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This document is an excerpt from the EUR-Lex website


This scoreboard sets out the measures needed to create an area of freedom, security and justice and gives an overview of the progress made in implementing them.


Commission communication of 24 March 2000: Scoreboard to review progress on the creation of an area of "Freedom, Security and Justice" in the European Union [COM(2000) 167 final - Not published in the Official Journal].


The Amsterdam Treaty has laid down medium-term deadlines for adoption of the various measures required for the creation of an area of freedom, security and justice. These were fleshed out by the Vienna European Council (December 1998) and the Tampere European Council (October 1999).

By setting out the various measures and the timetable for adoption in a single "Scoreboard", the Commission aims to keep a close eye on the progress made in creating an area of freedom, security and justice.

The Scoreboard helps to:

  • keep citizens informed of the measures being taken in the field of justice and home affairs;
  • keep up the momentum generated by the Tampere European Council;
  • highlight any delays in implementing the measures decided.

The Scoreboard follows as closely as possible the chapter headings used in Tampere and is divided into the following columns:

  • Objective: almost all the objectives listed in the Amsterdam Treaty and in the conclusions of the Vienna and Tampere European Councils, together with certain specific objectives in the field of justice and home affairs (citizenship of the Union, etc.);
  • Action needed: the form of follow-up action needed (legislative or non-legislative action, nature of the instrument required);
  • Responsibility: where responsibility lies for taking things forward (Commission and/or Member States);
  • Timetable for adoption (if any dates have been set);
  • State of play

The Commission will submit an updated version of the Scoreboard to the European Parliament and the Council every six months.

The Scoreboard is broken down into seven main sections:

  • a common EU asylum and migration policy:partnership with countries of origin, common European asylum system, fair treatment of third country nationals, management of migration flows;
  • a genuine European area of justice:better access to justice in Europe, mutual recognition of judicial decisions in criminal and civil matters, greater convergence in civil law;
  • Union-wide fight against crime:Union-wide crime prevention, stepping up cooperation in the fight against crime, fight against certain forms of crime, special action against money laundering;
  • issues related to internal and external borders and visa policy, implementation of Art. 62 TEC and converting the Schengen Acquis;
  • citizenship of the Union;
  • cooperation against drugs;
  • stronger external action.

The various elements of the Scoreboard are set out below:


1.1 Partnership with countries of origin


Action needed


Timetable for adoption

State of play

Assessment of countries and regions of origin and transit in order to formulate specific integrated approaches

Continuation of the mandate of the High Level Working Group on Asylum and Migration

Council & Commission


Ongoing work within the HLWG - Report on the implementation of the action plans already adopted: December 2000


Assessment of other countries and regions with a view to drawing up new action plans

Council & Commission

April 2001


1.2 Common European asylum system


Action needed


Timetable for adoption

State of play

Determination of the State responsible for the examination of an asylum application

Examination of the effectiveness of the Dublin Convention

Evaluation to be conducted by the Commission


Launched in 2000


Adoption of criteria and mechanisms (regulation)

Council, on the basis of a Commission proposal

April 2001

Proposal presented by the Commission in July 2001



Council and Commission


The Council adopted the Regulation concerning the establishment of EURODAC in December 2000

A fair and efficient asylum procedure

Adoption of common minimum standards on procedures for granting or withdrawing refugee status, with a view to reducing the duration of asylum procedures and with special reference to the situation of children (directive)

Council, on the basis of a Commission proposal

April 2001

Proposal presented by the Commission in September 2000 and currently being discussed by the Council


Definition of common minimum conditions for reception of asylum seekers (with particular attention to the situation of children) (directive)

Council, on the basis of a Commission proposal

April 2001

Proposal presented by the Commission in April 2001


Common asylum procedure

Commission (in part)


Communication presented by the Commission in November 2000 (COM(2001) 710 final)

Uniform status throughout the Union for those who are granted asylum

As a follow-up to the Commission communication, a legislative instrument may be needed

Council, on the basis of a Commission proposal


Commission to prepare a communication


Approximation of rules on the recognition of refugee status (directive)

Council, on the basis of a Commission proposal

April 2004

Proposal presented by the Commission in September 2001

Adoption of measures on refugees and displaced persons, aimed at giving an appropriate status to any person in need of international protection

Temporary protection in the event of mass influx of displaced persons in need of international protection (directive)

Council, on the basis of a Commission proposal

As quickly as possible

Directive 2001/55/EC adopted in July 2001


Subsidiary forms of protection (directive)

Council, on the basis of a Commission proposal

April 2004


Ensuring a balance of effort between Member States in receiving refugees and displaced persons and bearing the consequences of such intake

Setting up a European Refugee Fund (decision)

Council, on the basis of a Commission proposal

As quickly as possible

Decision adopted by the Council in September 2000


Setting up a financial reserve to be available in the event of mass influx of refugees

Council and EP


Commission is exploring possibilities

1.3 Fair treatment of third-country nationals


Action needed


Timetable for adoption

State of play

Fight against all forms of discrimination, especially racism and xenophobia

Implementation of the principle of equal treatment between persons irrespective of race or ethnic origin (directive)

Council, on the basis of a Commission proposal

June-December 2000

Directive adopted by the Council in June 2000


Establishment of a general framework for equal treatment in employment and occupation (directive)

Council, on the basis of a Commission proposal


Directive adopted by the Council in November 2000


Programmes drawing upon best practices and experiences (decision)

Council, on the basis of a Commission proposal


Decision adopted by the Council November 2000


Strengthening of cooperation with the European Monitoring Centre on Racism and Xenophobia and the Council of Europe

Council / Commission


Official opening of the Centre on 7 April 2000


Enhancing police and judicial cooperation in preventing and combating racism and xenophobia - Common charges for racism and xenophobia (framework decision)

Council, on the basis of a Commission proposal


Second report on the implementation of the Joint Action of 15 July 1996 tabled in June 2000. Proposal for a framework decision presented by the Commission in November 2001

Approximation of national legislations on the conditions for admission and residence of third-country nationalsApproximation of the legal status of third-country nationals

Assessment of present and future migration flows into the EU, with regard to demographic changes, the situation of the labour market and migration pressures from countries and regions of origin

Council / Commission / Member States


Communication on an open method of coordination for immigration policy presented by the Commission in July 2001


Conditions of entry and residence for the purpose of (a) family reunification, (b) study or vocational training (c) paid employment or self-employed economic activity (directives)

Council, on the basis of Commission proposals


Commission proposal for a directive on the right to family reunification submitted to Parliament and Council on 1 December 1999. Amended proposals submitted by the Commission in October 2000 and May 2002


Standards and procedures for the issue of long-term visas and residence permits (directive)

Council, on the basis of Commission proposals




Definition of a set of uniform rights (e.g. the right to reside, receive education and work as an employee or a self-employed person) to be granted to third country nationals who have resided legally in a Member State for a certain period of time (directive)

Council, on the basis of Commission proposals


Study put in hand by the Commission on the legal status of third-country nationals who are long-term residents in a Member State of the European Union.Proposal for a Directive presented by the Commission in March 2001


Determination of the criteria and of the conditions under which, like Community nationals and their families, third country nationals could be allowed to settle and work in any Member State of the Union, taking account of the consequences for social equilibrium and the labour market .

Council, on the basis of Commission proposals


Proposal for a Directive presented by the Commission in July 2001

1.4 Management of migration flows


Action needed


Timetable for adoption

State of play

To improve the exchange of statistics and information on asylum and immigration (this exchange should include statistics as well as information on national legislations and policies)

Further implementation of the action plan adopted by the Council in April 1998

Commission, in cooperation with Member States


Data collection started in October 1998; second phase (extension to candidate countries, Norway and Iceland) to be launched during the second half of 2000 (after evaluation of the initial phase)

Setting up of a (virtual) European Migration Observatory



Preparatory actions (on the basis of a feasibility study) financed by ODYSSEUS programme

To help combat trafficking in human beings and economic exploitation of migrants

Adoption of measures establishing minimum rules on what constitutes a criminal act and what penalties should apply to organised crime linked with trafficking of human beings (framework decision)

Council, on the basis of Commission proposal


Proposal for a framework decision presented by the Commission in December 2000


Detecting and dismantling the criminal networks involved by making the fight against illegal immigration one of the priorities of operational cooperation

Member States / Europol


Communication on a common policy on illegal immigration presented by the Commission in November 2001


Further harmonisation of Member States' laws on carrier's liability (directive)

Council, on the basis of a Commission proposal or a Member State initiative


Directive 2001/51/EC approved by the Council in June 2001

To assist countries of origin and transit

Development of information campaigns on the actual possibilities for legal immigration and the prevention of all forms of trafficking in human beings

Council, on the basis of Commission proposals

April 2001



Promotion of voluntary return





Strengthening the capacity of the authorities in those countries to combat effectively trafficking in human beings





Helping third countries to cope with their readmission obligations towards the Union and the Member States




To establish a coherent European Union policy on readmission and return

To conclude read-mission agreements or to include standard clauses in other agreements between the European Community and relevant third countries or groups of countries

Council, on the basis of Commission proposals


Recommendation for Commission mandates to negotiate Community readmission agreements with four third countries, tabled by the Commission on 14 February 2000


2.1 Better access to justice in Europe


Action needed


Timetable for adoption

State of play

To ensure legal security and equal access to justice

Information campaign and publication of "user guides" on judicial cooperation within the Union



Commission to launch preparatory work


Establishment of a permanent information system by a network of national authorities (the European Judicial Network for Civil Matters)

Council, on the basis of a proposal by the Commission


Decision establishing a European Judicial Network in civil and commercial matters adopted by the Council in May 2001


Proposal to establish minimum standards of legal aid

Council, on the basis of a Commission proposal or a Member State initiative

April 2004

Commission transmitted a Green Paper in February 2000; Commission is preparing a paper on recovery of legal costs and lawyer's fees and on "group actions"


Proposal on common procedural rules for small civil and commercial claims, uncontested claims and maintenance claims

Council, on the basis of a Commission proposal or a Member State initiative

April 2004

Proposal for a Regulation creating a European enforcement order for uncontested claims presented by the Commission in April 2002


Proposal to establish minimum standards of quality for ADR

Member States to set up the extra-judicial procedures

April 2004

Commission issued a recommendation in 1998 on principles applicable to ADR (Alternative Dispute Resolution) for consumers; Commission is launching an EEJ (European Extra Judicial) Network for consumers.Green Paper on alternative dispute resolution in civil and commercial law presented by the Commission in April 2002

To ensure legal security and equal access to justice

Creation of multilingual forms mutually accepted as valid documents in cross-border legal proceedings

Council, on the basis of a Commission proposal or a Member State initiative

April 2004

To be included in the programme on mutual recognition of judgments in civil and commercial matters

To protect rights to compensation and to provide assistance to victims

Drawing up of minimum standards for protection of victims

Parliament and Council to examine the Commission's communication


Commission transmitted a communication in July 1999Green Paper on compensation to crime victims presented by the Commission in September 2001


Further instruments on approximation of compensation arrangements for victims




2.2. Mutual recognition of judicial decisions

As regards civil matters:


Action needed


Timetable for adoption

State of play

To enhance mutual recognition of judicial decisions and judgments, and the necessary approximation of legislation, to facilitate cooperation between authorities and the judicial protection of individual rights

Programme of measures on mutual recognition of civil and commercial judgments (including measures required for mutual recognition and enforcement; abolishing obstacles to small claims and family litigation)

Council and Commission to adopt a programme

Programme to be adopted by the end of 2000

Regulation establishing a general Community framework of activities to facilitate the implementation of judicial cooperation in civil matters adopted by the Council in April 2002


Launching of work on the European Enforcement Order

Council, on the basis of a Commission proposal or a Member State initiative


This action is to be included in the programme of measures to implement the principle of mutual recognition


Proposal on minimum standards for specific aspects of civil procedures (new procedural legislation on money payments)



This action is to be included in the programme of measures to implement the principle of mutual recognition

As regards criminal matters:


Action needed


Timetable for adoption

State of play

To make sure that criminals have no safe havens

Ratification of the 1995 and 1996 EUConventions on extradition

Member States

April 2001

Six Member States ratified the 1995 ConventionSix Member States ratified the 1996 Convention


Study on abolition of formal extradition procedures concerning persons fleeing from justice after having been sentenced

Council, on the basis of a Commission proposal

End 2001

The Commission presented a proposal for a framework decision in September 2001The Council subsequently adopted the framework decision on the European arrest warrant


Providing for fast-track extradition procedures

Council, on the basis of a Commission proposal

End 2001



Examine the issue of extradition in relation to proceedings in absentia

Council, on the basis of a Commission proposal or a Member State initiative

April 2004


To ensure that decisions taken in one Member State have effect throughout the Union

Programme of measures on the application of the principle of mutual recognition to be followed by specific instruments

Council / Commission

Programme to be adopted by end 2000

Communication on mutual recognition of final decisions in criminal matters presented by the Commission in July 2000


Application of mutual recognition to pre-trial orders

Council, on the basis of a Commission proposal or a Member State initiative


In November 2000, France, Sweden and Belgium presented an initiative on the freezing of assets and evidenceThis lead to a framework decision from the Council


Examine the feasibility of improved cross-border cooperation on the transfer of proceedings and the enforcement of sentences

Council, on the basis of a Commission proposal or a Member State initiative

April 2004

To be included in Commission paper


Study the feasibility of extending and possibly formalising the exchange of information on criminal records

Council, on the basis of a Commission proposal or a Member State initiative

April 2004

To be included in Commission paper

2.3 Greater convergence in civil law


Action needed


Timetable for adoption

State of play

To eliminate obstacles created by disparities in law and procedures

New procedural legislation in cross-border cases (e.g. provisional measures, taking of evidence, time limits)

Council, on the basis of a Commission proposal or a Member State initiative.

April 2004

Regulation on the taking of evidence in civil or commercial matters adopted by the Council in May 2001


General study to identify and eliminate obstacles to the smooth functioning of civil proceedings

Council to prepare a report

End 2001

Commission to prepare draft agreement with Norway, Iceland and Switzerland


Finalising the Brussels and Lugano Conventions

Council, on the basis of a Commission proposal

April 2001



Drawing up a legal instrument on the law applicable to non-contractual obligations.

Council, on the basis of a Commission proposal or a Member State initiative

April 2001

Commission to prepare a communication, to be followed (if need be) by a draft regulation


Revising, where necessary, the 1980 Rome Convention.

Council, on the basis of a Commission proposal or a Member State initiative

April 2001



Preliminary study on the possibility of drawing up a legal instrument on the law applicable to divorce

Council/ Commission

April 2004

Regulation (EC) No 1347/2000 adopted by the Council in May 2000


Drawing up of a preliminary study on jurisdiction and the law applicable to matrimonial property and successions


April 2004



3.1 Union-wide crime prevention


Action needed


Timetable for adoption

State of play

To prevent crime through reduction of opportunities

Identification and development of common priorities - policy guidelines - to be taken into account when preparing new legislation

Council/ Commission/ Member States


Decision setting up a European crime prevention network adopted by the Council in May 2001Communication on crime prevention presented by the Commission in November 2000


Integration of crime prevention aspects in actions and programmes against crime at the Union and Member State level - policy guidelines to be adopted by Council

Council/ Commission/ Member States



To facilitate cooperation between Member States

Exchange of best practices and cooperation between national crime prevention authorities in priority areas. A Community- programme addressing such matters as juvenile, urban and drug-related crime has been set up.

Council / Commission/ Member States



3.2 Stepping up cooperation in the fight against crime


Action needed


Timetable for adoption

State of Play

To coordinate and where appropriate, centralise proceedings

Setting up joint investigative teams, as a first step, to combat trafficking in drugs and human beings as well as terrorism - when investigating cross-border crime

Adoption of the MLA Convention; or Council, on the basis of an initiative by a Member State

Without delay

The Convention entered into force on 23 August 2005. It replaces Framework Decision 2002/465/JHA from the Council of 13 June 2002 on joint investigative teams


Setting up a unit composed of national prosecutors, magistrates or police officers of equivalent competence - EUROJUST

Council, on the basis of a Commission proposal or a Member State initiative

End 2001

Decision establishing Eurojust adopted by the Council in February 2002

Implement and where appropriate further develop the European Judicial Network

Council, on the basis of a Commission proposal or a Member State initiative

April 2001


Prevent conflicts of jurisdiction by examining the possibility of registering proceedings pending in more than one Member State

Council, on the basis of a Commission proposal or a Member State initiative

April 2004


To provide mutual assistance to the fullest extent possible

Adoption, ratification and implementation of the Convention on Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters

Council / Member States

April 2001

Act establishing the Convention on Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters adopted by the Council in May 2000

Consider arrangements under which authorities may operate in the territory of another Member State

Council, on the basis of a Commission proposal or a Member State initiative

April 2001


Examine the possibilities for harmonised rules on data protection

Council, on the basis of a Commission proposal or a Member State initiative

April 2001

Work started in Council, on the basis of a discussion paper by the Portuguese Presidency

To protect rights of victims and to provide them with assistance

Draw up minimum standards

Council, on the basis of a Commission proposal or a Member State initiative

April 2001

Framework Decision on the standing of victims adopted by the Council in March 2001

To develop operational police cooperation and law enforcement training at EU level

Establishment of a European Police Chiefs' operational task force

Council, on the basis of a Commission proposal or a Member State initiative


Council has begun discussion on the basis of a paper presented by the United Kingdom.


Setting up the European Police College, starting as a network of existing national training institutes

Council, on the basis of a Commission proposal or a Member State initiative


Decision establishing a European Police College adopted by the Council in December 2000

To improve cooperation between customs authorities in the fight against crime

Implementation of the CIS (Customs Information Systems) and Naples II Conventions.

Member States




Closer cooperation of law enforcement authorities against smuggling




To foster international cooperation in the fight against transnational organised crime

Adoption and ratification of the United Nations' Convention on transnational organised crime and the additional Protocols

Council, Member States/ Commission

For signature in late 2000

The Convention and its Protocols were signed in Palermo in December 2000

To reinforce the role of Europol in facilitating European cooperation in preventing and combating crime, with the necessary support and resources

Extending the competence of Europol to cover money laundering in general, regardless of the offence from which the proceeds originate

Council, on the basis of an initiative by a Member State


All these items are under discussion in Council


Examining the feasibility of setting up a database of pending cases

Europol / Council




Enabling Europol to facilitate the preparation of specific investigative actions by the competent authorities of the Member States, including operational action by joint investigative teams

Appropriate decision by Council needed

April 2004, without delay for certain areas



Adoption of measures allowing Europol to ask the competent authorities of the Member States to conduct and coordinate their investigations in specific cases and to develop specific expertise which may be put at the disposal of Member States to assist them in investigating organised crime

Council, on the basis of an initiative by a Member State

April 2004



Consideration to be given to possible review of the Europol Convention to cover new powers and the question of democratic and judicial control

Council / Commission



3.3 Fight against certain forms of crime


Action needed


Timetable for adoption

State of play

To adopt a common approach throughout the EU on cross-border crime

Criminalisation of trafficking in human beings and sexual exploitation of children with particular reference tochild pornography on the Internet

Council, on the basis of a Commission proposal

April 2001

Communication and proposal for a framework decision on trafficking in human beings presented by the Commission in December 2000


Common definitions, charges and penalties in the field of drug trafficking

Council, on the basis of a Commission proposal

April 2001

Proposal for a framework decision on the constituent elements of criminal acts and penalties presented by the Commission in May 2001


Common definitions, charges and penalties in the field of corruption

Council, on the basis of a Commission proposal

April 2001

Commission is preparing a policy paper


Common definitions, charges and penalties in the field of environmental crime


April 2001

Denmark tabled (under Article 34) a proposal in January 2000Proposal for a Directive presented by the Commission in March 2001

Proposal on common charges for hooliganism

Council, on the basis of an initiative by a Member State


Decision on the proposal of Belgium adopted in April 2002


Common definitions, charges and penalties in the field of racism and xenophobia(framework decision)

Council, on the basis of a Commission proposal or a Member State initiative

April 2004

Second report on the implementation of the Joint Action of 15 July 1996 tabled in June 2000Proposal for a framework decision on combating racism and xenophobia presented by the Commission in November 2001


Common definitions in the field of preventing and combating cyber-crime, including common charges and penalties for high-tech crime

Council, on the basis of a proposal of the Commission

April 2001

Communication on combating computer-related crime adopted by the Commission in January 2001 (COM(2000) 890 final)Proposal for a framework decision on attacks against information systems presented in April 2002

To adopt a common approach throughout the EU on cross-border crime

Criminalisation of fraud involving non-cash means of payment

Council, on the basis of a proposal of the Commission

April 2001

Framework decision on combating fraud involving means of payment adopted in May 2001


Common definitions, charges and penalties as regards counterfeiting of the Euro

Council adopted a framework decision which was amended in 2001

April 2001

The Commission is preparing complementary measuresDecision establishing the " Pericles " programme adopted by the Council in December 2001


Criminalisation of fraud in public contracts

Council, on the basis of a Member State initiative

April 2001

Germany presented an initiative in March 1999


Reinforcing the legal framework for the protection of the Community's financial interests

Council and Parliament, on the basis of a Commission proposal


Proposal for a Directive on protecting the Community's financial interests presented by the Commission in May 2001

3.4 Special action against money laundering


Action needed


Timetable for adoption

State of play

To deprive criminals of the proceeds of crime

Convention or framework decision on financial crime, money laundering

Council, on the basis of an initiative by France




Concrete steps to trace, freeze, seize and confiscate the proceeds of crime



The Council adopted Framework Decision 2003/577/JHA on the execution in the European Union of orders freezing property or evidence.

To improve knowledge and ability to fight money laundering activities

Implement fully the provisions of the Directive on money laundering, the 1990 Strasbourg Convention and the Financial Action Task Force recommendations, in the Member States and their dependent territories

Member States




Adoption of the draft revised Directive on money laundering

Council and Parliament

As soon as possible

Directive on prevention of the use of the financial system for the purpose of money laundering adopted in December 2001


More rapid exchange of information between the existing financial intelligence units (FIU), enabling judicial authorities and FIU to receive information, regardless of secrecy provisions.

Council, on the basis of an initiative by Finland


Decision 2000/642/JHA on the exchange of information between financial intelligence units adopted by the Council in October 2000


Community rules must be drawn up to prevent the use of non-EU companies and organisations to launder the proceeds of crime

Commission/ Council/Member States




Report identifying those provisions in national legislation on banking, finance and company law which obstruct international cooperation





Widening the competence of Europol to cover money laundering in general, regardless of the offence from which the proceeds originate

Council, on the basis of a Commission proposal or a Member State initiative


Discussion in Council and in Europol Management Board



Action needed


Timetable for adoption

State of Play

To develop a common visa policy

Regulation on countries whose nationals are respectively exempt from, or subject to, visa requirements in the Member States of the European Union

Council, on the basis of Commission proposal

April 2001

Regulation (EC) No 539/2001 adopted in March 2001


Procedure and conditions for issuing visas by Member States

Commission/ Council/Member States

April 2003



Rules on a uniform visa

Council, on the basis of Commission proposal

April 2001



Technical specifications of the uniform format for visas


Short term measures: 2000-02; - long term measures: 2004

Regulations (EC) No 333/2002 and 334/2002 adopted by the Council in February 2002


Proposal for a regulation on an airport transit visa

Commission/ Council/Member States

April 2001



Closer cooperation between EU consulates in third countries

Member States

Ongoing process



Measures on the freedom to travel within the territory of Member States

Commission/ Council/Member States

April 2001


To develop a common policy on false documents

Making documents more secure by introducing minimum standards for travel documents and residence permits

Commission/ Council/Member States

April 2001



Make false documents easier to detect, give the appropriate course with the equipment.

Commission/ Council/Member States

Ongoing process


To improve checks at the external borders of the Union

Close cooperation between the Member States' border control services, such as exchange programmes and technology transfer

Commission/ Council/Member States

April 2001



Rapid inclusion of the applicant States in this cooperation


Ongoing process


To convert the Schengen acquis

Communitarisation of Article 2(2) of the Schengen Convention (safeguard clause allowing the temporary reintroduction of border controls)

Council/ Commission





Actions needed


Timetable for adoption

State of play

To improve citizens' rights to move and reside freely within the Union

Regulation updating and revising rules on the right of entry, movement and residence



Proposal presented by the Commission in May 2001


Report onCitizenship of the Union


By the end of 2000




Action needed


Timetable for adoption

State of Play

Implementation of the EU Drugs Strategy for 2000-2004, endorsed by the European Council in Helsinki

Report to the European Council on an EU action plan on drugs (2000-2004)

Council to prepare report

June 2000



Strengthening of cooperation with the European Monitoring Centre on Drugs and Drug Addiction and with Europol, in particular as regards synthetic drugs and precursors

Council / Commission/ Member States


Conference organised by the European Parliament, Council and Commission on drugs policy (28 and 29 February 2000)


Development of a methodology for the evaluation of the EU Drugs Strategy for 2000-04

Council and Parliament, on the basis of a Commission proposal




Common definitions, charges and penalties for drug trafficking

Council, on the basis of a Commission proposal

April 2001

Proposal for a framework decision on the constituent elements of criminal acts and penalties presented by the Commission in May 200


Improvement of police, customs and judicial cooperation in preventing and combating drug trafficking

Council, on the basis of a Commission proposal or a Member State initiative





Action needed


Timetable for adoption

State of Play

All powers and instruments at the disposal of the Union, and, in particular, those in the field of external relations, must be used in an integrated and consistent way. Justice and Home Affairs concerns must be integrated in the definition and in the implementation of other Union policies and activities


Council, in close cooperation with the Commission, to draw up specific recommendations

June 2000


For more information on the state of play, please consult the website of the European Parliament's Committee on Citizens' Freedoms and Rights, Justice and Home Affairs

4) implementing measures

On 30 November 2000 the Commission presented a communication to the Council and to the European Parliament which contained the half-yearly update of the scoreboard, reviewing progress in establishing an area of "freedom, security and justice" in the European Union [COM(2000) 782 final - not yet published].

On 23 May 2001, the Commission presented a communication to the Council and to the European Parliament which contained the half-yearly update of the scoreboard, reviewing progress in establishing an area of "freedom, security and justice" in the European Union [COM(2001) 278 final - not yet published].

On 30 October 2001, the Commission presented a communication to the Council and to the European Parliament which contained the half-yearly update of the scoreboard, reviewing progress in establishing an area of "freedom, security and justice" in the European Union [COM(2001) 628 final - not yet published].

On 30 May 2002, the Commission presented a communication to the Council and to the European Parliament which contained the half-yearly update of the scoreboard, reviewing progress in establishing an area of "freedom, security and justice" in the European Union [COM(2002) 261 final - not yet published].

5) follow-up work

Last updated: 17.10.2005
