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Document 52008PC0022

    Proposal for a Council Regulation implementing Regulation No 1177/2003 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 June 2003 concerning Community Statistics on Income and Living Conditions (EU-SILC) as regards the 2009 list of target secondary variables on material deprivation

    /* COM/2008/0022 final */


    Proposal for a Council Regulation implementing Regulation No 1177/2003 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 June 2003 concerning Community Statistics on Income and Living Conditions (EU-SILC) as regards the 2009 list of target secondary variables on material deprivation /* COM/2008/0022 final */


    Brussels, 28.1.2008

    COM(2008) 22 final

    Proposal for a


    implementing Regulation No 1177/2003 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 June 2003 concerning Community Statistics on Income and Living Conditions (EU-SILC) as regards the 2009 list of target secondary variables on material deprivation

    (presented by the Commission)


    1. Regulation N° 1177/2003 of the European Parliament and of Council was adopted on 16 June 2003 and published in the Official Journal on 3 July 2003. It was amended on 7 September 2005 by regulation N° 1553/2005 of the European Parliament and of the Council to extend to Member States that enter the European Union on 1 May 2004 and to give them additional time to adapt their systems to harmonised methods and definitions used to compile Community Statistics.

    2. The aim of the EU-SILC Regulations are to establish a common framework for the systematic production of Community Statistics on Income and Living Conditions, encompassing comparable and timely cross-sectional and longitudinal data on income and on the level and composition of poverty and social exclusion at national and European levels.

    3. In accordance with Article 6 of the EP and Council Regulation on EU-SILC, target secondary areas (modules) shall be included in the system every year starting from 2005 to complement the target primary variables (annual variables).

    4. The modules for 2005, 2006, 2007 and 2008 are respectively relating to the intergenerational transmission of poverty, to social participation, to the housing conditions and to over-indebtedness and financial exclusion. The corresponding list of variables are given in Commission regulations N° 16/2004, 13/2005, 315/2006 and 215/2007.

    5. The theme of 2009 module is ‘material deprivation’. The list of variables to be included in this module has been developed by a Joint Eurostat / ISG (Indicators sub-group of the Social Protection Committee) Task Force with methodological expertise from the Dublin and Bristol Universities.

    6. The ultimate objective of the module is not only to cover in one shot a specific area related to social inclusion but to run methodological studies to be in a position from 2011/2012 to improve the deprivation component of the core (annual) SILC survey.

    7. The development of this module is a direct follow-up of the Helsinki Conference on the EU-SILC project (held in Helsinki on 6-8 November 2006) which recognised the need to extend the deprivation component of EU-SILC.

    8. This module also takes place in the context of the work of the Indicators Sub-Group of the Social Protection Committee (ISG) on material deprivation where the need to develop tools to monitor the multi-dimensional nature and the non-income dimension of poverty and social exclusion has been consistently highlighted by Member States and the Commission in the context of the Open Method of Coordination on social inclusion.

    9. The draft Commission Regulation has received a strong support from the Directors of Social Statistics of the Member States in their meeting of 17 and 18 September 2007 as all countries except Denmark expressed a positive opinion on the draft regulation.

    10. The Statistical Programme Committee (SPC) voted on the proposed regulation on 8 November 2007 under the Regulatory procedure. A number of delegations expressed reservation as they thought that the length of the questionnaire and the burden it put on respondents would have a negative impact on the quality of results. Concerns were also expressed in view of the subjective variables, mainly the 'unmet needs' information.

    11. The SPC did not support the proposal. Germany, Denmark, Sweden, the United Kingdom and the Netherlands voted against (total of 88 votes). Romania, Italy, Greece, Belgium, Finland and Poland abstained (total of 84 votes). All the other Member States were in favour of the draft (total of 173 votes). The EFTA/EEA countries abstained. Switzerland abstained.

    Proposal for a


    implementing Regulation No 1177/2003 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 June 2003 concerning Community Statistics on Income and Living Conditions (EU-SILC) as regards the 2009 list of target secondary variables on material deprivation

    (Text with EEA relevance)


    Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Community,

    Having regard to Regulation (EC) No 1177/2003 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 June 2003 concerning Community statistics on income and living conditions (EU-SILC)[1], and in particular Article 15(2)(f) thereof,


    (1) Regulation (EC) No 1177/2003 established a common framework for the systematic production of Community statistics on income and living conditions, encompassing comparable and timely cross-sectional and longitudinal data on income, and on the level and composition of poverty and social exclusion at national and European Union levels.

    (2) Under Article 15(2)(f) of Regulation (EC) No 1177/2003, implementing measures are necessary for the list of target secondary areas and variables to be included each year in the cross-sectional component of EU-SILC. For the year 2009, the list of target secondary variables included in the module on material deprivation should be laid down. This should be accompanied by the provision of variable codes and definitions.

    (3) The measures provided for in this Regulation are not in accordance with the opinion of the Statistical Programme Committee. In this case, following the procedure laid down in Article 14(2) of Regulation (EC) No 1177/2003, the Commission shall without delay, submit to the Council a proposal relating to the measures to be taken and shall inform the European Parliament.


    Article 1

    The list of target secondary variables, the variable codes, and the definitions for the 2009 module on material deprivation to be included in the cross-sectional component of Community statistics on income and living conditions (EU-SILC) shall be as laid down in the Annex.

    Article 2

    This Regulation shall enter into force on the twentieth day following that of its publication in the Official Journal of the European Union .

    This Regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all Member States.

    Done at Brussels,

    For the Council

    The President


    For the purposes of this Regulation, the following units, modes of data collection, reference periods and definitions shall apply.

    1. Units

    The target variables relate to three different types of units.

    The variables relating to housing, the environment, financial stress and durables (except possession of mobile phones) are asked at household level and refer to the household as a whole.

    Information on the possession of a mobile phone, basic needs, unmet needs as well as leisure and social activities must be provided for each current household member, or, if applicable, for all selected respondents, aged 16 and over.

    Children's items relate to all household members aged under 18. The questions must be answered by the household respondent either for the group of children aged under 18 or for the group of children aged under 16 if the same item has been asked through the individual questionnaire for children aged 16 or 17. If at least one child does not have the item in question, the whole group of children in the household are assumed not to have the item.

    2. Modes of data collection

    For variables asked at household level (section 1 in the list below), the mode of data collection is personal interview with the household respondent.

    For variables asked at individual level (section 2 in the list below), the mode of data collection is personal interview with all current household members aged 16 and over or, if applicable, with each selected respondent.

    For children's variables (section 3 in the list below), the mode of collection is personal interview with the household respondent.

    Owing to the characteristics of the information to be collected, only personal interviews (proxy interviews as an exception for persons temporarily absent or incapacitated) are allowed.

    3. Reference periods

    All target variables relate to the current situation as the reference period, except for the two variables on the expectation of the household to change dwelling, which refers to the next six months, and the variables on unmet needs, which refer to the past twelve months.

    4. Definitions

    1. Housing items

    2. Shortage of space: the variable refers to the respondent’s opinion / perception about shortage of space in the dwelling.

    3. Environmental items

    4. Accessibility: this relates to the services used by the household with regard to financial, physical, technical and health conditions. The accessibility of services is to be assessed in terms of physical and technical access, and opening hours, but not in terms of quality, price and similar aspects.

    5. Public transport: bus, metro, tram and similar.

    6. Postal or banking services: withdraw cash, transfer money and pay bills.

    7. Postal services: send and receive ordinary and parcel post.

    8. Durables

    9. The possession of durables relates to the access of the specific good or service for the private use of the household. It can be rented or shared. If the good is shared access to it should be easy and appropriate to household needs.

    5. Transmission of data to EUROSTAT

    The target secondary variables on ‘material deprivation' should be sent to EUROSTAT in the household data file (H) and in the personal data file (P) after the target primary variables.


    Module 2009 | Material deprivation |

    Variable name | Code | Target variable |

    1. Household items asked at household level |

    1.1. Housing at household level |

    HD010 | Place to live with hot running water |

    1 | Yes |

    2 | No |

    HD010_F | 1 | Variable is filled |

    -1 | Missing |

    HD020 | Expectation of household to change dwelling |

    1 | Yes |

    2 | No |

    HD020_F | 1 | Variable is filled |

    -1 | Missing |

    HD025 | Main reason for the expectation to change dwelling |

    1 | Household will be forced to leave, since notice has been/will be given by the landlord on termination of the contract |

    2 | Household will be forced to leave, since notice has been/will be given by the landlord in the absence of a formal contract |

    3 | Household will be forced to leave because of eviction or distraint |

    4 | Household will be forced to leave due to financial difficulties |

    5 | Household will leave because of family-related reason |

    6 | Household will leave because of employment-related reason |

    7 | Household will leave because of other reason |

    HD025_F | 1 | Variable is filled |

    -1 | Missing |

    -2 | Not applicable (HD020=2) |

    HD030 | Shortage of space in dwelling |

    1 | Yes |

    2 | No |

    HD030_F | 1 | Variable is filled |

    -1 | Missing |

    OPTIONAL: Housing at household level |

    HD035 | Size of dwelling in square metres |

    0-999 | Square metres |

    HD035_F | 1 | Variable is filled |

    -1 | Missing |

    1.2. Environment at household level |

    HD040 | Litter lying about |

    1 | Very frequently |

    2 | Frequently |

    3 | Sometimes |

    4 | Rarely or never |

    HD040_F | 1 | Variable is filled |

    -1 | Missing |

    HD050 | Damaged public amenities (bus stops, lamp posts, pavements, etc.) |

    1 | Very frequently |

    2 | Frequently |

    3 | Sometimes |

    4 | Rarely or never |

    HD050_F | 1 | Variable is filled |

    -1 | Missing |

    HD060 | Accessibility of public transport |

    1 | With great difficulty |

    2 | With some difficulty |

    3 | Easily |

    4 | Very easily |

    HD060_F | 1 | Variable is filled |

    -1 | Missing |

    -2 | Not applicable (public transport not used by household) |

    HD070 | Accessibility of postal or banking services |

    1 | With great difficulty |

    2 | With some difficulty |

    3 | Easily |

    4 | Very easily |

    HD070_F | 1 | Variable is filled |

    -1 | Missing |

    -2 | Not applicable (services not used by household) |

    1.3. Financial stress at household level |

    HD080 | Replacing worn out furniture |

    1 | Yes |

    2 | No, because the household cannot afford it |

    3 | No, because of another reason |

    HD080_F | 1 | Variable is filled |

    -1 | Missing |

    1.4. Durables at household level |

    HD090 | Internet connection |

    1 | Yes |

    2 | No, because the household cannot afford it |

    3 | No, because of another reason |

    HD090_F | 1 | Variable is filled |

    -1 | Missing |

    HD100 | DVD player |

    1 | Yes |

    2 | No, because the household cannot afford it |

    3 | No, because of another reason |

    HD100_F | 1 | Variable is filled |

    -1 | Missing |

    2. Items asked at individual level |

    2.1. Durables at individual level |

    PD010 | Mobile phone |

    1 | Yes |

    2 | No, because cannot afford it |

    3 | No, because of another reason |

    PD010_F | 1 | Variable is filled |

    -1 | Missing |

    -3 | Not selected respondent |

    2.2. Basic needs at individual level |

    PD020 | Replace worn out clothes by new (not second-hand) ones |

    1 | Yes |

    2 | No, because cannot afford it |

    3 | No, because of another reason |

    PD020_F | 1 | Variable is filled |

    -1 | Missing |

    -3 | Not selected respondent |

    PD030 | Two pairs of properly-fitting shoes (including a pair of all-weather shoes) |

    1 | Yes |

    2 | No, because cannot afford it |

    3 | No, because of another reason |

    PD030_F | 1 | Variable is filled |

    -1 | Missing |

    -3 | Not selected respondent |

    2.3. Unmet needs at individual level |

    PD040 | Unmet need for buying medicine/medical equipment |

    1 | Yes, there was at least one occasion |

    2 | No, there was no occasion |

    PD040_F | 1 | Variable is filled |

    -1 | Missing |

    -3 | Not selected respondent |

    PD045 | Main reason for unmet need for buying medicine/medical equipment |

    1 | Could not afford to (too expensive) |

    2 | Medicine/medical equipment was not available |

    3 | Could not take the time because of work, care for children or for other persons |

    4 | Too far to travel/no means of transport |

    5 | Fear of medicine/medical treatment |

    6 | Wanted to wait and see if problem got better on its own |

    7 | Did not know where to buy it |

    8 | Other reason |

    PD045_F | 1 | Variable is filled |

    -1 | Missing |

    -2 | Not applicable (PD040=2) |

    -3 | Not selected respondent |

    2.4. Leisure and social activities at individual level |

    PD050 | Get together with friends/family for a drink/meal at least once a month |

    1 | Yes |

    2 | No, because cannot afford it |

    3 | No, because of another reason |

    PD050_F | 1 | Variable is filled |

    -1 | Missing |

    -3 | Not selected respondent |

    PD060 | Regularly participate in a leisure activity such as sport, cinema, concert |

    1 | Yes |

    2 | No, because cannot afford it |

    3 | No, because of another reason |

    PD060_F | 1 | Variable is filled |

    -1 | Missing |

    -3 | Not selected respondent |

    PD070 | Spend a small amount of money each week on yourself |

    1 | Yes |

    2 | No, because cannot afford it |

    3 | No, because of another reason |

    PD070_F | 1 | Variable is filled |

    -1 | Missing |

    -3 | Not selected respondent |

    3. Children's items asked at household level |

    3.1. Basic needs for all household children |

    HD110 | New (not second-hand) clothes |

    1 | Yes |

    2 | No, because cannot afford it |

    3 | No, because of another reason |

    HD110_F | 1 | Variable is filled |

    -1 | Missing |

    -2 | Not applicable (no children aged under 18) |

    HD120 | Two pairs of properly-fitting shoes (including a pair of all-weather shoes) |

    1 | Yes |

    2 | No, because cannot afford it |

    3 | No, because of another reason |

    HD120_F | 1 | Variable is filled |

    -1 | Missing |

    -2 | Not applicable (no children aged under 18) |

    HD130 | Fresh fruit and vegetables once a day |

    1 | Yes |

    2 | No, because cannot afford it |

    3 | No, because of another reason |

    HD130_F | 1 | Variable is filled |

    -1 | Missing |

    -2 | Not applicable (no children aged under 18) |

    HD140 | Three meals a day |

    1 | Yes |

    2 | No, because cannot afford it |

    3 | No, because of another reason |

    HD140_F | 1 | Variable is filled |

    -1 | Missing |

    -2 | Not applicable (no children aged under 18) |

    HD150 | One meal with meat, chicken or fish (or vegetarian equivalent) per day |

    1 | Yes |

    2 | No, because cannot afford it |

    3 | No, because of another reason |

    HD150_F | 1 | Variable is filled |

    -1 | Missing |

    -2 | Not applicable (no children aged under 18) |

    3.2. Educational or leisure needs for all household children |

    HD160 | Go on holiday at least 1 week per year |

    1 | Yes |

    2 | No, because cannot afford it |

    3 | No, because of another reason |

    HD160_F | 1 | Variable is filled |

    -1 | Missing |

    -2 | Not applicable (no children aged under 18) |

    HD170 | Books at home suitable for their age |

    1 | Yes |

    2 | No, because cannot afford it |

    3 | No, because of another reason |

    HD170_F | 1 | Variable is filled |

    -1 | Missing |

    -2 | Not applicable (no children aged under 18) |

    HD180 | Outdoor leisure equipment (bicycle, roller skates, etc.) |

    1 | Yes |

    2 | No, because cannot afford it |

    3 | No, because of another reason |

    HD180_F | 1 | Variable is filled |

    -1 | Missing |

    -2 | Not applicable (no children aged under 18) |

    HD190 | Indoor games (educational baby toys, building blocks, board games, computer games, etc.) |

    1 | Yes |

    2 | No, because cannot afford it |

    3 | No, because of another reason |

    HD190_F | 1 | Variable is filled |

    -1 | Missing |

    -2 | Not applicable (no children aged under 18) |

    HD200 | Regular leisure activity (swimming, playing an instrument, youth organisations, etc.) |

    1 | Yes |

    2 | No, because cannot afford it |

    3 | No, because of another reason |

    HD200_F | 1 | Variable is filled |

    -1 | Missing |

    -2 | Not applicable (no children aged under 18) |

    HD210 | Celebrations on special occasions (birthdays, name days, religious events, etc.) |

    1 | Yes |

    2 | No, because cannot afford it |

    3 | No, because of another reason |

    HD210_F | 1 | Variable is filled |

    -1 | Missing |

    -2 | Not applicable (no children aged under 18) |

    HD220 | Invite friends round to play and eat from time to time |

    1 | Yes |

    2 | No, because cannot afford it |

    3 | No, because of another reason |

    HD220_F | 1 | Variable is filled |

    -1 | Missing |

    -2 | Not applicable (no children aged under 18) |

    HD230 | Participate in school trips and school events that cost money |

    1 | Yes |

    2 | No, because cannot afford it |

    3 | No, because of another reason |

    HD230_F | 1 | Variable is filled |

    -1 | Missing |

    -2 | Not applicable (no children aged under 18 in school) |

    HD240 | Suitable place to study or do homework |

    1 | Yes |

    2 | No |

    HD240_F | 1 | Variable is filled |

    -1 | Missing |

    -2 | Not applicable (no children aged under 18 in school) |

    HD250 | Outdoor space in the neighbourhood where children can play safely |

    1 | Yes |

    2 | No |

    HD250_F | 1 | Variable is filled |

    -1 | Missing |

    -2 | Not applicable (no children aged under 18) |

    3.3. Medical needs for all household children |

    HD260 | Unmet need for consulting a doctor or specialist |

    1 | Yes, there was at least one occasion |

    2 | No, there was no occasion |

    HD260_F | 1 | Variable is filled |

    -1 | Missing |

    -2 | Not applicable (no children aged under 18) |

    HD265 | Main reason for unmet need for consulting a doctor or specialist |

    1 | Could not afford to (too expensive) |

    2 | Waiting list |

    3 | Could not take the time because of work, care for other children or for other persons |

    4 | Too far to travel/no means of transport |

    5 | Other reason |

    HD265_F | 1 | Variable is filled |

    -1 | Missing |

    -2 | Not applicable (HD260=2) |

    HD270 | Unmet need for consulting a dentist |

    1 | Yes, there was at least one occasion |

    2 | No, there was no occasion |

    HD270_F | 1 | Variable is filled |

    -1 | Missing |

    -2 | Not applicable (no children aged under 18) |

    HD275 | Main reason for unmet need for consulting a dentist |

    1 | Could not afford to (too expensive) |

    2 | Waiting list |

    3 | Could not take the time because of work, care for other children or for other persons |

    4 | Too far to travel/no means of transport |

    5 | Other reason |

    HD275_F | 1 | Variable is filled |

    -1 | Missing |

    -2 | Not applicable (HD270=2) |

    HD280 | Unmet need for buying medicine/medical equipment |

    1 | Yes, there was at least one occasion |

    2 | No, there was no occasion |

    HD280_F | 1 | Variable is filled |

    -1 | Missing |

    -2 | Not applicable (no children aged under 18) |

    HD285 | Main reason for unmet need for buying medicine/medical equipment |

    1 | Could not afford to (too expensive) |

    2 | Waiting list |

    3 | Too far to travel/no means of transport |

    4 | Other reason |

    HD285_F | 1 | Variable is filled |

    -1 | Missing |

    -2 | Not applicable (HD280=2) |

    [1] OJ L 165 3.7.2003, p.1 Regulation as amended by Regulations (EC) No 1553/2005 (OJ L 225, 30.9.2005, p. 6) and (EC) No 1791/2006 (OJ L 363, 20.12.2006, p.1).
