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Document 52000PC0545

    Proposal for a European Parliament and Council recommendation concerning the implementation of integrated coastal zone management in Europe

    /* COM/2000/0545 final */


    Proposal for a European Parliament and Council recommendation concerning the implementation of integrated coastal zone management in Europe /* COM/2000/0545 final */

    Proposal for a EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND COUNCIL RECOMMENDATION concerning the implementation of Integrated Coastal Zone Management in Europe

    (presented by the Commission)

    2000/0227 (COD)

    Proposal for a


    concerning the implementation of Integrated Coastal Zone Management in Europe


    Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European community, and in particular Article 175(1) thereof,

    Having regard to the proposal from the Commission [1],

    [1] OJ C , , p. .

    Having regard to the opinion of the Economic and Social Committee [2],

    [2] OJ C , , p. .

    Having regard to the opinion of the Committee of the Regions [3],

    [3] OJ C , , p. .

    Having regard to Chapter 17 of Agenda 21, adopted at the UNCED summit in Rio in June 1992,

    Acting in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 251 of the Treaty,

    Considering the following:

    (1) The coastal zone is of great economic, environmental, social and cultural importance to Europe.

    (2) The last report of the European Environment Agency indicates a continuing degradation of conditions in the coastal zones of Europe.

    (3) It is essential to implement an environmentally sustainable, economically equitable, socially responsible, and culturally sensitive management of coastal zone, which maintains the integrity of this important resource.

    (4) The Commission Communications COM(97) 744 and COM(2000) [...] note that integrated management of the coastal zone requires action at the local and regional level, guided and supported by an appropriate framework at the national level.

    (5) There is a need to ensure coherent action at the European level, including cooperative action, particularly at the scale of the regional seas, to address cross-border coastal zone problems.

    (6) Council Resolution 94/C 135/02 of 6 May 1994 on a Community strategy, for integrated coastal-zone management (ICZM) and Council Recommendation 92/C 59/01 of 25 February 1992 on the future Community policy concerning the European coastal zone both identify the need for concerted European action to implement ICZM.

    (7) In accordance with the subsidiarity and proportionality principles as set out in Article 5 of the Treaty, and with protocol 7 to the Amsterdam Treaty on the implementation of subsidiarity and proportionality, and given the diversity of conditions in the coastal zones and the legal and institutional frameworks in the Member States, the objectives of this action can best be achieved by guidance at the Community level.


    A Common Vision

    The Member States should commit to a common vision for the future of their coastal zones, based on:

    *durable economic opportunities and employment options,

    *a functioning social and cultural system in local communities,

    *adequate open land for future enjoyment and aesthetics,

    *the integrity of the ecosystem, and sustainable management of the living and non-living resources of both the marine and terrestrial components of the coastal zone, and

    *in the case of remote coastal areas, their full incorporation into the European mainstream.


    Member States should furthermore adopt the principles of good coastal zone management as identified in the Commission's Demonstration Programme on Integrated Coastal Zone Management [4], namely that coastal zone management should be based on:

    [4] Commission Communication 2000/[...], annex I.

    1. A Broad "Holistic" Perspective (Thematic and Geographic)

    2. A Long Term Perspective

    3. Adaptive Management (responding to new information and conditions) During a Gradual Process

    4. Local Specificity

    5. Working with Natural Processes

    6. Participatory Planning

    7. Support & Involvement of all Relevant Administrative Bodies

    8. Use of a Combination of Instruments


    National Stocktaking

    1. Member States should conduct a national stocktaking to analyze which actors, laws, and institutions influence the planning and management of their coastal zone.

    2. This stocktaking should cover all administrative levels, as well as describe the role of citizens, NGOs, and the private sector.

    3. Sectors to be considered in this stockholding include (but are not limited to) fisheries, transport, energy, resource management, species and habitat protection, employment, regional development, tourism and recreation, industry and mining, waste management, agriculture and education.

    National Strategies

    1. Based on the results of the stocktaking, Member States should develop a National Strategy to implement the principles for integrated management of the coastal zone.

    2. This strategy might be specific to the coastal zone, or might be in the context of a broader national strategy for promoting integrated planning and management.

    3. This national strategy should

    a) define the relative roles of the different administrative actors within the country whose competence includes activities or resources of the coastal zone, and identify mechanisms for their coordination. This definition of roles should ensure both adequate local control, and also sufficient regional vision and consistency (especially in ensuring that local administrations are not overly influenced by the short-term economic concerns of their constituents and neighbours).

    b) define the appropriate mix of instruments for implementation of the principles, within the national legal and administrative context. In developing this strategy, the Member States might consider the appropriateness of: developing a national strategic plan for the coast, using spatial or land use planning instruments to promote integrated planning and management (including instruments that give priority to coastal dependent uses in the foreshore area), land purchase mechanisms and declarations of public domain, developing contractual or voluntary agreements with coastal zone users [5], harnessing economic and fiscal incentives (compatible with Community legislation), and working through regional development planning mechanisms.

    [5] Iincluding environmental agreements with industry - see COM(96) 561 of 27.11.1996

    c) develop, in particular, the means of bridging the land/sea gap in national legislation and policies and programmes.

    d) particularly, identify measures to promote bottom-up initiatives in integrated management of the coastal zone and its resources

    e) identify sources of long-term financing for ICZM initiatives within the Member State, and determine how best to ensure that appropriate staff are incorporated into the relevant branches and levels of administrations.

    f) define mechanisms to ensure full and coordinated implementation and application of existing EU legislation related to coastal zone.

    g) establish adequate, continuous systems for monitoring and diffusing information about their coastal zone. These systems should collect and provide information in appropriate and compatible formats to decision makers at national, regional and local levels to facilitate integrated management. This data should be publicly available at reasonable cost.

    h) determine how appropriate national training and education programmes can support implementation of integrated management principles in the coastal zone.


    1. Member States should enter into dialogue with neighbouring countries, including non-Member States in the same regional sea, to establish mechanisms for better coordination of responses to cross-border issues.

    2. Member States should also work actively with the EU institutions and other Coastal Stakeholders to ensure progress towards implementation of a common vision for the coastal zone, through participation in a European Coastal Stakeholders Forum.


    1. Member States should report to the Commission on the experience in implementation of this Recommendation two years after its adoption.

    2. These reports should be available to the public and should include, in particular, information concerning:

    a) the results of the national stocktaking exercise

    b) the strategy proposed at the national level for implementation of Integrated Coastal Zone Management

    c) a summary of actions taken to implement the national strategy

    d) an evaluation of the present and expected impact of the strategy on the status of the coastal zone

    Done at Brussels, [...]

    For the European Parliament For the Council

    The President The President
