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Document C/2024/03095

Notice amending the notice of open competitions – EPSO/AD/404/23 – English-language (EN) lawyer-linguists (AD 7) – EPSO/AD/405/23 – Spanish-language (ES) lawyer-linguists (AD 7) – EPSO/AD/406/23 – Lithuanian-language (LT) lawyer-linguists (AD 7) – EPSO/AD/407/23 – Dutch-language (NL) lawyer-linguists (AD 7) – EPSO/AD/408/23 – Portuguese-language (PT) lawyer-linguists (AD 7) – EPSO/AD/409/23 – Slovak-language (SK) lawyer-linguists (AD 7) (OJ C 324 A, 14.9.2023)

OJ C, C/2024/3095, 15.5.2024, ELI: (BG, ES, CS, DA, DE, ET, EL, EN, FR, GA, HR, IT, LV, LT, HU, MT, NL, PL, PT, RO, SK, SL, FI, SV)


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Official Journal
of the European Union


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Notice amending the notice of open competitions – EPSO/AD/404/23 – English-language (EN) lawyer-linguists (AD 7) – EPSO/AD/405/23 – Spanish-language (ES) lawyer-linguists (AD 7) – EPSO/AD/406/23 – Lithuanian-language (LT) lawyer-linguists (AD 7) – EPSO/AD/407/23 – Dutch-language (NL) lawyer-linguists (AD 7) – EPSO/AD/408/23 – Portuguese-language (PT) lawyer-linguists (AD 7) – EPSO/AD/409/23 – Slovak-language (SK) lawyer-linguists (AD 7)

(Official Journal of the European Union C 324 A of 14 September 2023)


In late 2023, EPSO decided to suspend the test delivery of open competitions for technical reasons. This also affected competitions EPSO/AD/404/23 to EPSO/AD/409/23.

EPSO has been looking into alternative options for a resilient test delivery system that would maintain integrity whilst ensuring an optimal user experience. Various options have been assessed according to these criteria, while also considering the interests of the service and the candidates, with the aim of restarting the competitions without unnecessary delays.

The solution identified for competitions EPSO/AD/404/23 to EPSO/AD/409/23 will require certain adjustments to the testing modalities compared to those envisaged in the original notice of competitions. Once all the specific test delivery modalities for these competitions are confirmed, the candidates will be individually notified by EPSO.

For the reasons outlined above, the notice of open competitions referred to in the title shall be amended as follows:


on page 11, Annex I, Section 5 ‘Testing’ should read:

‘5.   Testing


EPSO will inform candidates on the testing modalities as well as any necessary details and instructions at the latest when inviting the candidates to the tests.


If and when instructed, candidates must book a test appointment following the instructions received from EPSO. The booking and testing periods are limited.


Candidates must complete all the necessary steps referred to in the instructions issued prior to the tests, such as installing software, performing the required synchronisation(s), undergoing a connectivity trial, technical prerequisites’ test, or a systems’ check and/or taking a mock test. Compliance with instructions will allow to check the readiness of the candidate’s IT environment and the compatibility of the candidate’s device with the testing platform or application. Failure to complete the mandatory steps may prevent the candidate from taking the tests and will impede the ability of the test delivery provider to address effectively any technical issues encountered by the candidate during testing.


In cases where candidates fail to book, sit or complete one or more of the tests, it will be considered that their participation in the competition has come to an end, unless the candidates can prove that the failure to book, sit or complete a test was due to circumstances beyond the candidates’ control or due to a situation of force majeure. They should contact EPSO as soon as possible, preferably before the test, and must provide the necessary justification, including, where applicable, proof that they contacted the technical support services.


Failure to comply with the terms and conditions applicable in relation to testing, specified in the instructions and information made available to candidates, will not be considered as a circumstance beyond the candidates’ control or a situation of force majeure.


Candidates are also invited to consult EPSO's website  (*1) to become more familiar with EPSO’s selection procedures, including general requirements applicable to testing.

(*1) ’;"


on page 11, Annex I, Section 7.1 ‘Technical and organisational issues’ should read:

‘7.1.   Technical and organisational issues


If at any phase of the selection procedure candidates encounter a serious technical or organisational problem, they should inform EPSO via the online contact form  (*2).


For issues with the application form, candidates must contact EPSO immediately and in any case before the deadline for applications.


If the problem occurs during testing, a candidate must do both of the following:


report the issue immediately closely following instructions outlined in the letter(s) inviting candidates to test(s),



within 3 calendar days, counting from (and including) the day following the day on which a candidate took the test, contact EPSO via the online contact form  (*3), giving a detailed description of the problem. The candidate should also attach the proof of attempt(s) to resolve the issue (for example, help-desk or technical support ticket number, chat transcripts, troubleshooting report, etc.), This documentary proof is necessary to enable EPSO to make inquiries into the situation. The invitation letters to tests may specify further requirements and instructions related to reporting of issues encountered during testing.

The obligation to inform EPSO applies in all cases, even where the test delivery provider followed up on the candidate’s complaint.


Complaints received after the deadline specified in this point will be considered inadmissible.


Complaints about technical issues, submitted by candidates who failed to undertake the steps referred to in Section 5(3) will be considered inadmissible unless the candidate can prove that the failure to complete the necessary steps was due to circumstances beyond the candidates’ control or due to a situation of force majeure.


Claims made in the context of complaints referred to in Sections 7.2.2 and 7.3.1 and based on alleged technical and/or organisational issues that had not been reported in accordance with Section 7.1 read together with Section 5, will be considered inadmissible.

(*2) "

(*3) ’."


ISSN 1977-091X (electronic edition)
