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This document is an excerpt from the EUR-Lex website

EU strategy for the Alpine region


Commission Communication COM(2015) 366 final — Towards a more prosperous Alpine region



To help the Alpine region face various economic, demographic and environmental challenges, this European Commission communication proposes an EU strategy for the Alpine region (Eusalp). It includes an action plan which seeks to promote sustainable economic and social prosperity in the region.


The Eusalp is the fourth EU macro-regional strategy*. It concerns seven countries and 48 regions including:

five EU countries: Germany, France, Italy Austria, and Slovenia; and

two non-EU countries: Liechtenstein and Switzerland.


The Alpine region faces several challenges which require a joint response:

demographic trends — ageing, low population density in the core mountain areas and new migration trends (i.e. population movement towards urban areas due to lack of infrastructure in the countryside);

high vulnerability to climate change and its effects on the environment, biodiversity and people’s living conditions;

specific geographical position in Europe, as a transit region;

management of energy demand;

high degree of seasonality, especially in some tourist areas;

significant social and economic disparities between different areas in the region.

Objectives of the strategy: three thematic and one horizontal

More effective cooperation between regions and states is needed to tackle these challenges. The strategy is therefore built upon three thematic action-oriented objectives:

Thematic actions


Offering fair access to job opportunities and building on the high competitiveness of the region by boosting economic growth and innovation. Actions in the field may take the form of research activities on Alpine-specific products and services and innovative approaches to strengthen the region’s sustainability.


Ensuring internal and external accessibility and connectivity for all the regions inhabitants. Actions are designed to promote both better mobility, by using different kinds of transport alternatives (intermodality and interoperability) in passenger and freight transport, and the extension of internet and phone access in remote areas.


Making the region environmentally sustainable and attractive by pooling mutual resources to:

preserve cultural heritage and the environment;

promote the sustainable production of reliable energy solutions.

In addition, there will be a fourth cross-cutting objective that will aim to build a sound macro-regional governance model to improve cooperation. In this context, the Commission will act as an independent facilitator and will ensure strategic coordination in partnership with the participating countries and regions and in accordance with the subsidiarity principle.

Implementation and EU added value

The Eusalp aims to provide a cooperation framework where macro-regional topics can be jointly addressed not only to achieve more coherence, but also to involve more players from different levels across all regions involved.

Eusalp also seeks to build a new relationship between metropolitan and mountain areas (including the areas in between).

The strategy will be based on the same key principles that apply to the existing macro-regional strategies:

no new EU funds;

no additional EU formal structures;

no additional EU legislation.

It will also rely on a coordinated approach, synergies and the more effective use of existing EU funds and other financial instruments.

The strategy will mobilise and bring together EU regional policy 2014-2020 programmes (such as under EU Structural and Investment Funds), as well as other relevant regional and national policy frameworks.


*A macro-regional strategy is an integrated framework that addresses the common challenges faced by a given geographical area.

There are currently four EU macro-regional strategies:

the EU strategy for the Alpine region.



Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament, the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions concerning a European Union strategy for the Alpine region (COM(2015) 366 final, 28.7.2015)


Commission Staff Working Document — Action plan accompanying the document communication from the Commission to the European Parliament, the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions concerning a European Union strategy for the Alpine region (SWD(2015) 147 final, 28.7.2015)

Conclusions of the European Council, 19-20 December 2013

last update 16.11.2015
