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Document 52008SC0150

    Commission staff working document - Accompanying document to the Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament, the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions - Report on the evaluation and future development of the FRONTEX Agency - Statistical data {COM(2008) 67 final}

    /* SEC/2008/0150 final */


    Commission staff working document - Accompanying document to the Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament, the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions - Report on the evaluation and future development of the FRONTEX Agency - Statistical data {COM(2008) 67 final} /* SEC/2008/0150 final */


    Brussels, 13.2.2008

    SEC(2008) 150



    {COM(2008) 67 final}


    1. Introduction 4

    2. Operational coordination 4

    2.1. General 4

    2.2. Sea border operations 6

    2.3. Land border operations 15

    2.4. Pilot Projects at land borders 22

    2.5. Air border operations 25

    2.6. Pilot Projects at air borders 31

    2.7. Management of technical assets (CRATE) 32

    2.8. Other achievements 32

    3. Training 33

    3.1. Projects 33

    3.2. Other achievements 35

    4. Risk Analysis 35

    4.1. General – Annual Risk Assessments 35

    4.2. Tailored assessments 36

    4.3. Tailored Assessments in preparation by the Risk Analysis Unit, to be completed in 2007/ early 2008 37

    4.4. Other achievements 37

    5. Follow up to research 38

    6. Return operations 41

    6.1. List of operations for which the agency provided for assistance 41

    6.2. Projects 42

    6.3. Assistance to MS 43

    6.4. Meetings 44

    6.5. Other achievements 44

    7. Cooperation with Europol and international organisations 45

    8. Cooperation with third countries 45

    8.1. Third countries with which working arrangements are concluded: 45

    8.2. Mandates given by the Management Board in 2006 and 2007: 45

    9. Staffing 45

    10. Financial matters 46

    10.1. Overall Frontex Budget 46

    10.2. Breakdown 46

    10.3. Budget for operations and pilot projects 47


    This annex is attached to the Commission's Report on the evaluation and future development of the Frontex Agency. The data contained in it is based on information provided and compiled by the Agency itself. Figures used in the evaluation report are based on the data of this annex.

    As the Agency effectively became operational in October 2005 the data cover 2006 and 2007 (for the latter representing state-of-play on 30 September 2007).

    It should be noted that the purpose of the annex is to give, primarily, a quantitative appreciation of the output of the Agency during this period.

    For joint operations at the sea borders it should be stressed that each single operation covered several subsequent phases, each phase equivalent to an entire operation when compared to 2007 in terms of budget, timeframe and deployed resources.



    Number of joint operations based on the Agency's own initiative | 2006 | 2007 |

    A | at sea borders | 1 | 6 |

    B | at land borders | 1 | 8 |

    C | at air borders | 2 | 5 |

    D | Involving different types of borders | 3 | 2 |

    Total number of joint operations based on a MS's initiative | 2006 | 2007 |

    A | at sea borders | 4 | 1 |

    B | at land borders | 0 | 0 |

    C | at air borders | 0 | 0 |

    D | Involving different types of borders | 0 | 0 |

    Overall number of participating MS in joint operations | 2006 | 2007 |

    A | at sea borders | 15 | 22 |

    B | at land borders | 8 | 23 |

    C | at air borders | 18 | 26 |

    D | Involving different types of borders | 19 | 23 |

    Number of pilot projects based on the Agency's initiative | 2006 | 2007 |

    A | at sea borders | 3 | 3 |

    B | at land borders | 2 | 3 |

    C | at air borders | 0 | 2 |

    D | Involving different types of borders | 1 | 1 |

    Number of participating MS in pilot projects | 2006 | 2007 |

    A | at sea borders | 14 | 16 |

    B | at land borders | All | All |

    C | at air borders | 0 | 8 |

    D | Involving different types of borders | All | All |

    List of MS participated in at least one joint operation or pilot project | 2006 | 2007 |

    All | All |

    Number of intercepted/apprehended third country nationals in the course of joint operations | 2006 | 2007 |

    A | at sea borders | 23,438 | 11,476 |

    B | at land borders | 4,721 | 4,522 |

    C | at air borders | 3,857 | 3,297 |

    Sea border operations

    Joint Operations 2006 | Host Member State(s) |

    HERA I | ES |

    HERA II | ES |

    HERA III | ES |

    AGIOS | ES |

    NAUTILUS 2006 | MT+IT |

    POSEIDON 2006 | GR |

    NIRIS | DK, EE, LV, LT |

    Name of activity: | Joint Operation HERA I |

    Description (Aims): | The aim of the Joint Operation was to strengthen the security at the EU external borders by assisting Spain in the identification of nationality and country of origin of the illegal migrants arriving to Canary Islands to facilitate possible return activities. It was performed by a team of EU MS experts with thorough knowledge of Western Africa, who were deployed to the three main arrival places in Canary Islands. |

    Participating MS: | 7: DE, FR, IT, NL, NO, PT, UK |

    Operational resources: | Assets: not applicable |

    EU MS Experts: 29 |

    Implementation phase: | 19/07-31/10/2006 105 Days |

    Budget (EUR): | 370.000 |

    Results: | Deployed Experts carried out 881 interviews Data on more than 11.000 third country nationals gathered Illegal Migrants returned – 6076 |

    Name of activity: | Joint Operation HERA II |

    Description (Aims): | Main objective was to coordinate operational cooperation between Members States in the field of management of external borders through organizing joint patrols of the assets provided by the Member States in the predefined areas in order to combat illegal migration across the external maritime borders of the EU from West African countries disembarking in Canary Islands. |

    Participating MS: | 7: AT, ES, FI, IT, LV, PL, PT |

    Operational resources: | Assets: 3 vessels, 1 helicopter, 2 aircrafts |

    EU MS Experts: 10 |

    Implementation phase: | 11/08-15/12/2006 127 Days |

    Budget (EUR): | 3.200.000 |

    Results: | Total number of incidents – 235 Illegal migrants intercepted – 20192 Illegal migrants diverted back - 3625 |

    Name of activity: | Joint Operation HERA III (Note: initiated in 2006. Additional funding and operational phase in 2007) |

    Description (Aims): | Main objective was to coordinate operational cooperation between Members States in the field of management of external borders through organizing joint patrols of the assets provided by the Member States in the predefined areas in order to combat illegal migration across the external maritime borders of the EU from West African countries disembarking in Canary Islands. |

    Participating MS: | 6: DE, ES, FR, IT, LU, PT |

    Operational resources: | Assets: 3 vessels, 1 helicopter, 3 aircrafts |

    EU MS Experts: 17 |

    Implementation phase: | 12/02/-12/04/2007 60 Days |

    Budget (EUR): | 2,745,315 |

    Results: | Total number of incidents – 31 Illegal migrants intercepted – 2020 Illegal migrants diverted back - 1559 |

    Name of activity: | Joint Operation AGIOS |

    Description (Aims): | Joint Operation focused on strengthening the security at the EU external borders by means of exhaustive border controls on ferry passengers traveling to Spain from North Africa disembarking in the seaports of Tarifa, Algeciras, Almeria, Alicante and particularly it aimed at the detection of forged documents. |

    Participating MS: | 5: DE, FR, IT, NL, PT |

    Operational resources: | Assets: not applicable |

    EU MS Experts: 8 |

    Implementation phase: | 15/07-15/09/2006 63 Days |

    Budget (EUR): | 73,000 |

    Results: | Total number of incidents – 488 Illegal migrants intercepted – 501 Illegal migrants diverted back – 498 Falsified Documents – 501 |

    Name of activity: | Joint Operation NAUTILUS 2006 (formerly JASON) |

    Description (Aims): | Joint Operation aimed at performing surveillance of the EU southern maritime borders. It was launched in order to combat illegal migration flows in the Central Mediterranean area originating from the North Africa. The main focus was on illegal migration flows to Malta and Lampedusa. The operation also aimed at creating a shared operational foundation for improved co-operation and co-ordination of border control operations among the EU Member States from the Mediterranean region. |

    Participating MS: | 5: DE, FR, GR, IT, MT |

    Operational resources: | Assets: 5 Offshore Patrol Vessels, 1 Coast Patrol Vessel, 2 helicopters, 3 aircrafts |

    EU MS Experts: 9 |

    Implementation phase: | 5-15/10/2006 11 Days |

    Budget (EUR): | 1,600,000 |

    Results: | Total number of incidents – 9 Illegal migrants intercepted – 650 Facilitators arrested – 2 |

    Name of activity: | Joint Operation POSEIDON 2006 (combined sea and land borders operation) |

    Description (Aims): | The main objective was to coordinate operational cooperation between Members States in the field of management of external borders and combat illegal immigration in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea area and on the Greek – Turkish land border. It focused on enhanced land and maritime border control and surveillance as well as exchange and improvement of knowledge and skills of border guard officers. |

    Participating MS: | 6: AT, ES, GR, IT, PL, UK |

    Operational resources: | Assets: 11 vessels, 1 aircraft |

    EU MS Experts: 12 |

    Implementation phase: | 25/06-05/07/2006 11 Days |

    Budget (EUR): | 255,064.45 |

    Results: | Illegal migrants intercepted – 426 (89 in ports, 73 at sea, 264 at land borders) Facilitators arrested – 6 Falsified Documents – 41 |

    Name of activity: | Joint Operation (combined sea-land-air border) NIRIS 12 Days (More detailed information at Land Border joint operations) |

    Budget (EUR): | 98,700 |

    Joint Operations 2007 | Host Member States(s) |

    HERA 2007 | ES |

    MINERVA | ES |

    NAUTILUS 2007 | MT+IT |

    HERMES | IT+ES |

    POSEIDON 2007 | GR |

    ZEUS | DE |

    Name of activity: | Joint Operation HERA 2007 Note: Joint Operation in process, results not final, full evaluation will follow |

    Description (Aims): | The main objective of this operation is to coordinate operational cooperation between Member States in the field of the management of the EU external borders through organizing joint patrols with the assets provided by the Member States in predefined areas in order to tackle the of illegal migration flows across the EU maritime borders from Senegal and Mauritania, disembarking in Canary Islands. It involved exhaustive air and naval surveillance at the waters close to Mauritania and Senegal in order to reinforce the early detection of immigrants at the sea. |

    Participating MS: | First Stage: 6 MS – DE, ES, FR, LU, IT, PT; Second Stage: 9 MS – DE, FR, ES, LU, IT, NL, PT, SE, UK. |

    Operational resources: | Assets: First Stage: 3 vessels, 4 fast patrol boats, 1 helicopter, 1 aircraft. Second Stage: 5 Offshore Patrol Vessels, 4 fast patrol boats, 2 helicopters, 3 aircrafts |

    EU MS Experts: First Stage: 16 Second Stage: 11 |

    Implementation phase: | First Stage: 23/04-15/06/2007 54 Days Second Stage: 12/07-30/09/2007 (extension until 30/11/2007 in process) 81 Days |

    Budget (EUR): | First Stage: 1.500.000 Second Stage: 2.000.000 Total budget: 3.500.000 |

    Results: | For First and Second Stage combined: Total Number of Incidents- 133 Illegal Migrants detected in Operational Area – 7804 Illegal Migrants detected out of Operational Area – 1190 Illegal Migrants intercepted – 4953 Illegal Migrants diverted back – 2507 |

    Name of activity: | Joint Operation MINERVA 2007 Note: Results not final, full evaluation will follow |

    Description (Aims): | Joint Operation focused on strengthening the control over the EU external borders by means of combating illegal migration flows from the African Coast towards the South of Spain. Particularly, it involved exhaustive border control in the seaports of Algeciras and Almeria and identity checks in the Seaport of Ceuta as well as the control of the coastal waters in the area of Almeria, with bigger affluence of nationals coming from Algeria and Morocco. To carry out the control of the coastal waters in the area of Almeria, with bigger affluence of nationals coming from Algeria and Morocco. |

    Participating MS: | 11: AT, BE, DE, FR, IT, NL, PL, PT, RO, ES, UK. |

    Operational resources: | Assets: 2 Coast Patrol Vessels, detectors (CO2/HBD), 2 dog teams. |

    EU MS Experts: 17. |

    Implementation phase: | 16/08-14/09/2007 30 Days |

    Budget (EUR): | Total budget 450.000 |

    Results: | Illegal Migrants detected in Operational Area –77 Illegal Migrants detected out of Operational Area –78 Illegal Migrants intercepted –1260 Illegal Migrants diverted back –1105 Falsified Documents –765 |

    Name of activity: | Joint Operation NAUTILUS 2007 Note: Joint Operation in process, results not final, full evaluation will follow |

    Description (Aims): | Joint Operation aimed at combating illegal immigration coming from North Africa countries via the EU maritime borders in the Central Mediterranean area and disembarking in Malta and Lampedusa. |

    Participating MS: | First Stage: 6 MS – DE, ES, FR, GR, IT, MT; Second Stage: 7MS – DE, FR, IT, MT, PT, RO, UK. |

    Operational resources: | Assets: First Stage: 5 Offshore Patrol Vessels, 2 helicopters, 4 aircrafts Second Stage: 5 Coast Patrol Vessels, 3 helicopters, 4 aircrafts |

    EU MS Experts: First Stage: 20 Second Stage: 7 |

    Implementation phase: | First Stage: 25/06-27/07/2007 33 Days Second Stage: 09/09-14/10/2007 36 Days |

    Budget (EUR): | First Stage: 2,230,000 Second Stage: 2,250,000 Total budget: 4,700,000 |

    Results: | For First and Second Stage combined: Total Number of Incidents – 67 Illegal Migrants detected in Operational Area – 997 Illegal Migrants detected out of Operational Area – 2093 Illegal Migrants intercepted – 2942 |

    Name of activity: | Joint Operation HERMES Note: Joint Operation in process, results not final, full evaluation will follow |

    Description (Aims): | Joint Operation aimed at coordination of operational cooperation between Member States in the field of the management of the EU external borders through organizing joint patrols with the assets provided by the Member States in the predefined areas in order to tackle illegal immigration across the EU external maritime borders, coming from North African countries and disembarking in Italy and Spain. |

    Participating MS: | 8: DE, ES, FR, GR, IT, PT, RO, UK. |

    Operational resources: | Assets: 6 Offshore Patrol Vessels, 5 helicopters, 2 aircrafts. |

    EU MS Experts: 17 |

    Implementation phase: | 18/09-09/10/2007 22 Days |

    Budget (EUR): | Total budget 2,100,000 |

    Results: | Illegal Migrants detected in Operational Area – 13 Illegal Migrants detected out of Operational Area –17 Illegal Migrants intercepted – 30 |

    Name of activity: | Joint combined Operation POSEIDON 2007 (combined sea and land borders operation) Note: Joint Operation in process, results not final, full evaluation will follow |

    Description (Aims): | Joint Operation carried out to tackle the problem of illegal immigration via the EU South-eastern Sea/Land Borders. General objective was to coordinate operational cooperation between Member States in the field of management of the EU external borders through organizing joint patrols of the assets and personnel provided by the Member States in the predefined areas as well as border checks at the border crossing points on persons and vehicles. It was implemented at the main border crossing points between Greece and Turkey (land and sea borders), Greece and Albania (land border), Bulgaria and Turkey (land border) and at the seaports of Greece and Italy. |

    Participating MS: | First Stage: 9 MS – AT, BG, DE, FR, GR, IT, LV, MT, UK. Second Stage: 8 MS – AT, BG, DE, ES, GR, IT, MT, UK. Third Stage: 13 MS – AT, BG, CY, DE, GR, FR, IT, MT, NL, PT, RO, SE, UK. |

    Operational resources: | Assets: First Stage: 19 maritime means, 3 aircrafts, surveillance equipment Second Stage: 19 maritime means, 3 aircrafts, detectors (CO2/HBD), surveillance equipment Third Stage: 13 maritime means, 1 aircraft, detectors (CO2/HBD), surveillance equipment |

    EU MS Experts: First Stage: 11 Second Stage: 16 Third Stage: 43 |

    Implementation phase: | First Stage: 15/05-03/06/2007 20 Days Second Stage: 26/06-15/07/2007 20 Days Third Stage: 18/09-07/10/2007 20 Days |

    Budget (EUR): | Total budget for I, II and III Stage: 2,000,000 |

    Results: | For I, II and III Stage combined: Total Number of Incidents- 125 Illegal Migrants detected in Operational Area – 779 Illegal Migrants intercepted – 2321 Illegal Migrants diverted back – 377 Facilitators arrested – 51 Falsified Documents – 517 |

    Name of activity: | Joint Operation ZEUS (combined sea and air borders operation) Note: JO initiated in 2006 but operational phase in 2007 |

    Description (Aims): | Combined Joined Operation focusing on the EU sea and air borders and specifically regarding seamen in transit. It aims at combating the illegal immigration by means of more efficient detection of false seamen. |

    Participating MS: | 13: BE, CY, DE, FI, GR, IT, LV, NL, PL, PT, RO, SE, UK. |

    Operational resources: | Assets: not applicable |

    EU MS Experts: 11 |

    Implementation phase: | October 2007 Ongoing |

    Budget (EUR): | 120,000 |

    Results: | No data – implementation have not yet started |

    Land border operations

    Joint Operations 2006 | Host Member State(s) |


    FIFA 2006 | DE |

    POSEIDON 2006 | GR |

    NIRIS | SE, PL, NO, DE, FI |

    Name of activity: | Joint Operation ILLEGAL LABOURS |

    Description (Aims): | To filter the illegal labours and overstayers at exit check at the external borders and to prevent their future entry. |

    Participating MS: | 8 MSs; AT, DE, IT, PL, HU, CZ, SI, SK |

    Operational resources: | Additional assets: - |

    EU MS Experts: 13 |

    Implementation phase: | 05/12/2005-06/01/2006 14 Days |

    Budget (EUR): | 3,672.00 EUR |

    Results: | It was not possible to make a statistical summary due to the fact that the submitted figures were not compatible |

    Name of activity: | Joint Operation FIFA 2006 |

    Description (Aims): | Support of Germany in the framework of FIFA World Cup 2006 |

    Participating MS: | 10 MSs: DE, AT, GR, IT, ES, FR, PL, SK, HU, SI |

    Operational resources: | Additional assets: - |

    EU MS Experts: 8 |

    Implementation phase: | 01/05/2006-06/07/2006 45 Days |

    Budget (EUR): | 238,100.00 EUR |

    Results: | 2385 illegal immigrants, 981 refusal of entry, 1056 false/falsified documents |

    Name of activity: | Joint Operation (combined sea-land) POSEIDON 2006 11 Days (More detailed information at Sea Border joint operations) |

    Name of activity: | Joint Operation NIRIS |

    Description (Aims): | Illegal immigration from China and India at EU external borders (Baltic Sea area) |

    Participating MS: | 10 MSs: DK, EE, FI, DE, LT, NO, PL, SE, BE, ES |

    Operational resources: | Additional assets: - |

    EU MS Experts: 10 |

    Implementation phase: | 07/06/2007-07/07/2007 12 Days |

    Budget (EUR): | Financed by Sea Border Sector Budget |

    Results: | 20 illegal border crossings, 16 refusals of entry |

    Joint Operations 2007 | Host Member State(s) |

    ARIADNE | DE, PL |

    GORDIUS | RO, HU, SK |

    NIRIS | SE, PL, NO, DE, FI |


    POSEIDON 2007 | GR, BG, IT |

    KRAS | SI |

    DRIVE IN | SI |


    EUROCUP 2008 | AT, CH |

    URSUS I | SK |

    URSUS II | PL |

    URSUS III | RO |

    URSUS IV | HU |

    Name of activity: | Joint Operation ARIADNE |

    Description (Aims): | Illegal immigration at eastern EU external borders (Polish-Ukrainian border and Polish-Belarusian border including area at German-Polish border) |

    Participating MS: | 11 MSs: ES, PL, DE, HU, EE, IT, CZ, PT, AT, LV, LT |

    Operational resources: | Assets: - |

    EU MS Experts: 21 |

    Implementation phase: | 29/04/2007 – 11/05/2007 10 Days |

    Budget (EUR): | 160,000.00 EUR |

    Results: | 22 false documents, 1207 refusals of entry, 6 cases of false using documents, 8 illegal entries, 34 illegal stay combined with illegal entry |

    Name of activity: | Joint Operation GORDIUS |

    Description (Aims): | Illegal immigration at eastern EU external borders (focusing on Moldova) |

    Participating MS: | 15 MSs: AT, HU, SK, RO, BG, CZ, FI, FR, DE, LV, PL, PT, SI, ES, UK |

    Operational resources: | Assets: 4 BG dogs |

    EU MS Experts: 31 |

    Implementation phase: | 16/04/2007-29/04/2007 14 Days |

    Budget (EUR): | 200,000.00 EUR |

    Results: | 109 illegal border crossings, 855 refusals of entry |

    Name of activity: | Joint Operation HERAKLES |

    Description (Aims): | Illegal immigration at EU external borders in Balkan area (Hungarian-Serbian border) |

    Participating MS: | 10 MSs: AT, BG, DE, HU, IT, LV, PL, PT, UK, RO |

    Operational resources: | Assets: 3 patrol cars and 3 night vision goggles. |

    EU MS Experts: 11 |

    Implementation phase: | 08/08/2007-17/08/2007 (10 days); second phase prepared between 10/10/2007-19/10/2007 10 days |

    Budget (EUR): | 150,000.00 EUR |

    Results: | not available due to ongoing planning activities |

    Name of activity: | Joint Operation (combined sea and land) POSEIDON 2007 60 Days (More detailed information at Sea Border joint operations) |

    Name of activity: | Joint Operation KRAS |

    Description (Aims): | Illegal immigration at southern EU external borders (Slovenian-Croatian border) |

    Participating MS: | 7 MSs: SI, AT, BG, DE, IT, RO, UK |

    Operational resources: | Additional assets: 1 helicopter |

    EU MS Experts: 10 |

    Implementation phase: | 12/09/2007-22/09/2007 10 Days |

    Budget (EUR): | 159,000.00 EUR |

    Results: | 32 illegal immigrants, 2 overstayers detected |

    Name of activity: | Joint Operation DRIVE IN |

    Description (Aims): | Illegal immigration and stolen cars at southern EU external borders (Slovenian-Croatian area) |

    Participating MS: | 8 MSs: SI, AT, BG, DE, IT, LV, LX, RO |

    Operational resources: | Assets: - |

    EU MS Experts: 11 |

    Implementation phase: | 27/08/2007-11/09/2007 16 Days |

    Budget (EUR): | 116,000.00 EUR |

    Results: | 13 stolen vehicles, 87 illegal immigrants |

    Name of activity: | Joint Operation NORTHERN LIGHTS |

    Description (Aims): | Enhancing and unifying the operational ability of participating Member States in tactical management at land borders |

    Participating MS: | not available due to ongoing planning activities |

    Operational resources: | Assets: not available due to ongoing planning activities |

    EU MS Experts: not available due to ongoing planning activities |

    Implementation phase: | December 2007 In planning phase |

    Budget (EUR): | 120,000.00 EUR |

    Results: | not available due to ongoing planning activities |

    Name of activity: | Joint Operation EUROCUP 2008 |

    Description (Aims): | Support of Austria and Switzerland in the framework of Eurocup 2008 |

    Participating MS: | not available due to ongoing planning activities |

    Operational resources: | Assets: not available due to ongoing planning activities |

    Operational resources: not available due to ongoing planning activities |

    Implementation phase: | June-July 2008 In planning phase |

    Budget (EUR): | 50,000.00 EUR (preparatory phase in 2007) |

    Results: | not available due to ongoing planning activities |

    Name of activity: | Joint Operation URSUS I |

    Description (Aims): | Illegal immigration at Eastern EU external borders (Hungarian-/Polish-/Slovakian-/ Romanian-Ukrainian border) focusing to the Slovakian border |

    Participating MS: | 8 MSs: RO, PL, HU, D, FIN, LV, BG, A + UKR |

    Operational resources: | Additional assets: 4 service cars, 2 patrol cars, 3 BG dogs, 1 false document set, 2 mini busses with night vision camera |

    EU MS Experts: 23 |

    Implementation phase: | 26/08/2007-02/09/2007 8 Days |

    Budget (EUR): | Covered from budget of Five Borders Pilot Project |

    Results: | 37 illegal migrants, 186 refused entry |

    Name of activity: | Joint Operation URSUS II |

    Description (Aims): | Illegal immigration at Eastern EU external borders (Hungarian-/Polish-/Slovakian-/ Romanian-Ukrainian border) focusing to the Polish border |

    Participating MS: | 11 MSs: A, BG, D, NL, HU, LV, LT, RO, SK, E, P + UKR |

    Operational resources: | Assets: 4 service cars |

    EU MS Experts: 31 |

    Implementation phase: | 23/09/2007-30/09/2007 9 Days |

    Budget (EUR): | Covered from budget of Five Borders Pilot Project |

    Results: | 55 illegal migrants, 262 refused entry, 97 overstayers |

    Name of activity: | Joint Operation URSUS III |

    Description (Aims): | Illegal immigration at Eastern EU external borders (Hungarian-/Polish-/Slovakian-/ Romanian-Ukrainian border) focusing to the Rumanian border |

    Participating MS: | not available due to ongoing planning activities |

    Operational resources: | Assets: not available due to ongoing planning activities |

    EU MS Experts: not available due to ongoing planning activities |

    Implementation phase: | October 2007 Ongoing |

    Budget (EUR): | Covered from budget of Five Borders Pilot Project |

    Results: | not available due to ongoing planning activities |

    Name of activity: | Joint Operation URSUS IV |

    Description (Aims): | Illegal immigration at Eastern EU external borders (Hungarian-/Polish-/Slovakian-/ Romanian-Ukrainian border) focusing to the Hungarian border |

    Participating MS: | not available due to ongoing planning activities |

    Operational resources: | Assets: not available due to ongoing planning activities |

    EU MS Experts: not available due to ongoing planning activities |

    Implementation phase: | November 2007 In planning phase |

    Budget (EUR): | Covered from budget of Five Borders Pilot Project |

    Results: | not available due to ongoing planning activities |

    Pilot Projects at land borders

    Pilot Projects 2006 |

    Border Management Cooperation Conference I, Border Delegate Organisations in Europe, Imatra |

    FPO-Pilot Project |

    Green Border Surveillance Meeting |

    Name of activity: | Pilot Project; Border Delegate Organisations in Europe |

    Description (Aims): | Conference aiming to enhance the daily cooperation of border guard services on both sides of the external borders by creating a best practices model in Imatra/Finland |

    Participating MS: | All MSs |

    Implementation phase: | November 2006 |

    Budget (EUR): | Budget 95,043.00 EUR |

    Results: | Enhanced cooperation at the external land borders of EU. |

    Name of activity: | Pilot Project; Focal Points |

    Description (Aims): | Continuation of Focal Point Offices System to enhance operational cooperation at hot spots of EU external borders |

    Participating MS: | 25 MSs: AT, DE, CZ, FI, EE, HU, IT, PL, SK, SI, FR, LV, BG, CY, GR, EI, LT, LX, MT, NL, PL, PT, RO, ES, UK |

    Implementation phase: | 2006 30 Days each expert |

    Budget (EUR): | 399,405.00 EUR |

    Results: | Enhanced cooperation between the Border Guards of MSs |

    Name of activity: | Pilot Project; Green Border Surveillance Conference |

    Description (Aims): | Conference on tactics and best practices related to green borders surveillance activities |

    Participating MS: | 22 MSs: FR, LX, DK, NO, SE, FI, EE, LT, LV, PL, DE, NL, BE, IT, AT, ES, PT, SI, SK, CZ, HU, GR |

    Implementation phase: | December 2006 |

    Budget (EUR): | 35,379.00 EUR |

    Results: | Best practices for green border surveillance tactics |

    Pilot Projects 2007 |

    Focal Points |

    Border Management Cooperation Conference II, Boppard Symposium |

    Border Management Cooperation Conference III, Lisbon |

    Five Borders |

    Express |

    Name of activity: | Pilot Project; Focal Points |

    Description (Aims): | Continuation of Focal Point Offices System to enhance operational cooperation at hot spots of EU external borders |

    Participating MS: | 10 MSs: NL, SI, SK, HU, AT, BG, DE, LV, RO, EE |

    Implementation phase: | July – December 2007 Ongoing |

    Budget (EUR): | 400,000.00 EUR |

    Results: | Enhanced cooperation between the Border Guards of MSs |

    Name of activity: | Pilot Project; Border Management Cooperation Conference II, Boppard Symposium |

    Description (Aims): | Follow-up event to Conference Border Delegate Organisations in Europe (2006) |

    Participating MS: | All MSs |

    Implementation phase: | April 2007 |

    Budget (EUR): | 157,000.00 EUR |

    Results: | Enhanced cooperation at the external land borders of EU. |

    Name of activity: | Pilot Project; Border Management Cooperation Conference III, Lisbon |

    Description (Aims): | Follow-up event to Conference Border Delegate Organisations in Europe (2006) |

    Participating MS: | All MSs |

    Implementation phase: | November 2007 |

    Budget (EUR): | 160,000.00 EUR |

    Results: | Follow-up event to Boppard Symposium (2007) |

    Name of activity: | Pilot Project; Express |

    Description (Aims): | Pilot Project focussing determining best practices on for border control at railway BCPs at EU external borders |

    Participating MS: | not available due to ongoing planning activities |

    Implementation phase: | December 2007 In planning phase |

    Budget (EUR): | 100,000.00 EUR |

    Results: | Best practices for border control at the railways crossing the external border of EU. |

    Name of activity: | Pilot Project; Five Borders (URSUS I – IV Joint Operations) |

    Description (Aims): | Illegal immigration at Eastern EU external borders (Hungarian-/Polish-/Slovakian-/ Romanian-Ukrainian border) |

    Participating MS: | PL, SK, HU, RO, FI, LV, DE, CZ, AT, BG |

    Implementation phase: | April-December 2007 totally 28 days |

    Budget (EUR): | 350,000.00 EUR |

    Results: | More effective border management between EU MSs and Ukraine |

    Air border operations

    Joint Operations 2006 |

    TORINO 2006 |

    AMAZON I |


    Name of activity: | Joint Operation TORINO 2006 (WP 2006): |

    Description (Aims): | TORINO 2006 was directed to monitor the threats at the external borders from criminals and illegal migrants taking advantage of the increased numbers of passengers to gain entry to the Schengen area. |

    Participating MS: 15 | Hosting Countries: Austria, Czech Republic, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Latvia, Luxembourg, The Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Slovenia, Spain and UK. Total number of airport involved: 24. |

    Operational resources: | Assets: not applicable |

    5 Italian border guard were deployed in five different airports |

    Implementation phase | 3-26/02/2006 24 days |

    Budget (EUR): | 77.010,00 |

    Results: | Totally 13015 passengers on the way of Torino were checked and 665 of them were subject to second line checks. |

    Name of activity: | Joint Operation AMAZON I (WP 2006): |

    Description (Aims): | AMAZON I was the first Frontex JO focused on preventing illegal immigration from South and Central America arriving at EU airports in an attempt to breach the immigration controls of the external borders. |

    Participating MS: | Hosting Countries: France, Germany, Italy, The Netherlands, UK, Portugal and Spain; Deploying Countries: 30 deployed experts with knowledge of Spanish and/or Portuguese language. Total number of airport involved: 8. |

    Operational resources: | Assets: not applicable |

    30 deployed experts with knowledge of Spanish and/or Portuguese language. Total number of airport involved: 8. |

    Implementation phase | 1-22/11/2006 22 days |

    Budget (EUR): | 206.186,66 |

    Results: | Totally 3166 third country nationals were detected at 8 participating airports – out of that number 1992 were South American nationals. |

    Name of activity: | Joint Operation AGELAUS (WP 2006): |

    Description (Aims): | The Joint Operation AGELAUS was focused on minors arriving at EU airports in an attempt to breach the immigration controls of the external borders. |

    Participating MS: | AT, BE, CZ, EE, FI, FR, DE, HU, IT, LV, NL, PL, PT, SK, SL, ES, SE and UK. Total number of airport involved: 27. |

    Interagency cooperation | Cooperation with EUROPOL |

    Operational resources: | Assets: not applicable |

    It was an Agency project which adopted electronic methods to compile statistical analysis of operational results. |

    Implementation phase | 01 – 28/02/07 28 days |

    Budget (EUR): | 144.000 |

    Results: | 691 cases were detected involving minors that required a second level of investigation to make an appropriate decision. As a result 241 minors were refused (in many cases along with their adult traveling companions), a further 73 minors became the subject of asylum claims and another 18 were given sanctuary in safe accommodation pending further investigation, 43 forged documents were also detected. Ten adults were arrested for serious immigration offences, including human smuggling, with another 71 coming to notice. In addition, all adults traveling with the refused minors were also refused and removed. |

    Joint Operations 2007 |



    HYDRA |



    ZEUS |

    Name of activity: | Joint Operation AMAZON II (WP 2006): |

    Description (Aims): | the Joint Operation AMAZON II was – like AMAZON I – focused on preventing illegal immigration from South and Central America arriving at EU airports in an attempt to breach the immigration controls of the external borders. |

    Participating MS: | Hosting Countries: France, Germany, Italy, The Netherlands, UK, Portugal and Spain; Deploying Countries: 29 deployed experts with knowledge of Spanish and/or Portuguese language. Total number of airport involved: 8. |

    Operational resources: | Assets: not applicable; it was an Agency project which adopted electronic methods to compile statistical analysis of operational results. |

    30 deployed experts with knowledge of Spanish and/or Portuguese language. Total number of airport involved: 8. |

    Implementation phase | 19/02/07 -27/03/07 19 days |

    Budget (EUR): | 220.293 |

    Results: | The Project confirmed that there is a problem of illegal immigration from South and Central America arriving by air at the EU external borders. Total refusal of entries for 2984 third country nationals including detections of 2178 illegal Southern and Central American nationals during this JO. |

    Name of activity: | Joint Operation AMAZON III (WP 2007): |

    Description (Aims): | the Joint Operation AMAZON III was – like AMAZON II and AMAZON I- focused on preventing illegal immigration from South and Central America arriving at EU airports in an attempt to breach the immigration controls of the external borders. |

    Participating MS: | Spain, Portugal, Germany, France, the Netherlands, Italy, Austria, Romania, Hungary, United Kingdom, Czech Republic, Belgium and Bulgaria |

    Operational resources: | Assets: not applicable; |

    29 deployed experts with knowledge of Spanish and/or Portuguese language and 3 deployed FOCC officers. |

    Implementation phase info | 07 – 28/11/07 22 days |

    Budget (EUR): | 245,953 |

    Results: | No data – implementation have not yet started |

    Name of activity: | Joint Operation HYDRA: |

    Description (Aims): | The Joint Operation HYDRA is focused on illegal immigration coming from China to EU airports. |

    Participating MS: | Host Countries: BG, CZ, FI, HU, RO, SL Deploying Country Officer: DE, IT, NL, PT, AT, BE, FR, PL, SL, ES, UK |

    Operational resources: | Assets: not applicable; |

    The Hydra project cemented a successful practical working relationship with EUROPOL by utilizing the Information System to exchange sensitive information between Member States. |

    Implementation phase | 11/04-11/05/2007 31 days |

    Budget (EUR): | 347.276 |

    Results: | 189 illegal Chinese migrants apprehended during the Joint Operation, with a further 102 caught arriving at airports in the United Kingdom. [17 other individuals including 5 human smugglers were also detected.] |

    Name of activity: | Joint Operation EXTENDED FAMILY: |

    Description (Aims): | The activity focuses on illegal migration from Nigeria to the EU |

    Participating MS: | Host Countries: IT, NL, FI, HU, ES. Deploying Country Officer: DE, NL, PT, SL, ES, UK, IR,FI, and RO. Number of deployed officers: 19 Guest Officers, 3 Special Advisors |

    Operational resources: | Assets: not applicable; |

    No data – implementation is ongoing |

    Implementation phase | The Introductory meeting took place on 24 Sept 2007; The briefing meeting for the deployed officers took place on 3rd October 2007October 2007 the first phase of JO is scheduled to commence on 7th Oct 2007. First operational phase: 07/10/07-20/10/07 14 days Second operational phase: 03/11/07-16/11/07 14 days |

    Budget (EUR): | 225.493,00 |

    Results: | No data – implementation is ongoing |

    Name of activity: | Joint Operation LONG STOP: |

    Description (Aims): | The Joint Operation LS is focused on Pakistani, Sri Lankan and Bangladeshi Nationals arriving at EU airports in an attempt to breach the immigration controls of the external borders. The activity is designed to support local border guards at target airports regarding illegal immigration to EU from Asian Sub Continent and to create a handbook to detect forged documents out of this region. |

    Participating MS: | EST, AUT, CZ, IT, EL, FI, DE, PL, FR, NL+ |

    Operational resources: | Assets: not applicable; |

    No data – implementation is ongoing |

    Implementation phase | 26/11/2007-10/12/2007 15days |

    Budget (EUR): | 139.140,00 |

    Results: | No data – implementation is ongoing |

    Name of activity: | Joint Operation ZEUS (combined sea and air borders operation): |

    Description (Aims): | Combined Joined Operation focusing on the EU sea and air borders and specifically regarding seamen in transit. It aims at combating the illegal immigration by means of more efficient detection of false seamen. |

    Participating MS: | 13: BE, CY, DE, FI, GR, IT, LV, NL, PL, PT, RO, SE, UK, ES. |

    Operational resources: | Assets: not applicable |

    EU MS Experts: 11 |

    Implementation phase: | 15/10/07-30/10/2007 15 days. |

    Budget (EUR): | 120,000 |

    Results: | No data – implementation have not yet started |

    Pilot Projects at air borders

    Pilot Projects 2007 |

    Argonauts |

    Poseidon |

    Name of activity: | Pilot Project ARGONAUTS: |

    Description (Aims): | The Pilot Project ARGONAUTS is focused on Border Security for Major Events. The aim is to establish best practices and compiling a common Handbook for Border Guards to carry out sufficient border security controls and surveillances before, during and after major sport or mass events (e.g. EURO2008, concerts…). |

    Participating MS: | AT, DE, GR, IT, LV, NO, PT, Switzerland; |

    Operational resources: | Assets: not applicable; |

    No data – implementation is ongoing |

    Implementation phase: | First (introductory) meeting was held on 31 July 2007- Main objectives were achieved; Implementation: 1st workshop: 11-14 September 200; 2nd workshop: 9-12 October 2007; Closure of the project (meeting): 4-5 December 2007 with a preparatory experts meeting on 3rd of December2007. Submitted on 20/03/2006, JO on going, 15/10/07-30/10/2007 (15 days). |

    Budget (EUR): | 50.430 |

    Results: | Pilot Project in process, results not final, full evaluation will follow No data – implementation is ongoing |

    Name of activity: | Pilot Project POSEIDON 2007: |

    Description (Aims): | The Pilot Project POSEIDON is focused on illegal immigration via Turkey to EU South Eastern Air Borders, in parallel to the third stage of the same-named sea/land Joint Operation. The aim is to detect the capacity of diversion and the means used by the criminal networks involved in smuggling of people and trafficking in human beings and to achieve a complete border management overview at the south-eastern border, contributing to the completion of the objectives of Joint Operation Poseidon II. |

    Participating MS: | Greece and Bulgaria |

    Operational resources: | Assets: not applicable; |

    No data – implementation is ongoing |

    Implementation phase: | 18/09-07/10/2007 |

    Budget (EUR): | 9,064.00 |

    Results: | Pilot Project in process, results not final, full evaluation will follow No data – implementation is ongoing |

    Management of technical assets (CRATE)

    Cases where equipment listed in CRATE has been requested and/or used

    - Operation Poseidon 2007 – heartbeat detectors from UK

    - Operation Hermes 2007 – aircraft Falcon from FR

    Other achievements

    Frontex has set up centralised records of technical equipment for border control belonging to Member States, which they, on a voluntary basis and upon request from another Member State, are willing to put at the disposal of that Member State for a temporary period in accordance with Article 7 of Frontex Regulation. A first periodical needs analysis has been carried out in January 2007. Since July 2007 Member States have access to the centralised records of available technical equipment (CRATE). So far Frontex has concluded bilateral agreements with 13 Member States / Schengen Associated Countries .

    Frontex is organising the first exercise of rapid border intervention teams in 2007. In total, the exercise is involving 17 Member States / Schengen Associated Countries, including the host Member State, Portugal.




    Project | Participating countries/International organizations | Number of meetings and participants |

    Translator workshop | Austria, Greece, Italy, Spain, Germany, the Netherlands, United Kingdom | 2 meetings, 13 participants |

    Development of common training tool for 3rd countries | Austria, Germany, Greece, Malta, Spain, the Netherlands, United Kingdom | 2 meetings, 14 participants |

    Common Core Curriculum | Austria, Czech Republic, Cyprus, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Lithuania, Malta, Norway, Portugal, Poland, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom | 10 workshops/meetings, 107 participants |

    Forged Documents/Document Expert Board | Italy, Romania, Finland and Switzerland, United Kingdom, Germany, Poland, Italy, Finland, the Netherlands, Portugal, Lithuania, Ireland, Sweden | 2 workshops and 1 meeting, 19 participants |

    Partnership Academies | Austria, Finland, Lithuania, Germany, UK, Italy, Slovakia. | 1 meeting, 15 participants |

    Mid Level Course | Germany, Sweden, Slovenia, Hungary, UK, Lithuania, the Netherlands | 2 meetings, 14 participants |

    Joint Return training | Austria, Denmark, UK, The Netherlands, Germany, Belgium, France, Spain. | 5 meetings, 75 participants |

    Helicopter Pilots’ training | Italy, Greece, Germany, Malta and Cyprus, Finland | 1 meeting, 9 participants |

    Training Coordinators | All EU Member States and Schengen Associated Countries | 3 meetings, 120 participants |

    European Training Day 2006 | All EU Member States and Schengen Associated Countries | 1 meeting, 30 participants |

    Detection of stolen cars | Austria and Hungary | 1 meeting, 10 participants |

    Training for dog handlers | Austria, Slovenia, Latvia, the Czech Republic, Poland | 1 meeting, 5 participants |


    Project | Participating countries/International organizations | Number of meetings and participants |

    Translation workshop | Bulgaria, Romania, Ukraine | 1 meeting, 5 participants |

    Helicopter Pilots’ training | Italy, Greece, Germany, Malta and Cyprus | 1 coordination group meeting with 7 participants, 4 trainings with 40 participants |

    Common Core Curriculum | Austria, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom, UNHCR, IOM, EAC | 16 meetings, 171 participants |

    Joint Flight Return standardized training | All EU Member States, Schengen Associated Countries, Switzerland. | 4 meetings with 12 participants; 6 trainings with 97 participants |

    Mid-Level Course | Austria, Bulgaria, Romania, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Finland, Germany, Italy, Malta, Cyprus, Poland, Portugal, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom, France, Slovakia, Belgium, the Netherlands, Denmark, Greece, Norway | 3 meetings with 15 participants; 4 trainings with 60 trainees |

    Detection of stolen cars | Austria, Hungary and Slovakia | 2 meetings with 20 participants; 12 trainings with 240 trainees |

    Partnership Academies | Austria, Finland, Germany, United Kingdom, The Netherlands, Italy, Slovak Republic, Lithuania | 3 meetings, 32 participants |

    Forged Documents/Document Expert Board | The Netherlands, Germany, Slovenia, Portugal, Malta, Denmark, the Czech Republic, Luxembourg, Finland, Lithuania, United Kingdom, Latvia, Estonia. Sweden, Austria, France, Iceland, Poland and Romania nominated experts | 2 meetings, 16 participants |

    EU Training Day 2007 | All EU Member States and Schengen Associated Countries | 1 meeting, 30 participants |

    Training Coordinators | All EU Member States and Schengen Associated Countries | 3 meetings, 90 participants |

    RABIT Training Development | Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Czech Republic, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Latvia, Malta, Portugal, Slovak Republic, Sweden, Poland, Spain, Romania, Slovenia, Lithuania | 3 meetings, 75 participants |

    Other achievements

    The Training Unit of Frontex has invested considerable effort in the development of efficient working relationships with the involved stakeholders. Active participation of the EU Member States and Schengen Associated Countries in training activities organized by the Training Unit of Frontex as well as the established consensus that cooperation in training matters serves as the basis for successfully working together at the external borders.


    General – Annual Risk Assessments

    Title | Date |

    1 | Assessment of the situation concerning illegal migration at the EU external borders 2006 | Feb 07 |

    2 | Supplementary document to the Annual Risk Assessment 2006 | Jun 07 |

    Tailored assessments

    Title | Date |

    1 | Threat Assessment Winter Olympics 2006 | Jan 06 |

    2 | Assessment of the new threat of illegal migration from Mauritania to the EU | Mar 06 |

    3 | Brief Assessment of illegal migration flows and routes in the African continent | Mar 06 |

    4 | Joint Risk Assessment Frontex /Federal Republic of Germany Regarding Football World Championship FIFA 2006 | May 06 |

    5 | Frontex Assessment of the situation concerning illegal migration flows from Africa to the EU external borders with particular focus on Libya and Morocco | May 06 |

    6 | Assessment Regarding Common Core Curriculum Monitoring System | Jul 06 |

    7 | Brief Summary of Illegal Immigration Routes at the Eastern and South Eastern European External Borders | Jan 07 |

    8 | Joint Frontex- Europol Report: Determination of High Risk Routes Regarding Illegal Migration in the Western Balkan Countries | Feb 07 |

    9 | Report regarding the request for expertise on surveillance on the Danube in Romania IISSDRAD | Mar 07 |

    10 | Illegal Immigration from West-Africa towards Europe Request for Information of SIAC (EU Joint SitCen) | Jun 07 |

    11 | Threat assessment on the external land and maritime borders of the Member States eligible for the External Borders Fund for the year 2005 | Jun 07 |

    12 | Threat assessment on the external land and maritime borders of the Member States eligible for the External Borders Fund for the year 2006 | Jun 07 |

    13 | Interim Risk Analysis Report Re: Illegal Immigration from Algeria to Sardinia | Aug 07 |

    Tailored A ssessments in preparation by the Risk Analysis Unit, to be completed in 2007/ early 2008

    Title |

    1 | Update of the Situation Regarding Illegal Immigration from China to the EU |

    2 | Asian Illegal Migration Routes through Africa |

    3 | Migration from Iraq – Developments and Problems |

    4 | Illegal Migration from Ukraine |

    5 | Trafficking in Human Beings from Ukraine |

    6 | Trafficking in Human Beings (and Minors) Focusing on Nigerian Nationals with Links to Sexual Exploitation |

    7 | Black Sea as a Potential Route for Illegal Migration |

    8 | Impact of Schengen Enlargement on Illegal Migration and Cross Border Offences at the External Borders of the Member States |

    9 | Tailored Risk Assessment regarding EURO 2008 |

    Other achievements

    The Risk Analysis Unit has produced in total over 40 analytical ex-ante assessments and evaluations specifically linked to Frontex joint operations.

    During 2005-2007 the concept of the Frontex Risk Analysis Network (FRAN) consisting of Member States’ and Schengen Associated Countries’ Risk Analysis Units has been developed. The system for regular exchange of information (Incident Reporting System-IRS, Monthly Analytical Reports and Monthly Statistical reports) within FRAN has been officially launched on 18 September 2007 during the Third Annual FRAN regular expert meeting. Agreement on the use of the ICOnet as the channel for exchange was reached.

    To date the Risk Analysis Unit has produced several restricted and public bulletins:

    - 2 Law Enforcement Bulletins: May 2006, November 2006

    - 3 Public Bulletins: February 2007, May 2007, September 2007

    As a result of the functioning of the regular reporting system, restricted Analytical Bulletins will be issued by the Risk Analysis Unit on a quarterly basis, starting from 2008.

    The Frontex Situation Centre as part of the Risk Analysis Unit has been defined as a project to be implemented during 2008. The model and terms of reference for the deployment of Risk Analysis Intelligence Officers has been developed during 2007. Intelligence Officers (Intelligence cells) will be set up in two strategic areas of the external borders of the European Union during 2008.

    Cooperation Frontex-Europol: the Risk Analysis Unit has been maintaining permanent working contacts with Europol, especially the Crime Against Persons Unit and the Analysis Unit. As a consequence of the tasking from the EU Council (Action Oriented papers) Frontex- Europol produced and delivered the Joint Report: Determination of High Risk Routes Regarding Illegal Migration in the Western Balkan Countries. Regular semestrial meetings between Europol and Frontex take place since the second half of 2007. Europol and Frontex reciprocally contribute to the Analytical bulletins of each Agency. The Risk Analysis Unit has provided to Europol a Frontex contribution to the OCTA 2006 and will be providing a contribution to the OCTA 2007. Europol and Frontex, together with ICMPD, lead on the Mediterranean Transit Migration joint project, having managed and participated in several products such as the Intelligence electronic MAP on Migration Routes and the organisation of relevant workshops and experts meetings, such as the one on Apprehension and Readmission held in the headquarters of Frontex in Warsaw on 3-5 September 2007, organised by the Risk Analysis Unit.

    Cooperation with third countries and international organisations has been relevant, especially during 2007. This is the case with IOM, UNHCR, EUBAM, EUPT, Ukrainian Border Service, and others. Additionally, contacts with EC Delegations in third countries has been launched and channelled through DG JLS.

    As tasked in the Work Programme 2006 and 2007, the concept of the revised CIRAM has been elaborated and is now in the testing phase.

    Follow up to research



    - Examination of operational needs of the MS in the field of green border surveillance

    - 2 study visits: Austria and Finland

    - Examination of biometrics at the airports

    - 4 study visits – Amsterdam, Frankfurt, Paris and London airports

    Workshops :

    - Application of Technologies within the Framework of Border Security Concepts among the Member States

    - Expanding the dialogue on RD in the field of EU external border management

    Reports and bulletins:

    - Summary of workshop on the Application of Technologies within the Framework of Border Security Concepts among the Member States

    - Summary of workshop on Expanding the Dialogue on RD in the Field of EU External Border Management

    - Bulletin – New Technologies in Maritime Surveillance

    - Bulletin – Devices and Technologies Used for the Searching of Vehicles and Containers in EU ports, in order to Detect Illegal Entrants.



    - Examination of operational needs of the MS in the field of green border surveillance

    - Examination of biometrics at the airports

    - Border TechNet- stakeholder network of the end users, research community and industry

    - 2 study visits – EDA and ESA

    - ICARUS – project to identify current status of aerial surveillance technologies applicable to detection of illegal immigrants at the green borders

    - EU Green Border Atlas

    - 2 study visits – tbd

    - Technical support to the EU Commission

    - Secure Communication Links

    Workshops and seminars:

    - Workshop – 30/31 May 2007 – Border TechNet tool – stakeholder network of the end users, research community and industry:

    - Workshop on "Capability Needs in terms of New Technologies at the Green Borders of the EU" – 19 July 2007:

    - Workshop on biometric technologies as a follow up of the BIOPASS Study on Automated Biometric Border Crossing Systems for Registered passengers at European Airports – 9 August 2007

    - Workshop on Blue Borders – planned for November 2007

    - Workshop on UAVs for border surveillance planned for December 2008.

    Reports and bulletins:

    - Border TechNet report, September 2007

    - Report “Identification of Capability Needs in the Field of Green Border Surveillance: Case studies of Austria and Finland”, July 2007

    - Summary of Green Borders workshop, September 2007

    - BIOPASS report, September 2007

    - Summary of BIOPASS workshop, planned for October 2007

    - Border Security and Unmanned Aerial Vehicle s, planned for October 2007

    - Summary of workshop on Research Collaboration with Member States planned for October 2007.

    - Summary of workshop on Blue Borders, planned for December 2007

    Meetings, conferences, seminars

    - Meeting of the Committee on Immigration and Asylum - 15 June 2007, DG JLS, Brussels

    - Evaluation of FP 7 proposals – 25 June – 11 July 2007, Brussels

    - Meeting with IPSC-JRC Acting Director – Dr. Alois Sieber – to discuss the partnership agreement between the two institutions as well as future projects pertaining to the border security – 4 July 2007, Frontex

    - Informal SCIFA meeting – 4-5 July, 2007, Lisbon, Portugal

    - SOBCAH. Meeting – 17 July 2007 in Genoa port (Italy)

    - STABORSEC meeting ( with JRC and Sagem)– 10 August 2007, Frontex, Poland

    - Meeting on UAV Traffic Insertion Sense & Avoid – 4-5 September 2007, EDA, Brussels

    - Meeting with national research and technology organizations, 6 September, Frontex, Poland

    - ESRIF plenary meeting – 11 September 2007, Brussels

    - Workshop – Border Surveillance by UAV – 19 September 2007, Paris, France

    - STACCATO workshop – 18-19 September 2007, JRC, Ispra, Italy

    - Meeting with GMV Aerospace and Guardia Civil on MARISS Project – Space technologies to support maritime security (maritime traffic, borders, immigration control, illegal trafficking) - 20 September 2007, Spain, Las Palmas

    - ASD Annual Convention 2007 – Workshop on Sustainable Security – 4-5 October, Barcelona

    - Participation in the IGC (Inter-Governmental Consultations on Asylum, Refugee and Migration Policies) Working Group on Technology – 11 – 12 October, Geneva ( planned)

    - ESRIF plenary meeting – 12 October, Brussels

    - Paris International Air Show – 18-19 June, 2007, Paris, France

    - Conference ‘ Innovating in defence and security at EU level – for more secure and better controlled global environments’ – 18 June, Paris

    - Electronic Passport Forum –20-21 June 2007 in Istanbul, Turkey

    Return operations

    List of operations for which the agency provided for assistance

    2006 |

    Organizing MS | Participating states (with returnees) | Participating states (with observers) | Destination country | Total no. of returnees |

    Austria | Poland, France | Armenia, Georgia | 8 |

    Germany | France, Malta, Netherlands, Switzerland | Austria, Czech Republic, Italy, Poland | Togo, Benin Guinea | 31 |

    Germany | France, Luxembourg, Spain, Switzerland | Czech Republic, Italy, Poland | Cameroon, Togo | 35 |

    2007 |

    Organizing MS | Participating states (with returnees) | Participating states (with observers) | Destination country | Total no. of returnees |

    Germany | Italy, Luxembourg, Poland, Spain, Switzerland | Czech Republic, Romania | Cameroon, Ghana | 28 |

    Italy | Austria, France, Germany, Romania, Spain | Malta | Nigeria | 50 |

    Netherlands | Germany, France, Switzerland | Cameroon, Togo | 21 |

    Germany | France, Poland, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Spain, | Czech Republic, Italy | Cameroon, Togo | 26 |

    Austria | France | Kosovo | 22 |

    Spain | Italy, France | Germany | Ecuador, Colombia | 75 |

    United Kingdom | Netherlands, Belgium, France, Italy, Norway | Kosovo, Albania | 36 |

    Germany | Switzerland | Togo, Benin (originally Togo, Guinea) | 13 |

    Netherlands | Belgium, France, Germany | Cameroon | 16 |



    1) Title: Identification of Best Practices

    Ref. no.: 2006/OPS/1

    Basis: Article 9(2) of the Frontex Regulation

    General objective: To identify best practices for the acquisition of travel documents and the removal of illegally present third country nationals

    State of play: ongoing, a closure meeting will be organized in November 2007.

    2) Title: Joint Operations in Malta

    Ref. no.: 2006/OPS/14

    Basis: Request of Malta

    General objective: To assist Malta in immigrants’ identification thereby increasing percentage of identified illegal immigrants

    State of play: finished.

    3) Title: Joint Return Operation organized by Austria

    Ref. no.: 2006/OPS/11

    Basis: Request of Austria

    General objective: To provide Austria, Poland and other potential participating MS with the necessary assistance in organizing a joint return operation and to ensure its successful implementation in close co-operation with the participants.

    State of play: finished.


    1) Title: Exchange of Return-related Information

    Ref. no.: 2007/OPS/7

    Basis: Article 9(1) of the Frontex Regulation, MoU Concerning the development of the secure web-based Information and Co-ordination Network for Member States’ Migration Management Services, between the European Commission and Frontex

    General objective: To improve exchange of return-related information between the Member States, Schengen Associated Countries, and Switzerland and between them and Frontex.

    State of play: finished.

    2) Title: Joint Return Operation Core Country Group

    Ref. no.: 2007/OPS/18

    Basis: Article 9(1) of the Council Regulation No 2007/2004 establishing Frontex

    General objective: To regularly identify common needs for joint return operations in the Member States, determine mutual approach for such operations and increase existing co-operation under Frontex coordination and via its teamwork with the core countries. To offer initiated joint return operations to all MS.

    State of play: ongoing.

    Assistance to MS


    - Assistance to Spain in collecting information on returns to Eritrea.

    - Slovakia requested assistance in _indiny a fellow European country organizing a return flight to Nigeria.

    - Frontex supported Germany during the preparation of a project proposal, under the EU funding programme for Preparatory Actions 2006 in the Area of Return Management, by gathering information on 6 African countries in the field of return matters from all MS/SAC and Switzerland.


    - Finland requested assistance in finding a fellow EU country organizing a return charter flight to the Democratic Republic of the Congo-Kinshasa.

    - Slovenia asked for assistance in finding a country organizing a charter flight to Nigeria.

    - Frontex gathered information on MS/SAC/CH’ experiences in carrying out return flights to Iraq (both voluntary and forced) at the request of Germany and provided the overview to all the states.

    - Frontex assisted all MS by providing them with information on the Swiss offer of available seats on their planned return flight to Kosovo and Armenia; further communication was about the change of destination states: Serbia and Armenia.

    - Slovenia requested assistance in gathering information on returns by commercial flights to Sri Lanka.

    - Frontex assisted all MS by providing them with information on the Swiss offer of available seats on their planned return flight to Hungary and Kosovo; further communication was about the change of destination states: Hungary and Turkey.

    - Malta asked for assistance in finding a country organizing a charter flight to Mali.

    - Cyprus requested assistance in returning Iranian nationals.

    - Slovenia requested assistance in returning a Ghanaian national to the country of origin.

    - Belgium informed on their intention to plan a joint return operation to Brazil and asked Frontex for exploring the interest of other states in a first stage.



    - April: 1 st Meeting with Working Group of Experts within the project Identification of Best Practices

    - November: 2nd Meeting with Working Group of Experts within the project Identification of Best Practices


    - April: 1 st Meeting with Direct Contact Points in Return Matters

    - May: Meeting on ICONet within the project Exchange of Return-related Information

    - September: 1st Meeting within the project Joint Return Operation Core Country Group

    - September: 2nd Meeting with Direct Contact Points in Return Matters

    Other achievements

    A Frontex representative took part in the advance party to Cameroon in April 2007; within a German project “Joint organisation and execution of collective flights for removal of third country nationals”, no. JLS/2005/RETURN.

    Frontex promoted and improved the structure and content of the ICONet-Return Section, including different forms, tables and overviews. Lots of information was collected and uploaded into this section. Annual Return Operations Schedule of planned national and joint return operations was created. Representatives of MS/SAC/CH, in particular from the operational level, were encouraged to apply for ICONet access and a profile of a “Return Contact” to extend the number of users.

    Frontex Return Operations Officers actively took part in the Standardized Training for Joint Return Officers, developed by Frontex Training Unit.


    The strategic cooperation agreement with Europol is to be signed in the coming months after scrutiny by Europol of the recently adopted Frontex security manual.

    The Frontex Executive Director has received a mandate to negotiate working arrangements with UNHCR, IOM and Interpol and draft working arrangements have been exchanged with the three organisations. ICMPD and EUBAM are organisations with which Frontex has established a solid working relationship through the participation in common projects or operations.

    Frontex has also established contacts or is cooperating with other EU Agencies such as CEPOL, Eurojust, EMSA and SitCen. Other organisations that are seeking cooperation with Frontex and where first contacts have been made are DCAF, SECI, IBPC and OSCE.


    Third countries with which working arrangements are concluded:

    Russian Federation, Ukraine and the Swiss Confederation

    Mandates given by the Management Board in 2006 and 2007:

    Croatia, The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Turkey, Cape Verde, Egypt, Libya, Mauritania, Morocco, Senegal and the Coordination Service of the CIS.


    Staff | 2006 Jan | 2007 Jan | 2007 Dec (foreseen) |

    Number of TA | 1 | 21 | 49 |

    Number of CA | 0 | 11 | 26 |

    Number of SNE | 27 | 34 | 67 |

    Total | 28 | 66 | 142 |


    Overall Frontex budget

    Total budget (million euro) | 2006 | 2007 | 2008 |

    19.166.300 | 42.150.300 | 70.432.000 |


    Other revenue (UK/IE, SACs) | 546.000 | / | 546.000 | - 319.700 | 226.300 |

    Total | 12.300.000 | 3.400.000 | 15.700.000 | 3.466.300 | 19.166.300 |

    Notes: 3.4 Meur were recovered from the Agency's 2005 budget in the first half of 2006. These became assigned revenue and could then be transferred back to Frontex when it needed additional money in summer 2006.

    In November 2006 the EP transferred additional credits to the Agency due to a need for additional money for administrative expenditure. During the second amendment Frontex also revised the amounts under 'other revenue' to reflect the actual situation in 2006. No agreement was signed yet with the SACs and therefore no payment was foreseen. Only the amount from UK was taken into account.

    Other revenue (UK/IE, SACs) | 1.000.000 | / | 1.170.300 | / | 1.170.300 |

    Total | 22.200.000 | 12.780.000 | 35.150.300 | 7.000.000 | 42.150.300 |

    Notes: 12.780.000 Eur out of the 33.980.000 Eur were put into the reserve and only released mid-2007.

    Following concerns raised by several Member States regarding the Agency's capacity to respond to challenges brought about by maritime pressure, the Commission announced during the JHA Council of 12 and 13 June 2007 that it would examine the possibility of strengthening the Agency's budget. In August 2007 the Commission made available an additional 7 M€ to Frontex.

    2008 | PDB proposed by the Commission | Increase proposed by the EP | Draft budget adopted by the MB in Nov 2007 | Budget adopted by the Budgetary Authority |

    EC subsidy | 38.000.000 | 30.000.000 | 68.000.000 | 68.000.000 |

    Other revenue (UK/IE, SACs) | 1.000.000 | / | 2.432.000 | 2.432.000 |

    Total | 39.000.000 | 30.000.000 | 70.432.000 | 70.432.000 |

    Notes: On 7 November 2007 the MB adopted (by written procedure) the draft budget for 2008. By then the approximate contributions from the SACs was established and therefore the figures were revised accordingly.

    Division of the annual budget between administrative and operational expenditures (in € and %) |

    € | % | € | % |

    2006 | Administrative/Operative | 6,100,000 | 31.83 | 13,066,300 | 68.17 |

    2007 | Administrative/Operative | 14,460,000 | 34.46 | 27,496,000 | 65.54 |

    Budget for operations and pilot projects

    Total allocations to operations (compared to the overall operational budget) related to |

    2006 | 2007 |

    € | % | € | % |

    A | sea borders | 9,229,300 | 70.63 | 8,165,000 | 40.17 |

    B | land borders | 910,000 | 6.96 | 3,600,000 | 17.71 |

    C | air borders | 315,000 | 2.41 | 1,800,000 | 8.85 |

    Overall financial commitments for joint operations (in €) related to | 2006 | 2007 |

    at sea borders | 7,943,000 | 10,941,315 |

    at land borders | 3,672 | 909,643 |

    at air borders | 350,186 | 968,939 |

    Involving different types of borders | 711,864 | 2,300,000 |

    Overall financial commitments for pilot projects | 2006 | 2007 |

    at sea borders | 762,814 | 142,000 |

    at land borders | 130,421 | 880,664 |

    at air borders | 0 | 59,494 |

    Involving different types of borders | 504,068 | 400,000 |
