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Document 52006DC0735

    Meddelelse fra Kommissionen til Rådet og Europa-Parlamentet - Den samlede migrationsstrategi efter det første år: Mod en europæisk helhedspolitik for migration

    /* KOM/2006/0735 endelig udg. */


    Meddelelse fra Kommissionen til Rådet og Europa-Parlamentet - Den samlede migrationsstrategi efter det første år: Mod en europæisk helhedspolitik for migration /* KOM/2006/0735 endelig udg. */


    Bruxelles, den 30.11.2006

    KOM(2006) 735 endelig


    Den samlede migrationsstrategi efter det første år: Mod en europæisk helhedspolitik for migration

    Den samlede migrationsstrategi efter det første år: Mod en europæisk helhedspolitik for migration

    1. tackle udfordringerne ved migration

    Stats- og regeringscheferne drøftede i oktober 2005 migration som en af globaliseringens største udfordringer og nåede til enighed om det presserende behov for at øge indsatsen på området. EU viste sig i stand til at reagere hurtigt. Inden for en måned frembragte Kommissionen en plan for et omfattende indsatsprogram, Prioriteret indsats for at tackle udfordringerne ved migration: Første opfølgning af Hampton Court [1] . Den meddelelse indeholdt forslag til en række konkrete foranstaltninger med henblik på en samlet tilgang til migration og tjente som oplæg til Det Europæiske Råds senere drøftelser med fokus på Afrika og Middelhavsområdet.

    Det Europæiske Råd vedtog i december 2005 Den samlede migrationsstrategi: prioriteret indsats med fokus på Afrika og Middelhavsområdet. Den samlede migrationsstrategi opstiller sammenhængende politikker og indsatser vedrørende migration, behandler en bred vifte af migrationsspørgsmål og sammenfletter de forskellige relevante politikområder, herunder forbindelser med tredjelande, udvikling, beskæftigelse samt retfærdighed, frihed og sikkerhed. Tilgangen indebærer konkret og aktiv solidaritet baseret på ansvarsdeling medlemsstaterne imellem og med tredjelande.

    Migration er et fænomen, der har været til stede til alle tider i historien. Antallet af migranter på verdensplan er ikke højere nu, set i forhold til verdens befolkning, end på andre tidspunkter i historien. Alligevel er migration blevet vigtigere for Europa. På blot få årtier har Europa bevæget sig fra at være et udvandringsområde til at være et foretrukket bestemmelsessted for indvandring. I henhold til OECD og Eurostat-data kom de største migrationsstrømme fra tredjelande til EU i 2004 fra Rumænien, Marokko, Bulgarien, Tyrkiet, Ukraine og Den Russiske Føderation. Tilstrømningen er nu mere diversificeret med et stigende antal indvandrere fra nye oprindelseslande i Central- og Østeuropa, Asien (især Kina) og Central- og Latinamerika (især Ecuador). Migrationen fra Afrika er steget betydeligt i de seneste måneder. Denne udvikling vil sandsynligvis ikke få ende i en overskuelig fremtid, og migrationspresset vil kunne vokse. Samtidigt får EU behov for migranter for at sikre arbejdsmarkedernes bæredygtighed på baggrund af den demografiske udvikling. EU må konkurrere med andre dele af verden og har brug for migranter med de nødvendige kvalifikationer, hvis det skal lykkes.

    Denne meddelelse har et dobbelt formål. For det første er den et svar på Det Europæiske Råds opfordring til Kommissionen om inden udgangen af 2006 at rapportere om fremskridt i iværksættelsen af den samlede migrationsstrategi og den prioriterede indsats med fokus på Afrika og Middelhavsområdet. For det andet indeholder meddelelsen forslag til, hvordan Den Europæiske Unions strategi rent faktisk kan omsættes til en helhedspolitik. Hermed efterlever Kommissionen de opfordringer om at intensivere indsatsen, som ministrene (retlige og indre anliggender) fremsatte på deres møde i Tammerfors den 21. september og stats- og regeringscheferne på deres møde i Lahti den 20. oktober. Meddelelsen indeholder derfor forslag vedrørende andre politikområder, som ikke indgik i den samlede migrationsstrategi fra december 2005, såsom lovlig migration og tiltag på integrationsområdet. Partnerskabet med tredjelande vil således være rettet mod hele viften af relevante spørgsmål, som har interesse for samtlige implicerede parter.

    På grund af behovet for en hurtig styrkelse af EU's politikker på migrationsområdet og andre dertil knyttede områder er effektive beslutningsprocedurer , herunder vedrørende lovlig migration, blevet en nødvendighed, da de vil sætte EU i stand til at imødekomme borgernes forventninger på området. Traktaten om en forfatning for Europa giver en hensigtsmæssig løsning på beslutningsprocessens nuværende vanskeligheder ved at anvende reglerne om afstemning ved kvalificeret flertal og den almindelige lovgivningsprocedure (fælles beslutningstagning) på lovlig migration. I den nuværende situation kan overgangsbestemmelsen i EF-traktatens artikel 67 udgøre et vigtigt værktøj for at nå dette mål, samtidigt med at der søges opnået en samlet institutionel afklaring inden for de rammer, der blev fastlagt på Det Europæiske Råds møde i juni 2006 og nu bør finde anvendelse.

    I bestræbelserne på yderligere at styrke EU's helhedspolitik for migration har Kommissionen nedsat en Gruppe af Kommissærer for migrationsspørgsmål. En lignende udvikling bestående i at bringe forskellige men indbyrdes forbundne politikområder sammen kan observeres i en række medlemsstater, og tendensen bør hilses velkommen og tilskyndes, når det er muligt.

    Selv om denne meddelelse fokuserer på Afrika og Middelhavsområdet, bør den samlede tilgang i fremtiden også komme til udtryk rent geografisk . Det bør grundigt overvejes, om ikke tilgangen bør anvendes på andre regioner, navnlig regioner ved EU's østlige og sydøstlige grænser på grund af udfordringerne forbundet med disse migrationsruter. Endvidere, om end det ikke er en prioritet på kort sigt, bør EU holde sig for øje, at migrationsrelaterede spørgsmål har stigende betydning for forbindelserne med asiatiske og latinamerikanske lande, og at disse lande har stadigt større forventninger til samarbejdet med EU. Hertil kommer, at det nylige iberoamerikanske topmøde opfordrede til en intensivering af dialogen og samarbejdet om migration og til, at Montevideo kompromiset om migration og udvikling konkret kommer til udtryk i nationale politikker, subregionale fora og internationale aftaler. Mange af de foranstaltninger og politikker, der er beskrevet i afsnit 3, vil faktisk på lignende vis kunne anvendes på samarbejdet og dialogen med Latinamerika og Asien.


    2006 har været et år, hvor dagsordenen blev sat med Afrika. En ministerkonference om migration og udvikling blev afholdt i juli måned i Rabat med deltagelse af ca. 60 lande beliggende langs vest- og centralafrikanske migrationsruter. Afrikanske stater og EU-stater deltog i FN's dialog på højt niveau om international migration og udvikling i september. I november blev der tillige afholdt en EU/Afrika-ministerkonference om migration og udvikling i Libyen med henblik på for første gang at opstille en fælles tilgang til migration for såvel EU som hele Afrika. Migration har været et tilbagevendende punkt på dagsordenen i dialogen og samarbejdsprogrammerne med Middelhavslandene, som bygger på det betydelige arbejde, der allerede er udført inden for rammerne af Den Europæiske Naboskabspolitik, og EuroMed-forummet har været anvendt til yderligere at udveksle bedste praksis og arbejde hen imod et fælles aktivitetsprogram. Migration har også været på dagsordenen for møder på højt niveau med Den Afrikanske Union og regionale organisationer. På grundlag af Cotonou-aftalens artikel 13 er der indledt en dialog om migrationsspørgsmål med vigtige afrikanske lande syd for Sahara. Den hurtige reaktionsmekanisme er sat i værk for at støtte Mauretanien og Senegal i deres bestræbelser på at løse problemer med ulovlig migration.

    På mindre end tolv måneder er arbejdet faktisk påbegyndt for samtlige prioriterede indsatsområder. Ved udgangen af året vil FRONTEX have iværksat og samordnet flere fælles maritime operationer i Atlanterhavs- og Middelhavsregionerne, fuldført risikoanalyser om Afrika og forelagt gennemførlighedsundersøgelser om oprettelsen af et Kystpatruljeringsnet for Middelhavet og et overvågningssystem, der dækker hele EU's sydlige søgrænse og Middelhavet. Der er langs vigtige migrationsruter gennem Afrika oprettet regionale netværk af indvandringsforbindelsesofficerer. Kommissionen har fremlagt et forslag til oprettelsen af hurtige grænseindsatshold og foretaget en analyse af international søret.

    Bilag B indeholder en mere tilbundsgående rapport om iværksættelsen af den samlede migrationsstrategi.

    3. Styrkelse af sammenhængen: en europæisk helhedspolitik for migration

    Den samlede tilgang bør i vidt omfang baseres på tre principper, nemlig solidaritet mellem medlemsstaterne, partnerskab med tredjelande og beskyttelse af migranterne, navnlig sårbare grupper som uledsagede mindreårige og kvinder. I følgende tre afsnit fremlægges forslag til, hvordan tilgangen kan udvikles, såvel med Afrika som videre omkring.

    3.1. Styrkelse af dialogen og samarbejdet med oprindelses- og transitlande i Afrika

    3.1.1. Dialogen med afrikanske lande

    De overordnede rammer for EU's samarbejde med Afrika er nedfældet i EU's strategi for Afrika, der blev vedtaget af Det Europæiske Råd på mødet den 15. til 16. december 2005. Strategiens vigtigste mål er virkeliggørelsen af millenniumsudviklingsmålene og fremme af bæredygtig udvikling, sikkerhed og god regeringsførelse i Afrika. Fremtidigt arbejde på migrationsområdet bør være i tråd med strategien, navnlig hvad angår løsningen af de grundlæggende årsager til migration såsom fattigdom, konflikter og ledighed. Andre EU-politikker, herunder handel, landbrug og fiskeri, bør tjene samme formål gennem bedre sammenhæng i udviklingspolitikken.

    På den EU/Afrika-ministerkonference om migration og udvikling, der afholdtes den 22. til 23. november 2006 med Libyen som vært , lykkedes det at kortlægge prioriteringerne for samarbejdet, ligesom der blev vedtaget en ambitiøs erklæring, der baner vejen for en fælles indsats mellem Afrika og EU på kontinentalt, regionalt og nationalt plan inden for forskellige områder fra bekæmpelse af ulovlig migration til forenkling af folks almindelige bevægelighed og en indsats for at tackle årsagerne til migration. Afrika og EU bør seriøst påbegynde iværksættelsen af de indsatsområder, der er opstillet i sluterklæringen, for at nå til konkrete resultater, der kan rapporteres til den ministerkonference, som afholdes inden tre år.

    På regionalt niveau var Rabat-konferencen i juli også en succes og banede vejen for en skræddersyet indsats for specifikke migrationsruter. Nu bør bestræbelserne koncentreres på at sikre en hensigtsmæssig opfølgning med henblik på at vurdere fremskridt på en ny ministerkonference om to år . Kontakterne mellem EU og de østafrikanske stater bør yderligere fremmes for at opbygge et konkret samarbejde langs de østafrikanske migrationsruter.

    På grundlag af det arbejde, der er udført om migrationsruter, vil EU skabe mere specifikt samarbejde med forskellige regioner i Afrika. Samarbejdsplatforme vil bringe afrikanske stater, EU's medlemsstater og internationale organisationer sammen i bestræbelserne på at forvalte migration endnu mere effektivt i alles interesse. Disse fælles rammer vil derefter kunne føre til affattelsen af regionale aftaler med interesserede afrikanske stater.

    Dialogen og samarbejdet med de nordafrikanske lande på bilateralt og regionalt plan vil blive yderligere udbygget inden for rammerne af Den Europæiske Naboskabspolitik . Migrationsspørgsmål udgør et væsentligt element i naboskabspolitikkens handlingsplaner, den politiske dialog og finansielle bistand for at styrke disse landes evne til at forvalte migration mere effektivt. Også arbejdet inden for rammerne af EUROMED vil blive videreført. Partnere har givet tilsagn om at skabe konkret opfølgning på kapitlet vedrørende migration, social integration, retfærdighed og sikkerhed under det femårige arbejdsprogram, der blev vedtaget i Barcelona i november 2005. Dette skulle gøre det muligt at indkalde til en ministerkonference om migration i andet halvår 2007.

    EU vil også fortsat integrere migrationsspørgsmål i den regelmæssige politiske dialog med samtlige AVS-lande og vigtige regionale økonomiske fællesskaber. Dialogen bygger på den vidtfavnende dagsorden fastlagt i Cotonou-aftalens artikel 13, som dækker en bred vifte af emner på området migration og udvikling. På EU-siden vil dialogen blive ført af Kommissionens delegationer og Formandskabets ambassader i de pågældende lande og inddrage interesserede medlemsstater i tråd med Cotonou-aftalens artikel 8. Dialogen vil i givet fald blive yderligere udbygget ved hjælp af specifikke missioner i kommissionsregi. I 2006 fandt tre af disse "artikel 13-missioner" sted. Andre vigtige afrikanske lande vil følge i 2007, herunder Cameroun, Etiopien, Ghana og Nigeria. En fælles arbejdsgruppe om migrationsspørgsmål i EU/ECOWAS-regi (Det Økonomiske Fællesskab af Vestafrikanske Stater ) skal mødes for første gang i 2007.

    EU bør også indtage en aktiv rolle i opfølgningen på FN's dialog på højt niveau om international migration og udvikling, navnlig når det globale forum oprettes. Kommissionen er rede og villig til at bidrage aktivt til det første møde i dette forum , som forventes at finde sted i Belgien i løbet af sommeren 2007.

    3.1.2. Fremme af migrations- og udviklingsdagsordenen

    Migrations- og udviklingsdagsordenens største udfordring bliver at tackle de største push-faktorer for migration, nemlig fattigdom og mangel på jobmuligheder. EU må erkende, at jobskabelse i udviklingslandene i vidt omfang vil kunne mindske migrationspresset fra Afrika. Migranterne bør støttes i deres bidrag til udviklingen af deres oprindelseslande. Hertil kommer, at pengeoverførsler fra migranter fortsat vil stige, og Kommissionen er i færd med at undersøge nye samarbejdsmekanismer på området med institutioner som Verdensbanken og Den Europæiske Investeringsbank. Bestræbelserne vil blive fokuseret på at forbedre dataindsamlingen, mindske overførselsgebyrerne, forenkle brugen af pengeinstitutterne som overførselskanal og udforske metoder med henblik på yderligere at øge pengeoverførslernes virkning for udviklingspolitikken.

    EU-programmet for migration og udvikling i Afrika bør på kort sigt søge at finde en udviklingsløsning for migrationsudfordringen for AVS-landene. Den vigtigste målsætning for dette fælles programmeringsinitiativ bør være en grundig tackling af mangelen på ordentlige jobs i Afrika. Fremme af investeringer i arbejdskraftintensive sektorer i regioner med stor afvandring bør prioriteres højt inden for den videre forenkling af arbejdskraftmigrationen og –bevægeligheden internt i Afrika. Andre samarbejdsområder kommer til at vedrøre pengeoverførsler, hjerneflugt, diasporaer, god regeringsførelse og ulovlig migration samt menneskehandel. Medlemsstaterne vil blive opfordret til at slutte sig til Kommissionens programmering af disse indsatsområder. Kommissionen vil bevilge et beløb på 40 mio. EUR til initiativets første fase (midler under 9. EUF), et beløb, der bør suppleres af bidrag fra medlemsstaterne. Geografisk skal initiativet dække Afrika syd for Sahara, men nogle indsatser kan fokusere på specifikke lande eller regioner samt - i den første fase - navnlig på Vestafrika.

    EU bør fortsat hjælpe de afrikanske stater i deres opbygning af kapacitet inden for forvaltning af migration og asyl , herunder migration fra syd til syd, uden at dette berører eksisterende regionale aftaler om migration og mobilitet. Der træffes i landene omfattet af Den Europæiske Naboskabspolitik vigtige initiativer vedrørende kapacitetsopbygning, navnlig med hensyn til grænseforvaltning og institutionel støtte for at forbedre såvel modtagelsen af migranter som beskyttelsen af migranternes rettigheder. Endvidere har Kommissionen foreslået udformning af migrationsprofiler for hvert interesseret udviklingsland[2]. Migrationsprofiler er et strategisk værktøj, der tjener til at indsamle og analysere de relevante oplysninger, der er nødvendige for at udforme konkrete foranstaltninger i forhold til en given situation inden for migration og udvikling. Præcise migrationsprofiler indføres for samtlige AVS-lande som et bilag til den nye generation af landestrategidokumenter. Der bør på mellemlang sigt opstilles migrationsprofiler for alle relevante partnerlande. Disse oplysninger kan derefter anvendes i den faglige og finansielle bistand til afrikanske landes løsning af de grundlæggende årsager til migrationsstrømmene. Én idé kunne være at oprette migrationsstøttegrupper bestående af eksperter fra EU's medlemsstater, som kunne yde den nødvendige bistand til afrikanske stater, der anmoder herom. Europa bør blive mere aktiv og udfarende, når det drejer sig om migrationsspørgsmål.

    Migrationspolitikkerne bør baseres på pålidelige beviser og være i tråd med andre dertil knyttede politikker. En indsats for at fremme forbindelserne mellem strategi og forskning kan bidrage til en bedre forståelse af migrationens virkelige forhold og udformningen af politikker. Kommissionen vil, inspireret af akademiske netværk af forskningsinstitutioner, der i Middelhavslandene (CARIM) beskæftiger sig med migration, støtte initiativer, der kan tilskynde til oprettelsen af et panafrikansk netværk af "migrationsobservatorier" og/eller forskningsinstitutioner, der beskæftiger som med migration .

    Foranstaltninger for parvist samarbejde bør også iværksættes med fællesskabsfinansiering for at bistå de afrikanske lande i udformningen af deres migrations- og asylpolitikker. Endvidere bør Kommissionens delegationer og medlemsstaternes diplomatiske missioner i afrikanske lande sikre, at de kan behandle migrationsrelaterede spørgsmål ved at udpege en kontaktperson for migrationsspørgsmål.

    3.2. Lovlig migration

    Yderligere udbygning af en fælleseuropæisk politik vedrørende indvandring af arbejdskraft er et vigtigt led i den samlede migrationsstrategi. En egentlig europæisk helhedspolitik for migration indebærer, at lovlig migration integreres i såvel eksterne som interne EU-politikker. Migration kan bidrage til opfyldelsen af arbejdsmarkedets skiftende behov, ligesom de økonomiske aspekter af migrationspolitikken bør tages med i betragtningerne. Rådet (ecofin) vedtog på mødet den 28. november 2006 konklusioner om politikker, der kan øge de økonomiske fordele ved migration for EU. Som anført i Politikplanen for lovlig migration og i tråd med målsætningerne for den europæiske beskæftigelsesstrategi vil EU i de kommende år vælge en tovejsstrategi: lette indrejsevilkårene for visse kategorier af indvandrere i en behovsbaseret tilgang (f.eks. højt kvalificerede arbejdstagere og sæsonarbejdere) uden i øvrigt at ændre princippet om fællesskabspræference og tilbyde alle lovlige indvandrerarbejdstagere en sikker juridisk status.

    Andre aktioner bør gøre det lettere at afbalancere udbud af og efterspørgsel efter arbejdskraft. Den kommende EU-indvandringsportal, den europæiske portal for jobmobilitet, de nye EURES-retningslinjer for 2007-2010 og portalen for europæiske forskeres mobilitet er alle vigtige værktøjer for virkeliggørelsen af denne målsætning. Tredjelande vil få oplysninger om juridiske muligheder for at arbejde i Europa, herunder gennem specifikke oplysningskampagner. Ved at indføre erhvervsuddannelse, kompetenceudviklingsprogrammer og sprogkurser kan mulige migranter forbedre deres chancer for at finde lovlig beskæftigelse. I denne henseende bør der oprettes specifikke migrationscentre i partnerlande finansieret med fællesskabsmidler. Sådanne centre kan også spille en rolle ved at lette forvaltningen i forbindelse med sæsonarbejdere, udveksling af studerende og forskere samt andre former for personers lovlige migration.

    Det potentiale, som nye former for migration giver anledning til, navnlig cirkulær migration, bør undersøges nærmere. Hertil kommer, at det bliver vigtigt at understøtte udviklingen af værktøjer, der kan forbedre tredjelandenes forvaltning af arbejdskraftmigrationen til EU. Det kræver støtte til aktiviteter som styrkelse af tredjelandenes administrative myndigheder med ansvaret for forvaltning af arbejdskraftmigrationen, kapacitetsopbygning for de nationale arbejdsformidlinger i tredjelande og udbygningen af mæglingsinstitutioner samt gennemførelse af migrationsforberedende planer i oprindelseslandene.

    Når først en række betingelser er opfyldt, såsom samarbejde om ulovlig migration og effektive tilbagetagelsesordninger, kan målsætningen blive at nå til enighed om mobilitetspakker med en række interesserede tredjelande og dermed give deres statsborgere bedre adgang til EU. Der er et tydeligt behov for en bedre tilrettelæggelse af de forskellige former for lovlig migration mellem EU og tredjelande. Mobilitetspakker vil kunne danne den overordnede ramme for forvaltningen af denne form for migration og samle medlemsstaternes og EU's muligheder og samtidigt overholde traktatens kompetencefordeling.

    For så vidt angår de større pakker, kan indgåelsen af tilbagetagelsesaftaler, styrkelse af samarbejde om ulovlig indvandring og om effektiv grænseforvaltning alle være forudsætninger for lempelse af visumreglerne. Kommissionen mener, at fremme af mobiliteten er et vigtigt element i en samlet tilgang til migration, navnlig for de lande, der er omfattet af Den Europæiske Naboskabspolitik, hvor det vil være nødvendigt med en alvorlig granskning af visaprocedurerne, så de i mindre udstrakt grad udgør en hindring for lovlig indrejse i EU og vice versa[3].

    Når EU udformer politikker under hensyntagen til de mulige fordele for tredjelande, som arbejdskraftmigration til Europa kan udgøre, bør EU være meget opmærksom på risikoen for hjerneflugt og de deraf følgende socioøkonomiske konsekvenser for udviklingslandene. For eksempel har erkendelsen af de negative virkninger af overdreven udvandring af faglærte arbejdere for sundhedsvæsenet i en række lande ført til udformningen af en koordineret EU-strategi, der omfatter opstilling af en række principper for etisk ansættelse af sundhedspersonale og fremme af større selvforsyning i EU, for så vidt angår uddannelse af sundhedsarbejdere for at mindske fremtidig efterspørgsel rettet mod skrøbelige sundhedssystemer. Der bør tages lignende initiativer for at løse (potentielle) mangler på kvalificeret arbejdskraft og hjerneflugt også i andre sektorer. De fordele, der er forbundet med hjernemobilitet, bør nøje overvejes på denne baggrund.

    3.3. Integration og tværkulturel dialog

    Samspillet mellem migration og integration bliver et højt prioriteret område for EU. Kommissionen vil aktivt fremme gennemførelsen af den fælles dagsorden for integration, der bygger på de fælles grundlæggende principper for integration og dækker samtlige områder af betydning, herunder arbejdskraft og samfundsøkonomi, folkesundhed, kulturelle og politiske dimensioner. Kommissionen agter at udvikle værktøjer, der muliggør en mere dækkende deltagelse af de forskellige aktører , herunder migranterne selv, for således at bidrage til at fremme en effektiv integrationsstrategi. Værktøjerne omfatter a) oprettelse af en integrationsplatform, hvor relevante partnere regelmæssigt kan udveksle synspunkter, b) konsolidering af de lokale myndigheders rolle med udgangspunkt i den vellykkede konference, Integrating cities: European policies, local practices, der afholdtes i Rotterdam den 9. til den 10. oktober, og c) oprettelse af et integrationswebsted og nye udgivelser af Integrationshåndbogen og Årsrapporten om indvandring og integration.

    Det er vigtigt, at integrationen på arbejdsmarkedet forbedres. Den højtstående ekspertgruppe vedrørende etniske mindretals integration i samfundet og på arbejdsmarkedet forventes at fremsætte praktiske henstillinger i 2007, som kan forbedre de eksisterende politikker. EU må fastholde sit specifikke fokus på uddannelse af børn med indvandrerbaggrund og til det formål bruge rammerne under arbejdsprogrammet "Uddannelse og erhvervsuddannelse 2010". Der er også behov for en større indsats for at sikre, at migranterne modtager undervisning i samfundsforhold med fokus på grundlæggende europæiske værdier og lærer deres værtslands sprog. Mulige hindringer for sprogundervisning bør fjernes hurtigst muligt. Samtidigt er det lige så vigtigt, at værtssamfundets evne til at tilpasse sig til mangfoldigheden styrkes. Det europæiske år for lige muligheder i 2007 sigter netop på at øge bevidstheden herom.

    Den tværkulturelle dialog bør også bruges som et værktøj for at fremme integration. Det planlagte europæiske år for interkulturel dialog i 2008 vil prioritere dialogen i dagligdagen, f.eks. i skoler, under sports- og kulturbegivenheder samt på arbejdspladsen. Hertil kommer, at EU fortsat bør støtte projekter inden for tværkulturel uddannelse, indvandreruddannelse og integrering af dårligt stillede unge gennem relevante programmer.

    3.4. Bekæmpelse af ulovlig migration og menneskehandel

    På EU-plan må bekæmpelsen af ulovlig indvandring styrkes på de prioriterede områder, der blev identificeret i Kommissionens meddelelse af 19. juli 2006. Prioriteringerne omfatter behovet for øget gensidig tillid og udveksling af oplysninger mellem medlemsstaterne, herunder regularisering af ulovlige indvandrere, forbedring af grænsekontrollen ved indrejse til EU's område og indførelse af sanktioner for arbejdsgivere, som tilbyder beskæftigelse til tredjelandsstatsborgere uden opholdstilladelse. Selv om fænomenet sort arbejde ikke er begrænset til indvandrere, vil der i foråret 2007 blive fremsat forslag til ny lovgivning om sanktioner over for arbejdsgivere , der giver sort arbejde, da muligheden for at opnå arbejde i EU uden lovlig opholdstilladelse er en central pull-faktor for ulovlig indvandring. Sideløbende hermed vil der blive lagt større vægt på håndhævelsen af eksisterende lovgivning, som også beskytter indvandrerne, navnlig direktiverne om sundhed og sikkerhed på arbejdspladsen. Endvidere bør staterne støttes i deres bestræbelser på at blive part i FN-protokollerne om menneskesmugling og menneskehandel .

    EUROPOL vil i 2007 fokusere på bekæmpelse af medvirken til ulovlig indvandring og af menneskehandel og vil fortsat tilvejebringe operationelle efterretninger samt understøtnings- og uddannelsesseminarer, der er åbne for deltagelse af retshåndhævende embedsmænd fra tredjelande. FRONTEX bør for sin del inden for rammerne af EU's politik for forbindelser med tredjelande udforme tekniske arbejdsforanstaltninger for fælles aktioner med relevante tredjelande og opfordre dem til at deltage i operationelle aktiviteter, når det synes hensigtsmæssig. Aktionsplaner for de forskellige migrationsruter er under udarbejdelse på grundlag af anbefalingerne fra indvandringsforbindelsesofficererne langs med ruterne. Indvandringsforbindelsesofficerernes netværk bør styrkes med henblik på at have mindst en indvandringsforbindelsesofficer i hvert af de vigtigste afrikanske oprindelses- og transitlande. Hertil kommer, at der bør udformes et standartmandat for en EU- indvandringsforbindelsesofficer, der sætter vedkommende i stand til at handle på flere medlemsstaters vegne.

    Tilbagesendelse og tilbagetagelse vil fortsat være af central betydning for migrationsforvaltningen. Medlemsstaterne bør støttes i deres bestræbelser på at udforme og iværksætte frivillige tilbagesendelsesprogrammer og planer for tvangstilbagesendelse , herunder fælles udsendelse med fly. Det prioriteres også fortsat højt at støtte medlemsstaterne i fremskaffelsen af den nødvendige dokumentation for øjeblikkelig tilbagesendelse og tilbagetagelse af ulovlige migranter. Medlemsstaterne har modtaget økonomisk støtte til deres bestræbelser på at forbedre forvaltningen af tilbagesendelser under alle former inden for rammerne af forbedelsesaktionerne for tilbagesendelse, hvis resultater vil tjene til at målrette den flerårige programmering for den fremtidige europæiske tilbagesendelsesfond. På denne baggrund er det ligeledes vigtigt, at forslaget til direktiv om fælles standarder og procedurer i medlemsstaterne for tilbagesendelse vedtages så hurtigt som muligt.

    Forhandlingerne om en tilbagetagelsesaftale mellem Fællesskabet og Ukraine er tilendebragt, og forhandlingerne med Marokko er langt fremskredne. Lignende forhandlinger med Moldova og Algeriet forventes indledt inden længe. Som led i en afbalanceret tilgang til og på grundlag af dialogen om migration og visaspørgsmål inden for rammerne af naboskabspolitikkens handlingsplaner bør det overvejes, om der bør indledes forhandlinger om tilbagetagelse og om lempelse af visumreglerne med hvert af nabolandene, når de egentlige forudsætninger herfor er til stede. For så vidt angår samarbejdet med AVS-landene, er tilbagetagelsespligten i artikel 13 i Cotonou-aftalen af afgørende betydning og udgør et hensigtsmæssigt grundlag for supplerende bilaterale tilbagetagelsesaftaler mellem EU-medlemsstaterne og udvalgte AVS-lande. Anvendelsen bør dog ses på baggrund af den bredere kontekst for artikel 13.

    Erfaringerne viser, at EU for at opnå en aftale skal tilbyde noget til gengæld. Medlemsstaterne tilbyder i deres bilaterale forhandlinger om tilbagetagelse i stigende grad også andre former for støtte og bistand til tredjelande for at lette indgåelsen af sådanne aftaler, og muligheden for at anvende denne tilgang mere bredt på EU-plan bør overvejes.

    Integreret forvaltning af søgrænserne er en vigtig del af den samlede migrationsstrategi og er genstand for en særskilt meddelelse om en styrket forvaltning af Den Europæiske Unions søgrænser mod syd .

    3.5. Asyl og beskyttelse af flygtninge

    Selv om det er vigtigt at øge indsatsen for at tackle problemerne med ulovlig migration, er der også behov for at sikre adgang til asylprocedurer for de personer i blandede migrationsstrømme , som måtte have behov for international beskyttelse. Forslagene i den 10-punkts handlingsplan fra FN's højkommissariat for flygtninge (UNHCR), der blev fremlagt på ministerkonferencen i Rabat, bør anvendes til at skabe operationelt samarbejde. Det er af afgørende betydning, at spørgsmålene om asyl og beskyttelse forbliver centrale elementer i EU's videre samarbejde og dialog med tredjelande. Gennemførelsen af de regionale beskyttelsesprogrammer samt aktiviteter på andre områder til støtte for asylansøgere og personer med behov for international beskyttelse bør videreføres, bl.a. for Mauretanien og det sydlige Afrika. Der vil blive stillet midler til rådighed for finansieringen af et UNHCR-drevet projekt for beskyttelsesaktiviteter i samtlige sydlige og østlige Middelhavslande – Marokko, Algeriet, Tunesien, Libyen, Jordan, Syrien og Libanon.


    4.1. Støtte til den eksterne dimension

    Som allerede nævnt i forbindelse med konklusionerne fra Det Europæiske Råds møde i december 2005 bekræfter Kommissionen sin hensigt om at øge sin finansielle bistand på de områder, der vedrører eller har forbindelse med migration, for så vidt angår forbindelserne med tredjelande, herunder en tildeling på indtil 3 % af instrumentet for den europæiske naboskabspolitik (ENPI) og tilsvarende bestræbelser i forbindelse med andre relevante finansielle instrumenter. En tilsvarende indsats vil også blive ydet især i Afrika syd for Sahara med hensyn til at tackle de grundlæggende årsager til migration. Finansieringen vil blive kanaliseret gennem geografiske programmer, der fastlægges under de relevante instrumenter for ekstern bistand, og de tematiske programmer for migration og asyl.

    For så vidt angår Den Europæiske Udviklingsfond (EUF), er EU's initiativ til fremme af bedre regeringsførelse for AVS-landene en relevant ordning, der sætter disse lande i stand til at opnå betydeligt mere finansiel bistand til udformning og iværksættelse af forvaltningsreformer. Adgangen til disse tilskyndende midler under 10. EUF kommer til at afhænge af resultatet af dialogen mellem Kommissionen og partnerlandet om hidtidige resultater og fremtidige forpligtelser vedrørende god regeringsførelse, herunder på området migration. Yderligere midler vil blive stillet til rådighed gennem EU-programmet for migration og udvikling i Afrika.

    Hertil kommer, at det som opfølgning på EU/Afrika-ministerkonferencen om migration og udvikling i Tripoli bør undersøges, hvordan de nordafrikanske lande, som ønsker at bidrage til at lette migrationspresset i landene syd for Sahara, kan støtte med finansielle midler for at samordne deres indsats med EU's.

    De nye tematiske programmer om migration og asyl er udarbejdet på baggrund af erfaringerne fra Aeneas-programmet og bygger på lektier, der blev lært. En central nyskabelse er, at de finansielle midler nu vil skulle tildeles enten geografisk under hensyntagen til begrebet "migrationsrute" eller på tværgående vis gennem globale og multiregionale initiativer, der ikke udelukkende er forbundet med en enkelt migrationsrute.

    Endelig kan også målet om europæisk territorialt samarbejde under regionalpolitikken tilbyde foranstaltninger, der kan bidrage til migrationsforvaltningen sammen med nabolandene, f.eks. gennem fælles uddannelsestiltag for grænsepatruljering, toldmyndigheder og politistyrker, styrket kontrol i havne og lufthavne, informationsudvekslingsnetværk for migration, kapacitetsopbygning og hensigtsmæssig migrationslovgivning i oprindelseslandene.

    Bilag C indeholder mere specifikke oplysninger om de beløb, der er til rådighed under de forskellige finansieringsinstrumenter.

    4.2. Fremme solidariteten mellem medlemsstaterne

    Beløbet på 4,020 mio. EUR, som budgetmyndigheden har bevilget for perioden 2007-2013 til rammeprogrammet for solidaritet og forvaltning af migrationsstrømme , opdeles i fire særskilte finansielle instrumenter, der hver støtter forskellige mål vedrørende forvaltningen af migrationsstrømme til EU: Fonden for de ydre grænser (1,820 mio. EUR), Tilbagetagelsesfonden (676 mio. EUR), Den europæiske flygtningefond (699 mio. EUR) og Integrationsfonden (825 mio. EUR). For hver af fondene vil størsteparten af midlerne gå direkte til medlemsstaterne under ordninger for delt forvaltning. De nye instrumenter er specifikke og supplerer andre fællesskabsfinansieringer, der støtter løsning af migrationsspørgsmål, herunder instrumenter under regionalpolitikken.

    Medlemsstaterne bør aktivt tilslutte sig en strategisk og langsigtet tilgang til anvendelsen af disse midler og støtte nationale foranstaltninger, der fremmer solidariteten mellem medlemsstater . Selv om rammeprogrammet hovedsageligt har til formål at styrke iværksættelsen af den interne dimension af fællesskabspolitikkerne vedrørende asyl, indvandring og grænsekontrol, kan flere af aktionerne sandsynligvis fremme virkeliggørelsen af de målsætninger, der er indeholdt i denne meddelelse. Som en yderligere understregning af denne relation agter Kommissionen at foreslå strategiske retningslinjer med henblik på at inddrage dagsordenen for migrationspolitikken i hver af fondenes operationelle rammer. Den sammenhængende og vidtfavnende karakter af sådanne aktioner vil blive påskønnet, og rammeprogrammets mål om at støtte en bred vifte af aktioner i tilknytning til migrationsforvaltning i medlemsstaterne vil blive styrket yderligere.

    Kommissionen vil også sikre, at de fællesskabsaktioner under disse fire fonde, der forvaltes direkte af Kommissionen, giver mulighed for at støtte medlemsstaterne i iværksættelsen af en sammenhængende indvandringspolitik ved at finansiere praktisk samarbejde, udvikling af fælles værktøjer og referencedokumenter samt innovative pilotprojekter og ved at give aktørerne mulighed for at bidrage med deres specifikke sagkundskab til EU's udviklingspolitik gennem politikorienteret forskning og aktiviteter. Kommissionen er også fast besluttet på at undersøge alle muligheder for at skabe en løftestangseffekt for fondene ved at finde finansielle ordninger med andre aktører, såsom Den Europæiske Investeringsbank.

    5. Konklusioner

    EU bør finde en samlet løsning på de stigende og stadigt skiftende udfordringer, der er forbundet med forvaltningen af migrationsstrømmene i en globaliseret verden. 2006 har været et forsøgsår for den samlede migrationsstrategi. Det er lykkes EU og medlemsstaterne at iværksætte konkret samarbejde i et hidtil uset omfang. 2006 har imidlertid også været et år med forøget migrationspres på EU, navnlig ved de sydlige grænser. Indsatsen bør derfor yderligere intensiveres og forbedres på sammenhængende vis, f.eks. gennem iværksættelse af overgangsbestemmelsen i EF-traktatens artikel 67, for at styrke EU's evne til at tage de udfordringer, der er forbundet med migration, op.

    EU har siden 1999 taget en række initiativer i retning af en fælles migrationsstrategi for at fastlægge en fælles asylpolitik, bekæmpe ulovlig indvandring og menneskehandel, sikre retfærdig behandling af lovlige migranter og opbygge partnerskaber med oprindelses- og transitlande. Kommissionen er fast besluttet på at fortsætte ad denne vej, blandt andet ved at fremlægge yderligere lovgivningsforslag om lovlig migration for Rådet og Europa-Parlamentet, herunder om rettighederne for vandrende arbejdstagere. Medlemsstaterne bør dog også øge deres bestræbelser, så de foranstaltninger, der allerede er vedtaget, kan sikres iværksat, ligesom de bør supplere EU's indsats med egne initiativer.

    Det er af altafgørende betydning, at der jævnlig foretages en vurdering af de igangværende aktiviteter, og at EU's strategier tilpasses til udviklingen, samtidigt med at det erkendes, at en varig og hensigtsmæssig løsning på migrationsfænomenet kræver en konstant og langsigtet indsats samt væsentlige ressourcer.


    The following list contains the full reference of each document quoted in the Communication, as well as some additional recent documents of relevance.


    - Communication from the Commission on Reinforcing the Management of the European Union's Southern Maritime Borders, COM(2006) of 30 November 2006.

    - Communication from the Commission on Strengthening the European Neighbourhood Policy, COM(2006) 726 final of 29 November 2006.

    - Communication from the Commission on The demographic future of Europe – from challenge to opportunity, COM(2006) 571 of 12 October 2006.

    - Communication from the Commission on Policy priorities in the fight against illegal immigration of third country nationals, COM (2006) 402 final of 19 July 2006.

    - Communication from the Commission on Implementing the Hague Programme: the way forward, COM (2006) 331 final of 28 June 2006.

    - Communication from the Commission on Promoting decent work for all: The EU contribution to the implementation of the decent work agenda in the world, COM(2006) 249 of 24 May 2006.

    - Policy Plan on Legal Migration, COM(2005) 669 final of 21 December 2005.

    - Communication from the Commission on an EU Strategy for Action on the Crisis in Human Resources for Health in Developing Countries, COM(2005) 642 of 12 December 2005.

    - Communication from the Commission on Priority actions for responding to the challenges of migration: First follow-up to Hampton Court, COM(2005) 621 final of 30 November 2005.

    - Communication from the Commission on Migration and Development: Some concrete orientations, COM(2005) 390 final of 1 September 2005.

    - Communication from the Commission on A Common Agenda for Integration: Framework for the Integration of Third-Country Nationals in the European Union, COM(2005) 389 final of 1 September 2005.


    - Presidency Conclusions on the Global Approach to Migration: Priority actions focusing on Africa and the Mediterranean, European Council, Brussels, 15-16 December 2005.

    - EU Strategy for Africa, European Council, SEC 15961/07, 15-16 December 2005.

    - A Strategy for the External Dimension of JHA: Global Freedom, Security and Justice, 14366/3/05, 12 December 2005.

    - Council Conclusions on A Common Agenda for Integration, 14390/05, 1-2 December 2005.


    - Annual Report on Migration and Integration SEC(2006) 892.

    - National Action Plans for Social Inclusion 2006-2008.

    - European Commission, DG Justice, Freedom and Security, Handbook on integration for policy makers and practitioners , November 2004, written by the Migration Policy Group, Brussels. The handbook can be downloaded from the following address:

    - Labour Migration Patterns in Europe: Recent Trends, Future Challenges , published in September 2006 in the series Economic Papers and available on the following website: ).



    The following gives details of work carried out on the priority actions during the course of 2006. Its purpose is to give an idea regarding the amount and type of work that has taken place, but is not intended to be comprehensive.


    The FRONTEX Agency has coordinated several important joint operations to assist southern Member States. These activities have been a first test for the Agency and a show of solidarity with those Member States most affected by high numbers of migrants arriving every day. Among the important operations that have been carried out in the autumn are HERA II in the Canary Islands and off the coast of North-western Africa and NAUTILUS in the central Mediterranean. The purpose of these operations, which have also involved the cooperation of neighbouring African States, has been to enforce the control of the external maritime borders of the European Union, thereby disrupting and preventing illegal immigration by sea, and at the same time contribute to saving the lives of illegal immigrants in distress at sea (search and rescue operations). Moreover, FRONTEX has coordinated the detachment of experts in nationality identification from other Member States to Spain and Malta to assist the authorities of these two Member States in repatriating third country nationals who cannot legally remain in their territories.

    Two important studies will inform future work. In July FRONTEX completed the feasibility study on a Mediterranean Coastal Patrols Network (MEDSEA). The study calls for the establishment of National Coordination Centres in the Member States, which would, twenty-four hours a day and seven days a week, coordinate the activities of the different national authorities involved, in cooperation with the national coordination centres of neighbouring Member States and third countries. FRONTEX is also carrying out the study on the technical feasibility of establishing a surveillance system covering the whole southern maritime borders of the EU and the Mediterranean Sea (BORTEC). This study will comprise an overview of the existing monitoring and surveillance systems in use, their area of coverage and their technical solutions, as well as the needs and wishes for further development with modern technology to cover the entire EU southern maritime borders. It is due to be completed by the end of 2006.

    The development of Regional Networks of Immigration Liaison Officers (ILOs) has progressed well as part of the overall Migration Routes Initiative. Four key migration routes from Africa to Europe were identified, and the presence of ILOs along these routes was determined. Reports on illegal immigration were drafted by these ILOs, which gave a picture of the situation in their respective countries and operational recommendations for stepping up cooperation along the routes. Meanwhile, Spain, France, Italy and the UK accepted leadership for each of the Regional Networks, and preparatory meetings got underway quickly. The Regional Networks will now work on developing an action plan for each route, consisting of concrete, operational projects that can be implemented to help combat illegal immigration.

    In July the Commission put forward a proposal for the establishment of Rapid Border Intervention Teams to be managed by FRONTEX. Such teams would be made up of specially trained border guard officers of the national services of Member States who on short notice can be deployed to a requesting Member State to provide technical and operational assistance. All costs associated with the training and deployment of these officers by FRONTEX will according to the proposal be covered by the Community. The proposal is currently being discussed in the Council; quick adoption would mean they could become operational in the foreseeable future.

    The Commission has also been carrying out an analysis of the law of the sea from the point of view of the fight against illegal immigration. The study examines Member State control powers in the different maritime spaces, as well as third countries' obligations on the basis of international sea law and maritime law and as regards the fight against the smuggling of migrants. The possibility for an institutionalised regional cooperation mechanism along the lines of the one existing amongst the Baltic States is also explored.

    EU Member States and the Commission played an active role in preparations for the UN High Level Dialogue on international migration and development. An EU Common Position was developed in the Council as a contribution to the Dialogue, supplemented by a Commission Communication. It set out the EU's approach to issues being covered by the Dialogue. The event itself was a success. High-level representatives from around the world joined together for two days to pledge their support for closer cooperation on migration and development issues. Many States expressed their wish to continue the dialogue through a global, informal and voluntary Forum. Belgium has offered to host the Global Forum on migration and development in July 2007. The aim will be to share expertise and best practice and enhance co-operation in the area of migration and development.


    Call on FRONTEX to: |

    1.1.implement border management measures in the Mediterranean region, in particular joint operations and pilot projects, as early as possible in 2006 |

    Several joint operations and pilot projects were planned and implemented during 2006. The UK negotiated a framework partnership agreement with FRONTEX to allow UK officials to participate in joint operations on a case-by-case basis. Project proposals were also submitted by Member States to the various Community programmes, including ARGO and AENEAS. These included the Spanish projects 'Seahorse', 'Atlantis' and 'Gate to Africa'. |

    Actions and events: |

    25 June-5 July | Operation Poseidon: this project measured the effectiveness of border control on the 'Balkan route'. Joint action was carried out to combat illegal immigration. It took place at various places along the land border between Greece and Turkey, as well as in harbours in Greece and Italy. |

    15 July-15 September | Operation AGIOS: a joint operation to tackle forged documents in Spain's Mediterranean ports. Deployment of EU officers started at the beginning of August. The implementation of the AGIOS-Project is closely linked to the ARGO-funded project 'Gate of Africa'. |

    HERA I: 17 July-31 October HERA II: 11 August to date | Operation HERA: a project that aimed to reduce the flow of migrants from Senegal and Mauritania towards the Canary Islands. The objective was reached by raising the number of repatriations performed (HERA I – Identification and Return), as well as establishing patrols on the open sea near Senegal and Mauritania to reduce the departure of vessels from these shores (HERA II - Patrolling). |

    31 July-31 October Second phase is foreseen from mid-November to mid-December | Operation Migration Flow Malta: the main objective of this operation was to tackle the flow of illegal immigrants embarking from Libyan shores, to enhance knowledge and intelligence of the Maltese authorities and to increase the percentage of successfully identified illegal immigrants. |

    5 October-15 October | Operation NAUTILUS: the main scope of this joint operation was to patrol the area south of Sicily, Lampedusa and Malta in the Mediterranean Sea to reduce the immigration flows originating mainly from Libya. The involvement of Libya in this project was sought. |

    1-22 November | Operation Amazon: so-called Focal Point Offices were established in international airports in Spain, Portugal, UK, France, Italy, Netherlands and Germany, with the objective of preventing illegal immigration. The focus was on Latin American migration routes. |

    Next steps: | Continue carrying out joint operations |

    1.2. Present a Risk Analysis report on Africa, building on recent studies, by May 2006 |

    FRONTEX shared its analysis report, Brief Assessment of Illegal Immigration Flows and Routes on the African Continent, in May. This report assisted in the identification of the main illegal immigration routes from Africa, and was used to support the work on setting up regional ILO networks. |

    Actions and events: |

    Spring | EUROPOL issued a study on the eastern Mediterranean. |

    April | FRONTEX delivered a tailored Risk Analysis report on Illegal Immigration from Mauritania, identifying recently used illegal immigration routes from Western Africa that transit Mauritania. |

    30 May | FRONTEX delivered the Risk Analysis on illegal migration from Africa with special focus on Morocco and Libya and presented the results to its Management Board Meeting in Siofok. |

    22-23 May, Casablanca | Interpol meeting on illegal migration in Africa |

    7-9 June, Brdo, Slovenia | Joint ICMPD-EUROPOL meeting held within the framework of the Dialogue on Mediterranean Transit Migration (MTM), on the topic 'Migration Flows and Trends in the Mediterranean'. |

    13-14 November, Porto | Joint ICMPD-EUROPOL-FRONTEX meeting held within the framework of the Dialogue on MTM, on the topic 'Project Towards Comprehensive Response to Mixed Migration Flows'. |

    Next steps: | Risk analyses to be used in planning and preparation of further operations. |

    1.3. Launch a feasibility study on reinforcing monitoring and surveillance of the southern maritime border of the EU, namely in the Mediterranean Sea, and on a Mediterranean Coastal Patrols Network involving EU Member States and North African countries, as early as possible in 2006 |

    A support group currently consisting of 14 Member States was set up to undertake the MEDSEA study, which was completed in July. The main recommendation of the study is to establish national coordination centres in all Member States, which should on a 24/7 basis coordinate the activities of Member States and third countries. |

    Actions and events: |

    1 March | A core team of experts from SP, IT, FR and GR started work in FRONTEX. Participating Member States submitted answers to a questionnaire circulated by FRONTEX. |

    6 April, Warsaw | First meeting of MEDSEA Support Group. |

    10 May, Warsaw | Second meeting of MEDSEA Support Group. |

    8 June, Helsinki | Third meeting of MEDSEA Support Group. |

    20 June, Warsaw | Fourth meeting of MEDSEA Support Group. |

    6 July, Warsaw | Fifth meeting of MEDSEA Support Group. |

    24 July | Study presented to the Council and the Commission. |

    Next steps: | Recommendations of the study to be implemented by Member States as soon as possible, where necessary with support from FRONTEX – timetable and costing to be put together Third countries to be contacted once the EU has a clear view on how it wants to reinforce monitoring and surveillance – sufficient flexibility for modifying the EU approach to be kept to allow for the integration of the wishes and views of third countries |

    2. Explore the technical feasibility of establishing a surveillance system covering the whole southern maritime border of the EU and the Mediterranean Sea by the end of 2006. Such a system would use modern technology with the aim of saving lives at sea and tackling illegal immigration |

    Working arrangements for the 'BORTEC' study were transferred from the Commission to FRONTEX. |

    Actions and events: |

    Spring | Expert group established to carry out the study, bringing together both technical and operational people, including those with expertise with the Galileo system. |

    5 April | Coordination meeting between Commission and FRONTEX to enable transfer and continuation of the work. |

    2 June | Project template approved. |

    7 July | First meeting of the Support Group. |

    Next steps: | Study due in December |

    3. Establish regional networks of Immigration Liaison Officers (ILOs) involving priority countries or regions as early as possible in 2006, and present reports on illegal immigration and trafficking, with the assistance where appropriate of ILOs in key countries, by May 2006 |

    The work to set up regional networks of ILOs has been closely linked to the migration routes initiative and the EU-Africa Ministerial Regional Conference held in Rabat. On the basis of existing data and statistics, four key migration routes from the African continent towards Europe were identified and selected for detailed work. For each of these routes the presence of ILOs in the relevant countries was determined. The ILOs were approached to draft targeted illegal immigration reports and to submit concrete, operational recommendations for stepping up cooperation along the routes. EC Delegations in the relevant third countries identified immigration contact persons who supported the reporting activity. The ICONet system was adapted for specific use by the ILO Networks. In addition, for each key route a lead Member State was identified: SP, FR, IT and UK for regional networks 1 to 4 respectively. Leading Member States were requested to draft a six-month calendar of activities, including start-up regional meetings, with the final objective of developing an operational action plan for each route. |

    Actions and events: |

    May-June | Illegal immigration reports drafted by ILOs. |

    14 June, Madrid | Joint preparatory meeting for ILO regional networks 1 and 2, organised by SP and FR. |

    6 July, Las Palmas de Gran Canarias | Joint start up meeting for ILO regional networks 1 and 2 organised by SP and FR, bringing together ILOs along both routes. |

    6 October, London | Joint preparatory meeting for ILO regional networks 3 and 4 organised by IT and UK. |

    14-15 November, Rome | Joint start up meeting for ILO regional networks 3 and 4, bringing together ILOs along both routes. |

    Next steps: | Local meetings of ILO regional networks to be held regularly Operational action plans to be drafted |

    4. Bring forward a proposal for the creation of rapid reaction teams made up of national experts able to provide rapid technical and operational assistance at times of high influxes of migrants, in accordance with the Hague Programme, by Spring 2006 |

    In July the Commission put forward a proposal for the establishment of Rapid Border Intervention Teams to be managed by FRONTEX. Such teams would be made up of specially trained border guard officers of the national services of Member States who on short notice can be deployed to a requesting Member State to provide technical and operational assistance. All costs associated with the training and deployment of these officers by FRONTEX will, according to the proposal, be covered by the Community. |

    Actions and events: |

    April | Study on legal competences of border guards completed. |

    19 July | Proposal for a Regulation on the setting up of a mechanism for the creation of Rapid Border Intervention Teams (RABITs) submitted by the Commission to the European Parliament and the Council. |

    Next steps: | Council discussion of proposal, followed by adoption of the Regulation Continued work by Commission on a proposal for expert intervention teams in the asylum context |

    5. Ensure a substantial follow-up to the report of the Global Commission on International Migration, and prepare for the UN High Level Dialogue on Migration and Development that will be launched in September 2006 |

    Several preparatory events were organised in the lead-up to the HLD, and the Commission and Member States took an active part in all of them. A Commission Memorandum on EU policies, a Communication and an EU Common Position were all submitted as contributions to the preparations. The HLD itself was a success. High-level representatives from around the world committed to closer co-operation on migration and development issues and agreed to continue dialogue through a global forum. |

    Actions and events: |

    4-7 April, New York | 39th Session of the Commission on Population and Development. |

    May | Commission Memorandum on EU policies sent to the UN Secretary-General by President Barroso. |

    12 June, Brussels | BE organised a seminar to discuss follow up to the HLD. |

    28-30 June, Turin | International Symposium on Migration and Development organised by DESA – Commission organised a session on EU policies on migration and development, including as a speaker a representative from the ACP Secretariat. |

    14 July | Commission Communication issued. |

    17 July, Brussels | EU Common Position adopted by the General Affairs and External Relations Council. |

    14-15 September, New York | UN High Level Dialogue on International Migration and Development. |

    Next steps: | Participation in and support to the Global forum to be hosted by BE in July 2007 |

    6. Present an analysis of the existing international instruments on the law of the sea, including relevant aspects of refugee law, by March 2006 |

    The Commission has been carrying out this study with a particular focus on the Mediterranean. The study is essentially a gaps analysis identifying the issues that could be further explored. It is due to be published shortly. |

    Actions and events: |

    23-24 May, Madrid | Meeting on Rescue at Sea and Maritime Interception in the Mediterranean, organised by UNHCR, attended by maritime and immigration representatives of almost all states bordering the Mediterranean, as well as other interested countries. The meeting illustrated the need for a concerted and complementary approach that involves all state actors, not only those engaged in rescue at sea and interception activities. Three specific recommendations to come out of the meeting were: discussion on issues including rescue at sea, interception and disembarkation needs to continue; IMO Member States have a collective responsibility to comply with the SAR and SOLAS Conventions and the IMO guidelines; and with improved data collection and strengthened cooperation, states can continue to draw lessons from good practices identified elsewhere and seek to benefit from the complementary roles that may be played by IGOs in the area of reception, screening and assistance in finding solutions for the various categories of people. |

    Next steps: | Commission to present report Discussion of the analysis, and development of an EU common position on the open legal questions |


    This first year has very much been a year of agenda-setting. With the recognition of the necessity to work in partnership with African and Mediterranean countries and to address the needs and concerns of all concerned, 2006 has acted as a preparatory year, paving the way for engagement with African states on the range of migration issues.

    The amount of agenda space given to migration in regional fora this year has to some extent been surprising. An EU-Africa Ministerial Conference on Migration and Development was held in Tripoli on 22-23 November, which adopted a Joint Declaration. This was a highly significant event, with the EU and the whole of Africa coming together for the first time to make a political commitment to working together on migration. Similarly, other regional bodies gave their attention to migration – the ACP states held their first meeting of ministers responsible for asylum and migration, which resulted in a declaration and plan of action; migration was discussed and featured prominently in the conclusions of the EU-ECOWAS Troika; and for the first time migration was on the agenda as a discussion point at the ACP-EU Council.

    The ministerial conference held in Rabat in July was a successful and important event. A joint initiative between Morocco, Spain and France and co-financed by the Commission, the conference brought together West, Central and North African states with EU Member States to discuss common responses to migratory flows along the West African route. States committed themselves to developing a close partnership "to work together, in the framework of a global, balanced, pragmatic and operational approach, with respect for the fundamental rights and dignity of migrants and refugees, on the phenomenon of migratory routes". The conference agreed that this framework must involve countries of origin, transit and destination, and that central to this partnership is the fight against poverty and the promotion of sustainable development in African states. It will now be important to implement initiatives contained in the Action Plan, so as "to respond to the urgency of the situation and give visibility and credibility to the new dynamic brought about by the conference". The Rabat Declaration called for a second, follow up ministerial conference in two years' time at the latest.

    Dialogue on the basis of article 13 of the Cotonou Agreement has been initiated with certain key Sub-Saharan African states. Meetings with the authorities in Mauritania, Senegal and Mali were extremely positive and productive, and discussion on migration now continues as part of the political dialogue led by Heads of Missions. Linked to this, migration is currently being incorporated into the programming exercise for the 10th European Development Fund (EDF). Where relevant, every Country Strategy Paper for ACP countries should contain a migration profile, and discussions between delegations, Member States and the third countries concerned should result in the identification of priorities for the funding of migration-related activities and projects for the next five years. Given the importance of assisting developing countries in managing migration, an intra-ACP migration facility of €25 million has been developed and programming work is underway. It will focus in particular on the management of south-south migration.

    Mention should also be made of other ongoing work on the migration and development agenda. In March Belgium and the IOM, with the support of the World Bank and the Commission, organised a conference on migration and development. It successfully brought together high level representatives from across continents, to discuss achieving greater coherence between migration and development policies, forming partnerships among countries of origin, transit and destination, and involving migrant communities in the development of their home countries. In June the Commission hosted an expert meeting on migration and development. This was a good opportunity to share experiences and information on current projects, in particular regarding the four main topics: remittances, working with the diaspora, temporary and circular migration and brain drain. Participants agreed on the need to share information better and improve coordination in this field. Of course, this agenda links in with the UN High Level Dialogue, and it also needs to be reflected in EU assistance to interested countries in Africa.

    With much of the political agenda-setting now in place, it will be important to move quickly to implement the commitments taken between Africa and the EU in the course of 2007 and beyond.


    7. Work to make migration a shared priority for political dialogue between the EU and the African Union, including through regular senior officials' meetings to prepare for EU-Africa Ministerial Troika discussions |

    Migration has featured prominently on the agenda of the AU and joint meetings between the AU and EU this year, with senior officials' meetings to prepare them as appropriate. Dialogue culminated in an EU-Africa Ministerial Conference on Migration and Development in Tripoli in November 2006. |

    Actions and events: |

    1 March, Addis Ababa | AU Commission and EU Commission Task Force – included discussion of the possibilities for a dialogue on migration. |

    3-5 April, Algiers | AU expert meeting – defined a draft common position on migration and development. |

    8 May, Vienna | EU-Africa Ministerial Troika, preceded by a senior officials' meeting – discussion included the EU-pan African conference on migration |

    1-2 July, Banjul | AU common position on migration and development formally adopted at AU Summit. |

    11-12 September, Brussels | EU-AU Commissions Joint Task Force – discussion focused on exchange of information and preparation of the Tripoli conference. |

    2 October, Addis Ababa | Commission to Commission meeting involving many Commissioners from both sides – migration was high on the agenda and the principle of the Tripoli conference was endorsed. |

    9 October, Brazzaville | EU-Africa Ministerial Troika – concluded that the ministerial conference on migration and development will take place in Tripoli on 22-23 November. |

    22-23 November, Libya | EU-Africa Ministerial Conference on Migration and Development – joint declaration adopted. Preparations took place in the High Level Working Group on Asylum and Migration; an extended Troika meeting hosted by Malta; and a senior official's meeting held in Tripoli on 21 November. |

    Next steps: | Follow-up to the Joint Declaration of the ministerial conference |

    8. Work in partnership with African countries and regional organisations, such as ECOWAS, through a range of fora, initiatives and regional meetings, including an EU-Africa Ministerial Conference in Morocco in 2006 and a conference on migration and development in Brussels in March 2006 |

    Some successful high profile events have acted to keep migration firmly on the international agenda this year and the subject of much political debate. |

    Actions and events: |

    6-8 February, Kenya | IOM workshop on 'International Travel Documents and Issuance Systems: Technical review of standards and systems for East and Central African Governments, and participating West African Governments. |

    15-16 March, Brussels | Migration and Development Conference organised by BE and IOM, with the support of the World Bank and the Commission |

    4-6 April, Brussels | African-European Inter-regional Dialogue on Managing Labour Migration for Integration and Development, organised by ILO with financial support from the EU. |

    13 April, Brussels | First meeting of ACP Ministers in charge of Asylum, Migration and Mobility – declaration and plan of action adopted. |

    22-23 May, Vienna | EU-ECOWAS Troika – migration was on the agenda and figured prominently in the conclusions; agreement to set up a joint working group on migration. |

    6 June, Lisbon | IOM seminar on "Migration and development within the Portuguese Speaking Countries Community – engaging diasporas as agents for development". |

    6 June, Papua New Guinea | ACP-EU Council – migration was on the agenda as a 'C' point (discussion) for the first time |

    28-29 June, Niamey | Technical seminar, funded by the AENEAS 2004 Across Sahara project – focused on the situation in Libya and Niger concerning a range of issues such as illegal immigration, transit migration, visas, to readmission and return, asylum and statistics, and included an analysis report drawn up on the basis of questionnaire replies from the Nigerian and Libyan authorities |

    10-11 July, Rabat | Euro-Africa ministerial conference on migration and development – declaration and action plan adopted, with the commitment to hold a next ministerial within two years to assess progress. Preparation took place in steering committee meetings, senior officials' meetings (including one hosted by Senegal), and in the High Level Working Group on Asylum and Migration with the participation of the Ambassador of Morocco. |

    26-27 October, Niamey | EU-ECOWAS Troika – migration was once again high on the agenda and in the conclusions. |

    Next steps: | Ongoing follow-up and implementation of initiatives contained in the Rabat action plan Develop East Africa migration route initiative Rapidly set up EU-ECOWAS joint working group on migration and initiate its work |

    9. Explore the feasibility of a migration routes initiative for operational cooperation between countries of origin, transit and destination, with a view to developing a concrete initiative in 2006 |

    Development of the migration route concept has made good headway, with several steps being taken to bring together countries of origin, transit and destination along the same migratory route. Four key migration routes on the African continent towards Europe were identified, as set out in action 3 above. Other related initiatives include a General Action Plan prepared by EUROPOL concerning cooperation with third countries for the purposes of Police Chiefs Task Force; and a pilot project proposal submitted by BE to Morocco on return and reintegration of Malians, as well as a regional initiative to help Mali dismantle smuggling networks. |

    Actions and events: |

    10-11 July, Rabat | Euro-Africa ministerial conference on migration and development, which aimed at identifying operational action along the West Africa migration routes. |

    7-10 November, Las Palmas | SP hosted a police conference in the framework of the Seahorse project, which was attended by Member States, FRONTEX and EUROPOL. |

    July | UK presented proposals for an East Africa Migration Routes Initiative to the High Level Working Group on Asylum and Migration. This includes a stock-take of Member States' activities in the region; an analysis of the gaps in relevant transit countries and the requirements; and the ILO regional network developments with Italy. |

    Next steps: | A global approach action plan for each of the routes will be developed, using a variety of sources including the ILO reports |

    10. Enhance dialogue by spring 2006 with key sub-Saharan African states on the basis of Article 13 of the Cotonou Agreement, covering a broad range of issues from institution and capacity building and effective integration of legal migrants to return and the effective implementation of readmission obligations, in order to establish a mutually beneficial cooperation in this field |

    The Commission proposed launching bilateral dialogue on migration on the basis of article 13 of the Cotonou Agreement between the EU and Senegal, Mali, Cameroon, Ghana, Nigeria, Mauritania and Niger. This has so far proceeded with Mauritania, Senegal and Mali. Three other countries had to be removed from the list due to varying political circumstances. Seven Member States proposed adding Ethiopia, Sudan, Eritrea and Somalia to this initial list of countries; BE proposed adding Guinea (Conakry) and Rwanda; and DE proposed adding Burkina Faso. At the same time migration is being integrated into the Country Strategy Papers for ACP countries, as part of the programming exercise for the 10th European Development Fund (EDF). Once drafted by Delegations and ACP countries, with the participation of Member States, they will be formally adopted by the EDF-Committee. |

    Actions and events: |

    January | Commission delegations in selected countries were contacted to explore the possibilities of article 13 Cotonou dialogue. |

    April-June | Technical mission Mauritania in the framework of the Rapid Reaction Mechanism; the final decision on financial support was taken in June to a total of 2.45 million euro. |

    5-6 June, Dakar | Informal contacts were made with several African countries in the margins of the meeting in Dakar that prepared the Rabat Ministerial Conference on migration and development. |

    23-25 May | Commission mission to Mauritania and Senegal to initiate article 13 dialogue, so that it can continue at Head of Mission level in the context of the regular political dialogue (article 8 Cotonou). |

    25-28 September | Commission mission to Mali in context of article 13. |

    September-November | Technical mission to Senegal in the framework of the Rapid Reaction Mechanism; the financial decision will be taken shortly. |

    18-20 October, Brussels | Training workshop for EC delegations on migration in EC external assistance. |

    Next steps: | Heads of Mission in Ethiopia, Sudan, Eritrea and Somalia to assess the feasibility of launching dialogue with these countries Article 13 dialogue to be initiated with further key countries, with regular reporting back to Member States, and to be actively continued with all relevant countries |

    11. Establish and implement a pilot Regional Protection Programme (RPP) involving Tanzania as early as possible in 2006, with a steering group to oversee the programme. Based on findings from the pilot, develop plans for further programmes in Africa |

    Following the Council Conclusions on Regional Protection Programmes in November 2005, several proposals for projects to initiate the pilot RPPs were submitted under the 2005 AENEAS call for proposals. One of these was submitted by UNHCR and focused specifically on Tanzania and the surrounding region. The proposal was selected by the AENEAS Management Committee, and is expected to get underway in 2007. The project will include strengthening the capacity of national authorities to protect refugees, improving security in refugee camps, promoting voluntary return of Burundian refugees, enhancing access to resettlement, and registration of refugees. |

    Actions and events: |

    14 February, Brussels | Expert meeting with Member States convened by the Commission. |

    July | AENEAS project proposal for Tanzania accepted. |

    Next steps: | Initiate projects as soon as contracts signed Initiate UNHCR-run project for North Africa Develop further protection-oriented projects with UNHCR |

    12. Carry out a study to improve understanding of the root causes of migration to underpin the long-term approach |

    The Joint Research Centre is currently carrying out a case study focusing on Senegal and Mali. It will analyse the root causes of migration in these two countries and their policy implications. |

    Actions and events: |

    July | Drafting commenced and Member States were invited to provide information on existing studies on root causes. |

    Next steps: | Study expected in November 2006 Study should be discussed and used as part of the long-term EU approach |

    13. Develop regular dialogue with UNHCR as early as possible in 2006, to share experience and expertise on working with countries in Africa |

    Dialogue with UNHCR on the implementation continued via regular meetings. |

    Next steps: | A high-level meeting will be organised between the Commission and UNHCR in early January in order to operationalise the UNHCR 10-Point Plan of Action presented at the Rabat conference; the feasibility of holding such meetings regularly to update on the situation in different countries will be examined |

    14. Launch initiatives in early 2006 to promote cheaper and more easily available remittance services, and support ongoing efforts by international organisations to improve data on remittance flows; consider supporting efforts of African states to facilitate members of diasporas to contribute to their home countries, including through co-development actions, and explore options to mitigate the impact of skill losses in vulnerable sectors |

    This wide agenda was the subject of much discussion during the year. An expert meeting organised by the Commission in June was a useful opportunity to share experiences and best practice, while productive discussion took place in the UN High Level Dialogue on Migration and Development in New York and the Africa-EU Ministerial Conference on Migration and Development in Libya. |

    Actions and events: |

    15-16 March, Brussels | Migration and Development Conference organised by BE and IOM, with the support of the World Bank and the Commission. |

    20 June, Brussels | Member State expert meeting on the main subjects covered by the September 2005 Migration and Development Communication convened by the Commission. |

    10-11 July, Rabat | Euro-Africa ministerial conference on migration and development. |

    14-15 September, New York | UN High Level Dialogue on Migration and Development. |

    13-14 November, London | UK-World Bank Conference on Remittances – UK also made available its publication on the UK remittances market. |

    22-23 November, Tripoli | EU-Africa Ministerial Conference on Migration and Development |

    Next steps: | Establish 'virtual' working groups on each of the main topics on the migration and development agenda, involving Member States, international organisations, Commission services and other experts as appropriate Support projects on migration and development in interested African countries as part of EU financial assistance under the EDF, the MEDA programme, Aeneas or the future thematic programme on migration |

    15. Establish information campaigns targeting potential migrants to highlight the risks associated with illegal migration and raise awareness about legal channels for migration |

    IOM carried out information campaign work with Senegal during the summer. Portugal has also organised information campaigns in embarkation/disembarkation bulletins disseminated at airports of origin and destination and travel agencies, with information concerning the requirements for legal entry in Portugal and raising awareness of the risks of illegal migration and networks of trafficking in human beings. |


    Although progress in the EuroMed framework has not developed as quickly as was hoped, important and productive senior officials' meetings were held in June and October. These renewed motivation and optimism for furthering cooperation on migration, which has been given concrete expression through the preparation of a working document detailing projects and best practices of each of the EuroMed partners relating to legal migration, migration and development and the fight against illegal migration, and a more detailed action programme with recommendations for future cooperation. Portugal has also offered to host a EuroMed Ministerial meeting on migration in 2007.

    Meanwhile, work with individual North African countries has made good headway. The dialogue and cooperation with Morocco has intensified and the EU has decided to grant political and considerable financial support to Morocco (up to €90 million) to assist this country in its efforts to better manage migration. A major step forward was taken with a twinning project on the fight against illegal migration, as well as budgetary support for purchasing border control equipment. Negotiations on an EC Readmission agreement have also continued, and are expected to be launched with Algeria soon. An important programme of support (€10 million) to the Algerian border police, approved in 2005, is ongoing. Discussions with Libya on issues concerning migration have also continued and Libya has invited a team of EU experts to carry out a mission to its southern borders. All in all, cooperation with the Mediterranean countries is set to develop strongly in the future, on the basis of the relevant Association Agreements and Neighbourhood Policy Action Plans.


    16. Hold a EuroMed Ministerial meeting on migration in 2006 |

    At a positive senior officials' meeting, it was agreed to collect information on projects and best practice in areas identified by the Barcelona Summit in November 2005: legal migration, migration and development and illegal migration, trafficking and return issues. With contributions from all 35 delegations, the Commission undertook to prepare a background document with all the information provided, as well as a more detailed action programme containing recommendations for future cooperation. |

    Actions and events: |

    20 June, Brussels | Senior officials' meeting to discuss further cooperation and to prepare the Ministerial meeting. |

    20 October, Brussels | Second senior officials' meeting, which discussed the draft action programme. |

    Next steps: | Continue developing ideas for concrete joint projects Continue preparations for the EuroMed Ministerial, planned to take place during the Portuguese Presidency in 2007 |

    17. Engage Mediterranean third countries in the feasibility study of a Mediterranean Coastal Patrols Network, Mediterranean surveillance system and related pilot projects, where appropriate |

    See priority action 1.3. |

    18. Make available experiences and best practices where appropriate from other regional cooperation structures, including those relating to the Baltic Sea |

    9 June, Helsinki | Finland hosted a Member State expert visit to the Helsinki Headquarters of the Border Guards to assess the Baltic experience in dealing with Border security management, comprising technical means, legal framework, regional cooperation and operational activities |

    19. Use all available frameworks for cooperation with Mediterranean partners, including those mentioned below, to prevent and combat illegal migration and trafficking in human beings, build capacity to better manage migration, and explore how best to share information on legal migration and labour market opportunities, for example through the development of migration profiles and through strengthening sub-regional fora |

    The possibilities of implementing the priority actions in the framework of the 5+5 cooperation were explored in the 5+5 group under the Chair of France and then Spain. For example, France, Spain and Morocco are working on a joint project that aims to promote the institutional capacity between these countries on labour migration, so as to connect labour demand and offer between them. The project started in December 2005 and will finish in November 2008. Meanwhile, the concept of the Migration Profile has been developed. The IOM and the JRC both drafted initial proposals for how the tool could work. The idea was then formally presented at the UN High Level Dialogue in New York on 14-15 September. Funding has been earmarked in the AENEAS 2006 call for proposals to further develop Migration Profiles for key countries. |

    Actions and events: |

    12 May, Nice | 5+5 Interior Ministers – Commission was invited to take part in the lunch. |

    29-30 June, Paris | Follow-up meeting to the ministerial conference on migration held in Paris in November 2005, with discussion including migration and development, labour migration and reception and integration of migrants. |

    Next steps: | Continue using all relevant fora to further work on the Global Approach Continue developing the Migration Profile concept, in particular using AENEAS funding |

    20. Undertake priority work with the following three countries: |

    20.1 Morocco – implement projects to combat trafficking and conclude negotiations of the EC-Morocco readmission agreement as early as possible |

    Implementation of various projects using MEDA and AENEAS funding has been promoted, and negotiations on an EC Readmission agreement have continued. Morocco was also host of the Euro-Africa ministerial conference on migration and development, held in Rabat in July. |

    Actions and events: |

    18 May | EU-Morocco subcommittee on JHA. |

    10-11 July, Rabat | Euro-Africa ministerial conference on migration and development. |

    22 November, Rabat | Meeting of the EU-Morocco subcommittee on migration and social affairs and readmission discussions. |

    November, Rabat | EU-Morocco Working Group on migration and social affairs. |

    Next steps: | Continuation of the negotiations on an EC Readmission agreement Effective implementation of cooperation projects and continued dialogue on migration-related issues |

    20.2 Algeria – hold a first meeting in early 2006 to take forward cooperation on the basis of the migration provisions of the EC-Algeria Association Agreement and begin the negotiation of the readmission agreement as quickly as possible on the basis of the mandate given to the Commission |

    Algeria hosted an AU expert meeting on migration and development in April. Negotiations on the EC readmission agreement are expected to be launched in early 2007. |

    Actions and events: |

    16 May | First EU-Algeria Association Council meeting. |

    Next steps: | First meeting of the EU-Algeria subcommittee on migration and social affairs, 5-6 December, Algiers Effective start of negotiations on an EU-Algeria readmission agreement Effective dialogue on migration-related issues |

    20.3 Libya – conclude the work to agree the EU-Libya Action Plan on migration as early as possible in 2006, in accordance with the Council Conclusions of 3 June 2005 on initiating dialogue and cooperation with Libya on migration issues, and implement projects as soon as possible thereafter |

    The Commission has been doing its utmost to work bilaterally with Libya in addressing the issue of illegal migration, and there have been various missions to discuss cooperation. Libya hosted the EU-Africa Ministerial Conference on Migration and Development in November. The AENEAS-funded IOM Programme for the Enhancement of Transit and Irregular Migration Management in Libya (TRIM) has continued. |

    Actions and events: |

    February | Commission visited Tripoli and presented proposals for concrete cooperation and dialogue on migration issues to the Libyan side |

    21-22 May | Commission visited Tripoli. Libya confirmed interest in developing dialogue and cooperation with the EU, although not in the framework of the Barcelona process. |

    May | Response received from Libya, expressing willingness to host the AU-EU conference and inviting an expert mission to the southern border |

    4-6 July | Commission visited Libya to discuss enhanced cooperation in several areas including migration |

    Next steps: | Organise expert mission to Libya's southern borders as a matter of priority Explore possibilities for developing an EU-Libya joint risk analysis Examine the possibility of establishing direct contacts between FRONTEX and Libya to explore areas for joint cooperation, for instance in carrying out joint risks assessment and joint patrolling |

    21. Intensify research to improve understanding and management of migratory flows, building on the migration component of the regional JHA I MEDA programme |

    Activities launched by the Consortium for Applied Research on International Migration in the Mediterranean region (CARIM), hosted by the European University Institute in Florence, Italy, were continued throughout the year. |

    Actions and events: |

    May | Financed by AENEAS 2004, a new website, Migration de retour vers le Maghreb (MIREM), was opened at It is hosted by the European University Institute as part of CARIM. The MIREM project aims to examine the current challenges linked to return migration and its impact on development in Maghreb countries. The website includes data and information on the premises and implications of the EU common return policy; patterns of cooperation on readmission and their challenges; and the bilateral agreements linked to readmission involving the Maghreb countries and EU Member States. There is also an annotated inventory of the statistical data on return migration to the Maghreb countries, including various typologies of returnees, and studies related to the return mechanisms that have been implemented in the Maghreb. |

    20 June, Brussels | Commission's proposals for JHA MEDA II were presented to the EuroMed partners at the senior officials' meeting on migration. |

    Next steps: | CARIM will continue its research on migration in the Maghreb region Inspired by the success of the academic network (CARIM) linking migration research institutes of all the Mediterranean countries and funded by the MEDA programme, the EU should facilitate an academic conference in view of the establishment of a pan-African network of migration 'observatories' and/or migration research institutes |

    22. Help strengthen links between North and sub-Saharan African countries in the framework of the possible migration routes initiative |

    See priority action 9. |

    23. Continue dialogue and cooperation with UNHCR in helping third countries develop capacity for refugee protection |

    The Commission has financed a UNHCR project aimed at building asylum capacity in North Africa. The results of the project have been just transmitted to the Commission. In order to ensure continuity and build on this first experience, the Commission intends to finance under AENEAS 2006 another UNHCR project for protection actions in all the Southern and Eastern Mediterranean countries, from Morocco to Syria. |

    24. Hold a conference on The role of internal security in relations between the EU and its neighbours in Vienna in May 2006 |

    Following adoption by the Council of the Strategy for the External Dimension of the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice in December 2005, the Vienna Ministerial Conference was held on 4-5 May. The 'Vienna Declaration on Security Partnership' was adopted, and then welcomed by the European Council of 15-16 June. |

    Actions and events: |

    4-5 May, Vienna | Conference took place. |

    Next steps: | The Commission will continue to monitor progress of the Strategy and will report to the Council every 18 months |


    In the context of its December 2005 Conclusions on priority actions focusing on Africa and the Mediterranean, the European Council welcomed the increased priority being given to migration and the Commission’s intention to intensify its financial assistance in areas concerning or related to migration in respect of its relations with third countries, including by an allocation of up to 3% of the ENPI, and comparable efforts in respect of other relevant financial instruments. It also called for equivalent efforts in particular in Sub-Saharan Africa, with a view to tackling the root causes of migration.

    As stated in section 4.1. of this Communication, funding will be channelled through the geographic programmes established under the relevant external assistance instruments and the Thematic programme on migration and asylum.

    As regards the European neighbourhood countries, the 3% commitment represents an amount of about €50 million a year, of which €30 million will be brought by the ENPI contribution to the Thematic programme on migration and asylum. The remaining part will be financed under the national, regional and cross-border geographic programmes established within the ENPI.

    In addition to the initiatives on migration and asylum financed under the geographic programmes of the DCI, the DCI will contribute for about €25 million a year to the Thematic programme on migration and asylum, for funding projects in developing countries located outside of the European Neighbourhood.

    As regards the ACP countries, and within the framework of the 9th EDF, an overall €40 million has been set aside for the EU Programme on Migration and Development in Africa, including the €25 million intra-ACP migration facility, whose specific destination is currently in an identification phase. Concerning the 10th EDF, which covers the period 2008-13, migration is being fully incorporated into the programming of Country and Regional Strategy Papers. Through the EU Governance Initiative and its 'incentive tranche', ACP countries will be able to obtain substantial additional financial support to develop and implement governance reforms. Access to these 10th EDF incentive resources will depend on the outcome of a dialogue between the Commission and the partner country on the past performance and future commitments in the area of governance, including on migration.

    Finally, it should not be overlooked that further to the geographic programmes and to the thematic programme on asylum and migration, , other thematic programmes / instruments such as the European Instrument for Democracy and Human Rights (EIDHR), the Thematic programme for cooperation with non-state actors and local authorities or the Thematic programme "investing in people" can also occasionally provide funds on specific migration relevant issues such as trafficking in human beings or on aspects of the migration and development debate. The new Structural Funds' regulations make possible that in the context of cross-border, transnational and interregional cooperation, the ERDF may finance expenditure incurred in implementing operations or parts of operations on the territory of countries outside the European Community (up to a limit of 10% of the amount of its contribution to the operational programme concerned).

    [1] Referencer på samtlige citerede dokumenter er opstillet i Bilag A.

    [2] Jf. bilag 8 til Meddelelsen om migration og udvikling.

    [3] Jf. meddelelsen om Styrkelse af Den Europæiske Naboskabspolitik, KOM(2006) 726 endelig.
