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Document 52012SC0136
COMMISSION STAFF WORKING DOCUMENT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY OF THE IMPACT ASSESSMENT Accompanying the document Proposal for a REGULATION OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL on electronic identification and trust services for electronic transactions in the internal market
COMMISSION STAFF WORKING DOCUMENT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY OF THE IMPACT ASSESSMENT Accompanying the document Proposal for a REGULATION OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL on electronic identification and trust services for electronic transactions in the internal market
COMMISSION STAFF WORKING DOCUMENT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY OF THE IMPACT ASSESSMENT Accompanying the document Proposal for a REGULATION OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL on electronic identification and trust services for electronic transactions in the internal market
/* SWD/2012/0136 final - COD 2012/0146 */
COMMISSION STAFF WORKING DOCUMENT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY OF THE IMPACT ASSESSMENT Accompanying the document Proposal for a REGULATION OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL on electronic identification and trust services for electronic transactions in the internal market /* SWD/2012/0136 final - COD 2012/0146 */
trust services for electronic transactions in the internal market
1. Policy context, procedural issues and
consultation of interested parties Building trust in
the online environment is key to economic development. Lack of trust makes
consumers, businesses and administrations hesitate to carry out transactions
electronically and to adopt new services. The proposed initiative for a
regulatory framework aims at enabling secure and seamless electronic
transactions between businesses, citizens and administrations, thereby
increasing the effectiveness of public and private electronic services,
e-business and e-commerce. Barriers to
cross-border e-services exist and need to be eliminated. In order to be
productive enablers rather than obstacles, electronic identification,
authentication, signatures and related ancillary trust services (eIAS) accordingly
need to be mutually recognised and accepted throughout the EU. There
is no comprehensive EU cross-border and cross-sector framework for eIAS
services. At EU level, a legal framework exists only for e-signatures but not
for e-identification and authentication nor for related ancillary trust
services. The Commission announced in the Digital Agenda for Europe that
it would propose legal measures to further address e-signatures and to ensure
mutual recognition of e-identification (eID) and e-authentication so as to
eliminate fragmentation and lack of interoperability, enhance digital
citizenship and prevent cybercrime. To carry out the
present impact assessment, the Commission collected feedback from Member States,
the European Parliament and stakeholders during discussions, workshops and
conferences. A number of studies related to eIAS were launched and literature
was surveyed. A public consultation was launched in 2011 to collect input on
how eID, authentication and signatures can contribute to the single market. The
consultation was complemented by a targeted survey to record the specific views
and needs of SMEs. 2. Problem definition Users may encounter
difficulties when it comes to the cross-border use of eIAS services. The main
obstacles to secure and seamless cross-border eIAS are: 1 — fragmentation
of the market: different rules apply to
service providers depending on which Member States they serve. Regarding e-signatures,
the harmonisation brought about by the e-signatures Directive 1999/93/EC is
imperfect. Four problems have been identified: divergent implementation at
national level due to differing interpretations of the Directive by Member
States, de facto invoking of a derogation for public-sector applications,
outdated standards and unclear supervision obligations which lead to
cross-border interoperability problems, a segmented EU landscape and
distortions in the internal market. Regarding eID,
different technological solutions for personal identification in individual
Member States, the lack of legal certainty on the cross-border use of eIDs and
the lack of clear liability for the correctness of identity data all lead to
interoperability problems. Regarding ancillary
trust services, the lack of an EU legal framework leads to the adoption of
national laws for some of these services in some Member States and high costs
for providers wanting to offer their services in several Member States. Both situations
result in internal-market barriers and fragmentation. 2 — lack of trust
and confidence: the lack of trust and
confidence in electronic systems, the tools provided and the legal framework
can create the impression that there are fewer legal safeguards than with
physical interaction. For e-signatures,
national supervision requirements are qualitatively different from
one Member State to another, making it complex for parties relying on an
e-signature to assess how a service provider is supervised. For eID and ancillary
trust services, heterogeneous national legislations make it difficult for
users to feel secure when interacting online in cross-border scenarios. The four main
drivers of these problems are: A: Insufficient
scope of the current legal framework elAS services are
pre-requisites for a wide range of electronic interactions such as e-banking,
е-government or е-health services. At EU level, there is a limited
and imperfect regulatory framework that essentially focuses on e-signatures.
There is no specific framework for mutual recognition and acceptance of elD or
for ancillary trust services such as time-stamping or e-seals. B: Lack of
coordination between e-signature and eID development National eIAS
infrastructures were developed in isolation without coordination at EU level.
The resulting absence of cross-border interoperability of technical solutions
creates barriers to e-transactions. The lack of mutual recognition and
acceptance is one of the reasons why both users and providers of e-services are
sceptical about the deployment of eIAS. C: Lack of
transparency in security guarantees Strong and
harmonised security is essential if trustworthy solutions are to be created.
This is particularly relevant for access to services where sensitive personal
data are involved, such as e-health. Directive 99/93/EC recognised that legal
certainty can only be granted to e-signatures which guarantee security and
which are thus sufficiently protected against forgery or fraud (advanced and
qualified e-signatures). The lack of secure
eID systems is perceived by users as a major barrier. The lack of a harmonised
legal framework for eID means that the security and reliability of official
eIDs cannot be objectively determined across borders. This creates cross-border
barriers, a consequent lack of trust and a fragmented market. Another concern is
ID theft. Secure eIDs can help reduce this risk. Conversely, badly-secured eIDs
make it easier for criminals to obtain false or compromised eIDs D: Lack of awareness/user adoption The complexity of
the technologies used for e-transactions, and the key role played by trusted
third parties, create in an environment in which it is difficult to assess
trust. In particular, end users, who generally do not have sufficient
expertise, must be able to rely on rules which establish clear rights and responsibilities
for all stakeholders (trust service providers, end users and governance
bodies). 3. Baseline scenario The baseline
scenario of the initiative is the absence of any new regulatory intervention.
It is anticipated that under this scenario, the current problems would evolve
as follows: Fragmentation and
interoperability problems would not be solved:
Member States would be likely to continue to implement and enforce Directive
99/93/EC. Legal certainty would
not be ensured: the problems generated by the lack
of mutual recognition of e-signatures and by the absence of a legal framework
regulating the mutual recognition and acceptance of eID and ancillary trust
services would impede the legal recognition of a range of cross-border
interactions. User needs would not
be fully satisfied: under the current framework, it
is not possible to take full advantage of the opportunities offered by
technological developments. Leading European
initiatives would not be fully leveraged: EU
policies such as the Services, Public Procurement or VAT (e-invoices)
Directives, or the ICT-PSP large-scale pilot projects[1] which endeavour to eliminate
interoperability challenges and cross-border recognition problems related to
certain types of e-interactions would be able to operate only at pilot level
due to the lack of a cross-sector legislative framework. 4. Policy objectives Four
general objectives have been identified: ensuring the development of a
digital single market; promoting the development of key cross-border public services;
stimulating and strengthening competition in the single market; enhancing
user-friendliness (citizens and businesses). These objectives are in line with
strategic EU policies such as the EU 2020 Strategy, the Digital
Agenda for Europe, the Single Market Act and the Roadmap for
Stability and Growth. Specific objectives express the desired
outcomes related to the eIAS market (‘what’) of putting in place operational
objective (‘how’). For each specific objective, a number of operational
objectives have been identified. 5. Policy options To solve the problems and meet the above
objectives, three sets of options were assessed: (1) scope of the envisaged
framework, (2) legal instrument and (3) supervision level: ·
Under the first set, ‘scope of the framework’,
four options are examined: Option 0: Repeal
of Directive 99/93/EC and no regulatory activities concerning eID or ancillary
trust services This option consists in the cessation of all EU
activities in the field of e-signatures. Directive 99/93/EC would be repealed
and no legislative measures would be proposed for eID mutual recognition. ·
Option 1: No policy changes (baseline scenario) Directive 99/93/EC would be kept as it stands.
No legislation on eID would be proposed. ·
Option 2: Enhancing legal certainty,
boosting coordination of national supervision and ensuring mutual recognition
and acceptance of eIDs The scope of Directive 99/93/EC would be
expanded to add provisions covering the cross-border recognition and acceptance
of ‘notified eID’ schemes[2].
The provisions of the Directive related to e-signatures would be revised to
remedy its current weaknesses and thus better harmonise national supervision
models. ·
Option 3: Expansion to incorporate
certain ancillary trust services This option expands Option 2 by including
ancillary trust services and credentials in the scope of the proposal. Essential ancillary features to be incorporated
in the legislation would be: time-stamping, e-seals, long-term preservation of
information, certified e-document delivery, admissibility of e-documents and
website authentication. ·
Under the second set, comprising a ‘legal
instrument’, four options are considered: Either one comprehensive legislative
instrument (Option A) or two separate ones (Option B) The legislation could consist of one single
comprehensive measure covering e-identification, authentication and signature
or two instruments, namely a Commission Decision on eID and a revision of the
e-signatures Directive. A Directive (Option C) or a Regulation (
Option D): The legislation could be a Directive or a
Regulation. ·
At the third, ‘supervision’ level, two
options are considered: Option i):
Maintaining national supervision schemes The current national-based supervision schemes
would be maintained but with stronger harmonisation through essential common
requirements. Option ii):
Establishing an EU-based supervision system An EU-based supervision system would be
established to reduce or eliminate differences between national supervision
arrangements. This could take one of two forms: Sub-option a: replacing
the existing national supervision schemes by a single EU supervisory scheme and
body. Sub-option b: establishing
an EU supervision scheme and body while maintaining in parallel national
supervisory schemes (each Member States could choose its own or the European
scheme). 6. Comparison of policy options and impacts The policy options
have been assessed and compared to the baseline scenario (Option 1) in terms of
effectiveness, efficiency and coherence. 6.1. Scope of the framework Option 0 would not help attain the objectives identified in the Impact
Assessment report. It would not increase the availability and take-up of
cross-border and cross-sector eIAS services, ensure an optimal governance level,
stimulate market developments, contribute to the strengthening of the
competitiveness of the European industry and services sectors or ensure that
all end-users can benefit from the advantage of eIAS services. It would on the
contrary hinder technological developments in the eIAS market, disrupt the
current process of working towards the enabling of cross-border e-services and
maintain a fragmented EU market and an uneven trust landscape. Option 1 would not achieve the
objectives. It would maintain the existing ambiguities and the trust landscape
concerning supervision would remain uneven. Regulatory uncertainty would remain
and a segmented EU landscape would continue to evolve, leading to distorted
competition conditions in the internal market and increasing the likelihood of
differing approaches at national level. Option 2 would
enhance legal certainty, boost supervision and ensure
mutual recognition and acceptance of eIDs, and would significantly contribute
to achieving each of the objectives identified in the IA report, yielding
positive economic, social and environmental results. eIAS services would have
greater appeal, boosting the return on investments made in eIAS infrastructure
and services. Also, eIAS would become available for all sectors and all types
of companies while eliminating cross-border barriers. New markets and new
investments would be opened up, thus stimulating innovation. The current
fragmentation of the market would be reduced, since cross-border
interoperability would be improved by allowing references to technical
standards. Mutual recognition
and acceptance of eID would further dismantle the current barrier to the single
market. Finally, it is probable that the homogeneity of supervision that would
result from common essential requirements would increase trust, facilitate
fraud detection and contribute to preventing identity theft. Option 3 would make eIAS services even more appealing and thus boost their
positive impact by expanding the framework to incorporate certain essential
ancillary trust services. Option 3 is deemed more likely appropriate than Option 0, 1 or 2 to have a
significant impact on secure and easy-to-use e-transactions. 6.2. Legal instrument Providing a comprehensive framework within one
instrument would ensure that the legislation regulating the various aspects
of eIAS was consistent. Two separate instruments might introduce
divergences in the legal provisions adopted for e-signatures and
e-identification — and, more importantly, in the approach of the initiatives. Adopting
a Directive would not help solve the current e-signature
interoperability issues stemming from diverging transpositions of Directive
99/93/EC. A Regulation provides immediate applicability without interpretation and thus greater
harmonisation and is therefore more appropriate to
achieve the objectives of the proposed legislation. One single
Regulation seems to be the most effective way of achieving the objectives.. 6.3. Level of supervision Under Option ‘i’, the new
legislation would maintain the current national-based supervision schemes and
impose common essential requirements on service providers. A harmonised
approach at EU-level for both e-signature and ancillary trust services would
improve effective supervision, enhance legal certainty and augment the trust
and security of e-transactions. Option ‘ii’
would provide homogenous, efficient and high-quality supervision throughout the
EU. Sub-option ‘b’ has the advantage of greater flexibility than with
the single EU supervisory body foreseen in Sub-Option ‘a’: it could be advantageous
for Member States where no or few trust service providers are established to
transfer supervision duties to an EU supervision body. Other Member States
could if they wished maintain their supervision scheme. However, an centralised
EU supervision model raises subsidiarity concerns. The respect of the principle of subsidiarity suggests that
(Option i) is the most adequate. 7. Rationale for EU action, EU added value
and subsidiarity As with Directive 99/93/EC, the legal basis for the
legislative proposal is Article 114 TFEU on the internal market because it seeks
to remove existing barriers to the functioning of the internal market by
fostering the mutual recognition and acceptance of eID, authentication,
signatures and ancillary trust services across borders when needed for
e-transactions. Due
to the inherent non-territorial nature of eIAS services, action at EU level is
adequate and proportionate to implement the digital Single Market. Regulatory
measures taken at Member State level cannot be expected to achieve the same
outcome. EU intervention is thus required, appropriate and justified. 8. Monitoring and evaluation The Commission would monitor the
application of the legislation through continuous dialogue with stakeholders
and the collection of statistics; and would report to the European Parliament
and the Council on the impact of the new legislation four years after its entry
into force. [1] [2] ‘Notified eID’: an eID scheme
notified by a Member State to the Commission to be recognised and accepted
across borders.
The concept of notified eID is not limited to public-sector issued eIDs: Member
States could also notify eIDs issued by the private sector that they recognise for
use in their own public-sector services. This approach is necessary since not
all Member States authorities issue eIDs The cross-sector approach of the
legislation would allow the private sector to integrate the use of notified
eIDs in e-services when secure e-identification is needed.