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Document 91998E002456

WRITTEN QUESTION No. 2456/98 by Leonie van BLADEL , James JANSSEN van RAAY to the Council. Threats against white Dutch nationals in Surinam

OJ C 118, 29.4.1999, p. 82 (ES, DA, DE, EL, EN, FR, IT, NL, PT, FI, SV)

European Parliament's website


WRITTEN QUESTION No. 2456/98 by Leonie van BLADEL , James JANSSEN van RAAY to the Council. Threats against white Dutch nationals in Surinam

Official Journal C 118 , 29/04/1999 P. 0082


by Leonie van Bladel (UPE) and James Janssen van Raay (UPE) to the Council

(30 July 1998)

Subject: Threats against white Dutch nationals in Surinam

1. Today's edition of "Weekkrant Suriname" (Suriname Weekly News) carries a report that, when the ex-dictator and current national adviser of Suriname, Desi Bouterse - a man suspected by the Netherlands judicial authorities of being a large-scale international drugs dealer - was arrested, it was said that no white Dutch national was now safe in Suriname. What consequences does the Council expect that threat to have?

2. Is the Council aware that that threat, made by a staff member of the NDP, the political party of which Bouterse is President, might seriously damage relations between Suriname and the European Union?

3. Is the Council prepared to call on the Commission to carry out a detailed review of relations with Suriname, with particular regard to aid projects involving funds from the European Union, now that it is clear that the constitutional state of Suriname is dominated by a man suspected of being a large-scale international drugs dealer?


(7 December 1998)

The Council has not discussed the matters raised by the Honourable Member.
