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Document 51996AP0052

Legislative resolution embodying Parliament' s opinion on the proposal for a Council Decision adopting a multi-annual Community programme to stimulate the development of a European multimedia content industry and to encourage the use of multimedia content in the emerging information society (INFO 2000) (COM(95)0149 - C4-0383/95 - 95/0156(CNS) (Consultation procedure)

OJ C 117, 22.4.1996, p. 37 (ES, DA, DE, EL, EN, FR, IT, NL, PT, SV)


Legislative resolution embodying Parliament' s opinion on the proposal for a Council Decision adopting a multi-annual Community programme to stimulate the development of a European multimedia content industry and to encourage the use of multimedia content in the emerging information society (INFO 2000) (COM(95)0149 - C4-0383/95 - 95/0156(CNS) (Consultation procedure)

Official Journal C 117 , 22/04/1996 P. 0037


Proposal for a Council Decision adopting a multi-annual Community programme to stimulate the development of a European multimedia content industry and to encourage the use of multimedia content in the emerging information society (INFO 2000) (COM(95)0149 - C4-0383/95 - 95/0156(CNS))

The proposal was approved with the following amendments:

(Amendment 1)

Recital 11a (new)

>Text following EP vote>

Whereas the provision of multimedia services should respect the principles of equal access to low-cost, and in some cases free, provision of certain basic services;

(Amendment 2)

Recital 11b (new)

>Text following EP vote>

Whereas actions under this programme should support the development of applications of general interest, particularly serving the purposes of health, education, training and regional planning for the benefit of geographically disadvantaged regions of Europe;

(Amendment 3)

Recital 12a (new)

>Text following EP vote>

Whereas particular emphasis must be placed on access for associations and non- governmental organizations and enabling them to play a full part in the implementation of the programme;

(Amendment 4)

Recital 13a (new)

>Text following EP vote>

Whereas Community actions undertaken concerning the content of information should respect the Union's multilingual character and encourage initiatives to adapt the content of multimedia information in the languages of the Member States;

(Amendment 5)

Recital 13b (new)

>Text following EP vote>

Whereas the public and their interests have a central role in the selection of proposals;

(Amendment 6)

Recital 13c (new)

>Text following EP vote>

Whereas the measures under the programme must help to reduce the risks of exclusion of unskilled or underskilled workers, the emergence of a dual society, the widening of disparities between regions and the increased isolation of the individual;

(Amendment 7)

Recital 13d (new)

>Text following EP vote>

Whereas combating the abuse of multimedia content in pernicious areas such as racism, illegal pornography and other criminal activities requires the coordination of efforts at international level;

(Amendment 8)

Recital 14

>Original text>

Whereas policy actions under this programme aiming at strengthening the position of the European content industry will be complementary to other content actions, particularly those related to the audiovisual sector;

>Text following EP vote>

Whereas policy actions under this programme aiming at strengthening the position of the European content industry will be complementary to other content actions, particularly those related to the audiovisual sector (cinema and television)

(Amendment 9)

Recital 15

>Original text>

Whereas any content policy actions must be complementary to other ongoing national and Community initiatives, as outlined notably in the Commission's action plan 'Europe's way to the information society - an action plan', and shall be performed in synergy with the Commission's education2, training3, RTD4 and SME5 policies and initiatives;


2 COM(93)0708 of 3 February 1994.

3 Council Decision 94/819/EC of 6 December 1994 establishing an action programme for the implementation of a European Community vocational training policy (OJ No L 340, 29.12.1994, p. 8).

4 Decision No 1110/94/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 26 April 1994 concerning the fourth framework programme of the European Community activities in the field of research and technological development and demonstration (1994 to 1998) (OJ No L 126, 18.5.1994, p. 1).

5 COM(94)0207 of 3 June 1994.

>Text following EP vote>

Whereas any content policy actions must be complementary to other ongoing national and Community initiatives, as outlined notably in the Commission's action plan 'Europe's way to the information society - an action plan', and shall be performed in synergy with programmes in the Fourth Framework Programme1a (programmes concerned with advanced technology, technology, advanced communications services and telematics) and with the Commission's education2, training3, cultural and SME5 policies and initiatives, and with the Structural Funds;


1a Decision No 1110/94/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 26 April 1994 concerning the fourth framework programme of the European Community activities in the field of research and technological development and demonstration (1994 to 1998) (OJ No L 126, 18.5.1994, p. 1).

2 COM(93)0708 of 3 February 1994.

3 Council Decision 94/819/EC of 6 December 1994 establishing an action programme for the implementation of a European Community vocational training policy (OJ No L 340, 29.12.1994, p. 8).

5 COM(94)0207 of 3 June 1994.

(Amendment 10)

Recital 16

>Original text>

Whereas progress of this programme should be continuously and systematically monitored with a view to adapting it, where appropriate, to developments in the multimedia content market; whereas in due course there should be an independent evaluation of the progress of the programme so as to provide the background information needed in order to determine the objectives for subsequent content policy actions; whereas as the end of this programme there shall be a final evaluation of results obtained compared with the objectives set out in this Decision;

>Text following EP vote>

Whereas projects under this programme should be continuously and systematically monitored and coordinated with a view to adapting them, where appropriate, to developments in the multimedia content market; whereas in due course there should be an independent evaluation of the progress of the programme so as to provide the background information needed in order to determine the objectives for subsequent content policy actions; whereas as the end of this programme there shall be a final evaluation of results obtained compared with the objectives set out in this Decision;

(Amendment 11)

Recital 18

>Original text>

Whereas it may be appropriate to engage in international cooperation activities with international organizations and third countries for the purpose of implementing this programme;

>Text following EP vote>

Whereas the activities which may prove useful in international cooperation activities with international organizations and third countries for the purpose of implementing this programme should be undertaken on the basis of strict reciprocity;

(Amendment 12)

Recital 19a (new)

>Text following EP vote>

Whereas this Decision lays down, for the entire duration of the programme, a financial framework, within the meaning of point 2 of the Declaration by the European Parliament, the Council and the Commission of 6 March 19951, for the budgetary authority during the annual budgetary procedure;

1 OJ C 293, 8.11.1995, p. 4.

(Amendment 13)

Article 2a (new)

>Text following EP vote>

Article 2a

Companies benefiting from this programme must be controlled, and continue to be controlled, either directly or through a majority share-holding, by nationals of Member States.

(Amendment 14)

Article 3

>Original text>

The programme shall cover a period of four years from 1 January 1996 to 31 December 1999.

>Text following EP vote>

The programme shall cover a period of three years from 1 January 1996 to 31 December 1998.

(Amendment 15)

Article 4(1)

>Original text>

1. The Commission shall be responsible for the implementation of the programme.

>Text following EP vote>

1. The Commission shall be responsible for the implementation of the programme and for the decisions to grant Community financial aid to the projects selected.

(Amendment 16)

Article 4(1a) (new)

>Text following EP vote>

1a. The Commission may make use of two forms of funding:

>Text following EP vote>

(a) 100% subsidy;

>Text following EP vote>

(b) joint financing, covering not less than half the total, with other public or private sector sources.

>Text following EP vote>

Should option (a) be used, the specific procedures applicable shall be those set out in Article 57 of the Financial Regulation. Should option (b) be used, the Commission shall publish a call for proposals in the Official Journal, having regard to the stated priorities.

>Text following EP vote>

The amount of financial support, the funding and supervision arrangements, and the technical conditions required to give effect to the assistance shall be determined according to the nature and form of the action approved and laid down in the Commission decision.

(Amendment 17)

Article 4(2), indents

>Original text>

- the work programme

- the breakdown of the budgetary expenditure

- the content of calls for proposals

- the measures for programme evaluation

- any departure from the rules set out in Annex III

- participation in any project by legal entities from third countries and international organizations.

>Text following EP vote>

- the work programme

- the content of calls for proposals

- the measures for programme evaluation

- any departure from the rules set out in Annex III

- consideration of the objective information facilitating the participation in any project by legal entities from third countries and international organizations.

(Amendment 18)

Article 5a (new)

>Text following EP vote>

Article 5a

1. To ensure the success of the actions implemented by those in receipt of Community financial support, the Commission shall take the steps required to:

>Text following EP vote>

- ascertain that the abovementioned actions financed by the Community are being implemented properly;

>Text following EP vote>

- prevent and punish irregularities;

>Text following EP vote>

- recover funds wrongly obtained through abuse or negligence.

>Text following EP vote>

2. Without prejudice to the examinations carried out pursuant to Article 188c of the Treaty by the Court of Auditors in collaboration with national audit bodies or the competent national departments or to any inspections within the meaning of Article 209(c), officials or other servants of the Commission may conduct on-the-spot checks on funded actions.

>Text following EP vote>

3. The Commission may reduce, freeze, or recover the amount of financial support granted for an action in cases where it discovers an abuse or the action has undergone a material change incompatible with the nature or the conditions of implementation of the action and for which the necessary approval has not been requested.

(Amendment 19)

Article 6

>Original text>

At the mid-term and at the end of the programme, the Commission shall submit to the European Parliament, the Council, the Economic and Social committee and the Committee of the Regions, once the committee referred to in Article 5 has examined it, an evaluation report drawn up by independent experts on the results obtained in implementing the action lines referred to in Article 2. The Commission may present, on the basis of those results, proposals for adjusting the orientation of the programme.

>Text following EP vote>

Before 30 September 1997 and at the end of the programme, the Commission shall submit to the European Parliament, the Council, the Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions an evaluation report drawn up by independent experts - who shall be appointed in agreement with the European Parliament and taking into account the proposals by NGOs representing consumer interests and women and other NGOs which are active in the field of culture - on the results obtained in implementing the action lines referred to in Article 2. The Commission may present, on the basis of those results, proposals for adjusting the initial orientation of or for extending the programme.

(Amendment 20)

Article 7

>Original text>

Participation in this programme may be open, normally without financial support by the Community, to legal entities established in third countries and to international organizations, where such participation contributes effectively to the implementation of the programme and taking into account the principle of mutual benefit.

>Text following EP vote>

Participation in the programme may be open, without financial support from the Union budget, to legal entities established in third countries and to international organizations, where such participation contributes effectively to the implementation of the programme and taking into account the principle of mutual benefit.

(Amendment 21)

Annex I, ACTION LINE 1, preamble

>Original text>

Lack of awareness of the potential of the new multimedia information products and services is an important factor constraining demand. This action line contributes to redressing that situation by adding a European dimension to awareness and user-group activities taking place at the national or regional level. Specific attention will be given to favouring demand development in less-favoured and peripheral regions of the Union.

>Text following EP vote>

Lack of awareness of the potential of the new multimedia information products and services is one of the factors constraining demand. This action line contributes to redressing that situation by adding a European dimension to awareness and user-group activities taking place at the national or regional level. These awareness-raising activities must also extend to members of the public who could easily be sidelined on account of their personal or social circumstances. Specific attention will be given to encouraging demand development with certain user groups, such as women and the disabled, and associations and non-governmental organizations, and in less-favoured and peripheral regions of the Union.

(Amendment 22)

Annex I(1.1.), first subparagraph

>Original text>

Under the Impact programme a network of organizations in the Member States has been created that have a responsibility for conducting awareness and information campaigns in relation to new information services. In different Member States this role is performed by different organizations like chambers of commerce, professional organizations or public bodies. By working in a European network these organizations are able to add a European dimension to their activities.

>Text following EP vote>

Under the Impact programme a network of organizations in the Member States has been created that have a responsibility for conducting awareness and information campaigns in relation to new information services. In different Member States this role is performed by different organizations like chambers of commerce, professional organizations or public bodies. By working in a European /international network these organizations are able to add a European /international dimension to their activities.

(Amendment 23)

Annex I(1.1.), third subparagraph, indent 5a (new)

>Text following EP vote>

- promote the penetration of the equipment required in order to receive products and services provided by the content industry.

(Amendment 24)

Annex I(1.1.), fourth subparagraph

>Original text>

The main target groups for the actions will be small and medium-sized companies and libraries. The actual selection of specific target groups will be left to the national and regional organizations concerned, since they are closest to the target groups.

>Text following EP vote>

The main target groups for the actions will be small and medium-sized companies and libraries and, more generally, associations, organizations or establishments with a social or educational purpose. On the basis of this criterion, the national and regional organizations concerned, since they are closest to the target groups, will carry out the actual selection.

(Amendment 25)

Annex I(1.1.), fifth subparagraph

>Original text>

Following a call for proposals a total of 30 to 50 organizations will be selected to participate in the network. Selection criteria will include knowledge of the local information market, affinity with the target groups foreseen and readiness to work in a European network. Actions which aim to stimulate women's interests in new information services are encouraged.

>Text following EP vote>

Following a call for proposals a total of 30 to 50 organizations will be selected to participate in the network. Selection criteria will include knowledge of the local information market, affinity with the target groups foreseen and readiness to work in a European network. Actions which aim to stimulate women's interests in new information services are encouraged, by providing for special training so that content creators can take account of women's requirements and the uses to which such content may be put by women.

(Amendment 26)

Annex I(1.2.)

>Original text>

1.2. Encouraging clusters of pan-European users

A flourishing demand side is important for the development of a healthy market for advanced information products and services such as multimedia. In view of the rapid changes taking place in the information market, regular dialogue between suppliers and users can smooth the transition process. In general the supply side tends to be better organized than the user side, both at the national and at the European level. In two of the three sectors that compose the multimedia industry - information technology and telecommunications - the user side is increasingly organizing itself both at the national and at the European level.

>Text following EP vote>


>Original text>

In the third sector of the multimedia industry - the content industry - the demand side is much less organized and is fragmented. Historically, the relationship between the content providers and the users has been indirect, i.e. through intermediaries. However, under the influence of the new communication networks this situation is changing. The need to develop direct relations between suppliers and users is increasingly being felt in the content sector also. At the national level, professional organizations and industry sector organizations are beginning to address the issue. However, for a successful development of the European multimedia content market it is important that groupings of users also emerge at the European level.

>Original text>

The actions foreseen under INFO 2000 aim to stimulate this process by providing incentives for cooperation and exchange of experience between national user groups, thereby encouraging the emergence of European groupings. Specific measures will be tailored to address key user problems, for example quality assurance and questions of liability. The network of awareness organizations will be used to analyse the situation in individual Member States and will play a catalytic role in bringing about pan-European user groups.

(Amendment 27)

Annex I, ACTION LINE 2, Title

>Original text>

Action line 2: Exploiting Europe's public sector information

>Text following EP vote>

Action line 2: Making good use by the multimedia industry of information held by the public sector

(Amendment 28)

Annex I, ACTION LINE 2, preamble, first paragraph

>Original text>

Europe's public sector information is a hidden resource to be exploited. The public sector collects and produces vast amounts of information, much of which is of interest to individuals and businesses, and which can be the raw material for value-added information services produced by the private sector content industry. Official statistical services either at regional, national or European level are an example.

>Text following EP vote>

Europe's public sector information is a substantial resource to be made use of by the multimedia industry. The public sector collects and produces vast amounts of information, which can be the raw material for value-added information services for the benefit of individuals and businesses. Official statistical services either at regional, national or European level are an example.

(Amendment 29)

Annex I(2.1.), first subparagraph a (new)

>Text following EP vote>

These must specify where, how and what information can be obtained, and make the arrangements required.

* For access to information, there should be investment in public administrative offices, schools, libraries and museums.

* For information from the public sector, information that is especially relevant to the public should be included in the scope of the universal service, to be newly defined. In this case information from the public sector should be distinguished according to whether it is provided free of charge or at low cost.

>Text following EP vote>

* Access to information should be provided in public facilities. In developing the information infrastructure, state-of-the-art technologies (ISDN or others, as appropriate) should be taken into account as far as possible.

(Amendment 30)

Annex I(2.1.), second subparagraph

>Original text>

The Commission will produce, in close collaboration with Member States and market actors, a Green Paper analysing the situation in the different Member States, the relative position of the EU in a global context and the various possibilities for convergence of national approaches. To lay the foundations for this Green Paper, studies comparing national situations will be undertaken and exchanges of national experience will be encouraged.

>Text following EP vote>

The Commission will produce, in close collaboration with Member States and market actors, a Green Paper analysing the situation in the different Member States and the potential offered by women in the subsequent development of such technologies, the relative position of the EU in a global context and the various possibilities for convergence of national approaches. To lay the foundations for this Green Paper, studies comparing national situations will be undertaken and exchanges of national experience will be encouraged. Experience that will emerge following the Commission Green Paper on the universal service should be taken into account. On the basis of this Green Paper, the Commission will submit proposals to ensure the convergence of national approaches and to strengthen rules governing access to public sector information. It should be noted that developing the information systems of libraries and information services can also promote the use of content since these services produce important information about information (secondary information) by recording the production of materials in a variety of areas.

>Text following EP vote>

The Commission will assist the Member States in drawing up an inventory of public sector information most likely to interest individual and professional users.

(Amendment 31)

Annex I(2.2.), first subparagraph

>Original text>

In a number of Member States practical initiatives are being taken to improve access to public sector information. In the European information society it must be ensured that the relevant public sector information becomes more easily accessible to all European individuals and businesses that may have an interest in such information.

>Text following EP vote>

In a number of Member States practical initiatives are being taken to improve access to public sector information. In the European information society it must be ensured, firstly, that the relevant public sector information becomes more easily accessible to all European individuals and businesses that may have an interest in such information, and secondly, that an information system is also set up on the kinds of information required.

(Amendment 32)

Annex I(2.2.), second subparagraph

>Original text>

The Commission will support initiatives to produce directories of European public sector information on a common format, so that they can be interlinked and easily accessed from any point in Europe.

>Text following EP vote>

The Commission will support initiatives to produce directories of European public sector information, which will also contain practical information on topics of particular interest to women who will thus be able to use them with greater ease, on a common format so that they can be interlinked and accessed more easily from any point in Europe. Here the long-term aim could be to set up an 'electronic public space' (virtual reality).

(Amendment 33)

Annex I(2.2.), third subparagraph

>Original text>

Following a call for proposals, pilot projects for the production of information directories that incorporate the above characteristics will be supported. These pilot projects may address the transnational interconnection of existing national or regional information directories as well as the collaborative production of new directories. Pilot projects based on public/private partnership and applying multilingual solutions will be particularly encouraged.

>Text following EP vote>

Following a call for proposals, pilot projects for the production of information directories that incorporate the above characteristics will be supported. These pilot projects shall make it a priority to address the transnational interconnection of existing national or regional information directories and the collaborative production of new directories, depending particularly on their degree of economic and social usefulness. Pilot projects applying multilingual solutions will be particularly encouraged.

(Amendment 34)

Annex I(2.3.), second subparagraph

>Original text>

Most of these information collections are still in analogue form but they are increasingly being digitised. The INFO 2000 programme aims at mobilising these digital collections for exploitation by the private sector.

>Text following EP vote>

The INFO 2000 programme aims to facilitate the transfer of these information collections to digital form as well as their valorisation and exploitation.

(Amendment 35)

Annex I, ACTION LINE 3, Title

>Original text>

Action line 3: Triggering European multimedia potential

>Text following EP vote>

Action line 3: Developing multimedia content in Europe

(Amendment 36)

Annex I, ACTION LINE 3, preamble, first paragraph

>Original text>

The transition from 'scribe to screen' is rapidly and fundamentally changing the structure of the content industry and the roles of the different players within it. Internationalisation and multimedia are key words in this respect. Content itself and new ways of creating packaging, distributing and marketing it are increasingly becoming the key drivers behind these changes.

>Text following EP vote>

The transition from 'scribe to screen' is rapidly and fundamentally changing the structure of the content industry and the roles of the different players within it (including radio producers and sound editors). Internationalisation and multimedia are key words in this respect. Content itself and new ways of creating packaging, distributing and marketing it are increasingly becoming the key drivers behind these changes.

(Amendment 37)

Annex I, ACTION LINE 3, preamble, second paragraph

>Text following EP vote>

The rich cultural and linguistic diversity of Europe can be used as a means of strengthening European competitiveness vis-à-vis the United States.

>Original text>

Coping with these changes and exploiting the opportunities that emerge is primarily the responsibility of the industries concerned. However, apart from a limited number of large corporations that operate on a global scale, the present-day content sector in Europe is mainly made up of small and medium-size companies. These have difficulty in dealing with a rapidly developing international multimedia market and the speed with which the changes take place. In addition the initial cost of producing high-quality multimedia titles is high and the European market fragmented through cultural and linguistic barriers. The critical mass needed to recoup initial investments is therefore much more difficult to reach.

>Text following EP vote>

Coping with these changes and exploiting the opportunities that emerge is primarily the responsibility of the industries concerned. The present-day content sector is made up not only of large corporations that operate on a global scale and are expected to play a determining role in the development of the multimedia industry but also of a large number of small and medium-sized companies which are often inventive and dynamic but often have limited financial resources for the high initial investment needed to produce and distribute high- quality multimedia titles.

Hence the purpose of INFO 2000 is to establish the conditions to achieve real synergy in industrial terms between the large multimedia corporations and small businesses. This industrial policy must also seek to meet the specific needs of a culturally and linguistically fragmented European multimedia market.

(Amendment 38)

Annex I, ACTION LINE 3, preamble, fourth paragraph

>Original text>

This action line aims at mitigating these comparative disadvantages for European producers in the emerging multimedia market by:

>Text following EP vote>

This action line aims at creating the best possible environment to favour the development of the multimedia industry in Europe and mitigate the comparative disadvantages of the European market by:

>Original text>

- catalysing high quality European multimedia content,

>Text following EP vote>

- stimulating the production of European multimedia products, incorporating the specific characteristics of language and culture,

>Original text>

- favouring a practical approach to trading multimedia rights

>Text following EP vote>

- favouring a practical approach to trading multimedia rights

>Original text>

- developing and exchanging best business practice.

>Text following EP vote>

- developing and exchanging best business practice

>Text following EP vote>

- developing new software packages and the corresponding technical resources,

>Text following EP vote>

- clarifying and consolidating intellectual property rights and adopting precise rules at European level to accompany the liberalization in the sphere of communications technologies.

(Amendment 40)

Annex I(3.1.), title and first subparagraph

>Original text>

3.1. Catalysing high quality European multimedia content

>Text following EP vote>

3.1. Stimulating the production of European multimedia products incorporating the specific characteristics of language and culture

>Original text>

The production of high quality European multimedia content will be stimulated in three strategic areas: economic exploitation of Europe's cultural heritage, business services for SMEs, and geographic information. Under the Impact programme pilot actions in these areas have illustrated the problems connected with a pan-European approach and have laid the foundations for further actions under INFO 2000.

>Text following EP vote>

The INFO 2000 programme will make it possible to set up coordination structures, particularly within the industry, to devise multimedia products that are easily adaptable from one Member State to another, in both linguistic and cultural terms. Similar activities have already been successfully carried out, notably in the sphere of art publishing. Pilot actions under the Impact programme have revealed the importance of a co-ordinated approach to implementing these objectives in a pan-European context.

(Amendment 41)

Annex I(3.1.), fourth subparagraph

>Original text>

Support will be given to projects that demonstrate the feasibility of a trans- European multilingual and multicultural approach, contain a risk element, exert a strong catalytic effect on the market and imply substantial user involvement. Special add-on incentives can be provided to encourage participation by small and medium-sized companies and organizations from less-favoured and peripheral regions.

>Text following EP vote>

In selecting proposals, account will be taken of the risk of loss of diversity in the range of products and services provided by the content industry. It is necessary to promote the development of products not geared to the lowest common denominator. Support will be given to projects that demonstrate the feasibility of a trans-European multilingual and multicultural approach, contain a risk element, exert a strong catalytic effect on the market and imply substantial user involvement. Special add-on incentives can be provided to encourage participation by small and medium-sized companies and organizations from less- favoured and peripheral regions. Special account should be taken of proposals intended to encourage small producers of multimedia projects.

(Amendment 42)

Annex I(3.1.), fifth subparagraph a (new)

>Text following EP vote>

The setting up of a multimedia investment club to enable European SMEs to link up with a view to producing multimedia works will be envisaged, the aim being:

>Text following EP vote>

- to lend funds with interest-rate subsidies and/or to make repayable advances to encourage the setting up of SMEs;

>Text following EP vote>

- that funding could be provided jointly by the banks, major European groups linked to the information industry, possibly with financial participation by the Commission and the public authorities, on conditions to be defined.

(Amendment 43)

Annex I(3.2.), fourth subparagraph

>Original text>

Although the difficulty of reaching consensus should not be underestimated, in the longer term, harmonisation and rationalisation of legal requirements may be necessary.

>Text following EP vote>

Although the difficulty of reaching consensus should not be underestimated, in the longer term, harmonisation and rationalisation of legal requirements may be necessary.

Particular attention will be given to the legal conditions for transferring public sector information to the private sector, in order to preserve and safeguard the public sector's rights on information which it collects and produces.

(Amendment 44)

Annex I(3.3.), first subparagraph

>Original text>

Actions will be supported that aim at developing and exchanging best business practice in the multimedia content industry at the European level. Such actions will include descriptions of business processes and models relevant to the content industry, such as procedures for intellectual property acquisition and content asset valuation and management, and exchange of experiences with multimedia consumer panels to test and evaluate multimedia products and services.

>Text following EP vote>

Actions will be supported that aim at developing and exchanging best business practice in the multimedia content industry at the European level. In particular, the development of multimedia services which could support the operations of SMEs should be promoted. Such actions will include descriptions of business processes and models relevant to the content industry, such as procedures for intellectual property acquisition and content asset valuation and management, and exchange of experiences with multimedia consumer panels to test and evaluate multimedia products and services.

(Amendment 45)

Annex I(3.3a.) (new)

>Text following EP vote>

3. 3a. Developing new software packages

>Text following EP vote>

The development of new software packages and new computerized resources is essential for multimedia authors to create attractive and user-friendly products in the best possible conditions of productivity which make full use of the true potential of the multimedia industry. This action will be carried out in conjunction with the Community programmes on information technologies and in cooperation with the task force on multimedia educational software.

(Amendment 46)

Annex I, ACTION LINE 4, Preamble

>Original text>

The programme support actions aim at amplifying the effects of the core actions of the programme by addressing a number of horizontal issues relevant for the programme as a whole.

>Text following EP vote>

The programme support actions aim to amplify the core goals of the programme. In order to achieve these goals it is essential that a legislative context is developed that encourages harmonisation and standardisation. Harmonisation of standards is particularly relevant to the provision of advanced information services to European end-users.

(Amendment 47)

Annex I(4.3.), first subparagraph, introduction

>Original text>

In order to stimulate skills development, the relevant European associations will be encouraged to develop and implement measures to equip the European content providers with the necessary skills to enter the age of multimedia and inter-activity. Actions to be supported will normally be based on a three- staged approach:

>Text following EP vote>

In order to stimulate skills development, the relevant European associations will be encouraged to develop and implement measures to equip the European content providers with the necessary skills to enter the age of multimedia and inter-activity. In education too, greater attention must be devoted to the European cultural and linguistic heritage, so that at a later stage more use can be made of products and services provided by the content industry. In European technological education greater attention must be devoted to multi-media aspects. Actions to be supported will normally be based on a three-staged approach:

(Amendment 48)

Annex II

>Original text>

1. Stimulating demand and raising awareness 30-40%

2. Exploiting Europe's public sector information 18-23%

3. Triggering European multimedia potential 33-45%

4. Support actions 7-12%

Total 100%

>Text following EP vote>

1. Stimulating demand and raising awareness 20%

2. Multimedia valorisation of Europe's public sector information 22%

3. Development of multimedia content in Europe 48%

4. Support actions 10%

Total 100%

>Original text>

This breakdown does not exclude the fact that a project could relate to several activities.

>Text following EP vote>

This allocation scheme is indicative and may fluctuate within a band of +/- 2% once the Commission has revised the financial statement in accordance with the provisions of the Financial Regulation currently in force, and in particular Article 3 thereof, and it does not exclude the fact that a project could relate to several activities.

(Amendment 49)

Annex III(3) and (4)

>Original text>

3. The selection of shared-cost projects will normally be based on the usual procedure of calls for proposals published in the Official Journal of the European Communities. The content of the calls for proposals will be defined in close consultation with the relevant experts and according to the procedure referred to in Article 5 of the Decision. The main criterion for supporting projects through calls for proposals will be their potential contribution to achieving the objectives of the programme. Implementation procedures will accommodate the interests of all kinds of market operators and facilitate their participation in the programme.

>Text following EP vote>

3. The selection of shared-cost projects shall be carried out in accordance with the financial provisions governing the procedures for calls for tender published in the Official Journal of the European Communities. The content of the calls for tender shall take account of the opinion of the advisory committee referred to in Article 5 of the Decision. There must be the greatest possible clarity in the selection of the proposals and in the conduct of the tender procedures for those projects which, in the context of support measures, are 100% financed by the Union. The main criterion for supporting projects through calls for tender will be their potential and quantified contribution to achieving the objectives of the programme and the creation of added value. Impact on employment will be taken into consideration. Implementation procedures will accommodate the interests of all kinds of market operators and facilitate their participation in the programme.

>Original text>

4. The Commission may also implement a more flexible funding scheme than the call for proposals in order to provide incentives for the creation of partnerships, in particular involving SMEs and organizations in less favoured regions, or for other exploratory activities in different segments of the multimedia content market. This scheme might be operated on a permanent basis.

>Text following EP vote>

4. The Commission may also, in duly justified cases, have recourse to direct negotiation in order to provide incentives for the creation of partnerships involving SMUs and organizations in less favoured regions or for other exploratory activities in different segments of the multimedia content market.

(Amendment 51)

Annex III(7)

>Original text>

7. Projects fully financed by the Commission within the framework of study and services contracts will be implemented through calls for tenders in accordance with the Commission's financial regulations. Transparency will be achieved by publishing the work programme and circulating it to trade associations and other interested bodies.

>Text following EP vote>

7. Projects fully financed by the Commission within the framework of study and services contracts will be implemented through calls for tenders in accordance with the current financial provisions. Transparency will be achieved by publishing the work programme and circulating it to trade associations and other interested bodies.

(Amendment 52)

Annex III(9)

>Original text>

9. Participation in this programme by international organizations may be financed, in exceptional cases, on the same basis as that of legal entities established in the Community.

>Text following EP vote>

9. Participation in this programme by international organizations may be approved and financed, in exceptional cases duly justified and notified to the budgetary authority, on the same basis as that of legal entities established in the Community.

(Amendment 50)

Annex III(9a) (new)

>Text following EP vote>

9a. All projects receiving financial support under the Info 2000 programme will be required to display a European Union flag and acknowledgement of the funding.

Legislative resolution embodying Parliament's opinion on the proposal for a Council Decision adopting a multi-annual Community programme to stimulate the development of a European multimedia content industry and to encourage the use of multimedia content in the emerging information society (INFO 2000) (COM(95)0149 - C4-0383/95 - 95/0156(CNS)

(Consultation procedure)

The European Parliament,

- having regard to the Commission proposal to the Council, COM(95)0149 - 95/0156(CNS) ((OJ C 250, 26.9.1995, p. 4.)),

- having been consulted by the Council pursuant to Article 130(3) of the EC Treaty (C4-0383/95),

- having regard to Rule 58 of its Rules of Procedure,

- having regard to the report of the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs and Industrial Policy and the opinions of the Committee on Budgets, the Committee on Research, Technological Development and Energy, the Committee on Social Affairs and Employment, the Committee on Transport and Tourism, the Committee on Culture, Youth, Education and the Media, the Committee on Budgetary Control and the Committee on Women's Rights (A4-0052/96),

1. Approves the Commission proposal, subject to Parliament's amendments;

2. Calls on the Commission to alter its proposal accordingly, pursuant to Article 189a(2) of the Treaty on European Union;

3. Calls on the Council to notify Parliament should it intend to depart from the text approved by Parliament;

4. Asks to be consulted again should the Council intend to make substantial modifications to the Commission proposal;

5. Instructs its President to forward this opinion to the Council and Commission.
