The energy trade balance of Romania showed a deficit of 1.4% of GDP in 2014, which is lower than the EU average. The main driver of the deficit is oil with gas and coal being close to balance. The overall energy trade deficit has decreased since 2006 from a level of 3.6% of GDP. At the same time the current account deficit recorded a marked improvement in the same period as a result of a macroeconomic adjustment process.
1. Energy Security, solidarity and trust
The energy mix of Romania is broadly similar with the one of the EU-28, with the notable difference of higher use of gases and lower share of petroleum and products and nuclear. Compared to 1995, the share of petroleum and products and gases in gross inland energy consumption decreased (by 3 and 10 percentage points respectively), while the share of renewable energy and nuclear increased (by 9 and 8 percentage points respectively). The Romanian electricity generation mix is rather balanced and focusses on technology neutrality and the use of indigenous resources, important for ensuring the energy security of Romania, which is facing geostrategic threats and vulnerabilities.
Gross inland energy consumption in 2013
Source: European Commission, based on EUROSTAT
Import dependency is rather low in Romania, compared to most other EU Member States, notably due to its gas and coal reserves. Gas imports are particularly low, due in particular to the high own gas production, but come mostly from Russia. According to Romanian national data, consumption of imported gas represented 7.47% of total gas consumption in 2014 (including imported gas held in local underground storage). Putting all these factors together, the supplier concentration index is therefore low for Romania. This translates into a relatively limited energy trade deficit, expressed in percentage of GDP. Due to decline of national oil production, Romania records an import dependency of 47% (2013) on total consumption of crude oil and petroleum products.
Source: European Commission, based on EUROSTAT
2. A fully-integrated internal energy market
Source: European Commission based on ENTSO-E scenario outlook and adequacy forecast 2014
Note: Reference to 2030 target is based on October 2014 European Council conclusions stating that "the Commission will also report regularly to the European Council with the objective of arriving at a 15% target by 2030"
The electricity interconnection capacity was of 7% in 2014 for Romania. To reach the 10% for 2020 and 15% in 2030 targets, new Projects of Common Interest (PCIs) will have to be implemented. One PCI refers to the interconnection with Serbia and 6 others focus on the upgrade of the internal electricity system. Other projects focused on enhancing interconnector capacity with Bulgaria and the Republic of Moldova. Further electricity interconnection is needed to exploit the high generation capacity.
Regarding gas, the country has an important location as the link between South Eastern and Central Europe. The completion of gas interconnections with the neighbouring countries and reverse flow projects, including physically linking the Romanian gas system with the transit pipelines, are necessary to strengthen security of supply in the region, while considering the potential of various sources, including those from the Black Sea. Romania is also exploring alternative options for diversifying natural gas resources through the AGRI LNG project.
Market concentration index for power generation (left) and gas supply (right) (2013) (Herfindahl index – 10000 means monopoly)
Sources: European Commission based on ESTAT, CEER and Platts Power Vision
Sources:ESTAT and European Commission Calculations; switching rates in 2013 refer to households.
Concentration on power generation markets is low. Due to changes in legislation, transactions performed on the centralised competitive electricity wholesale markets significantly increased. The gas market is more concentrated, as the sum of market shares of the three main suppliers in the wholesale market is 78.4%. Liquidity in the gas markets is very low as market participants are not incentivised to trade. A temporary gas release programme was introduced with the aim of increasing liquidity, obliging producers and traders/suppliers to trade minimum quantities (35%/30%) on the two trading platforms operated by OPCOM and the Romanian Commodities Exchange. However, the programme has shown limited effect so far, as a majority of trading still occurs on a bilateral basis. Wholesale electricity prices are near EU average.
In particular because of regulated prices, domestic retail prices for electricity and gas are much below the EU average, with the price of gas (largely covered by domestic supply) being the lowest among EU Member States. On the electricity market, liberalisation was finalised for non-household consumers as of 1 January 2014. The electricity market will be fully liberalised for household consumers by 2017. On the gas market, liberalisation was finalised for non-household consumers (except for the quantities of natural gas used to produce heat for household consumption) as of 1 January 2015. According to a new roadmap adopted in June 2015, the gas market will be fully liberalised for household consumers by 2021 at the latest.
Due to the negative or slim margins allowed by price regulation, suppliers are discouraged from making offers outside their supply areas, therefore consumer choice is in reality often very limited, and this translates into low switching rates. Retail markets are also in practice very concentrated.
Following a positive cost-benefit analysis, wide-scale electricity smart meters roll-out is scheduled within 2014-2022 with an 80% implementation target. Consumers' overall assessment of the retail electricity and gas markets is just above the EU average.
Source: European Commission, based on on EUROSTAT SILC survey
Based on a Eurostat survey on income and living conditions, three proxy indicators are used to assess fuel poverty. There seems to be a particular issue in Romania regarding households with arrears on utility bills. The roadmap for phasing out regulated electricity and gas prices includes social measures for vulnerable consumers by providing direct subsidies, informing consumers about the process of market liberalisation, reviewing the process for changing suppliers and detailing electricity and gas bills. Financial aid for social protection during the cold season is in place.
The effects of market liberalisation, in particular the costs of investments needed for decarbonisation and their impact on the utility bills, need to be carefully looked at. Due to the overall low income in Romania, an important segment of the population might be considered as vulnerable consumers.
3. Energy Efficiency and moderation of energy demand
(43 Mtoe primary energy and 30.3 Mtoe final energy)
Source: European Commission, based on EUROSTAT and on national energy efficiency targets as declared by the MS under the EED
Romania’s 2020 energy efficiency target is 42.99 Mtoe expressed in primary energy consumption (30.32 Mtoe expressed in final energy consumption). Even if Romania’s current primary energy consumption (30.9 Mtoe in 2012) is below its 2020 target, it should continue its current efforts regarding energy efficiency to keep the primary energy consumption at this level or increase it only slightly so that it will reach its 2020 target even if the economy continues to grow in the next five years. In the second half of 2015 further steps are expected to complete energy efficiency legislation and facilitate the implementation of "alternative measures" in accordance with Article 7 of the Energy Efficiency Directive.
Primary energy intensity in Romania has decreased since 2005 but remains about twice as high as the EU average. Energy intensity in the industrial sector has almost halfed since 2005 but nevertheless remains above the EU average, one of the main reasons being the much higher percentage of the industrial sector in Romanian GDP compared to the EU average.
Primary energy intensity of the economy
Source: European Commission based on EUROSTAT and European Commission/AMECO
Final energy intensity in industry
Source: European Commission based on EUROSTAT and European Commission/AMECO
Specific energy consumption by households is above EU average and only slightly decreased over the last 8 years. There seems to be untapped potential for energy savings in the residential and transport sectors. Romania has inefficient district heatings system facing a double challenge of insufficient financial resources and poor management capabilities. This in turn prompts individual customers to disconnect and use alternative sources, thus entailing a vicious circle in terms of financing the system by the remaining, fewer customers.
The specific energy intensity of passengers cars decreased slightly between 2005 and 2010. The specific energy intensity for freight transport more than doubled between 2005-2010 (i.e. from the same unit of energy fewer tonnes of good are transported and/or on shorter distances perhaps because the load factors of freight vehicles are lower).
Final energy consumption per m2 in residential sector, climate corrected
Source: European Commission based on Odyssee database
Specific energy intensity for passenger cars and freight transport
Source: PRIMES model background data and estimations based on EU Commission and EU MS inputs
EU legislation sets mandatory CO2 emission reduction targets for new cars and vans. By 2021, the fleet average to be achieved by all new cars is 95 grams of CO2 per kilometre. For new vans, the fleet average is set at 147 g/km by 2020.
Source: European Environmental Agency. 2014 values are provisional. 2013 EU average refers to EU-27.
Regarding transport performance, in EU-28 the inland freight modal shares are 71% by road, 17% by rail, 7% by inland waterways and 5% by pipelines. The respective inland passenger modal shares are 82% by private car, 9% by buses and coaches, 7% by railways and 2% by tram and metro. Compared to the European average, in Romania there is a higher use of rail and inland waterways transport for the freight sector, and of buses and coaches in passenger transport.
Modal shares Romania
Source: Eurostat and EU transport in figures 2015. Data refers to 2013. Modal shares based on tonne-kilometres for freight sector and passenger-kilometres for passenger sector, freight data based on activity within country territory. Estimates are made when data is missing.
4. Decarbonisation of the economy
(+19% by 2020 as compared to 2005 in the non-ETS sector)
Source: European Commission based on EEA. Based on preliminary inventory data.
ESD (Effort Sharing Decision) emissions are the emissions from sectors not covered by the EU ETS.
Romania has decreased its emissions by 9 % between 2005 and 2014 approximated data.
According to its 2015 projections, Romania is expected to reach its 2020 target, with a 15 % margin as compared to 2005.
Source: European Commission based on EUROSTAT
With a renewable energy share of 23.9% in 2013, Romania is on track to achieve its 24% target for 2020.
Carbon intensity of the economy is among the highest in the EU (nearly 3 times higher than the EU average).
In 2014, the revenues from the auctioning of ETS allowances amounted to EUR 97.9 million, out of which around 70% are established to be used for shifting to low carbon transport.
(*) Sectoral breakdown for 2013 data not available. Inventory submission 2014
Source: European Commission based on EEA
GDP: EC, DG ECFIN 2015 spring forecast. 2013 GHT emissions from estimates provided by 31st August 2015 by the Member States. They have been compiled according to the 2006 IPCC guidelines and the new global warming potentials from the IPCC Fourth Assessment Report (AR4).
Energy and transport related taxes as a share of GDP reached 1.9% in 2012, which is below the EU average. The main component is transport fuel taxes reaching 1.5% of GDP. Since 2007 the share of energy and transport taxes has declined in Romania, with taxes on both transport vehicles and heat and electricity falling as a share of GDP.
Source: Eurostat
5. Research, innovation and competitiveness
Romania spends a large share of its public support to R&D in the field of sustainable energy, low-carbon and environment. However, in terms of intensity of low-carbon technologies patents, Romania is much behind the EU average and main worldwide partners.
Source: European Commission based on EUROSTAT
The real unit energy costs in Romania decreased since 2000 having an opposite evolution than at the EU average and in the US. These costs are now slightly above the EU average and the US. However, a lack of data does not allow assessing the main determinants of this trend, i.e. development of energy prices and energy intensity.
In Romania, the gas and electricity prices for industrial customers are among the lowest in the EU. In comparison to energy prices for industrial consumers from the major EU trade partners, gas prices are still higher but the electricity prices are competitive.
Real unit energy costs (% of value added)
Source: European Commission
Source: European Commission based on EUROSTAT and IEA