Brussels, 12.5.2023
COM(2023) 265 final
to the
amending Council Implementing Decision (EU) (ST 12532/21 INIT; ST 12532/21 ADD 1) of 3 November 2021 on the approval of the assessment of the recovery and resilience plan for Estonia
{SWD(2023) 142 final}
1.Description of Reforms and Investments
A. COMPONENT 1: Digital transformation of enterprises
The objective of this component of the Estonian recovery and resilience plan is to foster the digital transformation of Estonian companies and their competitiveness, in particular on export markets. It shall provide financial support to companies of all sectors, with a focus on SMEs and microenterprises, at different stages of their digital transformation, as well as specific contributions to the adoption and deployment of digital solutions in the construction and road freight transport sectors. Moreover, the component shall address the key issue of digital skills, through awareness-raising of SME managers and support to the upskilling and retraining of specialists in information and communication technologies (ICT).
Actions aimed at supporting the identification of export opportunities and the promotion of Estonian companies abroad shall be carried out in synergy with the activities of Enterprise Estonia.
The component supports addressing the Country Specific Recommendations on investment in the digital transition (Country Specific Recommendation 3 in 2020) and on skills shortages (Country Specific Recommendation 2 in 2019).
It is expected that no measure in this component does significant harm to environmental objectives within the meaning of Article 17 of Regulation (EU) 2020/852, taking into account the description of the measures and the mitigating steps set out in the recovery and resilience plan in accordance with the ‘Do no significant harm’ Technical Guidance (2021/C58/01).
A.1. Description of the reforms and investments for non-repayable financial support
Investment: Digital transformation in enterprises
The objective of the measure is to foster the digital transformation of businesses with a particular focus on SMEs and micro-enterprises.
The measure consists in providing financial support to SMEs and micro-enterprises located in Estonia from all sectors for activities and investments relevant to their digital transformation. This financial support, which shall be complemented with the companies’ own resources, shall cover one or several of the following aspects:
-the adoption of digital technologies,
-the development of industrial data clouds,
-industrial research, development, testing and piloting activities,
-feasibility studies, advisory and support services,
-training of staff.
The funding shall be allocated through open calls for proposals.
In order to ensure that the measure complies with the ‘Do no significant harm’ Technical Guidance (2021/C58/01), the eligibility criteria contained in terms of reference for the calls for proposals shall exclude the following list of activities: (i) activities related to fossil fuels, including downstream use
; (ii) activities under the EU Emission Trading System (ETS) achieving projected greenhouse gas emissions that are not lower than the relevant benchmarks
; (iii) activities related to waste landfills, incinerators
and mechanical biological treatment plants
; and (iv) activities where the long-term disposal of waste may cause harm to the environment. The terms of reference shall additionally require that only activities that comply with relevant EU and national environmental legislation may be selected.
The implementation of the measure shall be completed by 31 December 2025.
1.2.Investment: Development of e-construction
The objective of the measure is to contribute to the acceleration of the digital transformation of the construction sector in order to increase its productivity, reduce its environmental footprint and improve the quality of buildings. This investment is also expected to foster a wider and more efficient sharing of data among stakeholders.
The measure consists of three different strands:
(I)the development of software interfaces between the national e-construction platform (which is being developed under the responsibility of the Construction and Housing Department of the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications) and existing public and private information systems used in the sector, in order to, inter alia, automate the verifications of the compliance of buildings with various regulatory requirements, as well as the delivery of certificates and authorisations; this includes the training of users of the e-construction platform (including the development of training material);
(II)the support to the introduction of international standards and best practices in relation to the digitalisation of construction and building maintenance, including through the introduction of a construction data classification system, the creation of a database on construction materials and construction products, the introduction of BIM (Building Information Modelling) in the field of property maintenance;
(III)the support to projects (selected through open calls for proposals) aiming at implementing digital construction tools and developing (also prototyping) innovative private and public services connected to the national e-construction platform.
The implementation of the measure shall be completed by 31 December 2025.
1.3.Investment: Development of digital waybills services
The objective of the measure is to support the digitalisation of the exchange of information in road freight transport through the introduction of digital waybills, in accordance with the Regulation (EU) 2020/1056 on electronic freight transport information (eFTI), thus contributing to the smooth functioning of the internal market.
The measure consists in supporting:
(I)service providers in the establishment of eFTI platforms to enable the deployment of digital waybills (eCMR - electronic Consignment Note),
(II)transport and logistics enterprises in the interfacing of their systems and processes with the eFTI platforms, enabling them to use digital waybills (eCMR).
The corresponding projects shall be selected through two distinct calls for proposals.
The implementation of the measure shall be completed by 30 June 2026.
1.4.Reform: Skills reform for the digital transformation of businesses
The objective of the reform is to contribute to strengthening the capacity of businesses at management level to steer and foster the digital transition, as well as to ensuring the availability of sufficient ICT professionals possessing up-to-date skills and knowledge, so that Estonian companies can fully seize the opportunities offered by the digital transition. It also aims at offering new career opportunities to both employed and unemployed people through upskilling and retraining in ICT, as well as through a better recognition of skills acquired outside formal learning. The measure also aims to contribute to increasing the participation of women in ICT training and ICT professions.
The measure consists of the four following strands:
(I)the training of managers in companies (SMEs in particular), in order to increase their ICT skills and knowledge, and raise their awareness about the potential gains from the use of ICT,
(II)a revision of the content and organisation of the training of ICT experts, taking into account the latest technological developments, the growing importance of cybersecurity and the needs of companies,
(III)a pilot for the redesign of the qualification framework for ICT specialists,
(IV)the upskilling and retraining of ICT specialists, including in cybersecurity.
The implementation of the measure shall be completed by 30 June 2026.
1.5.Reform: Supporting the competitiveness of enterprises in foreign markets
The objective of the measure is to increase the export capacity and competitiveness of Estonian companies, including notably those of the ICT sector. The measure is expected to be particularly relevant for SMEs. It shall also take advantage of the possibilities offered by digital tools.
The measure consists of three sub-measures:
(I)the development of export strategies aimed at specific countries or regions;
(II)the establishment of business centres located in key export markets;
(III)the promotion of Estonian products and services (from the ICT sector in particular) through physical, virtual or hybrid missions and events.
The implementation of the measure shall be completed by 30 June 2026.
1.5.1.Sub-reform: Country and regional strategies
This sub-reform consists in the development of a series of comprehensive export strategies addressing key target countries and regions, i.e. those which represent a high growth potential for Estonian companies. They shall include specific chapters on export opportunities for the ICT sector and, more broadly, digital solutions developed in different application areas (such as governance, education or transport).
These strategies aim at providing advice to companies entering or already operating in the concerned markets.
The countries and regions to be addressed by the strategies shall be identified through an analysis to be carried out as part of the implementation of this sub-measure.
The implementation of this measure shall be carried out in synergy with the activities of Enterprise Estonia, among other partners.
1.5.2.Sub-reform: Innovative business centres in key export markets
This sub-reform consists in establishing business centres in seven foreign countries (inside and/or outside the Union) considered as important export markets. These business centres shall contain suitable equipment for physical, virtual as well as hybrid meetings, receptions and presentations which will be organised by Estonian enterprises across all sectors targeting the particular market. That equipment can also be used outside events, for introduction to any potential client of a cluster or a particular enterprise in Estonia. The business centres shall contribute to the promotion of Estonian companies, support them locally in their export activities, and help attract foreign investors. The activities of the business centres shall be carried out in synergy with the activities of Enterprise Estonia, among other partners.
The location of the business centres shall be identified after an analysis to be carried out as part of the implementation of this sub-measure.
1.5.3.Sub-reform: Global e-export impact groups and virtual stages
This sub-reform consists in setting up groups of representatives of both public authorities and other stakeholders, including notably private companies, and supporting the promotion of Estonian products and services (from the ICT sector in particular) by these groups, through missions and participation in physical, virtual or hybrid events.
The implementation of this sub-reform also includes the reinforcement of the promotion of Estonian products and services at major events with the use of digital tools. The so-called ‘virtual stages’ shall create more opportunities of participation for Estonian stakeholders and showcase Estonian digital solutions. These ‘virtual stages’ shall consist of technical solutions combining physical and digital elements to enable either an export-related event in Estonia to reach global audiences, or Estonian exporters to participate in global events organised abroad.
The implementation of this measure shall be carried out in synergy with the activities of Enterprise Estonia, among other partners.
A.2. Milestones, targets, indicators, and timetable for monitoring and implementation for non-repayable financial support
Sequential Number
Measure (Reform or Investment)
Milestone / Target
Qualitative indicators (for milestones)
Quantitative indicators (for targets)
Indicative timeline for completion
Description of each milestone and target
Unit of measure
1.1 Digital transformation in enterprises
Call for proposals with award criteria and award conditions
Publication of the notice of the call for proposals
A call for proposals to support the digital transformation of businesses, together with the award criteria, shall be published by the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications.
The evaluation criteria and the conditions for granting support shall be defined on the basis of an analysis of the needs of Estonian companies and the expected impact of the measure.
Eligibility criteria shall also ensure that the selected projects comply with the ‘Do no significant harm’ Technical Guidance (2021/C58/01) through the use of an exclusion list and the requirement of compliance with the relevant EU and national environmental legislation.
1.1 Digital transformation in enterprises
Award of grants
Number of enterprises being awarded a grant
Number of enterprises to which grants shall be awarded by the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications to support their digital transformation in accordance with the call for proposals.
1.1 Digital transformation in enterprises
Award of grants
Number of enterprises being awarded a grant
Number of enterprises to which grants shall be awarded by the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications to support their digital transformation in accordance with the call for proposals.
1.2 Development of e-construction
Adoption of international standards and best practices for the use of digital technologies in construction
Adoption of international standards and best practices
The work on the adoption of international standards and best practices for the use of digital technologies in construction and the management of buildings shall be led and co-ordinated by the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications, with the introduction of a construction data classification system, the creation of a publicly available database for construction materials and construction products and the introduction of building information modelling in the field of property maintenance.
1.2 Development of e-construction
Availability of public services on the e-construction platform
Entry into service of interfaces between the e-construction platform and the related public services
The public services provided for in the e-construction development plan shall be developed, operational and made public on the e-construction platform. Training material shall also be made available to users.
This includes services related to the built environment – such as building and planning permits, building registry (logbook), and the renovation passport.
1.2 Development of e-construction
Completion of development and prototyping projects
Number of projects completed
Number of completed projects for development and/or implementation of digital construction tools and prototypes of innovative digital solutions drawing on the e-construction platform.
1.3 Development of digital waybills services
eFTI (electronic Freight Transport Information) platforms development
Number of projects launched
Number of projects developing an eFTI platform which have received a positive grant decision.
1.3 Development of digital waybills services
eCMR (electronic Consignment Note) interface developments
Number of projects launched
Number of projects enabling transport and logistics operators to be connected to eFTI platforms and use eCMR which have received a positive grant decision.
1.3 Development of digital waybills services
Total number of projects completed
Number of projects completed
Number of eFTI and eCMR projects completed, contributing to the deployment of digital waybills.
1.3 Development of digital waybills services
Ex-post evaluation of the development and deployment of the digital waybills
Adoption of ex-post evaluation report by the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications
An external body shall analyse the impact of the support measure on the road freight transport sector and deliver an evaluation report, which shall be adopted by the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications.
1.4 Skills reform for the digital transformation of businesses
Entry into force of secondary legislation setting out the terms of support for the development of digital skills
Entry into force of secondary legislation
The secondary legislation necessary for the application and allocation of support shall enter into force. The conditions for support shall be established through a ministerial decree, which shall be coordinated with the Ministry of Finance and the State Shared Service Centre.
The ministerial decree shall consist of the following elements:
-objective of the measure,
-description of supported activities,
-beneficiaries and target groups,
-conditions for implementation,
-eligible costs and used simplifications,
-conditions for payments,
conditions for reporting and monitoring.
1.4 Skills reform for the digital transformation of businesses
Enrolment in training activities
Number of participants
Number of people enrolled in training activities supported under this measure, consisting of awareness-raising for SME managers, and upskilling and retraining for ICT specialists. A minimum of 35% of participants enrolled in these training activities shall be women.
1.4 Skills reform for the digital transformation of businesses
Completion of training activities
Number of participants
Number of people having completed their training course through the training activities supported under this measure, including awareness-raising for SME managers, and upskilling and retraining for ICT specialists. A minimum of 35% of participants having completed these training activities shall be women.
1.4 Skills reform for the digital transformation of businesses
Number of new upskilling and retraining modules
Number of curricula registered in Estonia’s Adult training information system
Number of upskilling and retraining modules developed with detailed training content, structure and training materials to provide training related to digital skills. New curricula developed for these modules shall be registered in Estonia’s Adult training information system.
1.4 Skills reform for the digital transformation of businesses
Review of qualification standards for ICT specialists.
Number of qualification standards analysed and adapted as and if needed
Number of established qualification standards for ICT specialists from the national register of qualification standards which have been analysed and adapted as and if needed.
1.5 Supporting the competitiveness of enterprises in foreign markets
1.5.1 Country and regional strategies
Preparation of the development of strategies
Completion of preparatory tasks
The preparatory tasks needed to draw up export strategies shall be completed.
These tasks include:
-an analysis of which external markets are important to develop strategies,
-an analysis of the interests of businesses,
a mapping of the needs of exporting enterprises to increase their competitiveness on export markets, the ranking of the needs.
1.5 Supporting the competitiveness of enterprises in foreign markets
1.5.1 Country and regional strategies
Procurement of studies
Signature of contracts
Tenders for drawing up strategies and product packages with a view to obtaining detailed market information on foreign markets shall be carried out by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The corresponding contracts shall be signed.
1.5 Supporting the competitiveness of enterprises in foreign markets
1.5.1 Country and regional strategies
Number of country and regional export strategies
Number of strategies published
Number of national and/or regional export strategies which shall be developed. These strategies shall contain comprehensive analyses and provide proactive smart advice for companies entering and operating in foreign markets.
1.5 Supporting the competitiveness of enterprises in foreign markets
1.5.2 Innovative business centres in key export markets
Preparatory analysis to define the content and the locations of business centres
Delivery of a preparatory analysis
A preparatory analysis allowing the definition of the content and the locations of the business centres shall be prepared by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The analysis shall reveal where to set up business centres to increase demand for Estonian-made products and services in export markets.
1.5 Supporting the competitiveness of enterprises in foreign markets
Innovative business centres in key export markets
Number of business centres opened
Number of business centres
Number of business centres opened by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to support companies in entering and operating in important export markets, as well as to help them to promote Estonian-made products and services in a way that takes into account the specificities of local business environment and culture.
1.5 Supporting the competitiveness of enterprises in foreign markets
1.5.3 Global e-export impact groups and virtual stages
Setting-up of impact groups and selection of destinations for global digital missions
Decisions on the composition of the impact groups and the destinations of the global digital missions
Based on an analysis, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs shall select global digital mission destinations and impact groups to increase the added value of Estonian digital services exports, increase the export capacity of Estonian companies, among which ICT companies in particular, and attract additional foreign investments for innovation.
1.5 Supporting the competitiveness of enterprises in foreign markets
1.5.3 Global e-export impact groups and virtual stages
Number of missions carried out by the global impact groups and number of major events in which Estonia was represented through ‘virtual stages’
Total of number of missions and events carried out
At least 14 missions shall be carried out by the global impact groups set up by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to increase the added value of Estonian digital services exports, increase the export capacity of Estonian companies, among which ICT companies in particular, and attract additional foreign investments for innovation.
Estonia shall be represented through ‘virtual stages’ in at least 15 events.
B.COMPONENT 2: Accelerating the green transition in enterprises
Description of the reforms and investments for non-repayable financial support
The objective of the component of the Estonian recover and resilience plan is to speed up the green transition in the business sector in Estonia and to seize the business opportunities it represents. The component consists of two reforms and six investments and aims to support the development of green technologies, increase green R&D and innovation capabilities and resource efficiency, introduce new business models and improve skills and expertise in fields related to the green transition. The measures under this component aim for a comprehensive approach to the green transition addressing key market failures and facilitating the technological and behavioural breakthrough to increase the competitiveness of the business sector. The measures also support further development of the capital market and business environment.
The component supports addressing the Country Specific Recommendations on supporting the innovation capacity of small and medium-sized enterprises and focussing investment on the green transition, ensuring sufficient access to finance (Country Specific Recommendation 3 in 2020), on skills shortages (Country Specific Recommendation 2 in 2019) and reducing reliance on fossil fuels (Country Specific Recommendation 4 in 2022).
It is expected that no measure in this component does significant harm to environmental objectives within the meaning of Article 17 of Regulation (EU) 2020/852, taking into account the description of the measures and the mitigating steps set out in the recovery and resilience plan in accordance with the ‘Do no significant harm’ Technical Guidance (2021/C58/01).
2.1. Reform: Green transition of enterprises
The objective of the reform is to improve the green transition in the business sector, which is expected to have economic, environmental and social benefits by making existing businesses more efficient and environmentally friendly (resource efficiency, new green transition certificates and market authorisations for products) and by supporting the emergence of new green technology companies (development and deployment of green technologies, new opportunities for the valorisation of bio-resources).
The reform shall consist of the set-up of a broad-based Green Transition Task Force to foster cooperation between the green technology stakeholders and the adoption of legislation necessary for the implementation of the five complementary investments: 1. Green skills to support the green transition of companies; 2. Green technology development programmes; 3 Modernisation of the business models in manufacturing companies; 4. Deployment of resource efficient green technologies; and 5. Green Fund.
The reform is interlinked with Component 1 as digitalisation and automation are contributing to the development of green technologies and green transition in the business sector.
The implementation of the reform shall be completed by 31 December 2022.
2.2. Investment: Green skills to support the green transition of enterprises
The objective of the investment is to ensure the availability of high-quality expertise to implement the green transition in enterprises. The investment consists of the introduction of up-to-date upskilling and retraining programmes for adults and the modernisation of study programmes in higher and vocational education, as well as the development and piloting more flexible training programmes offering micro credentials, taking into account future needs of the green economy.
Green skills are defined as skills needed for jobs that contribute to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, improving energy and resource efficiency and include a wider introduction of circular economy principles. In cooperation with stakeholders, professional standards and skills profiles shall be updated and, where appropriate, new profiles shall be developed, specifying the expected learning outcomes and selecting specific areas with the greatest impact on the green transition. Retraining opportunities shall be provided to people working in sectors already affected by the green transition (energy, transport, waste management; new industries and sectors with a potential for creation of jobs stemming from or linked to the green transition) and to those wishing to change their career.
The implementation of the investment shall be completed by 30 June 2026.
2.3. Investment: Green technologies development programmes
The investment aims to contribute to the green transition of the companies by fostering the development and spreading of innovative green technologies. The investment is expected to increase the number of research-intensive green technology companies in the market and support the start-up ecosystem. The investment consists of support to start-ups and development clusters with a focus on integrated green technology solutions through various development services (including accelerators, incubation, business development, prototype development, piloting) and improvement of the cooperation between different types of organisations and actors that are already active on the market (academia, businesses, other stakeholders).
The focus of the investment shall be on energy and resource efficiency, promoting the circular economy, new business models, digitalisation and automation. The projects supported under the investment shall contribute to reducing greenhouse gas emissions and increasing resource productivity in Estonia.
The implementation of the investment shall be completed by 30 June 2026.
2.4. Investment: Modernisation of the business models in manufacturing companies
The objective of the investment is to support the change of business models in manufacturing to ensure the compliance of Estonian products with environmental and climate objectives, including with circular economy principles, and raise competitiveness of manufacturing companies. The measure shall support projects modernising the business models of manufacturing companies related to climate and environmental objectives. The projects shall be selected on the basis of a call for proposals.
In order to ensure that the measure complies with the ‘Do no significant harm’ Technical Guidance (2021/C58/01), the eligibility criteria contained in terms of reference for the call for proposals shall exclude the following list of activities: (i) activities related to fossil fuels, including downstream use
; (ii) activities under the EU Emission Trading System (ETS) achieving projected greenhouse gas emissions that are not lower than the relevant benchmarks
; (iii) activities related to waste landfills, incinerators
and mechanical biological treatment plants
; and (iv) activities where the long-term disposal of waste may cause harm to the environment. The terms of reference shall additionally require that only activities that comply with relevant EU and national environmental legislation may be selected.
The implementation of the investment shall be completed by 31 December 2025.
2.5. Investment: Deployment of resource-efficient green technologies
The objective of the investment is to improve the resource efficiency of companies, including energy efficiency, with a particular focus on the valorisation of underutilised bio-resources such as residues and by-products. The investment aims to support innovation in production technology and product development in enterprises and contributes to circular economy solutions.
The measure shall support two kinds of investments:
-promoting resource-efficient green technologies for industrial plants;
-valorisation of bio-resources.
The projects shall be selected on the basis of a call for proposals. The main criteria for selecting projects to receive a grant shall include, according to relevance, efficiency in reducing greenhouse gas emissions, resource efficiency, cost-effectiveness, reducing of residues and waste generation, added value to bio-resources and innovativeness of the solutions to be developed.
In order to ensure that the measure complies with the ‘Do no significant harm’ Technical Guidance (2021/C58/01), the eligibility criteria contained in terms of reference for the call for proposals shall exclude the following list of activities: (i) activities related to fossil fuels, including downstream use
; (ii) activities under the EU Emission Trading System (ETS) achieving projected greenhouse gas emissions that are not lower than the relevant benchmarks
; (iii) activities related to waste landfills, incinerators
and mechanical biological treatment plants
; and (iv) activities where the long-term disposal of waste may cause harm to the environment. The terms of reference shall additionally require that only activities that comply with relevant EU and national environmental legislation may be selected.
The implementation of the investment shall be completed by 30 June 2026.
2.6. Investment: Green Fund
The objective of the investment is to provide capital for the development of new green technologies in strategic areas such as energy, agriculture, food industry, transport and logistics, materials and chemical industries. The Green Fund shall provide funding for companies and sectors whose products, services or processes are characterised by research-intensive green technologies and whose activities contribute to solving environmental problems, developing new products, services or technologies that reduce or capture greenhouse gas emissions or are driven by eco-design requirements. Investments shall be made in sustainable projects, taking into account the EU Taxonomy Regulation.
The measure shall be implemented as a financial instrument as part of a broader green technology investment programme that provides equity investments to companies in the form of direct equity investments and through venture capital funds, managed by the public fund manager SmartCap.
The measure shall comply with the ‘Do no significant harm’ Technical Guidance (2021/C58/01). The legal agreement signed between Estonia and SmartCap and the subsequent investment policy of the Green Fund shall:
I.require the application of the Commission’s technical guidance on sustainability proofing for the InvestEU Fund; and
II.require companies that derived more than 50% of their revenues during the preceding financial year from the following activities and/or assets to adopt and publish green transition plans: (i) activities and assets related to fossil fuels, including downstream use
; (ii) activities and assets under the EU Emission Trading System (ETS) achieving projected greenhouse gas emissions that are not lower than the relevant benchmarks
; (iii) activities and assets related to waste landfills, incinerators
and mechanical biological treatment plants
; and (iv) activities and assets where the long-term disposal of waste may cause harm to the environment; and
III.require the verification of legal compliance with the relevant EU and national environmental legislation of the beneficiary by SmartCap for all transactions, including those exempted from sustainability proofing.
The implementation of the investment shall be completed by 30 June 2026.
2.7. Investment: Creating opportunities for the uptake of renewables-based green hydrogen technologies
The objective of the investment is to support the deployment and piloting of hydrogen integrated value chains from energy production and supply solutions to final consumption in different application areas.
The projects to be supported shall be selected following a call for proposals. The call for proposals is open for projects from all economic sectors. The electricity used to produce hydrogen shall be produced from renewable energy and the consumption of green hydrogen shall take place in Estonia.
In order to ensure that the measure complies with the ‘Do no significant harm’ Technical Guidance (2021/C58/01), the eligibility criteria contained in terms of reference for the call for proposals shall exclude the following list of activities: (i) activities related to fossil fuels, including downstream use
; (ii) activities under the EU Emission Trading System (ETS) achieving projected greenhouse gas emissions that are not lower than the relevant benchmarks
; (iii) activities related to waste landfills, incinerators
and mechanical biological treatment plants
; and (iv) activities where the long-term disposal of waste may cause harm to the environment. The terms of reference shall additionally require that only activities that comply with relevant EU and national environmental legislation may be selected.
The implementation of the investment shall be completed by 30 June 2026.
2.8. Investment: Supply Security Investment Support
The objective of the investment is to support the transition of companies from fossil energy sources to alternative energy supply sources. The eligible alternative energy supply sources are the following:
·renewable energy sources within the meaning of the Renewable Energy Directive 2018/2011/EU (RED II);
·behind-the-meter storage applications;
·electrification; and
·connection to efficient district heating systems in line with Directive 2012/27/EU (Energy Efficiency Directive).
The supported activities shall include the purchase, installation and related construction works of equipment necessary for the switch to alternative energy supply sources as listed above.
In order to ensure that the measure complies with the ‘Do no significant harm’ Technical Guidance (2021/C58/01), the eligibility criteria contained in terms of reference for the call for proposals shall ensure that only the alternative energy supply sources listed above shall be supported. Renewable energy sources supported shall be in line with Directive 2018/2011/EU and, notably, for bioenergy, sustainability and greenhouse gas emission savings criteria set out in Articles 29-31 and the rules on food and feed-based bioenergy set out in Article 26 of the latter Directive shall be respected. Geothermal activities shall not include exploration or extraction of either oil or gas nor the equipment used for such purposes. It shall be ensured that methane releases are minimised and remain well below the threshold of 20 000 tonnes CO2eq/year. The eligibility criteria in the call for proposals shall exclude activities under the EU Emission Trading System (ETS) achieving projected greenhouse gas emissions that are not lower than the relevant benchmarks. Where the activity achieves projected greenhouse gas emissions that are not significantly lower, but still lower than the relevant benchmarks, an explanation of the reasons why this is not possible should be provided. Benchmarks established for free allocation for activities falling within the scope of the Emissions Trading System, as set out in the Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2021/447.
The implementation of the investment shall be completed by 30 June 2026.
B.2. Milestones, targets, indicators, and timetable for monitoring and implementation for non-repayable financial support
Sequential Number
Related Measure (Reform or Investment)
Milestone / Target
Qualitative indicators (for milestones)
Unit of measure
Quantitative indicators (for targets)
Indicative timeline for completion
Description of each milestone and target
2.1 Green transition of enterprises
Creation of a Green Transition Task Force to implement and monitor the green transition
Set up of a task force and working groups
The Ministry of the Environment shall reform the existing Working Group on Green Technology (set up in 2020) into the RRP’s Green Transition Task Force to coordinate the measures on the green transition of companies and improve cooperation and exchange of information among the public sector, stakeholders and interest groups. The necessary working groups shall be set up for specific measures.
2.1 Green transition of enterprises
Adoption of the Circular Economy Action Plan by the Green Transition Task Force
Circular Economy Action Plan adopted
The Green Transition Task Force shall review the existing Circular Economy activities and different action plans into a single Circular Economy Action Plan that will lead the Estonian transition to Circular Economy.
2.2 Green skills to support the green transition of enterprises
Entry into force of secondary legislation setting out the terms of support for the development of green skills
Entry into force of secondary legislation
The secondary legislation necessary for the application and allocation of support shall enter into force. It shall contain provisions ensuring that any action supported under this measure is focused on areas contributing to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions or the adaptation to climate change.
2.2 Green skills to support the green transition of enterprises
Number of upskilling and retraining modules
Number of modules
Number of upskilling and retraining modules developed including detailed training content, structure and training materials to provide training related to green skills.
2.2 Green skills to support the green transition of enterprises
People taking part in upskilling and retraining programmes
Number of participants
Number of people having completed one of the training courses supported through this measure.
2.3 Green technologies development programme
Establishment of a working group to plan and set up the development programme
Recruitment of a project manager and set up of a working group
A project manager shall be recruited and a broad-based group of stakeholders shall be set up to coordinate investment planning and implementation. The role of the project manager shall be set out to gather information from market participants and design the necessary support measures and procurement. The working group shall be composed of parties involved in the development of entrepreneurship and shall undertake to meet at least three times a year to take stock of developments in investment- related activities and provide recommendations for further action. The working group shall draw up provisions related to the selection of actions to be supported under the development programme in such a way that it is ensured that each action directly contributes either to lowering greenhouse gas emissions or supporting adaptation to climate change.
2.3 Green technologies development programme
Set up of the Green Technologies Development Programme
Contracts signed for all development clusters and support measures designed and opened
The public procurement processes for at least 5 development clusters shall be completed and the contracts shall be awarded to the winning parties. Support measures shall be designed and their first rounds shall be opened to at least 10 start-ups. The selection processes shall ensure that each supported action directly contributes either to lowering greenhouse gas emissions or supporting adaptation to climate change.
2.3 Green technologies development programme
Number of clusters supported through the Green Technology Development Programme
Number of clusters
Number of clusters supported by the development programme.
2.3 Green technologies development programme
Number of startups supported through the Green Technology Development Programme and which have received private investment
Number of startups
Number of start-ups supported by the development programme and which have received resources from private investors during or after the development programme.
Modernisation of the business models in manufacturing companies
Entry into force of the ministerial decree setting out the terms and conditions of grant eligibility
Entry into force of the ministerial decree
The conditions for granting support shall be enacted by a decree of the responsible minister. The requirements set shall include eligibility criteria to ensure that the selected projects comply with the ‘Do no significant harm’ Technical Guidance (2021/C58/01) by means of an exclusion list and compliance with relevant EU and national environmental legislation. The selection/eligibility criteria shall specify that the supported activities and/or enterprises contribute to a climate-neutral economy, resilience and climate change adaptation including circular economy objectives such as in-house implementation of circular economy principles, transfer of transport and storage of companies to new foundations.
Modernisation of the business models in manufacturing companies
Number of projects supported
Number of projects
Projects having received a grant disbursement in accordance with the eligibility conditions set out in the call for proposals to introduce business models that support the transition to a climate-neutral economy, resilience and adaptation to climate change, including circular economy objectives.
2.5 Deployment of resource efficient green technologies
Publication of call for proposals for grants
Publication of the notice for calls for proposals for grants
Call for proposals to support resource-efficient green technologies and the valorisation of bio-resources shall be published and open for applications, including eligibility criteria to ensure that the selected projects comply with the ‘Do no significant harm’ Technical Guidance (2021/C58/01) by means of an exclusion list and compliance with relevant EU and national environmental legislation. The selection/eligibility criteria shall specify that the supported activities and/or enterprises contribute to a climate-neutral economy, resilience and climate change adaptation
2.5 Deployment of resource efficient green technologies
Number of projects awarded grants following the call for proposals
Number of projects
Award of grants to 36 projects selected under the competitive call for proposals, for green technologies for industrial plants and for valorisation of bioresources, in compliance with the terms of reference.
2.5 Deployment of resource efficient green technologies
Number of projects completed
Number of projects
Number of completed projects to improve resource efficiency through the enhancement of green technologies and bio-resources, on the basis of calls for proposals and established eligibility criteria.
2.6 Green Fund
Signature of contractual agreement between the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications and SmartCap
Signature of contractual agreement
A contractual agreement shall be signed between the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications and SmartCap to manage the Green Fund, which shall contain:
-Investment objectives to invest in enterprises and activities contributing to a climate-neutral economy and to improving resilience to climate change, including awareness-raising measures,
Eligibility criteria for compliance with the ‘Do no significant harm’ Technical Guidance (2021/C58/01) of supported beneficiaries through the use of sustainability proofing, an exclusion list and the requirement of compliance with the relevant EU and national environmental legislation.
2.6 Green Fund
Adoption of the investment policy document by SmartCap
Investment policy document adopted by SmartCap
SmartCap shall adopt the investment policy for the Green Fund, in line with the contractual agreement signed between the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications and SmartCap, including the investment objectives and the eligibility criteria to ensure compliance with the ‘Do no significant harm’ Technical Guidance (2021/C58/01) of supported beneficiaries under this measure through the use of sustainability proofing, the requirement of compliance with the relevant EU and national environmental legislation, and the requirement for beneficiaries that derived more than 50% of their revenues during the preceding financial year from activities or assets in the exclusion list to adopt and publish green transition plans.
2.6 Green Fund
Volume of investments in venture capital funds or equity investments in enterprises
Volume of invested capital (in EUR)
55 000 000
At least EUR 55 million (excluding operating expenditures) shall be invested by the Green Fund in venture capital funds or enterprises in line with the investment policy.
2.6 Green Fund
Volume of investments in venture capital funds or equity investments in enterprises
Volume of invested capital (in EUR)
55 000 000
90 000 000
At least EUR 90 million (excluding operating expenditures) shall be invested by the Green Fund in venture capital funds or enterprises in line with the investment policy.
2.7 Creating opportunities for the uptake of renewables- based green hydrogen technologies
Entry into force of the ministerial decree setting out the terms and conditions for granting support
Entry into force of the ministerial decree
Development of project selection criteria, and entry into force of the ministerial decree on the conditions for granting support for projects related to integrated green hydrogen technologies. The terms of reference for this support shall include eligibility criteria that ensure that the objectives of the selected projects comply with the ‘Do no significant harm’ Technical Guidance (2021/C58/01) through the use of an exclusion list and the requirement of compliance with the relevant EU and national environmental legislation.
2.7 Creating opportunities for the uptake of renewables-based green hydrogen technologies
Technologies and equipment for green hydrogen production
Procurement, installation and start of operation of technologies and equipment
The necessary equipment for green hydrogen production shall be purchased, installed and put in operation by project promoters selected in the call for proposals.
2.7 Creating opportunities for the uptake of renewables-based green hydrogen technologies
Grants allocated to renewables-based green hydrogen technologies representing at least EUR 49.49 million
49 490 000
Grants shall be allocated to investments in renewables based green hydrogen technologies in line with the investment policy, representing at least EUR 49.49 million
2.8 Supply security investment support
Publication of the call for proposals for grants
Publication of the notice for call for proposals for grants
A call for proposals to support investment projects for the transition of companies from fossil energy sources to alternative energy supply sources shall be published and open for applications, including eligibility criteria to ensure that the selected projects comply with the ‘Do no significant harm’ Technical Guidance (2021/C58/01) by means of requirements related to supported eligible alternative energy sources and supported activities as set out in the measure description and compliance with relevant EU and national environmental legislation.
2.8 Supply security investment support
Number of projects awarded following the call for proposals
Projects awarded
At least 70 projects awarded support for investments for the transition of companies from fossil energy sources to alternative energy supply sources. The projects shall be in compliance with the eligibility criteria set out in the call for proposals.
2.8 Supply security investment support
Number of projects completed
Projects completed
At least 70 projects supporting the investments for the transition of companies from fossil energy sources to alternative energy supply sources shall be completed. The projects shall be in compliance with the eligibility criteria set out in the call for proposals.
C.COMPONENT 3: Digital State
Building on the successful deployment of digital technologies for the delivery of public services in Estonia over the last years, this component of the Estonian recovery and resilience plan aims at upgrading the digital government services further, in particular in terms of user-centricity and resilience (including in light of the growing cybersecurity threats). The component features measures allowing to take advantage of the opportunities offered by the latest technologies, especially artificial intelligence, but also significant redesigns of both front-end and back-end services. They shall benefit both citizens and businesses. Specific actions are foreseen in order to reinforce the country’s capacities to combat money laundering. The support to the deployment of very high capacity networks in rural areas is also expected to ensure wider access to online services and, more generally, contribute to the further digital transformation of the country.
The component supports addressing the Country Specific Recommendations on investment in the digital transition (Country Specific Recommendation 3 in 2020) and on the anti-money laundering framework (Country Specific Recommendation 1 in 2019 and Country Specific Recommendation 4 in 2020).
It is expected that no measure in this component does significant harm to environmental objectives within the meaning of Article 17 of Regulation (EU) 2020/852, taking into account the description of the measures and the mitigating steps set out in the recovery and resilience plan in accordance with the ‘Do no significant harm’ Technical Guidance (2021/C58/01).
C.1. Description of the reforms and investments for non-repayable financial support
3.1.Reform: Creation and development of a centre of excellence for data governance and open data
The objective of the measure is to foster a better management of the data collected and held by the Estonian public authorities. It aims at improving the quality of the data, increase its use for decision-making as well as its availability as open data, so that it may also be reused by other stakeholders.
The measure consists of:
-the creation of a centre of excellence within Statistics Estonia (the Estonian government agency responsible for producing official statistics) to coordinate and support the development of data governance in other public authorities,
-the development of data governance and data sharing tools/information systems,
-the implementation of projects aiming at improving the quality of data held by public authorities and increasing the availability of open data.
The implementation of the measure shall be completed by 31 December 2025.
3.2.Reform: Development of event services and proactive digital public services for individuals
The objective of the measure is to improve the efficiency of the delivery of public services and reduce the administrative burden for citizens.
The measure consists in redesigning a series of public services (and the underlying IT systems) in order to enable their automatic and proactive delivery on the basis of life or business events experienced by citizens (such as a marriage, the birth of a child or the creation of an enterprise). It shall notably allow a better integration of IT systems across different public authorities and contribute to the implementation of the once-only principle.
The implementation of the measure shall be completed by 31 December 2025.
3.3.Reform: Development of event services and digital gateway for entrepreneurs
The objectives of the measure are to improve the efficiency and the quality of the delivery of public services and reduce the administrative burden for entrepreneurs.
The measure consists in establishing one digital gateway for the delivery of public services to entrepreneurs and redesigning a series of services (and the underlying IT systems) in order to interface them with the gateway, supporting the user-friendliness of services, the implementation of the once-only principle and, whenever possible, enabling the proactive delivery of information based on events experienced by businesses.
It shall take into account the solutions developed in the context of the implementation of Regulation (EU) 2018/1724 establishing a single digital gateway to provide information, procedures, assistance and problem solving services.
The implementation of the measure shall be completed by 31 December 2025.
3.4.Investment: #Bürokratt programme (national virtual assistant platform and ecosystem)
The objective of the measure is to improve the user-friendliness and accessibility of public services in Estonia.
The measure consists in developing a speech- and text-based AI virtual assistant for the access to online public services. The work shall build on pilot projects already carried out in 2020 and 2021.
The implementation of the measure shall be completed by 31 December 2025.
3.5.Investment: Reconfiguration of basic digital services and safe transition to cloud infrastructure
The objective of the measure is to increase the resilience, the security and the reliability of the IT systems and services of the Estonian public authorities through their migration to a private cloud and through comprehensive security testing.
The measure consists of the following elements:
-the creation of a new public body in charge of the central management of the IT basic services and infrastructures of public institutions,
-The establishment of new security testing capability within the Estonian Information System Authority (RIA),
-the procurement of private cloud infrastructure resources,
-the migration of existing information systems to the private cloud,
-the comprehensive testing of the security of new cloud-based information systems used by public authorities, as well as of existing information systems,
-the development of the capacity of the data embassy (i.e. IT hosting capacities established abroad to ensure the continuity of the availability of critical databases in case of disaster), building on the pilot project carried out between 2017 and 2020 in Luxembourg,
-the extension of the private cloud to the data embassy, so that systems migrated to the cloud may also be hosted in and operated from the data embassy,
-the migration of critical systems to the data embassy infrastructure.
The implementation of the measure shall be completed by 31 December 2024.
3.6.Reform: Establishing the strategic analysis of money laundering and terrorist financing in Estonia
The objective of the reform is to strengthen the capacity of the Financial Intelligence Unit to identify money laundering schemes and channels at an early stage.
The measure consists in establishing a Centre for Strategic Analysis within the Financial Intelligence Unit. This Centre for Strategic Analysis is expected to allow more operational and more efficient prevention and detection of money laundering and terrorist financing. The team of the Centre for Strategic Analysis shall notably be in charge of developing specifications for a new IT tool drawing on data available from different sources. The Centre for Strategic Analysis might also identify necessary legislative changes.
The implementation of the measure shall be completed by 31 December 2024.
3.7.Investment: Information system for real-time strategic analysis of money laundering and terrorist financing
Building on the analysis carried out as part of the implementation of the reform 3.6, the investment aims at providing the Financial Intelligence Unit with a new dedicated IT system enabling the exploitation of data available from different authorities and the identification of possible money laundering schemes and channels in real time. The measure consists in developing the new IT system.
The implementation of the measure shall be completed by 30 June 2026.
3.8.Investment: Construction of very high capacity broadband networks
The objective of the investment is to improve the access to very high capacity broadband networks (VHCN), which offer a connection of at least 100 Mbps, for households and socio-economically important institutions such as hospitals, schools, public services and businesses.
The measure consists in providing financial support to the deployment of very high capacity broadband networks in areas of market failure (in accordance with provisions of Article 52 of the Commission Regulation 651/2014). The eligibility and selection criteria used to allocate the funding shall ensure an appropriate regional balance.
The implementation of the measure shall be completed by 31 December 2025.
C.2. Milestones, targets, indicators, and timetable for monitoring and implementation for non-repayable financial support
Sequential Number
Related Measure (Reform or Investment)
Milestone / Target
Qualitative indicators (for milestones)
Quantitative indicators (for targets)
Indicative timeline for completion
Description of each milestone and target
Unit of measure
3.1 Creation and development of a centre of excellence for data governance and open data
Setting up a data management team in the Statistical Office, the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications and the State Information System Authority
Establishment of the necessary organisational structure for coordinating data management
Creation of a Data Management Team in Statistics Estonia through the recruitment of expert staff tasked with coordinating the data governance framework and supporting other public authorities. In addition, posts shall be created at the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications and at the State Information System Agency to carry out development projects. By the end of 2021, at least five people shall be recruited across the three entities.
3.1 Creation and development of a centre of excellence for data governance and open data
Completion of data quality improvement projects
Number of projects
Number of completed projects contributing to ensuring an improved reusability of data from public institutions, with up-to-date and accurate descriptions of databases and datasets.
3.1 Creation and development of a centre of excellence for data governance and open data
Publication of datasets on the national open data portal
Number of published datasets
The number of datasets made public on the National Open Data Portal and thus available from the EU Open Data portal shall be increased from 707 on 13 August 2021 to 2600.
3.2 Development of event services and proactive digital public services for individuals
Launch of personal life event services and/or proactive services
Number of services which are operational
Number of citizen life event services and/or proactive services launched online.
The corresponding IT solutions enabling the provision of the services shall be operational at least in the basic parts of a given service and are subject to a further development during the implementation of the measure.
The selection of concerned services shall be based on the development plan for personal life event and proactive services.
3.2 Development of event services and proactive digital public services for individuals
Launch of personal life event services and/or proactive services
Number of services which are operational
Number of citizen life event services and/or proactive services launched online.
The corresponding IT solutions enabling the provision of the services shall be operational at least in the basic parts of a given service and are subject to a further development during the implementation of the measure.
The selection of concerned services shall be based on the development plan for personal life event and proactive services.
3.3 Development of event services and digital gateway for entrepreneurs
Deployment of IT developments contributing to the implementation of the business event services and gateway
Number of projects that have successfully deployed new developments online
Number of IT development projects contributing to the implementation of the business event services and gateway that have successfully deployed new developments online. These development projects shall be either directly related to the development of the digital gateway for entrepreneurs or to the development of business-event services, which additionally include the development of various related systems for interfacing with the digital gateway. As a result of each development project, at least a minimally functional IT solution shall be completed (i.e., the IT solution shall be operational at least in the basic parts for the end users (entrepreneurs) and shall be able to provide feedback for further development needs during the reform implementation period or afterwards).
3.3 Development of event services and digital gateway for entrepreneurs
Deployment of IT developments contributing to the implementation of the business event services and gateway
Number of projects that have successfully deployed new developments online
Number of IT development projects contributing to the implementation of the business event services and gateway that have successfully deployed new developments online. These development projects shall be either directly related to the development of the digital gateway for entrepreneurs or to the development of business-event services, which additionally include the development of various related systems for interfacing with the digital gateway. As a result of each development project, at least a minimally functional IT solution shall be completed (i.e., the IT solution shall be operational at least in the basic parts for the end users (entrepreneurs) and shall be able to provide feedback for further development needs during the reform implementation period or afterwards).
3.4 #Bürokratt programme (national virtual assistant platform and ecosystem)
Access to digital public services through the virtual assistant platform
Number of public digital services accessible through the virtual assistant
Number of digital public services available through the platform of the virtual assistant.
3.4 #Bürokratt programme (national virtual assistant platform and ecosystem)
Introduction of the Bürokratt virtual assistant in digital public services environments
Number of service environments
Number of service environments in which the virtual assistant shall be operational. A “service environment” refers to a website of public authorities.
3.4 #Bürokratt programme (national virtual assistant platform and ecosystem)
Access to digital public services through the virtual assistant platform
Number of public digital services accessible through the virtual assistant
Number of digital public services available through the platform of the virtual assistant.
3.5 Reconfiguration of basic digital services and safe transition to cloud infrastructure
Development of centrally delivered/shared IT base services
Opening of shared server hosting and computer workstation services to public authorities
Basic IT services provided/shared centrally shall open for subscription by new users (ministries and other authorities).
3.5 Reconfiguration of basic digital services and safe transition to cloud infrastructure
Deployment of national private cloud infrastructure by public authorities
Number of information systems migrated to the national private cloud
Number of information systems for which the migration to the private cloud infrastructure shall be completed.
3.5 Reconfiguration of basic digital services and safe transition to cloud infrastructure
Extension of the cloud infrastructure to the data embassy
Completion of the extension of the national private cloud to the infrastructure of Estonia’s data embassy
It shall become possible to host and operate information systems migrated to the private cloud from the data embassy. New hardware and licenses shall be acquired and set up for this purpose.
3.5 Reconfiguration of basic digital services and safe transition to cloud infrastructure
Migration of critical systems to the national cloud infrastructure of the data embassy
Number of critical systems
Number of critical systems migrated to the National Cloud Data Embassy infrastructure and platform. Critical systems are systems that are vital to the state's sustainability.
3.5 Reconfiguration of basic digital services and safe transition to cloud infrastructure
Central security testing of public authorities’ information systems
Number of tests performed
Number of comprehensive security tests carried out by the Information System Authority – the test results shall be summarised in reports.
3.6 Establishing the strategic analysis of money laundering and terrorist financing in Estonia
Entry into force of the amendment of the Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing Prevention Act and of other legislative, administrative and contractual changes needed for the Centre for Strategic Analysis
Provision in the law indicating the date of entry into force of amended act and entry into force of other legislative, administrative and contractual acts
The following steps shall be completed to allow the Centre for Strategic Analysis to access and process data relevant to the detection and prevention of money laundering and terrorist financing:
(1)an amendment of the Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing Prevention Act shall be published in the Riigi Teataja and enter into force,
(2)amendments to the statutes of the relevant national datasets shall enter into force,
amendments to the terms and conditions of Financial Intelligence Unit data exchange contracts shall be signed by the contracting parties.
3.7 Information system for real-time strategic analysis of money laundering and terrorist financing
Development of the new realtime ICT analysis system for the Centre for Strategic Analysis, and delivery to the Financial Intelligence Unit
Delivery of the new ICT system to the Financial Intelligence Unit
The development of the ICT system allowing real-time analysis to detect and prevent money laundering shall be completed. The system shall be operational and used by the Financial Intelligence Unit.
3.8 Construction of very high capacity broadband networks
Rollout of very high capacity broadband network to new sites
Number of sites
Number of new sites (residential, companies, establishments) covered by VHCN (and which have thus the possibility to get a connection of at least 100 Mbps) thanks to the measure.
3.8 Construction of very high capacity broadband networks
Rollout of very high capacity broadband network to new sites
Number of sites
Number of additional sites (residential, companies, establishments) covered by VHCN (and which have thus the possibility to get a connection of at least 100 Mbps) thanks to the measure.
D.COMPONENT 4: Energy and energy efficiency
This component of the Estonian recovery and resilience plan addresses the challenge of decarbonising the energy sector. The objectives of the component are to reduce the dependency on oil shale, incentivise uptake of renewable energy and improve the energy efficiency of buildings.
The component supports addressing the Country Specific Recommendation to focus investments on energy infrastructure and on resource and energy efficiency, contributing to the progressive decarbonisation of the economy (Country Specific Recommendation 3 in 2019 and in 2020). Upgraded and new measures support addressing the Country Specific Recommendation on reducing reliance on fossil fuels through facilitating the deployment of renewable energy sources and increasing energy efficiency (Country Specific Recommendation 4 in 2022).
It is expected that no measure in this component does significant harm to environmental objectives within the meaning of Article 17 of Regulation (EU) 2020/852, taking into account the description of the measures and the mitigating steps set out in the recovery and resilience plan in accordance with the ‘Do no significant harm’ Technical Guidance (2021/C58/01).
D.1. Description of the reforms and investments for non-repayable financial support
4.1.Reform: Energy efficiency promotion
The objective of the reform is to reduce the administrative barriers to energy efficient renovations by advising apartment associations, private households and local governments on legislation, technical aspects and financing of renovations. The reform also supports the use of innovative solutions such as renovation using pre-fabricated elements in order to increase renovation capacity and reduce the carbon footprint of the building stock (economising on the materials and ensuring quality). The reform aims to increase renovation rates in areas with lower property value.
The measure consists of setting up a regional advisory network and training of technical consultants in order to provide the necessary information and incentivise renovations. Access to information related to energy-efficient renovations shall be further ensured by setting up a dedicated website and digital tools facilitating understanding of the renovation result, cost and benefits. The component is linked to a measure on digitalisation of construction data under component 1 of the Estonian Recovery and Resilience Plan.
The implementation of the reform shall be completed by 31 December 2024.
4.2.Investment: Support for the renovation of apartment buildings
The objective of the measure is to boost deep renovations of apartment buildings in order to increase energy efficiency, reduce energy consumption and improve the living conditions of their residents. The objective is also to increase renovation rates in areas with lower property value.
Support shall be given to apartment associations for renovations that achieve an improvement of at least one energy efficiency class or, in the case of complete renovations, at least the energy efficiency class C. The renovations shall correspond to at least a medium-depth renovation representing an average level of primary energy savings of at least 30%. Differentiated regional support rates shall be applied: 30% in Tallinn and Tartu, 40% in the areas surrounding Tallinn and Tartu based on the real estate price and 50% in all other areas. Outside Tallinn and Tartu, the apartment associations may carry out partial reconstruction work to prevent deterioration of the technical condition of the building, in which case the support rate shall be lower. In addition, as part of its long-term national strategies, Estonia is planning to finance complementary renovation measures from the European Regional Development Fund and the REACT-EU.
The implementation of the investment shall be completed by 30 June 2026.
4.3.Investment: Support for the renovation of small residential buildings
The objective of the measure is to boost deep renovations of private dwellings in order to increase energy efficiency, reduce energy consumption and improve the living conditions of their residents. The objective is also to increase renovation rates in areas with lower property value.
Support shall be given to private owners for renovations that achieve an improvement of energy efficiency or, in the case of complete renovations, at least energy label class C. Differentiated regional support rates shall be applied: 30% in Tallinn and Tartu, 40% in the areas surrounding Tallinn and Tartu based on the real estate price and 50% in all other areas. For the purpose of the measure, housing (dwelling) is defined as ‘a dwelling or dwellings in a single building or in a separate building intended for a single household to live throughout the year’ (in accordance with Eurostat).
The implementation of the investment shall be completed by 31 March 2026.
4.4.Reform: Boosting the green transition in the energy economy
The aim of this measure is to contribute to decarbonising the energy production and consumption in Estonia by updating targets and actions of Estonian energy policy (including those related to the phase out oil shale) and by removing administrative barriers to renewable energy installations.
The National Development Plan of the Energy Sector shall be updated and shall include targets on renewable energy production, energy efficiency and security of supply. The plan will also include actions to reduce dependency on oil shale in the Estonian energy sector and targets on the phase-out of oil shale in the energy sector altogether.
The reform shall also consist of adopting the necessary legislation and compiling guidance materials for accelerating the installation of renewable electricity production capacity and actions for alleviating the defence-related height restrictions on wind parks.
The implementation of the reform shall be completed by 31 December 2025.
4.5.Investment: Programme to strengthen the electricity grid to increase renewable energy production capacity and adapt to climate change (such as protection against storms)
The aim of this measure is to contribute to decarbonising the Estonian electricity production by increasing the capacity of the transmission grid, which will allow connecting additional renewable energy production.
Under this measure, the transmission system operator’s investments into the transmission grid shall
be co-financed with the aim of adding at least 310 MW of additional grid capacity.
The implementation of the measure shall be completed by 30 June 2026.
4.6.Investment: Programme to boost energy production in industrial areas
The measure aims to make the electricity system more effective by incentivising the production of electricity close to consumption. The measure shall incentivise renewable electricity production in or nearby industrial areas through co-financing the necessary grid connection. Under this measure, investments made by companies to connect renewable electricity production capacities into the grid shall be supported through grants. In order to ensure that the measure complies with the ‘Do no significant harm’ Technical Guidance (2021/C58/01), the eligibility criteria contained in terms of reference for the calls for projects shall exclude the following list of activities: (i) activities related to fossil fuels, including downstream use
; (ii) activities under the EU Emission Trading System (ETS) achieving projected greenhouse gas emissions that are not lower than the relevant benchmarks
; (iii) activities related to waste landfills, incinerators
and mechanical biological treatment plants
; and (iv) activities where the long-term disposal of waste may cause harm to the environment. The terms of reference shall additionally require that only activities that comply with relevant EU and national environmental legislation may be selected.
The implementation of the investment shall be completed by 30 June 2026.
4.7.Investment: Pilot Energy Storage Programme
To complement the above measures, the phase-out of oil shale and increased renewable energy production, projects for renewable energy storage shall be supported.
The objective of the measure is to carry out a pilot programme on renewable energy storage in Estonia. The knowledge acquired in this pilot programme is expected to provide a basis for the future zero-subsidy investments into storage facilities. Under this measure, grants shall be provided to companies investing in renewable energy storage facilities.
The implementation of the investment shall be completed by 30 June 2026.
4.8.Investment: Boosting offshore wind farms development
The objective of this measure is to commission and make operational a radar and passive radar system/sensors that shall make it possible for offshore wind turbines, regardless of their height, to operate in the Gulf of Riga and Estonian islands Hiiumaa, Saaremaa and Vormsi.
The implementation of the investment shall be completed by 31 March 2026.
D.2. Milestones, targets, indicators, and timetable for monitoring and implementation for non-repayable financial support
Sequential Number
Related Measure (Reform or Investment)
Milestone / Target
Qualitative indicators (for milestones)
Quantitative indicators (for targets)
Indicative timeline for completion
Description of each milestone and target
Unit of measure
4.1 Energy efficiency promotion
Conclusion of the cooperation agreement stipulating conditions for cooperation between SA
Kredex/Enterprise Estonia and county development centers
Conclusion of the cooperation agreement between SA KredEx/ Enterpise Estonia and county development centers
Conclusion of a cooperation agreement by SA KredEx/Enterpise Estonia with county development centers by which in each county of Estonia SA KredEx/Enterpise Estonia shall provide at least one trained specialist in the county development centre who shall provide advice on renovation.
4.1 Energy efficiency promotion
Digital tools to facilitate access to information on renovation including visualising the results of the renovation and estimating the cost of renovation have become operational
Operational user-friendly renovation website and pricing models
SA KredEx/Enterprise Estonia shall update the Housing homepage to ensure fast, up-to-date and operational information for those interested in renovation and for applicants.
Online digital tools shall be made available to allow parties interested in renovation to visualise the possible outcome and calculate the potential costs with and without support schemes when adding the parameters of their building.
4.2 Support for the renovation of apartment buildings
Publication of calls for applications for residential apartment buildings renovation grants
Publication of calls for housing renovation grants
SA KredEx/Enterprise Estonia shall publish calls for applications aimed at improving the energy efficiency of residential apartment buildings. The support shall be differentiated between regions on the basis of the value of the real estate, with a higher rate of support in regions with low average property value.
Support shall be granted to renovation projects that achieve an improvement of at least one energy efficiency class or, in the case of complete renovations, at least the energy efficiency class C. The renovations shall correspond to at least medium-depth renovations representing an average level of primary energy savings of at least 30% as set out in European Commission Recommendation (EU) 2019/786. The results shall be certified by ex-ante and ex-post Energy Performance Certificates.
4.2 Support for the renovation of apartment buildings
Dwellings with improved energy performance
Number of dwellings
At least 2 600 dwellings shall be renovated and achieve an improvement of at least one energy efficiency class or, in the case of complete renovations, at least the energy efficiency class C. The renovations shall correspond to at least medium-depth renovations representing an average level of primary energy savings of at least 30% as set out in European Commission Recommendation (EU) 2019/786. The results shall be certified by ex-ante and ex-post Energy Performance Certificates.
4.2 Support for the renovation of apartment buildings
Estimated annual reduction of greenhouse gas emissions
tons of CO2eq/year
Annual emissions of at least 2 200 tons of CO2 equivalent have been saved. The target shall be measured as the decrease of the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions as a sum of all the renovation projects finished by 2024. The energy efficiency class for each renovated building shall be measured at the latest in 2025; and their annual greenhouse gas emissions estimated on this basis. The baseline shall refer to the estimated greenhouse gas emissions of the building prior to renovation. It shall be assessed if the activities of the support measure have been carried out and all the necessary documents have been submitted by the apartment associations (such as Energy Performance Certificate, audit). The calculation of the GHG emission savings result shall be based on the model of SA Kredex/Enterprise Estonia for energy consumption and other relevant data. The results achieved shall be delivered at the end of the supporting activities.
4.3 Support for the renovation of small residential buildings
Published calls for renovation grant
Publication of calls
SA KredEx/Enterprise Estonia shall publish calls for applications aimed at improving the energy efficiency of private residential buildings. The support shall be differentiated between regions on the basis of the value of the real estate, with a higher rate of support in regions with low average property value.
Support shall be granted to renovation projects that achieve an improvement of energy efficiency or, in the case of complete renovations, at least the energy efficiency class C. The results shall be certified by ex-ante and ex-post SA KredEx Energy Performance calculations.
4.3 Support for the renovation of small residential buildings
Dwellings with improved energy performance
Number of dwellings
At least 80 dwellings shall be renovated, and achieve an improvement of energy efficiency or, in the case of complete renovations, at least the energy efficiency class C. The results shall be certified by ex-ante and ex-post KredEx Energy Performance calculations.
4.3 Support for the renovation of small residential buildings
Dwellings with improved energy performance
Number of dwellings
At least 900 dwellings shall be renovated and achieve an improvement of energy efficiency or, in the case of complete renovations, at least the energy efficiency class C. The results shall be certified by ex-ante and ex-post KredEx Energy Performance calculations.
4.4 Boosting the green transition in the energy economy
Government decision on investments needed to alleviate the defence related height restrictions on wind parks
Adoption of the decision of the Government
The Government shall adopt a decision on making the necessary investments to alleviate the defence related height restrictions on wind parks.
4.4 Boosting the green transition in the energy economy
Adoption of the decision of the Government on the initiation of the preparation process of the National Development Plan of the Energy Sector, the designation of those responsible and deadlines
Adoption of the decision of the Government
Government decision on initiating the preparation process of the National Development Plan of the Energy Sector shall be approved, defining the responsible entity (ies) and setting the relevant deadlines. The development plan shall address, inter alia, the objectives of increasing renewable energy production, energy efficiency and maintaining and improving security of supply, as well as the cessation of the use of oil shale for electricity production in 2035 and the phasing out of shale oil production by 2040.
4.4 Boosting the green transition in the energy economy
Entry into force of the relevant primary and/or secondary legislation and publication of guidance material to alleviate the barriers for the installation of renewable energy generating installations and energy storage facilities
Provision in the law indicating the entry into force of the relevant primary and/or entry into force of secondary legislation and publication of guidance material
Guidance materials necessary for facilitating and incentivising the installation of renewable energy generating installations and energy storage facilities shall be published and relevant primary and/or secondary legislation shall enter into force to remove the barriers to installation of renewable energy facilities such as streamlining permitting procedures and other relevant identified barriers.
4.4 Boosting the green transition in the energy economy
Adoption of the National Development Plan of the Energy Sector by the Government
Document adopted by the Government
The National Development Plan of the Energy Sector shall be approved by the Government. The plan shall include the actions related to the phase-out of the use of oil shale for electricity production in 2035 and of shale oil production by 2040. It shall also include targets for electricity generation capacity to be replaced with renewable energy.
4.5 Programme to strengthen the electricity grid to increase renewable energy production capacity and adapt to climate change (such as protection against storms)
Signature of network investment cofinancing contract with transmission system operator
Signature of a contract with the transmission system operator
A co-financing agreement for electricity network investments shall be concluded between the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications and Elering AS. The contract shall set out the expected results and deadlines.
4.5 Programme to strengthen the electricity grid to increase renewable energy production capacity and adapt to climate change (such as improved resilience against storms)
Additional grid capacity created via investments into the transmission network
Additional grid capacity (MW)
Increase in the capacity of the Estonian electricity transmission network by at least 310 MW.
4.6 Programme to boost energy production in industrial areas
Publication of a call for proposals for projects boosting energy production in industrial sites
Call for proposals published
An open call shall be published by the Environmental Investment Centre to support the grid connection costs of companies producing electricity from renewable sources in industrial sites. The call shall be based on project selection criteria and award conditions that ensure that the selected projects comply with the ‘Do no significant harm’ Technical Guidance (2021/C58/01) through the use of an exclusion list and the requirement of compliance with the relevant EU and national environmental legislation.
4.6 Programme to boost energy production in industrial areas
Additional connection capacity for renewable electricity production in or near industrial sites connected to the grid
Connection capacity created (MW)
Additional connection capacity for renewable electricity production in or near industrial sites constructed for at least 28 MW.
4.7 Pilot Energy Storage Programme
Publication of a call for proposals for a pilot energy storage programme
Call for proposals published
An open call for proposals shall be published by the Environmental Investment Centre to support energy storage projects.
The call shall be based on project selection criteria and award conditions that ensure that the selected projects comply with the ‘Do no significant harm’ Technical Guidance (2021/C58/01) through the use of an exclusion list and the requirement of compliance with the relevant EU and national environmental legislation. The selection/eligibility criteria shall specify that the supported activities and/or enterprises contribute to climate-neutral economy, climate resilience and climate change adaptation, including circular economy objectives.
4.7 Pilot Energy Storage Programme
Additional heat storage capacity resulting from investment support
Capacity installed (m³)
35 000
The investment support scheme shall result in the installation of heat storage of at least 35 000 m³ in district heating systems.
4.7 Pilot Energy Storage Programme
Additional electricity storage capacity resulting from investment support
Capacity installed (MW)
The investment support scheme shall result in the installation of at least 4 MW of electricity storage capacity.
4.8 Boosting offshore wind farms development
Contractors for the radar and passive radar system/sensors selected and contracts signed
Contracts signed
Contracts signed for the detailed design, air surveillance radar, passive radar system/sensors, civil engineering construction works and radar construction works. The contractors shall be selected on the basis of a call for tenders.
4.8 Boosting offshore wind farms development
Radar and passive radar system/sensors become operational
Date of the start of operations
The radar and passive radar system/sensors shall be operational.
4.8 Boosting offshore wind farms development
Removal of the height restriction on offshore wind turbines in the Gulf of Riga and Estonian islands Hiiumaa, Saaremaa, Vormsi
A Notice issued by the Ministry of Defence and published on its website, stating that the height restrictions on offshore wind turbines have been lifted in the Gulf of Riga and Estonian islands of Hiiumaa, Saaremaa and Vormsi.
E.COMPONENT 5: Sustainable transport
The component of the Estonian recovery and resilience plan aims at addressing the challenge of decarbonising the transport sector. The objectives of the component are to reduce emissions and incentivise the uptake of sustainable modes of transport.
The reform and investments of the component support the development of the cross-border Rail Baltic project, connecting the three Baltic capitals and countries with Poland and the rest of the Union. The measures in the component aim at connecting the Rail Baltic with other national railways and other TEN-T hubs (Tallinn Airport and Old Port) and facilitating access to its local stops on foot or by bicycle.
The component supports addressing the Country Specific Recommendation to focus investments on resource efficiency and sustainable transport contributing to decarbonisation of the economy (Country Specific Recommendation 3 in 2019 and in 2020). The new measures also correspond to the Country Specific Recommendation to intensify efforts to improve the sustainability of the transport system, including through electrification of the rail network and by increasing incentives to encourage sustainable and less polluting transport (Country Specific Recommendation 4 in 2022).
It is expected that no measure in this component does significant harm to environmental objectives within the meaning of Article 17 of Regulation (EU) 2020/852, taking into account the description of the measures and the mitigating steps set out in the recovery and resilience plan in accordance with the ‘Do no significant harm’ Technical Guidance (2021/C58/01).
E.1. Description of the reforms and investments for non-repayable financial support
5.1.Reform: Deploy safe, green, competitive, needs-based and sustainable transport and energy infrastructure
The objective of the reform is to reduce the CO2 emissions of the transport sector and incentivise the uptake of sustainable modes of transport.
The measure consists of adoption and implementation of the new Transport and Mobility Development Plan and the related Implementation Plan. The focus of the Plan is to reduce the environmental footprint of transport systems and it shall include measures to develop interconnected and shared mobility in urban areas at the expense of private cars and promote a comprehensive framework of light mobility (on foot or bicycle) in areas outside major urban centres. The Plan shall include railway investments that shall be directed towards increasing the speed and safety of journeys and adding connections for both passenger and freight transport. The key actions under this Plan to be implemented within the timeline of the Recovery and Resilience Facility include building and extending the electrified railway from Tallinn to Tartu and harmonising the public transport system in the Tallinn capital region (ticketing systems and pricing).
The implementation of the reform shall be completed by 30 June 2026.
Investment: Multifunctional work vessel
The objective of the investment is to ensure the safety and condition of the waterways necessary for the operation of maritime transport, enable anti-pollution operations to be carried out and increase research capacity for environmental studies. For these purposes, a low-emission vessel with research capability, buoy installation capability and pollution control capability shall be built.
The vessel shall either be electric or run on fuels (hydrogen or hydrogen-based synthetic fuels or sustainable biomethane) that meet the following ‘Do No Significant Harm’ requirements in accordance with the DNSH Technical Guidance (2021/C58/01):
a.For hydrogen and hydrogen-based synthetic fuels, they are produced using renewable energy sources compliant with the Renewable Energy Directive (EU) 2018/2001 (RED II) and related implementing and delegated acts, and they achieve a life-cycle GHG emissions savings requirement of 73,4% for hydrogen [resulting in life-cycle GHG emissions lower than 3t CO2e/tH2] and 70% for hydrogen-based synthetic fuels relative to a fossil fuel comparator of 94g CO2e/MJ in analogy to the approach set out in Article 25(2) of and Annex V to Directive (EU) 2018/2001;
b.For biomethane, they are in line with the sustainability and greenhouse gas emissions savings criteria from Art. 29-31 and the rules on food and feed-based biofuels set out in Article 26 of the Renewable Energy Directive 2018/2001/EU (REDII), and related implementing and delegated acts.
The implementation of the investment shall be completed by 30 June 2026.
Investment: Construction of the Rail Baltic viaducts
The objective of the measure is to increase the share of sustainable mobility in Estonia by contributing to the Rail Baltic project, which connects the three Baltic States.
The investment consists of the construction of five viaducts in Kangru junction near Tallinn: Kangru viaduct, Raudalu viaduct, Raku viaduct, Männiku light traffic viaduct and Männiku light traffic tunnel.
The implementation of the investment shall be completed by 31 March 2026.
5.4.Investment: Construction of the Tallinn Old Port tram line
The objective of the measure is to increase the share of sustainable mobility in the Tallinn region. To this end, the measure aims to connect Rail Baltic to sea connections with the Nordic countries through Tallinn Old Port.
Support shall be given to the Tallinn City Transport Authority, responsible for operating public transport in Tallinn, to construct a new tramline of around 2 km which shall connect Tallinn Airport, Rail Baltic hub, the city centre, the Old Port and the regional train station.
The implementation of the investment shall be completed by 31 December 2025.
Investment: Municipalities’ investments in bike- and walkways
The objective of the measure is to reduce car dependency and increase sustainable mobility in areas outside the three major urban centres (Tallinn, Tartu, Pärnu), where the financial capacity of municipalities is an obstacle to development of safe and climate-friendly bicycle and pedestrian corridors.
Support shall be given to municipalities for the construction of 24 km of bike- and walkways infrastructure to ensure safe and sustainable access to public services, including public transport, and workplaces. Attention will be also paid to the Rail Baltic local stops and connection with existing cycling and pedestrian network.
The measure complements a similar measure expected to be financed from the ERDF, which helps increase mobility by bike in the three major urban centres of Tallinn, Tartu and Pärnu.
The implementation of the investment shall be completed by 31 December 2025.
E.2. Milestones, targets, indicators, and timetable for monitoring and implementation for non-repayable financial support
Sequential Number
Measure (Reform or Investment)
Milestone / Target
Qualitative indicators (for milestones)
Quantitative indicators (for targets)
Indicative timeline for completion
Description of each milestone and target
Unit of measure
5.1 Deployment of safe, green, competitive, needs-based and sustainable transport and energy infrastructure
Adoption of the Transport and Mobility Development Plan 2021-2035 by the Government
Adoption of the Transport and Mobility Development Plan 2021-2035
The Transport and Mobility Development Plan 2021-2035 shall be approved by the Government. It shall include the creation of the Tallinn capital region common transport system, actions to facilitate uptake of local biomethane, actions to develop sustainable and active urban mobility in bigger towns following the logic of integrated transport corridors, planning multimodal infrastructure, increasing the connections, speed and safety of rail, making the maritime transport sector more competitive and greener and connect it multimodally, developing faster and safer road transport.
The plan shall include a target to reduce CO2 emissions by 700 000 tons (or 30%) compared to 2018 levels and reach a share of renewables in the energy consumed in the transport sector of 24% by 2035.
5.1 Deployment of safe, green, competitive, needs-based and sustainable transport and energy infrastructure
Adoption of the Implementation Plan for green sustainable public transport development of the Transport and Mobility Development Plan 2021-2035
Adoption of the Implementation Plan
The implementation plan shall be approved by the Steering Committee of the Transport and Mobility Development Plan 2021-2035. It shall include the creation of the Tallinn capital region common transport system, actions to facilitate uptake of local biomethane, actions to develop sustainable and active urban mobility in bigger towns following the logic of integrated transport corridors, planning multimodal infrastructure, increasing the connections, speed and safety of rail, making the maritime transport sector more competitive, greener and connect it multimodally, developing faster and safer road transport. The implementation plan shall include an annual reporting obligation on the responsible minister to the Government.
5.1 Deployment of safe, green, competitive, needs-based and sustainable transport and energy infrastructure
Implementation of Transport and Mobility Development Plan 2021-2035
Implementation of several key measures of the Transport and Mobility Development Plan 2021-2035 completed
The implementation of key measures of the Transport and Mobility Development Plan shall be completed, including building and extending the electrified railway lines from Tallinn to Tartu and harmonising the public transport system in the Tallinn capital region (including common ticketing and pricing systems).
5.2.a Multifunctional work vessel
Contract signed for building of the vessel
Contract signed
The contract for the building of the multifunctional work vessel shall be signed by the contractor and the National Fleet (Riigilaevastik). The contract shall include a specification of the fuel to be used by the vessel in line with ‘Do No Significant Harm’ requirements set out in the description of the investment.
5.2.a Multifunctional work vessel
Vessel delivered
Vessel delivered and accepted
The multifunctional work vessel shall be delivered in line with the description, criteria and conditions as set out in the description of the investment, and it shall be accepted by the National Fleet (Riigilaevastik).
5.3.a Construction of the Rail Baltic viaducts
Works contracts for the construction of Rail Baltic viaducts
Works contracts signed
Works contracts signed for the following Rail Baltic viaducts: Kangru viaduct, Raudalu viaduct, Raku viaduct, Männiku light traffic viaduct and Männiku light traffic tunnel.
5.3.aConstruction of the Rail Baltic viaducts
Viaducts completed
Number of viaducts
The construction of the following Rail Baltic viaducts has been completed and accepted by the contracting authority: Kangru viaduct, Raudalu viaduct, Raku viaduct, Männiku light traffic viaduct and Männiku light traffic tunnel.
5.4 Construction of the Tallinn Old Port tram line
Completion of the tramway construction project design
Approval of the project design
Tallinn Urban Planning and Utilities Board shall adopt the design of the tramway construction project.
5.4 Construction of the Tallinn Old Port tram line
Award of works contract
Contract signed for the construction of the tramway line
Works contract concluded between Tallinn Urban Planning and Utilities Board and the contractor for the construction of the tramway line between Gonsiori street and Põhja Puiestee
5.4 Construction of the Tallinn Old Port tram line
New tramway line in operation
Meters of tramway line
The tramway section of 2500 meters in length shall be completed and put into service in accordance with the letter authorisation issued by the City of Tallinn
5.5 Municipalities’ investments in bike- and walkways
Call for proposals for grants
Publication of the notice for call for proposals for grants
An open call for investment by municipalities in bike- and walkways shall be published.
5.5 Municipalities’ investments in bike- and walkways
Bike- and walkways infrastructure completed
Km of bike- and walkways
At least 24 kilometres of bike and walkways shall be built as a result of the support scheme. These shall generally be new ways. In justified cases, the reconstruction of existing bike- and walkways shall be allowed, such as if the width of the existing walkway does not meet the standards, making it impossible for walkers and cyclists to move simultaneously in a safe and non-interference manner.
F.COMPONENT 6: Healthcare and social protection
This component of the Estonian recovery and resilience plan aims to address the challenges related to the resilience of and access to the health care system, the adequacy of the social safety net, accessibility of social services and youth unemployment. The objectives of the measures included in the component are to: address workforce shortages in the health sector, strengthen primary and hospital care, extend the duration of the unemployment insurance benefit in periods of high unemployment, improve access to social services, address youth unemployment and reduce the gender pay gap.
The component supports addressing the Country Specific Recommendation, on improving the accessibility and resilience of the health system, including by addressing the shortages of health workers, strengthening primary care and ensuring the supply of critical medical products (Country Specific Recommendation 1 in 2020), on improving the social safety net, increasing access to social services in an integrated way (Country Specific Recommendation 2 in 2019, Country Specific Recommendation 2 in 2020 and Country Specific Recommendation 3 in 2022) and on reducing the gender pay gap, including by improving wage transparency (Country Specific Recommendation 2 in 2019).
It is expected that no measure in this component does significant harm to environmental objectives within the meaning of Article 17 of Regulation (EU) 2020/852, taking into account the description of the measures and the mitigating steps set out in the recovery and resilience plan in accordance with the ‘Do no significant harm’ Technical Guidance (2021/C58/01).
F.1. Description of the reforms and investments for non-repayable financial support
6.1.Reform: A comprehensive change in the organisation of health care in Estonia
The objective of the reform is to improve the resilience of the Estonian health system, including for coping with crises, thus ensuring that people have access to high-quality, integrated healthcare throughout Estonia. The reform consists of the following elements:
(I)A Hospital Network Development Roadmap shall be adopted by 31 December 2024 which shall outline the consolidated hospital network in order to improve efficiency and infrastructure, and define the specialisation of hospitals to reduce the high rate of unmet need for medical care.
(II)Health workforce shortages shall be addressed by three measures:
a.A strategic framework shall be adopted by 31 December 2022 which shall outline the provision of health services in the various health sectors, in particular specialised care, the allocation of physical and human resources, and the funding mechanism to ensure the provision of good quality healthcare across the country. By 2023, the admission to nursing training shall be increased by 5% compared to 2020.
b.The reimbursement scheme for doctors and pharmacists shall be amended in order to incentivise the health workforce to work in remote areas.
c.The reimbursement scheme for nurses shall be established in order to incentivise them to work in remote areas.
d.The agreement between the Ministry of Social Affairs and the University of Tartu shall be amended to lay down requirements for the gradual increase of admission in certain professions with shortages, in particular general practitioners, psychiatrists, internal diseases. The amendment shall enter into force by 30 June 2026.
Investment: Construction of TERVIKUM
The investment aims to contribute to improving the access to health care as well the provision of health and social care in an integrated way.
The investment consists of building a new health centre in the city of Viljandi. The investment shall have two parts, a general hospital and a primary health care centre.
The implementation of the investment shall be completed by 31 December 2025.
6.3.Reform: Strengthening primary health care
The objective of the reform is to ensure access to general medical care, improve the continuity of treatment and make provision of primary health care more flexible and human-centred. The reform consists of three sub-measures. First, in order to improve access to specialist care, the use of e-consultation in primary care was extended on 30 September 2020 allowing patients to be advised by a specialist without having to consult them face-to-face. Second, legislation entered into force on 31 March 2021 improving access to health care by increasing the level of support for general practitioners and by modifying the funding model for general medical care with a view to making working in primary health centres in remote areas more attractive. Third, the Health Services Organisation Act shall be amended as regards the management of the list of patients, ensuring continuity of primary care and extending the rights of nurses to prescribe medicines to patients.
The implementation of the reform shall be completed by 31 March 2023.
6.4.Reform: Renewal of the eHealth Governance
The objective of the reform is to update the governance framework for eHealth with a view to better responding to the needs of the health system and ensure the development of digital solutions to support a sustainable health system in Estonia. The reform consists of adopting a revised national governance model for information and communication technology of the current health system to provide a forward-looking new eHealth governance model and promote a common understanding among partners of the division of roles and responsibilities in eHealth.
The implementation of the reform shall be completed by 30 June 2023.
6.6.Investment: Providing labour market measures to reduce youth unemployment
The objective of the investment is to help young people with little work experience get into employment. The legislation on the renewed “My first job” (M1T) scheme shall have two components: a wage subsidy paid to the employer and the reimbursement of the training costs of a young person. A wage subsidy and training allowance (up to EUR 2 500) shall be paid to an employer who employs a young person between 16 and 29 years old and registered as unemployed with no or only short-term work experience. The M1T measure shall be integrated with other services, in particular with follow-on support to young people and employers beyond the start of the employment relationship. The aim is, in particular, to prevent the premature end of the employment relationship and to identify, in cooperation with the employer and the young person, the training needs of the young person. A reinforced Youth Guarantee Action Plan shall be presented by 30 June 2022 which shall support the implementation of the investment with additional measures supporting young unemployed. In particular, it shall include measures to improve the skills of young people, define actions to prevent and address youth unemployment, including outreach and prevention of NEET-situation and define key parties and their roles to prevent and deal with youth unemployment.
The implementation of the investment shall be completed by 31 December 2025.
6.7.Reform: Extending the duration of unemployment insurance benefits
The objective of the reform is to address the long-standing challenge of improving the adequacy of the social safety net. The reform consists of the establishment of a mechanism to activate the extension of the period of the unemployment insurance benefits by 60 days, notably when the registered unemployment rate exceeds the non-accelerating inflation/wage rate of unemployment (NAIRU/NAWRU) by a significant margin. The mechanism of prolongation and the margin, which shall not be higher than 2%, shall be agreed upon in dialogue with the social partners. The measure aims at helping people to bridge a longer period of unemployment in difficult labour market conditions.
The reform shall be implemented by 30 June 2023.
6.8.Reform: Long-term care
The objective of the reform is to improve the provision of long-term care. The reform consists of the following elements:
(I)Amendments to the Social Welfare Act shall lay down the definition of long-term care and require local authorities to take into account the principle that a person must be able to live as long as possible in his or her home, in his or her usual environment, with sufficient quality services available. The amendments shall enter into force by 30 June 2022.
(II)An Action Plan on providing social and health care in an integrated way shall provide for the establishment of an integrated care model throughout Estonia, lay down the roles and responsibilities of the actors involved and define the financing of the system. The Action Plan shall be adopted by 31 December 2022.
(III)A Decree of the Minister of Social Protection shall define the design and characteristics of care services by local authorities to people with lower care needs, as well as the conditions for their implementation. In particular, it shall include adequate investments and development of services by local authorities to provide for independent living for older people with lower care needs and people with disabilities to support independent living. The Decree of the Minister of Social Protection by 31 December 2024.
(IV)Legislative amendments aiming at improving the support system for children with higher care needs shall provide for the modernisation and integration of services for children with higher care needs. In particular, services in the health, education, social protection and employment areas shall be integrated in order to provide comprehensive support for families under care burden. The current support system shall be simplified and the assessments of care needs consolidated so that parents have a secure point of contact for initial advice and support. The legislative amendments shall enter into force by 31 March 2025.
6.9.Reform: Reducing gender pay gap
The objective of the reform is to reduce the gender pay gap. The reform consists of the adoption of the Welfare Development Plan for 2023-2030 and its implementation and the roll out of a digital gender pay gap tool.
The Welfare Development Plan shall be adopted by 31 March 2024 and it shall lay down the strategic objectives of reducing social inequalities and poverty, ensuring gender equality and greater social inclusion, and promoting equal treatment of persons belonging to minority groups. The Development Plan shall outline measures to reduce the gender pay gap, in particular by increasing wage transparency, reducing the prevalence and negative impact of gender stereotypes on the lives and decisions of women and men, including concerning educational and career choices and carrying the care burden, and supporting a more effective implementation of the Gender Equality Act.
A digital gender pay gap tool shall be rolled out by 31 March 2024 which shall offer employers a simple and easy tool to receive and analyse data and information concerning the gender pay gap and its possible reasons in their organisations and thereby supporting them in making informed decisions and taking effective action to implement the principle of equal pay and to reduce the gender pay gap.
The implementation of the reform shall be completed by 31 March 2024.
F.2. Milestones, targets, indicators, and timetable for monitoring and implementation for non-repayable financial support
Sequential Number
Related Measure (Reform or Investment)
Milestone / Target
Qualitative indicators (for milestones)
Quantitative indicators (for targets)
Indicative timeline for completion
Description of each milestone and target
Unit of measure
6.1 A comprehensive change in the organisation of health care in Estonia
Entry into force of the Government Order on the Hospital network development roadmap
Entry into force of the Government Order
Entry into force of the Government Order which shall lay down:
- the list of regional, central, local and rehabilitation hospitals in order to ensure equal access to health care services;
- the requirements, objectives and steps to be taken for consolidating the hospital network;
- the necessary investments for the construction, renovation and reprofiling of the hospitals included in the list of hospitals.
6.1 A comprehensive change in the organisation of health care in Estonia
Approval of the Strategic Framework for addressing health workforce shortages
Approval of the Strategic Framework for addressing health workforce shortages by the Minister of Health and Labour
The Strategic Framework for addressing health workforce shortages shall outline:
-measures on the organisation of health care services in the different health sectors, in particular specialised care,
-allocation of physical and human resources to ensure the provision of health care throughout the territory,
financing, governance and information exchange mechanisms that ensure performance throughout the country.
6.1 A comprehensive change in the organisation of health care in Estonia
Entry into force of the Decrees of the Minister of Health and Labour amending the reimbursement system for doctors and pharmacists
Entry into force of the Decrees of the Minister of Health and Labour
Entry into force of the Decrees of the Minister of Health and Labour which shall improve the reimbursement system for doctors and pharmacists to incentivise the health workforce to work in remote areas.
6.1 A comprehensive change in the organisation of health care in Estonia
Entry into force of the Decree of the Minister of Health and Labour and the amendment to the Health Services Organisations Act establishing the reimbursement system for nurses
Entry into force of the Decree of the Minister of Health and Labour and of the amendment to the Health Services Organisations Act
Entry into force of the Decree of the Minister of Health and Labour and the amendment to the Health Services Organisations Act which shall establish the reimbursement system for nurses to incentivise them to work in remote areas. This reimbursement system shall cover general and advanced practice nurses, in primary health care and hospitals.
6.1 A comprehensive change in the organisation of health care in Estonia
Admission to nursing training
Percentage increase in the number of persons admitted to nursing training
The admission of persons to nursing training has been increased by 5% compared to 2020.
6.1 A comprehensive change in the organisation of health care in Estonia
Entry into force of the Ministerial Regulation amending the agreement between the Ministry of Social Affairs and the University of Tartu on the shortage of doctors in certain specialisations
Entry into force of the Ministerial Regulation and agreement between the Ministry of Social Affairs and the University of Tartu
Entry into force of the Ministerial Regulation amending the agreement between the Ministry of Social Affairs and the University of Tartu which shall lay down the requirements for the gradual increase of admission in certain professions with shortages, in particular general practitioners, psychiatrists, internal diseases.
Construction of TERVIKUM
Signature of the contract for the construction of TERVIKUM
Signature of the contract
The Riigi Kinnisvara AS (the representative of the Viljandi Haigla) and the contractor shall sign a contract for the construction of TERVIKUM, including the installation of the technical building systems, in particular the technical equipment for heating, cooling, ventilation, hot water, lighting and electricity production, measurement, monitoring and control systems and interior works.
6.2.a Construction of TERVIKUM
TERVIKUM constructed
TERVIKUM constructed and equipped
The construction of the TERVIKUM, consisting of a general hospital and primary health care centre, shall be completed, and the building shall be supplied with the equipment necessary to make the TERVIKUM operational.
6.3 Strengthening primary health care
Entry into force of the Decree of the Government, which amends the list of health care services of the Estonian Health Insurance Fund on access to specialised medical care
Entry into force of legislative amendments to the Decree of the Government
Entry into force of legislative amendments which shall improve the access to specialised care by extending the use of e-consultation in primary care allowing patients to be advised by a specialist without having to consult them face-to-face.
6.3 Strengthening primary health care
Entry into force of amendments to the Decree of the Government which amends the list of health care services of the Estonian Health Insurance Fund on costs and services of general practitioners
Entry into force of the legislative amendments to the Decree of the Government
Legislative amendments shall enter into force providing for the financing of fixed costs and services for general practitioners in order to increase the allocation of resources to primary medical practice outside metropolitan areas, especially in remote areas, and to increase patients’ access to diagnostic and screening services.
6.3 Strengthening primary health care
Entry into force of amendments to the Health Services Organisation Act
Provision in the law indicating the entry into force of the law
Entry into force of the amendments to Health Services Organisation Act which shall amend the management of the list of patients, ensure continuity of primary care and extend the rights of nurses to prescribe medicines to patients.
6.4 Renewal of the eHealth Governance
Approval of the eHealth Governance Framework and its implementation roadmap
Approval of the proposal on the eHealth Governance Framework and implementation roadmap by the Steering Committee of the “Eesti tervise IKT juhtimise raamistik”
Approval of the proposal on the Governance Framework and implementation roadmap which shall update the governance framework for eHealth and the coordination of the development of eHealth services.
6.6 Providing labour market measures to reduce youth unemployment
Entry into force of the Decree of the Minister of Health and Labour to strengthen the “My First Job” scheme
Entry into force of the Decree of the Minister of Health and Labour
Entry into force of the Decree of the Minister of Health and Labour which shall define the characteristics of the scheme and the conditions for its implementation, including financing and target group. The aim of the scheme shall be to enable young people without work experience or with little work experience to gain work experience and to improve their skills to participate in the labour market.
6.6 Providing labour market measures to reduce youth unemployment
Youth Guarantee
Action Plan
Adoption of the reinforced Youth Guarantee Action Plan by the Government
The Government shall adopt an amended Youth Guarantee Action Plan to support youth employment. This action plan shall - include measures to improve the skills of young people, - define actions to prevent and address youth unemployment, including outreach and prevention of NEET-situation
-define key parties and their roles of preventing and dealing with youth unemployment.
6.6 Providing labour market measures to reduce youth unemployment
Number of young people participating in the “My First Job” scheme
Number of participants
At least 3 178 young people aged 16-29 have participated in the “My First Job” scheme (cumulative number of entrants).
6.7 Extending the duration of unemployment insurance benefits
Entry into force of the amendments to the
Unemployment Services and Benefits Act and the
Unemployment Insurance Act
Entry into force of the legislative amendments
Entry into force of the amendments to the Act which shall lay down a permanent mechanism to activate the extension of the duration of unemployment insurance benefits by 60 days, notably when the registered unemployment rate exceeds the non-accelerating inflation/wage rate of unemployment by a significant margin. The mechanism of prolongation and the margin, which shall not be higher than 2%, shall be agreed upon in dialogue with the social partners.
6.8 Long-term care
Entry into force of amendments to the Social Welfare Act
Entry into force of legislative amendments
Entry into force of legislative amendments to the Social Welfare Act which shall lay down the concept of long-term care and require local authorities to take into account the principle that a person must be able to live as long as possible in his or her home, in his or her usual environment, with sufficient quality services available.
6.8 Long-term care
Action Plan on an integrated care model
Adoption of the Action Plan
The Ministry of Social Affairs shall adopt an Action Plan that provides for the establishment of an integrated care model throughout Estonia and the roles and responsibilities of the actors involved in the future financing model of the system.
6.8 Long-term care
Entry into force of the decree of the Minister of Social Protection
Entry into force of the decree of the Minister of Social Protection
The Decree of the Minister of Social Protection shall define the design and characteristics of services by local authorities to people with lower care needs, as well as the conditions of their implementation. In particular, it shall include investments and development of services by local authorities to provide for independent living for older people with lower care needs and people with disabilities to support independent living.
6.8 Long-term care
Entry into force of the legislative amendments of the support system for children with high care needs
Entry into force of the legislative amendments
Entry into force of legislative amendments which shall provide for the modernisation and integration of services for children with higher care needs. In particular,
- services in the health, education, social protection and employment areas shall be integrated in order to provide comprehensive support for families under care burden, and
- the current support system shall be simplified and the assessment of care needs consolidated so that parents have a secure point of contact for initial advice and support.
6.9 Reducing gender pay gap
Adoption of the Welfare Development Plan 2023-2030 by the government
Adoption of the Welfare Development Plan
The Plan shall outline the measures to reduce the gender pay gap.
6.9 Reducing gender pay gap
Digital gender pay gap tool
Developing a prototype of a gender pay gap tool
A prototype of a gender pay gap tool for employers shall be developed with the aim of providing them with data and information concerning the gender pay gap and its possible reasons in their organisations and thereby supporting making informed decisions and taking effective action in order to implement the principle of equal pay and to reduce the gender pay gap.
6.9 Reducing gender pay gap
Digital gender pay gap tool
Roll-out of a digital gender pay gap tool
The digital gender pay gap tool shall be available to employers with the aim of providing them with data and information concerning the gender pay gap and its possible reasons in their organisations and thereby supporting making informed decisions and taking effective action in order to implement the principle of equal pay and to reduce the gender pay gap.
G.1. Description of the reforms and investments for non-repayable financial support
The objective of the reform is to set the legal framework for the implementation and monitoring of the recovery and resilience plan. It shall define the roles played by relevant public entities in the implementation of the plan and how these bodies shall carry out their tasks.
The implementation of the reform shall be completed by 31 December 2021.
G.2. Milestones, targets, indicators, and timetable for monitoring and implementation for non-repayable financial support
Sequential Number
Related Measure (Reform or Investment)
Milestone / Target
Qualitative indicators (for milestones)
Quantitative indicators (for targets)
Indicative timeline for completion
Description of each milestone and target
Unit of measure
Monitoring and implementation of the plan
Entry into force of the Government Regulation on the legal framework for the implementation and monitoring of the recovery and resilience plan of Estonia.
Entry into force of government regulation
Entry into force of the regulation establishing the legal framework for the implementation and monitoring of the recovery and resilience plan of Estonia before the first payment request is made. The regulation shall at least define the authorities involved in the implementation of the recovery and resilience plan of Estonia and their tasks including the tasks of the Ministry of Finance, the sectoral ministries and the State Shared Service Center.
The REPowerEU chapter addresses the challenge of reducing reliance on fossil fuels. The objectives of the component are to facilitate the deployment of renewable energy sources; to facilitate decarbonising selected economic sectors; to increase the capacity of the electricity distribution network; to boost the uptake of sustainable biomethane and to accelerate the integration of renewable energy sources.
The REPowerEU chapter supports addressing the Country Specific Recommendation to reduce overall reliance on fossil fuels by accelerating the deployment of renewables, including through further streamlining of permitting procedures and strengthening the domestic electricity network (Country Specific Recommendation 4 in 2022).
It is expected that no measure in this component does significant harm to environmental objectives within the meaning of Article 17 of Regulation (EU) 2020/852, taking into account the description of the measures and the mitigating steps set out in the recovery and resilience plan in accordance with the ‘Do no significant harm’ Technical Guidance (2021/C58/01).
The implementation of the measure facilitating the deployment of renewable energy sources, the measure to increase the access of renewable energy production to the electricity distribution network and the measure increasing production and uptake of sustainable biomethane are all expected to contribute to reducing dependency on fossil fuels. Increasing the share of renewable energy sources has a cross-border or multi-country dimension, especially in the Baltic region and Finland, because it contributes to securing the energy supply in the Union as a whole. Less dependency on imported fossil fuels will also create European added value as it will free up supply for other Member States, in the current situation of natural gas supply constraints, and until other Member States succeed in reducing their dependency on fossil fuels.
H.1. Description of the reforms and investments for non-repayable financial support
Reform: Facilitating the deployment of renewable energy sources
The purpose of this reform is to facilitate the deployment of renewable energy sources, notably wind energy. The reform shall consist of:
·The entry into force of the legislative amendments to streamline planning, permitting and environmental impact assessment processes for wind energy projects.
·The government shall establish wind priority development areas on the basis of a technical report identifying priority development areas with a total estimated potential to produce 1000 MW.
·Local authorities shall receive support to improve administrative procedures, including permitting, for wind energy development.
The implementation of the reform shall be completed by 31 March 2026.
Investment: Programme to increase the access of renewable energy production to the electricity distribution network
The purpose of this investment is to increase the capacity of the electricity distribution network. The lack of capacity of the electricity distribution network currently limits the deployment of electricity from renewable energy sources. The investments shall involve works in the electricity network to increase the capacity of the network by 160 MW.
The implementation of the investment shall be completed by 31 March 2026.
Investment: Increasing production and uptake of sustainable biogas and biomethane
The purpose of this measure is to boost the uptake of sustainable biogas and sustainable biomethane in line with the Renewable Energy Directive (RED II) and to accelerate the integration of renewable energy sources. The investment shall consist of sub-investments.
Sub-investment one consists of creating necessary regulatory, organisational and financial conditions to increase the production and use of sustainable biogas and sustainable biomethane. The sub-investment one consists of two elements:
1.Estonia shall commission an independent survey identifying the necessary regulatory, organisational and financial interventions to be initiated and implemented to increase the production and use of sustainable biogas and sustainable biomethane. The survey shall provide an assessment of historical and current natural gas, biogas and biomethane consumption volumes and a roadmap for future demand to show the potential of the sustainable biogas and sustainable biomethane production as a replacement for natural gas over time. The final report on the survey shall be published on the website of the Ministry of the Environment.
2.The government shall approve an action plan for the production and deployment of sustainable biogas and sustainable biomethane. The action plan shall include a list of legislative changes and interventions necessary for increasing the production and deployment of sustainable biogas and sustainable biomethane.
Sub-investment two consists of building production facilities. The support from the measure shall increase the production capacity of sustainable biomethane by at least 4 000 000 cubic metres. The call for applications for grants to support the uptake of biomethane shall include the selection criterion that the traffic of trucks transporting biowaste shall be minimised.
The implementation of the investment shall be completed by 30 June 2026.
H.2. Milestones, targets, indicators, and timetable for monitoring and implementation for non-repayable financial support
Sequential Number
Related Measure (Reform or Investment)
Milestone / Target
Qualitative indicators (for milestones)
Quantitative indicators (for targets)
Indicative timeline for completion
Description of each milestone and target
Unit of measure
8.1 Facilitating the deployment of renewable energy sources
Publication of the call for proposals to support local authorities
Publication of the call for proposals
A call for proposals shall be published to support local authorities to hire experts or procure services aimed at improving administrative procedures, including permitting, for wind energy development.
8.1 Facilitating the deployment of renewable energy sources
Entry into force of the amendments to the relevant laws streamlining permitting, planning and environmental impact assessment processes
Entry into force of the amendments
Legislative amendments to streamline permitting, planning and environmental impact assessment processes for wind energy projects shall enter into force. These shall include amending the following laws to the extent necessary: the Building Code, the Water Act, the Planning Act, the Environmental Impact Assessment and Environmental Management System Act, the Environmental Charges Act and the Forest Act.
8.1 Facilitating the deployment of renewable energy sources
Governmental decision establishing priority development areas for wind energy
Governmental decision adopted
The government shall adopt a decision establishing wind energy priority development areas. The government shall adopt the decision on the basis of a technical report that shall have identified priority development areas with a total estimated potential to produce 1000 MW.
8.1 Facilitating the deployment of renewable energy sources
Support to local authorities
Number of local authorities supported
20 local authorities shall have received support on the basis of the call for proposals to hire experts or procure services or by use of centrally procured services aimed at improving administrative procedures, including permitting, for wind energy development.
8.2 Programme to increase the access of renewable energy production to the electricity distribution network
Signature of the co-financing agreement for electricity distribution network works
Signed agreement
Signature of the co-financing agreement, for electricity distribution network works, between the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications and Elering AS for the purpose of increasing the capacity of the electricity distribution network by 160 MW.
8.2 Programme to increase the access of renewable energy production to the electricity distribution network
Construction finished and additional 160 MW capacity available
MW of additional capacity available
Electricity distribution network works shall be completed and result in an increase in the capacity of the electricity distribution network by 160 MW.
8.3 Increasing production and uptake of sustainable biogas and biomethane
Call for applications for grants to support the uptake of biomethane
Call for applications published
Publication of a call for applications for grants to support the uptake of sustainable biomethane in line with the Renewable Energy Directive (RED II). The call shall contain, among the selection criteria, the requirement set out in the description of the investment.
8.3 Increasing production and uptake of sustainable biogas and biomethane
Independent survey identifying the necessary regulatory, organizational and financial interventions
Publication of the final report on the survey
The final report on the independent survey identifying the necessary regulatory, organisational and financial interventions to be initiated and implemented to increase the production and use of sustainable biogas and sustainable biomethane shall be published on the website of the Ministry of the Environment. The report shall include an estimate of the potential for sustainable biogas and sustainable biomethane as a replacement for natural gas over time on the basis of an analysis of historical consumption volumes and future demand.
8.3 Increasing production and uptake of sustainable biogas and biomethane
Development of an action plan for the production and deployment of biogas and biomethane
Approved plan
The government shall approve the action plan for the production and deployment of sustainable biogas and sustainable biomethane. The action plan shall include a list of legislative changes and interventions necessary for increasing the production and deployment of sustainable biogas and sustainable biomethane.
8.3 Increasing production and uptake of sustainable biogas and biomethane
Installation of new biomethane production capacity
Increase in installed production capacity of sustainable biomethane in cubic metres
4 000 000
Installed capacity for the production of sustainable biomethane shall increase by at least 4 000 000 cubic metres under the support scheme.
2.Estimated total cost of the recovery and resilience plan
The estimated total cost of the modified RRP including the REPowerEU chapter of Estonia is EUR 953 330 000.
The estimated total cost of the REPowerEU chapter is EUR 90 040 000. In particular, the estimated total costs of the measures referred to in Article 21c(3), point (a) of Regulation (EU) 2023/435 is EUR 0 whilst the costs of the other measures in the REPowerEU chapter is EUR 90 040 000.
1.Financial contribution
The instalments referred to in Article 2(2) shall be organised in the following manner:
First Instalment (non-repayable support):
Sequential Number
Related Measure (Reform or Investment)
Milestone / Target
2.1. Green transition of enterprises
Creation of a Green Transition Task Force to implement and monitor the green transition
2.3. Green technology development programmes
Establishment of a working group to plan and set up the development programme
2.6. Green Fund
Signature of contractual agreement between the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications and SmartCap
2.6. Green Fund
Adoption of the investment policy document by SmartCap
3.1. Creation and development of a centre of excellence for data governance and open data
Setting up a data management team in the Statistical Office, the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications and the State Information System Authority
4.4. Boosting the green transition in the energy economy
Government decision on investments needed to alleviate the defence related height restrictions on wind parks
4.4. Boosting the green transition in the energy economy
Adoption of the decision of the Government on the initiation of the preparation process of the National Development Plan of the Energy Sector, the designation of those responsible and deadlines
4.5. Programme to strengthen the electricity grid to increase renewable energy production capacity and adapt to climate change (such as protection against storms)
Signature of network investment co-financing contract with transmission system operator
5.1. Deploy safe, green, competitive, needs-based and sustainable transport and energy infrastructure
Adoption of the Transport and Mobility Development Plan 2021-2035 by the Government
5.4. Construction of the Tallinn Old Port tram line
Completion of the tramway construction project design
6.3. Strengthening primary health care
Entry into force of the Decree of the Government, which amends the list of health care services of the Estonian Health Insurance Fund on access to specialised medical care
6.3. Strengthening primary health care
Entry into force of amendments to the Decree of the Government which amends the list of health care services of the Estonian Health Insurance Fund on costs and services of general practitioners
6.6. Providing labour market measures to reduce youth unemployment
Entry into force of the Decree of the Minister of Health and Labour to strengthen the “My First Job” scheme
Audit and Control
Entry into force of the Government Regulation on the legal framework for the implementation and monitoring of the recovery and resilience plan of Estonia.
Instalment Amount
EUR 142 977 720
Second Instalment (non-repayable support):
Sequential Number
Related Measure (Reform or Investment)
Milestone / Target
1.1. Digital transformation in enterprises
Call for proposals with award criteria and award conditions
1.4. Skills reform for the digital transformation of businesses
Entry into force of secondary legislation setting out the terms of support for the development of digital skills
1.5.1. Supporting the competitiveness of enterprises in foreign markets - Country and regional strategies
Preparation of the development of strategies
1.5.2. Supporting the competitiveness of enterprises in foreign markets - Innovative business centres in key export markets
Preparatory analysis to define the content and the locations of business centres
1.5.3. Supporting the competitiveness of enterprises in foreign markets - Global e-export impact groups and virtual stages
Setting-up of impact groups and selection of destinations for global digital missions
2.2. Green skills to support the green transition of enterprises
Entry into force of secondary legislation setting out the terms of support for the development of green skills
2.4. Modernisation of the business models in manufacturing companies
Entry into force of the ministerial decree setting out the terms and conditions of grant eligibility
2.5. Deployment of resource-efficient green technologies
Publication of call for proposals for grants
3.4. #Bürokratt programme (national virtual assistant platform and ecosystem)
Access to digital public services through the virtual assistant platform
3.5. Reconfiguration of basic digital services and safe transition to cloud infrastructure
Development of centrally delivered/shared IT base services
4.2. Support for the renovation of apartment buildings
Publication of calls for applications for residential apartment buildings renovation grants
4.3. Support for the renovation of small residential buildings
Published calls for renovation grant
5.4. Construction of the Tallinn Old Port tram line
Award of works contract
6.6. Providing labour market measures to reduce youth unemployment
Youth Guarantee Action Plan
6.8. Long-term care
Entry into force of amendments to the Social Welfare Act
Instalment Amount
EUR 142 977 720
Third Instalment (non-repayable support):
Sequential Number
Related Measure (Reform or Investment)
Milestone / Target
1.3. Development of digital waybills services
eFTI (electronic Freight Transport Information) platforms development
2.1. Green transition of enterprises
Adoption of the Circular Economy Action Plan by the Green Transition Task Force
2.7. Creating opportunities for the uptake of renewables-based green hydrogen technologies
Entry into force of the ministerial decree setting out the terms and conditions for granting support
3.2. Development of event services and proactive digital public services for individuals
Launch of personal life event services and/or pro-active services
3.3. Development of event services and digital gateway for entrepreneurs
Deployment of IT developments contributing to the implementation of the business event services and gateway
4.1. Energy efficiency promotion
Conclusion of the cooperation agreement stipulating conditions for cooperation between SA Kredex/Enterprise Estonia and county development centers
4.6. Programme to boost energy production in industrial areas
Publication of a call for proposals for projects boosting energy production in industrial sites
4.7. Pilot Energy Storage Programme
Publication of a call for proposals for a pilot energy storage programme
5.1. Deploy safe, green, competitive, needs-based and sustainable transport and energy infrastructure
Adoption of the Implementation Plan for green sustainable public transport development of the Transport and Mobility Development Plan 2021-2035
5.5. Municipalities’ investments in bike- and walkways
Call for proposals for grants
6.1. A comprehensive change in the organisation of health care in Estonia
Approval of the Strategic Framework for addressing health workforce shortages
6.1. A comprehensive change in the organisation of health care in Estonia
Entry into force of the Decrees of the Minister of Health and Labour amending the reimbursement system for doctors and pharmacists
6.2.a Construction of TERVIKUM
Signature of the contract for the construction of TERVIKUM
6.3. Strengthening primary health care
Entry into force of amendments to the Health Services Organisation Act
6.4. Renewal of the eHealth Governance
Approval of the eHealth Governance Framework and its implementation roadmap
6.7. Extending the duration of unemployment insurance benefits
Entry into force of the amendments to the Unemployment Services and Benefits Act and the Unemployment Insurance Act
6.8. Long-term care
Action Plan on an integrated care model
6.9. Reducing gender pay gap
Digital gender pay gap tool
Instalment Amount
EUR 142 977 720
Fourth Instalment (non-repayable support):
Sequential Number
Related Measure (Reform or Investment)
Milestone / Target
1.1. Digital transformation in enterprises
Award of grants
1.4. Skills reform for the digital transformation of businesses
Enrolment in training activities
1.5.1. Supporting the competitiveness of enterprises in foreign markets - Country and regional strategies
Procurement of studies
2.3. Green technology development programmes
Set up of the Green Technologies Development Programme
2.5. Deployment of resource efficient green technologies
Number of projects awarded grants following the call for proposals
2.8 Supply security investment support
Publication of the call for proposals for grants
3.5. Reconfiguration of basic digital services and safe transition to cloud infrastructure
Deployment of national private cloud infrastructure by public authorities
3.5. Reconfiguration of basic digital services and safe transition to cloud infrastructure
Extension of the cloud infrastructure to the data embassy
5.2.a Multifunctional work vessel
Contract signed for building of the vessel
5.3.a Construction of the Rail Baltic viaducts
Works contracts for the construction of Rail Baltic viaducts
6.1 A comprehensive change in the organisation of health care in Estonia
Entry into force of the Decree of the Minister of Health and Labour and the amendment to the Health Services Organisations Act establishing the reimbursement system for nurses
6.1. A comprehensive change in the organisation of health care in Estonia
Admission to nursing training
6.9. Reducing gender pay gap
Adoption of the Welfare Development Plan 2023-2030 by the government
6.9. Reducing gender pay gap
Digital gender pay gap tool
8.1 Facilitating the deployment of renewable energy sources
Publication of the call for proposals to support local authorities
8.1 Facilitating the deployment of renewable energy sources
Entry into force of the amendments to the relevant laws streamlining permitting, planning and environmental impact assessment processes
8.2 Programme to increase the access of renewable energy production to the electricity distribution network
Signature of the co-financing agreement for electricity distribution network
8.3 Increasing production and uptake of sustainable biogas and biomethane
Call for applications for grants to support the uptake of biomethane
Instalment Amount
EUR 142 977 720
Fifth Instalment (non-repayable support):
Sequential Number
Related Measure (Reform or Investment)
Milestone / Target
1.2. Development of e-construction
Adoption of international standards and best practices for the use of digital technologies in construction
1.3. Development of digital waybills services
eCMR (electronic Consignment Note) interface developments
1.4. Skills reform for the digital transformation of businesses
Number of new upskilling and retraining modules
1.4. Skills reform for the digital transformation of businesses
Review of qualification standards for ICT specialists.
2.2. Green skills to support the green transition of enterprises
Number of upskilling and retraining modules
2.6. Green Fund
Volume of investments in venture capital funds or equity investments in enterprises
2.8 Supply security investment support
Number of projects awarded following the call for proposals
3.5. Reconfiguration of basic digital services and safe transition to cloud infrastructure
Migration of critical systems to the national cloud infrastructure of the data embassy
3.5. Reconfiguration of basic digital services and safe transition to cloud infrastructure
Central security testing of public authorities’ information systems
3.6. Establishing the strategic analysis of money laundering and terrorist financing in Estonia
Entry into force of the amendment of the Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing Prevention Act and of other legislative, administrative and contractual changes needed for the Centre for Strategic Analysis
3.8. Construction of very high capacity broadband networks
Rollout of very high capacity broadband network to new sites
4.1. Energy efficiency promotion
Digital tools to facilitate access to information on renovation including visualising the results of the renovation and estimating the cost of renovation have become operational
4.2. Support for the renovation of apartment buildings
Dwellings with improved energy performance
4.3. Support for the renovation of small residential buildings
Dwellings with improved energy performance
4.4. Boosting the green transition in the energy economy
Entry into force of the relevant primary and/or secondary legislation and publication of guidance material to alleviate the barriers for the installation of renewable energy generating installations and energy storage facilities
4.8 Boosting offshore wind farms development
Contractors for the radar and passive radar system/sensors selected and contracts signed
6.1. A comprehensive change in the organisation of health care in Estonia
Entry into force of the Government Order on the Hospital network development roadmap
6.8. Long-term care
Entry into force of the decree of the Minister of Social Protection
6.8. Long-term care
Entry into force of the legislative amendments of the support system for children with high care needs
8.1 Facilitating the deployment of renewable energy sources
Governmental decision establishing priority development areas for wind energy
8.1 Facilitating the deployment of renewable energy sources
Support to local authorities
8.3 Increasing production and uptake of sustainable biogas and biomethane
Independent survey identifying the necessary regulatory, organizational and financial interventions
Instalment Amount
EUR 142 977 720
Sixth Instalment (non-repayable support):
Sequential Number
Related Measure (Reform or Investment)
Milestone / Target
1.1. Digital transformation in enterprises
Award of grants
1.2. Development of e-construction
Availability of public services on the e-construction platform
1.2. Development of e-construction
Completion of development and prototyping projects
1.3. Development of digital waybills services
Total number of projects completed
2.4. Modernisation of the business models in manufacturing companies
Number of projects supported
2.7 Creating opportunities for the uptake of renewables- based green hydrogen technologies
Technologies and equipment for green hydrogen production
3.1. Creation and development of a centre of excellence for data governance and open data
Completion of data quality improvement projects
3.1. Creation and development of a centre of excellence for data governance and open data
Publication of datasets on the national open data portal
3.2. Development of event services and proactive digital public services for individuals
Launch of personal event services and pro-active services
3.3. Development of event services and digital gateway for entrepreneurs
Deployment of IT developments contributing to the implementation of the business event services and gateway
3.4. #Bürokratt programme (national virtual assistant platform and ecosystem)
Introduction of the Bürokratt virtual assistant in digital public services environments
3.4. #Bürokratt programme (national virtual assistant platform and ecosystem)
Access to digital public services through the virtual assistant platform
3.8. Construction of very high capacity broadband networks
Rollout of very high capacity broadband network to new sites
4.4. Boosting the green transition in the energy economy
Adoption of the National Development Plan of the Energy Sector by the Government
5.4 Construction of the Tallinn Old Port tram line
New tramway line in operation
5.5. Municipalities’ investments in bike- and walkways
Bike- and walkways infrastructure completed
6.2.a Construction of TERVIKUM
TERVIKUM constructed
6.6. Providing labour market measures to reduce youth unemployment
Number of young people participating in the “My First Job” scheme
8.3 Increasing production and uptake of sustainable biogas and biomethane
Development of an action plan for the production and deployment of biogas and biomethane
Instalment Amount
EUR 142 977 720
Seventh Instalment (non-repayable support):
Sequential Number
Related Measure (Reform or Investment)
Milestone / Target
1.3. Development of digital waybills services
Ex-post evaluation of the development and deployment of the digital waybills
1.4. Skills reform for the digital transformation of businesses
Completion of training activities
1.5.1. Supporting the competitiveness of enterprises in foreign markets - Country and regional strategies
Number of country and regional export strategies
1.5.2. Supporting the competitiveness of enterprises in foreign markets - Innovative business centres in key export markets
Number of business centres opened
1.5.3. Supporting the competitiveness of enterprises in foreign markets - Global e-export impact groups and virtual stages
Number of missions carried out by the global impact groups and number of major events in which Estonia was represented through ‘virtual stages’
2.2. Green skills to support the green transition of enterprises
People taking part in upskilling and retraining programmes
2.3. Green technology development programmes
Number of clusters supported through the Green Technology Development Programme
2.3. Green technology development programmes
Number of start-ups supported through the Green Technology Development Programme and which have received private investment
2.5. Deployment of resource-efficient green technologies
Number of projects completed
2.6. Green Fund
Volume of investments in venture capital funds or equity investments in enterprises
2.7. Creating opportunities for the uptake of renewables-based green hydrogen technologies
Grants allocated to renewables- based green hydrogen technologies representing at least EUR 49.49 million
2.8 Supply security investment support
Number of projects completed
3.7. Information system for real-time strategic analysis of money laundering and terrorist financing
Development of the new realtime ICT analysis system for the Centre for Strategic Analysis, and delivery to the Financial Intelligence Unit
4.2. Support for the renovation of apartment buildings
Estimated annual reduction of greenhouse gas emissions
4.3 Support for renovation of small residential buildings
Dwellings with improved energy performance
4.5. Programme to strengthen the electricity grid to increase renewable energy production capacity and adapt to climate change (such as protection against storms)
Additional grid capacity created via investments into the transmission network
4.6. Programme to boost energy production in industrial areas
Additional connection capacity for renewable electricity production in or near industrial sites connected to the grid
4.7. Pilot Energy Storage Programme
Additional heat storage capacity resulting from investment support
4.7. Pilot Energy Storage Programme
Additional electricity storage capacity resulting from investment support
4.8 Boosting offshore wind farms development
Radar and passive radar system/sensors become operational
4.8 Boosting offshore wind farms development
Removal of the height restriction on offshore wind turbines in the Gulf of Riga and Estonian islands Hiiumaa, Saaremaa, Vormsi
5.1. Deploy safe, green, competitive, needs-based and sustainable transport and energy infrastructure
Implementation of Transport and Mobility Development Plan 2021-2035
5.2.a Multifunctional work vessel
Vessel delivered
5.3.a Construction of the Rail Baltic viaducts
Viaducts completed
6.1. A comprehensive change in the organisation of health care in Estonia
Entry into force of the Ministerial Regulation amending the agreement between the Ministry of Social Affairs and the University of Tartu on the shortage of doctors in certain specialisations
8.2 Programme to increase the access of renewable energy production to the electricity distribution network
Construction finished and additional 160 MW capacity available
8.3 Increasing production and uptake of sustainable biogas and biomethane
Installation of new biomethane production capacity
Instalment Amount
EUR 95 318 480
1.Arrangements for monitoring and implementation of the recovery and resilience plan
The monitoring and implementation of the Estonian recovery and resilience plan shall take place in accordance with the following arrangements:
The Ministry of Finance as the lead ministry and the State Shared Service Center shall ensure overall coordination, monitoring and implementation of the recovery and resilience plan. The State Shared Service Center shall perform the functions of the managing authority. The State Budget Department in the Ministry of Finance in cooperation with the State Shared Service Center shall carry out the tasks related to monitoring and evaluation.
Sectoral ministries and agencies shall perform the responsibilities assigned to them, related to the implementation of the plan. Their services shall also support the monitoring of the progress of the projects under their competency and maintain close cooperation with the State Shared Service Center and the Ministry of Finance. To this end, the existing Structural Funds Operating System (SFOS) shall be used to record all the data related to implementation and monitoring of the plan.
The Financial Control Department of the Ministry of Finance, the audit authority, shall carry out regular audits of the management and control systems put in place. It shall also prepare a summary of the audits carried out for requests for payments. The Audit Authority shall also host the Anti-Fraud Co-ordinating Service.
All national and external sources shall be budgeted together in sector-specific programmes allowing transparent monitoring of sectoral funding and allowing the identification of risks and prevention of double funding.
2.Arrangements for providing full access by the Commission to the underlying data
The State Shared Service Center as the managing authority shall hold the responsibility for submitting requests for payment to the European Commission and for drawing up the management declaration by which it certifies that the funds have been used for their intended purpose, that the information is complete, accurate and reliable and that the control system provides the necessary assurance. In addition, monitoring and evaluation shall also be ensured by the Ministry of Finance in cooperation with the State Shared Service Center.
Data related to the implementation and monitoring of the plan shall be stored in the existing integrated information system, the Structural Funds Operating System (SFOS). The SFOS is adapted to the requirements under Regulation (EU) 2021/241 for data collection, progress reports and requests for payment, including to collect indicators and other information necessary to demonstrate and report the achievement of milestones and targets. The SFOS shall be used by all actors involved in the implementation of the plan. The information in the SFOS shall continuously be updated on the progress and results of the plan including deficiencies identified and all corrective actions taken.
In accordance with Article 24(2) of Regulation (EU) 2021/241, upon completion of the relevant agreed milestones and targets in Section 2.1 of this Annex, Estonia shall submit to the Commission a duly justified request for payment of the financial contribution. Estonia shall ensure that, upon request, the Commission has full access to the underlying relevant data that supports the due justification of the request for payment, both for the assessment of the request for payment in accordance with Article 24(3) of Regulation (EU) 2021/241 and for audit and control purposes.