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Document 92002E002501

WRITTEN QUESTION E-2501/02 by Francesco Musotto (PPE-DE) to the Commission. Crisis affecting durum wheat producers in the commune of Raddusa.

OJ C 110E, 8.5.2003, p. 61–62 (ES, DA, DE, EL, EN, FR, IT, NL, PT, FI, SV)

European Parliament's website


WRITTEN QUESTION E-2501/02 by Francesco Musotto (PPE-DE) to the Commission. Crisis affecting durum wheat producers in the commune of Raddusa.

Official Journal 110 E , 08/05/2003 P. 0061 - 0062


by Francesco Musotto (PPE-DE) to the Commission

(9 September 2002)

Subject: Crisis affecting durum wheat producers in the commune of Raddusa

Raddusa in the province of Catania has for centuries depended on agriculture for its livelihood, mainly cereal production (the area specialises in growing durum wheat).

Because of the EU policy of reealigning prices farmers have seen a significant reduction in their incomes. In view of this the EU has introduced compensatory payments for durum wheat producers (income support).

In view of the fact that there have been a series of disastrous events (in particular drought) over the last few years, which have jeopardised harvests and brought the Sicilian economy to its knees, the only means of subsistence for farmers has been, precisely, EU income support, minimal though it is. In view of the situation outlined above, it is clear how important supplementary aid is for farmers.

Can the Commission say whether it intends to reduce by 27 % the supplementary payment to farmers, which would thus fall from the present EUR 344,5 per hectare to EUR 250 per hectare?

Answer given by Mr Fischler on behalf of the Commission

(9 October 2002)

The Honourable Member will certainly be aware of the Court of Auditors' recommendations in its 1997 report and of the assessment made by independent experts who examined the effectiveness of the support granted for durum wheat following the 1992 reform. The Commission took both of these into consideration in its mid-term review(1), which proposes a reduction from EUR 344,5 to EUR 250 per hectare (over a three-year period) in the supplementary compensatory payment to durum wheat growers in traditional areas.

To promote quality production a new aid of EUR 15 per tonne is also proposed for durum wheat for industrial processing grown under a sale contract requiring observance of certain quality standards.

As far as disastrous events (drought) are concerned, the Honourable Member should note that the supplementary durum wheat aid of EUR 250/ha will count for the purpose of calculating the single decoupled aid to be paid to farmers. This will ensure them greater flexibility of resources when events of this type occur.

In addition, following the exceptional drought in the Mezzogiorno, Sardinia and Sicily the Commission this summer authorised Italy to pay in advance (from 26 August 2002) a maximum of 50 % of the 2002/03 area aid payments for arable crops, the durum wheat supplement included.

(1) COM(2002) 394 final.
