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Document 12003TN02/01/J

    Act concerning the conditions of accession of the Czech Republic, the Republic of Estonia, the Republic of Cyprus, the Republic of Latvia, the Republic of Lithuania, the Republic of Hungary, the Republic of Malta, the Republic of Poland, the Republic of Slovenia and the Slovak Republic and the adjustments to the Treaties on which the European Union is founded - Annex II: List referred to in Article 20 of the Act of Accession - 1. Free movement of goods - J. Foodstuffs

    OJ L 236, 23.9.2003, p. 92–96 (BG, ES, CS, DA, DE, ET, EL, EN, FR, GA, IT, LV, LT, HU, MT, NL, PL, PT, RO, SK, SL, FI, SV)

    Legal status of the document In force


    Act concerning the conditions of accession of the Czech Republic, the Republic of Estonia, the Republic of Cyprus, the Republic of Latvia, the Republic of Lithuania, the Republic of Hungary, the Republic of Malta, the Republic of Poland, the Republic of Slovenia and the Slovak Republic and the adjustments to the Treaties on which the European Union is founded - Annex II: List referred to in Article 20 of the Act of Accession - 1. Free movement of goods - J. Foodstuffs

    Official Journal L 236 , 23/09/2003 P. 0092 - 0096


    1. 31980 L 0590: Commission Directive 80/590/EEC of 9 June 1980 determining the symbol that may accompany materials and articles intended to come into contact with foodstuffs (OJ L 151, 19.6.1980, p. 21), as amended by:

    - 11985 Act concerning the conditions of accession and the adjustments to the Treaties - Accession of the Kingdom of Spain and the Portuguese Republic (AOJ L 302, 15.11.1985, p. 23),

    - 11994 N: Act concerning the conditions of accession and the adjustments to the Treaties - Accession of the Republic of Austria, the Republic of Finland and the Kingdom of Sweden (OJ C 241, 29.8.1994, p. 21).

    (a) The following is added to the title of the Annex:











    (b) the following is added to the text in the Annex:











    2. 31989 L 0108: Council Directive 89/108/EEC of 21 December 1988 on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to quick-frozen foodstuffs for human consumption (OJ L 40, 11.2.1989, p. 34) as amended by:

    - 11994 N: Act concerning the conditions of accession and the adjustments to the Treaties - Accession of the Republic of Austria, the Republic of Finland and the Kingdom of Sweden (OJ C 241, 29.8.1994, p. 21).

    The following is added to Article 8(1)(a):

    "— in Czech: hluboce zmrazené nebo hluboce zmrazená nebo hluboce zmrazený,

    — in Estonian: sügavkülmutatud or külmutatud,

    — in Latvian ātri sasaldēts,

    — in Lithuanian: greitai užšaldyti,

    — in Hungarian: gyorsfagyasztott,

    — in Maltese: iffriżat,

    — in Polish produkt głęboko mrożony,

    — in Slovenian: hitro zamrznjen,

    — in Slovak: hlbokozmrazené"


    3. 31991 L 0321: Commission Directive 91/321/EEC of 14 May 1991 on infant formulae and follow-on formulae (OJ L 175, 4.7.1991, p. 35), as amended by:

    - 11994 N: Act concerning the conditions of accession and the adjustments to the Treaties - Accession of the Republic of Austria, the Republic of Finland and the Kingdom of Sweden (OJ C 241, 29.8.1994, p. 21),

    - 31996 L 0004: Commission Directive 96/4/EC of 16.2.1996 (OJ L 49, 28.2.1996, p. 12),

    - 31999 L 0050: Commission Directive 1999/50/EC of 25.5.1999 (OJ L 139, 2.6.1999, p. 29).

    (a) In Article 7(1), the following is added after the words "Modersmjölksersättning" and "Tillskottsnäring":

    "— in Czech:

    "počáteční kojenecká výživa" and "pokračovací kojenecká výživa",

    — in Estonian:

    "imiku piimasegu" and "jätkupiimasegu",

    — in Latvian:

    "Piena maisījums zīdaiņiem līdz četru mēnešu vecumam" and "Piena maisījums zīdaiņiem no četru mēnešu vecuma",

    — in Lithuanian:

    "mišinys kūdikiams iki 4 - 6 mėn" and "mišinys kūdikiams, vyresniems kaip 4 mėn",

    — in Hungarian:

    "anyatej-helyettesítő tápszer" and "anyatej-kiegészítő tápszer",

    — in Maltese:

    "formula tat-trabi" and "formula tal-prosegwiment",

    — in Polish:

    "preparat do początkowego żywienia niemowląt" and "preparat do dalszego żywienia niemowląt",

    — in Slovenian:

    "začetna formula za dojenčke" and "nadaljevalna formula za dojenčke"

    — in Slovak:

    "počiatočná dojčenská výživa" and "následná dojčenská výživa"."

    (b) In Article 7(1), the following is added after the words "Modersmjölksersättning uteslutande baserad på mjölk" and "Tillskottsnäring uteslutande baserad på mjölk":

    "— in Czech:

    "počáteční mléčná kojenecká výživa" and "pokračovací mléčná kojenecká výživa",

    — in Estonian:

    "Piimal põhinev imiku piimasegu" and "Piimal põhinev jätkupiimasegu",

    — in Latvian:

    "Piens zīdaiņiem līdz četru mēnešu vecumam" and "Piens zīdaiņiem no četru mēnešu vecuma",

    — in Lithuanian:

    "pieno mišinys kūdikiams iki 4-6 mėn" and "pieno mišinys kūdikiams, vyresniems kaip 4 mėn",

    — in Hungarian:

    "tejalapú anyatej-helyettesítő tápszer" and "tejalapú anyatej-keigészítő tápszer",

    — in Maltese:

    "ħalib tat-trabi" and "ħalib tal-prosegwiment",

    — in Polish:

    "mleko początkowe" and "mleko następne",

    — in Slovenian:

    "začetno mleko za dojenčke" and "nadaljevalno mleko za dojenčke",

    — in Slovak:

    "počiatočná dojčenská mliečna výživa" and "následná dojčenská mliečna výživa"."

    4. 31999 L 0021: Commission Directive 1999/0021/EC of 25 March 1999 on dietary foods for special medical purposes (OJ L 91, 7.4.1999, p. 29).

    In Article 4(1), the list starting with "in Spanish" and ending with "medicinska ändamål", is replaced by the following list:

    "— in Spanish:

    "Alimento dietético para usos médicos especiales"

    — in Czech:

    "Dietní potravina určená pro zvláštní lékařské účely"

    — in Danish:

    "Levnedsmiddel/Levnedsmidler til særlige medicinske formål"

    — in German:

    "Diätetisches/Diätetische Lebensmittel für besondere medizinische Zwecke (Bilanzierte Diäten)"

    — in Estonian:

    "Toit meditsiinilisel näidustusel kasutamiseks"

    — in Greek:

    "Διαιτητικά τρόφιμα για ειδικούς ιατρικούς σκοπούς"

    — in English:

    "Food(s) for special medical purposes"

    — in French:

    "Aliment(s) diététique(s) destiné(s) a des fins médicales spéciales"

    — in Italian:

    "Alimento dietetico destinato a fini medici speciali"

    — in Latvian:

    "Diētiskā pārtika cilvēkiem ar veselības traucējumiem"

    — in Lithuanian:

    "Specialios medicininės paskirties maisto produktai"

    — in Hungarian:

    "Speciális-gyógyászati célra szánt-tápszer"

    — in Maltese:

    "Ikel dijetetiku għal skopijiet mediċi speċifiċi"

    — in Dutch:

    "Dieetvoeding voor medisch gebruik"

    — in Polish:

    "Dietetyczne środki spożywcze specjalnego przeznaczenia medycznego"

    — in Portuguese:

    "Produto dietético de uso clínico"

    — in Slovak:

    "dietetická potravina na osobitné lekárske účely"

    — in Slovenian:

    "Dietno (dietetično) živilo za posebne zdravstvene namene"

    — in Finnish:

    "Kliininen ravintovalmiste/kliinisiä ravintovalmisteita"

    — in Swedish:

    "Livsmedel för speciella medicinska ändamål"


    5. 32000 L 0013: Directive 2000/13/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 20 March 2000 on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to the labelling, presentation and advertising of foodstuffs (OJ L 109, 6.5.2000, p. 29), as amended by:

    - 32001 L 0101: Commission Directive 2001/101/EC of 26.11.2001 (OJ L 310, 28.11.2001, p. 19),

    - 32002 L 0067: Commission Directive 2002/67/EC of 18.7.2002 (OJ L 191, 19.7.2002, p. 20).

    (a) In Article 5(3), the list starting with "in Spanish" and ending with "joniserande strålning" is replaced by the following list:

    "— in Spanish:

    "irradiado" or "tratado con radiación ionizante",

    — in Czech:

    "ozářeno" or "ošetřeno ionizujícím zářením",

    — in Danish:

    "bestrålet/…" or "strålekonserveret" or "behandlet med ioniserende stråling" or "konserveret med ioniserende stråling",

    — in German:

    "bestrahlt" or "mit ionisierenden Strahlen behandelt",

    — in Estonian:

    "kiiritatud" or "töödeldud ioniseeriva kiirgusega",

    — in Greek:

    "επεξεργασμένο με ιονίζουσα ακτινοβολία"or "ακτινοβολημένο",

    — in English:

    "irradiated" or "treated with ionising radiation",

    — in French:

    "traité par rayonnements ionisants" or "traité par ionisation",

    — in Italian:

    "irradiato" or "trattato con radiazioni ionizzanti",

    — in Latvian:

    "apstarots" or "apstrādāts ar jonizējošo starojumu",

    — in Lithuanian:

    "apšvitinta" or "apdorota jonizuojančiąja spinduliuote",

    — in Hungarian:

    "sugárkezelt vagy ionizáló energiával kezelt",

    — in Maltese:

    "ittrattat bir-radjazzjoni" or "ittrattat b'radjazzjoni jonizzanti",

    — in Dutch:

    "doorstraald" or "door bestraling behandeld" oder "met ioniserende stralen behandeld",

    — in Polish:

    "napromieniony" or "poddany działaniu promieniowania jonizującego",

    — in Portuguese:

    "irradiado" or "tratado por irradiação" or "tratado por radiação ionizante",

    — in Slovak:

    "ošetrené ionizujúcim žiarením",

    — in Slovenian:

    "obsevano" or "obdelano z ionizirajočim sevanjem",

    — in Finnish:

    "säteilytetty" or "käsitelty ionisoivalla säteilyllä",

    — in Swedish:

    "bestrålad" or "behandlad med joniserande strålning""


    (b) In Article 10(2), the list starting with "in Spanish" and ending with "sista förbrukningsdag" is replaced by the following list:

    "— in Spanish:"fecha de caducidad",

    — in Czech: "spotřebujte do",

    — in Danish: "sidste anvendelsesdato",

    — in German: "verbrauchen bis",

    — in Estonian: "kõlblik kuni",

    — in Greek: "ανάλωση μέχρι"

    — in English: "use by",

    — in French: "à consommer jusqu'au",

    — in Italian: "da consumare entro",

    — in Latvian: "izlietot līdz",

    — in Lithuanian: "tinka vartoti iki",

    — in Hungarian: "fogyasztható",

    — in Maltese: "uża sa",

    — in Dutch: "te gebruiken tot",

    — in Polish: "należy spożyć do",

    — in Portuguese: "a consumir até",

    — in Slovak: "spotrebujte do",

    — in Slovenian: "porabiti do",

    — in Finnish: "viimeinen käyttöajankohta",

    — in Swedish: "sista förbrukningsdag"."


    6. 32000 L 0036: Directive 2000/36/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 June 2000 relating to cocoa and chocolate products intended for human consumption (OJ L 197, 3.8.2000, p. 19).

    In Annex I, point A(4)(d) is replaced by the following:

    "(d) The United Kingdom, Ireland and Malta may authorise the use in their territory of the term "milk chocolate" to designate the product referred to in point 5, on condition that the term is accompanied in all three cases by an indication of the amount of dry milk solids laid down for each of the products, in the form "milk solids: … % minimum.""

    7. 32001 L 0114: Council Directive 2001/114/EC of 20 December 2001 relating to certain partly or wholly dehydrated preserved milk for human consumption (OJ L 15, 17.1.2002, p. 19).

    The following is added to Annex II:

    "(k) The Maltese term "Ħalib evaporat" means the product defined in Annex I(1)(b).

    (l) The Maltese term "Ħalib evaporat b'kontenut baxx ta' xaħam" means the product defined in Annex I(1)(c).

    (m) The Estonian term "koorepulber" means the product defined in Annex I(2)(a).

    (n) The Estonian term "piimapulber" means the product defined in Annex I(2)(b).

    (o) The Estonian term "väherasvane kondenspiim" means the product defined in Annex I(1)(c).

    (p) The Estonian term "magustatud väherasvane kondenspiim" means the product defined in Annex I(1)(f).

    (q) The Estonian term "väherasvane piimapulber" means the product defined in Annex I(2)(c).

    (r) The Czech term "zahuštěná neslazená smetana" means the product defined in Annex I (1)(a).

    (s) The Czech term "zahuštěné neslazené plnotučné mléko" means the product defined in Annex I (1)(b).

    (t) The Czech term "zahuštěné neslazené polotučné mléko" means the product defined in Annex I (1)(c) containing, by weight, between 4 % and 4,5 % fat.

    (u) The Czech term "zahuštěné slazené plnotučné mléko" means the product defined in Annex I (1)(e).

    (v) The Czech term "zahuštěné slazené polotučné mléko" means the product defined in Annex I (1)(f) containing, by weight, between 4 % and 4,5 % fat.

    (w) The Czech term "sušená smetana" means the product defined in Annex I (2)(a).

    (x) The Czech term "sušené polotučné mléko" means the product defined in Annex I (2)(c) containing, by weight, between 14 % and 16 % fat."

    8. 32001 R 0466: Commission Regulation (EC) No 466/2001 of 8 March 2001 setting maximum levels for certain contaminants in foodstuffs (OJ L 77, 16.3.2001, p. 1), as amended by:

    - 32001 R 2375: Council Regulation (EC) No 2375/2001 of 29.11.2001 (OJ L 321, 6.12.2001, p. 1),

    - 32002 R 0221: Commission Regulation (EC) No 221/2002 of 6.2.2002 (OJ L 37, 7.2.2002, p. 4),

    - 32002 R 0257: Commission Regulation (EC) No 257/2002 of 12.2.2002 (OJ L 41, 13.2.2002, p. 12),

    - 32002 R 0472: Commission Regulation (EC) No 472/2002 of 12.3.2002 (OJ L 75, 16.3.2002, p. 18),

    - 32002 R 0563: Commission Regulation (EC) No 563/2002 of 2.4.2002 (OJ L 86, 3.4.2002, p. 5).

    The following paragraph is added after Article 1(1a):

    "1b. By way of derogation from paragraph 1, the Commission may authorise Estonia for a transitional period, up to 31 December 2006, to place on its market fish, originating from the Baltic region, which is intended for consumption in its territory with dioxin levels higher than those set in point 5.2. of Section 5 of Annex I. This derogation will be granted in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 8 of Council Regulation (EEC) No 315/93 laying down Community procedures for contaminants in food [1]. To this end, Estonia shall demonstrate that the conditions applicable to Finland and Sweden laid down in paragraph 1a are fulfilled and that human exposure to dioxins in Estonia is not higher than the highest average level in any of the Member States of the Community as constituted on 30 April 2004.

    If such a derogation is granted to Estonia, any future application of it will be considered in the framework of the review of Section 5 of Annex I, provided for in Article 5(3).

    Notwithstanding the above, Estonia shall implement the necessary measures to ensure that fish or fish products not complying with point 5.2 of Section 5 of Annex I are not marketed in other Member States.

    [1] OJ L 37, 13.2.1993, p. 1."

