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Document 02013D0798-20150903

Consolidated text: Council Decision 2013/798/CFSP of 23 December 2013 concerning restrictive measures against the Central African Republic


2013D0798 — EN — 03.09.2015 — 006.001

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of 23 December 2013

concerning restrictive measures against the Central African Republic

(OJ L 352 24.12.2013, p. 51)

Amended by:



Official Journal





COUNCIL DECISION 2014/125/CFSP of 10 March 2014

  L 70





  L 183





  L 346





  L 58




COUNCIL DECISION (CFSP) 2015/739 of 7 May 2015

  L 117




COUNCIL IMPLEMENTING DECISION (CFSP) 2015/1488 of 2 September 2015

  L 229





of 23 December 2013

concerning restrictive measures against the Central African Republic


Having regard to the Treaty on European Union, and in particular Article 29 thereof,



On 16 December 2013, the Council expressed its deep concern regarding the situation in the Central African Republic (CAR).


On 5 December 2013, the United Nations Security Council adopted Resolution 2127 (2013), which imposes an arms embargo against the Central African Republic (CAR).


Further Union action is needed in order to implement certain measures,


Article 1

1.  The sale, supply, transfer or export of arms and related materiel of all types, including weapons and ammunition, military vehicles and equipment, paramilitary equipment, and spare parts for the aforementioned to the Central African Republic (‘CAR’) by nationals of Member States or from the territories of Member States or using their flag vessels or aircraft shall be prohibited whether originating or not in their territories.

2.  It shall be prohibited:

(a) to provide technical assistance, brokering services and other services, including the provision of armed mercenary personnel, related to military activities and to the provision, manufacture, maintenance and use of arms and related materiel of all types, including weapons and ammunition, military vehicles and equipment, paramilitary equipment, and spare parts for the aforementioned, directly or indirectly, to any natural or legal person, entity or body in, or for use in the CAR;

(b) to provide financing or financial assistance related to military activities, including in particular grants, loans and export credit insurance, as well as insurance and reinsurance, for any sale, supply, transfer or export of arms and related materiel or for the provision of related technical assistance, brokering services and other services, directly or indirectly, to any person, entity or body in, or for use in the CAR;

(c) to participate, knowingly and intentionally, in activities the object or effect of which is to circumvent the prohibitions referred to in points (a) or (b).


Article 1a

Member States shall, upon discovery, seize, register and dispose of (such as through destruction, rendering inoperable, storage or transferring to a State other than the originating or destination States for disposal) items the supply, sale, transfer or export of which is prohibited under Article 1.


Article 2

1.  Article 1 shall not apply to:


(a) the sale, supply, transfer or export of arms and related materiel, and the provision of related technical assistance or financing and financial assistance, intended solely for the support of or use by the United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in the CAR (Minusca), the African Union Regional Task Force (AU-RTF), and the Union missions and the French forces deployed in the CAR;


(b) the sale, supply, transfer or export of protective clothing, including flak jackets and military helmets, temporarily exported to the CAR by United Nations personnel, personnel of the Union or its Member States, representatives of the media and humanitarian and development workers and associated personnel, for their personal use only;

(c) the sale, supply, transfer or export of small arms and related materiel intended solely for use in international patrols providing security in the Sangha River Tri-national Protected Area to defend against poaching, smuggling of ivory and arms, and other activities contrary to the national laws of CAR or CAR's international legal obligations.

2.  Article 1 shall not apply to:

(a) the sale, supply, transfer or export of non-lethal military equipment intended solely for humanitarian or protective use, and related technical assistance;

(b) the sale, supply, transfer or export of arms and other related lethal equipment to the CAR security forces, intended solely for support of or use in the CAR process of Security Sector Reform (SSR);

(c) the sale, supply, transfer or export of arms and related materiel, and related technical or financial assistance, including personnel;

as approved in advance by the Committee established pursuant to paragraph 57 of UNSC 2127 (2013).


Article 2a


1.  Member States shall take the necessary measures to prevent the entry into, or transit through, their territories of the persons designated by the Committee established pursuant to paragraph 57 of UNSCR 2127 (2013) (‘the Committee’) as persons engaging in or providing support for acts that undermine the peace, stability or security of the CAR, including acts that threaten or violate transitional agreements, or that threaten or impede the political transition process, including a transition towards free and fair democratic elections, or that fuel violence, including persons:

(a) acting in violation of the arms embargo established in paragraph 54 of UNSCR 2127 (2013) and Article 1 of this Decision, or having directly or indirectly supplied, sold, or transferred to armed groups or criminal networks in the CAR, or having been the recipient of arms or any related materiel, or any technical advice, training, or assistance, including financing and financial assistance, related to violent activities of armed groups or criminal networks in the CAR;

(b) involved in planning, directing, or committing acts that violate international human rights law or international humanitarian law, as applicable, or that constitute human rights abuses or violations, in the CAR, including acts involving sexual violence, targeting of civilians, ethnic- or religious-based attacks, attacks on schools and hospitals, and abduction and forced displacement;

(c) recruiting or using children in armed conflict in the CAR, in violation of applicable international law;

(d) providing support for armed groups or criminal networks through the illicit exploitation or trade of natural resources, including diamonds, gold, wildlife as well as wildlife products in or from the CAR;

(e) obstructing the delivery of humanitarian assistance to the CAR, or access to, or distribution of, humanitarian assistance in the CAR;

(f) involved in planning, directing, sponsoring, or conducting attacks against UN missions or international security presences, including Minusca, the Union missions and French operations which support them;

(g) who are leaders of an entity designated by the Committee, or have provided support to, or acted for or on behalf of or at the direction of a person or entity designated by the Committee, or an entity owned or controlled by a person or entity designated by the Committee;

as listed in the Annex to this Decision.


2.  Paragraph 1 shall not oblige a Member State to refuse its own nationals entry into its territory.

3.  Paragraph 1 shall not apply where entry or transit is necessary for the fulfilment of a judicial process.

4.  Paragraph 1 shall not apply where the Committee determines, on a case-by-case basis, that:

(a) travel is justified on the grounds of humanitarian need, including religious obligation;

(b) an exemption would further the objectives of peace and national reconciliation in the CAR and regional stability.

5.  In cases where, pursuant to paragraph 3 or 4, a Member State authorises the entry into, or transit through, its territory of a person listed in the Annex, the authorisation shall be limited to the purpose for which it was granted and to the person concerned thereby.

Article 2b


1.  All funds and economic resources owned or controlled directly or indirectly by the persons or entities designated by the Committee as engaging in or providing support for acts that undermine the peace, stability or security of the CAR, including acts that threaten or violate transitional agreements, or that threaten or impede the political transition process, including a transition towards free and fair democratic elections, or that fuel violence, including persons and entities:

(a) acting in violation of the arms embargo established in paragraph 54 of UNSCR 2127 (2013) and Article 1 of this Decision, or having directly or indirectly supplied, sold, or transferred to armed groups or criminal networks in the CAR, or having been the recipient of arms or any related materiel, or any technical advice, training, or assistance, including financing and financial assistance, related to violent activities of armed groups or criminal networks in the CAR;

(b) involved in planning, directing, or committing acts that violate international human rights law or international humanitarian law, as applicable, or that constitute human rights abuses or violations, in the CAR, including acts involving sexual violence, targeting of civilians, ethnic- or religious-based attacks, attacks on schools and hospitals, and abduction and forced displacement;

(c) recruiting or using children in armed conflict in the CAR, in violation of applicable international law;

(d) providing support for armed groups or criminal networks through the illicit exploitation or trade of natural resources, including diamonds, gold, wildlife as well as wildlife products in or from the CAR;

(e) obstructing the delivery of humanitarian assistance to the CAR, or access to, or distribution of, humanitarian assistance in the CAR;

(f) involved in planning, directing, sponsoring, or conducting attacks against UN missions or international security presences, including Minusca, the Union missions and French operations which support them;

(g) who are leaders of an entity designated by the Committee, or have provided support to, or acted for or on behalf of or at the direction of, a person or entity designated by the Committee, or an entity owned or controlled by a person or entity designated by the Committee;

shall be frozen.

The persons and entities referred to in this paragraph are listed in the Annex.


2.  No funds, financial assets or economic resources shall be made available, directly or indirectly, to or for the benefit of any person or entity referred to in paragraph 1.

3.  A Member State may allow for exemptions from the measures referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 in respect of funds and economic resources which are:

(a) necessary for basic expenses, including payments for foodstuffs, rent or mortgage, medicines and medical treatment, taxes, insurance premiums, and public utility charges;

(b) intended exclusively for the payment of reasonable professional fees and the reimbursement of incurred expenses associated with the provision of legal services;

(c) intended exclusively for the payment of fees or service charges for routine holding or maintenance of frozen funds, other financial assets and economic resources;

after notification by the Member State concerned to the Committee of the intention to authorise, where appropriate, access to such funds and economic resources, and in the absence of a negative decision by the Committee within five working days of such notification.

4.  A Member State may also allow for exemptions from the measures referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 in respect of funds and economic resources which are:

(a) necessary for extraordinary expenses, after notification by the Member State concerned to the Committee and approval by the latter;

(b) the subject of a judicial, administrative or arbitral lien or judgment, in which case the funds and economic resources may be used to satisfy that lien or judgment provided that the lien or judgment was entered into prior to 28 January 2014, and is not for the benefit of a person or entity referred to in this Article, after notification by the Member State concerned to the Committee.

5.  Paragraph 1 shall not prevent a designated person or entity from making payment due under a contract entered into before the listing of such a person or entity, provided that the relevant Member State has determined that the payment is not directly or indirectly received by a person or entity referred to in paragraph 1 and after notification by the relevant Member State to the Committee of the intention to make or receive such payments or to authorise, where appropriate, the unfreezing of funds or economic resources for this purpose, 10 working days prior to such authorisation.

6.  Paragraph 2 shall not apply to the addition to frozen accounts of:

(a) interest or other earnings on those accounts; or

(b) payments due under contracts, agreements or obligations that were concluded or that arose prior to the date on which those accounts became subject to restrictive measures under this Decision;

provided that any such interest, other earnings and payments continue to be subject to paragraph 1.

Article 2c

The Council shall establish the list in the Annex and shall amend it in accordance with determinations made by the United Nations Security Council or by the Committee.

Article 2d

1.  Where the United Nations Security Council or the Committee designates a person or entity, the Council shall include that person or entity in the Annex. The Council shall communicate its decision, including the grounds for listing that person or entity, to the person or entity concerned, either directly, if the address is known, or through the publication of a notice, providing that person or entity with an opportunity to present observations.

2.  Where observations are submitted, or where substantial new evidence is presented, the Council shall review its decision and inform the person or entity accordingly.

Article 2e

1.  The Annex shall include the grounds for listing the persons and entities as provided by the United Nations Security Council or by the Committee.

2.  The Annex shall also include, where available, information provided by the United Nations Security Council or by the Committee necessary to identify the persons or entities concerned. With regard to persons, such information may include names including aliases, the date and place of birth, nationality, passport and ID card numbers, gender, address, and function or profession. With regard to entities, such information may include names, the place and date of registration, registration number and place of business. The Annex shall also include the date of designation by the United Nations Security Council or by the Committee.


Article 3

This Decision shall enter into force on the date of its publication in the Official Journal of the European Union.




A.   Persons

1.   François Yangouvonda BOZIZÉ (alias: a) Bozize Yangouvonda)

Date of Birth: 14 October 1946.

Place of Birth: Mouila, Gabon.

Nationality: Central African Republic.

Address: Uganda.

Other information: Mother's name is Martine Kofio.

Date of UN designation: 9 May 2014.

Information from the narrative summary of reasons for listing provided by the Sanctions Committee:

Bozize was listed on 9 May 2014 pursuant to paragraph 36 of resolution 2134 (2014) as ‘engaging in or providing support for acts that undermine the peace, stability or security of CAR.’

Additional information

In liaison with his supporters, Bozize encouraged the attack of 5 December 2013 on Bangui. Since then, he has continued trying to run destabilization operations in order to maintain tensions in the capital of CAR. Bozize reportedly created the anti-Balaka militia group before he fled the CAR on March 24, 2013. In a communique, Bozize called on his militia to pursue the atrocities against the current regime and the Islamists. Bozize reportedly provided financial and material support to militiamen who are working to destabilize the ongoing transition and to bring Bozize back to power. The bulk of the anti-Balaka are from the Central African Armed Forces who dispersed into the countryside after the coup d'état and were subsequently reorganized by Bozize. Bozize and his supporters control more than half the anti-Balaka units.

Forces loyal to Bozize were armed with assault rifles, mortars and rocket-launchers and they have become increasingly involved in reprisal attacks against CAR's Muslim population. The situation in CAR deteriorated rapidly after the December 5, 2013 attack in Bangui by anti-Balaka forces that left over 700 people dead.

2.   Nourredine ADAM (alias: a) Nureldine Adam; b) Nourreldine Adam; c) Nourreddine Adam; d) Mahamat Nouradine Adam)

Designation: a) General; b) Minister for Security; c) Director General of the ‘Extraordinary Committee for the Defence of Democratic Achievements’.

Date of birth: a) 1970 b) 1969 c) 1971 d) 1 January 1970.

Place of birth: Ndele, Central African Republic.

Nationality: Central African Republic. Passport no.: D00001184

Address: Birao, Central African Republic.

Date of UN designation: 9 May 2014

Information from the narrative summary of reasons for listing provided by the Sanctions Committee:

Nourredine was listed on 9 May 2014 pursuant to paragraph 36 of resolution 2134 (2014) as ‘engaging in or providing support for acts that undermine the peace, stability or security of CAR.’

Additional information

Noureddine is one of the original leaders of the Seleka. He has been identified as both a General and the President of one of the armed rebel groups of the Seleka, the Central PJCC, a group formally known as the Convention of Patriots for Justice and Peace and whose acronym is also acknowledged as CPJP. As former head of the ‘Fundamental’ splinter group of the Convention of Patriots for Justice and Peace (CPJP/F), he was the military coordinator of the ex-Séléka during offensives in the former rebellion in the Central African Republic between early December 2012 and March 2013. Without Noureddine's assistance and close relationship with Chadian Special Forces, the Seleka would likely have been unable to wrest power from former CAR President Francois Bozize.

Since the appointment as interim president of Catherine Samba-Panza on 20 January 2014, he was one of the main architects of the ex-Séléka's tactical withdrawal in Sibut with the aim of implementing his plan to create a Muslim stronghold in the north of the country. He had clearly urged his forces to resist the injunctions of the transitional government and of the military leaders of the African-led International Support Mission in the Central African Republic (MISCA). Noureddine actively directs ex-Seleka, the former Seleka forces that were reportedly dissolved by Djotodia in September 2013, and directs operations against Christian neighborhoods and continues to provide significant support and direction to the ex-Seleka operating in CAR.

Nourredine was also listed on 9 May 2014 pursuant to paragraph 37(b) of resolution 2134 (2014) as ‘involved in planning, directing, or committing acts that violate international human rights law or international humanitarian law, as applicable.’

Additional information

After the Séléka took control of Bangui on 24 March 2013, Nourredine Adam was appointed Minister for Security, then Director General of the ‘Extraordinary Committee for the Defence of Democratic Achievements’ (Comité extraordinaire de défense des acquis démocratiques- CEDAD, a now-defunct CAR intelligence service). Nourredine Adam used the CEDAD as his personal political police, carrying out many arbitrary arrests, acts of torture and summary executions. In addition, Noureddine was one of the key figures behind the bloody operation in Boy Rabe. In August 2013, Seleka forces stormed Boy Rabe, a CAR neighborhood regarded as a bastion of Francois Bozize supporters and his ethnic group. Under the pretext of looking for arms caches, Seleka troops reportedly killed scores of civilians and went on a rampage of looting. When these raids spread to other quarters, thousands of residents invaded the international airport, which was perceived as a safe place because of the presence of French troops, and occupied its runway.

Nourredine was also listed on 9 May 2014 pursuant to paragraph 37(d) of resolution 2134 (2014) as ‘providing support for armed groups or criminal networks through illegal exploitation of natural resources.’

Additional information

In early 2013, Nourredine Adam played an important role in the ex-Séléka's financing networks. He travelled to Saudi Arabia, Qatar and the United Arab Emirates to collect funds for the former rebellion. He also operated as a facilitator for a Chadian diamond-trafficking ring operating between the Central African Republic and Chad.

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4.   Alfred YEKATOM (alias: a) Alfred Yekatom Saragba b) Alfred Ekatom c) Alfred Saragba d) Colonel Rombhot e) Colonel Rambo f) Colonel Rambot g) Colonel Rombot h) Colonel Romboh)

Designation: Chief Corporal of the Forces Armées Centrafricaines (FACA)

Date of birth: 23 June 1976

Place of birth: Central African Republic

Nationality: Central African Republic

Address: a) Mbaiki, Lobaye Province, Central African Republic (Tel. +236 72 15 47 07/+236 75 09 43 41) b) Bimbo, Ombella-Mpoko province, Central African Republic (previous location)

Other information: Has controlled and commanded a large group of armed militia men. Father's name (adoptive father) is Ekatom Saragba (also spelled Yekatom Saragba). Brother of Yves Saragba, an anti-Balaka commander in Batalimo, Lobaye province, and a former FACA soldier. Physical description: eye colour: black; hair colour: bold; complexion: black; height: 170cm; weight 100kg. Photo available for inclusion in the INTERPOL-UN Security Council Special Notice.

Information from the narrative summary of reasons for listing provided by the Sanctions Committee:

Alfred Yekatom was listed on 20 August 2015 pursuant to paragraph 11 of resolution 2196 (2015) as ‘engaging in or providing support for acts that undermine the peace, stability or security of the CAR, including acts that threaten or violate transitional agreements, or that threaten or impede the political transition process, including a transition toward free and fair democratic elections, or that fuel violence.’

Additional information:

Alfred Yekatom, also known as Colonel Rombhot, is a militia leader of a faction of the anti-Balakas movement, known as the ‘anti-Balaka from the South’. He has held the rank of Chief Corporal in the Forces Armées Centrafricaines (FACA — Central African Republic armed forces).

Yekatom has engaged in and provided support for acts that undermine the peace, stability and security of the Central African Republic, including acts that threaten transitional agreements, and that threaten the political transition process. Yekatom has controlled and commanded a large group of armed militiamen with presence in the neighbourhood of PK9 in Bangui, and in the towns of Bimbo (Ombella-Mpoko province), Cekia, Pissa, and Mbaïki (capital of the Lobaye province), and had established his head-quarters in a forestry concession in Batalimo.

Yekatom has been in direct control of a dozen checkpoints manned by an average of ten armed militia men wearing army uniforms and carrying weapons, including military assault rifles, from the main bridge between Bimbo and Bangui to Mbaïki (Lobaye province), and from Pissa to Batalimo (next to the border with the Republic of Congo), collecting unauthorized taxes from private vehicles and motorcycles, passenger vans and trucks exporting forestry resources to Cameroon and Chad, but also from boats navigating on the Oubangui river. Yekatom has been observed personally collecting part of these unauthorized taxes. Yekatom and his militia have also reportedly killed civilians.

5.   Habib SOUSSOU (alias: Soussou Abib)

Designation: a) Coordinator of anti-Balaka for Lobaye province b) Corporal of the Central African Armed Forces (FACA)

Date of birth: 13 Mar. 1980

Рlace of birth: Boda, Central African Republic

Nationality: Central African Republic Address: Boda, Central African Republic (Tel. +236 72198628)

Other information: Appointed as zone commander (COMZONE) of Boda on 11 April 2014 and on 28 June 2014, for the entire Lobaye Province. Under his command, targeted killings, clashes and attacks against humanitarian organizations and aid workers have continued to take place. Physical description: eye colour: brown; hair colour: black; height: 160cm; weight: 60kg. Photo available for inclusion in the INTERPOL-UN Security Council Special Notice.

Information from the narrative summary of reasons for listing provided by the Sanctions Committee:

Habib Soussou was listed on 20 August 2015 pursuant to paragraphs 11 and 12 (b) and (e) of resolution 2196 (2015) as ‘engaging in or providing support for acts that undermine the peace, stability or security of the CAR, including acts that threaten or violate transitional agreements, or that threaten or impede the political transition process, including a transition toward free and fair democratic elections, or that fuel violence;’‘involved in planning, directing, or committing acts that violate international human rights law or international humanitarian law, as applicable, or that constitute human rights abuses or violations, in the CAR, including acts involving sexual violence, targeting of civilians, ethnic- or religious-based attacks, attacks on schools and hospitals, and abduction and forced displacement’ and; ‘obstructing the delivery of humanitarian assistance to the CAR, or access to, or distribution of, humanitarian assistance in the CAR.’

Additional information:

Habib Soussou was appointed as anti-Balaka zone commander (COMZONE) of Boda on 11 April 2014, and he has claimed that he was therefore responsible for the security situation in the sous- préfecture. On 28 June 2014, general coordinator of the anti-Balaka Patrice Edouard Ngaïssona appointed Habib Soussou as provincial coordinator for the town of Boda since 11 April 2014 and since 28 June 2014 for the entire province of Lobaye. Targeted killings, clashes and attacks by anti-Balaka in Boda against humanitarian organizations and aid workers have occurred on a weekly basis in areas for which Soussou is the anti-Balaka commander or coordinator. Soussous and the anti-Balaka forces in these areas have also targeted and threatened to target civilians.

6.   Oumar YOUNOUS (alias: a) Omar Younous b) Oumar Sodiam c) Oumar Younous M'Betibangui)

Designation: Former Séléka General

Nationality: Sudan

Address: a) Bria, Central African Republic (Tel. +236 75507560) b) Birao, Central African Republic c) Tullus, southern Darfur, Sudan (previous location)

Other information: Is a diamond smuggler and a three-star general of the Séléka and close confident of former CAR interim president Michel Djotodia. Physical description: hair colour: black; height: 180cm; belongs to the Fulani ethnic group. Photo available for inclusion in the INTERPOL-UN Security Council Special Notice.

Information from the narrative summary of reasons for listing provided by the Sanctions Committee:

Oumar Younous was listed on 20 August 2015 pursuant to paragraphs 11 and 12 (d) of resolution 2196 (2015) as ‘engaging in or providing support for acts that undermine the peace, stability or security of the CAR, including acts that threaten or violate transitional agreements, or that threaten or impede the political transition process, including a transition toward free and fair democratic elections, or that fuel violence;’ and ‘providing support for armed groups or criminal networks through the illicit exploitation or trade of natural resources, including diamonds, gold, wildlife as well as wildlife products, in the CAR’

Additional information:

Oumar Younous, as a General of the former Séléka and a diamond smuggler, has provided support to an armed group through the illicit exploitation and trade of natural resources, including diamonds, in the Central African Republic.

In October 2008, Oumar Younous, a former driver for the diamond buying house SODIAM, joined the rebel group Mouvement des Libérateurs Centrafricains pour la Justice (MLCJ). In December 2013, Oumar Younous was identified as being a three-star general of the Séléka and close confident of interim president Michel Djotodia.

Younous is involved in the diamond trade from Bria and Sam Ouandja to Sudan. Sources have reported that Oumar Younous has been engaged in collecting diamond parcels hidden in Bria, and taking them to Sudan for sale.


B.   Entities



Address: a) BP 333, Bangui, Central African Republic (Tel. +32 3 2310521, Fax. +32 3 2331839, email: kardiam.bvba@skvnet·be: website: b) Antwerp, Belgium

Other Information: Headed by Abdoul-Karim Dan-Azoumi, since 12 December 1986 and by Aboubaliasr Mahamat, since 1 January 2005. Branches include MINAiR, and SOFIA TP (Douala, Cameroon).

Information from the narrative summary of reasons for listing provided by the Sanctions Committee:

The Bureau d'achat de Diamant en Centrafrique/KARDIAM was listed on 20 August 2015 pursuant to paragraph 12 (d) of resolution 2196 (2015) as ‘providing support for armed groups or criminal networks through the illicit exploitation or trade of natural resources, including diamonds, gold, as well as wildlife and wildlife products, in the CAR’

Additional information:

BADICA/KARDIAM has provided support for armed groups in the Central African Republic, namely former Séléka and anti-Balaka, through the illicit exploitation and trade of natural resources, including diamonds and gold.

The Bureau d'Achat de Diamant en Centrafrique (BADICA) continued in 2014 to purchase diamonds from Bria and Sam-Ouandja (Haute Kotto province) in the east of the Central African Republic, where former Séléka forces impose taxes on aircraft transporting diamonds and receive security payments from diamond collectors. Several of BADICA's supplying collectors in Bria and Sam-Ouandja are closely associated with former Séléka commanders.

In May 2014, Belgian authorities seized two diamond parcels sent to BADICA's representation in Antwerp, which is officially registered in Belgium as KARDIAM. Diamond experts assessed that the diamonds seized have a high probability to be of Central African origin, and that they display characteristics typical of Sam-Ouandja and Bria, as well as Nola (Sangha Mbaéré province), in the south west of the country.

Traders who were purchasing diamonds illegally trafficked from Central African Republic to foreign markets, including from the western part of the country, have operated in Cameroon on behalf of BADICA.

In May 2014, BADICA also exported gold produced in Yaloké (Ombella-Mpoko), where artisanal gold mines fell under control of Séléka until the beginning of February 2014, when anti-Balakagroups took over.
