·Concerning ICT, the discussion among stakeholders showed that the inclusion of ICT is more comprehensive than addressing only data centres and requires further looking into.

    ·Regarding agriculture and water, options for further addressing these sectors were seen in e.g. in waste water treatment facilities and heat recovery. Participants overall agreed on the need to further look into how synergies in water sector and the energy efficiency area could be improved and mutually reinforce each other.

    The stakeholder workshops led to the identification of further options to enhance the individual articles of the EED. The main findings of the stakeholder workshops were:

    ·Participants supported a higher ambition and overall update of the EED provisions;

    ·In line with the results of the evaluation, the workshops allowed to identify further options for updating the EED’s provisions;

    ·Regarding heating and cooling as well as supply side efficiency, applying the “energy efficiency first-principle” could be a good way forward to address the existing untapped potential; introducing this principle into further sectorial legislation might help to address sectors such as agriculture, water and ICT.

    ·Public sector renovation was confirmed to be of central importance. Extending the scope of EED provisions to other levels of government (local and regional), considering renovation depth and linking to energy service providers seem promising;

    ·Renovation incentives and provision of finance is key to backing up many requirements of the EED, thereby leading to an approach combining obligations and supporting financial incentives;

    ·Training and qualifications remain important and need to be stepped up. This would support further development of energy service markets in all Member States;

    ·Energy audits are important, but a follow-up on their findings is not sufficiently addressed in the present EED.

    ·Good practice examples exist throughout the Member States, which deserve further looking into. This highlights the need to promote further exchange between governments and actors at national level.

    II.EED Expert group

    A dedicated EED expert group meeting was held on 10 November 2020 attended by over 100 participants. The meeting aimed to seek feedback on the preliminary findings of the evaluation of the EED framework and to discuss identified policy options for amending the EED. The main findings of the expert group were:

    ·The importance of a higher ambition and the binding nature of the energy efficiency targets;

    ·The need to consider the costs and benefits of energy efficiency measures;

    ·The need to consider interlinkages with other legislation;

    ·The importance to contribute to the Green Deal initiatives, notably the Renovation Wave and the Strategy for Energy System Integration;

    ·The importance of heating and cooling – notably by a stronger implementation follow-up with policies based on the comprehensive assessments;

    ·The importance of increasing energy performance contracting and facilitating; and

    ·The need for wider use of energy management systems.

    III.Evaluation questionnaires and direct interviews

    The 14 evaluation questionnaires and direct interviews covered Articles 1&3, 5, 6, 8, 12, 14, 15, 16, 18, 19 and 20 EED. They gave not only insights on the evaluation of the present Directive but also delivered valuable insights for further improving the EED. The feedback received 6 strongly aligns with the feedback obtained in the workshops and the EED expert group.

    Main findings regarding the further development of the EED:

    ·Respondents assessed the EED to be relevant and clearly creating EU added value. However, while the Directive was effective, they confirmed views voiced in the other consultation channels that the EED’s potential is not exploited to the fullest and that further ambition is needed in view of more ambitious GHG targets.

    ·Regarding public sector buildings, an additional focus on the local level, notably regarding schools and hospitals might address large untapped saving potentials.

    ·Article 8 on energy audits could be strengthened by requesting follow-up activities to implement the findings of the audits. Linking to overall schemes (energy management systems) and financial incentives might be interesting.

    ·Provisions on consumer empowerment (Article 12 EED) might need follow-up in terms of guidelines on transposition and further sharing of good practices at Member State level.

    ·An update of the provisions on heating and cooling as well as supply-side efficiency should address synergies and overlaps with other EU legislation, notably on renewable energies and building efficiency. Addressing waste heat and cooling is seen as high remaining potential in this field.

    ·The increased technical complexity of deep renovations asks for an update of qualification and accreditation. Likewise, existing barriers that limit the impact of energy service markets should be addressed by turning provisions of Article 18 EED legally binding. Issues addressed relate to public procurement rules, clear provisions for minimum qualifications of service providers, further reinforcement in relation to quality assurance and accreditation systems, data collection, reporting, monitoring and quality checks.

    ·Regarding Article 19 EED, the questionnaires returned several suggestions, comprising the empowerment of tenants, minimum energy performance standards for renovation, and the empowerment of local public authorities.

    e.Public consultation

    An internet based public consultation (PC) targeted a broad stakeholder audience. The consultation was launched on 17 November 2020 and lasted until 9 February 2021. The questions of the consultation addressed aspects concerning the ex-post evaluation and forward looking options for modification of the EED. A comprehensive read-out of the 344 replies to the PC is published separately.

    Regarding the feedback on the revision and update of the EED, the following points can be pointed out:

    ·A clear majority of stakeholders (86% of respondents, n=332) agreed that energy efficiency should play a key role in delivering a higher climate ambition for 2030 and in view of the EU achieving carbon neutrality by 2050.

    ·Regarding the instruments to be considered to underpin an increased effort in energy efficiency, participants stressed a stronger focus on life-cycle efficiency and circularity, a stronger focus on consumer empowerment (awareness-raising and behavioural change) and making the “Energy Efficiency First” principle a compulsory test in relevant legislative and investment planning decisions. Equally strong was the support for a stronger focus on implementation and enforcement of the existing legislation. 190 out of 285 respondents agreed that the EED should be strengthened by introducing new measures and stricter requirements.

    ·Regarding targets, stakeholders assessed the level of the 2020 objective as appropriate, but advocate a higher target for 2030 (115 of 200 replies). The largest group (53%) favours binding targets, including at national level (47%).

    ·Stakeholders see additional energy efficiency efforts needed most in following sectors: Buildings (76%), heating & cooling (63%) as well as transport (62%), followed by industry (52%) and ICT (40%).

    ·Feedback suggests that there is a need to address the public sector in a more comprehensive and stringent manner. 67% of replies take the view that it is too easy to evade the public purchasing requirements (total of 49 respondents). 73% out of 165 respondents support expanding scope of Article 6 EED to include all levels of public administration.

    ·Regarding Article 7 EED and its contribution to higher energy efficiency efforts, the current level of ambition of Article 7(1) on energy savings is considered too low by 100 out of 194 replies. Further 72 see the level as adequate. In turn, 104 stakeholders assess the increase of the energy saving obligation for 2021-2030 to be “very important”, 42 as “important” and 14 as “somewhat important” (n=202).

    ·Regarding Article 8 EED 123 respondents (61%) supported changing the rules, which oblige enterprises that are not small or medium-sized to carry out an energy audit every four years to learn about their energy consumption profile and identify energy saving opportunities. The consultation feedback showed strong support for relating the audits to depend on the energy consumption rather than the size or ownership and the obligation to implement certain measures identified in the audits. Participants showed strong support for including recommendations for renewable energies and resource efficiency in the audits.

    ·Stakeholders were asked to assess additional options to make Article 14 and its related Annexes more effective. The option “Planning and permitting of infrastructure generating waste heat or cold should take into consideration geographical proximity of a potential demand (heat sink) for this energy” received the highest number of positive scores (69 strongly agreeing, 53 agreeing, 27 somewhat agreeing out of n=168 respondents). This is followed up by the option to oblige Member States to better ensure that cost and benefits of more efficient heating and cooling are taken into account.

    ·Regarding the functioning of energy service markets, 58% of the 147 respondents favoured strengthening requirements on independent market intermediaries as a means to increase trust and facilitate the use of energy services.

    f.Summary regarding findings for a further revision of the EED

    All categories of stakeholders identified in the stakeholder mapping participated in various consultation activities, therefore the outcomes of the consultation process were of substantial help in the analysis and the formulation of the policy proposal. As with the evaluation of the EED, the staged approach of consultation helped to cross-validate and deepen points raised by stakeholders in various rounds of consultation.

    Stakeholders’ opinions regarding a potential strengthening of several provisions of the Energy Efficiency Directive can be summarised as follows:

    ·Stakeholders largely agree that a strengthening of the EED is possible and adequate to align to the increased ambition of the European greenhouse gas objectives.

    ·The increased level of ambition can be implemented by updating and revising the provisions of the EED under review, notably energy efficiency in public buildings, support for building renovation as well as heating and cooling.

    ·Stakeholders contributed many suggestions for improving the present provisions of the EED, often based on existing experiences and good practices.

    ·Stakeholder input delivered many suggestions for further fields of action (e.g. waste heat, data centres, synchronisation with EU acquis on renewable energies and energy efficiency in buildings).

    ·A large group of stakeholders voiced support for expanding the update of the EED by revising energy efficiency targets (Articles 1 & 3 EED) and energy efficiency obligation schemes (Article 7 EED).

    Who is affected and how?

    1.Summary of costs and benefits

    I. Overview of Benefits (total for all provisions) – Preferred Option




    Direct benefits

    Energy savings

    Compared to REF: €23.09 billion €’15/year

    Compared to MIX: €7.65 billion €’15/year

    Average annual energy savings comparing MIX-MAX and REF scenarios. Of which: €5.42 billion/year in industry, €7.48 billion/year in Households, €6.64 billion/year in the Tertiary sector, €3.56 billion/year in Transport.

    Average annual energy savings comparing MIX-MAX and MIX scenarios. Of which: €0.32 billion/year in industry, €2.08 billion/year in Households, €2.38 billion/year in the Tertiary sector, €0.03 billion/year in Transport.

    Disutility costs

    Compared to MIX: €6.35 billion €’15/year

    Average annual Disutility costs (e.g., cost of foregone energy services due to higher prices) lower in MIX-MAX than in MIX.

    Compliance cost reductions from Article 8 simplification

    €225 million per year

    Mainly business is the beneficiary as a result of avoided energy audits for small energy consuming businesses. There is a small reduction in public administration costs due to there being less audits to monitor.

    Indirect benefits

    Overall co-benefits for society

    Based upon the COMBI project analysis these are expected to amount to around 50% of the value of the energy savings

    The project assesses the co-benefits of energy savings on: human health; eco-systems: acidification, eutrophication, ozone exposure, crop loss; air pollution emissions; avoided GHG emissions; material footprint/resource impacts; energy cost savings/available income effect; productivity; gross employment/GDP; public budget; energy security.

    To the degree possible it aims to quantify them, but this is only feasible for a subset of the impacts.

    Reduced air pollution emissions and other environmental impacts

    Estimated 9% reduction

    Extrapolated on the basis of overall level of energy savings using the modelling results for MIX compared to REF (8.4% reduction) as the starting point.

    II. Overview of costs – Preferred option










    Overall targets

    Direct costs

    Household investments

    €63.3 billion €’15

    (Average annual investments comparing MIX-MAX and REF)


    Industry investments €6.52 billion €’15

    Tertiary investments €13.8 billion €’15

    (Average annual investments comparing MIX-MAX and REF)


    Setting up schemes

    Monitoring and reporting

    Indirect costs


    Disutility costs compared to REF: 12.02 billion €’15/year





    Public buildings

    Direct costs





    Estimated at €8.8 billion per year through bottom up calculations.

    Includes all renovation costs, not only costs related to energy efficiency. Most of the renovation cost relate to keeping a building at use at a certain standard.

    Indirect costs






    Public procurement

    Direct costs






    Additional effort for drafting tender documents

    Indirect costs







    Key CTP findings input to the “fit for 55” IAs

    Key findings of CTP

    The Climate Target Plan and its underpinning impact assessment are the starting point for the initiatives under Fit for 55 package.

    The plan concluded on the feasibility - from a technical, economic and societal point of view - of increasing the EU climate target to 55% net reductions by 2030. It also concluded that all sectors need to contribute to this target.

    In particular, with energy supply and use responsible for 75% of emissions, the plan put forward ambition ranges for renewables and energy efficiency which in a cost-efficient manner correspond to the increased climate target. The climate target plan also established that this raise in climate and energy ambition will require a full update of the current climate and energy policy framework in a coherent manner.

    As under the current policy framework, the optimal policy mix should combine, at the EU and national levels, strengthened economic incentives (carbon pricing) with updated regulatory policies, notably in the field of renewables, energy efficiency and sectoral policies such as CO2 car standards. It should also include the enabling framework (R&D policies, financial support, etc.).

    While sometimes working in the same sectors, the policy tools vary in the way they enable the achievement of the increased climate target. The economic incentives provided by strengthened and expanded emissions trading would contribute to the cost-effective delivery of emissions reductions. The regulatory policies, such as RED, EED, and CO2 standards for vehicles aim at addressing market failures and other barriers to decarbonisation, but also create an enabling framework for investment, which supports cost-effective achievement of climate target by reducing perceived risks, increasing the efficient use of public funding and helping to mobilise and leverage private capital. The regulatory policies also pave the way for the future transition needed to achieve the EU objective of the climate-neutrality. Such a sequential approach from the CTP to the Fit for 55 initiatives was necessary in order to ensure coherence among all initiatives and a collective delivery of the increased climate target.

    The final calibration between the different instruments is to be made depending, inter alia on the decision on the extension of ETS beyond the maritime sector and its terms.

    Table 9 below shows the summary of all key CTP findings:

    Table 9: Key CTP findings.


    GHG emissions reduction

    ·55% reduction (w.r.t. 1990)

    ·Agreed by the European Council in December 2020

    ·Agreed by the legislator in the Climate Law


    ·Corresponding targets need to be set in the EU ETS and the Effort Sharing Regulation to ensure that in total, the economy wide 2030 greenhouse gas emissions reduction target of at least 55% will be met.

    ·Increased climate target requires strengthened cap of the existing EU ETS and revisiting the linear reduction factor.

    ·Further expansion of scope is a possible policy option.

    ·EU should continue to regulate at least intra-EU aviation emissions in the EU ETS and include at least intra-EU maritime transport in the EU ETS.

    ·For aviation, the Commission will propose to reduce the free allocation of allowances, increasing the effectiveness of the carbon price signal in this sector, while taking into account other policy measures.


    ·Corresponding targets need to be set in the Effort Sharing Regulation and under the EU ETS, to ensure that in total, the economy wide 2030 greenhouse gas emissions reduction target of at least 55% will be met.


    ·Sink needs to be enhanced.

    ·Agriculture forestry and land use together have the potential to become rapidly climate-neutral by around 2035 and subsequently generate removals consistent with trajectory to become climate neutral by 2050.

    CO2 standards for cars

    ·Transport policies and standards will be revised and, where needed, new policies will be introduced.

    ·The Commission will revisit and strengthen the CO2 standards for cars and vans for 2030.

    ·The Commission will assess what would be required in practice for this sector to contribute to achieving climate neutrality by 2050 and at what point in time internal combustion engines in cars should stop coming to the market.

    Non-CO2 emissions

    ·The energy sector has reduction potential by avoiding fugitive methane emissions. The waste sector is expected to strongly reduce its emissions already under existing policies. Turning waste into a resource is an essential part of a circular economy. Under existing technology and management options, agriculture emissions cannot be eliminated but significantly reduced while ensuring food security is maintained in the EU. Policy initiative have been included in the Methane Strategy.


    ·38-40% share needed to achieve increased climate target cost-effectively. 

    ·Renewable energy policies and standards will be revised and, where needed, new policies will be introduced.

    ·Relevant legislation will be reinforced and supported by the forthcoming Commission initiatives on a Renovation Wave, an Offshore Energy strategy, alternative fuels for aviation and maritime as well as a Sustainable and Smart Mobility Strategy.

    ·EU action to focus on cost-effective planning and development of renewable energy technologies, eliminating market barriers and providing sufficient incentives for demand for renewable energy, particularly for end-use sectors such as heating and cooling or transport either through electrification or via the use of renewable and low-carbon fuels such as advanced biofuels or other sustainable alternative fuels.

    ·The Commission to assess the nature and the level of the existing, indicative heating and cooling target, including the target for district heating and cooling, as well as the necessary measures and calculation framework to mainstream further renewable and low carbon based solutions, including electricity, in buildings and industry.

    ·An updated methodology to promote, in accordance with their greenhouse gas performance, the use of renewable and low-carbon fuels in the transport sector set out in the Renewable Energy Directive.

    ·A comprehensive terminology for all renewable and low-carbon fuels and a European system of certification of such fuels, based notably on full life cycle greenhouse gas emissions savings and sustainability criteria, and existing provisions for instance in the Renewable Energy Directive.

    ·Increase the use of sustainably produced biomass and minimise the use of whole trees and food and feed-based crops to produce energy through inter alia reviewing and revisiting, as appropriate, the biomass sustainability criteria in the Renewable Energy Directive,

    Energy Efficiency

    ·Energy efficiency policies and standards will be revised and, where needed, new policies will be introduced.

    ·Energy efficiency improvements will need to be significantly stepped up to around 36% in terms of final energy consumption 7 .

    ·Achievement of a more ambitious energy efficiency target and closure of the collective ambition gap of the national energy efficiency contributions in the NECPs will require actions on a variety of fronts.

    ·Renovation Wave will launch a set of actions to increase the depth and the rate of renovations at single building and at district level, switch fuels towards renewable heating solutions, diffuse the most efficient products and appliances, uptake smart systems and building-related infrastructure for charging e-vehicles, and improve the building envelope (insulation and windows).

    ·Action will be taken not only to better enforce the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive, but also to identify any need for targeted revisions.

    ·Establishing mandatory requirements for the worst performing buildings and gradually tightening the minimum energy performance requirements will also considered.

    The modelling work in CTP

    In the CTP, the increase of efforts needed for the GHG 55% target was illustrated by policy scenarios (developed with model PRIMES) showing increased ambition (or stringency) of climate, energy and transport policies and, consequently, leading to a significant investment challenge.

    The first key lesson from the CTP exercise was that while the tools are numerous and have a number of interactions (or even sometimes trade-offs) a complete toolbox of climate, energy and transport policies is needed for the increased climate target as all sectors would need to contribute effectively towards the GHG 55% target.

    The second key lesson was that even though policy tools chosen in the CTP scenarios were different - illustrating in particular the fundamental interplay between the strength of the carbon pricing and intensity of regulatory measures - the results achieved were convergent. All CTP policy scenarios that achieved a 55% GHG target 8 showed very similar levels of ambition for energy efficiency, renewables (overall and on sectoral level) and GHG reductions across the sectors indicating also the cost-effective pathways.

    The third lesson was that carbon pricing working hand in hand with regulatory measures helps avoid “extreme” scenarios of either:

    ·A very high carbon price (in absence of regulatory measures), which will translate into energy prices for all consumers as illustrated by the MIX-CP scenario;

    ·Very ambitious policies that might be rejected by Member States (e.g. very high energy savings or renewables obligations) because they would be too costly for economic operators as illustrated by the REG scenario.

    Figure 1: interactions between different policy tools

    From CTP scenario to “Fit for 55” core scenarios

    With the 55% GHG target confirmed by EU leaders in the December 2020 EUCO Conclusions 9 and the 2021 Commission Work Programme 10 (CWP 2021) that puts forward the complete toolbox to achieve the increased climate target (so-called “Fit for 55” proposals), the fundamental set-up of the CTP analysis was confirmed. This set-up is still about the interplay between carbon pricing and regulatory measures as illustrated above, and the extension of the ETS is the central policy issue.

    Some slight updates were needed:

    ·In terms of the Baseline to reflect the most recent statistical data available, notably in terms of COVID impacts, fuller extent of NECPs; and 

    ·Scenario design in order to align better with policy options as put forward in the CWP 2021 11 .

    As described above, the CTP policy scenarios are cost-effective pathways that capture all policies needed to achieve the increased climate target of 55% GHG reductions. This fundamental design remains robust and the CTP scenarios thus become “Fit for 55” policy scenarios.

    Some of the CTP scenarios can, however, be discarded:

    ·CPRICE assuming no intensification of energy policies and relying primarily on carbon price is no longer relevant as the REDII and the EED revisions are part of the 2021 CWP;

    ·50% GHG scenario (MIX-50) is no longer relevant since the proposal of the increased climate target is for 55% GHG.

    This leaves the following CTP scenarios still relevant as “Fit for 55” core scenarios ensuring the achievement of the overall 55% GHG reduction ambition with similar levels of renewable energy and energy efficiency deployment as in CTP:

    ·REG (relying only on intensification of energy and transport policies in absence of carbon pricing beyond the current ETS sectors);

    ·MIX (relying on both carbon price signal extension to road transport and buildings) and intensification of energy and transport policies;

    In addition, one more “Fit for 55” core scenario was added:

    ·MIX-CP illustrates a lower ambition revision of energy policies (and CO2 standards for vehicles), with a strong role for carbon price signals (as in MIX also extended to road transport and buildings). MIX-CP scenario is in some ways similar to CPRICE scenario of CTP, but reflects a revision to the EED and RED.

    Finally, the ALLBNK 12 scenario is not part of core scenarios for this IA. The ambition level of the ALLBNK scenario, which represents the widest scope of GHG emissions is being assessed in the context of the impact assessments on aviation and maritime emissions.

    Changes in the scenario results

    These elements of revision described above lead to only a few changes in scenario results compared to CTP scenarios – with the most relevant one for this impact assessment being the increase of RES ambition in the transport sector as illustrated by the RES-T share. The cost-effective pathways in terms of renewables deployment and necessary energy savings remain the same. This is the result of very ambitious national policies on advanced biofuels specifically or RES-T in general (as explained above) put forward in the NECPs as well as the final ambition of the REfuel initiatives adopted in XX 13 . Table  below shows the comparison of key scenario results.

    Table 10 Comparison of key scenario results; Source PRIMES

    Results for 2030

    CTP 55GHG scenarios range


    Fit for 55 core scenarios range

    (REG, MIX, MIX-CP)

    Overall net GHG reduction (w.r.t. 1990)



    Overall RES share


    38-39 [upper end currently being fine-tuned to 40]%










    FEC EE



    PEC EE



    GHG reduction on the supply side (w.r.t. 2015)



    GHG reduction in residential sector (w.r.t. 2015)



    GHG reduction in services sector (w.r.t. 2015)



    GHG reduction in industry (w.r.t. 2015)



    GHG reduction in transport (w.r.t. 2015)



    Investments magnitude, excluding transport

    €401-438 billion /year

    €393-422 billion /per year

    Energy system costs (excluding auction payments and disutilities) as % of GDP



    Analytical methods

    Methodological chapter on common analytical framework for revision of ESR, ETS, LULUCF, RED and EED Impact Assessments


    Aiming at covering the entire GHG emissions from the EU economy, and combining horizontal and sectoral instruments, the various pieces of legislation under the “Fit for 55” package strongly interlink, either because they cover common economic sectors (e.g. buildings sector is currently addressed by energy efficiency and renewables polices but would be also falling in the scope of extended ETS) or by the direct and indirect interactions between these sectors (e.g. electricity supply sector and final demand sectors using electricity).

    As a consequence, it is crucial to ensure consistency of the analysis across all initiatives. For this purpose, the impact assessments underpinning the “Fit for 55” policy package are using a collection of integrated modelling tools covering the entire GHG emissions of the EU economy.

    These tools are used to produce a common Baseline and a set of core scenarios reflecting internally coherent policy packages aligned with the revised 2030 climate target, key policy findings of the CTP (see Annex D) and building on the Reference Scenario 2020, a projection of the evolution of EU and national energy systems and GHG emissions under the current policy framework 14  [xxx cross reference to the REF2020 publication xxx]. These core scenarios serve as a common analytical basis for use across different “Fit for 55” policy initiatives, and are complemented by specific variants as well as additional tools and analyses relevant for the different initiatives.

    This Annex describes the tools used to produce the common baseline (the Reference Scenario 2020) and the core policy scenarios, the key assumptions underpinning the analysis, and the policy packages reflected in the core policy scenarios.

    2.Modelling tools for assessments of policies

    a.Main modelling suite 

    The main model suite used to produce the scenarios presented in this impact assessment has a successful record of use in the Commission's energy, transport and climate policy assessments. In particular, it has been used for the Commission’s proposals for the Climate Target Plan 15 to analyse the increased 2030 mitigation target, the Sustainable and Smart Mobility Strategy 16 , the Long Term Strategy 17  as well as for the 2020 and 2030 EU’s climate and energy policy framework.

    The PRIMES and PRIMES-TREMOVE models are the core elements of the modelling framework for energy, transport and CO2 emission projections. The GAINS model is used for non-CO2 greenhouse gas emission projections, the GLOBIOM-G4M models for projections of LULUCF emissions and removals and the CAPRI model is used for agricultural activity projections.

    The model suite thus covers:

    ·The entire energy system (energy demand, supply, prices and investments to the future) and all GHG emissions and removals from the EU economy.

    ·Time horizon: 1990 to 2070 (5-year time steps).

    ·Geography: individually all EU Member States, EU candidate countries and, where relevant the United Kingdom, Norway, Switzerland and Bosnia and Herzegovina.

    ·Impacts: energy system (PRIMES and its satellite model on biomass), transport (PRIMES-TREMOVE), agriculture, waste and other non-CO2 emissions (GAINS), forestry and land use (GLOBIOM-G4M), atmospheric dispersion, health and ecosystems (acidification, eutrophication) (GAINS).

    The modelling suite has been continuously updated over the past decade. Updates include the addition of a new buildings module in PRIMES, improved representation of the electricity sector, more granular representation of hydrogen (including cross-border trade 18 ) and other innovative fuels, improved representation of the maritime transport sector, as well updated interlinkages of the models to improve land use and non-CO2 modelling. Most recently a major update was done of the policy assumptions, technology costs and macro-economic assumptions in the context of the Reference scenario 2020 update.

    Figure 2 shows how the models are linked with each other in such a way to ensure consistency in the building of scenarios. These inter-linkages are necessary to provide the core of the analysis, which are interdependent energy, transport and GHG emissions trends.

    Figure 2 Interlinkages between models

    b.Energy: the PRIMES model

    The PRIMES model (Price-Induced Market Equilibrium System) 19 is a large scale applied energy system model that provides detailed projections of energy demand, supply, prices and investment to the future, covering the entire energy system including emissions. The distinctive feature of PRIMES is the combination of behavioural modelling (following a micro-economic foundation) with engineering aspects, covering all energy sectors and markets. Figure 3 shows a schematic representation of the PRIMES model.

    The model has a detailed representation of policy instruments related to energy markets and climate, including market drivers, standards, and targets by sector or overall. It simulates the EU Emissions Trading System. It handles multiple policy objectives, such as GHG emissions reductions, energy efficiency, and renewable energy targets, and provides pan-European simulation of internal markets for electricity and gas.

    The model covers the horizon up to 2070 in 5-year interval periods and includes all Member States of the EU individually, as well as neighbouring and candidate countries.

    PRIMES offer the possibility of handling market distortions, barriers to rational decisions, behaviours and market coordination issues and it has full accounting of costs (CAPEX and OPEX) and investment on infrastructure needs.

    Figure 3: Schematic representation of the PRIMES model

    PRIMES is designed to analyse complex interactions within the energy system in a multiple agent – multiple markets framework. Decisions by agents are formulated based on microeconomic foundation (utility maximization, cost minimization and market equilibrium) embedding engineering constraints and explicit representation of technologies and vintages, thus allowing for foresight for the modelling of investment in all sectors.

    PRIMES allows simulating long-term transformations/transitions and includes non-linear formulation of potentials by type (resources, sites, acceptability etc.) and technology learning.

    It includes a detailed numerical model on biomass supply, namely PRIMES-Biomass, which simulates the economics of current and future supply of biomass and waste for energy purposes. The model calculates the inputs in terms of primary feedstock of biomass and waste to satisfy a given demand for bio-energy and provides quantification of the required capacity to transform feedstock into bioenergy commodities. The resulting production costs and prices are quantified. The PRIMES-Biomass model is a key link of communication between the energy system projections obtained by the core PRIMES energy system model and the projections on agriculture, forestry and non-CO2 emissions provided by other modelling tools participating in the scenario modelling suite (CAPRI, GLOBIOM/G4M, GAINS).

    It also includes a simple module which projects industrial process GHG emissions.

    PRIMES is a private model maintained by E3Modelling 20 , originally developed in the context of a series of research programmes co-financed by the European Commission. The model has been successfully peer-reviewed, last in 2011 21 ; team members regularly participate in international conferences and publish in scientific peer-reviewed journals.

    Sources for data inputs

    A summary of database sources, in the current version of PRIMES, is provided below:

    Eurostat and EEA: Energy Balance sheets, Energy prices (complemented by other sources, such IEA), macroeconomic and sectoral activity data (PRIMES sectors correspond to NACE 3-digit classification), population data and projections, physical activity data (complemented by other sources), CHP surveys, CO2 emission factors (sectoral and reference approaches) and EU ETS registry for allocating emissions between ETS and non ETS

    Technology databases: ODYSSEE-MURE 22 , ICARUS, Eco-design, VGB (power technology costs), TECHPOL – supply sector technologies, NEMS model database 23 , IPPC BAT Technologies 24

    Power Plant Inventory: ESAP SA and PLATTS

    RES capacities, potential and availability: JRC ENSPRESO 25 , JRC EMHIRES 26 , RES ninja 27 , ECN, DLR and Observer, IRENA

    Network infrastructure: ENTSOE, GIE, other operators

    Other databases: EU GHG inventories, district heating surveys (e.g. from COGEN), buildings and houses statistics and surveys (various sources, including ENTRANZE project 28 , INSPIRE archive, BPIE 29 ), JRC-IDEES 30 , update to the EU Building stock Observatory 31

    c.Transport: the PRIMES-TREMOVE model 

    The PRIMES-TREMOVE transport model projects the evolution of demand for passengers and freight transport, by transport mode, and transport vehicle/technology, following a formulation based on microeconomic foundation of decisions of multiple actors. Operation, investment and emission costs, various policy measures, utility factors and congestion are among the drivers that influence the projections of the model. The projections of activity, equipment (fleet), usage of equipment, energy consumption and emissions (and other externalities) constitute the set of model outputs.

    The PRIMES-TREMOVE transport model can therefore provide the quantitative analysis for the transport sector in the EU, candidate and neighbouring countries covering activity, equipment, energy and emissions. The model accounts for each country separately which means that the detailed long-term outlooks are available both for each country and in aggregate forms (e.g. EU level).

    In the transport field, PRIMES-TREMOVE is suitable for modelling soft measures (e.g. eco-driving, labelling); economic measures (e.g. subsidies and taxes on fuels, vehicles, emissions; ETS for transport when linked with PRIMES; pricing of congestion and other externalities such as air pollution, accidents and noise; measures supporting R&D); regulatory measures (e.g. CO2 emission performance standards for new light duty vehicles and heavy duty vehicles; EURO standards on road transport vehicles; technology standards for non-road transport technologies, deployment of Intelligent Transport Systems) and infrastructure policies for alternative fuels (e.g. deployment of refuelling/recharging infrastructure for electricity, hydrogen, LNG, CNG). Used as a module that contributes to the PRIMES model energy system model, PRIMES-TREMOVE can show how policies and trends in the field of transport contribute to economy-wide trends in energy use and emissions. Using data disaggregated per Member State, the model can show differentiated trends across Member States.

    The PRIMES-TREMOVE has been developed and is maintained by E3Modelling, based on, but extending features of, the open source TREMOVE model developed by the TREMOVE 32 modelling community. Part of the model (e.g. the utility nested tree) was built following the TREMOVE model. 33 Other parts, like the component on fuel consumption and emissions, follow the COPERT model.

    Data inputs

    The main data sources for inputs to the PRIMES-TREMOVE model, such as for activity and energy consumption, comes from EUROSTAT database and from the Statistical Pocketbook "EU transport in figures 34 . Excise taxes are derived from DG TAXUD excise duty tables. Other data comes from different sources such as research projects (e.g. TRACCS project) and reports.

    In the context of this exercise, the PRIMES-TREMOVE transport model is calibrated to 2005, 2010 and 2015 historical data. Available data on 2020 market shares of different powertrain types have also been taken into account.

    d.Maritime transport: PRIMES-maritime model

    The maritime transport model is a specific sub-module of the PRIMES and PRIMES-TREMOVE models aiming to enhance the representation of the maritime sector within the energy-economy-environment modelling nexus. The model, which can run in stand-alone and/or linked mode with PRIMES and PRIMES-TREMOVE, produces long-term energy and emission projections, until 2070, separately for each EU Member-State.

    The coverage of the model includes the European intra-EU maritime sector as well as the extra-EU maritime shipping. The model covers both freight and passenger international maritime. PRIMES-maritime focuses only on the EU Member State, therefore trade activity between non-EU countries is outside the scope of the model. The model considers the transactions (bilateral trade by product type) of the EU-Member States with non-EU countries and aggregates these countries in regions. Several types and sizes of vessels are considered.

    PRIMES-maritime features a modular approach based on the demand and the supply modules. The demand module projects maritime activity for each EU Member State by type of cargo and by corresponding partner. Econometric functions correlate demand for maritime transport services with economic indicators considered as demand drivers, including GDP, trade of energy commodities (oil, coal, LNG), trade of non-energy commodities, international fuel prices, etc. The supply module simulates a representative operator controlling the EU fleet, who offers the requested maritime transport services. The operator of the fleet decides the allocation of the vessels activity to the various markets (representing the different EU MS) where different regulatory regimes may apply (e.g. environmental zones). The fleet of vessels disaggregated into several categories is specific to cargo types. PRIMES maritime utilises a stock-flow relationship to simulate the evolution of the fleet of vessels throughout the projection period and the purchasing of new vessels.

    PRIMES-maritime solves a virtual market equilibrium problem, where demand and supply interact dynamically in each consecutive time period, influenced by a variety of exogenous policy variables, notably fuel standards, pricing signals (e.g. ETS), environmental and efficiency/operational regulations and others. The PRIMES maritime model projects energy consumption by fuel type and purpose as well as CO2, methane and N2O and other pollutant emissions. The model includes projections of costs, such as capital, fuel, operation costs, projections of investment expenditures in new vessels and negative externalities from air pollution.

    The model serves to quantify policy scenarios supporting the transition towards carbon neutrality. It considers the handling of a variety of fuels such as fossil fuels, biofuels (bioheavy 35 , biodiesel, bio-LNG), synthetic fuels (synthetic diesel, fuel oil and gas, e-ammonia and e-methanol) produced from renewable electricity, hydrogen produced from renewable electricity (for direct use and for use in fuel cell vessels) and electricity for electric vessels. Well-to-Wake emissions are calculated thanks to the linkage with the PRIMES energy systems model which derives ways of producing such fuels. The model also allows to explore synergies with Onshore Power Supply systems. Environmental regulation, fuel blending mandates, GHG emission reduction targets, pricing signals and policies increasing the availability of fuel supply and supporting the alternative fuel infrastructure are identified as drivers, along fuel costs, for the penetration of new fuels. As the model is dynamic and handles vessel vintages, capital turnover is explicit in the model influencing the pace of fuel and vessel substitution.

    Data inputs

    The main data sources for inputs to the PRIMES-maritime model, such as for activity and energy consumption, comes from EUROSTAT database and from the Statistical Pocketbook "EU transport in figures 36 . Other data comes from different sources such as research projects (e.g. TRACCS project) and reports. PRIMES-maritime being part of the overall PRIMES model is it calibrated to the EUROSTAT energy balances and transport activity; hence the associated CO2 emissions are assumed to derive from the combustion of these fuel quantities. The model has been adapted to reflect allocation of CO2 emissions into intra-EU, extra-EU and berth, in line with data from the MRV database. 37 For air pollutants, the model draws on the EEA database.

    In the context of this exercise, the PRIMES-maritime model is calibrated to 2005, 2010 and 2015 historical data.

    e.Non-CO2 GHG emissions and air pollution: GAINS 

    The GAINS (Greenhouse gas and Air Pollution Information and Simulation) model is an integrated assessment model of air pollutant and greenhouse gas emissions and their interactions. GAINS brings together data on economic development, the structure, control potential and costs of emission sources and the formation and dispersion of pollutants in the atmosphere.

    In addition to the projection and mitigation of non-CO greenhouse gas emissions at detailed sub-sectorial level, GAINS assesses air pollution impacts on human health from fine particulate matter and ground-level ozone, vegetation damage caused by ground-level ozone, the acidification of terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems and excess nitrogen deposition of soils.

    Model uses include the projection of non-CO2 GHG emissions and air pollutant emissions for the EU Reference scenario and policy scenarios, calibrated to UNFCCC emission data as historical data source. This allows for an assessment, per Member State, of the (technical) options and emission potential for non-CO2 emissions. Health and environmental co-benefits of climate and energy policies such as energy efficiency can also be assessed.

    The GAINS model is accessible for expert users through a model interface 38 and has been developed and is maintained by the International Institute of Applied Systems Analysis 39 . The underlying algorithms are described in publicly available literature. GAINS and its predecessor RAINS have been peer reviewed multiple times, in 2004, 2009 and 2011.

    Sources for data inputs

    The GAINS model assesses emissions to air for given externally produced activity data scenarios. For Europe, GAINS uses macroeconomic and energy sector scenarios from the PRIMES model, for agricultural sector activity data GAINS adopts historical data from EUROSTAT and aligns these with future projections from the CAPRI model. Projections for waste generation, organic content of wastewater and consumption of F-gases are projected in GAINS in consistency with macroeconomic and population scenarios from PRIMES. For global scenarios, GAINS uses macroeconomic and energy sector projections from IEA World Energy Outlook scenarios and agricultural sector projections from FAO. All other input data to GAINS, i.e., sector- and technology- specific emission factors and cost parameters, are taken from literature and referenced in the documentation.

    f.Forestry and land-use: GLOBIOM-G4M 

    The Global Biosphere Management Model (GLOBIOM) is a global recursive dynamic partial equilibrium model integrating the agricultural, bioenergy and forestry sectors with the aim to provide policy analysis on global issues concerning land use competition between the major land-based production sectors. Agricultural and forestry production as well as bioenergy production are modelled in a detailed way accounting for about 20 globally most important crops, a range of livestock production activities, forestry commodities as well as different energy transformation pathways.

    GLOBIOM covers 50 world regions / countries, including the EU27 Member States.

    Model uses include the projection of emissions from land use, land use change and forestry (LULUCF) for EU Reference scenario and policy scenarios. For the forestry sector, emissions and removals are projected by the Global Forestry Model (G4M), a geographically explicit agent-based model that assesses afforestation, deforestation and forest management decisions. GLOBIOM-G4M is also used in the LULUCF impact assessment to assess the options (afforestation, deforestation, forest management, and cropland and grassland management) and costs of enhancing the LULUCF sink for each Member State.

    The GLOBIOM-G4M has been developed and is maintained by the International Institute of Applied Systems Analysis 40 .

    Sources for data inputs

    The main market data sources for GLOBIOM-EU are EUROSTAT and FAOSTAT, which provide data at the national level and which are spatially allocated using data from the SPAM model 41 . Crop management systems are parameterised based on simulations from the biophysical process-based crop model EPIC. The livestock production system parameterization relies on the dataset by Herrero et al 42 . Further datasets are incorporated, coming from the scientific literature and other research projects.

    GLOBIOM is calibrated to FAOSTAT data for the year 2000 (average 1998 - 2002) and runs recursively dynamic in 10-year time-steps. In the context of this exercise, baseline trends of agricultural commodities are aligned with FAOSTAT data for 2010/2020 and broadly with AGLINK-COSIMO trends for main agricultural commodities in the EU until 2030.

    The main data sources for G4M are CORINE, Forest Europe (MCPFE, 2015) 43 , countries’ submissions to UNFCCC and KP, FAO Forest Resource Assessments, and national forest inventory reports. Afforestation and deforestation trends in G4M are calibrated to historical data for the period 2000-2013.

    g.Agriculture: CAPRI 

    CAPRI is a global multi-country agricultural sector model, supporting decision making related to the Common Agricultural Policy and environmental policy and therefore with far greater detail for Europe than for other world regions. It is maintained and developed in a network of public and private agencies including the European Commission (JRC), Universities (Bonn University, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid), research agencies (Thünen Institute), and private agencies (EuroCARE), in charge for use in this modelling cluster). The model takes inputs from GEM-E3, PRIMES and PRIMES Biomass model, provides outputs to GAINS, and exchanges information with GLOBIOM on livestock, crops, and forestry as well as LULUCF effects.

    The CAPRI model provides the agricultural outlook for the Reference Scenario, in particular on livestock and fertilisers use, further it provides the impacts on the agricultural sector from changed biofuel demand. It takes into account recent data and builds on the 2020 EU Agricultural Outlook 44 . Depending on the need it may also be used to run climate mitigation scenarios, diet shift scenarios or CAP scenarios.

    Cross checks are undertaken ex-ante and ex-post to ensure consistency with GLOBIOM on overlapping variables, in particular for the crop sector.

    Sources for data inputs

    The main data source for CAPRI is EUROSTAT. This concerns data on production, market balances, land use, animal herds, prices, and sectoral income. EUROSTAT data are complemented with sources for specific topics (like CAP payments or biofuel production). For Western Balkan regions a database matching with the EUROSTAT inputs for CAPRI has been compiled based on national data. For non-European regions the key data source is FAOSTAT, which also serves as a fall back option in case of missing EUROSTAT data. The database compilation is a modelling exercise on its own because usually several sources are available for the same or related items and their reconciliation involves the optimisation to reproduce the hard data as good as possible while maintaining all technical constraints like adding up conditions.

    In the context of this exercise, the CAPRI model uses historical data series at least up to 2017, and the first simulation years (2010 and 2015) are calibrated on historical data.

    3.Assumptions on technology, economics and energy prices

    In order to reflect the fundamental socio-economic, technological and policy developments, the Commission prepares periodically an EU Reference Scenario on energy, transport and GHG emissions. The scenarios assessment used for the “Fit for 55” policy package builds on the latest “EU Reference 2020 scenario” (REF2020). [xxx link to publication xxx]

    The main assumptions related to economic development, international energy prices and technologies are described below.

    a.Economic assumptions

    The modelling work is based on socio-economic assumptions describing the expected evolution of the European society. Long-term projections on population dynamics and economic activity form part of the input to the energy model and are used to estimate final energy demand.

    Population projections from Eurostat 45 are used to estimate the evolution of the European population, which is expected to change little in total number in the coming decades. The GDP growth projections are from the Ageing Report 2021 46 by the Directorate General for Economic and Financial Affairs, which are based on the same population growth assumptions.

    Table 11. Projected population and GDP growth per MS


    GDP growth 















































































































































































    Beyond the update of the population and growth assumptions, an update of the projections on the sectoral composition of GDP was also carried out using the GEM-E3 computable general equilibrium model. These projections take into account the potential medium- to long-term impacts of the COVID-19 crisis on the structure of the economy, even though there are inherent uncertainties related to its eventual impacts. Overall, conservative assumptions were made regarding the medium-term impacts of the pandemic on the re-localisation of global value chains, teleworking and teleconferencing and global tourism.

    b.International energy prices assumptions

    Alongside socio-economic projections, EU energy modelling requires projections of international fuel prices. The 2020 values are estimated from information available by mid-2020. The projections of the POLES-JRC model – elaborated by the Joint Research Centre and derived from the Global Energy and Climate Outlook (GECO 47 ) – are used to obtain long-term estimates of the international fuel prices.

    The COVID crisis has had a major impact on international fuel prices 48 . The lost demand cause an oversupply leading to decreasing prices. The effect on prices compared to pre-COVID estimates is expected to be still felt up to 2030. Actual development will depend on the recovery of global oil demand as well as supply side policies 49 .

    Table 12 shows the international fuel prices assumptions of the REF2020 and of the different scenarios and variants used in the “Fit for 55” policy package impact assessments.

    Table 12: International fuel prices assumptions

    in $'15 per boe
























    Gas (NCV)
























    in €'15 per boe
























    Gas (NCV)
























    Source: Derived from JRC, POLES-JRC model, Global Energy and Climate Outlook (GECO)

    c.Technology assumptions

    Modelling scenarios on the evolution of the energy system is highly dependent on the assumptions on the development of technologies - both in terms of performance and costs. For the purpose of the impact assessments related to the “Climate Target Plan” and the “Fit for 55” policy package, these assumptions have been updated based on a rigorous literature review carried out by external consultants in collaboration with the JRC 50 .

    Continuing the approach adopted in the long-term strategy in 2018, the Commission consulted on the technology assumption with stakeholders in 2019. In particular, the technology database of the main model suite (PRIMES, PRIMES-TREMOVE, GAINS, GLOBIOM, and CAPRI) benefited from a dedicated consultation workshop held on 11th November 2019. EU Member States representatives also had the opportunity to comment on the costs elements during a workshop held on 25th November 2019. The updated technology assumptions are published together with the EU Reference Scenario 2020.

    4.The existing 2030 framework: the EU Reference Scenario 2020 

    a.The EU Reference Scenario 2020 as the common baseline 

    The EU Reference Scenario 2020 (REF2020) provides projections for energy demand and supply, as well as greenhouse gas emissions in all sectors of the European economy under the current EU and national policy framework. It embeds in particular the EU legislation in place to reach the 2030 climate target of at least 40% compared to 1990, as well as national contributions to reaching the EU 2030 energy targets on Energy efficiency and Renewables under the Governance of the Energy Union. It thus gives a detailed picture of where the EU economy and energy system in particular would stand in terms of GHG emission if the policy framework were not updated to enable reaching the revised 2030 climate target to at least -55% compared to 1990 proposed under the Climate Target Plan 51 .

    The Reference Scenario serves as the common baseline shared by all the initiatives of the “Fit for 55” policy package to assess options in their impact assessments:

    -updating the Effort Sharing Regulation,

    -updating the Emission Trading System,

    -revision of the Renewables Energy Directive,

    -revision of the Energy Efficiency Directive,

    -revision of the Regulation setting CO2 emission performance standards for cars and light commercial vehicles,

    -review of the LULUCF EU rules.

    b.Difference with the CTP “BSL” scenario

    The REF2020 embeds some differences compared to the baseline used for the CTP impact assessment. While the technology assumptions (consulted in a workshop held on 11th November 2019) were not changed, the time between CTP publication and the publication of the “Fit for 55” package allowed updating some other important assumptions:

    ·GDP projections, population projections and fossil fuel prices were updated, in particular to take into account the impact of the COVID crisis through an alignment with the 2021 Ageing Report 52 and an update of international fossil fuel prices notably on the short run.

    ·While the CTP baseline aimed at reaching the current EU 2030 energy targets (on energy efficiency and renewable energy), the Reference Scenario 2020, used as the baseline for the “Fit for 55” package, further improved the representation of the National Energy Climate Plans (NECP). In particular it aims at reaching the national contributions to the EU energy targets, and not at respecting these EU targets themselves.

    c.Reference scenario process

    The REF2020 scenario has been prepared by the European Commission services and consultants from E3Modelling, IIASA and EuroCare, in coordination with Member States experts through the Reference Scenario Experts Group.

    It benefitted from a stakeholders consultation (on technologies) and is aligned with other outlooks from Commission services, notably DG ECFIN’s Ageing Report 2021 (see section a), as well as, to the extent possible, the 2020 edition of the EU Agricultural Outlook 2020-2030 published by DG AGRI in December 2020 53 .

    d.Policies in the Reference scenario

    The REF2020 also takes into account the still-unfolding effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, to the extent possible at the time of the analysis. According to the GDP assumptions of the Ageing Report 2021, the pandemic is followed by an economic recovery resulting in moderately lower economic output in 2030 than pre-COVID estimates.

    The scenario is based on existing policies adopted at national and EU level at the beginning of 2020. In particular, at EU level, the REF2020 takes into account the legislation adopted in the Clean Energy for All European Package 54 . At national level, the scenario takes into account the policies and specific targets, in particular in relation with renewable energy and energy efficiency, described in the final National Energy and Climate Plans (NECPs) submitted by Member States at the end of 2019/beginning of 2020.

    The REF2020 models the policies already adopted, but not the target of net-zero emissions by 2050. As a result, there are no additional policies introduced driving decarbonisation after 2030. However, climate and energy policies are not rolled back after 2030 and several of the measures in place today continue to deliver emissions reduction in the long term. This is the case, for example, for products standards and building codes and the ETS Directive (progressive reduction of ETS allowances is set to continue after 2030).

    Details on policies and measures represented in the REF2020 can be found in the dedicated publication [xxx reference to EU Reference 2020 scenario xxx].

    e.Reference Scenario 2020 key outputs

    For 2030, the REF2020 scenario mirrors the main targets and projections submitted by Member States in their final NECPs. In particular, aggregated at the EU level, the REF2020 projects a 33.2% share of renewable energy in Gross Final Energy Consumption. Final energy consumption is 823 Mtoe, which is 29.6% below the 2007 PRIMES Baseline.

    In the REF2020, GHG emissions from the EU in 2030 (including all domestic emissions & intra EU aviation and maritime) are 43.8% below the 1990 level. A carbon price of 30 EUR/tCO2eq. in 2030 drives emissions reduction in the ETS sector. Table 13 shows a summary of the projections for 2030. A detailed description of the REF2020 can be found in a separate report published by the Commission 55 .

    Table 13: REF2020 summary energy and climate indicators.

     EU 2030


    GHG reductions (incl. Domestic emissions & intra EU aviation and maritime) vs 1990


    RES share


    PEC energy savings


    FEC energy savings


    Environmental impacts

    GHG emissions reduction in current ETS sectors vs 2005


    GHG emissions reduction in current non-ETS sectors vs 2005


    Energy system impacts


    GIC (Mtoe)


    - Solid fossil fuels


    - Oil


    - Natural gas


    - Nuclear


    - Renewables


    Final Energy Demand (Mtoe)


    RES share in heating & cooling


    RES share in electricity


    RES share in transport


    Economic and social impacts

    System costs (excl. auction payment) (average 2021-30) as % of GDP


    Investment expenditures (incl. transport) average annual (2021-30) vs (2011-20) (bn€)


    EU ETS carbon price (€/ton, 2030)


    Energy- expenditures (excl. transport) of households as % of total consumption


    Source: PRIMES model    

    The system costs (excluding ETS carbon-related payments) reaches close to 11% of the EU’s GDP on average over 2021-2030. This cost 56 is calculated ex-post with a private sector perspective applying a flat 10% discount rate 57 over the simulation period up to 2050 to compute investment-related annualized expenditures.

    By 2050, final energy consumption is projected at around 790 Mtoe and approximately 74% of the European electricity is generated by renewable energy sources. GHG emissions in the EU are projected to be about 60% lower than in 1990: the REF2020 thus falls short of the European goal of climate neutrality by 2050.

    Focusing on the energy system, REF2020 shows that in 2030 fuel mix would still be dominated by fossil fuels. While the renewables grow and fossil fuels decline by 2050, the substitution is not sufficient for carbon neutrality. It also has to be noted that there is no deployment of e-fuels that are crucial for achievement of carbon neutrality as analysed in the Long Term Strategy 58 and in the CTP.

    Figure 4: Fuel mix evolution of the Reference Scenario 2020

    Source: Eurostat, PRIMES model

    Figure 5: Share of energy carriers in final energy consumption in the Reference Scenario 2020

    Note: * includes peat and oil shale; ** includes manufactured gases, *** includes waste

    Source: Eurostat, PRIMES model

    Coal use in power generation decrease by 62% by 2030 and almost completely disappear by 2050. Also demand for oil sees a significant decrease of 54% over the entire period – the most important in absolute terms. Electricity generation grows by 24% by 2050.

    Figure 6: Final energy demand by sector in the Reference Scenario 2020

    Source: Eurostat, PRIMES model

    Despite continued economic growth, final energy demand decreases by 18% between 2015 and 2050 (already by 2030 it decreases by more than 8%).

    5.Scenarios for the “Fit for 55” policy analysis

    a.From the CTP scenarios to “Fit for 55” core scenarios

    In the Climate Target Plan (CTP) impact assessment, the increase of efforts needed for the GHG 55% target was illustrated by policy scenarios (developed with the same modelling suite as the scenarios done for the “Fit for 55” package) showing increased ambition (or stringency) of climate, energy and transport policies and, consequently, leading to a significant investment challenge.

    The first key lesson from the CTP exercise was that while the tools are numerous and have a number of interactions (or even sometimes trade-offs) a complete toolbox of climate, energy and transport policies is needed for the increased climate target as all sectors would need to contribute effectively towards the GHG 55% target.

    The second key lesson was that even though policy tools chosen in the CTP scenarios were different - illustrating in particular the fundamental interplay between the strength of the carbon pricing and intensity of regulatory measures - the results achieved were convergent. All CTP policy scenarios that achieved a 55% GHG target 59 showed very similar levels of ambition for energy efficiency, renewables (overall and on sectoral level) and GHG reductions across the sectors indicating also the cost-effective pathways.

    The third lesson was that carbon pricing working hand in hand with regulatory measures helps avoid “extreme” scenarios of either:

    ·a very high carbon price (in absence of regulatory measures) that will translate into increased energy prices for all consumers,

    ·very ambitious policies that might be difficult to be implemented (e.g. very high energy savings or renewables obligations) because they would be costly for economic operators or represent very significant investment challenge.

    Figure 7 below illustrates the interactions between different policy tools relevant to reach the EU’s climate objectives.

    Figure 7: Interactions between different policy tools

    With the 55% GHG target confirmed by EU leaders in the December 2020 EUCO Conclusions 60 and the 2021 Commission Work Programme 61 (CWP 2021) that puts forward the complete toolbox to achieve the increased climate target (so-called “Fit for 55” proposals), the fundamental set-up of the CTP analysis was confirmed. This set-up is still about the interplay between carbon pricing and regulatory measures as illustrated above, and the extension of the ETS is the central policy question.

    As described above, the policy scenarios of the CTP assessment are cost-effective pathways that capture all policies needed to achieve the increased climate target of 55% GHG reductions. This fundamental design remains robust and the CTP scenarios were thus used as the basis to define the “Fit for 55” policy scenarios.

    In the context of the agreed increased climate target of a net reduction of 55% GHG compared to 1990, the 50% GHG scenario (CTP MIX-50) explored in the CTP has been discarded since no longer relevant. The contribution of extra EU aviation and maritime emissions in the CTP ALLBNK scenario was assessed in the respective sector specific impact assessments and was not retained as a core scenario. This leaves the following CTP scenarios in need of further revisions and updates in the context of preparing input in a coherent manner for the set of IAs supporting the “Fit for 55” package, ensuring the achievement of the overall net 55% GHG reduction ambition with similar levels of renewable energy and energy efficiency deployment as in CTP:

    ·CTP REG (relying only on intensification of energy and transport policies in absence of carbon pricing beyond the current ETS sectors);

    ·CTP MIX (relying on both carbon price signal extension to road transport and buildings and intensification of energy and transport policies);

    ·CTP CPRICE (relying chiefly on carbon price signal extension, and more limited additional sectoral policies).

    b.Scenarios for the “Fit for 55”package

    Based on the Climate Target Plan analysis, some updates were needed though for the purpose of the “Fit for 55” assessment, in terms of:


    oto reflect the most recent statistical data available, notably in terms of COVID impacts,

    oto capture the objectives and policies put forward by Member States in the NECPs, which were not all available at the time of the CTP analysis,

    The baseline used in the Fit for 55 package is thus the “Reference Scenario 2020”, as described in section 4.

    ·Scenario design in order to align better with policy options as put forward in the CWP 2021 and respective Inception Impact Assessments 62 .

    As a consequence, the three following core policy scenarios were defined to serve as common policy package analysis across the various initiatives of the “Fit for 55” policy assessments:

    ·REG: an update of the CTP REG case (relying only on very strong intensification of energy and transport policies in absence of carbon pricing beyond the current ETS sectors).

    ·MIX: reflecting an update of the CTP MIX case (relying on both carbon price signal extension to road transport and buildings and strong intensification of energy and transport policies). With its uniform carbon price (as of 2025), it reflects either an extended and fully integrated EU ETS or an existing EU ETS and new ETS established for road transport and buildings with emission caps set in line with cost-effective contributions of the respective sectors.

    ·MIX-CP: representing a more carbon price driven policy mix, combining thus the general philosophy of the CTP CPRICE scenario with key drivers of the MIX scenario albeit at a lower intensity. It illustrates a revision of the EED and RED but limited to a lower intensification of current policies in addition to the carbon price signal applied to new sectors.

    Unlike MIX, this scenario allows to separate carbon price signals of “current” and “new” ETS. The relative split of ambition in GHG reductions between “current” ETS and “new ETS” remains, however, close in MIX-CP to the MIX scenario leading to differentiated carbon prices between “current” ETS and “new” ETS 63 .

    These three “Fit for 55” core policy scenarios have been produced starting from the Reference Scenario 2020 and thus use the same updated assumptions on post-COVID economics and international fuel prices.

    Table 14 provides an overview of the policy assumptions retained in the three core policy scenarios. It refers in particular to different scopes of emissions trading system (“ETS”):

    -“current+”: refers to the current ETS extended to cover also national and international intra-EU maritime emissions 64 : this scope applies to all scenarios,

    -“new”: refers to the new ETS for buildings and road transport emissions: this scope applies in MIX and MIX-CP up to 2030,

    -“large”: refers to the use of emissions trading systems covering the “current” scope ETS, intra-EU maritime, buildings and road transport (equivalent to “current+” + “new”): this scope applies in MIX and MIX-CP after 2030.

    The scenarios included focus on emissions within the EU, including intra-EU navigation and intra-EU aviation emissions. The inclusion or not of extra-EU navigation and extra-EU maritime emissions is assessed in the relevant sector specific Impact Assessments.

    Table 14: Scenario assumptions description (scenarios produced with the PRIMES-GAINS-GLOBIOM modelling suite)





    Brief description: ETS

    Extension of “current” ETS to also cover intra-EU maritime navigation 65  

    Strengthening of “current+” ETS in line with -55% ambition

    By 2030: 2 ETS systems:

    -one “current+” ETS (current extended to intra-EU maritime)

    -one “new” ETS applied to buildings and road transport

    After 2030: both systems are integrated into one “large” ETS

    Relevant up to 2030: the 2 ETSs are designed so that they have the same carbon price, in line with -55% ambition

    Relevant up to 2030: “current+” ETS reduces emissions comparably to MIX

    Lower regulatory intervention resulting in higher carbon price than in MIX, notably in the “new” ETS

    Brief description: sectoral policies

    High intensity increase of EE, RES, transport policies versus Reference

    Medium intensity increase of EE, RES and transport policies versus Reference

    Lower intensity increase of EE and RES policies versus Reference.

    Transport policies as in MIX (except related to CO2 standards)

    Target scope



    Intra-EU aviation included, extra-EU excluded

    Maritime navigation

    Intra-EU maritime included, extra-EU excluded

    Achieved GHG reduction of the target scope

    Including LULUCF

    Around 55% reductions

    Excluding LULUCF

    Around 53% reductions

    Assumed Policies

    Carbon pricing (stylised, for small industry, international aviation and maritime navigation may represent also other instruments than EU ETS such as taxation or CORSIA for aviation)

    Stationary ETS


    Aviation-Intra EU ETS


    Aviation - Extra EU ETS

    Yes: mixture 50/50 carbon pricing (reflecting inclusion in the “current+” / “large” ETS, or taxation, or CORSIA) and carbon value (reflecting operational and technical measures); total equal to the carbon price of the “current+” (up to 2030) / “large” ETS

    Maritime-Intra EU ETS

    Yes, carbon pricing equal to the price of the “current+” (up to 2030) / “large” EU ETS

    Maritime-Extra EU ETS

    As in MIX (but applied to the “current+” ETS)

    Up to 2030: no carbon pricing.

    After 2030: 50% of extra-EU MRV 66 sees the “large” ETS price, while the remaining 50% sees a carbon value equal to the “large” ETS carbon price.

    Buildings and road transport ETS


    Yes (in the “new” ETS up to 2030, and in the “large” ETS after 2030)

    CO2 standards for LDVs and HDVs

    CO2 standards for LDVs and HDVs + Charging and refuelling infrastructure development (review of the Directive on alternative fuels infrastructure and TEN-T Regulation & funding), including strengthened role of buildings

    High ambition increase

    Medium ambition increase

    Lower ambition increase

    EE policies overall ambition

    High ambition increase

    Medium ambition increase

    Lower ambition increase

    EE policies in buildings

    High intensity increase (more than doubling of renovation rates assumed)

    Medium intensity increase (at least doubling of renovation rates assumed)

    Lower intensity increase, no assumptions on renovation rates increases

    EE policies in transport

    High ambition increase

    Medium intensity increase

    As in MIX

    RES policies overall ambition

    High ambition increase

    Medium intensity increase

    Lower ambition increase except for transport (see below)

    RES policies in buildings + industry

    Incentives for uptake of RES in heating and cooling

    Incentives for uptake of RES in heating and cooling

    No increase of intensity of policy (compared to Reference)

    RES policies in transport and

    policies impacting transport fuels

    Increase of intensity of policies to decarbonise the fuel mix (reflecting ReFuelEU aviation and FuelEU maritime initiatives).

    Origin of electricity for “e-fuels” under the aviation and shipping mandates:

    up to 2035 (inclusive) “e-fuels” (e-liquids, e-gas, hydrogen) are produced from renewable electricity, applying additionality principle.

    from 2040 onwards “e-fuels” are produced from “low carbon” electricity (i.e. nuclear and renewable origin). No application of additionality principle.

    CO2 from biogenic sources or air capture.

    Taxation policies

    Central option on energy content taxation of the ETD revision

    Additional non-CO2 policies (represented by a carbon value)

    Medium ambition increase

    c.Quantitative elements and key modelling drivers

    Policies and measures are captured in the modelling analysis in different manners. Some are explicitely represented such as for instance improved product energy performance standards, fuel mandates or carbon pricing in an emission trading system. Others are represented by modelling drivers (“shadow values”) used to achieve policy objectives.

    The overall need for investment in new or retrofitted equipment depends on expected future demand and expected scrapping of installed equipment. The economic modelling of the competition among available investment options is based on:

    -the investment cost, to which a “private” discount rate is applied to represent risk adverseness of the economic agents in the various sectors 67 ,

    -fuel prices (including their carbon price component),

    -maintenance costs as well as performance of installations over the potential lifetime of the installation,

    -the relevant shadow values representing energy efficiency or renewable energy policies.

    In particular, carbon pricing instruments impact economic decisions related to operation of existing equipment and to investment, in the different sectors where they apply. Table 15 shows the evolution of the ETS prices by 2030 in the Reference and core scenarios.

    Table 15: ETS prices by 2030 in the difference scenarios (€2015/tCO2)


    Carbon price “current” ETS sectors

    Carbon price “new” ETS sectors

























    The investment decisions are also taken considering foresight of the future development of fuel prices, including future carbon values 68 post 2030. Investment decisions take into account expectations about climate and energy policy developments, and this carbon value achieves in 2050 levels between €360/tCO2 (in REG, where energy policy drivers play comparatively a larger role) and €430/tCO2 (MIX-CP) 69 .

    In complement to carbon pricing drivers, the modelling uses “shadow values” as drivers to reach energy policy objectives of policies and measures that represent yet to be defined policies in the respective fields: the so-called “energy efficiency value” and “renewable energy value”, which impact investment decision-making in the model. These values are thus introduced to achieve a certain ambition on energy efficiency, for instance related to national energy efficiency targets and renewable energy targets in the NECPs as represented in the Reference Scenario 2020, or increased renovation rates in buildings and increased sector specific renewable energy ambition related to heating and cooling in the policy scenarios.

    Table 16 shows average 2025-2035 values for the different scenarios. The values in REF2020 reflect the existing policy framework, to meet notably the national energy targets (both energy efficiency and renewable energy) as per the NECPs. They are typically higher in policy scenarios that are based on regulatory approaches than in scenarios that are more based on carbon pricing. The “energy efficiency value” and “renewable energy value” also interact with each other through incentivising investment in options which are both reducing energy demand and increasing the contribution of renewables, like heat pumps. This is for instance the case in the REG scenario, where the comparatively higher “energy efficiency value” complements the “renewable energy value” in contributing to the renewable energy performance of the scenario, notably through the highest heat pump penetration of all scenarios.

    Table 16: Energy efficiency value and renewable energy value (averaged 2025-2035)


    Average renewables shadow value

    Average energy efficiency shadow value

    (€'15/ MWh)

    (€'15/ toe)













    Specific measures for the transport system

    Policies that aim at improving the efficiency of the transport system (corresponding to row “EE in Transport” in the Table 14 ), and thus reduce energy consumption and CO2 emissions, are phased-in in scenarios that are differentiated in terms of level of ambition (low, medium, high ambition increase). All scenarios assume an intensification of such policies relative to the baseline. Among these policies, the CO2 emission standards for vehicles are of particular importance. The existing standards 70 , applicable from 2025 and from 2030, set binding targets for automotive manufacturers to reduce emissions and thus fuel consumption and are included in the Reference Scenario.

    Medium ambition increase

    In this case, the following policy measures are considered that drive improvements in transport system efficiency and support a shift towards more sustainable transport modes, and lead to energy savings and emissions reductions:

    -Initiatives to increase and better manage the capacity of railways, inland waterways and short sea shipping, supported by the TEN-T infrastructure and CEF funding;

    -Gradual internalisation of external costs (“smart” pricing);

    -Incentives to improve the performance of air navigation service providers in terms of efficiency and to improve the utilisation of air traffic management capacity;

    -Incentives to improve the functioning of the transport system: support to multimodal mobility and intermodal freight transport by rail, inland waterways and short sea shipping;

    -Deployment of the necessary infrastructure, smart traffic management systems, transport digitalisation and fostering connected and automated mobility;

    -Further actions on clean airports and ports to drive reductions in energy use and emissions;

    -Measures to reduce emissions and air pollution in urban areas;

    -Pricing measures such as in relation to energy taxation and infrastructure charging;

    -Revision of roadworthiness checks;

    -Other measures incentivising behavioural change;

    -Medium intensification of the CO2 emission standards for cars, vans, trucks and buses (as of 2030), supported by large scale roll-out of recharging and refuelling infrastructure. This corresponds to a reduction in 2030 compared to the 2021 target of around 50% for cars and around 40% for vans.

    Low ambition increase

    In this case, the same policy measures as in the Medium ambition increase are included. However, limited increase in ambition for CO2 emission standards for vehicles (passenger cars, vans, trucks and buses) as of 2030 is assumed, supported by the roll-out of recharging and refuelling infrastructure. This corresponds to a reduction in 2030 compared to the 2021 target of around 40% for cars and around 35% for vans.

    High ambition increase

    Beyond measures foreseen in the medium ambition increase case, the high ambition increase case includes:

    -Further measures related to intelligent transport systems, digitalisation, connectivity and automation of transport - supported by the TEN-T infrastructure;

    -Additional measures to improve the efficiency of road freight transport;

    -Incentives for low and zero emissions vehicles in vehicle taxation;

    -Increasing the accepted load/length for road in case of zero-emission High Capacity Vehicles;

    -Additional measures in urban areas to address climate change and air pollution;

    -Higher intensification of the CO2 emission standards for cars, vans, trucks and buses (as of 2030) as compared to the medium ambition increase case, leading to lower CO2 emissions and fuel consumption and further incentivising the deployment of zero- and low-emission vehicles, supported by the large scale roll-out of recharging and refuelling infrastructure. This corresponds to a reduction in 2030 compared to the 2021 target of around 60% for cars and around 50% for vans.

    Drivers of reduction in non-CO2 GHG emissions

    Non-CO2 GHG emission reductions are driven by both the changes taking place in the energy system due to the energy and carbon pricing instruments, and further by the application of a carbon value that triggers further cost efficient mitigation potential (based on the GAINS modelling tool) in specific sectors such as waste, agriculture or industry.

    Table 17: Carbon value applied to non-CO2 emissions in the GAINS model (€2015/tCO2)


    Non-CO2 carbon values















    d.Key results and comparison with Climate Target Plan scenarios

    Table 18: Key results of the FF55 core scenarios analysis

    2030 unless otherwise stated












    Key results

    GHG emissions* reductions (incl. intra EU aviation and maritime, incl. LULUCF)

    % reduction from 1990





    GHG emissions* reductions (incl. intra EU aviation and maritime, excl. LULUCF)

    % reduction from 1990





    Overall RES share






    RES-E share






    RES-H&C share






    RES-T share






    PEC energy savings

    % reduction from 2007 Baseline





    FEC energy savings

    % reduction from 2007 Baseline





    Environmental impacts

    CO2 emissions reductions (intra-EU scope, excl. LULUCF), of which

    (% change from 2015)





    Supply side (incl. power generation, energy branch, refineries and district heating)

    (% change from 2015)





    Power generation

    (% change from 2015)





    Industry (incl. process emissions)

    (% change from 2015)






    (% change from 2015)






    (% change from 2015)





    Agriculture energy

    (% change from 2015)





    Transport (incl. domestic and intra EU aviation and navigation)

    (% change from 2015)





    Non-CO2 GHG emissions reductions (excl. LULUCF)

    (% change from 2015)





    Reduced air pollution compared to REF

    (% change)





    Reduced health damages and air pollution control cost compared to REF - Low estimate

    (€ billion/year)





    Reduced health damages and air pollution control cost compared to REF - High estimate

    (€ billion/year)





    Energy system impacts

    Gross Available Energy (GAE)






    Primary Energy Intensity






    Share of fuels in GAE






    - Solids share






    - Oil share






    - Natural gas share






    - Nuclear share






    - Renewables share






    - Bioenergy share






    - Other Renewables than bioenergy share






    Gross Electricity Generation (TWh)






    - Gas share






    - Nuclear share






    - Renewables share






    Economic impacts

    Investment expenditures (excl. transport) (2021-30)

    bn €'15/year





    Investment expenditures (excl. transport) (2021-30)

    % GDP





    Additional investments to REF

    bn €'15/year





    Investment expenditures (incl. transport) (2021-30)

    bn €'15/year





    Investment expenditures (incl. transport) (2021-30)

    % GDP





    Additional investments to REF

    bn €'15/year





    Additional investments to 2011-20

    bn €'15/year





    Energy system costs excl. carbon pricing and disutility (2021-30)

    bn €'15/year





    Energy system costs excl. carbon pricing and disutility (2021-30)

    % GDP





    Energy system costs incl. carbon pricing and disutility (2021-30)

    bn €'15/year





    Energy system costs incl. carbon pricing and disutility (2021-30)

    % GDP





    ETS price in current sectors (and maritime)






    ETS price in new sectors (buildings and road transport)






    Average Price of Electricity






    Import dependency






    Fossil fuels imports bill savings compared to REF for the period 2021-30

    bn €'15





    Energy-related expenditures related to buildings (excl. disutility)

    % of private consumption





    Energy-related expenditures related to transport (excl. disutility)

    % of private consumption





    GDP impacts

    GEM-E3 range: -0.2% (with crowding out) to 0.52% (without crowding out) increase in 2030 compared to Reference

    Employment impacts

    GEM-E3 range: -0.3% (with crowding out) to 0.36% (without crowding out) increase in 2030 compared to Reference

    Note: *All scenarios achieve 55% net reductions in 2030 compared to 1990 for domestic EU emissions, assuming net LULUCF contributions of 255 Mt CO2-eq. in 1990 and 225 Mt CO2-eq. in 2030 and including national, intra-EU maritime and intra-EU aviation emissions.

    Source: PRIMES model, GAINS model

    Table 19: Comparison with the CTP analysis

    Results for 2030

    CTP 55% GHG reductions scenarios range


    “Fit for 55” core scenarios range

    (REG, MIX, MIX-CP)

    Overall net GHG reduction (w.r.t. 1990)*



    Overall RES share












    FEC EE



    PEC EE



    CO2 reduction on the supply side (w.r.t. 2015)



    CO2 reduction in residential sector (w.r.t. 2015)



    CO2 reduction in services sector (w.r.t. 2015)



    CO2 reduction in industry (w.r.t. 2015)



    CO2 reduction in intra-EU transport (w.r.t. 2015)



    CO2 reduction in road transport (w.r.t. 2015)



    Non-CO2 GHG reductions (w.r.t. 2015)



    Investments magnitude, excluding transport (in bn€/per year)

    401-438 bn/year

    379-417 bn/per year

    Energy system costs (excl. auction payments and disutilities) as share of GDP (%, 2021-2030)



    Note: *All scenarios achieve 55% net reductions in 2030 compared to 1990 for domestic EU emissions, assuming net LULUCF contributions of 255 Mt CO2-eq. in 1990 and 225 Mt CO2-eq. in 2030 and including national, intra-EU maritime and intra-EU aviation emissions ( except the CTP ALLBNK that achieves 55% net reductions including also emissions from extra-EU maritime and aviation).

    Source: PRIMES model, GAINS model

    Regarding results for Member States, this Annex is complemented by detailed modelling results at EU and MS level for the different core policy scenarios:

    -Energy, transport and overall GHG (PRIMES model)

    -Detailed on non-CO2 emissions (GAINS model)

    -LULUCF emissions (GLOBIOM model)

    -Air pollution (GAINS model)

    6.Policy scenarios variants for this impact assessment

    The additional scenarios conceived for the impact assessment of energy efficiency policies are variants of the core scenarios. All the variants aim at achieving at least the 55% GHG emission reduction target by 2030 and reach climate neutrality by 2050.

    The MIX-FLEX scenario variant builds on the MIX scenario, but energy efficiency effort are re-allocated across Member States as a result of mandatory targets per Member State.

    MIX-MAX scenario builds on MIX scenario, but assumes the obligations to implement energy audits. This induces slightly higher energy savings in the industrial sectors compared to the MIX. The results shows that increased waste heat recovery in industry in MIX-MAX compared to MIX.

    The REG-MAX scenario has the same assumptions about energy audits as MIX-MAX, but builds on REG, which by assumption assumed higher energy savings from waste heat recovery than MIX. This results in even higher levels of heat recovery than in MIX-MAX.

    The REG-Cert scenario build on the REG scenario, but the price of the White Certificates (modelled as the shadow price of the energy efficiency improvement) is the same for all countries and all sectors. However, the cost of energy efficiency investments is lower in households compared to other sectors where White Certificates apply. This results in more investments for energy efficiency in households (i.e. renovation of the building envelope) compared to the standard REG. Similarly, to MIX-FLEX, REG-Cert has mandatory national targets for energy efficiency.

    All scenarios assume increased energy savings. The design of the core policy scenarios MIX and REG has applied a simple proportionality rule for increasing energy efficiency policies relative to the Reference scenario. As these scenarios reflected the NECP’s plans on energy efficiency, a simple proportional rule is used to increase energy efficiency effort in the core scenarios. The intensity of energy efficiency policies (in particular in the buildings sector) so that the marginal cost of increasing energy savings is a fixed proportion of the marginal cost of energy savings per Member State (as calculated by the PRIMES model) for the Reference scenario projection. In this manner, the core scenarios have preserved the points of view of the national plans about the volume of savings. However, the proportionality rule does not ensure cost-efficiency of the allocation of the overall energy efficiency effort across the Member States.

    Using a model-based analysis, it is possible to calculate two distinct indicators useful to evaluate cost-efficiency of the effort allocation across the Member States. The first indicator is average costs of energy savings in the building sectors calculated by dividing total energy sector costs cumulatively over the period 2020-2030 in the core scenarios by the cumulative energy savings relative to the Reference scenario projection. The cost indicator measures two effects, namely the distance from savings’ potential, given that marginal costs of savings increase when the volume of savings approaches the potential, and the unit costs of insulation and renovation works and services, which depend on economic conditions in the supply of renovation services. The second indicator measures total energy saving costs including renovation costs as a share of total income of households. The indicator differs across the Member States due to different income levels and to different energy consumption levels per unit of income. The income-related indicator is a measurement of equity regarding the effort of energy efficiency. One should combine the two indicators to evaluate cost-efficiency of the energy efficiency effort. The cost indicator measures economic performance and the income-related one measures social and economic feasibility. The aggregation of the two indicators into a single one uses a Cobb-Douglas aggregation function with fixed elasticities, with higher elasticity value attributed to the cost indicator.

    These criteria were used to increase energy efficiency costs in the scenario. Table 20 summarises the main specifications of the variant scenario.

    Table 20 Short description of the variant scenario (core policy scenarios are reported for comparison).

    Scenario name


    (option 1)


    (option 3)


    (option 4)

    MIX-Flex (option 5)

    MIX-MAX (option 6)


    (option 7)

    REG-MAX (option 8)

    REG-Cert (option 9)

    Core scenario as basis

    Reference scenario

    Core scenario

    Core scenario



    Core scenario



    Targets and governance

    FEC Target (A) -Articles 1 and 3









    Governance rule for FEC targets at national level

    NECP and governance procedure as in current legislation


    Target at EU level and governance procedure to monitor MS performance

    Binding by MS and enhanced governance procedure

    Target at EU level and governance procedure to monitor MS performance

    Target at EU level and governance procedure to monitor MS performance

    Binding by MS and enhanced governance procedure

    Binding by MS and enhanced governance procedure

    Article 7 (B)









    Building renovation rates(B)

    Not applicable

    Not applicable

    Doubling renovation rates and increased depth (+15%)

    Doubling renovation rates and increased depth (+15%)

    More than doubling renovation rates and increased depth (+15%)

    2.5 times higher renovation rates and increased depth (+20%)

    More than 2.5 times higher renovation rates and increased depth (+20%)

    2.5 times higher renovation rates and increased depth (+20%)

    Novel policy instruments








    White certificates (C)

    Changes in Articles of the EED

    Energy Efficiency First (D)

    Not applicable








    Article 5

    As currently legislated

    Low increase in ambition

    Moderate increase in ambition

    Moderate increase in ambition

    High increase in ambition

    High increase in ambition

    High increase in ambition

    High increase in ambition

    Article 6 (E)

    As currently legislated








    Article 8 (F)

    As currently legislated

    Low increase in ambition

    Moderate increase in ambition

    Moderate increase in ambition

    High increase in ambition

    High increase in ambition

    High increase in ambition and above REG for industry

    High increase in ambition

    New transport article

    Not applicable

    Included in transport sector policies

    Included in transport sector policies

    Included in transport sector policies

    Included in transport sector policies

    Included in transport sector policies

    Included in transport sector policies

    Included in transport sector policies

    Article 14 (G)

    NECP policies

    Low increase above REF

    Medium ambition of dedicated RES policies

    Medium ambition of dedicated RES policies

    Medium ambition of dedicated RES policies

    High ambition of dedicated RES policies

    High ambition of dedicated RES policies

    High ambition of dedicated RES policies

    Article 15

    As currently legislated

    Low efficiency gains in grid infrastructure

    Efficiency gains in grid infrastructure

    Efficiency gains in grid infrastructure

    Efficiency gains in grid infrastructure

    Efficiency gains in grid infrastructure

    Efficiency gains in grid infrastructure

    Efficiency gains in grid infrastructure

    Article 18 (H)

    As currently legislated








    Articles 12, 16, 20 and 24 (I)

    As currently legislated








    Policies under other legislation affecting energy efficiency directly or indirectly

    Price policies affecting energy efficiency indirectly

    EU ETS carbon prices (ETS sectors only)

    Extension of ETS to buildings and road transport

    Extension of ETS to buildings and road transport

    Extension of ETS to buildings and road transport

    Extension of ETS to buildings and road transport

    EU ETS carbon prices (ETS sectors only)

    EU ETS carbon prices (ETS sectors only)

    EU ETS carbon prices (ETS sectors only)

    RES policies affecting energy efficiency indirectly

    As in NECPs

    Modest increase in ambition

    Moderate ambition, incl. for heat pumps

    Moderate ambition, incl. for heat pumps

    Moderate ambition, incl. for heat pumps

    High ambition, incl. for heat pumps

    High ambition, incl. for heat pumps

    High ambition, incl. for heat pumps

    RES fuels mandates in transport

    As currently legislated

    No new obligation

    Added RES fuel obligation

    Added RES fuel obligation

    Added RES fuel obligation

    Added more ambitious RES fuel obligation

    Added more ambitious RES fuel obligation

    Added more ambitious RES fuel obligation

    CO2 standards in transport

    As currently legislated

    Low ambition increase

    Medium ambition increase

    Medium ambition increase

    Medium ambition increase

    High ambition increase

    High ambition increase

    High ambition increase

    Ecodesign Directive

    As currently legislated








    Industrial Emissions Directive

    As currently legislated

    As currently legislated

    Better enforcement

    Better enforcement

    Better enforcement

    Maximum enforcement

    Maximum enforcement

    Maximum enforcement

    Efficiency standards for data centres








    As currently legislated

    As currently legislated

    Better enforcement

    Better enforcement

    Better enforcement

    Maximum enforcement

    Maximum enforcement

    Maximum enforcement

    Energy performance of new buildings

    As currently legislated

    As currently legislated

    Tightening of standards

    Tightening of standards

    Tightening of standards

    Tightening of standards

    Tightening of standards

    Tightening of standards


    (A): Final energy consumption target in 2030 for the metric Europe 2020-2030, as % change of energy consumption from the projection of PRIMES 2007 for the respective year. A target on primary energy consumption is also considered but generally it is exceeded in the scenarios due to the increase in RES in the power sector and the extended coal phase-out in most Member States.

    (B): The targets under Article 7 are calculated per scenario following an iterative approach; the intensity of drivers of energy efficiency improvement, notably bottom-up and economic measures, are adjusted to achieve the targets of the scenario and the Article 7 targets derives ex-post. The target of Article 7 is a metric of annual energy savings due to measures, eligible under Article 7, relative to average final energy consumption in 2016-2018 calculated as average and levelized energy savings in the period 2021-2030. Explicit targets for renovation of buildings are included in scenarios, where applicable, as illustration of increased efforts in buildings resulting also from Article 7 measures. When included as explicit targets they are meant to trigger application of specific measures supporting an increase in renovation to reach the target, otherwise such additional measures do not apply. The metrics applied to renovation targets refer to the rate of building stock to renovate in a period and a threshold defining minimum deepness of renovation measured as % of energy savings.

    (C): The White Certificate mechanism is a cap-and-trade system. The cap on energy consumptions are defined administratively and by assumption the certificates act as allowances to consume energy. The consumers purchase the certificates from auctions organised at a pan-European scale. The certificates are tradable among the Member States and the sectors subject to the regulation, which include houses, buildings and industry. Free allocation of allowances has not been considered in the analysis. The tradability of certificates is assumed to operate within perfect markets and thus the exchanges lead to a single price of White Certificates.

    (D): The "Energy Efficiency First" policy measure is part of non-regulatory policy. By assumption, all MIX and REG scenarios include the corresponding institutional arrangements as conditions enabling faster uptake of energy efficiency options by consumers. This corresponds to the moderate ambition option. In scenarios assuming "high" intensity option, consumers slightly accelerate the replacement of old combustion equipment.

    (E): Enforcing energy efficiency in public procurement is part of the non-regulatory policy included in all MIX and REG scenarios as enabling conditions, however without explicit identification regarding the impacts on energy efficiency in consumption.

    (F): The measures under Article 8, such as audits, energy management systems, etc., are obligations which act as drivers towards high exploitation of waste heat recovery potential in industry and buildings and rational use of energy.

    (G): Regarding district heating, both MIX and REG scenarios include a considerable increase in RES and heat pumps for district heating, also an expansion of DH coverage

    (H): Measures improving services by ESCOs and their perception by consumers are of non-regulatory nature and are assumed to be present in the MIX and REG scenarios as conditions facilitating acceleration of renovation pace and increase in renovation deepness.

    (I): The measures in Articles 12, 16, 20 and 24 are non-regulatory policies included in REG and MIX scenarios as enabling and facilitation drivers

    7.Analysis of energy modelling results


    All the policy scenarios meet the target of 55% GHG emissions reduction in 2030, compared to 1990. The metric for the GHG target is the amount of emissions that includes domestic and intra-EU maritime and aviation and excludes LULUCF. As the latter is likely to reduce emissions by roughly 2%, a 53% GHG emissions reduction is an accepted threshold for the GHG target. All the policy scenarios reach climate neutrality by 2050, which corresponds to a reduction of net GHG emissions by 93%, as LULUCF emissions reduction cover the remaining part.

    Figure 8 GHG total (Domestic & Intra-EU Maritime and Aviation) (% change to 1990).

    Table 21: Percentage change of GHG emissions from 2005 by sector.


    2030 vs 2005




















    Non-energy related CO2













































    Energy Supply



















    2050 vs 2005




















    Non-energy related CO2













































    Energy Supply


















    In all policy scenarios, the Green Deal strategy puts emphasis on performing emissions reduction in power generation to allow electrification of transport and heating reducing emissions. In fact, power and heat supply sectors achieve in 2030 the largest emissions reduction among all sectors. Until 2030, energy efficiency improvement in stationary energy uses (i.e. buildings and industry) is an important contributor to reduction of emissions with a larger effect than electrification in these sectors. However, in the long-term, emissions reduction from electrification is more effective and allows for deeper emissions abatement. By 2030, the emissions reduction is higher in buildings compared to industry (as expected given that industrial restructuring is probably more difficult than energy savings in buildings).

    Regarding GHG emission reductions, the policy scenarios present small differences between them. The REG scenarios decrease emissions of the buildings sectors in 2030 slightly more than the MIX scenarios due to more ambitious energy efficiency policies. Industry and transport sectors behave similarly in the REG scenarios, whereas the power and heat supply sectors reduce emissions slightly less in the REG and MIX scenarios than in MIX-CP , due to a weaker ETS price signal.

    b.Impacts on the Article 7 target

    The target of Article 7 is a metric of annual energy savings due to measures, eligible under Article 7, calculated in the model as the percentage of average and levelized annual energy savings relative to 2020 in the period 2021-2030 over the average final energy consumption in 2016-2018. The ambition of the targets under Article 7 increases in all scenarios relative to the current legislation mirroring the increased ambition of the bottom-up and economic measures in the scenario design. The measures eligible under Article 7 include mainly measures to support investments on the renovation of the building envelope and the replacement of the heating and cooling equipment in the buildings sector, measures to trigger the modal shift (from private to public means) in the transport sector and measures to promote the uptake of direct energy management systems in the industrial sectors.

    The model meets the targets under Article 7 by varying the associated shadow price (i.e., the dual variable). Therefore, the target under Article 7 is calculated per scenario following an iterative approach. The dual variable associated with the energy efficiency target, representing the drivers of energy efficiency improvement (notably bottom-up and economic measures) is adjusted in each model iteration to achieve the target of the scenario. The dual variable associated with the target of Article 7 represent a variety of concrete policy measures, including subsidy to energy efficiency investment, penalties applying to enforce energy efficiency performance (for example on utilities having an obligation to carry out energy efficiency at the premises of their clients), and others. Therefore, it is a price signal affecting the energy efficiency decisions.

    A long-list of policies and measures that induce energy efficiency improvement are considered in the iterative process, to ensure that only the energy savings from measures eligible under Article 7 are included for the calculation of the target. The list includes all the measures that are associated with other legislations (than the EED) and which in most cases are represented in the model in the form of standards. The scenarios take into account both the provisions of the Eco-design Directive regarding minimum energy performance standards and the building codes set out in the Energy Performance of Building Directive (EPBD).

    The model calculates the amount of new energy savings in the 5-yr periods that are due to Article 7 and extrapolates the annual averages. Figure 9 shows the average annual savings from Article 7 in Mtoe and in percentage.

    Figure 9: Article 7 ambition in Mtoe annual energy savings and %.

    The Article 7 ambition in the REF scenario roughly represents the current legislation, and corresponds to 0.9% of annual energy savings relative to average final energy consumption in 2016-2018. MIX scenarios almost double the ambition (1.5%), while the highest is the ambition in the REG scenarios (1.6%).

    c.Impacts on final and primary energy consumption

    In every scenario final energy consumption is significantly below the Reference scenario (i.e., the projection based on the NECPs). The energy conservation effort has to increase significantly compared to the plans included in the NECPs. The REG scenarios include more intense energy efficiency policies than in MIX and thus final energy consumption is lower; the difference is, however, only 1.3% in 2030. The MIX_CP has the highest final energy consumption among the policy scenarios as it includes a weaker energy efficiency ambition and the higher carbon prices incite lower energy efficiency improvement compared to the rest of scenarios. The scenarios performing high energy efficiency ambition decrease final energy consumption slightly compared to the corresponding core scenario. The difference of MIX-MAX from MIX is less than half percentage point, and the difference of REG-MAX from REG is even lower.

    In the long term, low final energy consumption plays a fundamental role for reaching climate neutrality. The green gases deploying in the longer term, as needed to reach climate neutrality, are particularly inefficient and electricity-intensive and thus energy efficiency succeed to keep the green gas amounts as low as possible.

    Figure 10: Final energy consumption outlook

    The following graphic shows final energy consumption in the different scenarios. The MIX scenarios achieve -35.7% in 2030 down from PRIMES 2007 projection and the REG scenarios achieve -37%. The MIX-CP stays at -34.6%.

    Figure 11: Final energy consumption (wrt PRIMES 2007 baseline)

    The impacts on primary energy demand combines the effects on final energy consumption with the changes in energy intensity of the energy transformation sectors. The power and heat production sectors are by far the largest energy transformation sectors and the renewables are increasingly dominating the technology mix. At the same time, coal-based production declines and nuclear energy stagnates. As renewables have by definition a primary energy factor of one, while the other technologies have an energy conversion coefficient above one, the deployment of renewables implies a significant decrease in primary energy requirements of the energy transformation system. But, at the same time, the climate neutrality strategy calls upon deployment of hydrogen and synthetic hydrocarbons, which to be compatible with climate neutrality need to rely on electricity produced mainly from renewables (and other carbon free sources) and carbon capture from the air and biogenic sources. Hydrogen and green hydrocarbons produced as e-fuels have a low energy efficiency performance over their production chain. Consequently, primary energy requirements of the entire energy transformation system tend to increase considerably in the longer term. The policy scenarios project primary energy requirements to lay below the Reference projection roughly at 10% below in 2030. In 2050, most of the scenarios based on MIX project higher primary energy consumption compared to Reference due to low energy performance compared to other policy scenarios. This implies higher use of synthetic fuels and hydrogen and hence higher use of electricity.

    Figure 12: primary energy demand.

    The projections show that the policy scenarios achieve primary energy savings between -38.3% and -39.6% in 2030, below the PRIMES 2007 projection.

    Figure 13: Primary energy savings (wrt to PRIMES 2007 baseline)

    d.Impact on renewables

    The deployment of renewables is, with energy efficiency, one of the most important pillars of the energy transition. The policy scenarios involve explicit policies supporting the renewables in all sectors. As renewable technologies costs decrease over time as a result of the learning-by-doing process, the deployment is also a consequence of market forces as they gain in competitiveness over conventional technologies.

    In the power sector, the support of renewables focus on technologies that have not yet exploited the learning potential, but also include horizontal measures for all renewables regarding infrastructure development, licensing, support of electricity storage as an essential complement of renewables, and market integration over all stages of the power markets, including balancing and ancillary services. The renewables in the power sector exceed 60% on average in the EU by 2030, which is higher than in the Reference scenario. In the longer term, the renewables exceed 80% in total electricity generation. Development of storage technologies, including the contribution of chemical storage based on hydrogen and e-fuels, is of critical importance to ensure reliability of power system operation, together with the expansion and full operation of the interconnected system over the broadest possible areas.

    Figure 14: Projection of RES-E shares.

    In the buildings sector, there are synergies between strong energy efficiency improvement and higher use of renewables, as heat pumps are likely to be the most cost-efficient choice for deeply renovated buildings. The policy scenarios include, in addition, specific policies promoting heat pumps in all sectors. The increase in the use of biomass for heating purposes is modest, due to environmental concerns and supply limitations. However, the modelling assumes that increasing the use of biomass is still possible in industry and district heating to a certain extent.

    Compared to the Reference scenario, the policy scenarios project a significant increase in the RES H&C shares. They range between 36% to 42% in the policy scenarios in 2030, which is 3-9 percentage points higher than in Reference in 2030. The REG scenarios achieve 3-4 percentage points higher RES H&C shares compared to the MIX scenarios, as they include more intense renewable supporting policies.

    Figure 15: Projection of RES H&C shares.

    In the transport sector, the development of renewables relies on the blending of biofuels in the transport fuels supported by mandates which also promote advanced biofuels. However, the long term potential of biofuels is limited (due to biomass feedstock limitations and sustainability concerns). Apart from biofuels, source of renewable energy in transport are electricity, hydrogen and synthetic hydrocarbons of renewable energy origin. As a result of multipliers increasing the weight of their contribution, the projections show an impressive increase in the RES-T shares. For 2030, the projection for the policy scenarios shows RES-T targets reaching a range of 27% to 29%, which is 6-8 percentage points above the Reference scenario projection.

    The role of ambient heat used in heat pumps within the RES H&C target is very significant in the medium term. In the longer-term, hydrogen and other RNFBOs, have an increasing contribution in the increase in the RES H&C shares. Compared to the Reference scenario, ambient heat from heat pumps increases considerably until 2030 and constitutes a decisive factor for meeting the RES H&C targets. As mentioned, the market penetration of heat pumps associates with energy efficiency improvement of buildings and in particular links to renovation undertaking. By 2030, the amount of RES from ambient heat is more than double compared to the Reference. The ambient heat amounts follow a much slower pace after 2030 compared to the period before 2030. The costs of the RFNBO are high in the medium term preventing them from getting a significant share in heat markets until 2030, in contrast with the longer-term period. As biomass is also stagnating, the RFNBOs exhibit a fast growth pace within the RES H&C in the longer-term.

    Figure 16: Outlook of ambient heat used in heat pumps.

    The calculation of the overall RES shares, according to the EUROSTAT calculator, divides the sum of renewables by gross final energy consumption. The overall RES-shares range between 38% to 40% by 2030 in the policy scenarios, which is 5-7 percentage points above the Reference scenario levels.

    Figure 17: Projection of overall RES-shares.

    e.Impact on the residential sector

    Income growth drives an increase in useful energy services but thanks to energy efficiency improvement final energy consumption in all energy uses in houses is decreasing steadily over time. Measured by the ratio of final energy consumption per unit of income of households, energy intensity improves continuously and much above the performance under Reference scenario conditions. The decoupling of final energy consumption from income growth, observed already in the Reference scenario projection, is further pronounced in the policy scenarios. The decoupling is higher in the REG scenarios than in the MIX as a result of higher ambition of energy efficiency policies in the former. The ratio of energy over income decreases continuously also in the longer term and reaches a value more than three times lower than its level in the recent past.

    Figure 18: Specific energy consumption relative to households’' income (toe/M€ '15).

    The improvement of energy performance in houses is a result of three types of energy efficiency improvement, namely in the building envelope, the energy equipment and the electric appliances. Accelerated renovation of the building envelope is the primary driver of energy savings in terms of both share of stock renovated and the depth of energy savings. Renovation of the building envelope counts for roughly more than half of total savings. Energy efficiency improvement takes place also for new buildings as a result of enforced application of stringent building codes. The choice of energy equipment considerably shifts in favour of advanced efficient technologies, among which advanced heat pumps with high coefficient of performance values emerge as a preferred choice for well-renovated houses. The assumed further stringency of eco-design standards enables choice of highly efficient appliances and lighting. The energy efficiency improvements for all three types are in the policy scenarios significantly higher than in the Reference already until 2030. They are also considerably above Reference scenario trends in the longer-term.

    The acceleration in renovation of houses and the increase in the depth of energy savings is the primary energy efficiency measure in the residential sector. The potential to tap on in the policy scenarios is significantly higher than the renovation plans included in the NECPs and mirrored in the Reference scenario projection. The ensuing supporting policies will evidently have to considerably accentuate compared to the NECP. The renovation rates of the building envelope increase in the policy scenarios by more than one percentage point annually until 2030, relative to the Reference scenario. The pace of renovation continuous after 2030 until the end of the projection horizon, while it decelerates under the Reference scenario conditions. The annual rate of building envelope renovation is roughly 0.5 percentage point higher in the REG scenarios than in the MIX.

    The following figures show the projections for renovation rates in houses.

    Figure 19: Projection of renovation rates in houses.

    Figure 20: Energy savings from renovation of houses.

    Figure 21: Energy consumption in houses for heating and cooling, on average per household (in toe/household).

    Figure 22: Number of houses by heating equipment (Million).

    Figure 23: Final Energy Demand in houses (Mtoe).

    f.Impact on the services sector

    Thanks to energy efficiency improvement, final energy consumption in the services sector steadily decreases over time although value added growth drives an increase in useful energy demand. Decoupling of growth and energy consumption is already in the Reference scenario. The delinking is further pronounced in the policy scenarios; it is higher in the REG scenarios than in the MIX as a result of higher ambition of energy efficiency policies.

    The energy savings stemming from the renovation of the building envelope in the services sector account for roughly more than 20% of total energy savings in the sector. The energy efficiency improvement due to renovation is significantly higher in all scenarios compared to the Reference, and particularly for public services buildings.

    Nonetheless, renovation of office buildings plays a relatively smaller role than in the residential sector, given that the office building usually have a faster capital turnover than houses. To this respect, enforcement of stringent building standards is of great importance for energy efficiency.

    Figure 24 Specific energy consumption in services sectors relative to value added (toe/M€)

    The shift of heating and cooling equipment choice towards advanced and highly efficient technologies (with a strong contribution of heat pumps) allow very significant energy efficiency progress in office buildings. The contribution of equipment to overall efficiency gains is much higher than that of renovation of the building shell.

    The specific electricity uses increase in all services sectors much above total energy demand. This increase includes electricity used in data centres, which account for an increasing share of total energy consumption in the services sector. All policy scenario variants include specific electricity efficiency performance standards for data centres.

    In the Reference scenario, there is a significant increase in the share of stock undertaking renovation, mirroring the renovation plans included in the NECPs. However, there is significant potential still untapped of building renovation in the services sectors, which is assumed to be exploited in the policy scenarios thanks to the inclusion of high ambition energy efficiency policies. The renovation rates of the building envelope in the services sector roughly double in the policy scenarios until 2030, relative to the Reference scenario. Renovation rates are particularly high in the scenario MIX-MAX, which includes additional measure of higher ambition for Article 5.

    Figure 25 Renovation rates in services sector.

    As already mentioned, the policy scenarios assume both higher stringency and better enforcement of eco-design standards as well as energy performance standards for data centres. Consequently, the projections show a significant improvement in specific energy consumption of the appliances and lighting, reaching in the policy scenarios 5-10 percentage points above the Reference scenario in 2030.

    The electrification trend in the services sector is evident in the Reference scenario projection and its pace accelerates in the policy scenarios. Already in the Reference scenario, electricity represents more than half of the total consumption in the services sector in 2030, 5 percentage points above its market share in 2015. The policy scenarios need to increase further electricity’s market share between 7 and 9 percentage points in 2030, above the Reference.

    As a result of electrification, all fossil fuels see diminishing market shares. Solids and liquids are shown to vanish, whereas the use of gas also declines to a certain extent, due to electrification but also to cost of decarbonising gas distribution. However, the use of more expensive gas fuels, such as biogas, hydrogen and synthetic methane is by assumption modest until 2030.

    The volume of renewables slightly increases in the policy scenario compared to past years but remain lower than in the Reference due to higher electrification included in policy scenarios. The substitution away from renewables concern in particular biomass due to air pollution impacts and does not concern solar and geothermal applications.

    The district heating expansion plans are part of the Reference scenario, similarly to the assumptions for the residential sector. The network expansion coverage implies an increase in distributed heat volumes in the services sector, compared to past years.

    Figure 26 Fuel mix in services sectors - Final Energy Demand in services sectors (Mtoe)

    g.Impacts on the Industrial sector

    Several policy drivers influence the restructuring of energy consumption in industry but the most important factor of technology change and investment in competitiveness. The energy efficiency improvement is to a large extent embedded in the turnover of productive capital vintages, which in general is slow (in particular in energy and capital-intensive industries).

    A policy instrument of major importance in industry is the EU ETS carbon pricing, which is a sufficient incitation for the industry to internalise carbon costs in the calculation of industrial production costs. The energy-intensive industries are subject to EU ETS obligations and are modelled to adjust their cost-benefit evaluations accordingly. Positive anticipation of future carbon costs is among the relevant policy drivers to promote the choice of advanced and highly energy efficient or low carbon technologies. However, enabling conditions and facilitating legislation are also important, as well as policies favouring recycling and circular economy patterns.

    All these multifaceted enabling policies are assumed to be deploying successfully in the policy scenarios and to a significant extent to also part of the Reference scenario projection. The policy scenarios include additional effort regarding material recycling in the economies and the emergence of circular economy features. Regarding recycling, the policy scenarios assume an extensive exploitation of potentials, for the metals, cement, paper and glass.

    Direct energy saving investment is a meaningful intervention, to a certain extent independently of the replacement of the productive capital vintage. The potential of improving energy efficiency via direct saving measures is significant and relatively untapped, according to several recent studies which identify untapped energy savings, in particular for heat, as of 10-12% of total energy consumption in the European industry.

    Energy savings is also enabled in the policy scenarios via auditing and other obligations acting in addition to Reference scenario conditions. In the maximum effort scenario variants, the included assumption envisages stronger enforcement and scope extension of auditing and control policies.

    The overall impacts of the changes in industry indicate that energy efficiency, measured by the ratio of total final energy consumption (including blast furnaces) over total value added in industry, decreases in the Reference by approximately 20% in 2030 compared to 2015 and further decreases in the policy scenarios by roughly 10% in 2030 compared to the Reference. The policy scenario project this energy efficiency indicator to become in 2050 approximately 50% lower than in 2015.

    Figure 27 Final energy demand in industry by fuel

    The fuel in industry changes smoothly over time in the policy scenarios. The inertia of restructuring is higher compared to the buildings sector. The use of solid fuels until 2030 slightly decreases in the policy scenarios compared to the Reference, but in the long-term abolishment of solids is possible thanks to the use of hydrogen and other sustainable fuels in high enthalpy heat uses. The projections show a persisting electrification tendency, which is slow until 2030 and accelerates only in the long-term. The gaseous fuels see small reduction in market shares in industry until 2030. The gaseous blend becomes climate neutral in the long-term including hydrogen. The direct use of renewables increases only slightly in the future; the use of waste energy feedstocks in industry faces limitations due to absence of support and carbon taxation of non-renewable waste.

    h.Impact on the Transport sector

    The evolution of transport activity, measured by passenger-km and tons-km has been closely related to GDP growth, since many years. The decoupling of mobility from economic growth is very slow for passenger travelling and almost inexistent for freight transport. The high values of the income elasticity of long-distance travelling of passengers has sustained the increase in aviation and fast rail, which partly substituted other modes without effecting any decrease in total mobility. The freight transport mobility is remarkably linked with GDP growth.

    A possible source of energy efficiency improvement are structural changes in modal shifts, such as soft transport modes, public transport, vehicle sharing and freight transport logistics. All such changes imply a reduction in energy consumption per unit of passenger and transport mobility. However, such changes are difficult and slow due to several causes including inflexible habits, infrastructure limitations, economic structures. The policy scenarios include assumptions about structural changes in transport modes that allow for energy efficiency gains. The assumptions about such changes are however prudent and mainly take place in the long-term.

    In parallel, the scenarios foresee a considerable change in the technology paradigm of car mobility, based on the electric powertrains, which embed high energy efficiency gains compared to conventional technologies. The carbon emission standards, considered as a major policy tool, induces energy efficiency improvement also for conventional technologies.

    The gains are somehow limited in the horizon of 2030 and take place to a large extent in the Reference scenario, which by 2030 decreases specific energy consumption per unit of mobility by roughly 25% relative to 2015 for both passenger and freight transport. The policy scenarios achieve modest additional energy efficiency gains above Reference scenario levels, in 2030. However, in the long-term, the policy scenarios succeed to drop specific energy consumption by 68% for passengers and 55% for freight, down from 2015 levels.

    The specific energy consumption performance of car technologies evolves in the future, as expected, also for conventional technologies. However, the impressive improvement of energy efficiency of car mobility achieved in the policy scenarios is due to change in the vehicle mix in favour of the electric cars, which need much less energy than conventional technologies and also significantly below energy consumption of fuel cells. Figure 28 shows the improvement in specific energy efficiency for cars and Light Duty Vehicles (measured in energy consumed per millions of passenger kilometre).

    Figure 28 Specific energy consumption of cars and LDV (toe/Mpkm)

    The fuel mix in the transport sector changes significantly but only in the long-term. Achieving climate neutrality in transport is an endeavour of particular difficulty. All options are necessary to deploy, including biofuels that cover the most inflexible transport market segments, such as aviation and maritime, hydrogen and synthetic clean hydrocarbons and electricity-driven vehicles. In the long-term, the shares of fuels are different in the various transport market segments to accommodate technical constraints and resource limitations.

    Figure 29 Final energy demand in transport by fuel (Mtoe)

    i.Distributional impact for households

    The decisions to renovate depend on the income of households. Low-income households have poor access to capital that implies high discount rates influencing renovation decisions negatively. Moreover, uncertainty and lack of information factors are particularly important for low-income households and affect renovation decisions negatively. The age and type of building also affect the decision to undertake renovations. PRIMES model represents mathematically decision making of different types of consumers. Based on this approach, noticeable differences emerge among the categories of consumers and houses regarding both the rate and the energy performance of buildings after renovation.

    Renovation rates of the building envelope increase in all building classes in the policy scenarios in the period 2021-2030, compared to the Reference, as a result of the ambitious energy efficiency policies. In the Reference scenario includes the policies and measures of the NECPs and aims at achieving the renovation targets set out in the submissions.

    In the policy scenarios, the policy context allows the reduction of risk factors which prevailed in the Reference and the MIX_CP scenario; there are enabling conditions that together with the ambitious energy efficiency policies incite also low-income classes to undertake energy efficiency investments. In the scenarios derived from MIX, carbon price also drives more low-income households to invest in energy efficiency of the building envelope as the effect of this additional cost is lower for high-income households.  Figure 30  shows the average annual renovation rate for the 2026-2030 period for different income classes and building types.

    Figure 30 Annual renovation of the building envelope (% of stock)

    The energy efficiency policies in the policy scenarios enabling an increase in renovation, improve the affordability of energy expenses by reducing the energy consumption significantly and particularly for low and medium-income consumers. However, the differences in energy bills as a percentage of income that existed in the recent past continue to prevail even if in magnitude. Figure 31 shows the energy bill as a share of private income per income class.

    Figure 31 Energy bill as a share of private income per income class (%)

    Under the current assumptions about enabling conditions, the policy context of the Reference and the MIX_CP scenario suffices for inciting high-income consumers to undertake fairly deep renovation, but not for low-income consumers who require ambitious energy efficiency policies in addition to institutional measures to shift to deeper renovation. It should be noted that the level of energy savings shown in Figure 31  are generally not enough to repay house renovation, so other policies would are needed to trigger investments, especially for low-income households (energy savings alone, however, do not capture all the benefits of energy efficiency – e.g., reduced air pollution).

    j.Impacts on GDP and investments of core policy scenarios

    Energy efficiency policies are argued to bring important benefits both at employment and the economy. While reducing energy consumption and emissions, energy efficiency investment also lower energy bills for households and firms. Moreover, energy efficiency investments have the potential to boost employment and the activity of several industrial and services sectors. Energy efficiency investment has a high activity multiplier effect, and affects sectors which have relatively low exposure to foreign competition.

    However, the financing of energy efficiency investment has been identified as of critical importance for the positive economic impacts. Poor financing conditions in the economy may cancel the expected positive impacts as a result of crowding-out effects of energy efficiency investment. In other words, lack of funding resources implies that other productive investment and expenditures reduce to allow for energy efficiency investment to be implemented. It is of particular importance for households to ensure that energy investment funding does not exert crowding-out effects, because in addition to negative net effects there is also risk of welfare losses. Table 22 shows investments in equipment and buildings.

    Table 22 Building energy efficiency investments in REG and MIX scenarios

    REG (additional to Reference / billion € 2015 per year)




























    MIX (additional to Reference / billion € 2015 per year)




























    The results show evidence of a positive role of energy efficiency investment for activity and employment, as building and materials sectors have a high Leontief multiplier compared to other investment and maintenance and services for energy efficiency are labour intensive.

    To estimate the impact on GDP and employment of energy efficiency investments, the modelling framework based on the macroeconomic General equilibrium model GEM-E3 The version of the GEM-E3 model used for this analysis includes a fully-fledged representation of the banking and financial system. Modelling was carried out for the MIX and REG scenarios. As changes in macroeconomic aggregates are generally close for comparable scenarios, modelling was not carried out for other variants.

    A sensitivity analysis has been carried out to analyse the dependence on financing conditions of the impacts of energy efficiency investment on GDP and employment. Two extreme stylised conditions were modelled: a “full-financing” case and a “self-financing” case. The latter implies adverse effects on the economy and employment as the funding of energy efficiency investment requires a reduction of other expenditures; this happens already in the early stages of policy implementation. The full financing case allows deferring the repayment in the longer-term and also assumes reduced costs of capital borrowing. These assumptions minimise crowding-out effects allowing Leontief multiplier effects and inducing positive growth and job creation. However, the model does close the financing accounts inter-temporally and thus debt raised to finance investment in energy and efficiency and renewables is fully repaid by the investors in the long-run. Figure 32 summarises the results of the GEM-E3 model for the MIX and REG core scenarios. Under the assumptions of the full-financing cases, the abundance and long-term horizon of funding implies minimum crowding out effects, whereas as in the self-financing case equity and cash flow of investors is the main source of funding. The self-financing case is not a realistic situation and is simulated in this study to illustrate the importance of easing financial conditions for funding energy efficiency investment. The full-financing case is more plausible in reality provided that appropriate policy supports applies.

    Figure 32 GDP and employment impacts of the REF and MIX scenarios

    The full-financing scenario conditions lead to positive, but small impacts on GDP and employment. The changes in GDP, in volume, is close to 0.6% in 2030 and for employment the increase is 0.4% in 2030.

    The model-based analysis finds that the REG scenario has higher positive impacts on GDP and employment than the MIX scenario in the short and medium-term and lower negative impacts in the long-term. The REG scenario includes more ambitious energy efficiency and renewable supporting policies than the MIX and at the same time involves lower carbon taxation. The higher energy efficiency and renewables investment included in the REG, compared to the MIX, are beneficial for domestic activity and employment, while at the same time the budget impacts caused are lower in REG compared to the MIX that includes high carbon taxation. The results show that the recycling of auction revenues in the economy, which are higher in MIX than in REG, are not able to fully offset the negative economic effects of the budget impacts of the carbon tax. However, it should be noted that results are small (a fraction of GDP percentage point over many years) and critically depend on the assumptions about the effects of investment crowding out.

    Main elements of the EED

    Figure 33 Intervention logic of the existing EED

    The overall energy efficiency target

    This target sets out the envelope of energy efficiency that the Member States need to achieve. Some of this efficiency will result from normal market behaviour, but this is not sufficient, and this is why EU actions are needed. As there is an underlying rate of upgrading and replacement (e.g. cars have an average life of 14 years), there will be a slow improvement in overall energy efficiency and gradual energy saving (to the degree the efficiency improvements are not offset by increased activity). The level of these background efficiency will depend on how far end users are willing to invest in the most energy efficient processes, actions and devices. Member States will primarily need to intervene in the market to ensure that energy savings above this underlying rate are achieved to meet their overall target.

    Energy Savings Obligation

    Normal operation of markets will lead to a background level of energy efficiency improvements and a large share of this will be driven by EU level energy performance standards. The energy savings obligation, established in the EED require Member State to put in place energy efficiency obligation schemes and alternative policy measures, that means specific programmes, which will achieve a large proportion of the expected shortfall between the savings needed and the baseline savings due to natural replacement and upgrading.

    Exemplary role of public buildings

    In view of the essential role that improving the energy performance of buildings has, it is essential for the public sector to play an exemplary role. Public buildings may also be iconic and be visited by large numbers of people meaning that their improved energy performance may provide inspiration for others to upgrade the energy performance of their own buildings. Public buildings are estimated to consumer around 2% of final energy consumption in the EU.

    Supporting markets

    Through its requirements to better take account of energy efficiency in public procurement, the EED ensures a demand for more energy efficient products and sends a signal to market operators. The EED also requires Member States to carry out certain activities in specific important areas (e.g. district heating and cogeneration) to help identify the potential for energy savings and the economic attractiveness of it.

    Enabling framework

    There are many barriers to implementing energy efficient improvements, like, for example, an imperfect access to capital, the lack of proper information, split incentives, the disproportionate perception of hidden costs. Because of these, the rate of action is lower than desirable. To reduce those barriers, the EED requires Member States to carry out actions to create an enabling framework for the promotion of energy efficiency. These include provisions on qualification, accreditation and certification ensuring that there are appropriately qualified personnel available and that for example energy audits are robust and reliable.

    Provision of information

    Lack of knowledge about the potential for energy efficiency improvements and the economic benefits from it is an important obstacle. While it is addressed in certain areas through – for example – the requirements on energy labelling of products and cars, this is obviously too limited. There are, in fact, more fundamental needs, such as ensuring consumers have good information over their own energy consumption and that they are able to control it. They also need independent advice on actions that they can take to reduce their energy consumption, which may be beyond individual end users knowledge. More information on financial means to increase energy efficiency is also necessary. The EED therefore creates obligations for Member States to ensure that these sorts of information are provided to the end users in need of it.


    A key barrier to undertaking energy efficiency investments is to finance them since there will always be an up-front cost that has to be repaid over time through the energy savings. The EED therefore requires Member States to ensure that appropriate actions are taken to assist in financing these investments.

    Underachievement of targets

    1.The energy efficiency ‘ambition gap’

    EU Member States agreed in 2018 to reach at least 32.5% of energy efficiency by 2030. However, the 2020 assessment of the final NECP 71 shows that the energy efficiency aggregated ambition would amount to a reduction of 29.7% for primary energy consumption and 29.4% for final energy consumption, reaching 1176 Mtoe and 885 Mtoe respectively in 2030.

    This means that national policies and measures as planned by Member States create a gap compared to the Union’s existing 2030 target of at least 32.5%. This gap still stands at 2.8 percentage points for primary energy consumption and at 3.1 percentage points for final energy consumption.

    Of course, this ‘ambition gap’ in the NECPs does not necessarily mean that a higher energy efficiency target could not be achieved. It needs to be underlined that the ‘ambition’ gap identified in the NECPs does not reflect a “gap” de facto, but simply indicates that current Member States’ plans fall short of the required level (currently 32.5% by 2030). This is linked to the following factors:

    ·The general political situation is very different in 2021 than it was in 2016-2017 in relation to climate change and to the need to ensure a clean energy transition that does not leave anyone behind. As Member States have all endorsed the 55% climate target and as energy efficiency is a precondition of all decarbonisation scenarios, there is no reason to think that Member States would not adopt stronger policy measures with a higher energy efficiency target, also considering their positive effects on social issues, energy poverty and on addressing distributional effects;

    ·The measures in the existing legislation were adopted to allow reaching the 32.5% energy efficiency target. Member States were working, therefore, on the basis of these measures and of the 32.5% target when preparing the NECPs.

    2.Energy consumption trends

    When it was clear that the EU was not going to meet its energy efficiency targets for 2020, the Commission set up a dedicated Member States’ Task Force to look into what efforts could be made to achieve the targets. The Member States broadly recognised the fact that the EU is currently not on track towards achieving the 2020 target for energy efficiency and that it is important to guarantee that the target is met. The Task Force presented an analysis on the reasons for the growth in energy consumption as well as possible pathways forward.

    Although the trend between 2005 and 2020 is of decreasing energy consumption, in the years 2015, 2016 and 2017, final energy consumption rose 72 . This increase follows five years of decrease (2010-2014) 73 . Possible and at least partial explanations are good economic performance, low oil prices, and cold winter and warm summers during some years 74 . The main increase in energy consumption was observed in buildings followed by transport.

    Between 2014 and 2016 75 energy use increased by 7.4% in the residential sector, which was explained mainly by colder winters. The Task Force report highlights that further analysis is needed to understand whether the increase in demand can also be attributed to life-style changes, such as an increased use of ICT. Comfort is stated as one of the explanations for increased energy consumption in public buildings. Following three years’ increase in primary energy consumption, in 2018 there was a decrease. This is again partly explained by weather conditions, as the weather was warmer in 2018. By 2018, primary energy consumption decreased in many Member States 76 . The decline was thanks to decrease in the residential sector and in the services sector, whereas transport and industry saw an increase. In 2014, the demand for final energy actually decreased due to an exceptionally warm winter. Final energy consumption increased in 2018 compared to 2014.

    Rising energy consumption in transport and industry were the main causes of the slowing progress towards the target in 2015-2017 at the end-use level 77 . Energy use in the transport sector increased by 4.2% between 2014 and 2016. This is partly explained by increased passenger and freight transport due to good economic conditions and the trend towards large vehicles (SUVs). The industry sector saw a very small increase during the same period in spite of an increase in industrial production, which is partly explained by the fact that many energy-intensive companies already having introduced cost- and energy-efficiency measures following the financial crisis.

    The 2020 Progress Report indicates that Member States saw economic and activity growth as plausible explanations to the increase in energy consumption in 2017. Other factors identified were increase in the population or the number of households, increase in households’ disposable incomes, and weather conditions.

    3.Shortfall to meeting 2020 targets

    Final energy consumption in the EU28 fell by 5.8%, from 1194 Mtoe in 2005 to 1124 Mtoe in 2018. This is 3.5 percentage points above the 2020 final energy consumption target of 1086 Mtoe. Primary energy consumption in the EU28 decreased from 1721 Mtoe in 2005 to 1552 Mtoe in 2018 – a 9.8% drop. This is 4.65 percentage points above the 2020 target of 1483 Mtoe.

    In 2019 primary energy consumption decreased for the second consecutive year. It was 1.7% lower than in 2018 but still 1.9% above the linear trajectory and 2.9% above the 2020 target level. Final energy consumption declined for the first time in six years. The yearly decline of 0.6% in 2019 was in line with the pace of linear trajectory to reach the 2020 target. However, given the accumulated gap the pace was not sufficient to bring the EU28 on track to reach the target: the actual consumption was 2.3% above the linear trajectory and 2.9% above the 2020 target level.

    Based on the progress up to 2019 it could be assumed that the 20% energy efficiency target for 2020 would not be reached. However, because of the impact on the COVID-19 crisis, it is expected that energy consumption fell substantially in 2020 and the targets would be met. At present official data for 2020 are not available.

    4.Shortfall of measures in NECPs

    EED Article 3 requires Member States to set an indicative energy saving target. The NECPs were developed by Member States to collectively achieve the agreed EU targets for 2030 (at least 32% renewable energy share, 32.5% energy efficiency improvement, and 40% greenhouse gas reductions ). The assessment of the draft plans in 2019 indicated a substantial ambition gap in the collective contributions of energy efficiency.

    In 2018 and 2019, the Commission launched infringement proceedings against all Member States, for failing to comply with obligations under the EED 78 . Most issues were clarified by the Member States and the infringements closed, but some remain open. Several Member States will most likely not meet their national energy savings obligations by December 2020, as required by Article 7 of the EED, but many introduced new measures and policies during 2019.

    Member States have highlighted the need to fully implement existing legislation, to better mobilise EU structural and cohesion funding, and to undertake additional measures that would deliver quick savings 79 , during meetings with the Task Force in 2019. In addition, for the 2030 targets, the need to put a stronger focus on ensuring that buildings undergoing major renovations achieve minimum energy performance standards was also emphasised.

    The Commission’s assessment of the final Member States NECPs has concluded that the sum of the Member State commitments to reduce final energy consumption is not sufficient to achieve the EU target of 32.5% savings for 2030. The sum of commitments reached 29.4% leaving a shortfall of 3.1% to the existing target.

    The absence of any overall binding obligation for each Member State in the current legal framework for energy saving reduces certainty over the energy savings that will be achieved. The persistent ambition gap indicates a need for additional EU-wide measures in line with the Governance Regulation, including through a possible revision of the EED.

    Energy savings potentials

    There is extensive material published on both technical and economically cost effective energy saving potentials. This annex provides a short overview of some of this material. It provides in the first section an overview of actually implemented energy efficiency investments and the payback times and cost-effective of these.

    1.The DEEP platform

    The Energy Efficiency Financial Institutions Group (EEFIG) was established in 2013 by the European Commission and the United Nations Environment Programme Finance Initiative (UNEP FI). EEFIG is composed of over 300 representatives from more than 200 organisations - spanning public and private financial institutions, industry representatives and sector experts and aims to accelerate private finance to energy efficiency.

    EEFIG aims to develop practical tools to facilitate the energy efficiency market. AS one of these, EEFIG has developed the De-risking Energy Efficiency Platform (DEEP). The DEEP Database is intended to support financial institutions in energy efficiency investment decisions. It is an open-source database for sharing and transparent analysis of energy efficiency investments, performance monitoring and benchmarking. The data comes from actual projects carried out with the costs and energy savings identified.It provides an improved understanding of the real risks and benefits of energy efficiency investments by providing market evidence and investment track records.

    It includes more than 15,000 energy efficiency projects (7,767 in buildings and 9,421 in industry) from 30 data providers. Overall these show that the investments in buildings have a median payback time of 5 years and an avoidance cost of 3.1 cents/kWh. For industry the projects have a median payback time of 3.4 years and an avoidance cost of 2.7 cents/kWh.

    Table 23 and Table 24 below provides aggregated figures from these projects on the payback times for different types of measures and company sizes.

    Table 23 Observed payback time for energy efficiency investments in businesses

    Payback time per measure (investment in EUR / energy saving in EUR per year)

    EE measure type




    Metering, Monitoring and Energy Management






    Power Systems






    Compressed Air






    Waste heat (without power generation)


    Street Lighting


    Payback time per enterprise size (investment in EUR / energy saving in EUR per year)

    Enterprise size


    Large enterprises(250+ employees)


    Small enterprises(10-49 employees)


    Micro enterprises(<10 employees)


    Medium enterprises(50-249 employees)


    Table 24 Observed payback time for energy efficiency investments in buildings

    Payback time per measure (investment in EUR / energy saving in EUR per year)

    EE measure type




    HVAC Plant


    Building Fabric Measures


    Integrated Renovation


    Payback time per building type (investment in EUR / energy saving in EUR per year)

    Building type


    Wholesale and retail trade


    Other single family dwellings


    Office buildings


    Hotels & restaurants




    Not Specified


    Health care


    Educational buildings


    Public buildings


    Multi-family buildings 1-4 storeys


    Multi-family buildings 5+ storeys


    Unit energy saving per measure type (EUR/m2/year)

    EE measure type




    Building Fabric Measures


    Integrated Renovation


    HVAC Plant


    2.Studies on the energy efficiency potential at national and sectoral level

    There are very many assessments of the potential available for energy savings from the further deployment of currently available energy efficient techniques. These differ from other assessments exploring the further potential to improve the energy performance of appliances and products that are by their nature more speculative.

    DG ENER currently has a report under preparation by ICF consulting 80 to estimate the technical and economic energy savings potential by sector and Member State. The tables below are taken from the draft report and compare the technical and economic reduction potential to the projected energy consumption in 2030 from the 2016 EU reference scenario.

    Figure 34 Estimated sectoral technical and economic energy savings potential by 2030

    Figure 35: Estimated technical and economic energy savings potential by 2030 by Member State

    It should be noted that these assessments are based on existing technology. They do not assume new technology or future cost reductions.

    Another recent research paper 81 reviews a significant number of energy efficiency potential studies. While it shows that comprehensive national energy efficiency potentials studies are rare and difficult to compare, it concludes that the existing studies agree that significant energy efficiency potential exists in the EU.

    Assuming low policy intensity, energy savings between 10 and 28% could be realised by 2030 compared to a baseline development. However, in order to achieve higher savings of up to 44%, high policy intensity is necessary. Technical energy efficiency potentials in the different EU Member States range from 14 to 52%, as presented in the table below.

    Figure 36: Energy efficiency potentials in the EU Member States until 2030 according to different energy and climate scenario studies, in per cent of final energy demand reduction versus the respective baseline

    3.Energy saving potential in business

    It is often speculated that because business in general and industry in particular are economically driven sectors where energy is often an important cost, that it should be expected that there will not be unexploited cost-effective potential. These sectors have also been subject to emissions trading which provides a further economic incentive to implement available energy efficiency measures. While the energy use trends show the most improvement in the industry sector compared to others, the evidence identified in DEEP and also presented below show that there is still substantial available cost-effective potential.

    a.Industrial heat

    A large share (around 2/3) of energy use in industry is for heat 82 . Energy saving potential exists for reusing waste heat for other purposes and for avoiding the loss of useful heat. Waste heat may be reused for example through district heating, industrial symbiosis or even the use of heat exchangers within an installation to recycle heat.

    With regard to avoiding heat losses, the European Industrial Insulation Foundation supports the performance of industrial insulation audits and estimates a potential 14 Mtoe of cost effective savings from heat insulation 83 (about 6% of all industrial energy use).

    b.Electric motors

    Electric motors are another important energy using area using around 70% of manufacturing electricity consumption globally. In view of this considerable effort has been made in defining energy performance standards for new motors.

    Figure 37 below shows the market share of new motors by efficiency class as a result of eco-design legislation.

    Figure 37 New motor sales share by efficiency class


    Motors meeting higher energy classes are significantly more efficient, especially at part load as illustrated in Figure 38 below 85 .

    Figure 38 Efficiency of electric motors by efficiency class

    However, because of lengthy motor lifetimes (shown in Figure 39 below 86 ) it will take a long time for the full potential energy savings to be realised without incentives to speed up replacement. In Sweden it is estimated that old motor replacement could save 4 TWh/year 87 . 

    Figure 39 Observed age of electric motors in use

    Another example of the potential for motor replacement is in ventilation and air conditioning systems. These account for a significant share of building energy use and outdated fans are one of the main causes of excessive energy consumption in existing air conditioning and ventilation systems. Replacing old fans with modern, energy-efficient fans can save up to 50% energy. In a German example 88 , more than 50% of air conditioning system inspections pointed to the desirability of fan replacement and the cost savings lead to short payback times.

    Mechanism to reduce energy consumption

    In view of the high importance of reducing energy consumption for the EU as explained in section 1.2, a number of pieces of EU legislation along with the EED and measures also taken at Member State level aim at this general objective. Annex M contains a short description of these main relevant other EU instruments and policies.

    In simple terms, the total EU energy use is the result of the energy efficiency (the desired service per unit of energy used) of the energy using devices in the EU multiplied by the amount they are used. This is illustrated in Figure 40 below.

    Figure 40 Schematic representation of mechanisms to reduce the consumption of energy-using devices

    Energy using devices range from the massive (industrial steam boilers or combustion plants) to the tiny (mobile phones or bulbs).

    To reduce energy consumption, it is possible to address many different elements of this equation. For example, the energy efficiency of devices in service (1) may be affected by measures that increase the rate at which existing devices are taken out of service (3) for example through scrapping schemes. They can be influenced by the rate of new additions to the stock (4) and their efficiency. The overall energy consumption can also be reduced by decreasing the overall activity (2). This may be a result of changes in the cost of carrying out the activity or by other changes that alter the desired level of service (5). Finally, the way in which devices are used may be influenced (6), for example through the provision of information.

    The majority of relevant EU legislation affects the energy efficiency of the new energy using devices. The key mechanisms are illustrated in Figure 41 below. The main mechanism is through the setting of minimum energy performance standards (1). This is done for example through Eco-design for appliances, while road vehicle CO2 legislation for cars and commercial vehicles addresses the new fleet average efficiency.

    A second key mechanism is through the provision of energy consumption information (2). Examples of EU requirements for this are the car labelling Directive, the Energy and Tyre labelling Regulations and energy performance certificates for buildings (EPBD). Finally, energy prices will influence choices over energy efficiency and are partly the result of market forces and partly the result of taxation both at EU level (ETD), national level and the cost of ETS allowances.

    Figure 41 Mechanisms to affect the energy efficiency of new energy-using devices

    However, it is important to note that none of these instruments creates any obligation to either accelerate the rate at which energy using devices are replaced or to exceed minimum performance standards if they are replaced, nor they are foreseeing an energy efficient development of processes. If the rate of retirement of older higher energy consuming devices is accelerated then their replacement with more efficient ones will lead to lower energy use. But, since there will be a range of performance available for new devices (such as the A to G energy label range), it is also possible to accelerate the rate of reduction of energy use by encouraging the replacement devices to be better energy performing. Both mechanisms can be used simultaneously.

    The level of desired or needed energy service (5) is more exogenous. However, it too can be influenced. For example, measures to promote the integration of data centres in urban planning and their contribution to district heating systems reduces the need for heat in buildings. Other measures such as urban planning and mobility measures can reduce the need for motorised mobility.

    The way of using energy using devices (6) is also a relevant factor. A lack of knowledge may mean that driving is carried out inefficiently or there is a poor understanding of how to achieve desired temperatures in a building without wasting surplus heat. These are not types of activity carried out at EU level since they require communicating with end users but are typically organised at Member State level or more locally.

    Energy savings obligation

    1.Scope of the energy savings obligation

    In view of the climate and energy framework for 2030, the EED has extended the energy savings obligation beyond 2020. While the rate of new annual energy savings in the first obligation period (2014-2020) is the same for all Member States (i.e. 1.5%), this is not the case in the second period (2021-2030). Member States are required to achieve cumulative end-use energy savings for the entire obligation period 2021 to 2030, equivalent to new annual savings of at least 0,8% 89 of final energy consumption. Malta and Cyprus have a lower yearly energy savings obligation.

    That requirement could be met by new policy measures that are adopted during the new obligation period from 1 January 2021 to 31 December 2030 or by new individual actions as a result of policy measures adopted during or before the previous period, provided that the individual actions that trigger energy savings are introduced during the new period. 90 To that end, Member States should be able to make use of an energy efficiency obligation scheme, alternative policy measures, or both. Whether a Member State decides to use an energy efficiency obligation scheme or adopt alternative policy measures, it must ensure that the policy measures are eligible to achieve the required cumulative end-use energy savings by 31 December 2030. Member States have the flexibility to target one or more specific sector(s) in order to meet the energy savings obligation.

    For the purpose of the integrated NECPs, Member States must assess the number of households in energy poverty in accordance with Article 3(3)(d) of the Governance Regulation. Under Article 7(11) EED, when designing policy measures to meet their energy savings obligations, Member States are to take account of the need to alleviate energy poverty by requiring, as far as appropriate, that a proportion of policy measures be implemented as a priority among vulnerable households, including those affected by energy poverty and, where appropriate, in social housing.

    Article 7(9) EED requires Member States to ensure that energy savings resulting from policy measures referred to in Articles 7a, 7b and 20(6) EED are calculated in accordance with Annex V EED. The additionality requirement needs to be taken into account when determining energy savings for all kinds of policy measures. The basic principles are set out in Annex V(2)(a) and (b) EED.

    In addition to the additionality principle, Member States need to satisfy the ‘materiality’ criterion. Annex V, part 1 EED sets out methods for calculating energy savings other than those arising from taxation measures for the purposes of Articles 7, 7a, 7b and 20(6) EED. For determining the energy savings from tax related policy measures introduced under Article 7b EED , the principles in Annex V(4) EED apply. Annex V(2), point (i) EED provides that Member States need to take into account the lifetime of the measures and the rate at which the savings decline over time in their the calculation of energy savings.

    Following the amendment of the EED in December 2018, Member States were obliged to transpose new rules on energy efficiency obligation schemes (i.e. the new Articles 7, 7(a) and 7(b) by 25 June 2020.

    Since the beginning, Article 7 has been a pivotal provision of the EED as was estimated in the impact assessment of the EED 91 that this provision would be responsible for more than a half (85 Mtoe of primary energy consumption in 2020) of the energy savings the Member States should achieve under the EED. The energy savings obligation can be fulfilled by delivering energy savings from all sectors of the economy, with a wide range of policy instruments, across all technologies and non-technological efficiency interventions. The wide-ranging nature of Article 7 EED, the way in which it interacts with other efficiency policies, the requirements for monitoring and verification of energy savings and the additionality requirement make the energy savings obligation the most important component of the EED in terms of its contribution. Article 7 EED encourages Member States to implement policy measures which go beyond the requirements provided in EU law. Article 7 EED provides flexibility to Member States for choosing the type of policy measure which fits best to national characteristics, and is one of the key policies with a great outreach to the end-consumers, e.g. via information campaigns or behavioural measures which are eligible under Article 7 EED.

    2.Member States´ progress towards fulfilling the energy savings obligation (period 2014-2020)

    a.Cumulative energy savings required by 31 December 2020

    For the period 2014 to 2020, Member States notified the following cumulative amounts of energy savings to be achieved under Article 7 EED by 31 December 2020.

    Figure 42 Cumulative energy savings to be achieved under Article 7 EED

    Source: DG ENER´s assessment; national cumulative savings requirements by 2020 in ktoe

    Based on the assessment of the energy savings notifies by Member States to the Commission in their annual reports, Member States achieved by the end of 2018 about 55% (126.44 Mtoe) of the sum of the cumulative end-use energy savings obligations for 2014-2020 (230.17 Mtoe) aggregated at EU-level.

    Table 25 Progress by Member States towards their cumulative energy savings targets


    Progress towards the cumulative savings requirement

    National cumulative savings requirements by 2020 (target)

    Progress towards total cumulative savings requirement by 2020 (taking into account actions implement-ted over 2014–2018)

    Required cumulative savings for 2018 on the basis of average yearly delivery (benchmark = constant rate of new annual savings; lifetime > 7 years)

    Reported savings compared to estimated cumulative savings for 2018 on the basis of average yearly delivery (progress vs. benchmark)

    Required cumulative savings for 2018 on the basis of average yearly delivery (benchmark = constant rate of new annual savings; lifetime = 1 year)

    Reported savings compared to estimated cumulative savings for 2018 on the basis of average yearly delivery (progress vs. benchmark)


    5 200


    2 786


    3 714



    6 911


    3 702


    4 936



    1 942


    1 040


    1 387



    1 296













    Czech Republic

    4 565


    2 446


    3 261



    3 841


    2 058


    2 744










    4 213


    2 257


    3 009



    31 384


    16 813


    22 417



    41 989


    22 494


    29 992



    3 333


    1 786


    2 381



    3 680


    1 971


    2 629



    2 164


    1 159


    1 546



    25 502


    13 662


    18 216










    1 004





















    11 512


    6 167


    8 223



    14 818


    7 938


    10 584



    2 532


    1 356


    1 809



    5 817


    3 116


    4 155



    2 284


    1 224


    1 631










    15 979


    8 560


    11 414



    9 114


    4 883


    6 510


    Total (EU)

    202 310


    108 380


    144 507


    United Kingdom

    27 859


    14 924


    19 899


    Total (EU and United Kingdom)

    230 169


    123 305


    164 406


    Source: DG ENER´s assessment (November 2020), progress towards the cumulative savings requirement in the Member States

    Based on the assessment of the last annual reports Member States submitted in 2020, it appears that five Member States are very unlikely to meet their energy savings target in 2020 if no additional actions are taken. Another nine are unlikely to fulfil the energy savings obligation by the end of 2020. On the other side, four Member States and UK are likely and nine Member States are very likely to meet their energy savings target. In total, 14 countries will likely or very likely meet their energy savings target. According to Article 27 of the Governance Regulation, each Member State shall report to the Commission on the achievement of its required amount of energy saving (obligation period 2014-2020) by 30 April 2022.

    b.Policy measures implemented by Member States in the period 2014 to 2020

    Five Member States (Denmark, France, Luxembourg, Poland, and Sweden) notified only one policy measure, all of them but one (Sweden implemented energy and carbon taxes) implemented energy efficiency obligation schemes (EEOS). Six countries reported more than 25 policy measures. All countries with more than 10 policy measures reported a mix of at least five different instrument types.

    Member States implemented 463 (total number) policy measures by 2018. The majority of the reported policy measures (50%) are financing schemes/instruments. The other half of notified policy measures refers to other instrument types. EEOS count for 4% of the number of policy measures implemented. Energy labelling schemes have been rarely chosen as an instrument.

    While EEOS represent only 4% of the number of policy measures implemented, the assessment of energy savings achieved by the different types of policy measure show that EEOS contribute to around 35% of energy savings. The share of energy savings achieved by financing schemes is around 12%, and energy and CO2 taxes result in 16%.

    Figure 43 Breakdown of the number of reported measures by type

    Source: DG ENER assessment (November 2020), number of reported policy measures by Member State

    Figure 44 Breakdown of all reported measures by instrument type

    Source: DG ENER assessment (November 2020), number of reported policy measures by instrument type aggregated at EU level

    Figure 45 Share of reported energy saving by type of measure

    Source: DG ENER assessment (November 2020); share of reported energy savings by type of policy measure aggregated at EU level

    On the sectors targeted by the implemented policy measures, the largest share of energy savings reported by Member States by 2018 results from cross-cutting measures, which cannot be attributed to a single sector. Most measures (by count of reported measures) target services and industry, which cover most companies (except for transport companies) and the public sector (except for housing owned by public bodies, which is included in the private households sector). The two main instrument types in terms of energy savings, EEOS and taxation measures, are exclusively cross-cutting. The majority of measures (by count) is targeting services/industry, reflecting the heterogeneity of this sector.

    Figure 46 Share of EU level reported energy savings by sector

    Source: DG ENER assessment (November 2020); share of reported energy savings by sector aggregated at EU level

    Figure 47 Number of policy measures by instrument type for targeted sectors at EU level

    Source: DG ENER assessment (November 2020); number of policy measures by instrument type for targeted sector at EU level

    Taxation measures are implemented in 15 Member States and the United Kingdom in the first period 2014–2020. These taxation measures target various fuels and energy carriers and have delivered a substantial amount of energy savings. More specifically, Cyprus, Estonia and Sweden report a high proportion of cumulative savings (over 75%) from taxation measures. Four more countries have a share of cumulative savings from taxation measures higher than 25%: Finland (28%), Latvia (39%) and Germany and Lithuania (both around 43%). For the majority of countries, this share remains between 5 and 19%. It is also important to note that 13 Member States and the United Kingdom have reported their taxation measures as a separate policy measure (see table below), while two Member States (Malta and the Netherlands) include them in a broader policy package. For the obligation period of 2021 to 2030, only in eight Member States notified taxation measures for the purpose of Article 7 EED. The majority of these Member States will continue to apply the existing ones.

    Figure 48 Overview of reporting of taxation measures in the first obligation period 2014–2020


    Year of notification

    Sectoral coverage

    Cumulative Savings over 2014–2018 (ktoe)

    % in the total cumulative savings (2014–2018)*

    % in the new annual savings of 2018*



    Cross cutting






    Cross cutting






    Cross cutting




    Czech Republic


    Cross cutting






    Cross cutting

    9 267





    Cross cutting






    Transport sector and buildings






    Cross cutting







    1 321

















    Cross cutting







    Reported as part of a policy package



    Cross cutting

    Reported as part of a policy package



    Cross cutting

    4 654



    United Kingdom


    Cross cutting




    * The percentages in the table above represent the share of savings from taxation measures in the sum of savings from all the measures for each country, respectively for cumulative savings and new annual savings

    Source:    DG ENER assessment (November 2020); overview of the reporting of taxation measures in the first obligation period 2014–2020

    As buildings represent a major share of the EU’s energy consumption, a broad variety of policy measures targets them exclusively or at least partially. Among the measures targeting buildings exclusively, financing schemes are the dominant policy measures implemented as shown in Figure 49 .

    The current EED encourages Member States to implement, to the extent appropriate, policy measures alleviating energy poverty, increasing energy efficiency in social housing or protecting vulnerable households. The type of policy measures targeting energy poverty, social housing or vulnerable households differs between these three groups as shown in Figure 50 . Whereas six countries have an EEOS including a special focus on energy poverty (Austria, Croatia, France, Greece, Ireland, UK), EEOS are not specifically used to target social housing or vulnerable households. For these groups, financing schemes are the preferred instrument type.

    Figure 49 Number of policy measures targeting buildings and including buildings by instrument type at EU level

    Source: DG ENER assessment (November 2020); number of policy measures only targeting buildings and measures including buildings by instrument type at EU level

    Figure 50 Number of policy measures targeting energy poverty, social housing or vulnerable households by instrument type at EU level

    Source: DG ENER assessment (November 2020); number of policy measures targeting energy poverty/social housing/vulnerable households by instrument type at EU level

    Member States must address the additionality requirement when calculating energy savings from policy measures as set out in Annex V(2)(a) and (b) EED. Energy savings need to be additional to those that would have occurred in any event without the activity of the obligated, participating or entrusted parties, or implementing public authorities. To determine the savings that can be claimed as additional, Member States have to show how energy use and demand would evolve in the absence of the policy measure in question by taking into account energy consumption trends, changes in consumer behaviour, technological progress and changes caused by other measures implemented at Union and national level. Energy savings resulting from the implementation of mandatory Union law are considered to be savings that would have occurred in any event.

    Figure 51 shows that in the obligation period 2014 to 2020, 63% of cumulative energy savings (2014–2018) derive from policy measures with no concerns regarding the additionality requirement, 18% of cumulative energy savings from policy measures raised concerns, 11% of cumulative energy savings raised serious concerns, and 8% of cumulative energy savings were claimed without providing details on additionality.

    Figure 51 Share of concern over additionality requirement by energy savings

    Source: DG ENER assessment (November 2020); Cumulative energy savings (period 2014–2018) by type of concern regarding compliance with additionality requirement

    Figure 52 Cumulative energy savings (in ktoe in period 2014–2018) by type of concern regarding compliance with additionality requirement and type of policy measure

    Source: DG ENER assessment (November 2020); Cumulative energy savings (in ktoe in period 2014–2018) by type of concern regarding compliance with additionality requirement and type of policy measure

    3.Member States´ notifications to fulfil the energy savings obligation covering the obligation period 2021 to 2030

    a.Cumulative energy savings required by 31 December 2030

    In their first final National Energy and Climate Plans, Member States notified the following cumulative amounts of energy savings to be achieved by 31 December 2030.

    Figure 53 Cumulative savings target for the period 2021–2030 by Member State

    Source: DG ENER assessment; cumulative savings target for the period 2021–2030 by Member State

    The comparison of the amounts of cumulative energy savings notified by the Member States in their final NECPs with the minimum energy savings obligations calculated in line with Article 7(1)(b) EED and using Eurostat data (FEC2020–2030 indicator) resulted in a difference of less than 1%.

    Figure 54 Comparison of cumulative energy savings required by 2030 notified by Member States in their final NECPs with the minimum energy savings obligation according to Article 7 EED(1)(b)

    Required amount of cumulative energy savings over 2021–2030 (in ktoe)


    As notified by the Member States

    Minimum energy savings obligation according to Article 7 EED(1)

    difference (notified vs. minimum)


    11 878

    12 414



    15 907

    15 967



    4 358

    4 320



    1 290

    2 994






    Czech Republic

    11 035

    11 094



    6 414

    6 483



    1 261

    1 270



    9 028

    11 187



    65 179

    65 180



    95 460

    95 442



    7 299

    7 203



    7 911

    8 055



    5 180

    5 221



    50 977

    50 977



    1 760

    1 762



    2 346

    2 345



    Target not notified in the NECP

    1 843







    22 093

    22 052



    30 635

    30 727



    6 740

    7 287



    10 120

    10 143



    4 117

    4 788



    2 169

    2 171



    36 809

    37 289



    14 016

    14 145


    TOTAL for EU27

    424 305

    432 682


    Source: DG ENER assessment; comparison of the cumulative amounts of energy savings required by 2030 notified by the Member States in their final NECPs with the minimum energy savings obligation according to Article 7 EED(1)(b) by using Eurostat dataset

    b.Policy measures implemented by Member States in the period 2021 to 2030

    Around 50% of the policy measures notified by the Member States in the first final National Energy and Climate Plans are financial programmes. But again, when looking at the energy savings achieved by the different policy measure types, around 70% of the savings are expected to be achieved by the EEOS, and 25% by the financial schemes. Most of the expected energy savings will be achieved in the cross-cutting sector.

    Figure 55 Number of reported policy measures by Member State

    Source: DG ENER assessment (November 2020); Number of reported policy measures by Member State

    Figure 56 Number of policy measures by instrument type

    Source: DG ENER assessment (November 2020); Number of policy measures by instrument type

    Figure 57 Share of cumulative energy savings 2021–2030 by instrument type

    Source: DG ENER assessment (November 2020); Share of cumulative energy savings 2021–2030 by instrument type

    Figure 58 Share of cumulative energy savings 2021–2030 by targeted sector

    Source: DG ENER assessment (November 2020); Share of cumulative energy savings 2021–2030 by targeted sector

    Figure 59 Number of policy measures by type reported per sector

    Source: DG ENER assessment (November 2020); Number of policy measures (type) reported per sector

    White Certificate Schemes under Article 7 EED

    Article 7a EED provides the flexibility to trade of energy savings. Member States are required to report information on trading in line with part 3.1 and 3.2 of Annex III to the Governance Regulation.

    Trading can take place either between obligated parties (horizontal trading) or between obligated parties and energy efficiency service providers (vertical trading). In some energy efficiency obligation schemes (EEOS), Member States implemented a vertical trading mechanism via White Certification in which credits can be traded in a regulated market.

    Horizontal trading between obligated parties is relatively common within an EEOS. Only Austria and the United Kingdom allow vertical trading. Three EEOS currently implemented by France, Italy and Poland allow trading in the form of White Certificates.

    White Certificates in an EEOS can lead to cost optimisation to achieve energy savings, open the energy savings markets to third parties, provide price signals to market actors, give a formal value to energy savings

    The expansion of the geographical scope of an EEOS, with or without White Certificate trading, could lead to benefits, as it would allow obligated parties in high-cost Member States to find alternative lower-cost energy savings in other locations that would otherwise not have been taken up. This would reduce the overall programme costs of delivering a given amount of energy savings and would create an Internal Market for energy savings. An EU-wide scheme would potentially reduce the total costs of policy design and administration, if it replaced individual national programmes and if Member States would agree on common rules. At the energy company level, an EU-wide energy efficiency obligation would be aligned with business models increasingly operating on a cross-border basis, potentially reducing their administration costs.

    Standardising methods for the measurement, monitoring, verification and reporting of energy savings across the EU could have some benefits for the development of the energy efficiency services industry, reducing costs and enabling more cross-border competition. The increase in the amount of required energy savings and the number of obligated and eligible parties within an EEOS with White Certificates would increase market liquidity and reduce the risk that market power would be concentrated in a small number of players.

    Although, according to the modelling undertaken, this results in a lower overall cost of achieving the energy saving goal, it has to be borne in mind that the modelling assumes effective implementation. However, implementing such a scheme on this scale would raise significant complexities and may require a complex administrative scheme to be put in place.

    In addition, its implementation would be incompatible with the existing Article 7. This would therefore require Member States to change the approach they have put in place half way through the compliance period until 2030. In fact, significant efforts might be needed in some other Member States to catch up with the requirements of the harmonised methods (e.g. when the data needed are not readily available in the country). Taking account of the natural variability in the market penetration of technologies, and the existing energy performance of buildings and industrial processes in an EU-wide scheme would be challenging. The overall system would likely need to take into account national specificities in the savings calculations (when defining the baseline situations, taking into account climate zones, etc.). This would represent a very large amount of data to handle, regularly update, etc. Moreover, the calculation methods and related data are usually discussed with the stakeholders as part of the consultation processes of the EEOS. Organising such consultations at EU level would require coordinating many consultations in the different countries or groups of similar countries. Harmonising energy savings calculations for an EU-wide EEOS or trading scheme would likely imply many more parties, increasing the difficulty to get an agreement.

    Moreover, a white certificate scheme would most likely create undesirable results if applied together with the EU ETS and an ETS extension on buildings and transport. Both schemes are based on the principle of passing on the costs to the consumer. On the one hand, this could financially overextend consumers in some Member States and increase the risk of energy poverty, unless additional, well-balanced actions would be taken to counterbalance these effects. On the other hand, the co-existence of both schemes could potentially lead to a significant imbalance in some countries between the costs being borne (and passed through to energy consumers) and the benefits received. Such cross-subsidising effects have already been observed at national level between sectors and have raised criticism. In a single, EU-wide energy market, in which the total energy system benefits of energy efficiency outweigh the costs, and are felt across the entire EU, this would not necessarily be problematic in theory. However, in practice national governments might be loath to run the political risk of their citizens funding energy efficiency actions in other countries. This undermines the rationale for an EU-wide White Certificate programme funded through energy bills.

    Impacts on energy poverty

    A rapid assessment has been made of the likely impacts of the measures envisaged on energy poverty by Member State. This is based on data related to three questions from the EU Survey on Income and Living Conditions (EU-SILC):

    ·Ability to keep home adequately warm (HH050)

    ·Arrears on utility bills (HS021)

    ·Presence of leaks, damp, rot (HH040)

    The approach uses consensual energy poverty indicators based on an approach used by Wuppertal Institute for the 2016 EPBD revision IA 92 , which was further developed for this assessment.


    The broad methodology used is shown in the figure below:

    2.Assumptions and inputs

    To enable this assessment a set of assumptions have been made concerning:

    ·Share of energy poor households affected by renovations

    ·Impact of additional energy savings in existing buildings on energy poverty alleviation

    ·Adjustment factor to account for effects attributable to existing policies

    ·EED impact on renovation rate (in % points) (by scenario)

    ·EED impact on energy savings due to renovations (in %): Additional annual energy savings in existing buildings as a result of policy implementation (by scenario)

    ·Extrapolated energy poverty trends based on historical development


    Compared to the reference scenario, until 2030, depending on the indicator between 650,000 and 5.2 million people in the EU would additionally be lifted from energy poverty. The proportion of the population currently meeting each definition 93 that would be lifted above the threshold for each indicator is shown in the table below. For each column, figures above the EU average are shaded red. The reference year for the indicator is the last year when a complete data set is available of the indicator.

    Table 26 Percentage of the population lifted above energy poverty criterion by Member State

    Other relevant legislation and policy areas

    The EED is not the only policy instrument addressing energy efficiency but is part of a broader set of policies addressing energy efficiency potential. The EED can be considered as a ‘framework’ Directive that sets the overall target and complements the other instruments by ensuring that Member States create appropriate frameworks and implement policies to ensure investment in more energy efficiency.

    1.Legislation setting standards


    The Energy Performance of Buildings Directive 94 (EPBD) is the main legislative instrument for promoting energy performance improvements in buildings within the EU. The Directive works through two complementary mechanisms: (1) minimum performance requirements for new and existing buildings (raising the depth of any upgrades and the standards for new-built); and (2) information for citizens and companies through certificates for buildings to enable them to choose the efficiency level that is right for them.

    The cost-optimal methodology helps Member States set their ambition levels right and keep them under review. Taken together, these mechanisms contribute to set the right energy performance standard for different buildings, and facilitate information on more energy-efficient housing. To complement this, the EED promotes actual renovations and Member States’ action through the energy efficiency obligations (Article 7), the renovation of public buildings target (Article 5) and the provision of efficient heating and cooling services to buildings (Article 14). As such, the EED acts as an accelerator of the renovation rate of buildings.

    The EU building stock requires energy renovation at a large scale: almost 75% of the EU’s building stock is inefficient according to current building standards, and 85-95% of the buildings that exist today will still be standing in 2050. The weighted annual energy renovation rate is persistently low at around 1%, and deep renovations that reduce energy consumption by at least 60% are carried out only in 0.2% of the building stock per year. Two thirds of the energy used for heating and cooling of buildings comes from fossil fuels. To further boost the energy performance of buildings, the Commission launched the Renovation Wave.

    The EPBD requires Member States to establish a long-term renovation strategy to support the renovation of their national building stock into a highly energy efficient and decarbonised building stock by 2050. The long-term renovation strategies must include an overview of the national building stock policies and actions to stimulate cost-effective deep renovation of buildings policies and actions to target the worst performing buildings, split-incentive dilemmas, market failures, energy poverty and public buildings an overview of national initiatives to promote smart technologies and skills and education in the construction and energy efficiency sectors. The strategies must also include a roadmap with measures and measurable progress indicators indicative milestones for 2030, 2040 and 2050 an estimate of the expected energy savings and wider benefits and the contribution of the renovation of buildings to the Union's energy efficiency target.

    Work has started to review the EPBD 95 with a focus on setting more ambitious minimum requirements for buildings, and strengthen other provisions of the EPBD to intensify the efforts towards meeting the energy efficiency targets in the building sector 96 . It will look at introducing new elements to enhance the performance of buildings, based on the specific areas and issues identified in the Renovation Wave:

    ·The phased introduction of mandatory minimum energy performance standards for different types of buildings,

    ·An update of the Energy Performance Certificates framework with a view to increasing their quality and availability e.g. through greater harmonisation, inclusion of additional information and more stringent provisions on availability and accessibility of databases.

    Other measures that will be considered include the introduction of Building Renovation Passports and the introduction of a ‘deep renovation’ standard in the context of financing and building decarbonisation objectives. The requirements for new buildings and measures fostering sustainable mobility might also need to be updated in line with the enhanced climate ambition of the European Green Deal and the Climate Target Plan 2030, developing a new long term vision for buildings.


    In the products area, the Ecodesign Directive 97 provides a framework for setting mandatory product-specific energy efficiency and other environmental performance requirements before products can be placed on the Union market. It is implemented through product-specific regulations, directly applicable in all EU countries. Currently, such requirements are in place for 30 product groups.

    Ecodesign measures often go hand in hand with energy labelling requirements for the same product group. Energy and tyre labelling allow end-consumers to identify better-performing products, via the well-known A-G/green-to-red scale. The Energy Labelling Regulation 98 provides a framework for establishing mandatory product-specific labelling requirements, allowing end-consumers to identify the better-performing products, via the well-known A-G/green-to-red scale. Currently, such requirements are in place for 14 product groups.

    Of particular relevance are the reviews of the Ecodesign and Energy labelling requirements (including rescaling) for central/hydronic space and water heaters which are ongoing. Reviews for other types of (local or solid fuel) space heaters are also ongoing or to be launched in 2021, with the aim of having rescaling measures adopted by August 2023, which could trigger further energy savings and assist decarbonisation in heating.

    Ecodesign contributes to the achievement of the overall energy efficiency goal set in the EED by taking away inefficient products from the market. Energy Labelling contributes to the achievement of the overall energy efficiency goal set in the EED by steering consumers towards more energy-efficient products and heating and cooling appliances, while Article 7(2) of the Energy Labelling Regulation steers financing towards the most efficient appliances.

    The EED supports this framework, in particular by promoting the purchasing of more efficient products through its public procurement provisions which requires central governments to purchase only products that belong to the highest energy efficiency class on the energy label and, for those products not covered by an energy label, only procure products that comply with energy efficiency benchmarks specified in the relevant Ecodesign implementing measure.

    EU road vehicle CO2 legislation

    The EU road vehicle CO2 legislation requires manufacturers to reduce the new vehicle fleet average tail pipe CO2 emissions from the vehicle mix they sell. Regulations have been put in place for Heavy Duty Vehicles and for passenger cars and light commercial vehicles 99 . These regulations mean that manufacturers must either deploy technology to improve the energy efficiency of the vehicles (for example by reducing their aerodynamic or rolling resistance or powertrain efficiency) or by using an energy source with reduced CO2 emissions in use. Switching to fully electric powertrains avoids the energy losses from internal combustion engines and leads to a fraction of the final energy use per km. Reduction of energy use in the transport sector as a result of the vehicle CO2 legislation is reflected in the quantification of the overall EU energy efficiency target.

    2.Pricing measures

    Emission Trading System (ETS)

    As regards carbon pricing, the price of ETS allowances can lead to responses in the covered sectors, including reducing financial barriers for the energy transition. This may include increased energy efficiency, because companies would make operational changes or energy efficiency investments to lower the cost to them. However, in itself this does not remove non-financial barriers, which limits its effect 100 . Moreover, carbon pricing may have distributional effects, since for example, low and medium income households are more affected by carbon pricing on buildings and transport unless mitigating measures are taken, for example through well-designed energy efficiency programmes. Although ETS revenues could be spent on energy efficiency measures for low and medium income households, this is currently not systematically happening. While energy savings from ETS pricing contribute to the overall EED target, this in itself is insufficient to meet the target as analysis shows 101 .

    Energy Tax Directive

    The Energy Taxation Directive 102 (ETD) lays down the EU rules for the taxation of energy products used as motor fuel or heating fuel and of electricity. An evaluation of the ETD published in September 2019 103 concluded that the EU rules on energy taxation no longer deliver the same positive contribution as when they first came into force in 2003.

    The evaluation showed that the current requirements do not contribute to the new EU regulatory framework and policy objectives in the area of climate and energy, where technology, national tax rates and energy markets have all evolved considerably. For example, no link exists between the minimum tax rates of fuels and their energy content and CO2 emissions and the ETD does not reflect the current mix of energy products on the market in the EU.

    The evaluation also pointed out that the high divergence in national energy tax rates is not in line with other policy instruments and can lead to fragmentation of the internal market, a problem exacerbated by the widespread use of optional tax exemptions. It concludes that overlaps, gaps and inconsistencies significantly hamper EU objectives in the field of energy, environment, climate change and transport.

    Work is ongoing to revise the ETD 104 to better tax energy use, provide different tax rates for renewable fuels, and eliminate the current exemptions.

    3.Other legislation

    Beyond specific energy efficiency legislation, other policy instruments also contribute to increased energy efficiency and savings. This is particularly true for the Renewable Energy Directive 105 (RED) and the Effort Sharing Regulation (ESR)


    There is a strong interaction between the EED and the REDII because a higher overall share of renewable energy reduces the need for energy efficiency to achieve the same level of GHG savings, which ultimately contributes to meet ESR national targets. At the same time, a high level of energy efficiency reduces the need for energy and, therefore, allows for a higher share of renewable and clean energy in the energy mix. The strong coherence between the EED and the REDII is particular evident in the heating and cooling policy area, where the two directives are interlinked and complementary. Article 14 of the EED sets the planning framework in terms of identifying the energy efficiency and renewable energy potential in heating and cooling, and requires the Members States to implement policies and measures to exploit this potential. These policies and measures directly support the achievement of the renewable energy target in heating cooling laid out in Article 23 of REDII. Vice versa, this target contributes to the achievement of the energy efficiency objectives laid out in Article 14 of the EED and the entire directive. In addition, the REDII refers to specific provisions of the EED, most notably by linking several requirements to the definition of efficient district heating and cooling (Article 2(41) of the EED) and at the same time this definition directly promotes the deployment of renewable energy in district heating and cooling.

    Effort Sharing Regulation

    The EED contributes directly to the required emission reductions in ESR sectors. In particular, energy savings from Article 7 of EED contribute to the achievement of the ESR national targets. The additionality requirement under Article 7 of the EED provides incentives to Member States to implement national policies and measures that exceed the minimum energy performance requirements levels set at EU level (e.g. stricter national building codes and programmes promoting higher classes of appliances).

    4.Other relevant policy areas

    Circular Economy

    The European Green Deal states that it “…is a new growth strategy that aims to transform the EU into a fair and prosperous society, with a modern, resource-efficient and competitive economy where there are no net emissions of greenhouse gases in 2050 and where economic growth is decoupled from resource use. It also aims to protect, conserve and enhance the EU's natural capital, and protect the health and well-being of citizens from environment-related risks and impacts”. This sets out clearly the important of resource efficiency in achieving the EU’s goals.

    Energy efficiency can make an important contribution to resource efficiency and a more circular economy. Fuels represent 20% of all material consumption and so saving energy contributes directly to reducing resource consumption. Reducing material use for products also means that less energy is used and therefore resource efficiency and reducing waste is a key route to industrial energy savings from audits. Recycling waste as secondary raw material can often also save energy 106 . Increasing the lifetime of products and buildings may also reduce energy consumption and related emissions, although it is important to recognise that there may be trade-offs.

    Energy can be consumed at all stages of a product’s lifecycle and therefore there are important synergies with a more lifecycle-based approach to products and circular economy. The importance of energy use in each part of the lifecycle varies enormously from product to product. Sub-optimal energy use choices can arise if the embedded energy in materials is not taken into account or decisions in one part of the lifecycle affect conditions in another. It is important that these aspects are fully considered during design, for example of buildings. However, the EED energy saving target encompasses energy savings from all aspects of the lifecycle occurring in the EU and therefore should not itself create an incentive to shift energy use between stages of the lifecycle.

    If Member State measures aim to accelerate replacement or upgrading, their impact in terms of material use will depend on the materials replaced and the fate of those that become superfluous. Where materials are largely recycled such as metals there need be no additional material extraction (provided that the same quantity or less are used afterwards as before). However, in this case the energy impacts depend on the energy used for recycling which is highly variable depending on the material. Where materials have low rates of recycling it will be necessary to consider the trade-off between those increased material requirements and the energy savings.

    In the case of building renovations, the majority of the materials remain in situ and there are changes that enhance the structures energy performance. In general in these cases it can be assumed that renovation requires less materials than a new building, regardless of the degree to which any materials removed may be recycled.

    The life cycle energy savings themselves will depend on the degree of improvement in energy performance of the product in use and in manufacture and end of life. Whether energy use would be reduced from shortening or lengthening the average product life will depend on the share of energy use in its manufacture or end of life phases compared to the use phase. If the manufacturing or end of life phases are responsible for most of the energy use then extending the life may be a good energy saving strategy and this will align with reducing material consumption. Where energy consumption in the use phase is a large share of total energy use, then the benefit from increasing or decreasing the lifetime will depend on the rate of improvement in energy usage. In view of these complexities care needs to be taken in making simple claims. However, overall, provided attention is taken, the circular economy and energy saving objectives should be synergistic.

    Industrial Emissions Directive

    The Industrial Emissions Directive 107 (IED) regulates the largest installations in the most polluting agro-industrial sectors. It requires installations to operate in conformity with a permit. The permit must be updated periodically and in line with the use of Best Available Techniques (BAT) as identified in EU level BAT conclusions that form part of sectoral BAT Reference documents (BREFs). BAT conclusions identify environmental performance levels for installations within the relevant sector. The Directive contributes to better energy performance of industry through the identification of BAT to reduce energy consumption and the definition of energy performance levels. These are not binding on permitting authorities.

    A report looking at how the IED contributes to the circular economy 108 assessed the BAT conclusions adopted for 17 industrial sectors. In these it identified 117 energy related BAT. However, of these only 25 are quantitative and the rest are qualitative. The recent evaluation of the IED 109 found little evidence of the effect of these energy performance levels. A more recent assessment of cement kiln permits 110 identified that of 31 permits reviewed, 11 included energy performance levels of which 7 specified limits within the BAT range. It is to be noted that this BAT energy performance level is only applicable to new plants and major upgrades and subject to raw material moisture content.

    In addition, the IED can also contribute to energy savings through material efficiency and the reduction of waste. These are regulated in a similarly non-binding manner as energy performance. These elements show that while energy is clearly a key factor in the operation of large industrial installations, the IED’s requirements in this regard are limited and not strictly binding. Work is ongoing to revise the IED 111 to ensure industry uses techniques that create a more sustainable EU economy and a cleaner environment that improves public health.

    Energy savings and Life Cycle Assessment

    Energy can be consumed at all periods of a product’s lifecycle, the stages of which are illustrated schematically by the circles in Figure 60 Figure 60 Schematic representation of regulation affecting a product lifecycle below. There is much EU and national legislation that regulates the different phases of the lifecycle, shown by the rectangles in the figure, and some of this may implicitly or explicitly impact the energy use either in that or other phases.

    Figure 60 Schematic representation of regulation affecting a product lifecycle

    The importance of energy use in each part of the lifecycle varies from product to product. For example, a car might use 80% of the lifecycle energy in its use phase while for ceramics the majority of the energy use will be in manufacturing.

    There is a risk that sub-optimal energy use choices can be made if the embedded energy in materials is not taken into account or decisions in one part of the lifecycle affect conditions in another. This can be as a result of market or regulatory forces. It is important that these aspects are fully considered during design, for example of buildings. The EED’s overall energy saving target encompasses energy savings from all aspects of the lifecycle that occur in the EU and therefore it does not create any incentive to shift energy use between stages of the lifecycle.

    European Pillar of Social Rights & European Skills Agenda

    The European Pillar of Social Rights sets out 20 key principles 112 and rights to support fair and well-functioning labour markets. These principles are the beacon towards a strong social Europe that is fair, inclusive and full of opportunity. The evaluation of the EED referred to the importance of benefits from energy efficiency that go beyond the European energy and climate targets and contribute to the creation of social and economic impact.

    More specifically, EED can contribute primarily to the delivery of Principle 20 “Access to essential services” (e.g. provision of affordable energy services) but also to the delivery of Principles 1 “Education, training and life-long learning” (e.g. accreditation and promotion of new skills), 10 “Healthy, safe and well-adapted work environment and data protection” (e.g. promotion of healthier work environments) and 19 “Housing and assistance for the homeless” (e.g. provision of better housing to vulnerable citizens). Pertinent to the delivery of Principle 1 is the European Skills Agenda 113 and how EED as part of the European Green Deal shares the objectives of strengthening sustainable competitiveness, ensuring social fairness and building resilience to react to crises.

    Estimated administrative costs

    The estimation of the administrative costs imposed by the measures included in the preferred option is conducted using the 'Standard Cost Model', in the sense that administrative burdens are calculated on the basis of the average cost of the required administrative activity (Price) multiplied by the total number of activities performed per year (Quantity). Administrative costs are the costs incurred by the public or private sector in meeting legal obligations to provide information.

    These are presented for the proposed measures of the preferred policy option in Table 27 .

    The results of the exercise using the standard cost model show that, overall, there is a net increase of the burden of €5.5 million per year. The burden on the private sector is increased by €0.3 million per year, and there is an increase in the burden for the public sector of €5.2 million per year.

    A detailed explanation of the assumptions used, which are a simplification of the complex reality, are set out for each of the measures. To the extent possible, the assumptions are in line with the step-by-step application of the model set out in the in Better Regulation guidance. It is assumed that 2,080 working hours per year represents a Full Time Equivalent (FTE) employee.

    Simplification measures

    Change the basis for requiring energy audits to one based on energy use

    This (IND.2) is a simplification measure, which would mean that the obligation to carry out a four yearly energy audit would only apply to enterprises with an energy consumption above a threshold. This is estimated to result in a significant reduction in the number of enterprises that would be subject to the obligation. It is estimated that some 600,000 enterprises that should have been audited under the original definition would no longer be subject to the audit obligation. In addition the verification of whether or not an enterprise should be subject to the obligation would be much more straightforward.

    Administrative cost-savings for the public sector:

    The requirement to verify that audits have taken place will be removed for the companies concerned. It is assumed that this represents 0.5 person-hours per enterprise. This amounts to a total of around 187 FTE saved every four years or equivalent to around 47 FTE per year.

    Administrative cost-savings for the private sector:

    It is assumed that providing information to the public authorities to show compliance with the audit requirement requires on average 0.5 person-hours per enterprise. Since this is only required once every four years, the avoided effort amounts to around 47 FTE per year.

    Measures of the preferred policy option

    Measure 1: EU energy efficiency target

    The target is increased and made binding at EU level. This is not in itself expected to lead to different or additional monitoring requirements for Member States and therefore no administrative costs for the public sector or private sector.

    Measure 2: Benchmarks for Member State contributions

    Benchmarks will be calculated at EU level (TARGET.2). There is no additional work required at Member State level and therefore no administrative costs for the public sector. 

    Measure 3: Energy savings obligations

    Measure 3a: Increase annual energy savings rate (ESO). 

    This measure changes the rate of energy savings required. It does not require a new system to be set up, but it will require an intensification of efforts to be made to achieve the needed savings.

    Administrative costs for the public sector:

    The doubling of savings effort is estimated to require an average additional effort of 1 FTE per Member State at central government level. No estimate is provided for other levels of government since it is likely to vary very much depending on the structures and mechanisms used to achieve the savings. The total estimate is therefore 27 FTE.

    Administrative costs for the private sector:

    Private sector companies will be involved in delivering some of the increased levels of energy savings. Administrative costs for them are likely to be low, and related to demonstrating the achievement of the necessary savings. This is likely to increase with the saving level. In view of this, it is assumed that the impact in the private sector is of the same magnitude as in the public sector at 27 FTE.

    Measure 3b: Minimum sectoral savings and exclusion of measures promoting fossil fuel use (ESO.1, ESO.2, ESO.3).

    Administrative costs for the public sector:

    The obligations to achieve savings in certain sectors and to not include measures promoting fossil fuel use will require some additional effort. However this is estimated to be small in contrast to the impact of doubling the overall savings and is estimated at 9 FTE.

    Administrative costs for the private sector:

    The sectoral requirements should not substantially change the administrative burden on private sector companies since in principle the obligations don’t change. Similarly, the fossil fuel exclusion relates to measures put in place, and so should not create an administrative burden for private companies.

    Measure 4: Energy Efficiency First

    Measure 4a: Guidance on the application of the EE1st principle (EE1st.1). 

    This is intended to assist in applying the principle and therefore is not considered to create any administrative burden.

    Measure 4b: Obligation for Member States to apply EE1st principle (EE1st.2). 

    Administrative costs for the public sector:

    It will be necessary for Member States to ensure that they effectively apply the principle. This will relate to ensuring that energy saving options are adequately considered in appropriate activities. The assessment itself is not considered an additional administrative effort since in principle it ought already to be carried out as part of good project assessment. The additional administrative burden would arise from checking that this has been adequately carried out. It is assumed that this will result in one hour of work on average per relevant infrastructure project. If it is assumed that 2% of public procurement is for relevant infrastructure projects this would be around 5,000 per year leading to 3 FTE needed per year.

    Administrative costs for the private sector:

    The private sector should not be affected in any significant manner.

    Measure 5) Exemplary role of the public sector

    Measure 5a: Extend to all public buildings to NZEB standard and remove alternative measures (BUILD.3). 

    The actual standard to which renovation is required should not have an effect on administrative burden. The increase in the number of buildings and the removal of alternative measures can.

    Administrative costs for the public sector:

    Member States’ public authorities will need to report on their compliance with the renovation of their public bodies’ buildings stock. Since the renovation requirement would increase by a significant multiple it can be assumed that the efforts to gather the data will also take more effort, although probably less than a proportional increase. It is assumed that this additional monitoring effort will amount to 27 FTE per year.

    Administrative costs for the private sector:

    There are no specific information requirements related to this measure that would not fall within the normal contractual arrangements relating to the works.

    Measure 5b: Guidance to authorities, on circularity and Green Public Procurement (PROCURE.1). 

    This is intended to assist in applying circular economy and green public procurement principles and therefore is not considered to create any administrative burden.

    Measure 5c: Extend public procurement provisions to all public administration levels (PROCURE.2). 

    Administrative costs for the public sector:

    This would extend the requirement that currently only applies to central government to require all contracting authorities to aim to procure the most energy efficient products and services. There are estimated to be around 250,000 contracting entities 114 . Of these only a small proportion will be central government. It appears that there are around 230,000 tenders published each year on Tenders Electronic Daily 115 . The majority of these are above the 144,000 threshold so the total number of tenders will be higher. The majority of these tenders are not covered by the existing requirement and incorporating energy efficiency criterion into each tender would require additional work. However, these processes do not result in any information requirements and therefore do not create an additional administrative burden.

    Administrative costs for the private sector:

    There are no specific administrative costs related to this obligation since all costs pertaining to tendering and performance of the normal contractual relationship.

    Measure 6) Industry

    Measure 6a: Change audit requirement to apply only to large energy users (IND.2a). 

    Administrative costs for the public sector:

    Member States’ public authorities currently must verify whether enterprises are subject to the audit requirement as a non-SME. The obligation to verify whether their energy use exceeds a certain value will be less onerous. There is therefore no additional administrative burden.

    Administrative costs for the private sector:

    Enterprises will need to verify whether or not they are affected by checking their energy use. However, this will only be pertinent for those that have borderline energy use. Those that are substantially below or above the threshold will not need to check. It is estimated that a maximum of 50,000 enterprises would need to verify their consumption.

    As an operating cost, all enterprises would be expected to have this information easily available. It is necessary to convert all energy consumption (which may be in different forms such as electricity, road fuel, gas, oil or solid fuel) into the format required. This can be carried out using a spreadsheet and the effort required to collect the necessary data and carry out the calculation is estimated to be a maximum of 1 hour.

    The total estimated administrative burden therefore amounts to around 30 FTE. This will arise once every four years. The burden therefore averages to 8 FTE per year.

    Measure 6b: Require energy management systems for largest energy users (IND.2b). 

    Administrative costs for the public sector:

    Member States’ public authorities currently must verify whether enterprises are subject to the audit requirement as a non-SME. The obligation to implement an energy management system applies above a certain energy use threshold and therefore verifying this will be less onerous. In addition, since energy management systems are subject to external third party verification, public authorities need only ensure that the enterprise is correctly certified. It is considered that in view of this there is no additional administrative burden compared to the current situation.

    Administrative costs for the private sector:

    Enterprises will need to verify whether or not they are affected by checking their energy use and this will only be pertinent for those that have borderline energy use. For those above the threshold once they have an energy management system in place there is no burden since their energy use will be continuously monitored.

    Enterprises under, but close to, the threshold will need to verify whether they fall under the requirement. This is expected to apply to a maximum of 10,000 enterprises. They will know their energy consumption from previous audits and can readily verify if this has increased or decreased. It is assumed that this will require no more than 30 minutes work. The resulting administrative burden would amount to about 3 FTE per year.

    Measure 7) Heating and cooling:

    Improve definitions and strengthen obligations for cost-benefit analysis and local cooling and heating planning (HEAT.2). 

    Administrative costs for the public sector:

    Member States’ public authorities must approximately every five years review their comprehensive assessments. It is assumed that on average each Member State will need to dedicate 40 person-days to this task. This results in a total effort of 5 FTE every five years or 1 FTE per year.

    Administrative costs for the private sector:

    Additional burden could arise from information requests to enable the analysis to be updated. There are currently approximately 2,500 Large Combustion Plants 116 and 5,400 Medium Combustion Plants 117 above 20 MW thermal and it can be assumed that these would likely represent the majority of plants that would need to supply information. If they have to supply information it is assumed this would take a maximum of 2 person-hours work so the total effort would amount to around 10 FTE. This would occur once every five years so amounting to roughly 2 FTE per year.

    Measure 8) Energy networks: 

    Enhance definition of losses and reporting (NET.2).

    Administrative costs for the public sector:

    There are no specific administrative impacts for Member States’ public authorities. While they might wish to be involved in discussion in developing uniform definitions this would not appear to be necessary.

    Administrative costs for the private sector:

    The purpose of NET.2 is to engage system operators in adopting uniform definitions. The reporting obligation for trade associations will take place periodically. Developing uniform definitions would largely be a one-off exercise and good be expected to require a few hundred person days of effort. The reporting obligation for trade associations, which would primarily require collating input from their members could be expected to require a total of 200 person-days each time a report is produced. The overall burden could be assessed at around 1 FTE per year.

    Measure 9) Transport:

    Include energy efficiency elements in line with the EE1st principle and the Sustainable and Smart Mobility Strategy, including, for example, in urban mobility policy planning (TRANS.1).

    Administrative costs for the public sector:

    The administrative impact of TRANS.1 would depend on the degree to which large urban areas already implement SUMPs. The obligation would only apply to the largest urban areas. The scope is narrower than to produce a SUMP and the information requirements would only relate to reporting the energy use and expected savings. It is envisaged that this would require no more than 2 hours per affected urban area. Overall the requirement would amount to less than 1 FTE.

    Administrative costs for the private sector:

    There are not expected to be administrative costs except to provide any input they choose to the elaboration of a transport energy plan.

    Measure 10) Support measures:

    Strengthen provisions on skills, energy services and financing mechanisms, consumer empowerment, addressing split incentives and the alleviation of energy poverty (SUPPORT.1; SUPPORT.2).

    Administrative costs for the public sector:

    The measures under SUPPORT.1 continue with the existing structure of the Concerted Action. They are voluntary and not envisaged to create any additional administrative burden.

    The SUPPORT.2 measures will create some additional administrative burden. There will be one-off efforts needed to establish minimum quality assurance criteria for energy services providers. There will be recurring requirements to assess qualification and certification schemes and to strengthen oversight of energy services market intermediaries. It is assumed that these will amount to around third of the burden on the ESCOs at 1 FTE.

    Administrative costs for the private sector:

    While SUPPORT.1 does not create any burden, SUPPORT.2 would require efforts to demonstrate compliance with criteria set for energy service providers and qualification and certification schemes. There are around 3,000 ESCOs 118 across the EU. If it is assumed that these are each subject to 2 hours additional administrative burden the total would amount to 4 FTE.

    Measure 11) Monitoring and reporting:

    Reinforcement of requirements (MONITOR.1; MONITOR.2), building on the integrated approach under the Governance Regulation.

    Administrative costs for the public sector:

    The measures under MONITOR.1 would involve the use of surveys and other data gathering to improve knowledge. Some of these will involve requests for information to be supplied by public authorities. This would not amount to more than a 2 FTE administrative burden per year across all Member States.

    The MONITOR.2 and 3 measures will create some additional reporting requirements that will increase administrative burden. There will be one-off efforts needed to establish reporting arrangements. Regular gathering of the necessary information will add recurring requirements however, the effort required can be minimised through well designed electronic data gathering. This is assumed to amount to 54 FTE effort across all Member States.

    Administrative costs for the private sector:

    MONITOR.1 would only create a burden if the focus of the data gathering requires input from private sector organisations. It is assumed that there will be value in their input for some types of assessment, but that demands will be less than for public administrations. In view of this half the effort is assumed i.e. 1 FTE.

    MONITOR.2 and 3 can be expected to result in data requests. It is assumed that the administrative burden would be somewhat less than that for public administrations at 5 FTE.

    The results of these assessments for all elements of the preferred option are summarised and summed in Table 27 .

    Table 27    Estimated additional public and private sector administrative costs

    Standard cost model

    Calculation of additional administrative costs

    Private sector

    Public administrations















    Simplification measures

    Require audits based on energy use








    Preferred option

    Measure 1: EU energy efficiency target

    Energy targets








    Measure 2: Benchmarks for Member State contributions









    Measure 3: Energy savings obligations









    ESO.1, ESO.2, ESO.3








    Measure 4: Energy Efficiency First









    Measure 5: Exemplary role of the public sector









    PROCURE.1 & 2








    Measure 6: Industry

    IND.2 (a)








    IND.2 (b)








    Measure 7: Heating and Cooling









    Measure 8: Energy networks









    Measure 9: Transport









    Measure 10: Supporting measures









    Measure 11: Monitoring





















    The SME Test – Summary of results

    (1) Preliminary assessment of businesses likely to be affected

    The EED primarily functions by requiring action by Member States to achieve energy savings. The focus of the majority of the measures that will be undertaken under the EED are not determined by the provisions of the Directive, but by Member States as they choose what schemes to implement to achieve those requirements.

    Some of the requirements of the EED are addressed to specific sectors, for example business (energy audits), heating and cooling, energy transmission and energy services. For some of these sectors, it is unlikely that the businesses involved will be SMEs. One example is energy transmission. Another example is, in the heating and cooling sector, the businesses that generate large amounts of waste heat or use cogeneration.

    The case of energy audits is a bit different, since the existing EED already encourages Member States to facilitate SMEs receiving energy audits, while the obligation to carry out energy audits only applies to non-SMEs. The supporting study explores the difficulties that Member State authorities have had to implement this provision. It illustrates that the majority of the companies that fall under the non-SME definition only do so because of their links to other companies. Only around 12% are estimated to fall under the definition as a result of the entity itself, as shown in Figure 61 below – if it were not for these links they would be excluded.

    Figure 61 Composition of enterprises meeting the non-SME definition

    The Impact Assessment considers the desirability of changing from the non-SME definition to one based on energy use. The supporting study illustrates that, for a conceivable level of energy use threshold, this would have the effect of dramatically reducing the number of businesses that would be impacted by this requirement. Those businesses removed from the requirement will be the ones that do not use much energy but which, because of ownership or control relationships, are not classified as SMEs. This would result in a significant reduction in the burden of the obligation that applies to businesses for which it may make less sense including those that would be SMEs but for their links.

    However, a shift to an energy-based threshold could conceivably also encompass highly energy intense SMEs. The assessment carried out in the support study concludes that this would be the case, but it needs to be borne in mind that the approach to allocate energy use to businesses in the study is rather crude, since it is based purely on number of employees, and that itself had to be estimated for a proportion of the businesses. In the case of the transport sector, the area where there is most likely to be an impact is in long distance road haulage. Long distance road haulage can be estimated to use around 1TJ per HDV employed full time 119 , implying that a company would need to use more than 10 HDVs full time on long distance haulage to exceed a 10TJ energy use threshold. However, road haulage is a sector where the EU wide average business size is 5.2 persons employed and the vast majority (>80%) of companies in the road haulage sector are below this average 120 . These factors suggest that a very limited share of road haulage companies would actually be affected.

    Other sources of information are instructive in understanding the potential for energy savings in SMEs and the cost effectiveness of those actions. For example, a range of projects addressing energy efficiency measures in SMEs have been supported under the LIFE and HORIZON programmes. An ex-post assessment of 41 of these projects has recently been completed 121 . The detailed assessment, based on project reporting, concluded that the potential energy savings rate was about 18% and the implementation rate averaged about 25%. The total energy savings are therefore estimated (from potential savings rate x implementation rate) to amount to 4.5%. These figures are reflective of real-world activities. These figures are lower than values from literature, which suggest that potential savings of 10% are possible from no and low cost measures, and up to 20% savings with all measures.

    The payback times by type of measure identified in the projects are slightly longer than those identified in the DEEP 122 database (except for compressed air, which is shorter). Nonetheless, they are the same order of magnitude and given the small number of projects and uncertainty over the key performance indicators, this suggests that the results are credible. Across all the projects, every Euro of funding achieved €1.9 per year cost savings for SMEs and average savings were 9.2 kWh/year per Euro of investment.

    The DEEP database shows the results for over 9,400 energy saving projects financed in businesses. The website provides information on payback times for those projects, which can be compared by type of area of the investment and by company size. Figure 62 below shows the calculated payback times.

    Figure 62 Simple energy efficiency payback time by company size

    The red lines show the median payback time while the boxes cover the range between the 25th and 75th percentiles and the line extend to the 10th and 90th percentiles. It is evident that while there are minor differences between the payback times, with these being slightly longer in particular for medium sized enterprises, there is little fundamental difference in the attractiveness of energy saving investments based on company size.

    (2) Consultation with SMEs representatives

    SMEs have been consulted as part of the outreach to stakeholders.

    Views of SMEs represent a reasonable (34%) share of the business views collected in the PC. Of the 92 respondents that identified themselves as companies, 61 are large (>250 employees), 6 medium (50-249 employees), 9 small (10-49 employees) and 16 micro enterprises (1-9 staff). In view of the relatively small SME sample size, in particular for medium sized companies, caution needs to be exercised about the robustness of the fully disaggregated results.

    These companies classified themselves as whether they operate in the energy, climate or environment fields. Positive answers to this were given by 81% of micro, 78% of small, 50% of medium and 72% of large sized businesses. In terms of which of these areas the ones that answered yes operate in, the split is shown below, and it is clear that there is major distinction between company sizes and energy activities are dominant for all company sizes, with climate as the second most significant and environment as the third.

    Figure 63 Self-classification of domain of business activity

    Although only a small proportion of companies indicated the sector in which they operate, Figure 64 shows that the most significant ones identified for all company sizes are production, followed by construction. Medium sized companies are dominated by production. A significant share stated ‘other’ and this covers a range of specific activities.

    Figure 64 Reported area of activity by company size

    With regard to other specific interaction with SME representatives, a presentation was made to a meeting organised by the Commission with SMEs regarding the findings of the study on energy audits on 5 May 2021.

    While there is some differentiation of views among businesses depending on company size, this variation is small. It is shown below for various of the PC questions that are referred to in the Impact Assessment. For reference, the four groupings of stakeholder responses used in the body of the Impact Assessment are shown in faded colour. The four coloured bars show the views of micro, small, medium and large businesses (red, green, blue and black).

    Figure 65 shows the views of SMEs by size on the role that energy efficiency should play in attaining our climate goals. For all company sizes, there is little divergence from the overall business view although micro enterprises have a higher level of agreement with the statement than other sized enterprises.

    Figure 65 Business views on the role of energy efficiency in achieving climate goals

    SME views about which factors had contributed to the EED achieving its objectives shown in Figure 66 were comparable to the overall responses from all stakeholder groups received that are shown in Figure 7 in Section 5.2.1. In terms of size-related variations, it appears that the smaller the business, the less they believe flexibility left to Member States and national planning policies have contributed to the EED achieving its objectives. There is also a modest tendency for smaller businesses to believe national targets and strong monitoring and reporting to have been more important.

    Overall, there is little divergence in view between different company sizes or from the overall responses. Outlying views are the micro company opinion on the importance of the EU level targets and medium companies on national targets.

    Figure 66 Business view by company size on the factors that helped achieve EED objectives

    Figure 67 shows stakeholder responses by company size about which areas additional effort is desirable to achieve higher energy savings. There is no consistent impact of company size on the ranking of the responses. There is little divergence in SME responses from the overall view of business although small and medium sized companies are very positive about addressing buildings while medium-sized companies also believe heating and cooling, ICT and transport have a higher opinion of the importance of addressing these sectors than business in general.

    Figure 67 Business view by company size on sectors where more energy savings are needed

    Stakeholders were asked in the PC about how Article 7 might be changed to achieve higher energy savings. The results of this by category are shown in section Error! Reference source not found.. The business results are further disaggregated by company size in Figure 68 below. It can be seen that in general the micro enterprises are most positive about all the possible measures with generally the support decreasing as company size increases. Overall, there is little divergence from the general business opinion.

    Figure 68 Business opinion by company size on how Article 7 should be strengthened

    Stakeholders were asked for their opinion about how to address the shortcomings with the energy audit requirements. There was a limited response to this with less than a third of respondents in all business categories giving their view. In view of this, in Figure 69 below, the SME answers have been aggregated and shown alongside the answers for large businesses and the three categories shown in the Impact Assessment.

    The results for SMEs are largely in line with those for business in general with the most noticeable difference being that they are significantly less negative about the options with which business overall disagreed.

    Figure 69 Business views by company size on how to address energy audit weaknesses

    Stakeholders were asked in the PC about the benefits of certification and/or accreditation schemes in their country. The overall responses are shown in section 2.2.2 of the Impact Assessment. It is to be noted that only a small share of respondents answered this question so in Table 28 the results have been aggregated for all SME company sizes and should be treated as somewhat uncertain. The results are colour coded to indicate if they are above (green) or below (red) the overall response. It can be seen that there is no consistent trend.

    Table 28 Business view by company size on certification and accreditation

    Benefits of certification and accreditation schemes





    Ensures availability of skills (providers of energy services, energy auditors, energy managers and installers)




    Ensures quality of energy services offered by energy service providers




    Increases confidence in the energy services sector




    Facilitates the development of the energy services markets








    Stakeholders were asked in the PC about whether they thought certain measures should be considered in the heating and cooling area. The answers were scored on a scale from 1 to 6 and an average is calculated for all respondents answering. Table 29 shows in the first (white) column the overall stakeholder view as shown in section 2.2.2 of the impact assessment. The four right hand columns show the answers given by companies split by company size. Where the answer is more in agreement with the statement than the general stakeholder view it is shown in green, where it is a stronger disagreement it is shown in red. It can be seen that SMEs other than micro enterprises are more positive about all of the statements. In contrast, large companies are less positive.

    Table 29 Business view by company size on how to strengthen heating and cooling aspects


    [scoring is from 6 (strongly agree) to 1 (strongly disagree]

    Overall stakeholder view





    The recovery of waste heat from heating and cooling (air-conditioning) systems in individual buildings should be promoted






    Member States should facilitate local and district approaches to policy and infrastructure planning and development in heating and cooling






    Fossil fuels in heating systems (in buildings and district heating) should be gradually phased out with a faster phasing out of the most polluting ones






    Requiring district heating and cooling operators to prepare long-term plans to improve their energy efficiency in terms of primary energy intensity energy






    Fossil fuel heating system should be banned for new buildings whenever technical feasible






    Allow public support for heating systems only to non-fossil fuel technologies






    Member States should introduce specific energy efficiency targets for the heating and cooling sector to ensure that energy consumption in this sector is sufficiently taken into account






    Specific requirements for utilization of waste heat and waste cold should be set for industry and services






    Member States should unbundle the management of the generation and distribution heat network






    Overall, the disaggregation of the stakeholder responses by company size does not show any strong trend in relation to SMEs. In response to certain questions, there are some modest differences. Generally, the SME views fall within the overall spread of views expressed by stakeholders.

    (3) Measurement of the impact on SMEs

    Any SMEs that do fall under the energy threshold and need to carry out an energy audit will need to bear the cost of the audit. As a result, they will benefit from the identification of energy saving opportunities.

    Some smaller transport companies would possibly be implicated under the audit obligation. In that case, consideration needs to be given to whether the cost impact of that would be justified by the benefits. The non-SME definition study report estimated the potential energy savings that could be identified by audits in the transport sector at 15.2% and that around 4.9% savings would be likely to be realised.

    Based upon the threshold 10 TJ diesel consumption, using a conservative cost of 1 Euro per litre implies that this level of energy use amounts to a fuel expenditure of around 270,000 Euro per year. A potential 4.9% saving on that expenditure would realise savings of 13,000 Euro per year, which would vastly exceed the cost of an audit for a company with a small number of employees. In view of this, it can be considered that the energy saving payback for the transport company would be rapid if it chose to implement the measures identified.

    Enhancement of the enabling and supporting measures, including information and awareness raising activities would be likely to be beneficial for SMEs. While these are important in terms of fairness and increase the likelihood of SMEs benefitting from energy saving opportunities the impacts are too uncertain to attempt any quantification of them. Nevertheless, it can be reasonably assumed that these will not increase costs for SMEs and will offer cost saving opportunities.

    4) Assess alternative options and mitigating measures

    The majority of the measures explored in the Impact Assessment do not directly address SMEs. The main measures place obligations on the Member States that might lead to changes in the situation for businesses. This will depend on the measures that Member States implement and could not be assessed in the Impact Assessment.

    To the degree that the measures envisaged in the Impact Assessment will have any impact on SMEs, they are likely to be beneficial for them. Such an impact may arise through the creation of business opportunities such as building renovations to increase energy efficiency.

    The most likely of any of the measures assessed to have a direct impact on SMES is the change to the definition for obligatory energy audits. The main effect of this will be to benefit small, low energy using businesses that were only subject to the obligation because of business links. The change would be likely to avoid some unjustified expenditure by companies in that situation.

    In contrast, there is a possibility that some energy intense SMEs may become subject to the audit requirement. In those cases, the businesses will have a very high energy expenditure and are likely to be able to benefit considerably from the expertise in an audit.

    It has been demonstrated there are substantial energy saving opportunities available to SMEs, as in larger businesses, and therefore taking advantage of those will lower SME operating costs and increase their competitiveness.

    The crucial factor for energy audits to be cost-effective is for the energy expenditure to be high enough that the implementable energy savings identified can justify the cost of the audit. In the case of smaller companies exceeding the energy threshold, this is bound to be the case and will be vastly more attractive for them than many of the companies that were previously covered by the audit obligation due to their links with other businesses. In view of the fact that the impacts are likely to be beneficial for SMEs no alternative options have been considered and no mitigating measures are desirable.

    (1)      For example monetary savings, better societal acceptance, more effective use of resources, improved health, reduced energy poverty, etc. See also
    (2)      ARES reference or link.
    (3)      The Communication on the Climate Target Plan, adopted on 17 September 2020, puts forward an emissions reduction target of at least net 55% by 2030 as a balanced, realistic, and prudent pathway to climate neutrality by 2050. It also highlights that, to achieve this level of greenhouse gas emission reductions, there is a need to significantly step up energy efficiency efforts. See COM/2020/562 final.
    (6)      See document Report Technical Assistance for an Ex-Post Evaluation and Impact Assessment of the Review of the Directive 2021/27/EU on Energy Efficiency. Analysis of Stakeholder Feedback.
    (7) The Impact Assessment identifies a range of 35.5 % - 36.7 depending on the overall design of policy measures underpinning the new 2030 target. This would correspond to a range of 39.2%- 40.6% in terms of primary energy consumption.
    (8)  A 50% GHG target was also analysed
    (10) COM(2020) 690 final

     Importantly, all “Fit for 55” core scenarios reflect the Commission Work Programme (CWP) 2021 in terms of elements foreseen therein and their scheduling. This is why 2021 CWP proposals listed in the first Quarter are built in to all “Fit for 55” scenarios, whereas assumptions are made about legislative proposals submitted together with REDII revision and expected to be submitted later on - by Quarter 4 2021. On the energy side, the subsequent proposals are: the revision of the EPBD, the proposal for Decarbonised Gas Markets and the proposal for reducing methane emissions in the energy sector. In this way, core scenarios represent key policies needed to deliver the increased climate target.

    (12) In the CTP analysis ALLBNK was the most ambitious scenario because of a wider scope of the GHG target and thus comparable to higher than 55% GHG target for effort in the current scope. This scenario is no longer part of core scenarios even though it remains pertinent for initiatives dealing with aviation and maritime sectors.
    (13)  References when available
    (14)  The “current policy framework” includes EU initiatives adopted as of end of 2019 and the national objectives and policies and measures as set out in the final National Energy and Climate Plans.
    (18) While cross-border trade is possible, the assumption is that there are no imports from outside EU as the opposite would require global modelling of hydrogen trade.
    (19) More information and model documentation:  
    (20) E3Modelling ( ) is a private consulting, established as a spin-off inheriting staff, knowledge and software-modelling innovation of the laboratory E3MLab from the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA).
    (21) SEC(2011)1569 :
    (23) Source:
    (24) Source:  
    (25) Source:
    (26) Source:
    (27) Source:
    (28) Source:
    (29) Source:
    (30) Source:
    (31) Source:  
    (32) Source:
    (33) Several model enhancements were made compared to the standard TREMOVE model, as for example: for the number of vintages (allowing representation of the choice of second-hand cars); for the technology categories which include vehicle types using electricity from the grid and fuel cells. The model also incorporates additional fuel types, such as biofuels (when they differ from standard fossil fuel technologies), LPG, LNG, hydrogen and e-fuels. In addition, representation of infrastructure for refuelling and recharging are among the model refinements, influencing fuel choices. A major model enhancement concerns the inclusion of heterogeneity in the distance of stylised trips; the model considers that the trip distances follow a distribution function with different distances and frequencies. The inclusion of heterogeneity was found to be of significant influence in the choice of vehicle-fuels especially for vehicles-fuels with range limitations.
    (34) Source:
    (35)      Bioheavy refers to bio heavy fuel oil.
    (36)      Source:
    (38) Source:  
    (39) Source:
    (40) Source :
    (41) See You, L., Wood, S. (2006). An Entropy Approach to Spatial Disaggregation of Agricultural Production, Agricultural Systems 90, 329–47 and .
    (42) Herrero, M., Havlík, P., et al. (2013). Biomass Use, Production, Feed Efficiencies, and Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Global Livestock Systems, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 110, 20888–93.
    (43) MCPFE (2015). Forest Europe, 2015: State of Europe's Forests 2015. Madrid, Ministerial Conference on the Protection of Forests in Europe: 314.
    (44) EU Agricultural Outlook for markets, income and environment 2020-2030,  
    (45) EUROPOP2019 population projections  
    (46) The 2021 Ageing Report : Underlying assumptions and projection methodologies  
    (48) IEA, Global Energy Review 2020, June 2020
    (49) IEA, Oil Market Report, June 2020 and US EIA, July 2020.
    (50) JRC118275
    (51) COM/2020/562 final
    (52)  The 2021 Ageing Report : Underlying assumptions and projection methodologies
    (54) COM(2016) 860 final.
    (55)  Link to reference.
    (56) Energy system costs for the entire energy system include capital costs (for energy installations such as power plants and energy infrastructure, energy using equipment, appliances and energy related costs of transport), energy purchase costs (fuels + electricity + steam) and direct efficiency investment costs, the latter being also expenditures of capital nature. For transport, only the additional capital costs for energy purposes (additional capital costs for improving energy efficiency or for using alternative fuels, including alternative fuels infrastructure) are covered, but not other costs including the significant transport related infrastructure costs e.g. related to railways and roads. Direct efficiency investment costs include additional costs for house insulation, double/triple glazing, control systems, energy management and for efficiency enhancing changes in production processes not accounted for under energy capital and fuel/electricity purchase costs. Energy system costs are calculated ex-post after the model is solved.
    (57)  See the EU Reference Scenario 2020 publication for a further discussion on the roles and levels of discount rates in the modelling, which also represent risk and opportunity costs associated with investments.
    (58) COM(2018) 773
    (59)  A 50% GHG target was also analysed
    (61) COM(2020) 690 final

     Importantly, all “Fit for 55” core scenarios reflect the Commission Work Programme (CWP) 2021 in terms of elements foreseen. This is why assumptions are made about legislative proposals to be made later on - by Quarter 4 2021. On the energy side, the subsequent proposals are: the revision of the EPBD, the proposal for Decarbonised Gas Markets and the proposal for reducing methane emissions in the energy sector. For transport they refer to the revision of the TEN-T Regulation and the revision of the ITS Directive. In addition, other policies that are planned for 2022 are also represented in a stylised way in these scenarios, similar to the CTP scenarios. In this way, core scenarios represent all key policies needed to deliver the increased climate target.

    (63) This is a feature not implemented in the CTP CPRICE scenario.
    (64) For modelling purposes “national maritime” is considered as equal to “domestic navigation”, i.e. also including inland navigation.
    (65) “Intra-EU navigation” in this table includes both international intra-EU and national maritime. Due to modelling limitations, energy consumption by “national maritime” is assumed to be the same as “domestic navigation”, although the latter also includes inland navigation.
    (66)  50% of all incoming and all outgoing extra-EU voyages
    (67) For more information on the roles and levels of discount rates applied per sector, see the EU Reference Scenario 2020 publication.
    (68) Post 2030, carbon values should not be seen as a projected carbon price in emissions trading, but as a shadow value representing a range of policies to achieve climate neutrality that are as yet to be defined.
    (69) The foresight and the discounting both influence the investment decisions. While in the modelling the discounting is actually applied to the investment to compute annualised fixed costs for the investment decision, its effect can be illustrated if applied to the future prices instead: for example, the average discounted carbon price in 2030 for the period 2030-2050 for renovation of houses and for heating equipment, applying a 12% discount rate, is €65 in the MIX scenario and €81 in the MIX CP scenario.
    (70) The existing legislation sets for newly registered passengers cars, an EU fleet-wide average emission target of 95 gCO2/km from 2021, phased in from 2020. For newly registered vans, the EU fleet-wide average emission target is 147 gCO2 /km from 2020 onward. Stricter EU fleet-wide CO2 emission targets, start to apply from 2025 and from 2030. In particular emissions will have to reduce by 15% from 2025 for both cars and vans, and by 37.5% and 31% for cars and vans respectively from 2030, as compared to 2021. From 2025 on, also trucks manufacturers will have to meet CO2 emission targets. In particular, the EU fleet-wide average CO2 emissions of newly registered trucks will have to reduce by 15% by 2025 and 30% by 2030, compared to the average emissions in the reference period (1 July 2019–30 June 2020). For cars, vans and trucks, specific incentive systems are also set to incentivise the uptake of zero and low-emission vehicles.
    (71)      Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament, the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions – An EU-wide assessment of national energy and climate plans driving forward the green transition and promoting economic recovery through integrated energy and climate planning (COM/2020/564 final)
    (72)      JRC 2020
    (73)      Ibid
    (74)      Ibid
    (75)      European Commission, Directorate General for Energy, Brussels, January 2019, Report of the Work of the Task Force on Mobilising Efforts to Reach the EU Energy Efficiency Targets for 2020.
    (76)      COM(2020) 326 final (Progress Report July 2020)
    (77)      JRC 2020
    (78)      COM(2020) 326 final (Progress Report July 2020)
    (80)      Technical assistance services to assess the energy savings potentials at national and European Level (ICF et al) – ongoing study; not yet published
    (81)      The Potential for Energy Efficiency in the EU Member States – A Comparison of Studies. 2017. Katharina Knoop and Stefan Lechtenböhmer. Research Group Future Energy and Mobility Structures, Wuppertal Institute for Climate, Germany.
    (83) And ‘The insulation contribution to decarbonise industry’; EIIF 2021
    (84) Peter Zwanziger, Efficient Motor and Drives Policy for Europe – Social and Technical Responsibility of CEMEP, EEMODS 2017 Conference, Rome, Italy  
    (85) Efficiency levels in IEC 60034-30-1, 2014 standard. See e.g.  
    (86) Rolf Tieben, Rita Werle, Conrad U. Brunner, EASY- Lessons learned from four years of the Swiss EASY audit and incentive program, Impact Energy Inc., EEMODS 2015, Helsinki (Finland) on 15-17 September, 2015  
    (89)    Cyprus and Malta are required to achieve cumulative end-use energy savings equivalent to new savings of 0.24 % of final energy consumption for the period 2021 to 2030.
    (90)      Commission Recommendation on transposing the energy savings obligations under the Energy Efficiency Directive, C(2019) 6621 final
    (91)    Based on the internal estimates carried out by the Commission services during the negotiations of the EED (in 2012)
    (93)   Indicators & Data | EU Energy Poverty Observatory
    (94)      Directive 2010/31
    (96)    Moreover, implementation of the product reviews under the Ecodesign Working Plan 2020-2024 and the “Renovation Wave” Action plan, together with the review of the EPBD, will make an important contribution to reaching the 2030 energy saving target.
    (97)      2009/125/EC
    (98)      Regulation (EU) 2017/1369
    (99)      Regulation (EU) 2019/631 of 17 April 2019 of the European Parliament and of the Council setting CO2 emission performance standards for new passenger cars and for new light commercial vehicles
    (100)      SWD(2020)176
    (101)      Rosenow, J., Graichen, J., and Scheuer, S. (2018). Destination Paris: Why the EU’s climate policy will derail without energy efficiency. Retrieved from:
    (102)      Directive 2003/96
    (103)      SWD(2019) 329
    (105)      Directive (EU) 2018/2001 of 11 December 2018 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the promotion of the use of energy from renewable sources
    (106)      ‘Circular Economy: Theoretical Benchmark or Perpetual Motion Machine?’; Jonathan M. Cullen; May 2017
    (107)      Directive 2010/75
    (108)      IED Contribution to the circular economy; Ricardo energy and environment; May 2019
    (109)      SWD(2020) 181
    (110)      IED Additional Permit Assessment; Eunomia; August 2020
    (116) Assessment and summary of Member States’ reports under Commission Implementing Decision 2018/1135/EU
    (117)  Impact Assessment for the Medium Combustion Plants Directive; SWD(2013)531
    (118) Energy Service Market in the EU; JRC; 2019
    (120) An Overview of the EU Road Transport Market in 2015
    (121) Assessment and Communication of Relevant EU-funded Projects Supporting the Market Uptake of Energy Efficiency Measures in Industry and Services; Study contract number EASME/2019/OP/0011
    (122) De-risking Energy Efficiency Platform (DEEP), An open-source initiative to up-scale energy efficiency investments in Europe through the improved sharing and transparent analysis of existing projects in Buildings and Industry,