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Document 02015D2055-20160730

    Consolidated text: Commission Implementing Decision (EU) 2015/2055 of 10 November 2015 laying down the conditions for setting out the programme for emergency vaccination of bovine animals against lumpy skin disease in Greece and amending Implementing Decision (EU) 2015/1500 (notified under document C(2015) 7671) (Only the Greek text is authentic) (Text with EEA relevance)


    2015D2055 — EN — 30.07.2016 — 003.001

    This text is meant purely as a documentation tool and has no legal effect. The Union's institutions do not assume any liability for its contents. The authentic versions of the relevant acts, including their preambles, are those published in the Official Journal of the European Union and available in EUR-Lex. Those official texts are directly accessible through the links embedded in this document



    of 10 November 2015

    laying down the conditions for setting out the programme for emergency vaccination of bovine animals against lumpy skin disease in Greece and amending Implementing Decision (EU) 2015/1500

    (notified under document C(2015) 7671)

    (Only the Greek text is authentic)

    (Text with EEA relevance)

    (OJ L 300 17.11.2015, p. 31)

    Amended by:



    Official Journal





    COMMISSION IMPLEMENTING DECISION (EU) 2015/2311 Text with EEA relevance of 9 December 2015

      L 326




    COMMISSION IMPLEMENTING DECISION (EU) 2016/1116 Text with EEA relevance of 7 July 2016

      L 186




    COMMISSION IMPLEMENTING DECISION (EU) 2016/1255 Text with EEA relevance of 29 July 2016

      L 205





    of 10 November 2015

    laying down the conditions for setting out the programme for emergency vaccination of bovine animals against lumpy skin disease in Greece and amending Implementing Decision (EU) 2015/1500

    (notified under document C(2015) 7671)

    (Only the Greek text is authentic)

    (Text with EEA relevance)

    Article 1

    1.  In addition to the measures taken by Greece in accordance with Articles 4, 5 and 10 of Directive 92/119/EEC, Greece may carry out emergency vaccination against lumpy skin disease of bovine animals kept on holdings in the area as set out in Annex I under the conditions set out in Annex II.

    2.  The programme submitted by Greece to the Commission on 26 August 2015 for emergency vaccination against lumpy skin disease of bovine animals kept on holdings in the area as set out in Annex I is approved.

    3.  Any movement to other Member States of bovine animals vaccinated against lumpy skin disease is prohibited.

    4.  Any movement to other Member States of bovine animals younger than 6 months and not vaccinated against lumpy skin disease but born to dams vaccinated against lumpy skin disease is prohibited.

    Article 2

    Greece shall take the necessary measures to comply with this Decision and shall inform the Commission and Member States in accordance with Article 19(5) of Directive 92/119/EEC.

    Article 3

    Implementing Decision (EU) 2015/1500 is amended as follows:

    (1) in Article 1, paragraph 3 is deleted;

    (2) in Article 4, paragraph 1, is replaced by the following:

    ‘1.  By way of derogation from the prohibition provided for in point (a) of Article 3(1), the competent authority may authorise the dispatch of bovine animals and captive wild ruminants from holdings situated in the restricted zone to a slaughterhouse located in other parts of Greece provided that:

    (a) the animals have been resident since birth, or for the past 28 days, on a holding where no case of lumpy skin disease was officially reported during that period,

    (b) the animals were clinically checked at loading and did not present any clinical symptoms of lumpy skin disease,

    (c) the animals are transported for immediate slaughter directly, without stopping or unloading,

    (d) the slaughterhouse is designated for this purpose by the competent authority,

    (e) the competent authority of the slaughterhouse has to be informed by the dispatching competent authority of the intention to send animals and notifies the dispatching competent authority of their arrival,

    (f) on arrival at the slaughterhouse, these animals are kept and slaughtered separately from other animals within less than 36 hours,

    (g) the animals intended to be moved

    (i) were either not vaccinated against lumpy skin disease and have been kept on holdings:

     where vaccination was not carried out and which are situated outside protection and surveillance zones; or

     where vaccination was carried out and which are situated outside protection and surveillance zones, and a waiting period of at least 7 days after vaccination in the herd has elapsed; or

     which are situated in a surveillance zone maintained beyond 30 days because of the occurrence of further cases of the disease; or

    (ii) were vaccinated against lumpy skin disease at least 28 days prior to movement and come from a holding on which all susceptible animals had been vaccinated at least 28 days prior to the intended movement.’

    (3) Article 5 is replaced by the following:

    ‘Article 5

    Derogation from the prohibition on the placing on the market of fresh meat and meat preparations of bovine animals and wild ruminants

    1.  By way of derogation from the prohibition provided for in points (a) and (c) of Article 3(2), the competent authority may authorise the placing on the market outside the restricted zone of fresh meat, excluding offal other than liver, and meat preparations thereof, as well as fresh hides and skins obtained from bovine animals and wild ruminants:

    (a) kept on holdings in the restricted zone that were not under restrictions in accordance with Directive 92/119/EEC, or

    (b) slaughtered or hunted before 21 August 2015, or

    (c) referred to in paragraph 1 of Article 4.

    The competent authority shall ensure that the fresh meat, excluding offal other than liver, and meat preparations thereof, as well as fresh hides and skins referred to in the first subparagraph are not dispatched to other Member States or third countries.

    2.  The competent authority shall only authorise the dispatch to other Member States of consignments of fresh meat and meat preparations produced from such fresh meat obtained from bovine animals kept and slaughtered outside the restricted zone, provided that such meat and meat preparations were produced, stored and handled without coming into contact with meat and meat preparations not authorised for dispatch to other Member States, and the consignments are accompanied by an official health certificate as set out in the Annex to Commission Regulation (EC) No 599/2004 ( 1 ) and of which Part II shall be completed with the following attestation:

    “Fresh meat or meat preparations complying with Commission Implementing Decision (EU) 2015/1500 of 7 September 2015 concerning certain protective measures against lumpy skin disease in Greece.”

    (4) Article 6 is replaced by the following:

    ‘Article 6

    Derogation from the prohibition on the placing on the market of meat products consisting of or containing meat of bovine animals and wild ruminants

    1.  By way of derogation from the prohibition provided for in point (a) of Article 3(2), the competent authority may authorise the placing on the market of meat products produced in the restricted zone from fresh meat of bovine animals and wild ruminants:

    (a) kept on holdings in the restricted zone that were not under restrictions in accordance with Directive 92/119/EEC, or

    (b) slaughtered or hunted before 21 August 2015, or

    (c) referred to in paragraph 1 of Article 4, or

    (d) kept and slaughtered outside the restricted zone.

    2.  The competent authority shall authorise the placing on the market of meat products referred to in paragraph 1, conforming to conditions of points (a), (b) or (c) of that paragraph, only on the territory of Greece, provided that the meat products have been subjected to a non-specific treatment which ensures that the cut surface of the meat products shows no longer the characteristics of fresh meat.

    The competent authority shall ensure that the meat products referred to in the first subparagraph are not dispatched to other Member States or third countries.

    3.  The competent authority shall only authorise the dispatch of consignments of meat products produced from fresh meat obtained from the animals referred to in paragraph 1(a), (b) and (c) to other Member States, provided that the meat products have been subjected to a specific treatment in hermetically sealed containers to an Fo value of three or more, and are accompanied by an official health certificate as set out in the Annex to Regulation (EC) No 599/2004 and of which Part II shall be completed with the following attestation:

    “Meat products complying with Commission Implementing Decision (EU) 2015/1500 of 7 September 2015 concerning certain protective measures against lumpy skin disease in Greece.”

    4.  The competent authority shall only authorise the dispatch to other Member States of consignments of meat products produced from fresh meat obtained from the animals referred to in paragraph 1(d), provided that the meat products have been subjected to a non-specific treatment, which ensures that the cut surface of the meat products shows no longer the characteristics of fresh meat and is accompanied by an official health certificate as set out in the Annex to Regulation (EC) No 599/2004 and of which Part II shall be completed with the following attestation:

    “Meat products complying with Commission Implementing Decision (EU) 2015/1500 of 7 September 2015 concerning certain protective measures against lumpy skin disease in Greece.”’

    (5) Article 7 is replaced by the following:

    ‘Article 7

    Derogation from the prohibition on the dispatch and placing on the market of milk and dairy products

    1.  By way of derogation from the prohibition provided for in point (b) of Article 3(2), the competent authority may authorise the placing on the market of milk for human consumption obtained from bovine animals kept on holdings situated in the restricted zone, and dairy products thereof, provided that the milk and dairy products have been subjected to a treatment described in points 1.1 to 1.5 of Part A of Annex IX to Council Directive 2003/85/EC ( 2 ).

    2.  The competent authority shall only authorise the dispatch to other Member States of consignments of milk and dairy products obtained from bovine animals kept on holdings situated in the restricted zone, provided that the milk and dairy products are intended for human consumption, have undergone the treatment referred to in paragraph 1 and the consignments are accompanied by an official health certificate as set out in the Annex to Regulation (EC) No 599/2004 and of which Part II shall be completed with the following attestation:

    “Milk or dairy products complying with Commission Implementing Decision (EU) 2015/1500 of 7 September 2015 concerning certain protective measures against lumpy skin disease in Greece.”

    (6) the title of Article 8 is replaced by the following:

    ‘Article 8

    Special marking of fresh meat, meat preparations and meat products referred to in Articles 5(1) and 6(2) respectively’

    (7) the date in Article 12 is replaced by ‘31 December 2016’.

    (8) the Annex is replaced by the text in Annex III.

    Article 4

    This Decision is addressed to the Hellenic Republic.



    A. The following regions in Greece:

     Region of Attica

     Region of Central Greece

     Region of Central Macedonia

     Region of Eastern Macedonia and Thrace

     Region of Epirus

     Region of Peloponnese

     Region of Thessaly

     Region of Western Greece

     Region of Western Macedonia

    B. The following regional units in Greece:

     Regional unit of Limnos



    Conditions for the use of emergency vaccination in the control and eradication of lumpy skin disease in application of Article 19 of Directive 92/119/EEC


    Extent of the geographical area in which emergency vaccination is to be carried out

    The vaccination zone shall be within the area defined in Annex I.

    The restrictions applicable in the vaccination zone shall be those provided for in this Decision and in Implementing Decision (EU) 2015/1500, without prejudice to the provisions of Article 10 of Directive 92/119/EEC.


    Species and age of the animals to be vaccinated

    All bovine animals independently of their sex, age and gestational or productive status shall be vaccinated in the first round of vaccination referred to in point 3.

    Offspring of vaccinated bovine animals shall be vaccinated in accordance with the instructions of the manufacturer at the age of not less than 4 months.


    Duration of the vaccination campaign

    The first round of vaccination in the regional unit of Evros shall be completed by 31 October 2015.

    The first round of vaccination in the regional units of Rodopi, Xanthi and Kavala shall be completed by 30 November 2015.

    The first round of vaccination in any of the other regional units listed in Annex I shall be completed as soon as possible and not later than 2 months after the confirmation of the first outbreak in that regional unit.


    Specific standstill of animals and products thereof

    Irrespective of any other measures that may be in place in the restricted zone as defined in Implementing Decision (EU) 2015/1500, animals older than 90 days shall not be moved to another holding except if they were vaccinated and regularly re-vaccinated at least 28 days before movement.

    Upon expiry of the 28 days after vaccination, the measures for movement of vaccinated bovine animals and for placing on the market of products derived from vaccinated bovine animals as laid down in Implementing Decision (EU) 2015/1500 apply without prejudice to the provisions of Article 10 of Directive 92/119/EEC.

    Unvaccinated animals may be moved for direct slaughter to a slaughterhouse situated within the restricted area. Except in the case of emergency slaughter, a waiting period of 7 days after vaccination in the herd shall be observed before unvaccinated animals from holdings on which vaccination was carried out are sent for slaughter.

    Unvaccinated offspring younger than 6 months born to dams vaccinated at least 28 days prior to labour may be moved to another holding situated within the restricted zone.


    Special registration of the vaccinated animals

    For each vaccinated bovine animal vaccination details shall be entered by the local competent authority in the dedicated online database connected with the central database established in accordance with Regulation (EC) No 1760/2000 of the European Parliament and of the Council (1).

    The records must ensure a link between the vaccinated dam and the offspring.


    Other matters appropriate to the emergency vaccination


    Surveillance area in Greece surrounding the vaccination zone

    A surveillance area of at least 10 km around the vaccination zone referred to in point 1 shall be established, in which intensified surveillance shall be carried out and the movement of bovine animals shall be subject to controls by the competent authority.

    Bovine animals not vaccinated against lumpy skin disease and kept on holdings situated in the surveillance area surrounding the vaccination zone shall not leave their holdings until a waiting period of at least 7 days has elapsed following the completion of the vaccination on holdings situated in the vaccination zone at a distance of less than 10 km.


    Period for which the measures applied in the zones established in accordance with Article 10 of Directive 92/119/EEC and Implementing Decision (EU) 2015/1500 are maintained

    The measures applied in the vaccination zone shall remain in force until they are abrogated in accordance with Article 19(6) of Directive 92/119/EEC.


    Execution of the vaccination campaign

    Vaccination shall be carried out by an official of the competent authority or private veterinarian appointed by and under supervision of the competent authority.

    The priority for vaccination should be given to the animals kept on holdings situated within the protection and surveillance zones and in areas bordering other Member States and regional units in Greece which are free of LSD.

    Necessary measures shall be in place to avoid the spread of possible virus. Any residual quantities of vaccine shall be returned to the point of vaccine distribution with a written record on the number of animals vaccinated and the number of doses used.


    Vaccine to be used

    Homologous live attenuated virus vaccine against LSD (Neethling strain), ‘Lumpy Skin Disease Vaccine For Cattle’, Onderstepoort Biological Products, South Africa.

    Alternatively: live attenuated virus vaccine against LSD (SIS type), ‘Lumpyvax’, MSD Animal Health, Intervet, South Africa.

    The vaccine shall be used in accordance with the instructions of the manufacturer and Article 8 of Directive 2001/82/EC under the responsibility of the central competent authorities.


    Progress Reports and Final Report

    A progress report on the execution of the programme shall be provided to the Commission and the Member States in accordance with Article 19(5) of Directive 92/119/EEC.

    A detailed report on the completion of the programme shall be provided to the Commission and the Member States in accordance with Article 19(5) of Directive 92/119/EEC before the restrictions referred to in points 6.1 and 6.2 are removed.

    (1)   Regulation (EC) No 1760/2000 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 17 July 2000 establishing a system for the identification and registration of bovine animals and regarding the labelling of beef and beef products and repealing Council Regulation (EC) No 820/97 (OJ L 204, 11.8.2000, p. 1).


    The Annex to Implementing Decision (EU) 2015/1500 is replaced by the following:



    The following regional units in Greece:

     Regional unit of Evros;

     Regional unit of Kavala;

     Regional unit of Limnos;

     Regional unit of Rodopi;

     Regional unit of Xanthi.’

    ( 1 ) Commission Regulation (EC) No 599/2004 of 30 March 2004 concerning the adoption of a harmonised model certificate and inspection report linked to intra-Community trade in animals and products of animal origin (OJ L 94, 31.3.2004, p. 44).’

    ( 2 ) Council Directive 2003/85/EC of 29 September 2003 on Community measures for the control of foot-and-mouth disease repealing Directive 85/511/EEC and Decisions 89/531/EEC and 91/665/EEC and amending Directive 92/46/EEC (OJ L 306, 22.11.2003, p. 1).’
