16.4.2018 | EN | Official Journal of the European Union | L 96/1 | 16.4.2018 | SL | Uradni list Evropske unije | L 96/1 |
of 15 December 2017 | z dne 15. decembra 2017 |
on key elements of data storage contracts to be concluded as part of a traceability system for tobacco products | o ključnih elementih pogodb o hrambi podatkov, ki se sklenejo kot del sistema sledljivosti tobačnih izdelkov |
(Text with EEA relevance) | (Besedilo velja za EGP) |
Having regard to the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, | ob upoštevanju Pogodbe o delovanju Evropske unije, |
Having regard to Directive 2014/40/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 3 April 2014 on the approximation of the laws, regulations and administrative provisions of the Member States concerning the manufacture, presentation and sale of tobacco and related products and repealing Directive 2001/37/EC (1), and in particular Article 15(12) thereof, | ob upoštevanju Direktive 2014/40/EU Evropskega parlamenta in Sveta z dne 3. aprila 2014 o približevanju zakonov in drugih predpisov držav članic o proizvodnji, predstavitvi in prodaji tobačnih in povezanih izdelkov in razveljavitvi Direktive 2001/37/ES (1) ter zlasti člena 15(12) Direktive, |
Whereas: | ob upoštevanju naslednjega: |
(1) | Article 15(8) of Directive 2014/40/EU requires each manufacturer and importer, as part of the traceability system for tobacco products, further specified in Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2018/574 (2), to conclude a contract with an independent third-party provider for the purpose of hosting information related to its tobacco products. Article 15(12) of Directive 2014/40/EU empowers the Commission to define the key elements of those contracts. | (1) | V skladu s členom 15(8) Direktive 2014/40/EU mora vsak proizvajalec in uvoznik kot del sistema sledljivosti tobačnih izdelkov, ki je podrobneje opredeljen v Izvedbeni uredbi Komisije (EU) 2018/574 (2), skleniti pogodbo z neodvisnim tretjim ponudnikom storitev za namene gostovanja podatkov o svojih tobačnih izdelkih. Člen 15(12) Direktive 2014/40/EU Komisijo pooblašča za določitev ključnih elementov teh pogodb. |
(2) | To ensure the effective functioning of the traceability system for tobacco products in general and the interoperability of the repositories system in particular, it is appropriate to lay down the key elements of the data storage contracts, to include specifications relating to the operability, availability and performance of the services to be provided by data storage providers. The effective and continuous functioning of the traceability system and the data storage system contained therein makes it necessary that clear requirements on data portability are put in place by providers for cases where a manufacturer or importer decides to change its provider. For that reason, the contracts should include provisions requiring the use of technology that is readily available on the market and commonly used in the sector to guarantee an effective and uninterrupted data transfer between current and new providers. | (2) | Da bi zagotovili učinkovito delovanje sistema sledljivosti tobačnih izdelkov na splošno, predvsem pa interoperabilnost sistema repozitorijev, je primerno določiti ključne elemente pogodb o hrambi podatkov in vključiti specifikacije, ki se nanašajo na delovanje, razpoložljivost in učinkovitost storitev, ki jih opravljajo ponudniki storitev hrambe podatkov. Za učinkovito in neprekinjeno delovanje sistema sledljivosti in sistema za hrambo podatkov, ki je njegov del, morajo ponudniki določiti jasne zahteve o prenosljivosti podatkov za primere, ko se proizvajalec ali uvoznik odloči za spremembo svojega ponudnika. Pogodbe bi zato morale vključevati določbe, po katerih je treba uporabiti tehnologijo, ki je že na voljo na trgu in se običajno uporablja v sektorju, da se zagotovi učinkovit in nemoten prenos podatkov med trenutnim in novim ponudnikom. |
(3) | In order to ensure the necessary level of flexibility, it should be possible to request the data storage provider to carry out, against a fee, ancillary technical services connected with the operation of the primary repository such as the expansion of the operational functionality of user interfaces, provided that the additional services contribute to the proper functioning of the repositories system and do not violate any of the requirements laid down in Implementing Regulation (EU) 2018/574. Therefore, the contract should provide for such an option. | (3) | Da bi zagotovili potrebno stopnjo prožnosti, bi bilo treba omogočiti, da se lahko od ponudnika hrambe podatkov zahteva, da za plačilo opravlja pomožne tehnične storitve, povezane z upravljanjem primarnega repozitorija, kot je razširitev operativnih funkcij uporabniških vmesnikov, če dodatne storitve prispevajo k pravilnemu delovanju sistema repozitorijev in ne kršijo nobene zahteve iz Izvedbene uredbe (EU) 2018/574. Pogodba bi zato morala vključevati tako možnost. |
(4) | To safeguard the independent operation of the traceability system at all times, the Commission should be able to revoke the approval of an already contracted data storage provider where an assessment or reassessment of the technical capacity or independence of the provider results in an adverse finding as regards its suitability. | (4) | Da bi zagotovili stalno neodvisno upravljanje sistema sledljivosti, bi Komisija morala imeti možnost, da prekliče odobritev ponudnika hrambe podatkov, s katerim je že bila sklenjena pogodba, če je pri oceni ali ponovni oceni tehnične zmogljivosti ali neodvisnosti ponudnika ugotovljena neustreznost. |
(5) | In order to ensure the effective organisation of the day-to-day functioning of the system, providers of primary repositories should cooperate with one another, as well as with the competent authorities of Member States and the Commission. | (5) | Da bi zagotovili učinkovito organizacijo vsakodnevnega delovanja sistema, bi morali ponudniki primarnih repozitorijev sodelovati med seboj ter s pristojnimi organi držav članic in Komisijo – |
Article 1 | Člen 1 |
Subject matter | Predmet urejanja |
This Regulation sets out key elements to be included in the data storage contracts referred to in Article 15(8) of Directive 2014/40/EU. | Ta uredba določa ključne elemente, ki se vključijo v pogodbe o hrambi podatkov iz člena 15(8) Direktive 2014/40/EU. |
Article 2 | Člen 2 |
Definitions | Opredelitev pojmov |
For the purpose of this Regulation, in addition to the definitions laid down in Directive 2014/40/EU and Implementing Regulation (EU) 2018/574, the following definitions shall apply: | Za namene te uredbe se poleg opredelitev iz Direktive 2014/40/EU in Izvedbene uredbe (EU) 2018/574 uporabljajo naslednje opredelitve pojmov: |
(1) | ‘contract’ means a contractual agreement between a manufacturer or importer of tobacco products and a provider of data storage systems in accordance with Article 15(8) of Directive 2014/40/EU and Implementing Regulation (EU) 2018/574; | (1) | „pogodba“ pomeni pogodbeni sporazum med proizvajalcem ali uvoznikom tobačnih izdelkov in ponudnikom sistemov za hrambo podatkov v skladu s členom 15(8) Direktive 2014/40/EU in Izvedbeno uredbo (EU) 2018/574; |
(2) | ‘provider’ means any legal person contracted by a manufacturer or importer of tobacco products for the purpose of establishing and operating its primary repository and the related services; | (2) | „ponudnik“ pomeni pravno osebo, s katero proizvajalec ali uvoznik tobačnih izdelkov sklene pogodbo za namen vzpostavitve in upravljanja primarnega repozitorija in z njim povezanih storitev; |
(3) | ‘data portability’ means the ability to move data among different repositories, by the use of technology that is readily available on the market and commonly used in the sector. | (3) | „prenosljivost podatkov“ pomeni možnost prenosa podatkov med različnimi repozitoriji z uporabo tehnologije, ki je že na voljo na trgu in se običajno uporablja v sektorju. |
Article 3 | Člen 3 |
Key responsibilities under the contract | Ključne pristojnosti na podlagi pogodbe |
1. The contract shall specify the key services to be rendered by the provider, which shall include: | 1. Pogodba določa ključne storitve, ki jih opravlja ponudnik, med drugim: |
(1) | the establishment and operation of a primary repository in accordance with Article 26 of Implementing Regulation (EU) 2018/574; | (1) | vzpostavitev in upravljanje primarnega repozitorija v skladu s členom 26 Izvedbene uredbe (EU) 2018/574; |
(2) | in the case the operator of the primary repository is appointed as provider of the secondary repository, the establishment and operation of the secondary repository and the router, in accordance with Articles 27, 28 and 29 of Implementing Regulation (EU) 2018/574; | (2) | če je upravljavec primarnega repozitorija imenovan kot ponudnik sekundarnega repozitorija, vzpostavitev in upravljanje sekundarnega repozitorija in usmerjevalnika v skladu s členi 27, 28 in 29 Izvedbene uredbe (EU) 2018/574; |
(3) | the provision, upon request, of other ancillary technical services connected with the operation of the primary repository that contribute to the proper functioning of the repositories system. | (3) | na zahtevo zagotavljanje drugih pomožnih tehničnih storitev, povezanih z upravljanjem primarnega repozitorija, ki prispevajo k pravilnemu delovanju sistema repozitorijev. |
2. In defining the key services referred to in points (1) and (2) of paragraph 1, the contract shall contain specifications relating to the operability, availability and performance of the services meeting the minimum requirements specified in this Regulation and laid down in Chapter V of Implementing Regulation (EU) 2018/574. | 2. Pri opredelitvi ključnih storitev iz točk (1) in (2) odstavka 1 pogodba vsebuje specifikacije, ki se nanašajo na delovanje, razpoložljivost in učinkovitost storitev, ki izpolnjujejo minimalne zahteve iz te uredbe in poglavja V Izvedbene uredbe (EU) 2018/574. |
Article 4 | Člen 4 |
Technical expertise | Strokovno znanje |
The contract shall require providers to issue to the manufacturer or importer a written declaration that they hold, or have at their disposal, the technical and operational expertise necessary to carry out the services referred to in Article 3 and to comply with the requirements laid down in Chapter V of Implementing Regulation (EU) 2018/574. | Pogodba od ponudnikov zahteva, da proizvajalcu ali uvozniku predložijo pisno izjavo, da imajo ali jim je na voljo strokovno in operativno znanje, ki je potrebno za izvajanje storitev iz člena 3 in izpolnjevanje zahtev iz poglavja V Izvedbene uredbe (EU) 2018/574. |
Article 5 | Člen 5 |
Availability of the primary repository | Razpoložljivost primarnega repozitorija |
1. The contract shall specify a guaranteed monthly uptime and availability of 99,5 % for the primary repository. | 1. Pogodba določa zajamčeno mesečno 99,5-odstotno obdobje dejanskega delovanja in razpoložljivost primarnega repozitorija. |
2. The contract shall require that appropriate back-up mechanisms are put in place by the provider to prevent any loss of data that is stored, received or transferred at the time the primary repository becomes unavailable. | 2. Pogodba zahteva, da ponudnik vzpostavi ustrezen mehanizem varnostnega kopiranja, da se prepreči izguba podatkov, ki so bili shranjeni, prejeti ali preneseni v času, ko dostop do primarnega repozitorija ni mogoč. |
Article 6 | Člen 6 |
Access rights | Pravice dostopa |
The contract shall specify the requirements for physical and virtual access to be granted, at server and database level, to national administrators of Member States, the Commission, and appointed external auditors to the primary repository, in accordance with Article 25 of Implementing Regulation (EU) 2018/574. | Pogodba opredeljuje zahteve, ki jih morajo izpolnjevati nacionalni administratorji držav članic, Komisija in imenovani zunanji revizorji primarnega repozitorija, da se jim odobri fizični in virtualni dostop na ravni strežnika in podatkovne zbirke v skladu s členom 25 Izvedbene uredbe (EU) 2018/574. |
Article 7 | Člen 7 |
Sub-contracting | Sklepanje pogodb s podizvajalci |
1. Where the contract specifies that the provider may subcontract certain obligations under the contract, it shall contain a provision clarifying that the subcontract does not affect the primary responsibility of the provider for the performance of the contract. | 1. Če pogodba določa, da ponudnik lahko odda izvajanje nekaterih obveznosti iz pogodbe podizvajalcem, vsebuje določbo, ki pojasnjuje, da podizvajalska pogodba ne vpliva na primarno odgovornost ponudnika za izvajanje pogodbe. |
2. The contract shall further require the provider: | 2. Pogodba od ponudnika nadalje zahteva, da: |
(a) | to ensure that the proposed subcontractor has the necessary technical expertise and meets the requirements of independence laid down in Article 35 of Implementing Regulation (EU) 2018/574. | (a) | zagotovi, da ima predlagani podizvajalec potrebno strokovno znanje in izpolnjuje zahteve glede neodvisnosti iz člena 35 Izvedbene uredbe (EU) 2018/574; |
(b) | to submit to the Commission a copy of the declaration referred to in Article 8 of this Regulation signed by the respective sub-contractor(s). | (b) | Komisiji predloži izvod izjave iz člena 8 te uredbe, ki jo podpišejo zadevni podizvajalci. |
Article 8 | Člen 8 |
Legal and financial independence | Pravna in finančna neodvisnost |
The contract shall require providers and, where applicable, their sub-contractors, to issue to the manufacturer or importer, together with the data storage contract, a written declaration that they comply with the requirements for legal and financial independence as laid down in Article 35 of Implementing Regulation (EU) 2018/574. | Po pogodbi morajo ponudniki in po potrebi njihovi podizvajalci proizvajalcu ali uvozniku skupaj s pogodbo o hrambi podatkov predložiti pisno izjavo, da izpolnjujejo zahteve glede pravne in finančne neodvisnosti, kot so določene v členu 35 Izvedbene uredbe (EU) 2018/574. |
Article 9 | Člen 9 |
Data protection and confidentiality | Varstvo podatkov in zaupnost |
1. The contract shall specify that the provider shall put in place all appropriate measures necessary to ensure the confidentiality, integrity and availability of all data stored in the performance of the contract. Such measures shall include administrative, technical and physical safety and security controls. | 1. Pogodba določa, da ponudnik sprejme vse ustrezne ukrepe za zagotovitev zaupnosti, celovitosti in razpoložljivosti vseh podatkov, shranjenih v okviru izvajanja pogodbe. Taki ukrepi vključujejo upravni, tehnični in fizični varnostni nadzor. |
2. The contract shall require that personal data handled under the contract are processed in accordance with Directive 95/46/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council (3). | 2. Pogodba zahteva, da se osebni podatki, ki se obdelujejo v okviru pogodbe, obdelujejo v skladu z Direktivo Evropskega parlamenta in Sveta 95/46/ES (3). |
Article 10 | Člen 10 |
Information security management | Upravljanje informacijske varnosti |
The contract shall require providers to declare that the primary repository and, where applicable, the second repository, is managed in accordance with internationally recognised information security management standards. Providers certified to ISO/IEC 27001:2013 shall be presumed to meet those standards. | Po pogodbi morajo ponudniki izjaviti, da primarni repozitorij in, če je ustrezno, sekundarni repozitorij upravljajo v skladu z mednarodno priznanimi standardi za upravljanje informacijske varnosti. Za ponudnike, certificirane po standardu ISO/IEC 27001:2013, velja, da te standarde izpolnjujejo. |
Article 11 | Člen 11 |
Costs | Stroški |
The contract shall require the costs charged by providers to manufacturers or importers in accordance with Article 30 of Implementing Regulation (EU) 2018/574 to be fair, reasonable, and proportionate to: | Po pogodbi so stroški, ki jih ponudniki zaračunajo proizvajalcem ali uvoznikom v skladu s členom 30 Izvedbene uredbe (EU) 2018/574, pravični, razumni in sorazmerni: |
(a) | the services rendered; and | (a) | opravljenim storitvam in |
(b) | the number of unique identifiers requested over a given period of time by the manufacturer or importer concerned. | (b) | številu posebnih identifikacijskih oznak, ki jih v določenem časovnem obdobju zahteva zadevni proizvajalec ali uvoznik. |
Article 12 | Člen 12 |
Participation in secondary repository system | Sodelovanje pri sistemu sekundarnega repozitorija |
1. The contract shall require the provider to participate in the establishment of the secondary repository system (where the secondary system has not yet been established at the date of the conclusion of the contract) as may be required in accordance with the rules provided for in Chapter V of Implementing Regulation (EU) 2018/574. | 1. Pogodba od ponudnika zahteva, da sodeluje pri vzpostavitvi sistema sekundarnega repozitorija (če sekundarni sistem na dan sklenitve pogodbe še ni bil vzpostavljen), kakor se lahko zahteva v skladu s pravili iz poglavja V Izvedbene uredbe (EU) 2018/574. |
2. The contract shall contain a provision that allows for providers to recover from manufacturers and importers of tobacco products the costs arising in connection with the establishment, operation and maintenance of the secondary repository and the router referred to in Chapter V of Implementing Regulation (EU) 2018/574. | 2. Pogodba vsebuje določbo, ki ponudnikom omogoča, da si od proizvajalcev in uvoznikov tobačnih izdelkov povrnejo stroške, nastale v zvezi z vzpostavitvijo, upravljanjem in vzdrževanjem sekundarnega repozitorija in usmerjevalnika iz poglavja V Izvedbene uredbe (EU) 2018/574. |
Article 13 | Člen 13 |
Duration | Trajanje |
The duration of the contract shall be fixed for a minimum of five years with a possibility of renewal subject to agreement of the Parties and the continuing compliance of the provider with the requirements of Directive 2014/40/EU and Implementing Regulation (EU) 2018/574. | Trajanje pogodbe se določi za obdobje najmanj petih let ter se lahko podaljša, če s tem soglašajo pogodbene stranke ter ponudnik še naprej izpolnjuje zahteve Direktive 2014/40/EU in Izvedbene uredbe (EU) 2018/574. |
Article 14 | Člen 14 |
Communication with other parties | Komunikacija z drugimi pogodbenimi strankami |
The contract shall require providers to cooperate with one another, as well as with the competent authorities of Member States, to the extent necessary to ensure the effective organisation of the day-to-day functioning of the repositories system. | Pogodba od ponudnikov zahteva, da sodelujejo med seboj in s pristojnimi organi držav članic v obsegu, ki zagotavlja učinkovito organizacijo vsakodnevnega delovanja sistema repozitorijev. |
Article 15 | Člen 15 |
Audits | Revizije |
1. The contract shall lay down terms enabling external auditors approved by the Commission, in accordance with Article 15(8) of Directive 2014/40/EU, to carry out announced and unannounced audits in relation to the primary repository, and, where applicable, the secondary repository, including an assessment of whether the provider and, if applicable, its sub-contractors comply with the relevant legislative requirements. | 1. Pogodba določa pogoje, ki zunanjim revizorjem, ki jih odobri Komisija v skladu s členom 15(8) Direktive 2014/40/EU, omogočajo, da izvajajo napovedane in nenapovedane revizije v zvezi s primarnim repozitorijem in, če je ustrezno, sekundarnim repozitorijem, vključno z oceno, ali ponudnik in, če je ustrezno, njegovi podizvajalci izpolnjujejo zadevne zahteve zakonodaje. |
2. The contract shall specify that external auditors are granted unrestricted physical and virtual access to the primary repository and, where applicable, the secondary repository, and its related services for the duration of the audit. | 2. Pogodba določa, da se zunanjim revizorjem za trajanje revizije odobri neomejen fizični in virtualni dostop do primarnega repozitorija in, če je ustrezno, sekundarnega repozitorija ter z njima povezanih storitev. |
Article 16 | Člen 16 |
Liability | Odgovornost |
The contract shall lay down terms detailing the liability of the parties including with respect to direct and indirect damages that may arise under the contract, in accordance with the applicable law. Without prejudice to the applicable law, the contract shall further specify that no limitation of liability exists in case of breach of confidentiality or breach of data protection rules. | Pogodba določa pogoje za odgovornost pogodbenih strank, tudi v zvezi z neposredno in posredno škodo, ki lahko nastane na podlagi pogodbe, v skladu s pravom, ki se uporablja. Ne glede na pravo, ki se uporablja, pogodba nadalje določa, da v primeru kršitve zaupnosti ali pravil o varstvu podatkov odgovornost ni omejena. |
Article 17 | Člen 17 |
Termination of contract | Prenehanje pogodbe |
1. The contract shall lay down terms regarding the termination of the contract, in accordance with the applicable law. In the case of termination, the contract shall require the terminating Party to notify the Commission, in accordance with the procedural requirements laid down in Annex I to Implementing Regulation (EU) 2018/574. | 1. Pogodba v skladu s pravom, ki se uporablja, določa pogoje glede prenehanja pogodbe. Pogodba za primer prenehanja pogodbe določa, da pogodbena stranka, ki pogodbo odpove, o tem uradno obvesti Komisijo v skladu s postopkovnimi zahtevami, določenimi v Prilogi I k Izvedbeni uredbi (EU) 2018/574. |
2. The contract shall require parties to provide a minimum notice period of five months for the termination of the contract. | 2. Pogodba zahteva, da pogodbene stranke za prenehanje pogodbe določijo minimalni rok za odpoved petih mesecev. |
By derogation to the first subparagraph, the contract shall require manufacturers and importers to terminate the contract immediately: | Z odstopanjem od prvega pododstavka pogodba od proizvajalcev in uvoznikov zahteva, da takoj prekinejo pogodbo, če: |
(a) | in the event of a serious breach by the provider of its obligations under the contract, | (a) | ponudnik resno prekrši pogodbene obveznosti, |
(b) | where the provider becomes, or is in imminent risk of becoming, insolvent under the applicable law. | (b) | ponudnik v skladu s pravom, ki se uporablja, postane ali je v neposredni nevarnosti, da postane plačilno nesposoben. |
3. For the purposes of paragraph 2(a) a serious breach shall include: | 3. Za namene odstavka 2(a) resna kršitev vključuje primere: |
(a) | the failure by the provider to carry out obligations or to perform services provided for under the contract that are critical to the effective functioning of the traceability system, including in particular, the failure to comply with requirements laid down in Chapter V of Implementing Regulation (EU) 2018/574, | (a) | ko ponudnik ne opravi obveznosti ali storitev, določenih v pogodbi, ki so ključne za učinkovito delovanje sistema sledljivosti, kar vključuje neizpolnjevanje zahtev, določenih v poglavju V Izvedbene uredbe (EU) 2018/574; |
(b) | where a provider ceases to comply with the requirements for legal and financial independence laid down in Article 35(2) of Implementing Regulation (EU) 2018/574 and where, by the expiry of the time-period referred to in Article 35(6) of Implementing Regulation (EU) 2018/574, compliance with the requirements could not be established. | (b) | ko ponudnik preneha izpolnjevati zahteve glede pravne in finančne neodvisnosti iz člena 35(2) Izvedbene uredbe (EU) 2018/574 in ko po izteku obdobja iz člena 35(6) Izvedbene uredbe (EU) 2018/574 izpolnjevanja zahtev ni bilo mogoče ugotoviti. |
Article 18 | Člen 18 |
Suspension of services | Začasna prekinitev izvajanja storitev |
The contract shall specify that suspension of services in case of late payments by a manufacturer or importer to the provider shall be prohibited, unless the delay exceeds the final payment deadline by thirty days or more. | Pogodba določa, da je začasna prekinitev izvajanja storitev, kadar proizvajalec ali uvoznik zamuja pri plačilih, prepovedana, razen če je zamuda daljša od roka končnega plačila za trideset dni ali več. |
Article 19 | Člen 19 |
Data portability | Prenosljivost podatkov |
1. The contract shall require providers to ensure full data portability in cases where a manufacturer or importer contracts a new provider to operate its primary repository. The current provider shall deliver to the new provider, prior to the date of termination of the contract, an up-to-date copy of all data stored in the primary repository. Any updates to the data after that delivery shall be migrated to the new provider without undue delay. | 1. Pogodba od ponudnikov zahteva, da zagotovijo popolno prenosljivost podatkov, kadar proizvajalec ali uvoznik za upravljanje svojega primarnega repozitorija sklene pogodbo z novim ponudnikom. Obstoječi ponudnik novemu ponudniku pred datumom prenehanja pogodbe predloži posodobljeno kopijo vseh podatkov, shranjenih v primarnem repozitoriju. Vse posodobitve podatkov po tej predložitvi se nemudoma preusmerijo na novega ponudnika. |
2. In order to ensure business continuity, the contract shall include an applicable exit plan laying down the procedure to be followed in case of the termination of the contract and a new provider is contracted by the manufacturer or importer. The plan shall include a requirement for the current provider to continue providing its services until the new provider becomes operational. | 2. Da bi zagotovili neprekinjeno delovanje, pogodba vsebuje ustrezen načrt za izstop, ki določa postopek, ki se uporablja v primeru prenehanja pogodbe in če proizvajalec ali uvoznik sklene pogodbo z novim ponudnikom. Načrt vključuje zahtevo, da obstoječi ponudnik še naprej zagotavlja storitve, dokler novi ponudnik ne začne delovati. |
3. The contract shall contain provisions ensuring that the current provider has no right of retention with respect to any data, information or other necessary material related to the primary repository after they have been delivered to the new provider. | 3. Pogodba vsebuje določbe, ki zagotavljajo, da obstoječi ponudnik nima pravice zadržanja kakršnih koli podatkov, informacij ali drugega potrebnega gradiva, povezanega s primarnim repozitorijem, potem ko so bili predloženi novemu ponudniku. |
Article 20 | Člen 20 |
Applicable law and jurisdiction | Pravo, ki se uporablja, in pristojnost |
1. The contract shall be governed by the laws of one of the Member States of the European Union, as agreed by the parties to the contract. | 1. Za pogodbo se uporablja pravo ene od držav članic Evropske unije v skladu z dogovorom pogodbenih strank. |
2. The contract shall be subject to the jurisdiction of one of the Member States of the European Union, as agreed by the parties to the contract. | 2. Za pogodbo velja pristojnost ene od držav članic Evropske unije v skladu z dogovorom pogodbenih strank. |
Article 21 | Člen 21 |
Entry into force | Začetek veljavnosti |
This Regulation shall enter into force on the twentieth day following that of its publication in the Official Journal of the European Union. | Ta uredba začne veljati dvajseti dan po objavi v Uradnem listu Evropske unije. |
This Regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all Member States. | Ta uredba je v celoti zavezujoča in se neposredno uporablja v vseh državah članicah. |
Done at Brussels, 15 December 2017. | V Bruslju, 15. decembra 2017 |
For the Commission | Za Komisijo |
The President | Predsednik |
Jean-Claude JUNCKER | Jean-Claude JUNCKER |
OJ L 127, 29.4.2014, p. 1. | (1) UL L 127, 29.4.2014, str. 1. |
(2) Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2018/574 of 15 December 2017 on technical standards for the establishment and operation of a traceability system for tobacco products (see page 7 of this Official Journal). | (2) Izvedbena uredba Komisije (EU) 2018/574 z dne 15. decembra 2017 o tehničnih standardih za vzpostavitev in upravljanje sistema sledljivosti tobačnih izdelkov (glej stran 7 tega Uradnega lista). |
(3) Directive 95/46/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 24 October 1995 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data (OJ L 281, 23.11.1995, p. 31). | (3) Direktiva Evropskega parlamenta in Sveta 95/46/ES z dne 24. oktobra 1995 o varstvu posameznikov pri obdelavi osebnih podatkov in o prostem pretoku takih podatkov (UL L 281, 23.11.1995, str. 31). |