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Document 92002E002957

WRITTEN QUESTION P-2957/02 by Giovanni Procacci (ELDR) to the Commission. Regulation (EC) No 1019/2002 concerning the labelling of olive oil.

OJ C 110E, 8.5.2003, p. 134–135 (ES, DA, DE, EL, EN, FR, IT, NL, PT, FI, SV)

European Parliament's website


WRITTEN QUESTION P-2957/02 by Giovanni Procacci (ELDR) to the Commission. Regulation (EC) No 1019/2002 concerning the labelling of olive oil.

Official Journal 110 E , 08/05/2003 P. 0134 - 0135


by Giovanni Procacci (ELDR) to the Commission

(15 October 2002)

Subject: Regulation (EC) No 1019/2002 concerning the labelling of olive oil

The aim of Commission Regulation (EC) 1019/2002(1) of 13 June 2002 on marketing standards for olive oil is to regulate the designation of origin, sale, blending and new classification of olive oil. The entry into force of the Regulation is scheduled for 1 November 2002, with a derogation until 1 November 2003 in respect of labelling and the description of blends.

Since Union policy devotes more and more care to product quality and consumer protection, ensured mainly by accurate information, can the Commission say why it is postponing the entry into force of precisely those provisions of the Regulation which make it possible to ascertain the oil's origin and thereby prevent the counterfeiting of products.

Although the derogation will allow producers time to adapt to the new rules on labelling, it is incomprehensible that the Commission should allow the marketing, after 1 November 2003, of products which are packaged before that date and hence will not comply with the new legislation.

Can the Commission also say what it intends to do to improve the systems for monitoring production and marketing which, if not tightened up, will nullify the efforts made to obtain a quality product?

(1) OJ L 155, 14.6.2002, p. 27.

Answer given by Mr Fischler on behalf of the Commission

(31 October 2002)

Article 12 of Commission Regulation (EC) No 1019/2002 of 13 June 2002 on marketing standards for olive oil(1) makes the Regulation applicable from 1 November 2002,

with certain exceptions:

- products marketed before 1 August 2002 can be sold until their use-by date

- Article 3 (additional information on category), Article 5 (optional indications) and Article 6 (labelling of mixtures of oils and of foodstuffs in olive oil) apply from 1 November 2003.

Article 4 on indication of origin on labels was in fact applicable from 1 July 2002. It takes over without alteration and hence ensures the continuity of the arrangements already introduced by Commission Regulation (EC) No 2815/1998 of 22 December 1998 concerning marketing standards for olive oil(2).

In response to requests from within the sector the Commission is looking into the advisability of amending Article 12 of Regulation (EC) No 1019/2002 so as to extend the deadline for compliance with Article 2 on requirements pertaining to direct sale of olive oil by producers to consumers and grant an additional period for using up the labels in stock.

Lastly, the Honourable Member is informed that the Commission continues its policy of stepping up the policing that already exists based on estimation of the yields of the homogeneous zones, establishment of the geographical information system for olive cultivation and exclusion of production from new plantings, in the aim of obtaining the best picture of the true production of mills. The purpose of these measures and of the important changes introduced in the marketing standards Regulation is to reduce the scope for fraud and improve the quality of the olive oil sold to the final consumer.

(1) OJ L 155, 14.6.2002.

(2) OJ L 349, 24.12.1998.
