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Document 31970Y0428(02)
Council Resolution of 21 April 1970 on national monopolies of a commercial character in manufactured tobacco
Entschließung des Rates vom 21. April 1970 betreffend die staatlichen Handelsmonopole für Tabakwaren
Entschließung des Rates vom 21. April 1970 betreffend die staatlichen Handelsmonopole für Tabakwaren
ABl. C 50 vom 28.4.1970, p. 2–2
(DE, FR, IT, NL) Weitere Sonderausgabe(n)
Englische Sonderausgabe: Reihe II Band IX S. 36 - 36
No longer in force, Date of end of validity: 31/12/1976
Official Journal C 050 , 28/04/1970 P. 0002
COUNCIL RESOLUTION of 21 April 1970 on national monopolies of a commercial character in manufactured tobacco THE COUNCIL OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES HAS AGREED AS FOLLOWS: 1. The French and Italian Governments undertake to take all necessary measures for the abolition of discrimination arising out of national monopolies of a commercial nature. 2. The abolition of exclusive rights relating to importation and wholesale marketing must be achieved by 1 January 1976 at the latest.