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Document C:2006:326:TOC

    Official Journal of the European Union, C 326, 30 December 2006

    Alle documenten die in dit Publicatieblad zijn verschenen

    ISSN 1725-2423

    Official Journal

    of the European Union

    C 326

    European flag  

    English edition

    Information and Notices

    Volume 49
    30 December 2006

    Notice No




    I   Information


    Court of Justice



    2006/C 326/1

    The new Members of the Court take the oath


    2006/C 326/2

    Election of the President of the Court


    2006/C 326/3

    Election of the Presidents of the Chambers


    2006/C 326/4

    Assignment of the Judges to Chambers


    2006/C 326/5

    Lists for the purposes of determining the composition of the formations of the Court


    2006/C 326/6

    Appointment of the First Advocate General


    2006/C 326/7

    The new Members of the Court of First Instance take the oath


    2006/C 326/8

    Case C-239/04: Judgment of the Court (Second Chamber) of 26 October 2006 — Commission of the European Communities v Portuguese Republic (Failure of a Member State to fulfil obligations — Directive 92/43/EEC — Conservation of natural habitats and of wild fauna and flora — Article 6(4) — Castro Verde special protection area — Lack of alternative solutions)


    2006/C 326/9

    Case C-248/04: Judgment of the Court (First Chamber) of 26 October 2006 (reference for a preliminary ruling from the College van Beroep voor het bedrijfsleven –Netherlands) — Koninklijke Coöperatie Cosun UA v Minister van Landbouw, Natuur en Voedselkwaliteit (Preliminary reference — Agriculture — Common organisation of the markets — Sugar — Article 26 of Regulation (EEC) No 1785/81 and Article 3 of Regulation (EEC) No 2670/81 — Charge due for C Sugar disposed of on the internal market — Inapplicability of Article 13 of Regulation (EEC) No 1430/79 — No possibility of repayment or remission on grounds of equity — Validity of Regulation (EEC) No 1785/81 and Regulation No 2670/81 — Principles of equality and legal certainty — Equity)


    2006/C 326/10

    Case C-371/04: Judgment of the Court (Second Chamber) of 26 October 2006 — Commission of the European Communities v Italian Republic (Failure of a Member State to fulfil obligations — Freedom of movement for workers — Post in the civil service — Failure to take account of professional experience and seniority gained in other Member States — Articles 10 EC and 39 EC — Article 7(1) of Regulation (EEC) No 1612/68)


    2006/C 326/11

    Case C-433/04: Judgment of the Court (First Chamber) of 9 November 2006 — Commission of the European Communities v Kingdom of Belgium (Failure of a Member State to fulfil obligations — Articles 49 EC and 50 EC — Freedom to provide services — Activities in the construction sector — Prevention of tax fraud in the construction sector — National legislation requiring the withholding of 15 % on payments to contracting partners not registered in Belgium — National legislation imposing joint and several liability for the tax debts of contracting partners not registered in Belgium)


    2006/C 326/12

    Case C-513/04: Judgment of the Court (Grand Chamber) of 14 November 2006 (reference for a preliminary ruling from the Rechtbank van eerste aanleg te Gent (Belgium)) — Mark Kerckhaert, Bernadette Morres v Belgische Staat (Income tax — Dividends — Tax burden on dividends from shareholdings in companies established in another Member State — No possibility in the State of residence to set off income tax levied at source in another Member State)


    2006/C 326/13

    Case C-520/04: Judgment of the Court (First Chamber) of 9 November 2006 (reference for a preliminary ruling from the Korkein hallinto-oikeus — Finland) — Pirkko Marjatta Turpeinen (Freedom of movement for persons — Income tax — Retirement pension — Higher rate of tax for retired persons residing in another Member State)


    2006/C 326/14

    Case C-4/05: Judgment of the Court (First Chamber) of 26 October 2006 (reference for a preliminary ruling from the Verwaltungsgericht Aachen, Germany) — Hasan Güzeli v Oberbürgermeister der Stadt Aachen (Reference for a preliminary ruling — EEC-Turkey Association — Freedom of movement for workers — Article 10(1) of Decision No 1/80 of the Association Council — Refusal to extend a Turkish worker's residence permit)


    2006/C 326/15

    Case C-36/05: Judgment of the Court (Third Chamber) of 26 October 2006 — Commission of the European Communities v Kingdom of Spain (Failure of a Member State to fulfil obligations — Directive 92/100/EEC — Copyright — Rental and lending right — Failure to transpose within the prescribed period)


    2006/C 326/16

    Case C-65/05: Judgment of the Court (Second Chamber) of 26 October 2006 — Commission of the European Communities v Hellenic Republic (Failure of a Member State to fulfil obligations — Articles 28 EC and 30 EC — Free movement of goods — Article 43 EC — Freedom of establishment — Article 49 EC — Freedom to provide services — Prohibition on the installation and operation of electrical, electromechanical and electronic games subject to criminal or administrative sanctions — Directive 98/34/EC — Technical standards and regulations — National legislation applicable to electrical, electromechanical and electronic games)


    2006/C 326/17

    Case C-68/05 P: Judgment of the Court (First Chamber) of 26 October 2006 — Koninklijke Coöperatie Cosun UA v Commission of the European Communities (Appeal — Agriculture — Common organisation of the markets — Sugar — Article 26 of Regulation (EEC) No 1785/81 and Article 3 of Regulation (EEC) No 2670/81 — Charge owing for C Sugar disposed of on the internal market — Application for remission — Equity clause laid down in Article 13 of Regulation (EEC) No 1430/79 — ‘Import or export duties’ — Principles of equality and legal certainty — Equity)


    2006/C 326/18

    Case C-120/05: Judgment of the Court (Third Chamber) of 9 November 2006 (reference for a preliminary ruling from the Finanzgericht Hamburg — Germany) — Heinrich Schulze GmbH & Co. KG i.L. v Hauptzollamt Hamburg-Jonas (Export refunds — Conditions for granting — Export declaration — Lack of documentary evidence — Use of other types of evidence)


    2006/C 326/19

    Case C-168/05: Judgment of the Court (First Chamber) of 26 October 2006 (reference for a preliminary ruling from the Audiencia Provincial de Madrid — Spain) — Elisa María Mostaza Claro v Centro Móvil Milenium SL (Directive 93/13/EEC — Unfair terms in consumer contracts — Failure to raise the unfair nature of a term during arbitration proceedings — Possibility of raising that objection in the context of an action brought against the arbitration award)


    2006/C 326/20

    Joined Cases C-187/05 to C-190/05: Judgment of the Court (First Chamber) of 7 September 2006 (references for a preliminary ruling from the Arios Pagos — Greece) — G. Agorastoudis v Goodyear Hellas AVEE (Collective redundancies — Directive 75/129/EEC — Article 1(2)(d) — Termination of an establishment's activities as a result of a judicial decision — Termination of an establishment's activities of the employer's own volition)


    2006/C 326/21

    Case C-192/05: Judgment of the Court (Second Chamber) of 26 October 2006 (reference for a preliminary ruling from the Centrale Raad van Beroep — Netherlands) — K. Tas-Hagen, R.A. Tas v Raadskamer WUBO van de Pensioen- en Uitkeringsraad (Benefit awarded to civilian war victims by a Member State — Condition of residence in the territory of that State at the time when the application for the benefit is submitted — Article 18(1) EC)


    2006/C 326/22

    Case C-198/05: Judgment of the Court (Sixth Chamber) of 26 October 2006. — Commission of the European Communities v Italian Republic (Failure to fulfil obligations — Directive 92/100/EEC — Rights related to copyright in the field of intellectual property — Public lending right — Failure to transpose within the period prescribed)


    2006/C 326/23

    Case C-199/05: Judgment of the Court (Grand Chamber) of 26 October 2006 (reference for a preliminary ruling from the Cour d'appel de Bruxelles (Belgium)) — European Community v Belgian State (Protocol on the Privileges and Immunities of the European Communities — Article 3 — Indirect taxes — Decisions of national courts and tribunals — Registration duties)


    2006/C 326/24

    Case C-205/05: Judgment of the Court (Second Chamber) of 9 November 2006 (reference for a preliminary ruling from the Tribunal des affaires de sécurité sociale de Longwy — France) — Fabien Nemec v Caisse régionale d'assurance maladie du Nord-Est (Social security for migrant workers — Article 42 EC — Regulation (EEC) No 1408/71 — Article 58 — Allowance for workers exposed to asbestos — Calculation of cash benefits — Refusal to take account of pay earned in another Member State)


    2006/C 326/25

    Case C-206/05: Judgment of the Court (Fourth Chamber) of 26 October 2006 — Commission of the European Communities v Kingdom of Sweden (Failure of a Member State to fulfil obligations — Directive 90/427/EEC — Intra-Community trade in equidae — Requirement for a breeding stallion to be subject to an assessment of its genetic value in Sweden)


    2006/C 326/26

    Case C-216/05: Judgment of the Court (Second Chamber) of 9 November 2006 — Commission of the European Communities v Ireland (Failure of a Member State to fulfil obligations — Assessment of the effects of certain projects on the environment — Directives 85/337/EEC and 97/11/EC — National legislation — Participation by the public in certain assessment procedures upon payment of fees)


    2006/C 326/27

    Case C-236/05: Judgment of the Court (Third Chamber) of 9 November 2006 — Commission of the European Communities v United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (Failure of a Member State to fulfil obligations — Regulation (EEC) No 2847/93 — Control system in the fisheries sector — Delay in communication of required data)


    2006/C 326/28

    Case C-243/05 P: Judgment of the Court (First Chamber) of 9 November 2006 — Agraz, SA and Others v Commission of the European Communities (Appeals — Common organisation of the markets in processed fruit and vegetable products — Production aid for processed tomato products — Method of calculating the amount of the aid — Non-contractual liability of the Community — Certain loss)


    2006/C 326/29

    Case C-250/05: Judgment of the Court (Second Chamber) of 26 October 2006 (reference for a preliminary ruling from the Hessisches Finanzgericht, Kassel (Germany)) — Turbon International GmbH, as universal successor in title to Kores Nordic Deutschland GmbH v Oberfinanzdirektion Koblenz (Common Customs Tariff — Tariff headings — Classification in the Combined Nomenclature of ink cartridges compatible with Epson Stylus Color printers — Inks (heading 3215) — Parts and accessories of machines of heading 8471 (heading 8473)


    2006/C 326/30

    Case C-275/05: Judgment of the Court (First Chamber) of 26 October 2006 (reference for a preliminary ruling from the Verwaltungsgericht Sigmaringen — Germany) — Alois Kibler jun. v Land Baden-Württemberg (Milk and milk products — Article 5c of Regulation (EEC) No 804/68 — Additional levy in the milk and milk products sector — Regulations (EEC) Nos 857/84, 590/85 and 1546/88 — Transfer of the reference quantity following the return of part of a holding — Landlord who is not himself a producer of milk or milk products — Rural lease voluntarily brought to an end)


    2006/C 326/31

    Case C-281/05: Judgment of the Court (Second Chamber) of 9 November 2006 (reference for a preliminary ruling from the Bundesgerichtshof — Germany) — Montex Holdings Ltd v Diesel SpA (Trade marks — Directive 89/104/EEC — Right of the proprietor of a trade mark to prohibit the transit of goods bearing an identical sign through the territory of a Member State in which the mark enjoys protection — Unlawful manufacture — Associated State)


    2006/C 326/32

    Case C-302/05: Judgment of the Court (Second Chamber) of 26 October 2006 — Commission of the European Communities v Italian Republic (Failure of a Member State to fulfil obligations — Directive 2000/35/EC — Article 4(1) — Retention of title — Enforceability)


    2006/C 326/33

    Case C-317/05: Judgment of the Court (Fifth Chamber) of 26 October 2006 (reference for a preliminary ruling from the Sozialgericht Köln — Germany) — G. Pohl-Boskamp GmbH & Co. KG v Gemeinsamer Bundesausschuss (Directive 89/105/EEC — Article 6(1) and (2) — Positive list — Obligation to state reasons and provide information concerning remedies)


    2006/C 326/34

    Case C-344/05 P: Judgment of the Court (Second Chamber) of 9 November 2006 — Commission of the European Communities v Joël De Bry (Appeal — Official — Reporting procedure — Career development report — 2001/2002 reporting period — Rights of the defence — Article 26, second paragraph, of the Staff Regulations)


    2006/C 326/35

    Case C-345/05: Judgment of the Court (Second Chamber) of 26 October 2006 — Commission of the European Communities v Portuguese Republic (Failure of a Member State to fulfil obligations — Tax legislation — Conditions for exemption of capital gains arising on the transfer for valuable consideration of real property — Articles 18 EC, 39 EC and 43 EC — Articles 28 and 31 of the Agreement establishing the European Economic Area — Cohesion of the tax system — Housing policy)


    2006/C 326/36

    Case C-346/05: Judgment of the Court (Fifth Chamber) of 9 November 2006 (reference for a preliminary ruling from the Cour de travail de Liège — Belgium) — Monique Chateignier v Office national de l'emploi (ONEM) (Reference for a preliminary ruling — Article 39 EC and Articles 3 and 67 of Regulation (EEC) No 1408/71 — Grant of unemployment benefit subject to the completion of a period of employment in the competent Member State)


    2006/C 326/37

    Case C-77/06: Judgment of the Court (Fifth Chamber) of 26 October 2006 — Commission of the European Communities v Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg (Failure of a Member State to fulfil obligations — Directive 2001/42/EC — Assessment of the effects of certain plans and programmes on the environment — Failure to implement within the prescribed period)


    2006/C 326/38

    Case C-94/06: Judgment of the Court (Fourth Chamber) of 26 October 2006 — Commission of the European Communities v Republic of Austria (Failure of a Member State to fulfil obligations — Failure to transpose — Directive 2002/49/EC)


    2006/C 326/39

    Case C-102/06: Judgment of the Court (Sixth Chamber) of 26 October 2006 — Commission of the European Communities v Republic of Austria (Failure of a Member State to fulfil obligations — Minimum standards for the reception of asylum seekers in the Member States — Failure to transpose within the prescribed time-limit)


    2006/C 326/40

    Case C-152/06: Judgment of the Court (Fourth Chamber) of 26 October 2006 — Commission of the European Communities v Republic of Finland (Failure of a Member State to fulfil obligations — Directive 2002/95/EC — Hazardous substances — Electrical and electronic equipment — Failure to transpose within the prescribed period)


    2006/C 326/41

    Case C-154/06: Judgment of the Court (Fourth Chamber) of 26 October 2006 — Commission of the European Communities v Republic of Finland (Failure of a Member State to fulfil obligations — Waste electrical and electronic equipment — Failure to transpose within the prescribed time-limit)


    2006/C 326/42

    Case C-159/06: Judgment of the Court (Sixth Chamber) of 26 October 2006 — Commission of the European Communities v Republic of Finland (Failure of a Member State to fulfil obligations — Directive 2001/42/EC — Assessment of the effects of certain plans and programmes on the environment — Failure to implement within the prescribed period)


    2006/C 326/43

    Case C-336/04: Order of the Court (Fifth Chamber) of 14 September 2006 (reference for a preliminary ruling from the Commissione tributaria provinciale di Pordenone — Italy) — Banca Popolare FriulAdria SpA v Agenzia delle Entrate, Ufficio Pordenone (State aid — Decision 2002/581/EC — Tax advantages granted to banks — First subparagraph of Article 104(3) of the Rules of Procedure — Question referred for a preliminary ruling identical to a question on which the Court has already ruled)


    2006/C 326/44

    Case C-104/05 P: Order of the Court (Sixth Chamber) of 28 September 2006 — El Corte Inglés, SA v Office for Harmonisation in the Internal Market (Trade Marks and Designs) (OHIM) (Appeal — Community trade mark — Article 8(1)(b) of Regulation (EC) No 40/94 — Likelihood of confusion — Figurative mark ‘EMILIO PUCCI’ — Opposition by the proprietor of the national figurative marks ‘EMIDIO TUCCI’ — Similarity between the goods)


    2006/C 326/45

    Case C-285/05: Order of the Court (Second Chamber) of 28 September 2006 (reference for a preliminary ruling from Symvoulio tis Epikratias — Greece) — Enosi Efopliston Aktoploias, ANEK, Minoikes grammes, N.E. Lesvou, Blue Star Ferries v Ypourgos Emporikis Naftilías, Ypourgos Aigaíou (Article 104(3) of the Rules of Procedure — Regulation (EEC) No 3577/92 — Maritime cabotage — Transitional period — Direct application — Directive 98/18/EC — Safety rules and standards for passenger ships — Compatibility of a national rule prohibiting the supply of maritime services in respect of ships having reached a specific age)


    2006/C 326/46

    Case C-340/05: Order of the Court of 28 September 2006 — (reference for a preliminary ruling of Oberlandsgericht München — Germany) — Criminal proceedings against Stefan Kremer (First subparagraph of Article 104(3) of the Rules of Procedure — Directive 91/439/EEC — Mutual recognition of driving licences — Withdrawal of licence in one Member State — Licence issued in another Member State — Refusal to recognise the right to drive in the first Member State — Requirement of compliance with national conditions for obtaining a new licence following a withdrawal)


    2006/C 326/47

    Case C-436/05: Order of the Court (Fifth Chamber) of 6 October 2006 (reference for a preliminary ruling from the Hof van beroep te Antwerpen — Belgium) — Lucien de Graaf, Gudula Daniels v Belgian State (Preliminary references — Inadmissibility)


    2006/C 326/48

    Case C-111/06: Reference for a preliminary ruling from the Sozialgericht Berlin lodged on 24 February 2006 — Irene Werich v Deutsche Rentenversicherung Bund


    2006/C 326/49

    Case C-374/06: Reference for a preliminary ruling from the Finanzgericht Düsseldorf (Germany) lodged on 14 September 2006 — BATIG Gesellschaft für Beteiligungen mbH v Hauptzollamt Bielefeld


    2006/C 326/50

    Case C-409/06: Reference for a preliminary ruling from the Verwaltungsgericht Köln (Germany) lodged on 9 October 2006 — Winner Wetten GmbH v Mayor of Bergheim


    2006/C 326/51

    Case C-413/06 P: Appeal brought on 10 October 2006 by Bertelsmann AG, Sony Corporation of America against the judgment of the Court of First Instance (Third Chamber) delivered on 13 July 2006 in Case T-464/04: Independent Music Publishers and Labels Association (Impala, international association) v Commission of the European Communities.


    2006/C 326/52

    Case C-414/06: Reference for a preliminary ruling from the Bundesfinanzhof (Germany) lodged on 11 October 2006 — Lidl Belgium GmbH & Co. KG v Finanzamt Heilbronn


    2006/C 326/53

    Case C-415/06: Reference for a preliminary ruling from the Bundesfinanzhof (Germany) lodged on 11 October 2006 — Stahlwerk Ergste Westig GmbH v Finanzamt Düsseldorf-Mettmann


    2006/C 326/54

    Case C-416/06: Action brought on 11 October 2006 — Commission of the European Communities v Republic of Poland


    2006/C 326/55

    Case C-420/06: Reference for a preliminary ruling from the Verwaltungsgericht Schwerin (Germany) lodged on 16 October 2006 — Rüdiger Jager v Amt für Landwirtschaft Bützow


    2006/C 326/56

    Case C-421/06: Reference for a preliminary ruling from the Consiglio di Stato (Italy) lodged on 16 October 2006 — Fratelli Martini & C. s.p.a, Cargill s.r.l. v Ministero delle Politiche Agricole e Forestali, Ministero della Salute, Ministero delle Attività Produttive


    2006/C 326/57

    Case C-422/06: Action brought on 16 October 2006 — Commission of the European Communities v Republic of Poland


    2006/C 326/58

    Case C-423/06: Action brought on 16 October 2006 — Commission of the European Communities v Republic of Poland


    2006/C 326/59

    Case C-425/06: Reference for a preliminary ruling from the Corte Suprema di Cassazione (Italy) lodged on 16 October 2006 — Ministero dell'Economia e delle Finanze v Part Service Srl, in liquidation


    2006/C 326/60

    Case C-426/06: Action brought on 17 October 2006 — Commission of the European Communities v Hellenic Republic


    2006/C 326/61

    Case C-427/06: Reference for a preliminary ruling from the Bundesarbetitsgericht (Germany) lodged on 18 October 2006 — Birgit Bartsch v Bosch und Siemens Hausgeräte (BSH) Altersfürsorge GmbH


    2006/C 326/62

    Case C-428/06: Reference for a preliminary ruling from the Tribunal Superior de Justicia de la Comunidad Autónoma del País Vasco (Spain) lodged on 18 October 2006 — Unión General de Trabajadores de la Rioja UGT-RIOJA v Juntas Generales del Territorio Histórico de Vizcaya, Diputación Foral de Vizcaya, Cámara de Comercio, Industria y Navegación de Bilbao, Confederación Empresarial Vasca


    2006/C 326/63

    Case C-429/06: Reference for a preliminary ruling from the Tribunal Superior de Justicia de la Comunidad Autónoma del Pais Vasco (Spain) lodged on 18 October 2006 — Comunidad Autónoma de La Rioja v Juntas Generales del Territorio Histórico de Vizcaya, Diputación Foral de Vizcaya, Cámara de Comercio, Industria y Navegación de Bilbao, Confederación Empresarial Vasca


    2006/C 326/64

    Case C-430/06: Reference for a preliminary ruling from the Tribunal Superior de Justicia de la Comunidad Autónoma del País Vasco (Spain) lodged on 18 October 2006 — Comunidad Autónoma de La Rioja v Diputación Foral de Álava, Juntas Generales del Territorio Histórico de Álava, Confederación Empresarial vasca


    2006/C 326/65

    Case C-431/06: Reference for a preliminary ruling from the Tribunal Superior de Justicia de la Comunidad Autónoma de País Vasco (Spain) lodged on 18 October 2006 — Comunidad Autónoma de la Rioja v Diputación Foral de Guipúzcoa, Juntas Generales de Guipúzcoa, Confederación Empresarial Vasca


    2006/C 326/66

    Case C-432/06: Reference for a preliminary ruling from the Tribunal Superior de Justicia de la Comunidad Autónoma del País Vasco (Spain) lodged on 18 October 2006 — Comunidad Autónoma de Castilla y León v Juntas Generales de Guipúzcoa, Diputación Foral de Guipúzcoa, Confederación Empresarial Vasca


    2006/C 326/67

    Case C-433/06: Reference for a preliminary ruling from the Tribunal Superior de Justicia de la Comunidad Autónoma del País Vasco (Spain) lodged on 18 October 2006 — Comunidad Autónoma de Castilla y León v Juntas Generales del Territorio Histórico de Álava, Diputación Foral de Álava, Confederación Empresarial Vasca


    2006/C 326/68

    Case C-434/06: Reference for a preliminary ruling from the Tribunal Superior de Justicia de la Comunidad Autónoma del País Vasco (Spain) lodged on 18 October 2006 — Comunidad Autónoma de Castilla y León v Diputación Foral de Vizcaya, Juntas Generales del Territorio Histórico de Vizcaya, Cámara de Comercio, Industria y Navegación de Bilbao, Confederación Empresarial Vasca


    2006/C 326/69

    Case C-435/06: Reference for a preliminary ruling from the Korkein hallinto-oikeus (Finland) lodged on 17 October 2006 — C


    2006/C 326/70

    Case C-436/06: Reference for a preliminary ruling from the Finanzgericht Hamburg (Germany) lodged on 23 October 2006 — Per Gronfeldt, Tatiana Gronfeldt v Finanzamt Hamburg-Am Tierpark


    2006/C 326/71

    Case C-437/06: Reference for a preliminary ruling from the Niedersächsisches Finanzgericht (Germany) lodged on 24 October 2006 — SECURENTA Göttinger Immobilienanlagen und Vermögensmanagement AG als Rechtsnachfolgerin der Göttinger Vermögensanlagen AG v Finanzamt Göttingen


    2006/C 326/72

    Case C-438/06: Reference for a preliminary ruling from the Sozialgericht Würzburg (Germany) lodged on 24 October 2006 — Otmar Greser v Bundesagentur für Arbeit


    2006/C 326/73

    Case C-439/06: Reference for a preliminary ruling from the Oberlandesgericht Dresden (Germany) lodged on 24 October 2006 — citiworks AG v Sächsisches Staatsministerium für Wirtschaft und Arbeit als Landesregulierungsbehörde


    2006/C 326/74

    Case C-442/06: Action brought on 26 October 2006 — Commission of the European Communities v Italian Republic


    2006/C 326/75

    Case C-443/06: Reference for a preliminary ruling from the Supremo Tribunal Administrativo (Portugal) lodged on 27 October 2006 — Erika Hollmann v Fazenda Pública


    2006/C 326/76

    Case C-444/06: Action brought on 26 October 2006 — Commission of the European Communities v Kingdom of Spain


    2006/C 326/77

    Case C-445/06: Reference for a preliminary ruling from the Bundesgerichtshof (Germany) lodged on 6 November 2006 — Danske Slagterier v Federal Republic of Germany


    2006/C 326/78

    Case C-446/06: Reference for a preliminary ruling from the College van Beroep voor het bedrijfsleven (Netherlands) lodged on 31 October 2006 — A.G. Winkel v Minister van Landbouw, Natuur en Voedselkwaliteit


    2006/C 326/79

    Case C-447/06: Reference for a preliminary ruling from the Fővárosi Bíróság lodged on 2 November 2006 — Vodafone Magyarország Mobil Távközlési Zártkörűen Működő Részvénytársaság, Innomed Medical Orvostechnikai Részvénytársaság v Hungarian State, Budapest Főváros Képviselő-testülete, Esztergom Város Önkormányzat Képviselő-testülete


    2006/C 326/80

    Case C-448/06: Reference for a preliminary ruling from the Verwaltungsgericht Köln (Germany) lodged on 2 November 2006 — Firma cp-Pharma Handels GmbH v Bundesrepublik Deutschland


    2006/C 326/81

    Case C-449/06: Reference for a preliminary ruling from the Tribunal du travail de Bruxelles (Belgium) lodged on 6 November 2006 — Sophiane Gysen v Groupe S — Caisse d'Assurances sociales pour indépendants


    2006/C 326/82

    Case C-450/06: Reference for a preliminary ruling from the Conseil d'État (Belgium) lodged on 6 November 2006 — Varec SA v État belge


    2006/C 326/83

    Case C-451/06: Reference for a preliminary ruling from the Unabhängiger Finanzsenat, Auβenstelle Wien (Austria) lodged on 6 November 2006 — Gabriele Walderdorff v Finanzamt Waldviertel


    2006/C 326/84

    Case C-452/06: Reference for a preliminary ruling from the High Court of Justice (England and Wales), Queen's Bench Division (Administrative Court) (United Kingdom) made on 9 November 2006 — The Queen on the application of Synthon BV v Licensing Authority, Interested Party: Smithkline Beecham plc


    2006/C 326/85

    Case C-453/06: Reference for a preliminary ruling from the Bundesverwaltungsgericht (Germany) lodged on 13 November 2006 — 01051 Telecom GmbH v Bundesrepublik Deutschland


    2006/C 326/86

    Case C-454/06: Reference for a preliminary ruling from the Bundesvergabeamt (Austria) lodged on 13 November 2006 — pressetext Nachrichtenagentur GmbH v 1. Republic of Austria (Bund), 2. APA-OTS Originaltext-Service GmbH, 3. APA AUSTRIA PRESSE AGENTUR, a registered cooperative with limited liability


    2006/C 326/87

    Case C-456/06: Reference for a preliminary ruling from the Bundesgerichtshof lodged on 16 November 2006 — Peek & Cloppenburg KG v Cassina S.p.A.


    2006/C 326/88

    Case C-457/06 P: Appeal brought on 16 November 2006 by the Republic of Finland against the order of 5 September 2006 in Case T-350/05 Republic of Finland v Commission of the European Communities


    2006/C 326/89

    Case C-458/06: Reference for a preliminary ruling from the Regeringsrätten lodged on 16 November 2006 — Skatteverket v Gourmet Classic Ltd


    2006/C 326/90

    Case C-460/06: Reference for a preliminary ruling from the Tribunal du travail de Bruxelles (Belgium) lodged on 17 November 2006 — Nadine Paquay v Société d'architectes Hoet + Minne SPRL


    2006/C 326/91

    Case C-461/06P: Appeal brought on 18 November 2006 by Elliniki Etairia pros Prostasian tis Pnevmatikis Idioktisias AE (AEPI). against the order of the Court of First Instance (Fourth Chamber) made on 5 September 2006 in Case T-242/05 AEPI v Commission


    2006/C 326/92

    Case C-462/06: Reference for a preliminary ruling from the Cour de cassation (France) lodged on 20 November 2006 — Glaxosmithkline et Laboratoires Glaxosmithkline v Jean-Pierre Rouard


    2006/C 326/93

    Case C-463/06: Reference for a preliminary ruling from the Bundesgerichtshof (Germany) lodged on 20 November 2006 — FBTO Schadeverzekeringen N.V. v Jack Odenbreit


    2006/C 326/94

    Case C-464/06: Reference for a preliminary ruling from the Korkein hallinto-oikeus (Finland) lodged on 20 November 2006 — Avena Nordic Grain Oy


    2006/C 326/95

    Case C-465/06: Action brought on 20 November 2006 — Commission of the European Communities v Kingdom of Spain


    2006/C 326/96

    Case C-466/06: Reference for a preliminary ruling from the Tribunal de grande instance de Nanterre (France) lodged on 21 November 2006 — Société Roquette Frères SA v Direction générale des douanes et des droits indirects and Recette principale de Gennevilliers de la Direction générale des douanes et des droits indirects


    2006/C 326/97

    Case C-467/06: Reference for a preliminary ruling from the Tribunale civile di Genova (Italy) lodged on 21 November 2006 — Consel Gi. Emme Srl v Sistema Logistico dell'Arco Ligure e Alessandrino Srl (SLALA)


    2006/C 326/98

    Case C-479/06: Action brought on 23 November 2006 — Commission of the European Communities v Hellenic Republic


    2006/C 326/99

    Case C-481/06: Action brought on 24 November 2006 — Commission of the European Communities v Hellenic Republic


    2006/C 326/100

    Case C-482/06: Action brought on 24 November 2006 — Commission of the European Communities v Portuguese Republic


    2006/C 326/101

    Case C-485/06: Action brought on 24 November 2006 — Commission of the European Communities v Federal Republic of Germany


    2006/C 326/102

    Case C-489/06: Action brought on 27 November 2006 — Commission of the European Communities v Hellenic Republic


    2006/C 326/103

    Case C-490/06: Action brought on 27 November 2006 — Commission of the European Communities v Hellenic Republic


    2006/C 326/104

    Case C-491/06: Reference for a preliminary ruling from the Vestre Landsret (Denmark) lodged on 28 November 2006 — Danske Svineproducenter v Justitsministeriet


    2006/C 326/105

    Case C-496/06: Action brought on 4 December 2006 — Commission of the European Communities v Federal Republic of Germany


    2006/C 326/106

    Case C-181/05: Order of the President of the Court of 26 September 2006 — Commission of the European Communities v Federal Republic of Germany


    2006/C 326/107

    Case C-364/05: Order of the President of the Fifth Chamber of the Court of 26 September 2006 — Commission of the European Communities v Kingdom of the Netherlands


    2006/C 326/108

    Case C-369/05: Order of the President of the Court of 18 July 2006 — Commission of the European Communities v Hellenic Republic


    2006/C 326/109

    Case C-425/05: Order of the President of the Court of 8 August 2006 — Commission of the European Communities v Ireland


    2006/C 326/110

    Case C-46/06: Order of the President of the Court of 28 September 2006 — Commission of the European Communities v Czech Republic


    2006/C 326/111

    Case C-85/06: Order of the President of the Court of 9 October 2006 — Commission of European Communities v Hellenic Republic


    2006/C 326/112

    Case C-86/06: Order of the President of the Court of 18 September 2006 — Commission of the European Communities v Hellenic Republic


    2006/C 326/113

    Case C-101/06: Order of the President of the Court of 2 October 2006 — Commission of the European Communities v French Republic


    2006/C 326/114

    Case C-298/06: Order of the President of the Court of 4 October 2006 — Commission of the European Communities v Hellenic Republic




    2006/C 326/115

    Case T-138/02: Judgment of the Court of First Instance of 14 November 2006 — Nanjing Metalink v Council (Dumping — Imports of ferro molybdenum originating in China — Revocation of market economy treatment — Article 2(7)(b) and (c) and Article 6(1) of Regulation (EC) No 384/96)


    2006/C 326/116

    Case T-333/03: Judgment of the Court of First Instance of 16 November 2006 — Masdar (UK) Ltd v Commission (Non-contractual liability of the Community — TACIS programme — Sub-contracted services — Refusal to make payment — Unjust enrichment — Negotiorum gestio — Recovery of sum not due — Legitimate expectations — Duty of diligence)


    2006/C 326/117

    Case T-32/04: Judgment of the Court of First Instance of 16 November 2006 — Lichtwer Pharma AG v OHIM — Laboratoire Lafon (Lyco-A) (Community trade mark — Opposition proceedings — Application for Community word mark Lyco-A — Admissibility of the appeal before the Board of Appeal — Cost of proceedings — Apportionment)


    2006/C 326/118

    Case T-120/04: Judgment of the Court of First Instance of 16 November 2006 — Peróxidos Orgánicos v Commission (Competition — Agreements, decisions and concerted practices — Organic peroxides — Fines — Article 81 EC — Regulation (EEC) No 2988/74 — Limitation period — Duration of the infringement — Apportionment of the burden of proof — Equal treatment)


    2006/C 326/119

    Case T-278/04: Judgment of the Court of First Instance of 16 November 2006 — Jabones Pardo v OHIM — Quimi Romar (YUKI) (Community trade mark — Opposition proceedings — Earlier national word mark YUPI — Application for the Community word mark YUKI — Relative ground for refusal — Likelihood of confusion — Article 8(1)(b) of Regulation (EC) No 40/94 — Findings of OHIM — Admissibility)


    2006/C 326/120

    Case T-357/04: Judgment of the Court of First Instance of 8 November 2006 — Chetcuti v Commission (Officials — Internal competition — Non-admission to tests as a member of the auxiliary staff)


    2006/C 326/121

    Case T-494/04: Judgment of the Court of First Instance of 14 November 2006 — Neirinck v Commission (Officials — Contract agent — Lawyer's post at the Office for infrastructure and logistics in Brussels (OIB) — Rejection of application — Action for annulment — Action for damages)


    2006/C 326/122

    Case T-32/05: Order of the Court of First Instance of 18 October 2006 — Staelen v Parliament (Officials — Enforcement of a judgment of the Court of First Instance — No need to adjudicate — Action for damages — No pre-litigation procedure — No direct link — Manifestly inadmissible)


    2006/C 326/123

    Case T-94/05: Order of the Court of First Instance of 26 September 2006 — Athinaïki Techniki v Commission (Action for annulment — State aid — Complaint — Decision to take no further action on the complaint — Inadmissible)


    2006/C 326/124

    Case T-106/05: Order of the Court of First Instance of 10 October 2006 — Evropaiki Dinamiki v Commission of the European Communities (Public service contracts — Call for tenders concerning technical assistance to improve the information and communication technology system in the State Institute of Statistics of the Republic of Turkey — Application rejected — Period for bringing proceedings — Confirmatory act — Inadmissibility)


    2006/C 326/125

    Case T-307/05: Order of the Court of First Instance of 12 October 2006 — Fermont v Commission (Preliminary issues — Objection of inadmissibility — Application initiating proceedings — Formal requirements — Inadmissibility)


    2006/C 326/126

    Case T-52/06: Order of the Court of First Instance of 17 October 2006 — Harry's Morato v OHIM — Ferrero Deutschland (MORATO) (Community trade mark — Opposition proceedings — Cancellation of the earlier trade mark — No need to adjudicate)


    2006/C 326/127

    Case T-209/06 R: Order of the President of the Court of First Instance of 26 October 2006 — European Association of Im — and Exporters of Birds and live Animals and Others v Commission of the European Communities (Application for interim measures — Application for interim measures and suspension of enforcement — Admissibility — Urgency — None)


    2006/C 326/128

    Case T-299/06: Action brought on 25 October 2006 — Leclercq v Commission


    2006/C 326/129

    Case T-301/06: Action brought on 27 October 2006 — Lemaître Sécurité v Commission


    2006/C 326/130

    Case T-303/06: Action brought on 6 November 2006 — UniCredito Italiano v OHIM — Union Investment Privatfonds (Uniweb)


    2006/C 326/131

    Case T-304/06: Action brought on 10 November 2006 — Reber v OHIM (Mozart)


    2006/C 326/132

    Case T-305/06: Action brought on 13 November 2006 — Air Products and Chemicals v OHIM — Messer Group (FERROMIX)


    2006/C 326/133

    Case T-306/06: Action brought on 13 November 2006 — Air Products and Chemicals v OHIM — Messer Group (INOMIX)


    2006/C 326/134

    Case T-307/06: Action brought on 13 November 2006 — Air Products and Chemicals v OHIM — Messer Group (ALUMIX)


    2006/C 326/135

    Case T-308/06: Action brought on 13 November 2006 — Buffalo Milke Automotive Polishing Products v OHIM — Werner & Mertz (Buffalo Milke Automotive Polishing Products)


    2006/C 326/136

    Case T-309/06: Action brought on 14 November 2006 — Budějovický Budvar v OHIM — Anheuser-Busch (BUD)


    2006/C 326/137

    Case T-310/06: Action brought on 17 November 2006 — Republic of Hungary v Commission of the European Communities


    2006/C 326/138

    Case T-311/06: Action brought on 7 November 2006– FMC Chemical and Arysta Lifesciences v EFSA


    2006/C 326/139

    Case T-312/06: Action brought on 17 November 2006– FMC Chemical v EFSA


    2006/C 326/140

    Case T-313/06: Action brought on 18 November 2006— Otsuka Chemical v EFSA


    2006/C 326/141

    Case T-314/06: Action brought on 17 November 2006 — Whirlpool Europe v Council


    2006/C 326/142

    Case T-315/06: Action brought on 17 November 2006 — Ercros v OHIM — Degussa (TAI CROS)


    2006/C 326/143

    Case T-316/06: Action brought on 9 November 2006 — Commission v Premium


    2006/C 326/144

    Case T-317/06: Action brought on 23 November 2006 — Panrico S.L. v OHIM — HDN Development (‘Krispy Kreme DOUGHNUTS’)


    2006/C 326/145

    Case T-318/06: Action brought on 27 November 2006 — Moreira da Fonseca v OHIM — General Óptica (GENERAL OPTICA)


    2006/C 326/146

    Case T-319/06: Action brought on 27 November 2006 — Moreira da Fonseca v OHIM — General Óptica (GENERAL OPTICA)


    2006/C 326/147

    Case T-320/06: Action brought on 27 November 2006 — Moreira da Fonseca v OHIM — General Óptica (GENERAL OPTICA)


    2006/C 326/148

    Case T-321/06: Action brought on 27 November 2006 — Moreira da Fonseca v OHIM — General Óptica (GENERAL OPTICA)


    2006/C 326/149

    Case T-322/06: Action brought on 21 November 2006 — Espinosa Labella and Others v Commission


    2006/C 326/150

    Case T-323/06: Action brought on 21 November 2006 — FRESYGA v Commission


    2006/C 326/151

    Case T-324/06: Action brought on 23 November 2006 — Município de Gondomar v Commission


    2006/C 326/152

    Case T-325/06: Action brought on 24 November 2006 — Boston Scientific v OHIM — Terumo (CAPIO)


    2006/C 326/153

    Case T-326/06: Action brought on 21 November 2006 — Total v OHIM — Peterson (Beverly Hills Formula TOTAL PROTECTION)


    2006/C 326/154

    Case T -327/06: Action brought on 22 November 2006 — Altana Pharma v OHIM — Avensa (PNEUMO UPDATE)


    2006/C 326/155

    Case T-329/06: Action brought on 27 November 2006 — Enercon GmbH v OHIM


    2006/C 326/156

    Case T-330/06: Action brought on 27 November 2006 — Novartis v OHIM (BLUE SOFT)


    2006/C 326/157

    Case T-331/06: Action brought on 24 November 2006 — Evropaïki Dynamiki v EEA


    2006/C 326/158

    Case T-332/06: Action brought on 29 November 2006 — Alcoa Trasformazioni v Commission


    2006/C 326/159

    Case T-334/06: Action brought on 29 November 2006 — Commission v Northumbrian Water


    2006/C 326/160

    Case T-335/06: Action brought on 22 November 2006 — Italy v Commission


    2006/C 326/161

    Case T-337/06: Action brought on 28 November 2006 — UniCredito Italiano v OHIM –Union Investment Privatfonds (UniCredit Wealth Management)


    2006/C 326/162

    Case T-339/06: Action brought on 30 November 2006 — Greece v Commission


    2006/C 326/163

    Case T-340/06: Action brought on 30 November 2006 — Stradivarius España v OHIM — Ricci (Stradivari 1715)


    2006/C 326/164

    Case T-341/06: Action brought on 1 December 2006 — Compagnie générale de Diététique v OHIM (GARUM)


    2006/C 326/165

    Case T-342/06: Action brought on 1 December 2006 — Angiotech Pharmaceuticals v OHIM (VASCULAR WRAP)


    2006/C 326/166

    Case T -530/93, T-531/93, T-533/93, T-1/94, T-3/94, T-4/94, T-11/94, T-53/94, T-71/94, T-73/94, T-87/94, T-91/94, T-102/94, T-103/94, T-106/94, T-120/94, T-121/94, T-123/94, T-124/94, T-253/94 and T-372/94: Order of the Court of First Instance of 16 October 2006 — Kat and Others v Council and Commission




    2006/C 326/167

    Case F-100/05: Judgment of the Civil Service Tribunal (First Chamber) of 14 November 2006 — Chatziioannidou v Commission (Officials — Pensions — Pension rights acquired before entry into the service of the Communities — Transfer to the Community scheme — Calculation of years of pensionable service — Article 11(2) of Annex VIII to the Staff Regulations — Failure to apply, because of the introduction of the euro, the provisions relating to the monetary conversion of the sum transferred)


    2006/C 326/168

    Case F-4/06: Judgment of the Civil Service Tribunal (First Chamber) of 14 November 2006 — Villa and Others v Parliament (Pension — Transfer of pension rights — Calculation of the premium already obtained)


    2006/C 326/169

    Case F-121/06: Action brought on 29 September 2006 — Spee v Europol


    2006/C 326/170

    Case F-123/06: Action brought on 23 October 2006 — Timmer v Court of Auditors


    2006/C 326/171

    Case F-127/06: Action brought on 3 November 2006 — H v Council


    2006/C 326/172

    Case F-129/06: Action brought on 16 November 2006 — Salvador Roldán v Commission


    2006/C 326/173

    Case F-130/06: Action brought on 13 November 2006 — Sotgia v Commission


    2006/C 326/174

    Case F-131/06: Action brought on 24 November 2006 — Steinmetz v Commission


    2006/C 326/175

    Case F-134/06: Action brought on 29 November 2006 — Bordini v Commission


    2006/C 326/176

    Case F-135/06: Action brought on 27 November 2006 — Lafleur-Tighe v Commission


    2006/C 326/177

    Case F-11/06: Order of the Civil Service Tribunal of 22 November 2006 — Larsen v Commission


    2006/C 326/178

    Case F-69/06: Order of the Civil Service Tribunal of 20 November 2006 — Andersson and Others v Commission



    III   Notices

    2006/C 326/179

    Last publication of the Court of Justice in the Official Journal of the European Union
    OJ C 310, 16.12.2006




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