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official controls on consignments of animals and goods originating from and returning to, the Union - third country
Kommissionens delegerede forordning (EU) 2019/2074 af 23. september 2019 om supplerende regler til Europa-Parlamentets og Rådets forordning (EU) 2017/625 for så vidt angår regler for særlig offentlig kontrol af sendinger af visse dyr og varer med oprindelse i og hjemvendende til Unionen efter nægtet indførelse af et tredjeland (EØS-relevant tekst)
This Delegated Regulation will establish specific rules for the controls that certain categories of animals and goods imported into or transiting through the EU must be subject to before they can enter the Union, due to their specific characteristics. This concerns for instance animals and goods ordered over the Internet, animals and goods that have been exempted from the systematic checks at border controls posts, feed accompanying animals and intended for their feeding, etc.