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Document 52021PC0321

    Proposal for a COUNCIL IMPLEMENTING DECISION on the approval of the assessment of the recovery and resilience plan for Portugal

    COM/2021/321 final

    Brussels, 16.6.2021

    COM(2021) 321 final


    Proposal for a


    on the approval of the assessment of the recovery and resilience plan for Portugal

    {SWD(2021) 146 final}

    2021/0154 (NLE)

    Proposal for a


    on the approval of the assessment of the recovery and resilience plan for Portugal


    Having regard to the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union,

    Having regard to Regulation (EU) 2021/241 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 12 February 2021 establishing the Recovery and Resilience Facility 1 and in particular Article 20 thereof,

    Having regard to the proposal from the European Commission,


    (1)The COVID-19 outbreak has had a disruptive impact on the economy of Portugal. In 2019, the gross domestic product per capita (GDP per capita) of Portugal was 67% of the EU average. According to the Commission’s Spring 2021 forecast, the real GDP of Portugal declined by 7,6% in 2020 and is expected to decline by 3,9% cumulatively in 2020 and 2021. Longer-standing aspects with an impact on medium-term economic performance include the large stocks of external, private and government debt, and low productivity growth; moreover, shortfalls in investment, make it more challenging to participate and take full advantage of the opportunities brought by the green and digital transitions.

    (2)On 9 July 2019 and on 20 July 2020, the Council addressed recommendations to Portugal in the context of the European Semester. In particular, the Council recommended to take all the necessary measures to effectively address the pandemic, to improve the quality of public finances by prioritising growth-enhancing spending, to strengthen the resilience of the health system and ensure equal access to quality health and long-term care. It also recommended to improve the overall level of skills of the population (with a focus on digital skills and to increase the number of graduates in fields related to science, technology, engineering and mathematics), as well as to support quality employment and reduce segmentation in the labour market. It also recommended Portugal to improve the effectiveness and adequacy of the social safety nets and guarantee sufficient and effective social protection and income support. It recommended to focus investment on the green and digital transition, in particular on innovation, railway transport and port infrastructure, low carbon and energy transition, and extending energy interconnections, taking into account regional disparities. Further, the Council recommended to implement measures to secure access to liquidity for firms in the context of the pandemic, to frontload public investment projects and to promote private investment to foster the economic recovery. Lastly, it recommended to carry out reforms to improve the business environment, in particular to reduce regulatory and administrative barriers derived from licensing and reducing regulatory restrictions in regulated professions and to increase the efficiency of administrative and tax courts and insolvency and recovery proceedings. Having assessed progress in the implementation of these country-specific recommendations at the time of submission of the recovery and resilience plan, the Commission finds that the recommendation on taking, in line with the general escape clause, all necessary measures to effectively address the pandemic, sustain the economy and support the ensuing recovery, has been fully implemented. Substantial progress has been achieved with respect to the recommendation on implementing the temporary measures aimed at securing access to liquidity for firms, in particular small and medium-sized enterprises.

    (3)On 2 June 2021, the Commission published an in-depth review under Article 5 of Regulation (EU) No 1176/2011 of the European Parliament and of the Council 2 for Portugal. The Commission’s analysis led it to conclude that Portugal is experiencing macroeconomic imbalances related to large stocks of net external liabilities, private and public debt, and non-performing loans remaining high, against a backdrop of low productivity growth.

    (4)[The Council recommendation on the economic policy of the euro area recommended to euro area Member States to take action, including through their recovery and resilience plans, to, inter alia, ensure a policy stance which supports the recovery and to further improve convergence, resilience and sustainable and inclusive growth. The Council recommendation also recommended to strengthen national institutional frameworks, to ensure macro-financial stability and to complete EMU and strengthen the international role of the euro.] [If the Council recommendation is not adopted by the time of the CID adoption, please remove the recital].

    (5)On 22 April 2021, Portugal submitted its national recovery and resilience plan to the Commission, in accordance with Article 18(1) of Regulation (EU) 2021/241. That submission followed a consultation process, conducted in accordance with the national legal framework, of local and regional authorities, social partners, civil society organisations, youth organisations and other relevant stakeholders. The national ownership of the recovery and resilience plans is underpinning their successful implementation and lasting impact at national level and credibility at European level. Pursuant to Article 19 of that Regulation, the Commission has assessed the relevance, effectiveness, efficiency and coherence of recovery and resilience plan, in accordance with the assessment guidelines of Annex V to that Regulation.

    (6)The recovery and resilience plans should pursue the general objectives of the Recovery and Resilience Facility established by Regulation (EU) 2021/241 and of the EU Recovery Instrument set up by Council Regulation (EU) 2020/2094 3 in order to support the recovery in the aftermath of the COVID-19 crisis. They should promote the Union´s economic, social and territorial cohesion by contributing to the six pillars referred to in Article 3 of Regulation (EU) 2021/241.

    (7)The implementation of the Member States’ recovery and resilience plans will constitute a coordinated effort of investment and reforms across the Union. Through the coordinated and simultaneous implementation of these reforms and investments and the implementation of cross-border projects, these reforms and investments will mutually reinforce each other and generate positive spillovers across the whole Union. Therefore, about one third of the impact of the Facility on Member States’ growth and job creation will come from spillovers from others Member States.

    Balanced response contributing to the six pillars

    (8)In accordance with Article 19(3), point (a) and section 2.1 of Annex V to Regulation (EU) 2021/241, the recovery and resilience plan represents to a large extent (Rating A) a comprehensive and adequately balanced response to the economic and social situation, thereby contributing appropriately to all six pillars referred to in Article 3 of Regulation (EU) 2021/241, taking into account the specific challenges and the financial allocation of the Member State concerned and the requested loan support.

    (9)The plan includes measures that contribute towards all of the six pillars, with a significant number of components of the plan addressing multiple pillars. Such an approach contributes to ensuring that each pillar is comprehensively addressed in a coherent manner. Furthermore, given the specific challenges of Portugal, the particular focus on smart, sustainable and inclusive growth, along with the overall weighting across pillars, is considered adequately balanced.

    (10)The plan envisages taking a broad range of climate related measures, with around three quarters of all components contributing to the green transition. Such measures include increasing the energy-efficiency of buildings, decarbonising industry, and adapting to climate change. The plan addresses digital related challenges in multiple areas, with around half of all components contributing, including the digitisation of public services and the adoption of digital technologies to promote entrepreneurship, and business scale-up with a view to boost the digital transition of the productive fabric. In order to address the challenges related to the lack of digital skills, the plan includes measures to modernise the education as well as vocational education and training systems, inter alia, to provide market relevant qualifications, increase the relevance of adult learning, and the number of graduates in science, technology, engineering, arts and mathematics (STEAM) courses, particularly in IT.

    (11)The plan extensively covers the third pillar of smart, sustainable and inclusive growth, with nearly all components directly contributing. Economic cohesion, productivity and competitiveness are directly covered by nearly all components of the plan, addressing various interrelated challenges, like the promotion of sustainable growth and adapting to climate change, the universal provision of social services, the contribution to innovation, new technologies and decarbonisation, the dematerialisation of public services, and the contribution to the financing of firms and the development of capital markets. The social and territorial cohesion dimensions are closely intertwined, notably in the less developed Portuguese regions. Regional and local authorities are called upon to play a central role in the provision of various community-based services, securing a broad territorial coverage, in areas such as social housing, kindergarten and early childcare and education, health care provision, long term care services and social day care centres for elderly people and persons with disabilities in line with the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.

    (12)Around half of all components contribute towards health, economic, social and institutional resilience, being covered by measures such as strengthening of the national networks for primary health care, continuous and palliative care, the provision of social and affordable housing and innovative integrated social services in the metropolitan areas of Lisbon and Porto. The adoption of digital technologies and interoperability solutions strengthen the institutional capacity and resilience of the public administration. Policies for the next generation are covered by a number of measures with nearly one third of all components directly related to it, with a direct impact on children and the youth, such as increasing the capacity of childcare facilities, vocational education and training courses and tertiary education, including for STEAM courses, improving youth career and income prospects, increasing the stock of student accommodation in higher education. This is accompanied by the measure on the digitisation of education and the distribution of personal IT equipment to students.

    Addressing all or a significant subset of challenges identified in Country Specific Recommendations

    (13)In accordance with Article 19(3), point (b) and section 2.2 of Annex V to Regulation (EU) 2021/241, the recovery and resilience plan is expected to contribute to effectively addressing all or a significant subset of challenges (Rating A) identified in the relevant country-specific recommendations, including fiscal aspects thereof and recommendations made pursuant to Article 6 of Regulation (EU) No 1176/2011, addressed to Portugal concerned or challenges identified in other relevant documents officially adopted by the Commission in the context of the European Semester.

    (14)The recommendations related to the immediate fiscal policy response to the pandemic can be considered as falling outside the scope of Portugal’s recovery and resilience plan, notwithstanding the fact that Portugal has generally responded adequately and sufficiently to the immediate need to support the economy through fiscal means in 2020 and 2021, in line with the provisions of the General Escape Clause. Moreover, the recommendation to achieve the medium-term budgetary objective in 2020, taking into account the allowance linked to unusual events for which a temporary deviation was granted, is no longer relevant, due both to the lapsing of the corresponding budgetary period and the activation in March 2020 of the General Escape Clause of the Stability and Growth Pact in the context of the pandemic crisis. 

    (15)The plan includes an extensive set of mutually reinforcing reforms and investments that contribute to effectively addressing all or a significant subset of the economic and social challenges outlined in the country-specific recommendations addressed to Portugal by the Council in the European Semester in 2019 and in 2020, notably in the areas of quality and sustainability of public finances, accessibility and resilience of social services and the health system, labour market, education and skills, R&D and innovation, climate and digital transition, business environment and justice system.

    (16)The plan includes an all-encompassing fiscal-structural reform that is expected to substantially improve the quality and sustainability of public finances and strengthen overall expenditure control, cost efficiency and adequate budgeting. Such a reform includes gradual steps that are expected to lead to the full and effective implementation of the 2015 Budgetary Framework Law, making spending reviews a structural feature of Portugal’s annual budgetary process and ensuring the ex-post evaluation of efficiency gains, and strengthening centralised procurement. That reform is also expected to strengthen the financial sustainability of state-owned enterprises, through the implementation of a new model for analysing and disclosing their financial situation and performance, in order to allow a more timely, transparent and comprehensive monitoring. It also provides for planning and management tools to be deployed to increase accountability, such as revamped management contracts to disseminate performance-oriented management practices. That reform is accompanied by an investment in the information systems for public financial management.

    (17)Reforms and investments are also included to strengthen the resilience of the health system and contribute to equal access to quality health and long-term care. Such reforms and investments notably foresee the strengthening of the response capacity of the primary health care, mental health and long-term care services, combined with steps to enhance efficiency and the articulation between different elements of the National Health Service. Specific measures are targeted at strengthening the regional health system of the outermost region of Madeira and at digitalising the health systems of both Madeira and the Azores. In addition, the completion of the reform of the governance model of public hospitals addresses the root causes of persistent arrears in public hospitals. That reform is expected to combine hospitals’ greater autonomy in terms of investment and hiring decisions, with enhanced monitoring and stronger accountability, thereby contributing to prevent the accumulation of arrears in a durable manner.

    (18)The plan addresses social challenges by providing a significant response to the need for improvement of the effectiveness and adequacy of the social safety nets, notably through reforms and investments in social housing and social services, with a focus on elderly, children, and vulnerable groups with disabilities. Such reforms and investments foresee the approval of the National Housing Plan and the National Strategy to Combat Poverty, and a support programme for access to housing via the construction of new buildings or the renovation of existing dwellings, the creation and renovation of places in social facilities, strengthening of home- and community based care, the setting up of social intervention teams in the municipalities of continental Portugal, integrated programmes to support disadvantaged communities in deprived metropolitan areas, and making social security services more user-friendly through digitalisation.

    (19)The plan includes reforms and investments that address long-lasting bottlenecks affecting the business environment. Those include the reduction of the restrictions weighing on various regulated professions to foster competition, the review of business licensing requirements and the implementation of the ‘once only’ principle in the dealings with public administration to reduce administrative costs, and the modernisation and increased efficiency of the justice system, while reaping the efficiency increase linked to the digitalisation of procedures. 

    (20)Significant investments are introduced to boost research and innovation, notably via the development of innovation agendas in key sectors, including green agendas that aim at fostering business science links. Investments are also foreseen to foster research and innovation in sustainable agriculture. The plan also includes investments to recapitalise firms such as the creation of a special purpose vehicle which is to subsequently invest in viable Portuguese firms in the form of equity and quasi-equity financing.

    (21)The plan significantly contributes to addressing the climate transition challenge. It includes investments aimed at research and innovation for decarbonising the productive sectors, as well as measures to increase the energy performance of buildings both in the private and public sector. The plan is expected to make urban transport more sustainable by strengthening public transport management authorities and investing in the extension of the metro networks as well as light rail and bus rapid transit systems in the Lisbon and Porto metropolitan areas and purchasing zero-emission vehicles for the public transport fleet. Measures also aim at promoting renewable energy investments in the mainland and the outermost regions of Madeira and Azores. Significant reforms and investments should protect forests to mitigate the impact of climate change. Landscape Planning and Management Programmes are expected to design the desirable landscape of vulnerable territories to increase their resilience to the risks associated with climate change, in particular rural fires and biodiversity loss, and to promote sustainable growth and territorial cohesion through the increase of the average size of agricultural property, the change in land use and the planning of new economic activities.

    (22)The plan significantly contributes to addressing the digital transition challenge in both mainland and the autonomous regions of Madeira and Azores. Significant reforms and investments are planned in the areas of digitalisation of enterprises to adopt digital technologies and processes. Investments and reforms in education and vocational education and training systems largely focus on the adaptation of curricula, teaching methods and resources for the provision of digital skills adapted to the particular needs of different groups, such as students, teachers, the workforce, businesses and civil servants. Other significant reforms and investments target the digitalisation of the public administration with actions foreseen for the general public administration, the justice system and public financial management, with the aim to make the public administration more efficient, resilient and more accessible to citizens.

    (23)By addressing the aforementioned challenges, the plan is expected to also contribute to correcting the macroeconomic imbalances 4 related to large stocks of net external liabilities, private and public debt, in a context of high non-performing loans and low productivity growth.

    Contribution to growth potential, job creation and economic, social and institutional resilience

    (24)In accordance with Article 19(3), point (c) and section 2.3 of Annex V to Regulation (EU) 2021/241, the recovery and resilience plan is expected to have a high impact (Rating A) on strengthening the growth potential, job creation, and economic, social and institutional resilience of the Member State, contributing to the implementation of the European Pillar of Social Rights including through the promotion of policies for children and youth, and on mitigating the economic and social impact of the COVID-19 crisis, thereby enhancing the economic, social and territorial cohesion and convergence within the Union.

    (25)Simulation by the Commission services show that the plan has the potential to increase the GDP of Portugal by 1,5% to 2,4% by 2026 5 . The Portuguese recovery and resilience plan includes an ambitious package of reforms and investments to address the country’s vulnerabilities to shocks and to strengthen its economic, institutional and social resilience. The reforms that remove institutional bottlenecks and foster competition, together with significant investments in active labour market policies, R&D, innovation and digitalisation target the root causes of the challenges identified and are expected to boost the country’s competitiveness and productivity.

    (26)The main contributions to both growth and employment are expected to come from investments and reforms in innovation, education, including digital skills and vocational training, decarbonisation of the industry, digitalisation of enterprises, capitalisation of businesses and housing. Other main areas of intervention include healthcare, culture, transport infrastructure, forestry and water management, quality and capacity of the public administration, including public financial management, judicial services and digitalisation of public services.

    (27)The plan envisages significant measures to address long-standing social challenges, which also have an important impact on the territorial dimension and the rural urban divide, thereby enhancing the economic, social and territorial cohesion and convergence within Portugal and the Union. These cover the need to strengthen the responsiveness and accessibility of health and long-term care services in view of rapid demographic ageing, and provide access to affordable and social housing. Social vulnerabilities should also be addressed through provision of a wide range of social services focusing on the elderly, people with disabilities, ethnic minorities and migrants, and through integrated programmes to support disadvantaged communities in deprived metropolitan areas. It should strengthen public transport networks in urban areas, which is particularly relevant for disadvantaged commuting workers, and reinforce labour rights, especially for atypical labour contracts linked to the digital economy. These measures will help deliver on the implementation of the European Pillar of Social Rights Action Plan endorsed at the Porto Summit of 7 May 2021 and are expected to contribute to improving the levels of the indicators of the Social Scoreboard.

    (28)Important measures are targeted at children and youth, such as measures to raise the capacity of kindergartens and childcare services and favour the creation of permanent quality jobs for young people. The plan should also foster the enrolment in tertiary education courses, especially in STEAM disciplines, and establish a network of higher education institutions offering post-graduate courses of short duration. Measures should also support the integration of digital technologies in the primary and secondary education system with the use of digital resources in classrooms, the digitalisation of educational contents, the creation of laboratories with educational technologies like programmable robots.

    Do no significant harm

    (29)In accordance with Article 19(3), point (d) and section 2.4 of Annex V to Regulation (EU) 2021/241, the recovery and resilience plan is expected to ensure that no measure for the implementation of reforms and investments projects included in the recovery and resilience plan does significant harm to environmental objectives (Rating A) within the meaning of Article 17 of Regulation (EU) 2020/852 of the European Parliament and of the Council 6 (the principle of ‘do no significant harm’).

    (30)The recovery and resilience plan ensures for each reform and investment that no significant harm is done to any of the six environmental objectives within the meaning of Article 17 of Regulation (EU) No 2020/852, namely climate change mitigation, climate change adaptation, sustainable use and protection of water and marine resources, circular economy, pollution prevention and control, and protection and restoration of biodiversity and ecosystems. Portugal provided justifications in accordance with the ‘do no significant harm’ technical guidance of the European Commission (2021/C 58/01). Where needed, Portugal has proposed the implementation of mitigating measures to avoid significant harm, which should be ensured through relevant milestones.

    (31)Particular attention has been paid to measures whose impact on environmental objectives warrants close scrutiny. Component 7 – Infrastructures, contains four measures that involve the construction or upgrade of road transport infrastructure (RE-C7-I2, I3, I4 and I5). To avoid significant harm to the climate change mitigation and pollution prevention and control objectives, Portugal’s recovery and resilience plan includes as a flanking measure investment RE-C7-I0 – Expansion of the Electric Vehicle Charging Network. It should decarbonise road transport through making available 15 000 publicly accessible electric vehicle charging stations by 2025. Similarly, concerning the water management measures in Component 9 – Water Management (TC-C9-I1 and I2), which include the construction of a dam, a desalination plant and irrigation and water abstraction measures, Portugal should further ensure that no significant harm to the environment is done through the implementation of any result and condition from the Environmental Impact Assessment relevant for those measures, in compliance with EU environmental law, including the Water Framework Directive (2000/60/EC). This aims in particular to avoid significant impact on the relevant water bodies that would jeopardise or delay the objective of reaching good status or potential. It also aims to ensure that protected habitats and species directly dependent on the concerned water are not negatively impacted by the measures.

    Contribution to the green transition including biodiversity

    (32)In accordance with Article 19(3), point (e) and section 2.5 of Annex V to Regulation (EU) 2021/241, the recovery and resilience plan contains measures that contribute to a large extent (Rating A) to the green transition, including biodiversity, or to addressing the challenges resulting therefrom. The measures supporting climate objectives account for an amount which represents 37,9% of the plan’s total allocation, calculated in accordance with the methodology of Annex VI to Regulation (EU) 2021/241. In accordance with Article 17 Regulation (EU) 2021/241, the recovery and resilience plan is consistent with the information included in the National Energy and Climate Plan 2030.

    (33)Reforms and investments are expected to make a significant contribution to advance the decarbonisation and energy transition objectives of Portugal as set out in the National Energy and Climate Plan 2030 (NECP 2030) and the Carbon Neutrality Roadmap 2050, thereby contributing to the Union’s climate target and objective respectively. Sixteen components contain measures contributing to the climate objective, and sixteen components contain measures contributing to environmental objectives, including biodiversity. Biodiversity is expected to be enhanced in particular through improvements of the forest management, addressing extensive areas of unmanaged monocultures and high risks of fires, or the promotion of a sustainable blue economy. The implementation of these proposed measures is expected to have a lasting impact, notably by contributing to the green transition, the enhancement of biodiversity, and environmental protection.

    (34)Energy-efficiency interventions provide for a large part of the climate contribution. Other significant climate or environmental contributions are provided by investments in sustainable urban transport or climate change adaptation and prevention. Also research and innovation processes focusing on the low-carbon economy, resilience and adaptation to climate change as well as forest and water management measures contribute to climate and environmental objectives. Reforms aim to promote the decarbonisation of industry develop more sustainable production processes and improve transport planning.

    Contribution to the digital transition

    (35)In accordance with Article 19(3), point (f) and section 2.6 of Annex V to Regulation (EU) 2021/241, the recovery and resilience plan contains measures that to a large extent (Rating A) are expected to effectively contribute to the digital transition or to addressing the challenges resulting from it. The measures supporting digital objectives account for an amount which represents 22,1% of the plan’s total allocation, calculated in accordance with the methodology of Annex VII to Regulation (EU) 2021/241.

    (36)Overall fourteen components contain measures contributing to the digital objective with a broad, cross-cutting approach, with four components wholly dedicated to the digital transition. Significant reforms and investments are planned in the areas of digitalisation of enterprises and in and the provision of digital skills. Other significant reforms and investments aim at the digitalisation of the public administration, the justice system and public financial management. Other investments target the digitalisation of specific sectors such as primary and secondary education, health, culture, and forest management.

    (37)Beyond contributing to the digital transition, these investments also address the challenges related to the skill levels of the population, in particular the digital literacy of the adult population and the need to adjust the skills to the changing needs of the labour market. The investments also contribute to address the challenges related to equal access to digital technologies as well as quality education and training.

    (38)The digital-related reforms and investments included in the recovery and resilience plan are expected to have a lasting impact, notably on the digital transition of the country’s public administration, on the justice system, on social services, on the business fabric, on skill levels of the population and on the national and regional health services.

    Lasting impact

    (39)In accordance with Article 19(3), point (g) and section 2.7 of Annex V to Regulation (EU) 2021/241, the recovery and resilience plan is expected to have a lasting impact on Portugal to a large extent (Rating A).

    (40)The plan presents structural changes in the public administration, housing, business capitalisation and innovation, justice system, highly regulated professions, and digitalisation of the public administration. In many cases, measures across various components of the plan are designed to increase the level of digitalisation of relevant institutions, which is expected to have a lasting impact on the quality of services and the business environment.

    (41)In the area of investment, a lasting structural change is expected from the establishment, capitalisation and mission expansion of the National Promotional Bank, Banco Português de Fomento. The proposed increase in the bank capitalisation is expected to facilitate access to finance, particularly for SMEs affected by the crisis, and to boost competitiveness and job creation on a long-term basis. Other key policy objectives include knowledge and technology transfers to businesses, diversification of product and services, and reaching R&D investments of 3% of GDP by 2030. Finally, investments and policies to decarbonise industry aim at improving its energy efficiency and reducing the import content of the Portuguese economy, thus improving the country’s competitiveness and growth potential while helping to meet climate goals.

    (42)Lasting impact of the plan can also be enhanced through synergies between the plan and other programmes financed by the cohesion policy funds, notably by addressing in a substantive manner the deeply rooted territorial challenges and promoting a balanced development.

    Monitoring and implementation

    (43)In accordance with Article 19(3), point (h) and section 2.8 of Annex V to Regulation (EU) 2021/241, the arrangements proposed in the recovery and resilience plan are adequate (Rating A) to ensure effective monitoring and implementation of the recovery and resilience plan, including the envisaged timetable, milestones and targets, and the related indicators.

    (44)The administrative structure ‘Estrutura de Missão Recuperar Portugal’ (‘task force Recuperar Portugal’) should monitor and implement the plan. . Its responsibilities are clearly defined and enshrined in national legislation, which ensures sound coordination and reporting mechanism between this structure and other bodies responsible for the implementation of the investments and reforms under the various components. It has clearly assigned responsibilities and an adequate structure for the implementation of the plan, the monitoring of progress and reporting. The task-force should be in place until the end of the implementation of the plan.

    (45)The milestones and targets of the Portuguese plan constitute an appropriate system for monitoring the plan’s implementation. They are sufficiently clear and comprehensive to ensure that their completion can be traced and verified. The verification mechanisms, data collection and responsibilities described by the Portuguese authorities appear sufficiently robust to justify in an adequate manner the disbursement requests upon completion of the milestones and targets. Milestones and targets are also relevant for measures already completed which are eligible according to Article 17(2) of the Regulation. The satisfactory fulfilment of these milestones and targets over time is required to justify a disbursement request.

    (46)Member States should ensure that financial support under the Facility is communicated and acknowledged in line with article 34 of the Regulation (EU) 2021/241. Technical support may be requested under the Technical Support Instrument to assist Member States in the implementation of their plan.


    (47)In accordance with Article 19(3), point (i) and section 2.9 of Annex V to Regulation (EU) 2021/241, the justification provided in the plan on the amount of the estimated total costs of the recovery and resilience plan is to a medium extent (Rating B) reasonable and plausible, is in line with the principle of cost efficiency and is commensurate to the expected national economic and social impact.

    (48)Portugal has provided individual cost estimates for all investments and reforms with an associated cost included in the recovery and resilience plan. The cost breakdown is generally detailed and well-substantiated. The estimates are for the most part based on comparisons with procurement contracts for similar services, past investments of similar nature or market consultations. The assessment of the cost estimates and supporting documents show that most of the costs are reasonable and plausible. However, the fact that sometimes the methodology used is not sufficiently well explained and the link between the justification and the cost itself is not fully clear precludes an A rating for this assessment criterion. Finally, the estimated total cost of the recovery and resilience plan is in line with the principle of cost-efficiency and is commensurate to the expected national economic and social impact.

    Protection of financial interests

    (49)In accordance with Article 19(3), point (j) and section 2.10 of Annex V to Regulation (EU) 2021/241, the arrangements proposed in the recovery and resilience plan and the additional measures contained in this Decision are adequate (Rating A) to prevent, detect and correct corruption, fraud and conflicts of interests when using the funds provided under that Regulation, and the arrangements are expected to effectively avoid double funding under that Regulation and other Union programmes. This is without prejudice to the application of other instruments and tools to promote and enforce compliance with EU law, including for preventing, detecting and correcting corruption, fraud and conflicts of interests, and for protecting the Union finances in line with Regulation (EU, Euratom) 2020/2092 of the European Parliament and of the Council.

    (50)The internal control system described in the plan is based on robust processes and structures and clearly identifies actors (bodies/entities) and their roles and responsibilities for the performance of the internal control tasks. The national management will be centralised in the ‘Recuperar Portugal’ task force. The implementation of the plan will be contracted out to public agencies or bodies or intermediaries responsible at decentralised levels. The control system and other relevant arrangements, including for the collection and making available of data on final recipients, are adequate.

    (51)For the implementation, monitoring and control of the recovery and resilience plan Portugal will make use of IT tools. The IT functionalities are clearly described in the plan. Portugal has indicated that the General Inspectorate of Finance (IGF) will carry out a first audit on the management and control system for the recovery and resilience plan prior to the submission of the first payment request (excluding pre-financing) to the European Commission.

    Coherence of the plan

    (52)In accordance with Article 19(3), point (k) and section 2.11 of Annex V to Regulation (EU) 2021/241, the plan includes to a high extent (Rating A) measures for the implementation of reforms and public investment projects that represent coherent actions.

    (53)The Portuguese recovery and resilience plan reveals a strategic and consistent vision throughout the plan, displaying coherence between components and between individual measures. The reforms and investments in each component are consistent and mutually reinforcing, and synergies and complementarities exist between components. No measures proposed within a component contradict or undermine each other’s effectiveness, nor have inconsistencies or contradictions between different components been identified.


    (54)The plan contains a series of measures that are expected to contribute to addressing the challenges in the area of gender equality and equal opportunities for all. These include reforms dedicated to combating gender pay inequality and occupational segregation, as well as measures attracting young women into STEAM studies. The part of the plan dealing with social policy responses includes a National Strategy for the Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities as well as a National Strategy to Combat Poverty. 

    Security self-assessment

    (55)A security self-assessment has been provided for the investments on connectivity and digital capacities, in accordance with Article 18(4), point (g) of Regulation (EU) 2021/241. The self-assessment provides for a matrix of risks and mitigating measures. A total of eighteen possible risks are identified, including vendor dependency, high risk suppliers, cybersecurity concerns, disruption of critical systems. The matrix identifies thirteen mitigating measures to be enacted to counter the possible risks, including requirement for security clearance by the providers, application of restrictions to suppliers considered to be high risk, multi-vendor strategies and backup systems for critical functions.

    Cross-border and multi-country projects

    (56)The recovery and resilience plan includes cross-border investments in the areas of justice. It accelerates and develops the interoperability of criminal record information in the European Criminal Records Information System (ECRIS) and enables the publication and search of interoperable judicial decisions through the European Case Law Identifier (ECLI). It also facilitates the exchange of information between judicial entities on the basis of E-Codex and enhances cooperation within the framework of the European Car and Driving Licence Information System (EUCARIS) and of cross-border identification resources such as eIDAS. Other cross-border initiatives are in the area of digitalisation of business with the set-up of 16 ’Digital Innovation Hubs’, one-stop shops that help companies improve business/production processes, products, or services using digital technologies. The hubs included in the plan are expected to contribute to the European Digital Innovation Hubs network. Other cross-border collaborations may also take place in the area of hydrogen. Portugal is working with other Member States on the development of a possible Important Project of Common European Interest (IPCEI) on hydrogen. The projects on hydrogen included in the plan are expected to contribute directly or indirectly to this initiative.

    Consultation process

    (57)The plan has been subject to an ample debate, formal public consultations, and thematic seminars with the presence of members of the government. In parallel to this public consultation process, the government held a series of consultations with institutional stakeholders, such as the Economic and Social Council, the Territorial Coordination Council and the National Health Council. In reaction to the written contributions received during the second public consultation, the government introduced a number of changes to the plan, also including two new components: Component 4 - Culture and Component 10 - Sea.

    (58)For the implementation of the plan, Portugal set up a National Monitoring Commission, made up of representatives of social partners and key civil society figures, who can make recommendations for the implementation of the plan. Furthermore, the implementation of the plan will also be open to public scrutiny through the Transparency Portal. To ensure ownership by the relevant actors, it is crucial to involve all local authorities and stakeholders concerned, including social partners, throughout the implementation of the investments and reforms included in the plan.

    Positive assessment

    (59)Following the positive assessment of the Commission concerning the Portuguese recovery and resilience plan with the finding that the plan satisfactorily complies with the criteria for assessment set out in Regulation (EU) 2021/241, in accordance with Article 20(2) and Annex V to that Regulation, this Decision should set out the reforms and investment projects necessary for the implementation of the plan, the relevant milestones, targets and indicators, and the amount made available from the Union for the implementation of the plan in the form of non-repayable financial and loan support.

    Financial contribution

    (60)The estimated total cost of the recovery and resilience plan of Portugal is EUR 16 643 679 377. As the recovery and resilience plan satisfactorily complies with the criteria for assessment set out in Regulation (EU) 2021/241 and, furthermore, as the amount of the estimated total costs of the recovery and resilience plan is higher than the maximum financial contribution available for Portugal, the financial contribution allocated for Portugal’s recovery and resilience plan should be equal to the total amount of the financial contribution available for Portugal.

    (61)In accordance with Article 11(2) of Regulation (EU) 2021/241, the calculation of the maximum financial contribution for Portugal is to be updated by 30 June 2022. As such, in accordance with Article 23(1) of that Regulation, an amount for Portugal should be made available now for a legal commitment by 31 December 2022. Where necessary following the updated maximum financial contribution, the Council, on a proposal from the Commission, should amend this Decision to include the updated maximum financial contribution without undue delay.

    (62)Furthermore, in order to support additional reforms and investments, Portugal has requested loan support. The loan amount requested by Portugal is less than 6,8% of its 2019 Gross National Income in current prices. The amount of the estimated total costs of the recovery and resilience plan is higher than the combined financial contribution available for Portugal and the requested loan support.

    (63)The support to be provided is to be financed from the borrowing by the Commission on behalf of the Union on the basis of Article 5 of Council Decision (EU, Euratom) 2020/2053 7 . The support should be paid in instalments once Portugal has satisfactorily fulfilled the relevant milestones and targets identified in relation to the implementation of the recovery and resilience plan.

    (64)Portugal has requested pre-financing of 13% of the financial contribution and of 13% of the loan. That amount should be made available to Portugal subject to the entry into force and in accordance with the Financing Agreement provided for in Article 23(1) of Regulation (EU) 2021/241 and the Loan Agreement provided for in Article 15(2) of that Regulation.

    (65)This Decision should be without prejudice to the outcome of any procedures relating to the award of Union funds under any other Union programme than Regulation (EU) 2021/241 or to procedures relating to distortions of the operation of the internal market that may be undertaken, in particular under Articles 107 and 108 of the Treaty. It does not override the requirement for Member States to notify instances of potential State aid to the Commission under Article 108 of the Treaty,


    Article 1
    Approval of the assessment of the recovery and resilience plan

    The assessment of the recovery and resilience plan of Portugal on the basis of the criteria provided for by Article 19(3) of Regulation (EU) 2021/241 is approved. The reforms and investment projects under the recovery and resilience plan, the arrangements and timetable for monitoring and implementation of the recovery and resilience plan, including the relevant milestones and targets and the additional milestones and targets related to the payment of the loan, the relevant indicators relating to the fulfilment of the envisaged milestones and targets, and the arrangements for providing full access by the Commission to the underlying relevant data are set out in the Annex to this Decision.

    Article 2
    Financial contribution

    1.The Union shall make available to Portugal a financial contribution in the form of non-repayable support amounting to EUR 13 907 294 284 8 . An amount of EUR 9 758 504 454 shall be available to be legally committed by 31 December 2022. Subject to the update provided for in Article 11(2) of Regulation (EU) 2021/241 calculating an amount for Portugal equal to or more than this amount, a further amount of EUR 4 148 789 829 shall be available to be legally committed from 1 January 2023 until 31 December 2023.

    2.The Union financial contribution shall be made available by the Commission to Portugal in instalments in accordance with the Annex to this Decision. An amount of EUR 1 807 948 257 shall be made available as a pre-financing payment, equal to 13 per cent of the financial contribution. The pre-financing and instalments may be disbursed by the Commission in one or several tranches. The size of the tranches shall be subject to the availability of funding.

    3.The pre-financing shall be released subject to the entry into force and in accordance with the Financing Agreement provided for in Article 23(1) of Regulation (EU) 2021/241. Pre-financing shall be cleared by being proportionally deducted against the payment of the instalments.

    4.The release of instalments in accordance with the Financing Agreement shall be conditional on available funding and a decision by the Commission, taken in accordance with Article 24 of Regulation (EU) 2021/241, that Portugal has satisfactorily fulfilled the relevant milestones and targets identified in relation to the implementation of the recovery and resilience plan. Subject to the entry into force of the legal commitments referred to in paragraph 1, to be eligible for payment, milestones and targets shall be completed no later than 31 August 2026.

    Article 3
    Loan support

    1.The Union shall make available to Portugal a loan amounting to a maximum of EUR 2 699 000 000.

    2.The loan support shall be made available by the Commission to Portugal in instalments in accordance with the Annex to this Decision. An amount of EUR 350 870 000 shall be made available as a pre-financing payment, equal to 13 per cent of the loan. The pre-financing and instalments may be disbursed by the Commission in one or several tranches. The size of the tranches shall be subject to the availability of funding.

    3.The pre-financing shall be released subject to the entry into force and in accordance with the Loan Agreement provided for in Article 15(2) of Regulation (EU) 2021/241. Pre-financing shall be cleared by being proportionally deducted against the payment of the instalments.

    4.The release of instalments in accordance with the Loan Agreement shall be conditional on available funding and a decision by the Commission, taken in accordance with Article 24 of Regulation (EU) 2021/241, that Portugal has satisfactorily fulfilled the additional milestones and targets covered by the loan and identified in relation to the implementation of the recovery and resilience plan. To be eligible for payment, the additional milestones and targets covered by the loan shall be completed no later than 31 August 2026.

    Article 4

    This Decision is addressed to the Portuguese Republic.

    Done at Brussels,

       For the Council

       The President

    (1)    OJ L 57, 18.2.2021, p. 17-75.
    (2)    Regulation (EU) No 1176/2011 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 November 2011 on the prevention and correction of macroeconomic imbalances (OJ L 306, 23.11.2011, p. 25).
    (3)    Council Regulation (EU) 2020/2094 of 14 December 2020 establishing a European Union Recovery Instrument to support the recovery in the aftermath of the COVID-19 crisis (OJ L 433I , 22.12.2020, p. 23).
    (4)    These macroeconomic imbalances refer to the recommendations made pursuant to Article 6 of Regulation (EU) No 1176/2011 in 2019 and 2020.
    (5)    Such simulations reflect the overall impact of NGEU, which also includes funding for ReactEU, and increased funding for Horizon, InvestEU, JTF, Rural Development and RescEU. Such simulation does not include the possible positive impact of structural reforms, which can be substantial.
    (6)    Regulation (EU) 2020/852 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 18 June 2020 on the establishment of a framework to facilitate sustainable investment, and amending Regulation (EU) 2019/2088 (OJ L 198, 22.6.2020, p. 13).
    (7)    OJ L 424, 15.12.2020, p. 1.
    (8)    This amount corresponds to the financial allocation after deduction of Portugal’s proportional share of the expenses of Article 6(2) of Regulation (EU) 2021/241, calculated in accordance with the methodology of Article 11 of that Regulation.

    Brussels, 16.6.2021

    COM(2021) 321 final


    to the

    Proposal for a Council Implementing Decision

    on the approval of the assessment of the recovery and resilience plan for Portugal

    {SWD(2021) 146 final}



    1. Description of Reforms and Investments

    A. COMPONENT 1: National Health Service

    This component of the Portuguese recovery and resilience plan addresses several challenges that the Portuguese health system currently faces with respect to current and evolving health care needs and associated costs. First, Portugal’s adverse demographic trends – characterised by accelerated ageing and subsequent long-term care needs – coincide with changing disease patterns, an increasing burden of chronic and degenerative diseases, as well as multi-morbidity gradually becoming more prominent. Second, there is still considerable avoidable mortality in Portugal and a relatively low number of healthy life years at age 65. Third, there is available scope to place a greater focus on health promotion and disease prevention, in combination with addressing the fragmentation of health care services and the gaps in access to health care. Fourth, out-of-pocket payments for health care are amongst the highest in the EU and the reported financial burden of medical care is relatively high. Finally, Portugal’s National Health Service has been facing a challenging financial situation for a number of years. In particular, Portugal has a track record of recurrent bailouts of public hospitals by the government, which did not succeed in avoiding a systematic cycle of hospitals’ indebtedness, with knock-on effects on supply-chain relationships.

    The main objective of the component is to strengthen the response capacity of Portugal’s National Health Service, with a view to responding to the demographic and epidemiological changes in the country, to therapeutic and technological innovation, and to the trend of increasing demand for health care and associated costs. To this end, the component aims to strengthen the core role of primary health care services within the overall architecture of the National Health Service, upscale long-term and mental health care services, and increase efficiency by completing the reform of the governance model of public hospitals and bringing forward the digitalisation of health care services.

    The component supports addressing the Country Specific Recommendation on strengthening overall expenditure control, cost efficiency and adequate budgeting, with a focus on a durable reduction of arrears in hospitals (Country Specific Recommendation 1 2019), as well as the Country Specific Recommendation on strengthening the resilience of the health system and ensuring equal access to quality health and long-term care (Country Specific Recommendation 1 2020). The component also contributes to addressing the Country Specific Recommendation to focus investment on the green and digital transition (Country Specific Recommendation 3 2020).

    It is expected that no measure in this component does significant harm to environmental objectives within the meaning of Article 17 of Regulation (EU) 2020/852, taking into account the description of the measures and the mitigating steps set out in the plan in accordance with the DNSH Technical Guidance (2021/C58/01).

    A.1. Description of the reforms and investments for non-repayable financial support

    Reform RE-r01: Primary health care reform

    The over-arching objective of the reform is to reinforce the core role of primary health care services in responding to the health needs of the population within the overall architecture of the National Health Service. To that end, the reform is aimed at addressing six priorities: i) deepening the capacity for screening and early diagnosis, namely of the most frequent pathologies; ii) strengthening the response capacity of primary care through the creation of more proactive health centres with expanded service portfolio and areas of intervention, as well as more integrated with other levels of care, and by adjusting processes to the individual characteristics of each user and related life path, reducing the high variability of clinical practices (including in terms of outpatient medication prescription), improving clinical referral between different levels of health care, and seeking efficiency gains by limiting the duplication of services or the provision of ineffective, inadequate or low-value care; iii) correcting regional and local asymmetries in terms of facilities and equipment available in primary health care services; iv) supporting community-based responses and creation of support programmes for users and their families, better involving citizens and communities, including through completing the hand-over of health responsibilities from central to local governments; v) enhancing the skills of the health workforce, reinforcing multidisciplinary team work and the expansion of the number of professionals, including of specialists; and, vi) delivering on the digital transition of the National Health Service and exploiting its potential to modernise and simplify the use of health care services. In so doing, this reform shall provide enhanced framework conditions for the related investment in primary health care services.

    The reform shall consist of the implementation of several legislative and regulatory measures, with a view to: i) broadening the responsibilities and scope of intervention of health centre groups, as well as the typology of the functional units that compose them; ii) reviewing the legal regime for the organisation and functioning of functional units, as well as the scheme of incentives to be granted to the elements that constitute them; iii) developing a risk stratification instrument to support clinical governance in the functional units of health centre groups; and, iv) completing the transfer of responsibilities in the field of health from central to local governments.

    The milestone and targets related to the implementation of the reform shall be completed by 31 December 2023.

    Reform RE-r02: Mental health reform

    The over-arching objective of this reform is to improve mental health in Portugal. To that end, the reform is structured along five intervention axes: i) deinstitutionalising patients residing in psychiatric hospitals or in social sector institutions; ii) completing the national coverage of local mental health services, in the areas of inpatient, outpatient and community care; iii) expanding the national network of integrated continued care, with a focus on mental health; iv) reorganising the forensic psychiatric services; and, v) implementing the regional health plans for dementia.

    Concretely, the reform shall consist of the review of the current Mental Health Law – which shall establish the general principles of the mental health policy in Portugal and regulate the compulsory internment of people with psychic disorders – and of the Mental Health Decree-Law – which shall define the guiding principles for the organisation, management and evaluation of mental health services. Among others, the following changes shall be introduced in these legal provisions: i) incorporating into the legislation the principles of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities; and, ii) increasing the autonomy and sound management of local mental health services, through the creation of Integrated Responsibility Centres. In so doing, this reform shall provide enhanced framework conditions for the related investment in mental health care services.

    The milestones related to the implementation of the reform shall be completed by 31 March 2023.

    Reform RE-r03: Completion of the reform of the governance model of public hospitals

    The over-arching objective of the reform is to increase efficiency in the hospitals of the National Health Service. To that end, it is aimed at: i) reforming the organisation and internal management of public hospitals; ii) reconfiguring the hospital network according to capacity planning in terms of services demand and supply of human resources and infrastructure; iii) improving articulation with the other elements of the National Health Service, namely with primary and mental health care services, as well as with the palliative and integrated continued care networks; iv) involving health professionals and intermediate structures in the management of public hospitals; and v) focusing responses on the citizens’ real health and well-being needs.

    Objective metrics for assessing the performance of hospital managers shall be included in management contracts, assessing both the quality of service and the financial situation of public hospitals. This shall contribute to ensuring consistency with the government’s health policy priorities and to a more predictable management of hospital resources, with autonomy being combined with enhanced monitoring and accountability. The implementation of the revamped management contracts shall be gradual and prioritised according to the level of efficiency, dimension and geographic distribution of public hospitals. Furthermore, the monitoring role of the Ministries of Health and of Finance shall be strengthened in order to ensure an integrated and coherent approach to assessing the performance of hospitals and correcting, in good time, deviations from the approved budgets.

    In addition, centralised purchasing shall be strengthened with a view to achieving further efficiency savings, notably by addressing the recommendations from a recent independent evaluation. In particular, centralised purchasing is to be broadened to medical equipment and devices. Furthermore, the internal management of public hospitals is planned to be improved, notably through the creation of Integrated Responsibility Centres and implementation of performance-based remuneration regimes applicable to units associated to such Centres. Related, a full dedication regime to the National Health Service for health professionals shall enter into force.

    Furthermore, the measure shall include initiatives to redesign the hospital network to ensure better articulation between services. In particular, home-based hospitalisation responses shall be developed further, in order to provide hospital-level care at the patient’s home, in close articulation with primary health care services, the national network of integrated continued care services, the social sector and local communities. Moreover, the laboratory capacity of the National Health Service to diagnose infectious diseases shall be strengthened and its capacity for intensive medical care shall be increased.

    The implementation of the reform shall be completed by 31 December 2025.

    Investment RE-C01-i01: Primary health care services with more answers

    The objective of this investment is to expand primary health care services and reinforce the core role of primary health care services in responding to the health needs of the population within the overall architecture of the National Health Service. The investment builds on the reform of primary health care services.

    The investment shall include the following initiatives:

    -First, several sub-investments shall improve access, quality and efficiency of primary health care services, thus contributing to complete the national coverage of screening programmes and strengthen the capacity for early diagnosis. These shall include: i) extending cancer screening to all health centres, including for colorectal and cervical cancer; ii) extending the screening for diabetic retinopathy to all health centres; iii) providing all health centres with the capacity to measure C-reactive protein; iv) equipping health centre groups with spirometers for early diagnosis, monitoring and treatment of asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and smoking; v) providing health care units with Holter equipment and ambulatory blood pressure monitoring; vi) extending diabetic foot consultations to all health centre groups; vii) adopting the individual care plans for complex and multi-morbid patients; viii) defining referral protocols in the most sought-after care areas, namely ophthalmology, otorhinolaryngology, orthopaedics and urology; and, ix) completing the integrated information system that shall facilitate the referral of patients between levels of health care.

    -Second, other sub-investments shall target the expansion of the areas of intervention of health centre groups, thereby increasing the response capacity of this level of health care and reinforcing the offer of medical specialities by strengthening specialised and team work in health units. In detail, these shall include: i) installing dentistry offices in health centres; ii) creating integrated diagnostic centres (including, at least X-ray and clinical analyses) in health centre groups; iii) creating rehabilitation services in health centres (adequate physical spaces and rehabilitation, multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary teams); iv) providing all health centres with equipment (emergency bag, defibrillator and vital signs monitor) for qualified emergency response (basic life support); and v) boosting momentum for the programme to reduce the inadequate and/or preventable use of emergency health care services.

    -Third, further sub-investments shall provide for the upgrade of facilities and equipment of health centres, increasing energy efficiency, ensuring conditions of accessibility, quality, comfort and safety for patients and professionals, and adapting them to new models of health care provision. In detail, these shall include, among others: i) building 100 new health centres; ii) refurbishing or adapting 326 health facilities to increase energy efficiency, comply with contingency plans and ensure accessibility, sanitary safety and comfort; and, iii) upgrading health equipment.

    -Fourth, additional sub-investments shall focus on enhancing proximity responses, with a focus on home- and community-based care, intervening in the populations at greatest risk and promoting deinstitutionalisation and outpatient care. In detail, these shall include: i) providing health centres with electric vehicles to support the provision of care at home; ii) extending the number of mobile units to cover low density regions; iii) providing health centres with technical conditions to carry out teleconsultations and telemonitoring of chronic diseases, such as for heart failure; iv) reinforcing community care units and teams of integrated continued care; v) creating community teams to support palliative care at health centre groups; and, vi) creating psychosocial intervention programmes in common mental illnesses (depression and anxiety) in health centre groups.

    The implementation of the investment shall be completed by 30 June 2026.

    Investment RE-C01-i02: National Network of Integrated Continued Care and National Network of Palliative Care

    The objective of the investment is to upscale the national networks of palliative and integrated continued care, regarding both in- and out-patient treatment, as well as home-based care. The investment is underpinned by the reform on a National Strategy for the Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities presented in component 3 on social responses and is part of Portugal’s deinstitutionalisation strategy and overall drive to address the adverse demographic trends the country is facing.

    The investment shall consist of a structured and phased in programme to provide financial support to promoters from the public, social or private sectors, in order to: i) expand the national network of integrated continued care by 5 500 beds, through the construction of 275 new 20-bed modules (in either existing or new units); ii) create 20 day units to promote autonomy, with a view to monitoring 500 outpatients; iii) establish 50 home teams of integrated continued care, in order to respond to 1 000 patients at home (including equipment and electric vehicles); iv) extend integrated mental health care responses in 1 000 places, in 50 residences and socio-occupational units (support for the construction of new responses or expansion of existing responses); v) create up to 100 places in 10 home mental health support teams (support for the acquisition of the necessary material resources and electric vehicles for the teams' activity); vi) expand the National Palliative Care Network by 20 palliative care low-complexity inpatient units to respond to 400 patients; and, vii) create up to 100 places in 10 community palliative care teams (support for the acquisition of the necessary material resources and electric vehicles for the teams' activity).

    The implementation of the investment shall be completed by 31 December 2025.

    Investment RE-C01-i03: Completion of the mental health reform and implementation of the dementia strategy

    The objective of the investment is to support delivery on the reform of mental health care services, thus contributing to expanding and strengthening of the response capacity of the National Health Service in the field of mental health.

    The investment shall consist of complementary sub-investments in facilities, structures and human resources, namely: i) creating residential services in the community that allow the deinstitutionalisation of patients residing in psychiatric hospitals or in the social sector, who do not benefit from the offer of the national network of integrated continued care, including an increase by 500 places for mental health care in the national network of integrated continued care in the field of mental health care; ii) building four inpatient units in general hospitals, eliminating acute accommodation in psychiatric hospitals; iii) creating 15 Integrated Responsibility Centres to overcome obstacles to the provision of non-hospital care, with a greater degree of autonomy and accountability; iv) renovate 20 existing facilities of local mental health services; v) forming 40 community mental health teams; vi) redesigning, expanding and refurbishing forensic psychiatry services; and, vii) developing awareness raising and training actions for ‘building the pathways of patients’ in the context of dementias.

    The implementation of the investment shall be completed by 31 December 2025.

    Investment RE-C01-i04: Equipment for new hospitals in Seixal, Sintra and East Lisbon

    The objective of the investment is to equip the planned new hospitals in Seixal, Sintra and East Lisbon, thereby reinforcing the hospital network and supply of hospital care in a highly populated region where the demand for health care services is considerable. This aims to ensure better access to health care for a significant part of the population and contribute to the reduction of inequalities and to social cohesion in the region.

    The investment shall consist of the purchase of equipment to be installed in the new hospitals in Seixal, Sintra and East Lisbon, including: i) clinical, medical and high-technology equipment; ii) general equipment, including specialised furniture; and, iii) computer equipment.

    The implementation of the investment shall be completed by 30 June 2026.

    Investment RE-C01-i05-RAM: Strengthening Madeira’s Regional Health Service

    The objective of this investment is to implement the Strategic Plan for the Regional Health System of the Autonomous Region of Madeira and the Regional Strategy for the Promotion of Mental Health.

    The investment shall consist of two sub-investments. First, it shall include a sub-investment to expand, develop and improve the regional network of integrated continued care, including by expanding the number of places in all their typologies in line with the principle of deinstitutionalisation, in cooperation with the private and social sectors, and in areas characterised by more acute demographic ageing and/or less installed capacity. Second, it also comprises a sub-investment to strengthen response capacity in the area of mental health and dementias associated with ageing, including the upgrade of infrastructure and equipment in facilities for hospital and primary care, the provision of new places for home-based hospitalisation and day hospital services, and the set-up of community mental health teams.

    The implementation of the investment shall be completed by 30 June 2026.

    Investment RE-C01-i06: Digital Health Transition

    This objective of the investment is to address bottlenecks hampering the digital transition in the National Health Service, including the lack of appropriate hardware and software at the disposal of health care workers, to strengthen the standardisation of the information systems in the National Health Service, and to improve user experience and access to data.

    The investment shall consist of four sub-investments. First, the health data network shall be enhanced, with a view to improving the quality of service and resilience of the computer systems available in the National Health Service, facilitating the use of data in decision support systems, ensuring the interoperability between different information systems and compliance with appropriate security principles. Second, the communication between citizens and health units shall be simplified, standardised and digitalised through electronic tools, such as a citizen-centred platform and telehealth tools to increase the access to healthcare. Third, upgraded and interoperable tools available to health professionals (e.g. telemonitoring and tele-rehabilitation platforms, and systems that enhance the portability of data between primary care, hospital and integrated continued care facilities) and relevant training on digital skills. Fourth, the digitalisation of clinical records shall be promoted, with a view to carrying out activities to monitor the performance of the National Health Service.

    The implementation of the investment shall be completed by 31 December 2024.

    Investment RE-C01-i07-RAM: Digitalisation of Madeira’s Regional Health Service

    The objective of this investment is to foster the digitalisation of Madeira’s Regional Health Service, through the deployment of digital technologies to support the quality and efficiency of health care services, and empowering health professionals and citizens.

    The investment shall consist of several sub-investments, including: i) implementing digital technologies to support patient monitoring, intensifying telehealth appointments and telemonitoring of citizen’s health situation; ii) reinforcing digital technologies and artificial intelligence for epidemiological surveillance; iii) increasing the digitisation of health and improving the interoperability of information systems; iv) improving citizens' access to health information and services through digital means; and, v) training citizens and stakeholders to use digital health resources in the field of health.

    The implementation of the investment shall be completed by 31 December 2024.

    Investment RE-C01-i08-RAA: Digital Hospital in the Azores

    The objective of the investment is to scale up the supply of health care and ensure better access to health care in the Azores, through the digitalisation of its regional health service.

    The investment shall consist of creating an electronic health record for each citizen, increasing the interoperability of information systems to enable clinical information to be shared among health professionals, enhancing the accessibility of health care in the most isolated islands without a hospital by conducting telemedicine consultations, and providing for the necessary hardware, software, and information systems.

    The implementation of the investment shall be completed by 30 September 2025.

    Investment RE-C01-i09: Universal Active Life Support System

    The objective of the investment is to promote physical and emotional well-being in Portugal by increasing the low levels of physical activity practice in the country and contributing to better disease prevention and management of the burden of non-communicable diseases.

    The investment shall consist of: i) a national campaign and a technological platform to promote physical activity, increasing citizens' knowledge about the benefits of regular physical activity at all ages, prescribing exercises according to their ability, and encouraging the adoption of healthier lifestyles; ii) extending school sports to the community by promoting active mobility, from younger ages and throughout life, and sports in the family context, as a means to promote student success and healthier lifestyles; and, iii) encouraging the practice of physical activity in the workplace, promoting the implementation of measures and programmes, as well as providing spaces and equipment for the practice of physical activity.

    The implementation of the investment shall be completed by 30 September 2025.

    A.2. Milestones, targets, indicators, and timetable for monitoring and implementation for non-repayable financial support

    Sequential Number

    Measure (Reform or Investment)



    Qualitative indicators (for milestones)

    Quantitative indicators (for targets)

    Indicative timeline for completion

    Description and clear definition of each milestone and target


    Unit of measure








    Entry into force of legal acts in the field of primary health care

    Entry into force of the revised legal acts






    Revision of legal acts in the field of primary health care, namely: i) the legislation underpinning the functional units of primary health care centres (including, the Decree-Law No 73/2017 for Model B family health units, the Government Order No 1368/2007, the rules and remuneration model of Model B family health units and the associated legal act, and the legal acts underpinning the functioning of other types of primary health care units); and, ii) the legislation underpinning health centre groups (including, the legal acts underpinning health centre groups, namely the Decree-Law No 28/2008).




    Provision of access to the risk stratification instrument to support clinical governance in the functional units of health centre groups




    1 000



    Number of functional units of health centres getting access to the information from the risk stratification instrument covering registered users. The risk stratification instrument shall allow for proactive intervention in populations with higher clinical risk and social vulnerability, ensuring population-based screening and early diagnosis programmes across the country, as well as timely treatment and adequate follow-up of users who suffer from the most frequent diseases (cardiovascular, diabetes, cancer, respiratory, mental and osteoarticular).




    Completion of the process of decentralisation of responsibilities in the field of health in municipalities







    Number of new municipalities where the process of decentralisation of responsibilities in the field of health has been completed, in accordance with Decree-Law No 23/2019, of 30 January, through the signing of a transfer notice by the Ministry of Health, the regional health administrations and municipalities. The transfer of responsibilities shall namely cover : i) the participation of municipalities in the planning, management and investment decisions of primary health care units and divisions of intervention in addictive behaviours and dependencies, notably in their construction, equipment and maintenance; ii) management, maintenance and conservation of other equipment related to primary health care; iii) management of health care workers in the category of operational assistant of the functional units of health centre groups and divisions of intervention in addictive behaviours and dependencies that integrate the National Health Service; iv) management of logistical support services of health centre groups; v) strategic partnership in disease prevention programmes, with a special focus on promoting healthy lifestyles and active ageing.




    Entry into force of the new Mental Health Decree-Law, which shall set out the principles for the organisation of mental health care services

    Entry into force of the new Mental Health Decree-Law






    The new Decree-Law shall reflect the proposals for amendments made by the Working Group set up by Government Order No 6324/2020, of 15 June, as amended by Government Order No 11485/2020, of 20 November, with a view to defining the principles for the organisation of mental health care services.




    Entry into force of the new Mental Health Law, which shall lay down the principles relating to the rights of people with mental illness and regulate compulsory hospitalisation or treatment

    Entry into force of the new Mental Health Law






    The new Mental Health Law shall reflect the proposals for amendments made by the Working Group set up by Government Order No 6324/2020, of 15 June, as amended by Government Order No 11485/2020, of 20 November, with a view to laying down the principles relating to the rights of people with mental illness and regulate compulsory hospitalisation or treatment.




    Entry into force of the new management contract template

    Entry into force of the new management contract template






    Entry into force, through joint approval by the Ministries of Health and Finance, of the new management contract template. The new template shall be adhered to by all future management contracts to be signed by all public managers of state-owned enterprises in the health system, in order to strengthen accountability and encourage performance-based management practices.




    Entry into force of the new Management Accounting Plan of the National Health Service

    Entry into force of the new Management Accounting Plan






    Establishment of a Management Accounting Plan for the National Health Service, in order to collect, at national level, information on the costs, incomes, and results of hospital services, thereby improving the allocation of resources in the National Health Service, benchmarking and identifying areas for improvement in the operational efficiency of the health entities. The new Management Accounting Plan shall be disseminated through a normative circular by the central administration of the health system.




    Establishing new Integrated Responsibility Centres in the hospitals of the National Health Service







    Establishment of new Integrated Responsibility Centres in the hospitals of the National Health Service in order to: i) improve access to, as well as quality and efficiency in the provision of heath care services; ii) strengthen clinical governance, autonomy and accountability of health care services; iii) encourage health professionals to continue working at public hospitals; iv) share risks and benefits between health care services and hospitals; v) value the mission of each health care service and hospital in the regional and national context of the National Health Service.




    Establishing new Integrated Responsibility Centres in the hospitals of the National Health Service







    Establishment of new Integrated Responsibility Centres in the hospitals of the National Health Service in order to: i) improve access to, as well as quality and efficiency in the provision of heath care services; ii) strengthen clinical governance, autonomy and accountability of health care services; iii) encourage health professionals to continue working at public hospitals; iv) share risks and benefits between health care services and hospitals; v) value the mission of each health care service and hospital in the regional and national context of the National Health Service.




    Strengthening home hospitalisation responses in the hospitals of the National Health Service




    5 000



    Increase response capacity in home hospitalisation by enabling the provision, at home, of health care services with hospital-level differentiation, complexity and intensity, for a limited period, in close articulation with primary health care services, the national network of integrated continued care, the social sector and the wider community, as measured by the number of new home hospitalisation episodes (defined as a set of care provided during the period in which the patient is under the responsibility of the home hospitalisation unit, running uninterruptedly from the date of admission until the date of discharge, except the day of discharge).




    Entry into force of the action plan to strengthen centralised purchasing mechanisms for medicines

    Entry into force of the action plan to strengthen centralised purchasing mechanisms for medicines






    Entry into force of the action plan to strengthen centralised purchasing mechanisms for medicines, to implement the recommendations of the independent assessment of centralised procurement of medicines in Portugal, conducted by the Austrian National Institute of Public Health under the Structural Reform Support Programme.




    Entry into force of the new exclusivity work regime in the National Health Service

    Entry into force of the new exclusivity work regime






    New exclusivity work regime for health professionals in the National Health Service, incorporating appropriate mechanisms for organising working time and remuneration tables.




    Entry into force of the terms for referencing emergency episodes screened in white, blue or green in hospital emergency services for other types of health care services, including primary health care services

    Entry into force of terms for referencing emergency episodes






    Entry into force of the procedures and administrative rules of the referral process for users with emergency episodes screened in white, blue or green in hospital emergency services for other types of health care, services, namely for primary health care services, with direct scheduling of appointments.




    Building new health units







    Number of new health units built to replace inadequate buildings, ensuring accessibility, quality, comfort and safety for users and health professionals, and adapting them to new models of health care. The new units shall be built to replace inappropriate buildings and new buildings shall have a primary energy demand at least 20% below the requirements of nearly zero energy buildings.




    Building new health units







    Number of new health units built to replace inadequate buildings, ensuring accessibility, quality, comfort and safety for users and health professionals, and adapting them to new models of health care. The new units shall be built to replace inappropriate buildings and new buildings shall have a primary energy demand at least 20% below the requirements of nearly zero energy buildings.




    Complete the national coverage of screening and early diagnosis programmes in primary health care

    Report on the completion of the coverage of screening and early diagnosis programmes in primary health care






    The delivery of this milestone includes: i) introduction of cervical screening in health centres; ii) introduction of colon and rectum screening in health centres; iii) introduction of screening for diabetic retinopathy in 300 health centres; iv) introduction of Holter exams and blood pressure ambulatory monitoring in functional units; v) introduction of diagnosis and treatment tools for asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and smoking (spirometers) in health centres; and, vi) introduction of C-reactive protein dosing in health centres.




    Increase the response capacity of primary health centres and expand their areas of intervention

    Report on the increase of the response capacity of primary health centres and expansion of their areas of intervention






    The delivery of this milestone includes: i) extending diabetic foot consultations to health centre groups; ii) creating dentistry offices in health centres; iii) creating integrated diagnostic centres (with low-complexity complementary means of diagnosis and therapy, X-ray and clinical analysis) in health centre groups; iv) creating movement and rehabilitation offices in health centre groups; v) providing equipment (emergency bag, defibrillator and vital signs monitor) for qualified response in emergency situations (basic life support) to health centres.




    Refurbishment of health facilities and equipment to ensure accessibility, quality and safety conditions in primary health centres

    Report on the refurbishment of health facilities and equipment






    The delivery of this milestone includes: i) building 100 health facilities, with grant support of EUR 154 841 862 to replace unsuitable buildings; these new buildings shall have a primary energy demand at least 20% below the requirements of nearly zero energy buildings; ii) renovating or adapting 326 health facilities to increase energy efficiency, comply with contingency plans and/or ensure accessibility, safety and comfort for users and health professionals, of which grant support of EUR 133 509 208 relates to energy efficiency renovation, and grant support of EUR 11 322 726 relates to energy efficiency renovation to achieve, on average, at least a medium-depth level renovation as defined in Commission Recommendation on Building Renovation (EU) 2019/786 (the requirements for improving the energy performance of buildings shall be embedded in the public procurement procedures and shall be ensured in the tender specifications); and, iii) modernising equipment (including, among others, basic clinical equipment, information and communications technology equipment, energy efficiency equipment and safety equipment).




    Strengthening of community-based care, home and community interventions

    Report on the strengthening of community-based care, home and community interventions






    The delivery of this milestone includes: i) providing at least 770 electric vehicles to support the provision of home care by health centres; and ii) expanding the number of new mobile units by at least additional 34 to cover low-density regions.




    Entry into force of the regulation on the allocation of financial support by the Regional Health Authorities

    Entry into force of the regulation on the allocation of financial support






    Entry into force of the regulation on the allocation of financial support by the Regional Health Authorities, which shall define the governance model of the programme and the respective requirements of the applicants.




    Strengthening the response capacity of the national networks of integrated continued care and palliative care services in inpatient and outpatient care




    7 400



    Strengthening of the response capacity of the national networks of integrated continued care and palliative care services in inpatient and outpatient care through the creation of the following new places: i) new 5 500 inpatient beds in the national network of integrated continued care services, within the general network; ii) new 500 places in autonomy promotion day units within the national network of integrated continued care services; iii) new 1 000 places in integrated mental health continued care services; and, iv) new 400 low-complexity inpatient beds in the national network of palliative care services. It includes the use of grant support of EUR 198 337 500 to build new health infrastructure. These new buildings shall have a primary energy demand at least 20% below the requirements of nearly zero energy buildings.




    Strengthening the response capacity of the national networks of integrated continued care and palliative care services in home care




    1 200



    Strengthening of the response capacity of the national networks of integrated continued care and palliative care services in home care through the creation of the following new places: i) 1 000 new places in integrated continued home care teams; ii) 100 new places in mental health home support teams within the national network of integrated continued care services; and, iii) 100 new places in community palliative care support teams.




    Refurbishment of forensic psychiatry units and equipment







    Building of a new forensic psychiatry unit (Sobral Cid) and refurbishment of two other units (Lisbon Psychiatric Hospital Centre and Hospital de Magalhães Lemos) to ensure conditions compatible with the respect for human rights, in particular privacy, comfort, and the humanisation of spaces, without neglecting the security conditions inherent to the fulfilment of judicial orders, preventing further convictions of the Portuguese Republic by international organisations (European Committee for the Prevention of Torture).




    Development of awareness-raising and training actions for ‘building the pathways of patients’ in the context of dementias

    Report on the deployment of new awareness-raising and training actions and their development






    Awareness-raising and training actions on dementias, with a view to supporting reforms in social and health care services, aimed at the staff of social and health care services or of other entities that work with the general public in the field of social and health care policies, as well as the users of social and health care services.




    Completion of the strengthening of the mental health care network

    Report on the completion of all the described initiatives to strengthen the mental health care network






    Completion of all the interventions defined to strengthen the mental health care network, including: i) setting up of four new units for hospitalisation in general hospitals; ii) creation of 15 Integrated Responsibility Centres in mental health services; iii) refurbishing 20 of the existing mental health local services; iv) creation of 500 responses to the needs of institutionalised people with chronic mental illness; v) upgrading of three forensic psychiatry facilities and equipment; vi) building three forensic residential transition units; and, vii) development of training actions for ‘building the pathways of patients’ in the context of dementias. It includes the use of grant support of EUR 58 507 675 in energy efficiency renovation to achieve, on average, at least a medium-depth level renovation as defined in Commission Recommendation on Building Renovation (EU) 2019/786. The requirements for improving the energy performance of buildings shall be embedded in the public procurement procedures and shall be ensured in the tender specifications.




    Purchase of equipment for East Lisbon, Seixal and Sintra hospitals

    Purchase the equipment for Lisbon East, Seixal and Sintra Hospitals, involving a total of EUR 178 740 000 of grant support






    Purchasing the equipment to be installed in new hospitals in Lisbon, Seixal and Sintra involving a total of EUR 178 740 000 of grant support, namely clinical/medical and high-technology equipment; general equipment, comprising furniture adapted to the tasks to be performed in different spaces and that is easy to clean and ergonomically designed; and, computer equipment.




    Increase in the number of available places in the home hospitalisation system of Madeira’s regional health service




    1 500



    Strengthening the response capacity of Madeira’s regional health service by increasing the number of available places in the home hospitalisation system, thus enabling the provision, at home, of health care services with hospital-level differentiation, complexity and intensity, for a limited period, in close articulation with primary health care and other services.




    Setting up community mental health teams in Madeira’s regional health service







    Strengthening of the response capacity of Madeira’s regional health service in the field of mental health and dementias associated with ageing through the creation of community mental health teams.




    Deployment of the classification system, functional profile and users’ referral system for Madeira’s regional model of integrated continued care services

    Report on deployment of the classification system, functional profile and users’ referral system






    Deployment of the classification system, functional profile and users’ referral system, with a view to strengthening Madeira’s regional model of integrated continued care services, as well as its coordination and technical management.




    Increase in the number of places in integrated continued care services in Madeira’s regional health service




    1 080



    Number of places created in integrated continued care services in Madeira’s regional health service, measured in terms of new beds, in general scope (including in convalescence, medium-term and rehabilitation unit, and long-term and maintenance unit), mental health and paediatric services. It includes the use of grant support: i) of EUR 44 700 000 to build new health infrastructure; new buildings shall have a primary energy demand at least 20% below the requirements of nearly zero energy buildings; and ii) of EUR 23 300 000 in energy efficiency renovation.




    Refurbishment of primary health care services in Madeira’s regional health service







    Number of refurbished primary health care facilities in Madeira’s regional health service.




    Upgrade of local information technology networks







    Percentage of upgraded local information technology networks in the National Health Service, organised and implemented by the shared services entity of the Ministry of Health, which shall thus become able to operate in the new model of unified communications (Voice over Internet Protocol).




    Implementation of functionalities for telehealth and telemonitoring







    Percentage of users with access to new telehealth and telemonitoring functionalities, enabling the provision of remote health care services, thereby increasing levels of access to health care and citizen participation in the process of remote information collection and treatment.




    Implementation of information technology administrative modules, basic clinical modules and emergency clinical modules







    Percentage of health professionals with access to integrated information technology modules, basic clinical modules and emergency clinical modules for: i) recording and consulting clinical information within the scope of primary, hospital, and continued health care, in order to ensure the availability and integration of health information, as well as providing greater safety for users and health professionals; and, ii) emergency, nursing registry and telemonitoring health care services.




    New computer equipment for Madeira's regional health service




    3 600



    Number of new computer equipment for Madeira’s regional health service to monitor and ensure greater proximity to the users of Madeira’s regional health service, promote a reduction in the risk of errors, as well as foster efficiency and swift access to user data.




    Increased access to the user portal of the Azores’ regional health service




    25 000



    Number of additional annual individual users accessing the user portal of the Azores’ regional health service, thanks to the broadening of digital health services and medical information available therein.




    Introduction of telemedicine appointments in the Azores' regional health service




    1 000



    Number of annual telemedicine appointments in primary health care services and with medical specialists at the Azores' regional health service.




    Completion of the implementation in schools of the ‘School Sports Community’ and ‘School Sports on Wheels’ programmes




    1 980



    Number of second cycle schools where bicycles of different sizes have been delivered with a view to teaching cycling to students, as well as of public schools where adult bicycles have been delivered in the framework of the ‘School Sports Community’ programme.




    Launch of the national campaign for the Universal Active Life Support System and the associated technological platform

    New communication channels and platform in operation for the national campaign for the Universal Active Life Support System






    Launch of a national campaign for the Universal Active Life Support System and associated technological platform, in order to increase citizens’ knowledge about the benefits of regular physical activity, at all ages and according to their ability, aiming to encourage the adoption of healthier lifestyles.

    B. COMPONENT 2: Housing

    This component of the Portuguese recovery and resilience plan addresses the challenges related to the structural shortage of permanent and temporary housing solutions for the more vulnerable groups, both in mainland Portugal and in the Autonomous Regions of Azores and Madeira, whilst also contributing indirectly to reinforcing the social protection system. Public housing only accounts for 2% of the total stock in Portugal and is deemed to be insufficient in addressing the needs of the most deprived and at risk of social exclusion.

    The main objectives of the component are: i) to increase the social and affordable housing supply (including addressing other related needs, such as the lack of basic infrastructure and equipment, unhealthy and insecure places of residence, precariousness or lack of contractual ties, overcrowding or inadequacy of housing for the special needs of residents with disabilities or reduced mobility); (ii) to create a national public response to urgent and temporary accommodation needs arising from unexpected or unforeseeable events such as natural disasters, fires, pandemics, migration movements, asylum applications, or situations of imminent risk such as domestic violence, trafficking in human beings, risk of evictions and others; and iii) to increase the supply of student accommodation at affordable prices. The investments in the component entail construction of new dwellings and rehabilitation of existing ones.

    This component contributes to addressing Country Specific Recommendations issued to Portugal in the framework of the European Semester in 2019 and 2020, notably: Improve the effectiveness and adequacy of the social safety net (Country Specific Recommendation 2 2019); Guarantee sufficient and effective social protection and income support (Country Specific Recommendation 2 2020); and Increase the number of graduates in higher education, in particular in science and information technology (through the student accommodation investments) (Country Specific Recommendation 2 2019). The component also contributes addressing the Country Specific Recommendation relating to the climate transition (Country Specific Recommendation 3 2020). The component also contributes to the implementation of several principles of the European Pillar of Social Rights (EPSR), such as: ’Access to social housing or housing assistance of good quality shall be provided for those in need’ (EPSR 19.a); ’Vulnerable people have the right to appropriate assistance and protection against forced eviction’ (EPSR 19.b); ’Adequate shelter and services shall be provided to the homeless in order to promote their social inclusion’ (EPSR 19.c); ‘Social protection’ (EPSR 12); ’Inclusion of people with disabilities’ (EPSR 17); ’Access to essential services’ (EPSR 20); ’Education, training and life-long learning: Everyone has the right to quality and inclusive education, training and life-long learning in order to maintain and acquire skills that enable them to participate fully in society and manage successfully transitions in the labour market’ (EPSR 1). Environmental dimensions shall also be incorporated, in particular through the promotion of new construction with high energy efficiency standards.

    It is expected that no measure in this component does significant harm to environmental objectives within the meaning of Article 17 of Regulation (EU) 2020/852, taking into account the description of the measures and the mitigating steps set out in the plan in accordance with the DNSH Technical Guidance (2021/C58/01).

    B.1. Description of the reforms and investments for non-repayable financial support

    Reform RE-r04: National Urgent and Temporary Housing Plan 

    The objective of the reform is to create a national public network to respond to urgent and temporary housing needs as part of the renewal of housing policies in Portugal, with a view to protect and empower the identified target groups, and to foster social inclusion and combating inequalities.

    The reform shall consist of the creation of a structured and cross-cutting response for people in need of emergency or temporary accommodation solutions and develop the necessary legal and regulatory framework to establish the governance model of the Investment RE-C02-i02 (National Emergency and Temporary Accommodation Grant) and establishes methodologies for signposting and referral to accommodation and social support for the persons supported.

    The implementation of the reform was to be completed by 31 June 2021.

    Investment RE-C02-i01: Support Programme for Access to Housing

    The objective of the investment is to safeguard decent and adequate housing for families with the greatest needs and for the most vulnerable groups. 

    The investment shall consist of providing mainly social housing accommodation, but also providing financial support for renovation or construction to the identified target groups that do not have the financial capacity to guarantee the adequacy of their own housing, for at least 26 000 households by 2026. The investments shall consist of the construction of new buildings or the renovation of existing dwellings, as well as, whenever necessary, the acquisition of new buildings or the lease of buildings to sublease.

    The implementation of the investment shall be completed by 30 June 2026.

    Investment RE-C02-i02: National Emergency and Temporary Accommodation Grant

    The objective of this investment is to provide temporary or emergency accommodation to the vulnerable population groups in mainland Portugal. This investment serves to implement the Reform of the National Urgent and Temporary Housing Plan included in the component. The following risks or social emergencies frame the interventions planned: unforeseeable or exceptional events, the need for urgent accommodation and empowerment of persons temporarily deprived of housing, including victims of domestic violence, victims of human trafficking, persons under international protection, homeless persons; extraordinary and duly substantiated needs for urgent and temporary accommodation for persons at imminent and actual risk of being left without accommodation or in the process of de-institutionalisation; accommodation needs, temporary and indispensable to the public interest, of state officials and agents.

    The investment shall consist of the creation of 2 000 emergency accommodations, as well as 473 habitational units, three blocks and five centres for the temporary accommodation for security forces (in cases justified by public interest).

    The implementation of the investment shall be completed by 30 June 2026.

    Investment RE-C02-i03-RAM: Strengthening of the supply of social housing in the Autonomous Region of Madeira

    The objective of this investment is to respond to the housing needs of families living in difficult conditions and who do not have the financial capacity to meet the cost of access to adequate housing in the Autonomous Region of Madeira.

    The investment shall consist of the construction and/or acquisition of social housing accommodations for 1 121 households (the investment shall also include studies, projects, land acquisition and construction), support the rehabilitation of the 325 private dwellings (including improved energy performance). The investment also foresees the procurement of services for the development of information systems and e-government solutions in the housing sector.

    The implementation of the investment shall be completed by 30 June 2026.

    Investment RE-02-i04-RAA: Increasing housing conditions in the housing stock of the Autonomous Region of the Azores

    The objective of the investment is to strengthen the housing offers at various levels, following a noticeable worsening in the degradation of the buildings in the Autonomous Region of Azores and a reduction in the supply on the property market.

    The investment shall consist, across various islands, of:

    -the construction of 277 buildings;

    -the finalisation of 77 apartments; and

    -the rehabilitation of buildings (deep renovation for 106 buildings, medium renovation of 252 buildings and small intervention in 116 buildings) for a total of 551 interventions.

    The implementation of the investment shall be completed by 31 December 2025.

    B.2. Milestones, indicators, and timetable for monitoring and implementation for non-repayable financial support.

    Sequential Number

    Measure (Reform or Investment)



    Qualitative indicators (for milestones)

    Quantitative indicators (for targets)

    Indicative timeline for completion

    Description and clear definition of each milestone and target


    Unit of measure








    Support programme for access to housing - Collaborative or Funding Arrangements signed







    Signature of collaborative or funding arrangements.

    The local accommodation strategies are presented by the municipalities. These strategies identify 1) all the needs eligible under this programme (as specified in Decree-Law No 37/2018 of 4 June 2018), and 2) the entities promoting housing solutions. After the IHRU (Housing and Urban Rehabilitation Institute) has validated the local accommodation strategies’ compliance with the programme, the collaboration agreements with municipalities or the financing agreements with the other beneficiaries framing the concrete investments to be promoted are signed and the deadline for their implementation specified.




    Support programme for access to housing – Purchased, constructed (high energy efficiency) or rehabilitated (with improved energy performance) dwellings provided to households




    3 000



    Delivery of the contracted number of dwellings to the households previously identified in the local accommodation strategies presented by the municipalities. New buildings shall have a primary energy demand at least 20% below the requirements of nearly zero energy buildings (except for projects ongoing and budgeted for 2021 and 2022, representing EUR 70 000 000 of the total allocation for this measure). For rehabilitation, reference unit per dwelling is 73 square meters, for new constructions 95 square meters.




    Support programme for access to housing – Purchased, constructed (high energy efficiency) or rehabilitated (with improved energy performance) dwellings provided to households



    3 000

    26 000



    Delivery of the contracted number of dwellings to the households previously identified in the local accommodation strategies presented by the municipalities. New buildings shall have a primary energy demand at least 20% below the requirements of nearly zero energy buildings (except for projects ongoing and budgeted for 2021 and 2022, representing EUR 70 000 000 of the total allocation for this measure). For rehabilitation, reference unit per dwelling is 73 square meters, for new constructions 95 square meters.




    National emergency and temporary accommodation grant – Signature of funding agreements for emergency and transition accommodation







    The number of dwellings for which funding agreements are signed.

    Entities submit their applications for funding in the call for tenders opened by the IHRU (Housing and Urban Rehabilitation Institute) which, after assessing and requesting an opinion from the ISS (Institute of Social Security) on the validity and feasibility of the submitted applications, contracts the funding and sets the deadline for its implementation. Accommodation means part or all of a building with independent access consisting of one or more housing compartments and additional private spaces or residential units for more than one household.




    National emergency and temporary accommodation grant – Signature of funding agreements for emergency and transition accommodations




    1 000



    The number of dwellings for which funding agreements are signed.
    Entities submit their applications for funding in the call for tenders opened by the IHRU (Housing and Urban Rehabilitation Institute) which, after assessing and requesting an opinion from the ISS (Institute of Social Security) on the validity and feasibility of the submitted applications, contracts the funding and sets the deadline for its implementation. Accommodation means part or all of a building with independent access consisting of one or more housing compartments and additional private spaces or residential units for more than one household.




    National emergency and temporary accommodation grant – Dwellings with construction works started for emergency and transition accommodations (to be constructed with energy efficiency standard or rehabilitated with improved energy performance) under construction







    Dwellings for which construction works started. Once the financing has been contracted, the amount is released to the entities depending on the performance of the contract. New buildings shall have a primary energy demand at least 20% below the requirements of nearly zero energy buildings (except for projects ongoing and budgeted for 2021 and 2022, representing EUR 14 800 000 of the total allocation for this measure). Reference unit per dwelling is 73 square meters.




    National emergency and temporary accommodation grant - Emergency and transition accommodations created (constructed with energy efficiency standard or rehabilitated with improved energy performance) and delivered to developers




    2 000



    Delivery of accommodation to the sponsoring bodies. Accommodation means part or all of a building with independent access consisting of one or more housing compartments and additional private spaces or residential units for more than one household. New buildings shall have a primary energy demand at least 20% below the requirements of nearly zero energy buildings (except for projects ongoing and budgeted for 2021 and 2022, representing EUR 14 800 000 of the total allocation for this measure) Reference unit per dwelling is 73 square meters.




    Accommodation delivered to security forces developers







    Number of dwellings delivered to security forces (SSGNR - Social Services for the National Republic Guard; SSPSP - Social Services for the Public Security Police) for temporary accommodation needs, including three blocks and five centres for the temporary accommodation for security forces (in cases justified by public interest). New buildings shall have a primary energy demand at least 20% below the requirements of nearly zero energy buildings.




    Supported housing in the Autonomous Region of Madeira







    Number of dwellings allocated to eligible households in connection with the construction of social housing or the purchase of residential accommodation for supported social housing. New buildings shall have a primary energy demand at least 20% below the requirements of nearly zero energy buildings. Reference unit per dwelling is 90 square meters.




    Supported housing in the Autonomous Region of Madeira







    Number of dwellings allocated to eligible households in connection with the construction of social housing or the purchase of residential accommodation for supported social housing. New buildings shall have a primary energy demand at least 20% below the requirements of nearly zero energy buildings. Reference unit per dwelling is 90 square meters.




    Supported housing in the Autonomous Region of Madeira




    1 121



    Number of dwellings allocated to eligible households in connection with the construction of social housing or the purchase of residential accommodation for supported social housing. New buildings shall have a primary energy demand at least 20% below the requirements of nearly zero energy buildings. Reference unit per dwelling is 90 square meters.




    Number of private owner occupied dwellings renovated, including with improved energy efficiency







    Number of private owner-occupied dwellings renovated for the target groups lacking financial resources to carry out rehabilitation works.




    Interventions in the public housing stock in the Autonomous Region of Azores







    Number of interventions, including urbanisation of land where necessary, with works finalized in order to increase the social housing stock.

    Where it involves new construction, new buildings shall have a primary energy demand at least 20% below the requirements of nearly zero energy buildings.

    The dwellings have an average size of around 120 square meters.




    Interventions in the public housing stock of the Autonomous Region of Azores - renovation







    The investment includes the renovation or finalisation of buildings and apartments, measured by the number of interventions.

    The interventions include:

    - the conversion of non-residential public buildings into housing,

    - Financial support for the reconversion of degraded social buildings (Bairros Sociais)

    - renovation of public housing to comply with the current housing legislation, mainly energy efficiency requirements.

    Energy efficiency renovations shall achieve, on average, at least a medium-depth level renovation as defined in Commission Recommendation on Building Renovation (EU) 2019/786.

    The dwelling concerned have an average size of around 100 square meters.




    Interventions in the public housing stock of Autonomous Region of Azores – construction of building







    Number of interventions, including urbanisation of land where necessary, with works finalized in order to increase the social housing stock.

    Where it involves new construction, new buildings shall have a primary energy demand at least 20% below the requirements of nearly zero energy buildings.

    The dwellings have an average size of around 120 square meters.





    Interventions in the public housing stock of the Autonomous Region of Azores - renovation







    The investment includes the renovation or finalisation of buildings and apartments, measured by the number of interventions, with works finalised.

    The interventions include:

    - the conversion of non-residential public buildings into housing,

    - Financial support for the reconversion of degraded social buildings (Bairros Sociais)

    - Renovation of public housing to comply with the current housing legislation, mainly energy efficiency requirements.

    Energy efficiency renovations shall achieve, on average, at least a medium-depth level renovation as defined in Commission Recommendation on Building Renovation (EU) 2019/786

    The dwelling concerned have an average size of around 100 square meters.




    Interventions in the public housing stock of Autonomous Region of Azores – construction of building







    Number of interventions, including urbanisation of land where necessary, with works finalized in order to increase the social housing stock.

    Where it involves new construction, new buildings shall have a primary energy demand at least 20% below the requirements of nearly zero energy buildings.

    The dwellings have an average size of around 120 square meters.





    Interventions in the public housing stock of the Autonomous Region of Azores - renovation







    The investment includes the renovation or finalisation of buildings and apartments, measured by the number of interventions.

    The interventions include:

    - the conversion of non-residential public buildings into housing,

    - the operationalisation of a plan to promote youth rental (e.g. conversion of local accommodation -Alojamento Local- into long-term rental, rehabilitation of urban centres);.

    - Financial support for the reconversion of degraded social buildings (Bairros Sociais)

    - renovation of public housing to comply with the current housing legislation, mainly energy efficiency requirements.

    Energy efficiency renovations shall achieve, on average, at least a medium-depth level renovation as defined in Commission Recommendation on Building Renovation (EU) 2019/786

    The dwellings concerned have an average size of around 100 square meters.




    Entry into force of the Decree-Law approving the legal framework for the National Urgent and Temporary Housing Plan

    Entry into force of the decree law






    The Decree-Law shall define the structure of the Plan and the housing stock in particular as regards eligible beneficiaries, housing solutions and the financing model. Alongside the legal framework, the National Housing Plan shall be presented to and approved by the Government, which shall incorporate the strategic planning of the housing solutions to be promoted and the necessary support for this purpose, depending on local needs and specificities and socio-territorial cohesion.

    B.3. Description of the reforms and investments for the loan

    Investment RE-C02-i05: Affordable public housing stock

    The objective of the investment is to respond to the current house price dynamics vis-à-vis the income levels of Portuguese households, especially in large urban environments, by providing a public stock of houses that may be rented at affordable prices for specific target groups.

    The investment shall consist of the construction, including acquisition, of new buildings and rehabilitation of public dwellings to provide 6 800 accommodations and subsequent renting at affordable prices for the target groups identified.

    The implementation of the investment shall be completed by 30 June 2026.

    Investment RE-C02-i06: Student accommodations at affordable prices

    The objective of this investment is to increase the national supply of affordable student accommodation as this remains one of the biggest barriers in accessing tertiary education. These accommodations shall help to reduce the direct costs of students and their families, with a particular focus on the most socially and economically vulnerable students. The existing supply is supporting only a small share (around 10%) of the students in need of accommodation, against the background of a marked increase in housing costs, especially in the largest urban centres, where higher education institutions are concentrated.

    The investment shall consist of providing additional 15 000 beds for students through the construction of new buildings, the rehabilitation of existing buildings and the modernisation and expansion of existing student accommodation units.

    The implementation of the investment shall be completed by 31 March 2026.

    B.4.    Milestones, targets, indicators, and timetable for monitoring and implementation for the loan

    Sequential Number

    Measure (Reform or Investment)



    Qualitative indicators (for milestones)

    Quantitative indicators (for targets)

    Indicative timeline for completion

    Description and clear definition of each milestone and target


    Unit of measure








    Affordable public housing stock - Dwellings with started work







    Number of dwellings for which work starts following the tendering procedure and the signature of a contract. Where it involves new construction, new buildings shall have a primary energy demand at least 20% below the requirements of nearly zero energy buildings.

    (constructed with high energy efficiency or rehabilitated with improved energy performance)




    Affordable public housing stock - Dwellings with started work




    4 100



    Number of dwellings for which work starts following the tendering procedure and the signature of a contract. Where it involves new construction, new buildings shall have a primary energy demand at least 20% below the requirements of nearly zero energy buildings.

    (constructed with high energy efficiency or rehabilitated with improved energy performance)




    Affordable public housing stock - Assigned dwellings




    1 700



    Number of delivered dwellings to the eligible households via the housing exchange at affordable cost (DL 82/2020 of 2 October) or through municipal programme. Affordable housing is defined as the one made available in accordance with the Access Lease Programme, established by Decree-Law No 68/2019 of 22 May 1999, of the rental scheme supported, established by Law No 81/2014 of 19 December 2006, as amended, of the conditional rent scheme, established by Law No 80/2014 of 19 December 2006, of the system of controlled costs, governed by Ministerial Implementing Order No 65/2019 of 19 February 2006, or of special municipal programmes. Where it involves new construction, new buildings shall have a primary energy demand at least 20% below the requirements of nearly zero energy buildings.

    (constructed with high energy efficiency or rehabilitated with improved energy performance)




    Affordable public housing stock - Assigned dwellings



    1 700

    3 970



    Number of delivered dwellings to the eligible households via the housing exchange at affordable cost (DL 82/2020 of 2 October) or through municipal programme. Affordable housing is defined as the one made available in accordance with the Access Lease Programme, established by Decree-Law No 68/2019 of 22 May 1999, of the rental scheme supported, established by Law No 81/2014 of 19 December 2006, as amended, of the conditional rent scheme, established by Law No 80/2014 of 19 December 2006, of the system of controlled costs, governed by Ministerial Implementing Order No 65/2019 of 19 February 2006, or of special municipal programmes. Where it involves new construction, new buildings shall have a primary energy demand at least 20% below the requirements of nearly zero energy buildings.

    (constructed with high energy efficiency or rehabilitated with improved energy performance)




    Affordable public housing stock - Assigned dwellings



    3 970

    6 800



    Number of delivered dwellings to the eligible households via the housing exchange at affordable cost (DL 82/2020 of 2 October) or through municipal programme. Affordable housing is defined as the one made available in accordance with the Access Lease Programme, established by Decree-Law No 68/2019 of 22 May 1999, of the rental scheme supported, established by Law No 81/2014 of 19 December 2006, as amended, of the conditional rent scheme, established by Law No 80/2014 of 19 December 2006, of the system of controlled costs, governed by Ministerial Implementing Order No 65/2019 of 19 February 2006, or of special municipal programmes. Where it involves new construction, new buildings shall have a primary energy demand at least 20% below the requirements of nearly zero energy buildings.

    (constructed with high energy efficiency or rehabilitated with improved energy performance)




    Student accommodation at affordable costs – number of student accommodation places with launched tenders









    Number of places of accommodation for higher-education students for which public tenders have been launched.

    New buildings shall have a primary energy demand at least 20% below the requirements of nearly zero energy buildings. Energy efficiency renovations shall achieve, on average, at least a medium-depth level renovation as defined in Commission Recommendation on Building Renovation (EU) 2019/786.




    Student accommodation at affordable costs




    7 000



    Number of additional places made available for higher-education students in urban or mixed buildings intended, in whole or in part, for temporary accommodation by students who study in a different place than their domicile and need accommodation for the purpose of pursuing higher education, including student residences of higher education, necessarily comprising bedrooms, bathrooms, kitchens and meal spaces and may include places of study and accommodation, parking and equipment;

    New buildings shall have a primary energy demand at least 20% below the requirements of nearly zero energy buildings. Energy efficiency renovations shall achieve, on average, at least a medium-depth level renovation as defined in Commission Recommendation on Building Renovation (EU) 2019/786




    Student accommodation at affordable costs



    7 000

    12 500



    Number of additional places made available for higher-education students in urban or mixed buildings intended, in whole or in part, for temporary accommodation by students who study in a different place than their domicile and need accommodation for the purpose of pursuing higher education, including student residences of higher education, necessarily comprising bedrooms, bathrooms, kitchens and meal spaces and may include places of study and accommodation, parking and equipment;

    New buildings shall have a primary energy demand at least 20% below the requirements of nearly zero energy buildings. Energy efficiency renovations shall achieve, on average, at least a medium-depth level renovation as defined in Commission Recommendation on Building Renovation (EU) 2019/786




    Student accommodation at affordable costs



    12 500

    15 000



    Number of additional places made available for higher-education students in urban or mixed buildings intended, in whole or in part, for temporary accommodation by students who study in a different place than their domicile and need accommodation for the purpose of pursuing higher education, including student residences of higher education, necessarily comprising bedrooms, bathrooms, kitchens and meal spaces and may include places of study and accommodation, parking and equipment;

    New buildings shall have a primary energy demand at least 20% below the requirements of nearly zero energy buildings. Energy efficiency renovations shall achieve, on average, at least a medium-depth level renovation as defined in Commission Recommendation on Building Renovation (EU) 2019/786

    C. COMPONENT 3: Social Responses

    Portugal has been facing important demographic and socio-economic challenges for many years which have been amplified by the COVID-19 pandemic. This component of the Portuguese recovery and resilience plan addresses the following challenges: demographic ageing, rights of persons with disabilities and other persons with dependency and situations of poverty and social exclusion among disadvantaged communities and groups.

    In this context, this component addresses structural social policy related challenges and shortages in social service coverage for populations/regions in need, both in mainland Portugal and in the Autonomous Regions of Azores and Madeira.

    The main objectives of the component are: i) improving the social care facilities and ensuring better territorial coverage; ii) strengthening and expanding the network of social responses with innovative solutions and pilot projects and interventions; iii) developing novel community-based support responses, contributing to the promotion of independent living, prevention of dependency and the development of responses for non-institutionalisation in line with the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities; iv) ensuring accessibility to inclusive living and participation in society and the economy for persons with disabilities; and v) promoting the eradication of poverty by developing an all-encompassing national strategy focusing on the most vulnerable and disadvantaged communities.

    The component supports addressing the Country Specific Recommendation on strengthening the resilience of the health system and ensuring equal access to quality health and long-term care (Country Specific Recommendation 1 2020). In addition, it contributes to addressing the Country Specific Recommendation on improving the effectiveness and adequacy of the social safety net and on improving the skills level of the population (Country Specific Recommendation 2 2019) and guaranteeing sufficient social protection and income support and ensuring equal access to quality education and training (Country Specific Recommendation 2 2020). The component also indirectly supports addressing the Country Specific Recommendation on focusing investment on the green and digital transition (Country Specific Recommendation 3 2020).

    This component is expected to contribute to both green and digital transitions. The projects related to the construction, expansion and renovation of the social responses facilities shall focus on energy efficiency, the use of renewable energy for self-consumption and the reduction of energy and fuel costs. Environmental dimensions shall be incorporated, through the promotion of new construction with high energy efficiency standards. In addition, the entities involved shall be equipped with zero-emission light vehicles. Finally, this component incorporates measures that enhance the use of digital tools, notably by the social services that provide support to the elderly and by the government via the creation of ICT tools and e-services targeting people with disabilities.

    It is expected that no measure in this component does significant harm to environmental objectives within the meaning of Article 17 of Regulation (EU) 2020/852, taking into account the description of the measures and the mitigating steps set out in the plan in accordance with the DNSH Technical Guidance (2021/C58/01).

    C.1 Description of the reforms and investments for non-repayable financial support

    Reform RE-r05: Facilities and Social Responses Supply Reform

    The objective of this measure is to expand, upgrade and rehabilitate the social services network and facilities provided by public and private social institutions. The measure targets particularly vulnerable groups in economic, social and health terms, such as people and families in poverty or with low income, elderly and people in a situation of dependency, persons with disabilities and children and young people. Moreover, the integrated health and social support interventions foreseen by this measure shall promote the autonomy of dependent persons through their rehabilitation and social reintegration in line with the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities 1 and the European Strategy for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities 2021-2030 2 and the Green Paper on Ageing - Fostering solidarity and responsibility between generations 3 .

    This reform shall consist of the launch of the New Generation of Equipment and Social Responses Programme through the entry into force of the Simplification of the Social Equipment Installation Regime. The programme shall focus on measures such as:

    -Improving social care and personalised services provided in residential care homes for the elderly (ERPIs), following a needs evaluation;

    -Promoting the licensing and/ regularisation of ERPIs outside the official system;

    -Reviewing the legislative framework for the licensing of social facilities,

    -Promoting innovative social responses such as small scale collaborative housing;

    -Developing an innovative home support model;

    -Reinforcing social support for people in a situation of social isolation, through the creation of multidisciplinary teams and a mechanism for mapping and monitoring socially vulnerable situations (Radar Social projects);

    -Increasing workforce levels and quality of service provision of social responses, mainly in territories with low levels of coverage;

    -Reinforcing social services and support aimed at people with disabilities or dependency and promoting their autonomy and independent living.

    Investment RE-C03-i01 — New generation of equipment and social responses shall contribute to implementing the reform.

    The milestone related to the implementation of the reform shall be completed by 31 December 2021.

    Reform RE-r06: National Strategy for the Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities 2021-2025

    The objective of this measure is to facilitate and deepen the inclusion of people with disabilities in all areas of life, promote their autonomy, independence and self-determination as well as to ensure equal opportunities for all citizens, regardless of their capabilities.

    This reform consists of the adoption of the National Strategy for the Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities 2021-2025. The Strategy reflects the commitments of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities 4 and shall allow for the launch of a set of measures, such as:

    -The reformulation of the current regulatory framework whenever necessary;

    -The reformulation of the disability assessment and certification system;

    -A comprehensive diagnosis of people with disabilities through the development of systems for data collection and for monitoring indicators to support decision-making;

    -Interventions in public spaces to facilitate the access of people with disabilities;

    -The adjustment of the training, employment and qualification systems for people with disabilities;

    -The development of innovative social services and community-based approaches;

    -The participation of people with disabilities in sport, culture and leisure activities.

    -The extension of the Support Model for Independent Living, which provides personal assistance to people with disabilities;

    Investments RE-C03-i02: Accessibility 360° and RE-C03-i05: Platform and Access, as well as investment RE-C01-i02: National Network of Integrated Continued Care and National Network of Palliative Care shall contribute to implementing the reform.

    The milestone related to the implementation of the reform shall be completed by 31 December 2021.

    Reform RE-r07: Contracting of Integrated Support Programmes for Disadvantaged Communities in Metropolitan Areas

    The objective of this measure is to combat poverty and social exclusion in the most disadvantaged municipalities of the Metropolitan Areas of Lisbon and Porto.

    This reform shall consist of a set of integrated pilot actions to be developed following an assessment and identification of specific community needs. Following this diagnosis phase, the integrated interventions shall be designed and focus on two areas:

    -Interventions in public space and social infrastructures such as crèches and primary schools, health care facilities and facilities for social and cultural events, workshops and/or training courses; and

    -Interventions of an intangible nature to promote social cohesion, such as actively involving the communities in their design and implementation, promoting entrepreneurship of small, locally-based businesses, designing projects to combat school failure and drop-out, offering vocational training and promoting sports.

    This reform shall be underpinned and structured in line with Portugal’s first ever National Strategy to Combat Poverty (ENCP) and the thematic interventions for specific groups identified therein.

    The reform shall be implemented through investment RE-C03-i06 — Integrated operations in disadvantaged communities in the Metropolitan Areas of Lisbon and Porto.

    The milestone related to the implementation of the reform shall be completed by 31 December 2021.

    Reform RE-r08: National Strategy to Combat Poverty

    The objective of this measure is to combat poverty through the development of a multidimensional, integrated, medium- and long-term approach.

    The reform consists of the adoption of the National Strategy to Combat Poverty (ENCP). The strategy shall provide the framework for thematic interventions targeting specific groups, from children to elderly, including the most vulnerable groups. It shall set out the conditions for the development and implementation of integrated policies focusing on the specificities of social exclusion and poverty at the local level. In addition, it shall also mandate the creation of a single monitoring framework for poverty related indicators.

    InvestmentRE-C03-i06 — Integrated operations in disadvantaged communities in the Metropolitan Areas of Lisbon and Porto shall contribute to implementing the reform.

    The milestone related to the implementation of the reform shall be completed by 30 September 2021.

    Investment RE-C03-i01: New generation of equipment and social responses

    The objective of this measure is to upgrade and expand the social care services’ network in order to develop more efficient service delivery methods, obtain wider national territorial coverage and improve the working conditions of the professionals in these structures and the quality of the care provided to the users.

    This investment shall consist of:

    -the renovation and expansion of existing social services’ facilities and the construction of new ones, such as crèches, residential care homes for the elderly (ERPIs) and centres for activities and empowerment for inclusion (CACIs);

    -the expansion of the social responses networks of Autonomous Residences (ReTVAIs) and Home Support Services, by increasing the number of the users that could be covered;

    -the expansion of the social responses network with new typologies like co-housing;

    -the purchase of technical and digital equipment, including the purchase of electric vehicles; and

    -the launch of a pilot project called ‘Radar Social’ which aims at testing, at national level, a near-pro-active and innovative model of integrated social support. This model has been already tested in the municipality of Lisbon, covering only one target group (elderly), and now it is intended to cover the whole mainland with a broader scope regarding the target group (any person at the risk of social exclusion, with insufficient social and/or family support). The project shall include the identification and mapping of needs, the promotion of civic participation, the promotion of the use of digital and IT tools for accessing basic community services and the promotion of sports. To this end, 278 Social Intervention Teams shall be created in municipalities of continental Portugal. The teams shall be responsible to identify elderly and other vulnerable people in risk of social exclusion and provide support based on their individual needs.

    The implementation of the investment shall be completed by 31 March 2026.

    Investment RE-C03-i02: Accessibility 360°

    The objective of this measure is to improve accessibility conditions for people with disabilities in public spaces, public buildings and dwellings, throughout the territory.

    This investment shall be fully in line with the European Strategy for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities 2021-2030 5 and shall consist of three strands:

    -the Public Way Intervention Programme 2021-2025 (PIVP) which shall include operations and construction works in at least 200 000 m² of public space like sidewalks and parks;

    -the Intervention Programme in Public Buildings 2021-2025 (PIEP), which includes operations and construction works in at least 1 500 public services buildings; and

    -the Housing Intervention Programme 2021-2025 (PIH), which includes renovation and construction works in at least 1 000 existing dwellings of people with disabilities.

    The implementation of the investment shall be completed by 31 December 2025.

    Investment RE-C03-i03-RAM: Strengthening social responses in the Autonomous Region of Madeira (ARM)

    The objective of this measure is to strengthen the social services network in the Autonomous Region of Madeira.

    This investment shall consist of interventions in the residential care homes for the elderly (ERPIs) and the expansion of social support structures for homeless people. These interventions shall include the construction of new and the renovation and upgrade of existing facilities and the purchase of the necessary technical, digital and IT equipment, including the purchase of electric vehicles to facilitate and improve the reach of social services professionals in remote areas.

    The interventions shall include the renovation and expansion of residential structures for older people, which are intended for the housing of people aged 65 and over who are unable to remain in their residence. They may also accommodate adult persons under the age of 65, in duly justified exceptional situations.

    The interventions targeting homeless people include the creation of night receptions to address emergencies and provide accommodation, the creation of bath rooms and laundries to promote personal hygiene, the renovation of spaces to provide meals and workshop type activities to develop social skills and competences among the beneficiaries.

    The implementation of the investment shall be completed by 30 September 2025.

    Investment RE-C03-i04-RAA: Implementing the Regional Strategy for Combating Poverty and Social Exclusion — Social Support Networks (ARA)

    The objective of this measure is to implement the priorities of the Regional Strategy for Combating Poverty and Social Exclusion 2018-2028 (ERCPES) of the Autonomous Region of the Azores. Four strategic priorities that complement each other have been defined in the Strategy:

    -P1 — Ensuring a full and inclusive development process for all children and young people from the beginning of life;

    -P2 — Strengthening social cohesion in the region;

    -P3 — Promote territorialised intervention; and

    -P4 — Ensure adequate knowledge of the phenomenon of poverty in the Region.

    This investment shall consist of a set of interventions that shall increase children’s and young people’s access to social and educational services and shall strengthen social cohesion by supporting families in need and people with disabilities to integrate them into society and the labour market. These shall include at least the creation of study support points to combat early school drop outs, subsidies to low-income households as an incentive to promote the pre-school and nursery participation, the construction of two nurseries and the creation of additional (physical) places in nurseries and day-care centres, the creation of new places for people with disabilities in the Occupational Activities Centres, the purchase of cars to renew the Instituições Particulares de Solidariedade Social car fleet and training for families covered by the Social Inclusion Income to provide them with complementary basic skills to enable them to enter the labour market.

    Finally, this investment shall also include the launch of a pilot programme called ‘Ageing in place’ that aims at promoting the non-institutional care of elderly people and/or people with disabilities.

    The implementation of the investment shall be completed by 31 December 2025.

    Investment RE-C03-i05: Platform + Access

    The objective of this measure is to nurture the inclusion of people with disabilities by providing a set of digital information tools and services to make it easier to tend to their needs and facilitate their participation in society.

    The investment shall consist of five programmes:

    -Geo-referencing of the location and accessibility conditions of public buildings;

    -Global Information and Positioning Systems (GPS) for large public buildings and enabling the inclusion of private buildings;

    -Geo-referencing of parking spaces for people with reduced mobility;

    -A digital information platform;

    -Creation of call-centre for interpretation of the Portuguese sign language.

    These programmes are designed to provide geo-referencing solutions of accessibility conditions on public roads, public and private buildings and parking spaces to people with reduced mobility, to create a digital information platform that aggregates and simplifies information on relevant legislation and supports resources for people with disabilities, and to provide deaf citizens with a call-centre that guarantees real time interpretation in Portuguese sign Language (LGP) throughout the public administration.

    The implementation of the investment shall be completed by 31 December 2025.

    Investment RE-C03-i06: Integrated operations in disadvantaged communities in the Metropolitan Areas of Lisbon and Porto

    The objective of this wide and innovative pilot measure is to combat poverty and social exclusion in the most disadvantaged municipalities of the Metropolitan Areas of Lisbon and Porto. Provided that interventions are successful, they may be scaled up.

    This investment shall consist of a set of actions linked to the specific needs of these municipalities. These actions shall include the empowerment of the communities, the development of new and innovative approaches for social cohesion and interventions in public space, social and sports infrastructures and dwellings. The main objectives of these actions are the following:

    -The promotion of the health and quality of life of communities by supporting projects submitted by associations of local authorities, NGOs, civic movements and residents’ organisations, health authorities or other public bodies;

    -The physical upgrade of public space and of social, health, housing or sports infrastructure;

    -The regeneration of socially disadvantaged areas, promoting social cohesion in metropolitan areas;

    -The encouragement of entrepreneurship of small, locally-based businesses;

    -Improving access to health and combating dependencies;

    -The development of active and healthy ageing programs;

    -The design of projects to combat school failure and drop-out;

    -The improvement of the qualification of adults and the certification of their skills;

    -The diagnosis of population needs and the development of adult literacy, Portuguese language learning and digital inclusion programs;

    -Vocational training and policies to promote employability adapted to local realities and dynamics;

    -Access to culture and creativity and valorisation of interculturality;

    -Encouraging community participation in the management of the programme itself;

    -Empowering local actors in partnership networks;

    -Solutions to combat poverty and social exclusion;

    -The promotion of sports as one of the social instruments that bring together members of the community, promotes values and combats social inequalities;

    -Citizenship and access to rights and civic participation.

    In order to ensure that the measure complies with the ‘Do no significant harm’ Technical Guidance (2021/C58/01), the eligibility criteria contained in terms of reference for upcoming calls for projects shall exclude the following list of activities: i) activities related to fossil fuels, including downstream use 6 ; ii) activities under the EU Emission Trading System (ETS) achieving projected greenhouse gas emissions that are not lower than the relevant benchmarks 7 ; iii) activities related to waste landfills, incinerators 8 and mechanical biological treatment plants 9 ; and iv) activities where the long-term disposal of waste may cause harm to the environment. The terms of reference shall additionally require that only activities that comply with relevant EU and national environmental legislation may be selected.

    The implementation of the investment shall be completed by 31 December 2025.

    C.2. Milestones, targets, indicators, and timetable for monitoring and implementation for non-repayable financial support

    Sequential Number

    Measure (Reform or Investment)



    Qualitative indicators (for milestones)

    Quantitative indicators (for targets)

    Indicative timeline for completion

    Description and clear definition of each milestone and target


    Unit of measure








    Delivery of electric vehicles




    2 500



    Delivery to social and home support providers of the Instituições Particulares de Solidariedade Social (IPSS) or similar eligible social services entities, of new electric vehicles adapted for home help and/or for the transport of persons with reduced mobility.




    Creation of the Social Intervention Teams (Radar Social)







    Creation of 278 Social Intervention Teams in municipalities of continental Portugal.





    Award of contracts of support to the promoting bodies for the network of social facilities/responses






    Award of contract of support to promoting bodies that have applied for the competition for the creation and expansion of the network of social facilities/social responses (covering children, the elderly, people with disabilities and others) and which have been found to be in accordance with the defined Regulation, within the available envelope. In case of new construction of buildings, the tender procedure shall ensure that the new buildings have a primary energy demand at least 20% below the requirements of nearly zero energy buildings

    Award of contracts of support to promoting bodies for the creation and expansion of the network of social facilities/social responses.




    Creation of new places and renovation of existing places in social facilities




    28 000



    Creation of at least 15 000 new places and renovation of the remaining places for children, elderly, people with disabilities and other vulnerable people in nurseries, Residential care homes for Older Persons (ERPIs), Domiciliary Support Services (DAS), Centres for activities and empowerment for inclusion (CACIs) and Autonomous Residences (ReTVAIs). In case of construction of new buildings, the new buildings shall have a primary energy demand at least 20% below the requirements of nearly zero energy buildings.




    Home Support Services users and staff receiving tablets, technical aid equipment or access to training.




    35 400



    Number of users or staff of Home Support Services that receive at least a tablet, technical aid equipment or training.




    Dwellings with improved accessibility for people with reduced mobility







    Number of dwellings (with an average area of 40m²) benefitting from interventions to improve accessibility conditions for people with reduced mobility.




    Dwellings with improved accessibility for people with reduced mobility




    1 000



    Number of dwellings (with an average area of 40m²) benefitting from interventions to improve accessibility conditions for people with reduced mobility.




    Public space with improved accessibility for people with reduced mobility




    200  000



    Area of public space (squares, sidewalks, etc.) in square meters benefitting from interventions (mainly levelling of walkways, passing through tracks, regulating traffic, repositioning of infrastructure and street furniture, improving access to buildings) to improve accessibility conditions for people with reduced mobility.




    Public services with improved accessibility for people with restricted mobility




    1 500



    Number of public service facilities benefitting from interventions (mainly ramps and access doors to buildings, counters and sanitary facilities adopted to people with disabilities) to improve accessibility conditions for people with reduced mobility.




    New places in Residential care homes







    Number of new places available in Residential care homes in the Autonomous Region of Madeira. New buildings shall have a primary energy demand at least 20% below the requirements of nearly zero energy buildings, and rehabilitated buildings an improved energy performance.




    Completed projects for the integration of homeless people.







    Number of completed integration projects for homeless people covering overall 90 places.




    Training of families covered by the Social Inclusion Income




    13 000



    Number of families, covered by the social inclusion income, undergoing training to enable them to enter the labour market.




    New places for people with disabilities in Occupational Activities Centres (CAOs)







    Number of new places for people with disabilities in Occupational Activities Centres (CAOs). This includes the construction of four buildings and the adaptation of three other buildings. In case of new constructions, new buildings shall have a primary energy demand at least 20% below the requirements of nearly zero energy buildings




    Vehicles purchased for the Instituições Particulares de Solidariedade Social







    Number of new electric vehicles delivered to the Instituições Particulares de Solidariedade Social (IPSS) car fleet.




    Ageing in place project







    Number of elderly people or people with disabilities covered by the Aging in place project in the Autonomous Region of Azores.




    Measures to combat early school leaving of children and young people.




    11 561



    Children and young people covered by measures to combat school drop-out and promote participation in higher education through:

    i) subsidies to low-income households as an incentive to promote the attendance of nurseries; ii) the establishment of study support points; iii) the payment of higher education fees to students for low-income families; iv) the creation of new places for children in crèches and day-care centres.




    Publication of Tender for ‘Building of digital infrastructure for Accessibility 360°’

    Publication of Tender notice for the Acquisition of digital infrastructure for Accessibility 360° in Official Journal – Diario da Republica






    Publication of a call for tender for building the digital infrastructure covering i) geo-referenced information on public and private buildings, ii) Global Information and Positioning Systems (GPS), iii) geo-referencing of parking spaces.




    Digital information platform for people with disabilities

    Entry into operation of the platform






    Entry into operation of a digital information platform that shall aggregate and simplify information on relevant legislation and support resources for people with disabilities.




    Call-centre for Portuguese sign Language

    Entry into operation of the service of Call-centre for Portuguese sign Language






    Entry into operation of a call-centre that shall provide deaf citizens with guaranteed real-time interpretation in Portuguese sign language (LGP) throughout the public administration.




    Adoption of the National Strategy to Combat Poverty

    Adoption of the National Strategy to Combat Poverty






    The National Strategy to Combat Poverty (ENCP) provides the framework for thematic interventions for specific groups, from childhood to old age, including the most vulnerable groups. It sets out the conditions for the development and implementation of integrated policies focusing on the specificities of social exclusion and poverty at the local level. In addition, it also mandates the creation of a single monitoring framework for poverty related indicators.




    Adoption of the National Strategy for the Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities 2021-2025

    Adoption of the National Strategy for the Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities 2021-2025






    The National Strategy for the Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities shall create the conditions for:

     a new disability assessment and certification system;

     a new system of data collection and treatment and organisation of information relating to disability to support decision-making;

     the qualification of interventions in public spaces;

     mainstreaming the inclusion of people with disabilities in decisions, measures, programmes and projects;

     the extension of the Support Model for Independent Living, which provides personal assistance to people with disabilities;

     adjustment of the training, employment and qualification system for people with disabilities.




    Entry into force of the Simplified Social Equipment Installation Regime

    Entry into force of the Simplified Social Equipment Installation Regime






    Entry into force of the Simplified Social Equipment Installation Regime with the following characteristics
     Setting out licensing and regularisation requirements of Residential Structure For Elderly People that are operating illegally;
     Introducing quality criteria in the services and care social facilities provide;

     Creating the framework for the introduction of new types of social responses such as collaborative housing and new models of home support to meet the different needs of the elderly.




    Approval of Action Plans for disadvantaged communities in the Metropolitan Areas of Lisbon and Porto

    Approval of Action Plans for disadvantaged communities in the Metropolitan Areas of Lisbon and Porto for the territories concerned.






    Approval of Action Plans for disadvantaged communities by the Metropolitan Areas of Lisbon and Porto. The action plans shall focus on two main areas: i) Interventions in public space and social infrastructures such as crèches and primary schools, health care facilities and facilities for cultural events, workshops and/or training courses; ii) Interventions of an intangible nature to promote social cohesion, such as actively involving the communities in their design and implementation, promoting entrepreneurship of small, locally-based businesses, designing projects to combat school failure and drop-out, offering vocational training and promoting sports.

    A governance model shall be put in place, based on multilevel governance principles and involving different actors from central government to local areas/neighbourhoods. At the same, there shall be Local Technical Units as operational forefront of this model to promote ownership and proximity in managing and implementing the contracts.













    Signature of agreements between the Lisbon/Porto municipalities and the Local Technical Units defining the scope of measures to be supported.

    Signature of agreements on the plans regarding the 12 intervention areas






    Signature of agreements between the Metropolitan Areas of Porto and Lisbon and the Local Technical Units in charge of each of the 12 intervention areas (i.e., neighbourhoods) defining the scope of measures to be supported, the timeline of their execution, the budgetary support of EUR225m allocated, and the chosen performance indicators. The measures to be supported shall belong to the following categories:

    • Promotion of health and quality of life of communities

    • Physical upgrading of public space or the strengthening of social, health, housing or sports infrastructure.

    • Economic regeneration of socially disadvantaged areas

    • Entrepreneurship of small, local businesses

    • Access to health, developing community health and combating dependencies

    • Active and healthy ageing programmes

    • Projects to combat school failure and drop-out

    • Qualification of adults and certification of skills

    • Diagnosis of population needs and the development of adult literacy, Portuguese language learning and digital inclusion programmes;

    • Vocational training and policies

    • Access to culture and creativity

    • Community participation in the management of the programme

    • Empowering local actors in partnership networks

    • Solutions to combat poverty and social exclusion

    • Promotion of sport

    • Citizenship and access to rights and civic participation

    The terms of reference for upcoming calls for projects shall include eligibility criteria that ensure that the selected projects comply with the ‘Do no significant harm’ Technical Guidance (2021/C58/01) through the use of an exclusion list and the requirement of compliance with the relevant EU and national environmental legislation




    Publication of a monitoring report by the Metropolitan Areas of Porto and Lisbon regarding the measures undertaken in each of the 12 intervention areas.

    Publication of a monitoring report by the Metropolitan Areas of Porto and Lisbon






    Publication of a monitoring report by the Metropolitan Areas of Porto and Lisbon describing the progress made in the implementation of the measures financed by the programme in each intervention area, including budgetary execution and performance against the chosen indicators for each measure.




    Full implementation of at least 90% of the measures







    Full implementation of at least 90% of the measures agreed in the agreements signed for the 12 intervention areas, for a budget executed of at least EUR 225 000 000.

    D. COMPONENT 4: Culture

    The component addresses both the challenges relating to the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic and legacy problems resulting from a situation of chronic lack of resources for the up-keep, renovation and modernisation of cultural installations and equipment.

    The main objectives of the Culture component are the renovation of buildings and national monuments; the protection of artisan techniques and professions; the modernisation of the technological infrastructure and cultural installations; the digitalisation of works of art and cultural heritage; and the internationalisation, modernisation and digital transition of bookshops and book publishing.

    The component contributes to addressing the Country Specific Recommendations to take all necessary measures to effectively address the pandemic, sustain the economy and support its recovery (Country Specific Recommendation 1 2020); and support the use of digital technologies to boost firms’ competitiveness (Country Specific Recommendation 2 2020).

    It is expected that no measure in this component does significant harm to environmental objectives within the meaning of Article 17 of Regulation (EU) 2020/852, taking into account the description of the measures and the mitigating steps set out in the plan in accordance with the DNSH Technical Guidance (2021/C58/01).

    D.1. Description of the reforms and investments for non-repayable financial support

    Investment RE-C04-i01: Cultural Networks and Digital Transition

    The objective of the measure is the upgrade of the technological infrastructure of public cultural installations fostering their digital transition. More specifically, this involves the future preservation of works of art and of the cultural heritage; improving the cultural experience; raising demand for cultural activities and reaching new audiences, especially the new generations. The resilience of the sector is expected to be increased by the promotion of new business models such as subscription and streaming; and the support to cultural areas with a strong technological component such as production of 3D films.

    This investment shall consist of the following interventions:

    -modernisation of the technological infrastructure of cultural facilities

    opurchase of IT equipment, creation of online mobile libraries, information systems and integrated catalogues for 239 public libraries;

    oinstallation of wifi coverage in 50 museums, palaces and monuments;

    opurchase of digital and video projection equipment for 155 cine-theatres and public contemporary art centres;

    otechnological modernisation and up keeping of public laboratories;

    otechnological modernisation of the National Archive of Moving Images (ANIM);

    oinstallation of the National Archive of Sound.

    -digitalisation and virtualisation of the collections of the Directorate General of Books, Archives and Libraries (DGLAB), the Portuguese National Library, the Évora Public Library, the Cinematheque, the collections under the management of the Directorate General of Cultural Heritage (DGPC) and the Regional Directorates of Culture:

    odigitisation and virtualisation of the collections of public libraries (20 000 000 images);

    odigitalisation and virtualisation of the collections of national archives (19 5 00 000 documents);

    odigitisation of 59 500 records of public museums;

    ovirtual visits to museums; and

    odigitisation of 1 000 films (Cinematheque).

    oInternationalisation, modernisation and digital transition of books and authors:

    osupport to the translation of books to foreign languages.

    osupport for translation and edition of literary works, including audiobooks and eBooks;

    osupport to the modernisation and digital transition of bookshops for the purchase of equipment and technology.

    The implementation of the investment shall be completed by 31 December 2025.

    Investment RE-C04-i02: Cultural Heritage

    The objective of this measure is the renovation of cultural installations classified as cultural heritage. One of the main goals is to adapt these installations to the new environmental standards. This entails measures such as the reduction in primary energy consumption of buildings, together with the intervention in historical green parks with unique flora and fauna to promote climate change adaptation and mitigation through an efficient reuse of water for irrigation.

    This investment shall consist of the following interventions:

    -creation of a repository of information and documentation on domestic artisanal production, identification and mapping of raw materials;

    -installation of laboratories and routes of the ‘Saber Fazer’ Technological Centre initiative (protection of artisan techniques and professions), including the marketing of products;

    -creation of a catalogue of activities (pedagogical and informative on traditional techniques) carried out in the ‘Saber Fazer’ Technological Centre;

    -completion of works in museums, monuments, state palaces and national theatres, involving renovation and/or requalification.

    The implementation of the investment shall be completed by 31 December 2025.

    D.2.    Milestones, targets, indicators, and timetable for monitoring and implementation for non-repayable financial support

    Sequential Number

    Measure (Reform or Investment) 



    Qualitative indicators (for milestones) 

    Quantitative indicators (for targets) 

    Indicative timeline for completion 

    Description and clear definition of each milestone and target 


    Unit of measure 







    Technological specifications for the network of cultural facilities

    Report on the technological specifications for the network of cultural facilities






    Detailed definition of technological specifications for the network of cultural facilities 



    Financial support to the digital transition of bookshops






    Number of bookshops received financial support to the digital transition of bookshops, subsidising 60% of the cost of a basket of technologic equipment and services per bookshop (e.g. scanner for books, Wi-fi and VPN networks, website for bookshop, integrated accounting system, etc.)



    Digitalisation and virtualisation of public collections

    Digitalisation and virtualisation of public collections






    Digitalisation and virtualisation of the collections of:

        the Directorate General of Books, Archives and Libraries;

        the Portuguese National Library,

        the Évora Public Library, 

       the Cinemateca and Museums (under the management of the DGPC and the Regional Directorates of Culture) 

        Public libraries (20 000 000 images)

        National archives (19 500 000 documents)

        Public museums (59 500 records)

        Virtual visits to museums (65 museums)

        Cinematheque (1000 films)




    Delivery of modernised technological infrastructure for the cultural facilities network 

    Delivery of modernised technological infrastructure for cultural facilities






    Delivery of computer equipment and integrated information and catalogue systems for 239 public libraries; wi-fi coverage of 50 museums, palaces and monuments; purchase of video and cinema projection equipment for 155 cine-theatres and public contemporary art centres.



    Financial support for translation and edition of literary works




    5 200 



    Number of literary works given financial support for the translation of literary works and edition of audiobooks and eBooks through financing 60-70% of the costs of translation and publishing.



    Establishment of ‘Saber Fazer’ network 

    Creation of a repository of information and documentation on domestic artisanal production, identification and mapping of raw materials 






    Establishment of ‘Saber Fazer’ network: creation of a repository of information and documentation on domestic artisanal production; and identification and mapping of raw materials used in artisanal production.




    Contracts signed for the rehabilitation and conservation of cultural heritage buildings and national theatres

    Contracts signed






    Number of cultural sites for which contracts are signed for the rehabilitation and conservation of museums, monuments, state palaces and national theatres.



    Works completed for the rehabilitation and conservation of cultural heritage buildings and national theatres

    Completion of works






    Number of cultural sites for which works are completed for the rehabilitation and conservation of museums, monuments, state palaces and national theatres.

    E. COMPONENT 5: Investment and Innovation

    This component of the Portuguese recovery and resilience plan addresses challenges related to the relatively modest level of research and innovation, notably through fostering the links between business and science and with a particular focus on innovation on the green transition, and challenges related to the chronic under-capitalisation of the Portuguese business sector that has further deteriorated as a consequence of the COVID-19 pandemic.

    The objective of the component is to increase the competitiveness and resilience of the Portuguese economy through measures designed to strengthen research, by fostering the transfer of its results to the business sector, thus promoting innovation and investment. The research and innovation part of the component aims to improve academia-business cooperation, strengthen Portugal’s scientific and technological potential and support the implementation of ambitious and comprehensive research and innovation agendas addressing major socio-economic and environmental challenges. This is expected to be achieved through increased and more effective R&D and innovation investments, targeted support to better translate research results into investment, diversification and specialisation of the productive structure, exploiting the actual potential for competitive affirmation of established industrial sectors and emerging areas and contributing to the twin transition. In particular, this component aims at increasing exports of high value added goods and services, increasing R&D investment (both through new high skilled jobs and by increasing the R&D expenditure by firms), and contributing to reduce CO2 emissions.

    In line with the need to support the solvency of the productive system and to address market failures in access to finance, this component includes a reform and investments that contribute to the improvement of the Portuguese corporate financing market, through the creation and capital reinforcement of the National Promotional Bank, Banco Português de Fomento and the development of new financial instruments. The component also introduces capital market reforms to strengthen the capital markets in Portugal in the long term through the revision of the existing legal framework and the adoption of new laws, with particular emphasis being placed on securities investment companies for development of economy (SIMFEs), collective investment undertakings and the revision of the securities code.

    The component supports addressing the Country Specific Recommendation on investment on the climate transition (Country Specific Recommendation 3 2020), the Country Specific Recommendation on focussing economic policy related to investment in innovation (Country Specific Recommendation 3 2019) and to Country Specific Recommendation 3 2020 (Focus investment on the green and digital transition). The component contributes to addressing the Country Specific Recommendation on implementing the temporary measures aimed at securing access to liquidity for firms, in particular small and medium-sized enterprises and promoting private investment to foster the economic recovery (Country Specific Recommendation 3 2020).

    It is expected that no measure in this component does significant harm to environmental objectives within the meaning of Article 17 of Regulation (EU) 2020/852, taking into account the description of the measures and the mitigating steps set out in the plan in accordance with the DNSH Technical Guidance (2021/C58/01).

    E.1. Description of the reforms and investments for non-repayable financial support

    Reform RE-r09: Promotion of R&I&D and innovative investment in enterprises

    The objective of the reform is to foster R&D investment, notably by ensuring conducive framework conditions for making public and private R&D investment more efficient and effective. The reform is part of the update of the Strategy for Technological and Enterprise Innovation 2018-2030. This update aims at facilitating the funding and operationalisation of public-private partnerships in support of ambitious research and innovation agendas. The reform aims at simplifying access to funding instruments for R&D activities and to help enhance the predictability and stability of funding by establishing a multi-annual programming framework for public R&D investment, with the support of an independent monitoring system of R&D investment. The investments to be implemented in relation to this reform are RE-C05-i01.01 and RE-C05-i01.02.

    The implementation of the reform shall be completed by 31 December 2021.

    Reform RE-r11: Extension and consolidation of the network of Interface Institutions.

    The objective of the reform is to improve academia-business linkages in order to enhance knowledge flows and technology transfer.

    The reform shall consist of a revision and standardisation of the legislative and regulatory framework of the Technology Interface System, in particular the Technological Centres and INTERFACE Centres created under the Programme INTERFACE. The Technological Centres and INTERFACE Centres link research organisations (including higher education institutions) and companies, in order to support knowledge and technology transfer. The reform lays down the process for the establishment of these entities and their governance and financing model.

    The Working Group on Enabling Technological Infrastructures set up by the Government is in charge of preparing the legislative proposal.

    The investments to be implemented in relation to this reform are RE-C05-i01.01 and RE-C05-i01.02.

    The implementation of the reform shall be completed by 31 December 2021.

    Reform RE-r12: Research and innovation agenda for sustainable agriculture, food and agro-industry.

    The objective of the reform is to strengthen the agricultural sector in Portugal, and to ensure food and nutrition security, contribute to health and well-being, to improve the management of rural areas, to further the conservation of biodiversity, to tackle the effects of climate change, with the necessary adaptations and contributions to mitigate its effects and to boost other economic activities, such as, among others, agricultural services and even catering and tourism.

    The reform supports the implementation of the Innovation Agenda for Agriculture 20|30. It shall consist of providing the necessary means for updating and preparing existing infrastructure as well as promoting functional alliances along the agro-food chain, businesses and research, in order to promote the development and integration of R&I targeted to the needs of the agricultural sector with a view to green and digital transition.

    The implementation of the reform was to be completed by 31 December 2020.

    Investment RE-C05-i01.01: Mobilising Agendas/Alliances for Business Innovation.

    The objective of this investment is to mobilise and strengthen Portugal’s scientific and technological capabilities via the deployment of ambitious research and innovation agendas based on business-academia consortia.

    The investment shall consist primarily of grants for the implementation of the Mobilising Agendas/Alliances for Business Innovation by means of two complementary instruments: i) Innovation pacts that promote cooperation and lead to the development of innovation projects, and ii) Mobilising projects aimed at R&D and its transformation into new goods and services through investment. The Mobilising Agendas shall be selected by means of open competitive calls for strategic plans to be proposed by the business-academia consortia. This investment builds on the strategic framework to be implemented under RE-r09 and strengthens the role of the Interface Institutions and the consolidation of this network.

    In order to ensure that the measure complies with the ‘Do no significant harm’ Technical Guidance (2021/C58/01), the eligibility criteria contained in terms of reference for upcoming calls for projects shall exclude the following list of activities: i) activities related to fossil fuels, including downstream use 10 ; ii) activities under the EU Emission Trading System (ETS) achieving projected greenhouse gas emissions that are not lower than the relevant benchmarks 11 ; iii) activities related to waste landfills, incinerators 12 and mechanical biological treatment plants 13 ; and iv) activities where the long-term disposal of waste may cause harm to the environment. The terms of reference shall additionally require that only activities that comply with relevant EU and national environmental legislation may be selected.

    The implementation of the investment shall be completed by 31 December 2025.

    Investment RE-C05-i01.02: Green Agendas/Alliances for business innovation

    The objective of this investment is to implement the same instruments as in RE-C05-i01.01, however, specialised on a limited set of Green Agendas via business- academia consortia to support innovation (focusing on the green transition, field 022 of the Recovery and Resilience Facility regulation annex).

    In order to ensure that the measure complies with the ‘Do no significant harm’ Technical Guidance (2021/C58/01), the eligibility criteria contained in terms of reference for upcoming calls for projects shall exclude the following list of activities: i) activities related to fossil fuels, including downstream use 14 ; ii) activities under the EU Emission Trading System (ETS) achieving projected greenhouse gas emissions that are not lower than the relevant benchmarks 15 ; iii) activities related to waste landfills, incinerators 16 and mechanical biological treatment plants 17 ; and iv) activities where the long-term disposal of waste may cause harm to the environment. The terms of reference shall additionally require that only activities that comply with relevant EU and national environmental legislation may be selected.

    The implementation of the investment shall be completed by 31 December 2025.

    Investment RE-C05-i02: Interface mission — renewal of the scientific and technological support network and guidance for productive fabric

    The objective of the investment is to strengthen and empower the national scientific and technological system and to improve business academia linkages to ensure an efficient technology transfer and the translation of research results into innovation. The investment shall consist of consolidating the new financing model of the Technology Interface System Centres and Collaborative Laboratories CoLAB private not for profit associations or firms that aim to create qualified employment, directly or indirectly, through the implementation of research and innovation agendas) based on the structure of 1/3 of core funding, 1/3 of competitive funding and 1/3 of market funding, by securing the 1/3 of core funding to Interface Mission. The investment shall consist of reaching 500 firms that shall benefit of this scheme and the services provided by the INTERFACE entities. The combined action of the Reform RE-r11 and Investment RE-C05-i02 is expected to achieve the above mentioned objectives. 

    In order to ensure that the measure complies with the ‘Do no significant harm’ Technical Guidance (2021/C58/01), the eligibility criteria contained in terms of reference for upcoming calls for projects shall exclude the following list of activities: i) activities related to fossil fuels, including downstream use 18 ; ii) activities under the EU Emission Trading System (ETS) achieving projected greenhouse gas emissions that are not lower than the relevant benchmarks 19 ; iii) activities related to waste landfills, incinerators 20 and mechanical biological treatment plants 21 ; and iv) activities where the long-term disposal of waste may cause harm to the environment. The terms of reference shall additionally require that only activities that comply with relevant EU and national environmental legislation may be selected.

    The implementation of the investment shall be completed by 31 December 2025.

    Investment RE-C05-i03: Research and innovation agenda for sustainable agriculture, food and agro-industry [Innovation Agenda for Agriculture 20 30].

    The objective of this investment is to boost research and innovation to achieve a more sustainable agriculture.

    The investment shall consist of grants for public and private entities to support the Innovation Agenda for Agriculture 20|30. The Agenda is structured in 15 flagship initiatives supporting R&D and innovation projects. These research and innovation projects shall respond to needs identified in the Portuguese Strategic Plan for the Common Agricultural Policy. The various initiatives shall include actions on circular bioeconomy and precision farming. Different production systems and sectors shall be taken into account when selecting projects. It is expected that 100 research and innovation projects shall be supported. In addition, the investment shall include the recovery and upgrade of the scientific facilities and equipment of 24 experimental farms and labs (innovation hubs).

    In order to ensure that the measure complies with the ‘Do no significant harm’ Technical Guidance (2021/C58/01), the eligibility criteria contained in terms of reference for upcoming calls for projects shall exclude the following list of activities: i) activities related to fossil fuels, including downstream use 22 ; ii) activities under the EU Emission Trading System (ETS) achieving projected greenhouse gas emissions that are not lower than the relevant benchmarks 23 ; iii) activities related to waste landfills, incinerators 24 and mechanical biological treatment plants 25 ; and iv) activities where the long-term disposal of waste may cause harm to the environment. The terms of reference shall additionally require that only activities that comply with relevant EU and national environmental legislation may be selected.

    The implementation of the investment shall be completed by 31 December 2025.

    Investment RE-C05-i04-RAA: Recapitalisation of the Business System of the Azores

    The objective of the measure is to address the structural problem of undercapitalisation of the firms in the Autonomous Region of the Azores.

    This investment shall consist of the creation of the special purpose vehicle which shall subsequently invest EUR 125 000 000 in viable Azorean firms mainly in the form of equity. The investment complements national investments aimed at the capitalisation of companies with a regional envelope and with dedicated instruments that respond to the specificities of the business structure of the Autonomous Region. Furthermore, this investment shall be based on the provision of capital with a convertible component into non-repayable grants. Conversion into a non-repayable grant shall be conditional on the design of the recapitalisation instruments by Banco Português de Fomento, the performance of the beneficiary companies and the associated state aid schemes.

    All projects shall be carried out in full compliance with the DNSH Technical Guidance (2021/C58/01). In addition, Portugal has committed that the investment policy document related to the EUR 125 000 000 instrument, which shall be adopted by Banco Português de Fomento as the managing body of the special purpose vehicle, shall detail the selection/eligibility criteria for supported companies, ensuring respect of the climate and environmental requirements of the Recovery and Resilience Facility, including compliance with the DNSH Technical Guidance (2021/C58/01) of supported assets/activities and/or companies and specifying investment targets and targeted returns. For compliance with the DNSH Technical Guidance (2021/C58/01) of supported companies, the investment policy shall require:

    -the use of sustainability proofing,

    -an exclusion list comprising the below elements:

    -Activities related to fossil fuels, including downstream use 26 ;

    -Activities under the EU Emission Trading System (ETS) achieving projected greenhouse gas emissions that are not lower than the relevant benchmarks 27 ;

    -Activities related to waste landfills, incinerators 28 and mechanical biological treatment plants 29 ;

    -Activities where the long-term disposal of waste may cause long-term harm to the environment such as nuclear waste; and

    -R&D&I dedicated to the above assets and activities.

    -mandatory legal compliance checks through Banco Português de Fomento and/or its selected financial intermediaries for transactions exempt from sustainability proofing, and,

    -beneficiaries of equity support that derive at least 50% of their revenues from activities listed in the exclusion list to adopt and publish green transition plans.

    The implementation of the investment shall be completed by 31 December 2025.

    Investment RE-C05-i05-RAA: Economic Recovery of Azorean Agriculture

    The objective of the investment is to boost agriculture in Azores, with a strong focus on sustainability as well as the promotion of local production. Agriculture in the Azores has high economic, social and territorial importance for regional cohesion, considering the fragmentation of the regional territory which is characterised by islands with specific features. This investment aims to i) contribute to the resilience and sustainable growth of regional productive potential, ii) mitigate the economic and social impact of the crisis on the agricultural and agri-food sector in the Azores and iii) contribute to the twin climate and digital transition in the agricultural and agri-food sector in the Azores.

    The investment shall consist of i) support of investment projects in innovation of products and production processes for regional agricultural undertakings, ii) public investment in innovation and twin transition (including a programme to improve famers’ skills for the twin transition and sustainable consumption, including certifications) and iii) public investment in the restructuring, including investment in innovation of production processes and in the green transition of the regional slaughter network and certification of quality of milk.

    The implementation of the investment shall be completed by 31 December 2025.

    E.2. Milestones, targets, indicators, and timetable for monitoring and implementation for non-repayable financial support

    Sequential Number

    Measure (Reform or Investment)



    Qualitative indicators (for milestones)

    Quantitative indicators (for targets)

    Indicative timeline for completion

    Description and clear definition of each milestone and target


    Unit of measure









    Update of the guidelines for the strategy for technological and business innovation for Portugal 2030

    Publication of updated guidelines for the strategy for technological and business innovation for Portugal 2030






    Update of the Decision of the Council of Ministers approving the guidelines for a technological and business innovation strategy for Portugal, 2018-2030, taking into account the recently adopted Portugal 2030 Strategy and the new challenges of economic recovery.




    Extension of the Network of Recognised Collaborative Laboratories







    Recognition and award of qualifications for new Collaborative Laboratories — Extension of the network of Collaborative Laboratories through the recognition and award of the title to new entities, resulting from the application and evaluation process conducted by an independent evaluation panel of experts of recognised international merit appointed by the Governing Board of FCT, I.P (Foundation for Science and Technology)




    Entry into force of the new legal regime for technology and innovation centres

    Entry into force of the new legal regime for technology and innovation centres






    The legislation shall review and standardise the legislative and regulatory framework of the entities forming part of the Scientific and Technological System, defining its funding and evaluation model.




    Approval of the Innovation Agenda for Agriculture

    Approval of the Innovation Agenda for Agriculture






    Publication of the Decision of the Council of Ministers endorsing the Innovation Agenda for Agriculture. Decision of the Council of Ministers published on 15/10/2020





    Conclusion of Contracts to develop new goods and services in relevant strategic areas (Innovation Agendas).







    Conclusion of six contracts (innovation pacts or mobilising projects) with consortia, which shall include:

    • Identification of the constituent entities of the consortium;

    • The business plan/investment;

    • the amount of funding;

    • The objectives to which the beneficiary is bound;

    • The form of monitoring.


    The contracts shall support a total of at least 60 projects. The terms of reference shall include eligibility criteria that ensure that the selected projects comply with the ‘Do no significant harm’ Technical Guidance (2021/C58/01) through the use of an exclusion list and the requirement of compliance with the relevant EU and national environmental legislation




    Completion of the implementation of the 6 contracts (innovation pacts or mobilising projects)







    Completion of the products, processes or services in relevant strategic areas, resulting from the implementation of the six contracts (innovation pacts or mobilizing projects) concluded with consortia.




    Conclusion of contracts to develop new goods and services in strategic areas relevant to the low-carbon economy, resilience and adaptation to climate changing.







    Conclusion of four contracts (innovation pacts or mobilising projects) with consortia, which shall include:

    • Identification of the constituent entities of the consortium;

    • The business plan/investment;

    • the amount of funding;

    • The objectives to which the beneficiary is bound;

    • The form of monitoring.

    The contracts shall support a total of at least 40 projects and shall reflect alignment with intervention field 022 (Research and innovation processes, technology transfer and cooperation between companies with a focus on the low-carbon economy and resilience and adaptation to climate change). The terms of reference shall include eligibility criteria that ensure that the selected projects comply with the ‘Do no significant harm’ Technical Guidance (2021/C58/01) through the use of an exclusion list and the requirement of compliance with the relevant EU and national environmental legislation




    Products, Processes or Services (PPS) completed relevant to the low-carbon economy, resilience and adaptation to climate changing







    Completion of the products, processes or services resulting from the implementation of the four contracts (innovation pacts or mobilizing projects) concluded with consortia, reflecting alignment with intervention field 022 (Research and innovation processes, technology transfer and cooperation between companies with a focus on the low-carbon economy and resilience and adaptation to climate change).




    Contracts with interface entities, including Collaborative Laboratories - Colabs, concluded







    Following a call for tenders, selection of the entities to be supported. This call is restricted to proponents recognized as ‘Interface’ entities or as Collaborative Laboratories.


    The contracts shall reflect alignment with intervention fields 021 (Technology transfer and cooperation between businesses, research centres and education sector) and 022 (Search and innovation processes, technology transfer and cooperation between enterprises, focusing on the low-carbon economy and resilience and adaptation to climate change). The terms of reference shall include eligibility criteria that ensure that the selected projects comply with the ‘Do no significant harm’ Technical Guidance (2021/C58/01) through the use of an exclusion list and the requirement of compliance with the relevant EU and national environmental legislation




    Companies benefiting from the services provided by the interface entities, including Collaborative Laboratories -Colabs







    The implementation reports to be submitted annually by the interface entities shall make it possible to measure the quantitative progress against the specific objectives taken when the basic funding was allocated, in particular the number of undertakings benefiting from the services provided.




    Tender procedure for research and innovation projects

    Publication of notice for the opening of a tender procedure for research and innovation projects






    Launch of tender for research and innovation programmes/ projects to be financed under initiatives of the Innovation Agenda for Agriculture 2030.

    The terms of reference shall include eligibility criteria that ensure that the selected projects comply with the ‘Do no significant harm’ Technical Guidance (2021/C58/01) through the use of an exclusion list and the requirement of compliance with the relevant EU and national environmental legislation. The selection criteria shall ensure that the projects focus either:

    -  on the low carbon economy, resilience and adaptation to climate change, through reducing emissions, increasing carbon sequestration, or strengthening the resilience and adaptation to climate change reflecting the requirements of intervention field 022 as indicated in annex VI of the RRF Regulation.

    - or on digitalisation R&D projects such as single agriculture portal, digital switchover and R&I projects related to value chains, reflecting the requirements of intervention field 009.




    Completion of innovation and research projects focusing on the green aspects of the Innovation Agenda for Agriculture 2030







    A total of 100 R&I projects financed and completed. Support for research and innovation projects and programmes contributing to at least one of the 15 initiatives of the Innovation Agenda and focusing on low carbon economy, resilience and adaptation to climate change.




    Completion of innovation and research projects focusing on the digital aspects of the Innovation Agenda for Agriculture 2030







    A total of 5 innovation structuring projects financed and completed. Support for innovation projects contributing to at least one of the 15 initiatives of the Innovation Agenda and focusing on digitalisation.





    Renewal/upgrading of agricultural innovation hubs







    Creation of a National Innovation Network for Agriculture, Food and Rural Development, through the upgrading of 24 Innovation Hubs.

    This investment shall comprise mainly the renovation of infrastructures and the purchase of laboratory scientific equipment.




    Adoption of a Regulation for the Recapitalisation Instrument of Businesses in the Azores

    Adoption by the Regional Government of the Azores of a regulation establishing the capitalisation measure and mandating the adoption by Banco Portugues de Fomento of an investment policy






    Adoption by the Regional Government of the Azores of a regulation establishing the capitalisation measure and mandating the adoption by Banco Portugues de Fomento of an investment policy defining, inter alia, the criteria for eligibility and selection of beneficiary companies for each type of financial instruments. The regulation shall require that the investment policy contain selection/eligibility criteria for compliance with the DNSH Technical Guidance (2021/C58/01) of supported companies, requiring :

    - the use of sustainability proofing,

    - an exclusion list comprising the below elements:

    - Investments related to fossil fuels (including downstream use), except for natural gas based heat/power compliant with the conditions set out in annex III of the DNSH guidance

    - Activities under the ETS with projected CO2 equivalent emissions that are not lower than the relevant benchmarks established for free allocation.

    - Investments in facilities for the disposal of waste in landfill, in mechanical biological treatment (MBT) plants, and incinerators for the treatment of waste. The exclusion list does not apply to plants exclusively dedicated to treating non-recyclable hazardous waste; to existing plants, where the investment is for the purpose of increasing energy efficiency, capturing exhaust gases for storage or use or recovering materials from incineration ashes, provided such investments do not result in an increase of the plants' waste processing capacity or in an extension of the lifetime of the plant.

    - Activities where the long-term disposal of waste may cause long-term harm to the environment (e.g. nuclear waste).

    - R&D&I dedicated to the above assets and activities.


    - mandatory legal compliance checks through BPF and/or its selected financial intermediaries for transactions exempt from sustainability proofing

    - beneficiaries of equity support that derive at least 50% of their revenues from activities listed in the exclusion list to adopt and publish green transition plans.





    Adoption of the investment policy for the Recapitalisation Instrument of Businesses in the Azores

    Adoption by BPF of the investment policy covering all financial instruments envisaged in the measure.






    Adoption by BPF of the investment policy covering all financial instruments envisaged in the measure. The investment policy shall be developed and adopted by BPF as the managing body of the vehicle holding the holdings resulting from the financial instruments implemented to support the companies selected as beneficiaries. The investment policy shall reflect the selection/eligibility criteria and applicable commitments/targets set out in the Regulation for the Recapitalisation Instrument of Businesses in the Azores




    Delivery of a total of EUR 125 000 000 to the region’s non-financial corporations in equity and quasi-equity support, in line with the investment policy of the instrument. Indicatively, it is estimated that at least 300 enterprises shall be supported by the completion of the plan.




    125 000 000



    Delivery of a total of EUR 125 000 000 to the region’s non-financial corporations in equity and quasi-equity support, in line with the investment policy adopted for the Recapitalisation Instrument of Businesses in the Azores. Banco Portugues de Fomento shall be responsible for reporting on the operations carried out. In this report, in addition to the financial movements, a list of the beneficiary companies, their TIN and CAE, the date of the contract, the funding awarded, the type of financial entity involved shall be published.




    Publication of the Azores Agriculture Innovation and Digitalisation Programme

    Publication of the Azores Agriculture Innovation and Digitalisation Programme






    Publication of an Innovation and Digitalisation Programme for Agriculture in the Azores, including a plan for the development of a monitoring network and agricultural notices at island level, as well as a plan for transition to digital reality and precision farming.




    New (to replace obsolete structures) or requalified structures responsible for animal slaughter, and certification of milk quality and food safety







    Finalisation of works on new (to replace obsolete structures) or requalified structures responsible for animal slaughter, certification of milk quality and food safety, to respond to the evolution and growing demands of the markets, incorporating investments in the innovation of production and organisation processes, in the green transition, the digital transition and animal welfare.




    Projects supported under support schemes for the restructuring of enterprises in the processing and marketing sector







    Projects approved and contracted under support schemes for innovation in products and processes of production and organisation, green transition and digital transition, aimed at restructuring enterprises in the agricultural processing and marketing sector.




    Projects supported under support schemes for farm restructuring







    Projects approved and contracted under support schemes for innovation in products and processes of production and organisation, green transition and digital transition, aimed at restructuring farms.




    Farms benefiting from specialised technical support under the Farmers’ Empowerment Programme




    2 000



    Agricultural holdings benefiting from specialised technical support as part of the actions to be carried out under the Farmers’ Empowerment Programme.

    E.3.    Description of the reforms and investments for the loan 

    Reform RE-r10: Creation and development of Banco Português de Fomento.

    The objectives of the measure are to facilitate the access to finance of Portuguese firms by reducing the complexity of publicly supported corporate finance products and by enabling projects of national strategic interest. To this end, Banco Português de Fomento was established on 7 September 2020 and started operating in November 2020 as the state-owned National Promotional Bank. In addition to its core and lasting mission, the bank is a key entity in the process of resuming economic activity after the COVID-19 pandemic, in particular by enabling Portuguese firms to benefit from the national and European strategic actions for recovery.

    The reform shall consist of the legal establishment of Banco Português de Fomento.

    The implementation of the reform was completed by 31 December 2020.

    Reform RE-r13: Capital market development and promotion of capitalisation of non-financial companies

    The objectives of the measure are to boost the Portuguese capital market and to promote the capitalisation of companies, with particular emphasis being placed on securities investment companies for development of economy (SIMFEs), collective investment undertakings and the revision of the securities code.

    This reform shall consist of the revision of the existing legal framework and the adoption of new laws that shall be part of the government’s holist approach to create a more favourable business environment and provide real incentives for investment, business capitalisation and sectoral consolidation. The implementation of this reform shall consist of following measures:

    -capital market development;

    -boosting securities investment companies for development of economy (SIMFEs);

    -regulatory and administrative simplification;

    -review of the legal framework for collective investment undertakings; and

    -capitalisation incentives (deduction for retained and reinvested earnings).

    The implementation of the reform shall be completed by 31 December 2023.

    Investment RE-C05-i06: Capitalisation of companies and financial resilience/Banco Português de Fomento

    The objective of the measure is to address the structural problem of firms’ undercapitalisation. The investment shall provide the Banco Português de Fomento, which has the objective of becoming an InvestEU implementing partner, with a capital buffer of EUR 250 000 000, In addition, a special purpose vehicle shall be created, which shall subsequently invest EUR 1 300 000 000 in viable Portuguese firms in the form of equity and quasi-equity.

    Portugal has committed that the investment policy document related to the EUR 1 300 000 000 instrument, which shall be adopted by Banco Português de Fomento as the managing body of the special purpose vehicle, shall detail the selection/eligibility criteria for supported companies, ensuring respect of the climate and environmental requirements of the Recovery and Resilience Facility, including compliance with the DNSH Technical Guidance (2021/C58/01) of supported assets/activities and/or companies and specifying investment targets and targeted returns. For compliance with the DNSH Technical Guidance (2021/C58/01) of supported companies, the investment policy shall require:

    -the use of sustainability proofing,

    -an exclusion list comprising the below elements:

    -Activities related to fossil fuels, including downstream use 30 ;

    -Activities under the EU Emission Trading System (ETS) achieving projected greenhouse gas emissions that are not lower than the relevant benchmarks 31 ;

    -Activities related to waste landfills, incinerators 32 and mechanical biological treatment plants 33 ;

    -Activities where the long-term disposal of waste may cause long-term harm to the environment such as nuclear waste; and

    -R&D&I dedicated to the above assets and activities.

    -mandatory legal compliance checks through Banco Português de Fomento and/or its selected financial intermediaries for transactions exempt from sustainability proofing; and

    -beneficiaries of equity support that derive at least 50% of their revenues from activities listed in the exclusion list to adopt and publish green transition plans.

    The implementation of the investment shall be completed by 31 December 2025.

    E.4.    Milestones, targets, indicators, and timetable for monitoring and implementation for the loan

    Sequential Number

    Measure (Reform or Investment)



    Qualitative indicators (for milestones)

    Quantitative indicators (for targets)

    Indicative timeline for completion

    Description and clear definition of each milestone and target


    Unit of measure









    Entry into force of the regulation setting the activities and statutes of Banco Português de Fomento (BPF)

    Entry into force of Decree-Law No 63/2020, setting the activities and statutes of BPF






    Publication by the Government of the Portuguese Republic and entry into force of Decree-Law No 63/2020, which regulates the activity and operation of BPF and approves its statutes.




    Entry into force of the revision of the legal framework for collective investment undertakings

    Entry into force of the revision of the legal framework for collective investment undertakings






    Entry into force of the Act, following the Adoption of the Law by the Assembly of the Republic. It shall review the legal framework for collective investment undertakings with a view to regulatory and administrative simplification.




    Entry into force of the revision of the Securities Code Act

    Entry into force of the revision of the Securities Code Act






    Entry into force of the Act, following the adoption of the Law by the Assembly of the Republic. The revision of the Securities Code aims at regulatory and administrative simplification in order to align the national framework with Union law as regards the objective of increasing the competitiveness of the Portuguese capital market.




    Capital market development — entry into force of legislation

    Entry into force of legislation for the capital market development






    Following the contributions from market players, entry into force of legislation for the capital market development. While preserving the freedom of work of the Capital Market Reinforcing Task Force (set up by the Ministry of Economy and Digital Transition and the Secretary of State for Finance), it is foreseen that the legislation shall focus on creating incentives for, inter alia, i) access to equity through the capital market, ii) the creation of an environment conducive to business growth, iii) debt financing on the market, iv) investor participation.




    Entry into force of a decree law regulating the capitalisation measure of BPF

    Entry into force of a decree law regulating the capitalisation measure of BPF






    Entry into force of a decree law regulating of the capitalisation measure, establishing the need to establish an investment policy defining, inter alia, the criteria for eligibility and selection of beneficiary undertakings





    Development of the investment policy (capitalisation) and adoption by the vehicle manager

    Investment policy (capitalisation), developed by BPF and adopted by the vehicle set up to manage the holdings resulting from the financial instruments implemented






    Development of the investment policy (capitalisation) and adoption by the vehicle manager. The investment policy shall be developed and adopted by BPF as the managing body of the vehicle set up to manage the holdings resulting from the financial instruments implemented to support the companies selected as beneficiaries and shall detail the selection/eligibility criteria for supported companies, ensuring respect of the climate and environmental requirements of the RRF, including compliance with the DNSH Technical Guidance (2021/C58/01) of supported assets/activities and/or companies and specifying investment targets and targeted returns .

    For compliance with the DNSH Technical Guidance (2021/C58/01) of supported companies, the investment policy shall require :

    - the use of sustainability proofing,

    - an exclusion list comprising the below elements:

    Investments related to fossil fuels (including downstream use), except for natural gas based heat/power compliant with the conditions set out in annex III of the DNSH guidance

    Activities under the ETS with projected CO2 equivalent emissions that are not lower than the relevant benchmarks established for free allocation.

    Investments in facilities for the disposal of waste in landfill, in mechanical biological treatment (MBT) plants, and incinerators for the treatment of waste. The exclusion list does not apply to plants exclusively dedicated to treating non-recyclable hazardous waste; to existing plants, where the investment is for the purpose of increasing energy efficiency, capturing exhaust gases for storage or use or recovering materials from incineration ashes, provided such investments do not result in an increase of the plants' waste processing capacity or in an extension of the lifetime of the plant.

    Activities where the long-term disposal of waste may cause long-term harm to the environment (e.g. nuclear waste).

    R&D&I dedicated to the above assets and activities.


    - mandatory legal compliance checks through BPF and/or its selected financial intermediaries for transactions exempt from sustainability proofing

    - beneficiaries of equity support that derive at least 50% of their revenues from activities listed in the exclusion list to adopt and publish green transition plans




    Delivery by the capitalisation instrument of a total of EUR 1 300 000 000 to Portuguese non-financial corporations in equity and quasi-equity support, in line with its investment policy




    1 300 000 000



    Delivery of a total of EUR 1 300 000 000 to Portuguese non-financial corporations in equity and quasi equity support, in line with the earlier defined investment policy developed by BPF and adopted by the vehicle set up to manage the holdings resulting from the financial instruments implemented. Indicatively, it is estimated that 1300 enterprises shall be supported by the completion of the plan.





    Notification to the European Commission of the successful passing of the pillar assessment for BPF


    Notification to the European Commission of the successful passing of the pillar assessment for BPF






    Notification to the European Commission of the successful passing of the pillar assessment for BPF





    Capital increase and development of investment policy for BPF to implement InvestEU, establishing a set of eligibility criteria to ensure that the objectives of the RRF are met






    Capital transfer of EUR 250 000 000 from the Portuguese Government to BPF and adoption of the investment policy for BPF to implement InvestEU, establishing a set of eligibility criteria in line with the RRF objectives, including the DNSH principle, in the context of the signature of an ‘InvestEU guarantee agreement’.

    Capital transfer of EUR 250 000 000 from the Portuguese Government to BPF and adoption of the investment policy for BPF




    100% of the guarantees made available by the capital increase have been signed. 







    100% of the guarantees made available by the capital increase have been signed.

    F. COMPONENT 6: Qualifications and Skills

    In Portugal, 44,5% of the population aged 25-64 had low education attainment levels in 2020, well above the EU average of 25,0%. In addition, the fraction of the population with basic digital skills or having never used the internet is very high. Equally, labour market segmentation and gender imbalances in pay and career opportunities remain high by EU standards.

    This component addresses multiple challenges related with the relatively low education and qualifications attainment levels, lifelong learning participation, labour market segmentation, removing administrative barriers in the area of highly regulated professions, preparing for the challenges linked to the future of work and gender equality and equal opportunities.

    The objectives of the component are broad, encompassing skilling and upskilling, some bottlenecks in the business environment, labour market segmentation, gender balance and equal opportunities. As regards production potential, this component focuses on measures to raise the low qualification levels and improve lifelong learning participation through the reform of education and vocational education and training (VET) systems, foster knowledge transfer between universities/public research organisations and firms, and reduce restrictions in highly regulated professions, while enhancing competitiveness in the provision of business services. The component also presents measures to address various principles of the European Pillar of Social Rights (EPSR), such as labour relations and access rights of workers with atypical labour contracts, financial support to promote the inclusion of unemployed people with permanent quality jobs, and the development of the Portuguese norm for a management system of equal pay.

    This component is aligned with major EU policy initiatives, such as the European Skills Agenda, the Council Recommendation on ‘Upskilling Pathways: New Opportunities for Adults’ (Council Recommendation 2016/C 484/01), the Council Recommendation on ‘VET for sustainable competitiveness, social fairness and resilience’ (Council Recommendation 2020/C 417/01), and the reinforced Youth Guarantee, and the European Education Area and the European Research Area initiatives.

    The component addresses the Country Specific Recommendations to take all necessary measures to effectively address the pandemic, sustain the economy and support the ensuing recovery (Country Specific Recommendation 1 2020); to adopt measures to address labour market segmentation (Country Specific Recommendation 2 2019); to improve the skills level of the population, in particular their digital literacy, including by making adult learning more relevant to the needs of the labour market (Country Specific Recommendation 2 2019); increase the number of higher education graduates, particularly in science and information technology (Country Specific Recommendation 2 2019); to support the use of digital technologies to ensure equal access to quality education and training (Country Specific Recommendation 2 2020); to boost firms’ competitiveness (Country Specific Recommendation 2 2020); to focus on investment-related economic policy on research and innovation (Country Specific Recommendation 3 2019); and to develop a roadmap to reduce restrictions in highly regulated professions (Country Specific Recommendation 4 2019).

    It is expected that no measure in this component does significant harm to environmental objectives within the meaning of Article 17 of Regulation (EU) 2020/852, taking into account the description of the measures and the mitigating steps set out in the plan in accordance with the DNSH Technical Guidance (2021/C58/01).

    F.1. Description of the reforms and investments for non-repayable financial support

    Reform RE-r14: Reform of vocational education and training

    The objective of this reform is to modernise education and VET systems in order to improve on the low educational and qualification attainment levels and the high incidence of workers lacking basic and digital skills, adapt the skills offer to current and future labour market needs, and broaden education, training and lifelong learning opportunities.

    The reform shall consist of actions to:

    -strengthen the overall policy coordination of education and VET policies;

    -modernise the VET offer regulated by the National Qualifications Catalogue (CNQ) based on the system of qualifications needs anticipation, the prospective diagnosis to support the updating of CNQ and streamlining of Sectorial Councils for Qualification;

    -take on board labour market needs and the emergence of new skills/professions;

    -improve the prospects of the low-skilled population by designing training offer focused on adult literacy;

    -foster local development and territorial cohesion and reduce socio-economic inequalities by redistributing the VET network.

    The implementation of the reform shall be completed by 31 December 2025.

    Reform RE-r15: Reform of cooperation between higher education and public administration and enterprises

    The objective of this reform is to incentivise public-private collaborative arrangements in education and training programmes to respond to the needs of the labour market and the twin transition, including the development of post-graduate courses of professional scope (professional master’s degrees) exclusive for students with prior professional experience and the offer of short duration tertiary courses in polytechnics (known as higher vocational technical courses).

    The reform shall consist of:

    -a legislative act creating special competitions for admission to higher education for holders of dual secondary education and specialised artistic courses;

    -the review of the legal and institutional framework governing the cooperation of Higher Education Institutions with public administration and businesses, including steps to:

    ofoster inter-institutional collaboration between Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) and enterprises, as well as attracting adult students and broadening coverage to inland areas;

    ocollaborative partnerships encouraging a wide offer of higher education courses, including short training courses, undergraduate courses, masters and doctoral degrees;

    oincrease the offer of short term high-level professional courses managed by polytechnic Higher Education Institutions, in close cooperation with public and private entities;

    ofurther enlarge the support base of tertiary education by facilitating access to Higher Education Institutions of secondary students from professional and artistic areas;

    ostrengthen enrolment in higher education courses in digital areas, notably through the programme Portugal Digital InCoDe2030, in close cooperation with public and private entities;

    ostimulate modular training, which promote continuous learning and the acquisition of new skills with ‘microcredentials/microdiplomas’, in close collaboration with public and private entities;

    oextend the cooperation between higher education institutions and laboratories and technological interface centres;

    oamendment of the legal status to clarify the conditions under which an external specialist may perform teaching or managerial duties in higher education institutions, in order to promote mobility between the academic and business worlds; and

    ostrengthen the legal framework of consortia with shared management between Higher Education Institutions and enterprises.

    The implementation of the reform shall be completed by 30 June 2021.

    Reform RE-r16: Reducing restrictions in highly regulated professions

    The objective of this reform is to reduce restrictions in highly regulated professions, mainly to foster competition in the provision of business services.

    In 2018, the OECD, in cooperation with the Portuguese Competition Authority (AdC), carried out an assessment for a limited number of self-regulated professions such as lawyers, solicitors, engineers, architects, auditors, accountants, economists, pharmacists and nutritionists. From the evaluation carried out, a list of recommendations was drawn up. With this reform, Portugal shall address the recommendations of the OECD and the AdC.

    The reform shall at least: i) separate the regulation and representation functions in professional associations; ii) reduce the list of reserved professions(access to professions may be restricted only to safeguard constitutional interests, according to the principles of necessity and proportionality); iii) end restrictions to ownership and management of business services firms, provided managers respect the legal regime for the prevention of ‘conflict of interests’; and, iv) allow multidisciplinary business services firms.

    The AdC shall also be commissioned to deliver a report on the effectiveness of the new law on regulated professions.

    The implementation of the reform shall be completed by 31 December 2022.

    Reform RE-r17: Agenda for the promotion of decent work

    The objective of this reform is to build upon measures adopted in recent years (such as those addressing labour market segmentation and fostering collective bargaining) to protect labour rights.

    The government commissioned the publication of a Green Book on the future of work with the aim of identifying the main challenges posed by technology, environment, social and economic transformations leading to new forms of employment and contractual arrangements. The goal is to map out possible lines of action and orientations for public policies, notably as regards work organisation and industrial relations, such as telework and the right to disconnect, enlarge social protection to new forms of work, including work in platforms, enhance worker representation and social dialogue, health and safety at work and new psychosocial risks, and reconciliation between professional and family life.

    After the presentation of the Green Book, this reform comprises a legislative act to regulate platform work in order to address the new challenges created by atypical labour relations, in accordance with the principles of the European Pillar of Social Rights. It shall strengthen the quality of labour relations and enhance access to rights and social protection.

    The implementation of the reform shall be completed by 31 March 2023.

    Reform RE-r18: Combating inequality between women and men

    The objective of this reform is to promote equality in gender pay, equal career opportunities, and counter gender stereotypes and segregation in the choice of professional careers. It builds extensively on existing legislation, notably on equal pay (law nº 60/2018), and on a balanced representation in boardrooms (laws nº 62/2017 and nº 26/2019).

    The legislation on equal pay created mechanisms to implement the principle of equal pay for equal work or work of equal value, forcing companies to have transparent remuneration policies. From 2021 onwards, a report on gender pay differences has been generated by a department of the ministry of employment and social security for each company with more than 50 workers, covering gender pay differences. From 2025 onwards, companies with more than 50 workers that have significant differences in gender pay levels for the same jobs shall have the obligation to submit an action plan to the Labour Inspectorate Directorate to address those disparities through the implementation of the action plan.

    The reform shall also include a voluntary scheme based on the Iceland Norm ÍST 85: 2012, providing public recognition to firms that have effectively implemented equal pay policies. The certificate shall be designed to confirm that when decisions on wage are taken that they are based entirely on relevant considerations.

    The implementation of the reform shall be completed by 31 December 2024.

    Investment RE-C06-i01: Modernisation of vocational education and training institutions

    The objectives of this investment include installing and modernising Specialised Technological Centres in public secondary schools with professional courses and vocational schools. In addition, the objectives include broadening and modernising the network of professional training centres of the public employment service (IEFP), in order to make training more market relevant and aligned with Industry 4.0 needs.

    This investment shall consist of the:

    -installation and modernisation of 365 Specialised Technology Centres in secondary schools offering professional courses and vocational schools, of which 115 (Industrial centres), 30 (Renewable Energy centres), 195 (Computer Science centres), and 25 (Digital and Multimedia centres). The Specialised Technology Centres shall be managed by the Principals of the public network schools or by private entities. This investment involves modernising and rehabilitating the existing facilities and infrastructure, and acquiring technological educational resources (equipment). It is expected that each technology centre would accommodate two classes of up to 25 pupils each, allowing for a yearly output of 20 000 trainees;

    -enlargement and modernisation the network of vocational training centres of the public employment service (IEFP), either directly managed or through concessions. Two thirds of the total sub-investment shall be for the building or modernisation of facilities and one third for the purchase of equipment for the workshops, laboratories and other training areas. Expenditure on the facilities is split 17% and 83%, respectively, for new buildings and renovation. The plan for the modernisation of the equipment of the IEFP vocational training centres’ network involves the purchase of the following types of equipment, namely: i) renewable energy; ii) digitalisation of industry; iii) aeronautics; iv) digitalisation of trade; and, v) ‘land’ simulators. It is expected that this sub-investment shall allow to upgrade 22 000 training places.

    The implementation of the investment shall be completed by 31 December 2025.

    Investment RE-C06-i02: Sustainable Employment Commitment

    The objectives of this investment are the creation of permanent and quality labour contracts under the Sustainable Employment Commitment program, and the reduction of labour market segmentation among all groups, including youth.

    In order to speed up return to employment, employers are given temporary subsidies in exchange for offering open-ended contracts paying adequate wages. The employer receives a minimum of EUR 5 266 (12 times the social support index, which serves as reference for the calculation of various social security benefits) for each employment position created, which may be topped up by 25% in two circumstances: hiring of workers younger than 35 years of age and jobs paying at least twice the minimum wage (EUR 665 in 2021). In addition, the financial support could be topped up for hiring a person from the underrepresented gender in that profession. The top ups are cumulative. In addition, employers shall receive support amounting to 50% of their social security contribution over a period of one year (14 months). This measure is expected to support the creation of 30 000 permanent jobs. The measure is expected to last for one year, but could be prolonged for an additional one. Given the need to secure participation of the private sector in the scheme, its implementation shall start at the time of economic recovery.

    The implementation of the investment shall be completed by 31 December 2023.

    Investment RE-C06-i03: Adult incentive

    The objective of this investment is to implement a multiple prong approach to increase the qualification of the adult population of 23 years of age or more, involving: i) to promote adult learning through an upscaling of the National Plan for Adult Literacy to improve basic literacy, numeracy and digital skills; ii) to raise participation and completion rates of adults in the processes of recognition, validation, and certification of competencies (RVCC); and, iii) to develop tertiary education offers for adults, such as short-term duration courses.

    This investment shall consist of:

    -within the framework of the Qualifica programme, the upscale of the National Plan for Adult Literacy, by running 225 local projects leading to levels B1/B2/B3. This measure shall be managed by the National Agency for Qualifications and Vocational Education and Training (ANQEP). Each project has the capacity to open 100 vacancies, yielding a total number of participants of around 22 500 people. Besides the purchase of pedagogic equipment and consumables and the payment of training staff, this sub-investment shall provide, when necessary, some subsidies to participants, their employers and community mediators;

    -within the framework of the Qualifica programme, the Acelerador Qualifica is a new measure to provide financial support to adults in advanced stages of their RVCC processes. This measure shall be managed by the National Agency for Qualification and Vocational Education and Training (ANQEP). Each adult participating shall receive a financial support up to 1,25 the IAS (EUR 548,5 in 2021). The total number of participants in RVCC processes is estimated at 100 000 people;

    -fostering collaborative networks between Higher Education Institutions, firms and other stakeholders through the support of new post-graduate schools/ programs/ alliances, in terms of joint collaborative programmes involving education, research and innovation activities and initiatives to develop higher education short duration courses aimed at enhancing lifelong learning (reskilling and upskilling). The investment shall consist of grants for the implementation of integrated programmes to involve a total of 23 000 students over the period 2021-2025, encompassing installation and equipment costs, student support and expenditures by Higher Education Institutions associated with the provision of the courses. Consortia shall be selected through open competition.

    The implementation of the investment shall be completed by 31 December 2025.

    Investment RE-C06-i04: Youth impulse – STEAM

    The objective of this investment is:

    -to raise enrolment rates in science, technology, engineering, arts and mathematics (STEAM) courses, including in information technology course; and

    -to provide adequate facilities in non-tertiary schools for science education in order to increase interest in science related subjects.

    This measure targets Higher Education Institutions (both universities and polytechnics). The allocation of funds shall result from an open competition. This investment shall consist of:

    -implementation of programmes by Higher Education Institutions (HEIs), in partnership with public and/or private employers and other stakeholders, including secondary schools. They can take the form of schools/ programs/ alliances, in terms of joint collaborative programmes involving education, research and innovation activities and initiatives, aimed at enhancing initial higher education and increasing the number of STEAM graduates, by offering undergraduate and other initial higher education courses (e.g. higher technical vocational courses in the case of polytechnics). The programmes shall encompass the modernisation and enlargement of facilities to accommodate the rise in the number of students, student incentives, and other expenditures by HEIs associated with the provision of the courses:

    oproviding an annual stipend of EUR 697 per student for 10 000 students during the 3 years duration of their STEAM course. The financial support to students in STEAM courses may be topped up for students from inland regions, social priority intervention areas, and women;

    oHigher Education Institutions to receive EUR 7 900 per new student enrolled in STEAM courses to partially support the costs of modernisation and enlargement of facilities to accommodate the rise in the number of students; and

    oimprove skills on STEAM areas by the enlargement of the network of clubs ‘Ciência Viva’, Clubs at Schools (from primary to secondary schools), focusing mainly in STEAM areas, digital content and materials; foster partnerships between schools and civil society, universities and research centres, and organise seminars and workshops. It is expected to support at least 650 projects.

    The implementation of the investment shall be completed by 31 December 2025.

    Investment RE-C06-i05-RAA: Adult Qualification and Lifelong Learning(ARA)

    The objective of this investment is to address the severe problem of low qualification levels in the Autonomous Region of Azores compared both with Portugal as a whole and with the European Union. The low qualification levels represents a major bottleneck for the emergence and diversification of new businesses and for the sustainable development, being associated with low productivity and wages, and lack of resilience during economic crisis. Investments to address specific educational and training needs in the Autonomous Region of Azores shall complement actions in the framework of the ESF+, which will be reflected in the relevant Operation Programme under negotiation for the multi annual financial framework 2021-2027.

    The investment shall consist of:

    -an increase in the number of adults enrolled in post-secondary and tertiary education, involving an estimated total number of 200 new participants per year; and

    -modernisation of 17 professional schools with structures and equipment in line with technological development in order renovate workshops, laboratories and computer rooms and thus enabling the alignment with the labour market demand and further increase of trainees.

    The implementation of the investment shall be completed by 31 December 2025.

    F.2. Milestones, targets, indicators, and timetable for monitoring and implementation for non-repayable financial support

    Sequential Number

    Measure (Reform or Investment)



    Qualitative indicators (for milestones)

    Quantitative indicators (for targets)

    Indicative timeline for completion

    Description and clear definition of each milestone and target


    Unit of measure








    Specialised technology centres renovated or built







    Number of specialised technology centres renovated or built for professional courses in secondary education, including financing equipment, technological infrastructure and the possible requalification of spaces and workshops to adapt to new courses.




    Specialised technology centres renovated or built







    Number of specialised technology centres renovated or built for professional courses in secondary education, including financing equipment, technological infrastructure and the possible requalification of spaces and workshops to adapt to new courses




    Upgraded training stations




    14 100



    Number of vocational training stations of the public employment service (IEFP) network (either directly managed or through concession) renovated or built. It includes renovation and construction of new buildings, and the purchase of various types of equipment for training purposes. New buildings shall have a primary energy demand at least 20% below the requirements of nearly zero energy buildings. Energy efficiency renovations shall achieve, on average, at least a medium-depth level renovation as defined in Commission Recommendation on Building Renovation (EU) 2019/786.




    Upgraded training stations



    14 100

    22 000



    Number of vocational training stations of the public employment service (IEFP) network (either directly managed or trough concession) renovated or built. It includes renovation and construction of new buildings, and the purchase of various types of equipment for training purposes. New buildings shall have a primary energy demand at least 20% below the requirements of nearly zero energy buildings. Energy efficiency renovations shall achieve, on average, at least a medium-depth level renovation as defined in Commission Recommendation on Building Renovation (EU) 2019/786




    Financial support for permanent contracts




    30 000



    Number of contracts supported by financial support granted to employers in exchange for offering open-ended contracts paying adequate labour market wages under the Sustainable Employment Commitment measure.




    Additional participants in measures to support the up-skilling of adults




    145  500



    Additional number of adult (23+) participants having participated in one of the following courses: i) basic education and training courses for adults of levels B1/B2/B3 run by local projects benefitting from the upscale of the National Plan for Adult Literacy; ii) training pathways of recognition, validation, and certification of competencies for low qualified adults (RVCC); and, iii) short-duration tertiary education courses organized by consortia of higher-education institutions and firms.




    Additional Ciência Viva clubs







    Number of new clubs added to the network of clubs Ciência Viva, focussing on STEAM areas, which aim to spread scientific values in the secondary school network, inter alia, through partnerships with universities and research centres, and the organisation of seminars and workshops.




    Additional number of students graduated in tertiary education courses in STEAM fields







    Additional number of higher education graduates in STEAM fields (i.e. science, technology, engineering, arts and mathematics): bachelor and short term courses (1 and 2 years), compared to 2020.




    Additional number of students graduated in tertiary education courses in STEAM



    7 500

    10 000



    Additional number of higher education graduates in STEAM fields (i.e. science, technology, engineering, arts and mathematics): bachelor and short term r courses (1 and 2 years) compared to 2020.




    Additional number of adults enrolled in post-secondary and tertiary education in the Autonomous Region of Azores




    1 145



    Additional number of adults enrolled in post-secondary and tertiary education in the Autonomous Region of Azores.




    Upgraded professional schools in the Autonomous Region of Azores







    Number of professional schools that benefitted from renovation of workshops, laboratories and computer rooms and the purchase of new equipment in line with technological developments. When the upgrading of the infrastructure involves the renovation of buildings, the energy efficiency renovations shall achieve, on average, at least a medium-depth level renovation as defined in Commission Recommendation on Building Renovation (EU) 2019/786.




    Opening of training vacancies




    20 000



    Number of new vacancies opened in professional courses following the upgrade of the national qualifications catalogue (CNQ) in emerging areas based on skills anticipation diagnosis (SANQ).




    Entry into force of the law creating special competitions for admission to higher education

    Entry into force of the law creating special competitions for admission to higher education






    Entry into force of the law creating special competitions for admission to higher education for students who have completed secondary education through professional channels and specialized artistic courses.




    Entry into force of the new legal framework governing the cooperation of higher education institutions with public administration and businesses

    Entry into force of the new legal framework governing the cooperation of higher education institutions with public administration and businesses






    Entry into force of the new legal framework governing the cooperation of higher education institutions with public administration and businesses, including: i) the creation of collaborative networks of higher education institutions in partnership with employers, inter alia, promoting initial higher education, innovation projects and services for firms, ii) amendment of the legal status to clarify the conditions under which an external specialist may perform teaching or managerial duties in higher education institutions, in order to promote mobility between the academic and business worlds; iii) strengthening consortia with shared management between higher education institutions and enterprises.




    Entry into force of the law on regulated professions

    Entry into force of the law on regulated professions






    Entry into force of the law aiming to, inter alia: i) separate the regulation and representation functions in professional associations; ii) reduce the list of reserved professions. Access to professions can be restricted only to safeguard constitutional interests, according to the principles of necessity and proportionality; iii) end restrictions to ownership and management of business services firms, provided managers respect the legal regime for the prevention of ‘conflict of interests’; and, iv) allow multidisciplinary business services.




    Entry into force of the law regulating platform work

    Entry into force of the law regulating platform work






    Entry into force of the law to regulate platform work in order to address the new challenges created by atypical labour relations, in accordance with the principles of the European Pillar of Social Rights. It shall aim to strengthen labour relations and access to rights




    Establish the Portuguese norm for an Equal Pay Management System.

    Publication of the norm






    The norm shall be a voluntary scheme based on the Iceland Norm ÍST 85: 2012, providing public recognition to firms that have effectively implemented equal pay policies. Certificates shall be awarded to confirm that when decisions on wage are taken, they are based entirely on relevant considerations.




    Notification of companies with more than 50 workers that present significant gender wage differences

    Notification of companies with more than 50 workers that present significant gender wage differences






    Notification to companies with more than 50 workers that have significant differences in gender pay levels for the same jobs of the obligation to submit an action plan to the Labour Inspectorate Directorate to address gender wage disparities through the implementation of the action plan

    G. COMPONENT 7: Infrastructure

    This component of the Portuguese recovery and resilience plan addresses the challenge of low territorial cohesion and the low competitiveness of firms in the inland regions caused by inadequate links to the road network. This leads to context costs for firms, such as transport costs through low road connectivity or the difficulty to attract skilled staff. Another challenge is the need to reduce emissions in the transport sector and in business parks.

    The objectives of the component are to increase territorial cohesion and improve competitiveness in order to promote the economic development of the inland regions. Through the deployment of charging stations, it aims to promote the decarbonisation of road transport.

    To this end, the component aims to make business parks more sustainable and more digital and provide them with better access to the road network. It also seeks to improve road transport connectivity by expanding the road network, e.g. by addressing missing links, including on the Azores, and providing four cross-border connections. The acceleration of the expansion of the network of publicly accessible electric vehicle charging stations is expected to help reduce the carbon footprint of the road transport sector in Portugal and make it more sustainable. This investment is a flanking measure for the expansion of the road infrastructure, in line with the Commission’s DNSH Technical Guidance (2021/C58/01).

    The component supports addressing the Country Specific Recommendation on focusing investment on the green transition, taking account regional disparities (Country Specific Recommendation 3 2019 and Country Specific Recommendation 3 2020), and supporting the use of digital technologies to boost firms’ competitiveness (Country Specific Recommendation 2 2020).

    It is expected that no measure in this component does significant harm to environmental objectives within the meaning of Article 17 of Regulation (EU) 2020/852, taking into account the description of the measures and the mitigating steps set out in the plan in accordance with the DNSH Technical Guidance (2021/C58/01).

    G.1.    Description of the reforms and investments for non-repayable financial support

    Investment RE-C07-i00: Extension of the electric vehicle charging network

    The objective of the measure is to advance the decarbonisation of road transport through the promotion of electric mobility.

    The investment shall consist of ensuring that 15 000 publicly accessible recharging points shall be operational in Portugal. It is a flanking measure for the road infrastructure investments in C07-I02, I03, I04 and I05 to ensure compliance with the DNSH principle as regards the objectives of climate change mitigation and pollution prevention and control. Private entities have become the main players in the network’s expansion. The Portuguese State shall focus its investment on the Mobi.E network management platform and on covering market failures by supporting investment in regions where the private sector does not ensure the necessary coverage.

    The implementation of the investment shall be completed 31 December 2025.

    Investment RE-C07-i01: Business Reception Areas

    The objective of the measure is to modernise business reception areas, which are an area of land developed as a site for offices, factories and other businesses. The modernisation of business parks is also identified as an investment need in Portugal’s 2030 national infrastructure plan (PNI 2030).

    The investment shall consist of interventions in selected business parks that comprise the promotion of renewable energy production and storage systems, pilot interventions to improve energy stability, the installation of electric and hydrogen charging stations, enhanced 5G coverage and active fire prevention measures. These interventions towards environmental sustainability and digitalisation shall be carried out in 10 business reception areas, chosen through a public tender.

    The implementation of the investment is expected to be completed by 31 December 2025.

    Investment RE-C07-i02: Missing links and increasing the capacity of the Network

    The objective of the measure is to improve territorial cohesion and competitiveness through addressing ‘missing links’ in the road network. These missing links reduce the road network performance and lead to a loss of competitiveness for businesses. The investment also aims to address congestion, improve road safety and air quality, and reduce noise in locations near roads.

    The investment shall consist of the construction and upgrade of roads. Interventions shall include the elimination of urban crossings and ensuring adequacy of track capacity, increasing accessibility to major transport corridors and multimodal interfaces. The interventions shall include an upgrade of roads that are part of the TEN-T network, such as IP2 Évora eastern bypass or investments in IP8.

    It is expected that this measure does not do significant harm to environmental objectives within the meaning of Article 17 of Regulation (EU) 2020/852, taking into account the description of the measure and the mitigating steps set out in the recovery and resilience plan in accordance with the DNSH Technical Guidance (2021/C58/01). In particular, DNSH compliance is ensure through investment C07-I0 (Extension of the Electric Vehicle Charging Network) as an accompanying measure. Any road project potentially likely to have significant negative effects on the environment shall be subject to an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) pursuant to Directive 2011/92/EU, to ensure compliance with the DNSH principle is integrated into the project and strictly complied with at the stages of construction, operation and decommissioning of the infrastructure.

    In total, 111 kilometres of roads shall be constructed or upgraded. The following road interventions are planned:

    -EN14: road/rail interface in Trofa / Santana, including a new bridge over the Ave river;

    -EN14: Maia (Via Diagonal) / road/rail interface in Trofa;

    -EN4: Atalaia bypass;

    -IC35 : Penafiel (EN15) / Rans;

    -IC35: Rans / Entre-os Rios;

    -IP2: Évora eastern bypass;

    -Link from Baião to Ermida bridge;

    -Road axis Aveiro – Águeda;

    -EN344: km 67 to km 75 – Pampilhosa da Serra;

    -EN125: Olhão eastern bypass;

    -IC2 (EN1): Meirinhas (km 136) /Pombal (km 148);

    -IP8 (EN121): Ferreira do Alentejo /Beja, including Beringel bypass;

    -IP8 (EN259): Sta. Margarida do Sado /Ferreira do Alentejo, including Figueira de Cavaleiros bypass;

    -IP8 (A26): Capacity increase of the connection between Sines and A2;

    -EN211 - Quintã/ Mesquinhata bypass.

    The implementation of the investment shall be completed by 31 December 2025.

    Investment RE-C07-i03: Cross-border links

    The objectives of the measure are to leverage the development of cross-border mobility and improve the competitiveness of companies, such as through fostering the mobility of the work force. The reinforcement of high-capacity corridors also intends to enable the common use of infrastructure, such as the High Speed Railway Line in Sanabria or the Bragança aerodrome, and to improve road safety.

    The investment shall consist of the creation and upgrade of road infrastructure to reinforce cross-border links with Spain.

    It is expected that this measure does not do significant harm to environmental objectives within the meaning of Article 17 of Regulation (EU) 2020/852, taking into account the description of the measure and the mitigating steps set out in the recovery and resilience plan in accordance with the DNSH Technical Guidance (2021/C58/01). In particular, DNSH compliance is ensure through investment C07-I0 (Extension of the Electric Vehicle Charging Network) as an accompanying measure. Any road project potentially likely to have significant negative effects on the environment shall be subject to an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) pursuant to Directive 2011/92/EU, to ensure compliance with the DNSH principle is integrated into the project and strictly complied with at the stages of construction, operation and decommissioning of the infrastructure. In total, 30 kilometres of roads shall be constructed or upgraded. The following road interventions are planned:

    -EN103: Vinhais / Bragança (bypass);

    -Link from Bragança to Puebla de Sanabria (Spain);

    -International bridge over the Sever river;

    -Bridge Alcoutim – Saluncar de Guadiana (Spain).

    The implementation of the investment shall be completed by 31 December 2025.

    Investment RE-C07-i04: Business Reception Areas — Road accessibility

    The objective of the measures is to improve the competitiveness of business parks through improvements of their road network connectivity, contributing to the reindustrialisation of rural areas.

    The investment shall consist of investments in expanding and upgrading road infrastructure. It is complementary to the investment RE-CCT-C7-I1, which aims to modernise business parks.

    It is expected that this measure does not do significant harm to environmental objectives within the meaning of Article 17 of Regulation (EU) 2020/852, taking into account the description of the measure and the mitigating steps set out in the recovery and resilience plan in accordance with the DNSH Technical Guidance (2021/C58/01). In particular, DNSH compliance is ensure through investment C07-I0 (Extension of the Electric Vehicle Charging Network) as an accompanying measure. Any road project potentially likely to have significant negative effects on the environment shall be subject to an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) pursuant to Directive 2011/92/EU, to ensure compliance with the DNSH principle is integrated into the project and strictly complied with at the stages of construction, operation and decommissioning of the infrastructure. In total, 42 kilometres of roads shall be constructed or upgraded. The following road interventions are planned:

    -Connection to the Mundão industrial park: removing constraints in EN229 Viseu/ Sátão;

    -Connection to the Mundão industrial park: EN229 – ex-IP5 / Mundão industrial park;

    -Accessibility to the Riachos industrial zone;

    -Access of the IC8 (Ansião) to Camporês business park;

    -EN10-4 : Setúbal/ Mitrena;

    -Connection to Fontiscos industrial park and rehabilitation of the node Ermida (Santo Tirso);

    -Connection of the A8 to the Palhagueiras industrial park in Torres Vedras;

    -Connection of the A11 to the industrial zone of Cabeça de Porca (Felgueiras);

    -Connection of the EN114 to the Rio Maior industrial zone;

    -Improved access to the Lavagueiras Business Location Area (Castelo de Paiva);

    -Improvement of accessibility to the Campo Maior Industrial Area;

    -EN248 (Arruda dos Vinhos) bypass;

    -Aljustrel bypass - Improving access to the Mining Area and the Business Location Area;

    -Via do Tâmega of EN210 (Celorico de Basto) bypass;

    -Connection of the IC2 to the Casarão industrial park;

    -New crossing of Rio Lima between EN203 - Deocriste and EN202 - Nogueira;

    -Roundabout at EN246 for access to Portalegre industrial zone;

    -Access to Avepark – Science and Technology Park of Taipas (Guimarães);

    -Access to Vale do Neiva industrial zone at A28 node.

    The implementation of the investment shall be completed by 31 December 2025.

    Investment RE-C07-i05-RAA: Logistic Circuits — Regional Network of the Azores

    The objective of the measure is to create the conditions for a more balanced economic development by promoting economic operators outside major urban centres. The interventions also aim at reducing travel distances, journey times and congestion.

    The investment shall consist of expanding and upgrading road infrastructure on the Azores. It aims to improve the accessibility to population centres and economic activity hubs and the main entry infrastructures on each island. It is also aimed to intervene in the construction of circular roads to the main urban centres, with reduction of urban crossings.

    It is expected that this measure does not do significant harm to environmental objectives within the meaning of Article 17 of Regulation (EU) 2020/852, taking into account the description of the measure and the mitigating steps set out in the recovery and resilience plan in accordance with the DNSH Technical Guidance (2021/C58/01). In particular, DNSH compliance is ensure through investment C07-I0 (Extension of the Electric Vehicle Charging Network) as an accompanying measure. Any road project potentially likely to have significant negative effects on the environment shall be subject to an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) pursuant to Directive 2011/92/EU, to ensure compliance with the DNSH principle is integrated into the project and strictly complied with at the stages of construction, operation and decommissioning of the infrastructure. In total, 34 kilometres of roads shall be constructed or upgraded. The following road interventions are planned:

    -Ilha de Santa Maria

    oVila do Porto bypass

    -Ilha de São Miguel

    oAccessibility improvement Furnas / Povoação – 1st stage: Furnas bypass

    oCapelas bypass

    oSão Roque bypass

    oPortal do Vento bypass

    -Ilha Terceira

    oPromoting accessibility, mobility and road safety conditions - connection between Via Vitorino Nemésio and Angra Circular

    -Ilha Graciosa

    oConnection between E.R. 3-2ª and E.R. 4-2ª

    -Ilha de São Jorge

    oPromoting accessibility, mobility and road safety conditions – North South connection

    -Ilha do Pico

    oConstruction of the circular road to Vila da Madalena

    -Ilha do Faial

    oConstruction of the 2nd stage of the Cidade da Horta bypass

    The implementation of the investment shall be completed by 31 December 2025.

    G.2.    Milestones, targets, indicators, and timetable for monitoring and implementation for non-repayable financial support

    Sequential Number

    Measure (Reform or Investment)



    Qualitative indicators (for milestones)

    Quantitative indicators (for targets)

    Indicative timeline for completion

    Description and clear definition of each milestone and target


    Unit of measure








    Additional publicly accessible electric vehicle recharging stations



    3 520

    5 250



    Number of publicly accessible charging stations for electric vehicles (compared to the Q4 2021 baseline)




    Additional publicly accessible electric vehicle recharging stations



    5 250

    10 450



    Number of publicly accessible charging stations for electric vehicles (compared to the Q4 2022 baseline)




    Additional publicly accessible electric vehicle recharging stations



    10 450

    15 000



    Number of publicly accessible charging stations for electric vehicles (compared to the Q4 2024 baseline)




    Selection of Business Reception Areas for interventions to improve environmental sustainability and digitalisation

    Signature of a public protocol confirming the selection of Business Reception Areas






    Business Reception Areas shall be selected in a competitive tender procedure. A signed public protocol shall be submitted to the Commission, confirming that the selection of Business Reception Areas has been concluded and identifying the selected Business Reception Areas.




    Completion of interventions in selected business reception areas







    Number of business reception areas with works completed to improve their environmental sustainability and digitalisation.

    Business reception areas for intervention selected in a competitive tender procedure.




    Contract signed for 1 road project

    Contract signed with contractor for the road project






    Signature by the parties of the document governing their obligations in relation to the execution of the works, following a public tender procedure.





    Contract signed for 2 road projects

    Contract signed with contractor for road projects






    Signature by the parties of the document governing their obligations in relation to the execution of the works, following a public tender procedure.





    Roads built or rehabilitated







    Km of roads built or rehabilitated according to technical specifications of the tender and fully incorporating any result and condition from the Environmental Impact Assessment.




    First Environmental Impact Assessment completed

    Completion of the Environmental Impact Assessment






    Environmental impact assessment of one road project has been completed.




    Roads built or rehabilitated







    Km of roads built or rehabilitated according to technical specifications of the tender and fully incorporating any result and condition from the Environmental Impact Assessment.




    Contract signed for 10 road projects

    Contract signed with contractor for the road projects






    Signature by the parties of the document governing their obligations in relation to the execution of the works, at a price, following a public tender procedure.




    Roads built or rehabilitated







    Km of roads built or rehabilitated according to technical specifications of the tender and fully incorporating any result and condition from the Environmental Impact Assessment.




    Contract signed for 2 road projects

    Contract signed with contractor for the road projects






    Signature by the parties of the document governing their obligations in relation to the execution of the works, at a price, following a public tender procedure.




    Contract signed for 8 road projects

    Contract signed with contractor of the road projects






    Signature by the parties of the document governing their obligations in relation to the execution of the works, at a price, following a public tender procedure.




    Roads built or rehabilitated







    Km of roads built or rehabilitated according to technical specifications of the tender and fully incorporating any result and condition from the Environmental Impact Assessment.

    H. COMPONENT 8: Forests

    The component addresses the following challenges: the socio-economic and demographic decline in rural areas, the existence of extensive areas without active management to prevent fires or to protect biodiversity and the highly fragmented private ownership of the land. The exodus of the population towards the major urban centres and the progressive ageing of the rural population has led to the abandonment of rural territories and traditional primary economic sectors. This led to the gradual expansion of forest areas, unplanned and unmanaged and with a high concentration of fuel load. These areas have a strong exposure to the danger of rural fires, which may result in the loss of human lives, extensive damage to land and property and the destruction of forests and the goods and services it produces. Portugal is the country in southern Europe with the largest share of burnt area in rural territories and the highest average number of fires. According to the European Forest Fire Information System (EFFIS), around 169 000 hectares were burnt on average per year between 2015 and 2019.

    The objectives of this component are:

    -to promote the active planning and management of vulnerable and highenvironmental value agricultural and forestry land;

    -to protect biodiversity by supporting the restoration of agricultural and forestry ecosystems, especially in burnt areas;

    -to contribute to territorial cohesion and job creation by revitalising the economic activities of rural territories; and

    -to increase the resilience of these territories by reducing the risk of fires through effective and efficient fire-prevention and, in case of fires, by reducing damage through effective and efficient fire-fighting.

    The component contributes to addressing the Country Specific Recommendation on improving the quality of public finances by prioritising growth-enhancing spending (Country Specific Recommendation 1 2019). Public spending associated with the upgrade of the registry of rural properties would promote their adequate management and possibly make economic activity in rural areas more dynamic. In addition, the component makes an important contribution to addressing the Country Specific Recommendations on focusing investment on the green and digital transition, taking into account regional disparities (Country Specific Recommendation 3 2019 and Country Specific Recommendation 3 2020).

    This component is expected to contribute to both green and digital transitions. As regards the green dimension, the component contributes directly to climate change adaptation as it aims to increase the resilience of rural territories to fires. Furthermore, the active sustainable management of these territories contributes to the prevention of soil erosion, the control of invasive species and pests and the carbon sequestration by forests. Finally, as regards the digital dimension, the planned measures for the land ownership cadastre system, the Land Cover Monitoring System (SMOS), including the LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) and the high resolution satellite imagery, are highlighted as they promote e-government and digital public services.

    It is expected that no measure in this component does significant harm to environmental objectives within the meaning of Article 17 of Regulation (EU) 2020/852, taking into account the description of the measures and the mitigating steps set out in the plan in accordance with the DNSH Technical Guidance (2021/C58/01).

    H.1. Description of the reforms and investments for non-repayable financial support

    Reform RE-r19: Landscape Transformation in Vulnerable Forest Areas

    The objective of this measure is to transform the landscape of vulnerable forest territories with extensive areas of unmanaged monocultures and high risks of fires, in order to prevent rural fires and increase climate and economic resilience.

    This reform shall be implemented through Investment RE-C08-i01 (Landscape Transformation in Vulnerable Forest Areas). The reform shall consist of four measures that complement each other and are outlined below:

    -the Planning and Management Programmes (PRGP);

    -the Integrated Landscape Management Area (AIGP);

    -an integrated support programme for rural villages located in forest territories (Village Gated Community); and

    -the Emparcelar para Ordenar programme.

    The reform builds upon and supports the Landscape Transformation Programme (Programa de Transformação da Paisagem - PTP) with the necessary legal framework. This legal framework shall include at least the legislation for the conversion of landscapes by means of Landscape Planning and Management Programmes (PRGPs) and Integrated Landscape Management Areas (AIGPs), the legislation aimed at approving the delimitation of vulnerable territories to which Landscape Planning and Management Programmes and Integrated Landscape Management Areas may apply, and legislation on compulsory tenure of rural land in forestry areas.

    The implementation of the reform shall be completed by 30 September 2021.

    Reform RE-r20: Reorganisation of the Land Property Registry System and Land Cover Monitoring System

    The objective of this measure is to overcome the absence of a multifunctional land registry with the introduction and development of a system for the identification and verification of boundaries of land ownership and the subsequent registration of land ownership. This shall allow for a coherent, up-to-date and holistic view of the territory that shall enhance the value of land for its owners and allow the State to develop concrete, sustainable and multisectoral public policies.

    The reform shall consist of a pilot project for the creation of a simplified national cadastral information system which shall identify the land structure and land ownership of rural territories, the entry into operation of the Land Cover Monitoring System (SMOS) and the development of the BUPi (Digital Land Registry) platform, a physical and virtual counter with geo-referenced information on properties, that shall aggregate the information necessary for their registration and shall facilitate citizens’ interaction with the public administration within the scope of the land register. The reform also sets up the necessary legal framework to operationalise Investment RE-C08-i02: Rural property registry and Land Cover Monitoring System. The reform shall include:

    -the adoption of a law setting up the Mission Structure for the expansion of the Simplified Cadastral Information System, a public entity that shall monitor the expansion of the simplified national cadastral information system and the development of the BUPi platform;

    -the adoption of an act setting up the system for the operation and financing of the model for the organisation and development of the simplified cadastral information system;

    -the adoption of a law approving the Legal Regime for the land register, establishing the National System of Cadastral Information System, articulated with the Simplified Cadastral Information System and enshrining the Cadastral Charter as the national map of land under land registry;

    -the adoption of a legal act amending Regulatory Decree No 9-A/2017 of 3 November 34 that clarifies the operations of the Simplified Cadastral Information System and the BUPi platform, adopting measures for the immediate identification of land structure and ownership of agricultural and mixed land; and

    -the drafting of a proposal for a law establishing an extraordinary system for the registration of rural land and amending the Land Registry Code (CRP).

    The implementation of the reform shall be completed by 31 December 2022.

    Reform RE-r21: Prevention and combating of rural fires

    The objectives of this measure are to increase the prevention from and to improve the fight against rural fires through the creation of a primary network of fuel management breaks and the reinforcement of the entities responsible for the management of and the protection against rural fires.

    The reform shall consist of the following:

    -adoption of an act approving the National Plan for Integrated Management of Rural Fires (PNGIFR);

    -adoption of a law on the establishment of the integrated management system for rural fires (SIGIFR); and

    -adoption of an act approving the National Action Programme of the National Plan for Integrated Management of Rural Fires.

    The integrated management system for rural fires (SIGIFR) shall provide, at national level, macropolicies and strategic guidelines that shall contribute to reducing the risk of rural fires and to changing the behaviour of owners, users and direct and indirect beneficiaries of the rural territory. The system shall define inter-ministerial coordination models, delimiting the competences and scope of action of each entity within the SIGIFR, with greater accountability for the various actors in the decision-making process. It shall set out a model of governance, monitoring and evaluation, which shall contribute to the continuous improvement of public policies and programmes.

    A rural fire information system shall be established in order to aggregate and disseminate all relevant technical information from the SIGIFR. Furthermore, it shall define a model based on risk prevention and minimisation, either through awareness-raising activities or through the establishment of regional defence networks, in which fuel management plays a leading role in the sanctioning regime.

    The implementation of the reform shall be completed by 30 September 2021.

    Investment RE-C08-i01: Landscape Transformation in Vulnerable Forest Areas

    The objectives of this measure are to increase the resilience of vulnerable territories to the risks associated with climate change, in particular rural fires and biodiversity loss and to promote sustainable growth and territorial cohesion. These objectives shall be achieved through the transformation of the landscape, the increase of the average size of agricultural property, the change in land use and the planning of new economic activities.

    This investment shall consist of the following programmes:

    -the Landscape Planning and Management Programmes (PRGPs) that shall design the desirable landscape and define a transition matrix in the medium- to long-term supported by a financing model that ensures its implementation;

    -the Integrated Landscape Management Areas (AIGPs) that shall increase the size of the forest area managed to achieve a scale that promotes resilience to fires and valorisation of natural capital and create the necessary conditions for the development of Integrated Landscape Management Operations (OIGPs) which define the programming of interventions, the operating model, the financial resources to be allocated and the management and monitoring system;

    -the integrated Support Programme for Rural Villages located in forest territories that shall support a set of actions to ensure the change in land use and occupation and the management of fuel around rural villages; and

    -the Emparcelar para Ordenar programme that shall increase the average size of agricultural property and, thus, contribute to the viability and economic sustainability of the farms that are installed or shall be installed there.

    The implementation of the investment shall be completed by 30 September 2025.

    Investment RE-C08-i02: Rural property registry and Land Cover Monitoring System

    The objective of this measure is to provide the Portuguese State with a broad knowledge base of the territory, in particular as regards the type and boundaries of rural properties, making it possible to identify landowners. This is essential for planning, managing and supporting decisions on the territory’s occupation and use.

    This investment shall consist of the expansion of the simplified cadastral information system, the development of the BUPi platform and the production of reference mapping for the Land Cover Monitoring System (SMOS), including a digital 3-D representation of land through Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) coverage, vegetation maps, biomass and timber volume maps, land cover and use maps and Satellite Image Coverage. These measures complement each other and shall allow for the full operationalisation of the BUPi platform, while ensuring the interoperability of all the different information systems in place related to cadastral geometry, the land registry, and tax matrices currently managed by different authorities including the Tributary and Customs Authority, the Institute of Registration and Notary Affairs and the General Directorate for Territory. Citizens, businesses and all public authorities shall acquire a unique identification number (NIP) for their properties, including information on their boundaries and characteristics. To ensure the successful implementation of the aforementioned measures, the investment shall also include training activities for authorised technical staff of the municipalities, registrars and for the agents of the tax authorities.

    The implementation of the investment shall be completed by 31 March 2025.

    Investment RE-C08-i03: Fuel management breaks — primary network

    The objective of this measure is to create horizontal discontinuities in the landscape through a primary network of fuel management breaks (RPFGC). This network shall isolate fire outbreaks, protect communication routes, social infrastructures and equipment, reduce the average area destroyed by fires by compartmentalising the landscape, facilitate fire-fighting actions and ensure the safety of firefighters by creating escape routes.

    The investment shall include the following measures:

    -mapping and land use assessment of land included in the primary fuel management break structuring network;

    -identification of owners, assessment and calculation of the level of compensation and other elements leading to the declaration of public utility, notification to land owners, conclusion of agreements and payment of the related compensations;

    -inclusion in the BUPi platform of the geo-referenced graphic representation of the rural land included in the constitution of the administrative servitude with a view to enabling the subsequent special registration procedures; and

    -implementation of the primary network of fuel management breaks at national level.

    Regarding the creation of discontinuities in extensive areas of maritime pine monocultures and, above all, eucalyptus, Portugal committed that the eucalyptus production area in the Landscape Planning and Management Programme of the Serras de Monchique e Silves (PRGPSMS) shall be very restricted. To this end, Investment RE-C08-i01 (Landscape Transformation in Vulnerable Forest Areas) provides for the replacement of eucalyptus areas by other species, in particular native species such as cork oak, cherry tree, strawberry tree and other non-native species established in Portugal, such as chestnut or walnut trees. 

    The implementation of the investment shall be completed by 31 December 2025.

    Investment RE-C08-i04: Means to prevent and combat rural fires

    The objective of this measure is to reinforce the State entities involved in the prevention and combat of rural fires. More specifically, this measure shall leverage the capacity, in terms of infrastructure and equipment, of the Portuguese Air Force, and of the Nature and Forest Conservation Institute (ICNF) in order to increase their effectiveness and efficiency in preventing and combating rural fires. Moreover, this measure shall improve the risk assessment by standardising and updating the Portuguese Institute of the Sea and the Atmosphere (IPMA) radar network.

    This investment shall consist of the purchase of six light and six medium firefighter helicopters, the construction of new and the renovation of existing buildings (operations centre and maintenance hangars), the purchase of vehicles, machinery and equipment that are necessary in fire-fighting operational response such as personal protective equipment, fire fighting vehicles, bulldozers and tractors, and the standardisation and upgrade of the meteorological radar network.

    It is expected that this measure does not do significant harm to environmental objectives within the meaning of Article 17 of Regulation (EU) 2020/852, taking into account the description of the measure and the mitigating steps set out in the recovery and resilience plan in accordance with the DNSH Technical Guidance (2021/C58/01). In particular, to ensure compliance with the DNSH Technical Guidance (2021/C58/01), the vehicles, machinery and equipment to be purchased shall be zero-emission. Where no zero-emission alternatives exist, the vehicles, machinery and equipment to be purchased shall represent the best available levels of environmental performance in the sector.

    The implementation of the investment shall be completed by 31 December 2025.

    Investment RE-C08-i05: More Forest Programme

    The objectives of the measure are to upgrade the fire prevention and firefighting system, shifting from the model of combating fires to the model of prevention and to strengthen the actions of Forest Producer Organisations (OPFs) and Competence Centres in the forestry sector, by involving specialists and boosting the technical qualifications of all the actors involved in these entities.

    This investment shall consist of the following measures:

    -extension of the ‘Secure Village’ and ‘Safe People’ programmes aimed at promoting awareness-raising actions for the prevention of risky behaviour of the population, self-protection measures and simulations of evacuation plans, in conjunction with local authorities;

    -strengthening of the operational response capacity of the National Authority for Emergency and Civil Protection (ANEPC) and the National Gendarmerie (GNR) in the fight against rural fires, in particular through the purchase of vehicles and personal protective equipment, the renovation of existing infrastructures and the creation of new ANEPC regional and sub-regional structures;

    -provision of training and qualification to the operational staff involved in fire-fighting and to the OPF technicians; and

    -strengthening of forest owners’ organisations and competence centres in areas that are essential for the sustainability of forest resources.

    The implementation of the investment shall be completed by 31 December 2025.


    H.2. Milestones, targets, indicators, and timetable for monitoring and implementation for non-repayable financial support

    Sequential Number

    Measure (Reform or Investment)



    Qualitative indicators (for milestones)

    Quantitative indicators (for targets)

    Indicative timeline for completion

    Description and clear definition of each milestone and target


    Unit of measure








    Development of Landscape Planning and Management Programmes (PRGP) in the territories defined as vulnerable.







    Approval by the Government of Landscape Planning and Management Programmes (PRGP) for 20 homogeneous vulnerable areas or areas affected by major fires, taking into account the Charter of the Landscape Units of Mainland Portugal and the Territorial Model of the National Programme for Spatial Planning Policy.




    Publication of Integrated Landscape Management Operations (OIGPs) in the Diário da Republica







    Approval and publication in the Diário da Republica of 60 Integrated Landscape Management Operations (OIGPs), which define the programming of interventions, the operating model, the financial resources to be allocated and the management and monitoring system.




    Villages with fuel management projects







    Conclusion of contracts setting out the specific conditions for financing of fuel management projects between the Environmental Fund and the beneficiaries (municipalities, inter-municipal communities, local development associations) in at least 800 rural villages located in forest territories (village gated community).








    Moving towards a BUPi 2.0 Platform

    Entry into production of the BUPi 2.0 Platform






    Provision of the cloud based BUPi 2.0 platform that shall upgrade and expand the functionalities already existing in the pilot BUPi project. BUPi 2.0 shall ensure coverage at national level and interoperability of the different systems currently managed by different authorities including the Tax and Customs Authorities. BUPi 2.0 shall allow for the gradual implementation of unique property identification numbers (NIPs).




    Training on BUPi







    Number of quarterly trainings provided related to BUPi to the nationally qualified technicians who carry out graphic representation procedures (RGG), the staff of the Institute of Registers and Notaries (IRN), agents of the tax authorities and the registry officers.




    Land cover and use maps (COS) 2023

    Publication of land cover and use maps (COSs)






    Production and publication of the land cover and use maps (COS) 2023, based on information validated by the responsible authorities. The land cover and use maps shall portray a geographical representation of the country and shall provide information on the land use and occupation, as well as, on types of crops and forestation.




    Publication of the Primary Fuel Management Breaks Structuring Network (RPFGC) contract

    Publication of the Primary Fuel Management Breaks Structuring Network (RPFGC) contract in






    Award by the competent authority of the contract for the implementation of the Primary Fuel Management Breaks Structuring Network (RPFGC) to create horizontal discontinuities in the landscape to isolate fire outbreaks.




    Established easement area




    21 727



    Easement area formed in Structural Primary Network Fuel Interruption Boxes




    Implementation of the Primary Fuel Management Breaks Structuring Network (RPFGC)



    37 500



    Implemented area (in ha) of the Primary Fuel Management Breaks Structuring Network (RPFGC) – creation of horizontal discontinuities (fuel management bands) in the landscape to isolate fire outbreaks.




    Delivery of vehicles, machinery and equipment






    Delivery of firefighting and fire-prevention vehicles, machinery, and equipment after confirmation that they meet the technical specifications and other contractual requirements, in accordance with tender procedure.




    Delivery of light and medium firefighter helicopters







    Delivery of six light firefighter helicopter (HEBL) and six medium firefighter helicopters (HEBM) after confirmation that they meet the technical specifications and other contractual requirements.




    Installation of dual polarisation radars







    Installation of two dual polarisation radars with the necessary computing and archiving system, two lightning detectors and two weather meteorological stations. Installation completed after confirmation that they correspond to the technical specifications and other contractual requirements.




    Reinforcement of the entities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (MAI) with vehicles and operational equipment







    Reinforcement of 62 MAI entities (ANEPC, GNR and fire brigades) with new vehicles for at least EUR 20 000 000 and operational equipment for at least EUR 14 000 000.




    Creation of regional and sub-regional structures of the National Authority for Emergency and Civil Protection (ANEPC)







    Entry into operation of two Regional and four Sub-Regional Emergency and Civil Protection Commands (as defined in Decree-Law No 45/2019 of 1 April 2019)




    Publication of the initial report by the Institute for Nature Conservation and Forests, I.P

    Publication of a report on programme contracts between the Institute for Nature Conservation and Forests, I.P. and the Forest owner’s organisations (OPFs) and the Competence Centres






    The report provides details on the programme contracts between the Institute of Nature Conservation and Forests, I.P. and the Forest owner’s organisations (OPFs) and Competence Centres, including information on the objectives and targets to be achieved each year. Following the initial report, the implementation and progress of the programme contracts shall be published every semester.




    Implementation of a national training programme







    Number of training course provided for the technicians of 150 forest owners’ organisations (OPF) with a length of the training courses of at least 684 hours. Training shall focus on the following topics: organisation management, prevention of rural fires, controlled fire clearance, plant health, certification of sustainable forest management, multi-functionality of forest territories, non-woody forest products, remuneration of ecosystem services, biodiversity, forest infrastructure, forestry projects, forest inventory or land register.




    Legal framework on compulsory tenure of rural land in forestry areas

    Entry into force of the legal framework on compulsory tenure of rural land in forestry areas.






    Entry into force of the legal framework implementing the compulsory tenure of rural land in forestry areas. The compulsory tenancy shall be applied exclusively if landowners do not express their commitment to execute the actions defined in the integrated landscape management operation (OIGP) set for the integrated landscape management area (AIGP) in wish their property is located.

    Bill No 68/2020 of 5 November authorises the Government to amend Law No 31/2014 of 30 May, (sets the general bases for public policy on land, town and country planning, in order to approve the legal regime of compulsory tenure 




    Land Cover Monitoring System (SMOS)

    Entry into force of the Land Cover Monitoring System (SMOS)






    Entry into force of the Land Cover Monitoring System (SMOS), encompassing LiDAR Coverage, the digital terrain model, crops and vegetation model, crops and vegetation maps, the publication of Land Cover maps and Satellite Image Coverage.




    Law on the establishment of the integrated management system for rural fires (SGIFR)

    Entry into force of the law establishing the integrated management system for rural fires (SIGIFR) and laying down its operating rules.






    The integrated management system for rural fires (SGIFR) provides, at national level, macropolicies and strategic guidelines which contribute to reducing the risk of rural fires and to changing the behaviour of owners, users and direct and indirect beneficiaries of the rural territory. The system defines inter-ministerial coordination models, delimiting the competences and scope of action of each entity within the SIGIFR.

    It defines the contents of the various tools for integrated rural fire management planning at national, regional, sub-regional and municipal level. A rural fire information system is set up in order to aggregate and disseminate all relevant technical information from the SIGIFR and there is a clear commitment to defining a model based on risk prevention and minimisation, either through awareness-raising activities or through the establishment of regional defence networks, in which fuel management plays a leading role in the sanctioning regime. Finally, it sets out a model of governance, monitoring and evaluation, which shall contribute to the continuous improvement of public policies and programmes.


    I. COMPONENT 9: Water Management

    The component addresses the following challenges: deal with the high pressure on storage systems providing water supply and improve water efficiency to counteract the constraints imposed by the expected annual rainfall decrease, higher frequency of droughts, seasonality and water leakage increase

    The objectives of the component are to mitigate water scarcity and ensure the resilience of the regions with the biggest drought issue and in critical need of effective intervention to ensure water supply in the Algarve, Alentejo and Madeira.

    Increased water resilience is of paramount importance to the development of these three regions, representing also a mandatory condition for tourism and ecosystems (especially in the Algarve and Madeira), agriculture (Alentejo and Madeira), economic activity reconfiguration (Alentejo) and to attend to combined pressures of peaks in irrigation needs and human consumption (Madeira).

    The component contributes to addressing the Country Specific Recommendation on investment on the climate transition (Country Specific Recommendation 3 2020).

    I.1.    Description of the reforms and investments for non-repayable financial support

    Investment RE-C09-i01: Algarve Water Efficiency Regional Plan

    The objectives of this investment are to respond to the water scarcity in the Algarve, which continues to worsen in the face of climate change. A response is needed for the continuation of and development of economic activity and for the diversification of the Algarve economy.

    The investment shall consist of measures to reduce water losses in the urban and agricultural sectors in the Algarve through more efficient irrigation technologies as well as promoting the reuse of treated waste water. At the supply level, the measures shall consider taking advantage of the existing capacity and improving resilience of existing reservoirs by increasing the inflow to the Odeleite reservoir by means of abstraction on the River Guadiana, strengthening strategic reserves, and by installing a desalinator. In particular, these new sources of water shall work as a complement to satisfy existing usage in order to face the predictable effects of climate change. It shall also consist of measures to intensify monitoring, licensing and enforcement.

    It is expected that this measure does not do significant harm to environmental objectives within the meaning of Article 17 of Regulation (EU) 2020/852, taking into account the description of the measure and the mitigating steps set out in the recovery and resilience plan in accordance with the DNSH Technical Guidance (2021/C58/01) and the milestones and targets to be fulfilled by Portugal. In particular, all projects potentially likely to have significant effects on the environment shall be subject to an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), which shall be completed in accordance with Directive 2011/92/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 13 December 2011 on the assessment of the effects of certain public and private projects on the environment as well as relevant assessments in the context of Directive 2000/60/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council establishing a framework for the Community action in the field of water policy, or for short, the EU Water Framework Directive, including the implementation of required mitigation measures, ensuring compliance with the DNSH Technical Guidance (2021/C58/01). Any measures identified in the framework of the EIA and the assessment under Directive 2000/60/EC as necessary to ensure compliance with the DNSH principle shall be integrated into the project and strictly complied with at the stages of construction, operation and decommissioning of the infrastructure.

    Where water is abstracted, a relevant permit shall be granted by the relevant authority, specifying conditions to avoid deterioration and to ensure that affected water bodies remain in good ecological status, in accordance with the requirements of the Water Framework Directive 2000/60/EC. 

    The implementation of the investment shall be completed by 31 March 2026.

    Investment RE-C09-i02: Hydraulic multi-purpose enterprise of Crato

    The objectives of this measure are to ensure drinking water supply, counter the desertification of the region, diversify agriculture and contribute to the reconfiguration of energy production in the area. The measure shall consist of the following steps: construction of a dam in the Crato valley to ensure the provision of water for human consumption and agriculture reconfiguration, while offering a privileged site to install floating photovoltaic panels (to be installed in the water mirror with means outside the Recovery and Resilience Facility) and producing electricity autonomously from the projected mini-hydro plant. For an installed capacity of 75 MW, the photovoltaic plant shall meet more than 60% of the region’s current energy needs and reduce by more than 80 000 tonnes/year of carbon dioxide emissions (according to the lake area to be created - 7.24 km2 - and the maximum area that might be used for photovoltaic panel installation, as much as 200 MW might be installed). It shall also contribute to diversify agricultural activity and to to attract inhabitants to this demographically deprived area of the country, while introducing a water efficient management system.

    The development is located in the river basin of the Tagus in a zone close to the boundary of the Guadiana river basin. In addition to the Seda River, this investment also affects two tributary rivers from which water shall be drained and pumped to the reservoir behind the dam. The investment shall include the following steps:

    -Dam: Set up a full storage reservoir at elevation 248 m (48m high), with a flooded area of 7.24 km2, a storage capacity of 116.1 hm3 and an annual average volume of 57,83 hm3/year, allowing 50.3 hm3 /year for public drinking water supplies, which is essential to ensure redundancy in the supply, i.e. enough water to serve the populations (approximately 55 000 persons) of Alter do Chão, Avis, Crato, Fronteira, Gavião, Nisa, Ponte de Sor and Sousel.

    -Mini-hydro: For the energy use of the flows to be released to irrigation in the valley downstream, benefiting from the drop provided by the dam height. It shall have an installed capacity of 1,0 MW.

    -Enhanced inflow system: It shall mobilise the water resources of two water lines connecting downstream of the section of the Pisão dam (Chocanal stream on the right bank and Linhares stream on the left bank), pumping water into the reservoir, enhancing the efficiency and resilience of the overall water system. The system shall consist of a downstream bypass pipe, lift station and elevation line.

    -System for strengthening the supply of the Póvoa and Meadas dam from the Pisão dam: connection from the reservoir to be set up to the water treatment plant in Póvoa and Meadas to ensure the urban consumption needs of the municipalities of Alter do Chão, Avis, Crato, Fronteira, Gavião, Nisa, Ponte de Sor and Sousel.

    -Irrigation infrastructure to support existing agricultural areas: this shall include lifting stations for irrigation, ducts, balancing reservoirs and distribution networks, irrigation networks and improvement of agricultural access, and is expected to create 5 078 ha of new irrigation blocks (Alter do Chão, Avis, Crato, Fronteira and Sousel).The irrigation perimeter shall be divided into batches with an area not exceeding 100 ha.

    -Solar photovoltaic power plant (solar plates, inverters, floating, low and medium voltage wiring): installation of photovoltaic panels in the water mirror of the reservoir. Financing shall be done outside the Recovery and Resilience Plan.

    It is expected that this measure does not do significant harm to environmental objectives within the meaning of Article 17 of Regulation (EU) 2020/852, taking into account the description of the measure and the mitigating steps set out in the recovery and resilience plan in accordance with the DNSH Technical Guidance (2021/C58/01) and the milestones and targets to be fulfilled by Portugal. Full and substantive compliance with the applicable legal provisions shall be demonstrated. When publishing the draft EIA for public consultation, it shall comprise 1) the projected water flows in the affected water body in the baseline scenario (no investment) as well as after the investment, fully taking into account the adverse impacts of climate change based on the best available scientific prediction, including a plausible worst-case scenario; and 2) a justification of the purpose of the investment as compared to alternatives with potentially lower environmental impacts, both in terms of their goals (extent of irrigated land vs sustainable rural regeneration) and their means (reducing water demand and nature-based solutions). In particular, all projects potentially likely to have significant effects on the environment shall be subject to an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), which shall be completed in accordance with Directive 2011/92/EU, as well as relevant assessments in the context of Directive 2000/60/EC, including the implementation of required mitigation measures, ensuring compliance with the DNSH Technical Guidance (2021/C58/01).

    Any measures identified in the framework of the EIA and the assessment under Directive 2000/60/EC as necessary to ensure compliance with the DNSH principle shall be integrated into the project and strictly complied with at the stages of construction, operation and decommissioning of the infrastructure.

    The EIA shall be based on the most up-to-date, comprehensive and accurate data, including monitoring data on biological quality elements that are specifically sensitive to hydromorphological alterations, and on the expected status of the water body as a result of the new activities, as compared to its current one. It shall assess in particular the cumulated impacts of this new project with other existing or planned infrastructure in the river basin.

    A permit for the project is to be granted by the relevant authority, specifying all technically feasible and ecologically relevant measures implemented to mitigate the impacts and ensure the achievement of good ecological status / potential in the affected water bodies, and ensure that the effectiveness of these measures is monitored, in accordance with the requirements of the Water Framework Directive 2000/60/EC.

    To be compliant with Directive 2000/60/EC, it shall be demonstrated, on the basis of an assessment of all potential impacts on the status of water bodies within the same river basin and on protected habitats and species directly dependent on water, considering in particular current pressures related to water abstraction, that the measure:

    i) does not significantly or irreversibly impact affected water bodies, nor prevent the specific water body to which it relates nor other water bodies in the same river basin to achieve good status or potential by Q4 2025; and

    ii) does not cause significant negative impact on protected habitats and species directly dependent on water.

    A permit for the project must be granted by the relevant authority, specifying all technically feasible and ecologically relevant measures implemented to mitigate the impacts and ensure the achievement of good ecological status and potential in the affected water bodies by Q4 2025, and ensure that the effectiveness of these measures is monitored, in accordance with the requirements of the Water Framework Directive 2000/60/EC.

    The implementation of the investment shall be completed by 31 December 2025.

    Investment RE-C09-i03-RAM: Plan for water efficiency and strengthening of supply and irrigation systems of Madeira

    The objectives of the measure are to increase the resilience of the water resources on the island of Madeira.

    The investment shall consist of making supply of water resources available in the more densely populated south of the island by optimising the use of existing resources, the abstraction of surplus water without any impact on ecosystems, the establishment and expansion of strategic reserves and the interconnection of the various sources of water.

    It is expected that this measure does not do significant harm to environmental objectives within the meaning of Article 17 of Regulation (EU) 2020/852, taking into account the description of the measure and the mitigating steps set out in the recovery and resilience plan in accordance with the DNSH Technical Guidance (2021/C58/01) and the milestones and targets to be fulfilled by Portugal. In particular, all projects potentially likely to have significant effects on the environment shall necessarily have to be subject to an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) pursuant to Directive 2011/92/EU, as well as relevant assessments in the context of Directive 2000/60/EC and Directive 92/43/EEC, including the implementation of required mitigation measures.

    The implementation of the investment shall be completed by 31 December 2025.

    I.2. Milestones, targets, indicators, and timetable for monitoring and implementation for non-repayable financial support

    Sequential Number

    Measure (Reform or Investment)



    Qualitative indicators (for milestones)

    Quantitative indicators (for targets)

    Timeline for completion

    Description and clear definition of each milestone and target


    Unit of measure








    Additional monitoring points of groundwater resources installed (SM3)






    Installation of monitoring and supervision points of groundwater resources (including piezometers and telemetry meters). In addition to an existing 32, another 50 piezometers, shall be installed. 




    Completion of network interventions to reduce water losses (SM1)






    Completion of network interventions to optimise pressure and rehabilitate the network with the following actions: 1) pressure optimisation and flow measurement, 2) network rehabilitation in urban/historical areas 3) network rehabilitation in rural or medium rural areas.




    Modernisation of land area of collective hydro-agricultural use and individual irrigation (SM2)



    10 300



    Area concerned by the adoption of more efficient distribution systems, through the replacement of channels by ducts, improved network pressure, implementation of remote sensing and consumption control systems, and implementation of leak detection systems for collective hydroagricultural facilities and for the installation of more efficient and monitorable irrigation systems in individual irrigation




    No of treatment plants to ensure the production and refinement of treated waste water (SM4)






    Number of treatment plants opened to ensure the production of treated waste water ready for reuse




    Adoption of an updated design (if required) of the measure on abstraction in Guadiana, fully incorporating any result and condition from the Environmental Impact Assessment (SM5)

    Adoption of the updated design (if required)



    Adoption of an updated design of the measure (if required), fully incorporating the necessary results and conditions from the Environmental Impact Assessment, which shall be completed in accordance with Directive 2011/92/EU as well as relevant assessments in the context of Directive 2000/60/EC, including the implementation of required mitigation measures, ensuring compliance with the DNSH Technical Guidance (2021/C58/01).

    Any measures identified in the framework of the EIA and the assessment under Directive 2000/60/EC as necessary to ensure compliance with the DNSH principle shall be integrated into the project and strictly complied with at the stages of construction, operation and decommissioning of the infrastructure.

    Where water is abstracted, a relevant permit must be granted by the relevant authority, specifying conditions to avoid deterioration and ensure that affected water bodies remain in good ecological status, in accordance with the requirements of 2000/60/EC.




    Entry into operation of the abstraction in Guadiana fully respecting the results and conditions set by the Environmental Impact Assessment (SM5)

    Entry into operation of the water abstraction



    Entry into operation of the abstraction in Guadiana, fully respecting the outcome of the EIA that shall have been completed in accordance with Directive 2011/92/EU, including the implementation of required mitigation measures, ensuring compliance with the DNSH Technical Guidance (2021/C58/01)




    Adoption of an updated design (if required) of the desalination measure, fully incorporating any result and condition from the Environmental Impact Assessment (SM6)

    Adoption of the updated design (if required)



    Adoption of an updated design of the desalination measure (if required), fully incorporating the necessary results and conditions from the Environmental Impact Assessment, which shall be completed in accordance with Directive 2011/92/EU as well as relevant assessments in the context of Directive 2000/60/EC, including the implementation of required mitigation measures, ensuring compliance with the DNSH Technical Guidance (2021/C58/01). Any measures identified in the framework of the EIA and the assessment under Directive 2000/60/EC as necessary to ensure compliance with the DNSH principle shall be integrated into the project and strictly complied with at the stages of construction, operation and decommissioning of the infrastructure.




    Entry into operation of the desalination measure, fully respecting the results and conditions set by the Environmental Impact Assessment (SM6)

    Entry into operation of the desalinator



    Entry into operation of the desalinator, fully respecting the outcome of the EIA that shall have been completed in accordance with Directive 2011/92/EU, including the implementation of required mitigation measures, ensuring compliance with the DNSH Technical Guidance (2021/C58/01)




    Publication of the planning documentation of the measure, fully incorporating any result and condition from the EIA

    Publication of the planning documentation of the measure, fully incorporating any result and condition from the EIA



    Conditional on a positive Environmental Impact Assessment that has fully and substantively complied with the legal criteria, publication of the planning documentation of the measure, fully incorporating any result and condition from the Environmental Impact Assessment if required to achieve compliance with the DNSH Technical Guidance (2021/C58/01). The EIA is published and completed in accordance with Directive 2011/92/EU, as well as relevant assessments in the context of Directive 2000/60/EC, including the implementation of required mitigation measures.

    Any measures identified in the framework of the EIA and the assessment under Directive 2000/60/EC as necessary to ensure compliance with the DNSH Technical Guidance (2021/C58/01) shall be integrated into the project and complied with at the stages of construction, operation and decommissioning of the infrastructure.





    Conditional on a positive Environmental Impact Assessment that has fully and substantively complied with the legal criteria, adoption of an updated design of the dam, hydro and solar power generation and irrigation, fully incorporating all results and conditions from the EIA

    Adoption of the updated design



    Conditional on an EIA that concludes that no significant harm is done, the adoption of an updated design of the dam, hydro and solar power generation and irrigation, fully incorporating any result and condition from the comprehensive and cumulative EIA if required to achieve compliance with the DNSH Technical Guidance (2021/C58/01). The EIA is completed in accordance with Directive 2011/92/EU, as well as relevant assessments in the context of Directive 2000/60/EC, including the implementation of required mitigation measures.

    Any measures identified in the framework of the EIA and the assessment under Directive 2000/60/EC as necessary to ensure compliance with the DNSH Technical Guidance (2021/C58/01) shall be integrated into the project and complied with at the stages of construction, operation and decommissioning of the infrastructure.




    Entry into operation of the dam, hydro and solar power generation and irrigation, fully respecting the results and conditions set by the EIA, and achieving good status of the relevant water bodies

    Entry into operation of the Dam



    Entry into operation of the dam, hydro and solar power generation units and irrigation system, fully respecting the results and conditions set by the comprehensive and cumulative EIA that shall have been completed in accordance with Directive 2011/92/EU, as well as relevant assessments in the context of Directive 2000/60/EC, including the implementation of required mitigation measures. Compliance with the DNSH Technical Guidance (2021/C58/01) shall be ensured.

    The measure shall ensure the fulfilment of urban water needs to the populations of Alter do Chão, Avis, Crato, Fronteira, Gavião, Nisa, Ponte de Sor and Sousel. 

    Increase of clean energy generation capacity according to the power capacity of the solar unit to be installed plus 1,0 MW/year from the mini-hydro; installation of irrigation blocs infrastructure allowing the provision of a new irrigated area of 5 078 ha suitable for organic and diversified crops.

    Good ecological status/potential of the relevant water bodies in accordance with the requirements of the Water Framework Directive 2000/60/EC has been achieved and certified.





    Additional km of conduits renovated or rehabilitated






    Length, in km, of water conduits renovated or rehabilitated




    Additional volume of water made available in the southern part of the island of Madeira for public supply and irrigation






    Additional volume of water made available for public supply and irrigation; this shall be achieved through reinforcing, renovating, resizing and building of new pipelines, canals, ponds and reservoirs

    J. COMPONENT 10: Sea

    The component addresses the challenge to pave the way for a more competitive, cohesive,inclusive and furthermore a more decarbonised and sustainable sea economy, an area in which Portugal has strong potential. The component shall help seizing the opportunities arising from the climate and digital transitions in the sea economy. The objective of this component is to support the achievement of national objectives related to the productive potential of the sea economy. In particular the component seeks to ensure the sustainability and competitiveness of the sea-related business system. In addition, the component has the ambition to tackle, at least partly, poverty in coastal communities, while ensuring a competitive and cohesive territory in a context of adaptation to climate and digital transitions, including with a focus on skills relevant for the sea sectors. The component shall also contribute to preserve the value of the services of the ocean ecosystem.

    The component supports addressing the Country Specific Recommendations on focusing economic policy related to investments on ports and on innovation (Country Specific Recommendation 3 2019) and on focusing investment on the green transition (Country Specific Recommendation 3 2020). In addition, the component contributes to addressing the Country Specific Recommendation on improving the skills level of the population (Country Specific Recommendation 2 2020).

    It is expected that no measure in this component does significant harm to environmental objectives within the meaning of Article 17 of Regulation (EU) 2020/852, taking into account the description of the measures and the mitigating steps set out in the plan in accordance with the DNSH Technical Guidance (2021/C58/01).

    J.1. Description of the reforms and investments for non-repayable financial support

    Reform TC-r23: Reform of the Blue Economy Infrastructure Ecosystem.

    The objective of this reform is to revise the Port Tech Clusters Network legislation (approved by the Council of Ministers in 2017), through which Portugal aims at strengthening the economic activities related to the sea, by creating business opportunities, new jobs, supporting exports, supporting the growth of maritime transport and promoting the sustainable exploitation of the sea potential. The reform expands the Port Tech Clusters Network to additional areas with access to the sea, and sets new objectives such as reinforcing the financing capacity of the economy of the sea through a revised Blue Fund, supporting the use of the ocean to improve the resilience to mitigate climate change, promoting the development of skills relating the sea economy and twin transition and reinforcing the public support to innovation for the sustainable development of the sea economy.

    The reform establishes the governance model of a new Blue Hub, which should be a driver of technology transfer between the different actors in the value chain of a new, more resilient and sustainable sea economy whose impact is intended to be lasting and significant on the paradigm shift towards smart, sustainable and inclusive economic development of the sectors concerned.

    The implementation of the reform shall be completed by 31 December 2021.

    Investment TC-C10-i01: Blue Hub, Network of Infrastructure for the Blue Economy

    The objective of this investment is to create a nation-wide network of infrastructures for the blue economy across the country and to strengthen the blue economy innovation ecosystem

    The investment shall consist of construction or refurbishment of new or existing infrastructure as well as investment in equipment relating to the sea economy. The investment shall include the creation of new blue clusters across the country and the upgrade or rehabilitation of existing blue clusters, as well as investment in training and skills through a new Blue School concept. The investment shall consist of the construction of new buildings or rehabilitations and upgrade of buildings and equipment relating to the sea economy. The investment shall allow the capacity to transfer research results into productive specialisations in the economy across the various clusters in Portugal (including Lisbon, Oeiras, Peniche, Aveiro, Porto, Algarve). It also shall include investments in one Blue Hub that shall bring together the knowledge generated by the different clusters and support the networking across these. This Blue Hub reflects the state-of-the-art economic development methodology in line with the Portuguese smart specialisation strategy, which has a strong focus on ocean economy. It also shall include the Blue Hub School project, primarily including investments in infrastructure and equipment, which shall include a significant dimension of skills development, notably through the design of curriculum courses in cooperation with the National Agency for Qualification and Vocational Education and Training (ANQEP) and with an emphasis on digital platforms and training.

    The implementation of the investment shall be completed by 31 December 2025.

    Investment TC-C10-i02: Green and Digital Transition and Safety in Fisheries

    The objectives of this investment is to support the financing of projects aimed at innovation, process modernisation, carbon footprint reduction and the circular economy of fish industry and organisations. The investment shall be implemented through close links between businesses, associations representing the sector, producer organisations, scientific bodies, and central government bodies in order to maximize the social benefit of the investment made. The investment shall consist of a call for tender for 70 projects relating to innovation, modernisation of processes, circular economy and reduction of ecological footprint of firms in the fishery industry.

    The implementation of the investment shall be completed by 31 December 2025.

    Investment TC-C10-i03: Atlantic Defence Operations Centre and naval platform

    The objective of this investment is to contribute to address a number of challenges, including monitoring the bio-geo-chemical dimension of the Ocean and the atmosphere; to map and assess mineral resources and all other non-renewable resources of marine soil and subsoil under Portuguese jurisdiction; continuously map living resources (renewable resources) and monitor their evolution; combat irregularities and illegalities over the ocean of Portuguese jurisdiction on the value chains of ocean industries; responding to natural and man-made disasters; contributing to the mitigation of harmful human actions in the ocean (tackling the effects of pollution such as macro plastics); increase the capacity to record all information produced on the sea; produce new knowledge and generate knowledge by merging information and develop prediction models with different temporal and spatial scales.

    The investment shall consist of developing a system based on three key pillars: Pillar I - Multi-purpose Naval Platform with multiple strengths and serving the following purposes: ocean monitoring, oceanographic research, monitoring of the sea ecology, integration of new technologies for ocean monitoring and ocean intervention - including aerial and submarine robotics systems); Pillar II - Centre of Operations, anchored in an awareness system based on a national sea database and a Digital Twin and a network of Research, Development, Experimentation and Innovation Centres, with a view to strengthen the means for observing oceans, contribute to the objective of creating a Digital Ocean, to foster knowledge and provide solutions for ocean interventions, such as collection of aerial, nautical and submarine data, knowledge of ocean phenomena and mapping the ocean for scientific purposes; and Pillar III — Alfeite Arsenal Academy (Academy 4.0). Pillar I shall consist of constructing a multipurpose platform, integrating frontier technology and extending the functionalities of an oceanic surveillance vessel and oceanographic research vessel to other scenarios such as emergency scenarios such as oil spills or blooms of plastics, algae or jellyfish) or marine ecology monitoring activities and integrating new technological means of ocean observation, monitoring and intervention such as robotic airborne or submarine systems. The platform shall pursue several actions, such as: emergency operations, surveillance, scientific and technological research and environmental and meteorological monitoring. Under Pillar II, the Operations Centre aims to strengthen the means of observing the ocean by contributing to the objective of creating a ‘Digital Ocean’ to enable knowledge creation and, furthermore, to provide solutions that strengthen the national and international capacity to intervene in the oceans. Pillar III aims to be an innovative project for training human resources in the maritime sector — both through the qualification and exchange of experience of those already in companies and by attracting professionals in the field of marine engineering. The Arsenal Academy aims to focus on training in disruptive areas such as robotics, telecommunications, biotechnology, nanotechnology, connectivity, Artificial Intelligence, Big Data and Machine learning.

    The implementation of the investment shall be completed by 31 December 2025.

    Investment TC-C10-i04-RAA: Development of the ‘Cluster do Mar dos Açores’.

    The objective of this investment is to upgrade the fixed and mobile infrastructure of marine science research in the Autonomous Region of the Azores. One measure shall consist of replacing the ‘Archipelago’ vessel, which is reaching the end of its operational life by a modern vessel with high technological standards in terms of capabilities and equipment and high energy performance to meet current needs in marine research and monitoring or in promoting the sustainable use of oceans. The other measure shall consist of creating an experimental centre for research and development linked to the sea, shared with the institutions of the Azores Scientific and Technological System (SCTA) and companies, leading to R&D in traditional and emerging areas, such as fisheries and derived products, marine biotechnology, biomaterials and mineral resources, or marine technologies and gear, including a ‘blue incubator’, aquaculture centre in the Azores.

    The implementation of the investment shall be completed by 31 December 2025.

    J.2.    Milestones, targets, indicators, and timetable for monitoring and implementation for non-repayable financial support

    Sequential Number

    Measure (Reform or Investment)



    Qualitative indicators (for milestones)

    Quantitative indicators (for targets)

    Indicative timeline for completion

    Description and clear definition of each milestone and target


    Unit of measure








    Entry into force of the revision of the acts of the Ministry of the Sea related to strengthening the financing capacity for the Sea Economy and Innovation through the Blue Fund

    Entry into force of the revised acts of the Ministry of the Sea related to strengthening the financing capacity for the Sea Economy and Innovation through the Blue Fund






    The following acts shall be revised:

    Decree-Law No 16/2016 of 9 March 2009

    Order No 343/2016 of 30 December 2009;

    Council of Ministers Resolution No 175/2017.

    The revision of these acts shall consist of an update of the strategy Port Tech Clusters Network expanding its scope to the decarbonisation of the sea economy; revision and adaptation of the Blue Fund organic and operation mode to adapt it to manage the investments in the component; creation of the governance model of the hub.




    Completion of Blue Hub School modernisation and reinforcement of supply and equipment







    Conclusion of the modernisation works, strengthening of the training offer and refurbishment with equipment of the Blue Hub School. The finalisation of the above shall follow the confirmation of compliance with the technical specifications and contractual obligations. It shall include:

    -           investment in the infrastructure and systems of the Escola Superior Náutica Infante D. Henrique (ENIDH), including modernisation of 16 laboratories and acquisition of simulators (for positioning of vessels, vessel traffic service as well as logistics and port operations)

    -           Modernisation of For-MAR: upgrading of 6 training centres, support equipment for vocational training, modernisation of IT and communication systems, digitalisation of training processes and design of e-learning.

    New buildings shall have a primary energy demand at least 20% below the requirements of nearly zero energy buildings. Energy efficiency renovations shall achieve, on average, at least a medium-depth level renovation as defined in Commission Recommendation on Building Renovation (EU) 2019/786.




    Completion of the installation and/or upgrading of the Blue Hub hubs








    Conclusion of the works (construction, renovation and equipment) for 7 blue hubs. The new or upgraded blue hubs include:

    1.        Hub of enterprises and shared ocean lab in Lisbon: construction of a building for the ocean lab with, among others laboratory infrastructure spaces, bio refinery units, space for the national biobank of marine resources, and office space for technical companies.

    2.        The IPMA/Sea Oeiras hub to improve the capabilities for monitoring the ocean: including the building of a hangar for the ocean engineering unit, including rolling bridge, workshop areas, archive building with rotating shelves for samples that need to be preserved in liquid medium, equipment for fishery research. It also includes radar equipment for real time monitoring.

    3.        The Smart Ocean Peniche Hub: including building of infrastructure, a science and technology park located in the area of Peniche Fisheries Port, construction and implementation of a saltwater collection and treatment system, open space for the dissemination of maritime knowledge.

    4.        The Aveiro hub: including renewal of the old system for caption, treatment and distribution of sea water, a national laboratory for fishery and aquaculture products development and testing, production 5.0 laboratory for algaes and shelfish.

    5.        The Ocean.Plus hub in Porto, Leixões I: including set of shared infrastructure for the scientific community to support researchers at all stages of science and technology development, from design to prototype development, field test deployments, technology validation and knowledge transfer, including logistics and ocean based platforms with easy access for the scientific and innovative community.

    6.        Porto Hub/ Leixões II: Centre for the Command and Control of Unmanned Vehicles in Support of Sea: including multi-domain unmanned vehicles (subsurface, surface and long-run airborne) equipped with sensors for the measurement of essential ocean variables (EOVs), a command-and-control centre and computing and communication systems.

    7.        The Algarve Hub: include setting up of new infrastructure and equipment, labs and office, space for new businesses (capacity of around 15 companies and 90 jobs) with focus on blue biotechnology, aquaculture, food & feed and marine bio-resources, valorisation product development and knowledge creation.


    The business model and a professional interim business management team for the blue hub shall be recreated and recruited (also covering the Blue Hub School).

    This initiative shall be part of the implementation of the National Ocean Strategy 2021-30 namely under the strategic goals 1, 2, 3, 6, 7 and 9.


    The finalisation of the above shall follow the confirmation of compliance with the technical specifications and contractual obligations. New buildings shall have a primary energy demand at least 20% below the requirements of nearly zero energy buildings. Energy efficiency renovations shall achieve, on average, at least a medium-depth level renovation as defined in Commission Recommendation on Building Renovation (EU) 2019/786.




    Approval of the final reports for 70 projects in support of innovation, energy transition and reduction of environmental impact for entities in the fish sector







    Approval of final reports of the implementation of 70 projects in support of innovation, energy transition and reduction of environmental impact for entities in the fish sector by the DGRM-IFAP (Directorate General for Natural Resources, Safety and Maritime Services). The DGRM-IFAP shall measure the quantitative progress against the specific objectives agreed when the basic funding was allocated following two calls for tenders, organized by DGRM-IFAP and foreseen to be launched in 2021 and 2022.




    Signature of the contract for the ‘Multifunctional Naval Platform’ and ‘Operations Centre’

    Signature of contract for the ‘Multifunctional Naval Platform’ and ‘Operations Centre’






    Signature of the construction contract following launch of public tender(s) — Pillars I and II:


    Pillar I — Multi-functional Naval Platform,

    It includes the construction of a multifunctional naval platform of approximately 100 meters with dynamic level automatic positioning, integrated platform management system, command bridge and operations centre, underwater acoustic positioning system, bay for launch of submarines and/or disembarkation of autonomous systems, cranes, helideck, among others),

    Also included vehicle cable of operation of up to 6 000 meters depth, parking of autonomous surface vehicles a additional naval assets (including autonomous ocean surface vehicles, autonomous underwater vehicle, autonomous air vehicles, drones).

    Pillar II —Operations Centre

    It includes the renovation of existing buildings and structures, facilities for computer and communication systems for the operations center and the laboratory network, high performance computing and information storage systems, communication systems (including Very-Small Aperture Terminal (VSAT) Televison Receive Only systems (TVRO) and interoperability systems with other Naval systems, software development and immersive systems.




    Finalisation of Alfeite Arsenal Academy

    Finalisation of the Alfeite Arsenal Academy 






    Finalisation of Alfeite Arsenal Academy School

    (including upgrading of infrastructure and purchase of equipment (computers; laboratory equipment, technological infrastructure, equipment for industry 4.0 and digital transition), diagnosis of training needs, development of trainings courses, provision of first training courses already ahead of finalisation of the school)




    Reception and acceptance of the ‘Multifunctional Naval Platform’ and ‘Operations Centre’

    Reception and acceptance of the ‘Multifunctional Naval Platform’ and ‘Operations Centre’






    Reception and acceptance of the ‘Multifunctional Naval Platform’ and ‘Operations Centre’




    Start of Public Works Contract for the technical centre MARTEC

    Start of construction works for the technical centre MARTEC






    Start of construction works of the infrastructure for the Technopolo MARTEC (including purchase of land and demolishing of existing infrastructure) on the island of Faial, which shall be finalized in 2025 as part of the experimental and development centre linked to the Sea in the Azores.

    It shall include a Blue Incubator (with at least 6500 m²), an Aquaculture Centre (at least 2000m²) and the necessary equipment (general equipment, plus installation of an experimental centre and station for aquaculture research, among others).

    New buildings shall have a primary energy demand at least 20% below the requirements of nearly zero energy buildings.





    Delivery of a research vessel

    Delivery of research vessel






    Delivery of a modern research vessel. It shall be able to operate at large depths, include modern research and data communication equipment, dynamic positioning, able to operate remote control vehicles, pelagic networks, dredges, colour box-boxes, etc., technological standards in terms of capabilities and equipment with high energy performance, to meet current needs in the areas of marine research and monitoring or the promotion of the sustainable use of oceans.




    Completion of an experimental research and development centre linked to the Sea in the Azores (centre Martec)

    Completion of an experimental research and development centre linked to the Sea in the Azores (centre Martec)







    Creation of an experimental research and development centre linked to the sea, which can be shared with the institutions of the scientific and technological system of the Azores and businesses, which is responsible for R&D in traditional and emerging areas, such as fisheries and products thereof, aquaculture, marine biotechnology, biomaterials and mineral resources, or marine technologies and devices. Operationalisation of the centre (technical centre MARTEC), This centre shall be located on the island of Faial.

    New buildings shall have a primary energy demand at least 20% below the requirements of nearly zero energy buildings.

    K. COMPONENT 11: Decarbonisation of Industry

    The component of the Portuguese recovery and resilience plan addresses the challenge of the contribution of the industry and industrial processes to achieving the objectives of carbon neutrality, as identified in the Carbon Neutrality Roadmap 2050 and the National Energy and Climate Plan 2030. This requires a structural transformation, based on the reconfiguration of industrial activity, changes in production processes and the way in which the resources are used.

    The measure of this component aims at promoting decarbonisation, energy and resource efficiency, and the use of alternative energy sources in the industrial processes. The projects to be supported shall also be linked to new technologies, innovation and digitisation of industry, seeking greater efficiency in the various production and organisational processes.

    The component shall contribute to the climate transition of the Portuguese industry and support its competitiveness. It contributes to addressing the Country Specific Recommendations on investment in the green transition, in particular on clean and efficient production and use of energy (Country Specific Recommendation 3 2020) and on investment in research and innovation (Country Specific Recommendations 3 2019 and 2020).

    K.1. Description of the reforms and investments for non-repayable financial support

    Investment TC-C11-i01: Decarbonisation of industry

    This investment shall consist of the promotion of and financial support to innovation projects in industries in four areas:

    -low carbon processes and technologies: the aim is to support the introduction of new technologies or improved production processes to decarbonise them, such as through the incorporation of new raw materials and circular economy measures, innovation measures, the replacement and/or adaptation of equipment, the increase of the electrification of final energy consumption;

    -energy efficiency measures: the projects supported shall aim at reducing the energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions, such as through the optimisation or replacement of engines and equipment, the optimisation of processes, the adoption of monitoring and consumption management systems;

    -incorporation of renewable energy and storage, such as through the installation of solar systems, renewable heat generation, high efficiency co-generation, production and uptake of renewable hydrogen and renewable gases where technological options for decarbonisation, including through electrification, are more limited;

    -development of decarbonisation roadmaps and capacity building initiatives, such as through the identification and dissemination of effective technological solutions, training activities, information sharing platforms.

    The support shall be awarded through annual tender procedures (2021-2024) to both small and medium-sized enterprises and large companies in the areas of industry and energy production, including industrial area management bodies, energy transmission and distribution system operators, industry and energy business associations and other entities. The investment aims to support at least 300 projects of various sizes: small (EUR 1 000 000 on average), medium (EUR 5 000 000 on average) and large (EUR 10 000 000 on average). The tender shall focus on the most GHG intensive sectors but shall be open to the whole industrial sector, covering both ETS and non-ETS installations. The projects selected under the 024ter intervention field shall result in a GHG emission reduction of minimum 30% in the industrial installations concerned, contributing to the climate objectives of Portugal in the framework of the implementation of the National Energy and Climate Plan.

    In order to ensure that the measure complies with the ‘Do no significant harm’ Technical Guidance (2021/C58/01), the eligibility criteria contained in terms of reference for upcoming calls for projects shall exclude the following list of activities: i) activities related to fossil fuels, including downstream use 35 ; ii) activities under the EU Emission Trading System (ETS) achieving projected greenhouse gas emissions that are not lower than the relevant benchmarks 36 ; iii) activities related to waste landfills, incinerators 37 and mechanical biological treatment plants 38 ; and iv) activities where the long-term disposal of waste may cause harm to the environment. The terms of reference shall additionally require that only activities that comply with relevant EU and national environmental legislation may be selected.

    The implementation of the investment shall be completed by 31 December 2025.

    K.2.    Milestones, targets, indicators, and timetable for monitoring and implementation for non-repayable financial support

    Sequential Number

    Measure (Reform or Investment)



    Qualitative indicators (for milestones)

    Quantitative indicators (for targets)

    Indicative timeline for completion

    Description and clear definition of each milestone and target


    Unit of measure








    First call for tender for industrial decarbonisation projects

    First call for tender opened






    Opening of the first call for proposals for industrial decarbonisation projects that relate to at least one of the following areas: low carbon processes and technologies; adoption of energy efficiency measures; incorporation of renewable energy and energy storage; and business empowerment.

    The terms of reference shall include eligibility criteria that ensure that the selected projects comply with the ‘Do no significant harm’ Technical Guidance (2021/C58/01) through the use of an exclusion list and the requirement of compliance with the relevant EU and national environmental legislation.

    This call for tenders shall ensure an average reduction of 30% in direct and indirect GHG emissions for the industrial installations supported for projects matching the intervention field 024ter. Projects with the highest decarbonisation efficiency shall be supported in priority.




    Signature of contracts awarding financial support

    Signature of contracts awarding financial support






    At least EUR 383 000 000 awarded for projects for industrial decarbonisation projects that relate to at least one of the following areas: low carbon processes and technologies; adoption of energy efficiency measures; incorporation of renewable energy and energy storage; and business empowerment.

    Award of the contracts to the projects selected under the competitive calls for proposals mentioned in milestone above shall ensure compliance with the ’Do no significant harm’ Technical Guidance (2021/C58/01) through the use of an exclusion list and the requirement of compliance with the relevant EU and national environmental legislation.




    Financial support to industrial decarbonisation projects







    Number of projects that received financial support for the decarbonisation of industry that relate to at least one of the following areas: low carbon processes and technologies; adoption of energy efficiency measures; and incorporation of renewable energy and energy storage. A reduction of on average 30% of direct and indirect GHG emissions for projects matching the intervention field 024ter, and compliance with the DNSH technical guidance (2021/C58/01), including for installations covered by the EU Emissions Trading System to ensure that the supported installations achieve projected GHG emissions that are below the benchmark established for free allocation as set out in the Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2021/447 shall be ensured for the industrial installations supported.

    L. COMPONENT 12: Bioeconomy

    This component addresses the challenge of the development of a viable, sustainable, circular and competitive bioeconomy. Such a transition is expected to support the modernisation and consolidation of industry by creating new value chains and greener industrial processes.

    The objective of this component is to promote and accelerate the development of high value-added products from biological resources as an alternative to fossil-based materials.

    The measures of this component aim at supporting structural changes linked to this transition and shall contribute to address current global and local challenges, including climate change, the reduction of dependence on fossil resources and sustainable development. Three sectors (textiles and clothing, footwear and natural resin) shall be specifically supported for the development of bio-based products and to become more resource efficient. The component supports addressing the Country Specific Recommendations on investment in the green transition, in particular in clean and efficient production and use of energy (Country Specific Recommendation 3 2020), and in investment in research and innovation (Country Specific Recommendations 3 2019 and 2020).

    It is expected that no measure in this component does significant harm to environmental objectives within the meaning of Article 17 of Regulation (EU) 2020/852, taking into account the description of the measures and the mitigating steps set out in the plan in accordance with the DNSH Technical Guidance (2021/C58/01).

    L.1. Description of the reforms and investments for non-repayable financial support

    Reform TC-r25: Sustainable Bioeconomy

    The objective of the reform is to promote and incentivise the conservation and efficient use of biological resources. The reform fits in Portugal’s Sustainable Bioeconomy Action Plan, which shall be subject to public consultation and shall act as a strategic framework for national sustainable development. As part of the effort to promote the bioeconomy, Portugal shall also assess fiscal incentives that could enhance the substitution of non-renewable natural resources with other bio-based resources.

    The reform shall consist of a new General Waste Management System (RGGR) and the inclusion of criteria for the purchasing of sustainable bio-based products in the review of the National Strategy for Green Public Procurement. This reform aims to address the main obstacles and constraints identified in the valorisation of biological resources for the development of sustainable and circular bio-industry, respecting the cascading principle.

    The implementation of the new General Waste Management Scheme shall at least remove the constraints on the use of by-products or waste for new products by simplifying the procedures for the classification of substances or objects as by-products, including from other EU-countries. The new General Waste Management Scheme was adopted in December 2020.

    The National Strategy for Green Public Procurement shall be revised to include at least mandatory ecological criteria related to the procurement of services and products (notably in the area of construction), integrating sustainable bio-based products.

    The implementation of the reform shall be completed by 30 September 2022.

    Investment TC-C12-i01: Bioeconomy

    The objective of the investment is to support the incorporation of bio-based materials in production processes in three sectors: textile and clothing, footwear and natural resin.

    The main instrument shall consist of financial support awarded through programme contracts with consortia, which shall include R&I institutions, businesses and end-users, and which shall be selected through a competitive process. The activities supported shall include research, development and productive innovation projects, digitisation projects and advanced production technologies, dedicated training and empowerment programmes, production of domestic natural resin, and awareness raising measures for sustainable production and consumption. The projects selected shall contribute at least to the development of the circular economy and to the emission reduction objectives in Portugal. The projects shall have the following objectives:

    -development of new production processes in the creation of higher value-added products incorporating and exploiting biological resources (forest biomass, agricultural and agro-industrial residues and by-products);

    -development of technological processes to improve the circularity of the textile and clothing, footwear and resin processing sectors; and

    -contribute to waste management in these sectors.

    Research, development and innovation projects shall be supported with the aim to develop new production processes in the creation of higher value-added products incorporating and exploiting biological resources (forest biomass, agricultural and agro-industrial residues and by-products), technological processes to improve the circularity of the textile and clothing, footwear and resin processing sectors, and to contribute to waste management in these sectors. The projects selected shall contribute to the reduction of GHG emissions.

    These measures shall be complemented by specific and additional tenders for activities for forest management and the production of natural resin. It shall include the support of fire prevention activities by resin production professionals, the purchase of machinery and equipment by the Institute for Nature and Forest Conservation (ICNF), and activities of protection and rehabilitation of maritime pines forests. By promoting forest land management, this investment shall contribute to the prevention and mitigation of the effects of rural fires, helping to reduce the emission of pollutants to the atmosphere.

    It is expected that this measure does not do significant harm to environmental objectives within the meaning of Article 17 of Regulation (EU) 2020/852, taking into account the description of the measure and the mitigating steps set out in the recovery and resilience plan in accordance with the DNSH Technical Guidance (2021/C58/01). In particular, to ensure compliance with the DNSH Technical Guidance (2021/C58/01), the vehicles, machinery and equipment to be purchased by the Institute for Nature and Forest Conservation (ICNF) shall be zero-emission. Where no zero-emission alternatives exist, the vehicles, machinery and equipment to be purchased shall represent the best available levels of environmental performance in the sector. In addition, the eligibility criteria contained in terms of reference for upcoming calls for projects shall exclude the following list of activities: i) activities related to fossil fuels, including downstream use 39 ; ii) activities under the EU Emission Trading System (ETS) achieving projected greenhouse gas emissions that are not lower than the relevant benchmarks 40 ; iii) activities related to waste landfills, incinerators 41 and mechanical biological treatment plants 42 ; and iv) activities where the long-term disposal of waste may cause harm to the environment. The terms of reference shall additionally require that only activities that comply with relevant EU and national environmental legislation may be selected.

    The implementation of the investment shall be completed by 31 December 2025.

    L.2.    Milestones, targets, indicators, and timetable for monitoring and implementation for non-repayable financial support

    Sequential Number

    Measure (Reform or Investment)



    Qualitative indicators (for milestones)

    Quantitative indicators (for targets)

    Indicative timeline for completion

    Description and clear definition of each milestone and target


    Unit of measure








    Signature of the 2021 protocol of the ‘Resineiros Vigilantes’ programme

    Signature of the 2021 protocol of the ‘Resineiros Vigilantes’ program






    Conclusion of the protocol between the Institute for Nature and Forest Conservation, I.P. and the national professional association of resin producers (Resipinus) for the surveillance and detection of rural fires.




    Approval of the projects submitted by the Consortia for the development of new bioeconomy products, technologies and processes in the textile and clothing, footwear and natural resin sectors

    Approval of the projects for the development of new bioeconomy products, technologies and processes






    Approval by the selection committee of the projects submitted by the Consortia for the development of new bioeconomy products, technologies and processes in the textile and clothing, footwear and natural resin sectors.

    The projects presented by the Consortia for support shall fall under one the following programmes: ‘Promoting Sustainable and Circular Bioeconomy in Textile and Clothing’, ‘Promoting Sustainable and Circular Bioeconomy in the Footwear Sector’ and ‘Promoting and valorising Natural Resin’.

    They shall focus on a low-carbon economy, resilience and adaptation to climate change through the application of clean technology solutions, low-impact alternatives and the use of Best Available Techniques. The selection criteria for the projects shall require that all supported R&I projects ensure a reduction of direct and indirect carbon emissions.

    Selected projects shall comply with the ‘Do no significant harm’ Technical Guidance (2021/C58/01) through the use of an exclusion list and the requirement of compliance with the relevant EU and national environmental legislation.




    New products, technologies and pilot processes integrating bio-based resources







    New products, technologies and pilot processes integrating bio-based resources. This includes at least 10 new products or technologies (Technology Readiness Level 6-7) and at least 5 industrial pilot processes ((Technology Readiness Level 7-9) in the following sectors: textile, footwear, resin production.




    Development of maritime pine forests with resin production potential







    Area of maritime pine forests developed through the use of natural regeneration techniques and resinous branch pruning.




    Entry into force of the New General Waste Management Regime

    Entry into force of the New General Waste Management Regime






    Entry into force of the New General Waste Management System (RGGR) that simplifies the administrative process and reduces the costs associated with the use of by-products.




    Entry into force of the revised National Strategy for Green Public Procurement

    Entry into force of the revised National Strategy for Green Public Procurement






    Entry into force of the revised National Strategy for Green Public Procurement that specifies ecological criteria related to the procurement of services and products integrating sustainable bio-based materials, including through the introduction of mandatory ecological criteria.


    M. COMPONENT 13: Energy Efficiency in Buildings

    The component addresses the following challenges. The residential sector accounts for 18% of energy consumption and the services sector for another 14%. Buildings, therefore, play an important role for Portugal to achieve its carbon neutrality targets. Measures in this area, and in particular in the residential segment, can also help to alleviate energy poverty, which remains an important concern in Portugal with the percentage of households unable to keep homes adequately warm still at 19% in 2019. Portugal has committed to achieving carbon neutrality by 2050 and, therefore, needs to promote the decarbonisation of its building stock, while improving housing conditions (indoor comfort and quality) and affordability. This shall be achieved by increasing the energy performance of buildings, by combining energy efficiency and renewable energy with electrification, and targeting in particular low-income households to tackle energy poverty.

    A number of ‘market failures’ are identified and correspond to a number of problems that tend to delay the transformation of the building stock and the exploitation of potential energy savings, such as:

    -lack of understanding of energy use and potential savings;

    -limited renovation and construction activity in a post-financial crisis context;

    -lack of attractive funding products;

    -limited information on building stock; and

    -limited uptake of efficient and smart technologies.

    The objectives of the component are to renovate public and private buildings to improve their energy performance and comfort, while reducing the country’s energy bill and dependence, greenhouse gas emissions and energy dependence, to mitigate energy poverty and to incorporate renewable energy sources into the built environment. This should provide numerous social, environmental and economic benefits for people and businesses, such as the creation of local jobs and the reduction of air pollution.

    The component supports addressing the Country Specific Recommendation on investment in the climate transition, in particular on clean and efficient production and use of energy (Country Specific Recommendation 3 2020). It is linked to the Renovate flagship and is also part of the green transition.

    It is expected that no measure in this component does significant harm to environmental objectives within the meaning of Article 17 of Regulation (EU) 2020/852, taking into account the description of the measures and the mitigating steps set out in the plan in accordance with the DNSH Technical Guidance (2021/C58/01).

    M.1. Description of the reforms and investments for non-repayable financial support

    Investment TC-C13-i01: Energy efficiency in residential buildings

    The objectives of this investment are to promote the energy renovation of privately owned residential buildings, to adopt energy-efficient solutions, replace inefficient equipment and increase installed capacity to promote energy and resource efficiency, to enhance self-consumption of renewable energy and to tackle energy poverty.

    The investment shall consist of the following measures:

    -Support the cost of projects (typically between 50% and 70% of the overall cost) promoting renovation, energy efficiency, decarbonisation, water efficiency and circular economy in buildings. This shall be done through annually launched notices.

    -For low-income households in energy poverty (where up to 100% of the cost may be subsidised), such actions shall require closer collaboration between central and local authorities and other actors such as local associations. Vales eficiência, or energy efficiency vouchers, worth on average EUR 1 300 each, shall be issued and delivered to households in energy poverty, which shall entitle the recipient to certain works, energy efficient solutions, equipment and electrification of energy uses.

    oSupport material shall be disseminated to help with decisions on the best energy efficiency measures to be taken.

    oCommunication channels and one-stop shops shall also be made available to help clarify doubts on how to obtain this support, coordinated with various national and local entities, so that consumers could make the best investment decisions.

    The planned investment aims to achieve an average saving of around 200 ktoe of primary energy and a reduction of around 150 kt of CO2 emissions reduction.

    The implementation of the investment shall be completed by 31 December 2025.

    Investment TC-C13-i02: Energy efficiency in central government buildings

    The objective of this investment is to promote the energy renovation of central government buildings, to promote energy and resource efficiency and to enhance self-consumption of renewable energy.

    This investment shall consist of measures promoting renovation, energy efficiency, decarbonisation, water efficiency and the circular economy in buildings.

    -Notices shall be launched annually for the different types of building interventions, which are to be identified in efficiency plans to be drawn up, in the framework of the European eco-innovation action plan ECO.AP 2030. ECO.AP 2030 shall also be available to provide technical support to central public authorities in identifying projects and in promoting their implementation.

    -Support material shall be disseminated to public administration officials to help them decide the best energy efficiency measures to be taken.

    The planned investment aims to achieve an average saving of around 185 ktoe of primary energy and a reduction of around 140 kt of CO2 emissions reduction.

    The implementation of the investment shall be completed by 31 December 2025.

    Investment TC-C13-i03: Energy efficiency in buildings used by the services sector

    The objective of this investment is to promote energy renovation of buildings used by the services sector, to promote energy and resource efficiency, to enhance self-consumption renewable energy production.

    This investment shall consist of the following measures:

    -Notices shall be launched annually to apply for support (typically between 50% and 70% of the overall cost) to share these costs in the different types of building interventions to improve their energy and environmental performance.

    -Support material shall be disseminated to help with decisions on the best energy efficiency measures to be taken.

    -Communication channels shall also be made available to help clarify doubts on how to obtain this support, coordinated with various national and local entities, so that consumers could make the best investment decisions.

    The planned investment aims to achieve an average saving of around 50 ktoe of primary energy and a reduction of around 30 kt of CO2 emissions reduction.

    The implementation of the investment shall be completed by 31 December 2025.

    M.2. Milestones, targets, indicators, and timetable for monitoring and implementation for non-repayable financial support

    Sequential Number

    Measure (Reform or Investment)



    Qualitative indicators (for milestones)

    Quantitative indicators (for targets)

    Indicative timeline for completion

    Description and clear definition of each milestone and target


    Unit of measure








    Energy efficiency renovation of private residential buildings



    830 000



    Area of renovated private residential buildings. Energy efficiency renovations shall achieve, on average, at least a medium-depth level renovation as defined in Commission Recommendation on Building Renovation (EU) 2019/786.




    Energy efficiency renovation of private residential buildings


    830 000

    1 020 000



    Area of renovated private residential buildings. Energy efficiency renovations shall achieve, on average, at least a medium-depth level renovation as defined in Commission Recommendation on Building Renovation (EU) 2019/786




    ‘Efficiency vouchers’ distributed for households in energy poverty to replace old equipment and adopt energy efficient solutions




    100 000



    Number of ‘efficiency vouchers’ worth, on average, EUR 1300/voucher, distributed to households in energy poverty (of the universe of households benefiting from the social energy tariff), to purchase energy efficient equipment, such as heat pumps, as well as to carry out works to improve the energy performance of the household itself. It includes installation services and collection of previous equipment (forwarding it to an environmentally responsible final destination).




    Additional renewable energy production capacity for self-consumption and for use in renewable energy communities in the private residential sector







    Additional renewable energy production capacity (such as photovoltaic panels and batteries as this latter technology matures) installed for self-consumption and for use in renewable energy communities in the private residential sector.




    Energy efficiency renovation of central government buildings



    1 065 000



    Area of renovated central government buildings. Energy efficiency renovations shall achieve, on average, at least a medium-depth level renovation as defined in Commission Recommendation on Building Renovation (EU) 2019/786




    Energy efficiency renovation of central government buildings


    1 065  000

    1 255 000



    Area of renovated central government buildings. Energy efficiency renovations shall achieve, on average, at least a medium-depth level renovation as defined in Commission Recommendation on Building Renovation (EU) 2019/786




    Additional renewable energy production capacity for self-consumption and for use in renewable energy communities in central government buildings







    Additional renewable energy production capacity (such as photovoltaic panels and batteries as this latter technology matures) for self-consumption and for use in renewable energy communities in central government buildings.




    Energy efficiency renovation of private services buildings



    315 000



    Area of renovated buildings used by the private services. Energy efficiency renovations shall achieve, on average, at least a medium-depth level renovation as defined in Commission Recommendation on Building Renovation (EU) 2019/786.




    Energy efficiency renovation of private services buildings


    315 000

    360 000



    Area of renovated buildings used by the private services sector. Energy efficiency renovations shall achieve, on average, at least a medium-depth level renovation as defined in Commission Recommendation on Building Renovation (EU) 2019/786.




    Additional renewable energy production capacity for self-consumption and for use in renewable energy communities in the private services sector







    Additional renewable energy production capacity (such as photovoltaic panels and batteries as this latter technology matures) for self-consumption and for use in renewable energy communities in the private services sector.

    N. COMPONENT 14: Hydrogen and Renewables

    Portugal has made a commitment to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050, positioning the country among those taking the lead in the fight against climate change under the Paris Agreement. The Carbon Neutrality Roadmap 2050 (RNC 2050) sets as decarbonisation targets to be achieved an emission reduction of more than 85% compared to 2005 emissions and a carbon sequestration capacity of 13 000 000 tonnes. The component addresses the so-called hard to abate sectors by promoting the deployment of renewable hydrogen.

    The objectives of the component are to promote the energy transition and decarbonisation of industry and transport with a strong focus on the production of renewable hydrogen and other renewable gases. In the case of the Autonomous Regions, the focus is on deployment of renewable energy (geothermal, wind, photovoltaic and hydropower) and storage. This component is key to reduce national energy dependency through the production of energy from local sources, to improve the trade balance, and to enhance the resilience of the domestic economy.

    The component supports addressing the Country Specific Recommendation to focus investment on the climate transition, with a focus on renewable energy production (Country Specific Recommendation 3 2019 and 2020).

    It is expected that no measure in this component does significant harm to environmental objectives within the meaning of Article 17 of Regulation (EU) 2020/852, taking into account the description of the measures and the mitigating steps set out in the plan in accordance with the DNSH Technical Guidance (2021/C58/01).

    N.1. Description of the reforms and investments for non-repayable financial support

    Reform TC-r29: National Hydrogen Strategy (EN-H2)

    The objective of the measure is to introduce an incentive and stability element for the energy sector, promoting the gradual introduction of renewable hydrogen as a sustainable pillar of a more comprehensive strategy for transition to a decarbonised economy. This strategy frames the current and future role of hydrogen in the energy system and proposes a set of measures and targets for the incorporation of hydrogen in the various sectors of the economy. This shall include creating also the necessary conditions for this shift, including legislation and regulation, safety, standards, innovation and development, and financing, among others. The measure is for the amended Regulation of the National Gas Transmission Network and the Regulation of the National Gas Distribution Network, to be approved by the Directorate-General for Energy and Geology. The amended regulation shall make it possible to establish the conditions for connections to gas transmission infrastructures, in particular for the injection of gases of renewable origin, including renewable hydrogen and gases of low carbon content, as well as to fix the minimum and maximum percentages of injection of these gases in the networks. Additionally, the amended regulation shall include the necessary revisions to the technical standards that ensure the quality of the service and the safe use of these infrastructures for all users.

    The implementation of the reform shall be completed by 30 September 2021.

    Investment TC-C14-i01: Hydrogen and renewable gases

    The objective of the measure is to support private projects for the production of renewable hydrogen and other gases of renewable origin for own consumption or injection into the grid.

    The investment shall consist of actions to favour production, storage, transport and distribution of renewable gases aiming at increasing the contribution of renewable gases to energy consumption, reducing GHG emissions, reducing energy dependency and improving security of energy supply. Various applications are supported such as the use of renewable gases for transport and the injection of renewable gases into the natural gas grid.

    The production of renewable gases, such as renewable hydrogen or biomethane, exclusively from renewable energy sources, may use a range of technologies such as: Electrolysis; Thermochemical and hydrothermal processes; Biological processes (biophotolysis and fermentation); Biogas enrichment from anaerobic digestion of biomass materials (not including biogas production); and Methanation (renewable hydrogen combined with recycled carbon dioxide).

    The investments shall have a very specific focus and aim at increasing installed capacity for the production of renewable hydrogen and other renewable gases, including installed capacity in electrolysers for the production of renewable hydrogen. The project shall be implemented through three open and non-discriminatory calls for tenders with the aim to support projects with a maximum of EUR 15 000 000 per project.

    The implementation of the investment shall be completed by 31 December 2025.

    Investment TC-C14-i02-RAM: Renewable electricity potentiation in the Madeira Archipelago

    The objective of the measure is to support renewable energy generation, storage, transmission and distribution. The projects included in this investment shall make it possible to increase the share of electricity from renewable sources that shall be available on each island. This investment contributes to the strategy to decarbonise electricity generation enhancing the resilience of the domestic economy.

    The investment shall consist of the following sub-investments:

    -Full refurbishment and renovation of the Water Serra Hydroelectric Power Plant and Calheta I Hydroelectric Power Plant revitalising 6,2 MW of installed power and increase installed capacity by adding 4 MW;

    -Increase the installed capacity in battery storage systems by adding storage capacity of at least 21 MW/27MWh;

    -Install a new synchronous compensator with a power of at least 15 MVAr;

    -Increase the capacity of the electricity network to integrate new installed power of at least 48 MW into renewable energy sources in the electricity systems (40 MW Madeira + 8 MW Porto Santo);

    -Installation of 130 000 connected smart meters and replacement of 8 750 street lighting points with low energy consumption solutions (including the upgrading of the street lighting management).

    The implementation of the investment shall be completed by 31 December 2025.

    Investment TC-C14-i03-RAA: Energy transition in the Azores

    The objectives of the measure are to develop a state-of-the-art electricity infrastructure, and to implement projects with innovative technical solutions to increase energy self-sufficiency. In the Azores, electricity production from renewable sources currently accounts for about 40% of the region’s overall value, of which about 24% comes from geothermal energy in the two largest islands of the archipelago. The remaining 60% of electricity is produced from fossil fuels, fuel oil and diesel, which represent a high annual bill, not only because of the purchase value of the fuels, but also because of their transport by sea from the mainland to the islands and the inter-island distribution. This type of production, in addition to its associated high cost, represents a strong external dependence which, in situations of national or international crisis, may jeopardise the capacity to meet the energy needs of the archipelago.

    The investment shall consist of the following sub-investments:

    -Increase in the installed renewable generation capacity, mainly geothermal, by 12 MW and revitalise the already installed geothermal electricity power plant by 5 MW;

    -Increase in the installed capacity to produce electricity from renewable sources on the island of Corvo through the installation of photovoltaic and wind power parks by 850 kW;

    -Installation of new electrical energy storage systems on the islands of Santa Maria, São Jorge, Pico, Faial, Flores and Corvo by at least 20 MW;

    -Install new small photovoltaic electricity generation units for decentralised production and consumption for a total equivalent of 12,6 MW.

    The implementation of the investment shall be completed by 31 December 2025.

    N.2. Milestones, targets, indicators, and timetable for monitoring and implementation for non-repayable financial support

    Sequential Number

    Measure (Reform or Investment)



    Qualitative indicators (for milestones)

    Quantitative indicators (for targets)

    Indicative timeline for completion

    Description and clear definition of each milestone and target


    Unit of measure








    Entry into force of the Regulation of the National Gas Transmission Network and the Regulation of the National Gas Distribution Network

    Entry into force of the Regulation of the National Gas Transmission Network and the Regulation of the National Gas Distribution Network






    Entry into force of the amended Regulation of the National Gas Transmission Network and the Regulation of the National Gas Distribution Network. The amendments to the Regulation of the National Gas Transmission Network and the Regulation of the National Gas Distribution Network, shall be approved by the Directorate-General for Energy and Geology.

    The Regulations shall make it possible to establish the conditions for connections to gas transmission infrastructures, in particular for the injection of gases of renewable origin, including renewable hydrogen, as well as to fix the minimum and maximum percentages of injection of these gases in the networks. Additionally, they include the necessary revisions to the technical standards that ensure the quality of the service and the safe use of these infrastructures for all users.




    First call for tender for projects of renewable gas production

    First call for tender opened






    Opening of the first call for the selection of projects to be supported for at least 88 MW of new installed renewable hydrogen and renewable gases energy capacity with zero or close to zero life cycle GHG emissions.




    Additional renewable hydrogen and renewable gas production capacity







    Additional renewable hydrogen and renewable gases production capacity installed with zero or close to zero life cycle GHG emissions.




    Installation of new synchronous compensator

    Installation of new synchronous compensator  






    Acquisition and installation of one new synchronous compensator with at least 15 MVAr.




    Additional installed hydropower production capacity







    Increase in the installed power capacity in the refurbished Water Serra Hydroelectric Power Plant.




    Refurbished installed hydropower production capacity







    The full refurbishment of the following hydropower plants:

    Water Serra Hydroelectric Power Plant: replacement and upgrading of electrical and mechanical equipment, maintaining only the building.

    Calheta I Hydroelectric Power Plant: replacement of most assets, in particular the two generating sets of 0.5 MW installed capacity and other electrical systems, with the exception of the building. The works also include the restoration of the channels leading to the plant for a total length of approximately 13 km




    Additional installed capacity in battery storage system







    Increasing electricity storage by adding installed capacity in battery systems.

    The added capacity is for at least 21 MW/27 MWh




    Additional capacity to integrate new installed power in the electricity system







    Increase of the capacity for integration of renewable energy sources into ARM’s electricity system. The upgrade amounts to8 MW in Porto Santo and 40 MW in Madeira.




    Installation of smart meters




    130  000



    Provision and installation of new smart meters (electricity meters that record information on consumption and that are connected to the communication network)




    Replacement of street lighting points




    8 750



    The replacement of the public lighting network with low energy LED lighting and their management system




    Additional and refurbished installed geothermal production capacity







    Increase the capacity to produce electricity from renewable sources, in particular geothermal energy. The additional capacity (12 MW) shall be installed in the Pico Alto Geothermal Plant and the Pico Vermelho Geothermal Plant.

    The refurbishment of the Ribeira Grande Geothermal Plant shall implement three new geothermal wells and a more efficient generation unit of 5 MW shall replace the existing 2x2,5 MW generation units.




    Additional renewable electricity production by in Corvo







    Increase the installed capacity to produce electricity from renewable sources on the island of Corvo through the installation of photovoltaic and wind power parks.




    New battery energy storage systems and energy management systems in the ARA







    Installation of new battery energy storage systems and energy management systems on six islands to allow greater integration of renewables while safeguarding security of supply and quality of service, with a power range of between 20 MW and 30 MW together. ·




    Installation of small unit photovoltaic plants for local electricity generation and consumption







    Installation of new installed electricity power capacity by investing in diffused small unit photovoltaic installations mainly for self-consumption, assuming no co-financing from beneficiaries.

    O. COMPONENT 15: Sustainable Mobility

    This component of the Portuguese recovery and resilience plan addresses several challenges of the transport sector: the need to reduce greenhouse gas and pollutant emissions, the need to reduce the dependence on a private car, and the need to guarantee better social cohesion in urban areas.

    The objective of this component is to reduce emissions and enhance public transport by expanding the network, making it more accessible, and strengthening public transport planning capabilities. This is expected to lead to more users of public transport, to encourage the modal shift from private car to public transport and promote better transport management and planning capabilities. To this end, this component consists of reforms and investments that promote sustainable public transport through the extension of the Lisbon and Porto metro, the construction of a light rail system in Lisbon, a bus rapid transit system in Porto, and the purchase of zero emission buses for public transport.

    The component contributes to addressing the Country Specific Recommendation on focusing investment on the green transition (Country Specific Recommendation 3 2020).

    It is expected that no measure in this component does significant harm to environmental objectives within the meaning of Article 17 of Regulation (EU) 2020/852, taking into account the description of the measures and the mitigating steps set out in the plan in accordance with the DNSH Technical Guidance (2021/C58/01).

    O.1.    Description of the reforms and investments for non-repayable financial support

    Reform TC-r30: Transport Ecosystem Reform

    The objective of the reform is to strengthen public transport authorities, their capabilities and skills and, thus, increase their ability to better plan the transport systems they manage, and enhance the usage of public transport. It promotes capacity building of public transport authorities through support for the acquisition of transport system planning and management tools, new digital solutions facilitating the use of public transport, and support for the modernisation of ticketing systems and monitoring of operations, among others. It shall support transport management authorities to prepare, conclude and implement the contracting of public passenger transport services in all Metropolitan Areas (AM) and Inter-municipal Communities (CIM), in accordance with Regulation (EC) No 1370/2007 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 October 2007 on public passenger transport services by rail and by road and repealing Council Regulations (EEC) Nos 1191/69 and 1107/70. It shall improve the access conditions to public transport through the implementation of programmes for reduced tariffs (Programa de Apoio à Redução do Tarifário dos Transportes Públicos, PART) and better and more climate-friendly transport services (Programa de Apoio à Densificação e Reforço da Oferta de Transporte Público, PROTransP), and the implementation of fiscal measures benefiting the user of public transport, such as the fiscal deduction of the value-added tax associated to the purchase of monthly public transport tickets.

    The implementation of the reform shall be completed by 31 December 2023.

    Investment TC-C15-i01: Expansion of the Lisbon Metro Network — Red Line to Alcântara

    The objective of the measure is to increase the attractiveness of public transport in Lisbon and attract more users through an expansion of the metro network.

    The investment shall consist of an extension of the Lisbon metro network to Alcântara, adding 3,7 km and four stations to the network. This shall transform Alcântara in a major new transport interface that provides a link between the metro network and sub-urban rail services.

    The implementation of the investment shall be completed by 31 December 2025.

    Investment TC-C15-i02: Expansion of the Porto Metro Network — Casa da Música-Santo Ovídio

    The objective of the measure is to increase the attractiveness of public transport in Porto and attract more users. It aims to expand the territorial coverage of the metro network and address congestion problems of the Porto — Vila Nova de Gaia axis.

    The investment shall consist of an extension of the metro network in Porto through the construction of a new 6,74 km double track line with 8 new stations between Boavista/Casa da Música in Porto and a new station to be built in Santo Ovídio (interface with the Amarela line) in Vila Nova de Gaia.

    The implementation of the investment shall be completed by 31 December 2025.

    Investment TC-C15-i03: Light Rail Transit Odivelas - Loures

    The objective of the measure is to increase the attractiveness of public transport in Lisbon and attract more users. Currently private road transport is dominant between Loures and Lisbon, causing significant greenhouse gas and pollutant emissions and congestion issues. The measure aims to trigger a shift from individual road transport to public transport.

    The investment shall consist of the construction of a 12km-long light rail transit system that shall connect the municipality Loures to the Lisbon metro network.

    The implementation of the investment shall be completed by 31 December 2025.

    Investment TC-C15-i04: Bus Rapid Transit Boavista – Império

    The objective of the measure is to increase the attractiveness of public transport in Porto and attract more users. It aims to reduce greenhouse gas and pollutant emissions and encourage the modal shift away from roads.

    This investment shall consist of the creation of a new Bus Rapid Transit system (devoted bus lanes) of 3,8 km and 7 stations between Praça do Império and Praça Mouzinho de Albuquerque in Porto, providing a connection to the Porto metro network. The Bus Rapid Transit system shall be operated by electric buses.

    The implementation of the investment shall be completed by 31 December 2023.

    Investment TC-C15-i05: Decarbonisation of public transport

    The objective of the measure is to renew and decarbonise the public transport fleet in Portugal through the provision of zero emission buses.

    The investment shall consist of financial support to the purchase of 145 zero emission (electric and hydrogen) buses for public transport and charging infrastructure for their operation. The support shall be provided in the form of a non-reimbursable grant of the difference between the purchase costs of a zero emission (electric or hydrogen) bus and a diesel equivalent vehicle (EURO VI). The buses shall be used for the provision of public passenger transport services under public service contracts in the Lisbon and Porto Metropolitan Areas.

    The implementation of the investment shall be completed by 31 December 2023.

    O.2.    Milestones, targets, indicators, and timetable for monitoring and implementation for non-repayable financial support

    Sequential Number

    Measure (Reform or Investment)



    Qualitative indicators (for milestones)

    Quantitative indicators (for targets)

    Indicative timeline for completion

    Description and clear definition of each milestone and target


    Unit of measure








    Signature of the contract for the expansion of the Lisbon Metro network

    Signature of the contract for the expansion of the Lisbon Metro network



    Signature of the project implementation contract between the public authorities and the contractor selected in a tender process. The purpose of the contract is the expansion of the Lisbon Metro network (Red Line to Alcântara).




    Progress report on the expansion of the Lisbon Metro network

    Progress report stating that the works are progressing according to the timetable



    The development of the works on the expansion of the Lisbon Metro network and compliance with the timetable for their execution shall be measured by regular progress reports throughout the execution of the works. It includes the assessment of the development of the work according to the planned timetable, including the identification of the activities already completed, the identification of the activities to be carried out, and a risk analysis of the proposed implementation deadlines with, if necessary, a mitigation and contingency plan to ensure that the contract is completed within the proposed deadlines. The milestone is met if the progress report states that at the time of the milestone the works are progressing according to the timetable.




    Expansion of the Lisbon Metro network completed






    Length of construction works completed for the expansion of the Lisbon Metro network (3,3 km in tunnel and 0,4 km in viaduct) by extending the Red Line to Alcântara. The extended metro line is ready for the immediate operation of the planned transport services.




    Signature of the contract for the expansion of the Porto Metro network

    Signature of the contract for the expansion of the Porto Metro network



    Signature of the project implementation contract between the public authorities and the contractor selected in a tender process. The purpose of the contract is the expansion of the Porto Metro network (Casa da Música-Santo Ovídio).




    Progress report on the expansion of the Porto Metro network

    Progress report stating that the works are progressing according to the timetable



    The development of the works on the expansion of the Porto Metro network and compliance with the timetable for their execution shall be measured by regular progress reports throughout the execution of the works. It includes the assessment of the development of the work according to the planned timetable, including the identification of the activities already completed, the identification of the activities to be carried out, and a risk analysis of the proposed implementation deadlines with, if necessary, a mitigation and contingency plan to ensure that the contract is completed within the proposed deadlines. The milestone is met if the progress report states that at the time of the milestone the works are progressing according to the timetable.




    Expansion of Porto Metro network completed






    Length of construction works completed for the expansion of the Porto Metro network by building a new line between Casa da Música (Porto) and-Santo Ovídio (Vila Nova de Gaia). The new metro line is ready for the immediate operation of the planned transport services.




    Signature of the contract for the construction of a Light Rail Transit line between Odivelas and Loures

    Signature of the contract for the construction of a Light Rail Transit line between Odivelas and Loures



    Signature of the project implementation contract between the public authorities and the contractor selected in a tender process. The purpose of the contract is the construction of a Light Rail Transit line between Odivelas and Loures.




    Progress report on the construction of the Light Rail Transit line between Odivelas and Loures

    Progress report stating that the works are progressing according to the timetable



    The development of the works on the construction of the Light Rail Transit line between Odivelas and Loures and compliance with the timetable for their execution shall be measured by regular progress reports throughout the execution of the works. It includes the assessment of the development of the work according to the planned timetable, including the identification of the activities already completed, the identification of the activities to be carried out, and a risk analysis of the proposed implementation deadlines with, if necessary, a mitigation and contingency plan to ensure that the contract is completed within the proposed deadlines. The milestone is met if the progress report states that at the time of the milestone the works are progressing according to the timetable.




    Construction of a Light Rail Transit line between Odivelas and Loures completed






    Length of construction works completed for the light rail transit line to connect Loures to the Lisbon Metro network in Odivelas. The new light rail transit line is ready for the immediate operation of the planned transport services.




    Signature of the contract for the construction of a Bus Rapid Transit line between Praça do Império and Praça Albuquerque Mouzinho in Porto

    Signature of the contract for the construction of a bus rapid transit line between Praça do Império and Praça Albuquerque Mouzinho in Porto



    Signature of the project implementation contract between the public authorities and the contractor selected in a tender process. The purpose of the contract is the construction of a Bus Rapid Transit line linking Praça do Império to Praça Albuquerque Mouzinho in Porto.




    Construction of a Bus Rapid Transit line between Praça do Império and Praça Albuquerque Mouzinho in Porto completed






    Length of construction works completed for the bus rapid transit line linking Praça do Império to Praça Albuquerque Mouzinho in Porto. The new bus rapid transit line is ready for the immediate operation of the planned transport services.




    Contract signed for the purchase of clean buses under the Public Transport Decarbonisation Programme

    Contract signed for the purchase of 145 clean buses under the Public Transport Decarbonisation Programme



    Signature of contract between the beneficiaries and the managing body, based on a competitive tender procedure, giving a commitment to purchase the new zero emission (electric and hydrogen) buses.




    Purchase of new zero emission (electric or hydrogen) buses used for public transport






    Number of new zero emission (electric or hydrogen) buses purchased and in operation for the provision of public passenger transport services in Lisbon and Porto Metropolitan Areas.




    Contracts signed for public passenger transport services in Metropolitan Areas and Inter-municipal Communities






    Number of transport management authorities with contracts signed for all public passenger transport services by rail, road and inland waterways in accordance with Regulation (EC) No 1370/2007.

    P. COMPONENT 16: Enterprises 4.0

    The component addresses the challenges related to the low digitalisation of enterprises. According to the results of the Digital Economy and Society Index (DESI 2020), Portugal ranks 19th in the EU and below the EU average. The most fragile dimensions in the case of Portugal are those of ‘Human Capital’ and ‘Use of Internet Services’ and some dimension of the ‘Integrating digital technologies’, all of which reflect limitations on the digital capacity and performance of companies.

    The objectives of the component are to target the business sector, in particular SMEs and their employees, with investments to accelerate the digital transition complemented by strengthening the digital skills of the employed workforce. The investments foresee the following actions:

    -Strengthening of the digital skills of employees in the business sector;

    -Modernisation of the business model of companies as well as their production processes, including the digitalisation of workflows such as business management, innovative products and invoicing;

    -Creation of new digital marketing channels for products and services;

    -Innovation and incorporation of advanced digital technologies into the business model of firms; and

    -Fostering of digitally based entrepreneurship.

    The component supports addressing the Country Specific Recommendations related to the support of the use of digital technologies, to ensure equal access to quality education and training, to boost firms’ competitiveness, and to support employment and prioritise measures to preserve jobs (Country Specific Recommendation 2 2020). The component also supports addressing the Country Specific Recommendations to improve the skills level of the population, in particular their digital literacy, including by making adult learning more relevant to the needs of the labour market (Country Specific Recommendation 2 2019) and to focus investment on the digital transition (Country Specific Recommendation 3 2020).

    It is expected that no measure in this component does significant harm to environmental objectives within the meaning of Article 17 of Regulation (EU) 2020/852, taking into account the description of the measures and the mitigating steps set out in the plan in accordance with the DNSH Technical Guidance (2021/C58/01).

    P.1. Description of the reforms and investments for non-repayable financial support

    Reform TD-r31: Digital transition of the business environment

    The objectives of the measure are to enhance the growth of the business environment making it digitally more competitive and resilient in the current global economic and social context. This reform is part of the wider Digital Transition Action Plan (PATD) that Portugal adopted in April 2020.

    The reform shall consist of the following elements:

    -Review of the formative content included in the National Qualifications Catalogue, specifically relating to digital skills for use in a professional context. This renewal is aligned with the latest technological developments and the most pressing needs of companies in various economic sectors. To this end, new training pathways and training course of short duration may be made available from 2021.

    -Establishing the legal and regulatory framework necessary for the creation of digital seals in the areas of cybersecurity, privacy, sustainability and usability. This framework and the promotion of digital trust is a pre-condition for the implementation of the investment for digital seals foreseen in this component.

    The implementation of the reform shall be completed by 31 March 2022.

    Investment TD-C16-i01: Digital Empowerment of Enterprises

    The objectives of the measure are to increase the digital skills of the employed workforce, including employees and managers, with a particular focus on enterprises in the industry, commerce, services, tourism and agriculture sectors, in order to increase the number of digitally skilled workers and improve the competitiveness and resilience of enterprises, thereby also contributing to maintaining and creating jobs. This investment shall help increase the number of skilled jobs in existing companies and foster the creation of new businesses.

    The investment shall consist of two interlinked training programmes that shall be set up to address gaps in the digital skills of workers (employees and managers) and businesses. The investment is expected to influence new policies and to contribute to the development of lifelong vocational skills and training practices. The investment is also expected to improve the ability of companies to face challenges and seize the opportunities brought by technology. The two actions are:

    -Academy Portugal Digital: with the target to reach 800 000 participants in online, blended, and face to face digital skills training

    -Employment + Digital 2025: with the target to offer to 200 000 participants a deeper face to face and blended digital skills training

    The implementation of the investment shall be completed by 31 September 2025.

    Investment TD-C16-i02: Digital Transition of Enterprises

    The objectives of the measure are to contribute to the transformation of the business models of Portuguese SMEs and their digitalisation. This is particularly relevant in view of the fact that the Portuguese economy is dominated mainly by micro-enterprises, which are less digitally active than larger companies. Thus, by engaging SMEs in the digitalisation of businesses, the aim of the investment is to transform the business model of the Portuguese economy and to contribute to greater competitiveness and resilience.

    The investment consists of four groups of actions:

    -‘National Test Beds Network’: the creation of a national Test Beds network aimed to create the conditions for businesses to develop and test new products and services and accelerating the digital transformation process, either via physical equipment and infrastructure testing equipment or virtual/digital simulators. The target is to establish 30 test bed infrastructures and test at least 3 600 pilot projects.

    -Digital Commerce: a programme for the digitalisation of SMEs, with a focus on micro-enterprises in the commercial sector, to activate their digital trading channels, to incorporate technology into business models and to dematerialise processes with customers and suppliers through the use of information and communication technologies. It shall comprise three projects: i) ‘Digital Trade accelerators’ with the creation of 25 local, regional or sectorial accelerators (entities that provide coaching, mentoring, funding support to start-ups and SMEs to help them grow) and a system of financial incentives to digitise SMEs’ business models (with target of 30 000 SMEs); ii) ‘Digital Commerce Neighborhoods’ that shall support the digitalisation (with local e-commerce and delivery platforms) of 50 shopping areas located in urban centres, suburban or rural areas in order to boost these areas and promote territorial cohesion and the local economy; iii) ‘Internationalisation via E-commerce’, to help enterprises to develop new sales channels abroad via online sales.

    -Support to the digital transition of the business models: Coaching 4.0, a programme to support businesses in the adoption of advanced digital technologies.

    -Entrepreneurship: with measures such as i) ‘Voucher for Start-ups — New Green and Digital Products’ a voucher programme aimed at supporting start-ups that want to develop digital and green based business models; ii) ‘Strengthening the National Entrepreneurship Structure — Startup Portugal’ with investments in mapping the start-up environment as to identify challenges and solutions connected with the entrepreneurship agenda and the implementation of the respective action plans; and iii) ‘Startup Incubators/Accelerators vouchers’ to support incubators and accelerators in their development, including adoption of new digital technology, improve resources at their disposal and to reinforce their knowledge and capabilities in order to support start-ups with digitally based business models.

    For financial instruments, under the measure ‘Digital Trade accelerators’ that provides funding support and financial incentives, in order to ensure that the measure complies with the ‘Do no significant harm’ Technical Guidance (2021/C58/01), the legal agreement between Portuguese authorities and the entrusted entity or the financial intermediary in charge of the financial instrument and the subsequent investment policy of the financial instrument shall:

    -require the application of the Commission’s technical guidance on sustainability proofing for the InvestEU Fund; and

    -exclude the following list of activities and assets from eligibility: i) activities and assets related to fossil fuels, including downstream use 43 ; ii) activities and assets under the EU Emission Trading System (ETS) achieving projected greenhouse gas emissions that are not lower than the relevant benchmarks 44 ; iii) activities and assets related to waste landfills, incinerators 45 and mechanical biological treatment plants 46 ; and iv) activities and assets where the long-term disposal of waste may cause harm to the environment; and

    -require the verification of legal compliance with the relevant EU and national environmental legislation of the projects by the entrusted entity/financial intermediary for all transactions, including those exempted from sustainability proofing.

    For tenders, in order to ensure that the measure complies with the ‘Do no significant harm’ Technical Guidance (2021/C58/01), the eligibility criteria contained in terms of reference for upcoming calls for projects shall exclude the following list of activities: i) activities related to fossil fuels, including downstream use 47 ; ii) activities under the EU Emission Trading System (ETS) achieving projected greenhouse gas emissions that are not lower than the relevant benchmarks 48 ; iii) activities related to waste landfills, incinerators 49 and mechanical biological treatment plants 50 ; and iv) activities where the long-term disposal of waste may cause harm to the environment. The terms of reference shall additionally require that only activities that comply with relevant EU and national environmental legislation may be selected.

    The implementation of the investment shall be completed by 31 September 2025.

    Investment TD-C16-i03: catalyst for the Digital Transition of Enterprises

    The objectives of the measure are to contribute to the digital and environmental transition of society and business.

    The investment shall consist of the following three actions:

    -‘Dematerialisation of invoicing’, with a project aimed at reducing paper use through a digital invoice sending platform;

    -‘Cybersecurity, Privacy, Usability and Sustainability Certification Seals’ — an investment in: creating four new cybersecurity, privacy, usability and sustainability certification seals; the set-up of platforms that support communication between all partners and entities involved in the process (as well as generating procedural data relevant to the monitoring of the program); a campaign to disseminate the initiative and empower conformity assessment bodies or technical assessment entities that support the certification seals in those areas; and

    -‘Digital Innovation Hubs (DIH)’: a service to support companies to become more competitive in the digital sphere, in order to improve their production processes, through automation or incorporation of disruptive technologies. This investment shall reinforce and complement the network already under development within the Digital Europe Program, to reach a total of 16 DIHs established in Portugal.

    For tenders related to the set-up of Digital Innovation Hubs and for the selection of beneficiaries supported by the Digital Innovation Hubs, in order to ensure that the measure complies with the ‘Do no significant harm’ Technical Guidance (2021/C58/01), the eligibility criteria contained in terms of reference for upcoming calls for projects shall exclude the following list of activities: i) activities related to fossil fuels, including downstream use 51 ; ii) activities under the EU Emission Trading System (ETS) achieving projected greenhouse gas emissions that are not lower than the relevant benchmarks 52 ; iii) activities related to waste landfills, incinerators 53 and mechanical biological treatment plants 54 ; and iv) activities where the long-term disposal of waste may cause harm to the environment. The terms of reference shall additionally require that only activities that comply with relevant EU and national environmental legislation may be selected.

    The implementation of the investment shall be completed by 31 December 2025.

    P.2. Milestones, targets, indicators, and timetable for monitoring and implementation for non-repayable financial support

    Sequential Number

    Measure (Reform or Investment)



    Qualitative indicators (for milestones)

    Quantitative indicators (for targets)

    Indicative timeline for completion

    Description and clear definition of each milestone and target


    Unit of measure








    Entry into force of the review of the training content included in the National Qualifications Catalogue regarding modules on the field of Digital Skills and the legislation or regulation for the creation of digital signatures and seals

    Entry into force of the review of the training content included in the National Qualifications Catalogue regarding modules on the field of Digital Skills and the legislation or regulation for the creation of digital signatures and seals






    Entry into force of the following legislation or regulations: (1) Review of the vocational and educational training content included in the National Qualifications Catalogue in the field of digital skills, namely training modules related to technologies and tools, in order to develop the skills mostly needed in the professional context based on skills anticipation diagnosis. (2) Legislation or regulation necessary for the creation of digital signatures and seals in the areas of cybersecurity, privacy, sustainability and usability. The creation of this legal framework and the promotion of digital trust is a condition for the implementation of the investment for digital seals foreseen in this component.




    Start of the Portugal Digital Academy and Employment + Digital programmes

    Start of the Portugal Digital Academy and Employment + Digital programs






    Portugal Digital Academy — (1) The online platform is operational and accessible by its users, (2) diagnostic procedures are defined to assess digital skills recommendations for the trainees and to define the personalized training courses they need, and the first set of online trainings are launched and are accessible to trainees.

    Employment + Digital — (1) the economic sectors to be targeted are identified and their main digital challenges to be addressed by the courses are defined;(2) partners and stakeholders for the implementation of the programme are identified; (3) the training programme is launched and the face to face or blended training is started .




    Employment + Digital training participants




    200 000



    Number of training participants that have completed a face-to-face or blended reskilling and upskilling training module, focusing on digital skills that address challenges of the identified economic sectors in the Employment + Digital program. The selected economic sectors are those identified in the milestone of Q1 2022.




    Portugal Digital Academy training participants




    800 000



    Number of training participants that have received a digital skills diagnostic, an individual training plan and that have complete an online, blended or in-person module in the Portugal Digital Academy program.




    SMEs supported by digital commerce accelerators




    12 000



    Number of SMEs supported through the creation of 25 local, regional or sectorial digital commerce accelerators as well as a system of financial incentives to digitise business models of SMEs. The support shall consist of assessing and diagnosing the digitalisation level of beneficiary SMEs, as well as providing targeted services and incentives to increase the adoption of digital technologies in the business model of beneficiaries.

    The selection criteria shall ensure compliance with the ‘Do no significant harm’ Technical Guidance (2021/C58/01) of supported transactions under this measure through the use of sustainability proofing, the use of an exclusion list, and the requirement of compliance with the relevant EU and national environmental legislation.




    National Test Beds Network pilot products developed







    Number of pilot products developed (with the intent to reach at least Technology Readiness Level 7) in the National Test Beds Network.

    The selection criteria shall ensure compliance the ‘Do no significant harm’ Technical Guidance (2021/C58/01) of supported transactions under this measure through the use of an exclusion list, and the requirement of compliance with the relevant EU and national environmental legislation.




    Test Beds selected for the National Test Beds Network







    Number of Test Beds selected to be further on installed with the necessary equipment to enable development and testing of pilot products in the National Test Beds Network. The coverage of the industry sectors, as well as their subsectors shall correspond to those projected for the Digital Innovation Hubs (DIH) network in order to generate synergies and complementarities with the DIH network.

    The selection criteria shall ensure compliance with the ‘Do no significant harm’ Technical Guidance (2021/C58/01) of supported transactions under this measure through the use of an exclusion list, and the requirement of compliance with the relevant EU and national environmental legislation.




    National Test Beds Network pilot products developed




    3 600



    Number of pilot products developed with the intent to reach Technology Readiness Level 7) in the National Test Beds Network.

    The selection criteria shall ensure compliance with the ‘Do no significant harm’ Technical Guidance (2021/C58/01) of supported transactions under this measure through the use of an exclusion list, and the requirement of compliance with the relevant EU and national environmental legislation.




    Digital Commerce Neighbourhoods







    Number of digital commerce neighbourhoods in urban centres, suburban or rural areas. These investments shall cover connectivity and local digital infrastructure, in particular the installation (or upgrade) of existing equipment and installations of Wi-fi internet access for customers in shopping areas. It shall also cover the integration of technology solutions for parcel delivery management and the adoption of electronic means of payment in order to digitalise consumer experience as well as shops’ business model.

    The selection criteria shall ensure compliance with the ‘Do no significant harm’ Technical Guidance (2021/C58/01) of supported transactions under this measure through the use of an exclusion list, and the requirement of compliance with the relevant EU and national environmental legislation.




    SMEs supported by digital commerce accelerators



    12 000

    30 000



    Number of SMEs supported through the creation of 25 local, regional or sectorial digital commerce accelerators, as well as a system of financial incentives to digitise business models of SMEs. Support shall consist of assessing and diagnosing the digitalisation level of beneficiary SMEs, as well as providing targeted services and incentives to increase the adoption of digital technologies in the business model of beneficiaries.

    The selection criteria shall ensure compliance with the ‘Do no significant harm’ Technical Guidance (2021/C58/01) of supported transactions under this measure through the use of sustainability proofing, the use of an exclusion list, and the requirement of compliance with the relevant EU and national environmental legislation.




    SMEs and start-up incubators directly supported by digitalisation programmes




    8 900



    Number of SMEs (8500) and start-up incubators (400) supported by one of the following programmes: (1) Internationalisation via E-commerce; (2) Coaching 4.0 actions supporting business models for the digital transition; (3) Vouchers for Start-ups for the development of new green and digital products; (4) Vouchers for start-up incubators and accelerators for their technological development.

    The selection criteria shall ensure compliance with the ‘Do no significant harm’ Technical Guidance (2021/C58/01) of supported transactions under this measure through the use of an exclusion list, and the requirement of compliance with the relevant EU and national environmental legislation.




    Start-ups mapped on the platform of Startup Portugal




    5 000



    Number of start-ups mapped by identifying their main business characteristics on the Start-up Portugal platform. The new platform shall monitor the ecosystem of start-ups, in particular, but not limited to, digital-based business ones. The platform shall be made available to the whole ecosystem (start-ups, investors, accelerators/Incubators, public entities).




    Digital Innovation Hubs (DIHs)






    Number of DIH consortiums selected by the approval of tenders. The creation of each DIH shall imply subsequently the foundation of an incubator / accelerator to foster the entrepreneurship ecosystem associated with the sectors covered by the hub. This investment shall reinforce and complement the network already under development within the Digital Europe Program.

    The selection criteria shall ensure compliance with the ‘Do no significant harm’ Technical Guidance (2021/C58/01) of supported transactions under this measure through the use of an exclusion list, and the requirement of compliance with the relevant EU and national environmental legislation.




    Setting up of platforms for sending digital invoices and cybersecurity, privacy, usability and sustainability certifications

    Setting up of platforms for sending digital invoices and cybersecurity, privacy, usability and sustainability certifications






    Five new platforms shall be set up for: 1) sending digital invoices; and 2) cybersecurity certification, 3) privacy certification, 4) usability certification and 5) sustainability certification; including the related dissemination campaigns on all platforms. The certification platforms shall support the applications and submission of certification requests, process management, issuing and centralised repository of certificates and seals issued. The certification platforms shall also support communication between all partners and entities involved in the processes, as well as generating procedural data relevant to the monitoring of the programme.

    The platforms have to be operational and accessible to the intended users.




    Beneficiaries of consultancy services of Digital Innovation Hubs




    4 000



    Number of companies that received consultancy services from the Digital Innovation Hubs network in order to improve knowledge and production processes through automation or incorporation of disruptive technologies.

    The selection criteria shall ensure compliance with the ‘Do no significant harm’ Technical Guidance (2021/C58/01) of supported transactions under this measure through the use of an exclusion list, and the requirement of compliance with the relevant EU and national environmental legislation.

    Q. COMPONENT 17: Quality and Sustainability of Public Finances

    The component addresses challenges related to Portugal’s high public debt-to-GDP ratio, which was aggravated further due to the COVID-19 crisis. The size of Portugal’s public debt-to-GDP ratio constraints the available fiscal space and, when economic conditions allow, calls for the need to ensure fiscal sustainability in the medium term. In that context, stronger framework conditions for fiscal policy are expected to contribute to a more growth-friendly path for stronger fiscal sustainability.

    The objective of the component is to enhance public financial management in Portugal and to bridge existing gaps in fiscal-structural reforms. Among others, these goals include:

    -delivering on the full and effective implementation of the 2015 Budgetary Framework Law and the associated structural changes in terms of budgeting, accounting and information systems;

    -increasing efficiency savings through the greater uptake of centralised procurement and spending reviews, which are planned to be integrated in the regular budgetary process and subject to systematic ex-post evaluations;

    -improving the financial performance of state-owned enterprises through greater transparency, enhanced monitoring and stronger governance, with management becoming more accountable and performance-oriented; and,

    -stepping up the efficiency of the revenue administration – including both the Tax and Customs Authority and Social Security services – through exploiting the available scope for greater digitalisation and business-friendliness.

    The component contributes to addressing the Country Specific Recommendation to improve the quality of public finances, while strengthening overall expenditure control, cost efficiency and adequate budgeting (Country Specific Recommendation 1 2019), the recommendation to improve the financial sustainability of state-owned enterprises, while ensuring more timely, transparent and comprehensive monitoring (Country Specific Recommendation 1 2019), and the recommendation to, when economic conditions allow, pursue fiscal policies aimed at achieving prudent medium-term fiscal position and ensuring debt sustainability (Country Specific Recommendation 1 2020). The component also contributes to addressing the Country Specific Recommendation to focus investment on the digital transition (Country Specific Recommendation 3 2020).

    It is expected that no measure in this component does significant harm to environmental objectives within the meaning of Article 17 of Regulation (EU) 2020/852, taking into account the description of the measures and the mitigating steps set out in the plan in accordance with the DNSH Technical Guidance (2021/C58/01).

    Q.1. Description of the reforms and investments for non-repayable financial support

    Reform TD-r32: Modernisation and Simplification of Public Financial Management

    The over-arching objective of the reform is to improve the quality and sustainability of public finances and, in particular, to strengthen expenditure control and appropriate budgeting. The reform also aims at increasing transparency and efficiency in the use of public resources, through a more integrated management of administrative and financial processes across all entities within general government.

    The reform is an all-encompassing fiscal-structural reform, which shall consist of mutually reinforcing initiatives.

    -First, gradual steps shall contribute to the full and effective implementation of the 2015 Budgetary Framework Law. These shall include developing programme budgeting and feeding it into budgetary planning and monitoring, as well as the State Accounting Entity becoming operational. The planned significant upgrade of the information systems for public financial management is also expected to facilitate adherence to the accrual-based accounting system.

    -Second, spending reviews are planned to become a structural feature of Portugal’s budgetary process, through their better integration in the annual budgetary cycle and the ex-post evaluation of possible efficiency gains.

    -Third, improvements in the remit of centralised procurement shall be implemented to strengthen efficiency.

    -Fourth, a two-pronged approach is planned for state-owned enterprises, whereby measures to increase transparency in the disclosure of financial data are to be complemented with steps to strengthen governance, including through enhanced management contracts to spur incentive-based managerial practices, and the signing of budget and activity plans that shall allow for greater autonomy in combination with stronger accountability and monitoring.

    The implementation of the reform shall be completed by 31 December 2025.

    Investment TD-C17-i01: Public Financial Management Information Systems

    The objective of the investment is to operationalise the related reform of public financial management, with a view to improving the quality and sustainability of public finances. The investment is particularly key for the full and effective implementation of the 2015 Budgetary Framework Law.

    The investment shall consist of complementary sub-investments which, combined, should contribute to the integrated management of public revenue and expenditure. First, sub-investments shall be geared towards information technology solutions that allow for the monitoring of government transactions, building on the digitalisation of processes, the automation of accounting and integration in central systems at the Ministry of Finance, which shall benefit budgetary planning, monitoring and accountability. These shall include the development of information technology solutions that shall allow for the management of the State’s treasury in an integrated fashion through the State Accounting Entity, as well as to support the preparation of the State Budget and medium-term budgetary planning through the introduction of programme budgeting and adherence to accrual-based accounting system. Second, ancillary improvements are also foreseen in the information systems for centralised procurement, as well as the management of public vehicles and immovable property.

    The implementation of the investment shall be completed by 30 June 2026.

    Investment TD-C17-i02: Modernisation of the information systems of the Tax and Customs Authority for rural property taxation

    The objective of the investment is to advance with the digitalisation of all processes related to rural property taxation, notably of the related information – mapping and associated features (such as crops and economic potential) – and the deployment of pre-filling for specific declarative obligations.

    The investment shall consist of several sub-investments comprising of: i) the digitalisation of support information for property matrices; ii) the strengthening of information technology infrastructure for the preservation of digitised property information; iii) the development of consultation and visualisation mechanisms for property matrices; iv) the development of an information system to support the simplified cadastral assessment of rural properties; v) the development of a georeferenced information management solution; and vi) the development of declarative pre-filling services (notably for immovable property taxation and specific transactions subject to stamp duty).

    The implementation of the investment shall be completed by 31 December 2025.

    Investment TD-C17-i03: Digital transition of Social Security services

    The objective of the investment is to bring forward the digitalisation of Social Security services with a view to making them more user-friendly, fostering efficiency and curbing fraud and evasion.

    The investment shall consist of steps to: i) improve the design and organisation of Social Security services, based on the upgrade of the underlying information systems, in the areas of social benefits, social contributions, fraud prevention, information management, and payment channels; ii) develop and implement a new relationship model, which is expected to integrate the various interaction channels between citizens, firms and Social Security services through an omni-channel approach; iii) adapt Social Security services’ workplaces to allow for more flexible work arrangements, such as teleworking; iv) implement information technology infrastructure based on Cloud solutions that have the potential to support performance and interoperability; and v) review internal processes and train Social Security workers to support the smooth implementation of the afore-mentioned investments and structural changes.

    The implementation of the investment shall be completed by 31 December 2025.

    Q.2. Milestones, targets, indicators, and timetable for monitoring and implementation for non-repayable financial support

    Sequential Number

    Measure (Reform or Investment)



    Qualitative indicators (for milestones)

    Quantitative indicators (for targets)

    Indicative timeline for completion

    Description and clear definition of each milestone and target


    Unit of measure








    Complete the design and implementation of new procurement models for the national central public procurement system as foreseen in the strategic plan 2020-2023 of the public administration shared services entity







    Number of revised framework agreements and contracting models, in order to: i) promote administrative simplification; ii) reinforce monitoring and control mechanisms; iii) foster cost efficiency and rationalisation considerations; iv) broaden the list of goods and services subject to centralised procurement; and, v) promote collaboration among internal and external stakeholders.




    Entry into force of the legislation underpinning the State Accounting Entity

    Entry into force of the legislation underpinning the State Accounting Entity






    Entry into force of secondary legislation (and/or administrative guidelines) to regulate which specific revenue and expenditure items shall be included in the budget of the State Accounting Entity, in full compliance with Articles 49 and 55 of the 2015 Budgetary Framework Law.




    Completion and approval of the model for monitoring the budgetary and financial execution of general government

    Completion and approval of the model for monitoring the budgetary and financial execution of general government






    Completion and approval by the Ministry of Finance of the model for controlling and monitoring the budgetary and financial execution of general government, in full compliance with the provisions of the 2015 Budgetary Framework Law and the accruals-based principles of the accounting standard for public administration.




    Adoption of the costing model for programme budgeting

    Adoption of legislation for the costing model for programme budgeting






    Adoption of secondary legislation (and/or administrative guidelines) to establish the principles for the costing and monitoring of compliance with the performance-based indicators defined for each budgetary programme and public policy, with a view to entry into force by Q1-2027.




    Implementation of mechanisms to integrate spending reviews in the regular budgetary process, including the ex-post evaluation of efficiency savings

    Report on the integration of spending reviews in the regular budgetary process and their ex-post evaluation






    A structural and institutional framework shall be developed for spending reviews in order to fully integrate them in the annual budgetary process and Portugal’s medium-term budgetary framework.

    The process includes the diagnosis, design of solutions and definition of a model that allows the generation of efficiency gains in the provision of public services, promoting the broadening of spending reviews to additional sectors within the general government, and freeing up resources, through efficiency gains, for the digital and green transitions.

    In addition to integrating spending reviews in the annual budgetary process, they shall be subject to effective annual ex-post evaluations to ascertain the achieved efficiency gains. The exercise may include greater up-take of shared services and centralised public procurement, based on the use of technological platforms and common resources.




    Entry into force of the new management contract template under the new system of incentives/penalties for the management of state-owned enterprises

    Entry into force of the new management contract template






    Entry into force of the new management contract template to be signed with public managers appointed to the Boards of Directors of state-owned enterprises, in order to increase responsibility and accountability in the management of public resources through a new system of performance-oriented incentives/penalties.




    Entry into force of the new model for analysing and disclosing the financial situation and performance of state-owned enterprises

    Entry into force of the new report detailing the financial situation and performance of state-owned enterprises






    Entry into force of the new report detailing the financial situation and performance of state-owned enterprises on a regular and timely basis, incorporating the financial data collected through the new state-owned enterprise sector information system.




    Number of budget and activities plans of state-owned enterprises consistently approved by the Minister of Finance and respective line Minister(s)







    Assess the budget and activities plans of state-owned enterprises in a timely manner. These are three-year strategic management plans, where state-owned enterprises define and negotiate with the Minister of Finance and respective line Minister(s) their main lines of action, service portfolio, human resources, investment plan, assistance activity levels and economic-financial statement for a three-year period, as well as explain the efficiency and productivity gains that shall ensure their financial sustainability in the medium and long term.




    Completion of the implementation of the State Accounting Entity

    Completion of the implementation of the State Accounting Entity






    Complete the implementation of the State Accounting Entity, in full compliance with Articles 49 and 55 of the 2015 Budgetary Framework Law.




    Entry into operation of the information system for redesigning and implementing the budgetary process, incorporating programme budgeting

    Entry into operation of the information system for redesigning and implementing the budgetary process






    Entry into operation of the information system to ensure the presentation of budgetary/accounting information in accordance with the new formats laid down in the 2015 Budgetary Framework Law by all entities of general government, including with respect to new performance-based budgetary programmes.




    Entry into operation of a support information system for the new model of budgetary and financial control

    Information system in operation






    Entry into operation of a support information system to ensure the control and monitoring of budgetary/accounting information in accordance with the new formats laid down in the 2015 Budgetary Framework Law by all entities of general government.




    Complete the modernisation and simplification of the information systems of the national central public procurement system







    Number of modernised and simplified information systems of the national central public procurement system, in order to: i) promote administrative simplification; ii) reinforce monitoring and control mechanisms; iii) foster cost efficiency and rationalisation considerations; iv) broaden the list of goods and services subject to centralised procurement; and, v) promote collaboration among internal and external stakeholders. The delivery of this target shall be measured by the number of new information systems in operation.




    Complete the modernisation of the information systems for state-owned vehicles







    Number of new information systems which are in operation to inventory and monitor state-owned vehicles.




    Complete the implementation of the security operation centre

    Completion of the implementation of the security operation centre






    Completion of the implementation of the security operation centre to allow for increased information security and access to data, as well as for the implementation of security policies and cybersecurity solutions.




    Complete the implementation of pre-filling of the Model 1 declaration of the municipal immovable property tax (IMI), on the basis of the data available to the Tax and Customs Authority

    Complete the implementation of pre-filling of the Model 1 declaration of the municipal immovable property tax (IMI)






    Data sharing between the Tax and Customs Authority and municipalities for pre-filling the Model 1 declaration of the municipal immovable property tax (‘Imposto Municipal sobre Imóveis’, IMI), taking advantage of existing information about properties in the respective information systems.




    Provision and operationalisation of the final version of the information system supporting the simplified assessment of rural properties

    Provision and operationalisation of the final version of the information system supporting the simplified assessment of rural properties






    Delivery of the information system supporting the simplified assessment of rural properties as an ancillary measure to the general revaluation of that kind of property.




    Complete the edafo-climato-morphological (soil and climate) characterisation and assessment of economic potential of rural properties







    Percentage of the rural area of mainland Portugal whose edafo-climato-morphological (soil and climate) characterisation and assessment of economic potential shall be completed, supported by the development of a geo-referenced information management solution.




    Expansion of the functionalities of the Segurança Social Direta website, by adding five new online services







    Number of new online services added to the Segurança Social Direta website to expand its functionalities, namely: i) information system for technical assistance to courts – civil guardianship process, and promotion and protection process; ii) supplementary benefits – declaration of unemployment status; iii) family benefits – reassessment; iv) subsidy due to suspension of activity; and, v) survival pension. The objective is to increase the relative weight of Segurança Social Direta over all communication channels with Social Security, against the background of the introduction of the 360° vision plan.




    Reduction by 80% of the average number of days it takes to grant social benefits of a contributory nature, for those that have an average granting time longer than 10 days







    Reduction by 80% of the average number of days it takes to grant social benefits of a contributory nature for those that have an average granting time longer than 10 days, as a result of the improvements implemented in the Segurança Social Direta website (relating to retirement pensions for pensioners with a contributory career only in Portugal).




    Implementation of intelligent surveillance models to support fraud prevention, based on machine-learning processes







    Two intelligent surveillance models, using machine-learning processes, shall be delivered and made operational. The two models to be created and implemented shall be: i) a predictive model that can flag entities to be inspected based on the results of learning algorithms, using historical data from the surveillance information subsystem of the Social Security information system, in order to carry out more targeted surveillance actions, with less operational effort and more assertive results, enhancing the effectiveness and efficiency of the surveillance system, and taking advantage of other sources of information; ii) a model of risk indices for beneficiaries of social benefits.

    R. COMPONENT 18: Economic Justice and Business Environment

    The component addresses the challenge of inefficiencies in the Portuguese justice system as well as remaining bottlenecks in business licencing. The length of administrative and tax procedures has been improving in recent years, but remains one of the highest in the EU, and the number of pending cases (case backlog) remains comparatively high. The business environment is also hindered by a low effectiveness of collateral and bankruptcy laws and heavy licencing procedures in some sectors.

    The objective of the component is to strengthen and make more efficient the relations between citizens and companies with the State, as well as to reduce the burden and complexity that inhibit business activity and impact productivity. It addresses two longstanding issues: obstacles in obtaining business licences and inefficiencies in the justice system, as well as the adoption of the ‘digital by definition’ paradigm in the justice system and its promotion in the licencing procedures both as regards the functioning of courts and on interaction with stakeholders.

    This component aims at addressing different challenges identified in the Country Specific Recommendations (Country Specific Recommendation 4 2019 and 2020), namely the remaining inefficiencies in the areas of insolvency procedures and of administrative and tax courts, and addressing the issue of licencing requirements for businesses, while touching upon the regulated professions framework (also included in the same Country Specific Recommendations), albeit limited to the profession of insolvency practitioners (the regulated professions challenge is addressed in component 6). The component also contributes to addressing the Country Specific Recommendation to focus investment on the digital transition (Country Specific Recommendation 3 2020).

    It is expected that no measure in this component does significant harm to environmental objectives within the meaning of Article 17 of Regulation (EU) 2020/852, taking into account the description of the measures and the mitigating steps set out in the plan in accordance with the DNSH Technical Guidance (2021/C58/01).

    R.1.    Description of the reforms and investments for non-repayable financial support

    Reform TD-r33: Economic justice and business environment

    The reform shall include the identification of the barriers to investment in the field of licencing, with a view to reduce procedural inefficiencies and reap the benefits of the digitalisation and interoperability between services, implementing the ‘only once’ principle, as the key focus of the reform as regards business environment. The changes in the legal framework, removing such barriers, are scheduled to enter into force by the third quarter of 2025.

    In the area of justice, the reform aims at increasing the efficiency of administrative and tax courts by setting up a legal framework promoting in and out-of-court settlements, the establishment of the legal framework for voluntary administrative arbitrage, and the creation of specialised chambers in superior courts, while the review of the insolvency framework shall include the strengthening of the role of insolvency practitioners, review of the legal framework strengthening the rights of the lender, and introduce compulsory partial apportionment in specific cases.

    Furthermore, the envisaged reform shall provide the legal basis for the digitalisation of processes and procedures throughout the justice system, including in the area of forensic and criminal investigations.

    The implementation of the reform shall be completed by 30 September 2025.

    Investment TD-AP-C18-i1: Economic justice and business environment

    The objective of the investment is to ensure the digital transition and resilience of the Portuguese justice IT systems. It aims at integrating the ‘digital by definition’ paradigm in the judiciary and registrars, including on the interactions with citizens and businesses.

    Digital transition is the stepping stone for this investment, focussing in the justice system, which is divided in five clusters:

    -Development and implementation of digital platforms for the justice system (encompassing all courts), where the aim is to promote the digitalisation of all judiciary processes and procedures and reap the benefits of the inherent increase in efficiency to tackle the existing backlogs. Furthermore, new interfaces for the interaction with relevant stakeholders shall be developed;

    -Development of digital platforms for citizens and business (including data migration), making new services available online, and ensuring a total dematerialisation of some services. This investment aims at providing integrated service platforms for businesses and citizens, throughout their ‘life cycle’, including all of the different registrars (Real Estate, vehicles, nationality, commercial and criminal records, and patent registration and verification);

    -Digital platforms for criminal investigations and forensics, developing and modernising information systems and ensuring connection with European networks,

    -Development and implementation of knowledge management platforms in justice, including a shared common services platform, document management, the development of a platform for the compilation of statistics and indicators, and the simplification of the language used in communications and digital services in the interactions with citizens and businesses (including electronic notifications);

    -Enhancement of technology infrastructure and equipment, including the datacentre, disaster/recovery facility, digital archives, open data platform, digital identity management, and the creation of a digital contact centre and a service desk in the field of justice.

    This investment benefits from strong synergies with Component 19 – digital public administration, implementing the ‘digital by definition’ paradigm, and ensuring the alignment with the National Cybersecurity Strategy and Cloud strategy.

    The implementation of the investment shall be completed by 31 December 2025.

    R.2.    Milestones, targets, indicators, and timetable for monitoring and implementation for non-repayable financial support

    Sequential Number

    Measure (Reform or Investment)



    Qualitative indicators (for milestones)

    Quantitative indicators (for targets)

    Indicative timeline for completion

    Description and clear definition of each milestone and target


    Unit of measure








    Creation of specialised chambers in the administrative and tax superior courts

    Creation of specialised chambers in the administrative and tax superior courts






    Creation of specialised chambers in the administrative and tax superior courts: ordinary administrative judgements, social administrative judgements, public procurement judgements, ordinary tax judgements, tax enforcement and administrative offenses judgments




    Entry into force of a legal regime to encourage in-court and out-of-court settlement

    Entry into force of a legal regime to encourage in-court and out-of-court settlement



    Entry into force of the legal regime creating a statutory incentive scheme for the termination of proceedings by in-court and out-of-court settlement




    Entry into force of the revised legal framework for insolvency and recovery

    Entry into force of the revised legal framework for insolvency and recovery






    Entry into force of the revised legal framework for insolvency and rescue of companies with a view to speeding up these proceedings and adapting them to ‘digital by default’, including

    a) revision of the Insolvency Code to optimise insolvency proceedings, also reflecting the transposition of Directive 2019/1023 and the establishment of purely electronic proceedings;

    (b) entrust the Insolvency Administrator with the task of drawing up a liquidation plan, with time-bound targets, for discharging the assets constituting the insolvency estate;

    (c) simplification of the procedure for the examination of liabilities and ranking of claims in the insolvency proceedings, by conferring on the Insolvency Administrator the responsibility to submit jointly with the list of recognised claims a proposal for their ranking, allowing the judge, in the event of agreement and in the absence of any challenge, to approve both documents, thus allowing for a more flexible procedure;

    d) the institution of compulsory partial apportionment where the insolvency estate is part of the proceeds of the liquidation of assets with a value of EUR 10 000 or more, the ownership of which is not disputed and the procedure is not in a position to make a final apportionment;

    (e) review of the pre-emptive regime of the right of retention when faced with the mortgage (Código Civil);

    (f) reducing restrictions on the exercise of insolvency practitioners.

    (g) the removal of constraints at the summons stage, establish as a rule the electronic service of legal persons, in particular in insolvency proceedings (CPC);

    (h) the creation and operation of specialised chambers in the higher courts for commercial matters.

    ese proceedings and adapting them to ‘digital by default’, including




    Entry into force of the legislative package on the removal of barriers to licensing

    Entry into force of the legislative package on the removal of barriers to licensing






    Entry into force of the legislation on the removal of barriers to licensing, identified in the report of the working group set up by joint order of the members of the government responsible




    Modernised IT system for criminal investigation

    Modernised IT system for criminal investigation in operation






    Entry into operation of a modernised IT system for criminal investigations. The modernisation includes implementation of interfaces and upgrading of interception systems and ensuring interoperability with European and international counterparts




    ‘Enterprise 2.0’ information system

    ‘Enterprise 2.0’ information system in operation






    Entry into operation of the ‘Enterprise 2.0’ information system, which is a new platform that includes company information on businesses’ life cycle (creation, management and termination).




    New information system for the digital transformation of Courts and Public Prosecutor’s Office

    New information system for the digital transformation of Courts and Public Prosecutor’s Office in operation






    Entry into operation of a new information system for the handling of electronic judicial proceedings. The new information system shall be available in approximately 400 courts and prosecution units, for the handling of electronic judicial proceedings covering all jurisdictions, procedural steps (including investigation) and judicial bodies and shall be used by judges, prosecutors, court officials and representatives. All Court communications with stakeholders shall be digitalised.




    Implementation of the new Technology Plan

    Implementation of the new Technology Plan






    Implementation of the new Technology Plan for Justice Equipment and Infrastructures with the entry into operation of the following components:

    (a) A new Data Centre;

    (b) Open Data Platform for justice ;

    (c) An Information Management system for all entities in the Justice ;

    (d) Digital identity management and

    (e) A system for recovery and management of seized assets in judicial proceedings




    Knowledge management platforms in justice

    Knowledge management platforms in justice in operation






    Entry into operation of the following knowledge management platforms:

    (a) Shared support services

    (b) Statistics and indicators

    (c) Information management platform (document management system)

    S. COMPONENT 19: Digital Public Administration

    This component of the Portuguese recovery and resilience plan addresses the challenge of the need to provide better, simpler and more digital public services. While Portugal is well placed when it comes to the provision of digital services, fragmentation and duplication of requirements remain key obstacles to an efficient and customer oriented public administration. This component aims at tackling these challenges.

    The component aims at a better public service, by means of fostering the use of technological solutions and strengthening proximity for simpler, secure, effective and efficient access for citizens and businesses, reducing context costs. Furthermore, it aims at promoting efficiency, modernisation, innovation and the empowerment of public administration, strengthening its resilience, improving the skills of civil servants and enhancing the contribution of the state and public administration to economic and social growth and development.

    This component is centred on the implementation of the ‘digital by definition’ paradigm and ‘once only’ principle in the Portuguese public administration, while investing in the upskilling of the workforce.

    This component contributes to addressing the Country Specific Recommendations on:

    -prioritising growth-friendly expenditure (Country Specific Recommendation 1 2019 and 2020), by reaping the efficiency gains derived from digitalisation;

    -improving the skills level of the population (Country Specific Recommendation 2 2019) as regards the civil service;

    -focussing the investment on digital transition (Country Specific Recommendation 3 2020), by investing in cross-cutting and sectoral public administration systems; and

    -reducing regulatory and administrative burden on business (Country Specific Recommendation 4 2019) by simplifying and making more efficient the relations between business and public authorities, in particular through the implementation of the ‘once only’ principle.

    It is expected that no measure in this component does significant harm to the environmental objectives within the meaning of Article 17 of Regulation (EU) 2020/852, taking into account the description of the measures and the mitigating steps set out in the plan in accordance with the DNSH Technical Guidance (2021/C58/01).

    S.1.    Description of the reforms and investments for non-repayable financial support

    Reform TD-r34: Digital, simple, inclusive and secure public services for citizens and businesses

    The objective of the reform is to implement the ‘digital by definition’ paradigm in public services, to make it more user orientated, increasing accessibility and reduce the administrative burden for citizens and business, including by relying on the use of cloud services.

    The reform shall consist of the implementation of measures to ensure that the needed legal framework is in place for the digital transition, in particular for the implementation of the single digital gateway and the ‘once only principle’, through a coordinated process between public entities anchored in a Strategy and Action Plan for Digital Transformation in Public Administration for 2021 to 2023 and 2024 to 2026, while implementing the required information security safeguards, including those specific to cybersecurity.

    The implementation of the reform shall be completed by 30 September 2021.

    Reform TD-r35: Functional and organisational reform of public administration

    The objective of this reform is to restructure and streamline public services to promote a modern and more efficient public administration, also taking advantages of the synergies derived from the implementation of reform TD-r34. There is currently a dispersion and redundancy within central government departments, which lead to the repetition of services within ministries, and a high level of rigidity of work delivery models in the public sector, which relies on strict chains of command and which leads to undue bureaucratic approaches.

    This reform shall revise the model of functioning of the state and public administration in general, to enhance synergies and to harness opportunities created by technology. This shall include the centralisation of common and shared services, address the dispersion and redundancy within central government departments, the adequate specialisation of sectoral direct and indirect public administration entities by fields of expertise, the specialisation of critical functions of support to government activity and to concentrate government offices in a single physical space and to promote internal audit and benchmark, targeting process efficiency, continuous improvement and the dissemination of top management practices among public administration entities. This reform shall be carried out through the creation of a Mission Structure (task force) for the diagnosis and definition of a plan for the reorganisation of the central State services, to be financed under TD-C19-i07.

    The implementation of the reform shall be completed by 31 December 2023.

    Reform TD-r36: Public administration empowered to create public value

    This reform targets the upskilling of civil servants, including in their digital skills, and implements new working models (namely teleworking). This reform is in line with the measures envisaged in Component 6.

    This reform, reflected in the Strategy for Innovation and Modernisation of the State and Public Administration of July 2020, shall strengthen the management and training structure for civil servants and management, by setting up the structure for the coordination of training activities (the Instituto Nacional de Administração), which shall manage the promotion of both advanced training such as management skill, data science, specialisation courses, and by deepening the Qualifica AP programme in order to upgrade the qualifications level of public servants, in the short/ medium term. In parallel, this reform aims at harnessing the potential of teleworking in civil service.

    It is intrinsically linked to investment TD-C19-i07 – Empowerment of the public administration, which envisages digital capacitation programs, professional internship programs, higher and advanced management training and the boosting of civil servants skills in general.

    The implementation of the reform shall be completed by 30 June 2021.

    Investment TD-C19-i01: Redesign of public and consular services

    The objective of this investment is to implement the digital by definition paradigm in the interaction between stakeholders and the Portuguese public administration, aiming at efficiency gains and reducing bureaucracy. It also aims at increasing the efficiency of consular services and at ensuring the digital transition of the entities under the control of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

    This measure shall overhaul the front office of public and consular services by putting in place an omnichannel response capacity (single digital gateway, call centre and in-person services), coupled with a system of cross-cutting governance, taking advantage of cloud computing and on the use of 5G networks, to innovate, improve quality and reduce asymmetries in the provision of public services. This investment shall also include the setting up of new Espaços cidadão and Lojas do Cidadão in new energy efficient spaces.

    The implementation of the investment shall be completed by 31 March 2026.

    Investment TD-C19-i02: Sustainable electronic services 

    The objective of this investment is to provide the required back office support to the previous investment and targets the reinforcement of data valorisation and exploitation by public services, strengthening interoperability and data sharing, as well as the interoperability with external entities and cross-border (connection with the European Single data portal).

    This investment builds on reform TD-r34 in establishing a coordinated management of public administration data ecosystem, incorporating secure identification solutions, data access control mechanisms and statistical information. It shall promote the reuse of data collected by public authorities, implementing the ‘once only’ principle by relying on the interoperability and integration of IT systems, and broadening the use of electronic identification solutions. Furthermore, it shall promote open data and the availability of data for research purposes, while fostering data science skills.

    The implementation of the investment shall be completed by 31 March 2026.

    TD-C19-i03: Strengthening the overall cybersecurity framework

    The objective of this investment is to improve information security standards and procedures to online data. The investment is linked to investments TD-C19-i01 and TD-C19-i02.

    This measure aims at enhancing national empowerment in cybersecurity and information security, and create the physical and technological conditions for the implementation and operationalisation of a new cybersecurity and information security coordination model. It shall include four measures:

    -Increase capacity building in cybersecurity and information security, through the creation of competence centres for the development of cybersecurity solutions for SMEs and public administration;

    -Enhance the security in the management of the information life cycle by developing the national cryptography capacity and the control over classified information;

    -Implement the national cybersecurity reference framework (as per reform TD-r34) by establishing the National Cybersecurity Certification system, including the accreditation of bodies (in alignment and leveraging the measures included in component 16); and

    -Create the physical and technological conditions for the operationalisation of the new cybersecurity and information security coordination model (with the relevant new authorities fully empowered).

    The implementation of the investment shall be completed by 31 March 2026.

    TD-C19-i04: Efficient, secure and shared critical digital infrastructure

    The objective of this investment is to increase the resilience of critical digital infrastructures, namely emergency and security communications networks, as well as of the government computer network (RING).

    This investment shall target the government’s IT network, improve the coverage and capacity of the State Emergency Communications network and the national internal security network and review the architecture of information systems and processes of the security forces. This shall include:

    -Technology systems renewal for border management and control, police and judicial cooperation;

    -Operational Centres Project 112 – update to cater for new standards (New Generation 112);

    -National Internal Security Network project – adequacy of IT architecture systems and technological tools, and the construction and operationalisation of a new data centre;

    -State Emergency Communications Network (SIRESP) project – the investment shall include the promotion of the change in technology of the SIRESP ground infrastructure (backbone), from E1 to IP (Internet Protocol), the creation of a Disaster Recovery Centre for information systems associated with SIRESP, as well as the implementation of hertzian beams in some network sites, by replacing copper and optical fibre connections, in order to ensure a redundancy system;

    -Implementation of Shared Services in Security Forces and Services, eliminating redundancies in technical processes, creating common systems and reducing operational costs; and

    -RING – Rejuvenation and evolution of the technological infrastructure and information systems of the Government IT Network Management Centre, training of employees, provision of an integrated multimedia system, and secure communication systems and governance.

    The implementation of the investment shall be completed by 31 March 2026.

    TD-C19-i05: Digital transition of Madeira’s public administration

    The objective of this investment is to have a more resilient public administration, making digital technologies available for the provision of public services.

    This investment follows the approach adopted in investments TD-C19-i01 to i03, aiming at modernising the critical infrastructure and IT architecture, make digital tools available according to the needs of the public administration and the citizens, upskilling of human resources (in particular in the area of digital skills), availability of omnichannel public services and interoperability and connectivity. This measure shall provide the region’s public administration with the infrastructure, tools, interoperability of services and know-how to ensure the provision of digital public services, while ensuring alignment with the cybersecurity requirements in reform TD-r34 and Investment TD-C19-i03.

    The implementation of the investment shall be completed by 30 June 2025.

    TD-C19-i06: Digital transition of the public administration in Azores

    The objective of this investment is to support the digital transition of the public sector and reduce the administrative burden to deliver a better public service to citizens and businesses.

    This measure shall support the digital transition of the public service, also under the omnichannel approach, relying on interoperable digital services where transactional services are available online. It shall redesign the public service to enable simpler, more agile services and it shall increase the technological conditions for the dematerialisation of jobs in the civil service, by providing a virtual working environment and training of staff (such as digital skills, management and collaborative work). To ensure the security of data, a cybersecurity operations centre shall be established.

    The implementation of the investment shall be completed by 31 December 2025.

    TD-C19-i07: Public administration empowered to create public value

    The objective of this investment is to ensure that the civil service has the necessary know-how, in particular as regards managerial skills and technology, to provide a high quality service to the public.

    This investment aims at developing the training offer to workers and managers in the public administration, promoting the attraction of talent through the offer of traineeship programmes and promoting teleworking. In particular, it shall encompass digital enabling programs, higher and advanced management training, and the general training and upskilling of civil servants.

    This measure includes also the creation of the Competence Centre for Planning, Policy and Foresight in Public Administration, relevant to strengthen the capacities to support the definition and implementation of public policies, policy evaluation and foresight.

    Additionally, as referred in reform TD-r35, a mission structure to support the reorganisation of public services shall be set up under this investment.

    The implementation of the investment shall be completed by 31 March 2026.

    S.2.    Milestones, targets, indicators, and timetable for monitoring and implementation for non-repayable financial support

    Sequential Number

    Measure (Reform or Investment)



    Qualitative indicators (for milestones)

    Quantitative indicators (for targets)

    Indicative timeline for completion

    Description and clear definition of each milestone and target


    Unit of measure








    Public services available in a simplified and coherent way through different channels







    Number of services that are recorded in the enhanced Entity and Services Catalogue and are available through several channels: single digital services portal, contact centre, Lojas do Cidadão / Espaços Cidadão.

    This indicator implies redesigning these services according to the ‘once only’ principle and making them available in an omnichannel approach




    Public services available in a simplified and coherent way through different channels







    Number of services that are recorded in the enhanced Entity and Services Catalogue and are available through several channels: single digital services portal, contact centre, Lojas do Cidadão / Espaços Cidadão.

    This indicator implies redesigning these services according to the ‘once only’ principle and making them available in an omnichannel approach




    New Consular management model in place

    New Consular management model in place






    Full implementation of the new consular management model:

    i) Dematerialised consular services made available to nationals/non-nationals abroad with 80% of the services provided by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs digitalised;

    ii) Centro de Atendimento consular functioning and available in at least 15 countries.




    Public services securely accessible through electronic identity and respecting the ‘once only’ principle







    Number of digital public services available to citizens and businesses reusing data available in the iAP catalogue (available at, covered by electronic identity (when requested by the services) and by the System for the Control of Personal Data in the Public Administration, and publishing open data on




    Public services securely accessible through electronic identity and respecting the ‘once only’ principle







    Number of digital public services available to citizens and businesses reusing data available in the iAP catalogue (available at, covered by electronic identity (when requested by the services) and by the System for the Control of Personal Data in the Public Administration, and publishing open data on




    Territorial information infrastructure







    Number of data sources integrated in the territorial information infrastructure that covers housing, demographic and social and economic information. Data sources include administrative and survey microdata (typically at the individual or organisation/enterprise level) being progressively integrated at Statistics Portugal (through its National Data Infrastructure), ranging from Social Security, the Tax Authority, and several public administration bodies of the governmental areas of Education, Labour, Health and Justice, among others, and expanding the years covered (annual or infra-annual information) to the extent possible. Each data source shall be stabilized (the transmission), treated and analysed in order to be ready for integration and production of statistical information at the most granular level, especially along the regional dimension




    Training of IT specialists to strengthen cybersecurity and information security capabilities




    9 800



    Number of IT specialists trained in the network of seven newly created cybersecurity competence centres. The centres provide advanced skills in cybersecurity and information security through training and internship programmes at the National Cybersecurity Centre (CNCS) for ICT employees of the Public Administration (Face-to-face or telematic training)




    Adoption of the Portuguese cryptographic solution by public authorities







    Number of public authorities that are provided with cryptographic equipment that is in conformity with legal requirements [Resolução do Conselho de Ministros, n.º 16/96, de 22 de março - Instruções para a Segurança Nacional, Segurança das Telecomunicações (SEGNAC 3), Capítulo 3 / Resolution of the Council of Ministers, no. 16/96, 22th March - Instructions for National Security, Telecommunications Security (SEGNAC 3), Chapter 3].











    Number of new entities in the public administration covered by the National Cybersecurity Framework (see reform TD-r34). These entities shall be required to produce cybersecurity indicators, to implement the national and EU cybersecurity regulatory framework, including through conformity assessment bodies and new auditors, as well as by defining and monitoring the collaborative and information sharing governance model for knowledge and information security.

    Implementation of the National Cybersecurity Framework




    Completion of the building of cybersecurity and information security authorities

    Completion of the building of cybersecurity and information security authorities






    Completion of building work and installation of equipment with the appropriate technological and security conditions for the building of the three cybersecurity and information security authorities.




    Secure mobile communications system for government employees







    Percentage of government area employees with access to a secure voice, messaging and video communications system.




    Completion of upgrades in critical digital infrastructures

    Completion of upgrades of the National Internal Security Network and of the State Communications Emergency Network






    Completion of upgrades to critical digital infrastructures:

    i) 60% of implementation of additional capacity within the National Internal Security Network including high data processing capacity, resilience and security:

    Iii) 55% of implementation of the full territorial coverage, capacity and redundancies of the State Communications Emergency Network.




    Completion of upgrades in critical digital infrastructures

    Completion of upgrades of the National Internal Security Network and of the State Communications Emergency Network






    Completion of upgrades to critical digital infrastructures:

    i) Entry into operation of additional capacity within the National Internal Security Network including high data processing capacity, resilience and security:

    ii) Implementation of new technological architectures, systems and tools with the capability of smart automation and sophistication;

    Iii) State Communications Emergency Network: achievement of full territorial coverage and improvement of its capacity and its redundancies




    Upgrading of IT system of security forces and services

    Upgrading of IT systems of security forces and services






    Upgrade of IT systems of security forces and services:

    a) Entry into operation of the renewed SEF IT systems (border management and control, police and judicial cooperation and the Common European Asylum System)

    b) Shared IT services in security forces and services




    Strengthen the Government’s IT network management centre (RING)

    Strengthen the Government’s IT network management centre (RING)






    The aim is to strengthen RING by upgrading the five critical technological infrastructures of RING (firewall protection; computing, storage and backup; VoIP telephony; videoconferencing; and application ecosystem) and cloud) and upgrading the evolution of the main information systems




    Public services for citizens, visitors and businesses in the ARM







    Number of new simplified digitalised public services made available to citizens and businesses




    Modernisation of critical infrastructure and computer architecture of public services in ARM

    Modernisation of critical infrastructure and computer architecture of public services in ARM






    Completion of the digital transition in the ARM public administration, comprising:

    -           Roll-out of 5G and optical fibre in the ARM

    -           Mobile control surveillance centre for forest fires

    -           Centralisation and renewal of existing data centres of the regional public administration

    -           Implementation of cybersecurity architecture (see r34)

    -           Connectivity in regional public administration buildings

    -           Digital mobility tools for public sector employees

    -           Digital training for public sector employees

    -           Delivery of a public financial management IT system

    -           Delivery of a public property management system

    -           Interoperability of the ARM justice system with the national IT systems

    -           Smart AP connect project




    Digitalisation of the Regional public administration of the ARA

    Digitalisation of the Regional public administration of the ARA






    Completion of five projects:

    -           APR+ accessible, inclusive and open public administration

    -           APR + more agile public services

    -           APR+ Proactiva

    -           Mobile portal for the regional public administration

    -           APR+ fit for the future




    Traineeship programme for graduates




    1 500



    Number of graduates that have frequented the public administration traineeship programme established under the Resolução do Conselho de Ministros n.º 11/2021




    Public service employees in teleworking







    Percentage of workers with telework-compatible functions working effectively in teleworking




    Training for public administration employees




    114  000



    Number of training participants in the following capacity building programmes:

    -           Programa de capacitação digital

    -           Advanced and higher education in management

    -           Training for Lojas do Cidadão/Espaços Cidadão

    -           Qualifica AP programme

    -           PlanAPP – planning and foresight skills project




    Entry into force of legal framework for the digital transformation of the Public Administration

    Entry into force of legal framework for the digital transformation of the Public Administration






    Entry into force of the legal framework for the digital transformation of the public administration:

    i) The strategy and transversal action plan for the digital transformation of the public administration and

    ii) The legislative package (including regulation on the CNCS) on the National Cybersecurity Framework, building on Law 46/2018





    Entry into force of the legislative package for the re-organisation of the public administration

    Entry into force of the legislative package for the re-organisation of the public administration






    Entry into force of legislation necessary for the implementation of the functional and organisational changes of the central public administration based on the report delivered by the Estrutura de missão created by Council of Ministers’ resolution




    Establishment of the National Institute of Administration, I.P.

    Establishment of the National Institute of Administration, I.P. by legal act






    Establishment by legal act of the Instituto Nacional de Administração, IP, enabling the training activities for the public administration

    T. COMPONENT 20: Digital School

    Portugal had, in 2019, values below European averages in terms of daily use of the Internet (65%), use of online public services (41%) and ICT specialists in the labour market (2,4%) (Eurostat data/Digital Skills Observatory) and set ambitious targets by 2025 for these indicators (80%, 75% and 5% respectively). Among ICT specialists in the labour market, women accounted for 18,3% and men for 81,7% (Eurostat data).

    The objectives of the component are to create the conditions for the educational, pedagogical and managerial innovation of the Portuguese primary and secondary education system. This shall be achieved by developing digital skills of teachers, students and school staff, by integrating digital technologies in the different curricular areas, and by providing the appropriate equipment. In turn this is expected to contribute to the digital transition and to an inclusive and sustainable growth of the economy.

    The component contributes to addressing the Country Specific Recommendation to improve the skills level of the population, in particular their digital literacy (Country Specific Recommendation 2 2019) and to support the use of digital technologies to ensure equal access to quality education and training (Country Specific Recommendation 2 2020).

    It is expected that no measure in this component does significant harm to environmental objectives within the meaning of Article 17 of Regulation (EU) 2020/852, taking into account the description of the measures and the mitigating steps set out in the plan in accordance with the DNSH Technical Guidance (2021/C58/01).

    T.1. Description of the reforms and investments for non-repayable financial support

    Reform TD-r37: Digital Education Reform

    The objectives of the measure are to develop a new digital approach to education, leveraging existing public education policies, in particular the system of autonomy and flexibility in curricula. This reform aims to introduce a qualitative leap in the pedagogical use of digital technologies and how they shall be integrated into the process of acquiring knowledge. The reform also aims to mitigate the risks of exclusion and disadvantage in the learning processes by reducing social and educational inequalities in access to the digital technologies. The Digital Education Reform is aimed at the educational community (pupils, teaching staff and non-teaching staff).

    The reform shall consist of measures to ensure that 95% of teachers in the public education network shall receive training in basic or more advanced digital skills, including on the integration of digital technologies into the curriculum.

    The implementation of the reform shall be completed by 31 December 2025.

    Investment TD-C20-i01: Digital transition in education

    The objectives of the investment are: i) to remove the barriers to access to quality internet in the school environment; ii) to remove limitations to the integrated use of technological and digital equipment and eliminate the lack of specialised equipment to develop digital skills and stimulate the continuation of STEAM careers, to promote the equal participation of girls and boys; iii) to overcome the insufficient use of digital educational resources in the learning process and assessment process; and iv) to overcome the dispersion and inefficiency of the education system’s management and information systems by reviewing and updating school management and administration methodologies and processes.

    This investment shall consist of the following:

    -Scaling-up schools connectivity by expanding the internet connectivity of the Extended Network of Education from 40 to 300 Gbps, linking primary and secondary schools to the Extended Network of Education and provide them with at least 1 Gbps connectivity and extending the local area network with an average of 40 new access points for each school.

    -Providing 600 000 computers to students and teachers, upgrading the classrooms projection equipment (40 000 projectors) and by providing schools with Digital Education Laboratories equipped with educational advanced digital technologies like 3D printers and educational robots (1 300).

    -Developing and adopting new digital educational resources (95% of subjects in the primary and secondary educational curricula, including physical education and sport) including the digitalisation of assessment tests.

    -Providing schools with a ‘single system of identity’ to manage the school community, converge and integrate educational management information systems, and provide management with the appropriate IT solutions, 15 000 different equipment (between computers, scanners and printers), with a view to achieve a more efficient and transparent functioning of the education system including the rationalisation of the expenditure of schools.

    The implementation of the investment shall be completed by 31 December 2025.

    Investment TD-C20-i02-RAA: Digital education (Azores)

    The objectives of the measure are to ensure access to the use of digital technologies, promote equal opportunities and lead to significant improvements in the means of learning, in line with the European Union Digital Education Action Plan.

    This investment shall consist of fostering the development of digital skills of the educational community targeting both students and teachers and shall include targeted actions in the following areas:

    -Equipment: 24 900 new mobile IT equipment for pre-school, primary and secondary education, including follow on upgrades and software and the provision of equipment at school level with at least 330 new interactive screens, 100 new specialised laboratory equipment, 100 new 3D printers, 150 new video projectors and 150 new educational robots;

    -Digital Educational Resources: digitalisation of educational resources with the aim to reach 100% of pupils in the Autonomous Region of the Azores using digital manuals;

    -Digital competences: 24 training modules dedicated to teachers and school staff;

    -Connectivity: actions to improve the connectivity of schools in the Autonomous Region of the Azores to at least 1 Gbps.

    The implementation of the investment shall be completed by 31 December 2025.

    Investment TD-C20-i03-RAM: Accelerating the digitalisation of ARM education

    The objective of the measure is to create a more proactive, innovative, inclusive, autonomous, fair and open educational system in the autonomous region of Madeira.

    The investment shall consist of providing quality learning and training and qualification, preparing children and pupils to meet the challenges of the twenty-first century including the digital transition with specific actions in the following areas:

    -Digital Educational Resources and equipment: Within the project of the ‘Digital Manuals’ it aims at providing multiple digital educational resources in different formats and different typologies (animations, simulations, three-dimensional videos or other), providing equipment (tablets) and access to digital textbooks. It shall include, for all pupils each year (15 410 pupils): 1 tablet, 1 Virtual School Access Licence valid for each school year; 1 Personal and non-transferable licence of the digital version of each school manual adopted for schooling.

    -Connectivity and equipment for schools: with the aim to equip schools with ’Innovative Learning Environments‘ (25 ‘Innovative Environmental Apprenticeships’ spaces; 22 ’Makerspace‘ labs; 15 spaces for childcare learning; 20 ’Innovative Spaces‘ - based on the Snoezelen Room concept 55 - promoting inclusion and digital literacy, with ’Educational Innovation Centres for Programming and Roboting‘, one for each school, and to improve school connectivity (at least 1 Gbps).

    -Digital competences: with training activities offered to teachers and educators.

    The implementation of the investment shall be completed by 31 December 2025.

    T.2. Milestones, targets, indicators, and timetable for monitoring and implementation for non-repayable financial support

    Sequential Number

    Measure (Reform or Investment)



    Qualitative indicators (for milestones)

    Quantitative indicators (for targets)

    Indicative timeline for completion

    Description and clear definition of each milestone and target


    Unit of measure








    Digital skills training for teachers and non-teaching staff in the public education network







    Percentage of teachers in the public education network that have received training on basic or more advanced digital skills, including (for teachers) on the integration of digital technologies into the curriculum




    Signature of contracts for the purchase of individual computers for pupils and teachers

    Contract signed 



    Signature of contracts for the purchase of 600 000 new laptops to lend to teachers and pupils




    Computers for the individual use of pupils and teachers



    450 000

    1 050  000



    Number of laptops to lend to teachers and pupils in primary and secondary public schools




    Primary and secondary schools connectivity upgrade







    Percentage of primary and secondary public schools in Continental Portugal that 1) are connected to the 300 Gbps Extended Network of Education with a connection of at least 1 Gbps; and 2) have local school area networks with at least 40 Wi-fi access points.




    Digital Education Laboratories installed




    1 300



    Number of new Digital Education Laboratories installed in primary and secondary public schools in Continental Portugal with specialised project equipment such as robotics kits, 3D printers, measurement and testing equipment, miscellaneous tools, development and simulation modules, electronic components, laser recording and cutting machines or others, to develop and multiply the Experimental Computing, Programming and Robotic Clubs.




    Classrooms with new projection equipment




    40 000



    Number of classrooms in primary and secondary public schools with new projection equipment




    Empowerment of school management







    Percentage of primary and secondary public schools in Continental Portugal that have 1) adopted the single system of identities; 2) connected to the Education Management Information Systems of the Ministry of Education, and 3) adopted the School 360 system, including the supply of 15 000 computers to use in school management activities.




    Digital educational resources







    Percentage of subjects in the primary and secondary educational curricula, including physical education and sport for which the production of digital educational resources have been completed.




    Digital tests and examinations in schools







    Percentage of final school scoring tests and examinations that have been digitalised.




    Massive open online courses for teachers and parents in the ARA






    Number of massive open online courses (MOOCs) created to promote the development of digital skills for classroom education and distance learning, including the provision of tutorials and a Digital Competence Procurement Portal. The MOOCs are available online and freely accessible to teachers and parents




    New laptops and tablets for schools in the ARA




    24 900 



    Number of new laptops and tablets for pre-school, 1st, and 2nd cycle and secondary education, including RAM memory upgrade and software




    Digital equipment and digital educational resources of schools in the ARA

    Delivery of digital equipment and digital educational resources to schools in the ARA 






    Completion of the distribution of the following digital equipment to schools in the Autonomous Region of the Azores :

    at least 1Gbps internet connection in 95% of schools, 330 new interactive screens, 100 new specialised laboratory equipment, 100 new 3D printers, 150 new video projectors, 150 new educational robots. In addition all schools shall offer digital manuals for all students.




    Massive open online courses for teachers and parents in the ARA






    Number of massive open online courses (MOOCs) created to promote the development of digital skills for classroom education and distance learning, including the provision of tutorials and a Digital Competence Procurement Portal. The MOOCs are available online and freely accessible to teachers and parents




    Digital manuals for pupils in the 2nd and 3rd cycle and secondary students




    5 120



    Number of pupils in the 2nd and 3rd cycle of primary and secondary education who during the school year had access to and used the digital manual kit in the ARM.




    Schools connection in the ARM







    Percentage of primary and secondary schools in the ARM that are connected to the ARM Structured Wi-fi Network with an Internet connection of at least 1Gbps for each school




    Digital manuals for Pupils in the 2nd and 3rd cycle and secondary students in the ARM



     5 120

    15 410



    Number of pupils in the 2nd and 3rd cycle of primary and secondary education who during the school year had access to and used the digital manual kit in the ARM.




    Training for teachers in Digital Competences in the ARM




    6 500



    Number of educators and teachers from all levels of education (from pre-school to secondary) who participated in training in digital and technological skills in the ARM




    Delivery of scientific and technology equipment to schools in the ARM

    Delivery of scientific and technology equipment to schools in the ARM






    Schools in the RAM benefitting from the distribution of the following scientific and technology equipment: robotics experimentation kits (for 129 schools and 100 pre-school institutions); experimental science kits (for 129 schools); STEAM kits (for 129 schools); biology, physics and chemistry kits (for 35 schools); Polyvisual/Multimedia kits (for 40 schools), 100 new computing science equipment (for 94 schools in the 1st cycle).

    In addition, 82 innovative learning environments shall be set up to allow new methodological approaches in the teaching and learning process.

    2. Estimated total cost of the recovery and resilience plan

    The estimated total cost of the recovery and resilience plan of Portugal is EUR 16 643 679 377.


    1.Financial contribution

    The instalments referred to in Article 2(2) shall be organised in the following manner:

    1.1.First Payment Request (non-repayable support):

    Sequential Number

    Related Measure (Reform or Investment)

    Milestone / Target





    Entry into force of the law creating special competitions for admission to higher education




    Approval of the Innovation Agenda for Agriculture




    Extension of the Network of Recognised Collaborative Laboratories




    Entry into force of the Decree-Law approving the legal framework for the National Urgent and Temporary Housing Plan




    Entry into force of the new legal framework governing the cooperation of higher education institutions with public administration and businesses




    Selection of Business Reception Areas for interventions to improve environmental sustainability and digitalisation




    Establishment of the National Institute of Administration, I.P.




    Adoption of National Strategy to Combat Poverty




    Tender procedure for research and innovation projects




    Adoption of a Regulation for the Recapitalisation Instrument of Businesses in the Azores




    Adoption of the investment policy for the Recapitalisation Instrument of Businesses in the Azores




    Legal framework on compulsory tenure of rural land in forestry areas




    Law on the establishment of the integrated management system for rural fires (SGIFR)




    Signature of the 2021 protocol of the ‘Resineiros Vigilantes’ programme




    Entry into force of the New General Waste Management Regime




    Entry into force of the Regulation of the National Gas Transmission Network and the Regulation of the National Gas Distribution Network




    First call for tender for projects of renewable gas production




    Entry into force of legal framework for the digital transformation of the Public Administration




    Entry into force of the new Mental Health Decree-Law, which shall set out the principles for the organisation of mental health care services




    Deployment of the classification system, functional profile and users’ referral system for Madeira’s regional model of integrated continued care services




    Interventions in the public housing stock in the Autonomous Region of Azores




    Interventions in the public housing stock of the Autonomous Region of Azores - renovation




    Publication of Tender for ‘Building of digital infrastructure for Accessibility 360°’




    Adoption of the National Strategy for the Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities 2021-2025




    Entry into force of the Simplified Social Equipment Installation Regime




    Approval of Action Plans for disadvantaged communities in the Metropolitan Areas of Lisbon and Porto




    Update of the guidelines for the strategy for technological and business innovation for Portugal 2030




    Entry into force of the new legal regime for technology and innovation centres




    Contract signed for 1 road project




    Contract signed for 2 road projects




    Entry into force of the revision of the acts of the Ministry of the Sea related to strengthening the financing capacity for the Sea Economy and Innovation through the Blue Fund




    First call for tender for industrial decarbonisation projects




    Digital Innovation Hubs (DIHs)




    Entry into force of the new management contract template under the new system of incentives/penalties for the management of state-owned enterprises




    Signature of contracts for the purchase of individual computers for pupils and teachers



    Instalment Amount

    EUR 636 139 080

    1.2.Second Payment Request (non-repayable support):

    Sequential Number

    Related Measure (Reform or Investment)

    Milestone / Target





    Entry into force of the terms for referencing emergency episodes screened in white, blue or green in hospital emergency services for other types of health care services, including primary health care services




    Entry into force of the regulation on the allocation of financial support by the Regional Health Authorities




    Signature of agreements between the Lisbon/Porto municipalities and the Local Technical Units defining the scope of measures to be supported.




    Moving towards a BUPi 2.0 Platform




    Publication of the Primary Fuel Management Breaks Structuring Network (RPFGC) contract




    Publication of the planning documentation of the measure, fully incorporating any result and condition from the EIA




    Signature of the contract for the construction of a Bus Rapid Transit line between Praça do Império and Praça Albuquerque Mouzinho in Porto




    Entry into force of the review of the training content included in the National Qualifications Catalogue regarding modules on the field of Digital Skills and the legislation or regulation for the creation of digital signatures and seals




    Start of the Portugal Digital Academy and Employment + Digital programmes




    Entry into force of the new management contract template




    Award of contracts of support to promoting bodies for the creation and expansion of the network of social facilities/social responses.




    Technological specifications for the network of cultural facilities




    Publication of the Azores Agriculture Innovation and Digitalisation Programme




    Creation of regional and sub-regional structures of the National Authority for Emergency and Civil Protection (ANEPC)




    Publication of the initial report by the Institute for Nature Conservation and Forests, I.P




    Approval of the projects submitted by the Consortia for the development of new bioeconomy products, technologies and processes in the textile and clothing, footwear and natural resin sectors




    Complete the implementation of pre-filling of the Model 1 declaration of the municipal immovable property tax (IMI), on the basis of the data available to the Tax and Customs Authority




    Secure mobile communications system for government employees



    Instalment Amount

    EUR 1 967 365 517

    1.3.Third Payment Request (non-repayable support):

    Sequential Number

    Related Measure (Reform or Investment)

    Milestone / Target





    Support programme for access to housing - Collaborative or Funding Arrangements signed




    National emergency and temporary accommodation grant – Signature of funding agreements for emergency and transition accommodation




    Contract signed for 2 road projects




    First Environmental Impact Assessment completed




    Signature of the contract for the ‘Multifunctional Naval Platform’ and ‘Operations Centre’




    Entry into force of the revised National Strategy for Green Public Procurement




    Signature of the contract for the expansion of the Lisbon Metro network




    Contract signed for the purchase of clean buses under the Public Transport Decarbonisation Program




    Test Beds selected for the National Test Beds Network




    Public services securely accessible through electronic identity and respecting the ‘once only’ principle




    Completion of the process of decentralisation of responsibilities in the field of health in municipalities




    Establishing new Integrated Responsibility Centres in the hospitals of the National Health Service




    Development of awareness-raising and training actions for ‘building the pathways of patients’ in the context of dementias




    Upgrade of local information technology networks




    Implementation of functionalities for telehealth and telemonitoring.




    Supported housing in the Autonomous Region of Madeira




    Completed projects for the integration of homeless people.




    Establishment of ‘Saber Fazer’ network 




    Conclusion of Contracts to develop new goods and services in relevant strategic areas (Innovation Agendas).




    Conclusion of contracts to develop new goods and services in strategic areas relevant to the low-carbon economy, resilience and adaptation to climate changing.




    Contracts with interface entities, including Collaborative Laboratories - Colabs, concluded




    Entry into force of the law on regulated professions




    Additional publicly accessible electric vehicle recharging stations




    Land Cover Monitoring System (SMOS)




    Start of Public Works Contract for the technical centre MARTEC




    Setting up of platforms for sending digital invoices and cybersecurity, privacy, usability and sustainability certifications




    Complete the design and implementation of new procurement models for the national central public procurement system as foreseen in the strategic plan 2020-2023 of the public administration shared services entity




    Entry into force of the legislation underpinning the State Accounting Entity




    Completion and approval of the model for monitoring the budgetary and financial execution of general government




    Entry into force of the new model for analysing and disclosing the financial situation and performance of state-owned enterprises




    Public services available in a simplified and coherent way through different channels




    Computers for the individual use of pupils and teachers




    Massive open online courses for teachers and parents in the ARA




    Digital manuals for pupils in the 2nd and 3rd cycle and secondary students



    Instalment Amount

    EUR 2 404 557 471

    1.4.Fourth Payment Request (non-repayable support):

    Sequential Number

    Related Measure (Reform or Investment)

    Milestone / Target





    Entry into force of the new Mental Health Law, which shall lay down the principles relating to the rights of people with mental illness and regulate compulsory hospitalisation or treatment




    Entry into force of the new exclusivity work regime in the National Health Service




    Entry into force of the law regulating platform work




    Delivery of vehicles, machinery and equipment




    Signature of the contract for the construction of a Light Rail Transit line between Odivelas and Loures




    Creation of specialised chambers in the administrative and tax superior courts




    Entry into force of a legal regime to encourage in-court and out-of-court settlement




    Entry into force of legal acts in the field of primary health care




    Dwellings with improved accessibility for people with reduced mobility




    Contract signed for 10 road projects




    Contract signed for 8 road projects




    Installation of dual polarisation radars




    Progress report on the expansion of the Lisbon Metro network




    Signature of the contract for the expansion of the Porto Metro network



    Instalment Amount

    EUR 1 253 016 092

    1.5.Fifth Payment Request (non-repayable support):

    Sequential Number

    Related Measure (Reform or Investment)

    Milestone / Target





    Support programme for access to housing – Purchased, constructed (high energy efficiency) or rehabilitated (with improved energy performance) dwellings provided to households




    National emergency and temporary accommodation grant – Dwellings with construction works started for emergency and transition accommodations (to be constructed with energy efficiency standard or rehabilitated with improved energy performance) under construction




    Contracts signed for the rehabilitation and conservation of cultural heritage buildings and national theatres




    SMEs supported by digital commerce accelerators




    National Test Beds Network pilot products developed




    Provision of access to the risk stratification instrument to support clinical governance in the functional units of health centre groups




    Building new health units




    Strengthening the response capacity of the national networks of integrated continued care and palliative care services in home care




    Interventions in the public housing stock of Autonomous Region of Azores – construction of building




    Interventions in the public housing stock of the Autonomous Region of Azores - renovation




    Upgraded training stations




    Financial support for permanent contracts




    Training on BUPi




    Finalisation of Alfeite Arsenal Academy




    Signature of contracts awarding financial support




    Installation of new synchronous compensator




    Additional installed hydropower production capacity




    Additional renewable electricity production by in Corvo




    Construction of a Bus Rapid Transit line between Praça do Império and Praça Albuquerque Mouzinho in Porto completed




    Purchase of new zero emission (electric or hydrogen) buses used for public transport




    Contracts signed for public passenger transport services in Metropolitan Areas and Inter-municipal Communities




    Completion of the implementation of the State Accounting Entity




    Modernised IT system for criminal investigation




    Completion of upgrades in critical digital infrastructures




    Traineeship programme for graduates




    Public service employees in teleworking




    Entry into force of the legislative package for the re-organisation of the public administration




    Primary and secondary schools connectivity upgrade




    Digital Education Laboratories installed




    Classrooms with new projection equipment



    Instalment Amount

    EUR 1 879 522 989

    1.6.Sixth Payment Request (non-repayable support):

    Sequential Number

    Related Measure (Reform or Investment)

    Milestone / Target





    Entry into force of the new Management Accounting Plan of the National Health Service




    Additional monitoring points of groundwater resources installed (SM3)




    ‘Enterprise 2.0’ information system




    Entry into force of the action plan to strengthen centralised purchasing mechanisms for medicines




    Publication of a monitoring report by the Metropolitan Areas of Porto and Lisbon regarding the measures undertaken in each of the 12 intervention areas.




    New (to replace obsolete structures) or requalified structures responsible for animal slaughter, and certification of milk quality and food safety




    Adoption of an updated design (if required) of the measure on abstraction in Guadiana, fully incorporating any result and condition from the Environmental Impact Assessment (SM5)




    Adoption of an updated design (if required) of the desalination measure, fully incorporating any result and condition from the Environmental Impact Assessment (SM6)




    Additional km of conduits renovated or rehabilitated




    Energy efficiency renovation of private residential buildings




    Progress report on the expansion of the Porto Metro network




    Progress report on the construction of the Light Rail Transit line between Odivelas and Loures




    Entry into force of the revised legal framework for insolvency and recovery



    Instalment Amount

    EUR 1 111 064 368

    1.7.Seventh Payment Request (non-repayable support):

    Sequential Number

    Related Measure (Reform or Investment)

    Milestone / Target





    Introduction of telemedicine appointments in the Azores' regional health service




    National emergency and temporary accommodation grant – Signature of funding agreements for emergency and transition accommodations




    Strengthening home hospitalisation responses in the hospitals of the National Health Service




    Implementation of information technology administrative modules, basic clinical modules and emergency clinical modules




    New computer equipment for Madeira's regional health service




    Supported housing in the Autonomous Region of Madeira




    Creation of the Social Intervention Teams (Radar Social)




    New places for people with disabilities in Occupational Activities Centres (CAOs)




    Digital information platform for people with disabilities




    Delivery of modernised technological infrastructure for the cultural facilities network 




    Establish the Portuguese norm for an Equal Pay Management System




    Notification of companies with more than 50 workers that present significant gender wage differences




    Additional publicly accessible electric vehicle recharging stations




    Reinforcement of the entities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (MAI) with vehicles and operational equipment




    Refurbished installed hydropower production capacity




    Additional installed capacity in battery storage system




    Implementation of mechanisms to integrate spending review in the regular budgetary process, including the ex-post evaluation of efficiency savings




    Entry into operation of the information system for redesigning and implementing the budgetary process, incorporating programme budgeting




    Complete the modernisation and simplification of the information systems of the national central public procurement system




    Upgrading of IT system of security forces and services




    Empowerment of school management




    Schools connection in the ARM



    Instalment Amount

    EUR 1 357 966 667

    1.8.Eighth Payment Request (non-repayable support):

    Sequential Number

    Related Measure (Reform or Investment)

    Milestone / Target





    Specialised technology centres renovated or built




    Additional number of students graduated in tertiary education courses in STEAM fields




    Land cover and use maps (COS) 2023




    Delivery of a research vessel




    Energy efficiency renovation of central government buildings




    Energy efficiency renovation of private services buildings




    Energy efficiency renovation of private residential buildings




    Additional capacity to integrate new installed power in the electricity system




    Public services for citizens, visitors and businesses in the ARM




    Modernisation of critical infrastructure and computer architecture of public services in ARM



    Instalment Amount

    EUR 862 209 195

    1.9.Ninth Payment Request (non-repayable support):

    Sequential Number

    Related Measure (Reform or Investment)

    Milestone / Target





    Increased access to the user portal of the Azores’ regional health service




    Completion of the implementation in schools of the ‘School Sports Community’ and ‘School Sports on Wheels’ programmes




    Launch of the national campaign for the Universal Active Life Support System and the associated technological platform




    New places in Residential care homes




    Completion of innovation and research projects focusing on the green aspects of the Innovation Agenda for Agriculture 2030




    Completion of innovation and research projects focusing on the digital aspects of the Innovation Agenda for Agriculture 2030




    Additional Ciência Viva clubs




    Development of Landscape Planning and Management Programmes (PRGP) in the territories defined as vulnerable.




    Publication of Integrated Landscape Management Operations (OIGPs) in the Diário da Republica




    Villages with fuel management projects




    Established easement area




    Conditional on a positive Environmental Impact Assessment that has fully and substantively complied with the legal criteria, adoption of an updated design of the dam, hydro and solar power generation and irrigation, fully incorporating all results and conditions from the EIA




    ‘Efficiency vouchers’ distributed for households in energy poverty to replace old equipment and adopt energy efficient solutions




    Employment + Digital training participants




    Portugal Digital Academy training participants




    National Test Beds Network pilot products developed




    Digital Commerce Neighbourhoods




    SMEs supported by digital commerce accelerators




    SMEs and start-up incubators directly supported by digitalisation programmes




    Start-ups mapped on the platform of Startup Portugal




    Beneficiaries of consultancy services of Digital Innovation Hubs




    Entry into force of the legislative package on the removal of barriers to licensing




    Establishing new Integrated Responsibility Centres in the hospitals of the National Health Service




    Strengthening the response capacity of the national networks of integrated continued care and palliative care services in inpatient and outpatient care




    Refurbishment of forensic psychiatry units and equipment




    Completion of the strengthening of the mental health care network




    Increase in the number of places in integrated continued care services in Madeira’s regional health service




    Interventions in the public housing stock of Autonomous Region of Azores – construction of building




    Interventions in the public housing stock of the Autonomous Region of Azores - renovation




    Dwellings with improved accessibility for people with reduced mobility




    Public space with improved accessibility for people with reduced mobility




    Public services with improved accessibility for people with restricted mobility




    Training of families covered by the Social Inclusion Income




    Vehicles purchased for the Instituições Particulares de Solidariedade Social




    Ageing in place project




    Measures to combat early school leaving of children and young people.




    Call-centre for Portuguese sign Language




    Full implementation of at least 90% of the measures




    Financial support to the digital transition of bookshops




    Digitalisation and virtualisation of public collections




    Financial support for translation and edition of literary works




    Works completed for the rehabilitation and conservation of cultural heritage buildings and national theatres




    Completion of the implementation of the 6 contracts (innovation pacts or mobilising projects)




    Products, Processes or Services (PPS) completed relevant to the low-carbon economy, resilience and adaptation to climate changing




    Companies benefiting from the services provided by the interface entities, including Collaborative Laboratories -Colabs




    Renewal/upgrading of agricultural innovation hubs




    Delivery of a total of EUR 125 000 000 to the region’s non-financial corporations in equity and quasi-equity support, in line with the investment policy of the instrument. Indicatively, it is estimated that at least 300 enterprises shall be supported by the completion of the plan.




    Projects supported under support schemes for the restructuring of enterprises in the processing and marketing sector




    Projects supported under support schemes for farm restructuring




    Farms benefiting from specialised technical support under the Farmers’ Empowerment Programme




    Specialised technology centres renovated or built




    Upgraded training stations




    Additional number of students graduated in tertiary education courses in STEAM




    Additional number of adults enrolled in post-secondary and tertiary education in the Autonomous Region of Azores




    Upgraded professional schools in the Autonomous Region of Azores




    Opening of training vacancies




    Additional participants in measures to support the up-skilling of adults




    Additional publicly accessible electric vehicle recharging stations




    Completion of interventions in selected business reception areas




    Roads built or rehabilitated




    Roads built or rehabilitated




    Roads built or rehabilitated




    Roads built or rehabilitated




    Implementation of the Primary Fuel Management Breaks Structuring Network (RPFGC)




    Delivery of light and medium firefighter helicopters




    Implementation of a national training programme




    Entry into operation of the abstraction in Guadiana fully respecting the results and conditions set by the Environmental Impact Assessment (SM5)




    Entry into operation of the dam, hydro and solar power generation and irrigation, fully respecting the results and conditions set by the EIA, and achieving good status of the relevant water bodies




    Additional volume of water made available in the southern part of the island of Madeira for public supply and irrigation




    Completion of Blue Hub School modernisation and reinforcement of supply and equipment




    Completion of the installation and/or upgrading of the Blue Hub hubs




    Approval of the final reports for 70 projects in support of innovation, energy transition and reduction of environmental impact for entities in the fish sector




    Reception and acceptance of the ‘Multifunctional Naval Platform’ and ‘Operations Centre’




    Completion of an experimental research and development centre linked to the Sea in the Azores (centre Martec)




    Financial support to industrial decarbonisation projects




    New products, technologies and pilot processes integrating bio-based resources




    Development of maritime pine forests with resin production potential




    Additional renewable energy production capacity for self-consumption and for use in renewable energy communities in the private residential sector




    Energy efficiency renovation of central government buildings




    Additional renewable energy production capacity for self-consumption and for use in renewable energy communities in central government buildings




    Energy efficiency renovation of private services buildings




    Additional renewable energy production capacity for self-consumption and for use in renewable energy communities in the private services sector




    Additional renewable hydrogen and renewable gas production capacity




    Installation of smart meters




    Replacement of street lighting points




    Additional and refurbished installed geothermal production capacity




    New battery energy storage systems and energy management systems in the ARA




    Installation of small unit photovoltaic plants for local electricity generation and consumption




    Expansion of the Lisbon Metro network completed




    Expansion of Porto Metro network completed




    Construction of a Light Rail Transit line between Odivelas and Loures completed




    Adoption of the costing model for programme budgeting




    Number of budget and activities plans of state-owned enterprises consistently approved by the Minister of Finance and respective line Minister(s)




    Entry into operation of a support information system for the new model of budgetary and financial control




    Complete the implementation of the security operation centre




    Provision and operationalisation of the final version of the information system supporting the simplified assessment of rural properties




    Complete the edafo-climato-morphological (soil and climate) characterisation and assessment of economic potential of rural properties




    Expansion of the functionalities of the Segurança Social Direta website, by adding five new online services




    Reduction by 80% of the average number of days it takes to grant social benefits of a contributory nature, for those that have an average granting time longer than 10 days




    Implementation of intelligent surveillance models to support fraud prevention, based on machine-learning processes




    New information system for the digital transformation of Courts and Public Prosecutor’s Office




    Implementation of the new Technology Plan




    Knowledge management platforms in justice




    Completion of upgrades in critical digital infrastructures




    Digitalisation of the Regional public administration of the ARA




    Digital skills training for teachers and non-teaching staff in the public education network




    Digital educational resources




    Digital tests and examinations in schools




    New laptops and tablets for schools in the ARA




    Digital equipment and digital educational resources of schools in the ARA




    Massive open online courses for teachers and parents in the ARA




    Digital manuals for Pupils in the 2nd and 3rd cycle and secondary students in the ARM




    Training for teachers in Digital Competences in the ARM




    Delivery of scientific and technology equipment to schools in the ARM



    Instalment Amount

    EUR 2 011 821 839

    1.10.Tenth Payment Request (non-repayable support):

    Sequential Number

    Related Measure (Reform or Investment)

    Milestone / Target





    Complete the national coverage of screening and early diagnosis programmes in primary health care




    Delivery of electric vehicles




    Creation of new places and renovation of existing places in social facilities




    Home Support Services users and staff receiving tablets, technical aid equipment or access to training.




    Completion of network interventions to reduce water losses




    Modernisation of land area of collective hydro-agricultural use and individual irrigation (SM2)




    No of treatment plants to ensure the production and refinement of treated waste water (SM4)




    Entry into operation of the desalination measure, fully respecting the results and conditions set by the Environmental Impact Assessment (SM6)




    Public services available in a simplified and coherent way through different channels




    New Consular management model in place




    Public services securely accessible through electronic identity and respecting the ‘once only’ principle




    Territorial information infrastructure




    Training of IT specialists to strengthen cybersecurity and information security capabilities




    Adoption of the Portuguese cryptographic solution by public authorities




    Implementation of the National Cybersecurity Framework




    Completion of the building of cybersecurity and information security authorities




    Strengthen the Government’s IT network management centre (RING)




    Training for public administration employees




    Building new health units




    Increase the response capacity of primary health centres and expand their areas of intervention




    Refurbishment of health facilities and equipment to ensure accessibility, quality and safety conditions in primary health centres




    Strengthening of community-based care, home and community interventions




    Purchase of equipment for East Lisbon, Seixal and Sintra hospitals




    Increase in the number of available places in the home hospitalisation system of Madeira’s regional health service




    Setting up community mental health teams in Madeira’s regional health service




    Refurbishment of primary health care services in Madeira’s regional health service




    Support programme for access to housing – Purchased, constructed (high energy efficiency) or rehabilitated (with improved energy performance) dwellings provided to households




    National emergency and temporary accommodation grant - Emergency and transition accommodations created (constructed with energy efficiency standard or rehabilitated with improved energy performance) and delivered to developers




    Accommodation delivered to security forces developers




    Supported housing in the Autonomous Region of Madeira




    Number of private owner occupied dwellings renovated, including with improved energy efficiency




    Complete the modernisation of the information systems for state-owned vehicles



    Instalment Amount

    EUR 423 631 066


    The instalments referred to in Article 3(2) shall be organised in the following manner:

    2.1.First Payment Request (loan support):

    Sequential Number

    Related Measure (Reform or Investment)

    Milestone / Target





    Entry into force of the regulation setting the activities and statutes of Banco Português de Fomento (BPF)




    Entry into force of a decree law regulating the capitalisation measure of BPF




    Development of the investment policy (capitalisation) and adoption by the vehicle manager



    Instalment Amount

    EUR 700 000 000

    2.2.Second Payment Request (loan support):

    Sequential Number

    Related Measure (Reform or Investment)

    Milestone / Target





    Notification to the European Commission of the successful passing of the pillar assessment for BPF




    Capital transfer of EUR 250 000 000 from the Portuguese Government to BPF and adoption of the investment policy for BPF



    Instalment Amount

    EUR 125 000 000

    2.3.Third Payment Request (loan support):

    Sequential Number

    Related Measure (Reform or Investment)

    Milestone / Target





    Entry into force of the revision of the legal framework for collective investment undertakings




    Affordable public housing stock - Assigned dwellings
    (constructed with high energy efficiency or rehabilitated with improved energy performance)




    Student accommodation at affordable costs – launch of tender 




    Entry into force of the revision of the Securities Code Act



    Instalment Amount

    EUR 275 000 000

    2.4.Fourth Payment Request (loan support):

    Sequential Number

    Related Measure (Reform or Investment)

    Milestone / Target





    Student accommodation at affordable costs




    Capital market development — entry into force of legislation




    Delivery by the capitalisation instrument of a total of EUR 1 300 000 000 to Portuguese non-financial corporations in equity and quasi-equity support, in line with its investment policy



    Instalment Amount

    EUR 685 000 000

    2.5.Fifth Payment Request (loan support):

    Sequential Number

    Related Measure (Reform or Investment)

    Milestone / Target





    Affordable public housing stock - Assigned dwellings
    (constructed with high energy efficiency or rehabilitated with improved energy performance)




    Affordable public housing stock - Assigned dwellings
    (constructed with high energy efficiency or rehabilitated with improved energy performance)




    Student accommodation at affordable costs 



    Instalment Amount

    EUR 585 000 000

    2.6.Sixth Payment Request (loan support):

    Sequential Number

    Related Measure (Reform or Investment)

    Milestone / Target





    Affordable public housing stock - Assigned dwellings
    (constructed with high energy efficiency or rehabilitated with improved energy performance)




    100% of the guarantees made available by the capital increase have been signed.



    Instalment Amount

    EUR 180 000 000

    2.7.Seventh Payment Request (loan support):

    Sequential Number

    Related Measure (Reform or Investment)

    Milestone / Target





    Student accommodation at affordable costs 




    Affordable public housing stock - Assigned dwellings 
    (constructed with high energy efficiency or rehabilitated with improved energy performance)



    Instalment Amount

    EUR 149 000 000


    1.Arrangements for monitoring and implementation of the recovery and resilience plan

    The monitoring and implementation of the recovery and resilience plan of Portugal shall take place in accordance with the following arrangements:

    The Decree Law No. 29-B/2021 establishes a four-level governance model:

    a)An Inter-Ministerial Commission, chaired by the Prime Minister, in charge of the strategic and policy coordination and the overall political steering;

    b)A National Monitoring Commission, made up of representatives of the various social and economic partners and key civil society figures and chaired by an independent person, to monitor the recovery and resilience plan’s implementation and its results, promote its proper dissemination to citizens, businesses and other organisations, and examine any issues affecting its performance and propose recommendations;

    c)An administrative structure Estrutura de Missao Recuperar Portugal ( ‘task force’) established by Resolution of Council of Ministers No 46-B/2021 is in charge of the implementation of the recovery and resilience plan, together with the Agency of Development and Cohesion (supervising the use of the mix of the EU funds, controlling the risk of double funding and the consistency with other initiatives), and the Ministry of Finance;

    d)The Audit and Control Committee (CAC), chaired by the Inspectorate-General of Finance (IGF), to be responsible for audit and control activities.

    Portugal has established the institutional actors that are responsible for the implementation of the individual reforms and investments at component level. The responsible ministries or actors involved in the execution of each reform and investment shall liaise on a regular basis with the task force, which shall be the structure in charge of coordinating the work on the recovery and resilience plan, signing contracts with direct and intermediate beneficiaries, verifying the accomplishment of milestones and targets and sending the payment requests to the European Commission.

    2.Arrangements for providing full access by the Commission to the underlying data

    -The task force ‘Estrutura de Missao Recuperar Portugal’, together with the Agency of Development and Cohesion and the Ministry of Finance, as the central coordinating body for Portugal’s recovery and resilience plan and its implementation, is responsible for overall coordination and monitoring of the plan. In particular, it acts as a coordinating body for monitoring progress on milestones and targets, for monitoring and, where appropriate, implementing control and audit activities, and for providing reporting and requests for payments. It coordinates the reporting of milestones and targets, relevant indicators, but also qualitative financial information and other data, such as on final recipients. The data encoding is taking place in a centralised IT system.

    -In accordance with Article 24(2) of Regulation (EU) 2021/241, upon completion of the relevant agreed milestones and targets in Section 2.1 of this Annex, Portugal shall submit to the Commission a duly justified request for payment of the financial contribution and, where relevant, of the loan. Portugal shall ensure that, upon request, the Commission has full access to the underlying relevant data that supports the due justification of the request for payment, both for the assessment of the request for payment in accordance with Article 24(3) of Regulation (EU) 2021/241 and for audit and control purposes.

    (1) .
    (4) .
    (6)      Except projects under this measure in power and/or heat generation, as well as related transmission and distribution infrastructure, using natural gas, that are compliant with the conditions set out in Annex III of the ‘Do no significant harm’ Technical Guidance (2021/C58/01).
    (7)      Where the activity supported achieves projected greenhouse gas emissions that are not substantially lower than the relevant benchmarks an explanation of the reasons why this is not possible should be provided. Benchmarks established for free allocation for activities falling within the scope of the Emissions Trading System, as set out in the Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2021/447.
    (8)      This exclusion does not apply to actions under this measure in plants exclusively dedicated to treating non-recyclable hazardous waste, and to existing plants, where the actions under this measure are for the purpose of increasing energy efficiency, capturing exhaust gases for storage or use or recovering materials from incineration ashes, provided such actions under this measure do not result in an increase of the plants’ waste processing capacity or in an extension of the lifetime of the plants; for which evidence is provided at plant level.
    (9)      This exclusion does not apply to actions under this measure in existing mechanical biological treatment plants, where the actions under this measure are for the purpose of increasing energy efficiency or retrofitting to recycling operations of separated waste to compost bio-waste and anaerobic digestion of bio-waste, provided such actions under this measure do not result in an increase of the plants’ waste processing capacity or in an extension of the lifetime of the plants; for which evidence is provided at plant level.
    (10)      Except projects under this measure in power and/or heat generation, as well as related transmission and distribution infrastructure, using natural gas, that are compliant with the conditions set out in Annex III of the ‘Do no significant harm’ Technical Guidance (2021/C58/01).
    (11)      Where the activity supported achieves projected greenhouse gas emissions that are not substantially lower than the relevant benchmarks an explanation of the reasons why this is not possible should be provided. Benchmarks established for free allocation for activities falling within the scope of the Emissions Trading System, as set out in the Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2021/447.
    (12)      This exclusion does not apply to actions under this measure in plants exclusively dedicated to treating non-recyclable hazardous waste, and to existing plants, where the actions under this measure are for the purpose of increasing energy efficiency, capturing exhaust gases for storage or use or recovering materials from incineration ashes, provided such actions under this measure do not result in an increase of the plants’ waste processing capacity or in an extension of the lifetime of the plants; for which evidence is provided at plant level.
    (13)      This exclusion does not apply to actions under this measure in existing mechanical biological treatment plants, where the actions under this measure are for the purpose of increasing energy efficiency or retrofitting to recycling operations of separated waste to compost bio-waste and anaerobic digestion of bio-waste, provided such actions under this measure do not result in an increase of the plants’ waste processing capacity or in an extension of the lifetime of the plants; for which evidence is provided at plant level.
    (14)      Except projects under this measure in power and/or heat generation, as well as related transmission and distribution infrastructure, using natural gas, that are compliant with the conditions set out in Annex III of the ‘Do no significant harm’ Technical Guidance (2021/C58/01).
    (15)      Where the activity supported achieves projected greenhouse gas emissions that are not substantially lower than the relevant benchmarks an explanation of the reasons why this is not possible should be provided. Benchmarks established for free allocation for activities falling within the scope of the Emissions Trading System, as set out in the Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2021/447.

         This exclusion does not apply to actions under this measure in plants exclusively dedicated to treating non-recyclable hazardous waste, and to existing plants, where the actions under this measure are for the purpose of increasing energy efficiency, capturing exhaust gases for storage or use or recovering materials from incineration ashes, provided such actions under this measure do not result in an increase of the plants’ waste processing capacity or in an extension of the lifetime of the plants; for which evidence is provided at plant level.

    (17)      This exclusion does not apply to actions under this measure in existing mechanical biological treatment plants, where the actions under this measure are for the purpose of increasing energy efficiency or retrofitting to recycling operations of separated waste to compost bio-waste and anaerobic digestion of bio-waste, provided such actions under this measure do not result in an increase of the plants’ waste processing capacity or in an extension of the lifetime of the plants; for which evidence is provided at plant level.
    (18)      Except projects under this measure in power and/or heat generation, as well as related transmission and distribution infrastructure, using natural gas, that are compliant with the conditions set out in Annex III of the ‘Do no significant harm’ Technical Guidance (2021/C58/01).
    (19)      Where the activity supported achieves projected greenhouse gas emissions that are not substantially lower than the relevant benchmarks an explanation of the reasons why this is not possible should be provided. Benchmarks established for free allocation for activities falling within the scope of the Emissions Trading System, as set out in the Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2021/447.

         This exclusion does not apply to actions under this measure in plants exclusively dedicated to treating non-recyclable hazardous waste, and to existing plants, where the actions under this measure are for the purpose of increasing energy efficiency, capturing exhaust gases for storage or use or recovering materials from incineration ashes, provided such actions under this measure do not result in an increase of the plants’ waste processing capacity or in an extension of the lifetime of the plants; for which evidence is provided at plant level.

    (21)      This exclusion does not apply to actions under this measure in existing mechanical biological treatment plants, where the actions under this measure are for the purpose of increasing energy efficiency or retrofitting to recycling operations of separated waste to compost bio-waste and anaerobic digestion of bio-waste, provided such actions under this measure do not result in an increase of the plants’ waste processing capacity or in an extension of the lifetime of the plants; for which evidence is provided at plant level.
    (22)      Except projects under this measure in power and/or heat generation, as well as related transmission and distribution infrastructure, using natural gas, that are compliant with the conditions set out in Annex III of the ‘Do no significant harm’ Technical Guidance (2021/C58/01).
    (23)      Where the activity supported achieves projected greenhouse gas emissions that are not substantially lower than the relevant benchmarks an explanation of the reasons why this is not possible should be provided. Benchmarks established for free allocation for activities falling within the scope of the Emissions Trading System, as set out in the Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2021/447.

         This exclusion does not apply to actions under this measure in plants exclusively dedicated to treating non-recyclable hazardous waste, and to existing plants, where the actions under this measure are for the purpose of increasing energy efficiency, capturing exhaust gases for storage or use or recovering materials from incineration ashes, provided such actions under this measure do not result in an increase of the plants’ waste processing capacity or in an extension of the lifetime of the plants; for which evidence is provided at plant level.

    (25)      This exclusion does not apply to actions under this measure in existing mechanical biological treatment plants, where the actions under this measure are for the purpose of increasing energy efficiency or retrofitting to recycling operations of separated waste to compost bio-waste and anaerobic digestion of bio-waste, provided such actions under this measure do not result in an increase of the plants’ waste processing capacity or in an extension of the lifetime of the plants; for which evidence is provided at plant level.
    (26)      Except projects under this measure in power and/or heat generation, as well as related transmission and distribution infrastructure, using natural gas, that are compliant with the conditions set out in Annex III of the ‘Do no significant harm’ Technical Guidance (2021/C58/01).
    (27)      Where the activity supported achieves projected greenhouse gas emissions that are not substantially lower than the relevant benchmarks an explanation of the reasons why this is not possible should be provided. Benchmarks established for free allocation for activities falling within the scope of the Emissions Trading System, as set out in the Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2021/447.

         This exclusion does not apply to actions under this measure in plants exclusively dedicated to treating non-recyclable hazardous waste, and to existing plants, where the actions under this measure are for the purpose of increasing energy efficiency, capturing exhaust gases for storage or use or recovering materials from incineration ashes, provided such actions under this measure do not result in an increase of the plants’ waste processing capacity or in an extension of the lifetime of the plants; for which evidence is provided at plant level.

    (29)      This exclusion does not apply to actions under this measure in existing mechanical biological treatment plants, where the actions under this measure are for the purpose of increasing energy efficiency or retrofitting to recycling operations of separated waste to compost bio-waste and anaerobic digestion of bio-waste, provided such actions under this measure do not result in an increase of the plants’ waste processing capacity or in an extension of the lifetime of the plants; for which evidence is provided at plant level.
    (30)      Except projects under this measure in power and/or heat generation, as well as related transmission and distribution infrastructure, using natural gas, that are compliant with the conditions set out in Annex III of the ‘Do no significant harm’ Technical Guidance (2021/C58/01).
    (31)      Where the activity supported achieves projected greenhouse gas emissions that are not substantially lower than the relevant benchmarks an explanation of the reasons why this is not possible should be provided. Benchmarks established for free allocation for activities falling within the scope of the Emissions Trading System, as set out in the Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2021/447.

         This exclusion does not apply to actions under this measure in plants exclusively dedicated to treating non-recyclable hazardous waste, and to existing plants, where the actions under this measure are for the purpose of increasing energy efficiency, capturing exhaust gases for storage or use or recovering materials from incineration ashes, provided such actions under this measure do not result in an increase of the plants’ waste processing capacity or in an extension of the lifetime of the plants; for which evidence is provided at plant level.

    (33)      This exclusion does not apply to actions under this measure in existing mechanical biological treatment plants, where the actions under this measure are for the purpose of increasing energy efficiency or retrofitting to recycling operations of separated waste to compost bio-waste and anaerobic digestion of bio-waste, provided such actions under this measure do not result in an increase of the plants’ waste processing capacity or in an extension of the lifetime of the plants; for which evidence is provided at plant level.
    (34)      Decreto Regulamentar n.º 9-A/2017:
    (35)      Except projects under this measure in power and/or heat generation, as well as related transmission and distribution infrastructure, using natural gas, that are compliant with the conditions set out in Annex III of the ‘Do no significant harm’ Technical Guidance (2021/C58/01).
    (36)      Where the activity supported achieves projected greenhouse gas emissions that are not substantially lower than the relevant benchmarks an explanation of the reasons why this is not possible should be provided. Benchmarks established for free allocation for activities falling within the scope of the Emissions Trading System, as set out in the Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2021/447.

         This exclusion does not apply to actions under this measure in plants exclusively dedicated to treating non-recyclable hazardous waste, and to existing plants, where the actions under this measure are for the purpose of increasing energy efficiency, capturing exhaust gases for storage or use or recovering materials from incineration ashes, provided such actions under this measure do not result in an increase of the plants’ waste processing capacity or in an extension of the lifetime of the plants; for which evidence is provided at plant level.

    (38)      This exclusion does not apply to actions under this measure in existing mechanical biological treatment plants, where the actions under this measure are for the purpose of increasing energy efficiency or retrofitting to recycling operations of separated waste to compost bio-waste and anaerobic digestion of bio-waste, provided such actions under this measure do not result in an increase of the plants’ waste processing capacity or in an extension of the lifetime of the plants; for which evidence is provided at plant level.
    (39)      Except projects under this measure in power and/or heat generation, as well as related transmission and distribution infrastructure, using natural gas, that are compliant with the conditions set out in Annex III of the ‘Do no significant harm’ Technical Guidance (2021/C58/01).
    (40)      Where the activity supported achieves projected greenhouse gas emissions that are not substantially lower than the relevant benchmarks an explanation of the reasons why this is not possible should be provided. Benchmarks established for free allocation for activities falling within the scope of the Emissions Trading System, as set out in the Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2021/447.

         This exclusion does not apply to actions under this measure in plants exclusively dedicated to treating non-recyclable hazardous waste, and to existing plants, where the actions under this measure are for the purpose of increasing energy efficiency, capturing exhaust gases for storage or use or recovering materials from incineration ashes, provided such actions under this measure do not result in an increase of the plants’ waste processing capacity or in an extension of the lifetime of the plants; for which evidence is provided at plant level.

    (42)      This exclusion does not apply to actions under this measure in existing mechanical biological treatment plants, where the actions under this measure are for the purpose of increasing energy efficiency or retrofitting to recycling operations of separated waste to compost bio-waste and anaerobic digestion of bio-waste, provided such actions under this measure do not result in an increase of the plants’ waste processing capacity or in an extension of the lifetime of the plants; for which evidence is provided at plant level.
    (43)      Except projects under this measure in power and/or heat generation, as well as related transmission and distribution infrastructure, using natural gas, that are compliant with the conditions set out in Annex III of the ‘Do no significant harm’ Technical Guidance (2021/C58/01).
    (44)      Where the activity supported achieves projected greenhouse gas emissions that are not substantially lower than the relevant benchmarks an explanation of the reasons why this is not possible should be provided. Benchmarks established for free allocation for activities falling within the scope of the Emissions Trading System, as set out in the Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2021/447.
    (45)      This exclusion does not apply to actions under this measure in plants exclusively dedicated to treating non-recyclable hazardous waste, and to existing plants, where the actions under this measure are for the purpose of increasing energy efficiency, capturing exhaust gases for storage or use or recovering materials from incineration ashes, provided such actions under this measure do not result in an increase of the plants’ waste processing capacity or in an extension of the lifetime of the plants; for which evidence is provided at plant level.
    (46)      This exclusion does not apply to actions under this measure in existing mechanical biological treatment plants, where the actions under this measure are for the purpose of increasing energy efficiency or retrofitting to recycling operations of separated waste to compost bio-waste and anaerobic digestion of bio-waste, provided such actions under this measure do not result in an increase of the plants’ waste processing capacity or in an extension of the lifetime of the plants; for which evidence is provided at plant level.
    (47)      Except projects under this measure in power and/or heat generation, as well as related transmission and distribution infrastructure, using natural gas, that are compliant with the conditions set out in Annex III of the ‘Do no significant harm’ Technical Guidance (2021/C58/01).
    (48)      Where the activity supported achieves projected greenhouse gas emissions that are not substantially lower than the relevant benchmarks an explanation of the reasons why this is not possible should be provided. Benchmarks established for free allocation for activities falling within the scope of the Emissions Trading System, as set out in the Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2021/447.
    (49)      This exclusion does not apply to actions under this measure in plants exclusively dedicated to treating non-recyclable hazardous waste, and to existing plants, where the actions under this measure are for the purpose of increasing energy efficiency, capturing exhaust gases for storage or use or recovering materials from incineration ashes, provided such actions under this measure do not result in an increase of the plants’ waste processing capacity or in an extension of the lifetime of the plants; for which evidence is provided at plant level.
    (50)      This exclusion does not apply to actions under this measure in existing mechanical biological treatment plants, where the actions under this measure are for the purpose of increasing energy efficiency or retrofitting to recycling operations of separated waste to compost bio-waste and anaerobic digestion of bio-waste, provided such actions under this measure do not result in an increase of the plants’ waste processing capacity or in an extension of the lifetime of the plants; for which evidence is provided at plant level.
    (51)      Except projects under this measure in power and/or heat generation, as well as related transmission and distribution infrastructure, using natural gas, that are compliant with the conditions set out in Annex III of the ‘Do no significant harm’ Technical Guidance (2021/C58/01).
    (52)      Where the activity supported achieves projected greenhouse gas emissions that are not substantially lower than the relevant benchmarks an explanation of the reasons why this is not possible should be provided. Benchmarks established for free allocation for activities falling within the scope of the Emissions Trading System, as set out in the Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2021/447.
    (53)      This exclusion does not apply to actions under this measure in plants exclusively dedicated to treating non-recyclable hazardous waste, and to existing plants, where the actions under this measure are for the purpose of increasing energy efficiency, capturing exhaust gases for storage or use or recovering materials from incineration ashes, provided such actions under this measure do not result in an increase of the plants’ waste processing capacity or in an extension of the lifetime of the plants; for which evidence is provided at plant level.
    (54)      This exclusion does not apply to actions under this measure in existing mechanical biological treatment plants, where the actions under this measure are for the purpose of increasing energy efficiency or retrofitting to recycling operations of separated waste to compost bio-waste and anaerobic digestion of bio-waste, provided such actions under this measure do not result in an increase of the plants’ waste processing capacity or in an extension of the lifetime of the plants; for which evidence is provided at plant level.
    (55)      Rooms set up to affect the sensory system either to alert or calm