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Document C2005/229/35

Order of the Court of First Instance of 8 June 2005 in Case T-139/03: Nuova Agricast Srl v Commission of the European Communities (Action for annulment — Access to documents — Regulation (EC) No 1049/2001 — Non-disclosure of document emanating from a Member State without the prior agreement of that State)

OB C 229, 17.9.2005, p. 17–17 (ES, CS, DA, DE, ET, EL, EN, FR, IT, LV, LT, HU, NL, PL, PT, SK, SL, FI, SV)



Official Journal of the European Union

C 229/17


of 8 June 2005

in Case T-139/03: Nuova Agricast Srl v Commission of the European Communities (1)

(Action for annulment - Access to documents - Regulation (EC) No 1049/2001 - Non-disclosure of document emanating from a Member State without the prior agreement of that State)

(2005/C 229/35)

Language of the case: Italian

In Case T-139/03: Nuova Agricast Srl, established in Cerignola (Italy), represented by M. Calabrese, lawyer, against the Commission of the European Communities (Agents: V. Di Bucci and P. Aalto, assisted by A. Abate, lawyer, with an address for service in Luxembourg), supported by the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (Agents: initially K. Manji, subsequently C. Jackson, with an address for service in Luxembourg) — action for annulment of the Commission's decision refusing the applicant access to certain documents concerning a scheme of State aid declared compatible with the Common Market by the Commission's Decision of 12 July 2000 [SG (2000) D/105754 — Aid No 715/99] — the Court of First Instance (Fifth Chamber), composed of M. Vilaras, President, F. Dehousse and D. Sváby, Judges; H. Jung, Registrar, made an order on 8 June 2005, the operative part of which is as follows:


The action is dismissed.


Each party shall bear its own costs.

(1)  OJ C 146 of 21. 6. 2003.
