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Document C:2008:051:TOC

    Official Journal of the European Union, C 51, 23 February 2008

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    ISSN 1725-2423

    Official Journal

    of the European Union

    C 51

    European flag  

    English edition

    Information and Notices

    Volume 51
    23 February 2008

    Notice No




    IV   Notices




    Court of Justice

    2008/C 051/01

    Last publication of the Court of Justice in the Official Journal of the European UnionOJ C 37, 9.2.2008



    V   Announcements




    Court of Justice

    2008/C 051/02

    Assumption of duties by a new Judge of the Court of Justice


    2008/C 051/03

    Decisions adopted by the Court of Justice at its general meeting on 15 January 2008


    2008/C 051/04

    Lists for the purposes of determining the composition of the formations of the Court


    2008/C 051/05

    Case C-532/03: Judgment of the Court (Grand Chamber) of 18 December 2007 — Commission of the European Communities v Ireland (Failure of a Member State to fulfil obligations — Public procurement — Articles 43 EC and 49 EC — Emergency ambulance services)


    2008/C 051/06

    Case C-418/04: Judgment of the Court (Second Chamber) of 13 December 2007 — Commission of the European Communities v Ireland (Failure of a Member State to fulfil obligations — Directive 79/409/EEC — Conservation of wild birds — Articles 4 and 10 — Transposition and application — IBA 2000 — Value — Quality of the data — Criteria — Margin of discretion — Directive 92/43/EEC — Conservation of natural habitats and of wild fauna and flora — Article 6 — Transposition and application)


    2008/C 051/07

    Case C-64/05 P: Judgment of the Court (Grand Chamber) of 18 December 2007 — Kingdom of Sweden v IFAW Internationaler Tierschutz-Fonds gGmbH, formerly Internationaler Tierschutz-Fonds (IFAW) GmbH, Kingdom of Denmark, Kingdom of the Netherlands, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Commission of the European Communities (Appeal — Regulation (EC) No 1049/2001 — Public access to documents of the institutions — Documents originating from a Member State — Objection of the Member State to disclosure of the documents — Scope of Article 4(5) of the Regulation)


    2008/C 051/08

    Case C-77/05: Judgment of the Court (Grand Chamber) of 18 December 2007 — United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland v Council of the European Union (Regulation (EC) No 2007/2004 — Establishment of the European Agency for the Management of Operational Cooperation at the External Borders of the Member States of the European Union — Validity)


    2008/C 051/09

    Case C-101/05: Judgment of the Court (Grand Chamber) of 18 December 2007 (reference for a preliminary ruling from the Regeringsrätten (Sweden)) — Skatteverket v A (Free movement of capital — Restriction on the movement of capital between the Member States and third countries — Tax on revenue from capital — Dividends received from a company established in an EEA Member State — Exemption — Dividends received from a company established in a third country — Exemption subject to the existence of a taxation convention providing for the exchange of information — Effectiveness of fiscal supervision)


    2008/C 051/10

    Case C-137/05: Judgment of the Court (Grand Chamber) of 18 December 2007 — United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Council of the European Union (Regulation (EC) No 2252/2004 — Passports and travel documents issued by the Member States — Standards for security features and biometrics — Validity)


    2008/C 051/11

    Case C-194/05: Judgment of the Court (Third Chamber) of 18 December 2007 — Commission of the European Communities v Italian Republic (Failure of a Member State to fulfil obligations — Environment — Directives 75/442/EEC and 91/156/EEC — Concept of ‘waste’ — Excavated earth and rocks intended for re-use)


    2008/C 051/12

    Case C-195/05: Judgment of the Court (Third Chamber) of 18 December 2007 — Commission of the European Communities v Italian Republic (Failure of a Member State to fulfil obligations — Environment — Directives 75/442/EEC and 91/156/EEC — Concept of waste — Food scraps from the agro food industry intended for the production of animal feed — Leftovers from the preparation of food in kitchens, intended for shelters for pet animals)


    2008/C 051/13

    Case C-263/05: Judgment of the Court (Third Chamber) of 18 December 2007 — Commission of the European Communities v Italian Republic (Failure of a Member State to fulfil obligations — Environment — Directives 75/442/EEC and 91/156/EEC — Concept of ‘waste’ — Substances or objects intended for disposal or recovery operations — Production residues capable of re-use)


    2008/C 051/14

    Case C-291/05: Judgment of the Court (Grand Chamber) of 11 December 2007 (Reference for a preliminary ruling from the Raad van State — Netherlands) — Minister voor Vreemdelingenzaken en Integratie v R.N.G. Eind (Freedom of movement for persons — Workers — Right of residence for a family member who is a third-country national — Return of the worker to the Member State of which he is a national — Obligation for the worker's Member State of origin to grant a right of residence to the family member — Whether there is such an obligation where the worker does not carry on any effective and genuine activities)


    2008/C 051/15

    Case C-341/05: Judgment of the Court (Grand Chamber) of 18 December 2007 (reference for a preliminary ruling from the Arbetsdomstolen — Sweden) — Laval un Partneri Ltd v Svenska Byggnadsarbetareförbundet, Svenska Byggnadsarbetareförbundets avd. 1, Byggettan, Svenska Elektrikerförbundet (Freedom to provide services — Directive 96/71/EC — Posting of workers in the construction industry — National legislation laying down terms and conditions of employment covering the matters referred to in Article 3(1), first subparagraph, (a) to (g), save for minimum rates of pay — Collective agreement for the building sector the terms of which lay down more favourable conditions or relate to other matters — Possibility for trade unions to attempt, by way of collective action, to force undertakings established in other Member States to negotiate on a case by case basis in order to determine the rates of pay for workers and to sign the collective agreement for the building sector)


    2008/C 051/16

    Joined Cases C-396/05, C-419/05 and C-450/05: Judgment of the Court (Grand Chamber) of 18 December 2007 (Reference for a preliminary ruling from the Sozialgericht Berlin and Landessozialgericht Berlin-Brandenburg — Germany) — Doris Habelt (C-396/05), Martha Möser (C-419/05) and Peter Wachter (C-450/05) v Deutsche Rentenversicherung Bund (Social security — Regulation (EEC) No 1408/71 — Annexes III and VI — Freedom of movement for persons — Articles 18 EC, 39 EC and 42 EC — Old-age benefits — Periods of contribution completed outside the Federal Republic of Germany — Not exportable)


    2008/C 051/17

    Case C-438/05: Judgment of the Court (Grand Chamber) of 11 December 2007 (reference for a preliminary ruling from the Court of Appeal (Civil Division) — United Kingdom) International Transport Workers' Federation, Finnish Seamen's Union v Viking Line ABP, OÜ Viking Line Eesti (Maritime transport — Right of establishment — Fundamental rights — Objectives of Community social policy — Collective action taken by a trade union organisation against a private undertaking — Collective agreement liable to deter an undertaking from registering a vessel under the flag of another Member State)


    2008/C 051/18

    Case C-465/05: Judgment of the Court (Second Chamber) of 13 December 2007 — Commission of the European Communities v Italian Republic (Failure of a Member State to fulfil its obligations — Freedom to provide services — Right of establishment — Occupation of security guard — Private security services — Oath of allegiance to the Italian Republic — Authorisation from the Prefetto — Place of business — Minimum number of employees — Lodging of a guarantee — Administrative control of the pricing of services provided)


    2008/C 051/19

    Case C-62/06: Judgment of the Court (First Chamber) of 18 December 2007 (Reference for a preliminary ruling from the Supremo Tribunal Administrativo — Portugal) — Fazenda Pública — Director Geral das Alfândegas v ZF Zefeser — Importação e Exportação de Produtos Alimentares Lda (Regulation (EEC) No 1697/79 — Article 3 — Post-clearance recovery of import duties — Act that could give rise to criminal court proceedings — Competent authority for classifying the act)


    2008/C 051/20

    Case C-135/06 P: Judgment of the Court (Second Chamber) of 18 December 2007 — Roderich Weißenfels v European Parliament (Appeal — Remuneration — Dependent child allowance — Deduction of the amount of an allowance of like nature paid from other sources — Unlimited jurisdiction — Disputes of a financial character)


    2008/C 051/21

    Case C-161/06: Judgment of the Court (Grand Chamber) of 11 December 2007 (Reference for a preliminary ruling from the Krajský soud v Ostravě — Czech Republic) — Skoma-Lux sro v Celní ředitelství Olomouc (Act concerning the conditions of accession to the European Union — Article 58 — Community legislation — No translation into the language of a Member State — Enforceability)


    2008/C 051/22

    Case C-184/06: Judgment of the Court (Sixth Chamber) of 13 December 2007 — Kingdom of Spain v Council of the European Union (Fisheries — Regulation (EC) No 51/2006 — Allocation of catch quotas among Member States — Act of Accession of the Kingdom of Spain — End of the transitional period — Requirement of relative stability — Principle of non-discrimination — New fishing opportunities)


    2008/C 051/23

    Case C-186/06: Judgment of the Court (Second Chamber) of 18 December 2007 — Commission of the European Communities v Kingdom of Spain (Failure of a Member State to fulfil obligations — Directive 79/409/EEC — Conservation of wild birds — Irrigable area of the Segarra-Garrigues Canal (Lleida))


    2008/C 051/24

    Case C-202/06 P: Order of the Court of 18 December 2007 — Cementbouw Handel & Industrie BV v Commission of the European Communities (Appeals — Competition — Regulation (EEC) No 4064/89 — Competence of the Commission — Notification of a concentration having a Community dimension — Commitments proposed by the parties — Effect on the Commission's competence — Authorisation subject to certain commitments — Principle of proportionality)


    2008/C 051/25

    Case C-220/06: Judgment of the Court (First Chamber) of 18 December 2007 (Reference for a preliminary ruling from the Audiencia Nacional, Sala de lo Contencioso-Administrativo — Spain) — Asociación Profesional de Empresas de Reparto y Manipulado de Correspondencia v Administración General del Estado (Public procurement — Liberalisation of postal services — Directives 92/50/EEC and 97/67/EC — Articles 43 EC, 49 EC and 86 EC — National legislation allowing public authorities to conclude agreements for the provision of both reserved and non-reserved postal services with a publicly owned company, namely the provider of universal postal service in the Member State concerned, without regard to the rules governing the award of public service contracts)


    2008/C 051/26

    Case C-250/06: Judgment of the Court (Third Chamber) of 13 December 2007 (reference for a preliminary ruling from the Conseil d'État (Belgium)) — United Pan-Europe Communications Belgium SA, Coditel Brabant SA, Société Intercommunale pour la Diffusion de la Télévision (Brutele), Wolu TV ASBL v État Belge (Article 49 EC — Freedom to provide services — National legislation requiring cable operators to broadcast programmes transmitted by certain private broadcasters (‘must carry’) — Restriction — Overriding reason relating to the general interest — Maintenance of pluralism in a bilingual region)


    2008/C 051/27

    Case C-280/06: Judgment of the Court (Grand Chamber) of 11 December 2007 (reference for a preliminary ruling from the Consiglio di Stato — Italy) — Autorità Garante della Concorrenza e del Mercato v Ente tabacchi italiani — ETI SpA, Philip Morris Products SA, Philip Morris Holland BV, Philip Morris GmbH, Philip Morris Products Inc. and Philip Morris International Management SA; and Philip Morris Products SA, Philip Morris Holland BV, Philip Morris GmbH, Philip Morris Products Inc. and Philip Morris International Management SA v Autorità Garante della Concorrenza e del Mercato, Ente tabacchi italiani — ETI SpA; and Philip Morris Products SA, Philip Morris Holland BV, Philip Morris GmbH, Philip Morris Products Inc. and Philip Morris International Management SA v Autorità Garante della Concorrenza e del Mercato, Amministrazione autonoma dei monopoli di Stato, Ente tabacchi italiani — ETI SpA (Competition — Imposition of fines where undertakings succeed each other — Principle of personal responsibility — Entities belonging to the same group of undertakings or answering to the same public authority — National law referring to Community competition law as source of interpretation — Questions referred for a preliminary ruling — Jurisdiction of the Court of Justice)


    2008/C 051/28

    Case C-281/06: Judgment of the Court (Third Chamber) of 18 December 2007 (reference for a preliminary ruling from the Bundesfinanzhof (Germany)) — Hans-Dieter Jundt, Hedwig Jundt v Finanzamt Offenburg (Freedom to provide services — Secondary teaching activity — Concept of ‘remuneration’ — Allowances for professional expenses — Legislation concerning tax exemption — Conditions — Remuneration paid by a national university)


    2008/C 051/29

    Case C-314/06: Judgment of the Court (Second Chamber) of 18 December 2007 (reference for a preliminary ruling from the Cour de cassation (France)) — Société Pipeline Méditerranée et Rhône (SPMR) v Administration des douanes et droits indirects, Direction nationale du renseignement et des enquêtes douanières (DNRED) (Directive 92/12/EEC — Excise duties — Mineral Oils — Losses — Exemption from tax — Force majeure)


    2008/C 051/30

    Case C-337/06: Judgment of the Court (Fourth Chamber) of 13 December 2007 (reference for a preliminary ruling from the Oberlandesgericht Düsseldorf — Germany) — Bayerischer Rundfunk, Deutschlandradio, Hessischer Rundfunk, Mitteldeutscher Rundfunk, Norddeutscher Rundfunk, Radio Bremen, Rundfunk Berlin-Brandenburg, Saarländischer Rundfunk, Südwestrundfunk, Westdeutscher Rundfunk, Zweites Deutsches Fernsehen v GEWA Gesellschaft für Gebäudereinigung und Wartung mbH (Directives 92/50/EEC and 2004/18/EC — Public service contracts — Public broadcasting bodies — Contracting authorities — Bodies governed by public law — Condition that the activity of the institution be ‘financed, for the most part, by the State’)


    2008/C 051/31

    Case C-357/06: Judgment of the Court (Fourth Chamber) of 18 December 2007 (reference for a preliminary ruling from the Tribunale amministrativo regionale per la Lombardia, Italy) — Frigerio Luigi & C. Snc v Comune di Triuggio (Directive 92/50/EEC — Public service contracts — National legislation restricting the award of local public services of economic interest to companies with share capital — Compatibility)


    2008/C 051/32

    Case C-368/06: Judgment of the Court (First Chamber) of 18 December 2007 (reference for a preliminary ruling from the Tribunal administratif de Lyon — France) — Cedilac SA v Ministère de l'Économie, des Finances et de l'Industrie (Sixth VAT Directive — Right to deduct — Principles of immediate deduction and fiscal neutrality — Carry forward of the excess VAT to the following period or refund — One-month delay rule — Transitional provisions — Retention of the exemption)


    2008/C 051/33

    Case C-372/06: Judgment of the Court (Fourth Chamber) of 13 December 2007 (Reference for a preliminary ruling from the VAT and Duties Tribunal, London — United Kingdom) — Asda Stores Ltd v Commissioners of Her Majesty's Revenue and Customs (Community Customs Code — Implementing measures — Regulation (EEC) No 2454/93 — Annex 11 — Non-preferential origin of goods — Television receivers — Concept of substantial processing or working — Added value test — Validity and interpretation — EEC-Turkey Association Agreement and Decision No 1/95 of the Association Council — Interpretation)


    2008/C 051/34

    Case C-374/06: Judgment of the Court (First Chamber) of 13 December 2007 (reference for a preliminary ruling from the Finanzgericht Düsseldorf — Germany) — BATIG Gesellschaft für Beteiligungen mbH v Hauptzollamt Bielefeld (Preliminary reference — Tax provisions — Harmonisation of laws — Directive 92/12/EEC — Products subject to excise duty — Tax markings — Irregular departure from a suspension arrangement — Theft — Release for consumption in the Member State of the theft — Non-reimbursement of the tax markings of a Member State already affixed to the stolen products)


    2008/C 051/35

    Case C-408/06: Judgment of the Court (Third Chamber) of 13 December 2007 (reference for a preliminary ruling from the Bundesfinanzhof — Germany) — Landesanstalt für Landwirtschaft v Franz Götz (Sixth VAT Directive — Economic activity — Taxable persons — Bodies governed by public law — Milk-quota sales point — Transactions of agricultural intervention agencies and staff shops — Significant distortions of competition — Geographic market)


    2008/C 051/36

    Case C-436/06: Judgment of the Court (Second Chamber) of 18 December 2007 (Reference for a preliminary ruling from the Finanzgericht Hamburg — Germany) — Per Grønfeldt and Tatiana Grønfeldt v Finanzamt Hamburg — Am Tierpark (Free movement of capital — Taxation — Income tax — National legislation concerning the taxation of profits made from the sale of shareholdings (shares) in limited companies)


    2008/C 051/37

    Case C-463/06: Judgment of the Court (Second Chamber) of 13 December 2007 (reference for a preliminary ruling from the Bundesgerichtshof (Germany)) — FBTO Schadeverzekeringen NV v Jack Odenbreit (Regulation (EC) No 44/2001 — Jurisdiction in matters relating to insurance — Liability insurance — Action brought by the injured party directly against the insurer — Rule of jurisdiction of the courts for the place where the plaintiff is domiciled)


    2008/C 051/38

    Case C-481/06: Judgment of the Court (Eighth Chamber) of 18 December 2007 — Commission of the European Communities v Hellenic Republic (Failure of a Member State to fulfil obligations — Public procurement — Infringement of Article 6(3) of Directive 93/36/EC — General principles of the Treaty — Principle of equal treatment and obligation of transparency — National rules allowing use of the negotiated procedure for public supply contracts relating to certain medical equipment)


    2008/C 051/39

    Case C-526/06: Judgment of the Court (Seventh Chamber) of 13 December 2007 (reference for a preliminary ruling from the Hoge Raad der Nederlanden — The Netherlands) — Staatssecretaris van Financiën v Road Air Logistics Customs BV (Community Customs Code and implementing regulation — Community transit — Offence — Proof of the regularity of the transit operation or of the place of the offence — Failure to grant a period of three months in which to furnish such proof — Repayment of customs duties — Concept of ‘legally owed’)


    2008/C 051/40

    Case C-528/06: Judgment of the Court (Seventh Chamber) of 13 December 2007 — Commission of the European Communities v Kingdom of Belgium (Failure of a Member State to fulfil obligations — Directive 2003/98/EC — Re-use of public sector information — Failure to transpose into national law within the prescribed period)


    2008/C 051/41

    Case C-85/07: Judgment of the Court (Eighth Chamber) of 18 December 2007 — Commission of the European Communities v Italian Republic (Failure of a Member State to fulfil obligations — Directive 2000/60/EC — Articles 5(1) and 15(2) — Community action in the field of water policy — River basin district — Summary report and analyses — Communication thereof — None)


    2008/C 051/42

    Case C-244/07: Judgment of the Court (Sixth Chamber) of 13 December 2007 — Commission of the European Communities v Grand Duchy of Luxembourg (Failure of a Member State to fulfil obligations — Directive 2004/50/EC — Interoperability of the trans-European high-speed rail system and of the trans-European conventional rail system — Failure to transpose within the prescribed period)


    2008/C 051/43

    Case C-257/07: Judgment of the Court (Sixth Chamber) of 18 December 2007 — Commission of the European Communities v Kingdom of Sweden (Failure of a Member State to fulfil its obligations — Directive 2004/17/EC — Coordination of the procurement procedures of entities operating in the water, energy, transport and postal services sectors — Failure to transpose within the period prescribed)


    2008/C 051/44

    Case C-284/07: Judgment of the Court (Seventh Chamber) of 18 December 2007 — Commission of the European Communities v Portuguese Republic (Failure of a Member State to fulfil obligations — Directive 2005/51/EC — Public procurement — Procedures for the award of contracts — Failure to transpose within the prescribed period)


    2008/C 051/45

    Case C-294/07: Judgment of the Court (Seventh Chamber) of 13 December 2007 — Commission of the European Communities v Grand Duchy of Luxembourg (Failure of a Member State to fulfil obligations — Right of citizens of the Union and their family members to move and reside freely within the territory of the Member States — Failure to transpose into national law within the prescribed period)


    2008/C 051/46

    Case C-320/05 P: Order of the Court of 4 October 2007 — Fred Olsen SA v Commission of the European Communities, Kingdom of Spain (Appeal — State aid — Maritime transport — Maritime cabotage — Existing aid — New aid — Aid that may be declared compatible with the common market — Service of general economic interest — Appeal in part manifestly inadmissible and in part manifestly unfounded)


    2008/C 051/47

    Case C-405/06 P: Order of the Court (Seventh Chamber) of 24 September 2007 — Miguel Torres SA v Office for Harmonisation in the Internal Market (Trade Marks and Designs), Bodegas Muga SA (Appeal — Community trade mark — Application for the figurative mark ‘Torre Muga’ — Opposition proceedings — Earlier international and national word mark ‘TORRES’ — Likelihood of confusion — Opposition rejected)


    2008/C 051/48

    Case C-415/06: Order of the Court of 6 November 2007 (reference for a preliminary ruling from the Bundesfinanzhof (Germany)) — Stahlwerk Ergste Westig GmbH v Finanzamt Düsseldorf-Mettmann (First subparagraph of Article 104(3) of the Rules of Procedure — Answer clearly able to be deduced from case-law — Free movement of capital — Taxation on income — Company having permanent establishments in a non-Member State — Account taken of losses incurred by those establishments)


    2008/C 051/49

    Case C-512/06 P: Order of the Court of 26 October 2007 — PTV Planung Transport Verkehr AG v Office for Harmonisation in the Internal Market (Trade Marks and Designs) (Appeal — Community trade mark — Article 7(1)(b) and (c) of Regulation (EC) No 40/94 — Absolute grounds for refusal — Lack of distinctiveness — Word mark ‘map&guide’)


    2008/C 051/50

    Case C-163/07 P: Order of the Court of 27 November 2007 — Diy-Mar Insaat Sanayi ve Ticaret Ltd Sirketi and Musa Akar v Commission of the European Communities (Appeal — Public works contracts — Admissibility — Essential procedural conditions — Mandatory representation of natural or legal persons by a lawyer authorised to practise before a court of a Member State — Appeal clearly unfounded)


    2008/C 051/51

    Case C-238/07 P: Order of the Court of 19 October 2007 — Derya Beyatli v Commission of the European Communities (Appeals — Staff cases — Open competition for citizens of the Republic of Cyprus — Notice of competition — Time-limits — Complaint — Letter addressed to the head of the Commission delegation in Cyprus)


    2008/C 051/52

    Case C-446/07: Reference for a preliminary ruling from the Tribunale civile di Modena (Italy) lodged on 1 October 2007 — Alberto Severi, Cavazzuti e figli v Regione Emilia-Romagna


    2008/C 051/53

    Case C-513/07 P: Appeal brought on 21 November 2007 by AGC Flat Glass Europe SA, formerly Glaverbel SA, against the judgment of the Court of First Instance (Second Chamber) delivered on 12 September 2007 in Case T-141/06: Glaverbel SA v Office for Harmonisation in the Internal Market (Trade Marks and Designs) (OHIM)


    2008/C 051/54

    Case C-514/07 P: Appeal brought on 22 November 2007 by the Kingdom of Sweden to the Court of Justice against the judgment delivered on 12 September 2007 in Case T-36/04: Association de la presse internationale a.s.b.l. (API) v Commission of the European Communities


    2008/C 051/55

    Case C-535/07: Action brought on 30 November 2007 — Commission of the European Communities v Republic of Austria


    2008/C 051/56

    Case C-536/07: Action brought on 30 November 2007 — Commission of the European Communities v Federal Republic of Germany


    2008/C 051/57

    Case C-545/07: Reference for a preliminary ruling from the Sofiyski gradski sad (Bulgaria) lodged on 4 December 2007 — Apis-Hristovich EOOD v Lakorda AD


    2008/C 051/58

    Case C-547/07: Action brought on 7 December 2007 — Commission of the European Communities v Republic of Poland


    2008/C 051/59

    Case C-554/07: Action brought on 11 December 2007 — Commission of the European Communities v Ireland


    2008/C 051/60

    Case C-558/07: Reference for a preliminary ruling from the High Court of Justice (Queen's Bench Division) Administrative Court (United Kingdom) made on 17 December 2007 — The Queen on the application of S.P.C.M. SA, C.H. Erbslöh KG, Lake Chemicals and Minerals Limited, Hercules Incorporated v Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs


    2008/C 051/61

    Case C-563/07: Action brought on 20 December 2007 — Commission of the European Communities v Republic of Malta


    2008/C 051/62

    Case C-11/08: Action brought on 10 January 2008 — Commission of the European Communities v Republic of Malta


    2008/C 051/63

    Case C-269/06: Order of the President of the Fourth Chamber of the Court of 11 December 2007 — Commission of the European Communities v Centre de traduction des organes de l'Union européenne


    2008/C 051/64

    Case C-482/06: Order of the President of the Sixth Chamber of the Court of 20 November 2007 — Commission of the European Communities v Portuguese Republic


    2008/C 051/65

    Case C-30/07: Order of the President of the Eighth Chamber of the Court of 27 November 2007 — Commission of the European Communities v Republic of Hungary


    2008/C 051/66

    Case C-31/07: Order of the President of the Court of 16 November 2007 — Commission of the European Communities v Ireland


    2008/C 051/67

    Case C-190/07: Order of the President of the Court of 20 November 2007 — Commission of the European Communities v Italian Republic


    2008/C 051/68

    Case C-195/07: Order of the President of the Court of 16 November 2007 (Reference for a preliminary ruling from the Zala Megyei Bíróság — Republic of Hungary) — OTP Bank rt and Merlin Gerin Zala kft v Zala Megyei Közigazgatási Hivatal


    2008/C 051/69

    Case C-206/07: Order of the President of the Court of 20 November 2007 — Commission of the European Communities v Portuguese Republic


    2008/C 051/70

    Case C-234/07: Order of the President of the Court of 29 November 2007 — Commission of the European Communities v Portuguese Republic


    2008/C 051/71

    Case C-245/07: Order of the President of the Court of 5 December 2007 — Commission of the European Communities v Federal Republic of Germany


    2008/C 051/72

    Case C-266/07: Order of the President of the Court of 21 November 2007 — Commission of the European Communities v Portuguese Republic


    2008/C 051/73

    Case C-382/07: Order of the President of the Court of 22 November 2007 — Commission of the European Communities v Portuguese Republic


    2008/C 051/74

    Case C-413/07: Order of the President of the Court of 4 December 2007 (Reference for a preliminary ruling from the Landesarbeitsgericht Mecklenburg-Vorpommern — Germany) — Kathrin Haase, Adolf Oberdorfer, Doreen Kielon, Peter Schulze, Peter Kliem, Dietmar Bössow, Helge Riedel, André Richter, Andreas Schneider v Superfast Ferries SA, Superfast OKTO Maritime Company, Baltic SF VIII LTD



    Court of First Instance

    2008/C 051/75

    Case T-9/05: Judgment of the Court of First Instance of 15 January 2008 — Hoya v OHIM — Indo (AMPLITUDE) (Community trade mark — Opposition proceedings — Application for the Community word mark AMPLITUDE — Earlier national figurative mark AMPLY — Relative ground for refusal — Likelihood of confusion — Article 8(1)(b) of Regulation (EC) No 40/94)


    2008/C 051/76

    Case T-306/05: Judgment of the Court of First Instance (First Chamber) of 16 January 2008 — Scippacercola and Terezakis v Commission (Competition — Abuse of dominant position — Allegation of excessive charges applied by the operator of Athens International Airport — Rejection of the complaint — No Community interest)


    2008/C 051/77

    Case T-112/06: Judgment of the Court of First Instance of 16 January 2008 — Inter-Ikea OHIM — Waibel (idea) (Community trade mark — Invalidity proceedings — Community figurative mark ‘idea’ — Earlier Community and national figurative and word marks ‘IKEA’ — Relative ground for invalidity — No likelihood of confusion — Article 8(1)(b) and Article 52(1)(a) of Regulation (EC) No 40/94)


    2008/C 051/78

    Case T-109/06: Order of the Court of First Instance of 12 December 2007 — Vodafone España and Vodafone Group v Commission (Action for annulment — Directive 2002/21/EC — Commission's letter of comments — Article 7 of Directive 2002/21 — Act not amenable to review — Applicant not affected directly — Inadmissibility)


    2008/C 051/79

    Case T-156/06: Order of the Court of First Instance of 11 December 2007 — Regione Siciliana v Commission of the European Communities (European Social Fund (ESF) — Reduction in Community assistance initially granted — Action for annulment — Regional or local entity — Lack of direct effect — Inadmissibility)


    2008/C 051/80

    Case T-215/07: Order of the Court of First Instance of 13 December 2007 — Beniamino Donnici v European Parliament (Disclaimer of jurisdiction)


    2008/C 051/81

    Case T-367/07 R: Order of the President of the Court of First Instance of 17 December 2007 — Dow AgroSciences and Others v Commission (Application for interim relief — Directive 91/414/EEC — Application for suspension of operation of a measure — Admissibility — No urgency)


    2008/C 051/82

    Case T-387/07 R: Order of the President of the Court of First Instance of 14 December 2007 — Portuguese Republic v Commission of the European Communities (Interim measures — Reduction of assistance — Application to suspend operation Lack of urgency)


    2008/C 051/83

    Case T-448/07: Action brought on 7 December 2007 — YKK and Others v Commission


    2008/C 051/84

    Case T-452/07: Action brought on 7 December 2007 — Ecolean Research & Development v OHIM


    2008/C 051/85

    Case T-454/07: Action brought on 7 December 2007 — Prym and Others v Commission


    2008/C 051/86

    Case T-455/07: Action brought on 14 December 2007 — Centre d'Etude et de Valorisation des Algues v Commission of the European Communities


    2008/C 051/87

    Case T-457/07: Action brought on 10 December 2007 — Evropaïki Dynamiki v EFSA


    2008/C 051/88

    Case T-458/07: Action brought on 17 December 2007 — Dominio de la Vega v OHIM — Ambrosio Velasco (DOMINIO DE LA VEGA)


    2008/C 051/89

    Case T-459/07: Action brought on 17 December 2007 — Hangzhou Duralamp Electronics v Council


    2008/C 051/90

    Case T-460/07: Action brought on 18 December 2007 — Nokia v OHIM — Medion (LIFE BLOG)


    2008/C 051/91

    Case T-461/07: Action brought on 19 December 2007 — Visa Europe and Visa International Service Association v Commission


    2008/C 051/92

    Case T-462/07: Action brought on 19 December 2007 — GALP Energia España and Others v Commission


    2008/C 051/93

    Case T-463/07: Action brought on 12 December 2007 — Italy v Commission


    2008/C 051/94

    Case T-464/07: Action brought on 19 December 2007 — Korsch AG v OHIM (PharmaResearch)


    2008/C 051/95

    Case T-466/07: Action brought on 25 December 2007 — Osram v Council


    2008/C 051/96

    Case T-467/07: Action brought on 21 December 2007 — Du Pont de Nemours (France) and Others v Commission


    2008/C 051/97

    Case T-469/07: Action brought on 21 December 2007 — Philips Lighting Poland and Philips Lighting v Council


    2008/C 051/98

    Case T-471/07: Action brought on 21 December 2007 — Wella v OHIM (TAME IT)


    2008/C 051/99

    Case T-475/07: Action brought on 21 December 2007 — Dow AgroSciences and Others v Commission


    2008/C 051/00

    Case T-476/07: Action brought on 13 December 2007 — Evropaïki Dynamiki v Frontex


    2008/C 051/01

    Case T-482/07: Action brought on 20 December 2007 — Nynäs Petroleum and Nynas Petróleo v Commission


    2008/C 051/02

    Case T-483/07: Action brought on 22 December 2007 — Romania v Commission of the European Communities


    2008/C 051/03

    Case T-484/07: Action brought on 22 December 2007 — Romania v Commission of the European Communities


    2008/C 051/04

    Case T-485/07: Action brought on 21 December 2007 — Olive Line International v OHIM — Knopf (o-live)


    2008/C 051/05

    Case T-486/07: Action brought on 21 December 2007 — Ford Motor v OHIM — Alkar Automotive (CA)


    2008/C 051/06

    Case T-487/07: Action brought on 21 December 2007 — Imperial Chemical Industries v OHIM (FACTORY FINISH)


    2008/C 051/07

    Case T-493/07: Action brought on 28 December 2007 — GlaxoSmithKline v OHIM — Serono Genetics Institute (FAMOXIN)


    2008/C 051/08

    Case T-502/07: Action brought on 31 December 2007 — IIC-Intersport International Corporation v OHIM — McKenzie Corporation (McKENZIE)


    2008/C 051/09

    Case T-159/06: Order of the Court of First Instance of 13 December 2007 — Estancia Piedra v OHIM — Franciscan Vineyards (ESTANCIA PIEDRA)


    2008/C 051/10

    Case T-160/06: Order of the Court of First Instance of 13 December 2007 — Estancia Piedra v OHIM — Franciscan Vineyards (ESTANCIA PIEDRA)


    2008/C 051/11

    Case T-202/06: Order of the Court of First Instance of 13 December 2007 — Select Appointments v OHIM — Manpower (TELESELECT)


    2008/C 051/12

    Case T-182/07: Order of the Court of First Instance of 13 December 2007 — Borco-Marken-Import Matthiesen v OHIM — Tequilas del Señor (TEQUILA GOLD Sombrero Negro)



    European Union Civil Service Tribunal

    2008/C 051/13

    Case F-131/06: Order of the Civil Service Tribunal (First Chamber) of 14 December 2007 — Steinmetz v Commission (Staff cases — Officials — Amicable settlement — Performance of an agreement — Refusal to reimburse expenditure in connection with a mission — Manifest inadmissibility — No legal interest in bringing proceedings — Apportioning costs — Unreasonable and vexatious costs)


    2008/C 051/14

    Case F-20/07: Order of the Civil Service Tribunal (First Chamber) of 19 December 2007 — Marcuccio v Commission (Staff cases — Officials — Social security — Sickness insurance — Repayment of medical expenses — Express rejection of the application)


    2008/C 051/15

    Case F-21/07: Order of the Civil Service Tribunal (First Chamber) of 14 December 2007 — Marcuccio v Commission (Staff cases — Officials — Action for damages — Allegedly unlawful processing of medical information — Inadmissibility — Failure to bring a claim for damages within a reasonable time)



