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Document 52006DC0872

    Annual Report from the Commission to the Council and the European Parliament on Member States’ efforts during 2005 to achieve a sustainable balance between fishing capacity and fishing opportunities {SEC(2006) 1799}

    /* COM/2006/0872 final */


    Annual Report from the Commission to the Council and the European Parliament on Member States’ efforts during 2005 to achieve a sustainable balance between fishing capacity and fishing opportunities {SEC(2006) 1799} /* COM/2006/0872 final */


    Brussels, 9.1.2007

    COM (2006) 872 final


    on Member States’ efforts during 200 5 to achieve a sustainable balance between fishing capacity and fishing opportunities

    {SEC(2006) 1799}


    1. Introduction 4

    2. Fleet Management in the reformed Common Fisheries Policy 4

    3. Summary of Member States’ annual reports 4

    a) Description of the fleets in relation to the state of fisheries 5

    b) Impact of effort reduction schemes on capacity 5

    c) Strengths and weaknesses 10

    d) Compliance with the entry-exit regime and with levels of reference 10

    4. Conclusions from the Commission 11

    Technical Annex 1 – Summary Tables and Graphs 13

    a) Entry/Exit regime 13

    b) Reference Levels (mainland fleet) 13

    c) Management of fleet reference levels in the outermost regions 14

    d) Measurement of tonnage 14

    e) Community Fishing Fleet Register 14

    Technical Annex 2 – Results by Member State (excluding outermost regions) 22

    Belgium 26

    Denmark 29

    Germany 32

    Estonia 35

    Greece 37

    Spain 40

    France 43

    Ireland 46

    Italy 49

    Cyprus 52

    Latvia 54

    Lithuania 56

    Malta 58

    The Netherlands 60

    Poland 63

    Portugal 65

    Slovenia 68

    Finland 70

    Sweden 73

    United Kingdom 77

    Technical Annex 3 - Results of the outermost regions fleets managment 79


    Article 14 of Council Regulation (EC) No 2371/2002[1] and Article 12 of Commission Regulation (EC) No 1438/2003[2] require Member States to submit to the Commission, before 1 May each year, a report on their efforts during the previous year to achieve a sustainable balance between fleet capacity and available fishing opportunities. Member States' reports are available on the "Europa" web site[3]. On the basis of these reports and the data in the Community Fishing Fleet Register[4] the Commission produced for the year 2005 a summary which was presented to the ‘Scientific Technical and Economic Committee for Fisheries’ (STECF) and the ‘Committee for Fisheries and Aquaculture’. In this report the Commission now presents that summary, accompanied by the opinions of the above-mentioned committees, to the Council and the European Parliament.

    This report is divided into two parts:

    - the first part describes the rules that must be followed by Member States in managing their fleets and summarises the information submitted according to Article 13 of Commission Regulation (EC) No1438/2003 on implementing rules for fleet policy;

    - the second part shows the development of Member States’ fleet capacities in 2005 in the form of numeric tables and graphs containing the relevant information on the management of entries and exits of vessels for each national fleet.


    According the Common Fisheries Policy (CFP) adopted in December 2002, the fishing fleets are managed by the general rule that new capacity, expressed in terms of tonnage and power, introduced into the fleet cannot be higher than capacity withdrawn from it (see Technical Annex 1).


    This year again only ten Member States submitted their annual reports before the fixed deadline of 30 April 2006; remaining reports were delayed (for example, Italy or France submitted their reports months after the deadline). The United Kingdom did not submit an annual report. Furthermore, the information included in Member States' reports is not homogenous and sometimes the format/content of annual reports has not been respected. Additionally, several Member States again exceeded the maximum 10 page length of report and attached numerous annexes and explanatory tables.

    As a consequence of the above mentioned inconsistencies, a common assessment of the Member States’ reports was problematic and the Commission faced serious difficulties to respect its deadline (31 July 2006) for the submission of the summary report to the STECF and the Committee for Fisheries and Aquaculture.

    a) Description of the fleets in relation to the state of fisheries

    The Member States’ annual reports provided a general description of the fishing fleets by number of vessels, capacity, target species and fishing areas. Furthermore, Member States used various segmentation systems; some kept the old MAGP IV segmentation, others applied their own national segmentation systems. Generally speaking the national fishing fleet segmentation is managed in the following way:

    - the MAGP IV segmentation is used by Germany, France, Portugal, Finland and Ireland (with some additions);

    - by vessels type/fishing gear/ overall length in Denmark and Cyprus;

    - by overall length and fishing gear in Greece and Slovenia;

    - by fishing gear in Belgium;

    - by geographical fishing grounds and type of fishing vessels in Spain, Latvia, Lithuania and Poland;

    - by overall length, fishing grounds, the fishing gear used and the species of fish caught in Estonia and Sweden (with exception of using fishing grounds as an indicator);

    - is divided in two: aquaculture and mainland fleet (mainly cutters) segment in the Netherlands.

    A number of Member States stressed that the small-scale coastal fisheries fleet (representing more than 80 % of the total Community fishing fleet) has a very important socio – economic impact on coastal communities. Better management and development of this sector is set as a priority task, for example, in Sweden and Greece.

    Most of Member States in their reports tried to assess the balance between their fishing fleet capacity and available fishing opportunities. Various approaches were used to identify the correlations between available fish stocks and their fleets. Several Member States made analysis of the available fish stocks linked to the capacity changes in each of their fleet segments. Some Member States used a more socio-economic approach to evaluate their fishing fleet capacity developments.

    In 2005 various measures were employed by Member States to reach a better balance between of available resources and fishing fleets: fleet capacity reductions, limitations of fishing days, restrictions on access to resources at national level, limitations of the number of fishing licences, allocation of fishing quotas, etc. All Member States reported a gradual reduction of fleet capacity, both in GT and in kW, in 2005, achieved mainly by means of decommissioning schemes.

    b) Impact of effort reduction schemes on capacity

    As mentioned above different recovery measures and effort reduction schemes were applicable for Member States in 2005. All Member States fishing in the Kattegat, North Sea and Skagerrak, West of Scotland, Eastern Channel, Irish Sea, the Bay of Biscay, the Cantabrian Sea and Western Iberia and the Baltic Sea, were affected by the fishing effort reduction measures (some of them are laid down in Council Regulation (EC) No 27/2005[5]). Generally, the implementation of these measures involved limiting the number of days which vessels spent at sea and the fishing gear used.

    The majority of Member States concerned reported a steady overall decrease in their fishing effort. Furthermore, Member States concerned reported that the decrease in their fishing effort has been achieved mainly by the application of various fishing effort limitation and decommissioning schemes, both at Community and at national level. Some Member States stated that the increase in fuel prices during 2005 also played a significant role in the reduction of their fishing effort. The following and some comments by Member States regarding fishing effort schemes in 2005:

    Belgium: in 2005 fleet activities covered the North Sea, Western Waters and the Bay of Biscay, with restrictions imposed in accordance with Regulation 27/2005. In each of these areas the fleet faced a recovery or management plan (with the exception of the shrimp fleet). In addition, the Belgian system provides restrictions for a total number of permitted voyage days per vessel on an annual basis, covering all areas.

    The available days-at-sea in the cod recovery area were perceived as a genuine restriction by certain vessels in the beam-trawl fleet. The total number of days at sea for the entire fleet was not exceeded because certain vessels under-used theirs. The restriction of voyage days did not result in the available quota not being fished.

    Denmark: Impact of the cod recovery plan for the North Sea – 71,642 days at sea were used as opposed to 81,330 days at sea in 2004, a reduction of 12 %. The interaction between resource and fleet management in terms of TAC/quota restrictions and effort/capacity has been studied in a research project. The conclusion is that from an economic point-of-view, in which the economic performance of the fleet in the exploitation of the fish stocks is valued highly, the fleet size would have to decrease. In an analysis of 4 short term scenarios the number of vessels decreases substantially in all cases except when the activity of vessels (days at sea) is limited. In the long run, expected gain could be substantial with recovered stock. However, an equal gain could be achieved by a proper fleet management that compares to the fish stock management. Work to establish the actual balance between fleet size and fishing possibilities is continuing.

    Germany: Owing to the small size of the fishing fleet, fishing effort reduction schemes had only a limited impact on fishing capacity, almost exclusively on Baltic Sea fishing. Within the context of the fleet management system to establish a sustainable balance between fishing capacity and available resources, the German fishing fleet must retain sufficient overall capacity to be able to use the quotas allocated to Germany. The development of the German fishing fleet shows that it has adapted both to the economic conditions established by the new CFP, and to the restricted availability of resources. This is why the German authorities did not need to take action on the development of the fleet.

    Estonia: follows TAC reduction for cod in the Baltic Sea and the Rebuilding plan in the Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization according to Council Regulation (EC) No 27/2005.

    Greece: no multiannual management and stock recovery plans were applied due to the absence of such plans for the Mediterrannean fisheries, while the application of readjustement measures for fleet capacity and fishing possibilities under Council Regulation (EC) No 2792/1999 and 2369/2002, continued in the framework of the Operational Programme for Fisheries.

    Spain: maintained the approach to fleet renewal and modernisation initiated in 2003, in accordance with the provisions of Regulation 2371/2002. In this way, the management of entrances and exits has made it possible to maintain a slight reduction in the fleet’s capacity and, consequently, in its overall fishing effort.

    During 2005, two national-scale plans were implemented in the Gulf of Cadiz fishing ground. These relate to the recovery and sustainable management of trawling and purse-seining fisheries respectively, and essentially contain measures to reduce effort. By limiting the number of days', it has been possible to reduce fishing effort by approximately 32% on previous years.

    France: The capacity of the French continental fleet remained stable during 2005; no public aid was granted for decommissioning during 2005. A new decommissioning scheme is foreseen in 2006 aimed at the fleet targeting overexploited fisheries. The fishing effort limitations adopted in the framework of recovery plans or under the provisions of Annex IV to the TAC and quota regulation concern some 850 vessels; no capacity reduction has taken place during 2005 as a result of these measures.

    Ireland: the Irish fisheries coming within the scope of stock recovery plans are of a highly mixed nature. As a result it is difficult to gauge the impact on fishing capacity of fishing effort reduction schemes. To comply with Council Regulation (EC) No 27/2005 Ireland introduced a system whereby fishing vessels fishing in the specified areas and using specified fishing gears were obliged to complete an “Official Days at Sea Declaration form”. In addition to effort measures associated with the multi-annual recovery plan for cod in the Irish Sea and to the West of Scotland there is also the general effort control mechanism applicable to demersal species generally (as well as crab and scallops) in all waters around Ireland. Ireland monitored the effort levels in these fisheries and introduced management measures in order to keep the fleet within the effort allocations.

    In 2005 the Irish Marine Minister launched a new scheme to remove up to 25% of the older, larger and more active vessels in the demersal (polyvalent and beam trawl) sectors of the fleet and also to remove excess capacity in the scallop fleet. 22 vessels (2 464 GT and 7 742 kW in total) left the fleet under this scheme in 2005.

    Italy: the downward trend in landings recorded in 2005 is attributable to the reduction in both the number of vessels and the level of activity. In this connection it should be recalled that fuel prices have had a major impact on the total number of days of fishing, with many operators having to change their fishing strategy, i.e. limit their fishing effort in order to contain operating costs. In 2005 the plan to reduce fishing capacity with the help of public aid has, as in previous years, produced good results. Although it has not affected the assessment regarding compliance with the entry/exit scheme, there has been an appreciable reduction in fishing effort in Italian waters in absolute terms.

    Cyprus: two bottom trawlers were scrapped and two vessels were reassigned to local museums. In total 2 864 GT 5 423 kW were permanently withdrawn from the fleet.

    Latvia: during 2005, 31 vessels were scrapped with public aid; all these vessels were withdrawn from the Baltic Sea fleet. The main reason why owners of these vessels applied for decommissioning is because of poor condition of fish stocks in the Baltic Sea. Particularly cod stocks are in a very poor situation, therefore the majority of decommissioned vessels were cod fishing vessels. Another important reason for scrapping was the old age and poor technical performance of the vessels, as well as the large increase in fuel costs and other costs for fishing operations.

    The overall impact of the fishing effort reduction scheme as well as the reduction of Latvian fishing fleet through vessels exported or scrapped without public aid, produced the reduction of cod fishing vessels capacity by 11%. Since 1 May 2004 this reduction of capacity positively affects the cod stocks as well as reproduction of this the most important stock in the Baltic Sea.

    Lithuania : in 2005 the capacity of the fishing vessels operating in the Baltic Sea and along its coast, in comparison with the year 2004, was reduced by 1 576 GT and 3 104 kW - this was achieved by scrapping vessels with public aid. A 22% reduction of the fishing capacities of vessels fishing in the Baltic Sea led to an increase in fishing quotas for the remaining fishing vessels.

    Malta: In general the seasonality and fishing patterns during 2005 remained the same as in previous years with no indication of an increase in fishing effort in any fishery. No fishing effort reduction schemes were implemented and no impact on fishing capacity can be reported. The management of Maltese fisheries was undertaken in compliance with Council Regulation 813/2004, which established effort control measures for waters around Malta. The status of resources exploited by the Maltese fishing fleet is such that a reduction in fishing capacity is not required.

    The Netherlands: There has been a worrying situation in the Dutch cutter sector for years, with reduced quotas and greatly increased costs. Plaice catch opportunities; in particular, have declined greatly in the past few years. Therefore, the authorities and the fishing industry have developed a number of initiatives to reduce the pressure on plaice stocks. One of these is to decommission part of the fleet and thus permanently reduce catching capacity. This has brought capacity closer to equilibrium with catch opportunities and is helping plaice stocks to recover. Another consequence is better financial prospects for the remaining fishermen, given that there are more catch opportunities per vessel.

    In September 2005 the sea fishing capacity reduction regulation came into force - as a result 29 vessels were decommissioned, in total 36 092 kW and 8 982 GT. Partly as a result of this regulation there was a reduction in the cutter fleet which helped to strike a healthier balance between the fleet and existing fishing opportunities. In 2005 Dutch cutter fleet kW days in the North Sea recovery plan area were reduced by 15 % compared to 2004. As far as the rest of the fleet is concerned, its size can be justified in terms of the current size and situation of fish stocks. The realised capacity reduction and the reduction in the capacity utilised in 2005 have created a healthier balance between stocks size and fleet size.

    Poland: launched a fishing effort reduction scheme mainly because of the severe overcapacity in cod fisheries in the Baltic Sea as well as on account of low profitability. During the year 2005, 270 vessels have been scrapped or have changed activities, with permanent withdrawal of fishing capacity amounting to 15 564 GT and 42 237 kW.

    Portugal: the fleet has been affected by the following effort limitations: for seining (sardine), the Southern Hake recovery plan (Council Regulation (EC) No 27/2005), the Greenland Halibut Recovery Plan in NAFO and Deep-sea species regulations. For the latter, Portugal has used a licensing system to limit the access of vessels to deep-sea fishing. 34 proposals for reductions were approved in 2005 with 25 vessels already scrapped during the year in the mainland fleet segment, representing a reduction of 5 011 GT and 10 123 kW.

    Slovenia: cannot report on any impacts on the fishing capacity arising from effort reduction schemes since management or recovery plans have not yet been introduced for fisheries in the Mediterranean. At the same time there are no decommissioning or withdrawal schemes for the fishing vessels.

    Finland: a special fishing capacity reduction scheme was elaborated. This was due to the recognized overcapacity in herring and sprat fisheries as well as the driftnet ban in Baltic Sea. Finland undertook this capacity reduction scheme concerning pelagic trawlers and passive gear vessels segments. 1,378 GT and 6,025 kW have been withdrawn with public aid.

    The effort of the pelagic fleet has decreased considerably – by approximately 15 % over 2003-2005. Fishing with towed gears and static gears targeting demersal species (mainly cod) has decreased heavily in 2005 - about 79 % - however, this concerns only a small catch and a few vessels. The effort in fisheries targeting salmon, trout and freshwater species has decreased by the greatest extent in recent years: about 88 %.

    Sweden: under the multi-annual management and recovery plans introduced in the North Sea, Skagerrak and Kattegat fishing capacity has been gradually reduced as a result of smaller TAC's and fewer days at sea. National rules involving adjustments to the trawl limit, introduction of compulsory size-selective trawls and restriction of coastal trawl and seine fishing, have further reduced capacity. The special Baltic cod fishing licences have restricted the capacity for that type of fishery.

    In view of the serious stock situation for groundfish species in the Kattegat and Skagerrak and taking account of coastal fishing with static gear, fishing opportunities have been restricted within the ‘trawl limit’ in coastal areas. The restrictions meant that purse seine fishing was banned in two more fjord systems. Time restrictions have been imposed on purse seine fishing under lights. Fishing opportunities for pelagic herring fishing have also been restricted and the largest of the pelagic vessels are no longer allowed to have a licence for coastal fishing. Pelagic trawl fishing has been banned in areas of particular importance to pot fishermen.

    To sum up, the majority of Member States confirmed that existing fishing effort reduction schemes have generally led to good results and helped to achieve a better balance between fishing capacity and fishing opportunities. Furthermore some Member States indicated that capacity and fishing effort reduction measures should be enhanced in future.

    For example, Belgium noted that their fishermen have known for a long time that fish stocks are not at the same level as ten years ago. They accept that action is therefore needed to make fish stocks less vulnerable and that the fleet has to be trimmed so that the survivors can keep fishing sustainable and in an economically viable manner. However, the restrictions resulting from recovery or management plans need to demonstrably bear fruit in the short to medium term if they are to remain credible and acceptable to the fishermen. A study in Belgium indicated that 10 000 kW (15% of current fleet capacity) should be taken out of the Belgian fleet in order to help it to break even in the short term on the basis of the current cost structure and catch opportunities.

    In the same manner Sweden suggested that further capacity reduction is desirable for the purpose of achieving a balance between capacity and opportunities. This is also a prerequisite for creating long-term viability in the fishing fleet. Fish stocks will probably remain at the same level for the next few years so continued reduction of fleet size can be expected. It is also important to combine fleet management with other measures to create a balance between fishing capacity and resources such as, for example, measures targeting the distribution of quotas and fishing opportunities and effort and gear restrictions.

    c) Strengths and weaknesses

    The entry-exit regime has been followed by all Member States. In most cases the national fleet registers data were successfully reported to the Commission in accordance with the Regulation 26/2004. However, a few organisational and data processing difficulties remained; this is mainly due to limited administrative capacity in some Member States. Despite these difficulties, the quality of the data send to the Commission by Member States' significantly improved during 2005. One of the important tasks was an ongoing process of Fleet Register data cross-checking and verification of "warnings".

    Almost all Member States in 2005 had functional integrated fisheries information systems, often comprising various software applications (fleet register, capacity management, licences, landings, available quotas, catch reporting, etc.). In 2005 new versions of integrated fisheries IT systems were launched in Ireland and Sweden. Slovenia also had worked on introducing an integrated fisheries information system. These systems in most cases link several administrative bodies as well as central administrative bodies with the local ones, and thus considerably strengthen national fishing fleet administrations. Additionally, Member States claimed that their national registers are accurate, complete and up-to date.

    d) Compliance with the entry-exit regime and with levels of reference

    All Member States in their reports stated that they fully comply with existing entry – exit rules. Compliance with the entry-exit regime and with the reference levels (if applicable) at the end of 2005 is laid down in the Technical Annexes 1, 2 by application of the formulae fixed in Commission Regulation (EC) No 1438/2003. These technical annexes based on the CFR data provide overall information on compliance for the Community and also by Member State.


    The quality of the reports submitted by Member States has improved compared to that of 2004. Some Member States provided very detailed reports, whose content exceeded the information they were obliged to provide. Nevertheless, other Member States did not respect the submission deadline or the requirements in terms of format and content established in Article 13 of Commission Regulation (EC) No 1438/2003; at the time this report was drafted the United Kingdom had not submitted its annual report.

    Member States emphasised in their reports the implementation of the national fleet management regime but the assessment of the balance between fishing fleet capacity and available fishing opportunities is more complete than in previous reports.

    Results for the mainland fleet (Community fleet except vessels registered in the outermost regions):

    According to the Community Fleet Register the three-year period during 2003 – 2005, the overall capacity of the Community fleet of the EU-15 Member States was reduced by 117,000 GT and 499,000 kW, which represents a net reduction of 6.27 % of the tonnage and 7.28 % of the power of the EU-15 fleet. The net reduction during 2005 was of approximately 50,000 GT, while it was of 23,000 GT in 2004 and 44,000 GT in 2003. These reductions appear to be relatively small, if one considers the high levels of fishing pressure in most Community fisheries, particularly for demersal species.

    In the new Member States, starting from 1 May 2004, fleet capacity has been reduced by 41,000 GT and 101,000 kW, which represents a reduction of 18 % in tonnage and 18 % in power for their fleets compared to their fishing capacity on the accession date.

    During 2003, 2004 and 2005 approximately 132,000 GT and 427,000 kW were withdrawn from the EU fleet with public aid, which means that this capacity cannot be replaced.

    Of this capacity withdrawn with public aid, the overwhelming majority (112,000 GT and 373,000 kW) came from the EU-15 Member States. The capacity withdrawn by the New Member States with public aid since 1 May 2004 was 20,000 GT and 54,000 kW.

    Tables 1 and 2 in Technical Annex 1 summarise the compliance, at 31 December 2005, with the entry-exit regime and the reference levels. A majority of Member States have complied with these rules. However, Greece did not comply with the entry-exit regime in terms of tonnage, although its degree of non-compliance is very small, since the tonnage ceiling was exceeded by only 0.29%. The Greek authorities contest the assessment of the Commission; according to them, Greece has complied with the entry-exit regime.

    Tables 3 and 4 in the Technical Annex 1 provide a summary of the variation in fleet capacity from 1 January 2003 (1 May 2004 for the new Member States) to 31 December 2005. These tables include also the number of vessels. Table 3 covers all Member States. Detailed assessment per Member State is included in Technical Annex 2.

    Results for the fleets registered in the outermost regions :

    The capacity of the fleets registered in the outermost regions and its variation between 1 January 2003 and 31 December 2005 are shown in Table 4. The results show that the fleet registered in the Spanish and Portuguese outermost regions has been significantly reduced both in terms of tonnage and power. For the French overseas departments there has been a slight decrease in the total number of vessels and their tonnage and an increase in power.

    The tables in Technical Annex 3 show the details of the application of the special regime for these fleets. Out of the 17 outermost regions segments, one had exceeded its reference level in terms of power at the end of 2005 (the segment ‘4FJ - vessels under 12 m in length of the French Department of Martinique) and another segment exceeded its reference level in terms of tonnage (the segment 'CA3' – vessels of more than 12 m in length registered in the Canary Islands and fishing in international and third country waters). The special regime ceases to apply to these segments from the moment they reach their maximum reference level and reference to regulation[6].

    General remarks

    As explained above, this summary report is based on the Member States’ annual reports and on the data extracted from the CFR. Some marginal discrepancies remain between the figures presented by Member States in their reports and those resulting from their declarations to the CFR. Thanks to the Member States and Commission's efforts to synchronise their data, these discrepancies are not important from the fleet management point-of-view. However, work on eliminating these differences should be continued. In any case, the data presented by Member States in their national reports do not modify the conclusions of the report.

    According to Article 16 of Council Regulation (EC) No 2371/2002, those Member States that do not comply with the Articles 11, 13 and 15 of this Regulation shall be obliged to reduce their fishing effort to a level which would have existed if they had complied with the above mentioned articles. Additionally, they may be subject to a proportionate suspension of the Community financial assistance under the FIFG.

    In order to improve the quality of annual reports the Commission, together with the Committee for Fisheries and Aquaculture, intends to establish more detailed guidelines for their content and to introduce a common harmonised methodological approach with greater emphasis on an analysis of the development of fishing capacity in relation to the available fish stocks. These issues will be discussed in forthcoming meetings of the Committee for Fisheries and Aquaculture.

    In forthcoming annual reports more attention should be paid to the contribution of the new regime adopted in 2002 to manage the Community fleet to achieve a better balance between fleets and fish stocks. The impact of national decommissioning schemes, in particular on fishing effort reductions in fisheries subject to management or recovery plans, should be better identified and assessed.


    Fleet Management in the reformed Common Fisheries Policy

    a) Entry/Exit regime

    From 1 January 2003 Member States have had to respect a strict entry-exit regime applying to the capacity of their fleets, measured in terms of both tonnage and power. Any entry of capacity into the fleet of a Member State has to be compensated by the previous exit of at least the same amount of capacity (ratio 1:1, “at any time”), unless the entry corresponds to works to improve safety, hygiene or living and working conditions on board (Article 11(5) of Council Regulation (EC) No 2371/2002). For entries of new vessels between 100 and 400 GT built with public aid (the administrative decisions granting aid were possible only until 31 December 2004) the Member State has to withdraw 35% more capacity than it introduces (ratio 1:1.35).

    Another important rule is that capacity leaving the fleet with public aid cannot be replaced. Such capacity is subtracted directly from the fleet and also from the reference level established in accordance with Article 12 of Council Regulation (EC) No 2371/2002, and it therefore counts against the entry/exit regime in the ratio 0:1. Capacity reductions supported with public aid are therefore definitive.

    All of this means that, as a general rule, the capacity of the national fleets cannot increase with respect to its levels on:

    - 1 January 2003 for EU-15 Member States in accordance with Article 6 and 7 of Commission Regulation (EC) No 1438/2003;

    - 1 May 2004 for new Member States in accordance with Article 1(2) and 1(3) of Commission Regulation (EC) No 916/2004.

    In practice this is likely to be the case. However, the implementing rules for the fleet policy allow for the introduction of vessels outside the framework of the entry/exit regime in the case where administrative decisions have been made by the national authorities:

    - between 1 January 2000 and 31 December 2002 for those vessels to enter the fleet after 1 January 2003 in EU-15 Member States and,

    - between 1 May 2001 and 30 April 2004 for vessels which enter the fleet after 1 May 2004 in new Member States.

    These entries have to take place at the most 3 years after the date of the administrative decision (i.e. for EU-15 Member States at the latest by the end of 2005 and for new Member States until 30 April 2007) and must comply with the rules that existed at that time, in particular Article 9 of the Council Regulation (EC) No 2792/1999 regarding Community structural assistance in the fisheries sector.

    b) Reference Levels (mainland fleet)

    The reference levels for the fleets of Member States are the sum of the global final objectives of Multiannual Guidance Programme (MAGP IV) as established by Article 12 of Council Regulation (EC) No 2371/2002. The general rule is that Member States may not exceed their reference levels at any time.

    When a Member State undertakes decommissioning with public aid, these reference levels are automatically reduced by the amount of capacity scrapped. In addition, Member States which gave aid to construction of vessels until the end of 2004 will see their initial 2003 reference level reduced at least by 3% by the end of 2004.

    Since the reference levels are a legacy of MAGP IV[7] (period 1997 – 2002), the Council decided that they would not apply to the new Member States (Council Regulation (EC) No 1242/2004[8]).

    c) Management of fleet reference levels in the outermost regions

    The fishing fleets registered in the Community outermost regions, namely the French Overseas Departments, the Spanish Canary Islands and the Portuguese Azores and Madera have to comply with specific reference levels for these regions in accordance with Council Regulation (EC) No 639/2004[9] and Commission Regulation (EC) No 2104/2004[10].

    d) Measurement of tonnage

    The measurement of the Community fleet is based on Council Regulation (EC) No 3259/94[11] and Commission Decision No 95/84/EC[12]. These legislative acts establish that the tonnage of vessels of 15 m in length or more has to be measured in accordance with the London Convention, i.e. as a function of the vessel’s total enclosed volume, while for vessels of less than 15 m in length, the regulation defines a system of tonnage calculation based on an estimate of the hull’s volume.

    The fleet should have been entirely measured in accordance with Community law by 31 December 2003. Nevertheless, at the end of 2005, for some Member States there remained number of vessels that were not measured in GT.

    In cases where the measurement of the fleet has not been completed, the tonnage figures used in this report are a mixture of GT and GRT. That is, for vessels whose GT tonnage is not available the GRT value is used.

    e) Community Fishing Fleet Register

    In 2004, the new Community Fleet Register was set up in accordance with Commission Regulation (EC) No 26/2004. It became operational on 1st September 2004. This change was necessary in order to follow up the new rules for managing the fishing capacity of the EU fleet which entered into force on 1st January 2003. This system, following the 2002 CFP reform , gives more responsibility to the Member States in achieving a better balance between the fishing capacity of their fleets and the available resources.

    The main tool for monitoring the fishing fleet is the Community Fleet Register (CFR). According Commission Regulation (EC) No 26/2004, Member States are obliged on a quarterly basis ("snapshots" shall be sent on the first working day of March, June, September and December) to transmit electronically all relevant information on the characteristics of approximately 88,500 marine fishing vessels, together with information on entries to and exits from the fleet. Furthermore, the CFR is managed via web based application, called the Community Fleet Register On the Net (FRONT). The FRONT is also available for the general public on the following web page:

    It is important to note that all information contained in the Technical Annexes 1, 2 and 3 has been taken from the CFR, with the exception of:

    - data on entries corresponding to administrative decisions taken by national authorities before 1 January 2003 (or 1 May 2004 for the new Member States) and for which the special transitional provisions established in the regulation apply;

    - data on exits with public aid in some cases where this was not available.

    Only in these two cases has the information been taken directly from the Member States.

    Table 1: Compliance with Entry/Exit ceilings at 31 December 2005 (except outermost regions)

    Member State | GT | kW |

    Fleet capacity A | Entry/Exit ceiling B | A/B | Fleet capacity C | Entry/Exit ceiling D | C/D |

    at 31 December 2005 | at 31 December 2005 |

    Belgium | 22.686 | 23.372 | 97,06% | 65.643 | 66.537 | 98,66% |

    Denmark | 91.469 | 97.801 | 93,53% | 324.825 | 340.648 | 95,36% |

    Germany | 63.858 | 71.101 | 89,81% | 158.545 | 167.133 | 94,86% |

    Estonia | 24.253 | 26.606 | 91,16% | 62.048 | 65.007 | 95,45% |

    Greece | 93.267 | 92.998 | 100,29% | 537.552 | 544.288 | 98,76% |

    Spain | 451.377 | 451.447 | 99,98% | 1.050.702 | 1.163.185 | 90,33% |

    France | 199.225 | 200.904 | 99,16% | 849.783 | 870.669 | 97,60% |

    Ireland | 84.360 | 84.689 | 99,61% | 208.809 | 222.883 | 93,69% |

    Italy | 213.095 | 214.165 | 99,50% | 1.223.933 | 1.254.667 | 97,55% |

    Cyprus | 9.056 | 11.579 | 78,21% | 46.843 | 51.254 | 91,39% |

    Latvia | 38.580 | 43.033 | 89,65% | 66.209 | 72.609 | 91,19% |

    Lithuania | 64.386 | 74.911 | 85,95% | 70.655 | 77.462 | 91,21% |

    Malta | 15.274 | 16.450 | 92,85% | 99.145 | 126.350 | 78,47% |

    Netherlands | 155.423 | 175.858 | 88,38% | 348.454 | 385.468 | 90,40% |

    Poland | 30.254 | 31.144 | 97,14% | 105.452 | 107.599 | 98,01% |

    Portugal | 94.128 | 98.952 | 95,12% | 321.436 | 332.512 | 96,67% |

    Slovenia | 1.069 | 1.076 | 99,34% | 11.459 | 11.473 | 99,88% |

    Finland | 17.001 | 18.532 | 91,74% | 171.511 | 184.499 | 92,96% |

    Sweden | 44.259 | 45.907 | 96,41% | 218.745 | 224.092 | 97,61% |

    United Kingdom | 218.449 | 236.227 | 92,47% | 881.224 | 933.231 | 94,43% |

    Data extracted from the Community Fleet Register on 4 October 2006.

    Bold Italic indicates that the ceiling has been exceeded.

    Figure 1: Overall evolution of the Community fleet capacity ceiling

    (except outermost regions)[13]

    Tonnage of the Community fleet compared to its tonnage ceiling.

    Evolution between 1 January 2003 and 31 December 2005*


    Engine power (kW) of the Community fleet compared to its power ceiling.

    Evolution between 1 January 2003 and 31 December 2005*


    *Situation as registered in the Community Fleet Register on 4 October 2006

    Table 2: Compliance with Reference level at 31 December 2005 (MS concerned and except outermost regions)

    Member State | GT | kW |

    Fleet capacity A | Reference level B | A/B | Fleet capacity C | Reference level D | C/D |

    at 31 December 2005 | at 31 December 2005 |

    Belgium | 22.686 | 23.372 | 97,06% | 65.643 | 66.537 | 98,66% |

    Denmark | 91.469 | 127.189 | 71,92% | 324.825 | 433.436 | 74,94% |

    Germany | 63.858 | 84.246 | 75,80% | 158.545 | 175.883 | 90,14% |

    Greece | 93.267 | 109.732 | 85,00% | 537.552 | 601.443 | 89,38% |

    Spain | 451.377 | 691.508 | 65,27% | 1.050.702 | 1.579.073 | 66,54% |

    France | 199.225 | 218.446 | 91,20% | 849.783 | 879.517 | 96,62% |

    Ireland | 84.360 | 84.689 | 99,61% | 208.809 | 222.883 | 93,69% |

    Italy | 213.095 | 222.966 | 95,57% | 1.223.933 | 1.298.121 | 94,29% |

    Netherlands | 155.423 | 204.186 | 76,12% | 348.454 | 491.308 | 70,92% |

    Portugal | 94.128 | 162.069 | 58,08% | 321.436 | 389.277 | 82,57% |

    Finland | 17.001 | 21.923 | 77,55% | 171.511 | 210.558 | 81,46% |

    Sweden | 44.259 | 50.509 | 87,63% | 218.745 | 253.197 | 86,39% |

    United Kingdom | 218.449 | 269.421 | 81,08% | 881.224 | 1.084.189 | 81,28% |

    Data extracted from the Community Fleet Register on 4 October 2006.

    Figure 2: Overall evolution of the Community fleet reference level (EU 15 and except their outermost regions)

    Tonnage of the Community fleet compared to its reference level.

    Evolution between 1 January 2003 and 31 December 2005*


    Engine power (kW) of the Community fleet compared to its reference level.

    Evolution between 1 January 2003 and 31 December 2005*


    *Situation as registered in the Community Fleet Register on 4 October 2006

    Table 3: Summary of Member States fleets evolution from 1 January 2003 to 31 December 2005 (except outermost regions)

    1 January 2003 | 31 December 2005 | Fleet capacity variations |

    Data extracted from the Community Fleet Register on 4 October 2006.

    Table 4: Summary of Member States fleets capacity evolution in outermost regions from 1 January 2003 to 31 December 2005

    01/01/2003 | 31/12/2005 | Fleet capacity variations |

    24.281 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 24.281 |

    kWFR (1-1-2003) | kW1 | kW2 | kW3 | kW4 | kW03 |

    68.083 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 68.083 |

    b) Management of the entry exit regime until the end of 2005

    Belgium | GT | kW |

    1 | Capacity of the fleet on 1 January 2003 | GTFR | 24.281 | kWFR | 68.083 |

    2 | Capacity level for the application of the entry-exit regime | GT03 | 24.281 | kW03 | 68.083 |

    3 | Entries of vessels of more than 100 GT financed with public aid | GT100 | 0 | kW100 | 0 |

    4 | Other entries or capacity increases (not included in 3 & 5) | 490 | 2.915 |

    5 | Increases in tonnage GT for reasons of safety | GTS | 0 | - |

    6 | Total entries ( 3 + 4 + 5 ) | 490 | 2.915 |

    7 | Exits financed with public aid | GTa | 711 | kWa | 1.546 |

    8 | Other exits (not included in 7) | 1.374 | 3.809 |

    9 | Total exits ( 7 + 8 ) | 2.085 | 5.355 |

    10 | Capacity of the fleet on 31 December 2005 (1 + 6 - 9) | GTt | 22.686 | kWt | 65.643 |

    11 | Fleet ceiling on 31 December 2005 ( 2 - 35% 3 + 5 – 7 ) | 23.372 | 66.537 |

    Lines 1, 3, 5, 7 and 8 present figures as registered in the Community Fleet Register on 4 October 2006

    Line 4 is calculated as: 4 = (1 - 10) + 9 - (3 + 5)

    Line 11: If the result of the fleet ceiling (2 - 35% 3 + 5 - 7) is higher than a Member State's reference level, the fleet ceiling is the reference level

    c) Reference levels at the end of 2005

    Belgium | GT | kW |

    1 | Reference level on 1-1-2003 | R(GT)03 | 23.372 | R(kW)03 | 67.857 |

    2 | Entries of vessels of more than 100 GT financed with public aid | GT100 | 0 | kW100 | 0 |

    3 | Increases in tonnage GT for reasons of safety | GTS | 0 | - | - |

    4 | Exits financed with public aid | GTa | 711 | kWa | 1.546 |

    10 | Capacity of the fleet on 31 December 2005 (a) | GTt | 22.686 | kWt | 65.643 |

    5 | Reference level on 31 December 2005 (1 - 35% 2 + 3 - 4) | R(GT)t | 23.372 | R(kW)t | 66.537 |

    (a) Situation as registered in the Community Fleet Register on 4 October 2006

    d) Evolution of fleet capacity compared to the capacity ceilings.

    Tonnage of the Belgian fleet compared to its tonnage ceiling.

    Evolution between 1 January 2003 and 31 December 2005*


    *Situation as registered in the Community Fleet Register on 4 October 2006

    Power of the Belgian fleet compared to its power ceiling.

    Evolution between 1 January 2003 and 31 December 2005*


    *Situation as registered in the Community Fleet Register on 4 October 2006


    a) Calculation of the baselines (GT 03 and kW 03 ) on 1 January 2003

    GTFR (1-1-2003) | GT1 | GT2 | GT3 | GT4 | GT03 |

    103.318 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 103.318 |

    kWFR (1-1-2003) | kW1 | kW2 | kW3 | kW4 | kW03 |

    366.738 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 366.738 |

    b) Management of the entry exit regime until the end of 2005

    Denmark | GT | kW |

    1 | Capacity of the fleet on 1 January 2003 | GTFR | 103.318 | kWFR | 366.738 |

    2 | Capacity level for the application of the entry-exit regime | GT03 | 103.318 | kW03 | 366.738 |

    3 | Entries of vessels of more than 100 GT financed with public aid | GT100 | 0 | kW100 | 0 |

    4 | Other entries or capacity increases (not included in 3 & 5) | 7.812 | 29.775 |

    5 | Increases in tonnage GT for reasons of safety | GTS | 0 | - |

    6 | Total entries ( 3 + 4 + 5 ) | 7.812 | 29.775 |

    7 | Exits financed with public aid | GTa | 5.517 | kWa | 26.090 |

    8 | Other exits (not included in 7) | 14.144 | 45.598 |

    9 | Total exits ( 7 + 8 ) | 19.661 | 71.688 |

    10 | Capacity of the fleet on 31 December 2005 (1 + 6 - 9) | GTt | 91.469 | kWt | 324.825 |

    11 | Fleet ceiling on 31 December 2005 ( 2 - 35% 3 + 5 - 7 ) | 97.801 | 340.648 |

    Lines 1, 3, 5, 7 and 8 present figures as registered in the Community Fleet Register on 4 October 2006

    Line 4 is calculated as: 4 = (1 - 10) + 9 - (3 + 5)

    Line 11: If the result of the fleet ceiling (2 - 35% 3 + 5 - 7) is higher than a Member State's reference level, the fleet ceiling is the reference level

    c) Reference levels at the end of 2005

    Denmark | GT | kW |

    1 | Reference level on 1-1-2003 | R(GT)03 | 132.706 | R(kW)03 | 459.526 |

    2 | Entries of vessels of more than 100 GT financed with public aid | GT100 | 0 | kW100 | 0 |

    3 | Increases in tonnage GT for reasons of safety | GTS | 0 | - | - |

    4 | Exits financed with public aid | GTa | 5.517 | kWa | 26.090 |

    10 | Capacity of the fleet on 31 December 2005 (a) | GTt | 91.469 | kWt | 324.825 |

    5 | Reference level on 31 December 2005 (1 - 35% 2 + 3 - 4) | R(GT)t | 127.189 | R(kW)t | 433.436 |

    (a) Situation as registered in the Community Fleet Register on 4 October 2006

    d) Evolution of fleet capacity compared to the capacity ceilings.

    Tonnage of the Danish fleet compared to its tonnage ceiling.

    Evolution between 1 January 2003 and 31 December 2005*


    *Situation as registered in the Community Fleet Register on 4 October 2006

    Power of the Danish fleet compared to its power ceiling.

    Evolution between 1 January 2003 and 31 December 2005*


    *Situation as registered in the Community Fleet Register on 4 October 2006


    a) Calculation of the baselines (GT 03 and kW 03 ) on 1 January 2003

    GTFR (1-1-2003) | GT1 | GT2 | GT3 | GT4 | GT03 |

    66.844 | 47 | 0 | 4.226 | 0 | 71.117 |

    kWFR (1-1-2003) | kW1 | kW2 | kW3 | kW4 | kW03 |

    161.045 | 221 | 0 | 5.911 | 0 | 167.177 |

    b) Management of the entry exit regime until the end of 2005

    Germany | GT | kW |

    1 | Capacity of the fleet on 1 January 2003 | GTFR | 66.844 | kWFR | 161.045 |

    2 | Capacity level for the application of the entry-exit regime | GT03 | 71.117 | kW03 | 167.177 |

    3 | Entries of vessels of more than 100 GT financed with public aid | GT100 | 0 | kW100 | 0 |

    4 | Other entries or capacity increases (not included in 3 & 5) | 10.730 | 24.654 |

    5 | Increases in tonnage GT for reasons of safety | GTS | 0 | - |

    6 | Total entries ( 3 + 4 + 5 ) | 10.730 | 24.654 |

    7 | Exits financed with public aid | GTa | 16 | kWa | 44 |

    8 | Other exits (not included in 7) | 13.700 | 27.110 |

    9 | Total exits ( 7 + 8 ) | 13.716 | 27.154 |

    10 | Capacity of the fleet on 31 December 2005 (1 + 6 - 9) | GTt | 63.858 | kWt | 158.545 |

    11 | Fleet ceiling on 31 December 2005 ( 2 - 35% 3 + 5 – 7 ) | 71.101 | 167.133 |

    Lines 1, 3, 5, 7 and 8 present figures as registered in the Community Fleet Register on 4 October 2006

    Line 4 is calculated as: 4 = (1 - 10) + 9 - (3 + 5)

    Line 11: If the result of the fleet ceiling (2 - 35% 3 + 5 - 7) is higher than a Member State's reference level, the fleet ceiling is the reference level

    c) Reference levels at the end of 2005

    Germany | GT | kW |

    1 | Reference level on 1-1-2003 | R(GT)03 | 84.262 | R(kW)03 | 175.927 |

    2 | Entries of vessels of more than 100 GT financed with public aid | GT100 | 0 | kW100 | 0 |

    3 | Increases in tonnage GT for reasons of safety | GTS | 0 | - | - |

    4 | Exits financed with public aid | GTa | 16 | kWa | 44 |

    10 | Capacity of the fleet on 31 December 2005 (a) | GTt | 63.858 | kWt | 158.545 |

    5 | Reference level on 31 December 2005 (1 - 35% 2 + 3 - 4) | R(GT)t | 84.246 | R(kW)t | 175.883 |

    (a) Situation as registered in the Community Fleet Register on 4 October 2006

    d) Evolution of fleet capacity compared to the capacity ceilings.

    Tonnage of the German fleet compared to its tonnage ceiling.

    Evolution between 1 January 2003 and 31 December 2005*


    *Situation as registered in the Community Fleet Register on 4 October 2006

    Power of the German fleet compared to its power ceiling.

    Evolution between 1 January 2003 and 31 December 2005*


    *Situation as registered in the Community Fleet Register on 4 October 2006


    a) Calculation of the baselines (GT 04 and kW 04 ) on 1 May 2004

    GTFR (1-5-2004) | GT1 | GT2 | GT3 | GT4 | GT04 |

    26.606 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 26.606 |

    kWFR (1-5-2004) | kW1 | kW2 | kW3 | kW4 | kW04 |

    65.007 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 65.007 |

    b) Management of the entry exit regime until the end of 2005

    Estonia | GT | kW |

    1 | Capacity of the fleet on 1 May 2004 | GTFR | 26.606 | kWFR | 65.007 |

    2 | Capacity level for the application of the entry-exit regime | GT04 | 26.606 | kW04 | 65.007 |

    3 | Entries of vessels of more than 100 GT financed with public aid | GT100 | 0 | kW100 | 0 |

    4 | Other entries or capacity increases (not included in 3 & 5) | 1.014 | 2.738 |

    5 | Increases in tonnage GT for reasons of safety | GTS | 0 | - |

    6 | Total entries ( 3 + 4 + 5 ) | 1.014 | 2.738 |

    7 | Exits financed with public aid | GTa | 0 | kWa | 0 |

    8 | Other exits (not included in 7) | 3.367 | 5.698 |

    9 | Total exits ( 7 + 8 ) | 3.367 | 5.698 |

    10 | Capacity of the fleet on 31 December 2005 (1 + 6 - 9) | GTt | 24.253 | kWt | 62.048 |

    11 | Fleet ceiling on 31 December 2005 2 - 35% 3 + 5 - 7 ) | 26.606 | 65.007 |

    Lines 1, 3, 5, 7 and 8 present figures as registered in the Community Fleet Register on 4 October 2006

    Line 4 is calculated as: 4 = (1 - 10) + 9 - (3 + 5)

    Line 11: If the result of the fleet ceiling (2 - 35% 3 + 5 - 7) is higher than a Member State's reference level, the fleet ceiling is the reference level

    d) Evolution of fleet capacity compared to the capacity ceilings.

    Tonnage of the Estonian fleet compared to its tonnage ceiling.

    Evolution between 1 May 2004 and 31 December 2005*


    *Situation as registered in the Community Fleet Register on 4 October 2006

    Power of the Estonian fleet compared to its power ceiling.

    Evolution between 1 May 2004 and 31 December 2005*


    *Situation as registered in the Community Fleet Register on 4 October 2006


    a) Calculation of the baselines (GT 03 and kW 03 ) on 1 January 2003

    GTFR (1-1-2003) | GT1 | GT2 | GT3 | GT4 | GT03 |

    101.707 | 0 | 0 | 1.469 | 0 | 103.176 |

    kWFR (1-1-2003) | kW1 | kW2 | kW3 | kW4 | kW03 |

    594.948 | 0 | 0 | 1.394 | 0 | 596.342 |

    b) Management of the entry exit regime until the end of 2005

    Greece | GT | kW |

    1 | Capacity of the fleet on 1 January 2003 | GTFR | 101.707 | kWFR | 594.948 |

    2 | Capacity level for the application of the entry-exit regime | GT03 | 103.176 | kW03 | 596.342 |

    3 | Entries of vessels of more than 100 GT financed with public aid | GT100 | 0 | kW100 | 0 |

    4 | Other entries or capacity increases (not included in 3 & 5) | 10.141 | 37.906 |

    5 | Increases in tonnage GT for reasons of safety | GTS | 0 | - |

    6 | Total entries ( 3 + 4 + 5 ) | 10.141 | 37.906 |

    7 | Exits financed with public aid | GTa | 10.178 | kWa | 52.054 |

    8 | Other exits (not included in 7) | 8.402 | 43.248 |

    9 | Total exits ( 7 + 8 ) | 18.580 | 95.302 |

    10 | Capacity of the fleet on 31 December 2005 (1 + 6 - 9) | GTt | 93.267 | kWt | 537.552 |

    11 | Fleet ceiling on 31 December 2005 ( 2 - 35% 3 + 5 – 7 ) | 92.998 | 544.288 |

    Lines 1, 3, 5, 7 and 8 present figures as registered in the Community Fleet Register on 4 October 2006

    Line 4 is calculated as: 4 = (1 - 10) + 9 - (3 + 5)

    Line 11: If the result of the fleet ceiling (2 - 35% 3 + 5 - 7) is higher than a Member State's reference level, the fleet ceiling is the reference level

    Bold Italic indicates that the ceiling has been exceeded.

    c) Reference levels at the end of 2005

    Greece | GT | kW |

    1 | Reference level on 1-1-2003 | R(GT)03 | 119.910 | R(kW)03 | 653.497 |

    2 | Entries of vessels of more than 100 GT financed with public aid | GT100 | 0 | kW100 | 0 |

    3 | Increases in tonnage GT for reasons of safety | GTS | 0 | - | - |

    4 | Exits financed with public aid | GTa | 10.178 | kWa | 52.054 |

    10 | Capacity of the fleet on 31 December 2005 (a) | GTt | 93.267 | kWt | 537.552 |

    5 | Reference level on 31 December 2005 (1 - 35% 2 + 3 - 4) | R(GT)t | 109.732 | R(kW)t | 601.443 |

    (a) Situation as registered in the Community Fleet Register on 4 October 2006

    d) Evolution of fleet capacity compared to the capacity ceilings.

    Tonnage of the Greek fleet compared to its tonnage ceiling.

    Evolution between 1 January 2003 and 31 December 2005*


    *Situation as registered in the Community Fleet Register on 4 October 2006

    Power of the Greek fleet compared to its power ceiling.

    Evolution between 1 January 2003 and 31 December 2005*


    *Situation as registered in the Community Fleet Register on 4 October 2006


    a) Calculation of the baselines (GT 03 and kW 03 ) on 1 January 2003

    GTFR (1-1-2003) | GT1 | GT2 | GT3 | GT4 | GT03 |

    465.657 | 22.625 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 488.282 |

    kWFR (1-1-2003) | kW1 | kW2 | kW3 | kW4 | kW03 |

    1.145.004 | 110.847 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1.255.851 |

    b) Management of the entry exit regime until the end of 2005

    Spain | GT | kW |

    1 | Capacity of the fleet on 1 January 2003 | GTFR | 465.657 | kWFR | 1.145.004 |

    2 | Capacity level for the application of the entry-exit regime | GT03 | 488.282 | kW03 | 1.255.851 |

    3 | Entries of vessels of more than 100 GT financed with public aid | GT100 | 1.922 | kW100 | 4.022 |

    4 | Other entries or capacity increases (not included in 3 & 5) | 77.529 | 157.121 |

    5 | Increases in tonnage GT for reasons of safety | GTS | 893 | - |

    6 | Total entries ( 3 + 4 + 5 ) | 80.344 | 161.143 |

    7 | Exits financed with public aid | GTa | 37.056 | kWa | 91.258 |

    8 | Other exits (not included in 7) | 57.568 | 164.187 |

    9 | Total exits ( 7 + 8 ) | 94.624 | 255.445 |

    10 | Capacity of the fleet on 31 December 2005 (1 + 6 - 9) | GTt | 451.377 | kWt | 1.050.702 |

    11 | Fleet ceiling on 31 December 2005 ( 2 - 35% 3 + 5 – 7 ) | 451.447 | 1.163.185 |

    Lines 1, 3, 5, 7 and 8 present figures as registered in the Community Fleet Register on 4 October 2006

    Line 4 is calculated as: 4 = (1 - 10) + 9 - (3 + 5)

    Line 11: If the result of the fleet ceiling (2 - 35% 3 + 5 - 7) is higher than a Member State's reference level, the fleet ceiling is the reference level

    c) Reference levels at the end of 2005

    Spain | GT | kW |

    1 | Reference level on 1-1-2003 | R(GT)03 | 728.344 | R(kW)03 | 1.671.739 |

    2 | Entries of vessels of more than 100 GT financed with public aid | GT100 | 1.922 | kW100 | 4.022 |

    3 | Increases in tonnage GT for reasons of safety | GTS | 893 | - | - |

    4 | Exits financed with public aid | GTa | 37.056 | kWa | 91.258 |

    10 | Capacity of the fleet on 31 December 2005 (a) | GTt | 451.377 | kWt | 1.050.702 |

    5 | Reference level on 31 December 2005 (1 - 35% 2 + 3 - 4) | R(GT)t | 691.508 | R(kW)t | 1.579.073 |

    (a) Situation as registered in the Community Fleet Register on 4 October 2006

    d) Evolution of fleet capacity compared to the capacity ceilings.

    Tonnage of the Spanish* fleet compared to its tonnage ceiling.

    Evolution between 1 January 2003 and 31 December 2005 .


    *Excluding the Canary Islands.

    Situation as registered in the Community Fleet Register on 4 October 2006.

    Power of the Spanish* fleet compared to its power ceiling.

    Evolution between 1 January 2003 and 31 December 2005 .


    *Excluding the Canary Islands.

    Situation as registered in the Community Fleet Register on 4 October 2006.


    a) Calculation of the baselines (GT 03 and kW 03 ) on 1 January 2003

    GTFR (1-1-2003) | GT1 | GT2 | GT3 | GT4 | GT03 |

    211.824 | 891 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 212.715 |

    kWFR (1-1-2003) | kW1 | kW2 | kW3 | kW4 | kW03 |

    910.062 | 2.059 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 912.121 |

    b) Management of the entry exit regime until the end of 2005

    France | GT | kW |

    1 | Capacity of the fleet on 1 January 2003 | GTFR | 211.824 | kWFR | 910.062 |

    2 | Capacity level for the application of the entry-exit regime | GT03 | 212.715 | kW03 | 912.121 |

    3 | Entries of vessels of more than 100 GT financed with public aid | GT100 | 0 | kW100 | 0 |

    4 | Other entries or capacity increases (not included in 3 & 5) | 21.667 | 68.034 |

    5 | Increases in tonnage GT for reasons of safety | GTS | 253 | - |

    6 | Total entries ( 3 + 4 + 5 ) | 21.920 | 68.034 |

    7 | Exits financed with public aid | GTa | 12.064 | kWa | 41.452 |

    8 | Other exits (not included in 7) | 22.455 | 86.861 |

    9 | Total exits ( 7 + 8 ) | 34.518 | 128.313 |

    10 | Capacity of the fleet on 31 December 2005 (1 + 6 - 9) | GTt | 199.225 | kWt | 849.783 |

    11 | Fleet ceiling on 31 December 2005 ( 2 - 35% 3 + 5 – 7 ) | 200.904 | 870.669 |

    Lines 1, 3, 5, 7 and 8 present figures as registered in the Community Fleet Register on 4 October 2006

    Line 4 is calculated as: 4 = (1 - 10) + 9 - (3 + 5)

    Line 11: If the result of the fleet ceiling (2 - 35% 3 + 5 - 7) is higher than a Member State's reference level, the fleet ceiling is the reference level

    c) Reference levels at the end of 2005

    France (excluding the Overseas Departments) | GT | kW |

    1 | Reference level on 1-1-2003 | R(GT)03 | 230.257 | R(kW)03 | 920.969 |

    2 | Entries of vessels of more than 100 GT financed with public aid | GT100 | 0 | kW100 | 0 |

    3 | Increases in tonnage GT for reasons of safety | GTS | 253 | - | - |

    4 | Exits financed with public aid | GTa | 12.064 | kWa | 41.452 |

    10 | Capacity of the fleet on 31 December 2005 (a) | GTt | 199.225 | kWt | 849.783 |

    5 | Reference level on 31 December 2005 (1 - 35% 2 + 3 - 4) | R(GT)t | 218.446 | R(kW)t | 879.517 |

    (a) Situation as registered in the Community Fleet Register on 4 October 2006

    d) Evolution of fleet capacity compared to the capacity ceilings.

    Tonnage of the French* fleet compared to its tonnage ceiling.

    Evolution between 1 January 2003 and 31 December 2005.


    *Excluding the French Overseas Departments.

    Situation as registered in the Community Fleet Register on 4 October 2006.

    Power of the French* fleet compared to its power ceiling.

    Evolution between 1 January 2003 and 31 December 2005.


    *Excluding the French Overseas Departments.

    Situation as registered in the Community Fleet Register on 4 October 2006.


    a) Calculation of the baselines (GT 03 and kW 03 ) on 1 January 2003

    GTFR (1-1-2003) | GT1 | GT2 | GT3 | GT4 | GT03 |

    86.048 | 0 | 0 | 4.363 | 0 | 86.981 |

    kWFR (1-1-2003) | kW1 | kW2 | kW3 | kW4 | kW03 |

    227.679 | 0 | 0 | 3.103 | 0 | 230.226 |

    b) Management of the entry exit regime until the end of 2005

    Ireland | GT | kW |

    1 | Capacity of the fleet on 1 January 2003 | GTFR | 86.048 | kWFR | 227.679 |

    2 | Capacity level for the application of the entry-exit regime | GT03 | 86.981 | kW03 | 230.226 |

    3 | Entries of vessels of more than 100 GT financed with public aid | GT100 | 0 | kW100 | 0 |

    4 | Other entries or capacity increases (not included in 3 & 5) | 25.845 | 58.171 |

    5 | Increases in tonnage GT for reasons of safety | GTS | 0 | - |

    6 | Total entries ( 3 + 4 + 5 ) | 25.845 | 58.171 |

    7 | Exits financed with public aid | GTa | 2.292 | kWa | 7.343 |

    8 | Other exits (not included in 7) | 25.242 | 69.699 |

    9 | Total exits ( 7 + 8 ) | 27.534 | 77.042 |

    10 | Capacity of the fleet on 31 December 2005 (1 + 6 - 9) | GTt | 84.360 | kWt | 208.809 |

    11 | Fleet ceiling on 31 December 2005 ( 2 - 35% 3 + 5 – 7 ) | 84.689 | 222.883 |

    Lines 1, 3, 5, 7 and 8 present figures as registered in the Community Fleet Register on 4 October 2006

    Line 4 is calculated as: 4 = (1 - 10) + 9 - (3 + 5)

    Line 11: If the result of the fleet ceiling (2 - 35% 3 + 5 - 7) is higher than a Member State's reference level, the fleet ceiling is the reference level

    c) Reference levels at the end of 2005

    Ireland | GT | kW |

    1 | Reference level on 1-1-2003 | R(GT)03 | 86.981 | R(kW)03 | 230.226 |

    2 | Entries of vessels of more than 100 GT financed with public aid | GT100 | 0 | kW100 | 0 |

    3 | Increases in tonnage GT for reasons of safety | GTS | 0 | - | - |

    4 | Exits financed with public aid | GTa | 2.292 | kWa | 7.343 |

    10 | Capacity of the fleet on 31 December 2005 (a) | GTt | 84.360 | kWt | 208.809 |

    5 | Reference level on 31 December 2005 (1 - 35% 2 + 3 - 4) | R(GT)t | 84.689 | R(kW)t | 222.883 |

    (a) Situation as registered in the Community Fleet Register on 4 October 2006

    d) Evolution of fleet capacity compared to the capacity ceilings.

    Tonnage of the Irish fleet compared to its tonnage ceiling.

    Evolution between 1 January 2003 and 31 December 2005*


    *Situation as registered in the Community Fleet Register on 4 October 2006

    Power of the Irish fleet compared to its power ceiling.

    Evolution between 1 January 2003 and 31 December 2005*


    *Situation as registered in the Community Fleet Register on 4 October 2006


    a) Calculation of the baselines (GT 03 and kW 03 ) on 1 January 2003

    GTFR (1-1-2003) | GT1 | GT2 | GT3 | GT4 | GT03 |

    216.050 | 689 | 563 | 4.402 | 0 | 220.944 |

    kWFR (1-1-2003) | kW1 | kW2 | kW3 | kW4 | kW03 |

    1.278.427 | 2.405 | 1.745 | 15.296 | 0 | 1.295.517 |

    b) Management of the entry exit regime until the end of 2005

    Italy | GT | kW |

    1 | Capacity of the fleet on 1 January 2003 | GTFR | 216.050 | kWFR | 1.278.427 |

    2 | Capacity level for the application of the entry-exit regime | GT03 | 220.944 | kW03 | 1.295.517 |

    3 | Entries of vessels of more than 100 GT financed with public aid | GT100 | 289 | kW100 | 1.007 |

    4 | Other entries or capacity increases (not included in 3 & 5) | 14.479 | 58.396 |

    5 | Increases in tonnage GT for reasons of safety | GTS | 0 | - |

    6 | Total entries ( 3 + 4 + 5 ) | 14.768 | 59.403 |

    7 | Exits financed with public aid | GTa | 6.678 | kWa | 40.498 |

    8 | Other exits (not included in 7) | 11.046 | 73.399 |

    9 | Total exits ( 7 + 8 ) | 17.724 | 113.897 |

    10 | Capacity of the fleet on 31 December 2005 (1 + 6 - 9) | GTt | 213.095 | kWt | 1.223.933 |

    11 | Fleet ceiling on 31 December 2005 ( 2 - 35% 3 + 5 – 7 ) | 214.165 | 1.254.667 |

    Lines 1, 3, 5, 7 and 8 present figures as registered in the Community Fleet Register on 4 October 2006

    Line 4 is calculated as: 4 = (1 - 10) + 9 - (3 + 5)

    Line 11: If the result of the fleet ceiling (2 - 35% 3 + 5 - 7) is higher than a Member State's reference level, the fleet ceiling is the reference level.

    c) Reference levels at the end of 2005

    Italy | GT | kW |

    1 | Reference level on 1-1-2003 | R(GT)03 | 229.862 | R(kW)03 | 1.338.971 |

    2 | Entries of vessels of more than 100 GT financed with public aid | GT100 | 289 | kW100 | 1.007 |

    3 | Increases in tonnage GT for reasons of safety | GTS | 0 | - | - |

    4 | Exits financed with public aid | GTa | 6.678 | kWa | 40.498 |

    10 | Capacity of the fleet on 31 December 2005 (a) | GTt | 213.095 | kWt | 1.223.933 |

    5 | Reference level on 31 December 2005 (1 - 35% 2 + 3 - 4) | R(GT)t | 222.966 | R(kW)t | 1.298.121 |

    (a) Situation as registered in the Community Fleet Register on 4 October 2006

    d) Evolution of fleet capacity compared to the capacity ceilings.

    Tonnage of the Italian fleet compared to its tonnage ceiling.

    Evolution between 1 January 2003 and 31 December 2005*


    *Situation as registered in the Community Fleet Register on 4 October 2006

    Power of the Italian fleet compared to its power ceiling.

    Evolution between 1 January 2003 and 31 December 2005*


    *Situation as registered in the Community Fleet Register on 4 October 2006


    a) Calculation of the baselines (GT 04 and kW 04 ) on 1 May 2004

    GTFR (1-5-2004) | GT1 | GT2 | GT3 | GT4 | GT04 |

    11.935 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 11.935 |

    kWFR (1-5-2004) | kW1 | kW2 | kW3 | kW4 | kW04 |

    52.555 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 52.555 |

    b) Management of the entry exit regime until the end of 2005

    Cyprus | GT | kW |

    1 | Capacity of the fleet on 1 May 2004 | GTFR | 11.935 | kWFR | 52.555 |

    2 | Capacity level for the application of the entry-exit regime | GT04 | 11.935 | kW04 | 52.555 |

    3 | Entries of vessels of more than 100 GT financed with public aid | GT100 | 0 | kW100 | 0 |

    4 | Other entries or capacity increases (not included in 3 & 5) | -1 | -60 |

    5 | Increases in tonnage GT for reasons of safety | GTS | 0 | - |

    6 | Total entries ( 3 + 4 + 5 ) | -1 | -60 |

    7 | Exits financed with public aid | GTa | 356 | kWa | 1.302 |

    8 | Other exits (not included in 7) | 2.521 | 4.351 |

    9 | Total exits ( 7 + 8 ) | 2.877 | 5.653 |

    10 | Capacity of the fleet on 31 December 2005 (1 + 6 - 9) | GTt | 9.056 | kWt | 46.843 |

    11 | Fleet ceiling on 31 December 2005 2 - 35% 3 + 5 - 7 ) | 11.579 | 51.254 |

    Lines 1, 3, 5, 7 and 8 present figures as registered in the Community Fleet Register on 4 October 2006

    Line 4 is calculated as: 4 = (1 - 10) + 9 - (3 + 5)

    Line 11: If the result of the fleet ceiling (2 - 35% 3 + 5 - 7) is higher than a Member State's reference level, the fleet ceiling is the reference level

    d) Evolution of fleet capacity compared to the capacity ceilings.

    Tonnage of the Cypriot fleet compared to its tonnage ceiling.

    Evolution between 1 May 2004 and 31 December 2005*


    *Situation as registered in the Community Fleet Register on 4 October 2006

    Power of the Cypriot fleet compared to its power ceiling.

    Evolution between 1 May 2004 and 31 December 2005*


    *Situation as registered in the Community Fleet Register on 4 October 2006


    a) Calculation of the baselines (GT 04 and kW 04 ) on 1 May 2004

    GTFR (1-5-2004) | GT1 | GT2 | GT3 | GT4 | GT04 |

    44.452 | 510 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 44.962 |

    kWFR (1-5-2004) | kW1 | kW2 | kW3 | kW4 | kW04 |

    75.817 | 1.451 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 77.268 |

    b) Management of the entry exit regime until the end of 2005

    Latvia | GT | kW |

    1 | Capacity of the fleet on 1 May 2004 | GTFR | 44.452 | kWFR | 75.817 |

    2 | Capacity level for the application of the entry-exit regime | GT04 | 44.962 | kW04 | 77.268 |

    3 | Entries of vessels of more than 100 GT financed with public aid | GT100 | 0 | kW100 | 0 |

    4 | Other entries or capacity increases (not included in 3 & 5) | 692 | 2.026 |

    5 | Increases in tonnage GT for reasons of safety | GTS | 0 | - |

    6 | Total entries ( 3 + 4 + 5 ) | 692 | 2.026 |

    7 | Exits financed with public aid | GTa | 1.929 | kWa | 4.660 |

    8 | Other exits (not included in 7) | 4.636 | 6.974 |

    9 | Total exits ( 7 + 8 ) | 6.565 | 11.634 |

    10 | Capacity of the fleet on 31 December 2005 (1 + 6 - 9) | GTt | 38.580 | kWt | 66.209 |

    11 | Fleet ceiling on 31 December 2005 2 - 35% 3 + 5 - 7 ) | 43.033 | 72.609 |

    Lines 1, 3, 5, 7 and 8 present figures as registered in the Community Fleet Register on 4 October 2006

    Line 4 is calculated as: 4 = (1 - 10) + 9 - (3 + 5)

    Line 11: If the result of the fleet ceiling (2 - 35% 3 + 5 - 7) is higher than a Member State's reference level, the fleet ceiling is the reference level

    d) Evolution of fleet capacity compared to the capacity ceilings.

    Tonnage of the Latvian fleet compared to its tonnage ceiling.

    Evolution between 1 May 2004 and 31 December 2005*


    *Situation as registered in the Community Fleet Register on 4 October 2006

    Power of the Latvian fleet compared to its power ceiling.

    Evolution between 1 May 2004 and 31 December 2005*


    *Situation as registered in the Community Fleet Register on 4 October 2006


    a) Calculation of the baselines (GT 04 and kW 04 ) on 1 May 2004

    GTFR (1-5-2004) | GT1 | GT2 | GT3 | GT4 | GT04 |

    76.487 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 76.487 |

    kWFR (1-5-2004) | kW1 | kW2 | kW3 | kW4 | kW04 |

    80.566 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 80.566 |

    b) Management of the entry exit regime until the end of 2005

    Lithuania | GT | kW |

    1 | Capacity of the fleet on 1 May 2004 | GTFR | 76.487 | kWFR | 80.566 |

    2 | Capacity level for the application of the entry-exit regime | GT04 | 76.487 | kW04 | 80.566 |

    3 | Entries of vessels of more than 100 GT financed with public aid | GT100 | 0 | kW100 | 0 |

    4 | Other entries or capacity increases (not included in 3 & 5) | 11.243 | 12.870 |

    5 | Increases in tonnage GT for reasons of safety | GTS | 0 | - |

    6 | Total entries ( 3 + 4 + 5 ) | 11.243 | 12.870 |

    7 | Exits financed with public aid | GTa | 1.576 | kWa | 3.104 |

    8 | Other exits (not included in 7) | 21.768 | 19.677 |

    9 | Total exits ( 7 + 8 ) | 23.344 | 22.781 |

    10 | Capacity of the fleet on 31 December 2005 (1 + 6 - 9) | GTt | 64.386 | kWt | 70.655 |

    11 | Fleet ceiling on 31 December 2005 2 - 35% 3 + 5 - 7 ) | 74.911 | 77.462 |

    Lines 1, 3, 5, 7 and 8 present figures as registered in the Community Fleet Register on 4 October 2006

    Line 4 is calculated as: 4 = (1 - 10) + 9 - (3 + 5)

    Line 11: If the result of the fleet ceiling (2 - 35% 3 + 5 - 7) is higher than a Member State's reference level, the fleet ceiling is the reference level

    d) Evolution of fleet capacity compared to the capacity ceilings.

    Tonnage of the Lithuanian fleet compared to its tonnage ceiling.

    Evolution between 1 May 2004 and 31 December 2005*


    *Situation as registered in the Community Fleet Register on 4 October 2006

    Power of the Lithuanian fleet compared to its power ceiling.

    Evolution between 1 May 2004 and 31 December 2005*


    *Situation as registered in the Community Fleet Register on 4 October 2006


    a) Calculation of the baselines (GT 04 and kW 04 ) on 1 May 2004

    GTFR (1-5-2004) | GT1 | GT2 | GT3 | GT4 | GT04 |

    16.450 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 16.450 |

    kWFR (1-5-2004) | kW1 | kW2 | kW3 | kW4 | kW04 |

    126.350 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 126.350 |

    b) Management of the entry exit regime until the end of 2005

    Malta | GT | kW |

    1 | Capacity of the fleet on 1 May 2004 | GTFR | 16.450 | kWFR | 126.350 |

    2 | Capacity level for the application of the entry-exit regime | GT04 | 16.450 | kW04 | 126.350 |

    3 | Entries of vessels of more than 100 GT financed with public aid | GT100 | 0 | kW100 | 0 |

    4 | Other entries or capacity increases (not included in 3 & 5) | 53 | -1.566 |

    5 | Increases in tonnage GT for reasons of safety | GTS | 0 | - |

    6 | Total entries ( 3 + 4 + 5 ) | 53 | -1.566 |

    7 | Exits financed with public aid | GTa | 0 | kWa | 0 |

    8 | Other exits (not included in 7) | 1.229 | 25.639 |

    9 | Total exits ( 7 + 8 ) | 1.229 | 25.639 |

    10 | Capacity of the fleet on 31 December 2005 (1 + 6 - 9) | GTt | 15.274 | kWt | 99.145 |

    11 | Fleet ceiling on 31 December 2005 2 - 35% 3 + 5 - 7 ) | 16.461 | 126.323 |

    Lines 1, 3, 5, 7 and 8 present figures as registered in the Community Fleet Register on 4 October 2006

    Line 4 is calculated as: 4 = (1 - 10) + 9 - (3 + 5)

    Line 11: If the result of the fleet ceiling (2 - 35% 3 + 5 - 7) is higher than a Member State's reference level, the fleet ceiling is the reference level

    d) Evolution of fleet capacity compared to the capacity ceilings.

    Tonnage of the Maltese fleet compared to its tonnage ceiling.

    Evolution between 1 May 2004 and 31 December 2005*


    *Situation as registered in the Community Fleet Register on 4 October 2006

    Power of the Maltese fleet compared to its power ceiling.

    Evolution between 1 May 2004 and 31 December 2005*


    *Situation as registered in the Community Fleet Register on 4 October 2006


    a) Calculation of the baselines (GT 03 and kW 03 ) on 1 January 2003

    GTFR (1-1-2003) | GT1 | GT2 | GT3 | GT4 | GT03 |

    183.678 | 0 | 0 | 1.133 | 0 | 184.811 |

    kWFR (1-1-2003) | kW1 | kW2 | kW3 | kW4 | kW03 |

    418.505 | 0 | 0 | 2.722 | 0 | 421.227 |

    b) Management of the entry exit regime until the end of 2005

    The Netherlands | GT | kW |

    1 | Capacity of the fleet on 1 January 2003 | GTFR | 183.678 | kWFR | 418.505 |

    2 | Capacity level for the application of the entry-exit regime | GT03 | 184.811 | kW03 | 421.227 |

    3 | Entries of vessels of more than 100 GT financed with public aid | GT100 | 0 | kW100 | 0 |

    4 | Other entries or capacity increases (not included in 3 & 5) | 4.309 | 19.332 |

    5 | Increases in tonnage GT for reasons of safety | GTS | 27 | - |

    6 | Total entries ( 3 + 4 + 5 ) | 4.336 | 19.332 |

    7 | Exits financed with public aid | GTa | 8.980 | kWa | 35.759 |

    8 | Other exits (not included in 7) | 23.611 | 53.624 |

    9 | Total exits ( 7 + 8 ) | 32.591 | 89.383 |

    10 | Capacity of the fleet on 31 December 2005 (1 + 6 - 9) | GTt | 155.423 | kWt | 348.454 |

    11 | Fleet ceiling on 31 December 2005 ( 2 - 35% 3 + 5 – 7 ) | 175.858 | 385.468 |

    Lines 1, 3, 5, 7 and 8 present figures as registered in the Community Fleet Register on 4 October 2006

    Line 4 is calculated as: 4 = (1 - 10) + 9 - (3 + 5)

    Line 11: If the result of the fleet ceiling (2 - 35% 3 + 5 - 7) is higher than a Member State's reference level, the fleet ceiling is the reference level

    c) Reference levels at the end of 2005

    The Netherlands | GT | kW |

    1 | Reference level on 1-1-2003 | R(GT)03 | 213.139 | R(kW)03 | 527.067 |

    2 | Entries of vessels of more than 100 GT financed with public aid | GT100 | 0 | kW100 | 0 |

    3 | Increases in tonnage GT for reasons of safety | GTS | 27 | - | - |

    4 | Exits financed with public aid | GTa | 8.980 | kWa | 35.759 |

    10 | Capacity of the fleet on 31 December 2005 (a) | GTt | 155.423 | kWt | 348.454 |

    5 | Reference level on 31 December 2005 (1 - 35% 2 + 3 - 4) | R(GT)t | 204.186 | R(kW)t | 491.308 |

    (a) Situation as registered in the Community Fleet Register on 4 October 2006

    d) Evolution of fleet capacity compared to the capacity ceilings.

    Tonnage of the Dutch fleet compared to its tonnage ceiling.

    Evolution between 1 January 2003 and 31 December 2005*


    *Situation as registered in the Community Fleet Register on 4 October 2006

    Power of the Dutch fleet compared to its power ceiling.

    Evolution between 1 January 2003 and 31 December 2005*


    *Situation as registered in the Community Fleet Register on 4 October 2006


    a) Calculation of the baselines (GT 04 and kW 04 ) on 1 May 2004

    GTFR (1-5-2004) | GT1 | GT2 | GT3 | GT4 | GT04 |

    47.324 | 191 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 47.515 |

    kWFR (1-5-2004) | kW1 | kW2 | kW3 | kW4 | kW04 |

    151.124 | 1.858 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 152.981 |

    b) Management of the entry exit regime until the end of 2005

    Poland | GT | kW |

    1 | Capacity of the fleet on 1 May 2004 | GTFR | 47.324 | kWFR | 151.124 |

    2 | Capacity level for the application of the entry-exit regime | GT04 | 47.515 | kW04 | 152.981 |

    3 | Entries of vessels of more than 100 GT financed with public aid | GT100 | 0 | kW100 | 0 |

    4 | Other entries or capacity increases (not included in 3 & 5) | 3.183 | 8.104 |

    5 | Increases in tonnage GT for reasons of safety | GTS | 0 | - |

    6 | Total entries ( 3 + 4 + 5 ) | 3.183 | 8.104 |

    7 | Exits financed with public aid | GTa | 16.371 | kWa | 45.383 |

    8 | Other exits (not included in 7) | 3.882 | 8.392 |

    9 | Total exits ( 7 + 8 ) | 20.253 | 53.775 |

    10 | Capacity of the fleet on 31 December 2005 (1 + 6 - 9) | GTt | 30.254 | kWt | 105.452 |

    11 | Fleet ceiling on 31 December 2005 2 - 35% 3 + 5 - 7 ) | 31.144 | 107.599 |

    Lines 1, 3, 5, 7 and 8 present figures as registered in the Community Fleet Register on 4 October 2006

    Line 4 is calculated as: 4 = (1 - 10) + 9 - (3 + 5)

    Line 11: If the result of the fleet ceiling (2 - 35% 3 + 5 - 7) is higher than a Member State's reference level, the fleet ceiling is the reference level

    d) Evolution of fleet capacity compared to the capacity ceilings.

    Tonnage of the Polish fleet compared to its tonnage ceiling.

    Evolution between 1 May 2004 and 31 December 2005*


    *Situation as registered in the Community Fleet Register on 4 October 2006

    Power of the Polish fleet compared to its power ceiling.

    Evolution between 1 May 2004 and 31 December 2005*


    *Situation as registered in the Community Fleet Register on 4 October 2006


    a) Calculation of the baselines (GT 03 and kW 03 ) on 1 January 2003

    GTFR (1-1-2003) | GT1 | GT2 | GT3 | GT4 | GT03 |

    99.757 | 8.629 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 108.386 |

    kWFR (1-1-2003) | kW1 | kW2 | kW3 | kW4 | kW03 |

    332.417 | 22.147 | 0 | 696 | 0 | 355.260 |

    b) Management of the entry exit regime until the end of 2005

    Portugal | GT | kW |

    1 | Capacity of the fleet on 1 January 2003 | GTFR | 99.757 | kWFR | 332.417 |

    2 | Capacity level for the application of the entry-exit regime | GT03 | 108.386 | kW03 | 355.260 |

    3 | Entries of vessels of more than 100 GT financed with public aid | GT100 | 494 | kW100 | 1.273 |

    4 | Other entries or capacity increases (not included in 3 & 5) | 10.867 | 42.253 |

    5 | Increases in tonnage GT for reasons of safety | GTS | 0 | - |

    6 | Total entries ( 3 + 4 + 5 ) | 11.361 | 43.527 |

    7 | Exits financed with public aid | GTa | 9.260 | kWa | 22.303 |

    8 | Other exits (not included in 7) | 7.729 | 32.206 |

    9 | Total exits ( 7 + 8 ) | 16.990 | 54.508 |

    10 | Capacity of the fleet on 31 December 2005 (1 + 6 - 9) | GTt | 94.128 | kWt | 321.436 |

    11 | Fleet ceiling on 31 December 2005 ( 2 - 35% 3 + 5 – 7 ) | 98.952 | 332.512 |

    Lines 1, 3, 5, 7 and 8 present figures as registered in the Community Fleet Register on 4 October 2006

    Line 4 is calculated as: 4 = (1 - 10) + 9 - (3 + 5)

    Line 11: If the result of the fleet ceiling (2 - 35% 3 + 5 - 7) is higher than a Member State's reference level, the fleet ceiling is the reference level

    c) Reference levels at the end of 2005

    Portugal (excluding the Azores and Madeira) | GT | kW |

    1 | Reference level on 1-1-2003 | R(GT)03 | 171.502 | R(kW)03 | 412.025 |

    2 | Entries of vessels of more than 100 GT financed with public aid | GT100 | 494 | kW100 | 1.273 |

    3 | Increases in tonnage GT for reasons of safety | GTS | 0 | - | - |

    4 | Exits financed with public aid | GTa | 9.260 | kWa | 22.303 |

    10 | Capacity of the fleet on 31 December 2005 (a) | GTt | 94.128 | kWt | 321.436 |

    5 | Reference level on 31 December 2005 (1 - 35% 2 + 3 - 4) | R(GT)t | 162.069 | R(kW)t | 389.277 |

    (a) Situation as registered in the Community Fleet Register on 4 October 2006

    d) Evolution of fleet capacity compared to the capacity ceilings.

    Tonnage of the Portuguese* fleet compared to its tonnage ceiling.

    Evolution between 1 January 2003 and 31 December 2005.


    *Excluding the Azores and Madeira.

    Situation as registered in the Community Fleet Register on 4 October 2006.

    Power of the Portuguese* fleet compared to its power ceiling.

    Evolution between 1 January 2003 and 31 December 2005.


    *Excluding the Azores and Madeira.

    Situation as registered in the Community Fleet Register on 4 October 2006.


    a) Calculation of the baselines (GT 04 and kW 04 ) on 1 May 2004

    GTFR (1-5-2004) | GT1 | GT2 | GT3 | GT4 | GT04 |

    1.076 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1.076 |

    kWFR (1-5-2004) | kW1 | kW2 | kW3 | kW4 | kW04 |

    11.473 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 11.473 |

    b) Management of the entry exit regime until the end of 2005

    Slovenia | GT | kW |

    1 | Capacity of the fleet on 1 May 2004 | GTFR | 1.076 | kWFR | 11.473 |

    2 | Capacity level for the application of the entry-exit regime | GT04 | 1.076 | kW04 | 11.473 |

    3 | Entries of vessels of more than 100 GT financed with public aid | GT100 | 0 | kW100 | 0 |

    4 | Other entries or capacity increases (not included in 3 & 5) | 0 | 9 |

    5 | Increases in tonnage GT for reasons of safety | GTS | 0 | - |

    6 | Total entries ( 3 + 4 + 5 ) | 0 | 9 |

    7 | Exits financed with public aid | GTa | 0 | kWa | 0 |

    8 | Other exits (not included in 7) | 7 | 23 |

    9 | Total exits ( 7 + 8 ) | 7 | 23 |

    10 | Capacity of the fleet on 31 December 2005 (1 + 6 - 9) | GTt | 1.069 | kWt | 11.459 |

    11 | Fleet ceiling on 31 December 2005 2 - 35% 3 + 5 - 7 ) | 1.076 | 11.473 |

    Lines 1, 3, 5, 7 and 8 present figures as registered in the Community Fleet Register on 4 October 2006

    Line 4 is calculated as: 4 = (1 - 10) + 9 - (3 + 5)

    Line 11: If the result of the fleet ceiling (2 - 35% 3 + 5 - 7) is higher than a Member State's reference level, the fleet ceiling is the reference level

    d) Evolution of fleet capacity compared to the capacity ceilings.

    Tonnage of the Slovenian fleet compared to its tonnage ceiling.

    Evolution between 1 May 2004 and 31 December 2005*


    *Situation as registered in the Community Fleet Register on 4 October 2006

    Power of the Slovenian fleet compared to its power ceiling.

    Evolution between 1 May 2004 and 31 December 2005*


    *Situation as registered in the Community Fleet Register on 4 October 2006


    a) Calculation of the baselines (GT 03 and kW 03 ) on 1 January 2003

    GTFR (1-1-2003) | GT1 | GT2 | GT3 | GT4 | GT03 |

    19.812 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 19.812 |

    kWFR (1-1-2003) | kW1 | kW2 | kW3 | kW4 | kW03 |

    190.136 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 190.136 |

    b) Management of the entry exit regime until the end of 2005

    Finland | GT | kW |

    1 | Capacity of the fleet on 1 January 2003 | GTFR | 19.812 | kWFR | 190.136 |

    2 | Capacity level for the application of the entry-exit regime | GT03 | 19.812 | kW03 | 190.136 |

    3 | Entries of vessels of more than 100 GT financed with public aid | GT100 | 0 | kW100 | 0 |

    4 | Other entries or capacity increases (not included in 3 & 5) | 3.233 | 20.570 |

    5 | Increases in tonnage GT for reasons of safety | GTS | 0 |

    6 | Total entries ( 3 + 4 + 5 ) | 3.233 | 20.570 |

    7 | Exits financed with public aid | GTa | 1.280 | kWa | 5.637 |

    8 | Other exits (not included in 7) | 4.765 | 33.557 |

    9 | Total exits ( 7 + 8 ) | 6.045 | 39.194 |

    10 | Capacity of the fleet on 31 December 2005 (1 + 6 - 9) | GTt | 17.001 | kWt | 171.511 |

    11 | Fleet ceiling on 31 December 2005 ( 2 - 35% 3 + 5 – 7 ) | 18.532 | 184.499 |

    Lines 1, 3, 5, 7 and 8 present figures as registered in the Community Fleet Register on 4 October 2006

    Line 4 is calculated as: 4 = (1 - 10) + 9 - (3 + 5)

    Line 11: If the result of the fleet ceiling (2 - 35% 3 + 5 - 7) is higher than a Member State's reference level, the fleet ceiling is the reference level

    c) Reference levels at the end of 2005

    Finland | GT | kW |

    1 | Reference level on 1-1-2003 | R(GT)03 | 23.203 | R(kW)03 | 216.195 |

    2 | Entries of vessels of more than 100 GT financed with public aid | GT100 | 0 | kW100 | 0 |

    3 | Increases in tonnage GT for reasons of safety | GTS | 0 | - | - |

    4 | Exits financed with public aid | GTa | 1.280 | kWa | 5.637 |

    10 | Capacity of the fleet on 31 December 2005 (a) | GTt | 17.001 | kWt | 171.511 |

    5 | Reference level on 31 December 2005 (1 - 35% 2 + 3 - 4) | R(GT)t | 21.923 | R(kW)t | 210.558 |

    (a) Situation as registered in the Community Fleet Register on 4 October 2006

    d) Evolution of fleet capacity compared to the capacity ceilings.

    Tonnage of the Finish fleet compared to its tonnage ceiling.

    Evolution between 1 January 2003 and 31 December 2005*


    *Situation as registered in the Community Fleet Register on 4 October 2006

    Power of the Finish fleet compared to its power ceiling.

    Evolution between 1 January 2003 and 31 December 2005*


    *Situation as registered in the Community Fleet Register on 4 October 2006


    a) Calculation of the baselines (GT 03 and kW 03 ) on 1 January 2003

    GTFR (1-1-2003) | GT1 | GT2 | GT3 | GT4 | GT03 |

    45.895 | 0 | 0 | 871 | 0 | 46.766 |

    kWFR (1-1-2003) | kW1 | kW2 | kW3 | kW4 | kW03 |

    224.662 | 0 | 0 | 2.589 | 0 | 227.251 |

    b) Management of the entry exit regime until the end of 2005

    Sweden | GT | kW |

    1 | Capacity of the fleet on 1 January 2003 | GTFR | 45.895 | kWFR | 224.662 |

    2 | Capacity level for the application of the entry-exit regime | GT03 | 46.766 | kW03 | 227.251 |

    3 | Entries of vessels of more than 100 GT financed with public aid | GT100 | 0 | kW100 | 0 |

    4 | Other entries or capacity increases (not included in 3 & 5) | 2.499 | 22.175 |

    5 | Increases in tonnage GT for reasons of safety | GTS | 76 | - |

    6 | Total entries ( 3 + 4 + 5 ) | 2.575 | 22.175 |

    7 | Exits financed with public aid | GTa | 935 | kWa | 3.159 |

    8 | Other exits (not included in 7) | 3.276 | 24.932 |

    9 | Total exits ( 7 + 8 ) | 4.211 | 28.091 |

    10 | Capacity of the fleet on 31 December 2005 (1 + 6 - 9) | GTt | 44.259 | kWt | 218.745 |

    11 | Fleet ceiling on 31 December 2005 ( 2 - 35% 3 + 5 – 7 ) | 45.907 | 224.092 |

    Lines 1, 3, 5, 7 and 8 present figures as registered in the Community Fleet Register on 4 October 2006

    Line 4 is calculated as: 4 = (1 - 10) + 9 - (3 + 5)

    Line 11: If the result of the fleet ceiling (2 - 35% 3 + 5 - 7) is higher than a Member State's reference level, the fleet ceiling is the reference level

    c) Reference levels at the end of 2005

    Sweden | GT | kW |

    1 | Reference level on 1-1-2003 | R(GT)03 | 51.993 | R(kW)03 | 261.028 |

    2 | Entries of vessels of more than 100 GT financed with public aid | GT100 | 0 | kW100 | 0 |

    3 | Increases in tonnage GT for reasons of safety | GTS | 76 | - | - |

    4 | Exits financed with public aid | GTa | 935 | kWa | 3.159 |

    10 | Capacity of the fleet on 31 December 2005 (a) | GTt | 44.259 | kWt | 218.745 |

    5 | Reference level on 31 December 2005 (1 - 35% 2 + 3 - 4) | R(GT)t | 50.509 | R(kW)t | 253.197 |

    (a) Situation as registered in the Community Fleet Register on 4 October 2006

    d) Evolution of fleet capacity compared to the capacity ceilings.

    Tonnage of the Swedish fleet compared to its tonnage ceiling.

    Evolution between 1 January 2003 and 31 December 2005*


    *Situation as registered in the Community Fleet Register on 4 October 2006

    Power of the Swedish fleet compared to its power ceiling.

    Evolution between 1 January 2003 and 31 December 2005*


    *Situation as registered in the Community Fleet Register on 4 October 2006


    a) Calculation of the baselines (GT 03 and kW 03 ) on 1 January 2003

    GTFR (1-1-2003) | GT1 | GT2 | GT3 | GT4 | GT03 |

    241.052 | 0 | 0 | 11.848 | 0 | 252.900 |

    kWFR (1-1-2003) | kW1 | kW2 | kW3 | kW4 | kW03 |

    942.607 | 0 | 0 | 35.629 | 0 | 978.236 |

    b) Management of the entry exit regime until the end of 2005

    United Kingdom | GT | kW |

    1 | Capacity of the fleet on 1 January 2003 | GTFR | 241.052 | kWFR | 942.607 |

    2 | Capacity level for the application of the entry-exit regime | GT03 | 252.900 | kW03 | 978.236 |

    3 | Entries of vessels of more than 100 GT financed with public aid | GT100 | 0 | kW100 | 0 |

    4 | Other entries or capacity increases (not included in 3 & 5) | 40.218 | 142.518 |

    5 | Increases in tonnage GT for reasons of safety | GTS | 0 | - |

    6 | Total entries ( 3 + 4 + 5 ) | 40.218 | 142.518 |

    7 | Exits financed with public aid | GTa | 16.699 | kWa | 45.005 |

    8 | Other exits (not included in 7) | 46.123 | 158.926 |

    9 | Total exits ( 7 + 8 ) | 62.822 | 203.930 |

    10 | Capacity of the fleet on 31 December 2005 (1 + 6 - 9) | GTt | 218.447 | kWt | 881.194 |

    11 | Fleet ceiling on 31 December 2005 ( 2 - 35% 3 + 5 – 7 ) | 236.201 | 933.231 |

    Lines 1, 3, 5, 7 and 8 present figures as registered in the Community Fleet Register on 4 October 2006

    Line 4 is calculated as: 4 = (1 - 10) + 9 - (3 + 5)

    Line 11: If the result of the fleet ceiling (2 - 35% 3 + 5 - 7) is higher than a Member State's reference level, the fleet ceiling is the reference level

    c) Reference levels at the end of 2005

    United Kingdom | GT | kW |

    1 | Reference level on 1-1-2003 | R(GT)03 | 286.120 | R(kW)03 | 1.129.194 |

    2 | Entries of vessels of more than 100 GT financed with public aid | GT100 | 0 | kW100 | 0 |

    3 | Increases in tonnage GT for reasons of safety | GTS | 0 | - | - |

    4 | Exits financed with public aid | GTa | 16.699 | kWa | 45.005 |

    10 | Capacity of the fleet on 31 December 2005 (a) | GTt | 218.447 | kWt | 881.194 |

    5 | Reference level on 31 December 2005 (1 - 35% 2 + 3 - 4) | R(GT)t | 269.421 | R(kW)t | 1.084.189 |

    (a) Situation as registered in the Community Fleet Register on 4 October 2006

    d) Evolution of fleet capacity compared to the capacity ceilings.

    Tonnage of the British fleet compared to its tonnage ceiling.

    Evolution between 1 January 2003 and 31 December 2005*


    *Situation as registered in the Community Fleet Register on 4 October 2006

    Power of the British fleet compared to its power ceiling.

    Evolution between 1 January 2003 and 31 December 2005*


    *Situation as registered in the Community Fleet Register on 4 October 2006


    This annex shows Member States compliance at 31 December 2005, with the capacity levels for outermost regions in accordance with Council Regulation (EC) No 639/2004 and Commission Regulation (EC) No 2104/2004.

    The reference levels for the outermost regions were fixed for each segment of the fleet on the 1 January 2003. At any later date, the reference level for each segment is calculated by deducting from the initial reference levels the capacity withdrawn with public aid for that particular segment.

    It is in this way that the graphs presented below have been calculated. Each of the tables summarises the situation on 31 December 2005.

    d) Management of capacity levels for outermost regions during 2005

    Canary Islands (Spain) | CA1 Length < 12 m EU waters | CA2 Length > 12 m EU waters | CA3 Length > 12 m International and third country waters |

    GT | kW | GT | kW | GT | kW |

    1 | Reference level on 1-1-2003 | 2.878 | 23.202 | 4.779 | 16.055 | 51.167 | 90.680 |

    2 | Capacity of the fleet on 1 January 2003 | 2.114 | 16.541 | 4.019 | 14.749 | 46.202 | 84.118 |

    3 | Exits financed with public aid | 147 | 1.188 | 1.334 | 4.189 | 20.906 | 42.177 |

    4 | Reference level on 31 December 2005 (1 - 3 ) | 2.731 | 22.014 | 3.445 | 11.866 | 30.261 | 48.503 |

    5 | Capacity of the fleet on 31 December 2005 | 1.973 | 15.658 | 3.122 | 11.861 | 30.914 | 46.235 |

    Situation as registered in the Community Fleet Register on 4 October 2006.

    Bold Italic indicates that the reference level has been exceeded.



    *Situation as registered in the Community Fleet Register on 4 October 2006


    *Situation as registered in the Community Fleet Register on 4 October 2006

    d) Management of capacity levels for outermost regions during 2005

    Reunion (French Overseas Department) | 4FC Demersal and pelagic species. Length < 12 m | 4FD Pelagic species. Length > 12 m |

    GT | kW | GT | kW |

    1 | Reference level on 1-1-2003 | 1.050 | 14.000 | 9.705 | 24.610 |

    2 | Capacity of the fleet on 1 January 2003 | 343 | 10.943 | 4.174 | 13.553 |

    3 | Exits financed with public aid | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |

    4 | Reference level on 31 December 2005 (1 - 3 ) | 1.050 | 14.000 | 9.705 | 24.610 |

    5 | Capacity of the fleet on 31 December 2005 | 385 | 12.390 | 3.867 | 12.779 |

    Situation as registered in the Community Fleet Register on 4 October 2006



    *Situation as registered in the Community Fleet Register on 4 October 2006

    d) Management of capacity levels for outermost regions during 2005

    French Guiana | 4FF Demersal and pelagic species. L < 12 m | 4FG Shrimp vessels | 4FH Pelagic species. Offshore vessels |

    GT | kW | GT | kW | GT | kW |

    1 | Reference level on 1-1-2003 | 400 | 5.250 | 6.526 | 19.726 | 3.500 | 5.000 |

    2 | Capacity of the fleet on 1 January 2003 | 284 | 3.840 | 5.994 | 17.173 | 288 | 1.010 |

    3 | Exits financed with public aid | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |

    4 | Reference level on 31 December 2005 (1 - 3 ) | 400 | 5.250 | 6.526 | 19.726 | 3.500 | 5.000 |

    5 | Capacity of the fleet on 31 December 2005 | 356 | 4.628 | 5.499 | 16.092 | 267 | 798 |

    Situation as registered in the Community Fleet Register on 4 October 2006



    *Situation as registered in the Community Fleet Register on 4 October 2006


    *Situation as registered in the Community Fleet Register on 4 October 2006

    d) Management of capacity levels for outermost regions during 2005

    Martinique (French Overseas Department) | 4FJ Demersal and pelagic species. Length < 12 m | 4FK Pelagic species. Length > 12 m |

    GT | kW | GT | kW |

    1 | Reference level on 1-1-2003 | 2.800 | 65.500 | 1.000 | 3.000 |

    2 | Capacity of the fleet on 1 January 2003 | 2.065 | 59.005 | 848 | 2.598 |

    3 | Exits financed with public aid | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |

    4 | Reference level on 31 December 2005 (1 - 3 ) | 2.800 | 65.500 | 1.000 | 3.000 |

    5 | Capacity of the fleet on 31 December 2005 | 2.272 | 68.480 | 552 | 1.966 |

    Situation as registered in the Community Fleet Register on 4 October 2006

    Bold Italic indicates that the reference level has been exceeded.



    *Situation as registered in the Community Fleet Register on 4 October 2006

    d) Management of capacity levels for outermost regions during 2005

    Guadeloupe (French Overseas Department) | 4FL Demersal and pelagic species. Length < 12 m | 4FM Pelagic species. Length > 12 m |

    GT | kW | GT | kW |

    1 | Reference level on 1-1-2003 | 4.100 | 105.000 | 500 | 1.750 |

    2 | Capacity of the fleet on 1 January 2003 | 2.465 | 96.814 | 12 | 220 |

    3 | Exits financed with public aid | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |

    4 | Reference level on 31 December 2005 (1 - 3 ) | 4.100 | 105.000 | 500 | 1.750 |

    5 | Capacity of the fleet on 31 December 2005 | 2.421 | 102.605 | 12 | 220 |

    Situation as registered in the Community Fleet Register on 4 October 2006


    *Situation as registered in the Community Fleet Register on 4 October 2006

    d) Management of capacity levels for outermost regions during 2005

    Madeira (Portugal) | 4K6 Demersal species. Length < 12 m | 4K7 Demersal and pelagic species. Length > 12 m | 4K8 Pelagic species. Seine. Length > 12 m |

    GT | kW | GT | kW | GT | kW |

    1 | Reference level on 1-1-2003 | 680 | 4.574 | 5.354 | 17.414 | 253 | 1.170 |

    2 | Capacity of the fleet on 1 January 2003 | 403 | 2.800 | 3.585 | 12.522 | 193 | 1.006 |

    3 | Exits financed with public aid | 30 | 247 | 870 | 2.924 | 0 | 0 |

    4 | Reference level on 31 December 2005 (1 - 3 ) | 650 | 4.327 | 4.484 | 14.490 | 253 | 1.170 |

    5 | Capacity of the fleet on 31 December 2005 | 407 | 3.011 | 2.765 | 9.701 | 193 | 1.006 |

    Situation as registered in the Community Fleet Register on 4 October 2006



    *Situation as registered in the Community Fleet Register on 4 October 2006


    *Situation as registered in the Community Fleet Register on 4 October 2006

    d) Management of capacity levels for outermost regions during 2005

    Azores (Portugal) | 4K9 Demersal species. Length < 12 m | 4KA Demersal and pelagic species. Length > 12 m |

    GT | kW | GT | kW |

    1 | Reference level on 1-1-2003 | 2.721 | 20.815 | 14.246 | 36.846 |

    2 | Capacity of the fleet on 1 January 2003 | 2.277 | 19.860 | 9.989 | 29.310 |

    3 | Exits financed with public aid | 90 | 980 | 952 | 3.128 |

    4 | Reference level on 31 December 2005 (1 - 3 ) | 2.631 | 19.835 | 13.294 | 33.718 |

    5 | Capacity of the fleet on 31 December 2005 | 1.643 | 19.005 | 8.514 | 25.033 |

    Situation as registered in the Community Fleet Register on 4 October 2006



    *Situation as registered in the Community Fleet Register on 4 October 2006

    [1] Council Regulation (EC) No 2371/2002 (OJ L 358 of 31 December 2002, p.59 -80)

    [2] Commission Regulation (EC) No 1438/2003 (OJ L 204 of 12 August 2003, p.21-28)


    [4] Commission Regulation (EC) No 26/2004 (OJ L 5 of 9 January 2004, p.25-35)

    [5] Council Regulation (EC) No 27/2005 (OJ L 12, 14 January 2005, p. 1 – 151)

    [6] Council Regulation (EC) No 639/2004 (OJ L 102, 7 April 2004, p. 9–11)

    [7] 4th Multiannual Guidance Programs

    [8] Council Regulation (EC) No 1242/2004 (OJ L 236 of 7 July 2004, p. 1 – 2)

    [9] Council Regulation (EC) No 639/2004 (OJ L 102 of 7 April 2004, p. 9 – 11)

    [10] Commission Regulation (EC) No 2104/2004 (OJ L 365 of 10 December 2004, p. 19 – 21)

    [11] Council Regulation (EC) No 3259/94 (OJ L 339, 29 December 1994, p. 11 – 13)

    [12] Commission Decision No 95/84/EC (OJ L 67, 25 March 1995, p. 33 – 36)

    [13] Increase of the overall fleet capacity on 1 May 2004 is due to the accession of the New Member States.
