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Document 21994A0129(06)

    Additional Protocol to the Interim Agreement on trade and trade-related matters between the European Economic Community and the European Coal and Steel Community, of the one part, and the Republic of Bulgaria, of the other part, and to the Europe Agreement between the European Communities and their Member States, of the one part, and the Republic of Bulgaria, of the other part

    OB L 25, 29.1.1994, p. 27–30 (ES, DA, DE, EL, EN, FR, IT, NL, PT)

    Този документ е публикуван в специално издание (FI, SV, CS, ET, LV, LT, HU, MT, PL, SK, SL)

    Legal status of the document In force


    Related Council decision
    Related Council decision


    Additional Protocol to the Interim Agreement on trade and trade-related matters between the European Economic Community and the European Coal and Steel Community, of the one part, and the Republic of Bulgaria, of the other part, and to the Europe Agreement between the European Communities and their Member States, of the one part, and the Republic of Bulgaria, of the other part

    Official Journal L 025 , 29/01/1994 P. 0027 - 0030
    Finnish special edition: Chapter 11 Volume 28 P. 0038
    Swedish special edition: Chapter 11 Volume 28 P. 0038

    ADDITIONAL PROTOCOL to the Interim Agreement on trade and trade-related matters between the European Economic Community and the European Coal and Steel Community, of the one part, and the Republic of Bulgaria, of the other part, and to the Europe Agreement between the European Communities and their Member States, of the one part, and the Republic of Bulgaria, of the other part

    THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITY AND THE EUROPEAN COAL AND STEEL COMMUNITY, hereinafter referred to as 'the Community',

    of the one part, and

    THE REPUBLIC OF BULGARIA, hereinafter referred to as 'Bulgaria',

    of the other part,

    WHEREAS the Europe Agreement establishing an association between the European Communities and their Member States and the Republic of Bulgaria (hereinafter referred to as 'the Europe Agreement') was signed in Brussels on 8 March 1993, and has not yet entered into force;

    WHEREAS, pending the entry into force of the Europe Agreement, provisions thereof on trade and trade-related matters have been put into force since 31 December 1993 by the Interim Agreement on trade and trade-related matters between the European Economic Community and the European Coal and Steel Community, of the one part, and the Republic of Bulgaria, of the other part, (hereinafter called 'the Interim Agreement'), signed in Brussels on 8 March 1993,

    RECOGNIZING the crucial importance of trade in the transition to a market economy,

    BEARING IN MIND the willingness of the Community to accelerate its efforts to open up its markets for products of Bulgarian origin,

    BEARING IN MIND the objectives of the Europe Agreement and, in particular, those referred to in Article 1 thereof,

    HAVING REGARD to the Interim Agreement, and in particular to Article 2,

    HAVE DECIDED to conclude this Protocol and to this end have designated as their plenipotentiaries:



    Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary,

    Permanent Representative of Belgium,

    Chairman of the Permanent Representatives Committee


    Juan PRAT

    Director-General of the Commission of the European Communities


    Evgenii IVANOV

    Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary

    WHO, having exchanged their full powers, found in good and due form,


    Article 1

    Article 4 (2), second subparagraph, of the Interim Agreement and Article 10 (2), second subparagraph, of the Europe Agreement shall be replaced by the following text:

    'Customs duties on imports applicable in the Community to products originating in Bulgaria listed in Annex II b shall be reduced, on the date of entry into force of this Agreement, by 20 % of the basic duty and one year thereafter by a further 20 % of the basic duty. Duties shall be totally abolished by the end of the second year after the entry into force of the Agreement.'

    Article 2

    Article 4 (3) of the Interim Agreement and Article 10 (3) of the Europe Agreement shall be replaced by the following text:

    '3. The products of Bulgarian origin listed in Annex III shall benefit from a suspension of customs duties on imports within the limits of annual Community tariff quotas or ceilings increasing progressively in accordance with the conditions defined in that Annex so as to arrive at a complete abolition of customs duties on imports of the products concerned by the end of the third year after the date of entry into force of the Agreement.

    At the same time customs duties on imports applicable to import quantities in excess of the quotas or ceilings provided for above shall be progressively dismantled from the entry into force of the Agreement by annual reductions of 15 %. By the end of the third year, remaining duties shall be abolished.'

    Article 3

    Footnote 3 of Annex III of the Interim Agreement and of Annex III to the Europe Agreement shall be replaced by the following text:

    '(3) These amounts shall be increased:

    - by 20 % at the entry into force of the Agreement,

    - by a further 20 % on 1 January 1994,

    - by a further 10 % on 1 July 1994,

    - by a further 30 % on 1 January 1995.'

    Article 4

    1. The introductory text of Annex XIII a of the Interim Agreement and of Annex XIII a of the Europe Agreement shall be replaced by the following text:

    'The quantities imported under the CN codes referred to in this Annex, with the exception of codes 0104 and 0204, will be subject to levy and duty reductions of 20 % from the entry into force of the Agreement, 40 % from 1 January 1994 and 60 % from 1 July 1994.'

    2. The following introductory paragraph shall be added to Annex XIII b to the Interim Agreement and to Annex XIII b to the Europe Agreement:

    'The duty rates set out for Years 3, 4 and 5 respectively, shall be applicable from 1 July 1994, 1 July 1995 and 1 July 1996 respectively.'

    3. The following second introductory paragraph shall be added to Annexes XI a, XIII a and XIII b to the Interim Agreement and to Annexes XI a, XIII a and XIII b to the Europe Agreement:

    '1. (a) The quantities in tonnes set out for Year 3 shall be applicable from 1 July 1994 to 30 June 1995. The quantities for Year 2 shall be reduced by 50 %.

    1. (b) The quantities in tonnes set out for Years 4 and 5 respectively shall be applicable from 1 July 1995 to 30 June 1996 and from 1 July 1996 to 30 June 1997 respectively.'

    Article 5

    1. In the introductory paragraph to Article 2 (1) of Protocol 1 on textile and clothing products to the Interim Agreement and Protocol 1 on textile and clothing products to the Europe Agreement, 'elimination at the end of a period of six years' shall be replaced by 'elimination at the end of a period of five years'.

    2. The last two indents of Article 2 (1) of Protocol 1 on textile and clothing products to the Interim Agreement and of Protocol 1 on textile and clothing products to the Europe Agreement shall be replaced by the following text:

    '- at the start of the sixth year the remaining duties shall be eliminated.'

    Article 6

    Article 2 (2) of Protocol 2 on ECSC products to the Interim Agreement and of Protocol 2 on ECSC products to the Europe Agreement shall be replaced by the following text:

    '2. Further reductions to 60, 40 and 0 % of the basic duty shall be made at the beginning of the second, third and fourth years respectively after the entry into force of the Agreement.'

    Article 7

    This Protocol shall form an integral part of the Interim Agreement and of the Europe Agreement.

    Article 8

    This Protocol shall enter into force on the first day of the second month following the date upon which the Parties notify each other of the completion of the procedures necessary for that purpose.

    Article 9

    This Protocol shall be drawn up in two copies in the Danish, Dutch, English, French, German, Greek, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish and Bulgarian languages, each of these texts being equally authentic.

    En fe de lo cual, los plenipotenciarios abajo firmantes suscriben el presente Protocolo adicional.

    Til bekræftelse heraf har undertegnede befuldmægtigede underskrevet denne tillægsprotokol.

    Zu Urkund dessen haben die unterzeichneten Bevollmächtigten ihre Unterschriften unter dieses Zusatzprotokoll gesetzt.

    Åéò ðßóôùóç ôùí áíùôÝñù, ïé õðïãåãñáììÝíïé ðëçñåîïýóéïé Ýèåóáí ôéò õðïãñáöÝò ôïõò óôï ðáñüí ðñüóèåôï ðñùôüêïëëï.

    In witness whereof the undersigned Plenipotentiaries have signed this Additional Protocol.

    En foi de quoi, les plénipotentiaires soussignés ont apposé leurs signatures au bas du présent protocole additionnel.

    In fede di che, i plenipotenziari sottoscritti hanno apposto le loro firme in calce al presente protocollo aggiuntivo.

    Ten blijke waarvan de ondergetekende gevolmachtigden hun handtekening onder dit Aanvullend Protocol hebben gesteld.

    Em fé de que, os plenipotenciários abaixo assinados apuseram as suas assinaturas no final do presente protocolo complementar.



    Hecho en Bruselas, el veintiuno de diciembre de mil novecientos noventa y tres.

    Udfærdiget i Bruxelles den enogtyvende december nitten hundrede og treoghalvfems.

    Geschehen zu Brüssel am einundzwanzigsten Dezember neunzehnhundertdreiundneunzig.

    ¸ãéíå óôéò ÂñõîÝëëåò, óôéò åßêïóé ìßá Äåêåìâñßïõ ÷ßëéá åííéáêüóéá åíåíÞíôá ôñßá.

    Done at Brussels on the twenty-first day of December in the year one thousand nine hundred and ninety-three.

    Fait à Bruxelles, le vingt et un décembre mil neuf cent quatre-vingt-treize.

    Fatto a Bruxelles, addì ventuno dicembre millenovecentonovantatré.

    Gedaan te Brussel, de eenentwintigste december negentienhonderd drieënnegentig.

    Feito em Bruxelas, em vinte e um de Dezembro de mil novecentos e noventa e três.



    Por la Comunidad Europea y la Comunidad Europea del Carbón y del Acero

    For Det Europæiske Fællesskab og Det Europæiske Kul- og Stålfællesskab

    Für die Europäische Gemeinschaft und die Europäische Gemeinschaft für Kohle und Stahl

    Ãéá ôçí ÅõñùðáúêÞ Êïéíüôçôá êáé ôçí ÅõñùðáúêÞ Êïéíüôçôá ¶íèñáêá êáé ×Üëõâá

    For the European Community and the European Coal and Steel Community

    Pour la Communauté européenne et la Communauté européenne du charbon et de l'acier

    Per la Comunità europea e la Comunità europea del carbone e dell'acciaio

    Voor de Europese Gemeenschap en de Europese Gemeenschap voor Kolen en Staal

    Pela Comunidade Europeia e pela Comunidade Europeia do Carvão e do Aço

    Por la República Bulgaria

    For Republikken Bulgarien

    Für die Republik Bulgarien

    Ãéá ôç Äçìïêñáôßá ôçò Âïõëãáñßáò

    For the Republic of Bulgaria

    Pour la république de Bulgarie

    Per la Repubblica di Bulgaria

    Voor de Republiek Bulgarije

    Pela República da Bulgária
