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Document 32019R2074

Temei juridic:
32017R0625 - A77P1PTH)
Rezumatul inițiativei:
This Delegated Regulation will establish specific rules for the controls that certain categories of animals and goods imported into or transiting through the EU must be subject to before they can enter the Union, due to their specific characteristics. This concerns for instance animals and goods ordered over the Internet, animals and goods that have been exempted from the systematic checks at border controls posts, feed accompanying animals and intended for their feeding, etc.
Tezaurul EuroVoc:
fødevaresikkerhed; vare med oprindelsesstatus; EU-eksport; tredjeland; EU-import; levnedsmiddeltilsyn; toldkontrol; animalsk produkt; tolddokument; veterinærinspektion; varetransport
A se vedea ciclul de viață al acestui act în Registrul interinstituțional al actelor delegate