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Document C:2000:339:TOC

Official Journal of the European Communities, C 339, 29 November 2000

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Official Journal
of the European Communities
ISSN 0378-6986

C 339
Volume 43
29 November 2000
English editionInformation and Notices

Notice NoContentsPage
I (Information)
1999-2000 SESSION
Sittings of 14 to 18 February 2000
Monday 14 February 2000
(2000/C 339/01)MINUTES
1. Resumption of session 1
2. Approval of minutes (postponement of approval) 1
3. Membership of Parliament 2
4. Membership of committees 2
5. Referral to committees 2
6. Documents received 2
7. Texts of agreements forwarded by the Council 7
8. Written declarations (Rule 51) 7
9. Petitions 7
10. Order of business 9
11. Sustainable urban development (URBAN) - Harmonious and balanced development of the European territory (Interreg) - Rural development (Leader+) - EQUAL initiative (debate) 11
12. Agenda for next sitting 12
13. Closure of sitting 12
Modification to agenda - Cambodia 14
Modification to agenda - Pinochet 15
Tuesday 15 February 2000
(2000/C 339/02)MINUTES
1. Opening of sitting 17
2. Approval of Minutes of previous sitting 17
3. Agenda 18
4. Topical and urgent debate (motions for resolutions tabled) 18
5. Commission strategic objectives for the coming five years - Annual legislative programme for 2000 (statements followed by debate) 19
6. Official welcome 21
7. Agenda 21
8. Organisms harmful to plants or plant products (procedure without report) (vote) 21
9. ‘Area of Freedom, Security and Justice’ (vote) 21
10. Sustainable urban development (URBAN) (vote) 22
11. Harmonious and balanced development of the European territory (Interreg) (vote) 22
12. Rural development (Leader+) (vote) 23
13. Additives in feedingstuffs * (debate) 24
14. Scrapie ***I (debate) 24
15. Community action in the field of water policy ***II (debate) 24
16. Dialogue on Europe - the challenges of institutional reform (Commission communication) 25
17. Question Time (questions to the Commission) 25
18. Community action in the field of water policy ***II (continuation of debate) 26
19. Financial instrument for the environment (LIFE) ***II (debate) 27
20. Modernising social protection (debate) 27
21. WIPO treaty (copyright, performances, phonograms) *** (debate) 27
22. Agenda for next sitting 27
23. Closure of sitting 27
B5-0095/2000 Area of Freedom, Security and Justice - Resolution 29
McCarthy report A5-0026/2000 - Amendment 2 30
McCarthy report A5-0026/2000 - Amendment 3 31
Decourrière report A5-0028/2000 - Amendment 4 33
Procacci report A5-0024/2000 - Amendment 12 34
Procacci report A5-0024/2000 - Resolution 36
1. Organisms harmful to plants or plant products * (procedure without report)
Amended proposal for a Council Directive on protective measures against the introduction into the Community of organisms harmful to plants or plant products and against their spread within the Community (codified version) (COM(1999) 365 - C5-0264/1999 - 1997/0338(CNS)) 38
2. ‘Area of Freedom, Security and Justice’
European Parliament resolution on the progress made in 1999 in the implementation of the area of freedom, security and justice provided for in Article 2, fourth indent, of the Treaty on European Union 38
3. Sustainable urban development (URBAN)
European Parliament resolution on the draft communication from the Commission to the Member States laying down guidelines for a Community Initiative concerning economic and social regeneration of cities and of neighbourhoods in crisis in order to promote sustainable urban development (URBAN) (COM(1999) 477 - C5-0242/1999 - 1999/2177(COS)) 44
4. Harmonious and balanced development of the European territory (Interreg)
European Parliament resolution on the draft communication from the Commission to the Member States laying down guidelines for a Community Initiative concerning trans-European cooperation intended to encourage harmonious and balanced development of the European territory (Interreg) (COM(1999) 479 - C5-0243/1999 - 1999/2178(COS)) 47
5. Rural development (Leader+)
European Parliament resolution on the draft communication from the Commission to the Member States laying down guidelines for the Community initiative for rural development (Leader+) (COM(1999) 475 - C5-0259/1999 - 1999/2185(COS)) 52
Wednesday 16 February 2000
(2000/C 339/03)MINUTES
1. Opening of sitting 57
2. Approval of Minutes of previous sitting 57
3. Documents received 57
4. Transfer of appropriations 58
5. Coherence of different Union policies with development policy (statements followed by debate) 58
6. UN Commission on human rights, including the situation in China (statement followed by debate) 59
7. Financial instrument for the environment (LIFE) ***II (vote) 59
8. Scrapie ***I (vote) 60
9. WIPO Treaty (copyright, performances, phonograms) *** (vote) 60
10. Additives in feedingstuffs * (vote) 60
11. Official welcome 60
12. EQUAL initiative (vote) 61
13. Community action in the field of water policy ***II (vote) 62
14. Modernising social protection (vote) 63
15. UN Commission on human rights, including the situation in China (continuation of debate) 65
16. Cyprus and Malta * (debate) 65
17. Question Time (questions to the Council) 66
18. ACP-EU Joint Assembly (debate) 67
19. Stabilisation and association agreement with the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (debate) 67
20. Agreement on comitology (debate) 68
21. Protocol on the excessive deficit procedure * (debate) 68
22. Increasing penal sanctions against counterfeiting of the euro * (debate) 68
23. Agenda for next sitting 68
24. Closure of sitting 68
Lienemann recommendation A5-0014/2000 - Amendment 18 70
Lienemann recommendation A5-0014/2000 - Amendment 16 71
Stenzel report A5-0034/2000 - Amendment 19 72
Lienemann recommendation A5-0027/2000 - Amendment 7 74
Lienemann recommendation A5-0027/2000 - Amendment 10 75
Lienemann recommendation A5-0027/2000 - Amendment 19 77
Lienemann recommendation A5-0027/2000 - Amendment 21 78
Lienemann recommendation A5-0027/2000 - Amendment 41, 1st part 79
Lienemann recommendation A5-0027/2000 - Amendment 41, 2nd part 81
Lienemann recommendation A5-0027/2000 - Amendment 45 82
Lienemann recommendation A5-0027/2000 - Amendment 46 84
Lienemann recommendation A5-0027/2000 - Amendment 47 85
Lienemann recommendation A5-0027/2000 - Amendment 55 87
Lienemann recommendation A5-0027/2000 - Amendment 76 88
Lienemann recommendation A5-0027/2000 - Amendment 101 90
Lienemann recommendation A5-0027/2000 - Amendment 14, 1st part 91
Lienemann recommendation A5-0027/2000 - Amendment 14, 2nd part 93
Lienemann recommendation A5-0027/2000 - Amendment 80/rev. 94
Lienemann recommendation A5-0027/2000 - Amendment 24, 1st part 96
Lienemann recommendation A5-0027/2000 - Amendment 24, 2nd part 97
Lienemann recommendation A5-0027/2000 - Amendment 24, 3rd part 99
Lienemann recommendation A5-0027/2000 - Amendment 43, 1st part 100
Lienemann recommendation A5-0027/2000 - Amendment 79, 2nd part 102
Lienemann recommendation A5-0027/2000 - Amendment 58, 2nd part 104
Lienemann recommendation A5-0027/2000 - Amendment 93 105
Lienemann recommendation A5-0027/2000 - Amendment 90 107
Lienemann recommendation A5-0027/2000 - Amendment 91 108
Andersson report A5-0033/2000 - Amendment 4 110
Andersson report A5-0033/2000 - Amendment 7 111
Andersson report A5-0033/2000 - Amendment 11 113
Andersson report A5-0033/2000 - Amendment 12 114
Andersson report A5-0033/2000 - Paragraph 3 116
Andersson report A5-0033/2000 - Paragraph 7 117
Andersson report A5-0033/2000 - Paragraph 8 119
Andersson report A5-0033/2000 - Paragraph 17 120
Andersson report A5-0033/2000 - Resolution 122
1. Financial instrument for the environment (LIFE) ***II
European Parliament legislative resolution on the common position adopted by the Council with a view to the adoption of a European Parliament and Council regulation concerning the financial instrument for the environment (LIFE) (10233/2/1999 - C5-0224/1999 - 1998/0336(COD)) 124
2. Scrapie ***I
Proposal for a European Parliament and Council directive amending Council Directive 91/68/EEC as regards scrapie (COM(1998) 623 - C4-0026/1999 - 1998/0324(COD)) 128
European Parliament legislative resolution on the proposal for a European Parliament and Council directive amending Council Directive 91/68/EEC as regards scrapie (COM(1998) 623 - C4-0026/1999 - 1998/0324(COD)) 128
3. WIPO treaty (copyright, performances, phonograms) ***
European Parliament legislative resolution on the proposal for a Council decision on the approval, on behalf of the European Community, of the WIPO Copyright Treaty and the WIPO Performances and Phonograms Treaty (COM(1998) 249 - C5-0222/1999 - 1998/0141(AVC)) 128
4. Additives in feedingstuffs *
Proposal for a Council directive amending Directive 70/524/EEC concerning additives in feedingstuffs (COM(1999) 388 - C5-0134/1999 - 1999/0168(CNS)) 129
5. EQUAL initiative
European Parliament resolution on the draft communication from the Commission to the Member States establishing the guidelines for Community Initiative Programmes (CIPs) for which the Member States are invited to submit proposals for support under the EQUAL initiative (COM(1999) 476 - C5-0260/1999 - 1999/2186(COS)) 131
6. Community action in the field of water policy ***II
European Parliament legislative resolution on the common position adopted by the Council with a view to the adoption of a European Parliament and Council directive establishing a framework for Community action in the field of water policy (9085/3/1999 - C5-0209/1999 - 1997/0067(COD)) 136
7. Modernising social protection
European Parliament resolution on the communication from the Commission on a concerted strategy for modernising social protection ((COM(1999) 347 - C5-0253/1999 - 1999/2182(COS)) 154
Thursday 17 February 2000
(2000/C 339/04)MINUTES
1. Opening of sitting 160
2. Approval of Minutes of previous sitting 160
3. Written declarations (Rule 51) 160
4. UCITS ***I (debate) 160
5. Mutual assistance on criminal matters between the Member States * (debate) 161
6. UCITS ***I (vote) 161
7. Pre-accession strategy for Cyprus and Malta* (vote) 162
8. Protocol on the excessive deficit procedure * (vote) 163
9. Increasing penal sanctions against counterfeiting of the euro * (vote) 163
10. Mutual assistance on criminal matters between the Member States * (vote) 163
11. Strategic objectives of the Commission (vote) 164
12. Coherence of different Union policies with development policy (vote) 165
13. UN Commission on human rights, including the situation in China (vote) 165
14. ACP-EU Joint Assembly (vote) 166
15. Stabilisation and association agreement with the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (vote) 166
16. Agreement on comitology (vote) 167
17. Company restructuring in Europe (statement with debate) 168
18. Racism/xenophobia-related incidents at El Ejido (Spain) (debate) 169
19. Human rights (debate) 169
20. Environmental disaster in the Danube (debate) 170
21. Communication of common positions of the Council 170
22. Agenda 171
23. Racism/xenophobia-related incidents in El Ejido (Spain) (vote) 171
24. Human rights (vote) 171
25. Environmental disaster in the Danube (vote) 173
26. Company restructuring in Europe (vote) 173
27. Tourism and employment (debate) 173
28. Request for the waiver of Mr Pacheco Pereira's immunity 174
29. Agenda for next sitting 174
30. Closure of sitting 174
Olle Schmidt report A5-0025/2000 - Amendment 37 176
Olle Schmidt report A5-0025/2000 - Amendment 15 177
Olle Schmidt report A5-0025/2000 - Amendment 36 178
Olle Schmidt report A5-0025/2000 - Amendment 42 180
Olle Schmidt report A5-0025/2000 - Amendment 47 181
Olle Schmidt report A5-0025/2000 - Commission proposal I 183
Olle Schmidt report A5-0025/2000 - Legislative resolution 184
Olle Schmidt report A5-0025/2000 - Amendment 35 186
Olle Schmidt report A5-0025/2000 - Amendment 33 187
Olle Schmidt report A5-0025/2000 - Commission proposal II 189
Olle Schmidt report A5-0025/2000 - Legislative resolution 190
Joint resolution B5-0143/2000 - Strategic objectives of the Commission - Paragraph 2 192
Joint resolution B5-0143/2000 - Strategic objectives of the Commission - Paragraph 3 193
Joint resolution B5-0143/2000 - Strategic objectives of the Commission - Paragraph 5 194
Joint resolution B5-0143/2000 - Strategic objectives of the Commission - Amendment 5 196
Joint resolution B5-0143/2000 - Strategic objectives of the Commission - Amendment 6 197
Joint resolution B5-0143/2000 - Strategic objectives of the Commission - Amendment 7 198
Joint resolution B5-0143/2000 - Strategic objectives of the Commission - Amendment 8 200
Joint resolution B5-0143/2000 - Strategic objectives of the Commission - Amendment 9 201
Joint resolution B5-0143/2000 - Strategic objectives of the Commission - Amendment 10 203
Joint resolution B5-0143/2000 - Strategic objectives of the Commission - Amendment 11 204
Joint resolution B5-0143/2000 - Strategic objectives of the Commission - Amendment 12 206
Joint resolution B5-0143/2000 - Strategic objectives of the Commission - Resolution 207
Joint resolution B5-0117/2000 - Coherence of different Union policies - Resolution 208
Joint resolution B5-0126/2000 - UN Commission on human rights - Paragraph 18 210
Joint resolution B5-0126/2000 - UN Commission on human rights - Paragraph 19 211
Swoboda report A5-0031/2000 - Amendment 4 213
Swoboda report A5-0031/2000 - Amendment 5 214
Swoboda report A5-0031/2000 - Amendment 8 215
Swoboda report A5-0031/2000 - Resolution 217
Joint resolution B5-0151/2000 - Press freedom in Angola - Resolution 218
Joint resolution B5-0124/2000 - Company restructuring in Europe - Resolution 219
1. UCITS ***I
I. Proposal for a European Parliament and Council directive amending Council Directive 85/611/EEC on the coordination of laws, regulations and administrative provisions relating to undertakings for collective investments in transferable securities (UCITS) (COM(1998) 449 - C4-0464/1998 - 1998/0243(COD)) 220
European Parliament legislative resolution on the proposal for a European Parliament and Council directive amending Council Directive 85/611/EEC on the coordination of laws, regulations and administrative provisions relating to undertakings for collective investment in transferable securities (UCITS) (COM(1998) 449 - C4-0464/1998 - 1998/0243(COD)) 227
II. Proposal for a European Parliament and Council directive amending Council Directive 85/611/EEC on the coordination of laws, regulations and administrative provisions relating to undertakings for collective investments in transferable securities (UCITS) with a view to regulating management companies and simplified prospectuses (COM(1998) 451 - C4-0465/1998 - 1998/0242(COD)) 228
European Parliament legislative resolution on the proposal for a European Parliament and Council directive amending Council Directive 85/611/EEC on the coordination of laws, regulations and administrative provisions relating to undertakings for collective investment in transferable securities (UCITS) with a view to regulating management companies and simplified prospectuses (COM(1998) 451 - C4-0465/1998 - 1998/0242(COD)) 231
2. Pre-accession strategy for Cyprus and Malta *
Proposal for a Council regulation on the implementation of operations in the framework of the pre-accession strategy for Cyprus and Malta (COM(1999) 535 - C5-0308/1999 - 1999/0199(CNS)) 232
European Parliament legislative resolution on the proposal for a Council regulation on the implementation of operations in the framework of the pre-accession strategy for Cyprus and Malta (COM(1999) 535 - C5-0308/1999 - 1999/0199(CNS)) 236
3. Protocol on the excessive deficit procedure *
Proposal for a Council regulation amending Regulation (EC) No 3605/93 on the application of the Protocol on the excessive deficit procedure annexed to the Treaty establishing the European Community (COM(1999) 444 - C5-0174/1999 - 1999/0196(CNS)) 236
European Parliament legislative resolution on the proposal for a Council regulation amending Regulation (EC) No 3605/93 on the application of the Protocol on the excessive deficit procedure annexed to the Treaty establishing the European Community (COM(1999) 444 - C5-0174/1999 - 1999/0196(CNS)) 237
4. Increasing penal sanctions against counterfeiting of euro *
Draft Council framework decision on increasing protection by penal sanctions against counterfeiting in connection with the introduction of the euro (SN 5116/1999 - C5-0332/1999 - 1999/0821(CNS)) 237
European Parliament legislative resolution on the draft Council framework decision on increasing protection by penal sanctions against counterfeiting in connection with the introduction of the euro (SN 5116/1999 - C5-0332/1999 - 1999/0821(CNS)) 238
5. Mutual assistance on criminal matters between the Member States *
Draft Council Act establishing the Convention on Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters between the Member States of the European Union (9636/1999 - C5-0091/1999 and SN 5060/1999 - C5-0331/1999 - 1999/0809(CNS) 239
European Parliament legislative resolution on the draft Council Act establishing the Convention on Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters between the Member States of the European Union (9636/99 - C5-0091/1999 and SN 5060/1999 - C5-0331/1999 - 1999/0809(CNS)) 255
6. Strategic objectives of the Commission
B5-0143, 0144 and 0145/2000
European Parliament resolution on the Commission's five-year Strategic Programme 255
7. Coherence of different Union policies with development policy
B5-0117, 0120, 0121, 0122 and 0123/2000
European Parliament resolution on the coherence of the various policies with development policy 258
8. UN Commission on human rights, including the situation in China
B5-0126, 0127, 0129 and 0139/2000
European Parliament resolution on human rights 261
9. ACP-EU Joint Assembly
European Parliament resolution on the results of the work of the ACP-EU Joint Assembly in 1999 263
10. Stabilisation and association agreement with the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia
European Parliament resolution on the Commission recommendation for a Council Decision authorising the Commission to negotiate a Stabilisation and Association Agreement with the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (SEC(1999) 1279 - C5-0166/1999 - 1999/2121(COS)) 266
11. Agreement on comitology
European Parliament resolution on the agreement between the European Parliament and the Commission on procedures for implementing Council Decision 1999/468/EC of 28 June 1999 laying down the procedures for the exercise of implementing powers conferred on the Commission 269
12. Racism/xenophobia-related incidents in El Ejido (Spain)
B5-0149, 0159, 0162, 0169 and 0175/2000
European Parliament resolution on the outbreak of racism and xenophobia in El Ejido (Spain) 271
13. Human rights: Violence between ethnic groups in Mitrovića; Albanian Kosovar prisoners in Serbia, notably the plight of Mrs Flora Brovina
B5-0141, 0150, 0158 and 0176/2000
European Parliament resolution on multi-ethnic violence in Mitrovića, the situation of Albanian Kosovar prisoners in Serbia and, in particular, the case of Flora Brovina 273
14. Human rights: Press freedom in Angola
B5-0151, 0160, 0165, 0166 and 0178/2000
European Parliament resolution on press freedom in Angola 274
15. Human rights: Native Americans in the US - Dineh
B5-0152, 0157, 0163, 0171 and 0174/2000
European Parliament resolution on native Americans in the US - Dineh 276
16. Human rights: Human rights: Russian journalist Andrei Babitsky
B5-0153, 0155, 0156, 0172 and 0177/2000
European Parliament resolution on the case of Andrei Babitsky, freedom of the media and violations of human rights in Chechnya 277
17. Human rights: Cambodia
B5-0154 and 0161/2000
European Parliament resolution on the need for an international trial of the Khmer Rouge 278
18. Environmental disaster in the Danube
B5-0164, 0167, 0168, 0173 and 0179/2000
European Parliament resolution on the ecological disaster caused by a cyanide spill from a Romanian gold mine into the Lepos, Somes, Tisza and Danube rivers 279
19. Company restructuring in Europe
B5-0124, 0128 and 0134/2000
European Parliament resolution on restructuring of European industry, with particular reference to the closure of Goodyear in Italy and the problems of ABB-Alstom 280
Friday 18 February 2000
(2000/C 339/05)MINUTES
1. Opening of sitting 283
2. Approval of Minutes of previous sitting 283
3. Referral to committees - Authorisation to draw up reports - Hughes procedure 283
4. Documents received 285
5. Action taken on Parliament's opinions and resolutions 286
6. Tourism and employment (vote) 286
7. European postal services (debate and vote) 287
8. Membership of committees and inter-parliamentary delegations 288
9. Membership of Parliament 288
10. Written declarations (Rule 51) 289
11. Forwarding of texts adopted during the sitting 289
12. Dates for next sittings 289
13. Adjournment of session 289
Viceconte report A5-0030/2000 - Resolution 291
1. Tourism and employment
European Parliament resolution on the Communication from the Commission: enhancing tourism's potential for employment - follow-up to the conclusions and recommendations of the High Level-Group (COM(1999) 205 - C5-0112/1999 - 1999/2115(COS)) 292
2. European postal services
European Parliament resolution on European postal services 297
Key to symbols used
*Consultation procedure
** ICooperation procedure: first reading
** IICooperation procedure: second reading
***Assent procedure
*** ICodecision procedure: first reading
*** IICodecision procedure: second reading
*** IIICodecision procedure: third reading
(The type of procedure is determined by the legal basis proposed by the Commission)
Information relating to voting time
Unless stated otherwise, the rapporteurs informed the Chair in writing, before the vote, of their position on the amendments.
Abbreviations used for Parliamentary Committees
AFETCommittee on Foreign Affairs, Human Rights, Common Security and Defence Policy
BUDGCommittee on Budgets
CONTCommittee on Budgetary Control
LIBECommittee on Citizens' Freedoms and Rights, Justice and Home Affairs
ECONCommittee on Economic and Monetary Affairs
JURICommittee on Legal Affairs and the Internal Market
ITRECommittee on Industry, External Trade, Research and Energy
EMPLCommittee on Employment and Social Affairs
ENVICommittee on the Environment, Public Health and Consumer Policy
AGRICommittee on Agriculture and Rural Development
PECHCommittee on Fisheries
RETTCommittee on Regional Policy, Transport and Tourism
CULTCommittee on Culture, Youth, Education, the Media and Sport
DEVECommittee on Development and Cooperation
AFCOCommittee on Constitutional Affairs
FEMMCommittee on Women's Rights and Equal Opportunities
PETICommittee on Petitions
Abbreviations used for Political Groups
PPE-DEGroup of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats) and European Democrats
PSEGroup of the Party of European Socialists
ELDRGroup of the European Liberal, Democrat and Reform Party
Verts/ALEGroup of the Greens/European Free Alliance
GUE/NGLConfederal Group of the European United Left/Nordic Green Left
UENUnion for a Europe of Nations Group
TDITechnical Group of Independent Members - mixed group
EDDGroup for a Europe of Democracies and Diversities
NINon-attached Members
