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This document is an excerpt from the EUR-Lex website

Croatia – Enterprises

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Croatia – Enterprises

Candidate countries conduct negotiations with the European Union (EU) in order to prepare themselves for accession. The accession negotiations cover the adoption and implementation of European legislation (acquis) and, more specifically, the priorities identified jointly by the Commission and the candidate countries in the analytical assessment (or ‘screening’) of the EU’s political and legislative acquis. Each year, the Commission reviews the progress made by candidates and evaluates the efforts required before their accession. This monitoring is the subject of annual reports presented to the Council and the European Parliament.


Commission Report [COM(2010) 660 final – SEC(2010) 1326 - Not published in the Official Journal].


The 2010 Report notes the progress made in terms of alignment with the acquis. However, new legal provisions must be adopted in relation to auditing.

EUROPEAN UNION ACQUIS (according to the Commission's words)

EU industrial policy seeks to promote industrial strategies enhancing competitiveness by speeding up adjustment to structural change, encouraging an environment favourable to business creation and growth throughout the EU as well as domestic and foreign investments. It also aims to improve the overall business environment in which small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) operate. It involves privatisation and restructuring (see also Chapter 8 – Competition policy). EU industrial policy mainly consists of policy principles and industrial policy communications. EU consultation forums and Community programmes, as well as communications, recommendations and exchanges of best practices relating to SMEs aim to improve the formulation and coordination of enterprise policy across the internal market on the basis of a common definition of SMEs. The implementation of enterprise and industrial policy requires adequate administrative capacity at the national, regional and local level.

EVALUATION (according to the Commission's words)

Croatia has made progress on enterprise and industrial policy, particularly with regard to policy principles and instruments. Alignment with the acquis is very advanced. Further sustained efforts need to focus on improving the business environment. Efforts to restructure the steel and, particularly, shipbuilding industries need to be pursued.


Commission Report [COM(2009) 533 final – SEC(2009) 1333 final – Not published in the Official Journal].

Commission Report [COM(2008) 674 final – SEC(2008) 2694 final – Not published in the Official Journal].

The November 2008 Report noted that Croatia had made satisfactory progress in the areas of SME policy, industrial strategy and the restructuring of the steel industry. Efforts were still required in other industrial sectors such as shipbuilding.

Commission Report [COM(2007) 663 final – SEC(2007) 1431 – Not published in the Official Journal]. The November 2007 Report stressed that Croatia had made satisfactory progress on SME policy, simplifying its legislation, and in the field of industrial strategy and restructuring of the steel industry. On the other hand, progress has been limited on sectoral policies, particularly for the shipbuilding sector.

Commission Report [COM(2006) 649 final – SEC(2006) 1385 – Not published in the Official Journal]. The November 2006 Report confirmed Croatia's alignment with the acquis in the field of the business environment and SME policy, but once again noted the lack of any real progress in industrial strategy, privatisation and restructuring.

Commission Report [COM(2005) 561 final - SEC(2005) 1424 - Not published in the Official Journal]. The November 2005 Report noted only little progress in Croatia’s industrial policy and its privatisation and restructuring strategy. However, there had been some progress as regards SMEs and the business environment. Overall, Croatia had to persevere in its efforts.

Commission Opinion [COM(2004) 257 final - Not published in the Official Journal]. In its April 2004 Opinion, the European Commission considered that, in the medium term, Croatia needed to be able to satisfy the EU's requirements in terms of its policies on industry and on small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). It was nevertheless necessary for Croatia to pursue its efforts in these areas.

See also

Last updated: 03.12.2010
