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Document 52022XC1010(02)

    Publication of a communication of approval of a standard amendment to a product specification for a name in the wine sector referred to in Article 17(2) and (3) of Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2019/33 2022/C 388/10


    OJ C 388, 10.10.2022, p. 13–20 (BG, ES, CS, DA, DE, ET, EL, EN, FR, GA, HR, IT, LV, LT, HU, MT, NL, PL, PT, RO, SK, SL, FI, SV)



    Official Journal of the European Union

    C 388/13

    Publication of a communication of approval of a standard amendment to a product specification for a name in the wine sector referred to in Article 17(2) and (3) of Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2019/33

    (2022/C 388/10)

    This communication is published in accordance with Article 17(5) of Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2019/33 (1).




    Date of communication: 12 July 2022


    Addition of specific labelling conditions

    Additional provisions are added to the specification regarding optional indications on the labelling of wines that refer to certain production methods (the use of terms indicating wine-making practices applied throughout the world that give the wines their distinct sensory characteristics, which are of significance to the consumer in terms of quality, maturity and ageing).

    Chapter XII of the specification and point 9 of the single document are amended.


    1.   Name(s)


    2.   Geographical indication type

    PDO – Protected Designation of Origin

    3.   Categories of grapevine product



    4.   Description of the wine(s)

    1.   Organoleptic characteristics



    Muscat Ottonel: straw-yellow / intense yellow, typical aroma, harmonious, round.


    Sauvignon: greenish-yellow, intense aroma of vine flowers, elderflower, green citrus, fruity, melon notes appear with age.


    Pinot Gris: lemon yellow, greenish, scent of summer apples or freshly cut hay, slightly bitter.


    Fetească regală: lemon yellow, golden, scent of field flowers, after ageing freshly cut hay, honey, fruity.


    Fetească albă: straw-yellow / greenish, typical aroma of vine in bloom, with typical natural subtlety.


    Riesling italian: straw-yellow, fine aroma of ripening grape, slightly acidic taste, lively, fruity, round, pleasant after-taste.


    Zghihară de Huşi: greenish-yellow, fruity, aroma of green apple, citrus fruit, acidic taste.


    Chardonnay: golden yellow, aroma of acacia flowers, hint of fresh butter, floral, balanced acidity.


    Tămâioasă Românească: greenish yellow/straw, distinct aroma of incense and basil.


    Aligoté: straw yellow, slightly bitter after-taste.


    Pinot noir: ruby red, aroma of cherries, strawberries, sour cherries, velvety.


    Fetească neagră: garnet red, aroma with hints of prunes, full-bodied.


    Cabernet Sauvignon: mauvish red, aroma of redcurrants, cranberries, blackberries, strongly herbal.


    Merlot: bright red/dark red, aroma of ripe forest fruit, velvety.


    Băbească neagră: bright red, floral bouquet, tannic.


    Busuioacă de Bohotin: onion skin colour, scent of rose petals and basil, long.

    General analytical characteristics

    Maximum total alcoholic strength (in % volume)


    Minimum actual alcoholic strength (in % volume)


    Minimum total acidity

    4,5 in grams per litre expressed as tartaric acid

    Maximum volatile acidity (in milliequivalents per litre)


    Maximum total sulphur dioxide (in milligrams per litre)


    2.   Organoleptic characteristics


    General organoleptic characteristics of the wines obtained from white varieties Grasă de Cotnari, Muscadelle, Semillon, Riesling de Rhin:

    The aromatic and semi-aromatic varieties have above-average aromatic notes, which could create an accumulation either of aromas or of sugars, leading to clear differentiation between the products offered to consumers.

    General organoleptic characteristics of the wines obtained from red varieties Syrah, Zweigelt, Sangiovese, Nebbiolo, Barbera:

    The wines show an increased accumulation of coloured tannins and an equal concentration of their aromatic character. There are very high chances that this results from the change in the area's climate in recent years.

    General analytical characteristics

    Maximum total alcoholic strength (in % volume)


    Minimum actual alcoholic strength (in % volume)


    Minimum total acidity

    4,5 in grams per litre expressed as tartaric acid

    Maximum volatile acidity (in milliequivalents per litre)


    Maximum total sulphur dioxide (in milligrams per litre)


    5.   Wine-making practices

    5.1.   Specific oenological practices

    1.   Cultivation practices

    Cultivation practice

    minimum 3 000 plants/ha or minimum 75 % plants, compared to the projected vineyard.

    irrigation: permitted only during years of drought and with ONVPV (National Office of Vine and Wine) notification, when the water content in soil at a depth of 100 cm decreases to 50 % of the AHI (active humidity interval), by applying reasonable irrigation standards (400-600 m3/ha).

    green harvesting – reducing the number of grape clusters at veraison when the potential production exceeds the maximum limits permitted under the specifications.

    2.   Production of the wines

    Relevant restriction on making the wines

    In certain climatic conditions which, in conjunction with the potential of certain varieties, have a positive impact on yields on plantations in the demarcated area, it would be possible to process wines which bear the Huși PDO also outside the demarcated area, in the neighbouring area where the wine centres offer the best capacity.

    The neighbouring area designated for this purpose (for quick winemaking, fermentation at controlled temperature, preservation of the aromatic potential of certain varieties including Fetească regală, Sauvignon, Muscat Ottonel, Tămâioasă românească, Busuioacă de Bohotin) comprises the following towns and villages in Vrancea County:

    Panciu, Movilița;

    Odobești, Unirea, Jariștea, Bolotești;

    Obrejița, Tâmboiești, Popești, Budești, Cârligele, Vârteșcoiu, Câmpineanca.

    3.   White or rosé wine production

    Specific oenological practice

    White and rosé wines can be obtained from the Pinot gris and Traminer roz varieties, depending on the producer’s choices, using technologies that preserve the quality of the PDO of the grapes and the wines produced from these varieties.

    5.2.   Maximum yields

    1.   Aligoté, Fetească Regală, Zghihară de Huși, Crâmpoșie Selecționată, Francușă, Plăvaie, Donaris, Grasă de Cotnari varieties

    16 000 kilograms of grapes per hectare

    2.   Riesling Italian, Semillon, Băbească Gri, Codană, Portugais Bleu varieties

    16 000 kilograms of grapes per hectare

    3.   Riesling de Rhin, Muscadelle, Fetească Albă, Chardonnay, Aromat de Iași, Syrah, Sangiovese, Nebbiolo, Barbera varieties

    15 000 kilograms of grapes per hectare

    4.   Muscat Ottonel, Sauvignon, Pinot Gris, Tămâioasă Românească, Șarba, Traminer roz, Busuioacă de Bohotin, Merlot, Zweigelt varieties

    13 500 kilograms of grapes per hectare

    5.   Cabernet Sauvignon, Fetească Neagră, Pinot Noir, Negru Aromat, Băbească Neagră varieties

    12 600 kilograms of grapes per hectare

    6.   White and rosé wines, Aligoté, Fetească Regală, Zghihară de Huși, Crâmpoșie Selecționată, Francușă and Plăvaie varieties

    123 hectolitres per hectare

    7.   White and rosé wines, Grasă de Cotnari, Donaris, Riesling Italian, Semillon, Băbească Gri, Codană and Portugais Bleu varieties

    123 hectolitres per hectare

    8.   Red wines, Codană and Portugais Bleu varieties

    119 hectolitres per hectare

    9.   White and rosé wines, Riesling de Rhin, Muscadelle, Fetească Albă, Chardonnay and Aromat de Iași varieties

    115 hectolitres per hectare

    10.   Red wines, Syrah, Sangiovese, Nebbiolo and Barbera varieties

    111 hectolitres per hectare

    11.   White and rosé wines, Muscat Ottonel, Sauvignon, Pinot Gris, Tămâioasă Românească, Șarba and Traminer roz varieties

    104 hectolitres per hectare

    12.   Red wines, Busuioacă de Bohotin, Merlot and Zweigelt varieties

    100 hectolitres per hectare

    13.   Rosé wines, Cabernet Sauvignon, Fetească Neagră, Pinot Noir, Negru Aromat, Băbească Neagră varieties

    97 hectolitres per hectare

    14.   Red wines, Cabernet Sauvignon, Fetească Neagră, Pinot Noir, Negru Aromat and Băbească Neagră varieties

    93 hectolitres per hectare

    6.   Demarcated geographical area

    The area demarcated for the production of wines with the 'HUŞI' controlled designation of origin is situated in the following areas of Vaslui County:


    Designation ‘HUȘI’:

    Town of Huși;

    Municipality of Duda-Epureni, Epureni, Duda villages;

    Municipality of Pădureni, Pădureni, Văleni, Leoști, Ivănești, Rusca villages;

    Municipality of Tătărăni, Tătărăni, Crăsnășeni, Bălțați, Manțu villages;

    Municipality of Stănilești, Stănilești, Pogănești villages;

    Municipality of Buneşti-Avereşti, Buneşti, Avereşti, Armăşeni, Tăbălăeşti, Plopi villages;

    Municipality of Arsura, Arsura, Fundătura, Pâhnești villages;

    Municipality of Drânceni, Drânceni, Ghermănești, Râșești villages;

    Municipality of Boțești, Boțești, Gugești villages;

    Municipality of Banca, Banca, Stoișești, Sârbi, Țifu villages;

    Municipality of Fălciu, Fălciu, Bozia, Copăceana, Rânzești villages;

    Municipality of Blăgești, Blăgești, Igești villages.


    Subdesignation ‘VUTCANI’:

    Municipality of Vutcani, Vutcani, Mălăiești villages;

    Municipality of Roșiești, Roșiești, Gara Roșiești, Valea lui Darie villages;

    Municipality of Şuletea, Şuletea, Râşcani, Fedeşti villages;

    Municipality of Epureni, Horga village;

    Municipality of Berezeni, Berezeni, Rânceni, Mușata villages.

    7.   Wine grape variety(-ies)


    Aligoté B – Plant de trois, Plant gris, Vert blanc, Troyen blanc


    Aromat de Iași B


    Barbera N


    Busuioacă de Bohotin Rs – Schwarzer Muscat, Muscat fioletovâi, Muscat violet cyperus, Tămâioasă violetă


    Babeasca gri G


    Băbească neagră N – Grossmuttertraube, Hexentraube, Crăcana, Rară neagră, Căldăruşă, Serecsia


    Cabernet Sauvignon N – Petit Vidure, Burdeos tinto


    Chardonnay B – Gentil blanc, Pinot blanc Chardonnay


    Codană N


    Crâmpoşie selecţionată B


    Donaris B


    Fetească albă B –Păsărească albă, Poama fetei, Mädchentraube, Leanyka, Leanka


    Fetească neagră N – Schwarze Mädchentraube, Poama fetei neagră, Păsărească neagră, Coada rândunicii


    Fetească regală B – Königliche Mädchentraube, Königsast, Kiralyleanka, Dănășană, Galbenă de Ardeal


    Frâncuşă B – Vinoasă, Mildweisser, Mustoasă de Moldova, Poamă creaţă


    Grasă de Cotnari B – Dicktraube, Grasă, Köver szölö


    Merlot N – Bigney rouge


    Muscadelle B – Moscatello bianco, Mouscadet doux


    Muscat Ottonel B – Muscat Ottonel blanc


    Nebbiolo N


    Negru Aromat N


    Pinot Gris G – Affumé, Grauer Burgunder, Grauburgunder, Grauer Mönch, Pinot cendré, Pinot Grigio, Ruländer


    Pinot noir N – Blauer Spätburgunder, Burgund mic, Burgunder roter, Klăvner Morillon Noir


    Pinot noir N – Spätburgunder, Pinot nero


    Plăvaie B – Bălană, Plăvană, Poamă bălaie


    Portugais Bleu N – Blauer Portugieser, Oporto, Portugieser


    Riesling de Rhin B – Weisser Riesling, White Riesling


    Riesling italian B – Olasz Riesling, Olaszriesling, Welschriesling


    Sangiovese N – Brunello di Montalcino, Morellino


    Sauvignon B – Sauvignon verde


    Syrah N – Shiraz, Petit Syrah


    Semillon B – Semillon blanc


    Traminer Rose Rs – Rosetraminer, Savagnin Rose, Gewürztraminer


    Tămâioasă românească B – Busuioacă de Moldova, Muscat blanc à petit grains


    Tămâioasă românească B – Rumänische Weihrauchtraube, Tamianka


    Zghihară de Huși B – Zghihară, Zghihară galbenă, Zghihară verde bătută


    Zweigelt N – Blauerzweigelt, Negru de Zweigelt, Zweigelt blau


    Şarba B

    8.   Description of the link(s)

    Link with the demarcated area

    The lithologic substrate forms a typologically diverse cover. There may be alternate steppe and forest steppe mollisols in clay-alluvial soil at forest level. Cambic chernozem and grey earth, the most widespread soils in the Huși Depression, are also the most valuable to vineyards, as their sandy/clay-like texture improves physical characteristics in combination with their basic bio-chemical properties: intense biological activity, significant humus content, high cation exchange capacity, neutral to slightly acidic reaction, high saturation of bases and nutrients.

    The relief is formed by a series of wide round hills on the NW – SE axis. The hills have different orientations, morphological characteristics and gradients. This wine-growing area brings together different sub-units: one hilly area at around 300 m altitude and a lower foothill area with an average altitude of 150 m. The hills have different orientations, morphological characteristics and gradients which form the background for some of the vineyards in the area.

    The Huși depression is delimited by high hills to the South, West and North and by the Prut valley to the East, and represents over 70 % of vineyards in the area. The valleys separating the hills of the region with slightly asymmetrical slopes begin in the coastal plain with hilly covering, forming a chain of depressions (Voloseni, Huși, Epureni, Novaci, Diuca, Fundătura, Arsura, Ghermănești) which, together with the higher hills of the depression, contain the most valuable vine-growing areas.

    The climate is temperate continental with moderately continental aspects in the hills and hemiboreal in the Huși depression.

    Global solar irradiance is approximately 120 kcal/CMP/year, the average duration of sunshine per year is 2 000 hours on high hills and over 2 100 hours in the Huși depression and the Prut valley. Considering the average annual radiative and solar thermal values, we note that they remain high throughout the growing season, which is beneficial for the development and the ripening of grapes.

    The predominant winds are from the W, NW and N, which together account for over 60 % of annual winds and which have Föhn characteristics when blowing down the slopes of the hills to the depression. The NE wind, especially the Crivăț, increases frost, while the E and SE are hot and dry in the summer, increasing drought, both of which are felt intensively both in the Huși depression and the Prut floodplain.

    The hydrographic network which drains the territory of the town is composed of two main arteries: the Drăslăvăț in the south and the Răiești, formed from the Turbata and the Șara in the north. They converge to the east of the town forming the river Huși. The Drăslăvăț and Răiești streams have torrential hydrographic characteristics. In spring, when the snow is melting rapidly as a result of increasing temperatures, or in summer after torrential rain, the streams carry large quantities of water, sometimes bursting their banks.

    Wines produced in this area are dry to sweet or liqueur wines, white, rosé or red. They are generally light wines, not too extractive, with moderate alcohol content, slightly acidic in the north of the area with a ‘peak’ in acidity in the Averești area, where natural acidity can reach 11-12 grams of tartaric acid per litre in some years, making this area excellent for the production of sparkling wines.

    Red wines are range from lightly coloured in the north of the area to intensely coloured in the south.

    The first written documents referring to the existence of vineyards in the areas where today’s vineyards are located predates the first record naming the town of Huși. An act by Alexander the Good in 1415 sets out the boundaries of the old vineyard. Another document dated August 1436 shows that there were plantations of vines in the wine-growing areas of Epureni - Pâhnești - Huși. Contemporary documents state that vines were planted intensively in the Saca and Ochi vineyards between 1600 and 1662; the vines of Huși belonged to the local lord.

    There are old records of the excellent quality of wines from Huși, written by foreign travellers in medieval Moldova, in particular Marco Bandinus in 1646: ‘Huși, an ancient settlement of Moldovan vineyards, produces a delicious and fragrant wine which is in high demand’. The great cartographer Dimitrie Cantemir, born in the village of Silișteni near Huși (the village has since been renamed in his honour) writes in ‘Descriptio Moldaviae’ that ‘the best wine is made in Cotnari, and that of Huși comes after’.

    9.   Essential further conditions (packaging, labelling, other requirements)

    Labelling indication

    Legal framework:

    In national legislation

    Type of further condition:

    Additional provisions relating to labelling

    Description of the condition:


    Marketing conditions

    Legal framework:

    In national legislation

    Type of further condition:

    Additional provisions relating to labelling

    Description of the condition:

    Labelling of wines may be carried out in any way provided that the mandatory information is indicated in the same field of vision. The label and counter-label are not mandatory, labelling may be carried out in one or more components, have any shape and be made of any material and using any technique.

    The labelling may also use the traditional term provided for in the legislation in force for wines which indicates the quality of the harvest as a result of the sugar content at harvest (when the grapes have noble rot).

    Indications used in presentation/labelling

    Legal framework:

    In EU legislation

    Type of further condition:

    Additional provisions relating to labelling

    Description of the condition:

    Some indications referring to certain production methods may also be used on a voluntary basis, as follows:

    the indications ‘fermentat in barrique’ [fermented in barrels], ‘maturat in barrique’ [matured in barrels] ‘fermentat în prezența așchiilor de stejar’ [fermented in the presence of oak chips] and ‘maturat în prezența așchiilor de stejar’ [matured in the presence of oak chips] may be shown on the labelling in Romanian, or terms in languages of international use may be used to inform the consumer that the said process is employed, such as any of the following indications:

    ‘fumé’ or ‘smoked’ or ‘toasted’ in English, whether or not accompanied by the term defining the intensity of the heat treatment applied to the oak wood used, i.e. ‘light’, ‘medium’ or ‘heavy’.

    ‘fumé’ or ‘fumée’ in French, whether or not accompanied by the term describing the intensity of the heat treatment applied to the oak wood used, i.e. ‘légère’, ‘moyenne’, ‘forte’ or ‘petite fumé’, ‘demi fumé’, ‘intense fumé’.

    These indications may be in any other language of international use or in the language of the country in which the wine product is intended to be marketed if the wine producer so chooses, informing the consumer of the use of practices applied throughout the world to obtain wines with distinct sensory characteristics.

    For wines that undergo a period of maturation or ageing on the lees, the label may include terms such as ‘sur lie’, ‘bâttonnage’ or ‘aged on the lees’.

    Link to the product specification

    (1)  OJ L 9, 11.1.2019, p. 2.
