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Document 61983CC0299

Stanovisko generálního advokáta - Lenz - 4 července 1985.
SA Saint-Herblain distribution, Centre distributeur Leclerc a další proti Syndicat des libraires de Loire - Océan.
Žádost o rozhodnutí o předběžné otázce: Tribunal de grande instance de Nantes - Francie.
Věc 299/83.

ECLI identifier: ECLI:EU:C:1985:294


delivered on 4 July 1985 ( *1 )

Mr President,

Members of the Court,

The case before the court today raises once again the question of the French legislation on fixed prices for books. The Court is acquainted with that legislation, since it was set out in its judgment of 10 January 1985 in Case 229/83 ( 1 ) pursuant to a request for a preliminary ruling by the Cour d'Appel, Poitiers.

The legal issues in the present case, which has come to the Court from the Tribunal de Grande Instance, Nantes, are identical to those in Case 229/83. The phrasing of the question referred to the Court for a preliminary ruling and the observations of the parties, the Government of the French Republic and the Commission are also identical to those in the former case.

Thus, no new legal submissions have been made which could induce the Court to alter the view it has expressed.

Therefore, I propose that in accordance with the previous practice (see the judgment in Case 179/83 ( 2 )) the operative part of the judgment in Case 229/83 should be repeated and a reference should be made to the said judgment, a copy of which should be annexed to the present judgment.

( *1 ) Translated from the German.

( 1 ) Association des Centres Édouard Leclerc v Sàrl Au Blé Vert, [1985] ECR 17.

( 2 ) Industriebond FNV v Netherlands, [1985] ECR 514.
