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Document C:1988:320:TOC

Official Journal of the European Communities, C 320, 13 December 1988

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Official Journal
of the European Communities

ISSN 0378-6986

C 320
Volume 31
13 December 1988
Complete edition

English edition


Information and Notices


Notice No







88/C 320/01



88/C 320/02

Outcome of the invitations to tender (Community food aid)


88/C 320/03

Framework for certain steel sectors not covered by the ECSC Treaty


88/C 320/04

Commission communication pursuant to Article 115 of the EEC Treaty



Court of Justice

88/C 320/05

Judgment of the Court of 15 November 1988 in Case 229/87: Commission of the European Communities v. Hellenic Republic (Failure of a Member State to fulfil its obligations — Admissibility — Measures having equivalent effect to a customs duty — Accession of the Hellenic Republic)


88/C 320/06

Case 265/88: Reference for a preliminary ruling by the Pretura di Volterra by order of that court of 14 September 1988 in the criminal proceedings against Lothar Messner


88/C 320/07

Case 303/88: Action brought on 18 October 1988 by the Italian Republic against the Commission of the European Communities


88/C 320/08

Case 308/88: Action brought on 21 September 1988 by the Commission of the European Communities against the Council of the European Communities


88/C 320/09

Cases 310/88 and 311/88: Reference for a preliminary ruling by the Tribunale Amministrativo Regionale per la Lombardia — Sezione Staccata di Brescia — by judgments of that court of 12 August 1988 in Case 310/88, Istituto Behring SpA against Unita Socio-Sanitaria Locale No 34, Chiari, intervener: Region of Lombardy; and of 10 September 1988 in Case 311/88, Hoechst Italia Sud SpA against Unita Socio-Sanitaria Locale No 56, Lodi; intervener: Region of Lombardy


88/C 320/10

Case 314/88: Action brought on 26 October 1988 by the Commission of the European Communities against the Italian Republic


88/C 320/11

Case 318/88: Action brought on 28 October 1988 by Fernando Beltrante and Others against Council of the European Communities


88/C 320/12

Case 322/88: Reference for a preliminary ruling by the Tribunal du Travail, Brussels, by judgment of that court of 28 October 1988 in the case of Salvatore Grimaldi v. Fonds des Maladies Professionnelles


88/C 320/13

Case 326/88: Reference for a preliminary ruling by the Vestre Landsret [Western Regional Court] by decision of that court of 28 January 1988 in the case of Anklagemyndigheden [Prosecuting Authority] against Hansen & Son I/S in the person of Hardy Hansen


88/C 320/14

Case 328/88: Action brought on 11 November 1988 by Alfonso Piemonte against the Council of the European Communities


88/C 320/15

Case 330/88: Action brought on 14 November 1988 by Alfredo Grifoni against the European Atomic Energy Community (EAEC)



II Preparatory Acts



88/C 320/16

Assent Nos 14/88 and 15/88 given by the Council, pursuant to Article 56 (2) (a) of the Treaty establishing the European Coal and Steel Community, to enable the Commission to grant the following global loans: — Lit 25 000 million (approximately ECU 16,277 million) to Mediocredito Ligure (Italy), — UK £10 million (approximately ECU 14,982 million) to Clydesdale Bank pic (United Kingdom)


