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Document 51994PC0068(17)

    Proposal for a COUNCIL DECISION adopting a specific research and development programme to be carried out for the European Community, - on the one hand, by means of direct action (JRC), - and on the other, by means of activities within the framework of a competititive approach and intended for scientific and technical support to Community policies (1995- 98)

    /* COM/94/68 final - CNS 94/0095 */

    OJ C 228, 17.8.1994, p. 219–231 (ES, DA, DE, EL, EN, FR, IT, NL, PT)


    Proposal for a COUNCIL DECISION adopting a specific research and development programme to be carried out for the European Community, - on the one hand, by means of direct action (JRC), - and on the other, by means of activities within the framework of a competititive approach and intended for scientific and technical support to Community policies (1995- 98) /* COM/94/68FINAL - CNS 94/0095 */

    Official Journal C 228 , 17/08/1994 P. 0219

    Proposal for a Council Decision adopting a specific research and development programme to be carried out for the European Community, - on the one hand, by means of direct action (JRC), - and on the other, by means of activities within the framework of a competitive approach and intended for scientific and technical support to Community policies (1995-1998) (94/C 228/17) (Text with EEA relevance) COM(94) 68 final - 94/0095(CNS)

    (Submitted by the Commission on 30 March 1994)


    Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Community, and in particular Article 130 I, paragraph (4) thereof,

    Having regard to the proposal from the Commission,

    Having regard to the opinion of the European Parliament,

    Having regard to the opinion of the Economic and Social Committee,

    Whereas, by Decision . . ./. . ./EC, the Council and the European Parliament adopted a Fourth Framework Programme of Community activities in the field of research, technological development and demonstration (hereinafter referred to as 'RTD') for the 1994-1998 period, defining the activities to be carried out by means of direct action, on the one hand, and, on the other hand, by means of activities within the framework of a competitive approach and intended for scientific and technical support to Community policies; whereas this Decision is taken in the light of the grounds set out in the preamble to that Decision;

    Whereas Article 130 I, paragraph (3) of the Treaty provides that the Framework Programme is to be implemented through Specific Programmes developed within each of the activities of which it is composed; whereas each Specific Programme lays down the detailed rules for its implementation, specifies its duration and provides for the funds deemed necessary;

    Whereas the RTD activities carried out by means of direct action are conducted by the JRC; whereas these activities consist of institutional research and scientific and technical support activities;

    Whereas the Commission may undertake activities for the scientific and technical support of Community policies which come within the framework of a competitive approach;

    Whereas it is necessary, in accordance with Article 130 I, paragraph 3 of the Treaty to estimate the funds required for the implementation of the direct action to be conducted through this Specific Programme; whereas the final amounts are adopted by the budgetary authority;

    Whereas Decision . . ./. . ./EC provides that the maximum overall amount for the Framework Programme is to be reviewed no later than 30 June 1996 with a view to its being increased; whereas, as a result of that review, the amount deemed necessary for implementation of this programme might increase;

    Whereas it is desirable, in the context of this programme, to have an evaluation carried out of the social and economic impact and of any technological risks;

    Whereas there should be continual and systematic monitoring of progress on the implementation of this programme with a view to adapting it, if necessary, to scientific and technological developments;

    Whereas the content of the Fourth Framework Programme for Community RTD activities has been defined in accordance with the principle of subsidiarity; whereas this Specific Programme defines the content of the activities to be carried out in accordance with that principle by way of direct actions and activities within the framework of a competitive approach and intended for scientific and technical support to Community policies;

    Whereas Decision . . ./. . ./EC provides that Community action is justified if inter alia the research contributes to strengthening the economic and social cohesion of the Community and to promoting its harmonious overall development, while complying with the objective of scientific and technical quality; whereas this programme is deemed to contribute to the attainment of those objectives;

    Whereas the JRC is called upon to contribute to the implementation of the Framework Programme through RTD activities for which it has special, if not unique, capabilities and installations and by providing the scientific and technical support needed for the formulation and implementation of Community policies and the tasks assigned to the Commission under the Treaty requiring the impartiality of the Centre; whereas that contribution should be an integral part of a long-term strategy which will lead to the JRC playing a significant role in the field of European scientific cooperation;

    Whereas, as part of the direct action, the research activities must be carried out in such a way as to ensure their complementarity with the corresponding indirect action;

    Whereas, as part of the direct action, the scientific and technical activities to support Community policies should remain consistent with the requirements of these policies for the duration of the implementation of this programme;

    Whereas the JRC may also take part in the indirect action carried out under the other specific programmes in the same way as third parties situated in a Member State or an associated State;

    Whereas the JRC may also take part, on a competitive basis, in any other activity implemented by the Community and carry out research on behalf of third parties;

    Whereas exploratory research should be encouraged;

    Whereas the JRC may contribute to the alignment of national, Community and European research activities, including Eureka; whereas, closely involved in the formulation and implementation of Community policies, it may, in the scientific and technical sectors in which it has expertise, play a leading role, be a focal point for networks involving public and private laboratories in the Member States and serve as a centre of gravity for European research consortia in specific fields;

    Whereas the JRC may contribute to the implementation of such activities, in particular in the fields of information and communications technologies, industrial technologies, the environment, the life sciences and technologies, energy, targeted socio-economic research, the dissemination and utilization of the results of the research activities, and technology transfer;

    Whereas it is necessary to continue widening the scientific and technological bases of European industry in order to encourage its international competitiveness; whereas it is therefore necessary to promote the prenormative research activities consideed to be necessary under other Community policies;

    Whereas the JRC may contribute, through its activities in respect of consumer protection and the environment, to meeting social needs and requirements concerning the quality of life;

    Whereas Article 130 F of the Treaty provides that it is necessary to promote the research activities needed for the preparation and implementation of other Community policies; whereas the JRC is called upon to contribute to this through its institutional support activities for which its impartiality is necessary;

    Whereas it is necessary to strengthen the economic and social cohesion of the Community and to promote its harmonious overall development, while complying with the objective of scientific and technical excellence; whereas it is also necessary to strengthen the synergy between research activities and the action of the Community itself through Structural Funds; whereas the activities carried out by the JRC should help to achieve these objectives;

    Whereas the JRC should be better integrated into networks or consortia with partners in all the Member States, in both its institutional and its competitive activities; whereas the JRC should, in particular, play a leading role in improving links between research laboratories and institutions in all regions of the Community;

    Whereas account should be taken of the fact that the EFTA Member States which are parties to the EEA Agreement may participate fully in this specific programme;

    Whereas, in the implementation of this programme, international cooperation activities may, in accordance with Article 130 M of the Treaty, also prove to be useful with other third countries and international organizations;

    Whereas, with this in mind, the JRC should establish preferential links with public and private bodies and undertakings established in third countries, in particular European third countries; Whereas the implementation of this programme also includes activities concerning the dissemination and utilization of RTD results, in particular for the use of small and medium-sized enterprises, and activities to encourage the mobility and training of scientists;

    Whereas there should be an independent evaluation, in good time, of progress with the institutional research activities in order to provide the background information required for determination of the objectives of the Fifth RTD Framework Programme; whereas, lastly, it is necessary, under that programme, to carry out a final evaluation of the results obtained in the light of the objective set out in this Decision;

    Whereas the Board of Governors of the JRC plays an important role in the operation of the Centre and in the implementation of its activities.

    Whereas, within the framework of the support activities needed for the implementation of other Community policies, use will be made, on a competitive basis, of bodies situated in the Member States or the JRC;

    Whereas the objective of these activities is to meet requirements which arise during the implementation of Community policies; whereas, therefore, the Commission must be able to take the action needed to adjust or supplement them;

    Whereas, to this end, detailed rules concerning responsibility and the grant of funds provided for these activities must be laid down in the light of the Community policy concerned.

    Whereas the Scientific and Technical Research Committee (CREST) has been consulted,


    Article 1

    A Specific Programme of research and technological development activities to be carried out

    - on the one hand, by means of direct action and

    - on the other, by means of activities suited to a competitive approach and intended for scientific and technical support to Community policies

    is hereby adopted for the period 1 January 1995 to 31 December 1998.

    Section I - Direct action

    Article 2

    The Commission, assisted by the Board of Governors of the JRC (hereinafter referred to as the 'Board of Governors'), shall be responsible for the implementation of the direct action and, to this end, shall call upon the services of the JRC.

    Article 3

    1. The direct action consists of institutional research activities and institutional scientific and technical support activities;

    2. The institutional research activities, as defined in Annex IA, are those for which the JRC has special, if not unique, capabilities, and which contribute to the RTD policy of the Union. They shall be carried out in such a way as to ensure their complementarity with the corresponding indirect action contained in the other Specific Programmes of the Fourth Framework Programme.

    3. The institutional scientific and technical support activities, as defined in Annex IB, are the activities needed for the formulation and implementation of other Community policies and the tasks assigned to the Commission under the Treaty and requiring the impartiality of the JRC.

    Article 4

    1. The JRC shall participate in the implementation of Community action on research, technological development and demonstration in the fields of information and communications technology, industrial technologies, the environment, the life sciences and technologies, energy and targeted socio-economic research and through its exploratory research activities.

    2. It shall also participate in the implementation of Community action on the dissemination and utilization of the results of Community research, technological development and demonstration activities.

    3. It shall also contribute to the implementation of Community research, technological development and demonstration activities through its participation in the indirect action implemented under the other specific programmes in cooperation with one or more partners situated in a Member State.

    4. The JRC shall participate in the implementation of Community research and technological development and demonstration activities through its involvement in networks or consortia with partners in all of the Member States. It shall endeavour, in particular, to improve links between the research laboratories and institutions in all regions of the Community.

    Article 5

    1. The amount deemed necessary for the implementation of the JRC activities under this programme is 600 million ECU.

    2. An indicative breakdown of the amount is given in Annex II.

    3. The amount deemed necessary, as indicated above, for implementing the programme may increase pursuant to and in conformity with the Decision referred to in Article 1, paragraph 3 of Decision . . ./. . ./EC.

    4. The budgetary authority shall determine the appropriation available for each financial year in compliance with the scientific and technological priorities laid down by the Fourth Framework Programme.

    Article 6

    The detailed rules for implementing the direct action are defined in Annex III.

    Article 7

    1. The Commission, assisted by the Board of Governors, shall continually and systematically monitor progress on the implementation of the direct action in relation to the objectives set out in Annex I. It shall assess in particular whether the objectives, priorities and financial resources are still appropriate to the changing situation. It shall, if appropriate, submit proposals to adapt or supplement these programmes depending on the results of the monitoring process and, with regard to the activities for the scientific and technical support of Community policies, take the necessary action to ensure that these are consistent with the requirements of these policies.

    2. The Commission shall each year before 15 April submit to the European Parliament, the Council and the Econonic and Social Committee a report on the implementation of this Decision. This report shall be accompanied by the observations of the Board of Governors. The latter may also submit, through the Commission, to the European Parliament, the Council and the Economic and Social Committee a separate report on any aspect of the implementation of this Decision.

    3. In order to contribute to the overall evaluation of the Community activities provided for in Article 4.2 of the Decision adopting the Framework Programme, the Commission, after consulting the Board of Governors, shall, in good time, instruct independent experts to conduct an evaluation of the research activities and their management conducted by the JRC under this programme.

    4. At the end of this programme, the Commission, after consulting the Board of Governors, shall instruct independent experts to conduct a final evaluation of the results achieved compared with the objectives set out in Annex III to the Framework Programme and Annex I to this Decision. The final evaluation report shall be forwarded to the Council, the European Parliament and the Economic and Social Committee.

    Article 8

    The Commission shall ensure, in cooperation with the Board of Governors, that there is systematic consultation with the programme committees concerned to ensure close coordination between the indirect action, the corresponding national activities and the institutional research activities of the JRC in the same fields and to guarantee a coherent approach.

    Article 9

    1. The Commission is authorized, in accordance with Article 228, paragraph 1 of the Treaty, to negotiate international agreements with third countries, in particular European third countries, not covered by the EEA Agreement, and with international organizations situated in Europe, with a view to associating them with the JRC activities.

    2. The Commission, assisted by the Board of Governors may, on the basis of the criterion of mutual benefit, request the JRC to execute projects with bodies and undertakings established in third countries, in particular European third countries, in the context of the Specific Programmes carried out by the JRC.

    Section II. Activities within the framework of a competitive approach and intended for scientific and technical support to Community policies

    Article 10

    The Commission may carry out scientific and technical support for Community policies with the aid of activities within the framework of a competitive approach.

    Article 11

    The scientific and technical support activities defined in Annex IV are intended for the implementation of other Community policies. These activities come within the framework of a competitive approach.

    Article 12

    1. The amount deemed necessary for the implementation of the activities covered by this section is 128 million ECU.

    2. An indicative breakdown of the amount between the first and third activities under the Framework Programme is given in Annex V.

    3. The amount deemed necessary, as indicated above, for implementing the programme may increase pursuant to and in conformity with the Decision referred to in Article 1, paragraph 3 of Decision . . ./. . ./EC.

    4. The budgetary authority shall determine the appropriations available for each financial year in compliance with the scientific and technological priorities laid down by the Fourth Framework Programme and described in detail in this programme.

    Article 13

    The detailed rules for implementing the competitive support activities covered by the present Section are defined in Annex VI.

    Article 14

    The Commission shall continuously and systematically monitor progress with this section of the programme in relation to the requirements of Community policies. It shall in particular assess whether the objectives, priorities and financial resources are still appropriate. It shall, where appropriate, take action to adapt or supplement these activities depending on the results of this monitoring process.

    Article 15

    This Decision is addressed to the Member States.



    This Specific Programme fully reflects the broad lines of the Framework Programme, applies the selection criteria and spells out the objectives.

    Paragraphs 1C, 2B, 3A, 3B, 4C, 5 and 7A of Annex III (first activity) of the Framework Programme are the basis of the objectives of this programme.

    The Joint Research Centre (JRC) will conduct strategic and applied research. It will therefore be an integral part of European science and technology. The JRC will also contribute to the establishment of the scientific and technical bases needed for the formulation and implementation of various Community policies.

    In line with the priorities defined in the White Paper 'Growth, Competitivity, Employment' in the research field, the scientific and technical activities carried out by the JRC should meet the needs of the Community as a whole, its institutions and Member States with the objectives of:

    - helping to strengthen the scientific and technological basis of European industry and to encourage the development of its international competitiveness;

    - providing the independent scientific expertise necessary for the implementation of Community policies and the tasks which the Treaty assigns to the Commission;

    - providing scientific and technical services to Community institutions and making JRC capabilities and scientific and technical installations available to public and private bodies;

    - contributing to the improvement of public safety aspects of new technologies;

    - contributing to the improvement of environmental impact assessment and protection;

    - contributing to the reduction of scientific and technological disparities between Member States.

    The European dimension of its research must remain one of the fundamental strengths of the JRC. Its activity should be characterized by a multidisciplinary approach based on the broad span of its capabilities. This multidisciplinarity is reflected in the choice of subjects covered by its institutes, thus ensuring its ability to meet new challenges as they arise.

    Thanks to its capabilities and its involvement in the formulation and implementation of Community policies, the JRC will contribute to the integration of national, Community and European activities. Thus it will participate in networks of public and private laboratories in the Member States or European research consortia, and may be the focal point of such networks in its areas of expertise. It will furthermore participate in relevant Eureka projects.

    This large exposure should not, however, lead to an excessive dispersion of the activities undertaken. Without ignoring the expectations of its customers, the Centre and its management must have clear views on the proper scientific and technical policy for the JRC and be able to maintain a balance in order to ensure that the activities and contracts which are accepted can be executed at all times with the requisite level of competence, both qualitatively and quantitatively.

    Against this background, it should also be pointed out that some activities are horizontal: those concerning environmental protection may appear in fields other than that headed 'Environment'. The same applies, for example, to activities concerning the working environment.

    The work to be carried out by the JRC falls into two categories:

    - institutional research activities;

    - institutional, scientific and technical activities in support of Community policies.


    These research, technological development and demonstration activities for which the JRC has special, if not unique, expertise and installations in the Community will contribute to the Community research policy.

    Industrial technologies

    The contribution of the JRC to this sector is aimed at improving the competitiveness of European industry, conducted in close coordination with the corresponding shared-cost action programmes. It will focus on prenormative research which, save exceptions, will be undertaken within the framework of networks of European bodies with interests and capabilities in this type of research and in association with standards organizations, in particular the European Committee for Standardization (CEN). This will guarantee that the overall requirements of industry are taken into account from the start.

    Line 4: Industrial technologies and materials technologies

    Research into materials will be directed mainly at the following sectors, which have a prenormative dimension and good potential as enabling technologies, with an emphasis on clean technologies:

    - ceramics, metals and composite materials: process development, study of interfaces and joints, improvement of technological properties, characterization and demonstration;

    - surface modification and characterization technology: ion implantation and laser beam, protective coating, non-destructive evaluation methods;

    - prenormative research leading to standards on material recyclability, including the development of a database on recyclable materials (ecological characteristics and estimation of useful life).

    This research is aimed at acquiring, in close cooperation with the national laboratories concerned, the scientific knowledge necessary for these materials to be used industrially, and to provide the standards bodies with knowledge which is essential for standardization in this field.

    Line 5: Measurements and testing

    These activities are directly related to standardization and include:

    (a) Prenormative research on reference materials and prenormative and normative research on reference measurement, in particular in the following sectors:

    - preparation, characterization and certification of high-quality reference materials. International intercomparison exercises will be used to ensure adequate quality assurance and to facilitate harmonization;

    - establishment of a common scientific basis for the chemical reference measurements;

    - measurements and evaluation of basic data, improvement of their quality and accuracy using the experimental installations available and by making use of European and international collaboration, in particular through networks.

    The distribution of reference materials produced within a Community framework is assured by the Institute for Reference Materials and Measurements (IRMM). The results achieved by IRMM in establishing extremely accurate measurements have won it recognition as a reference centre. Intercalibration campaigns conducted by the IRMM among the network of all interested laboratories in the Community will provide each laboratory with an impartial and reliable evaluation of the quality of its own measurements. This activity will be extended on request to any third country laboratory, on payment of a fair fee.

    (b) Prenormative research in the field of structural safety and reliability to improve the design specifications of civil engineering works for the development of standards (Eurocodes), in particular, by taking into account earthquakes, and the construction technologies of European industry. This research will continue to be conducted with the organizations in the Member States which have been grouped together since 1989 in the European Association of Structural Mechanics Laboratories. In order to carry out destructive dynamic tests on civil engineering works and industrial structures made of steel, concrete, brickwork and composite materials, the JRC has constructed the ELSA ('European Laboratory for Structural Assessment') test wall and the LDTF ('Large Dynamic Test Facility'), which are unique in Europe.

    Furthermore, the development of non-destructive evaluation techniques to study the reliability and useful life of mechanical constructions will continue with a view to the development of component inspection techniques and the harmonization of qualification procedures. This research will continue to be conducted in the framework of the laboratory networks which have existed for a number of years, which will be gradually enlarged in line with needs.


    Line 6: Environment and climate

    The JRC will contribute to the promotion of environmental protection in close cooperation with the corresponding shared-cost action programme and through the following three sectors:

    - Natural environment, environmental quality and global change

    - Technologies for the environment

    - Applied space techniques for environmental monitoring and research.

    The European Community should make a major contribution to international research into global change, in particular by participating in major initiatives undertaken by the scientific community, such as the International Geosphere Biosphere Programme (IGBP) - the activities of the European IGAC (International Global Atmosphere Chemistry) Project Office (EIPO) will be continued at Ispra for IGBP - the World Climate Research Programme (WCRP) and the Human Dimension Programme (HDP).

    In this context, the Joint Research Centre will concentrate its research on:

    - the surveillance and study - particularly using remote sensing technology - of biosphere-atmosphere interactions and interactions between the processes taking place on land and in the ocean and the related parameters affecting climate change;

    - physical and chemical analyses of atmospheric processes (in particular the study of sulphur in the atmosphere), including the behaviour of biogenic and anthropogenic emissions. This should include both measurements and modelling;

    - the surveillance of global change by remote sensing through the development of advanced Earth observation techniques. This should include research into the development of techniques for using space data obtained from satellite observation for the surveillance of the marine environment and of changes in the terrestrial ecosystem. A number of advanced techniques (including those of a statistical nature) for using the new Earth observation system should also be developed.

    In addition the JRC will make a significant contribution to the implementation of the Centre for Earth Observation (CEO).

    The scientific community and decision-makers need accurate and consistent Earth observation data spanning a long period. To meet this urgent need, the European Community should set up the Centre for Earth Observation in close cooperation with the Member States and in association with the European Space Agency. This project is designed to guarantee users continuous and long-term availability of consistent data relating to Earth observation. It will set up a decentralized network of interested European bodies and thus bring users, the bodies responsible for thematic analysis and data-processing centres together in a single forum. The role of focal point of such a network should be performed by the JRC, while the programmes of shared-cost action will provide support for the national components of the network.

    The JRC will also contribute to the Enrich network by making its scientific research on global change available.

    The JRC will continue to contribute to improving environmental quality, mainly through research on air and water quality and the evaluation of the risks arising from chemical products and waste. Research into air quality inside buildings will also be continued, as will the study of pollution caused by metals in trace quantities.

    Research into innovative technologies for environmental protection will aim to:

    - improve industrial safety and environmental management by providing industry, research bodies and the public authorities with innovative methodologies (in particular design tools) for evaluation of the safety of chemical installations;

    - developing mechanisms for the control of chemical reactions which might become uncontrollable, tools for predicting the dispersion of toxic or flammable products and the consequences of combustion and explosion.

    Line 11: Non-nuclear energy

    The JRC will contribute to the development of technologies for cleaner and more efficient use of energy through prenormative research, with the emphasis on environmental aspects, in the following sectors and in close cooperation with the corresponding shared-cost action programme:

    - photovoltaic energy: the activities will include component tests and studies on the design and control of large-capacity systems. The research will be based on the use of the ESTI ('European Solar Testing Installation') of the JRC and on networks with partners in the Member States. Basic scientific research into energy savings will be continued;

    - materials for clean technologies: research will cover the development of materials for clean technologies such as long-lived catalyst supports for emission control, nanoporous ceramic membrances for advanced ceramic filters, ceramic alloys and composite materials for high-temperature applications (turbines and heat exchangers).

    Line 13: Targeted socio-economic research

    The European Science and Technology Observatory (ESTO) of the JRC's Institute for Prospective Technologies will provide an information service on progress in science and technology and ensure surveillance of scientific developments and technological innovation.

    In order to improve communications and to avoid duplication of effort, the Observatory will work in close cooperation with Eurostat and establish close links with European organizations and the OECD, but also with ESA, CERN, Eureka, etc. Its activities will be conducted in close cooperation with those foreseen under the heading for the corresponding shared-cost action programme.

    It will act within the ETAN network, whose creation is foreseen in the shared-cost actions programme as the focal point within, on the one hand, a network consisting of various similar observatories in the Member States, and on the other, university and industrial experts responsible for evaluating the relevance, development and impact of scientific technological breakthroughs.

    In a Community perspective, it will contribute by gathering information for the regular evaluation of the state of RTD in Europe and comparing it with the situation in other developed countries.

    The aim of the technological watch system will be to detect new scientific breakthroughs and technological innovation at an early stage and to alert those responsible in the Community to the implications and consequences, notably for technological research and for the industrial world.


    These activities are necessary for the formulation and implementation of Community policies and the tasks assigned to the Commission under the Treaty.

    The following description, which is based on current Community policy requirements, is given for guidance only and may be modified in accordance with the relevant provisions of Article 7, paragraph 1.

    Information and communications technologies

    Line 3: Information technologies

    The JRC will make its contribution to this field, notably in contributing to the improvement of safety and systems reliability. This will include safety-critical computer systems, computer systems, robots and safety-relevant computer systems. The main prenormative areas will cover, in particular, the drawing-up of design guidelines to ensure that safety and reliability are taken into account. Tools for the analysis and validation of the safety and reliability of systems will be developed.

    Furthermore, the JRC will make a contribution in the area of high-performance computing and its applications, in association with a network of national centres, in defining methods for comparing such systems. The Centre could also be called on to become a conformity testing site for specialized software and make other contributions in the information technology area, such as the development of testing methodologies, and contribute to the organization of workshops and training activities.


    Line 6: Environment and climate

    Research in this area, in which the independence and impartiality of the JRC play a very important part, will focus on certain well-structured programmes planned to run for average-to-long periods. These concern, in particular:

    - Research on air quality to be carried out by the Central Laboratory for Air Pollution (ERLAP), which is intended to provide the scientific basis and scientific and technical support for the preparation and implementation of Community Directives on air quality. Particular attention will be paid to the urban environment and industrial emissions. The implementation of the Community Directives on radioactivity in the environment, in particular those concerning exchanges of information between the Member States under normal conditions and in the event of an accident, requires scientific and technical support which is closely associated with this research;

    - The evaluation and control of chemical products which, in view of the importance of the chemical industry and the potential impact of chemical products on the environment, call in particular for an impartial, independent body. The scientific and technical tasks needed for the implementation of the Community legislation in this area will be carried out by the European Chemicals Bureau (ECB), as described in the communication from the Commission to the Council and to Parliament (1);

    - The continuation, also within this framework, of the work undertaken by the European Centre for the Validation of Alternative Methods (ECVAM) and described in the communication from the Commission to the Council and to Parliament (SEC(91)1794) in October 1991. The aim of ECVAM is to coordinate the validation and acceptance of 'alternative' methods which may reduce or abolish laboratory experiments on animals. To this end, discussions between government, companies, scientists, consumers and animal protection associations are being conducted successfully thanks to the impartiality of the JRC;

    - Community Regulations require the development of methods of analysis to be applied to consumer goods and chemical products and the harmonization of the existing national methods in the context of the internal market in these products. The need to safeguard the transparency of the market in medicinal products and the exchange of data with the national authorities and the European Agency for the Evaluation of Medicinal Products (Council Regulation (EEC) of 23 September 1993) have led the Commission to call on the JRC to provide integrated information and communication services utilizing the impartial, independent role it plays in the European network on Community pharmaceutical products (ECPHIN).

    - Council Regulation (EEC) No 1210/90 of 7 March 1990 provides for the support of the JRC for the European Environment Agency (EEA) as a priority for the following areas:

    - the harmonization of environmental measurement methods;

    - the intercalibration of instruments;

    - the standardization of data formats;

    - the development of new environmental measurement methods and instruments.

    In addition, other tasks may be assigned to the JRC, in view of its experience, regarding air and water quality, waste management and land-based pollution as well as broad support for information technologies.

    - Major hazards, biotechnological risks, the safety and quality control of consumer products, environmental impact studies as well as safety at work, for which the JRC provides a support activity for the implementation of the relevant Community Directives.

    Life sciences and technologies

    Line 10: Agriculture and fisheries

    (including agro-industry, food technologies, forestry, fish farming and rural development):

    - Research and development on new technologies using remote sensing to improve the methods of monitoring the common agricultural policy (CAP) will include:

    (a) the second phase (1995-1998) of the pilot project for the application of remote sensing to agricultural statistics (MARS-STAT):

    The first phase (1989-1993) of MARS-STAT, which was the subject of the Council Decision of 23 September 1988, is now completed. As planned, certain specific activities now no longer come under the RTD phase but may be operationally used by the Member States or the Commission. Nevertheless, other actions are still in development and require continued work before becoming operational.

    The second phase aims, in particular, to continue the work with regard to vegetation evolution and forecast models with the aim of obtaining an integrated agricultural information system at Community level. Studies on the applications of methods or new sensors should also be followed up. Finally, it could prove useful to extend these applications to the needs of other countries, notably the central and eastern European countries.

    (b) Techniques for surveillance and control of the implementation of the CAP (MARS-CAP):

    For some time, remote sensing techniques have been applied for the production of citrus fruits, vineyard and olive tree registers and the inspecton of the use of CAP subsidies at regional and local level. The new CAP rules, which have been extended to all the main crops, need scientific and technical support using remote sensing for the development of an integrated system for the management and control of declared agricultural land and the registers of the various crops.

    - The European Office for Wine, Alcohol and Spirit Drinks, as described in the communication from the Commission to the Council and to Parliament (COM(93)60 final of 16 September 1993), provides the Commission with scientific and technical support to enable it to verify the proper application of Community provisions. Focusing mainly on control of the adulteration and the origin of wines, and intended for use in the choice of arbitration procedures between two Member States, this activity makes use of nuclear magnetic resonance and mass spectrometry and also calls for the development of new analytical techniques.

    - The elaboraton of methodologies for reference measurements and the preparation of reference materials necessary for the quality control of food products are another impartial contribution of the JRC to the European agricultural policy.

    Line 13: Targeted socio-economic research

    The aim of this activity is to gather, for the formulation and implementation of Community policies by the Commission, basic information and analyses on scientific and technological developments and innovations, and their prospects and consequences, in particular their impact on industrial competitiveness. Through its impartiality, the JRC is in a position to provide independent opinions, in particular by taking account of the results of studies carried out by European and non-European public or private bodies in the fields in which it has acquired competences, such as energy, transport and environment.

    (1) OJ No C 1, 5. 1. 1993, p. 3.





    1. The Commission, assisted by the Board of Governors of the JRC, shall implement the direct action on the basis of the scientific objectives and contents described in Annex I. The activities relating to this action shall be performed in the relevant institutes of the Joint Research Centre (JRC).

    2. The rules for implementing the direct action referred to in Article 6 comprise research and technological development projects, the scientific and technical support necessary for the formulation and implementation of Community policies and the tasks assigned to the Commission under the Treaties and requiring the impartiality of the JRC, and accompanying measures.

    3. These rules may apply to cooperation with the EFTA States which are party to the EEA Agreement.

    4. The JRC institutes shall endeavour, wherever possible, to carry out the research in cooperation, preferably on the basis of networks, with the national research bodies in the Member States. Particular attention shall be paid to cooperation with industry, especially with small and medium-sized enterprises. Research bodies established in third countries may also cooperate on projects in accordance with the relevant provisions.

    Research projects as part of international cooperation under the conditions set out in the previous paragraph include cooperation with research laboratories and the exchange of scientists. Supplementary measures should allow for cooperation with research laboratories and institutes in the countries of central and eastern Europe.

    5. The accompanying measures shall include:

    - the organization of visits to JRC institutes of grant holders, visiting scientists and seconded experts;

    - organization of the secondment of JRC staff to national laboratories, industrial laboratories and universities;

    - the organization of scientific seminars, workshops and colloquiums;

    - specialized training with the emphasis on multidisciplinarity;

    - an information exchange system;

    - promotion of the exploitation of the research results;

    - the independent scientific and strategic evaluation of the performance of the projects and programmes.

    6. The knowledge gained through implementation of the projects will be disseminated under the programmes themselves and under the centralized action described in the third activity of the Framework Programme.



    This section of the specific programme fully reflects the broad lines of the Fourth Framework Programme, applies the selection criteria and spells out the scientific and technical objectives set out in that programme.

    The scientific and technical support activities which come within the framework of a competitive approach are described below on the basis of Annex III (first activity and paragraph D of the Third Activity).

    The following description is given for guidance only on the basis of the current requirements of Community policies. It refers in particular to paragraphs 1C, 2D, 3A, 3B, 4C and 5 of the first activity.

    In order to ensure that the activities are fully in line with the actual requirements of Community policies throughout the Fourth Framework Programme, these objectives may be modified in accordance with the provisions of Article 14 of this programme.

    The scientific and technological objectives may cover the following:


    Information and communications technologies

    Line 3: Information technology

    This support is intended to enable the Commission to pursue the Community information technology policy, notably in fields such as software technology, components and systems, or multimedia technology, as well as in other priority fields such as, for example, high-performance computing systems, microprocessing systems and the integration of such technologies into a professional environment.

    Industrial technologies

    Line 5: Measurements and testing

    The activities in this sector may be aimed at the development of non-destructive test methods for mechanical structures and the software needed for the development of Community standards in the field of structural mechanics, in particular for structures used in construction or, more broadly, civil engineering.


    Line 6: Environment and climate

    The aim of these activities is to support the Commission's regulatory activities in the general framework of environmental policy, including the development of analytical methods and the implementation, through a network of analytical laboratories, of test series on atmospheric pollution, water quality, waste and land-based pollution.

    One particular activity will be the use of aerospace remote sensing methods for the surveillance of tropical forests, desertification and marine productivity.

    Some subjects concerning the regulation of industrial hazards and some measures relating to industrial safety, including biotechnology, may be the subject of a support activity.

    Life sciences and technologies

    Line 8: Agriculture and fisheries

    (including agro-industry, food technologies, forestry, fish farming and rural development).

    Support activities in this field may include contributions to:

    - the application of remote sensing techniques to agriculture by the gathering of images, the handling and treatment of data;

    - reference measurements for the control of food products (notably their contamination) and their quality, in particular to a series of tests and intercomparison exercises for quality control in these products;

    - control of dairy products;

    - the evaluation of phytopharmaceutical products, notably with regard to those aspects linked to their launch on the market.


    Line 11: Non-nuclear energy

    Support activities in this field will include:

    - the handling and processing of information from projects carried out under Community programmes, in particular demonstration projects;

    - certification procedures for energy conservation in buildings, industry and transport as well as the application of energy modelling methodologies (relationships between energy production, consumption and environmental impact) to particular energy scenarios.


    These generally short activities may concern any field, their aim being to meet specific requirements which appear during the implementation of various Community policies.

    By their nature, such requirements will only appear during the implementation of this programme and the activities concerned will aim to provide an immediate response.





    The competitive support activities are carried out by means of work suited to a competitive approach and intended for scientific and technical support to Community policies. The implementation of this research will be assigned to research bodies and centres, including the JRC, universities or undertakings.

    While ensuring maximum flexibility, the Commission will determine the responsibilities, in particular as regards the grant of the financial resources provided for these activities, according to the field of activity concerned. The resources will be granted on a competitive basis.

    These rules may apply to cooperation with the EFTA States which are party to the EEA Agreement.
