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Document 52008PC0352

    Proposal for a Council Decision Approving on behalf of the Community Annex 8 to the International Convention on the Harmonisation of Frontier Controls of Goods

    /* COM/2008/0352 final - ACC 2008/0114 */


    Proposal for a Council Decision Approving on behalf of the Community Annex 8 to the International Convention on the Harmonisation of Frontier Controls of Goods /* COM/2008/0352 final - ACC 2008/0114 */


    Brussels, 12.6.2008

    COM(2008) 352 final

    2008/0114 (ACC)

    Proposal for a


    Approving on behalf of the Community Annex 8 to the International Convention on the Harmonisation of Frontier Controls of Goods

    (presented by the Commission)


    1. context of the proposal

    1.1. Grounds for and objectives of the proposal

    The purpose of this Decision is to incorporate in the Community's legal order the new Annex 8 to the International Convention on the Harmonization of Frontier Controls of Goods.

    The purpose of the Annex is to facilitate international trade by reducing, harmonising and co-ordinating procedures and paperwork in connection with the border control of goods, in particular live animals and perishable goods. The Annex essentially contains obligations that aim at reducing delays at border crossing points in respect of live animals and perishable goods (through, by example, the use of the "one stop shop" to enable joint controls between neighbouring countries 24 hours a day, and the separation of traffic flows to give priority to the movement of these goods), improving the operation of border crossing points, as well as technical matters relating to the mutual recognition of international vehicle inspection and weight certificates.

    1.2. General context

    The International Convention on the Harmonisation of Frontier Controls of Goods (the Harmonisation Convention), signed at Geneva on 21 October 1982, was approved on behalf of the Community by Council Regulation (EEC) No 1262/84 of 10 April 1984 which entered into force on 12 September 1987. There are currently 50 Contracting Parties to the Convention, including the European Community and its Member States.

    The Harmonisation Convention introduced measures designed to facilitate, and so develop, international trade through the harmonisation (where appropriate) of the various frontier controls that are applied to the movement of goods. However, it appeared subsequently necessary to further rationalise border crossing formalities.

    The UN/ECE Inland Transport Committee decided at its February 1999 session that the Harmonisation Convention should be revised to include provisions to facilitate the border crossing of vehicles carrying perishable goods under the provisions of the Agreement on the international carriage of perishable foodstuff and on the special equipment to be used for such carriage. Also provisions regarding the facilitation of visa procedures for professional drivers, vehicle inspections or mutual recognition of the international weight certificates were considered as indispensable in the Harmonization Convention. The UN/ECE Working Party on Customs Questions affecting Transport, with the assistance of an ad hoc expert group, has subsequently produced draft proposals to add a new Annex to the Harmonisation Convention in order to complement the existing provisions. The Annex was adopted in October 2007 and, as no objections were raised, the Annex takes effect from 20 May 2008.

    1.3. Existing provisions in the area of the proposal

    There are no existing provisions in the area of the proposal.

    1.4. Consistency with the other policies and objectives of the Union

    The simplifications foreseen are in line with the revised Lisbon strategy.

    The facilitation of international trade and the removal of technical obstacles to trade is an objective of the common commercial policy and thus falls under the exclusive competence of the Community. The measures set out in the Annex are consistent with Community legislation.

    2. consultation of interested parties and impact assessment

    2.1. Consultation of interested parties

    Consultation methods, main sectors targeted and general profile of respondents:

    – Consultations were carried out with the International Road Transport Union.

    – Consultations took place also within Customs Code Committee meetings, sessions of the UNECE Working Party on Customs Questions Affecting Transport, and the Administrative Committee for the Harmonization Convention.

    Summary of responses and how they have been taken into account: Favourable opinion.

    2.2. Collection and use of expertise

    There was no need for external expertise.

    2.3. Impact assessment

    The current provisions of the Harmonization Convention remain unchanged.

    The proposed Decision incorporates into the Community's legal order a new Annex to the Harmonization Convention that includes provisions facilitating the border crossing of vehicles carrying perishable goods under the provisions of the Agreement on the international carriage of perishable foodstuff and on the special equipment to be used for such carriage, provisions on vehicle inspections and mutual recognition of international weight certificates or provisions regarding further facilitations of visa procedures for professional drivers.

    The adoption of this Decision will benefit of the transport business.

    3. legal elements of the proposal

    3.1. Summary of the proposed action

    The proposed Decision formally approves and introduces into the Community's legal order the new Annex 8 to the Harmonization Convention.

    3.2. Legal basis

    Article 133 and Article 300 (2) of the Treaty establishing the European Community.

    3.3. Subsidiarity principle

    The proposal falls under the exclusive competence of the Community. The subsidiarity principle therefore does not apply.

    3.4. Proportionality principle

    The proposal is in conformity with the principle of proportionality. It implements the amendments of an international agreement which as such respects the principle of proportionality. All these amendments have already been adopted by the Administrative Committee for the Harmonization Convention with effect from 20 May 2008 and should be applied in all Member States.

    3.5. Choice of instruments

    Proposed instruments: Decision.

    Other means would not be adequate for the following reason: the proposed Decision amends Regulation (EEC) No 1262/84 which introduced the Harmonization Convention into the Community's legal order.

    4. budgetary implication

    The proposal has no implication for the Community budget.

    5. additional information

    5.1. Simplification

    The proposal provides for simplification of administrative procedures for public authorities (EU or national), and for simplification of administrative procedures for private parties.

    According to the proposed Decision regular exchange of information with regard to the facilitation of visa procedures for professional drivers or border control requirements is established. It is foreseen that Contracting Parties will cooperate with their counterparts in other Contracting Parties in order to accelerate border crossing procedures and to avoid repetitive vehicle weighing procedures.

    According to the proposed Decision new provisions of the Harmonization Convention regarding facilitation of the border crossing of vehicles carrying perishable goods under the provisions of the Agreement on the international carriage of perishable foodstuff and on the special equipment to be used for such carriage will be introduced. Also new provisions regarding facilitation of visa procedures for professional drivers, vehicle inspections or mutual recognition of the international weight certificates become applicable on the basis of the amended Harmonization Convention.

    2008/0114 (ACC)

    Proposal for a


    Approving on behalf of the Community Annex 8 to the International Convention on the Harmonisation of Frontier Controls of Goods


    Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Community, and in particular Article 133, in conjunction with the second subparagraph of Article 300 (2) thereof,

    Having regard to the proposal from the Commission,


    (1) The International Convention on the Harmonisation of Frontier Controls of Goods, 1982 was approved by Council Regulation (EEC) No 1262/84 [1] .

    (2) Article 22 of that Harmonisation Convention, in conjunction with its Annex 7, provides that the Administrative Committee can propose and adopt amendments to the Convention. These amendments are to be accepted unless a Contracting Party objects within 12 months of the communication by the United Nations, of the proposed amendment to the Contracting Parties.

    (3) The United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UN/ECE) Inland Transport Committee decided at its February 1999 session that the Convention should be revised to include provisions to facilitate the border crossing of vehicles.

    (4) The UN/ECE Working Party on Customs Questions affecting Transport subsequently produced draft proposals to add a new Annex 8 to the Convention in order to complement the existing provisions.

    (5) That Annex was adopted by the Administrative Committee for the International Convention on the Harmonization of Frontier Control of goods in October 2007 and as no objections were raised, the Annex takes effect from 20 May 2008.

    (6) The purpose of Annex 8 to the Convention is to facilitate international trade by reducing, harmonising and co-ordinating procedures and paperwork in connection with the border control of goods, in particular live animals and perishable goods. Annex 8 also aims at improving the operation of border crossing points, as well as technical matters relating to the mutual recognition of international vehicle inspection and weight certificates.

    (7) The facilitation of international trade and the removal of technical obstacles to trade is an objective of the common commercial policy and thus falls under the exclusive competence of the Community.

    (8) The Community position concerning the proposed amendment of the Convention was approved on July 2005.

    (9) Therefore, the amendment to the International Convention on the Harmonisation of Frontier controls of Goods should be approved.


    Article 1

    Annex 8 to the International Convention on the Harmonisation of Frontier Controls of Goods is hereby approved on behalf of the Community.

    The text of that Annex is attached to this Decision.

    Article 2

    This Decision shall be published in the Official Journal of the European Union.

    Done at Brussels,

    For the Council

    The President

    Annex 8



    Article 1


    Complementing the provisions of the Convention and in particular those provided in Annex 1, the present Annex intends to define the measures that need to be implemented in order to facilitate border crossing procedures for international road transport.

    Article 2

    Facilitation of visa procedures for professional drivers

    1. The Contracting Parties should endeavour to facilitate the procedures for the granting of visas for professional drivers engaged in international road transport in accordance with national best practice for all visa applicants and national immigration rules as well as international commitments.

    2. The Contracting Parties agree to regularly exchange information on best practices with regard to the facilitation of visa procedures for professional drivers.

    Article 3

    International road transport operations

    1. In order to facilitate the international movement of goods, the Contracting Parties shall regularly inform all parties involved in international transport operations in a harmonized and co-ordinated manner on border control requirements for international road transport operations in force or planned as well as on the actual situation at borders.

    2. Contracting Parties shall endeavour to transfer, to the extent possible and not only for transit traffic, all necessary control procedures to the places of origin and destination of the goods transported by road so as to alleviate congestion at the border crossing points.

    3. Referring in particular to Article 7 of this Convention, priority shall be given to urgent consignments, e.g. live animals and perishable goods. In particular, the competent services at border crossing points:

    (i) shall take the necessary measures to minimize waiting times for ATP-approved vehicles transporting perishable foodstuffs or for vehicles transporting live animals, as from their time of arrival at the frontier until their regulatory, administrative, Customs and sanitary controls;

    (ii) shall ensure that the required regulatory controls are carried out as quickly as possible;

    (iii) shall allow, as far as possible, the operation of the necessary refrigerating units of vehicles carrying perishable foodstuffs during the time of crossing the border, unless this is impossible as a result of the required control procedure;

    (iv) shall co-operate, in particular through advance information exchange, with their counterparts in other Contracting Parties in order to accelerate border crossing procedures for perishable goods and live animals, in case these loads are subject to sanitary inspections.

    Article 4

    Vehicle inspection

    1. The Contracting Parties, not yet Parties to the Agreement Concerning the Adoption of Uniform Conditions for Periodical Technical Inspections of Wheeled Vehicles and the Reciprocal Recognition of such Inspections (1997), should endeavour, in line with relevant national and international laws and regulations, to facilitate the crossing of road vehicles across borders by accepting the International Technical Inspection Certificate as provided for in this Agreement. The Technical Inspection Certificate, as contained in the Agreement as of 1 January 2002, is contained in Appendix 1 to this Annex.

    2. With a view to identifying ATP-approved vehicles carrying perishable foodstuffs, the Contracting Parties may utilize the distinguishing marks affixed to the relevant equipment and the ATP certificate or plate of approval provided for in the Agreement on the International Carriage of Perishable Foodstuffs and the Special Equipment to be used for such Carriage (1970).

    Article 5

    International Vehicle Weight Certificate

    1. In order to accelerate border crossings, the Contracting Parties, in line with relevant national and international laws and regulations, should endeavour to avoid repetitive vehicle weighing procedures at border crossings by accepting and mutually recognizing the International Vehicle Weight Certificate as contained in Appendix 2 to this Annex. In case the Contracting Parties accept such certificates, no further weight measurements shall be carried out apart from random checks and controls in the case of supposed irregularities. Vehicle weight measurements recorded in such certificates shall take place only in the country of origin of international transport operations. The results of such measurements shall be duly reflected and certified in such certificates.

    2. Each Contracting Party, accepting the International Vehicle Weight Certificate, shall cause to be published a list of all weighing stations in their country authorized in accordance with international principles as well as any modification thereto. This list as well as any modification thereto shall be transmitted to the Executive Secretary of the Economic Commission for Europe of the United Nations (UNECE) for distribution to each Contracting Party and to the international organizations referred to in Annex 7, Article 2 to this Convention.

    3. The minimum requirements for authorized weighing stations, the principles of authorization and the basic features of weighing procedures to be applied are contained in Appendix 2 to this Annex.

    Article 6

    Border crossing points

    In order to ensure that the required formalities at border crossing points are streamlined and accelerated, the Contracting Parties shall meet, as far as possible, the following minimum requirements for border crossing points open for international goods traffic:

    (i) facilities enabling joint controls between neighbouring States (one-stop technology), 24 hours a day, whenever justified by trade needs and in line with road traffic regulations;

    (ii) separation of traffic for different types of traffic on both sides of the border allowing to give preference to vehicles under the cover of valid international Customs transit documents (TIR, T) or carrying live animals or perishable foodstuffs;

    (iii) off-lane control areas for random cargo and vehicle checks;

    (iv) appropriate parking and terminal facilities;

    (v) proper hygiene, social and telecommunications facilities for drivers;

    (vi) assistance in the establishment of forwarding agents at border crossings with adequate facilities, offering services to transport operators on a competitive basis.

    Article 7

    Reporting mechanism

    With regard to Articles 1 to 6 of this Annex, the Executive Secretary of the Economic Commission for Europe of the United Nations (UNECE) shall carry out, every second year, a survey among Contracting Parties on progress made to improve border crossing procedures in their countries.

    Appendix 1 to Annex 8 to the Convention


    In accordance with the Agreement Concerning the Adoption of Uniform Conditions for Periodical Technical Inspections of Wheeled Vehicles and the Reciprocal Recognition of such Inspections (1997), entered into force on 27 January 2001.

    1. Accredited Technical Inspection Centres are responsible for conducting the inspection tests, granting the approval of compliance with the inspection requirements of the relevant Rule(s) annexed to the 1997 Vienna Agreement, and specifying the latest date of next inspection to be indicated in line No. 12.5 of the International Technical Inspection Certificate, the model of which is reproduced hereafter.

    2. The International Technical Inspection Certificate shall contain the information indicated hereafter. It may be a booklet in format A6 (148x105 mm), with a green cover and white inside pages, or a sheet of green or white paper of format A4 (210x197) folded to format A6 in such a way that the section containing the distinguishing sign of the state or of the United Nations forms the top of the folded Certificate.

    3. Items of the certificate and their content shall be printed in the national language of the issuing Contracting Party by maintaining the numbering.

    4. The periodical inspection reports which are in use in the Contracting Parties to the Agreement may be used as an alternative. A sample of them shall be transmitted to the Secretary-General of the United Nations for information to the Contracting Parties.

    5. Handwritten, typed or computer generated entries on the International Technical Inspection Certificate to be made exclusively by the competent authorities, shall be in Latin characters.


    Space for the distinguishing sign of the State or of the UN................................(Administrative Authority responsible for technical inspection).............................................. [2]CERTIFICAT INTERNATIONAL DE CONTROLE TECHNIQUE [3] |

    INTERNATIONAL TECHNICAL INSPECTION CERTIFICATE1. Licence plate (Registration) No……………………………………………………2. Vehicle identification No…………………………………………………………..3. First registration after the manufacture (State, Authority) [4]…………………………4. Date of first registration after the manufacture…………………………………….5. Date of the technical inspection……………………………………………………CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE6. This certificate is issued for the vehicle identified under Nos. 1 and 2 which complies at the date under No 5 with the Rule(s) annexed to the 1997 Agreement on the Adoption of Uniform Conditions for Periodical Technical Inspections of Wheeled Vehicles and the Reciprocal Recognition of such Inspections.7. The vehicle has to undergo its next technical inspection according to the Rule(s) under No 6 not later than: Date: (month/year)…………………………………………………………………….8. Issued by………………………………………………………………………………9. At (Place)………………………………………………………………………………10. Date……………………………………………………………………………………11. Signature [5]……………………………………………………………………………… |

    12. Subsequent periodical technical inspection(s) [6] |

    12.1. Done by (Technical inspection Centre) [7]………………………………………………12.2. (stamp) 12.3. Date…………………………………………………………………………………… 12.4. Signature……………………………………………………………………………… 12.5. Next inspection due not later then : (month/year)……………………………………….. |




    Appendix 2 to Annex 8 to the Convention


    1. The objective of the International Vehicle Weight Certificate (IVWC) is to facilitate border crossing procedures and, in particular, to avoid repetitive weight measurements of goods road vehicles en route in the Contracting Parties. Duly filled-in certificates, accepted by the Contracting Parties, shall be accepted as bearing valid weight measurements by the competent authorities of Contracting Parties. Competent authorities shall refrain from requiring additional weight measurements apart from random checks and controls in the case of supposed irregularities.

    2. The International Vehicle Weight Certificate, which shall conform to the model reproduced below in this Appendix, shall be issued and used under the supervision of a designated Governmental authority in each Contracting Party (accepting such certificates) in line with the procedure described in the annexed certificate.

    3. The use of the certificate by transport operators is optional.

    4. The Contracting Parties, accepting such certificates, shall approve authorized weighing stations to fill-in, together with the operator/driver of the goods road vehicle, the International Vehicle Weight Certificate in accordance with the following minimum requirements:

    (a) Weighing stations shall be equipped with certified weighing instruments. For performing the weight measurements, the Contracting Parties accepting such certificates may select the method and instruments they consider appropriate. The Contracting Parties accepting such certificates shall ensure the competence of the weighing stations, such as by accreditation or assessment, use of appropriate weighing instruments, qualified personnel, documented quality systems and testing procedures.

    (b) The weighing stations and their instruments shall be well maintained. The instruments shall be regularly verified and sealed by the relevant authorities responsible for weights and measures. The weighing instruments, their maximum permissible errors and usage shall comply with the Recommendations established by the International Organisation for Legal Metrology (OIML).

    (c) Weighing stations shall be equipped with weighing instruments corresponding to either:

    – - OIML Recommendation R 76 “Non-automatic weighing instruments” accuracy class III or better;

    – - OIML Draft Recommendation “Automatic instruments for weighing road vehicles in motion”, accuracy classes 0.5, 1, 2, or better, resulting in maximum permissible errors of ± 2%, 1% and 0.5% or less.

    Higher error values may apply in case of individual axle weight measurements.

    5. In exceptional cases and, particularly when irregularities are suspected, or at the demand of the transport operator/driver of the respective road vehicle, the competent authorities may re-weigh the vehicle. In case a weighing station produces several mistaken measurements, observed by the control authorities in a Contracting Party accepting such certificates, the competent authorities of the country of the weighing station shall take appropriate measures in order to ensure that such events will not occur again.

    6. The model of the certificate may be reproduced in any of the languages of the Contracting Parties accepting such certificates provided that the layout of the certificate and the placing of the items therein are not modified.

    7. Each Contracting Party accepting such certificates, shall publish a list of all weighing stations in their countries authorized in accordance with international principles as well as any modifications thereto. This list as well as any modification thereto shall be transmitted to the Executive Secretary of the Economic Commission for Europe of the United Nations (UNECE) for distribution to each Contracting Party and to the international organisations referred to in Annex 7, Article 2 to this Convention.

    8. (Transitional provision) Since only very few weighing stations are equipped at present with weighing instruments able to provide individual axle weight or axle group measurements, the Contracting Parties, accepting such certificates, agree that, during a transitional period, expiring 12 months following the entry into force of this Annex, gross vehicle weight measurements as provided for under item 7.3 in the International Vehicle Weight Certificate shall be sufficient and shall be accepted by the competent national authorities.



    UNITED NATIONSECONOMIC COMMISSIONFOR EUROPEUNECE | INTERNATIONAL VEHICLE WEIGHT CERTIFICATE (IVWC)In accordance with the provisions of Annex 8 – Facilitation of Border Crossing Procedures for International Road Transport – to the International Convention on the Harmonization of Frontier Controls of Goods, 1982Valid for international road transport of goods |

    To be filled-in by the transport operator(s)/driver(s) of the goods road vehicle before weighing the vehicle |

    1. Transport operator/company (name and address; incl. country) | Tel. No. |

    | Fax. No. |

    | E-mail |

    2. Transport contract No.(1) | TIR Carnet No. (if applicable)(2) |

    3. Details of goods road vehicle |

    3.1. Registration number of | Road tractor/lorry | Semi-trailer/trailer |

    3.2. Suspension system of | Road tractor/lorryAir Mechanical Other | Semi-trailer/trailerAir Mechanical Other |

    To be filled-in by the operator of the authorized weighing station< ‘ |

    4. Authorized weighing station (name and address; incl. country) Accuracy class of the weighing instrument(4) Class II Class III and/or <0.5 1 24.2. Date of last calibration | 5. Vehicle weight measurement No.(3)--- -- ----- |

    | 6. Date of issue (day, month, year) |

    7. Weight measurements of goods road vehicles (original and official record of the weighing station shall be affixed to this certificate) 7.1. Type of goods road vehicle (5) |

    7.2. Axle weight measurements, in kg |

    | Driven | Non-driven | Single | Tandem | Triple |

    First axle | | | | | |

    Second axle | | | | | |

    Third axle | | | | | |

    Fourth axle | | | | | |

    Fifth axle | | | | | |

    Sixth axle(6) | | | | | |

    7.3. Gross vehicle weight measurements, in kg | Road tractor/lorry | Semi-trailer/trailer | Total gross vehicle weight |

    8. Special weight characteristics | 8.3. No. of spare tyres |

    8.1. Tank(s) connected to the engine Capacity filled to ¼ ½ ¾ 1/18.2. Additional tank(s) (for cooling devices, etc.) Capacity filled to ¼ ½ ¾ 1/1 | 8.4. No. of person(s) on board while weighing |

    | 8.5. Liftable axle Yes No |

    | |

    I declare that the above weight measurements taken have been duly performed by the undersigned at an authorized weighing station | Stamp |

    Name of operator of weighing station | Signature | |

    (1) For instance: CMR Consignment Note Number.

    (2) In accordance with the TIR Convention, 1975.

    (3) See Notes on page 2.

    (4) In accordance with OIML Recommendation R 76 and/or Draft Recommendation “Automatic instruments for weighing road vehicles in motion”.

    (5) Vehicle type code as contained in the attached sketches, for example: A2 or A2S2.

    (6) If more than six axles, indicate in box “Remarks”, on page 2.


    To be filled-in by the transport operator(s)/driver(s) of the goods road vehicle after weighing the vehicle |

    I declare that:(a) the weight measurements stated overleaf have been performed by the above- mentioned weighing station,(b) the information (1) to (8) has been duly filled-in and(c) no load has been added to the goods road vehicle following its weighing at the above mentioned weighing station. |

    Date | Name of driver(s) of goods road vehicle | Signature(s) |

    Remarks (if any) |


    Notes |

    The vehicle weight measurement number shall consist of three data elements linked by hyphens: (1) Country code (in accordance with the UN Convention on Road Traffic, 1968). (2) Two-digit code allowing identification of national weighing station. (3) Five-digit code (at least) allowing identification of individual weight measurement taken. Examples: GR-01-23456 or RO-14-000510. This serial number shall correspond to that applied in the books of the weighing station. |


    INTERNATIONAL VEHICLE WEIGHT CERTIFICATE (IVWC)LEGAL BASISThe International Vehicle Weight Certificate has been drawn up in accordance with the provisions of Annex 8 – Facilitation of Border Crossing Procedures for International Road Transport – to the International Convention on the Harmonization of Frontier Controls of Goods, 1982.OBJECTIVEThe International Vehicle Weight Certificate is designed to avoid repetitive weight measurements of goods road vehicles en route in international transport, particularly at border crossings. The use of this certificate by transport operators is optional.PROCEDUREIf Contracting Parties accept [8] the International Vehicle Weight Certificate duly filled-in by (a) the operator of an approved weighing station and (b) the transport operator(s)/goods road vehicle driver(s), it shall be accepted and recognized as bearing valid weight measurements by the competent authorities of the Contracting Parties. As a general rule, competent authorities shall accept the information contained in this Certificate as valid and shall refrain from requiring additional weight measurements. To prevent abuse, the competent authorities may however, in exceptional cases, and particularly when irregularities are suspected, carry out an examination of the vehicle weight in accordance with national regulations.Weight measurements in order to establish this certificate shall be made, upon the request of the transport operator(s)/goods road vehicle driver(s) whose vehicle is registered in one of the Contracting Parties accepting such certificates, by approved weighing stations at costs which shall be limited to the services rendered.For the purposes of this certificate, approved weighing stations shall be equipped with weighing instruments corresponding to either: - OIML Recommendation R 76 “Non-automatic weighing instruments” accuracy class III or better; or - OIML Draft Recommendation “Automatic instruments for weighing road vehicles in motion”, accuracy classes 0.5, 1, 2, or better, resulting in maximum permissible errors of ± 2%, 1% and 0.5% or less.Higher error values may apply in case of individual axle weight measurements.SANCTIONSTransport operator(s)/goods road vehicles driver(s) are subject to the national legislation for any false declaration made in the International Vehicle Weight Certificate.In determining the legal value of the weight measurement(s), an estimation of the possible weighing error must be made for each weighing system. This error value, consisting of the intrinsic error of the weighing equipment and the error due to external factors, must be deducted from the measured weight in order to ensure that a possible overweight measurement is not caused by the inaccuracy of the weighing equipment and/or the weighing procedure used.As a consequence, fines shall not be imposed on transport operators utilizing this certificate unless the weight measurement(s) inscribed in this certificate minus the maximum possible weighing error (i.e. 2 per cent maximum or 800 kg in case of a 40 tonne vehicle) exceed(s) the maximum permissible weight(s) as prescribed by the national legislation. |

    ATTACHMENTto the INTERNATIONAL VEHICLE WEIGHT CERTIFICATE (IVWC)Sketches of types of goods road vehicles as required under item 7.1 of the IVWC |

    No. | Goods road vehicles | Vehicle Type* means first alternative axle configuration** means second alternative axle configuration | Distance between axles (m)¹¹ No specification is given if not relevant |



    1 | | A2 | D 4.0 |


    2 | | A2* | D 4.0 |


    3 | | A3 | |


    4 | | A4 | |


    5 | | A3* | |


    6 | | A4* | |


    7 | | A5 | |

    No. | Goods road vehicles | Vehicle Type* means first alternative axle configuration** means second alternative axle configuration | Distance between axles (m)¹¹ No specification is given if not relevant |

    II. combination of vehicles(coupled vehicles according to the Convention on Road Traffic (1968), Chapter I, Article 1 (t) |



    1 | | A2 T2 | |



    2 | | A2 T3 | |



    3 | | A3 T2 | |



    4 | | A3 T3 | |


    5 | | A3 T3* | |


    6 | | A2 C2 | |


    7 | | A2 C3 | |


    8 | | A3 C2 | |

    No. | Goods road vehicles | Vehicle Type* means first alternative axle configuration ** means second alternative axle configuration | Distance between axles (m)¹¹ No specification is given if not relevant |


    9 | | A3 C3 | |


    10 | | A2 C1 | |


    11 | | A3 C1 | |

    III. articulated vehicles |


    1 | with 3 axles | | A2 S1 | |


    2 | with 4 axles (single or tandem) | | A2 S2 | D 2.0 |


    | | | A2 S2* | D 2.0 |


    | | | A3 S1 | |

    No. | Goods road vehicles | Vehicle Type* means first alternative axle configuration** means second alternative axle configuration | Distance between axles (m)¹¹ No specification is given if not relevant |




    3 | With 5 or 6 axles (single, tandem, triple) | | A2 S3 | |


    | | | A2 S3* | |


    | | | A2 S3** | |


    | | | A3 S2 | D 2.0 |


    | | | A3 S2* | D 2.0 |


    | | | A3 S3 | |

    | | | A3 S3* | |

    | | | A3 S3** | |

    | | Without sketch | An Sn | |

    Annex 1


    (1 September 1970)





    Bosnia and Herzegovina



    Czech Republic





















    Russian Federation





    The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia

    United Kingdom

    United States of America



    Annex 2


    (13 November 1997)






    Russian Federation

    [1] OJ L 126, 12.05.1984, P 1


    [3] Title in French.

    [4] If available, authority and state where the vehicle was registered for the first time after its manufacture.

    [5] Seal or stamp of the authority issuing the certificate.

    [6] Items 12.1 to 12.5 to be repeated if the Certificate is to be used for subsequent annual periodical technical inspections.

    [7] Name, Address, State of the Technical Inspection Centre accredited by the competent Authority.

    [8] Modified wording due to modifications proposed for Article 5.

