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Document 91998E000259

WRITTEN QUESTION No. 259/98 by Hiltrud BREYER to the Commission. Cot death

OB C 304, 2.10.1998, p. 63 (ES, DA, DE, EL, EN, FR, IT, NL, PT, FI, SV)

European Parliament's website


WRITTEN QUESTION No. 259/98 by Hiltrud BREYER to the Commission. Cot death

Official Journal C 304 , 02/10/1998 P. 0063

WRITTEN QUESTION E-0259/98 by Hiltrud Breyer (V) to the Commission (13 February 1998)

Subject: Cot death

1. EPA-USA claims that cot death is linked to contaminated dust particles in the domestic environment. Does the Commission have any information about this or does it plan to support research projects in this area?

2. Has there been an increase in the incidence of cot death in the EU Member States?

3. If so, in which states and regions? Are these primarily industrial sites or rural areas?

Answer given by Mr Flynn on behalf of the Commission (17 March 1998)

1. The Commission is not aware of any studies linking sudden infant death to dust particles found in the indoor environment of homes. As part of its activities in the field of biomedical and health research the Commission financed a project entitled 'ECAS, European concerted action on sudden infant death', the aim of which was to identify methods of prevention. The final report for the project is being completed at present. In addition, in the Environment and Climate research programme, there is a major research effort underway on air quality ranging from sources and behaviour of pollutants to their impact on human health, including both morbidity and mortality endpoints.

2. and 3. The Commission has no data on the incidence of sudden infant death in Member States.
